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Runners face top competition

Homecoming unites campus

News More News Editorial



-Pages 6 & 7

Hope College

the anchor October 17, 1990

Going the distance

P. 2 P. 4 P. 8

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Volume 103, Number 6

R e b c c c a V'oiqle ( 91) and Craig Ku/ er ( s t a n d i n g in for Chris Howe) hug e a c h o t h e r after b e i n g c r o w n e d Q u e e n a n d Kinq d u r i n g H o m e c o m i n g l a m o hal f ' ' m p foctiw.i.oc 0 b) L a n c e ven

Knight ruuiidation sponsors Fall Break conference h\ Scott Kaukonen news editor The f i r s t a n n u a l Knight Fellowship Conference on Faith and Learning featured keynote speaker I)r SLanely Hauerwas, professor of theology and law at Duke University, and six presen lations by Hope College Knight Fellows Held Oct K over fall break at the Mangold Lodge on Lake Macatawa. the conference, fund ed t h r o u g h a t h r e e - y e a r challenge grant from the Knight foundation, brought administra lion, facultv and a few students

together for a discussion ot "litrole of Christianity in education Hauerwas' speech, entitled "Telling the Old, Old S t o r y Christian Education in a Liberal Society", examined the role of C h r i s t i a n i t y in the age of enlightenment education, which has as its goal, objectivity or pluralism. Hauerwas called this a "capitalist notion" to "create tasteful consumers . Any idea that one can be neutral is an illusion He challenged the idea that by teaching objectivity one was presenting "options" from which the students were free to choose.

"Today s education is not ohjec foolish The e, es of Christians live, said Hauerwas. It has been have become the eyes of the shaped by the Enlightment idea world " Christians must not fall itself and ideology, according to prey to this, according to Hauer Hauerwas was. "The only way we educate As a part of this Enlightenment is through witness If the Gospels view, educators have come to were a truth that could be known view religion as part of the in general, there would be no private sphere, "Most modern need for witness " But "you don't thought eliminates purpose," know "Christianity) until one said H a u e r w a s " M o d e r n person tells another It is not a theology says 'just confirm, no case of A recognizing that they one can be damned. You just a r e a sinner .. They must have to find it.'" be shown through the church The attempts of Christians to As witnesses. Christians "cane n t e r e d u c a t i o n f r o m the not avoid cnmirig into conflict i p e r s p e c t i v e of o b j e c t i v i t y f reflects a ! .. feei pub' • They cannot admit tha

there is one law lor themselves and another for the rest of society," said Haeurwas "Christians must never cease to remind the government that it is subject to Christ (Christians) cannot accept ultimate pluralism as cor reel even if acknowledging plurality as fact " According to Hauerwas, in a setting such a Hope, "academic freedom" often becomes a "for mula for cowardice." Christians must come into conflict, but "procedural liberal rules preSee

Knight.' P. 4

Page 2

the anchor

October 17, 1990

News •nter wjlj house



Foundation mayconstruct new building by Kris Olenik assitant news editor Hope College has applied for a grant from the Olin Foundation for a building to house the departments of English and Modern and C l a s s i c a l Language^ The Olin Foundation is a private firm from New York and Minneapolis and its sole purpose is to fund buildings for institutions of higher learning. Olin completely takes care of costs including architects, construction, e q u i p m e n t , f u r n i t u r e , and grounds. However, of the huiidreds of proposals they receive, Olin only accepts and funds two or three buildings per year. As a result, the level of competition is high and Hope would be extreme ly fortunate to receive the grant, according the Dean of Arts and Humanities, Dr. Bobby Fong. Fong who played a major role in shaping the proposal into final

form said, "We think we have submitted a good proposal, but we don't know how many other schools have also submitted good proposals." With the magnitude of the grant, receiving it would be "a tremendous gift for which we would be very grateful" said Fong. Approximated cost of building, should the Olin foundation select it would be $4.3 million. Work on the proposal began about a year-and-a-half ago. Important contacts and work on the business end were handled by President Jacobsen and Robert DeYoung. The proposal itself received extensive input from the two department heads, Dr. Judy Motiff and Dr. William Reynolds. Reynolds gave most of the credit to Motiff for working out the specifics and writing for the proposal. The need for the building, its purpose and the specifics had to be worked out

precisely ans succinctly since Olin only accepts proposals that are five pages or less. The need for the facility is great for both the English and language departments. Short term advantages would be a greater amount of space availible, for offices especially. Lubbers, where the English department is currently housed, and Graves, which holds Modem and Classical Languages, are getting cramped. Some English professors are having to double up in office space. Also the new facilities would be modern and built to suit present educational standards. Motiff said, "The facilities here are relatively outdated. We do have a state of the art (language) lab, but it's not large enough." The types of c l a s s r o o m s specified in the proposal would accomodate a larger number of students and ma'* it easier to

Hope attrition rates average by Carrie Maples campus editor A certain number of college students either change colleges or withdraw completely each year. When a student withdraws from Hope College they are risked to fill out a form citing reasons for leaving. These reasons and figures are then compiled into the Annual Attrition Report by the Registrar's Office.

O n e of the most popular personal reasons for leaving Hope for another institution is preference for a larger s c h o o l . The Attrition Report breaks tion is preference for a larger the nonretuming students down school. Very few students cite by class, sex and whether or not poor grades as a reason for leavthe student was part time or full ing and the majority are in good time. academic standing. The 1988-89 Attrition Report Each semester the Registrar s says, "The most frequently cited reason for leaving Hope College . Office also compiles the Enrollwas to transfer to another institu- ment Report. The Report counts all full time and part time tion for a particular program. Financial concerns rose substan- students by sex and class. The tially (financial reasons added total number of credit hours together were up 43 percent over students are taking is given. For last year) and were given as the example, this fall 39,950 credit second most frequent reason for hours are being taken. leaving Hope College." The number of students who Of the 289 students who left transfer into Hope each semester Hope last year 146 said they in- is included in this report. It is tended to transfer to another school. Michigan State Universi- divided by sex and the trend is ty and the University of for there to be more women Michigan were most frequently transfers than men. But this

listed schools. In looking at the trend reflects the breakdown of Attrition Reports of the last the entire Hope student populaseveral years this seems to be tion. The current female-male ratio is 1.3 t e l . the general trend.

would also benefit. According to Motiff, in ordt r teach communicative skills m a second languague, "it is important to have access to appropriate materials"; such as videos, a lab large enough to hold a class, and even satellite con. munication. This project is especially im portant to Motiff and the futurv of M o d e r n a n d C l a s s i c a l Languages at Hope. Motiff said. "We are feeling a greater need to place e m p h a s i s on second languages." This is just one move in the nationwide surge toward educating the AMerican people in a second language. The U.S. is the only industrialized na tion that doesn't require educa tion in a second language from elemetary school onward. But it is beginning to change as laws are being passed and approprai tions made to fund language education at earlier ages.

Comparison of attrition rates at two GLCA schools

The Report also indicates the n u m b e r of s t u d e n t s vino withdraw but intend to return to Hope at some point. Over the years this figure tends to remain between 20 and 30 students. Various personal reasons for leaving are taken into account when students fill out the withdrawl form. One of the most popular personal reasons for leaving Hope for another institu

use television, videos, slides, and computers in the classroom. This is important for both depart ments. The E n g l i s h D e p a r t m e n t would be able teach composition classes in a computer classroom. Many other colleges and universities, including Calvin, are making use of computer-assited classes already. Hope needs to keep up with these educational advances. Also, with the additional space and facilities the English Department has been working on an idea that would offer an intensive program in English and-or an enrichment program for overseas students during the summer. Reynolds also stated, "The building would serve not just the needs of the English and Language Departments, but would serve larger campus needs as well." By providing more new classrooms and freeing up space in Lubbers and Graves, other d e p a r t m e n t s





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P e r c e n



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October 17, 1990

the anchor

i.' T h e alumni of the C o s m o p o l i t a n fraternity lead the singing of the alma mater. Photo by Lance Even

Cosmo fraternity honors 100 years of history (HOPE) - Homcoming activities at Hope College on had a special significance for the members of the Cosmopolitam Fraternity, which is celebrating its 100th anniversary this year. The Cosmopolitian Fraternity, established in 1890, has the distinction of being the oldest fraternity founded on the Hope campus. Although the 156-yearold Fraternal Society c a m e to Hope in 1864, it was established elsewhere-at Union College in Schenectady, N Y. The Cosmopolitan Society was established as an alternative to the othersocial organizations at Hope in 1890, and during its early years was not a Greek fraternity but a 'literary society,' as were the other such organizations on campus A sense of the society's focus can be found in the 1905 Hope College Annual,' which states that its aim was 4to fit it^ members especially for public speaking.' The fraternity's direction had shifted since 1905, and social activities play a larger role. The current Cosmopolitan constiution instructs that T h e object of Phi Kappa Alpha shall be the development of its members socially, i n t e l l e c t u a l l y , and morally, and to the betterment of society through its actions.'

Arfivii^s rnndurte^i by the fraternity reflect the change. A sampling from the past three decades includes housepainting for local families in 1967, a 'Hot Lips of Hope' kissing booth for the American Cancer Society in 1978 and a fundrcUing dance for victims of cerebral palsy in 1985. Despite the changes, however, through the years the regard the Cosmos have for their fraternity had remained constant. The memories, friendships and traditions are as valuable to current students as they remain for the organization's alumni. M I knew a lot of Cosmos (before joining) and 1 saw how they got along and how they treated each other, and it was obvious to me that it was a brotherhood-or something more than the regular friendships that 1 had run into," said Eric Emig ("91) currently the fraternity's president. "It's one of the best things that I've ever done for myself."

Page 3

.. They did it to AT&T. So why can't they do it to those who really deserve it That's right, it's time to break up the San Francisco 49ers and the Oakland A's. Each year that these two teams win, they get richer and richer. That means free agency is just a time to buy some more talent .. Robert B. Parker - "You can't be honorable when it's easy Only when it's hard " Promised Land .. The new Kletz seems to be taking a lot of undeserved abuse from people jumping on the bandwagon to ridicule it. At first glance, it does seem cold with all the grey and blue, but it's more comfortable to sit and talk now If people feel like it's too noisy now. then go to the library or find yourself an open classroom to study in. It looks to me like there are more people using it now And those chairs really aren't as uncomfortable as they look. ...Two years ago a close friend told me that he didn't believe he could have friends that lived far away. Proximity doesn't make a deep friendship. It's the willingness and desire to be a part of someone else's life. From my ten

SLIP OF THE MIND Some things I think I think

JIM MONNETT good friends in the class of *89. I'm still close with four of them These people write or call and talk as though they care what I think Those friends that faded would write the form letter, regurgitating what they do Their heart was missing Letters should be talking only slower. Phone calls a r e talking about whatever and not just catch ups ...But how do you judge a long distance relationship 9 Arthur Shopenhauer (1788-1860) said,"If you want to discover your true opinion of anybody, observe the impression made on you by the

first sight of a letter from him (or her)." .. Have you seen the new "Fer ris Bueller" TV show 9 I did Mathew Broderick and Jennifer Grey are sorely missed. The guy playing Ferris is a complete Izod geek Broderick had style, this guy has capped teeth. Finally, I laughed twice. Once at Ferris' wardrobe and then again at the end over the stupidity of it all. .. Why is there no fountain in the center of Van Andel Plaza? An entire plaza with a center See ' T h i n g s , '

P. 11

October 19, 20 Showtimes: 7:00, 9:30, 12:00 Winants Auditorium $2 Admission MtTirBMian \mllmm

"It was a plesant experience and some of the finest men I ever knew I knew in Cosmos," said the Rev. Joshua Hogenboom, a 1925 H o p e g r a d u a t e f r o m Lakeland, Fl., "To this day there are fellows that I still keep in touch with after all these years."

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Page 4

O c t o b e r 17,1990

the anchor

More News Hope aims for multi-cultural expansion in the next decade by Jill Sandor staff writer President Jacobson announced his aim to expand the minority and international population of Hope students to about 10 percent by the mid-nineties This goal is part of a broader effort undertaken in recent years to create a more culturally diverse environment at Hope At p r e s e n t t h e r e a r e 192 minority students at Hope This i n c l u d e s 85 i n t e r n a t i o n a l students and about 30 African American students. Ten percent would require about 280 minority students J a c o b s o n believes it is exceedingly i m p o r t a n t that t o d a y ' s s t u d e n t s l e a r n skills in c r o s s cultural communication. The 21st c e n t u r y is bound to be f a r m o r e of a m u l t i c u l t u r a l c o m m u n i t y due to i m p r o v e d i n t e r n a tional c o m m u n i c a t i o n and growing c u l t u r a l d i v e r s i t v within the US In o r d e r to m a k e Hope a m o r e m u l t i c u l t u r a l school, in J a c o b s o n ' s plan, t h e Admissions O f f i c e m u s t s t r i v e to p r e s e n t the s t r o n g liberal a r t s p r o g r a m that H o p e h a s to o f f e r , in which s t u d e n t s h a v e the o p p o r t u n i t y to enc o u n t e r s t u d e n t s a n d staff of all c u l t u r a l b a c k g r o u n d s . F o r international s t u d e n t s . Hope o f f e r s not only a c a d e m i c t r a i n i n g but the c h a n c e for c r o s s - c u l t u r a l exc h a n g e a n d the o p o r t u n i t y to b e c o m e m o r e f l u e n t in t h e English language, J a c o b s o n feels that the a c a d e m i c a n d social life of Hope will be g r e a t l y e n r i c h e d by a m o r e d i v e r s e ethnic p o p u l a t i o n . Also, g r e a t e r knowledge a n d app r e c i a t i o n of other c u l t u r e s is an important step toward racial harmony Alfredo Gonzales, the a s s i s t a n t

provost, believes that one of the main purposes of cultural diversity on Hope's campus is to prepare students to become better world citizens and more effective contributors to society. Understanding other cultures will make us more able to respect one another s values and live at peace with each other, he said. In a society of racial discord where f e a r and i g n o r a n c e separate us from one another. Gonzales hopes to "dispel fears, break down walls." Intercultural understanding, as viewed by Gonzales, is a twoway effort in which everyone contributes and everyone wins. In a community with great ethnic diversity, both majority and minority students have the opportunity to learn about other cultures and become better equipped in cross-cultural communication skills that will be

Gonzales, w h o c o m e s f r o m a m i g r a n t b a c k g r o u n d , w a s born in T e x a s a n d r a i s e d in Mexico He was a s t u d e n t at Hope and h a s now r e t u r n e d a s an ad-

Brunson. who transfered from a predominantly black college in Alabama, says she would not have come to Hope if she had had a chance to experience it first. Brunson feels that Hope needs more programs and organizations for blacks to get to know one another and to help them fit into campus life. She feels that the lack of such programs as well a s t h e s m a l l n u m b e r of minorities offer little incentive for black students to come to Hope. The formation of the group ACERT is one attempt by the administration to give racial and ethnic minority groups a chance to speak out and share their culture. ACERT. formed just this year, was created to promote intercultural understanding through recreational activities Carol Juth. one of the faculty advisors of Activate Cultural. Ethnic and Racial Togetherness i ACERT i. is anxious to see the group active on campus She believes the group has the potential to break down stereotypes and prejudices through the exploration of different cultures in a relaxed social setting This y e a r A C E R T h a s sponsored multicultural events such as J a p a n Night, held e a r l y in September

Latino company hits local theater (HOPE) - The Latino Experimental Theater Company will perform '.Along came death singing at the Hope College Knickerbocker Theatre on Friday. Oct 19 from 7-9 p m The performance is occurring m conjunction with the art exhibiton 'Days of Saints and Souls: A Celebration of the Davs of the Dead.' which opens in the college s DePree Art Center gallery on Saturday. Oct. 20 at 7 p.m The public is invited to both the performance and the art show, and admission is free The traditional 'Days of the Dead' celebration is an upbeat ipeQipnaluipg. . fcCombinaUon_qf and thaknsgivmg. integration •

BACCHUS boosts awareness

ministrator with a keen interest in multicultural issues. Nisa Brunson. a black Hope student, feels the atmosphere at Hope is "totally different" from that of schools with a more r e p r e s e n t a t i v e n u m b e r of minorities. The small number of minorities makes it difficult for blacks to feel accepted by the white community, she says

v a l u a b l e in t h e future

Gonzales s u g g e s t s s e v e r a l ways in which Hope can attempt to increase its minority population First, the admissions office should make a special effort to find and recruit minority and international students Second, the Student D e v e l o p m e n t Office should make students and staff more a w a r e of multicultural issues by implementing programs and discussion groups for such purposes Third, the college curriculum must reflect concern for multicultural issues through study of a greater variety of racial and ethnic groups, teaching of international issues, hiring more minority faculty, etc

Local News

aspects of reverence for the dead perception of death as another that stem from not only the step in hie The performance will Christian traditions of All-Saints be in bo't, Spanish and English Day and All-Souls Day, but also The Latino E x p e r i m e n t a l Pre-Columbian times Relatives Theatre Company is a non-profit gather and recall the memories organization dedicated to the of deceased family m e m b e r s p r o m o t h i o n of c u l t u r a l with happiness rather than grief, understanding The company is p r e p a r i n g coloful a l t a r s , or based in Chicago. I l l . and under ofrendas,' with representative the artistic direction of Miguel m e m e n t o s and f r a g r a n t Lopez-Lemus mangolds, and preparing food in .Although the company will be honor of the dead. p r e s e n t i n g only o n e ' perforThrough song and dance, the mance. the gallery exhibition Latino Experimental Theatre will run from Saturday. Oct 20 C o m p a n y w i l l e x p l o r e t h e through Sunday, Dec 2. A recepcelebration's heritage, providing tion on Saturday. Oct. 20 from 7-9 insights into the Pre-Columbian p j a . will mark the exhibition's Hwt* A a w L -shaped * opening, a n d wUl host s e v e r a l of traditional Mexican culture s the contributing artists

BACCHUS, Boost Alcohol Consciousness Concerning the Health of Univeristy Students, is sponsoring several activities for this week's National Collegiate Alcohol Awareness Week On Wednesday, several students will be wearing armbands Thursday, BACCHUS is sponsoring a sorority meeting in Winants Auditorium, Graves, 9 p.m., to discuss "Alcohol -- Hov, It Affects Women's Lives." Friday, m e m b e r s of the organization will be manning a drink booth and passing out party bags in the Pme Grove Also, the video tape "Eddy Talks" is available for any residence through a m e m b e r of BACCHUS and the Student Development office

Drug testing unconstitutional SAN J O S E . Calif. (CPS* - A f e d e r a l a p p e a l s court said the NCAA's

program for testing athletes at m e m b e r schools unconstitutionally infringes on students' privacy rights The program, first challenged in court by Stanford I mversity athletes in 1988. unfairly punished athletes without nece^anlv proving they were abusing the drugs found in their systems It also proscribed substances that a r e often found in birth control pills CocaCola and herbal tea. the 6th District Appellate Court ruled sept 25 Stanford lawyer Debra Zumwalt said she hoped the ruling would convince the NCAA to change its p r o g r a m . "Stanford i> not against all drug testing We want to m a k e sure it's legal "

Editor fires student cartoonist Ohio i CPS) - i ne M i a m i S t u d e n t , t h e c a m p u s paper at Miami U n i v e r s i t y of Ohio, fired c a r t o o n i s t R i c h a r d C a r r Sept 25 for a c a r t o o n d e p i c t i n g s h a c k l e d , m o u t h l e s s black s t u d e n t be:n^ graded for cotton-picking on a plus vs. m i n u s g r a d i n g s y s t e m Can* s a i d the work w a s i n t e n d e d to c r i t i c i z e the school's new g r a d i n g s y s t e m , e q u a t i n g it to s l a v e r y You d o not r e l a t e the p l u s - a n d - m i n u s s u p e r f i c i a l grading system to s o m e t h i n g as s e r i o u s a s s l a v e r y , " s a i d M a r i o B e a t t y of the Black Student Action Association, w h i c h g a t h e r e d 2.000 signatures on a petition o b j e c t i n g to the c a r t o o n E d i t o r C a r o l y n Picone. who h a d a p p r o v e d the cartoon before its j 8 1 1 0 1 1 ' w r o ^ e a n apology, a n d s a i d s h e f i r e d C a r r because he could not u n d e r s t a n d w h a t he h a d d o n e w r o n g )U

Knight their s u m m e r studies which. C o n t i n u e d from P. i -n#. , w e r e b a c k e d by the grant from m t 0 c o l c l v n t h ^ the Knight F o u n d a t i o n and which' 6 Hauprlia^ ' . r e l a t e d C h n s t i a m t v to their. 1 10 o f vari vanon^pfi^ " ^ ^ o u s fields to avoid rticacr^miC 1 nc K m g h t Fellows included' Jdine said H a i i p S i ^ r n e n t f u s AJlis i Philosophy Grub15 3 sc 00 such a DnltP i f " ^ ' by Local P o l i t i c s through Some facultv ? K n i V e r S l t y - " h a s n o M u r k v E v e s of Faith Peter, g r o u p s that f v m i l f S c h a k e l ( E n g l i s h "C S Lewil, 3 art 0 budcet r w V ^ ' ^ t h e L i b e r a l .Arts, and the Life of

l a S L ^ P n e S a r e l o c a l L e a r n i n g " ) . M a r c Baer. T o d S i f un ^ (History: "His Story God. the 15 istian collece onp ch™ E f i 1 Historians, and the Problem of' i r ? e i ^ ^ d l ? * a t " w h a t Providence"). Timothy Penn-, classroom " L *n t ^ e ^Mathematics:'Infinity and! erwas "It s not K the Absolute: Insights into Our^ J around ^Vlng pas,ors ^ I d . O u r F a i t h , and Hauerwas ^oc i u Ourselves "), Ronald Wolthuis 1116 f i r s t part oi ' J l 'Education: "The Moral Dimen! K . SU 1 Teaching i and C t a J J


ffUege. Presented the results of

. ^Piydwkigy yCogmhon, Context, and Conversion

O c t o b e r 17, 1 9 9 0

Page 5

the anchor

German reunification completes year-long process by Rychard Bouwens staff writer The German Democratic Republic, more commonly known as East Germany, united with the Federal Republic of Germany, West Germany, on October 3 after a year of precipitate change and hasty compromise. The East German parliament dissolved itself on October 2 and the representatives of four World War II allies met in Berlin for the official cessation of their Allied ties of World War II. The Germans have selected Berlin as their provisional capital and the new written constitution fills 243 pages, meticulously encompassing even the details of daily living. The reunification of both Germanys ended a 45 year split between them. A year ago, on October 18, East Germany underwent a "bloodless" revolution. Last November, the Berlin wall opened, and on July 1, the Germanys formed an economic union, consolidating the East Germany Mark with the West German Mark. Finally, on September 12, the four World War II Allies agreed to relinquish their ties and allow Germany to reunite The newly formed government took on ^ representatives from

East Germany. Political analysts believe;, the influx of East German representatives schooled in heavy bureaucracy and anti-NATO propaganda will tilt the new Germany farther left. A great deal of enthusiasm surrounds the reunification. People applaud the new opportunities for East Germans to experience f r e e d o m a n d e x p l o r e an economic livelihood that a socialistic economy never offered. Inevitably, there are those who scorn the reunification. Disliking capitalist materialism, they would prefer working out of a love for humanity.

overnight, tne standard of living will fall Many Germans, however, are willing to make such a sacrifice, and label those who complain about the draining eronomic effects as "selfish."

economy, partially to thwart the emigration of Polish refugees, Kohl has also promised to

At first, the task of finding employment will afflict many East Germans. Experts estimate that some four million East G e r m a n s will find themselves unemployed. In addition, Germans will need to conquer the problem of a growing class distinction arising between the two groups of Germans. While many West Germans have basked in a relative affluence, their brothers in the East have enjoyed few of the Claudia Kucza, who is an ex- same luxuries. Westerners who change student at Hope College had originally lauded the opening from Mainz, West Germany, of the Berlin Wall have already says, 4 i don't think it's perfect at cursed the slow East German all. What I don't like about it is cars, clogging the Autobahn. Dr. that the politicians say they can Selig, a history professor at afford it and that there is no pro- Hope, says the problem will be blem at all." short-lived however: "In five The reconstruction of the East years, there will be a general German country will cost, as leveling of the standard of livmany analysts believe, around ing." $500 billion. The country will As for those who fear Gerneed new roads, communication many's becoming a military networks, and a salvaging of an threat, Helmut Kohl, Germany's industry-polluted environment. chancellor, has said he will cut The new country will need to ex- the merged armed forces form pend at least $60 billion a year to the present 590,000 to 370,000 to fund this renovation, spending reduce the anxieties. In addition, around 4 percent of its GNP; Kohl plans to help Poland with its


reward Hungary for opening its borders to the East Germans fleeing west










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Page 7

the anchor

C r o w d s gather to enjoy the p a g e a n t r y of the H o m e c o m i n g p a r a d e

i irtrved for the Homecoming a l l - c a m p u s d a n c e held last






t "

The SiB's iloat featured a J e t s o n or "Jetslb" t h e m e . T h e float itself w a s rated the best float In t h e parade.

Photos by Rich Blair having a good time on their floM.

Letters to the Editor

Editorial Spirit, participation excite campus during Homecoming weekend Homecoming 1990 was an excellent example of a successful festival weekend. The Student Activities Committee (SAC), the greek organizations and the Hope sports teams deserve a large round of applause. The weekend got off to a good start with the dedication luncheon for the new DeWitt Center for Economics and Business and the remodeling of Van Zoeren and Vanderwerf Halls. Over 375 alumni, Board of Trustee members and students filled the Maas Center for a delicious meal. The DeWitt family was honored for their Christian giving to Hope College for the DeWitt Center of Student Activities and now for the DeWitt Center for Economics and Business located in Van Zoeren. A sour note was heard, however, as the well-meaning luncheon planners had the pep band lead the procession of guests across campus to the front of Van Zoeren. The band disturbed a lot of classes in Lubbers and Graves Halls. Saturday, the weather cooperated for the Homecoming Parade. The strong turnout of greek floats was great. The SIBs deserve special applause for their first-place float. The parade was longer than it has been in most years and to see alumni in the parade was great. The football game was packed with fans. Although the team lost, the anchor appreciates their hard work and winning record. It's good to have a winning team to back once again. The cheerleaders at the football game deserve a cheer themselves for leading a responsive, finally, crowd in some cheers. The dead Hope crowd has always been a complaint at the football games. But last weekend people were seen to cheer, and even occasionally stand up. Having most of the other sports here for Homecoming was fun, too, but turnout there had to be down which is too bad. The Homecoming Dance Saturday night with Jady Kurrent was packed with students and a good event. SAC did a good job with food, picking the band and making things go smoothly. So often, members of the Hope community are stretched in a hundred different ways It was nice to see large numbers of people working toward making Homecoming a success and it was great to have so many participants. The anchor hopes this tradition continues.

r Hop* Cullrtfr


I he a i i c n o i Co-t Jit or s New:- Editor Ass^ant News Editof Arts Editor Campus Editor Feature Editor Sports Editor Photo Editor Assistant Photo Editor Ad Manager Assistant Ad Managers Business Manager Copy Editor Managing Editor Cartoonist Faculty Uason

October 17, 1990

the anchor

Page 8

Jim Monnelt Beth Pechta Scott Kaukonen Kris Olenik Bill Meengs Carrie Maples Pam Lunaberg RocheBe Anderson Richard Bialr Lance Evert Stove Kaukonen Tanya C a i Chrtstl Humes Ken Landman Bill Telchert Joe Kuiper Wade Guglno DavW James

The qqcDqi b a product of student effort and is funded through the Hope C d e g e Student Congresi Approprtationi Committee. Letters to the editor ore encouraged, though due to space Imitations, those ot 250 words or lest w i be given preference. Letters must be typed and double-spaced and must Include the signature and the phone number ot the authors). The opinions addressed In the editorial are solely those of the edttortal board. Subscilpttons to the floctia ore o v d a b l e for $ 16o year or $ 10 a semester. We reserve the rtghl to accept or reject any odvertWnQ. POSTMASTER: Send adtfrMi changM to: t w flDCtat, DeWtt Cenltr. Hope Cotoge. Holand. Ml 4M2346W

Stall Writers; Pam Gunther Arny Giles Clifton Morris Jon CVBri^o Hupt 0:ca' Jill SandOf Julie Sauer Pam Schmidt Sunni Tenhor Shelly Venerm

Layout Staff: Tammy Bieltz Margaret Rlngia

Survivors not the only ones who need to be aware of rape I ear Editors: Cheers to Mr. Anderle's letter. Jeers to the other retorts. 1 agree that the horse is alivtand kicking-but who it's kicking iin't dead and they are hurting. Women are once again struck down in the name of sexism. I think it's also time for a new focus. Perhaps it's one that some will again claim isn't aliveunfortunately those blind people are again wrong. Survivors of sexual assault are very much living-even here at Hope College. A support group of evergrowing number meets each Monday at 4 p.m. at the Counseling Center on Hope's campus. Rape is not a pretty word, nor is it one many choose to acknowledge. Rape is 14the logical consequence of the way men and women are taught to treat each other. Boys learn at an early age that aggression and violence prove virility and masculinity while girls learn to play hard to get" (91-2). Take off those blinders and peek around

fingers grip all the lives of anyone who knows her (the survivor). It points at our guilty violators, pries apart lives, and shreds a women's senses of pride, self-control, and sanity. Answer me, if someone can: Why is it that something so devastating as rape is left to the people it most touches to deal with-when you know they can't doit alone? Michelle A. Mcintosh Sophomore Survivor Dykstra Hall R.A. G14 6005

P S. This is one survivor's outcry: l a m a woman! RESPECT ME!! l a m not to be used! I am not for your pleasure! I do not deserve to be taken ad vantage of!! l a m a woman! I will survive!!

Cabinet fails to see case for sex discrimination Dear Editors: This letter is in response to your two a r t i c l e s and one editorial contained in the October 3 issue charging the Student Congress Cabinet with sexual discrimination in appointing Scott Gilmore to congress According to your editorial, you feel this charge is substantiated by both logic and statements that we. members of the Cabinet, have made. We. the Student Congress Cabinet, felt the need to respond to the anchor's charge because it is simply not the case. First, we fail to see the logic at to the fact that the individual we chose is male and the other three candidates are female necessitates sexual discrimination. Secondly, we stated that the issue of gender was discussed, as were a variety

Photography: Holy Van Viet

of other (and more important) issues. It is our right and our duty to discus^ any aspect of a candidate that cftuld possibly have an effect on how well that person could fulfill the role of representative. We tried to m a k e ir e x p l i c i t l y c l e a r , howev er, that we appointed Scott Gilmore to the potittoa because we felt he could make the

DWrtbuHon; JoeO'Grady

greatest contribution to Student Congress, reoanDen of any one of the candidate't gender. This

Typists; Tor^a Anderson Jennifer Aming Chrtsta Aronson Meredith Downer Lad PotasW

folks! One out of 4 women will become victims of sexual assault in one form or another by age 25. That puts a lot of women in a horrifying position that I personally detest. As for the many forms this hellish nightmare takes on~ space limitations don't allow even a surface scratch! Date rape, one of the most frequent yet least reported forms- M she may fear that people will assume she is guilty in some way; therefore, she will not report the rape. She may also fear retaliation from the rapist" (93). ("Nice Girls Don't Get Raped"Jennifer Botkin-Maher) Let's do something positive and something progressive. First of all-BE AWARE! Ignorance or denial of its existence does nothing. Active participation does a definite something. Second, do not cringe from taking a stand. Prochoicers and FCA can do it-so give it a try. Third, the survivors aren't the only ones who must respond to this challenge. Rape's frigid

Jevi^.on has noihuig to do with some "hidden (sexist) agenda." but rather has everything to do with which candidate we thought vsaa best suited for the position Your allegations are unwar ranted. We would also like to take this opportunity to reinforce the fact that Student Congress is elected by the students, is compsed of students, and works for the students. As students, we are all on the same side as we all share the ultimate aim of furthering us along as a student body. We need each other. The anchor has acknowledged Student Congree's existence on two occasions this year. Of the four articles you have writtern, three were regar ding these allegations, and all four seem to have been written with the primary intent of giving Student Congress n e g a t i v e publicity. We appreciate the anchor's efforts if your intent is to hold us, as elected officials, accountable to the student body. However, that just does not appear to be the case. Why you would want to try to tackle your quarterback we do not understand.

dent Congress represents the students in the institutional governance system We need to be supported by you as students in order to be effective. If the student body deserves better conduct from anyone, it is from the anchor Sincerely, Bradley J. Votava, President Joseph D. Miklosi, Vice Presi dent J a m e s O'Neal, Comptroller Editors Note: The anchor has printed five articles about Cong n s s including a biweekly col•ii ii i j from Joe Miklosi, Vice President about activities of the Congress that started running a. 'he October 3 issue.

-correctionsJody Nienhius is a Hope student, contrary to what was protrayed in last week's paper. The anchor regrets th. error. In the September 19th issue the

a^ohor said the Board of Trustees voted to reject the Muste sculpture. According to a How large a role the studeiits trustee, the Board did not vote on take in the decision making of the the issue. Only the Buildings and College depends on how well we Grounds Committee voted on it as students can cooperate. Stu I V anchor regretathe error.

October 17, 1990 With three weeks yet remaining in the fall off-year election campaigns, I would like to req u e s t y o u r p e r m i s s i o n to strangle all four m a j o r Michigan c a n d i d a t e s . S e n a t o r i a l and Gubernatorial, Republican and Democrat. I've followed these campaigns for too long now and I have political opinions of all, per sonal opinions of two, and citizi opinions which 1 will share here Citizen opinions? It's the obj k -

the anchor " K e a t i n g F i v e . " While Schuette's attacks a r e a fine and legitimate campaign tactic in a Senatorial race, this is the wrong one. Riegle isn't up again until 1994. In the midst of the Persian Gulf situation, both Schuette and Levin run to find their own ^ l i H c a l missiles-missiles which ha ? b<ien filed into storap mtil Mr Hussein decided to become a f a r » o i in the elections While

Decisions are not made because they are in the best interest of the country but because they are in the best interest of the politician. And therein is the difference between a politician and a statesman.' tive sickness which comes from watching these campaigns. I know there are significant differences in the philosophies of these candidates. I know there a r e two I might vote for and two I won t. But that does not prevent me from becoming ill each time I see yet another cheap, shallov., 30-second spot on television from any of them. Allow me to illustrate. Bill Schuette, Republican candidate for Senate, attempts to connect Democratic incumbent Carl Levin to the savings and loan fiasco, specifically Levin s fellow Michigan Democrat Don Uiegle, one of the illustrious

Scnuette found less-thanflauering footage of Levin on board the USS Wisconsin, which Levin had voted against. Levin pointed to a Shuette vote against the F-16 fighter. 4 4 the centerpiece of the American fighting force in the Gulf." Look at any Congressperson s voting record and, chances are. you'll find at least one vote against a weapon. Democratic Governor Jim Blanchard has run a negative campaign from the start. It continued to sink to its lowest when it arranged for some Democrats from Engler's hometown to speak negatively of Engler. The p< int of where these people were from spoke little to the issuesat

Alter my last article complaining about the Holland police I was planning to focus on a positive aspect of Hope College for this week's article. However, in light of what has been happening over the past two weeks it seems I have no choice but to complain once again.

Page 9

hand in the campaign Not everyone in California voted for Reagan. Should that be the deciding factor in determining whether or not to vote for him? As for State Senate Majority Leader John Engler, he still should not be forgiven for his nauseating theme song, 44 Just Think What John Engler Can Do." Fortunately it has disappeared from his latest commercials. Recently, Blanchard has turned to citing past Engler votes, usually with some relation to appropriations for education, environmental clean-up or business. However, as one who has become quite cynical of politicians in general, campaigns in particular, I cannot but at least recognize that votes often come with strings attached or were a result of the lesser of two evils. A two-second statement that an official voted this way on a bill, which would have done s u c h - a n d - s u c h , h a r d l y does justice, in many cases, to the complexities if the bill Meanwhile, he has adapted to using the 4 4 he , s running a negative campaign" approach Sorry, Mr. Engler, but while it is true, people aren't going to vote for you out of sympathy. 44Aw, poor John. Jim ran such a dirty campaign. I think I'll vote for John " Get back to telling us where you stand and where you want to take us. We will check with other, m o r e o b j e c t i v e sources to see where you have



Examining the

SCOTT KAUKONEN Teaching the wrong lessons

LAST WRITES been, if you can convince us that you are worth checking out Ttie campaigns are yet just another example of the lack of statesmanship in this country. The recent budget fiasco, the continuing deficit, the everswelling savings and loan scandal, are all examples of politics dictating policy. Decisions are not made because they are in the best interest of the country, but

of campaigns we have. Another, unfortunately, is: they work. Due to the lack of involvement, the lack of political sophistication of the electorate

as a whole, campaigns emphasize style over substance (even if the style is to decry style over substance), quick-hitting 10to 30- second spots, and true-butless-than-honest attacks. But before you go saying "yeah, those morons who let Look at any themselves be swayed by such Congressperson's voting tactics that cause such hideous campaigns." What is your source record and, chances are, you'll find at least one vote of information in deciding who to vote for this fall? Anything against a weapon." besides the commercials? Have you done any research at the because they are in the best in- library on their past records? terest of the politician. And Have you talked to people on both therein is the difference between sides (as well as those who may a politician and a statesman try to convince you that they are A politician holds his finger to completely objective) who acthe wind, while a statesperson tually know the candidates' posi 0 does what he thinks right-right tions Are you even registered to in the absolute sense, not in the vote? * ^ hat is the 'right' vote to ensure A lack of statesmen isn't our my re-election" sense. This is hut only problem. So, too. is a lack of •ne reason why we have the type citizens.


same problem 1 have begun to wonder about many of Hope s policies and if they are beneficial of detrimental to a well rounded education. That is, an education that is free lo expand and influence our everyday lives. The controversy over the A.J. M u s t e s c u l p t u r e is w h a t originated this doubt in Hope's methods of operation. President Jacobson lists three reasons why this sculpture is unacceptable. One of them being that it would be a distraction to students studying in the A.J. Muste alcove. Now this may be true for some students. Everyone agrees that study area is a key factor in the learning process. But, wait a minute, here's an original idea: if it bothers you, don't sit there! Thanks for trying to protect us, but we a r e big boys and girls now? Given the chance, most of us are quite able to think on our own. Ml. \


1 jjtortunatel^'here at H o i e C-'oHefe, thtirfring and functioning on our own is a luxury few

SENIOR SPACE Parietals is one example of a direct barrier between students and independence. This rule is proof that the administration has little trust in the student body. If Hope College is, in fact, a Christian school, I doiibt that there would be anything to question on the conduct of students. The same applies to the alcohol policy on campus. The decision on whether or not to drink should be made by the student, not the administration. As long as everything is within the law, there should be no objections. I realize that both of these reglations probably deter a few students from acting in "sinful" ways. But the majority of those who are inclined to drink and spend the night with members of the opposite sex a r e going to do so anyway. And those few^ students who have.been saved from harm by these restriction have been vprv


David DeLong !n Concert At The Kletz, 7:30 p.m.

valuable. The right to look out for themselves and make their own decisions. This lesson is one that will be learned the hard way in the real world, if students aren't given the chance during their collge years.

Bike Give-Away Before The Concert! A decision that is made for us, adds little value to our selfesteem. However, one that we are able to make on our own, one that we may or may not learn the hard way is one that we can call our own. A decision made in this way lends a valuable contribution to our self confidence and sense of accomplishment. Any school that teaches the philosophies of Socrates, Aristotle, and Plato yet makes uncontestable decisions and obstructs students right to make their own decisions is actually teaohing a much different lesson . A lesson that is never spoken but a l l ff%f\ n l o o f l u

There is still time to register at the Kletz Check out our special F.S.O.* menu available 7:00 p.m. to 11:00 p.m. Monday thru Thursday; 7:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m. Friday; and all day Saturday and Sunday. ^ 4.



, ^






v». ..M» 4|.>w •l,» 4 J » ^4** A

October 17, 1990

the anchor

Page 10


Cross varsity runs well with top teams ('93) finished 28th with a time of 28 :09 He was closely followed by John Nowak ( 94) and Scott PatBoth the women's and men's ton ('94) who finished 41st and Cross Country varsity teams 47th respectively. Steve J o h n s o n ('94) conplaced in the top ten against several nationally ranked teams tributed an improving effort with at the Les Duke Cross Country a 60th place finish. Dai Wessman Invitational at Grinnell College. ('93) and Jason Elmore ('93) finished seven seconds and six Iowa The meet, held on Sept. 22, places apart with Wessman in gave the teams a chance to try 75th and Elmore in 81st place out the course which will be used Rounding out Hope's field were for the 1990 NCAA Division 111 Greg Brown ('94) 116th, Derek National Cross Country cham- Dykstra ( 94) 121st, Darren Sipila ('94) 125th and Omar pionships The runners found a challeng- Postigo-Martell ('94) 139th. The women's varsity race ing. hilly course on the sunny, but fielded 129 runners and saw a windy day. The first race, the women's battle for team honors with Simpson College finishing a open 5K, featured 77 runners. Representing the Hope cross scant two points a h e a d of The Hope team were Cheryl Becker ('92), Carleton College. women ended up in sixth place, Sarah Arnsman ('94) and Dori Reusink ('94). Becker crossed only being beaten by all nationalthe finish line in 35th place, ly ranked teams. For individual honors, Sarah followed by Arnsman (44th) and Cross of Simpson College ran Reusink (72nd). The second race was a men's away from the competition, comopen 8K run. A good-sized field pleting the 5K course in an imof 141 men participated, out of pressive time of 18:43.29. Sarah which Hope runner Cody Inglis Braunreiter of Alma ran a disby Steve Kaukonen ad manager

tant second with a time of 19:11 For the Hope women's team. Jilanne Bannick ('91) led the way with a 15th place finish in a time of 19:40. She was closely followed by Theresa Foster ('94) who finished 16th seven seconds later Alica Mendenhall ('94) finished third for Hope with a time of 20:23 and 42nd place. Rounding out the Hope women's field were Cara Luchies ('94 ) 49th. 20:37; Sonja Langlois ( 94 ) 73rd, 21:27; Sheila Brink ('91) 78th, 21:36; and Knsten Kingma ('92) 101st, 22:50 The men's varsity race had a surprising upset as number four ranked St. Thomas upset number t h r e e North C e n t r a l by a generous. The Hope men's team finished in 5th place, and, like the women's team, placed behind only nationally ranked teams. Individually, Bob Cisler of North Central College finished just three seconds ahead of three ather runners. Cisler's time was 25:16. Chad Guerreo of St. Thomas, Gary Wasserman of Nebraska Wesleyan and Tony Every of Cornell finished 2nd.

ed with a fine performance ird and 4th respectively. The Hope men were paced by Roberts won the race, covering Bill Roberts ('91) who finished the five mile course in 27:23. Albion and Olivet had the next 26th with a time of 26:48. The Hope harriers opened up three out of four places, with their league competition on Fri- Hope's Fletter taking 3rd in day. Oct. 5 at the Holland Coun- 28:04 The Hope harriers ruled try Club against Albion and the next seven soots Olivet. The men's and women's On Saturday, Oct. 13, the teams ran away from the com- Hope Cross Country teams parpetition. The men's team beat ticipated in the Michigan ColAlbion 22 to 39, and the women s legiate Championships held at team came away with a 20 to 37 Michigan State's Forest Achers win against Albion. Olivet Golf Course in East Lansing forfeited to both Hope and Albion The field consisted of mainly as they only had one woman and Division 1 and II schools three men runners. Participating were the UniverLeading the way for the Lady Dutch were Bannick and Foster, sity of Michigan which placed placing 1st and 2nd, respectively. first overall in both the men's Bannick finished in 20:01 and and women's race, Michigan Foster in 20:33. Hope received S t a t e , E a s t e r n , C e n t r a l , strong support from Brink (4th, S o u t h w e s t e r n , W e s t e r n , 20:57), Mendenhall (5th, 21:03), Hillsdale, University of Detroit, Gretchen Sligh (8th, 22:00), Lake Superior State, Wayne Luchies (9th. 22:11), Kingma State and Michigan Christian. (12th, 23:12), Becker (13th, The Hope women's team plac23:47), and Arnsman (14th, ed 10th, and the Hope men's team 24:54). placed 8th, one point behind In •he men's race, the Flying Hillsdale. The official individual Dutchmen packed it up for the results will be available later in first part of the race, and finish- the week.

Dutch drop close game by Rochelle Anderson sports editor Despite a last quarter effort by Hope, Olivet held on to rain on Hope's Homecoming. At the Holland Municipal Stadium, the Flying Dutchmen brought the game to the wire before they lost 20-14. The key drive of the game started when Hope's defense held the Comet's and turned the ball over with under six minutes to play. Three key things happened to bring Hope to within a pass of a win. First, the scoreboard went off, and the officials put six minutes back on the board. This gave Hope as much as 30 seconds more in which to play. The second was the two pass plays totalling 63 yards from Stefan Swartzmiller (492) to Jeff Schorfhaar (*91). This lined up a 10 yard touchdown run by Chris Howe(491). The third key play was when Hope's defense forced Olivet to turn the ball over after being down third and 17 and fourth and 7. This gave Hope possession at their own 42 yard line. With 2:39 left to play and down by six, it looked as if Hope would take the victory from Olivet. Quick passes from Swartzmiller to Kelly Powers( 4 91) and Schorfhaar put Hope on Olivet's 31 yard line with 1:52 left.

With :54 seconds left Hope had the ball on the 13 yard line. Hope took their last time-out with 37 seconds left and a third and nine situation still on the 13. Swartzmiller went to Howe and he missed the pass. With fourth and nine, but what might as well have been goal, Hope lined up again. They ran the play and the pass was on the numbers to Howe on the five yard line. Howe turned Uojuickly and could not hold onto it. With 24 seconds left Hope turned the ball and the game over to Olivet. Smith commented on the last two plays of their possession, 4, We ran a fullback flat pass to Howe and the second we ran what we call the flood play. We push all the guys to one side and look." Olivet dominated the first half scoring all their points then. Hope scored with 7:21 left in the half on an eight play, 56 yard drive. The touchdown came from a six y a r d r u n by P e t e r Stuursma( 4 93). Key mistakes for Hope enabled Olivet to make two touchdowns in the first q u a r t e r . Smith said,44We just didn't control the line of scrimmage." Another key was the penalties against Hope in the first quarter. Two offsided penalties put Olivet on the two yard line enabling their first touchdown. Illegal p r o c e d u r e forced



Chris H o w e ('91) c a r r i e s


H o m e c o m i n g loss t o Olivet.

Photo by Lance Evert

Hope into a second and 15 on their first possession. They chose to punt on fourth and one. With 1:14 left in the half. Olivet put their final points on the board, missing the extra point. 44 I commend them for playing well on the road," Smith said about Olivet, 44It w a s our Homecoming and I don't think our guys played well in the firsi half."

i thought when I saw Howe wide open then, we had pulled off another miracle," Smith said, T feel sorry for him." He added, 44I don't think (Howe) realized how wide open he was. I think he was looking for someone to come up and hit him, and there wasn't anybody there." Matching up the statistics, Hope controlled the passing

gam- completing 15 of 26 passes for 212 yards, where as Olivet on'y completed 6 of 17 for 73 yards. Olivet controlled the rushing with 266 yards to Hope's 135 yards. Hope is now i-l in the Michigan Intercollegiate Athletic Association while Olivet moves to 2-0 with Albion. Albion defeated Adrian 10-7 and Kalamazoo defeated Alma.

October 17. 1990 the anchor

Page 11

Run-Bike-Swim-Walk provides fun for all by Rochelle Anderson sports editor

Don Kent r u n s in a 5k race in p r e p a r a t i o n for his particlpaHon m t h e C h i c a g o M a r a t h o n . Photo by Lance

Things "Phelps Brick" in my stomach I sometimes wonder if mv friends were not better off before we owned a TV and VCR In our first year here we made two guys room into the Freshmen Lounge There were about ten to twelve ol us in a coed group who would meet daily to talk, laugh and be rude Now we rent a movie, sit in the living room and not talk

C o n t i n u e d f r o m P. 3 mound ol flowers'.' Where's home plate 0 Maybe they should get that statue. Icarus, out of the Pmp Grove and put it on the mound

In Chicago now there is a hit pla\ of an episode of the Brady Bunch With different actors and actresses as our favorite family, 'he show takes one episode of the shou and plays it straight Au •iiences are roiling in the aisles at

...Sometimes I come across a q u o t e that c a p t u r e s m y e n t i r e school y e a r This one is f r o m H a r e n c e I)a> w h o lived at the turn of the c e n t u r y . " I f your p a r e n t s didn't h a v e a n y c h i l d r e n , t h e r e s a good c h a n c e that you won ' h a v e an> " li t a k e s a special mind for thai kind of logic I wish 1 could h a v e met h:rn Other t i m e s a c a r t o o n c a p l u r e s my life Snoopy r u n s a c r o s s the top ol his dog h o u s e He dives oil }!»• falls t o w a r d the g r o u n d . The cord on his a n k l e s n a p s Uiut. He bounces into the a i r and p l u n g e s back down Up a n d down a g a i n He h a n g s u p s i d e down a n d looks at us " J o e Bungi " he s a y s .

Christian wisdom comes "m all s o u r c e s including uiKespeare From Wolsey s •d final speech m "HenrN "Cromwell I did not nink to shed a tear in all rn> miseries ..Had I serv'd m\ God ^ith half the zeal I serv'd rm king, he would not m mine age have left me naked to mine enemies " Has anyone else noticed that the food in Phelps is better this year" Only occasionally am I still blessed with the infamous

Classifieds & SIB'S AND Dates: Gel pumped for date-night on Friday! Where is it ooo KARYN S. -- So you're turning 21 on the 18th. Happy Birthday! Remember to be quiet when coming home late WEDNESDAY night. I'll finally have the room all to myself Your Roomie. SPRING BREAK-Christmas B r e a k t o u r s - I n d i v i d u a l s or student o r g a n i z a t i o n s n e e d e d to prom o t e our Ski-Sun T o u r s . E A R N M O N E Y a n d F R E E T R I P S to Cancun, Daytona, Vermont, M o n t r e a l . Call Hi-Life, 1-800-263-5604.

Hope College hosted the l.'Uh a n n u a l Kun-Bike-Swirn Walk Saturday, which featured the walking event for the first time Competitors and friends of all ages c a m e out to participate in the event Don Ken' crossed the finish line first in the 5-kilometer run A fifth-year senior at Hope. Kent used the race as a workout, "I just used this as a tune-up for the Chicago Marathon in two weeks I wanted lo do a workout and get the legs moving a little hit." said Kent. The turnout was not what Kent would have expected, however I thought there wouldn't be anyone here, but the guy who was second ran a decent r a c e . " Kent said. The second-place finisher was Chris Cook, who was running the 20-29-year old age group along with Kent. The t h i r d - p l a c e finisher was Michael Cranner. who took first place in the 15-19 year old age group The 10K runners took off at the same time as the 5K runners and the first few runners came in as the last of the five-kilometer runners had finished Lou Hoekstra finished first in the 10K Hoekstra has been running for 20 years This fall is my 20lh anniversary I've been running since I was a freshman in high school." Hoekstra said.

Hoeskstra ran cross country and track for Hope, graduated in 1978. and currently resides in Kalamazoo I just came out to participate ' n the h o m e c o m i n g ( festivities)," he said Of the four events, the turnout for the running was the greatest hut Hoekstra reacted as if the race was small "I kind of suspected 'first place) because this race hasn't drawn a lot," he said. "I half prepared myself mentally to run alone " Participants could enter single e v e n t s or c o m p e t e in the tnathalon John Calcutt finished the 10K first for the tnathletes with a time of 35:27. He finished second in the biking event with a time of 25:18 and second in swimmingat 12:49.19 This combined effort put him m first place overall in the 40-49-year old age group Greg Smith placed second and Pete Perron placed third in that group Immediately behind Calcutt was Bruce U s . who finished the

run in 36:43 Ix)s look first in all three events for 30-39-year-old men he finished the hiking event in 25 24 and the swimming por tion in Id 43.56 "I was all by myself in the pool, said I./OS. "It hurt me a lit tie bit I took it out too hard It was a great day for it -- a little cool on (he bike, but a nice da\ for it In s e c o n d p l a c e for the 30-39-year-old age group was Philip George Mark Giffels look third overall The latest addition for the day was a prediction walk The par tic i pan Is guessed how long it would take them to walk and the ones who guessed the closest to their actual lime won Lon Gruntman was the winner of the event She guessed it would Lake her 30 minutes and it took her only four seconds more Jacob Nyenhuis guessed 29:31 and finished the walk in 29:26 lo lake second J e n n y E v e r t s g u e s s e d 30 minutes and finished the walk in 30:07 to take third The top ten participants received medals.

Sports Briefs The men's soccer team an nihilated Aquinas last Saturday shutting them out by the score of eight to zero. Scott Quoss''92) scored three points for Hope and Darren B e n n e t t ^ ) added two more The soccer team is currently 9-3-).

The women's soccer team shut out Adrian last Saturday at Buys, Athletic Field by the score of 2-0. Nancy Birchr93) scored both goals for Hope lo make their record 6-3-1 overall.


ADDRESSERS WANTED imm e d i a t e l y ! No e x p e r i e n c e necessary. Excellent pay! Work at h o m e ! C a l l t o l l f r e e : 1-800-395-3283 ANCHOR STAFF -- All-staff meeting on Sunday, Oct. 21. 7 p m. anchor office, DeWitt. This means everyone! - advertising, typists, writers, photographers, distribution. If you are in the staff box, you're expected to be there. K A R Y N (SKIN) S. - H a p p y 21st B i r t h d a y ! Y o u ' r e t h e f i r s t one! W h a t a r e you going to buy f o r us? Love, t h e B e a u t i f u l BC B a b e s .

When trouble roubles you, the oniy thing to do is dance, you simply gotta dance," proclaims Polly (Jessica Farrar), Tony (Scott Mellema), Maisie (Mana Vaver), and Bobby (Andy Wilson) in Hope s tail premier of The Boyfnend. a spirited 1920s musical. "Dance your cares and I r r i e s a w a y ' performances: Friday, Oct 19-Sat Oct 20, and Wed Oct. 24-Sat., Oct. 27, 8:00 p.m. curtain S e t office open M - F 10 a m -5 p.m and Sat. 12-5 p.m., tickets are $3.00 for students and $5.00 for adults

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the anchor

October 17, 1990 .

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1 1 x o m e a Macintosh convcn in business sch(X)l. "At our computer lab III always find lines of people wiiiting to use the Macintosh computers, while other computers just sal there. So I had a choice wait lor a Macintosh, or come back at 6 A.M. to grab ()ne belt)re tlieyd all be taken. "After business school, l took a job at a large b:ink and used my Macintosh for producing even thing In)m spreadsheets k ) a a)mpanv newsletter, T( )da\' I use Macinu )sh it) help me am my own management a milting firm, When - I give a presentatk hi I cm .see in pet )ples faces dial tlieyiv really inpressed, .And tliat makes me feel great. : "Sometimes I t:ike l riday off, put m\ Macintosh and skis in die car, and . ; head for die mountains. I sld days i and work nights. Its jx^rfect. "You know I can't,say where rii be in five, ten, or lilieen ye:irs, but I can sa\ that m\ Macintosh will be there with me:


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