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Hope College — Holland, Michigan

Hope Joins NSA; Weather Report: Our Position Stated Note Change! Given the privilege of living in a democratic nation, we must accept the responsibilities t h a t a r e involved. As individuals, we have numerous t a s k s ; an organization of these individuals is a collective effort toward achieving the m a j o r goals of all mankind. Through our own student government we have organized on a campus level. T h r o u g h the U.S.N.S.A. with which our Student Council h a s just affiliated, we have accepted the responsibilities of individuals in a democracy, and are looking to national and international problems f o r our position. We have affiliated with a group t h a t has set its goals on a high plane, a plane we have pledged to t r y and achieve ourselves. Membership in N.S.A. is a challenge. Are we intelligent enough to live up to its g o a l s ? Are we ambitious enough to utilize the ta ngible benefits of this o r g a n i z a t i o n ? Are we m a t u r e enough to accept the responsibilities? Are we going to be worthy citizens of the f u t u r e ? N.S.A., as a confederation of student governments, carries on its work in three different a r e a s : student affairs, educational affairs, and international affairs. On the first level, N.S.A. offers a n information service. They have r e g u l a r publica(Continued on page 2)

Ferrante Open


Series In

Civic on Thursday

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There h a s been a change in the weather. We wish to affirm t h e predictions. The report stands official as follows: S e p t e m b e r 22 — Classes begin. N o v e m b e r 23 — T h a n k s g i v i n g recess begins 4:00 P.M. November 28 — Thanksgiving recess ends 8:00 A.M. December 16 — C h r i s t m a s recess begins 11:00 A.M. J a n u a r y 4 — C h r i s t m a s recess ends 8:00 A.M. J a n u a r y 23-27 — Semester examinations J a n u a r y 31 — Second semester begins 8:00 A.M. March 30 — Spring recess begins 4:00 P.M. April 10 — Spring recess ends 8:00 A.M. May 28-June 1 — Semester examinations J u n e 2 — Alumni Convocation J u n e 3 — Baccalaureate Service J u n e 4 — Commencement Convocation — 10:00 A.M. F o r some, this loss of five days of classes means good clear, calm weather. F o r some, it means tempest and storm. There is an explanation f o r the change. Western Theological Seminary and Hope College have extended an invitation to General Synod of the Reformed Church in America to be t h e i r g u e s t at t h e annual s p r i n g meeting. General Synod will convene on J u n e 7. This caused severe conflict with the college calendar which had previously scheduled exams and commencement t h r o u g h J u n e 11. T h e college is unable to accommodate students, families, and Synod all a t one time. And so some radical alteration had to be made. It is u n f o r t u n a t e t h a t this was not known before the college calendar f o r the year 1955-1956 was released. This loss of time could be picked up in p a r t . One day could be picked up on J a n u a r y 3, one day on J a n u a r y 30, and possibly one day on April 9. However, the f o r e c a s t has been made and confirmed and stands as above. The only way the loss can be minimized is by a storm of student reaction. J

Al - Who? On T h u r s d a y evening, October 13, 1955, the first of this year's concerts under the auspices of the Holland Civic Concert Association will be presented a t the Holland Civic Auditorium. F e a t u r e d on the initial p r o g r a m of t h i s outstanding series is the duo-piano t e a m of F e r r a n t e and Teicher. This noted piano team h a s appeared f r e q u e n t l y on television and has made m a n y recordings in both the popular and classical realms. If you have not purchased your ticket yet, a n u m b e r of season tickets a r e still on sale a t the business office. Admission is by season ticket only and no tickets will be available f o r individual concerts. This season ticket entitles you to a t t e n d t h e entire Holland series as well as the Grand Haven series. F e r r a n t e and Teicher will be followed by the Indianapolis Symphony on November 18th.

Don't bother to toil down-town f o r r e f r e s h m e n t on Wednesday evenings: w a i t until Alcor comes around. The Society h a s already m a d e two " r o u n d s " of t h e campus in continuation of this traditional dorm-to-dorm candy selling project, and the f a m i l i a r call " A L - C O R R R " will continue to resound in the dorms and f r a t houses on Wednesday evenings t h r o u g h o u t the year. October 14th is the date f o r the premiere of this year's film series, with t h e a f t e r n o o n p e r f o r m a n c e in the Science Building and the evening performance, a t 8:15 p.m. in D u r f e e ' s Terrace Room. Alcor hopes to present a comedy t h a t m a n y of you have been waiting f o r . A f t e r t h e show r e f r e s h m e n t s will be available, so plan on a good evening's e n t e r t a i n m e n t . All Alcor Alumnae a r e invited to a Homecoming tea, and t h e present Alcor is laying plans t o welcome all s t u d e n t s to i n f o r m a l t e a s a t D u r f e e f r o m time to t i m e d u r i n g the year.

October 7,


Dr. Karl Gruber, Anti-Communist European Statesman Here United Nations Day F o r nearly eight years Dr. K a r l Gruber, the p r e s e n t A u s t r i a n Ambassador to t h e United States, w a s a thorn to t h e Russian Occupation Forces in his country. On Monday, October 24, 1955, he will deliver the second Hawkinson Memorial Lecture a t t h e Holland Civic Center. Dr. Gruber is a compelling s p e a k e r and brings with him a wealth of p e n e t r a t i n g knowledge on international affairs.

Enrollment Figures Revised Below are the revised enrollment figures as released last S a t u r d a y by the Rev. Paul Hinkamp, Regist r a r . Some interesting comparisons m a y be made with the table of l a s t y e a r ' s first semester. October 1, 1955 Class Men Women Total Senior 92 64 156 Junior 135 54 189 Sophomore _146 84 230 F r e s h m a n __173 117 290 Fulltime Students 546 Special Students 8 Evening S t u d e n t s __ - 9

October 11, Class Senior Junior Sophomore Freshmen .

563 1954 Men . 83 . 98 -134 -172

Fulltime S t u d e n t s __ _487 Special Students __ . 10 Evening S t u d e n t s __ . 13 510


865 16





Women 57 67 74 109

F o r those of us who were here on campus last year the first Hawkinson Lecture delivered by T r y g v e Lie, the first S e c r e t a r y General of t h e United Nations, remains a memorable experience. This year's lecture promises to be equally as memorable.

Total 140 165 208 281









IRC, Journalist in Kletz Next Week Mr. Herman Besselink, a Dutch journalist, will be the f e a t u r e d s p e a k e r at a meeting of the I n t e r national Relations Club to be held on Wednesday, October 12, at 4:00 P.M. in the new student lounge a t Van Raalte. Mr. Besselink is a young professional journalist who is connected with a g r o u p of newsp a p e r s in the Netherlands. H e was g r a n t e d a scholarship f o r s t u d y in the United S t a t e s and h a s been doing most of his work at t h e University of Michigan. Recently, however, he h a s been t r a v e l i n g a r o u n d the country observing American newspaper activities, and a t present is spending a limited time with the staff of t h e Holland Evening Sentinel. Mr. Besselink will speak on t h e prospects f o r European unification. Since he is a native E u r o p e a n , he will be able to give a p e n e t r a t i n g analysis of the situation today.

When Germany annexed A u s t r i a in 1938, Dr. Gruber was fired f r o m his job in t h e A u s t r i a n Postal Dep a r t m e n t f o r his vociferous, antiNazi convictions. He then became Leadership Conference a leader in the A u s t r i a n underground, leading t h e resistance Booked, in the Making g r o u p s in his native province, t h e Under the direction of David Tyrol. F r o m t h a t time to this, he Dethmers, t h e S t u d e n t Council is h a s not only opposed Nazism but m a k i n g a r r a n g e m e n t s to continue h a s strenuously defended his counone of last year's projects to help t r y a g a i n s t the approaches of develop new leaders on Hope's Communism. Campus. A second purpose of the Dr. G r u b e r was the first postplan is to train present leaders in w a r A u s t r i a n Minister of Foreign the basic duties of their positions. Affairs. In this capacity his main According to Mr. Dethmers, the t a s k was to rebuild A u s t r i a ' s f o r training sessions will be held on eign relations. The recent peace Monday nights, and will be well t r e a t y , which rendered A u s t r i a a announced in advance. He also sovereign nation once more, w a s stressed t h a t these meetings are mainly the work of the i n d e f a t i g not intended solely f o r officers of able Dr. Gruber. He became the clubs, but f o r any student who is A u s t r i a n A m b a s s a d o r to the United interested in p r e p a r i n g himself to S t a t e s in 1953 a f t e r he was rebe of g r e a t e r service to the organi- moved f r o m the Foreign A f f a i r s zations of which he is a member, Ministry because of his violent atlub and f r a t e r n i t y officers are, tacks on the Communists. lowever, urged to attend all meetIt is with high hopes t h a t Hope ings. College and t h e community of HolP r e s e n t plans call f o r a general land a w a i t the second Hawkinson meeting, with instruction by Rev. Memorial Lecture. L a m b e r t Ponstein, in the basic principles of p a r l i a m e n t a r y procedure, as an opening to the p r o g r a m . Subsequent p r o g r a m s will deal with instruction in the proper keeping of minutes, and methods used by the school in keeping accounts of clubs and organizations. Dr. Edward E. Brand, associate p r o f e s s o r Dr. Lubbers is due back on campof English, and Mr. H e n r y Steffens, us t o m o r r o w — and the odds a r e college t r e a s u r e r , are slated to con- he'll first go downtown f o r a new duct these sessions, which a r e de- p a i r of shoes. signed f o r present and prospective Along with 13 other Michigan secretaries and t r e a s u r e r s . All in- college presidents, he h a s been on terested s t u d e n t s a r e u r g e d to a two-week f u n d raising campaign watch f o r announcements of these which h a s involved a t h o r o u g h leadership t r a i n i n g sessions. visitation of s t a t e industrial con-

On Walkathon, Lubbers Returns With Largesse


Invitation Given To Seminary Lectures

With this m e e t i n g the I.R.C. is Dr. G. E r n e s t W r i g h t , a m e m b e r beginning its r e g u l a r series of biweekly sessions. The club extends of the f a c u l t y a t McCormick Theoan invitation to all s t u d e n t s to at- logical Seminary, Chicago, will be a g u e s t lecturer a t Western Semtend this and f u t u r e meetings. inary. This week, his general subject is "Biblical theology a n d the F a i t h of the church," and his a g e n d a will include t h r e e lectures. Tuesday evening the Y W C A will Thursday, October 13, at 9:45 a.m. f o r m a l l y welcome its new m e m b e r s his lecture will be "The Identity a t its traditional candlelight in- of God," and " T h e Rule of God" stallation service. The m e e t i n g will is the topic f o r his lecture a t 2:30 include the installation and con- p.m. of the same day. F r i d a y , secration of new m e m b e r s and t h e October 14, a t 9:45 a.m. h e h a s re-affirmation of old m e m b e r s . chosen to lecture on the subject Members will be acquainted with "The G i f t s of God." F a c u l t y and the purposes and a i m s of t h e or- students of t h e college are cordially ganization. invited to a t t e n d .

YW Installation

The f o u r t e e n a d m i n i s t r a t o r s divided into g r o u p s of two in t h e a t t e m p t to raise a sum of $350,000 f o r t h e i r colleges. The f o u r t e e n schools a r e m e m b e r s of the Michi g a n Colleges Foundation. L a s t y e a r , Hope's participation in the Foundation resulted in a r e m u n e r a t i o n of $18,500. Seven M I A A schools participated in this l a t e s t effort. COLLEGE CALENDER Tom morrow 2 P.M. — Football vs. Kalamazoo Tuesday — YW installation service YM T. Ten Hoeve on State organization Wednesday 7:30 — Macbeth in Chapel Oliver & Leigh Thursday 8 P . M . — F e r r a n t e and Teicher Civic Center Friday — Alcor films Saturday — Football a t Adrian W A L Fashion Show


Page Two Pao_

HOPE COLLEGE ANCHOR Member Associated Collegiate Press


Published every week by the students of Hope College except during holiday or examination periods. Entered as second class matter at the post office of Holland, Michigan, at a special rate of postage provided for in section 1103 of Act of Congress, October 3, 1917, and authorized October 19, 1918. Subscription Rate: $1.00 per year. EDITORIAL STAFF Editor-in-Chief Associate Editor Copy Editor Feature Editor Sports Editor Society Editors Typists

Warren Buitendorp Marianne Wierks Joyce Leighley Bob Winter Tom Harris Sally Schneider, Hans Doele Jane MacEachron, Jan Peck, Harriet Van Heest BUSINESS STAFF

Business Manager Assistants Advertising Circulation

Harold Ritsema Fred Birdsall, Ron Vander Schaaf Mil Decker Art Martin

From the

EDITOR'S DESK Compulsory Chapel — Good or Bad? " I n the process of education we are inclined to overlook the necessity of its religious or spiritual aspects. Chapel services are p a r t of this process called education. And yet we pay less attention to them t h a n either classes or football." We take the liberty of quoting this excerpt f r o m the very fine article about the Y's in last week's issue of the Anchor. In bold letters, our problem has been stated. We pay less attention to chapel services than either classes or football, but does the reason f o r this reflect upon u s ? Are we a heathen generation? Or does the reason rest with the chapel service itself? We don't mean to set off - a bombshell, put preaching at what is merely superficial will not resolve the problem. The obvious problem, i.e., the a p a t h y so a p p a r e n t in chapel has been impressed upon the student body to extreme and with no favorable result. Therefore, it is wrong to assume t h a t the answer is up to the students. It concerns the chapel committee. We know why chapel is mandatory, but this fact in itself helps to create a hostile attitude toward it. We are not advocating a radical break with what has been traditional, but we think the problem can be solved by getting to the crux of it: namely, the content of the service. Religion is a dynamic subject; it plays a large p a r t in the life of every student on Hope's campus. The response to chapel is indicative of apathy to religion itself, which is definitely not so. Preparation f o r conducting a chapel service is time-consuming, so perhaps the situation could be remedied by having chapel t h r e e times a week. A mid-morning chapel service daily might be effective, and a higher attendance r a t e would be assured. This is the schedule set up during Religious Emphasis Week, why not t r y it through-out the y e a r ? P e r h a p s the agenda could be altered to the degree t h a t lectures on subjects not directly relevant to religion could be presented, e.g., psychology, or philosophy, or any subject morally uplifting. We hesitate to suggest anything which might serve to destroy the churchlike a u r a present in chapel, but the chapel experience is potentially vital and energizing. Why can't it be actively so? M. W.



Ten Years Ago This Week,,. (Gleanings f o r Anchor files of the Week of October 3, 1945) Ten years ago this week. Dr. Irwin J . Lubbers and Dr. John Hollenbach were just g e t t i n g used to their new positions a t Hope as president and professor of d r a m a and novel respectively . . . Mrs. George Steinenger was also s t a r t her work as assistant Dean of Women under Elizabeth Lichty, who is now at Western Michigan College . . . P r o f e s s o r s Schrier and De Graaf had just returned to the campus with their doctorates . . . and the Koffee Kletz, re-opened under Alcor management, was doing a brisk business. A survey of Freshman Initiation Rules as they were ten years ago reveals that present frosh are not so badly off, a f t e r all. In 1945, pots were worn f o r "months," and in addition had to be worn day and liight, in and out of town. No f r e s h m a n of either sex could date an upperclassman except on Sundays, and to help enforce this rule there was another which prohibited f r e s h m e n f r o m being on the streets a f t e r 10:30 p.m. Feel better now, '59ers?

In the work of a student government new ideas keep popping up. P l a n n i n g is now being carried on for the development of a Civil Service System. Due to the f a c t t h a t developmental work for all college programs is done completely through the committee structure, it is very necessary to make the appointmentfi to these committees with the utmost care. To facilitate this process it has been proposed t h a t the S.C. set up a civil service system. This would be a form including a complete listing of previous activities in high school and college, interests, intended m a j o r in college, intended profession, academic standing, and space for additional appointments with a r a t i n g given f o r the effectiveness of t h a t individual in that si>ecific activity. After the f o r m s have been filled out they would be placed on file in the S.C. office, available to the top executive of each organization on campus, in order that he may make an accurate evaluation of the individual he is planning to ap|>oint to a certain iwsition. People who have had no opportunity for membership on these different committees would be allowed to sign a list outlining their particular area of interest. We feel that through this method of appointment not only the caliber of membership would be improved, but also the prestige of the I K K d t i o n and the committee. If you have a suggestion for a civil service f o r m or additions to the one being planned, contact your S.C. representative. This is your opportunity! Penny & John

Also Reporting in This Issue Vonnie Nyenhuis, Ann Bloodgood, Barb J e f f r e y , Chris Denny, Carol Kuyper, Jim Evenhuis, Bob Van W a r t , H a r r y Voss, and "Oos".



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jcuiuwr Dependable Jewelers for Over a Quarter Century

The Student Council is your governing organization, representing you as a specific class member, as a f r a t e r n i t y or sorority member, as members of the student Christian associations and WAL. Thus you are represented several times over. Even though we, as students, take the initial responsibility for appointing or electing these members, our job does not end there. Our job then lies in t a k i n g an active interest in Student affairs, a t t e n d i n g Student Council meetings and submitting new and constructive ideas to its representatives. Without overall student interest, our Student Council is a dull, sterile organization with its title prefixed with "our figurehead" or, "our scapegoat" as the terms apply in different cases. Along with the much to be desired all college interest, it is again to be suggested t h a t meetings be held in the Kletz. During the day, a f t e r classes, groups of students don't usually meet in empty classrooms to talk about whatever students, male or female, talk about — the Kletz is much preferred. So it could be with Student Council meetings. The presence of coffee might also be appreciated by members and visitors alike — as well as serving to stimulate some of the already dulled council members. W. L a t h a m

MINUTES Student Council Meeting of Sept. 27, 1955 The meeting was called to order by President John Adams at 8:30 P.M. in Van Raalte 101. The minutes of the previous meeting were approved as read. P e n n y R a m a k e r sUited t h a t N.S.A. will not prove itself in a few months. I t may t a k e a few years. A motion was made and carried to accept the Constitution of the Michigan Region, United States National Student Association. The motion was amended to read, and participate in regional activities to the best of our abilities. Norma Damstra reported t h a t the Kletz was a huge success last Saturday night. She thanked all for their cooperation. She told of a plan for an all college Christmas formal. The cost will be $2.00 i)er couple. This party will not i n t e r f e r e with the a n n u a l W.A.L. Christmas p a r t y . The council passed a motion to have the Homecoming Queen announced the Monday before Homecoming. However, the coronation would not take place at this time. The meeting was adjourned at 9:30 P.M. Respectfully submitted, Carol Matheis Secretary

6 West Eighth Street HOLLAND, MICHIGAN *,* *.• *.*

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Western Michigan's Who Holds Kletz Keys? Last F e b r u a r y , the Anchor published an editorial which stated t h a t school spirit was declining, and t h a t a student union was needed to reverse this trend. There are some who might take issue with the first point, f o r student spirit, like energy of other types, m a y change form, but is hard to destroy completely in a well-run institution, and particularly one whose roots of tradition run as deep as Hope's. But there can be little doubt that a student union would be a decided advantage to life a t Hope. Not only would it increase student pride in the campus, but it would provide a focal point f o r campus social life. The present lack of such a center is one of the largest gaps in our social p r o g r a m . During the summer, the f o r m e r q u a r t e r s of the Koffee Kletz were extensively remodeled with f u n d s provided by the Blue Key. While not a "student union" in the most strict sense of the word, it is a decided improvement over f o r m e r facilities, and probably all we can expect in the forseeable f u t u r e . The problem is to make our enlarged and improved Kletz into the best substitute f o r an actual union t h a t we can. Blue Key has certainly done its share; the rest is up to the students, faculty, and administration of the college. No one group can do this job alone; it will require the cooperation, interest, and work of all, and compromises are going to have to be made. Outstanding among the questions facing those in charge of this project is the problem of rules. It should be obvious t h a t reasonable demands a r e going to have to be placed upon those using t h e union, but it should be equally obvious t h a t too many restrictions will choke off interest entirely, and the decentralization of campus social life will continue and increase. It should also be pointed out t h a t with close to one thousand Hopeites using the union facilities, no set of rules could possibly s a t i s f y all persons a t all times. In order to provide a systematic method of governing hours and activities in the Kletz, the student council h a s set up a committee to act as a policy-making body. Chairman of this committee is J a c k DePree, and members include Mary Hospers, Penny Ramaker, Miss (Continued on page 3)




(Continued f r o m page 1) tions which we automatically receive plus information any special problem area such as homecoming, leadership training prog r a m , f r e s h m a n orientation, etc. If they have no information on a specific problem f o r a school of our size they will do research in the particular area f o r us. In conjunction with educational affairs this group has extended its efforts on several problems, one of the most important being academic freedom. As a representative group of students they have stressed the importance of this freedom if we a r e to retain our democratic status. Through resolutions f o r m u l a t e d a t the national convention of N.S.A., the student position is in a f o r m to be presented to our national governing body. The voice of the students is heard. International affairs are approched through several channels. The N.S.A. cooperates and is coordinated with student unions t h r o u g h out the world. Seminars, cultural festivals, student exchanges, f o r eign travel p r o g r a m s , and many other tools are employed. Hope is about to take its place in the many phases of this organization. Become acquainted with N.S.A. and take your place in this i m p o r t a n t group.


160 E. 8th Street Phone 4 3 4 2









F.T.A. What's Past Is Prologue An event such as the serious illness of t h e P r e s i d e n t allows us a much needed moment to reflect, to search f o r relationships, and to make limited value judgments. The pace of American civilization makes it necessarily stingy with such opportunities, and a world perspective is something t h a t must be sought a f t e r and, when glimpsed, seized, f o r however brief a moment. On the f a c e of things, perhaps, the world h a s not changed a g r e a t deal since Eisenhower assumed office on t h a t day in J a n u a r y , 1953. Yet beneath static political bounds there lies a pulsating t o r r e n t of idea, bias, and s u b t e r f u g e t h a t has not been restrained. Nor have the policies of the leaders who arise f r o m this ideological porridge t h a t is humanity stood unaltered. Let's examine the most obvious development in this short span of time. In the President's favorite expression, a new " s p i r i t " has appeared in international affairs, a belief t h a t not everything is either black or white, t h a t t h e r e may be some value in t r y i n g to see the other person's point of view. To Eisenhower, a military man, goes the undeniable distinction of having sensed and embraced this new feeling f o r conciliation before, perhaps, all the professional "peace-seekers." The accomplishment is there, but it can easily be misunderstood. F o r this spirit did not originate with Eisenhower or in the imagination of any b r a i n t r u s t ! No, it arose in

KLETZ KEYS . . . (Continued f r o m page 2)

F u t u r e Teachers of America is our organization and we are s t a r t ing our year with a picnic. When — October 10, 1955 Where — Mrs. Schoon's g r e a t outdoors

Holleman, Miss Reeverts, Lynn Post, John Adams, and Dr. Vander Lugt. It would seem t h a t they are all reasonable people, and their interest cannot be questioned. But they shall be known by the rules they make, and, as mentioned previously, these rules can make or break the project.

something f a r more basic, f a r more significant, and it relentlessly pushed its way to the f o r e ; it began Who — All juniors and seniors inas sentiment and aspiration in the terested in teaching everything f r o m children to adults human s u b s t r a t u m , and soon it dictated to the dictators, the presi- Why — To learn the functions of our teacher's club and w h a t we dents, the representatives. To many m a y benefit f r o m it. Also to of them, perhaps, it was something have f u n ! to be controlled, not something to be fondly nourished . . . Bringing this ambiguous entity "peace" to Geneva last summer. LORESS L A D E S APPAREL President Eisenhower demonstrated FORMALS & WEDDING GOWNS that he understood its implications, Made To Order Ready Made Dresses, Also and he was t h u s enabled to score Expert Alterations a resounding diplomatic triumph. 188 River Ave. Ph. 6-7912 In comparison the thundering assertions of other g r e a t powers were obvious anti-climax. But a f t e r the initial splash, such a movement is diverted into official channels, running the risk of stagnation. Doubt and distrust reappear furtively.

The three main catagories into which prospective rules will fall seem to be the following: Hours, Meetings, and the Problem of Smoking. In the report of the first meeting of this committee, a schedule of hours is given which is probably satisfactory, if somewhat dismembered. The gist of it all is t h a t the Kletz will remain open until 4:30 weekday afternoons, until 10:30 weekday nights, and at various times on weekends. It will be closed all day Sunday. Nothing has been said so f a r as to which organizations, if any, shall be permitted to use the Kletz facilities f o r meetings. Since the Holland Chess Club was permitted to use the facilities of the "old" Kletz in previous years, it is assumed t h a t Hope organizations would be given this same privilege in the new surroundings. Regarding the problem of whether or not to allow smoking, the committee report s t a t e s t h a t "smoking was approved," but t h a t the proposal "needs the consent of others." The f a c t t h a t the " o t h e r s " who must be consulted are not included by name points to a weakness in our committee system. It would seem that if the Kletz Committee is chargcd with making the rules, they should be capable of deciding this point f o r themselves. If they are not allowed to regulate smoking without recourse to higher authorities, then one may well ask the reason f o r the committee in the first place. T h a t a committee should be endowed with the power to regulate hours and not conduct is not only absurd; it is a waste of time. The president of the college naturally h a s a r i g h t to review the actions of any person or committee of the school, but one cannot explain the plural " o t h e r s " by this alone. J u s t who does have charge of Kletz regulations, a n y w a y ?


It is near this point, perhaps, that we stand today. The political, social, and cultural channels of intercourse between E a s t and West G O O D FOOD have been partially opened, and a AT PRICES YOU LIKE slight trickle in both directions has commenced. But the dissent latent TO PAY in political ideology is a g a i n being unleashed, and therein lie the danger and the challenge. Let us f e r 68 East Eighth Street vently hope t h a t the United S t a t e s with all the western democracies O p e n 7 A.M. to 7 P.M. realizes t h a t a free society and culture need f e a r nothing f r o m such Closed Only on S u n d a y s intercourse, t h a t the right will win out only in such circumstances.


Larry Alan Siedentop



Page Three

Our sister institution. Central College in Pella, Iowa, has recently dedicated a student union. A recent issue of t h e i r paper has f o u r rules listed f o r the use of this building. These s t a t e that only school organizations shall be permitted to use meeting room facilities, and then only on a "schedule-in-advance" basis; t h a t equipment must be checked in and out; and t h a t smoking is to be allowed only in the snack bar. During the summer, this writer attended a s u m m e r session a t Calvin College, which has a union not only beautiful but serviceable, and which is operated under rules almost identical to those listed a t Central. Alma College also has followed a similar policy with their union. Hope might well be guided by the simplicity and logic of the rules listed f o r these three institutions. We all want an equitable p r o g r a m . The committee has, except f o r the confusion over jurisdiction already r e f e r r e d to, done a good job. We must certainly have enough students interested in making some e x t r a money to provide all the staff necessary. The need in not only acute but reaching the point of distress. With these conditions existent, there is no reason why our Kletz-Union should not be able to fulfill our hopes. A trial opening a f t e r the Heidelburg football game attracted so many students t h a t we may need to purchase "Standing Room Only'! signs in the near f u t u r e as a necessary p a r t of our equipment. This writer cannot think of a b e t t e r way to spend some of the college's money!! Smoking ? Why not? A good-sized segment of our campus population indulges in an occasional cigarette, and f o r the protection of the rugs in the Lounge, it could be allowed only in the snack bar. Records, low lights, and the smell of f r e s h ly-b re wed (hint! hint!) coffee might combine to make an atmosphere so pleasant t h a t no student would have an excuse f o r going home f o r the weekend or f o r coming back late f r o m a twenty-minute break. The committee holds the seeds to success. They can only plant those seeds intelligently, however. The cultivation, care, and weeding out must be done by the students, but the harvest of a really nice place on campus to spend an evening will be everyone's. We had better m a k e the best of what we have, f o r it's likely to be many a long and stormy night before we obtain something else. —R. A. W.

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Page Four




Cairoll Dumped With 3 TD s in 7 Minutes; Kazoo Up Tomonow Cosmos, Praters, Seminary Win In Touch Football

Through The Keyhole A f t e r a very lethargic, lackadaisical first t h r e e quarters, the Hope Dutch finally bounced back and showed t h e caliber of ball they are capable of playing all the time. A completely rejuvenated ball club vastly outplayed the men f r o m Carroll to score three touchdowns in the last nine minutes of play. From this last minute showing the question could be raised, "Why don't we play hard, rough, surefire football all the t i m e ? " The answer would seem to be that it is not lack of ability, but lack of effort and spirit. In the last nine minutes the blocking was crisp, the tackling low and h a r d ; we b u r s t out of the huddle with a spirit t h a t showed we wanted to move and nothing could stop us—and Carroll couldn't! But why not be t h a t way all the time? If we were, there are very few teams t h a t could stop us. We have everything needed to be a consistently winning ball club. Our line is big, strong, and f a s t ; and our backfield h a s both power and breakaway speed, plus the extremely capable a r m of John Holmlund. Our main weaknesses seem to be that we do not consistently tackle hard enough and low enough, and that our pass defense is still not quite adequate. The brilliant running and pass catching of John Adams, and the breakaway speed and power of Dave Woodcock were especially heartening, as was the appearance of halfback Bobby De Young, whose injured leg seems to have healed sufficiently. Bobby will undoubtedly see much action in the

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remaining weeks of the season. * * * Next week the Dutch take on the Kalamazoo Hornets at Riverview Park. The Hornets are reported to have a stronger team than the one which finished in second place with a 6-2 record last year. Kalamazoo has 10 lettermen in the s t a r t i n g lineup, including their four top ground gainers. *

Lineman of the week . . . This week's nomination f o r lineman of the week goes to center Ron De Graw, a s t a l w a r t on offense and a fierce, hard tackling defensive right linebacker. *


Although last week's h a l f t i m e show was a vast improvement over what we have become accustomed to, it was not quite what your reporter had in mind. It seems t h a t if the frosh would channel their efforts toward cheering the team instead of themselves, and if the rest of the student body would emulate some of the frosh enthusiasm, we might be able to i m p a r t some spirit to the men on the gridiron. If this is carried out, K. won't have a prayer. By the way, what has the student council done about a h a l f t i m e program f o r Saturday a f t e r n o o n ?



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By the way. Bill Lueder, Carroll co-captain who was taken to the hospital a f t e r being injured Saturday night was released immediately with no ill effects. D. Spaan



Back of the week . . . Back of the week goes to fullback Dave Woodcock, whose s h i f t y breakaway speed accounted f o r 82 yards in 10 carries, or about 8 yds. per carry, including a 37 yard touchdown jaunt. His value on defense was equally important. • * •


74 W . 8th St.



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Hope's 1955 i n t e r f r a t touch football season got under way this past week with t h r e e exciting games on Carnegie Field. On Monday, the Cosmos whitewashed the Emmies 20-0, while the Seminary outpassed the Arkies in a 24-12 triumph. Fine passing by quarterback J a n Wagner paved the way f o r the Cosmo victory. Eight quick points came as John Klaasen raced into the end zone to s n a g W a g n e r ' s perfect toss. Seconds later, the Emmies were caught in their own end zone. In the second half, Wagner again hurled f o r a touchdown, the receiver this time being Don Schoulten. Rebel later took a short pass and ran half the length of the field to complete the scoring. Meanwhile, the Arkies and the Seminary tangled on the West field, the Sem boys taking the g a m e 24-12. Sem quarterback Bob Smith's passes clicked well as L a r r y Veens t r a and Tom Keizer tallied touchdowns. J i m Van Hoeven's rushing and hard blocking were outstanding. Both Arkie scores came on long passes f r o m Bob Ver Duin to Bob Schrier. Wednesday's action s a w the F r a t e r s shut out the Knicks, 22-0. Pete Bylenga ran and passed his team to victory. Their first score came on a pass f r o m Bylenga to Dave Spaan in the end zone. Shortly t h e r e a f t e r the Knick quarterback stepped out of the end zone f o r a quick two-pointer. A f t e r Bylenga completed a long pass j u s t short of the goal line, he ran the ball across. Early in the second half the F r a t e r s picked up another safety. Bylenga scooted around left end f r o m ten yards out to wind up the day's scoring. Touch football schedule — Monday, October 10, Cosmos vs. Seminary; Emmies vs. F r a t e r s . Wednesday, October 12, Indies vs. Knicks.

Men Wanted — But Men Only With the r e t u r n of only one letter winner, captain Jim Cooper, the cross-country team is definitely lacking in personnel. Additional participants are needed to give Hope College a successful crosscountry season and precious points toward t h e All-Sports Trophy. Many Hope men have the ability to help the team and yet they have not come out this year. Coach Green will be happy to work with any athletes who will give CrossCountry running a try. Twelve runners f r o m each college are allowed to compete in each meet. As of now Hope boasts only nine members on the Cross Country team. This sport has the same effect as football, basketball or any other sport, on the outcome of race f o r the All-Sports Trophy. Along with Soph Captain Cooper, the team, so f a r , is composed of J u n i o r s Doug Vander Hey, Jack Walchenbach, J a c k Ver Steeg, John Soeter, and Herb Widmer; and Sophomores Glen Williams and Ev Neinhouse. Carrol Bennink is the lone f r e s h m a n representing one of the largest classes in Hope's history.

WAA's R o iling

The Women's Activity Association ( W. A. A. ) has diligently planned f o r a successful year of i n t r a m u r a l sports f o r 1955-56 and has added several new activities to the program of last year. Included in these new activities are Saturday morning hikes, horse back riding, and field hockey, all of which will begin this week. Notice was given that all of the W.A.A.'s in Michigan will meet together f o r the Athletic Federation of Michigan College Women convention which is to be held at Clear Lake Camp November 5th and 6th. Hope College is to be the host school f o r the conference this year. As a result we may send twenty delegates to the convention. This is an excellent opScores portunity for interested female Mich. N. 20, Baldwin Wallace 0 Heidelberg 35, Ohio Wesleyan 26 students to learn more about our own and other W.A.A.'s. AddiAlma 15, Kalamazoo 6 tional information can be obtained Albion 13, Adrian 7 f r o m Miss Bried, Suzie Van SlagHillsdale 45, Olivet 6 • #,• #.• ».•».• #.• «.• «,• «.• #.• #.• #,• »,• »,• #,• •> ».• eren, *.* * or Mary Hesselink. Two I n t r a m u r a l activities are already under way at CarnegieDIAMONDS Schouten Gym. Volley ball is being played on Thursday nights while WATCHES mixed badminton teams will compete on Tuesday evenings. The •71 SILVERWARE tennis doubles t o u r n a m e n t is slated to begin in the near f u t u r e . All women interested should sign up on the lists which will be posted in Carnegie-Schouten Gym or Van JEWELERS AND OPTICIANS Raalte Hall.


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For a Late Evening Snack

Carroll Statistics Hope Carroll F i r s t Downs 11 11 Times Rushed 29 54 N e t Yds. Rushing 134 182 N e t Yds. Passing 153 73 Total Yardage 287 255 Passes Attempted 18 8 Passes Completed 6 3 Passes In'pted by 1 0 Yds. Int'pt's Ret'd __ 8 0 Punts 6 9 P u n t i n g Average 30.5 38.7 P u n t s Returned 8 3 Yds. Punts Returned _ 82 24 Kickoff's Returned 3 4 Yds. Kicks Returned - 60 83 Fumbles 2 3 Fumbles Lost 1 1 Penalties 3 8 Yds. Penalized 21 80



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A f t e r three q u a r t e r s of low morale a n d spiritless playing, Hope's Dutchmen, fired up, smashed their way through weakening Carroll defenses f o r a stunning, 19-13, f o u r t h q u a r t e r victory. Practiced machine like co-ordination, plus superior conditioning enabled the Dutch to deliver t h e three " l i g h t n i n g " drives that m a d e the difference between defeat and victory. During the first quarter neither team proved strong enough to penetrate the others defenses sufficiently to score. However, an embryo of the f o u r t h period was seen out several times as Hope carried the ball deep into Carroll territory. Midway in the q u a r t e r a sustained drive brought Hope within a f e w yards of the Carroll goal. Then, stymied by a stiffened Carroll defense, Hope was forced to surrender the ball and the opportunity to score. Having lost the chance to score, Hope seemed to have lost the spunk and initiative characteristic of a hard fighting ball club. During the next two quarters, Hope's outlook f o r victory appeared very dim. Carroll on the move in the second q u a r t e r began a drive which led to the first score. Appearing as if they had no resistance left as the final q u a r t e r began, Hope was again the victim of a Carroll touchdown drive. Then with a new enthusiasm Hope began to march. A pass f r o m John Holmlund to J a c k Faber moved the ball into Carroll territory. On the next p l a y fullback Dave Woodcock crashed t h r o u g h tired Carroll defenses f o r Hopes first touchdown. A f t e r the kickoff to Carroll, Hope's wall of defense proved impentrable. Taking the ball f r o m Carroll, Hope again drove up the field. Then catching a spectacular Holmlund pass f r o m midfield, Johnny Adams scampered all the way f o r Hope's second score. With two minutes to go in the game, the inspired Dutchmen came back to score again. As before, a Holmlund to Adams pass "clicked" f o r the third and final score. Victorious Hope left t h e gridiron with a cherished one touchdown margin over Carroll's " F i g h t i n g Pioneers."


Carroll-Hope Scorers Carroll Touchdowns — Fendt, Braunschweig Carroll P.A.T. — Spelius Hope Touchdowns — Woodcock, Adams 2 Hope P.A.T. — Van Hoven ^ Score by Quarters Hope 0 0 0 19 — 19 Carroll 0 7 0 6 —13

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Note: The g a m e write-up and column were turned in by two people — neither knowing w h a t the other had done. Despite similar leads, we p r i n t t h e m as w r i t t e n . —Ed

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