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A Hope Happening: Homecoming .

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Volume 97, Number 7


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Hope College Anchor

October 17, 1984

Frater 150th Forthcoming by John Van W a r r e n Homecoming is going to be special for the F r a t e r a l Society this y e a r . Since this past F e b r u a r y the F r a t e r a l u m n a e committee has been working toward their gala 150th a n n i v e r s a r y to be celebrated this weekend. Even before Hope College w a s a college, the F r a t e r s were here, a fraternity at the Academy. They are one of the oldest continuous fraternities in the United States. Over 200 F r a t e r s a r e expected to attend at least some of the weekend's festivities, most of which will be held at the Amway Grand Hotel in Grand Rapids. A 70-plus y e a r span will be represented at the reunion. One of the oldest, if not the oldest, living F r a t e r alumni, H a r r i s Meyer from the class of 1916, will be present as will F r a t e r actives from

the class of 1987. F r a t e r s are coming from as far as G e r m a n y to attend the celebration. F r i d a y night will be registration and then a F r a t e r lit meeting to be held at the Amway Grand. The regular agenda will be followed as will their traditions. Sergeants at Arms and Master Critics have been picked from throughout the entire span of years represented as have the F r a t e r s who will be speaking. Saturday the. F r a t e r s will attend the homecoming football g a m e en m a s s e . After the homecoming Queen has been crowned, the F r a t e r s will assemble on the field and sing their song for the audience. F r a t e r alumni John Tysse will m a k e President Gordon Van Wylen an honorary F r a t e r . Seymour Padnos will then present a gift from the F r a t e r s to the new library fund.

Career Corner by Kelly W. Best One of the many aspects to Career counseling in a college setting is providing students with a rich source of career information and r e f e r r a l to appropriate resources. In the Career Library you will find career information and r e f e r r a l s on m o r e c a r e e r resources in the form of catalogs, microfiche, c a r e e r files, professional associations, labor relation reports, magazines, newsletter, directories, employer information files, etc. These resources a r e available to all Hope students, faculty and alumni Monday through F r i d a y from 8:00 a m to 5:00 p m . The c a r e e r Library is located in the Student Services Office (main floor - DeWitt). While some of the resource books a r e on reserve, most of the resources m a y be checked out. If you have seen a p a r t i c u l a r g r a d u a t e school poster in one of the a c a d e m i c buildings on cam-

D i s c u s s i n g the m o t i v a t i o n behind making President Van Wylen an honorary m e m b e r , F r a t e r a l u m n a e stated that many past Hope presidents were F r a t e r s including Wichers, Phelps, Vanderwerf, and Van Raalte. . Also at h o m e c o m i n g , the F r a t e r actives will be manning a special tent to welcome F r a t e r alumnae. The first 125 alumnae with their " s w e e t h e a r t s " will receive a special mum provided by alumni Padnos. The weekend will be climaxed by a dinner-dance back at the Amway Grand that night. Entertainment just following the dinner will be provided by F r a t e r alumnae. The Ambassadors, a 13 piece band, will provide the music for the dance. " I t ' s going to be f u n , " stated Tvsse.

" G r a d u a t e School I n f o r m a t i o n "

pus and you would like more information concerning the school and the advertised p r o g r a m , the Career Library is the place to come. For beginners, I recommend the P e t e r s o n ' s Annual Guide to G r a d u a t e Study 1984, most commonly known as the P e t e r s o n ' s Guide. This is an extensive cross r e f e r e n c e guide to graduate school information by subject or N a m e of School. It also provides information concerning r e q u i r e m e n t s for admission into the various g r a d u a t e p r o g r a m s . Also in the Career Library you will f i n d g r a d u a t e s c h o o l catalogs. These specific catalogs will provide information concerning the a c a d e m i c p r o g r a m , assistantships, living conditions and an overview of the university in which the p r o g r a m is affiliated. If you a r e in pursuit of a specific catalog and it is not in the C a r e e r Library, the a d d r e s s for the catalog m a y be found in the P e t e r s o n ' s Guide where the p r o g r a m is listed.

If you a r e still n e e d i n g graduate school information and you have not been successful in finding it in the resources 1 previously mentioned, look in the occupational files, or write the professional association that applies to your field or study. Most likely, somebody in your field of interest has gone to graduate school and will have some information for you. As I have mentioned much graduate school information as well as c a r e e r information is available to you daily in the Career L i b r a r y . However, if I can be of assistance to you in understanding the information available, or m a k e it e a s i e r for you to utilize the C a r e e r Library as a valuable r e s o u r c e for graduate school information, or perhaps s e r v e as another source of r e f e r r a l , please feel f r e e to contact m e in Ihe C a r e e r Center (main floor - DeWitt) extension 2110.

will have a reception and lunby Louis Valantasis Now that the intial rush of the cheon. The m a j o r highpoint of the new school year has passed, Hope students are now able to homecoming weekend is the focus their attention and energy parade to the stadium and the on the most celebrated event of football game. Hope has not lost the fall season: the p a g e a n t r y of a homecoming g a m e in 23 y e a r s . ' This y e a r the Flying Dutchmen homecoming. Over the years, homecoming will battle Adrian, the defending has evolved into more than the M1AA champions, at Holland crowning of a particular couple Municipal Stadium, the game as royalty over the weekend, it begins at 2:11. t h e p a r a d e has literally become a time at preceding the g a m e will be led by which alumni return to their the Grand Rapids South Chrisalma m a t e r and join in the fun tian High School Band with the with reunions, parties, and a p r o c e s s i o n of c h e e r l e a d e r s , variety of other traditional ac- students, and of course, the tivities. This y e a r ' s homecoming homecoming court. The half time theme is, " H a t s Off to Pro- program consists of the official fessors", a salute to Hope's crowning of the king and queen, faculty as presented by the a c a d e m i c a w a r d s , s p e c i a l Alumni Association who, among recognition of the faculty as well others, recognize the importance .as the recognition of the anniverof the faculty in the over-all suc- sary of the F r a t e r n a l Society cess of this school. This theme which is one of the oldest social also coincides with National f r a t e r n i t i e s in A m e r i c a Higher Education Week which c e l e b r a t i n g its 150th y e a r . also runs from October 13-20: its Following the g a m e , the faculty national theme being "We Have will be honored by the Alumni the F u t u r e in Mind". Thus the Ci- Association with a reception in ty of Holland has declared this Smallenburg P a r k . In the late afternoon, cider and donuts will Higher Education Week. Homecoming festivities begin be served in the Kletz; the Hope on Thursday the 20th with an in- Jazz Band will perform and vitational exhibition of selected various Greek societies will have works by 22 Hope alumni from open-houses, like Delta Phi and throughout the country. This ex- Emersonian. "Spoon River Anh i b i t i o n w i l l ^ o t h r o u g h thology" will be presented by the November 30. "'Cotton P a t c h . theater d e p a r t m e n t on Friday Gospel" will also begin its run on and Saturday evenings in the Thursday. On Friday, Hope's DeWitt Center and on Sunday at soccer t e a m meets Adrian's at 4:00 in Wichers Auditorium, the 3:30 at Buys Field and the cross- faculty will p e r f o r m Chamber country t e a m s compete later music. Finally, there will be that day at Holland Country Club morning worship in Dimnint Course. Saturday begins with Chapel at 11:00 a.m. and the Rev. historical c a m p u s tours led by Peter Semeyn of Christ Church Dr. Elton Bruins, dean of the a r t s in Oak Brook, IL will present the and humanities. Also the 7th an- sermon with music by the Chapel nual Run-Bike-Swim will begin Choir and alumni. As the revelling goes on this '84 Saturday morning. Reunions for Homecoming weekend, there the Classes of 1974 and 1979 will be held at lunch time as will the lun- will be much tradition, whether it cheons for Delta Phi, Kappa Chi is in its 150th year or whether it and Sibylline sororities and the was begun just this year. At any Cosmopolitan fraternity. Also, rate tradition holds many special the H-Club, an association for moments. Homecoming is to be those alumni who were in sports, enjoyed.

Judicial Seven students a r e needed to serve on this y e a r ' s Judicial Board along with one or two faculty m e m b e r s and the Assistant Dean of Students. The Board deals with student behavior problems as outlined in the Student Handbook. Following a conversation with the Assistant Dean, a decision is m a d e as to whether the incident will be dealt with administratively or referred to the Judicial Board. In most cases involving first offenses where the student a d m i t s guilt the student m a y choose to have the administrator or the Judicial Board d e t e r m i n e a penalty. In c a s e s where guilt is in question or the a d m i n i s t r a t o r chooses not to handle the case, it


will be r e f e r r e d to the Judicial Board. During the judicial hearing, the accused offers a plea, is confronted by the a c c u s o r ( s ) , has the opportunity to respond to the c h a r g e ( s ) , ask questions, present witness on his-her behalf, and respond to questions. Guilt or innocence is deterrnined based upon a preponderance of the evidence presented to the Board. If anyone is interested in serving on this y e a r ' s Judicial Board, submit a one-page letter outlining the reasons for seeking this appointment to the Student Congress office (main floor DeWitt) by Monday, October 22. The selection will be m a d e by the officers of Student Congress.

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Hope College Anchor

October 17, 1984

Half a Paper books, m o v i e s , T V s h o w s , p l a y s , c o n c e r t s , r e s t a u r a n t s , b a r s ; w r i t e y o u r o p i n i o n on a n y t h i n g e l s e ; p r o o f r e a d ; p h o t o g r a p h ; b e a s p o r t s w r i t e r ; d r a w ; sell a d v e r t i z i n g ; etc...

L a s t issue w a s only f o u r p a g e s We n o r m a l l y do n o t h a v e a n i s s u e a f t e r fall b r e a k . I t w a s a bonus issue; a special issue.

Y o u c a n g i v e u s a lot of y o u r t i m e o r j u s t a l i t t l e . W e will t a k e w h a t e v e r you can give.

B u t it w a s still only f o u r p a g e s . It g a v e e v e r y o n e i n v o l v e d w i t h t h e A n c h o r t h u s f a r -- R o b e r t E . Hoke, Kirk K r a e t z e r , William Monk, Rick Grannis, P e t e M y e r s , Anna Conley, J o h n Estell, Ann Lootens, B e t h a n y Van Duyne, A l i s t e r L. M a j e s t i k , B o b C l i f f o r d , M o r t E l l i s , D e b l H a e f n e r , Darlene Hiemstra, J a m e s TeKerk, Jazz VanKlompen, E. T r e m b l e y , Louis Valantasis, Scott Ellingson, William De Binder, M a r t i n J . Hill, L e s R e h a k , S t e v e U n d e r w o o d , J o h n H e n s l e r , Robert Huisingh, Rich Helder, M a r k Rebhan, D e a n n a Weaver, Sybil B a b i n s k i , R i c h a r d L a n c e l o t B o u r n e , A b b y M a d i s o n , W e n d y V a n d e r H a r t , J . C o t t e r T h a r i n , I v a n S c h n o t t i v i c h , G e n e v a S. G r a h a m , K e l l y W. B e s t , D a n H e n s l e y , J o h n V a n W a r r e n , G r e t e l J o h n s o n , B r i a n H o u t s , B r i a n G r e e n e , C h r i s Zinn, B o b B e r g s t r o m , T i m K e l l e y , M a t t h e w A n d e r s o n , M a r g i e O ' K l a t n e r , E l i z a b e t h A. Van Ark, Susan Milanowski, Vladimir Ulyanov, F r a n c i s Deck, David F r i t t s , a n d e v e r y o n e else who h a s not had their n a m e listed on a b y - l i n e - a c h a n c e to b r e a t h e a n d r e l a x . And t h i n k .

I n t e r e s t e d ? O n c e a g a i n w e will b e h a v i n g a n i n f o r m a t i o n a l m e e t i n g . T h i s S u n d a y , O c t o b e r 21, w e will b e m e e t i n g a t 8 P M in t h e A n c h o r o f f i c e . So s t o p in. W e c a n ' t b r e a k d a n c e , b u t w e ' r e a lot of f u n .

"We Came to Dance" T h e r e w a s California Cooler. T h e r e w a s pizza. T h e r e w e r e nerds, babies, dwarves, cowboys, punk rockers, aliens, and m o n s t e r s of all s h a p e s a n d s i z e s . T h e r e w a s P r e s i d e n t R o n a l d Wilson R e a g a n m e e t i n g Adolf Hitler a n d giving him due respect with a salute ("Sieg h e l l ! " ) . T h e r e w a s D i c k , A b e , a n d J i m m y all f o l l o w i n g t h e " g r e a t c o m municator" around. T h e r e w e r e S u p e r m a n , S u p e r b a b y , D e a t h , M r . T in t r i p l i c a t e , M i c h a e l J a c k s o n , a n d Billy I d o l . And then t h e r e w a s B a s i c English. Wow.

And w e , t h e s t a f f , c a m e t o a c o n c l u s i o n . T h o u g h w e h a v e h a d m a n y , m a n y s t u d e n t s w r i t e a n d w o r k f o r us, w e still n e e d m o r e h e l p . W e ' d l i k e to g o to 16 p a g e s e a c h i s s u e , a n d w e ' r e m i s s i n g d o z e n s of s t o r i e s on c a m p u s w h i c h c o u l d e a s i l y fill t h e e x t r a f o u r pages.

The second annual DeWitch Bash was a rousing success. The b a n d w a s n o l e s s t h a n f a n t a s t i c . T h e food w a s g o o d ( a n d a n a d d e d b o n u s ) . T h e c o s t u m e s w e r e wild a n d well done. F u n w a s h a d by all. SAC, y o u a r e to b e c o m m e n d e d f o r a j o b v e r y w e l l d o n e . O n e s u g g e s t i o n , t h o u g h : d o s o m e t h i n g like t h i s in t h e s p r i n g , too.

So, o n c e a g a i n , w e a r e a s k i n g f o r h e l p f r o m a n y o n e a n d e v e r y o n e . W h a t c a n y o u d o ? Well, h e r e a r e j u s t a f e w i d e a s : b e a beat r e p o r t e r ; help with layout and p a s t e u p ; be a f e a t u r e r e p o r t e r ; b e a n " o n c a l l " r e p o r t e r ; w r i t e r e v i e w s of r e c o r d s .

And get back Basic English a.s.a.p.

Anchor Evaluated

Dear Editor... Pull Article "Editorialized To the Editor, I and m a n y other fellow students were enraged at the s t y l e a n d f o r m a t of t h e unrightfully editorialized article about the Pull. The article should, just a s an article on any other sporting event, describe the event and explain to the r e a d e r what happened. (The printed article left the r e a d e r clueless of t h e outcome of the Pull). Also, it should not e x p r e s s personal feelings of the dislike ,

toward the pullers and their attitudes. Thoughts such as these should be expressed s o m e w h e r e else, but not on the front p a g e of a c a m p u s p a p e r following Hope's greatest sporting tradition. I also feel that the writer w a s in no position to subjectively accuse the competitors of poor sportsmanship displayed through 44 att i t u d e s of v i c i o u s n e s s , belligerence, and a preoccupation with beating the other -


t e a m . " I, being a puller of this y e a r ' s pull, know that there is no viciousness or malicious attitude toward the other t e a m , just the natural competitive spirit with winning in mind. Winning, a f t e r all, whether wrong or right, is the greatest desire of most any team.Brad Sarno 88 puller

about violence expressed towards the other t e a m . Again this is just a s n a t u r a l a s slogans used by football and basketball pep ralleys. the pullers don't actually h a t e their opponants. In fact, a f t e r the pull, they can be closer b e c a u s e of the s h a r e d experience. Besides this Pull is m o r e of a self-discipline and t e a m coordination, than it is a battle against an outer force. The stressed lesson of pull is self and t e a m unity. Now, why do we pull? This is h a r d to answer, because all of us have a different motivation. But

but you did it a n y w a y . Getting hold of the Anchor when it hits the s t a n d s e a c h week h a s become is high priority item for many of us. Sincerely, Charles A. H u t t a r P r o f e s s o r of English

Published weekly September throuah April, except during e x a m periods and colleae vacations, by and for the students or Mope College, Holland, Michiaan, under the authority of the btudent Communications M e d i a Committee. Subscription r price: $10 per year. ,

Office located on the first level of the DeWitt Center Telephone 392-6578

. ^

Pull Article Receives Criticism D e a r Editor, In response to the pull article in the p a p e r on October 4,1 would like to clear up that a u t h o r ' s misrepresentation of the pull and try to explain why we pull Evidently the person w h o ' wrote the article h a s never participated in any athletics. He objected to the v e r b a l a b u s e the pullers take. But in the Pull as in any other sport, yelling a t or for the participants p u m p s u p their adrenalin. It also helps t h e m to do their best; that is what pull is all about. The writer w a s also concerned

Dear Editor : Congratulations to the Anchor <4 team" for displaying the kind of hustle that Hope fans have come to expect f r o m their t e a m s . It h a s been evident all along, but last week's issue drives the point home. Nobody said you had to put out a p a p e r in the week of b r e a k - n o b o d y expected you t o -

the strongest reason would be t h a t P u l l o f f e r s .a u n i q u e challenge to men and w o m e n to give their minds, bodies, and souls to the t e a m for t h r e e intense weeks, so they can prove to themselves, that they can give and do their best not only for themselves but also for their t e a m m a t e s . To quote an old saying, "Give to the world the best you have, and the best will come back to y o u . " And that is what Pull (and Life) is all about. Sincerely, KristlneS. R u m e r y

The opinions on this page a r e not necessarily those of the student body, faculty, or administration of Hope College. twn'l*! rUrll

Jennifer DeVries Denise VanderSteeg DaveCarmer Jennifer TonHove AmyRaffety iMarthQ Van'derKo,£


F - n T Ed,,°r.Snoul^,,0 Sports Editor



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-.Kirk Kraetzer V

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BntSl u 9 Bosmess M a n a g e r 9 ana9er

Andy Smith Lesilie Harlan

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Estell Gr


j i « P™' Tarns D^c T n ^'5JS s s P o s t a ? e P a i d at Holland, Ml 49423 Anrh i JEm: S address, changes to Hope College Anchor, Hope College, Holland, M l USPS No. 542110.

Hope College Anchor

October 17, 1984

From the Anchor Files. •:>'v. s

by GregOlgers 20 y e a r s ago. October 23,1964. 44 At the request of the college Board of Trustees, two retired Hope College presidents are compiling a history of the college 1 to be published for the centenoial year, 1965." 44 Dr. Wynand Wichers of Kalamazoo, president of Hope College from 1931-1945, and Dr. Irwin Lubbers of Des Moines, Iowa, president from 1945-1962, expect to complete the volume, which is as yet untitled, in early 1965." (Ed. note--the book, which




90 years ago. October, 1894. 44 The class of 1866, the firstgraduating class of Hope, consisted of eight members. Their names as contained in the catalogue are, A. Buursma, G. 50 y e a r s ago. October 24,1934. 44 Was Your Furniture New Dangremond, W.B. Gilmore, P. When Bicycles were built for Moerdyke, W. Moerdyke, W.A. two? If so, now is the time to go to Shields, John w. Te Winkel and the old reliable furniture store. H. Woltman. All with the excepSelect some new furniture from tion of one, immediately after our large and complete stock, finishing their college course, entered theology ." and refurnish the home." 44 James A. Brouwer Co 212-216 River Ave."

is no longer untitled, was published in 1968 as A Century of Hope 1866-1966. A copy is kept in VanZoeren library).


Vig's World Questioned

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T h e n e x t s t e p f o r g e t t i n g W T H S on t h e a i r r i s e s h i g h into t h e s k y a b o v e t h e D e W i t t C e n t e r . T h o u g h t h i s is j u s t t h e t o w e r , t h e a n t e n n a is on t h e w a y . ( p h o t o : T o d d V e r B e e k )

by Doug Holm After reading "Vig's Views" in the September 27 edition of the Anchor, 1 had to wonder what world Vig is viewing. And then 1 had to ponder the question whether or not this column was worth rebuttal. 1 guess you know the answer. I'm not attempting to change anyone's political views or tell anyone how to vote on November 6, I'm just responding to what 1 consider drivel. This is a good example of poor journalism-badly researched with partisan statements used as fact. Seeing that the Anchor is only sixteen pages long, 1 will have to severely limit my response. First, Vig's view that the energy crisis was caused by 44 abusurd regulatory rules" is ridiculous. Hey, the Arab oil em-

bargo was only eleven y e a r s ago, does that mean we can forget it? Remember, that is when OPEC decided to display its strength over . oil-dependent W e s t e r n economies and r r . s e d their prices 400 percent Seems to me that could produce an energy crisis. Here are some more goodies, if Mondale is elected, "Americans would see their hard-earned dollars flow...into schemes for politicians to buy votes." Reagan "told the truth about the vicious killers in the K r e m l i m . " And finally, R e a g a n ^liberated Grenada, the first nation to be freed from the iron grip of the Soviets." What do these mean? Is it a fact that Walter Mondale is planning to use tax dollars for his party to use at their discre-

tion? Where did you get this information? Reference to the Soviet leaders as vicious killers smacks of cold war rhetoric, and we all know what situation that has led us into. If Reagan were "telling the truth," why are relations so poor today? Finally, it is debatable whether or not Grenada was in need of r e s c u e and it c e r t a i n l y is arguable whether or not they were under any Soviet influence. These are just a few quibbles 1 have--and I have not even mentioned comparing Reagan to Kennedy and Franklin Roosevelt o r t h e s i t u a t i o n of t h e Democratic party today. 1 just feel Vig used too many opinionated statements as fact. Nest time, Vig,- open your eyes before writing an article.

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October 17, 1984

Htope College Anchor

On Injustice, the Future, and Hope by J e s u s of Nazareth If the world hates you, know that it has hated me before it hated, you. If you were of the world, the world would love its own; but because you are not of the world, but I chose you out of the world, therefore the world hates you. R e m e m b e r the word that I said to you, "A servant is not greater than his m a s t e r . " If they persecuted you; if they kept my word, they will keep yours also. But all this they will do to you on my account, because they do not know him who sent me. If I had not come and spoken to them, they would not have sin; but now they have no excuse for their sin. He who hates me hates my F a t h e r also. If I had not done among them the works which no none else did, they would not have sin; but now they have seen and hated both me and my F a t e r . It is to fulfill the word that is written in their law, "They hated me without a cause." But when the Counselor comes, whom I


shall send to you from the Father, weven the Spririt of truth, who proceeds from the Father, he will bear witness to m e ; and you also a r e witnesses, because you have been with me from the beginning. I have said all this to you to keep you from falling away. They will put you out of the synagagues; indeed, the hour is coming when whoever kills you will think he is offering service to God. And they will do this because they have not known the father, nor me. But I have said these things to you, that when their hour comes you m a y r e m e m b e r that I told you of them. I did not say these things to you from the beginning, because I was with you. But now I am going to him who sent me; yet none of you asks me, "Where a r e you goi n g ? " but because I have said these things to you, sorrow h a s filled your hearts. Nevertheless I tell you the truth: it is to your ad-

Sayings of Lao Tzu

vantage that I go away, for if I do not go away, the counselor will not come to you; but if I go, I will send him to you. And when he comes, he will convince the w o r l d c o n c e r n i n g sin a n d righteousness and j u d g m e n t ; concerning sin, because they do not believe In me; concerning righteousness, because I go to the Father, and you will see me no more; concerning judgment, because the ruler of this world is judged. I have yet many things to say to you, but you cannot bear them now. When the Spirit of truth comes, he will guide you into all the truth; for he will not speak on his own authority, but whatever he hears he will speak, and he will declare to you the things that are to come. He will glorify me, for he will take what is mine and declare it to you. All that the Father has is mine; therefore I said that he will take what is mine and declare it to you. (John 15:18-16:15).

tEht mole Hole W e have this super jersey in stock,

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Chapter 22 Yield and overcome: Bend and be straight; E m p t y and be full; Wear out and be new; Have little and gain; Have much and be confused Be really whole, and all things will come to von




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Is there a differnce between yes and no? Is there a difference between good and evil? Must I fear what others fear? What nonsense! Other people are contented, enjoying the sacrificial feast of the ox.

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Chapter 20 Give up learning, and put an end to your troubles.

In spring some go to the park. and climb the terrace, But I alone am drifting, not knowing where I am. Like a newborn babe before li learns to smile, I am alone, without a place to go.

Chapter 12 Therefore the sage is guided by what he feels and not by what he sees

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by Berke Breathed MTCHfT/M ^r^Fm.Lrrs..jn



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Vig's |Views "Rockin' Reagan" by R i c h a r d A. Vlguerle t4 The h e a r t of A m e r i c a is your privilege to v o t e , " s a y s Huey Lewis, ' i t ' s not just a privilege, it's an obligation." Huey who? If you don't know about Huey Lewis and the News, y o u ' r e obviously not a fan of MTV, the 24-hour cable channel that plays music videos (short f i l m s t h a t a c c o m p a n y rock songs). The Huey Lewis m e s s a g e is p a r t of a nationwide advertising c a m p a i g n on MTV. Tina T u r n e r , the P o i n t e r Sisters, Rockwell, P e t e r Wolf, Weird A1 Yankovic and Crosby, Stlls, and Nash, a m o n g others, a r e coming into m i l l i o n s of h o m e s a c r o s s A m e r i c a , urging 18-to-24 y e a r o l d s to 4 ' F e e l t h e Power...Register and Vote!" E v e n C y n d i ( " S h e ' s So U n u s u a l " ) L a u p e r h a s joined in, asking, " A r e your shoes too tight? Are your feet too s m a l l ? Well, the a n s w e r to this and m a n y other p r o b l e m s is to r e g i s t e r and v o t e . "

Focmg US-31 on Woverly Rd. S, of 16fh St. '2.00 DAILY-First M a t i n e e

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A . K . A . Y u g o s l a v M a y Term

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by Berke Breathed



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their h o m e s a t night b e c a u s e of crime. Of all o u r citizens, it is minorities a n d the poor who suff e r most at the h a n d s of the liberal w e l f a r e state. Is it so , f a r f e t c h e d t h a t they m i g h t t u r n ; a g a i n s t it, t h a t - a few y e a r s down the r o a d - they m a y be a significant source of votes for conservatives? Which brings us back to MTV. As long as t h e r e h a v e been scientific polls of public opinion, one of the most consistently liberal groups in society has been young voters. Generation a f t e r generation followed the p a t t e r n of youthful liberalism... until now. This year, polls show young voters leaning heavily to the right, more t h a n any other age group. An August 1 poll showed R e a g a n beating Mondale by 21 points among all voters, but the m a r g i n among 18-to-25 y e a r olds was 40 points! When the voting age w a s lowered to 18, liberals c e l e b r a t e d in the streets. It never o c c u r r e d to t h e m that, a few y e a r s later, the most conservative people in American would be the group that used to be the most liberal. • Surprise!

justice, t h e e n v i r o n m e n t , ( a n d ) a E a c h c o m m e r c i a l e n d s with working e c o n o m y " at " w e l f a r e the display oi a toll-free n u m b e r . and u n e m p l o y m e n t offices, housAccording to D a n n y Goldberg, ing p r o j e c t s , hospital waiting one of the p r o d u c e r s of the ads, rooms, and b u s stops in low" P e o p l e c a n give their s t a t e a n d income n e i g h b o r h o o d s . " zip code, and they'll punch in a So f a r , h u n d r e d s of thousands c o m p u t e r to tell you how to of blacks, Hispanics, a n d poor register a n d vote in your a r e a . " people h a v e been signed up. With The artists, technicians, and all these (supposed) liberals p r o d u c e r s d o n a t e d their work on registering, why a r e conserthe c o m m e r c i a l s , and MTV's vatives so h a p p y ? Because, in contribution of a i r - t i m e is worth the g a m e of v o t e r registration, a p p r o x i m a t e l y $1 million. Why things a r e not a l w a y s what they go to t h a t m u c h trouble to r e a c h s e e m . It is not unusual for voter young voters? 4 i grew up In the 4 registration s c h e m e s to b a c k f i r e , 60s and w a s nourished in a a s the new v o t e r s go off in a compopular culture that was pletely new political direction. p e r m e a t e d with a political conWithin the next few y e a r s , poor sciousness," said Goldberg. people, blacks, and Hispanics "Those of us who h a v e had that m a y rebel a g a i n s t the w e l f a r e political e d u c a t i o n h a v e an s t a t e that h a s m a d e a habit of inobligation to p a s s it on to the next . t e r f e r i n g in their lives. Many of generation." them h a v e h a d to b r e a k up their MTV's c a m p a i g n is only a families to s t a y eligible for s m a l l p a r t of p e r h a p s the public a s s i s t a n c e . Many have g r e a t e s t get-out-the-vote drive in been denied jobs b e c a u s e of A m e r i c a n history. There is a b u r e a u c r a t i c regulations - for good c h a n c e t h a t m o r e people e x a m p l e , g o v e r n m e n t limits on will vote this N o v e m b e r than taxi d r i v e r s and h a i r d r e s s e r s have ever voted before. and s t r e e t vendors. Many have Of course, the conventional an ad in m e radical m a g a z i n e been forced to send their kids U wisdom in 1984 is that a g r e a t inc r e a s e in t h e n u m b e r of The P r o g r e s s i v e u r g i n g r e a d e r s school w h e r e they are exposed to registered v o t e r s will spell doom to b e c o m e r e g i s t r a r s a n d " s i g n drugs and violence every day. for Ronald R e a g a n and conser- up new voters for p e a c e , social And m a n y a r e a f r a i d to leave vative c a n d i d a t e s . T h a t is why Do places like the A F L - C I O , t h e N a t i o n a l Education Association, the Paris, Madrid, Toledo, Barcelana, League of Women Voters, the NAACP, a n d other liberal antiSt. Tropes, Florence, Venice, R e a g a n organizations h a v e pulled out the stops to get people to Rome, Belgrade, Sarajevo, register - convinced, a s always, that the Little People a r e on their Dubrovniik side. A typical voter r e g i s t r a t i o n efappeal to you? fort w a s conducted by the October 4 C o m m i t t e e , a coalition of liberal and left-wing groups t h a t Is a week long cruise, sailing among includes the Democratic Socialists of A m e r i c a , the Na- v the islands of the Adriatic your tional Organization for Women, the National Council of Churches, and the W a r R e s i s t e r s cup of tea? League. The C o m m i t t e e placed




Hope College Anchor

October 17, 1994



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Page 6

Hope College Anchor

October 17, 1984


President Reagan has set aside this week to honor the Natkmal




A survey of the states shows

Geraldine Ferraro, says Vice that Walter Mondale's campaign School Lunch Program - A pro- President Bush may live to has "come alive" in many states g r a m his a d m i n i s t r a t i o n originally tried to cut. Calling the nation's young people " o u r greatest resource," Reagan said the school l u n c h p r o g r a m demonstrates a commitment to the promotion of t h e health and well-being of the nation's youth. The administration proposed in 1981 to reduce the minimum amount of food in school lunches, but yielded to public criticism. Two months a f t e r . President Reagan offhandedly Joked about b o m b i n g t h e Soviet union, Geraldine F e r r a r o is calling it a " s e r i o u s m i s t a k e . " On the hustings in Davenport, Iowa, Ferraro today cited reports that Soviet troops went on a brief, partial alert after Reagan made the quip. She says the Joke was reckless and jeopardized the safety of Americans. The United States Catholic Conference is stressing that it does not take positions on political parties or candidates. But the group also says that religious and moral values cannot be separated from public life. As examples, the group says stands by bishops against abortion and Nuclear War 4, cannot help but be m a t t e r s of Fpublic life." One prominent Democrat who has criticized the mixing- of religion and politics Is mixing religion with the nuclear freeze movement. New York Governor Mario Cuomo today called the movement a form of " m o r a l affirmation" - and urged support f o r t h e c o n d e m n a t i o n by American bishops of the a r m s race. And Cuomo told a nuclear freeze forum that ending the a r m s race is as Important as preserving the rights of the unborn. United Nations Ambassador Jeane Kirkpatrick s a y s President Reagan wasn't adequately prepared for his first debate with Watler Mondale. Interviewed on C-N-N, Kirkpatrick said she thought the October seventh debate was a draw, and that Reagan focused too much on details and facts. Kirkpatrick also said she'd give R e a g a n a few pointers for the second debate on October 21st, which will center on foreign policy.

regret his all-out support for President Reagan. On N-B-C's "Meet the P r e s s , " F e r r a r o predicted Bush's total support of the R e a g a n A d m i n i s t r a t i o n ^ conservative philosophy may be a drawback if he runs for president In 1988. Mondale was on the offensive Sunday, pouncing on Reagan's so-called "Star Wars" Space Weapons Plan. In a paid political radio address, Mondale called Reagan's plan a " h o a x " that would "squander hundreds of billions of dollars."



President R e a g a n did his campaining with |ris weekly paid radio talk. He ridiculed Mondale's deficit-reduction package of tax hikes and spending cuts as destined for failure. And he defended his claim that strong economic growth will bring the deficit under control.

A straw poll published in the New York "Dally News" shows Democrat Walter Mondale makv Ing inroads on the popularity gap with President Reagan. A survey of more than a thousand likely voters across the state found the Reagan-Bush ticket favored by . 45 percent to a 4i percent International News preference for Mondale and Ferraro. The paper says the results It's still a stand-off in Prague, make the Presidential contest in Czechoslavakia - where a group New York too close to call. of East Germans seeking asylum Both of the Vice Presidential are sheltered In the West Gercandidates a r e also on the road man Embassy. Bonn and East as the 1984 election campaign Berlin continued their negotiaenters Its final three weeks. tions for the release of the 140 George Bush speaks to students, East Germans, but there are no Senior Citizens and Hispanics In reports of progress. The West California while Geraldine Fer- Germans say East Germany apraro has appearances In Allen- pears determined to crack down on the would-be immigrants. town, P e n n s y l v a n i a and Cleveland, Ohio. Television viewers in the Soviet Union Saturday heard that Democrat Walter Mondale will their country has begun deployhit Missouri and California In his efforts on the stump this week. ing air-based and sea-based But Mondale has cut out some cruise missiles. The official campaigning he had tentatively Soviet News Agency Tass says the deployment is In response to planned for New York and Oregon. He's giving himself plen- U.S. deployment of Its own cruise ty of time to prepare for his se- missiles. And Tass accused the cond and final debate with U.S. of trying to achieve military Reagan, set for Sunday In Kan- superiority over the Soviet Union. sas City. President Reagan looks to solidify his southern support as he hits the campaign trail after a weekend at Camp David. So far, Reagan is considered the leader in every state in the south. The president's stops Monday included the University of Alabama in T u s c a l o o s a , and G r e e n v i l l e Technical College in South Carolina. He'll also address a rally In Macon, Georgia.

BLOOM COUNTY TO pe-cccunje M

after his strong showing in his debate with President Reagan. But the s a m e survey indicates that If the election were held today, Reagan would win by a l a n d s l i d e . M o n d a l e ' s performance apparently pumped new life Into key states -- with party officials expressing mare hope in P e n n s y l v a n i a and California. And in New York, a 4, New York Daily News" poll Indicates a virtual dead heat in the state now.

U.S. military aid to Egypt may increase as a result of talks between Defense Secretary Caspar Weinberger and Egyption leaders. \Velnberger arrived In Cairo y e s t e r d a y to discuss specific defense-related issues and the overall security situation in the Middle East. He met with E g y p t ' s P r e s i d e n t Hosnl Mubarak for 90 minutes Sunday - but afterward gave no indication of what was discussed.

by Berke Breathed

cMammm wwRjitiwo fames. JVsrjMrm>oryom Bmcmmrwmb ourjH&e mrsL

Egyptian officials reportedly have an idea about how to lure Jordan into the Mideast peace process with Israel: have the^ U.S. sell Jordan Air Defense Weapons. Sources say officials proposed the Idea to Defense Secretary Caspar Weinberger during his visit to Cairo. The sources say Weinberger did not commit the Reagan administration to the sale, which was rejected by the U.S. earlier this year. Britain's former conservative P r i m e Minister wants Britain to spend more money, be more vigilant and cooperate more with other nations in the fight against terrorism. Edward Heath said in a radio interview that the British must accept "some restrictions" if society is to be protected. His comments were m a d e in the light of last week's I-R-A bombing of Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher's hotel.

A relic of ancient Greece has been found on an island In the Aegean Sea. Archaeologists on the Island of P a r o s have unearthed a temple dedicated to Athena, the Goddess of Wisdom. The tem pie dates back 26 hundred years, to an era when the great citystates of ancient Greece were in their formative stages. Talks between Britain's Na tional Coal Board and striking mineworkers resumed Monday in London. At issue is the Board's plan to close 20 unprofitable mines and fire 20-thousand workers by next spring. The strike is now in its 32nd week T h e Philippines h a s been struggling through its worst economic crisis in decades. And Sunday, President Marcos expressed confidence that foreign banks will approve his government's request for more than one and a-half billion dollars in new credit. Yesterday, Marcos canceled foreign exchange controls - clearing the way for a 650 million dollar line of credit from the I n t e r n a t i o n a l M o n e t a r y Fund.

Authorities are bracing for what they fear could be a wave of I R-A bombings on the British mainland. The extra precautions come after the Irish Republican Army claimed responsibility for Friday's bombing of a hotel in Brighton, England hosting Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher and m e m b e r s of h e r cabinet. Police say Thatcher would've been killed had she not left her bathroom two minutes before the bomb went off five floors above her. Security was unprecedented today around the country church where Thatcher attended services.

U.S. Marine Corp officials in J a p a n have announced that two Marines have been charged with the premeditated murder of a female Marine. According to an announcement, the Navy has filed charges against a 19-year-old Private First Class and a 20year-old Corporal. No trial date has been set. oomoBMsm


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October 17t 1984 Many eyes Monday were on La Palma, El Salvador, a small town in the northern p a r t of that Central American nation. There - for the first t i m e since El Salvador's Civil war began five years ago - the two opposing sides in that battle will meet for peace talks. P r e s i d e n t J o s e Napoleon Duarte will face off against leaders of the guerrilla movement t h a t ' s been trying to oust him from power. The rebels say they don't expect any breakthroughs today - but hope the talks will lead to continued negotiations. Both sides have agreed to keep their a r m e d forces at least six miles away from the talks. Security is being taken c a r e of by the Roman Catholic Church, the Red Cross and the Salvadoran Boy Scouts. The people behind "Solidarity" are considering a rebirth of Poland's outlawed t r a d e union. Sources say Lech Walesa and other senior union leaders met in Gdansk to consider ways of reviving it at the grass-roots level. The meeting w a s the second gathering of solidarity's high-ranking officers and supporters in the past two weeks. An earlier session w a s held during a workers' p i l g r i m a g e to the Shrine at Czestochowa that w a s the largest gathering of solidarity leaders since the imposition of martial law in 1981. Israel Is continuing to work on unilateral plans to pull its troops out of southern - Lebanon - n o matter what Syria does. That word c a m e from Israeli P r i m e Minister Shimon P e r e s following his return to Israel a f t e r an 8 day visit to the United States.


National News The



"Challenger" is getting a polntby-polnt inspection •• as NASA engineers determine whether If suffered much d a m a g e on Its eight-day flight. Meanwhile, the shuttle crew is relaxing at the a s t r o n a u t t r a i n i n g b a s e in Houston. The five men and two women will brtef experts on their flight tomorrow. Their journey was dedicated to a scientific survey of the earth, its oceans and atmosphere. The space shuttle " D i s c o v e r y " is being groomed for a scheduled launch November seventh. The Challenger goes back up in early December -- in keeping with NASA's once-a-month launch schedule. The moose can come out of hiding in Maine. Moose hunting season ended this weekend with hunters bagging at least 812 animals. Despite the protests of groups who want the hunts stopped, there's a push in the Maine legislature to expand the moosehunt area to include more of the northern part of the state. House speaker Tip O'Neill returned to Boston College Sunday - nearly half-century a f t e r he left as a 24-year-old politician. The Massachusetts Democrat was t h e r e . to dedicate a 28 million-dollar research center and library named in his honor: O'Neill told the crowd of about 1500 that he doesn't believe in naming buildings a f t e r public officials still in office. But this time O'Neill says he m a d e an exception because the school meant so much to him.


i *

'Hope College Anchor

Hurricane "Josephine" is slowly headed away from land after stalling off the eastern coast Sunday. The storm caused hlgher-than-normal tides in some a r e a s - and was blamed for the death of a m a n who drowned in the storm-tossed North River In Massachusetts. The deaths of two Texas Inmates over the weekend has pushed to 20 the number of prisoners that have died in the state this y e a r . One of the deaths was blamed on a racial disturbance between Black and Mexican-American inmates. The second death is still being investigated -- a prisoner was found stabbed to death shortly after a disturbance. But officials say they don't know if the disturbance and the stabbing death are related. It was a football g a m e that set off violence in M a n h a t t a n , Kansas, over the weekend. What police described as "several thousand drunk people" took part in a rowdy victory celebration Saturday night, pelting police with rocks and debris. City and school officials are expected to discuss the riot in a meeting later today. A new study out today says there's been an " a l a r m i n g " increase in cancer deaths in rural counties where employment in the petroleum and chemical industries has increased. The private r e s e a r c h group that issued the report -- The Council on Economic Priorities - says it suggests a stronger link between toxic waste and cancer than previously thought. The survey shows that in 59 rural counties, cancer deaths increased 265 percent between 1950 and 1975.

Police in Detroit are Investigating the murder of a man killed during the melee that followed Sunday night's Tigers World Series victory. Police say when some fans roaming the streets of Motown a f t e r the win turned violent, dozens were Injured - and at least 34 were arrested. Some c a r s were overturned -- and at least two were torched. After more than 24 hours at the bargaining table during - the w e e k e n d , t h e U n i t e d Auto Workers Union and F o r d got together on a new contract. The tentative pact Is to reviewed by Union leaders today. Among the features of the new Ford pact is a corporate guarantee not to close any of its plants or p a r t s facilities. Meanwhile, the UAW announced members have okayed their new contract with General Motors. Union officials say even though the GM contract faced heavy opposition when it was first offered to the rank-andfile', it finally passexl with 57.4 percent of the workers voting to accept it. A top banking economist says the second half of 1985 could be m a r k e d by a recession. So says J a m e s C h r i s t i a n , chief economist for the United States League of Savings Institutions. Christian says a recession could be a "distinct possibility" if the rate of foreign investment falls more than expected. But he says the U.S. economy will grow at a rate of 3 to 4 percent as long as foreigners supply about 20 perc e n t of t h e t o t a l s a v i n g s available. Christian s a y s if foreign investments fall below that level, there won't be enough money - or credit -- to go around.

• # f Page

California's Disneyland calls itself the "happiest place on the e a r t h , " and it might be again - a t least as f a r as workers and m a n a g e m e n t a r e concerned.

Representatives of Ave striking unkms tentatively agreed on a new contract with the p a r k ' s operators Sunday night. According to federal mediator Bonnie Castrey, both sides gave a little during the last bargaining s t r e t c h . Union l e a d e r s and Disneyland officials a r e both urging workers to approve the new contract. The strike lasted 20 days and kept some 18hundred workers off the job. The strike by the u m p i r e s during the M a j o r League Championships will pay off, according to a published report Monday. The 4t New York Daily N e w s " reported that baseball commissioner P e t e r Ueberroth will render a decision favorable ih the men in blue. The paper says that Ueberroth will restore 120thousand dollars lost by the striking umps during the playoffs and create a pool fund for the umps for post-season play. The umpires want all m e m b e r s paid for post season play, rather than Just those who work the games. Look for President Johnson's national security adviser to be the first top-level government official to testify in General William Westmorland's Libel Suit against C-B-S - Walt Rostow was scheduled to be called to testify Monday. The lawsuit Is seeking 120 million dollars in damages. It stems from a 1982 CB-S documentary that charged Westmorland -- the c o m m a n d e r of U.S. troops during the Vietnam War - intentionally lied to the White House about Communist troop strength in Vietnam.

ANNOUNCEMENT Harry S. Truman Scholarship Hope College sophomores interested in o career in government service at the f e d e r a l , state, or local levels are invited to apply for a 1985 Harry S. Truman Scholarship. Establsihed by Congress in 1975, the Harry S. Truman Scholarship Foundation operates a continuing educational scholarship program designed to provide opportunities for outstanding U.S. students w i t h potential leadership ability to prepare for careers in g o v e r n m e n t service. In A p r i l ]985, the Foundation w i l l a w a r d 105 Scholarships nationally. The DEADLINE for all 1985 applications is December 1, 1984. Hope College can nominate two students for the 1985 competition. The scholarship award covers eligible expenses up to $5,000 per year for the junior year, the senior year, and two years of graduate study. To be eligible, students must be full-time sophomores working toward or planning to pursue a baccalaureate program, hove a " B " overage or equivalent, stand in the upper fourth of the class, and be a U.S. citizen or U.S. national heading toward a C9reer in government. Interested students should submit a letter of application, a statement of career plans, a list of past public-service activities or other leadership positions, a current transcript, and a 600-word essay discussing a public policy issue of their choice to James M . Zoetewey, Truman Scholarship Faculty Representative, Lubbers 208, by November 5 (Monday).



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m m mmi 68 W 8th SlfMt HoM**). Mi 49423

J by Berke Breathed

.Page 8


L A N S I N G - F o r t h e second year In a row, an Upper Peninsula painter h a s been named Michigan Wildlife Artist of the Year. D i e t m a r K r u m r e y , 36, of Manistique took top honors in the fifth annual competition sponsored by the Michigan United Conservation Clubs (MUCC). His painting of a pair of pheasants in winter w a s the firstplace choice of a panel of judges headed by noted wildlife artist Guy coheleach of Jensen Beach, Florida. Krumrey, a native okf Germany who emigrated to the UnitecTStates with his family as a child, will receive a check for $1,000 from MUCC and will have his p r i z e - w i n n i n g p a i n t i n g reproduced on the cover of the December issue of Michigan Out-of-Doors, the monthly magazine published by MUCC. MUCC will issue a limited edition of 750 prints of K r u m r e y ' s painting signed and numbered by the artist. These will be offered at a special prepublication price of $55, plus $7 for tax handling, and shipping, until December 1, when the price will be increased to $70, plus the $7 handling charge. All proceeds from the print sales will be used by MUCC for its conservation and education programs. Orders for the prints may be place dby writing MUCC, Box 30235, Lansing, MI 48909. Second place in the c o m p e t e tion went to Catherine McClung of Dexter; third, Lawrence E. Cory,Jr., Birmingham; fourth, Michael A. Hughey, Jackson; and fifth, Sharon Prins Shuitman, Newaygo.




October 17, 1984

Hope College Anchor


Two well-accloimed actresses come to the screen this weekend in movies about women in SAC's film series: Hit Movie: Frances starring Jessica Lange Friday, Oct. 19 7:30 & 10p.m. Saturday, Oct. 20 10 p.m. Saturday Night Special: Woman of the Year Starring the team of Tracy & Hepburn Saturday, Oct. 207:30p.m.

Frances A woman who dared tobcbcrscN

It ms H«r jreitest trluwpfc. aad ker greatest mistake tsm '

- a:;::- - .. < .



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VIoryftshixKing dnlm omwHinq jnd I




campus, visiting classes, ana meeting with students. There will also be a series of seminars on pre-professional p r o g r a m s and a workshop on financial aid for parents. Registration will begin at 9 a.m^ in Phelps Hall. The formal program will end at 3 :30 p.m.

The Hope College admissions office will sponsor its first visitation day of the school year for prospective college students, Friday, October 19. The visitation day allows high school students and their parents the opportunity to see Hope College first-hand by touring the

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" F R A N C E S is riveting! Jessica Lange, in a outstanding performance...is touching, h a r r o w i n g , a n d finally h e a r t b r e a k i n g . "


Gene Shalit, TODAY, WNBC-TV



INVITATIONAL An exhibit of recent works by former Hope College art students



Thur., Oct. 18,1984 De Free Center Gallery


Director: George Stevens Ring Lordner Jr., MichaelKanin

Cast: Katharine Hepburn, Spencer Tracy, William


1 p.m. to 9 p.m. Sun.



sponsored Alumni A s s o c i a t i o n


by Berke Breathed


m on m on m ON/ m OH' ONWON/W





The first t e a m i n g of Tracy a n d H e p b u r n . Tracy p l a y s a sportswriter, Hepburn a sophisticated a n d famous international c o m m e n t a t o r . They m a r r y a n d , e v e n t u a l l y r e a c h a c o m p r o mise b e t w e e n his d o w n - t o - e a r t h l i f e s t y l e a n d her f a s t - p a c e d p r o f e s s i o n a l l i f e . O n e e x c e p t i o n a l scene has Kate a t t e m p t i n g to u n d e r s t a n d her first b a s e b a l l g a m e u n d e r Tracy's i m p a tient yet c a r e f u l g u i d a n c e .


Art D e p a r t m e n t

Fay Bainter,


Free Admission


the Screenplay:

10 a.m. to 9 p.m. Mon. to Sat.


INFINITY 15 A HOWN BesTommmr MipeFmums urn sneers TUCKBP MUR mnpoNe'sioes.


' Octotoir 17; T 9 8 4

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Ozzy Osbourne:

Htfpe C61Iege Anchor

Evangelist Extrordinaire

th Jr^a^e*Beek u r .t. world, but with n u m e r o u s denials 0 gs of S a t a n i s m fh^t Jii nu"? . . and good things to roH ic • Christians know: say about goodness. Osbourne's wa* / L H ic^ m n u l o v l n S ' J e s u s f i r s t album, Blizzard of Ozz, h n o V J T f , i s ' ) u m a i ; i 8 o n > a n c i opens with "I Don't Know," Hch^ r o c k e r s like Ozzy wherein he says, " D o n ' t look to U ne a e a pack o f no n^?i » J "6ood me for answers...It's up to y o u . " Kt ^ ^ l - w o r s h i p p e r s . No church It's clearly not an invatation to Ban u 8 k o k would give join the minions of Satan, but inu h a r u i ^"^ ^ S p e n t about any of stead an invitation to s t a r t inese s t a t e m e n t s . One of them, thinking about what to believe in. 0 The next son rnH . iJ L ^ (an exce^ent rofprHnnf Au r rocker by the way) is "Crazy referring to either of the first two T r a i n . " In it, he hopes that s t a t e m e n t s ! (He does, and I " m a y b e it's not too late - To agree.) I take issue with the learn how to love and forget how c h a r a c t e r i z a t i o n of M r . to h a t e . " Osbourne. he is not an instruN e x t , he c h a n g e s m o o d s ment of the Devil. On the con- dramatically. One of his best trary, I think t h a t he m a y in fact songs ever is "Goodbye to be the most Ingenious evangelist R o m a n c e . " It's a quiet, sad since (Saint) P a u l -- or at least farewell to romance, friends, and since Billy G r a h a m . all the best. 4,I guess that we'll "Come on," you say. "Anyone meet, we'll meet in the e n d . " can see that he's a Devil worship- While "Goodbye" may suggest per! He was the lead singer for that death is the only way out, Black S a b b a t h ! And all you need "Suicide Solution" cuts in and to do is look at his album covers denies this interpretation by into see that h e ' s into w i t c h c r a f t ! " sisting that "suicide Is no soluRight! P a u l used to be one of tion." It's a dual m e s s a g e that those Christian-persecutors many of today's disturbed heavy didn't he? And all you have to do metal fans need to hear. is look at the cover of the Bible to The second side of Blizzard is see that it's a depressing book. mostly mindless guitar riffs and (Black c o v e r - u g h ! ) shouting (to keep his old fans atYou can't j u d g e a book or an tentive), with one radical excepalbum by its cover. What you tion. it's a requiem for Mother need to do is listen to it (or r e a d E a r t h , whom mankind Is killing, it). If you take the time to listen "Mother, please forgive them, to the lyrics, you'll see a very dif- for they know not what they ferent m a n t h a n the wild-eyed do...Stupidity - no will to live one in g r u e s o m e make-up on the T h e y ' r e breaking God's own cover of Diary of a Madman. In rules. F a t h e r of all Creation, I " F l y i n g High A g a i n , " Ozzy think we're all going wrong...We l a m e n t s , " P e o p l e think I ' m fight each other; t h e r e ' s no one crazy, but...(they) never h e a r d a winning. We must fight all the word I s a i d . " h a t e . " Is this S a t a n i s m ? ? R u n n i n g t h r o u g h his solo D i a r y , his second a l b u m , works is the t h e m e of an unkind m a k e s s o m e bolder statements.

"Little Dolls" is a no-holdsb a r r e d warning of what the Devil will do to you if you've 4 i broken the r u l e s / ' "S.A.T.O.," which stands for - s a i l across the o c e a n " is full of imagery of salvation, with Ozzy calling others to join h i m : ,4 I can't conceal it like I know I did before. I got to tell you now, the ship is ready, waiting on the shore...Sail away, see the day dawning on a new horizon. Gold's insight shining bright, brighter that the sun t h a t ' s rising." If gold is taken as a metaphor for heaven (as in the Bible), this text is an impressive confession of faith. If it were among the P s a l m s , it would be downright inspiring. The weird album covers, the bat-eating, the s c r e a m i n g guitars, etc. a r e necessary to attract those who most need to h e a r what Ozzy has to say: heavy metal fans. If there's anything at all to subliminal teaching, there a r e hundreds of heavy metal f r e a k s out there learning a few basic f a c t ^ a b o u t God's hope and the D e v i l s evilness. In fact, Ozzy has probably reached more new people than Amy Grant, Phil Keaggy, P e t r a , Kansas, Bob Dylan and m a y b e even Johnny Cash put together. Paul was straightforward, Ozzy Is a bit trickier and obscure, but both of them a r e saying a lot of the s a m e things. F o r Intellectual cornprehenslveness, P a u l gets my vote, but for heart-and-soul creativity... (The albums discussed In this article can be found between the Moody Blues and the Alan P a r sons P r o j e c t on my record shelf.)

by R. Nelson Spoon River Anthology, »gy, produced by Hope College T h e a t r e , is the d r a m a t i z a t i o n of a poetry collection written by E d g a r Lee Masters. The c h a r a c t e r s look back at p e i r lives and, waking for a moment f r o m e t e r n a l sleep, they present their lives and struggles

to each other and the audience. T h e cast of eight a c t o r s is not limited to the s a m e n u m b e r of c h a r a c t e r s as each actor

assumes various roles. Respec*

The stage itself bore a striking r e s e m b l e n c e to the c i r c u l a r stage of J i m Henson's The D a r k Crystal. Due to the lack of props and any other Imagination aids, the p e r f o r m e r s responsibility to captivate and entertain the audience is enormous. The show requires that the a c t o r s sing acappella, maintain constant energy and bring out the only life present. The audience h a s nothing to focus their attention on but the actors... Therefore It Is crucial to the success of this production that every excerpt is portrayed with a totality of emotion and concentration. Unfortunately, such dedication w a s not a constant throughout the show. One cannot truthfully report that there were no r e d e e m a b l e portions of this act, for there tive c h a r a c t e r s a r e identified at the beginning of their monologue preventing the audience from becoming confused. Dale McFadden, directing the p r o d u c t i o n , t r i e d to c r e a t e timelessness through costuming and set design. He is partially successful in t h e a t t e m p t ; he does c a p t u r e the mood he s e e m s to desire but the obelisk can prove a distraction and, coupled with slightly overdone costuming, destroys the simplicity this play s e e m s to d e m a n d . The actors, p r o t r a y i n g several

He died to take away your sins. Not your mind. ) don i have to stop t h i n k i n g when y o u walk into an L p i s c o p a l C h u r c h . C o m e and j o i n us in an atmosphere where ..i:th and t h o u g h t e x i s t together in a s p i r i t of f e l l o w s h i p .

The Episcopal Church mil



% •


*• UCTJ'




GRACE EPISCOPAL CHURCH 555 Michigan at 23rd Street Sunday Services 8:00 am & 10:00 am

Christian Fellowship A Charismatic college outreach of Holland •Assembly of God.

Op imon -- Spoon River Anthology by Andy Smith The persons of the t h e a t e r d e p a r t m e n t h a v e elected to perform E d g a r Lee M a s t e r s ' "Spoon River Anthology." An anthology Is a collection of literary works, and Spoon R i v e r Anthology Is the collection of r e m e m b r a n c e s of the deceased. Eight p e r f o r m e r s , depicting a n u m b e r of different roles each r e m a i n e d on s t a g e throughout the entire perf o r m a n c e . E a c h c h a r a c t e r was trying to relieve himself of asuffering s t a g n a n t existence in p e r g a t o r y . They a t t e m p t e d to ventilate their misery by divulging their life's grievances and a few joys. All persons p o r t r a y e d at one time or another resided in Spoon River, h e n c e the n a m e . The stage, lighting, m a k e - u p and costuming were all reminlscent of scorched dust and death.

Page 9

were a few excerpts p o r t r a y e d well enough to w a r r a n t r e m e m brance. The consensus of the





"Memorize a verse of truth or b e a u t y , " p e r h a p s to give one's self comfort in death. The d r a m a ended appropriately with E d g a r Allen P o e ' s counsel, 4 4 Act well your part, for therein your honor lies." Sound advice, too bad it w a s n ' t taken to heart. One cannot b l a m e the perf o r m e r s only, merely because they a r e so visible. P e r h a p s the directing w a s lacking, or the* script itself w a s too d e m a n d i n g for a m a t e u r s . My recommendation is that one obtain a copy of "Spoon River Anthology", read it, c r e a t e personnal imagery, and then venture to see Hope's rendition. c h a r a c t e r s each, a r e challenged to m a k e every poem come alive with individuality. Here Is the greatest problem. Several times a c t o r s f o r g o t to c h a n g e c h a r a c t e r when their n a m e s changed. T h e r e w a s also a slight tendency toward m e l o d r a m a as a whole, however, the production captured, not only a multitude of personalities but the small town a u r a and the universality of h u m a n emotion. Overall, Spoon River Anthology is a d r a m a t i c and poetic experience I r e c o m m e n d .

THURSDAYS, 6:30P.M. $ $ *






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The first student production of the school year, "Spoon River Anthology," Is now playing at the'DeWltt Theatre, (photo: John Gardner)

October 17, 1984

Hope College Anchor


Football's Winning Ways by William D e B i l d e r and Martin J . H i l l While most of us were off enjoying our fall breaks, the football t e a m was out on the field agan, this time against Albion. After a slow start, the D u t c h m e n were able to score twice in the first half, once on a Mike S t u r m run and again on a Greg H e e r e s q u a r t e r b a c k keeper. The score at the half stood 14-6 in Hope's favor. The third q u a r t e r was Hope's c h a r m as Greg H e e r e s fired two touchdown strikes in the s p a c e of seven seconds. After a five-yard pass to Brian Oosterhouse to cap a 68 y a r d drive Kevin Spotts recovered the loose ball on the

kickoff and set up the second TD. On the first play of the series, Heeres again connected with Oosterhous, this t i m e f r o m 35 y a r d s out to complete the scoring. The next weekend the Dutchmen travelled to K a l a m a z o o to play the Hornets in the annual "Wooden Shoes Classic." The shoes stayed in Holland as the Dutch were victorious, 45-0. The Dutch received the opening kickoff for the first t i m e all season, and the offense, being unaccustomed to working so early in the g a m e , w a s unable to capitalize on the first possession. The defense w a s more than ready when they got their c h a n c e

and although the Hornets m u s t e r e d one first down, the defense set the tone for the r e s t of the g a m e . When Hope's offense regained possession, it took little t i m e for the Dutch to get on the board, thanks to a Greg Heeres to Tom Van Heest p a s s of eight y a r d s . Two drives later senior tailback Van Heest turned a short dive play into a 75 y a r d touchdown run. The Dutch s t a r t e d rolling and put three m o r e touchdowns in the bok before intermission; two on Heeres p a s s e s to Brian Oosterhouse and Van Heest. Reserve quarterback Chris Mendels finished the half with a 26 yard p a s s to Dale Deloy with 19

seconds r e m a i n i n g . The Dutchmen continued where they left off after returning to the field. Heeres and Oosterhouse combined for their second 19 y a r d TD pass of the game. Mendels set up the next touchdown by s c a m p e r i n g down to the K a l a m a z o o 20 y a r d line. Deloy then went nine y a r d s to cap the scoring. The fourth q u a r t e r provided a lot of experience time a s no points were scored, but all of Hope's p l a y e r s got into the g a m e . This Saturday Hope t a k e s on Adrian in t h e H o m e c o m i n g game. Kickoff t i m e is 2; 15.

Movie Buffs - Is t h a t e m p t y spot on your wall crying for a poster? Well, we h a v e origianl movie posters. F o r m o r e info, call x6202, x6262 or c o m e to Room 201 Phelps Hall. "I'm sure there's going to be a brassiere flying from up there within a month." B-3: World War 3 h a s n ' t begun yet. The Allies will invade again. B e w a r e of Austrian Corporals. He-man-womanhaters get no satisfaction. _ Bill the Cat - r e a d your last classified? Get all my winks? Wanted: One sex life to rent or lease with option to buy. x6736 Ask for Scar.

Soccer Victorious by Scott Ellingson The Dutchmen regained their w i n n i n g w a y s w i t h a 6-2 thrashing of Alma on Saturday, the vicotry was a pivotal one as it allowed the struggling Dutchmen to snap out of their three g a m e losing streak. the slump began with a heartwrenching overtime defeat to Kalmazoo. In Hope's most exciting g a m e of the season Hope's lone goal, an eighteen y a r d blast by J e r r y Nyanor, w a s not enough to beat the talented Kalamazoo team". J u d d E f i n g e r w a s inh u m a n a^ he put the stops to Kazoo's f r e s h m a n striker sensation, Tim T u r e k e a n . T i m e and t i m e again it was efinger who won the battle despite being banged up to the point beyond any h u m a n ' s threshold of pain, it was the way defense was m e a n t to be played. The t u m b l e f r o m first place r e a c h e d a low point in the 3-2 loss to Albion. Unlike the Kalamazoo g a m e , Hope deserved to lose this one with the e f f o r t they displayed. Magnus Ojert's b r e a k a w a y goal and T o m m y Kohl's blast off the c r o s s b a r that dropped in the goal, were t h e only highlights in an otherwise dismal p e r f o r m a n c e . The Dutchmen h a d to r e g r o u p before the Calvin g a m e to prevent a mid-season s l u m p f r o m extending into a season-long slump. In an effort to get b a c k on t r a c k again, Coach A f m a n tried a couple of new things both on and off the field. Off the field, in order to give the t e a m a needed lift, the t e a m went to the m a t i n e e before the g a m e and watched the inspir-

ing movie The Karate Kid. On the field, A f m a n s t a r t e d senior Mark R e h b a n in goal and went with a 4-4-2 lineup instead of the usual 4-4-3. , Despite the changes the Dutc h m e n lost 2-0 to their most bitter rivals in a tough, physical contest. R e h b a n played well and the effort w a s vastly i m p o r v e d over the Albion g a m e but it w a s not enough to e r a s e Calvin's two second-half goals. The m a t c h was, indeed, physical a s Hope lost another valuable contributor

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Crazed contestants wait in line to show off their


costumes to the Judges at the second annual DeWitch Bash, (photo: Jackie Spreitzer)


Even "The Karate Kid" couldn't help overcome Calvin's strong soccer team, as the Dutch lost 2-0. (photo; Todd




Professor to Coffee

to a s e a s o n e n d i n g i n j u r y . Freshman defender Chris Banyai s u f f e r e d a h e a d injury which will most likely keep him out for the r e m a i n d e r of the season. Hope's D a y n a Beal had also been lost for t h e season with a knee i n j u r y . Beal, the t e a m ' s leading s c o r e r in e a c h of his three y e a r , went down in the Adrian g a m e . Both p l a y e r will be missed. Amidst the cloudiness of the losing s t r e a k t h e r e e m e r g e d a silver lining at Alma, Michigan, the Dutchmen took it to the Scots scoring t h r e e goals in each half to post a 6-2 victory and snap out of the slump. Mike P a r k e r started the scoring b a r r a g e when he converted on a nice lofting feed f r o m junior D a n F e a d . P a u l Roe and T o m m y Kohl gave Hope a 3-1 h a l f t i m e lead with a little help f r o m the opponents. Kohl streaked down the right side with

a pass f r o m Dave Hartt and shot from an almost impossible angle, but m a n a g e d to score when the ball deflected off the goalkeepers hands. Roe glanced the ball off a d e f e n d e r s back for the third goal. M a g n u s O j e r t s t a r t e d the fireworks again in the second half by notching two s t r a i g h t goals. The first goal he took adv a n t a g e of the eight y a r d s between the posts as his shot hit the right post, then the left post, and finally went into the goal. He scored again on a b r e a k a w a y to put the Dutchmen up 5-1. Alma received a little gift when they scored on a penalty kick a f t e r a Hope d e f e n d e r m o m e n t a r i l y forgot which sport he w a s playing a grabbed the rebound leaping high into the air. T o m m y Kohl locked up the g a m e when he scored his second goal on a breakaway.

(coffee free)

Friday, October 19 t 7 : 3 0 a . m . - l 1 : 3 0 a . m . in Kletz Sponsored by

Alumni Association and


October 17, 1984

Hope College Anchor

Sometimes you've just got to say 14 what in the n a m e of patent- Hey Hog - Today is a national Lisa S. without y o u - I ' d be lost leather office furniture , is the Holiday. Happy 23rd Birthday! and so would '88 Nykerk. Thanks price of a used t r o m b o n e ? " Or Love ya! a million . ' - K a r e n not. - S t e v e Dallas . M u r r a y - I ' m a s m u c h a Kelly - Thanlrs for your support. To Matt of College E a s t C-l, homewrecker as you are gay. Y6u're doing great. 488 Nykerk formerly of second floor Kollen,' Just kidding! Still friends? Hope K.B. '• ^ hometown of Galesburg, and World Lit, is okay for both of us. 4 B8 Song girls a r e doing g r e a t ! player on the basketball team Keep up the great work! We a r e To M B . The right man is (yes you): I ' m watching you and definitely not here at Hope. Your Music Makers! K & K it's turning m e on! mind is broad your person Carrie T - Super J o b ! 88 Loves If women could join fraternities. beautiful. Don't limit yourself. y o u - K & K Love and confidence, A.L. Professor Perovich, Thank you SCNUCK!!! Becky, Thanks fro being such a for making Philosophy so much Has anyone seen page 77 in Great friend, I love you & thank fun, and the great movie reviews Bloomingdale's? Well, some of G o d j o r y o u ! | Always, Nancy on Fridays. A student; us have a pair. WOW!! Do^uddhi^s^ll^foot^all? TO ALL THE P R E S I D E N T ' S Congratulations to Jeff Moore for Wanted to Buy: Kingsize living M E N , W E SAW YOU AT being the voice of Opus! Thanks room Love S & M DANCE. I N T E R E S T E D IN to all the applicants. Jim-you can Sped - Where a r e our tickets to MEETING SOMEONE NEW? still apply for future sub work if Dallas? Did they accept us on the WILL YOU E V E R S M I L E you wish. Marta says she'll still team? Watch out cowboys! - BODYGUARD O F RONNY? bake. P L E A S E . A V E R Y INPenguin . T E R E S T E D VOTER J o h n - m i s s e d you at J i m Gray -please apply to Oktoberfest! You might have Anchor for Opus voice. Your SNUGGLE-BUM - Thank you for seen lots of costumes and dancvoice is sexy. -Apply & Marta lighting up my life. Always ing, but anything as wild as the bakes again. r e m e m b e r that I LOVE YOU! ^chicken"? -Penguin GERTIE Peanut ChunksUniteT j i f j o n , so Handsome Sophomore Male is we can go home and watch Ms. INGRID LUNDERBERG o n c e a g a i n s e e k i n g C u t e Magnum P.I. HAS MOVED TO ROOM 362. F r e s h m a n F e m a l e companion. HER NEW NUMBER IS 6120! t ,, 6'2", blond curly hair, blue eyes, W. 'G•Q. B., Lookin' good! WELCOME INGRID - (YOUR glasses & facial hair (some say J G. Hugs! L.A. BUDDIES!) it's a beard). Dedicated to Cathy, Did you know there a r e Hey Judd - still wanna fight? Lstudies, interested in History, many different kinds of living squared . . L i t e r a t u r e , g o o d m o v i e s . things? Little c r a n i u m of the cucClassical Music, Current euroDave using your whip for m u m b e r : I h a v e the Cello...if you pean rock (Ultravox, Genesis), S.P.A.? will be a wild cast party, have the time!! -a SIB has sense of humor. Contact through c a m p u s mail c a r e of huh? Don't leave Matt's sheep CAT - STAY COOL!...Your time behind! Hey, guys-break a leg! Anchor, Advertising Manager to shine will come soon! - 1 LOVE P.B. - How about Balloons? Love YOU! EBB ^ Advice to Passionate Turtle: the red sweater! Need a backrub hurry, the competition is. SHEILA - A visit is highly recom- 1 after you m a k e all that dough, Note to C o r d u r o y - S h i r t - you know, I m e a n b r e a d ? mended!! I LOVE YA!! LIZ Admirer: Yes, you are the com- Moustache burn? Happy 2 y e a r s Liz and Jack. petition. Love Jeff K. ^ • Needed to buy: long black skirt The Space between heaven and or dress for orchestra and sym- Hey Dragon Breath, How a r e earth is like a bellows. The shape phonette. If you have one you'd your eye lashes? • changes but not the f o r m ; the like to be rid of please call m e : Dr. Destructo - Been caught in more it moves, the more it Andy x6074 any Crate Avalanches Lately? yields. More words count less. Harem Leader, Camel Keeper, F e r , Who sings "Breaking Up is Hold fast to the center. -Lao Tzu Dad, Geraldine, the Viking, and Hard to Do"? L.C. Killing m e s o f t l y . . . Pickleheads a r e John Deere . . . with Kung Fu Hey Sweat Cherry, Where have Green. Michael' Spiro - Nov. 16 Plan H e - m a n - w o m a n - h a t e r s a r e you been all m y life? Tim ahead! Music, sex and cookies on hiding frustration behind stupid We love you song-Girls of 488 the way! Nykerk! -Your '88 Morale Guys club names. MHM Thanks to George Ralph for let- Used bronchitis - for sale, rent, We love you Chowderhead -VV ting us borrow the voice for our lease, or to borrow-will loan for Dr. Destructo-Do you always pushy liberal feminist r e p o r t e r - any time period. For more in- smoke pretzels? -Harem Leader, we'll be sure to let you hear the formation call 6242. Camel Keeper, Dad, Geraldine, tape of her "radio debut." • Gwen - W H E R E ' S THE VOICE the Viking and L.C. Beck Cottage Babes - is it really OF OPUS? -Mart Jeff you are a true intense " L " true that yoo have CHAINS in your basement? I might be in- P e n g u i n - K e e p w i n k i n ' - M a y b e Dr. Destructo - Happy Stool terested! Love (don't you wish I'll get a wink in somewhere - L i v e s ! He s u r v i v e d y o u r SpEd. pyromania a t t a c k ! ! -Geraldine you knew!) and L.C. ' Domino Queen - you weirdo! You Penguin-Look out, Dallas (not We love our 488 Morale guys and never knew it was a compliment! Steve) here we come! -SpEd. The word this week is " t h e beach Response to friend of Ad man coaches. They a r e the best. We and beyond!" I wouldn't be doing with an overactive libido! Facial couldn't do it without you. Your '88 Song Girls • it if it weren't for you! Love, the hair reminds some people in the Student A f f a i r s complex of Martha - Break a leg! you're the Beach R e a c h e r Nuke the Pickleheads! We got "Bill". Cute, but put the tongue greatest! -Your Official Morale Guy^ . ^ ^ sick enough of them last y e a r ! back in your mouth. It improves your chances. Amy Sandgren, Good Luck with May Heinz pour vinegar in your rooms! Bed - Found a wonderful one! '87, Lots of love Your Secret F r e s h m a n Pals. . Murray - Know you had a great Best of luck in your searchings! break. Now that you're back, do If you get desperate check out Beware! One never knows where you feel liek you've time-warped the classified from the friend of the feather, duster will strike next! It could be you! into the Great Depression? - the Ad. manager for the Anchor. Yes, Phil, we like to neckle you & Penguin & Sp Ed. (you won't find Lysol - The scent Phelps m e n are "Bill"-Gwen & Mart us, though) after! . Margie - Break a leg in Spoon Yeah, J u s t when you think all Camel Keeper - Laurie Anderson River & just wait 'til we t e a m up you need to com up a winner is a lives!$ Watch out for the planes! 7, life comes up snake-eyes, and They're American planes - m a d e in " M u r d e r . " - M a r t ] ' you c r a p out. •^ in America. Smoking ' o r nonGreg - Wrote a letter to a friend told her you're one of the J.M. You a r e a wonderful coach, smoking? -the H a r e m Leader " sweetest and most chivalrous who needs an escort with all your Dad and Geraldine - Touch-a, men at Hope! Nothing but the talent-your spotlight shouldn't touch-a, touch the keeper's door be divided. A.L. truth!-Penguin s t r e a m e r s -Camel Keeper.

Page 11

Hey Vicki H. What is my middle name? Zoom "A" Gremlin Vicki - No that is not it. Yes I got out of the Vax and into the p a p e r s TRS-84. Z. Gremlin Hey K.H. (No. 1): Ponder the sigrfificance of 10-22-84 and 12-1084 - T h e Music Man Seldom doth the son grant mere mortals a god's ride.

Jeff - Happy Sweetest Day to the sweetest guy around-Krlsti Skis F o r Sale: 1) Rossignol F P ' s , 203cm Solaman 737's gold, $225,1 yr. old. 2) Olin Ballet, 150cm Look N77 $200. 3) Hart Freestyle Solaman 555's $100. Call 335-3301. The men of the F r a t e r n a l Society would like to again extend its appreciation to their Sigma Sigma sisters for the new OKE letters located on the fron of F r a t e r n a l Cottage.

MDJ: At the head of the train, Russel was the first to notice that the slide was out. Keep your eyes open. BLB

Life plods on, numbly decending through an infinite swirl of phases, each one a digression of the last.

" J e d e r fuer sich, und Gott gegen alle."

And if I threw butterflies in your mudpuddle, would you spit in my hair? -Send all sugested meanings

Wanted to Buy: Kingsize living room Love S & M

Sped - Where a r e our tickets to Dallas? Did they accept us on the t e a m ? - W a t c h out cowboys! Penguin , J i m G r a y -please apply to Anchor for Opus voice. Your voice is sexy. - A p p l y & M a r t a bakes again. Peanut Chunks Unite! Jif J o n , ^ we can go home and watch Magnum P.I. W. " G . Q . " B., Lookin' good! J.G. Hugs! L.A. Cathy, Did you know there a r e many different kinds of .living things? Dave - using your whip for S.P.A.? will be a wild cast party, huh? Don't leave M a t t ' s sheep behind! Hey, guys-break a leg! P.B. - How about Balloons? Love the red sweater! Need a b a c k r u b a f t e r you m a k e all that dough, you know, I m e a n , b r e a d ? Moustache burn? Needed to buy: long black skirt or dress for orchestra and symphonette. If you h a v e one you'd like to be rid of please call m e : Andy x6074 Fer, Who sings " B r e a k i n g Up is Hard to Do"? Pickleheads Green.




He-man-woman-haters are hiding frustration behind stupid club names. MHM Used bronchitis - for sale, rent, lease, or to borrow-will loan for any time period. F o r more information call 6242. Gwen - W H E R E ' S THE VOICE OF OPUS? -Mart Penguin-Keep winkin'-Maybe I'll get a wink in somewhere SpEd. Penguin-Look out, Dallas (not Steve) h e r e we come! -SpEd. Response to friend of Ad m a n with an overactive libido 1 F a c i a l hair reminds some people in the Student A f f a i r s c o m p le x of "Bill". Cute, but put the tongue back in your mouth. It improves your chances. Bed - Found a wonderful one! Best of luck in your searchings! If you get desperate check out the classified from the friend of

the Ad. manager for the Anchor. Yes, Phil, we like to neckle you & "Bill"-Gwen & M a r t Yeah, Just when you think all you need to com up a winner is a 7, life comes up snake-eyes, and you crap out. J.M. You a r e a wonderful coach, who needs an escort with all your t a l e n t - y o u r spotlight shouldn't be divided. A.L.

Wanted: One sex life to rent or lease with option to buy. x6736 Ask for Scar. Jeff - Happy Sweetest Day to the sweetest guy around -Kristi Skis For Sale: 1) Rossignol F F s , 203cm Solaman 737's gold, $225,1 yr. old. 2) Olin Ballet, 150cm Look N77 $200. 3) H a r t Freestyle Solaman SSS's $100. Call 335-3301. R B. - I crave your bod! Love, P.G. To a certain resident of Durfee (you know who you are). Happy Birthday! See you at Dykstra tonight! We're going to get Phelps next! TheR.A.K. A special thank you to Tim and Rick for helping me out this week. You both were great! Love ya lots, Lisa E.F., A.G., J.H., J.V. and T.D. B e w a r e ! You a r e about to become our next victims! The R.A.K. Let's put on our sneakers and drink our soda. Or maybe we should put on our tennis shoes and drink our pop? To all you Cub f a n s out there: Nyaah, Nyaah, Nyaah! Tigers rule! • , And now for something completely different. Where a r e the Ghostbusters? Why haven't they been active lately? Have they "given up the ghost"? R, J & B, G r e a t ! Where and when? T. MjDsquared-TP: It is finally 20!!! Pretty soon the tempt will come! S.T.B. HAPPY SUE!!!

21st " B I R T H D A Y

Saturday Night Beach " P o e t " Where can we look forward to seeing your portrait?? You really a r e Sans shirt?? I ' m excited!! P-You know I only do these things because I love you so much! Only 2 more week and Dooley D. Dog will return to brighten your lives!! To Gerraldine F, HOW-DY!!! Jan, How's the quiche? To H.L., NEXT?! KEEPER


Dear Lisa, Lori, Janine, Beth, Leni, Allegra - Thank you for your advice and shoulders to cry on. You're all great and I love you. God Bless You! Love, Sparky (Liz)


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