066 board of foreign missions rca 1898

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women have not been backward with their contributions, and have given more than Rs. 30 for the woman’s branch of the Gospel Extension Society. The three weekly meetings—one for men only on Tuesday evenings, the general meeting held in Sevur Wednesdays, and the women’s meeting on Thursdays, are well attended and interesting. Five Sunday Schools are regularly kept up, the average attendance for the year being 371 pupils. The teaching in these schools is entirely voluntary, i. <r., the Mission employees are not required to do this as a part of their regular work, and they, together with a number of the Industrial school boys, and many of the women of the congregation, take an eager interest in this most interesting and important branch of the work. The workers’ Training class held immediately after church service on Sunday morning has done much to aid in systematic andi practical teaching. CHITTOOR, BY REV. J . A. BEATTIE.

In the congregational work of this year there has been marked improvement. The progress has been Spirit. numerical, spiritual and financial, and the general at­ tendance at all services has improved on last year. This is due to improved organization, a greater esprit de corps among the people, and much faithful work done by the Pastor and elders and other agents. Above all there has been much prayer, partly drawn forth by the presence of cholera and famine, and the nearness of plague. The number of families belonging to the con­ gregation is 107 as opposed to seventy-two last year. The twenty-two children baptized are another witness to the internal growth of the Christian community. The people seem to have a better idea of what baptism means and dedicate their children to God earlier than they used to do. But the largest increase of the year has been among the unbaptized adherents. Seventy-four adults and sixty-six children have been added, making a total of 190 unbaptized adherents as compared with fifty last year. In the congregational life in town and villages various cases of back­ sliding and insubordination have occurred, but in each case the parties con­ cerned were immediately visited, and in all cases except one, the wise and prayerful councils of the elders and helpers prevailed. One member only has been suspended during the year. The larger liberality of the congregation enabled the consistory in April last to express their appreciation of their Pastor's services by increasing his salary two rupees pet; month, and, notwithstanding the increased expendi­ tures of the congregation due to the action of the Mission that all congrega­ tions should henceforth pay their own incidental expenses, the financial year ends with balances in three treasuries. At present the wheels of the work­ ing machinery of the church are in good order, and the whole is running smoothly. Much house to house visitation has been done and many prayer meetings have been heid by the Pastor and office-bearers, and we may prob­ ably say with truth, that the Pastor, Rev. John Yesuratnam, has never spent a busier year. Besides the ordinary work of the congregation, he has been Im proved

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