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The Anchor Number 2

H O P E COLLEGE. Holland, Michigan. O c t . | f t 1923


Hope's Captain

Bad Paes In Fourth Quarter Proves Costly




Hope's Coach




Well, the first football game^of the season is over and we lost 7—0, but that does not tell the story. We will admit that Junior has a real team but by the way that they were praised up, we thought they were unbeatable, yet they returned to Grand Rapids Saturday night a very much surprised bunch. Had it not been for one bad pass in the last eight minutes of play Hope might have scored a technical win, as up to that period they enjoyed a decided advantage. However every Hope player is to be given credit for the way in which he performed. On account of having two former Michigan all fresh in their line-up and a score of others stars, Junior was a heavy favorite, but they met real opposition and owe their victory to a fluke. And this is the way it all happened: Junior won the toss and chose to defend the south goal. Fish kicked off to Van Verst on the twenty-ifive yard line, Paul returned it five yards. On the first play Vander Meer tore off eight yards through the line, but he dropped the ball and it was Juniors on the thirty-five yard line. Junior was very accommodating, and they also fumbled, Hope recovering it. Try as they might Hope had little success advancing the ball and they re)rted to punting. Junior brought . leir star backfteld into action, but piuch to the disgust of Coach Bos jey found few holes in Hope's line id they were forced to punt. In the funting duel, Yonkman had a slight idvantage over Fish, and Hope gained some ground in this manner. For the most part of the first half the ball remained near the middle of the field. Occasionally each team would make a few first downs and then be forced to kick. The half »nded with Hope in possession of the on her own forty yard line. a good rest the teams replay, and agian they battled k terms. Junior made two first succession, when Maas ^advanced the ball on end ^stopped them inside line and immediately lost ground when |fteen yards on a fake Yonkman to Dam»r twelve yards. Then fourth quarter. )all on her own forty [nd Yonkman dropped to punt. Van Lente's and Yonkman in his ^er the ball, kicked it ml line. Captain Smith mlly snuggled around it isix points for his team. a point by a drop kick, back at them strong. All |eld men making large gains, leer was especially effective ickle smashes, but it was of I. The game ended with Hope yards from goal. ras a hard game to lose, but it 'all over now. Fish, Smith, and jhren were the stars for Junior. _ Lente played a good game on dejnse, and from lack of practice his id pass was excusable. Every man the team deserves credit. They /ought Junior to a standstill and they were not disgraced in defeat. Van Verst outshone his fellow-linemen slightly, while Damstra was a star in the back field. With a little more practice and a little more backing the team will surely come through and



Freshman Class Buasts 14H


'•KENNY" VAN LENTE STU DENTVOLUPTT^ MEET AGAIN Christian Fellowship Evident The Student Volunteer Group of Hope met last Friday evening at 5:00 for the second time this school year. It was a joyous gathering of the volunters. After the summer's vacation with its allurements and temptations which often seek to dissuade those who plan to take up the work of Christ, the reunion with fellow voluntters of the same purpose means the reconsecration of life of each individual member. A common purposoe? Yes. This was brought out by Josh Hogenboom, the leader. It is this common purpose which binds volunteers together in a companionship with each other and with God—a Christian fellowship which is keenly felt even though volunteers are scattered throughout the world. And as the different Volunteer Groups in the different colleges and universities meet, each group, each individual member of each group realizes that throughout the land and throughout the entire world prayer is ascending to the throne of God in intercession for all Volunteers contemplating Christian service in foreign lands. It is a fellowship that is (Continued on Page 8)

As the second week of college opens, the registrar's Big Book reveals to us several interesting facts that we have been waiting for. The Freshman class, about which so many hazards as to number have been made, is seen to contain 143 members, 92 of which are men, and 51, women. They have already shown their mettle in the Annual Tug-oWar and are preparing to show it on the football field, where they have entered more men than any previous class. Altogether they are a very "likely-looking bunch" and we expect much from them in the future. The Sophomores begin the year with 117 enrolled,- 72 of whom are men, as compared with the Juniors, who have a membership of 107. If the Juniors can hold together for one more year they will undoubtedly graduate the largest class in the history of the college. Also the Juniors are unique in that they have more women enrolled than men, the numbers being 54 and 53 respectively. In comparison with the foregoing figures the Senior class of 54 is small in number, altho not at all so in achievement. In this class again the proportion of men to women is about 2 to 1,—34 men and 20 women. This makes a total of 421 in the college department, which is an increase of 41 over last year. In the Preparatory school there are 34 A's, 29 B's, 20 C's and 14 D's, making a total of 98. The shrinkage in Prep enrollment is considered to be resultant from the opening of various new high-schools in the vicinity. o HOME VOLUNTEERS ARE AGAIN ACTIVE ON THE CAMPUS With the beginning of a new year the Home Volunteers are again as active as ever and are endeavoring to make as much progress this year as in the past two years. Although an infant organization, organized only two years ago, the group has been working hard, trying to be of some aid to those men upon the campus who intend to go into some kind of Christian work. For the benefit of the new men upon the campus it might be well to state that the band was organized for the benefit of these men who have the ministry in view. Meetings are held once a week in which either one of the members takes charge or an outside speaker is obtained for the occasion, generally leaving sufficient time at the end of the hour for discussion. The Home Volunteers are united with the Student Volunteers in prayer to God, that together, we may be of service to all students of the school and above all help in bringing about the evangelization of the world in this generation. Do you have a vision? Do you see the need for serviced If you do, let us see you link yourself up with one of these organizations. Two very interesting meetings have already been held this year for the Home Volunteers. The meeting will be held from five to six o'clock and will be in charge of one of the seminary men. Will you be there ?

win the majority of their remaining games. Lineup: G. R. Junior. Hope Smilte L. E. Damson Bertch Van Verst L. T. Dunn L. G. Vander Hart C. Van Lente Fish Seswierda R. G. Yonkman Canada Fell R. T. Allen R. E. Doeksen Kehrcn Q. Van Den Brink Knickerbocker L. H. Damstra Hergusor Ottipoby R. H. Maas F. Van Der Meer Substitution-—Van Enaam for Ottipoby. BALANCED RATION FOR Time of quarters—12 minutes. WEEK-END READING Officials Umpire—Hinga. Nash: Golden Rule in Business. Bojer: The Face of the World. Referee—Vroeg. Long: Madame Butterfly. ' Headlinesman—Brooks.


The great Charles Marshal and his assistants will appear in Carnegie Hall on Tuesday evening. Much has been heard and said about this artist, so that reiteration of these facts seem so much repetition. It may, however, be fitting to say that the coming of an artist as great as Charles Marshal is an unusual occurrence for Hope and Holland. For this reason it is a rare opportunity which no one can really afford to miss. Several students have gone to Grand Rapids to hear Kriesler, Ramanoff, and others. Quite a number heard Chaliapin, the great Russian Dramatic Basso, last winter. He proved very popular in spite of his handicap of language. A dramatic singer should be popular and especially at Hope, since here many ordinary soloists have appeared, but never a dramatic soloist. Reservations for the course opened Monday at 2 o'clock P.M. It is expected that the gymnasium will be "JACK" SCHOUTEN crowded to its capacity. Tickets will be on sale until the course opens Tuesday, Oct. 16. o FALL MEETING PLANS ARE MADE OF M. O. L. AND FOR YEARS WORK M. D. L. HELD

Simon Heemstra Represents Hope at Convention. The regular fall meeting of the M. O. L. and M. D. L. was held Saturday, October 6th, at Albion, Mich. Simon Heemstra was chosen by the local Pi Kappa Delta Chapter to represent Hope at the meeting. Plans were made for a big year in the forensics of Michigan this year. It is expected that the oratorical contest will be one of the best in years. It occurs the first Friday in March, 1924, and will be held at Hope. The local organization is making special preparations since a contest of this kind at Hope is looked upon as a big event. The Michigan Debating League sealed its organization Saturday, by adopting a constitution. The M. D. L. is linked with the M. O. L. so that the officers of one are also the officers of the other. A y very good schedule in debating wds arranged at the meeting. There will be two series of debates this year instead of one. Hope will meet some of the strongest teams in the state including Albion college, Kalamazoo college, runners up of state championship last year, Michigan State Normal at Ypsilanti, winners in the league last year, and Western State Normal at Kazoo. The work in debating here will begin in another week. Plans are underway whereby some very good debating teams will be lined up for the state league series.

The Hope, or Michigan Gamma, Chapter of Pi Kappa Delta held its first meeting of the year last Thursday afternoon. All the old members of the order were present, eager to begin Hope's biggest year in forensic work. Since it has 'been given control of college oratory, the chapter immediately began planning for the ora-, torical contests of the year. Mr. Jacob Prins was appointed head of the committee on oratory; Mr. Simon Heemstra, head of the department of debating. Mr. Heemstra already represented Hope College at the Michigan State debating league meeting at Albion, Saturday, Oct. 6. Inasmuch as the State Oratorical Contest will be a feature of Hope's Oratorical program, and that this contest will be held at Hope, in our own gymnasium, the chapter expects the enthusiastic support of every student in the school. % Mr. Reeverts, formerly of Central College, Iowa, was extended a welcome to the membership of the Chapter upon presentation of the proper credentials. Reeverts represented Central College in ortaory one year, and two years in debate. Five new members will be initiated within the coming week. These men have won distinction thru hard work in forensics, and deserve this recognition. The prospective members are: Leonard De Moor, John Dethmers, Richard Van Farowe, John Ver Meulen, Gerrit Wesselink.

around a blazing fire, coffee, bacon DELPHI GIRLS TAKE BREAKFAST IN OPEN and eggs—what more was needed, but a little spice in the form of a mishap or two on the part of Jean, Have Early Morning Tramp Thru and a few burned fingers. Autumn Woods With the strains of "Delphi, dear, Did you catch the whisper of the old Delphi", and "Dear Old Pals," morning breeze last Friday? If you ringing in our hearts the rest of the did, you would have heard the story morning, small wonder is it that we of Delphi girls tramping out under were able to meet the rest of the day the first beams of the morning sun- with a little more of courage and ^ shine, and into the mists that rolled love. from the rvier. By the time the goal A. Z. had been reached, all were ready for Service is the keynote of everyfurther proceedings. Blue sky above, woods and waters about; twenty girls thing now, even tennis.






Published every Wedneiday during the College year by students of Hope College. BOARD OF E D I T O R S John De Maagd EdItor-ln-Chlet Winifred Zwemer Associate Editor William Hllmert Associate Editor Jean Kuyper Campus News Jeanette Top Exchange Isla Prulm Alumni Jack Veldman Athletics Harold Lubbers Jokes Lambert Algiers Prep Editor BUSINESS D E P A R T M E N T John Ver Terms


Business Manager Harold


$1.50 per year In advance Single Copies



Five Cents

A c c e p t e d f o r M a i l i n g a t S p e c i a l R a t e of p o s t a g e p r o v i d e d f o r In S e c t i o n 1103, A c t of O c t o b e r , 1917,. a u t h o r i z e d O c t o - b e r 19, 1918.

ALUMNI NEWS This spring, Edward Wichers, Hope graduate of the class of 1913, and brother of Professor Wynand Wichers, presented at the forty-third general meeting of the American Electrochemical Society at New York, a paper on "The Investigations on Platinum Metals at the Bureau Standards." The paper has just recently been published in pamphlet form, and those interested may obtain a copy from Miss De Pree, at the Library. Our attention has just lately been called to a catalogue of "Plays for Children"—a selected list compiled by Arthur E. Cloetingh, Hope graduate of 1916, for the Extension Dep't of the Pennsylvania State Players at the Pennsylvania State College, where Mr. Cloetingh holds the position as head of the department of Dramatics.

Get Your Eats


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The Reverend Mr. Thedore Zwemer and Mrs. Zwemer, both of the class of No college of any calibre today is without its own publication. Some, by reason of larger numbers and a relatively greater 1916, have reached London, en route proportion of news, are able to publish a "daily". Others, whose to India. They sail from Liverpool enrollment is small, content themselves with a monthly pamphlet October 12, expecting to meet the which is a combination of news and literary material. By f a r Wieringa's at Marsaille, France, from which place the two couples the most of them are editing weekly newspapers like our own. These papers occupy a unique position in college life. On plan to finish the last lap of their the one hand they keep the Alumni informed as to what is going journey to India, arriving at their on at their Alma Mater; on the other, it presents to each attend- field of labor in November.


ing student a survey of all campus activities. One phase of its mission is to show sister colleges what we are doing; another, to remind our own college of what ought and might be done. We of the present Anchor Staff take up our duties for this coming year with full consciousness of the responsibility involved, and determined to do our best. For the honor of the school we shall t r y to make our publication better than t h a t of any other college in our class. You will no doubt have noticed several improvements in this week's issue. We are aware of others that may be made in the future. Also, any suggestion from the student body will be gladly accepted and utilized if found to be practicable. Improvements, however, always entail increased expense. So these additions to our paper have increased the cost of publication. Again we must appeal to you for co-operation. Specifically, we urge that every resident student shall subscribe to The Anchor. A dollar and a half is a small price to pay for a year's full contact with campus activities. Add to t h a t the benefit to the college of a fuller and better advertising among other schools and your money is doubly acquisitive. If everyone helps our task is easy. Lend us your shoulder on t h e wheel.



Interest paid on Time ^ Deposits Co"Xm1*A„1.u.ilr




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* The Iowa girls at the dormitory * had a spread Friday night. There MODEL LAUNDRY were eleven of us and we had lots of 97 99 E. 8th St. C i U . P h o n e 1442 pep so we chose the most secluded Our Motto room. But even at t h a t we did disturb some for a voice came asking us Quality and Prompt Service to be more quiet. "Sh" was the password a f t e r that. Mm! the eats were When Paul Gebbard stepped off good, especially the hot fudge sundae. Time flew all too soon and we hur- the train last Thursday—two weeks ried back to our own rooms for late—he gently remarked, "Now that we're all here, let's begin." "Sweet Dreams of Iowa."

Chas. Samson, N. D. Citz. Phone 1795

EYE, EAR, NOSE, THROAT and HEADACHE . GLASSES FITTED Office f/owrfi;—9.3o to 12 A. M. 1.30 to 6 P. M. Sat. Evenings 7.30 to 9. Office 11 E. Sth.St. Holland Mich


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The Anchor Staff takes up its work for this year with a determination to boost Hope at every possible opportunity. We shall do our utmost to f u r t h e r these necessary improvements: A f u r t h e r beautifying of the Campus. A drive to raise money for a new class-room building. A Physical Training director to assist our overworked Coach. The soliciting of money which will enable us to hire more professors of high calibre and not depend upon their charitable instincts to keep them. These aims we have in view for a better Hope. 0this Friday night at the home of Prfoessor Kuizenga. 'Twill indeed be MELIPHONE SOCIETY MAKES GOOD START Professor Kuizenga. 'Twill indeed be o Have already Held Two Meetings MISS VANDER WERP altho oily twelve men are left in the IS LEADER OF Y. W. Prep. Society, Meliphone, the men Sweet strains of music and gatherare taking up the work for the coming darkness, as the Y. W. girls met ing year with much of the old time in the chapel for the customary hour "pep." The members that remain are of devotion, gave to all a feeling of determined to live up to old standthe nearness of the Spirit of God. ards and if possible, make Meliphone Miss Ruth Miller spoke a few words better than ever. With this prospect of welcome to those who came for in view the program committee has posted a program for the coming the first time. Miss Cornelia Nettinga sang, "The Lord is my meetings which is sure to be good. The officers for this term are as fol- Shepherd," a f t e r which the meeting was in charge of Miss Jeanette Van lows: der Werp. Her theme was "The Pres. Harry Grond. Power of an Endless Life," and she Vice Pres. Peter De Ruiter. gave to every girl present an inspirSec. Lambert Olgiers. ing message that will remain with Treas. Adrian Ter Louw. her and serve to brighten every day. K. of A. John Moedt. , The Mizpah benediction was repeated in closing, and all felt that it was inSEMINARY NOTES deed good to have been there. Let's Memorial services were held in the have every girl on the campus at the Seminary Chapel, Monnday night, in next meeting. Set aside one hour in memory of Jack Schepel, who died life's busy day to commune with God last summer, and the Rev. Peter and each other. Moerdyke, Rev. W. Van Kersen was B. V. E. m charge, with President Dimnent ^ n d Prof. Hospers offering their testiTHE ADDISON SOCIETY monies to the memories of the deceased. The new society on the campus has Last Thursday morning in Chapel, changed its temporary name of Dewe heard "three wise men from the mosthenes Oratorical Club (D. O. C.) East,"—Rev. W. H. Demarest of the to the permanent one of Addison v Domestic Mission Board; Rev. John Society. Boyd Hunter, editor of the Christian It is thankful for the kindly interIntelligencer; and Rev. John Ingham, est shown unto it by the students and secretary of the Progress Council of other societies and invites all those our Reformed Church. desiring to see its enthusiasm or The factulty reception will be held wishing to join to come and visit.


When Henry rang the bell

m JOSEPH HENRY 1797-1878

If any bell was ever heard around the world, Joseph Henry rang it in his famous experiment at the Alban; Academy. The amazing developnn of the electrical industry traces to this schoolmaster's coil of insula] wire and his electro-magnet that a ton of iron.

Born at Albany, N. Y., when* he became teacher of mathematics and physics in Albany Academy. Leading American physicist of his time. First director of the Smithsonian Institution*

Four years later when Morse usei Henry's electro-magnet to invent th« telegraph, Henry congratulated him1 warmly and unselfishly. The principle of Henry's coil of wire is utilized by the General Electric Company in motors and generators that light cities, drive railroad trains, do away with household drudgery and perform the work of millions of men.

The work that was begun by pioneers like Jbseph Henry is being carried on by the scientists in the Research Laboratories of the General Electric Company. They are constantly cearchiqg for fundamental principles in order that electricity may be of greatef service to mankind*









THE ANCHOR PROPRIETIES For the young man or woman aspiring to a professional career, for the business man or woman, and for the woman in the home, careful attention should be given to certain forms and conventions of society of which every person intends to be a part. In forms of introduction the simple method and most inconspicuous is the best. Care should be taken to present the man to the woman, mentioning the woman's name first, as, "Miss Siegers, let me present Mr. Korver." Rarely does one succeed in making an effective introduction. The common fault is to gabble or mumble names in careless haste or foolish embarrassment, leaving the persons presented in total ignorance of each other's identity. * To acknowledge an introfluction a studral inclination of the head, a very fleeting smile, and a murmur of the name constitute full recognition. In most groups of society an offer of hand shaking is regarded as a mark of impulsive provincialism. A woman, while p guest at a dinner, does not rise when a man is presented to her; nor when she is one of a group to which a woman is introduced, unless it is one somewhat older than herself or a person of distinction. It is scarcely necessary to say that a man always stands when any introduction takes place in which he has part. In society of both men and women persons of distinction are given preference in introduction. Also the young man and woman are introduced to their elders, and the unmarried to the married, unless the unmarried are very evidently the older. M. T.

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indeed close altnougn widely separated as f a r as physical nearness is concerned. The Volunteer Group now has thirty-six members. Every one of them are praying f o r any i n - t h e student body, both old and new, who may be contemplating Christian service in the foreign field, t h a t they may definitely decide and join the group and the whole volunteer organization and come to share in that universal fellowship and spend a quiet hour with God at the close of each school week. May God work mightily in the hearts of men and women that more laborers may be preparing for His service. „ - —•

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A word to the wise is sufficient. You can't fool a horsefly. Many a RESTAU'RANT non-physicist thinks that the Irishman, Pat Pending is the greatest in-" ventor that ever lived. Its a hard task to think of the future on your For your meals and lunches while in Holland stop at the girl's birthday, when your mind is on the present. Many cannibas have for their motto—"First come; First N. HOFFMAN & SON, Proprielors served." If a man could decide, once Citizens Phone 1041 Holland, Mich 32 W.8th . st for all, what kind of pies he liked best he could plant that kind of pie•m* plants. We know the good old usage I of Moon-shine, but in Kentucky they have discovered that it will cure the grip if, upon placing your hat on the bedpost, you drink till you see two huts. Some men never realize what a $1.50 Padded Basket ball Pants vacation is until they get married. Of course all those that would make Only 85c. model husbands never get married. When you see a man's face all scratched up, you never can tell whether its moonshine or earrings. We always knew that after so much of the good old moonshine the day was bound to break, but now it goes FOR SPORTING GOODS so far as to break a man as well. • •I Speaking of money, it seems to me that if the German Mark gets any smaller there won't be much more than a period left. Perhaps that the reason so many students go over to Germany. Its easier to toe the mark. As far "as a tow goes, I guess the Frosh gave the Sophs a pretty neat FULL LINE 15c. SHEET MUSIC pull. Some one has said that the Sophs are like air-planes. They are —at the— no earthly good, they won't go without a propellor, and they're too light for heavy work. But after all you can't get through college without a pull, 17 W. 8th St. even if you are lighter and the water n •• M 'M|» looks cold. Black river was green with the reflection of the Frosh that afternoon until the Sophs entered into the scene and stirred up the AT mud. One of the Frosh asked me, the other day for a good definition of the word engagement. Noticing all the CASH AND CARRY 208 River St. sophs seemingly busy along that line he himself expects to try his luck a year from now, if he can satisfy himself as to the requirements for greatest efficiency for an everlasting and non-bustile engagement. For his special benefit, 1 have complied with his request and asked some of our JACK BLUE'S (would) be-loved bimates of the RICH AND CREAMY MALTED MILKS Sophomore class (with the following success). "When two people have the same ideas but express them in different ways." 12G East Eighth St. "An idea expressed by a college man to a college gril who, after writing home to see what her folks think about it, finally agrees with him." "Some fool idea that you put in some bodies head that you really don't believe yourself." Ask us about it. "An ideal oration, given in private, for which you receive as your reward a presentation of 'two-lips.'" "Some thing which happens in the dark, but for which you are not responsible because you couldn't see 72 East Eighth St. what you were doing." "When two people exchange every- + — thing except their clothing." "When a man gets rattled and says something, and then realizes he has said the wrong thing."





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H E N you have a brilliant thought, write it down. It may be about biology 1, a new way of handling the forward pass, or a note to Dad. Whateveritis—wn/f/V—on a Remington Portable. ! This little machine is always ready. You can tap out your thoughts far faster and easier than you can write with a pen.

Laugh at The Anchor Joke Column and grow fat on


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Join Our College Club

Laughlin's Restaurant


F o r good s e r v i c e a n d r e a l l u n c h e s s t o p at t h e A girl and a boy walked thru our Campus. Yes we have heard of sand-burrs. They sat upon the chapel steps While he picked them off,—his ami hers.

Henry R. Brink 48 E. 8th S t . ,

Holland, Mich.




Hoekstra's Ice Cream RICH AS GOLD 29 West 16th St


Phone 2212


"But now to go on with my line," says the fish. Little Freshman, you will have another chance to get your name in this paper. Many a man has a birthmark on his forehead from trying to get in the wrong berth. And just as a little final advice to your class, I would say that it is not necessary to wear loud socks to keep your feet awake, the Profs, prefer shoe horns. Perhaps we feel that: You will look on this column. And from its contents drink. You can lead an ass to water But you cannot make him think.



T r y o u r Special Nut W a f f l e s . T h e y w e r e t h e o n e big h i t with t h e s u m m e r r e s o r t e r s . W e still put u p t h e b i g g e s t a n d f i n e s t Malted Milks in t h e city. We a r e still in the s a m e s t a n d n e x t t o t h e W e s t e r n U n i o n .

100 Percent American .

G. Van Kolken, Prop.

We Carry Everything a Good Drug Store Should Carry TRY US FIRST.


Lindeborg's Students Drug Store 54 East 8th lr.

Arctic Frost Bites 5 CENTS

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