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!™ANCH O C T O B E R 4 , 2 0 0 6 • SINCE 1887 W H A T ' S INSIDE Sitar serenade 3 Classical Indian music at the Knick Smashing status quo Admissions reaches out


Run, Swim, Walk Annual competition set for Oct. 4



HOMECOMING A variety of activities have been scheduled for the annual Homecoming Weekend at Hope College. Oct. 13-15. Highlights include the 29 ,h -annual Run-Swim-Walk, a Homecoming parade, an exhibition of artwork by Hope alumni, a tailgate picnic for alumni, a home football game with Kalamazoo College, a worship service and reunions for the classes of 1986, 1991, 1996 and 2001. The weekend is expected to bring hundreds of alumni back to campus. At 1 p.m. Saturday, the Homecoming parade will leave campus at 13th Street and College Avenue and wind its way to Holland Municipal Stadium. The parade will travel north on College Avenue from 13th Street to 10th Street, east on I Oth Street to Columbia Avenue, south on Columbia Avenue to 13th Street, and then east on 13lh Street to the stadium. A full schedule of Homecoming activities is available online at www.


VOL. N O .


A f t e r a 27-year wait, significant progress has been made in the 'investigation of the murder of Janet Chandler, a former Hope College student. On Jan. 31, 1979, Chandler, a worker on the night shift at the Blue Mill Inn, was assaulted, raped and ultimately murdered. Her body was found the next day by a snow plow driver on

Interstate 196 South, just north of the Covert exit in Van Buren County. Since Feb. 8, 2006, six arrests have been made in the case. Police arrested Robert Lynch of Three Oaks in February. Last month, five more suspects were charged: Arthur Carlton Paiva of Muskegon; Anthony Eugene Williams of McFarland, Wis.; Laurie Ann Swank of Nesopek, Pa.; James Cleophas Nelson of

Rand, W.Va.; and Freddie Bass Parker of Powelton, W.Va. All the arrested are being held without bond and have been charged with first-degree premeditated murder, felony murder during a kidnapping and felony murder during a sexual assault. Lynch, Nelson, Paiva, Parker and Williams all worked for Wackenhut Security as security S E E ARRESTS, P A G E 4

Janet Chandler

STUDENTS RECLAIM THE NIGHT Students march in solidarity against sexual assault duringTake Back the Night Jenny Cencer C A M P U S EDITOR


America was witness to three school shootings this past week. On Sept. 27, 53-year-old Duane Morrison entered a high school in Bailey, Colo. Morrison took six female students hostage, shooting one of the 16-year-old girls before killing himself. In Cazenovia, Wis., 15-yearold Eric Hainstock allegedly shot and killed Weston High School principal, John Klang, who reportedly tried to wrestle the gun away from Hainstock. The Milwaukee Journal Sentinel reported on Sept. 29, "All three shots that struck Klang—in the head, the left leg and the abdomen—were fired as the principal struggled to subdue the freshman around 8:10 a.m." Charles Carl Roberts IV, 32, entered a small school house in Quarryville, Pa, shooting the female students and killing five. He then turned the gun on himself.






V I O L E N C E I L L U M I N A T E D — M o r e t h a n 1 8 0 s t u d e n t s and f a c u l t y g a t h e r e d t o s u p p o r t vict i m s of sexual a n d d o m e s t i c v i o l e n c e and t o t a k e a s t a n d a g a i n s t sexism. At t h e n i g h t ' s end, Professor Jennifer Young led t h e group in p r o c l a i m i n g , " W h a t do we w a n t ? Non v i o l e n c e ! "


One hundred and nine years of tradition make The Pull what it is today. The result of this year's Pull has raised questions concerning the safety of the century old activity. On Sept. 23 two members of the 2010 Pull team lost consciousness during the competition. "Large parts of what happened were not preventable despite our best efforts," Even-Year Pull Representative Aaron Knighton ('08) said. "Our anchor locked his knees, which caused his eventual collapse. Dehydration was also a problem because the pullers had a false sense of hydration because of the cool weather and the rain, so in the future, we need to make

sure the pullers are getting properly hydrated on Pull day." Blair Williams (MO) was one of the pullers who lost consciousness. He began having difficulty holding onto the rope and eventually collapsed into his pit. He was quickly removed from the pit, revived and taken to the hospital. "I passed out mainly because of dehydration," Williams said. "1 also had bruised my ribs from practices, and my vest was too tight. On one of the Saturday practices, 1 had breathing problems while on the rope, but it was never a problem other than that day." Dean of Students Richard Frost was on hand at the event to assist in any way possible, as well as to represent the Hope adminis-

tration. He made the decision to end The Pull after one hour and 35 minutes. "Both teams were performing well and working in unison, but when the anchor for the MO team collapsed and they didn't have a proper substitute, I began to be concerned about safety," Frost said. "Then when another puller passed out, they really lost their cohesiveness. At that point, I began talking to the MO pull representatives about the safety issue and the idea of stopping." Despite the evident physical problems at The Pull, many precautions are taken to ensure the safety of the pullers. "The representatives did a great j o b of preparing this year's S E E ROPE, P A G E 7

Women's Issues Group partnered with Greek Men Take a Stand to sponsor Take Back the Night on Tuesday. More than 180 participants gathered with candles and walked in solidarity to locations on campus where sexual assault has occurred, recalling accounts of victimization. Annika Carlson ('07) said, "We're reaching a lot of new people that the Women's Issues Organization hasn't reached in the past." Testimonies of rape and abuse and were shared that hushed the crowd gathered in the damp grass. August Miller ('07) said, "When one part of the body hurts we all hurt, and we are in a place where we can be proactive about stopping it." Branden Bacon ('08) said. "I think it's terrible how people abuse power advantages. This raises so much awareness...how can you deal with being assaulted if no one is there to support you afterwards?" As candles dimmed and several hugs were exchanged, words of empowerment and hopeful prayers for the future were spoken. Professor Rhoda Janzen said, "We have the power to communicate; to say yes and no and to say it clearly. It shouldn't be just about grieving, it should be lime to celebrate...celebrate yourselves for having the power to consent." A representative from the Center for Women in Transition also spoke at the event. Domestic violence is considered an issue of public health in Michigan. Opportunities are available in the community for education and protection including defense classes and rallies. Christian Piers ('07) said, "If female students cannot trust their male peers to support them and protect them, then this is a problem without a solution."



OCTOBER 4, 2 0 0 6

OSAMA BIN LADEN: DEAD OR ALIVE? French newspaper reports Al-Qaeda leader may have died from typhoid; claims remain unconfirmed Brian McLellan STAFF WRITER

Early last week, "L'Est Republicain," the daily newspaper in the Lorraine region of Eastern France, reported that al Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden died in Pakistan of typhoid in late August. The paper cited a confidential French foreign intelligence report as its source. "According to a reliable source, Saudi security services are now convinced that Osama bin Laden is dead," the intelligence report said. The document continued to say that medical assistance for the

al Qaeda leader was impossible because of his isolation, and that Saudi security services had received reports of bin Laden's death as early as Sept. 4. The author of the article in "L'Est Republicain," Laid Sammari, is confident of the report's authenticity. He believes that Saudi officials will make a formal announcement once they have discovered bin Laden's grave. However, world officials do not share his confidence. The French intelligence service Direction Generale des Services Exterieurs has verified that

the document does exist but that its contents, most notably that Osama bin Laden is dead, cannot be confirmed. The DGSE also pointed out that the information came from a single source. French President Jacques Chirac told reporters that the report was "not confirmed in any way." He also said that an investigation would be launched to determine the source of the leak of this confidential document. A senior official in the Pakistani spy agency the Directorate of Inter-Service Intelligence stated that he had no information

that could confirm bin Laden's death and that he believed the report might not be legitimate. Officials from the U.S. Embassies in Pakistan and Afghanistan were also not able to confirm the report. "We believe this reporting to be unsubstantiated," a U.S. intelligence official said. Jamal Khalifa, the brotherin-law of bin Laden, has stated that he has received no report of the al Qaeda leader's death. Khaled Batarfi, who was a family friend of bin Laden, also has heard nothing to confirm the report.

O s a m a bin L a d e n


Ramadan is the ninth month of the Islamic lunar calendar. Muslims consider this the most blessed and holiest month of the year. They believe Ramadan was the time during which the Quran was revealed to the Prophet Muhammad. The month is spent fasting every day from sun up to sun down. Fasting is seen as an act of personal worship in order to be closer to G o d and feel an inner peace and calm. Muslims also fast from drinking, smoking and sex throughout the entire month.Fasting is not required of small children, elderly, pregnant women or diabetics. August Miller ('07) studied abroad in Morocco in the spring of 2005 and she is currently in taking a course on Islam. "Ramadan is one of those times that Muslims can say, 4 1 am

fully here in my relationship with G o d , ' " Miller said. During Ramadan, Muslims pray extra, optional prayers, and in most mosques, the whole Quran is recited in the month. "In m y hotel there were arrows on the ceiling to show where Mecca was, and once there was a prayer rug on the back of the door," Miller said. Muslims traditionally face Mecca as they perform the five daily prayers prescribed by the Quran. Most Muslims have a light meal, called Suhoor, before sunrise. After sunset, families gather to eat a large dinner prepared by the women. The meal is normally eaten in the company of neighbors or extended family.

Jewish Holy Day Yom Kippur, or the Day of Atonement, is the holiest day of the Jewish year.

The basic theme of the holiday is repentance and reconciliation, making it a very solemn day. Even secular Jews attend synagogue and partake in the fast on Yom Kippur, which doubles or triples the attendance. There is a 25-hour fast that starts before sundown the day before Yom Kippur and goes until after sundown the following day. Eating, drinking, wearing makeup and wearing leather are prohibited on this day. There are prayer services at the temple, and the Torah is recited throughout the day. Erica Brandt ('08) plans to convert to Judaism after graduating. She returned to her home in West Bioomfield to celebrate the holiday. "Being here (at Hope) for the holiday wouldn't be a great environment to be one with God," she said, explaining her reason for


L E A R N I N G ABOUT R A M A D A N — A Muslim woman speaks a b o u t t h e holy m o n t h at a San Francisco high school. going home to West Bioomfield for Yom Kippur. Yom Kippur is for the reconciliation of personal sins with God and others. Kat Ramsey ( ' 0 6 ) is a recent Hope graduate who has become a

member of the Chicago Or Chadash synagogue. "Reconciling with others is a big part o f (Yom Kippur) because if you don't account for your sins, they will forever be with your name in the eyes of God."



Despite a failure to prevent escalations in violence in Darfur, Sudan, the African Union troops in charge of keeping peace in the troubled region had their mission extended to Dec. 31. Thousands of Sudanese civilians gathered before the

U.S. embassy in Khartoum to protest against increasing U.N. presence in the area. As the protests occurred, Sudanese President Omar Hassan al-Bashir arrived in New York to speak with U.N. members about the current condition of Darfur. where more than 200,000 people have been killed and 2.5 million

displaced since rebels from D a r f u r ' s indigenous population revolted in 2003. Al-Bashir called the situation in Darfur a "humanitarian disaster" and called for security help for Darfur, though not under U.N. control. It appears that many of the citizens of Darfur share al-

Bashir's opinion, as demonstrated by Sudanese held signs, reading, "Bow, Down, U.S.A." and "You will not rule us, CIA." "We send America this message: What you saw in Afghanistan, what you saw in Somalia, and what you saw from Hezbollah in south Lebanon was a picnic compared to what you will see in Sudan," Adnan

Suleiman, a protest organizer, said. The proposal to replace African Union troops with a U.N. peacekeeping force is likely to be revisited in the future. For now, the U.N. will just lend material and support to the African Union troops until the new deadline expires on Dec. 31.


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OCTOBER 4, 2 0 0 6 T H I S W E E K IN A R T Wednesday Oct. 4 Cool Beans Coffeehouse 9 - 1 1 p.m. Chris Bryan at the Kletz. Free admission.

Thursday Oct. 5 Jazz Ensemble and Combos Concert 7:30 p.m. D l m n e n t Chapel. Free admission.

Friday Oct. 6 Film: "You, Me, and DuPree" Oct. 6 & 7: 7; 9 : 3 0 p.m.; midnight. Oct. 8: 3 p.m. W l n a n t s A u d i t o r i u m . $2. Sponsored by SAC.

Sunday Oct. 8 Hope & Michigan Music Teachers Association Concert Oct. 8: 8 p.m. Oct. 9: 8 : 3 0 p.m. D l m n e n t Chapel. Free admission.

HOPE STAFF PRODUCES, DIRECTS DOCUMENTARY Phil Blauw ('83) of the communications department directed and produced " M o d e m Luthier," a documentary featuring the art of acoustic guitar building. It will be shown on PBS locally on W G V U TV35AVGVK-TV52 on Sunday, Oct. 8, at 3 p.m. The hour-long program features insights into the m o d e m design and construction of a traditional musical instrument. It features craftsmen such as James Olson, who builds hand-crafted guitars for musicians such as Sting, James Taylor and Paul McCartney. Blauw is the studio manager and manager of video services. VWS FEATURES FICTION A N D POETRY Fiction writer David Harris Ebenbach and Poet Vievee Francis will read as a part of the Jack Ridl Visiting Writers Series, Thursday Oct. 12, 7 p.m. at the Knickerbocker Theater. Ebenbach won the Drue Heinz Literature Prize in 2005 and the Great Lakes Colleges Association's N e w Writer Award for his collection of short stories "Between Camelots." Francis' first book "Blue-Tail Fly" was recently published by Wayne State University Press as a part of the Made in Michigan Writers Series. In addition to the 7 p.m. reading a question and answer session with both writers will be held at 3 p.m. in the Herrick Room on the second floor of the DeWitt Center. Both events are free and open to the public. DAVE HOLLAND QUINTETTO PERFORM Saturday, Oct. 14 at 7:30 p.m. Hope's Great Performance Series presents the Dave Holland Quintet at Dimnent Chapel. Holland was voted the numberone bass player three consecutive times by "Down Beat" Critics Poll who called him a "creative genius and effective entreprenuer." The quintet has garnered many awards including multiple Grammy's for its work in contemporary jazz. It includes Chris Potter, the youngest musician to recieve Europe's highest honor for a jazz musician. General admission is $16, $12 for seniors and $5 for children under 18. Contact DeVos ticket office at tickets@hope.edu.

KHAN SHARES INDIAN CULTURE Shafaatullah Khan, Indian classical musician, performs tonight at the Knick tellectual and poetic." Khan has had much experience in televised performances. He also starred in the I M A X movie "Pulse: A Stomp Odyssey." According to Khan's website, "His television credits include a program shared with Ray Charles on Bio-Bannholf in Germany, several B B C programs, interviews on TV Asia's 4 Face to Face,' Philadelphia's FOX & W Y B E networks, and many other telecasts worldwide." Tickets for this performance are $5 for adults and free for children 18 and under. They may be reserved through the ticket office in the DeVos Fieldhouse. The ticket office is open weekdays from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. and accessible by phone at (616) 3957890.

Nicole Bennett STAFF WRITER

Shafaatullah Khan will be performing at the Knickerbocker Theater on Wednesday, Oct. 4 at 7:30 p.m. Khan is known for playing Indian classical music. He had his first performance in England when he was 11, and since then has graced audiences around the world with his unique musical style. K h a n ' s ability to play the sitar, the surbahar and the tabla in a single recital is unmatched by almost all other musicians. Khan represents the eighth generation in a family whose musical history goes back more than 400 years. The Washington Post said, "Shafaatullah Khan explored the rhythmic intricacies of percussive sound in a way that was both in-


M A S T E R F U L M U S I C I A N — Khan with the tabla-bayan and t h e surbahar, t w o of t h e t h r e e i n s t r u m e n t s t h a t he w i l l play.

Many talents, one 'Wonderful Town' Coyle conducts the Jazz Ensemble that is providing the music for the show. Dykstra is working with soloists, while Daab is working with the larger choral numbers. Finally, Martin is choreographing the show. The cast and production crew consist of students with different majors who are involved in all aspects of the show's production. The casting call for "Wonderful T o w n " was open to the student body. The department encourages students from all majors to audition for future theater productions. "There are scientists who are gifted musicians and artists just as there are actors who are gifted in math," Robins said. Although it received critical success and won Tony awards during its premier Broadway run in the 1950s, "Wonderful T o w n "

Courtenay Roberts A R T S EDITOR

"Wonderful Town," a musical written by Betty Comden and Adolph Green with music by Leonard Bernstein, will open the theatre department's season Nov. 7-11 in DeWitt Theatre. Set in the 1930s, the play chronicles the life of two sisters, Eileen and Ruth Sherwood, who move to N e w York City from Columbus, Ohio in search of love and fortune, one as a writer and one as an actress. Hope's production of "Wonderful T o w n " includes a large cast with 26 students and one professor. Working with Director Daina Robins are Professors Brian Coyle, Linda Dykstra and Dorrell Martin. Also working with Robins is Kerri Daab, a choir teacher from Holland High School.

is not a well-known work outside of musical circles. There has been only one revival of the play, in 2003, and while it is a light-hearted work of Leonard Bemstein, it is also considered more intricate and is generally performed less often. Robins believes that students will enjoy "Wonderful T o w n " because it embodies the American spirit. "It will speak to students because it is a fun piece. They (Eileen and Ruth) are not shrinking violets and are making something of their lives," Robins said. Tickets for "Wonderful T o w n " should go on sale two weeks prior to the Nov. 7 opening night. Contact DeVos ticket o f fice at (616) 395-7890 or tickets@hope.edu for more information.

Shins & Needles M o d

Swing and Knitting clubs available for interested students Katie Bennett STAFF W R I T E R

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On Hope's campus, most students are aware of organizations like The Pull, the Nykerk Competition and the Student Activities Committee. But there are literally dozens of other less publicized clubs and organizations on campus for the curious student. For example, Hope has a swing club and a knitting club; both are student organizations.

Swing Club President Emily McConnelly ('09), Events Coordinator Megan Pitzer ( ' 0 9 ) and Membership and Advertising Coordinator Rosie Rexford ('07) serve as officers this year. The swing club meets on the third Friday of every month in Snow Auditorium in the Nykerk building. "Each dance begins with a half-hour lesson," McConnelly said. "No dancing experience is S E E CLUBS, P A G E 6

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Emily W e s t r a t e STAFF W R I T E R

A tornado warning was issued for Ottawa and Allegan counties on Friday, Sept. 29, from 11:20 a.m. until 11:45 a.m. People in the Holland area were urged to seek shelter. Hope classes were interrupted as faculty staff and students were herded into basements. Multiple waterspouts were spotted on Lake Michigan between South Haven and Grand Haven. As intact waterspouts approached the shore in Holland and Saugatuck, the tornado warning was issued. "A waterspout has basically the same


structure as a tornado, though it is not as violent," said Professor Edward Hansen, from Hope's department of geological and environmental science. In response to the tornado warning. Campus Safety initiated the Campus Emergency Phone Tree, a process of relaying information quickly. The phone tree spread the warning to campus buildings and instructed inhabitants to find the nearest designated shelter. The tornado warning was lifted at when the waterspouts were no longer a threat. There were no confirmed touchdowns on land, and no damage was reported.


During Tuesday's meeting, Student Congress discussed the upcoming Teaching Hope Day, and considered two proposals. Teaching H o p e Student Congress will be sponsoring Teaching Hope on Oct. 5 between 2 p.m. and 4 p.m. Students are encouraged to attend the many diversity-related seminars that will be held in various locations around campus. A complete schedule of topics and locations will be available on K n o w H o p e Oct. 4. Carlson Pine Grove Tree Proposal Annika Carlson's ( ' 0 7 ) Pine Grove Tree Proposal was passed with one dissenting vote. The proposal calls for the replace-

4, 2 0 0 6

ment of trees on campus that have been lost over the years to bad weather. The proposal will be passed on to a task force that will further research appropriate tree species, locations for new trees and methods of ftindraising. VanHamersveld Phelps Recommendation Coming before Congress for the second time, the VanHamersveld Phelps Recommendation was defeated by a 1514 vote. The recommendation would have requested that Phelps staff refrain from clearing away food early at mealtimes. There will not be a Congress meeting Oct. 10 due to fall break.

Continued from page 1

guards. In 1979, all five men were in Holland as contracted security guards during the Chemtron chemical company strike. Blue Mill Inn served as temporary housing for Lynch, Nelson, Parker and Williams. Paiva, who reportedly headed security detail for the strike, stayed at a Chemtron guest house on company property. Swank was manager of Blue Mill Inn and Chandler's roommate in a duplex on the north side of Holland. "It was a unique situation where the guards were at the Blue Mill from October ' 7 8 through February '79 and with that group mixing with the local group there became jealousy and animosity between different individuals amongst those groups," said Capt. Matt Messer, of the Holland Police Department Criminal Investigation Division.

Film revives case A renewed interest in the cold case arose after the 2004 release of " W h o Killed Janet Chandler?"

a documentary created by Hope students in Dr. David Schock's documentary class. " W e ' v e done this—whether people think it's good or bad, appropriate or inappropriate—for Janet Chandler in the belief that her murder calls out for justice. Somebody literally got away with murder. Anything we can do to further bringing the killer to justice is what we ought to do," said Schock, a former professor of communications at Hope College, in a Hope press release from January 2004. A cold case investigation was opened in April 2004. Holland Police Detective Sgt. Roger VanLiere and Officer Rob Borowski teamed up with Michigan State Police Detective David Van Lopik and Trooper Mike Jafri to run the cold case team formed. "The bottom line, of whether a case is open or not, is the solvabil ity factors. The documentary was part of it, but it was not the only reason. ( " W h o Killed Janet Chandler?") made it the best lime for us to open it," Messer said.

According Messer, the twoand-a-half year investigation has included more than 400 interviews in more than 25 states. Documents detail crime The investigation led to an increased knowledge of what happened to Chandler. VanLopik detailed the events from 1979 in an affidavit filed with the 58th District Court on Sept. 19. This affidavit formed the basis for a Court TV Crime Library report by Chuck Hustmyre on Sept. 27. According to this report. Van Lopik stated in his affidavit that "some of the guards became intimate with the motel manager, other desk clerks and housekeeping staff... Many of these relationships were sexual and non-monogamous in nature." Allegedly, jealousy occurred and guards and motel employees sought to teach Chandler a lesson as the strike at Chemtron approached its end. The Court TV report quotes Van Lopik's affidavit, "Janet was going to be taken to a guest

house where she would be beaten and sexually assaulted. It was understood that Janet was not going to be coming back from this location, and that she was going to be killed." Reportedly, shortly after midnight on Jan. 3 1 , 1 9 7 9 , Nelson and Lynch approached Chandler about a surprise party at Paiva's house. Van Lopik's affidavit, according to Court TV, states that Nelson and Lynch handcuffed Chandler after she came out from behind the inn's front desk. After taking Chandler to the guest house. Nelson and Lynch returned to the motel. Allegedly, around 2 a.m., Lynch called the police to report a robbery and reported Chandler missing when they arrived. Court TV says that according to investigators, there were at least 15 to 20 people at Paiva's house, with almost all of them participating in or witnessing Chandler's beating, rape and strangulation murder. Witnesses reportedly told investigators that Parker's belt was wrapped around Chandler's

neck and used to choke her while she was beaten and raped. In the end. Lynch allegedly choked Chandler to death. The Court TV report again quotes Van Lopik's affidavit, "Ultimately Janet Chandler died at the hands of Robert Michael Lynch, through his own admission, as well as those reports by others present." Witnesses were allegedly threatened by Paiva to keep quiet. The Grand Rapids Press reported that Paiva had saved photos from the 1979 incident. "There was information received during the investigation that there were pictures of the party where Janet was killed," Messer said, explaining that the photos were "reportedly given to Paiva." Authorities are continuing the investigation into Chandler's death. "(The case will) probably close when we feel like w e ' v e investigated it t a its fullest and made arrests based on the information w e have," Messer said.

The Dave Holland Quintet Oct. 14, 2006 • 7:30pm Dimnent Chapel • Hope College m i

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OCTOBER 4, 2 0 0 6


'Not at all satisfied with the status quo' Evelyn Daniel FEATURES EDITOR

According to the Registrar^ factbook data, in the fall 2005 semester, only 0.6 percent of registered Hope students—19 people—were black males. Black women were represented slightly more—they made up 1.24 percent of the student body with 39 students enrolled. Overall, approximately 93 percent of Hope students labeled themselves as white, non-Hispanic, while 7 percent placed themselves in minority groups: black, Hispanic, Asian and Pacific islander, native American or resident alien. Year after year, the lack of ethnic diversity is cited as a concern among Hope students and admissions staff alike. "We don't have a large enough critical mass of American minority students to satisfy us at admissions, and that's probably the outlook of most of the rest of campus as well," James Bekkering, vice president for admissions, said. "We're not at all satisfied with the status quo." To improve the number of minority students at Hope, admissions is taking an active role in recruitment through visitation programs, mail, email and phone campaigns. Current students, committed to improving multicultural life, make phone calls to prospective minority students to share their experiences at Hope and invite the prospective students to visit campus

for themselves. Admissions is cago," said Garrett Knoth, senior working to enhance a program associate director for admissions. in which faculty members make "We could easily focus only on contact with minority high school high-end, wealthy neighborhoods if we wanted to. But we go to students. On Oct. 26-27, "A Taste of some upper-class, suburban high Hope," co-sponsored by admis- schools and some more blue-colsions and Multicultural lar, working-class areas. We visit small towns" Life, invites students to a lot of When striving for spend a night in Scott diversity, Knoth Hall, where they Co said, the issue can learn about cC afl goes beyond the Phelps Scholars race alone. Program and other aspects of "If you multicultural life at get a colHope. lege that's In addition, all wealthy, admissions y o u ' r e not dorepresentatives ing your j o b , " Knoth /&> i f M are attentive said. of where tJ Admissions representatives encourage students of any background to come visit Hope for a day or overnight to get an idea of the atmosphere. Improving minority recruitment, Bekkering said, is necessarily labor-intensive, at least at first. "It's like inertia, GRAPHIC like the example BY D Y L A N A of an old-fashPINTER ioned steam engine," Bekkering said. "It takes an enormous amount of energy to get started. Once the engine picks up momentum, it doesn't take nearly as much energy to keep moving." they recruit from Admissions also informs and strive for an approspective students about proplicant pool that does not grams in which they can get income from a single ethnic or socioeconomic back- volved on campus that address multicultural issues, whether it ground. "We visit high schools is by joining the Black Student with diverse populations, areas Union, HAPA (Hope's Asian like urban Detroit or urban Chi- Perspective Association) or La


j . ^ T K T T ^


Support the American Cancer Society October 20-21,7 p.m. to 7 a.m. Pine Grove Sign up with your friends, roommates, team or organization at

www.acsevents.org/relay/mi/hope For more information, email relay(?hope.edu or stop by the next t e a m captain meeting Thursday, Oct. 12 a t 9 : 0 0 p.m. in Maas Conference Room

Raza Unida, or simply by thinking globally through a group like Amnesty International. Even programs like the Jack Ridl Visiting Writers Series or Great Performance Series present many opportunities throughout the year to gain multicultural perspectives. "We have to look at what we have at Hope and see how we can make that attractive to high school students of color," Bekkering said. "We invite them to explore all of the opportunities available to them at Hope College—not just multicultural, but academic, religious and extracurricular activities as well. We want the Hope College experience to be a fulfillment of what they anticipated before they got here." When exploring options for potential colleges, the level of diversity is often a question high school students pose to their recruiters. "We get the diversity question from both minority and majority students," Knoth said. "This is an issue of importance not just for members of underrepresented groups, but for Caucasian students as well." Prospective students of all ethnic backgrounds frequently wonder whether or not they will feel comfortable at Hope. "For just about every student of color, it's a question they carry

whether they ask it or not," Bekkering said. The college will be satisfied with its recruitment efforts, Bekkering said, when minority students feel that they fit in ethnically and culturally in the same way that Caucasian students do. In a study of the Hope students enrolling in the fall of 1999, according to the Registrar's Office data, approximately 75 percent of white students had either graduated or re-registered by 2005, while only 50 percent of black students had graduated or re-registered. Other minority groups, including Hispanic and international students, had higher retention rates than white students. "If we recruit over false pretences and large numbers leave, we haven't accomplished anything," Bekkering said. "Working with integrity is very important in all that we do." Ultimately, Bekkering said, the attitudes and actions of the Hope community will make the largest difference in improving diversity statistics. "It takes more than the admissions staff making phone calls," Bekkering said. "What can the Hope College community do, students, faculty and staff, to make this appear to be, and in actual fact be, a more welcoming community?"

PROVOST GONZALES NAMED FIRST INTERNATIONAL DEAN Multicultural and International Education in their previously Associate Provost Alfredo established goals and to help Hope establish more positive Gonzales has been promoted relations across different cultures. to Dean for International and Gonzales said Hope may be Multicultural Education. lagging behind in regard to our His responsibilities include Women's Studies, International world education. "Thecontextofworldeducation Education and Multicultural Education, but more departments requires that we look at world context as well as our own to see may be added later this year. how we are growing," Gonzales The purpose of this new position is to emphasize the said. "I plan to look for ways to make Hope more intentional importance of international and for providing study abroad multicultural education. opportunities and more intentional "I hope to continue the legacy of Hope in respect about increasing the emphasis on to international education," multicultural education programs Gonzales said. " I ' m looking here at Hope." Gonzales joined the Hope forward to this opportunity to work with faculty and students to College community in 1979 as reaffirm our mission and enlarge the director of the Upward Bound program. Throughout his career, Hope's presence in the world and he has assumed many other roles at h o m e . " Gonzales stated that he plans that include director of Minority Student Affairs, assistant dean of to achieve these goals two ways. Multicultural Life and assistant First, he plans to affirm study abroad opportunities for students provost. While at Hope, Gonzales has to experience different cultures. been recognized several times Secondly, he will continue to for his outstanding contributions bring international students and to society. In 1998 he received scholars to Hope in order to spur the "Michigan Outstanding discussion about international Hispanic Advocate of the Year" topics and to provide students award, and in 2004 he was with various world views. Gonzales' main goals for this given the "Vanderbush-Weller year are to continue supporting Development Fund" award.

Nicole Bennett STAFF W R I T E R


Antiphon A gift of rest

We all do. T h e r e are t w o m o r e d a y s until

right? Yet, the rest holds as much weight as a

M a r y Oliver, o n e o f my f a v o r i t e poets,

Fall Break and b e l i e v e me, 1 am c o u n t i n g

played note. It separates before from after. It establishes space to appreciate and anticipate.

w r i t e s in " T h e O l d Poets o f C h i n a , " " W h e r e v e r I a m , the w o r l d c o m e s a f t e r

the h o u r s and minutes. Fall Break is a gift o f rest,

Mackenzie Smith

E v e r y w h e r e I ' v e g o n e o n c a m p u s this w e e k , I hear the s a m e refrain:

"I w a s

u p late s t u d y i n g , I h a v e a test t o d a y and p r e s e n t a t i o n t o m o r r o w . . . ! need a b r e a k ! "

me./lt o f f e r s m e its b u s y n e s s .

It d o e s not

it is given

Rests are integral to life in the s a m e

to u s five w e e k s into this w o n d e r f u l , crazy, hectic school year just as w e a p p r o a c h the

w a y they are t o a m u s i c a l c o m p o s i t i o n . It is important to h a v e periods o f quiet within

believe/that I do not w a n t it." Fall Break is a c h a n c e to, j u s t o n c e ,

point o f burnout. But rest is a w o r d so antithetical to A m e r i c a n culture, it's easy

the patter o f our lives, to take t i m e t o rest physically, e m o t i o n a l l y and spiritually.

e s c a p e this b u s y n e s s .

to forget w h a t it m e a n s . In music, a rest is an interval o f silence.

I have to be honest with y o u — I ' v e been hypocritical in this column. I have advocated


balance, engagement with the world and living into the time w e ' r e given, but I ' v e gotten

When Mackenzie was a little girl, she dreamed of becoming a veterinarian. She

caught up in the tide of the every day. I need


this break as much as I ' m guessing you do.







"silence w h i c h fits into a rhythmic pattern." In a piece of music, silence may at first seem superfluous—music is about sound.

I plan to g o to the b e a c h . I h o p e you e a c h take t i m e to retreat t o y o u r o w n quiet, c o m f o r t a b l e place and find rest.

enjoys words that start with the is"pants".

Continued from page 3


less physical is the H o p e K n i t t i n g Club.

r e l a x , " T u r n e r said. "It is great that there

knit with the residents and p o s s i b l y d o n a t e

needed to c o m e and have fun at the dances."

M e m b e r s of t h e c l u b take a f e w hours o n c e

are other p e o p l e o n c a m p u s that are a s pas-

A f t e r the 30-minute instructional period

a w e e k to knit together. A n y o n e can c o m e to K n i t t i n g C l u b m e e t i n g s , a s the m e m b e r s

sionate as I am a b o u t k n i t t i n g . " T h e Knitting C l u b d o e s m o r e than relax.

items t o H o l l a n d H o s p i t a l , " T u r n e r said. T h e S w i n g Club and the Knitting C l u b

t e a c h n e w c o m e r s h o w to knit. S o m e peo-

M e m b e r s can also get i n v o l v e d with ser-

ple also c o m e to m e e t i n g s to c r o c h e t . K n i t t i n g C l u b President W a n d a T u r n e r

vice projects t h r o u g h their p a s s i o n . " L a s t y e a r w e participated in the Mitten

( ' 0 9 ) p r e p a r e s g r o u p p r o j e c t s for the c l u b

Tree at T r e n d w a y . T h i s y e a r I w o u l d like

interest imaginable. F o r students w h o still

to knit w i n t e r sets a n d send t h e m o u t to

cannot find their niche, the O f f i c e o f Student

R o s e b u d Indian R e s e r v a t i o n o u t in South D a k o t a , g o to an area n u r s i n g h o m e and

Activities can a n s w e r questions and h e l p with getting n e w organizations approved.

swing club m e m b e r s e n j o y s w i n g m u s i c and refreshments, all provided b y the club. " T h e r e is really no better deal f o r Friday night e n t e r t a i n m e n t , " M c C o n n e l l y said. T h e next swing dance will take place on Oct. 20 and will feature a Halloween costume contest with prizes for the winners. A n o t h e r student o r g a n i z a t i o n slightly

and r e s e r v e s r o o m s f o r m e e t i n g s . "I l o v e e v e r y o n e s t o p p i n g e v e r y t h i n g they are d o i n g and j u s t c o m i n g t o knit and

on c a m p u s . T h e student organizations' p a g e on K n o w H o p e m a k e s one thing obvious: there are organizations to fit almost any

"Gay? Fine by me" campaign comes to Hope

GOSPEL R E C O R D I N G S T U D I O 6 Song D e m o and P r o d u c t i o n O N L Y 5 9 9 . 0 0 For Info Call;

m a k e up t w o o f the array o f organizations


8 0 0 s t u d e n t s w e a r t h e shirts. Last year, an a n t i - g a y incident

To the E d i t o r :

at H o p e . We are a w a r e that o u r a c t i o n s and w o r d s g a m e r attention,

w e a r i n g t-shirts with t h e s t a t e m e n t

and students d e c i d e d t o send a

and w e k n o w that w e m u s t act in

" G a y ? Fine b y m e . "

T h e shirt

clear m e s s a g e that h o m o p h o b i a

the u t m o s t p r o f e s s i o n a l m a n n e r .

campaign was sponsored by The

w o u l d not be tolerated. T h e r e are n u m e r o u s s t u d e n t

C o n s i d e r i n g that the issue o f h o m o s e x u a l i t y is a very t a b o o

Sexuality R o u n d t a b l e : A f o r u m for gay and straight students. T h e

o r g a n i z a t i o n s at H o p e that a l l o w

s u b j e c t t o chat about, e v e n with

p u r p o s e o f t h e c a m p a i g n w a s to

s t u d e n t s t o b e active in v a r i o u s

e n a b l e s t u d e n t s t o e x p r e s s their

issues t h e y feel p a s s i o n a t e about. A s one o f these o r g a n i z a t i o n s . T h e

f r i e n d s , o u r goal in b r i n g i n g this c a m p a i g n t o H o p e w a s to e n a b l e

opinion rights. The

regarding "Gay?









All Beef C h i c a g o H o t D o g s Fresh C u t Fries (yes n o t frozen)

to talk a b o u t t h e s e s o m e t i m e s

conversations between

" u n c o m f o r t a b l e " issues.

of and




Currently, a p p r o x i m a t e l y 100 H o p e s t u d e n t s a n d f a c u l t y o w n one

h o m o s e x u a l i t y . G i v e n that H o p e is a fairly c o n s e r v a t i v e c a m p u s ,

o f t h e s e shirts. In t h e near future,

a b o u t D u k e ' s r a n k i n g as o n e o f t h e t o p 10 m o s t - h o m o p h o b i c

the goal o f t h e t-shirt c a m p a i g n

w e plan t o order additional shirts,

was to give students w h o want to


by students w h o were concerned 1 0 0 % Certified Black Angus Burgers

s t u d e n t s f r o m all sides o f the issue

Sexuality Roundtable encourages supportive


s p r i n g o f 2 0 0 3 at D u k e U n i v e r s i t y

burgers • dogs • fresh fries

c a m p u s and b y v a r i o u s leaders

o c c u r r e d on A u g u s t a n a ' s c a m p u s

O n Friday, Sept. 29, 100 s t u d e n t s v o i c e d their o p i n i o n b y



a d v o c a t e for h o m o s e x u a l rights

to continue the promotion of a safe a t m o s p h e r e . T h e r e will also



t h e s e m e s t e r w h e n s t u d e n t s and


be a n o t h e r d e s i g n a t e d day d u r i n g

Fresh B a k e d H o m e m a d e C o o k i e s

t e a m d o n n e d t h e shirts, s p a r k i n g

a m e a n s to unite o n this position and voice their o p i n i o n in a g r o u p

P r e m i u m H a n d - D i p p e d Ice C r e a m Ba rs

interest in the issue f r o m s t u d e n t s and the u n i v e r s i t y ' s p r e s i d e n t ,

setting. We are striving t o b e c o m e a

w h o also w o r e a shirt. S i n c e then, the c a m p a i g n has distributed o v e r

non-activist organization that d o e s not h i n d e r the ability for

j u s t relax. Where else can you go and get a fresh cooked

3 5 , 0 0 0 t-shirts across t h e U.S.

p e o p l e f r o m both s i d e s o f the

shirt or a b o u t t h e date o f w h e n the

burger, fries and soda for less than $ 5 . 0 0 . We are located

s p e c t r u m t o v o i c e their o p i n i o n

next o r g a n i z e d t-shirt day.

j u s t across t h e street from the Haworth Center and t w o

T h e t-shirts h a v e b e e n seen Boston College, Notre D a m e

doors down f r o m t h e Knickerbocker theater. Check out our

a n d A l b i o n . E v e n m o r e recently,

A s p r e s i d e n t s o f the organization, w e are c o n c e r n e d w i t h h o w the


Boyian's Gourmet Soda Froggy's is a great place to meet friends, grab a bite and


menu atwww.froggysonline.com







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2225 South Shore Drive, Macatawa 616-335-5866 www.PiperRestaurant.com 2 0 0 6

is a p r o d u c t of s t u d e n t e f f o r t a n d is

f u n d e d t h r o u g h t h e H o p e College S t u d e n t Activities Fund. T h e o p i n i o n s e x p r e s s e d on t h e Voices page are solely t h o s e of t h e s u b s c r i p t i o n s t o The Anchor


are available for $ 4 0 . The Anchor

M a c k e n z i e Smith Jenny Cencer C h r i s Lewis Evelyn D a n i e l

O u r M i s s i o n : The-Anchor strives t o c o m m u n i c a t e c a m p u s events

Courtenay Roberts James Ralston

throughout Hope College a n d the Holland community. We hope to

Jared Wilkening

reserves t h e right to accept or reject any advertising.

amplify awareness and promote dialogue through fair, objective journalism a n d a vibrant Voices section.


L a u r e n Peters ( ' 0 7 ) Christina Tedesco ( ' 0 7 ) Rachael Sauerman ('07)

at T w i n G a b l e s I n n B e d a n d B r e a k f a s t i n Saugatuck. Varied w o r k includes housekeeping, food serving and Innkeeping. 15 - 2 S h o u r s p e r w e e k , d e p e n d i n g o n season. Saturdays and Sundays during the day a r c a m u s t .

Please call Danielle at

Z!!!ANCHOR a u t h o r a n d d o n o t r e p r e s e n t t h e v i e w s of The Anchor.

learn m o r e a b o u t h o w to get a



D i s c l a i m e r : The Anchor

shirts a n d v o i c e their o p i n i o n . Please c o n t a c t a n y o n e o f u s t o

in o u r m e e t i n g s a n d discussions.

r a n g in the school y e a r b y h a v i n g

I n c l u d e s s o d a a n d f r e s h cut f r i e s V a l i d u n t i l Oct 1 8 , 2 0 0 6

f a c u l t y will b e invited to d o n their

Dylana Pinter N i c h o l a s Engel



Scott W o r o n i e c

















2 6 9 - 8 5 7 - 4 3 4 6 if i n t e r e s t e d .



Lisa H a r k e s Emily P a p p l e Nick H i n k l e











Nicole B e n n e t t Danielle Revers A r i o Elami A n n e S c h m i d t

Matt Oosterhouse Laura H a u c h




Alison Mills




Shannon Craig


Bradley Beckett Naoki Miyakawa Katie B e n n e t t E l i z a b e t h O r l a n d o

Erika English Tyson W a r n e r


Emily H u n t Emily W e s t r a t e Larissa M a r i a n o Sarah W i g h t m a n Brian McLellan J o n a t h a n Ytterock


OCTOBER 4, 2 0 0 6


Student Congress Speaks Innovation: An act of w o r s h i p Brad Matson

When God made his promise to Abraham, since there was no one greater for him to swear by. he swore by himself, saying. "I will surely bless you and give you many descendants." And so after waiting patiently. Abraham received what was promised. Men swear by someone greater than themselves, and the oath confirms what is said and puts an end to all argument. Because God wanted to make the unchanging nature of his purpose very clear to the heirs of what was promised, he confirmed it with an oath. God did this so that, by two unchangeable things in which it is impossible for God to lie. we who have

fled to take hold of the hope offered to us may be greatly encouraged. We have this hope as an anchor for the soul, firm and secure. It enters the inner sanctuary behind the curtain, where Jesus, who went before us. has entered on our behalf. He has become a high priest forever, in the order of Melchizedek. —Hebrews 6:13-20 In the fall of 1846, Albertus C. Van Raalte boarded a ship in Rotterdam with hundreds of his followers. The ship swayed in the waves of the Atlantic for seven months before landing on the shores of New York. Van Raalte and his clan then traversed the rough terrain by ox cart to Michigan and settled in the Holland area. Van Raalte quoted this verse of Hebrews as he founded our school in 1866 as a missionary hub of education for the world. Van Raalte was a courageous innovator. He believed that with our souls anchored

firmly in G o d ' s hope, our minds may set sail for the innovation of tomorrow. Creation is at the core of G o d ' s being and therefore is woven deep within what it means to be human. Innovation is an act of worship. Hope's Innovations The world economic landscape is rapidly shifting. IfAmerica is to succeed in this new highly competitive playing field, we must offer something new. The Industrial Age in America has come and gone. Michigan has learned this the hard way with a limp manufacturing-based economy stuck in the past. The new age is an age of information, ideas and innovation. Instead o f seeking to revive a dead industrial revolution, we must charge forward and create the next revolution. This is the only way Hope, Michigan and America can lead in today's reality. Hope College is primed for innovation. We are blessed with resources of finance, intellect, faith and productivity. I challenge

you to take advantage of these resources, take charge and take on the problems of today through innovation. Student Congress is eager to equip you for innovation. Student innovation is what sets Hope apart, and student innovation is what propels Hope forward. We are ready to plant your ideas and nurture them to fruition. The problems you engage can start small, such as a campus problem you bring to Student Congress. The problems you engage can be large, such as forming an organization to fight world poverty or disease. N o matter what problem you engage, engage it with a creative mind, anchored soul and unwavering strength. It is this volatile combination that leads to explosive realization: dangerous, life changing, earth shattering. brad Matson is a senior at Hope and is serving as president of Student Congress. He is from Traverse City and majoring in business management.

Women's athletics deserve Hope support relationships than on the sport. I realize that w o m e n ' s sports have come a long way. Looking through my m o m ' s high school yearbook, I was surprised to discover that the only sports for women at that time were basketball and cheerleading. If I had lived then, being short would have ruled out basketball and being quiet would have ruled out cheerleading! Fortunately, today the opportunities for women in sports are a lot vaster. I love participating in all kinds of sports, competing.

To the Editor: Last Christmas, I had the bright idea to buy an inspirational running movie for my sister. I know there are plenty o f good movies about male runners, but I wanted to find some about women. As female athletes, I thought w e could relate a little better to those kind of movies. I was disappointed by the limited selection. Then, I realized that in general there are not very many movies about women athletes, and the ones that are out there tend to focus more on


dunk like some male basketball players can, but that doesn't mean that women athletes play with less intensity, passion or heart. One of my roommates mentioned that most of the excitement from m e n ' s sports comes from a large crowd and a lot of hype surrounding them, and obviously they have a longer history. Also, if both are on the same day, w o m e n ' s sports are usually given the less optimal time slot. With equal crowd support, couldn't women's sports be just as

exhilarating to watch? The subject gave me a lot to think about. It made me want to support my fellow women athletes, and I hope thinking about the topic encourages you to support women in sports. We can begin by supporting women athletes at Hope. We shouldsupportnotthemaleathletes less, but we should recognize that their women counterparts play with as much passion and heart for their respective sports. So, let's go! Flying Dutchmen and Flying Dutch! Katie Wandell ('07)

Continued from page 1

pullers and identifying if there were any health risks," Frost said. "They check for any signs of health risk, but there is only so much you can do to prevent this sort of thing." Many specific precautions are taken throughout the training process. " T h e training for The Pull is formed with assistance from the athletics staff," Frost said. "Pull coaches sit down with the sports team coaches to develop the best possible training and ensure proper hydration and other safety measures. Also, physicals are required for all participants, the length of practices is regulated and time on the rope is regulated. We will continue to update these regulations each year. We want The Pull to be a safe, positive and wholesome experience." Continuing with the idea of preparation and safety, Knighton sat down with a nutritionist prior to Pull season to develop a diet that would be best suited for the

Letter Guidelines:

challenging myself, staying healthy and having fun. However, it made me think that w o m e n ' s sports still have a long way to go. There are plenty of female athletes today so it seems like there should be more movies geared toward them. Also, w o m e n ' s sports receive significantly less coverage. I wondered why that is? N o w obviously, there are some physical differences between male and female athletes. For example, a female basketball player can't slam



pullers in their three-week training regimen. He also had a medical professional go over safety measures with each puller. On top of his preparation, many of the Even-Year coaches were prepared for any medical situation. ' T h e '10 Pull coaching staff is very proficient in the medical field," Knighton said. "Four of the morale coaches are nursing majors and three of the Pull coaches are pre-med." The '11 Pull Representatives Zach Hoemschemeyer ( ' 0 9 ) and Karin Sweas ( ' 0 9 ) realize the health risks present in The Pull and have begun preparation for next year's event. They will be in charge of the health and safety of next year's freshman Pull Team. "Pull is very safe, things like what happened at this year's Pull are few and far between," H o e m schemeyer said. "If something of that nature does happen next year, we will be prepared to take the appropriate steps to ensure the safety of each puller," Sweas said.

w e l c o m e s letters f r o m any-

one w i t h i n t h e college a n d r e l a t e d c o m m u n i t i e s . The s t a f f

What does it mean to be a Democrat? MarX Brewer Chair of the Michigan Democratic Party Vice-Chair of the Democratic National Committee

Friday, October 15, 2006, 7500 p.m. Wichers Auditorium, NyXerX Sponsored by Hope Democrats

- g e l $.50 off a sa with your hope i.d.

or platter

where healthy is easy

Advertising Policies. All a d v e r t i s i n g is subject t o t h e rates, conditions,

Advertisement Deadlines. All a d a n d classified r e q u e s t s m u s t be

s t a n d a r d s , t e r m s a n d policies s l a t e d in The Anchor's

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The Anchor

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M a i l letters to The Anchor

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OcroBtR 4, 2 0 0 6

RUN, SWIM, WALK IS OCT. 14 Emily W e s t r a t e STAFF W R I T E R

As part of Hope College's Homecoming Weekend, the 29th annual Run-Swim-Walk will take place on Saturday, Oct. 14. Open to anyone, the event will be based at the DeVos Fieldhouse for the first time. The biking portion from past years will not be included in the 2006 festivities. Participants will complete a 5,000-meter (3.1-mile) Windmill Island Run beginning at 10 a.m. The competitors will be placed into age groups with medals awarded for each age group. The s w i m m i n g events will be held in the Dow Center. The

competition will be separated into t w o different t y p e s of races. T h e first, for a g e s 14 and younger, will be a 400meter (1/4-mile) race against the clock beginning at 8:30 a.m. Participants age 15 and older will c o m p e t e in traditional races, broken up by age. T h e s e 8 0 0 - m e t e r (1/2-mile) s w i m s will begin at 9:15 a.m. Beginning at 10 a.m., the 3,200-meter (2-mile) prediction walk will start at DeVos and continue through the Buys Athletic Complex. The 10 closest predictions of the competitor's walking time will receive medals.

Throughout the Run-SwimWalk, a health fair will be held from 8:30 a.m. to 10:30 a.m. in the DeVos gymnasium. Information will be available about diet and nutrition, stress management and exercise. People can also have their body fat, blood pressure, flexibility and muscle strength calculated. Registration forms are available at DeVos. There is an S8 registration fee for each event. The fee is waived for Hope students. Hope students, faculty and staff must pay $4 to receive a T-shirt. Registrations will be accepted the day of the event at 8 a.m. at DeVos.



D R I V I N G O N — M a t t Lapham ( ' 0 8 ) w a t c h e s as his drive shoots d o w n t h e fairway t o w a r d t h e g r e e n . Hope w i l l host an MIAA Jamboree Oct. 5.



Who wants to go slaloming, jumping, wakeboarding or tricking? Participants of the Hope water skiing team compete in these events on a weekly basis. The team, which was recognized as an official club by Hope College last spring, competes in weekly tournaments every fall and spring. Hope's team consists of around 15 members who compete in the Great Lakes Conference, which includes larger Division 1 programs such as Penn State and Michigan State University. Although the competition is tough, Hope team members still know how to enjoy themselves. "It's competition in that people are serious about it, but it's a very fun atmosphere," captain Katy Eagen ( ' 0 7 ) said. Tournaments include m e n ' s and w o m e n ' s individual events which count towards a team score. The fall season consists of mainly team tournaments, whereas the spring concentrates on individual competitions. Eagen has competed in many tournaments and has seen the team grow over the past few years. Eagen encourages people of any skill level to come out and practice with the team on Green or Indian Lake.

Nick Hinkie C O P Y EDITOR


H A R D C U T — B r a n d o n Riemer ('08) c u t s a r o u n d a buoy at a t o u r n a m e n t at Lake L o t t a w a t t a In Ohio. "Anyone can come out and practice," Eagen said. "You could have any level o f skill. We have people that are just learning." Eagen stresses that the atmosphere at practices and competitions is very relaxed. All the teams encourage and cheer for one another. "We are friends with other teams. It's kind of like the culture: summer on the lake," Eagen said. Competitions include jumping, slaloming, tricking and wakeboarding. All events are held on manmade lakes to ensure perfect water conditions. The team has continued to grow since being established. This year, five talented freshmen have joined the team. Eagen has a positive outlook on the club's

success and hopes it will continue to grow. "It's looking better than ever before," Eagen said. "We definitely want the team to come together." The team will need to come together in order to compete at the national level against larger universities. Despite competing against Division I schools, Eagen believes the crowd and other teams enjoy cheering for Hope. "We show very well for a small school. It's like w e ' r e the underdog," Eagen said. "People love us." Recently, the team placed 12th out of 16 teams at regionals on Sept. 30. This completes the fall season. The team will wait until spring to begin competitions.

The Dutch won their sixth conference tournament on Friday, Sept. 29, to extend their conference lead to 39 strokes. Hope will host the final MIAA tournament Thursday at 1 p.m. at the Wuskowhan Players Club, which will contribute to the M I A A title. This season the team hopes to duplicate and improve on last year's 17th place finish at nationals.

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The m e n ' s soccer team has won three straight victories leading to a 3-1 record in the MI A A. Craig Root ('07) won M1AA defensive player of the week and helped lead the Dutchmen to a 2-0 victory over Alma. The Dutchmen will host rival Calvin Oct. 4. Wednesday Oct. 4

The hockey team won its first two games of the season. They defeated Dayton 8-4 and Alpena 10-4.

The football team had a comefrom-behind victory Sept. 30 in league play against Albion. A field goal by kicker/punter Chris Bowen ('08) was the deciding factor in the 24-21 victory. Bowen was honored with the M I A A special teams player of the week.

vs. Calvin 4 p.m. Buys Athletic Field.


Oct. 10

vs. Adrian 4 p.m. Buys Athletic Field.

CROSS COUNTRY The m e n ' s and w o m e n ' s cross country teams competed at the Lansing Invitational Sept. 30. The m e n ' s team finished third out of 13 teams, and the women finished fourth out of 11.

WOMEN'S GOLF The w o m e n ' s golf team hosted an MIAA Jamboree Oct. 3. The Dutch finished sixth in the tournament and are currently in sixth place in the MIAA. VOLLEYBALL The volleyball team went 3-1 en route to a third place finish at the Mount St. Joseph Fall Classic Sept. 29 and 30. The Dutch hold a 12-6 overall record.



Oct. 7

vs. Calvin 4 p.m. Buys Athletic Field.

Wednesday vs. Tri-State 4 p.m. Buys Athletic Field.

Oct. 1 1

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The women's soccer team defeated North Central 111. (3I) and tied Alma (3-3) in this week's action. Kendall Aliber ( ' 0 7 ) earned the MIAA defensive player of the week.


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"We feel with all five of the starters back from last year's national team, the only place to go is up." Ryan Sheets ( ' 0 8 ) said. With a solid performance at Wuskowhan, the Dutchmen can increase their chances for an invitation to the national tournament in the spring. " O u r goal is to have a comfortable lead going into that day and then go out with a good showing at our home course and earn our automatic bid to nationals," Sheets said.

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