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LXVI — 1

Annuo! Pull Climaxes Frosh - Soph Rivalry

Four Teachers

Fill Vacancies In Hope Staff Four new members have been welcomed into Hope's f a c u l t y f o r this academic year. Dr. Paul Fried has replaced Dr. Ella Hawkinson in the history deparement; Miss Betty Lindberg is teaching in Miss J a n t i n a Holleman's place while Miss Holleman is studying in the Netherlands; Miss Elva VanHaitsma is director of dramatics replacing Miss Helen Harton who is studying a t Northwestern University; and Dr. Gerald Nykerk is working in the biology d e p a r t m e n t . Three of the above are f o r m e r Hope Students. Dr. Fried is a native of Leipzig, Germany and received his primary and secondary education in Germany and Austria. In 1939, he came to the United States and entered Hope College. A f t e r two years of college he served in the U.S. army and returned a f t e r the war as a G.I. student. He graduated cum laude as a member of the class of 1946 with m a j o r s in German and in history and political science. Fried did his graduate work at H a r v a r d where he received his M.A. in modern history. The W a r Crimes in Nurnberg, Germany, were next on his agenda as he served as chief of the section f o r German Foreign Office Translation. In this position he planned, directed and reviewed the translation of many of the m a t e r i a l s and Continued on pajjre 4

Class of '57 Elects Marcus, Johnson Pee/en, VanEenenaam Complete Cabinet


The class of '57, on September 17, held a meeting in Durfee lounge f o r the election of its class officers. Elected were Maurice Marcus president, Bob Johnson, vicepresident, Ethel Peelen secretary, and Dave Van Eenenaam as treasurer. Maurice Marcus attended high school f o r his first three years in Milwaukee and moved to Grand Rapids to complete his senior year a t Ottawa Hills High School. He played guard on the varsity football team in Milwaukee, and also served his school in track and field events. He was elected president of the choir and was a member of the orchestra. His senior year, in Grand Rapids, was an eventful one. He was on the executive board of his class, served on the student council, and was voted the most likely to succeed and the most popular boy. The final reward f o r splendid work was the Upton Cup Award f o r the best all-around boy in school. It is remarkable t h a t Maurie was able to obtain all these honors while attending Ottawa Hills High School f o r only his Senior year. Maurie is a psychology m a j o r here a t Hope. Other interests include music, sailing, and skiing. Since his enrollment at Hope, he has already become a member of the varsity football squad and the Y.M.C.A. Frosh V.P., Bob Johnson's home town is Rochester, N . Y . , He g r a d uated f r o m John M a r s h a l l ' High School in 1950, and was planning to enter Hope t h a t fall when he was called into the service. He

October 1, 1953

In looking back over the past twenty years, the records of eighteen pulls, twelve sophomore wins are shown as against five freshman victories, and the (dubious) tie of last year. The


d u r i n g , World Rudolph Reiners leads the Chicago Symphony String Ensemble in a concert presentation this evening at the Hope Memorial Chapel.

was War

temporarily II.





The pull, associated in the past

with the a n n u a l home-coming events, h a s been moved up this year to October 2, 4:00 P.M., and is to be held a t the old site on Black River, behind the C & O Railroad yard. It was held last A member of Hope's science year at the Country Club. faculty received recognition f o r The rules of the contest will be his years of teaching a t the college. Dr. J . Harvey Kleinheksel, much the same as in previous professor of chemistry, accepted years, eighteen men on each side, honors f r o m a g a t h e r i n g of Hope pulling fifteen minutes in their science alumni, with respect to his holes, and standing up f o r the retwenty-five years of service. David mainder of the event following a O. DePree, '40, presented him with one-minute rest period. To assure a gold watch and a purse on be- uniformity of sides, spectators a r e half of the group. Various mem- urged not to infiltrate beyond the bers of the g a t h e r i n g rose to pay snow fences which will s e p a r a t e particular tribute to Dr. Kleinhek- the crowd f r o m the teams.

Hope Science Grods

Chicago String Ensemble Honor Opens Concert Series Famous Artists Slated For Future Chapel Appearances The Hope College 1953-54 Concert Series will open tonight in Hope Memorial Chapel with the appearance of the Chicago Symphony S t r i n g Ensemble. The group, consisting of fourteen members of the Chicago Symphony Orchestra, who have distinguished themselves as soloists and ensemble players, will be led by Rudolph Reiners. Since their inception in 1945, the g r o u p has given concerts particularly throughout the Middle West. The Ensemble presents works r a n g i n g throughout the classics to such moderns as Gershwin, Kern and Romberg. Critical comments reflecting the opinions of audiences have made repeat eng a g e m e n t s a regular occurence. Following the Ensemble in the series, November 24, will be the Trapp Family Singers. Acclaimed by the New York Times as "One of the best ensembles in the world," the f a m i l y has more than caught the imagination and affection of the American public. Paul Spivak, pianist, will make his appearance J a n u a r y 16. Spivak, an Argentine artist, has an enormous r a n g e but is particularly famous f o r his interpretations of Latin American music. Thomas L.

received his basic training at Camp Gordon in Georgia, and left the S t a t e s on the 19th of September. Bob was soon on the f r o n t lines in Korea and was in the midst of the fighting on the Western F r o n t . He received the Commendation Ribbon f o r meritorious service and was sent back to the States to Indiantown Gap in Pennsylvania in October, 1952 as an instructor in communications. Bob was honorably discharged in J a n uary of this year and is now taking a liberal a r t s course a t Hope. Secretary Ethel Peelen graduated f r o m Central High School in Kalamazoo. During the war, she lived h e r e in Holland, and is well acquainted with the surrounding of Hope. While in high school she was an active member of G.A.A., pres. of t h e C.E. Union, a member of the queen's court, and was secr e t a r y of Y'teens. Her p a r e n t s are alumni of Hope College. Ethel plans to be an elementary teacher of music, since she h a s considerable ability in t h a t field, and was a member of the robed choir and orchestra a t Central High. T r e a s u r e r Dave Van Eenenaam g r a d u a t e d f r o m Muskegon High School last year a f t e r gaining much recognition f o r his capabilities f o r leadership. In his high school, he was active in sports, t r e a s u r e r of

Thomas, distinguished Welsh baritone of concert stage, radio and television will assume the spotlight on F e b r u a r y 6. Mr. Thomas, frequently heard as guest s t a r on "Voice of Firestone" and "Chicago T h e a t r e of the A i r " is also a Red Seal Victor recording a r t i s t . The last engagement in the Concert Series will be a request return performance by the Stanley S t r i n g Quartet. This group is one of the finest string q u a r t e t s in the Mid-West. Mr. Anthony Kooiker will appear with them in the F r a n c k Quintet f o r strings and piano. Sponsored by Hope College f o r the college itself and the people of Holland, as a non-profit venture, the talent comprises a series of stellar attractions. Season tickets f o r all five concerts may be obtained at Meyer Music House and the Hope Business Office. The price is two dollars f o r students and f o u r dollars f o r non-students. Tickets f o r individual concerts will be a lollar twenty-five and sixtyfive cents f o r non-students and students respectively. A reserved section f o r all season ticket holders will be held until 8:10 P.M. All engagements will begin at 8:15 P.M.

Fall Enrollment


The latest figures released by Mr. Hinkamp, r e g i s t r a r of Hope, show that Hope College has a total of 801 enrolled for the first semester. 485 are male, while the women number 316. The Freshmen class has a l a r g e majority of men students 167 in all; there are ninety f r o s h women. The other three classes are composed t h u s : Sophomores— 106 men, 81 women; Juniors— 90 men, 60 women; Seniors— 107 men, 49 women. Four of the seven special students are female. T h e evening school also possesses a m a j o r i t y of women, 32 to 12.


sel f o r his instruction and counsel which they received as students, and to which they attributed much of their success in scientific fields. Also present were Dr. I. J . Lubbers, president of the college. Dr. Gerrit Van Zyl, head of the chemistry department, and Mr. Clyde Geerlings, college alumni and public relations director. Dr. Kleinheksel graduated f r o m Hope in 1922, and continued advanced study a t the University of Illinois, where he secured his Masters Degree in 1925, and his Doctorate in 1927. At t h a t time, considerable research on rare-earth elements was being conducted a t the University. Dr. Kleinheksel wrote his doctor's thesis on the "Preparation and Properties of Anhydrous Rare-earth Chlorides." Upon his arrival at Hope as a professor in 1928, Dr. Kleinheksel taught chemistry and zoology in Van Raalte Hall. Later, as the enrollment increased, he t a u g h t chemistry exclusively. The new science building, completed in 1942, was badly needed a few years later when an influx of veterans greatly increased the student body. Dr. Kleinheksel said t h a t , the recognition paid to him by so many of his f o r m e r students was indeed g r a t i f y i n g .


Pastor Speaks

At 89th Convocation

Thursday, September 17, Hope College officially started the new school year with the 89th Annual C o n v o c a t i o n at the Memorial Chapel. The speaker was Dr. Frederick Zimmerman, p a s t o r of the First Reformed Church of Albany, New York. Dr. Zimmerman was also recently elected to the presidentship of the General Synod of the student council, V.P. of the the Reformed Church. The topic National Honor Society, and HI-Y of the message was "Choose Ye and was an active member of the This Day Whom Ye Will Serve." Masque. He was on t h e varsity Dr. Lubbers presided a t the sertennis team and in intramural vice. Mrs. Marion de Velder of sports. Dave, like Maurie, won an Holland contributed a soprano solo. award f o r the best all-round boy Others participating were the Rev. of his graduating class, the C.W. Schoon, Dean of the Memorial Marsh Cup f o r senior boys. Both Chapel, the Rev. Bert Van Malsen, of Dave's parents and his b r o t h e r of Grand Rapids, Dr. J o h n DykJohn are alumni of Hope College. stra, president of the Hope ColDave is a pre-med student and lege Board of Trustees, and the plans to take his g r a d u a t e work a t Rev. Clarence Hesselink of Musthe University of Michigan. kegon.

Both teams a r e this year, as usual, confident; the sophomores coached by Jack Kalee and Earl Laman, the f r e s h m e n by John Mulder, Don Bussies, John De Pree and J e r r y Giebink. Members of both teams will toss f o r sides a t noon on the day of t h e contest. As the practice period is considerably shorter this year, the teams have been drilling day and night. Forty-seven eager f r e s h m e n appeared f o r practice on the first day in contrast to twelve confident sophs. Since then the r a n k s of the f r e s h m e n have diminished, and the number of sophomores has increased, making the sides f a i r l y even. A committee decided last spring to move the t i m e of the pull up, as class rivalry is hotter during the orientation period. Spectators who wish to observe the event f r o m t h e west bank of the river may follow the direction signs f r o m the Davis Die Company driveway to the site of the contest.

1953 Rushing Season Opens With Banquet On October 12, F r a t e r n i t y Rushing will s t a r t on Hope College Campus. E v e r y man t h a t is interested in joining some f r a t e r n i t y will be invited to one or more of these organizations to meet t h e active members and enjoy some f o r m of entertainment provided by the respective groups. These meetings will continue between October 12 and November 14, a f t e r which the rushee will be expected to decide with which group he would like to become affiliated. Upon being invited to join one of the F r a ternities, the pledge will write out an acceptance and hand it into Dean Hinga's Office not later t h a n 4:00 P.M., of November 20. On t h e evening of October 9, the I n t e r - F r a t e r n i t y Council h a s planned a dinner f o r all men interested in joining a F r a t e r n i t y , a t which time t h e histories of t h e respective F r a t e r n i t i e s will be given and other interesting f a c t s presented. All new m e n on t h e campus a r e urged to attend this dinner in order to clear up any questions t h a t m i g h t arise pertaining t o rushing.


P a g e Two

HOPE COLLEGE ANCHOR Editorial Staff Editor-in-Chief Managing Editor Sports Editor F e a t u r e Editor Society Editors Rewrite Editor Photographers Typists

Ray Vedder Dave Angus Dan H a g e r P a t Pickens Dot Lindahl, Myron Denekas Lee Fasce Bill Parsons, Verne Barkel Marge Mac Ewan, Marge Lunenberg

Business Staff Business Manager Assistant Business Manager Advertising Manager Circulation Managers

Ron Mac Clary Gene Ouderkirk Herb Morgan W a r r e n Buitendorp, Ken Gnade

MEMBER ASSOCIATED COLLEGE P R E S S Entered as second class m a t t e r at the post office of Holland, Michigan, at special rate of postage provided f o r in section 1103 of Act of Congress, October 3, 1917, and authorized October 19, 1918. Subscription R a t e : $1.00 per year. Published every other week by the students of Hope College except during holidays or examination periods.

Voice of The Campus Editor's Note: The goal of this newspaper is to practice freedom of the press to its fullest practical extent. This column is for everyone, not only students, but faculty also. We'd like to request your letters of criticism, opinion, and suggestion; however, such requests never bring results. Therefore, we're demanding them. We know there are some who have grievances concerning The Anchor, its policies, and some of the opinion expressed in articles and editorials. We want letters, lots of them. Editorials in the future will appear concerning topics of varying significance—some local, some national, some international. If you disagree with opinions expressed in editorials or other letters, don't be afraid to write. This is everybody's newspaper—from the youngest Frosh to the eldest faculty member. We're all Hopeites and citizens of the world. All articles should be written legibly, should be rational in tone, and should include the name of its author. Take articles to A N C H O R mailbox in the Van Raalte Hall Post Office neai the Business Office or give them to Ray Vedder, Dave Angus, Pat Pickens, or Lee Fasce.


MIND? Do you think the Kinsey report should be in our library ? Dave Hondorp, Junior: " I think, because it is a research book, that it would be up to the d e p a r t m e n t concerned to decide." A Seminary Student: "On the point of research I think the Kinsey report h a s little to offer, and under t h a t department it has no place on our library shelves. However, there is a certain amount of good in having the book so t h a t students can understand t h e psychology behind asking the women to tell of their experiences." Dollie Bechberger, Senior: It should be read only by ministers, doctors, and sociologists." A Recent Alumnus: "As a research book it h a s next to nothing. It would seem, with all the recent publicity t h a t it was just a moneymaking project." Professor J a m e s Prins: "Areopagitica by Milton contains my answer." (Editor's Note) Milton said " . . . I wrote my Areopagitica in order to deliver t h e press f r o m the res t r a i n t s with which it w a s encumbered; t h a t the power of determining w h a t was true and w h a t was false, w h a t ought to be published and w h a t to be suppressed, m i g h t no longer be entrusted to a f e w illiterate and illiberal individuals, who refused their sanction to any work which contained views or sentiments a t all above the level of the vulgar superstition . . . "



Hour Minutes

Your Council met a t 8:35 p.m. ANY F U T U R E IN TEACHING? in Van Raalte Hall. Minutes of A few weeks ago in a downtown restaurant, I sat alongside the previous meeting were read a man who introduced himself apologetically as a high school and approved. The following officer's reports teacher from Detroit, three years out of Michigan State. I told were submitted: him of my plans to enter his profession. " I wouldn't advise President's R e p o r t : John Busman— 1. Announced t h a t the booster pins will arrive by October 1st. 2. Appointed Dave De J o n g to secure paddles and ping-pong balls for the recreation room in Van Raalte Hall. 3. Requested Bob Cook to draw up a schedule of hours when the Student Council office will be opened and managed by various Council members. Vice President's Report: Helen Van Loo reported on the gradual organization of the StudentFaculty and Faculty-Student Committees. T r e a s u r e r : No report. Standing Committees: ports.



Special Committees: 1. Frosh-Soph Pull — Bill Kisken announced October 2, the conclusion of Freshman hazing, as the date of the Pull and commented on the progress of each team. He suggested t h a t in the f u t u r e the Student Council be certain to secure permission to use the driveway which leads to the entrance of the Pull site. 2. Homecoming — Ben Le Fevre reported t h a t all float chairmen are to submit their ideas based on magazine titles to him by September 25, and t h a t details concerning the crowning of the queen and the pep rally are under way.

3. Leadership Conference—Sam Hoffman stated t h a t the first training class f o r all officers of the various organizations will be held the evening of September 28. The Palette and Masque, or P and M following week, October 5th, inas everybody calls it, was founded dividual classes f o r each office will many years ago by one of the be held. faculty. In 1946 Professor Edward 4. K a n g a r o o K o u r t — Norm Avison was brought in to head and Gysbers reported the only court expand its activities. In 1950, Miss session will be Wednesday evening, Helen L. Harton came to direct September 30th, in the gym. our g r o u p and our growth con5. Radio Hope College — B o b tinued as we added a chapter of Pi Epsilon Delta, the National Col- Cook announced the beginning of legiate Players, which is a national the college broadcasts will be Ochonorary dramatics f r a t e r n i t y . The tober 14th. years of P and M have all been Old Business: No reports. years of growth and activity and New Business: we now have o u r ' own Little The following motions w e r e Theatre on the f o u r t h floor of the made, seconded, and carried: Science Building, with an auditor1. T h a t the coaches of the ium, Green Room, control booth, F r e s h m a n and Sophomore pull shop, recording room, wardrobe, Teams flip a coin to determine dressing rooms, and make up upon which side of the river each tables. will take its stand. The year introduces a new di2. That a committee be aprector to the f o u r t h floor, Miss pointed to investigate the possiElva Van Haitsma, who comes bilities of holding daily, mid-mornfrom O t t a w a Hills High in Grand ing chapel services. Rapids. With hardly time to catch 3. That absences a t Student her breath. Miss Van H a i t s m a has Council meetings be excused only been plunged headlong into the if a substitute is present, the repfrantic t h r e e week preparation f o r resenting the absent Council memthe Homecoming play. This year ber, and t h a t three unexcused abthe play selection is the J . M. Bar- sences will result in removal f r o m rie classic. The Admirable Crichton, the Council. which is concerned with an aristo4. That effective methods of colcratic English family who r e v e r t to lecting class dues be discussed a t the s t a t e of N a t u r e when ship- the leadership t r a i n i n g conference wrecked on a desert island. While f o r all organizational t r e a s u r e r s . there, t h e y are willing slaves to 5. That the Grand Rapids Hertheir f o r m e r butler, but on return ald be solicited in the Kletz and to civilization, the positions are that ink be supplied to the library shifted. as a courtesy of Student Council. Probably one of t h e brightest 6. T h a t a committee to conspots in the otherwise chaotic hori- sider the r e a d j u s t i n g of prices f o r zon is t h e presence of a "little bit Council parties be organized and of E n g l a n d " on our campus. Chris- that this group consider all team tine Denny, or Tweeny as she is members when making its derapidly becoming known, is f a m i l i a r cisions. with the play as she h a s appeared The meeting was adjourned a t in it in England. She is most qual- 9:15 p.m. ified to give t h e production t h a t Respectfully submitted. bit of English f o r t h e finishing Carol Estroe, touch. Student Council Secretary

Palette and Masque


it," he said grimly, "you won't be able to live on your salary." He'd had three years of teaching in one of the state's best systems. Now he was quitting. "Sure," he admitted, " I was making $4,000 a year, but 20% went for income taxes and 5 % for the teachers' retirement fund. T h a t left me $3,000, and I just couldn't do it. And they expect you to live in a nice neighborhood, be well-dressed and take active interest in civic affairs. Finally I got completely demoralized and quit. I found I could make more money selling real estate part-time than on my yearly teacher's pay." It was not bitterness that I observed. Just resignation in the face of discouraging circumstances. The union to which he belonged, the American Feredation of Teachers, had been hamstrung by disinterested members, mostly women, he complained. "It's all right for them," he remarked. "They're just teaching for something to do, to supplement their husbands' earnings. The salary is just pin money. It means a new car or redecorating the house. I was one of two bachelors out of 70 teachers," my friend said. "All of the men had outside jobs." He spoke of parents' disinterest in the school. "But it took the kids off their hands—they were glad for school to begin in the fall. They were tired of 'baby-sitting' for the summer. They expect the school to raise their children for them. I don't know what's become of American home life." Under similar circumstances I spoke to another ex-teacher. He was now a fertilizer salesman. I told him I was going to teach, and he laughed at me. "Sure," he said, "when I graduated from M.S.C., I thought I would teach, too. One year was enough for me. I was coaching football, teaching history and a couple of other subjects I didn't know anything about. I tell you it was worth more than my salary. Now, since I quit, almost all of the teacher candidates from my class have left their teaching jobs and gone into sales." Doubtless, there is a real challenge in the teaching profession. It can be an enjoyable and rewarding occupation. But financial worries had imposed upon these two men a heavy and unnecessary strain, which caused them to seek relief in another occupation. Each year a rather high percentage of Hope graduates enters the educational field. Are all our prospective teachers headed for disillusionment? Must teachers simply accept low wages and over-work as consequences of entering a commendable profession? Schooling for all children, yes, indeed—but what price education? HINGA SPEAKS O N FRATERNITIES In a few weeks new men on Hope's campus will be thinking of joining a fraternity. Although Hope does not have National Fraternities, its fraternity life has been a part of Hope College almost from the founding of the college. These fraternities started out as Literary societies, but today I believe that they have a much broader function than just meeting once a week. Much of the social life on Hope's campus revolves about our five fraternity houses. These houses are used not only for meetings, but also for social functions. Almost every Friday or Saturday evening the members invite young women and faculty members over for open house. Each fraternity has a house mother who acts as hostess and helps with the refreshments and entertainment. These house mothers are selected by the college and play a very important part in the life of the fraternity. The friendships made in belonging to one of these organizations are life-long. There is nothing that develops friendships better than working and playing together. The inter-fraternity sports program, the All College Sing, float and house competition at Homecoming all help build up morale. But even more than this is the effort on the part of the different fraternities to find worthwhile projects of a service nature; to help their school, the community or some one in need, near at hand or f a r away. These truly bind fraternities in a way that lasts long after schooldays are over. One of the essential things that all interested candidates should bear in mind is that a scholastic average of 1.7 (allowing 2 points for a " 6 " ) must be maintained by all men desiring to be taken into fraternities. The time to keep this in mind is now when classes are starting rather than later when the nineweek grades are posted. As a closing thought for new men on Hope's Campus: give every fraternity a real chance. Keep an open mind. Be cautious of any group that tries to build up their own prestige by running down another organization. Find that group which has a constructive program and a membership that enjoys the same kind of things that you enjoy. .




Page Three

$16,500 Spent For Campus Improvements

House Parties Launch Fall Sorority Activity

Looking about the campus you will find that there have been quite a f e w changes made during the summer. In fact, $16,500 was spent in the remodeling, redecoration, and repaying of the campus buildings and grounds. The Memorial Chapel and the Science Building were the two buildings to receive most of the attention in this "house-cleaning" campaign. The chapel has had the interior washed and repainted f o r the first time since the edifice was completed in 1929. It took five men, six weeks to complete the job. The color scheme - was changed very by Mike D e n e k a s little. The Arcadians began the new The science building, erected in semester with their annual s t a g 1942, has also undergone a comparty at tunnel park. The p a r t y plete redecoration at a cost of apwas well attended and everyone proximately $4,000. The insurance had an enjoyable time. The Armoney received a f t e r the fire in cadian house is looking considerthe P. & M. workshop covered this ably b e t t e r this year. During the expense. summer it was painted and a new Besides being face-lifted, the rug was placed in the lounge. The utility rooms and the kitchen in Arkies plan a very extensive rushVoorhees Hall have had added to ing p r o g r a m this year and they them a new dishwasher and a walkwill work under the able leadership in cooler. of President, Joe Fowler; ViceF o u r class rooms in Van Raalte President, Larry Veenstra; SecreHall have been redecorated, with tary, Bob Van E a a r d e n ; and Treasnew tablet chairs placed in two of urer, Don Baird. them. The offices of the r e g i s t r a r The members of Cosmopolitan and business manager and the corare very proud and pleased with ridors have also been repainted. their new home. With a stimuFour dormitories, F r a t e r n a l , lated interest the members are Knickerbocker, and A r c a d i a n planning f o r the annual alumni houses and Van Vleck Hall, have banquet, open house, and float and had their lounges recarpeted. The house decorations. The Cosmos wish Cosmopolitans are now living in to express their thanks f o r the their new house at 47 East 13th beautiful new dressers which are Street. This house h a s been rean added attraction to the house. modeled and redecorated to serve The most immediate problem of the the needs of twenty men. f r a t e r n i t y is to create a suitable Campus paving includes drive- recreation room out of the spacious ways to Voorhees Hall and the basement. Officers f o r the fall Emersonian and Arcadian Houses. term are Bill Helder, President;

Frats Prepare For New Rushing Season

Welcome Hopeites AT



College A v e n u e

•.* *,* *,* ».• •,»


3 Choirs




6-6633 12 West Eighth Street HOLLAND, MICHIGAN





Dave Angus, Vice-President; Tom Niles, Secretary; and Jim Hutton, Treasurer. Emersonian has begun another year at Hope under the following first-term officers: President, Don Prentice; Vice-President, Herb Morgan; Secretary, Ken Gnade; and Treasurer, Gene Stoddard. The f r a t e r n i t y welcomes back an old Emmie, Bob " S t r e t c h " Wagner, who is presently completing his senior year here a f t e r serving in the Navy. At the literary meeting tomorrow night. Phi Tau Nu will have as its guest speaker, Lt. Ted Stickles, who was a P.O.W. and he will speak on some of his experiences in Korea. The f r a t e r n i t y is g r a t e f u l f o r the new drive way which was resurfaced this summer. Seventy folding chairs f r o m American Seating Company, donated by the Alumni is one of the most important improvements to the F r a t e r n a l Society. A new rug in the lounge, new lights in the study, and new mattresses were also much needed and appreciated additions. The famed f r a t e r combo has started practising. With the old members back and the addition of a few new members, the combo should be just as good as last year. The f r a t e r n i t y f o r the fall term, will be under t h e capable leadership of Monte Dyer with Rod Wissink, Jim Van P u t t e n and Norm L a g e r filling t h e roles of Vice-President, S e c r e t a r y and T r e a s u r e r respectively. Recreation rooms in the basement is the new project of the Knicker-


! i i i


t i i i

For Your Fall

Pictured above is the new C o s m o p o l i t a n Fraternity House, n o w situated at 4 7 East 13th Street, west of the campus, just three houses off C o l l e g e A v e n u e .

Book Fines Provide Library Improvements The appearance of the new Venetian blinds in the reading room of Graves' Library over the summer serves as another in a long list of improvements which the library staff under the direction of Miss Singleton has attempted to invoke over the past few years. The money for the blinds was taken f r o m the Student Fine Fund which Miss Singleton set up f o r just such internal improvements. In the past the money has been used f o r book-binding, steel racks, and redecoration purposes; but in order that the students might better be aware of the benefits of the project, Venetian blinds were chosen by the Council.

bockers. The members have been working hard to complete the job and hope to have it done by late fall. New carpet in the lounge and f o u r chairs reupholstered were much needed additions to the house. Four Knicks are in charge of the pull team this year. John Mulder is head coach with Don Bussies, Gerry Giebink, and John DePree acting as assistants. A band will again be formed this year by the Knicks. Nick Pool, Ron Powles, and Bill St. John will f o r m the nucleus of the band, which was featured at several functions held last year at the Woman's Literary Club. The new officers f o r the fall term will be: President, Don Shull; Vice-President, Ron Brown; Secretary, W a r r e n Buitendorp; and Treasurer, John Mulder.

i •

A Smart Line of Suits & Topcoats •••••••'

The Brooklyn soldier did it shortly before the armistice in company with two other men f r o m his outfit. They drove their retriever one-half mile behind enemy lines where the tanks had become bogged down. When the retriever, a converted M-4 medium tank, reached the spot, the enemy surrounded them on three sides according to the Army Times. "The mud came clear up over our wheels and up to our knees," Erickson said. "We had to drive up close to the tanks and then hook the winch cables up by crawling underneath the tanks, so we woudn't get shot by snipers. It took us f r o m an hour to an hour and a half to get a tank back into hard ground." While at Hope, E r i c k s o n , "Swede" to most of us, was a member of the Emersonian f r a ternity and f o r f o u r years s a n g with the Men's Glee Club.

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Kenneth Erickson, 1952 Hope graduate, has been awarded the Bronze S t a r Medal f o r valor. Erickson, a mechanic in Korea with the Heavy Tank Company, 15th I n f a n t r y Regiment of the 3rd Division helped to pull, out under enemy fire, seven mud-bound tanks, each worth $250,000.




Recent Alumnus Cited For Valor

The members of the Delphi Sorority, like the members of all of Hope's sororities, started this year's activities by having an overnight house party. The Delphi house party was held at Gretch Yonkman's cottage on September 15. This was the night that all sorority girls got together to relate their summer adventures and to vote on their pledges f o r this year. Last Thursday night the Del phis had a chocolate p a r t y f o r their new pledges in the Juliana Room. The Dephis will have their official pledge dinner at "The H u b " in Grand Haven on October 9. Holding the Delphi reins this fall are: Myra Saunders, president; Marlene Meninga, vice-president; N a n c y Carpenter, secretary; and P e g Prentice, t r e a s u r e r . The Dorian Sorority has started this year's activities under the leadership of Connie Veenstra, president; Alice Klepper, vice-president; Marge Johnson, secretary; and Joyce Vanderborgh, treasurer. The Dorians had their house party at the Tim Buck II cottage a t Lake Macatawa. Dorian members and pledges had a get-acquainted dinner at the E t e n House on September 18. The Sibylinne Sorority had its house p a r t y a t Castle Park. Sib pledges enjoyed a get-acquainted buffet supper a t the home of Barb Slagh on September 18. The Sib pledges were put through their paces during informal initiation and slave sale last Thursday night. Last S a t u r d a y morning the Sibs took an early morning hike through the woods. A f t e r working up a good appetite on their hike they all went to Cumerfords f o r breakfast. The Sib officers f o r this fall are: Barb Slagh, president; Mary Lou Richards, vice-president; Ruth Bogaard, secrtary; and Celeste Tigelaar, treasurer. The Sorosis Sorority, with president Nancy R a m a k e r ; J u n e Fiedler, vice-president; Joyce Hofman, secretary; and Ann D a m s t r a , treasurer, opened the college year by having their house p a r t y at the Hen House at Castle P a r k . Last Friday night Sorosites and their pledges had a get-acquainted buff e t supper at Elaine Ford's home. The Thesaurian sorority's house party was a t the C-All Cottage at Lake Macatawa. Theta members and their pledges had a bike hike to the Mooring last Saturday. After reaching their destination the girls built a fire and roasted hot dogs. Theta officers f o r the fall term a r e : Louise Abele, president; Sheila Moran, vice-president; Loretta Tucker, secretary; and Shirley Hand, t r e a s u r e r .

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MODEL LAUNDRY, INC. 97-99 East 8th

Phone 3625

Page Four


Snow, Cavanaugh Direct Glee Clubs, Chapel Choir Reitberg Conducts Chancel Chorus This year as in f o r m e r years try-outs were held f o r the chapel choir. Since the choir is limited to seventy members, the chancel choir has been created f o r the overflow of students who enjoy singing. Once again the chapel choir and men's glee club a r e under the direction of Dr. Robert Cavanaugh and Mrs. Curtis Snow is directing the women's glee club. The men in chapel choir also make up the men's glee club although the personnel in the girls' glee club and those in the choir are not entirely the same. The choir's tour of the E a s t , with its f e a t u r e stop at Radio City Music Hall, received such an enthusiastic response that the administration of Hope classifies the tour as one of the best "good will" policies of the college. It is still undecided what p a r t of the country the choir will tour next spring. Much will depend on where they get the most invitations. Last spring the choir recorded several numbers with R.C.A. Victor. A few of these long playing records are still available in the Blue Key Bookstore f o r $6.00. A small percentage of one of t h e shipments had flaws. If you obtained one of these, you may r e t u r n it to the Blue Key and the company will replace the record f r e e of charge. Chancel choir will meet f o r the first time this year on Thursday, October 1, in the Y.M.C.A. room. It will be under the direction of Mr. Roger Rietberg. The concert plans of the chancel choir are indefinite as yet. Mr. Rietberg is Director of Music a t t h e Third Reformed Church here in Holland, and he cordially welcomes anyone who enjoys singing to join the chancel choir. ».•


I • ».• •


Meyer Revisits Paris Estroe/ Hoffman Fill Student Council Posts For Study, Vacation Last J u n e the Student Council Paris, t o u j o u r s Paris! T h a t seems to be the theme of the French Department a t Hope. Miss Nella Meyer, on her f o u r t h t r i p to France this summer, spent five weeks in the historic Latin Q u a r t e r where she attended lectures a t the Sorbonne. These enriching lectures covered the language, music, a r t , literature, philosophy, and history of France and were given by men who were experts in their respective fields and who combined their knowledge with great enthusiasm making it an extremely inspirational series.

elected two additional officers to serve f o r the school year 1953-54. Sam Hoffman, a junior, was chosen for the position of t r e a s u r e r . Carole Estroe, also a junior will serve as secretary.

Class of '57 Elects Continued f r o m p a g e 1

documents used. While in Germany this time Dr. Fried was awarded the degree of Ph. D., m a g n a cum laude f r o m the University or Erlangen, in Erlangen, Germany. In 1949 Dr. Fried returned to his studies a t Harvard with the thought While in Paris Miss Meyer of eventually obtaining an Amerivisited with J a n e t Tuttle, a f o r m e r can PhD. Since then he has worked Hope student who is now studying with the Department of the Air Force in Germany adding more to at the Alliances Francaises. One of the highlights of Miss his knowledge of modern European Meyer's trip was a f o u r day week- history. This time he also helped end spent in Holland where she to establish a school in Germany visited several of the g r e a t mu- and in his spare time conducted seums and was quite f o r t u n a t e in several courses in history. This having the opportunity to see an experience in teaching convinced exhibition of the works of Vincent him t h a t he wanted to e n t e r the teaching profession in the United Van Gogh in Amsterdam. States. Her trip was climaxed by an Miss Betty Lindberg is teaching eighteen day trip to the Southern music education, cello, and will be p a r t of France. She travelled to a member of the f a c u l t y string Switzerland, stopping to visit many quartet. She is a native of Green beautiful and historical cities en Bay, Wisconsin. Miss Lindberg atroute. In Nice she was thrilled a t tended Stephens College in Miscatching a glimpse of Henri Masouri and received her A.B. from tisse, the g r e a t modernistic painter. Northwestern. She received her She went through the Riviera and M.A. f r o m Columbia University then down to Albi to view an exand while there was a music conhibit of Toulouse-Lautrec works besultant f o r the Agnes Russell fore r e t u r n i n g to Paris. A f t e r five Center. She has been a member of days there she departed f o r the several symphony orchestras inUnited S t a t e s via London and Icecluding the Columbia Teachers Colland. lege College Little Symphony. Miss Meyer brought back almost Miss Lindberg has had teaching 400 pictures which will be shown experience in public schools in New to some college groups in the near York, Wisconsin and Oklahoma and future. she h a s done radio work in her native Green Bay. Besides her "Don't forget our "Y" meetings." teaching at Hope she will teach at Beechwood and Harrington schools. »,• » . • » . » » . • #.• »,»»,•»•»• #.• ».• ».•«• • •> •> ».• ».• »,• ».• »• # • # • »> ».• »•»,«».• # • Miss Elva Van Haitsma, a native of Grand Rapids, spent her freshSUNDAES — CONES — MALTEDS men and sophomore years a t Hope. She received her B.A. f r o m WesMILLS ICE CREAM COMPANY tern Michigan .and her M.A. from 206 COLLEGE AVENUE the University of Michigan in 1951. She h a s t a u g h t dramatics, English and speech in both Wyoming Park and Ottawa Hills high schools in Grand Rapids. KEEPSAKE DIAMONDS Miss Van Haitsma is a member in Pi Kappa Delta, national honorHAMILTON ELGIN BULOVA ary speech f r a t e r n i t y , and also of the Michigan Speech Association and the Speech Association of America. She is now busy directing h e r first play on Hope's campus. Dr. Gerald Nykerk, a missionary DE FOUW'S ELECTRIC SHOP on a year's f u r l o u g h f r o m Arabia is assisting in the biology departWELCOME HOPE STUDENTS ment, acting as laboratory instructor. Dr. Nykerk attended Hope, g r a d u a t i n g with the class of 1934. £ee 141 tyoA. ^omA, fle&JU He attended medical school at Marquette University in MilwauDESK LAMPS — CLOCKS kee, Wisconsin, and served both as intern and resident in the hospitals in Milwaukee. He h a s served in HOLLAND 26 EAST 8th STREET the Arabian Missions f o r eleven years, replacing Dr. William H a r rison. Dr. Nykerk and his wife #> # . • #.« # . • •.% # • # * #,• #.« #• #• #># • #• #,• #,• #.• •,% # . • # • # • . and three children a r e now residing in Holland. •,» • • » • » • » » » • » •

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ANCHOR MACHINE AGE This monster spreading talons in the sun is born of us, hard substance of our brain; iron and steel are molded into one resolving m a s s ; what yesterday had lain in seeming unawareness sprang to life fashioned most cunningly by lathe and knife. The wheels revolve, the spinning motors whirr, the hot air splits with anguish that is torn f r o m monstrous travail; suddenly there stir newer conceptions waiting to be born. Have care! We may be helpless to control things t h a t have been begotten without soul. —Marguerite Janvrin Adams.

Poefry Association Bares Collegiate Verse Contest The National Poetry Association announces the tenth annual competition of College Students' poetry. The closing date f o r the submission of mss. by all college students is November fifth. Any student attending either junior or senior college is eligible to submit his verse. There is no limitation as to f o r m or theme. Shorter works are preferred by the Board of Judges, because of space limitations. Each poem must be typed or printed on a s e p a r a t e sheet and must bear the name and home address of the student, as well as the name of the college attended. Manuscripts should be sent to the offices of the association, National Poetry Association, 3210 Selby Ave., Los Angeles 34, Cal.




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Faculty Discuss Public Relations

r z s r

This y e a r ' s pre-school faculty conference dealt with the problems of Hope's public relations. The conference w a s keynoted with a n address by Dr. Lubbers on "The College and its Public." The conference then continued with group sessions on the college's relations with its alumni, the church, the community, and its prospective students.


by Dick Bibtor

r o m



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NEW BOOKS Always the Young Strangers by Carl Sandburg Carl Sandburg p o r t r a y s the story of his life in the small town in which he was born, and unconsciously reveals how America was ingrained in him. The reader gains some idea of the p a r t the Swedes played in settling the Midwest. To m a n y an older reader it will be a nostalgic reminder of his own small town beginning. To the young reader it will be a revelation of the vast changes in the American way of life in less t h a n a lifetime. •

Phone 4342


Page Five

"#,• •



Willa Cather by E. K. Brown In the book Willa Cather a complete biography of her life is given. Also, we find a critique of all her writings which are first-rate. •

From Beowulf to Virginia Woolf by Robert Manson Myers From Beowulf to Virginia Woolf is an astounding and wholly un. . Just w h a t it says . . . If of what is ? If you had read the authorized history of English Litassignment, that question would be perfectly c l e a r . " e r a t u r e . The author's scope is tre#,• ».• # • • • »• #• * « # « #.• • % »• *»»»# • •« • • • • #% • • #• • • # • •».««•»• »• # • #• •» »• • * • • •«»• #% •• • • ««•• »• # • •« mendous. In ten brief chapters he •* •• %• •• •« ** *« •• • # • # • # •• »» •» •*# •# •'# »» •• •• »> •> •» %• •• •• •» •• •» •» •» •V «V v# •• •> •< ranges f r o m " T h e she-Wolf" and SHOES FOR G O O D "The Lone W o l f " to "The Ways and the Wolf", and " T h e Big Bad Wolf".




The Hopis by W a l t e r Collin O'Kane Hopis is a p o r t r a i t of a # • #,• ».• •.» •« *« • « # • • • # • «M» »• *« #• #,• #.• •> • #,• #,» #.• #,• #,• #.» #,• »• *% ».• • • »• •• •» #» «H» *.» •• •• •• . *The *• •» •# »» »> •# »» «*« • • •• •*# •* •» »V »• •• ». •*« • » »» •'* * • •» •• •*« »*« *. **« »*« •* •» •'« ?# *» •« •> •*# • « desert people. W a l t e r O'Kane has lived with the Hopis and has earned their t r u s t and f a i t h . His knowlPEOPLES STATE BANK edge of the Hopi way of life is shared by few white men, and in A Convenient and Friendly Place this book he provides an even more to Do Your Banking intimate view on the Hopi Indians t h a n is presented in any other popwritten by him. ».* •» #,• »• #,• #,• #.• »,• ».• »,* ».• #.• #« •• «.• *• •• % • ular •• •,« volume »« .

this book a t r u l y monumental work, one t h a t will s a t i s f y the shooter because the book tells him (and shows him in pictures) the various stages in t h e development of America's s t a r d a r d guns and amunition, the history f o r accuracy, and the economist f o r insight as to the place of the Winchester Repeating A r m s Company in the financial picture of a country of growing industry.

The Best American Short Stories 1953 by M. Foley. F r o m the hundred examples of short stories published in popular and literary magazines during the past year. Miss Foley has chosen those which best illuminate w h a t Faulkner h a s called "the old verities and t r u t h s of the heart—love, honor, pity, pride, compassion and sacrifice. It is this insistence on basic values t h a t makes Miss Foley's annual collection the unique contribution to American l i t e r a t u r e which it has become. The authors represented in this volume have chosen varied subjects to illustrate their divergent points of view. Their styles r a n g e f r o m the tightly formal to the broadest and liveliest dialect.

Friend for 300 Years by Howard Bunton. ,

This description of Quakerism is an unusual performance. Dr. Bunton presents here his m a t u r e analysis of its religious character and development over the centuries. For the t h o u g h t f u l modern r e a d e r this book provides the clearest, * • • soundest, and most authoritative Winchester by Harold Williamson answer to the often heard question. Dr. Williamson has produced in What is Quakerism?



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Page Six



Flashy Runs Feature Dutch Rivalries Open In Tennis, FB, Assault On Comets, 2 5 - 0 Golf For Frats Hope had too much for Olivet here last Friday night, drubbing the MIAA newcomers, 25-0. Superiority in fundamentals, blocking and tackling, coupled with aggressiveness, was the difference. Using only a straight, simple offense, the Dutch rolled over the opposition easily. There were anxious moments, though, early in the game. Shadows of the ragged Normal contest remained as Hope fumbled the first two times they had the ball, Olivet recovering both. The defense pulled the team out of trouble. Then, a n electrifying 74 yard run by F r a n k Talarico behind excellent downfield blocking had the crowd roaring wildly—but a familiar red handkerchief on the field changed the cheers to cries of "Not again!" The touchdown was nullified and Hope penalized 15 yards f o r clipping. In the second period, Kempker broke loose f o r 52 yards and a T.D. The e x t r a point t r y was missed and the 6-0 score stood at half-time. On the kickoff s t a r t i n g the second half, Talarico took the ball, charged s t r a i g h t up the field behind a wedge of blockers, veered through, a hole t h a t opened to his left and sprinted f o r his first tally of the year, a run covering 92 yards. Again the e x t r a point was missed. Playing with more spirit, Hope shortly a f t e r connected f o r a T.D. on t h e i r first pass of the game, a 20 yard toss f r o m Voss to Adams. Kempker converted, making the score 19-0. With this lead. Coach A1 Vanderbush sent in his reserves the remainder of the 3rd quarter and most of the 4th, the first string returning in the final f o u r minutes to move the ball down to the Olivet 15, Talarico t a k i n g it over f r o m there. The g a m e ended with Hope on top, 25-0. Olivet had only two drives. One was broken up by Herm Nienhuis who intercepted a pass on his 27 and went to Olivet's 29. The other was a g i f t f r o m Hope as f o u r consecutive penalties, including 15 yards against Coach Vanderbush, were marched off. Trying to push across the goal line under their own power. Olivet's offense fizzled out. Downfield blocking had noticeably improved over the Normal performance, setting up long runs f o r the Dutch backs, who in turn used their blockers effectively. The backs, first and second string, were superb, running brilliantly at times and f a k i n g well. H O P E - O L I V E T STATISTICS H O F i r s t downs 11 10 Yards rushing 279 84 Yards passing 21 122 Passes attempted ___ 7 16 P a s s e s completed 1 9 P u n t avg. 31.1 44.2 Yards penalized 186 65 Scoring: Hope—TD: Talarico 2, Kempker, Adams. P A T : Kempker.

HOPE-MICH. NORMAL STATISTICS H MN F i r s t downs 9 9 Y a r d s rushing 37 119 Y a r d s passing 94 10 Passes attempted 20 12 Passes completed 9 3 Punts ' 5 9 P u n t average 36 33 Y a r d s penalized 60 85 Hope 0 0 0 6-6 Mich. Normal __0 14 0 7-21 Scoring: Hope—TD: Adams Mich/'*Normal—TD: MaWoy 2, P a g a n . P A T : Middlekauff, 2, Badalow.

Hope Hung By Hurons, Selves Hope's gridiron Dutchmen kicked off the '53 season by running up against a steady, strong Michigan Normal squad f r o m Ypsilanti in Riverview park but played them on even terms, a pair of Dutch bobbles setting up the margin of victory as the Hurons came out on top, 21-6. Twice the visitors pushed over tallies by almost identical means, each time getting possession of the pigskin bare yards from paydirt thru Hope misplays on punting attempts. The remaining y a r d a g e was easly eaten up to give the Hurons a 14-0 halftime lead. It was an intercepted pass by Fullback Ron Oestrike and a 22yard runback of it t h a t helped to put the contest out of reach of the Dutch squad in the final stanza, altho they bounced back with a potent drive that netted them a score before time ran out. John Adams sneaked t h r u f o r 26 yards to account f o r Hope's total. Game statistics, other t h a n the final score, give indication of the real closeness of the f r a y , the Dutch racking up more first downs than their opponents and outgaining them by two yards. 'Let's Back Our Teams."

I n t r a m u r a l s activity between the fraternities, an independent squad, and a representation f r o m Western Seminary began this week in the three fall sports, touch football, tennis and golf, with play to continue in each during the ensuing weeks. Football setup lists two nights a week f o r play, Monday and Wednesday, g a m e s starting at 4:15 on the athletic fild. Two games per night are slated. Teams are made up of seven players each, with three linemen and f o u r backfieldmen. The g a m e s are governed by a body of rules drawn up by the intramural managers, one f r o m each f r a t e r n i t y and one f r o m the Seminary, and Russ DeVette, who is director of the intramural program. Tennis is to be run as in f o r m e r years, with divisions in singles and doubles. Each organization enters two singles players and one doubles team, a total of f o u r diff e r e n t men. A tourney schedule is drawn up and play advances according to it. As in the past, the finals in the singles will be played on Homecoming morning. F i r s t round action in the tournament s t a r t e d this week. A point system is used to determine the winning organization, one point being given f o r each advancing round a f t e r the first one. Golf teams composed of three men each, also are scheduled f o r immediate activity. Winning squad will be determined by the total team score, low tally winning. Each man is to play two rounds of eighteen holes each. f Each e n t r a n t will play his rounds at his own convenience, the only stipulation being t h a t a member of some other team be present at the time.

Grid Boss Waves Wand, Creates New Dutch Line With the limited substitution rule giving coaches around the nation an added headache this year, lest their offensive stars of previous campaigns prove inept defensively and their defensive aces fail on offense tactics, Dutch mentor A1 Vanderbush is facing the same situation this fall in fashioning a squad fense. Hermie Nienhuis, a backto pursue the MIAA trophy. The grid boss and line coach Ken Weller are masterminding a juggling act which has resulted in a f o r w a r d wall in which virtually every member is experiencing a new duty of some sort. Among those making a big switch is Captain Jim VanHoeven, who is out f o r some sort of record this year. Already twice holder of an allconference berth, once at the tackle slot and once at guard, the senior team leader will be shooting f o r the honor again this year but f r o m the end of the line. Always a deadly tackier, he is developing into a capable pass-snatcher also. Bud Prins, an offensive tackle on last y e a r ' s team, is anchoring down the center of the line this year on both t h e offense and de-

HOPE'S SCORERS Adams Talarico Kempker

TD __2 2 1

PAT 0 0 1

TP 12 12 7

Enough Rope... •y


This is the year pre-released starting lineups again have more than a fifty-fifty chance of being correct. The may or may not, depending on the coin-flip, of the past few seasons is dated this year. Now the unit that opens has to go both ways. The anti-two platoon dictate was concocted since last season by some sort of authoritative body, with the real engineering allegedly handled by a few of the bigger big time athletic chiefs. What they have in mind can be inferred—college football is headed in an unhealthful, perhaps eventually disastrous, direction and something has to be done about it. But the validity of their methods is open to dispute. As long as such things as hiring of talent at fabulous sums —talent, that is, in a specific sport, certainly, in most cases,, not in anything else—are tolerated, as long as the ideals underlying academic institutions are made a travesty, there will be elements of rottenness in collegiate athletics, football - among them. Football evils are mostly limited to big time schools, where they go to ridiculous extremes to make believe they're good, or better, or best, or something like that. But there are small schools swept with vision of glory also and the movement is still forebodingly in that direction, giving rise to more foolish policies by more schools. These policies are no good and this new rule will do little to change them. About the only results from it will be a less cluttered field and more money talent on the bench. *





Among the ranks of fandom there are a great many unsavory types. But the lowest of all is the cur who hoots and jeers and cheers when someone on the other side gets crocked. ^*





We feel it noteworthy of mention that one of the members of the college has distinguished himself in one of the finer phases of current day living. Besides doubling as the dean of the college he has proved himself in the field of football forecasting, in which last Friday in a pre-game prediction he gave Hope a 24-0 victory.

2- Man Nucleus Plus Enough Help Leaves Green Unafraid An inexperienced team with only two lettermen back is t h e story of this year's Cross Country. But Coach Larry Green is highly optimistic and feels the better balance of t h e squad will offset the loss of several veterans. The two returning lettermen are Glen S t r a t s m a and Jesse King, who were kingpins in last year's second place finish. Making a s t r o n g bid f o r the number one spot is Ron DenUyl, who is a f r e s h m a n with several years of high school experience. Coach Green t e r m s him "the most promising m a n on the squad". Byron Aldrich, a veteran of the track team, also h a s looked good. Rounding out the team are

field man in his previous experience, is a new member of the line. The f o r m e r offensive fullback and defensive linebacker is now adapting himself to the guard position. Three rugged tackles, junior Bill Heydorn and sophs John Hollander and Doc VanHoeven, all just defensemen last year, a r e now going a both ways. Ed Stapert, a tackle on the offense and linebacker on defense in the past, is filling in a t guard on the c u r r e n t squad, dropping back to linebacker on most defensive plays. Always a capable blocker, Don VanderToll, who never played defensive ball before in either college or high school, is proving himself an adept tackier as well. Exlinebacker J o h n Brannock h a s been learning the f u n d a m e n t a l s of the offensive end position as well as still holding down his old spot.

Bernie Stremler, Henry Young, Ron Reinink, Gordie La m a n , Don Meeuwsen, Henry Van Farowe and Jack Moermond; all are inexperienced but show promise of f u t u r e success. Ted DeVries is handling the managerial duties. -.The schedule: Oct.





4:00 P.M.


Adrian away


Hillsdale home 11:00 A.M.


Central Michigan away


Albion away

7 14

Kalamazoo home 4:00 P.M. Alma away


M.I.A.A. at Olivet

* »•»» #« # • » • » • • • # • • . * % » • » • # • » • # 4 »« »•».•.•« » • # . » • # » »• •*
















E S T A B U S H E D 1867




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