050 board of foreign missions rca 1882

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I oard of J oretp j)[tsstons, REFORMED CHURCH

IN A M E R I C A ,



Schenectady, N. Y., June, 1882.

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B O A R D ,

34 V esky St ., C o r . o p C h u r c h . 1882.

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||mini af J orfitgn OF THE



IN A M E R I C A , „

Twenty-flfth of Separate Action, WITH THE

Treasurer’s TaMar aai Samarj Repert of Receipts,, For the Year ending April 29th, 1882.


Y O R K :



B O A R D ,

34 V esey St ., C o r .o f C h u r c h . 1882.

REPORT. T h e Board of Foreign Missions respectfully presents to the General Sy no d the report of the fiftieth year of its existence and twenty-fifth year of separate and independent action. T h e year has brought with it so me anxieties and sorrows. T h e serious illness of Rev. Dr. Jacob Chamberlain in India, continued nearly to the end of 1881, was the cause of m u c h anxiety. His recovery was doubtful for months, and w e feared that the church was about to be deprived of his services. It pleased G o d to restore h i m to a g o od degree of health. T h e sickness of Mr. Conklin, w h o had just fairly entered up on his w o r k in India with a promise of increasing usefulness, a sick­ ness which still continues, has been a disappointment hard to bear and a source of sorrow. A t h o m e also w e have been called to grieve over serious losses. In January the Rev. D r . ' Philip Peltz was compelled b y a protracted and painful illness to resign his place as a m e m b e r of the Board. His resignation was accepted with sincere and deep regret and sorrow. Almost from the year w h e n the Bo ar d entered upon independent action b y a separation f r o m the American Board, Dr. Peltz ha d been identified with it, and active an d zealous in promoting its in­ terests. H e wa s associated, as Secretary, with Chancellor F e r ­ ris, the first Corresponding Secretary of the Board, and w h e n Dr. Isaac Ferris resigned, after t w o and a half years of duty, he carried the entire responsibility of the office during the years of the civil war, years of unusual difficulty an d perplex­ ity. After resigning the position of Corresponding Secretary, in 1865, he wa s elected a m e m b e r of the Bo ar d and has been to the da y of his resignation, one of its most judicious coun­ selors and earnest and efficient advocates. . A t the April meeting, the death of Theodore L. Mason, M.D., which ha d occurred about tw o months before^ w a s announced. H e ha d been for s o me years the Vice-President of .the Board an d Chairman of the Executive Committee. His interest in

the w o r k committed to our care wa s intense, and his applica­ tion to the endeavor to give the w o r k the highest efficiency and to secure the generous co-operation of the Church wa s con­ stant, fearless, and intelligent. A s an expression of our esteem, and sorrow, the following minute was adopted : “ Fo r nearly fifteen years Dr. M a s o n served the Church in connection with its w o r k of Foreign Missions. H e was faithful in all required duty,' ardent and fully consecrated. W e found h i m wise in duty, fertile in expedients,- a m a n full of faith and of the H o l y Ghost. His courage in the face' of difficulties never faltered, while his zeal, tempered b y sound ju dgment/ m a d e h i m the advocate of a safe conservatism. H e w a s most impressive in the strength an d manliness of his Christian char­ acter. Familiar with science, no stranger to the assaults upon Christianity, he remained firm in an abiding faith in the Scrip­ tures as a Divine revelation. H e felt also that he held this truth as a sacred trust for all the nations of the earth.” ■ T h e year has also.abounded in reasons for hearty thankful­ ness to God. rjPlie presence of the H o l y Spirit has attended our brethren on the field, and H e has given power to their words. A t almost every station and out-station, the n u m b e r of believers has been increased. Everywhere prejudices have been re moved ; a greater willingness to hear the truth, a de­ sire for instruction, a disposition to accept the W o r d of Life has been manifested. T h e field has enlarged, and the promise of a rich harvest has become more bright. T h e M i s ­ sions have in very few previous years been as successful in se­ curing the ends for which they have been instituted.- T h e Churches are called to render hearty thanksgiving to G o d for His blessing upon this part of their w o r k during the past twelve months. O u t of this enlargement and spiritual prosper­ ity, has c o m e an anxiety and fear such as the m e m b e r s of the Bo ar d have seldom experienced in regard to this Christian u n ­ dertaking. T h e w o r k appealing to us for support and sup­ plies has so developed that, if it is to be efficiently maintained, it mu st receive a larger annual expenditure of money, and a larger force of competent Christian m e n and w o m e n from us than ever before, and receive this for so me years to c o m e % It is not an expansion without depth which is constantly call­ ing to us for help to save it from destruction, but a legitimate, healthful/hopeful growth, full of life and activity, which is

almost demanding'from us the assistance which will enable it to accomplish the w o r k which is constantly increasing up on its hands. Will the Church so increase its gifts that the Missions can do w h a t is n o w waiting for t h e m to do ? If the Missions are to do their w o r k effectively the yearly income of this missionary treasury should be increased from this time forward ten thousand dollars a year. C a n and will the Church m a k e such an addition to her offerings? If not, the Church should withdraw from s o me stations, and concentrate her strength upon those retained. ' • T h e last General S y n o d authorized an addition of nearly $10,000 to the expenditures of the Board, but the permission wa s evidently granted with so me reluctance, and the Board postponed the exercise of the authority given to it until last February. T o that time the monthly remittances to the Mi s­ sions were no larger than they have been for at least five years past. In February they were increased b y an addition of one hundred and sixty-five pounds sterling. A n d this has contin­ ue d m o n t h after m o n t h since February. Shail0 this go on, or must it c o m e to an end with this meeting of the General S y n o d ? This increase of remittances requires that the off­ erings of the Church shall hereafter a m ou nt to 172,000 a year. Is the Church disposed to furnish that a m o u n t ? If w e must form our judgment from the income of the past year, w e must conclude that the Church is not disposed to give so large a sum. T h e average annual income of the treasury from .all sources for ten years past has been $64,000. Is it probable that it can be permanently m a d e $72,000 ? T h e increase of income and expenditure is for the support of a larger n u m b e r of missionaries, of native helpers— especially native preachers, and of schools— especially of the higher grades. Concentration, while for the present it m a y confine the Missions to a narrower territory and a s o m e w h a t smaller divis­ ion of the population, would secure better work, and greater efficiency upon tlie territory retained, and in the .end m a y re­ sult in larger achievements than m a y be attained b y holding a larger territory so me w h a t weakly. ' T h e Bo ar d respectfully and earnestly requests the careful consideration of this important point by the General Synod, the only bo dy representing the entire Church and competent o declare the m i n d of the Church.


T h e Rev. George S. Bishop, D.D., of Orange, N.J., was elec­ ted to fill the vacancy caused b y the resignation of Rev. Dr. Peltz, and John Z. Lott, Esq., to fill that caused b y the death of Dr. 1. L. Mason. Rev. John Forsyth, D.D., was elected Vice-1 resident, and John Z. Lott, Esq., a m e m b e r .of the Executive Committee in the place of Dr. Mason.


T h e Churches have been visited b y the Rev. J. V. N. Talmage, D. D., of the A m o y Mission, and the Misses C. M. and M . E. Lalmage have met with the ladies of m a n y of the auxil­ iaries of the W o m a n ’s Board and with m a n y companies of ladies, during the year. ' A Jubilee Missionary Conference, to c o m m e m o r a t e the begin­ ning of the fiftieth year of the existence of the Board, wa s held on Oct. 12th anj 13th in the First R e f o r m e d Du tc h Church of Albany, the Church in which the original m e m b e r s of the Bo ar d were chosen in 1832. T h e Rev. Dr. C. L. Wells, D. D., of Flatbush, L. L, N. Y., the President and Vice-President being ab­ sent through illness, presided at the first meeting. A history of the Board was read b y the Corresponding Secretary, a paper on the w o r k of the Missions on translations of the Bible was read b y Rev. T. W . Chambers, D. D , and one on T h e W o r k of. the Future was presented b y the Rev. A. V.V. R a y m o n d and and Rev. J. Preston Searle. Addresses were delivered at a. public meeting held on the evening of the 12th b y Rev. W m . . Ormiston, D. D., Rev. J. \ .N. Talmage, D.D., and Rev. Geor ge S. Bishop, D. D. T h e attendance of delegates and of the friends of Missions on all the exercises ivas large. T h e letters from the Missions- have been published in the Sower and Mission Monthly. O n e circular in regard to thenecessity for an increase of 810,000 upon the average annual contributions has been printed and mailed to every pastor. A small n u m b e r was also distributed amongst a f e w of the churches. O f the family Missionary Boxes 530 have been furnished tothose.who have ordered them, bringing the whole n u m b e r thusfar distributed up to 6,8.00. .



Mr. and Mrs. M . N. WyckofE, being strongly recommended, were appointed on July 6th, 1881, as lay missionaries to Japan, to open a Preparatory A c a d e m y at Y o k o h a m a . T h e y began their journey on Augu st 18th, and arrived at Y o k o h a m a on Sept. 25th.T h e Rev. Lambertus Hekhuis, M . D., having presented satis-factory testimonials, was commissioned on June 1st as a mis-' sionary of the Church to be connected with the Arcot Mission,and to assume the charge of the Dispensary and Hospital at Arcot, and sailed for his destination on Dec. 16, 1881, and ar­ rived in India on Feb. 6, 1882, after a prosperous voyage. Messrs. Alexander S. V a n Dyke, F. O. Scudder, Jr. and K u m a g e K i m u r a and M o t o Ohgimi, m e m b e r s of the Senior Class of tlie Theological Seminary at N e w Brunswick, offered t h e m ­ selves for appointment as missionaries. Their testimonials have been accepted as satisfactory, and the Board has conveyed to these y o un g brethren its desire to send t h e m to strengthen the Missions if the Church shall provide for their support. A lady having offered $1000 toward the travelling expenses and salary of Mr. E. C. Scudder, Jr., the B o ar d has resolved to c o m m i s ­ sion h i m as a missionary to India w h e n he shall have been or­ dained b y a Chassis. Shall Mr. V a n D y k e be sent to A m o y , China, where w e have only three ordained missionaries and where it is impossible from the smallness of our force to visit the out-stations frequently and regularly? T h e sickness or death of one missionary, as,our force n o w is, would seriously disable the Mission. It is not pos­ sible at present to visit promptly and frequently the localities in which the Ho ly Spirit awakens the minds of men.. T h e care needed b y inquirers cannot be given. M a n y and important opportunities must be neglected. T o do G o d ’s w o r k as it ought to be done not simply one but tw o ordained missionaries should be sent this s u m m e r to this important Mission. H o w desirable it is that the t w o Japanese y o un g men, w h o have persisted in study through m a n y discouragements until they have completed a full academic, collegiate and theological course, should be returned to their (native country as preach­ ers of the Gospel, it is not necessary to argue with the represen.tatives of a Christian Church. These tw o brethren have been brought to us b y the Providence of God, have been led a m o n g

us to believe in the Saviour, have been educated in our institu­ tions, and n o w ask us to return t h em to Japan as ordained m i n ­ isters of the W o r d of God. Should it not be regarded as a dis­ tinction and privilege to be called of G o d to assume the support ■of such m e n ? ' T h e Board has also accepted the testimonials of a y o u n g lady and determined to send her as a teacher to the Isaac Ferris Seminary, at Y o k o h a m a , if the receipts of the treasury will w a r ­ rant the appointment. T h e Seminary will be in need of an ad­ ditional teacher early in 1883, and the teacher should be present -at the opening of the school in September next and have an op­ portunity to prepare herself for the responsibility to be as­ s u m e d a few months after. These applicants have c o m e to the Board without one w o r d •of solicitation from any m e m b e r or officer of the Board. A s far as w e can judge they have been called b y God, and the ’ ■offer of their services was entirely unexpected b y us. W h e t h e r they shall be sent to strengthen our Missions will depend upon the extent of the income of the Board between the 1st of M a y ' a n d 1st of September of the present year.





T H E A M O Y MISSION, C H I N A . (Organized in 1844.) The Mission occupies the following cities: Amoy, population 200,000; Chioh-be, 60,000; assignee to ro the m e Mission, mission, being ueing ■Chiang-Chiu, 100,000; and Tong-an, 60,000. The territory assigned and 50 miles from North to South, has a population about 80 miles from East toiWest, am" ’* “ s of souls, including that of the cities already mentioned. ■of more than three millions The Mission reports : Missionaries— Tlev. J. V. N. Talmage, D.D., Rev. D. Rapalje, Rev. Leonard W Kip, Durins the year Miss C. M. Talmage has also been appointed. Native Pastors.— Revs. Jap Han Chiong, of the 2d Church, Amoy; Chhoa Thian Kbit, of the 1st Church, Amoy; and Tiong Ju-li, of the Chioh-be Church. Pastor Jap, besides severe afflictions in his family, has suffered much from sickness, and has not been able to .give us as much assistance as usual. Pastor Chhoa has, however, been able to give con­ siderable help in the country work. Preachers (not ordained), 14. , , Regular Preaching Ptos— 18(including the 2 A m o y churches). There is also a Church building on Kolongsu, for the service at which on alternate Sundays our mission is re-

^^hedogicaX Seminary— \\ Students, 10, including the tutor, and also including two who •have been teaching school. Pawchial Schools— Z, and one Girls’School. # ^ ^ . The following table, as usual, gives the summary of the Statistics* of the Churches •under the care of the. English Presbyterian Church Mission, as well as our own, all the Churches together uniting to form the Tai-hoey :

a 106 130 77 91 68 64 174 0

s 3 1

s 3

a o T3 .2 J-! a « « 0 a 3 4 2 7 0 3 11 4 2 0 3 4 1 0 5 0 7 3 2 0 1 4 2 0 2 3 0 0 3 1 6 11 172 3 3 23 70 0 2 0


I 11

ontributions during Chinese year ending Jan. 29, 1881.


embers, Dec. 31, 1881.

eceived on Confession. eceived on Certificates. ||


embers, Dec. 31, 1880.

T a b u l a r S u m m a r y o f A m o y M ission f o r 1881.

P* 3 03 03 M .£ •2 .S 5 1 &1 HH P 3 o a 102 "81030 2 $271 46 140 10 9 14 1 485 18 77 5 0 __ 122 62 100 6 0 __.. 145 01 208 25 69 7 1 41 02 54 3 1 534 84 108 6 124 186 17 91 3 318

Total Am. Ref. Ch.. Mission 713 64 8286 1319 741 482586 3 1,994 55 Total Eng. Presb. Mission.. 743 51 12 12 1125 758 -- 24 -- -- 1.495 71 Total Tai Hoey (Classis)-- 1456 115 94982444 1499 -- 49 -- -- 3,490 26 Chioh-be has one out-station at Ki-nih. . O-Kang is composed of two congregations, viz.;Kang-tau and Kio-tau and lias one out-station, Leh-su. Hong-san is composed of the congregations at Te-soa and Ang-tungthau. Tong-an has one out-station, Poa-tau. Chiang-Chiu has two out-stations, Thian-po and Soa sia; four, viz. :

Sio-ke,Poa-a, Lam-sin and Po-a-hi, having been set off to form the Sio-ke Church. • The Girls’School on Kolongsu has thirty pupils. T h e condition of several of the churches during tlie year has not been particularly encouraging, still, in nearly every one there have been, additions, though but few in number. T h e greatest increase lias been in the more distant places. T h e newly organized church of Sio-ke is the most flourishing, at least in point of numbers. T h e n u m b e r pf hearers has alto­ gether outgrown the accommodation for them, both at Sio-ke-, and at Poa-a, whose m e m b e r s belong to the sa me church or­ ganization. T h e Chiang-chiu church, from which memberswere set off to form the Sio-ke church, has not prospered asmuch, but w e are not without a token of progress in that they are calling a native pastor. In this they were doubtless stimu­ lated b y several of the churches of the English PresbyterianMission, no less than four of these preparing to settle nativepastors. In connection with this -there has been a gratifying advance in s o me places in the matter of the support of the gos­ pel. In addition to this is another hopeful feature, viz.: that the churches are beginning to undertake mission w o r k amongthe Hakkas. It is true these people are distant only so me four days’ hard journey, but the difference of language m a ke s it am o re serious undertaking, and one that, w e doubt not, will have a reflex influence on the churches, corresponding to that whichyou at h o m e enjoy from engaging in Foreign Missions. There have been fewer schools ,in the country than duringthe previous year, it being found that in s o me places the n u m ­ ber of scholars -would not warrant the expense of a teacher. W e have established, in connection with the English Presbyte­ rian Mission, a “ Middle School,” intended to be intermediate be­ tween the Parochial School and the Theological Seminary. O w ' ing to limited accommodation each mission can send only sevenpupils. M o r e apply than can be received, so that it were easy to enlarge if a suitable building could be provided. W e , hope that this will partly supply the lack of s o me country schools, in furnishing the means of education to the more p r o m ­ ising country' lads. . , ■O u r theological students" have Suffered m u c h in losing theinstructions of Rev. Dr. Talmage. H o w a small, force can do anything like justice to teaching students and visiting churches-

is a problem w e cannot answer with success.' W e hope this state of things is but temporary, and that the church at h o m e will soon give iis relief. W e cannot be too thankful that in the midst of all w e have been kept in health and strength. W e have not occupied any n e w place during the year. W e ought to press on, if w e wish the w o r k to prosper, and w e hope the church at h o m e will aw ak e to the situation, and bid us go forward. W i t h hopes for a greater share of the Divine bless­ ing for the present year, w e close this record of the year that is past, with thanks for the marvelous loving kindness that has brought us safely through. ' O n behalf of the.Mission. L e o n a r d W . K id. T H E MISSIONARY M O V E M E N T .

T h e resolution of the native churches to maintain a mission amongst so me w h a t distant heathen people, speaking another dialect, which will be observed with m u c h interest, deserves to be more particularly recorded. T h e results, which such a m o v e ­ m e n t m a y bring, need not be enumerated. H o w the undertak­ ing has c o m e to pass, Dr. K i p tells in a letter, written on J a n ­ uary 19th, in which, speaking of t w o journeys into the outly­ ing country, he says : . “ T h e first trip wa s to see m y H a k k a friends. This time there wa s something n e w to tell them, which yo u will no doubt be glad to hear. It is that the native church has re­ solved to take up this H a k k a work, raise all the needful funds, and assume the entire responsibility. This resolution wa s taken at a meeting of native pastors an d elders, heldTast October just after the close of the fall session of Tai-hoey. T w o facts were submitted to the meeting. First, that the w o r k w a s in its in­ fancy, and therefore suited to the strength of the native church. Second, that a united and constant effort would raise the need­ ful funds. It wa s proposed that every church m e m b e r should be called on to undertake to contribute a small a m ou nt each Sabbath for the purpose. T h e very poor might give only one cash, which is about one-eleventh of a cent, and in purchasing power equal to about one cent of our money. S o m e might give two, three, four or m o r e ; but not so m u c h as to m a k e it too great a burden, which they might be glad to find an excuse to

drop. All expressed themselves heartily pleased with the pro­ posal, and it wa s unanimously agreed to meet again in January, to complete an organization, and to begin the collecting at°once. “ T h e second meeting wa s held last week, on the day follow­ ing our yearly preachers’ gathering. M o s t of the preachers were present, and could tell the a m ou nt of the weekly contri­ butions at each place. These sums being added up, the amou nt wa s found to be about 5300 cash, or nearly five dollars, per week. A n allowance being m a d e for some falling off,, the opin­ ion seemed to be that not less than 1200 for the whole year might be counted on. This m o v e m e n t was begun b y the churches in connection with our mission; hut, a desire being expressed that the other churches of the Tai-hoey might have a share in it, it was thought best to defer a regular organization, :and merely appoint a temporary committee for the f e w months remaining before the spring meeting of Tai-hoey, leaving the w a y open for Tai-hoey to adopt the scheme, if that b o d y should desire so to do. Such a provisional committee wa s then chosen along with a secretary and treasurer. T h e n the general subject w a s discussed with m u c h earnestness, especially the question of w h o m to send— the same question that troubles yo u at home. O n e remarked that the preachers should tell their people that men were wanted as well as cas/t, and that besides contributing they should earnestly pray for the right m e n to be provided. “ T h e committee have already b e gu n to act b y appointing a •deputation to visit the place, and confer with the f e w worship­ pers as to procuring a' better place of worship. This wa s a subject which they wished m e to decide w h e n I wa s with t h e m last November. T o this I replied that, while very willing to help, as I hoped to s h o w b y coming to see t h e m occasionally, I . could not decide a question which belonged now to the native church to discuss an d settle. It w a s a n e w experience to .an­ swer such an appeal in this w a y ; but I hope it is an earnest of the time w h e n w e m a y entrust everything to the native churches a n d leave t h e m to stand alone. M o r e and m o r e the burden must be shifted to their shoulders, till they can do without us, a n d w e can seek other fields.”



The Mission occnpies :

The North Arcot DistHct.— A-T^o., 5,017 square miles; population, 1,787,134 by last


The South Arcot District -Area, 4,076 square miles ; population, 1,361,846. The force engaged consists of . Missionaries.— Revs. J. W. Scudder, M. D., Vellore; Jacob Chamberlain, M. D., D.D., Madanapalle: John H. Wyckoff, Tindevanam: John W. Conklin. Chittoor: L. Hek­ huis, M. D., Madanapalle ; and John Scudder, M. D., at present in this country. J/wsiowartes.— Mrs. J. W. Scudder, Mrs. J. Chamberlain, Mrs. J. H. Wyckoff, Mrs. John W. Conklin, and Mrs. John Scudder, at present in this country. Native Pastoi'8.— Revs. Andrew Sawyer, Jhittoor; Zechariah John, Aimee: Moses Nathaniel, Arcot; Abraham William, kattupadi. Native Catechists, 17 ; Assistant-Catechists, 12 ; Readers, 32; Teachers, 30; Schoolmistresses, 12; Bible Colporteurs, 2; Female Bible Readers, 4. Total, 109. STATISTICAL TABLE.

[No table has been received from the Mission, and the station reports are not suffi­ ciently particular to enable us to distribute the changes which have occurred among the churches to which they belong. The Mission writes of the year, 1881 : “ 378 per­ sons, 143 of w h o m were adults, have been baptized and received into our churches; the number of communicants has increased over all losses by 162 ; the number or adherents by 186 ; the children in our schools by 371 ; and the contributions of the Native Christians are rupees 270 more than last year.” W e repeat the table of a year ago, to the totals of which the additions mentioned above can readily be made.]

2 3 3

Gnanodiam........... Kolapakam ...........

4 2

Madanapalle.......... Narasinganur.......... Orattur... ...........

6 4 5



Velambi.............. Vellore.............. Varikkal.............. Yehamur.............

6 4 16 4 5



14 65 45 120 111 99 15 24 48 10 41 59 23 65 11 63 46 31 38 327 6t 109



24 35 4

17 61 4 29 11 59 20 5 1 70 70 99



17 37 22 3 165 72 93 1 110 18


3 2

81 321


23 8 125 114 35 21 113 113


78 1280 1322 453 1424 1008 862

A Rupee is equal to 50 cents. The Arcot Seminary for boys, at Chittoor, has 17 pupils. The Girls' Seminary, at Vellore, has 20 pupils. The Preparandi School, at Tindivanam, has 25 pupils.


fl 2

9 O CJ w> Ee gs fl

o 3 o m

205 109 169 705 193 319 76 177 144 97 60 239 301 391 45 90 302 27 Itiii 139 76 68 1*6 m 100£ at 182 H2 488

35 58 33 149 112 119 8 45 19 10 13 67 43 42

185 125 141 395 280 256 70 180 144 30 72 348 198 353 22 299 168 66 128 966 165: 513



CO 'g A CO

Total in Congregations in


Children of Catechumens.

4 35 24 24 42 12 140 39 98 63 9 81 24 3 4 56 54 2 10 7 22 35 19 7 26 70 26 7 3 41 3 4 67 24 10 48 10 347 51 32 14 39 139


14 21 47 172 56 56 23 56 53 10 •18 25 31 64 12 50 69 28 47 365 SC S3

Baptized Children.

Baptized Adults not Coranicants.

Communicants in 1880.

Aliendal.............. Arnce....... *........ Arcot.......... ..... Chittoor..............

Communicants in 1879.


Out Stations.


R. A. p. 13 15 6 25 2 150 12 9 126 2 0365 5 8' 49 5 0 11 12 3 22 10 11 4 8 0 5 5 9 2 4 & 85 12 0 27 13 11 57 5 1G 16 4 65 2 7 8 6 8 47 5 0 25 8 411 1 0 20 9 2 6 2 4

8 1735 5635 5100 1548 0 4

T h e Mission reports through Rev. John H. W y c k o f f as follows: • Pastors' Aid Society.— A Society with this title wa s organ­ ized b y the native brethren in January last. Its object is to stimulate the native Churches to self-support, and assist t h em in sustaining Native Pastors. M o r e than Rs. 800 has been contributed, the whole of the a m ou nt being given b y the na­ tive Christians themselves. T h e Society has begun very aus­ piciously, and w e hope an advance can be reported every year. Already tw o Pastors are being aided from its funds, and a third will probably receive help from it before the close of another year. Evangelistic 'Worh has been principally confined to points at or in the vicinity of the station and out-stations. T h e fol­ lowing table shows the results of this part of our work during the year under review.: Statistics or Pite a ch i n g to t h e H e a t h e n .


No. of , No. of Places. Times.

Vellore and Out-stations... Chittoor...... ..... Arcot........ ..... Coonoor...... ..... Madanapalle...... ... Palamanair ......... Tindivanam........

514 990 85 769 1,086 129 1,270

3,242 1,967 846 782 2,536 729 2,195

Total........ ..




No. of Audience. 60,616 31,219 8,196 32,274 39,756 ' 10,762 54,386 237,209

Books, etc. 133 1,356 884 3,739 6,112


Rev. J. W . Scudder, M. A., M . D., Missionary in Charge ; R e v . Moses Nathaniel, Native Pastor; John Jacob, School­

master. . At the Out-stations. John Ab ra ham , Catechist; Elias Isaiah, Jonas Moses, Samuel A b ra ham , C. Aaron, John Zechariah, C. Solomon, Readers and Schoolmasters. Connected with this station are Maniampattu, Avarakara, Ye ha mur , Kumalantangal, Veppaly, Melpady, Bassur and Tagarakuppam. T h e hospital and dispensary are also lo‘cated here, and a branch dispensary at Wallajapett has been superintended heretofore from this point. This medical w o r k

has for the present been entrusted to the British authorities, hut will he assumed b y Rev. L. Hekhuis, M . D., as soon as he has acquired a tolerable familiarity with the language. It has been impossible for Dr. Scudder to visit the station ex­ cept at long intervals and the w o r k has partially deteriorated through the need of the care of a resident missionary. Pastor Nathaniel deplores a decline in the n u m b e r of c o m ­ municants, caused chiefly b y removals,and the loss of so me valua­ ble m e m b e r s b y death. H e reports that the schoolmasters and readers in six of the villages have conducted their w o r k very diligently, and the churches and schools are m u c h improved. H e is encouraged b y the fact that -the churches cherish the creditable desire to support their pastors, an d are contributing toward the “ Pastors Fu nd .” A t T a g a r a k u p p a m the chapel is too small for the congregation, and m a n y of the people during ' service have to stand without. T h e pastor writes that although m a n y of the Hindus, w h o hear the Gospel frequently, are con­ vinced of the truth, yet they are ashamed to accept Christianity, because of their caste prejudices. • A rnee.

Rev. J. H. Wyckoff, Missionary in Charge; Rev. Z. John, .Native Pastor; Simon, A b r a h a m Inuni, V. Thomas, Y. Yesadian, Catechists; Po. Isaac, Sandarasagaran, C. Nathaniel, Teachers; G n a n a m Magdalen, Schoolmistress. ° Mr. W y c k o f f writes:— This station still remains under m y charge, though I have been able to visit it but once during the year. There have been no additions to the churches aud the n u m b e r of adherents is less than last year. T h e decrease is largely due to the transfer of the preparandi school to Tindiva­ n a m at the beginning of the year. T h e native pastor has labored faithfully, and the other agents have also done their w o r k well. T h e station is greatly ‘in need of a missionary, w h o can give it •the superintendence it requires, and, until this w a nt is supplied, w e cannot reasonably look for m u c h advance. « , Besides the central station Pastor Z. J o h n has under his care the villages, Chevoor, P u d u p a u k a m , Kanigalupei, Changanapuram, Chennathur, Muttudari, a n d Sanganapuram. H e re­ ports that some of the people have been compelled to leave their villages b y w a n t of water, the native official having neglected to m a k e a channel to supply the tank. H e writes: “ Alth ough the

people are illiterate they gladly and eagerly attend to the Gospel’ truths. T h e y have showed that they love Jesus, an d that they care for the salvation of their souls. Notwithstanding the dis­ couragements which I and m y helpers have ha d during the year from the great reduction in the congregations, caused b y those w h o have left the villages, w e have reason to be glad and to be thankful to God, w h e n w e see the moral improvement m a d e and the charitable disposition displayed b y the Church adherents. W i t h the exception of one, they all have contributed very liber­ ally though they are poor, and I pray that this noble disposition, which has newly appeared in them, m a y g r o w m o r e and more.” ’ chittoor




■Rev. J. W . Conklin and wife, Missionaries in Charge; Rev., A n d r e w Sawyer, Native Pastor; P. Jaganathan, Catechist; Z. Bashyam, Assistant Cathechist; W . Samuel, P o n n a n David,. David R u n g a s a m y , E d w a r d Bedford, Anthony, Samuel Isaiah,. Readers; Barnabas, Teacher. Rev. J. W . Conklin writes : ' ' O n the first of July last I was put in charge of this station and the Arcot Seminary, which wa s then m o v e d to Chittoor.. Being n e w in the country, and having only begun to learn the lan­ guage, m y supervision could not be very thorough or efficient.. Happily the Seminary has efficient masters, and the native mi n­ ister is a true and tried Shepherd. U p o n th em I have relied, much, and to t h e m I a m deeply grateful. Pastor A n d r e w Sawyer reports: T h e Sabbath services are conducted regularly as usual.. T h e Lord’s Supper is. administered once in tw o months. Atthe close of every morning service, on Sundays, the Heidel­ berg Catechism is taught. Occasionally the Catechism fur­ nishes subjects for sermons. Prayer meetings are held every w e e k in the houses of the members. Mo r n i n g prayers are con­ ducted in the Mission bungalow. Mrs. Sawyer conducts-prayermeetings on Tuesdays in R e e d ’s Cherry. T h e w o r d of G o d preached in the Church is eagerly listened to both by .Chris­ tians and the heathen. T h e churches at Chittoor and its adjacent villages are warmin some places and cold in others. In some places they areneither w a r m nor cold, but lukewarm. ■ S o m e with honest heart bear witness of Christ, others d e n y

Him. S o m e shine as lights, holding the W o r d of Life, others are in the dark. S o m e believe in the Lord Jesus Christ, and wait watchfully for His coming, others are deplorably careless.


coosrooR. /

Rev. J. W . Scudder, M . A., M . D., Missionary in Charge; P. M . Selvaroyan, Catechist; Isaac Ab ra ham , M . David, Elders; J o h n Samuel, Head Master, and C. Papiah, Second Master of Boys' School; D e v a Kirubai, Schoolmistress; M a r y A m m a l ,

Bible Woman.


Dr. Scudder writes : ■ It is with m u c h pleasure that I give m y testimony to the continued prosperity of the Co onoor Station and Church, a prosperity which, under G o d ’s blessing, is due very largely to the hearty co-operation of all concerned in it. T h e Catechist has done his w o r k faithfully and well. T h e Elders not content to be mere figure-heads to the Church, have labored piously and zealously for its wealth an d advancement. T h e m e m b e r s have, in general, proved their interest b y their attendance at divine service's, and their orderly w a l k and conversation. A n d best of all,.many of the European residents of Coonoor have continued to meet, f r om time to time, with the congregation, and to encourage their native brethren both b y precept and example. T h e result is a prosperous and united Church. Catechist Selvaroyan reports : ’ The Sunday School continues to prosper, an d the attendance has been very fair. There are three classes, t w o for boys and one for girls. T h e subject taught in these classes are Genesis, the S e rm on on the Mount, Catechism, H y m n s and Lyrics. M y thanks are due to those m e m b e r s w h o have during the year continued to help m e in this-branch of labor. n Prayer Meeting.— Besides the W e d n e s d a y evening prayer meetings which have been regularly held, a Female meeting is held every Thursday afternoon b y Mr. Herklots an d M a r y A m ­ mal, each taking the class every alternate Thursday. T h e attendance on this meeting has been pretty satisfactory. T h e go od results of this meeting are' apparent in the conduct of so me of the w o m e n w h o live a godly and Christian life, and m a y be attributed chiefly to the excellent example and teach-

ings of the above lady. T h e m e m b e r s of this meeting save a , small quantity of rice from their daily portion and bring it to the Church once a week. Zenana Work.— This w o r k wa s started in June last, b y the s Bible w o m a n , M a r y A m m a l , whose services were secured b y Mrs. Clarkson. She visits the H i nd oo females in their houses and converses with t h e m on things relating to Christianity. She also, sings Christian Lyrics and expounds s o me verses from the Bible. It is pleasant to feel that her visits to their houses are appreciated and wished for. . s Evangelization.— T h e Gospel has been regularly preached in the town, market, and on the coffee estates. W e give an ad­ dress on s o me plain truth, then let all w h o will, question us. F r o m 50 to 200 people assemble to hear us. A t the close w e distribute handbills. T h e Elders and Codly Mission Catechist help m e at these meetings b y preaching, an d singing lyrics of which all are fond. Girls’ School.— This school has gone on satisfactorily during the year. T h e attendance has been good. T h e scholars consist of Christian an d H i n d u girls. A t the end of the year there were 44 girls on the register. T h e school has not yet been examined b y the Inspector, but in the annual examination held just before the holidays, the girls did very well. ‘T h e y were examined in all the subjects taught. T h e needle w o r k was ' examined b y Mrs. B. Stanes. M y thanks are due to T. Stanes, Esq., Mrs. R. Stanes and Mrs. Clarkson for their liberal prizes ' of clothes and boxes to the girls on the day of the public ex­ amination.




Rev. J. Chamberlain, D. D., M . D., and Mrs. Chamberlain,

Missionaries in Charge; P. Souri, J o h n Souri, Joseph Paul, Catechists; I. Anthony, Chinnaya, Joseph W o o d , Assistant Catechists; P. Timothy, Jonas Chinnappa, Readers; J o hn Heal, Esther Jula, Teachers at Madanapalli; P. Innaya, Ja me s Neal, Teachers in the Villages; R e b e k a h Souri, Maria Rayal, Female Bible Readers; M a r k Zaccheus, Colporteur of the Amer­ ican Bible Society.


. 1880. Families.................. ...100 ‘C o m m u n i c a n t s ............... 35 •Baptized adults not C o m m u n i c a n t s ........ 19 Baptized Children. . . . . . . . . . . . . ........... ' gg Catechumens .. . . . . . .... .'.......... ’. . . . . ig5 •Children' of Ca te chu me ns. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . fO ’ r ^~r”“ Total of Congregations....'-..______ _ _____ 348

1881 125 66 25 73 171 81 416

' Rev. Dr. Chamberlain, gives the following account of the year: ■ W e are privileged to be able to report another year of steady growth. T h e n u m b e r of Co mm uni ca nt s has increased b y more "than eighty per cent., and the total n u m b e r of registered adher­ ents under regular instruction by'over sixteen per cent. N o n e w centres have been occupied during, the year ; but, in addition to the 163 persons residing in nine different villages ’w h o were asking to be received under Christian instruction at ■the close of last1year, 147 persons residing in three different vil•lages have during this year offered to give up their Idols, and abjure all heathenish practices if w e wo ul d receive t h e m under •our charge and teach t h e m to follow Christ Jesus. I rejoice that the w a y seems n o w open to receive a n u m b e r of these villages •early the comi ng year. ' ' In the villages which have already been taken under instruc­ tion there has been noticeable progess. In Obulreddipalle, the ■last of the villages occupied, the little congregation of four f a m ­ ilies with eighteen m e m b e r s reported last year, has n o w increas­ ed to fourteen families of fifty members; and a little school has been started, holding two sessions— one early in the morning, be‘ fore they go out to work, and one in the evening, after they have 'returned from their w o r k and had their supper. O n e y o un g m a n of twenty-three, a cultivator w h o attends the night school, ’ Is already able to read in the Gospels; and his neighbors say he takes his books to the field with him and studies while his bul­ locks are resting, and the heathen p l o w m e n gather round hi m ■and ask h i m to read to them. , In Nalcheruvupalle on a recent Sund ay I had.the privilege of baptizing and receiving into the visible church fourteen of those formerly heathen, and a n u m b e r m o re of candidates are approv­ ed for baptism on m y next visit. T h e adults here have learned

to sing the songs of Zion unusually well for adult converts, and all the m e n attend evening prayers in the school house with c o m ­ mendable regularity. In Tirumareddipalle I baptized on a re­ cent Sund ay seven more of the converts, and several others ask to be baptized at m y next visit. T h e little school here has m a d e .fair progress, and m o re scholars are joining. ' A t Gollapalle the death of several of the oldest leading m e n in the small congregation has thrown matters back so me w h a t but still there are indications of progress. O n e of the old men, w h o m I ha d regarded as the most promising of all, died calling on the Lord Jesus, and expressing his firm faith in H i m and his confidence of meeting H i m above. T h e day before he died T w a s there; and, after expressing his joy at the prospect of meet­ ing his Saviour, he called his little son, a bright lad of twelve years, and'begged m e to train h i m to w o r k for Jesus. In Peddapalicum, one of the places most recently occupied, evil influences brought to bear on t h e m b y their heathen rela’tives have distracted the congregation; but n o w they seem to1 have taken a better turn and have promised to send their chil­ dren to an evening school, and they are improving in their at­ tendance on the services. , . Touring.— In the early part of the year I took one short tour, preaching a m o n g the Heathen villages ; and though prevented b y sickness from doing m o r e such w o r k myself, m y native as­ sistants have gone out for weeks together in the “ regions be­ yond.” W e have thus preached the Gospel, in the regions a w a y from our Christian centres, 680 times in 321 different Heathen villages to 13;635 people. • ' ' Station and Pillage Preaching.— Besides these tours, myself and the native assistants at the station'and in,the Christian vil­ lages have preached and pressed the Gospel claim in 765 differ­ ent adjacent Heathen villages— thus preaching 1,856 times, and to audiences numbering 26,121 persons. PVee Reading Room.— This has been kept open through the year, with its supply of periodicals, literature, both vernacular and English, and with a' supply -of Christian books and tracts, as well as illustrated Christian magazines an d newspapers from En g l a n d and America. T h e evening Biblical lectures are still well attended,'and frequent conversations ■and discussions are held with non-Christians on Gospel subjects. T h e sales of books at tbe reading room, and by the mission

agents at the station an d in the villages, and by the colporteur o,n his journeys, have amounted to 1,356, viz: 120 schoolbooks. 456 tracts and religious books, and 796 scriptures an d portions. Schools.— T h e station girls’school, and boys’school under Mrs. Chamberlain’s charge have done good w o rk during the year. T h e y continue small, the former having nu mb e r e d only twenty , an<l the latter only fifteen ; as the permission for their "enlarge m e n t during the year which w e had expected did not come. O w i n g to the sickness of the D e p u t y Inspector none of our, schools were examined in their secular studies in D e c e m b e r for G o ve rnm en t Result Grants, as had been arranged, so that w e cannot tell as yet wh at they have earned., T h e y were examined ho wever in their Scripture and religious studies, and the examina­ tion was capitally sustained, and proved diligence on the part of both teachers and scholars. T h e tone of both schools has improved during the year, and w e hope soon to be able to en-. large them, . ’



Rev. Dr. Chamberlain, Missionery in Charge ; J o h n Hill CatechistSamuel Seth, Colportuer of American Bible Socie­ ty ; Rebekah, Female Bible Reader. *


Dr. Chamberlain reports: . . , T h e n u m b e r of communicants in the church here is the same as last year, but the congregation has increased by nine. O n e family of three persons has joined us from heathenism, an d a y o u n g orphan lad of high caste parents has at his o w n request been received under instruction. . A t our last communion, ser­ vice season I had the privilege of baptizing a y o u n g convert of the Golla caste, w h o has been for tw o years under instruction. H e is n o w pursuing a course-of education, and gives promise of m a ki ng a useful man. T h e catechist has carried on a systematic preaching of the ' G'ospel in all the surrounding villages. T h e Female Bible/ Reader has been at w o r k the latter months of the' year reading and explaining the Gospel and the Bible to her Hind oo "sisters in the town and villages near by, and the Bible colporteur has plied his vocation in villages for thirty miles around. T h e har­ vest from this seed sowing has not been reaped yet; but the seed m a y be germinating in more places than w e know, and the har­ vest is sure to come. T h e Gospel message has been presented

at the station 729 times in 129 different villages to Heathen au­ diences numbering 10,762, and m a n y Scriptures and tracts have been sold. . •



Rev. J. H. Wyckoff, and Mrs. Wyckoff, Missionaries in Charge: At the Station.— S. A. Sebastian, Catechist and Bead Mas- ° ter of Anglo-Vernacular School; T. V. Rajajanikaram, A. .

Ramasami, T. S. Ambalavanan, Yedantachari, M . Peramanandam, Assistant Masters ; Seshai Iyengar; Tamil Moonshee / Samuel Zechariah, Scripture Teacher; T. Ve nk ata ra ma nr Head Master of Girls’ School) Tolasiammah,.>S'eMzw'7 Mis­ tress ; Lazarus A. Christian, Header and Hible Teacher. . In the Out-Stations. Paul Bailey, S a ms on Samuel, H. P. Joseph, A. Daniel, P. Nithian, John Peter, Pr ak a s a m Malliappen, Catechists; Souriappen, A. Francis, S. T a m o t h a r a m r Yesadian Israel, Assistant Catechists; lyakan, Zechariah, Sooboo David, C. Jacob, J. Matthew, M . Paul, T. Absalom,. Christian Danial, A. Joseph, G. Daniel, J o h n David, FrancisJacob, Readers and Schoolmasters ; J o b T. lyakan, S. Zee-? hariah, K. Zechariah, S. Sourimuthu, S. Jacob, P. Ab ra h a m , P - ‘ Daniel, James, Teachers; P o n u a m m a h -and Elizabeth, Hible Readers ; Sathiam, Schoolmistress ; A a r o n a n i D a v i d ^ ‘(?o^i>r'- ^ tears; Job, Moses, Colporteurs of Madras Bible Society. ' Rev. J. H. W y c k o f f writes: „„ T h e Statistics of this station give the following particulars Organized Churches 8 ; Christian congregations 35 ; C o m m u ­ nicants 439 ; baptized non-communicants 690 ; unbaptized ad­ herents 544. Total 1,683. So far as growth of Church m e m ­ bership is concerned, the year 1881 has been the most prosper­ ous that the station has ever experienced. T w o hundred and? forty-two persons (133 -adults and 109 children) have been baptized and received into the Church of Christ. T h e n u m b e r of communicants has increased b y 110 ; the baptized non-communicatits b y 244 ; and the adherents b y 78. These are en­ couraging results, for which w e praise the Lord b y wh os e helpthey have been achieved. . . < N o r has there been a growth merely in numbers. A care­ ful inspection of the different villages has convinced us that them e m b e r s of our congregations are also advancing in intelligence-

and giety ; and the reports,of the Catechists confirm us in this opinion. T h e Sattambadi Catechist writes :— “ T h e Church m e m b e r s are gradually advancing both socially and spiritually. Those w h o were before rude and uncivilized are n o w becoming re­ fined and intelligent. This is evident from their m o re respect­ ful treatment of their superiors ; their m o r e cleanly habits ; their regular attendance at Church services ; their desire to have their children educated and obtain respectable employ­ ments, and their wish to become independent of other’s support.” T h e Varikkal Catechist reports:— “ Th at the people of this village are growing in intelligence is seen from the interest manifested b y the yo un g m e n in learning to read. After w o r k ­ ing hai’d in the field all day, they c o m e together at night to study, and m a n y have thus learned to read and write. T h e darkness of ignorance, which has covered these poor people so long, is thus being gradually dispelled, and the light of educa­ tion with its numerous blessings is beginning to shine. T h e Chur ch m e m b e r s are also advancing in piety. T h e y care less and less for heathen or R o m i s h ceremonies, and more and m o re relish the pure and simple worship of Christianity. T h e y always begin their sowing and reaping as well as other import­ ant duties with prayers, and b y their faithful attendance upon the Sabbath services and week-day prayer meeting, s h o w that they are m a ki ng progress in the Divine life.” These are but examples of the changes that are taking place in m a n y of our villages, and while the advance in enlighten­ m e n t m a y not be so rapid as w e might wish, still it is m a rk ed 'enough to s h o w that the w o r k which is being done is of the Lord and that His seal is upon it. T h e question of self-support has been pressed upon the Christians during the year, with m u c h earnestness, and with not unfavorable results. T h e s u m of Rs. 201 has been contributed for Pastor’s support alone, and the total contributions for all objects have amounted to Rs. 325. This m a y seem a small amount, but it has been given b y people w h o are for the most part very poor, and w h o have contributed in m a n y instances at great personal sacrifice. Catechists and teachers have given a part from their small salaries ; farmers have brought the first fruit of their scanty harvests ; w o m e n have given their weekly collections of rice and other grains ; poor w i d o w s

have also put in their raiite ; and even the little children have gladly contributed what they could. O f the village congrega­ tions, Narasinganur 'has contribnted the most, according to size of congregation, and deserves the first place ; while Sattambadi, G n a n o d i a m and Alliendal stand next in order. O f the n e w villages, Zeyil and Veleiyampett have done the best. T h e subject of self-support is one of the fivst importance in our village work. H o w these congregations, composed almost exclusively of poor and ignorant people, shall be developed into self-sustaining churches, is the most difficult and perplexing question the Missionary has to face, and in the solution of which he has the special need of Divine w i s d o m and guidance. Native Assistants.— During the year tw o Native Assistants, Solomon Arunachellam and Tychicus Paul, have been removed b y death. T h e former, w h o had taken a medical course in the Mission Dispensary, and w h o for m a n y years had rendered effi­ cient service in the Mission, died in December, leaving a large family of seven children. Tychicus Paul, a graduate of our Seminary, and a lad of m u c h promise, passed a w a y suddenly in the m o n t h of July, leaving a y o u n g wife, to w h o m he had been but recently married. W h i l e w e record these deaths with m u c h grief, it is with still greater sorrow that w e have to repprt the dismissal of t w o Native Assistants for gross i m m o r ­ ality, and the suspension of another for dishonesty and deception. All three of these m e n had been educated in the Mission, and t w o of th em ha d long held positions of trust. In no period of his seven years’ Missionary career has the Missionary of this station been called u p on to report so un ha p p y an event. It is the one dark blot upon an otherwise bright and prosperous year. W i t h the, above exceptions, the conduct of the Native Helpers has been generally good. M a n y of t h e m have a real love for their work, and prosecute it with great faithfulness. Some, however, are mere hirelings, working simply for the monthly stipend that they receive. Others are indolent and are only kept up to their w o r k b y fines and threats of dis­ missal. , " In order to encourage the Helpers in the study of the Bible, prizes have- been offered for the last three years to the Cate­ chist and Readers for the best examination on a portion of the Bible previously assigned. T w o examinations have been held

this year, one in February, on the lesson for 1880, and one in December, on the lesson for 1881. A t the examination in Feb-, ruary, which wa s on the latter half of the B o o k of Genesis, the Catechists’ prizes were obtained b y Yesadian Israel and Prakas a m Malliappen ; and the.Readers’ prizes b y Jo b and G. Para- ■ m a n a n d a m . In the examination for 1881, held in December, on the B o o k of Exodus, the Catechists’ prize wa s awarded to La z­ arus A. Christian, and the Readers’ prize to J. T. Absalom. T h e examination papers of the Catechists were all good, and s h ow ed careful study; those of the Readers, on the contrary, were nearly all poor, and revealed an ignorance of Scriptures of which they ought to be ashamed. W e trust that m o r e interest will be taken in the lessons of the coming year, and that a better result will be obtained b y the candidates. . Moanqelistic "Worlc.— Preaching to the heathen, although confined principally to points contiguous to the station and outstations, has been also carried on to some extent “ in the regions beyond.” M y l a m , Mallianur and Trenomelay were visited during .the annual feasts b y the Native Assistants, and thou­ sands of people heard the Gospel. Five of the Helpers took a 12 days’ tour in apart of the district not visited for a long time, and the interest with which their message wa s received showed that large results might be expected could such efforts be fol­ lowed up. T h e time of the Missionary and Helpers is so taken u p with the. congregations and schools, that at present it is not possible to do as m u c h of this w o r k as could be wished. T h e Gospel has been proclaimed during the year 2,195 times in 1,270 places to 54,386 people. Book-Depot and Reading-Room.— nns, institution has been carried on with greater efficiency than ever before, and with encouraging results., T h e A g e n t in charge reports the sale of 2,^55 Religious tracts and books, 1,187 Christian school books, an d 297 Gove rnm en t school books. T h e a m ou nt realized from these, sales was Rs. 210. Religious and Secular papers are sup­ plied to the Bo ok - R o o m , and the A g e n t converses on religious subjects with all w h o come. 6,240 people are reported to have visited the place during the year. Besides the above sales, the Colporteur of the Madr as Bible Society has sold 2,422 Bibles and portions, realizing the s u m of Rs. 93-6-0. This is the largest n u m b e r of books (though not the largest s u m 1ealized) ' sold b y any Colporteur in the Madr as Presidency.

Educational Wovk.— There are 30 schools connected with this station classified as follows : B o y s ’ Boarding School 1; AngloVernacular Schools 2; H i n d u Girls’ School 1; Village Vernaci u ^ar Schools 26. T h e total n u m b e r of pupils in all the schoolsis 609 (442 boys and 107 girls), being an increase of 87 boys , an d 8 girls over last year. M o st of the Vernacular Schools are very small, the average being only 16 pupils; but they are­ a most important factor in our village w o r k and an indispensa­ ble necessity to its growth. W i t h the exception of a fe w that receive a small G o v e r n m e n t grant, these schools are entirely supported from Mission funds. T h e children pay no fees, arid even books are supplied gratis. T h e teachers,however, h a ve , other Mission w o r k to do besides their school duties. W e have " attempted to introduce a change during the year and oblige the pupils to furnish their o w n books. T h e experiment, al­ though not a complete success, has b y no me an s proved an en• tire failure, the children in severaT villages having paid for all books that were supplied to them. O f the four 'schools that received Gove rnm en t grant, the one at At ha nur did -the best' having realized the s u m of Rs. 53. T h e school at Narasinga_ nur also did well, having earned a grant of Rs. 38; while those at Orattur and Sattambadi obtained Rs. 28 and 25 respectively." T h e teachers of these four schools deserve credit for the results earned b y their pupils. T h e rest of the schools, altough not t Jif ij s following the course of study laid d o w n b y Government, are ac­ s complishing a good work. T h e improved condition of the vil­ lage people is largely due to these simple an d unpretending schools. ‘ " , 0/ the two Anglo- Vernacular Schools connected with the station, the one at Ohetpett has been only recently established and is attended exclusively b y H i n d u children. -T h e n u m b e r of pupils on the roll exceeds 80, of w h o m 10 are girls. T h e caste prejudice of the people is very strong, and the introduc­ tion of Christian books and the Bible, taught b y a Christian , , teacher, was at first strongly opposed, the attendance falling ■ in one m o n t h from 80 to 50. This opposition is happily dying away, and the n u m b e r of pupils has b e c o m e so large that the school building cannot contain them. O n a recent visit the ma na ger examined the pupils in ■Scripture studies and w a s m u c h pleased with the progress they ha d made. .Fo r the greater part of the year the school has suffered f r o m w a nt of a

proper teaching staff. A s the vernacular taught is principally Telugu, efficient masters are not easily obtained. A change in' the H e a d Mastership at the beginning of September, and the* substitution of a n e w Telugu teacher in December, for the old one dismissed, has placed the school on a better footing, and if the masters w o r k faithfully, there is nothing to hinder the insti­ tution f r om developing into a large Middle Class school. T h e G o v e r n m e n t examination will be held in March, and if the pupils acquit themselves well, the grants that they will earn together with the school.fees will be sufficient to cover the run­ ning expenses of the school. . > .. T h e Anglo- Vernacular School at the Station continues to do well under its efficient H e a d Master and his Assistants as his report shows. ■ • Head Master's Report.— “ T h e n u m b e r on the roll at the close of December, 1880 was 109, and the n u m b e r at the close of: 1881, including the -Primary School is 120, an increase of 11.. O f these, 43 are Christians, 8 are Ma ho med an s, 26 are B r a h ­ mins’and 46 are other Hindus. This increase wa s principally due to the large,addition of Christian boys, m e m b e r s of the Boarding School, w h o joined the institution in March. The. school teaches up to the U p p e r 4th Class and prepares for the: Middle School examination. In D e c e m b e r 1880, .four passed ; and of the 7 w h o w e n t up in 1881, three passed, one of w h o m wa s a Christian boy. T h e whole school wa s examined b y the . , " D e p u t y Inspector for Result grant^.(jPqqembkq ^ T i d grant of Rs. 560-12-0. This is a creditable result, the best the School has ever earned... All the classes did well except the 4th and 5th Standards. T h e defect in these classes m a y be ac-- . counted for b y the change of Teachers, which, ha d to be m a d e in the middle of the year, one Teacher having been dismissed, an d the other having resigned, just at a time w h e n their pres­ ence w a s most needed. O f the Christian boys connected with, the School, all except one .passed. This is an encouraging fact and shows that the sons, of our Christians are able to compete' with Hindus of the highest castes. . T h e total cost of the in­ stitution has been Rs. 1,424-11-3. O f this sum, Rs. 656-5-0 has been m e t from School fees; Rs. 560-12-0 fr om Result grant, aiid the balance Rs. 207-10-0 has been paid b y the Mission. This includes the salary of Scripture Teacher and Superin­ tendent of the Boarding School. T h e examination in the


j t K ;- ,v I





Scripture lessons wa s conducted b y the M a n a g e r immediately after the Inspector’s examination, and he remarked that all, except the highest classes, passed well. T h e questions put to. the highest classes were rather difficult, half of the 16 questions being to explain the spiritual meaning of several passages. T h e fact that Joseph Paul Bailey answered all the questions, securing the m a x i m u m marks, and the H i n d u boys obtained m o r e than half the maxinum, shows that the study of the Bible is not neglected b y the advanced students, but that m u c h atten­ tion is paid to the imparting of sound religious instruction. The Hindu Girls' School, of which w e were obliged to give so unfavorable report last year, has greatly improved, and if this improvement continues, it cannot fail to regain its former g o o d position. T h e teacher in charge is a y o u n g m a n of in-* fluence in the place, an d b y his efforts the attendance of the school has risen to over 30, and promises to rise still higher. . A f e w girls were presented under the first tw o standards at the ' examination in D e c e m b e r and earned a Result grant of Rs. 28­ 12-0. T h e Scripture lessons have been taught b y Lazarus A. Christian, and the girls have been examined in t h e m from time to time b y the Manager. W e hope to be able to report the steady advance of this important institution hereafter. Boys' Boarding School.— T h e institution k n o w n as the “ Preparandi School,” which is intended for heathen children w h o wish to beco me Christians, a n d for sons of Christians w h o pay a monthly fee, was transferred to Tindivanam in March, and the lads have attended the Anglo-Vernacular School since then. Their admission into that school m a d e considerable commotion at first amongst the Brahmins and other high caste Hindus, w h o threatened to withdraw their children and open an independent school. T h e y were given to understand that they might do so if they choose, and that the Christian boys wo ul d not be taken from the school. W h e n they found that w e were firm, they cooled d o w n and there has been no complaint (m a d e since. Thirty boys have been connected with the school during the year. Their behavior has. been excellent, an d of the 25 pre­ sented for examination, every one passed. VBLI.OKE.

Rev. J. W . Scudder, M . A., M . D., and Mrs. Scudder, Mission­ "

aries in Charge.

Rev. A b r a h a m William, Native Pastor, Kattupadi; A Masillamony, Catechist; Isaac Henry, Catechist and Teacher in Hindu Girls' Schools / Mr. Ch ap m a n , Teacher of Mixed School; Samuel Sattianadan, Christian Teacher in Anglo- Vernacular School; Joseph Pakyanadan, Reader and Teacher ; Appor, Bible Colporteur ; Gnanatipam, Bible Woman. At the Out-Stations.— Jacob Raji, Isaac Lazar, Johnson Christian Samuel, Israel An drew, Catechists ; S. V e d a m a n i k a m , M . Joshua, Assistant Catechists; D a v i d Daniel, D a v i d Yareed lyavu David, D a v i d Muni, S. Treadwell, Readers and School­ masters ; Nathaniel, Philip, M . Paramanandan, J o h n Moses, Schoolmasters ; R. Martha, A. Mary, Schoolmistresses. Rev. Dr. Scudder writes: “ Greater changes than ordinary occurred in the Vellore con­ gregation this year. In February the English service, which ha d been kept u p for m o r e than tw o years, was, under the advice of the Mission, discontinued. T h e greater part of the English speaking people ceased, as a matter of course, to attend the Mission Church, and most of the communicants a m o n g t h e m were transferred to other churches. Y e t quite a n u m b e r of t h e m w h o understand Tamil have continued to worship with us throughout the year. . T h e usual Tamil services on the Sabbath an d w e e k days, as well as three S u n d a y schools, one of which is conducted for E n ­ glish speaking children b y Mrs. a n d Miss Scudder, have been kept u p throughout the year. T h e S u n d a y morning service wa s well attended, the church being ordinarily quite full. In the afternoon the congregation w a s usually less by. one-third than in the forenoon. Pastoral visitation has been carefully attended to, an d I a m glad to report the congregation as being in a fairly healthy and prosperous state. Rupees 74.12-6 were subscribed to the Pastor’s fund, which, with other collections an d contributions aggregating Rs. 157­ 14-41, m a k e up a total of Rs. 232-10-10. This is less b y Rs. 110­ 14-11 than the a m o u n t in 1880. T h e decrease is accounted for b y the discontinuance of the English service collection. Anglo- Vernacular School.— This school, originally under H i n d u management, came, it will be remefnbered, under our care only in September 1880. During the past year, it has had to struggle against m a n y difficulties; so me of which were inci­ dental to the first year of our management, and others to causes

of which w e do not care to speak. It gives us pleasure to state, that notwithstanding all counteraction", the institution has done well; m u c h better certainly than was anticipated. There has been, an average attendance of two hundred and fifteen pupils, the highest n u m b e r on the roll being tw o hundred an d forty-four. It wa s intended to open a fifth class at the beginning of the year; but permission to do so was not secured until it wa s too late. Such a class .will be opened at the c o m m e n c e m e n t of the first session of 1882. Twenty-three lads w e nt up for the middle class examination in December, the results of which have not yet been published. W i t h one exception, all the classes examined for re­ sult grants did fairly. • W e hope.the school will do still better in the coming year.. , ■ ' Out-Stations.— Sixteen out-stations are connected with Ve l­ lore. ■ T h e congregations have changed but little during the year, as regards the n u m b e r of adherents. Nineteen families, con­ sisting of sixty-eight souls have joined us; and, on the other hand, in one village the n a me s of twenty-three persons constituting five families have been stricken from our roll. This shows a net gain of fourteen families and forty-five adherents. These outstations have been visited as frequently as possible both b y me, and Rev. A. William; and I a m glad to record m y conviction ‘ that, on the whole, the Christian inhabitants are m a k i n g steady, though it m a y be so me w h a t slow progress in knowledge and .faith, as well as in respectability. In several of the ojdef vil, lages, the change which has been effected for the better is m a r k ­ . ed and unmistakable ; and as I look back twenty years, I w o n ­ . der at the improvement which Christian knowledge and disci­ pline have wrought in manyj within this short period. T h e • pewef villages, though less advanced, are on the same'track ; and w e find m u c h reason for encouragement in this branch of our work. T h e subject of Pastoral support has been kept promi, nently before the people ; and allowing for their great poverty, (w e m a y say that fair contributions, the most of t h e m in kind, have been m a d e b y t h e m for this important object. T h e village schools have also m a d e good progress during the year. Seyeral of t h e m were, for the first time, examined b y the D e p u t y Inspector' of schools in December, and were awarded small grants under the result system. T h e nurture of these villege schools is a m o n g the most difficult of our tasks. T h e pov­ erty and hereditary ignorance of the people, combined with an

almost, invincible apathy regarding the education of their ■children, are serious impediments to their advancement. Ye t w e see that year b y year w e are gaining sure ground ; and w e •confidently anticipate the time w h e n these rustics will voluntar­ ily seek the instruction'which m a n y of t h e m n o w accept only under a species of compulsion. ' Evangelistic Work.— W z have, I a m sorry to say, almost dis­ continued this most important work, except in the near neigh­ borhood of our stations and out-stations. Neither m e n nor leis­ ure are available for extensive preaching tours, such as were c o m m o n l y m a d e several years ago. Y e t w e have done wh at w e could. Preaching to the heathen has been steadily practiced within circumscribed limits; and carefully kept statistics show that, in the region under m y care, no less than 101,086 persons heard the Gospel during the year. W e wo ul d gladly extend this most essential w o r k into the remoter parts of the surround­ ing heathen waste. r Mev. Abraham William's Report.— T h e following is the translation of a brief report handed in b y Rev. A. William, pas­ tor of the Kattupadi church : “ T h e Kattupadi church wa s organized in 1863 b y Rev. Messrs. W . W . and E. C. Scudder. It was the first village church in N o r t h Arcot. A t that time, there were in it only three families numbering twelve persons ; and a school of five scholars. T h e •services were then held in a tent. N o w , all is changed. Ne ar the end of 1811, Rev. J. Scudder, in one day, baptized 314 adults a n d infants ; of w h o m 200 were admitted to the communion. M a r k the contrast! In" 1863, there were three families ; n o w there are 153. T h e n there were in all twelve Christians ; n o w there are 576.° Then, there was one c o m m u n i c a n t ; n o w there are 217. T h e n there were five p u p i l s n o w there are 157. T h e n the yearly contributions amounted to six annas ; n o w to sixtythree rupees. T h e n one m e m b e r only of the congregation could read ; now, including school children, m o re than 200. Thanks be to G o d for having caused this church so to increase ! “ T h e Lord’s supper wa s administered four times during the year. Fifteen persons received baptism ; six were received into the church on confession of faith ; and five m e m b e r s died. T w o marriages were solemnized. T h e whole n u m b e r of adherents is greater b y thirty-two than in 1880. ■ ‘ ' “ T h e people have contributed in all Rs. 85-5-2 during the

year; of which s u m Rs. 63-1-2 was the support of their pastor. Besides this, I have collected, from ojitside friends Rs. 30-4-0 for the pastor, and Rs. 11-12-0 for widows of the church. Fo r all which, .1 hereby render m y hearty thanks. “A t the request of Dr. J. W . Scudder, I recently administered the c o m m u n i o n to the adjoining churches of Sekadu and Kandiputtur. O n e hundred and fifteen persons partook of the elements. These churches are suffering from the lack of a native pastor. T h e y are able to pay h i m about Rs. 60 a year.”


Rev. J. W . Conklin, Missionary in Charge ; Mr. J. Nallatambi, Head Master; Mr. S. Daniel, Second Master. . Mr. Conklin reports: . Salutary discipline and other causes reduced the n u m b e r of students to IV, w h e n this institution wa s transferred from Ve l­ lore to Chittoor. This n u m b e r has been retained and the con­ duct of^ the boys has been praiseworthy. Promotions from preparatory schools are likely to double the roll at the opening of the year and the supply for the future is very promising. T h e course of study was considerably enlarged, b y order of the Mission, before m y arrival, and the students are carried u p to a higher standard than in past years. Fo r a time Mrs. Conklin and myself taught English branches daily, but a severe attack of Indian fever coming upon m e compelled us both to leave the station for the last three months of the year. In D e c e m b e r the school wa s examined by a Gove rnm en t In­ spector-and a grant of Rupees 139 obtained. H e a d Master, Mr. J. Nallathambi'writes in his report: “ Every effort is m a d e to train the lads physically, mentally and morally for the sta­ tions they are expected to occupy. F o u r of t h e m were in the latter part of the year received into the c o m m u n i o n of the Church. T h e pupils have b y voluntarily denying themselves m a d e contributions to charitable objects.” ' T h e students are becoming m o re and m o r e proficient in En- ' glish, as they begin to study it earlier in the preparatory schools. T h e y are able therefore to m a k e more use of books in that language. B u t our library is lamentably small’and I ‘ would m a k e an earnest appeal to our friends everywhere to send books, both religious and secular, that w e m a y be thoroughly

furnished. Aids to Bible study, wholesome biographies, simple scientific treatises, and books of travel are very desirable. General knowledge, acquaintance with .the world outside is es­ pecially a source of p o w e r to the boys w h e n they go out into; their village fields to w o rk a m o n g the densely ignorant. .


Mrs. J. W . Scudder, Missionary in Charge; David P a k y a n a ­ dan, Head Master; Sami Sastri, Teacher of Sanscrit and lelugu; Mrs. Holman, Matron. • Rev. J. W . Scudder., M . D., reports : There is not m u c h to tell about this institution, for it can scarcely be said to have existed during the past year. W h e n Miss Mandeville left in December, 1880, the seminary was closed, because w e were absolutely without anybody to take care of it. A fe w homeless orphans, w h o found refuge with us in Vellore, excepted, the pupils, were all sent h o m e to their parents. After the arrival of Mr. and Mrs. Conklin, it became practicable to re­ open the school ; and at our semi-annual meeting in July it w a s resolved that the Arcot Seminary be transferred to Chittoor. and that the Female Seminary be reopened and located in Vellore, Circumstances, however, prevented the reorganization until quite late in the year. Consequently little has been done, and there is but little to report. W e are glad to say that the institution is n o w in full operation, and w e trust that its record in the cur­ rent year will prove that its temporary suspension has been pro­ ductive of no evil consequences. Mrs. Scudder has charge of the pupils, and is assisted by the matron, Mrs. Holman, w h o lives in the seminary building, and has the boarders always under her eye. W e hope the necessity for suspending the school m a y never again arise. C A S T E G IRLS’ SCHOOLS, V E L L O R E .

Miss J. C. Scudder, in Charge; Isaac Henry, Headier. Dr. Scudder writes : T w o of these institutions have been kept open during the year,, and both of th em have done well. T h e n u m b e r pn the roll in each school exceeds one hundred ; while the average attendance in one was seventy-eight and in the other seventy. Mrs. andi

Miss Scudder visit and teach in th em daily, and I m a n a g e to drop into the one or the other almost every day. These schools form one of the most interesting features of our work, for w e are delighted to see these y o u n g well-born daughter’s of India gaining at once secular and religious knowledge. Prejudices against female education are steadily retreating into the back­ ground ; and w e m a y hope that ere long they, with m a n y other, traditional hindrances to progress, will be consigned to a resur­ rectionless grave. In the m o n t h of April the girls of both schools, richly dress­ ed and sparkling with jewels, m e t together for the distribution of prizes. T h e sight, beautiful and charming in itself, wa s also a very cheering one to.those of us who, in the early part of our missionary wo rk twenty-five years ago, never so m u c h as dreamed that such a spectacle would greet our eyes in India. T h e public in­ terest felt in these schools wa s indicated b y the presence, on this occasion, of several European ladies and gentlemen, and b y a crowded house of the better class of natives, m a n y of w h o m expressed great pleasure on witnessing the exercises. A s quite a novelty, w e noticed the attendance of a goodly n u m b e r of the mothers and other female relatives of the pupils, w h o watched the— to t h e m — strange proceedings with beaming faces and glistening eyes. T h e Governmental examinations at the close of the year were well sustained. T H E JAPAN MISSION. (Organized in 1859.) T h e Mission reports :— „


Missionaries.— Say.Henry Stont, arrived 1869, General Superintendent of Evangelistic work; acting Pastor of native Church at Nagasaki; Instructor in the Theological School and Station Secretary ; Rev. E. S. Booth arrived in 1879. Teaching in Preparatory School and Station Treasurer. (For the present in Yokohama on account of health). Mrs. Stout, 1869 ; Mrs. Booth, 1879. Ordained Motive Minister— Scr. Asashi Segawa. Licensed Native Helper.— Mr. Pchiji Tomegawa, Mr. Yasada Yoshidome. Unlicensed Student Helpers.— Messrs. Kemmei Kunhari, Toshio Kawasaki, Shinzo Mine, Mr. Miyoshi and Masao Ohava, MissUta Yegashira; Messrs. Ito and Ono, Teachers in theNagasaki Preparatory School; Mr. Takenori Tsuge and two assistants, in the Kagoshima School. Two organized churches, with’a baptized membership of sixty-three. Y O K O H A M A STATION.

Missionaries.--Rev. J. H. Ballagh, arrived 1861, in charge of the Evangelical work of Station ; Station Treasurer and Secretary, Trustee of Church property, and Treasurer of same; Prof. M. N. Wyckoff, 1881, in charge "of the Preparatory School, and teaching a


class of night scholars ; Mrs. Ballagh, 1861, Miss E. C. Witbeck, 1874, and Miss H. L. Winn, 1878, in charge of Ferris Seminary; Miss C. Ballagh, 1881, teaching; Mrs. Wyckoff, teaching. Native Ordained Pastor.— Rev. A. Inagaki. Licensed Helpers.— Messrs. Tokichi Ito, Ilisahane Furusawa. Unlicensed Helper.— Mr. Tomokata Yabi. ' One organized church with 191 baptized members ; two Out-stations at Mishima and vicinity, and Nagoya and Okasaki. o TOKIVO STATION".

Missionaries.— Rev. G. F. Verbeck, D.D., arrived 1859, lectures in Theological School, in winter and spring vacations preaching tours into Shinano, Popular Lectures in many places. Since summer his whole time given to Bible translation, arrangements having been made with Bible Society by which they assume his support. In consequence, Dr.V.’s lectures in the “ Gakn Thu In" (Nobles’School) on political subjects are discontinued, tliough Lectures on Morals once a month are kept up by request, preaching constantly ; Rev. E. R. Miller, connected with the Mission since July, 1875, removed to Tokiyo in July, in charge of Evangelistic work, teaching once a week in Theological School, Mis­ sion Secretary, preaching ; Rev. Jas. L. Amerman, arrived 1876, Permanent Instructor in Theological School, and till July in charge of Evangelistic work of Station, Mission Treasurer ; Mrs. Verbeck, 1859 ; Mrs. Miller, 1869, two meetings a week for women, Sun­ day-school class, meeting once a month for former pupils, visiting women in their homes; Mrs. Amerman, 1876, returned home in September on account of her own and daughter’s health. OrdainedNative Ministers.— Rev. Masatsuna Okuno, assisting Dr. Verbeck in translat­ ing, since Theological School opened, acting Pastor of Kojimachi Church, prison preach­ ing discontinued since spring; Rev. Shigeto Maki, stationed at Komoro, doing Evange­ listic work there and in .vicinity ; Rev. Kajinosuke Ibuka, Pastor of Kojimachi Church tillthe opening of the Theological School, in which he is teaching as Assistant Instructor; Rev. Masahisa Uyemura, Pastor of Shitaya Church ; Rev. Jintaro Suzuki was Pastor of the Wado Church till Fall, was deposed from the ministry and suspended from church privileges by the Northern Classis for gross immorality. Licensed Students.— Mr. Hidetoru Yamamoto has been laboring in Nagoya, but returned at the end of the summer vacation to complete his studies in the Theological School, oversight of the Parochial School and Sunday School at Kojimachi, expects to be or­ dained in spring; Mr. Kaku Kobayashi, fourth year student in the Theological School, doing Evangelistic work during vacations ; Mr. Kaichi Banno, third year student in the Theological School, doing Evangelistic work during vacations ; Mr. Torahiku Kato, sec­ ond year student in the Theological School, Evangelistic work during vacations. T wo organized churches with a baptized membership of 195. '


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' T o t a l s ...................

1876 18 7 7 1878 1879

St a t i o n and C h u r c h .............. . ........ N agasaki Station, Kagoshima T okiyo S t a t i o n , Shinshiu, U y e d a ......................... T o k i y o , K o j i m a c h i ......... M u s a s h i , W a d o m u r a ........... T o k i y o , S h i t a y a ........ , ______ W o r k i n d e p e n d e n t of C h u r c h e s ...... .......... .... o k o h a m a







Nagasaki 1876

A d m i t t e d to the L o r d ’s Supper.


To t a l o n the Roll.






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26 71 73 70


107 44 94 64

Yen. 261 70 23 59 G 95



Before going into the details of the w o r k at the different stations it m a y be well to take a rapid survey of the w o r k of the year as a whole, glancing at so me of its most important features: I.— Church Work.— A n d before all else w e are thankful to record that our w o r k has been a growing work, the difficulty has been to keep pace with it. T o speak of one special instance: O n the first of No vember, 1881, w a s held the first meeting of the Dai Kuwai, or S y no d of the United Church of Christ in -Japan, only five years from the date of the union of the churches under the care of the Presbyterian Church of the United States, the United Presbyterian Church of Scotland, and our own, and nine and.a half years f r o m the time of organizing the first Protestant Church in Japan in the spring of 1872. T h e churches belonging to the C h i u K u w a i , or Classis, h a d g r o w n to b e so m a n y a n d w e r e so widely separated that it w a s d e e m e d best to divide info three Classes, called respectively :

, T h e Eastern, Northern, and Western Classes. This wa s accord­ ingly done last spring, and the first meeting of the S y no d was .appointed for this Fall, A t the first meeting the Rev. Masat­ suna O k u n o was chosen president. T h e Constitution was changed so as to have the S y n o d meet •only once in two years. It was proposed to m a k e it a represen­ tative b o d y of delegates f r om the Classes, but it wa s finally ■decided that until the n u m b e r of the churches was increased it would be better to keep the S y n o d as it is, a b o d y of all the ministers and missionaries and elders from all she churches. T h e boundaries of the Classes are so m a d e that the n u m b e r of •churches in the N o r t h e r n a n d E astern Classes should b e a b o u t the same. It h a p p e n s that Our churches of the T o k i y o Station, are all, except the K o j i m a c h i C h u r c h , in the N o r t h e r n Classis, a n d the churches of Y o k o h o m a a n d its out-stations are in the Eastern Classis ; while the W e s t e r n Classis e m b r a c e s all the churches in the Sout h e r n a n d W e s t e r n parts of Japan, includ­ ing the N a g a s a k i a n d K a g o s h i m a churches.

F o r the particulars of the growth of the Churches w e refer to the statistical table. Although the net increase since last year has only been ninety persons, yet during the year the churches having purged their rolls from mere nominal members, the real increase in believers has been much.larger. Another encouraging feature is the" a m ou nt given b y the

Japanese Christians, for the support of the gospel, which, though less than last year, amounts to 603-j^ j Ten, or about 3 2 8 , ^ X L S. gold, some 81+ cents per adult member. T h e growth in the out-station w o r k has been principally in the Y o k o h o m a an d Nagasaki stations. This has been especially apparent' in the Idzu region, where there have been some seventy baptised believers, and where w e expect to have two churches-organized during the year. II.— Education.— O u r educational w o r k has been progressing favorably, both at Nagasaki and Y o k o h a m a . This latter h a d been be gu n and left off so often that the Japanese, not to say ourselves, were losing faith in its ever being estab­ lished. That is, the y o u n g m e n w o ul d have lost faith had they waited, but they preferred to go to other schools, and though w e can hope that they were not all lost to Christianity, still they were lost to our mission. T h e whole mission is devoutly thankful that these schools, are at last established on wh at appears to be'a permanent basis.., ■Fo r lack of t h e m our Theological students have fallen a w a y m o r e than half, and though w e cannot hope to receive any grad­ uates from t h e m for our Theological School for years yet, and,, -in consequence, in a year or so w e m a y be without any students, under our mission in the Theological School at Tokiyo, still the longer and m o r e firmly they are established and the better they are equipped, so m u c h the better prepared will be our y o u n g m e n w h e n they do enter the Theological School, and so m u c h m o r e efficient will they be in their work, an d the better able to cope with all the varied forms of error that are creeping in under the n a m e of science, an d taking such a strong hold upon the minds an d hearts of the youth of Japan. W e can not enough reiterate the vital importance of such schools to the success of our mission work. It is not at all that w e wish to give a secular education to the Japanese— that, they can get in their o w n government schools and colleges ; it. is not that w e wish to vie with other and stronger missions in carrying on our work, so as to m a k e a display ; but it is thatw e want to have a Christian school, from a m o n g the Christian, graduates of which s o m e will naturally be expected to become, ministers of the gospel. Christians too often forget that ath o m e the y o u n g men, w h o are obtaining their education in schools an d colleges, have Christian influences bearing on t h e m

continually, to urge t h e m to enter the ministry, from their Christian parents or relatives, their Christian friends or teach­ ers. W h i l e here the Christian h o m e s are so fe w that w e m a y say there are none, and those w h o g o to the government schools1 are by that means specially cut off from Christian intercourse,, and unless there are Christian schools and teachers, the educated y o u n g m e n are almost entirely estranged and opposed to theChurch and the work. _ A m o n g the present n u m b e r of y o u n g m e n w h o are in or are studying to enter the ministry, those w h o have not been taught in classes or little schools b y the missionaries are very few indeed. O u r first y o u n g m e n were taught in this w a y b y the missionaries, w h o then ha d little else that they could do in the w a y of direct missionary work. N o w , w h e n there is so m u c h to be done in every department.of work, the missionary feels that it is a waste of time and energy for each one to sit d o w n to teach a f e w y o u n g m e n inefficiently in all the branches of study, w h e n t w o or three men' w h o gave their whole time a n d attention to that alone could accomplish m o r e than all the mission if working separately, besides leaving the rest free toemploy their time in other work. F r o m what has been said it m a y he inferred that the n u m b e r of students under our care in the Un io n Theological School is very small; there are only four : tw o in the 4th year, one in the 3d, and one in the 2nd. W e are only thankfully surprised that there are so m a n y ; but at the s a me time call attention to the fact that while there are nine m e n in the Ist-year class, not one of t h e m is under the care of our mission. W e have for the last year or so repeatedly called the attention of the Church to this, declaring that it wa s inevitable as long as w e have no preparatory school, and it must continue so for a year or so to come. B u t in the m e a n time w e do not feel that w e are justi­ fied in expending less force on the Theological School, because w e have such a small n u m b e r of students, w h e n this has been brought about b y our o w n inability to supply our quota, an d remembering that w h e n the school wa s opened our mission ha d the larger number. Looking n o w at the year’s w o r k in its particulars, w e shall take the different stations separately : ■



St a t i o n . ■

J.— Church Work.— T h e c h u r c h at N a g a s a k i continues a b o u t

the same ; there is an increase of sixteen, but all have been received from other churches. There were also seven baptisms to take the place of those dismissed or absent. There have ■come to us from the English Church Mission eight adults and three children. T h e Church is still without a native pastor; but probably Mr. S e g a w a will be installed during the year. T h e K a g o s h i m a Church was organized in July with 18 m e m ­ bers ; since then there have joined it f r om the Methodist Episcopal Mission about nine adults and ten children. O ’sone Morita, a m e m b e r of the Nagasaki Church, dieddur,ing the year, aged 70 years. This is the first death of a Chris­ tian in the Nagasaki Church. There were no heathen cere­ monies at the funeral. She was bux-ied in a private lot, which the Church will b u y as soon as possible. W i t h both these Churches are connected several out-stations, the woi'k in s o me of t h e m being very prosperous. This is specially so at Saga, where a Christian Japanese lady has gathered a n u m b e r of w i d o w s and instructs t h em in the Bible. Five of t h em have been baptized during the year. T h e Rev. Mr. Segawa, w h o was pastor of the Church at K a g o s h i m a and teacher in the school there, w a s obliged to return to Nagasaki to help teach in the Theological School,since which time the K a g o s h i m a Church has been without a pas­ tor, but Mr. T s u g e has been sent to teach in the school, assisted by t w o other y o u n g men. T h e preaching services there and at the other out-stations is carried on b y the theological stu-, dents. ' T h e Sei-bu Chiu Kuwai, Western Classis, was organized at Nagasaki on July 8th, with three chux-ches : Shimo-no-seki, under the care of the Presbyterian Church of the United States ; Yana gaw a, under the care'of the Presbyterian Church of the United States ; Nagasaki, under the care of the R e ­ formed Church in America. A t this meeting a petition wa s received to organize a church at Kagoshima, which wa s subse­ quently done, and also one at K a n a z a w a under the cai-e of the Presbyterian Church. So that at present there are five chux-ches under this Classis. II.— Educational Work.— l. Theological School.— This school became necessary owing to the large n u m b e r of those w h o wished to study for the ministry, and was organized in Febru­ ary under the care and dix-ection of Mr. Stout. A course of

study has been m a r k e d out which requires four years to c o m ­ plete. ' T h e students, in view of the fact that they receive their support from the mission, are required to spend six months of the year in active evangelistic work. T h e studies are so arranged that tw o students m a y be a w a y for a m o n t h or so preaching, and on their return take up the studies pursued b y the others in their absence, w h o go to the out-stations in their turn. In this w a y w e can keep our out-stations supplied with preachers while at the same time the students can carry on their studies. T h e Theological School is put under the care of the Classis in so far that the annual examinations are con­ ducted before a committee of pastors and elders appointed b y that body. 2. A day-school for boys wa s opened on the first of February, under the care of the Rev. Mr. Booth, which wa s closed for the s u m m e r on the 30th of June, the average n u m b e r of the pupils in attendance being eighteen. There being no accommodation for boarding pupils, the influence and success of the school from a Christian point of view, was considerably limited. T h e school wa s reopened on the 1st of September with fourteen pupils, but owing to the ill health of the missionary in charge, no increase of attendance w a s sought. Since Mr. Booth has been necessitated in going to Y o k o h a m a for a while on account •of his health, the school has been continued under the care of the Rev. Mr. Stout and Mr. T o m e g a w a . T h e necessity of this preparatory school to the completeness of our w o r k in Nagasaki, has been so often brought before the Board that w e need not dwell upon it'here, and w e are glad to k n o w of the positive recommendations to go on with this w o r k m a d e b y the late Convention held in Albany, and it is hoped that with Mr. Booths’ expected return to Nagasaki, the mission m a y be in a condition to materially strengthen it. 3. Kagoshima Parochial School.— This school was opened in April, and was under the care of the Rev. Mr. Segawa, the pas­ tor of the church, till his removal to Nagasaki, since which time Mr. Tsuge has ha d charge of it. T h e building, which cost, furnished, about one hundred dollars (U. S. gold), will seat so me sixty persons, and is used for the church meetings as well as the school. T h e n u m b e r of the pupils at present is about twelve, although w e h a d expected more. However, w e still hope that the n u m b e r m a y increase.

4. Girts School.— T h e Jonathan Sturges’ Seminary is at present only a name, there being no one to carry on the w o rk left b y the Misses Farrington. Mrs. Stout,.hoping that the school might yet be revived and sustained, has had tw o pupils during a large portion of the year, being assisted b y Miss Uta. Yegashira, w h o attended Ferris Seminary for a n u m b e r of years. Other pupils have asked to be taught, and are willingto wait a reasonable time for the school to open, but as therewere no accommodations or me an s to provide t h e m they had to be refused. ' III.— Colportage.— This w o rk wa s begun last September under the care of Mr. Booth, with material aid from the American Bible Society. So flattering wa s the success that preparationshave been m a d e to establish a branch agency of the society in .Nagasaki under the supervision of our mission, and under the immediate control of a m e m b e r of our church. . In connection with this w o r k it m a y be interesting to add that permission was obtained from several native steamboat companies to put the Scriptures on their steamers. Fo ur of these steamers have been supplied, to the apparent gratification of all the officers on board. T h e others will be supplied as op­ portunities m a y offer. In reference to this w o r k a native helper writes to Mr. Booth, “ Y o u have done a good w o r k to s h o w theglory of the true God; w h a t a beautiful w o r k it will be.” YOKOHAMA


•One organized church with a baptized membership of 194 ;. some six or seven Sunday-schools connected directly and > indirectly with the church, the converts from all of which aregatheied into the church. Ferris Seminary.— A boarding and day school for girls, with twenty-two pupils, under the care of Miss E. C. Witbeck, and Miss II. L. W i n n ; three Sunday-schools and prayer-meetings. Sen-shi Gakko, a preparatory school for boys and youngmen, under the care of Mr. M. W . Wyckoff; twenty-eight pupilsexclusive of twelve evening scholars, twelve of w h o m are boarders. 1. Church Work.— T h e Church at Y o k o h a m a is n o w in itstenth year since its organization as the first Protestant Churchin Japan in 1872. O u t of the 194 baptized m e m b e r s on the roll some seventy are in the Idzu region and will soon be organized, into churches. T h e pastor of the Church, the Rev. Mr. Akira Inagaki, whose-

wife died s o m e time ago, w a s married in F e b r u a r y to Hiza, the d a u g h t e r of the R e v . Mr. O k u n o , a n d w h o has bee n c o n nected so long with the Ferris Seminary. T h e regular church services h a v e b e e n carried o n d u r i n g the year a n d also a S u n d a y school a n d occasional services at K a n a g a w a . T h e C h u r c h p a y s the pastor’s salary ; b u t h e has to s u p p l e m e n t it b y teaching. T w o special services of i m p o r t a n c e w e r e held in the C h u r c h during the year. O n e w a s the visit of K i n g K a l a k a u a , of the S a n d w i c h Islands, o n the ninth anniversary of the C h u r c h ’s or­ ganization. T h e other w a s the m e m o r i a l service o n the death of President Garfield. 2. Out-Stations.— Evangelistic tours w e r e m a d e into Id z u a n d Suruga, a n d M i k a w a a n d O w a r i in the winter, s u m m e r a n d fall, a n d a n u m b e r of b a p t i s m s performed. T h e w h o l e field in the countries of Idz u a n d S u r u g a covers a tract of s o m e forty miles long b y thirty to forty wide, lying m o s t l y in the valley b e t w e e n the H a k o n e a n d Fuji mountains, e m b r a c i n g the t o w n s of- M i s h i m a , N u m a d z u , K o y a m a , Y o s h i w a r a , G o t e m b a , &c., a n d s o m e outlaying villages, in all of w h i c h w o r k is carried o n b y our faithful workers, Messrs. Tokichi Ito, H i z a h a r u F u r u s a w a , T o m o k a t o Y a b e , a n d M r . M o t o b e , the latter in the e m p l o y of the Scotch National Bible Society, b u t u n d e r the supervision of the Mission. ' T h o u g h a b o v e seventy persons h a v e b e e n baptized in this district, of w h i c h t w e n t y rone w e r e baptized during the s u m m e r (and there are s o m e ten m o r e applicants), n o C h u r c h e s h a v e b e e n organized as yet, b u t w e h o p e o n e or t w o are soon to b e so at those centres w h e r e m o s t believers reside. A ver y m a r k e d a d v a n c e in readiness to hear a n d e m b r a c e the gospel has b e e n manifested as the result of continuous labor in this region. Especially has this been so at H a k o n e , o n e of our earliest but b y n o m e a n s m o s t pr o m i s i n g places of labor. D u r i n g the s u m m e r for ten d a y s there w e r e m e e t i n g s held there for the o utpouring of the spirit, participated in b y the different Missionaries, w h o w e r e s p e n d i n g the s u m m e r there. T h e s e m e e t i n g s h a d a m a r k e d effect o n the natives, a n d wer e a c c o m p a n i e d with m e e t i n g s for the Japanese, held in their language:, a n d the fruits of w h i c h h a v e b e e n manifested a n d w e trust will b e still m o r e so. A later tour into this region w a s exte n d e d into K o shiu, a mountainous- province, but enterprising, rich a n d productive.

north of M o n t Fuji, a n d w h e r e w e h a v e a single representative, form e r l y a helper, w h o at his h o u s e is instructing a n u m b e r of his friends in the principles of Christianity, for the profession o f w h i c h they app e a r almost prepared.. A n o t h e r trip w a s m a d e to O k a z a k i a n d N a g o y a , b e i n g 200 miles distant f r o m Y o k o h a m a , either b y land or sea. A t neither of these points, distant 25 miles apart, is there a n y helper p e r m a n e n t l y stationed. T w o of the theological students labored there till the fall, b u t o w i n g to a desire to finish their studies t h e y returned to T o k i y o before the o p e n i n g of the theological school. O n e of t h e m has since g o n e to s p e n d the winter vacation of six w e e k s in Evangelistic w o r k there. A t b o t h of these places believers are f o u n d k e eping u p their s a bbath privileges, a n d g r o w i n g in k n o w l e d g e , b u t on account of the zeal w h i c h the R e f o r m e d B u d d h i s t Sect s h o w s to pre-occupy the field, there is a great nee d of stated a n d able laborers. ' T h e relations of the believers at N a g o y a with the m e m b e r s of the A m e r i c a n Me t h o d i s t Episcopal C h u r c h there are very pleasant, but th e y are likely to b e c o m e a b s o r b e d b y t h e m u n ­ less w e k e e p u p our labors there. . N a g o y a , with 130,000 inhabitants, is the fourth largest city in the empire, situated in the m idst of fertile rice plains, easily accessible b y s t e a m b o a t with its seaport Yokaichi, at the h e a d of O w a r i B a y , a n d f r o m w h i c h port steamers run regularly to Y o k o h a m a in thirty hours. A great m a n u f a c t u r i n g a n d trade centre a n d an i m p ortant point to occupy, f r o m w h i c h to carry o n w o r k in the s u r r ounding districts. A d a y ’s j ourney in a n y direction w o u l d take one into the midst of populous cities a n d historical associations, f r o m the D a i Jin-gu of Ise, the seat of Sintooism on the south, a n d S a k e B i w a o n the west, into the c o u n t r y of Shinshiu o n the northeast, a n d all along the T o k a i d o t o w a r d s our Idzu w o r k o n the east. N a g o y a , with its wealth a n d trade, its magnificent castle a n d garrison of 3,000 soldiers, a n d all its voluptuous idolatry, calls ■ to us of the R e f o r m e d C h u r c h to regenerate its inhabitants, for besides ourselves a n d the A m e r i c a n M e t hodist Episcopal C h u r c h there are n o Protestant Christian w o rkers a m o n g its m a n y t h o u ­ sands. T h e y are a m u c h quieter a n d m o r e respectful class than those in Y o k o h a m a a n d the. m o r e foreign parts of Japan. A n English and*a n o r m a l school for m e n a n d w o m e n with fine ’ public buildings m a r k the pride a n d ‘progress of its people.

while its n u m e r o u s shav e n h e a d e d m e n a n d w o m e n , w h o are n o t priests, s h o w the popularity of the R e f o r m e d B u d d h i s t Sect and^the devotion of its adherents. A t O k a z a k i a s e m i n a r y is erecting costing 1,500 yen, besides the contribution in materials a n d labor, with 2 0 0 y o u n g priests training in western k n o w l ­ e d g e to cop e wi t h a n d o v e r c o m e Christianity. All the objec­ tions of infidels a b r o a d are reiterated here, a n d w h e r e there is n o k n o w l e d g e to avert or resist their force or s h o w their futilty. A n e w field of labor has b e e n o p e n e d to us at M i z u n o , seven miles north a n d east of N a g o y a , the h o m e of b n e of our c o n ­ verts. M i z u n o is a village in the granitic hills near Seto, o n e of the great porcelain m a n u f a c t u r i n g centers of Japan, f r o m w h i c h the J a p a n e s e w o r d for porcelain, setomono, takes its n a m e , there are a b o u t o n e t h o u s a n d houses, a n d all the inhabitants s e e m e n g a g e d in this art of pottery, h a n d e d d o w n f r o m their forefathers. Several large factories exist, with extensive kilns for b a k i n g the china. H e r e Christian w o r k could b e o p e n e d with hopeful results, since the services held in the h o u s e of the b e ­ liever are quite satisfactory. If. Educational Work.— Mr. Ballagh, the only m a l e m e m b e r of the station for almost the entire year w a s e n g a g e d in teach­ ing classes of J a p a n e s e a h d Eurasian b o y s in English studies, giving all their religious instruction in Japanese, in this w a y k e e p i n g t h e m together to f o r m a nucleus of a preparatory school. This has b e e n so far successful as to result in the read­ iness o n the part of a small n u m b e r to g o o n w i t h their studies togreater'advantage u n d e r Professor W y c k o f f ; a n d in the favor­ able disposition m a n i f e s t e d . b y all t o w a r d the truth of the Christian religion, a n d its o p e n profession b y four of those c o n ­ nected with the school, a n d a serious desire to d o so o n the part of three or four others. O n e a n d the m o s t hopeful of all the pupils w a s r e m o v e d b y d e a t h during the s u m m e r vacation, b u t not till he h a d confessed Christ a n d w a s baptized to the grati­ fication of his parents, w h o , alth o u g h not professed followers of Christ, are sincere believers in the truths of Christianity. A y o u n g e r brother has n o w taken his place in school. T h e teacher of Chinese, a f o r m e r elder of the U e d a C h u r c h a n d a student looking f o r w a r d to the ministry, also died a f e w m o n t h s before the close of the school year. A n o t h e r student for the ministry w a s co m p e l l e d f r o m continued sickness to a b a n d o n a course of preparatory E n g l i s h s tudy a n d has e n g a g e d

in the sale of Bibles in the city of Nagoya, where in a fe w months’he has disposed of 800 portions of the Scriptures, and is doing good service in native work. N After the arrival of Professor Wyckoff, the Preparatory School wa s opened on the 3d of .October, and soon increased to 28 pupils, twelve of w h o m are boarders; besides these there are twelve evening scholars. This is, very encouraging w h e n w e consider that all the other schools were opened in September. 2. Ferris Seminary.— This has been under the. care of Miss W i t b e c k ancl Miss°Winn, w h os e report for the year is as follows: “ W e have to report for the year n o w ended very little that is n e w in connection with the w o r k carried on in the Ferris Seminary. T h e only changes that have taken place have been 'in the w a y of scholars leaving and others taking their places^ though the n u m b e r has averaged the same, thirty in all. Although it is with regret that w e part with pupils w h o have been for some time under our care, yet w h e n they leave us to enter upon fields of usefulness for which their time spent here is but a training, w e can have no reluctance in giving them up; for this w e feel to be the aim of the institution. “ Since our last report one y o un g lady, w h o had been connected with the school for years, has been maried to the pastor of the native Church in this place. She is entirely fitted for the posi­ tion she n o w fills, and is doing great good in it. Another y o un g lady w h o has been some four years with us has just left, also to be married, and to a Christian man, and elder in one of the Tokiyo Churches.- This is a girl of fine Christian character, and will be in a position to exert a good influence. Another of our old pupils has gone to Nagasaki, at her o w n request, to engage in w o r k a m o n g the w o m e n of that place, and reports of her success are constantly coming to us. Another of the y o un g ladies, w h o has been for years the assistant teacher in Chinese and Japanese, has left school expecting to be married in the spring to one of our y o u n g men, the pastor of the Shitaya Church in Tokiyo. “ T h e w o r k carried on by the pupils outside of the school consists at present of tw o Sund ay schools, both of which are well attended and interesting in their work. “ T h e religious instruction of the school is as formerly, Bible class of an hour in the morning, and evening devotional exer­ cises. T h e daily prayer meetings are conducted as heretofore b y the pupils themselves; the school being- divided into tw o

parts, the o n e consisting of the older scholars, a n d the other of the y o u n g e r ones. T h e w h o l e school is required to attend D i v i n e service on c e o n S u n d a y in the morning, a n d those w h o wish attend service in the ev e n i n g also. S u n d a y school is c o n d u c t e d in the S e m i n a r y o n S u n d a y afternoon, a n d this the pupils are all required to attend. T h e w e e k l y prayer m e e t i n g has b e e n carried o n t h r o u g h the year, as usual, being held alter­ nately at the A m e r i c a n Mission H o m e a n d this place. “ In reviewing the w o r k of the year, w e can b u t feel that there has b e e n m u c h to encourage, notwithstanding the m a n y d i s c o u r a g e m e n t s that necessarily arise in w o r k of this kind. A l t h o u g h w e h a v e sadly n e e d e d help in the carrying, o n of the school, the w o r k requiring at least three persons to c o n d u c t it as a n institution of this sort should b e conducted, yet w e feel that the school has held the place it has m a d e for itself in past years, t h o u g h w e h o p e for greater things for it in the future. “ N o w as w e are a b o u t to enter u p o n another year of w o r k , M i s s W i t b e c k is obliged to return to A m e r i c a for rest a n d change, a n d M r . a n d Mrs. B o o t h h a v e c o m e to us f r o m N a g a s a k i ; M r . B o o t h ’s health b eing such as to d e m a n d a comp l e t e c h a n g e of scene a n d labor.” M r . B o o t h has under t a k e n the oversight of the S e m i n a r y in­ , tending to teach s o m e of the Bible lessons, while Mrs. B o o t h m a n a g e s the housekeeping, leaving M i s s W i n n free to give her w h o l e tim e to teaching a n d study, in w h i c h she will b e assisted b y Mis s B a l l a g h for t w o hours a day. III. W e n e e d only a d d that the colportage, work is so fully attended to b y the different Bible societies that, the Missionary has little to d o wit h it in the vicinity of Y o k o h a m a a n d T o k i y o , except in s o m e cases to direct the native agents.


I. Church Work.— Connected with our Tokiyo station are four organized Churches with 195 baptized m e m b e r s ; of these two Churches are in the city of Tokiyo, one at Kojimachi, con­ nected with the Eastern Classis (To bu Chiu Kuwai), contain­ ing 59 baptized members, and one at Shitaya, connected with the Northern Classis ( H o k ’ k u b u Chiu Kuwa i) with 39 baptized members. There is also the Church at Ueda, 120 miles to the northwest of Tokiyo, with 51 baptized members, and the one at

W a d o m u r a , 27 miles west of Tokiyo, containing 46 baptized members. B o th of these belong to the Northern Classis. ]. T h e Church at h o m e will r e m e m b e r that last year a pretty and substantial chapel for the Kojimachi Church was built and dedicated on M a y 6th, 1880, but the believers had m e t there only five Sundays w h e n one of those destructive Tokiyo fires swept it a w a y on June 8th. A s soon as the loss was k n o w n at home, liberal friends immediately sent on the m o n e y to build another chapel and a lot of ground was obtained for that pur­ pose, but through the advice of Japanese Christians the build­ ing was postponed on accdunt of the mania for fires which existed in all parts of the city, and during the winter and spring . it was again put off till Mr. Miller’s return, as he was to take charge of the evangelistic work of the station. H e did not c o m e to Tokiyo to reside till July, so that with the different delays the dedication of the chapel did not take place till the 3d of December. „ Its situation is'better than the last, although the building is not so substantial. It is however a neat pretty building of stained boards, and tile roof plastered on the inside, and with movable seats capable of accommodating 96 persons; but the r o o m will hold just twice as m a n y benches, so that w h e n the congregation grows, w e can fill the vacant space and the chapel will hold 190 very comfortably. It is 36 feet b y 24 feet, an d 0 cost 740 paper yen, but will, with the furnishing and putting u p a small r o o m for a sexton, &c., c o m e within the $500 U. S. goldappropriated for that purpose. ' Since the other chapel was burnt the congregation has dimin­ ished very considerably, and often only fifteen were present at the services, although the church m e m b e r s are considerably over that number. Until the fall, the Kev. Mr. Ibuka was pastor, but since he left to teach in the theological school, the preaching services are under the care of Rev. Mr. O k u n o as acting pastor. T h e dedication services of the chapel were very interesting. Mr. Ibuka, as the former pastor, read the scripture lesson ; Mr. Okuno, the acting pastor, m a d e the dedicatory prayer, which was. followed b y an address of the Rev. Mr. Hiraiwa, a pastor ■of one of the churches of the Canadian Wesleyan Mission. T h e Rev. Mr. McLaren, of the United Presbyterian Church of Scot­ land, also preached and the meeting was closed b y an address of *

Dr. Verbeck. T h e chapel was as full as the accommodations w o ul d permit, extra benches having been brought in from the P a ­ rochial school. During the afternoon a Bible Cart of the A m e r i ­ can Bible Society w a s standing outside to sell to the crowds of curious passers, by, w h o stopped to see w h at was going on. Since the n e w chapel has been opened, the attendance has largely increased, and Mr. O k u n o has undertaken the evening Sund ay services, as well as those during the week. T h e Sund ay school, which had been held in the Parochial school has been transferred to the chapel. Mr. Y a m a m o t o is the superintendent and teaches one of the classes. Mr. A m e r m a n has taken a Bible class and Mrs. Miller and O ’Gin have regular classes. In connection with this church Mrs. Miller has a Bible-class and prayer meeting with the w o m e n every W e d n e s d a y afternoon, and Mrs. O k u n o is developing into a zealous, active pastor’s wife. H e r tw o little sons heard of the Sunday-school children in A m e r ­ ica, w h o saved their pennies to give to the heathen, and being told b y their father that, as children of a minister, they ought to do something for others, the elder determined to put a w a y t w o mills out of his one-cent allowance received from his mother every day, and soon his little brother followed his example. T h e y are saving their m o n e y to b u y Christmas presents for the Sunday-school children. 2. T h e Shitaya Church still meets in the small house of the pastor, the Rev. Mr. Masahisa Uy em ura . W e have tried to get a larger and more desirable house in the neighborhood but without success. ' In N o v e m b e r the Church wished to k n o w whether the mis­ sion could lend t h e m m o n e y to build a chapel, which they p r o m ­ ised to repay in ten years. This was agreed to, and the chapel will be dedicated on Dec. 24th so as to hold the first service on Christmas morning. T h e chapel is about the same as the K o jimachi one, but smaller, being 30 feet b y 21 feet. T h e church m e m b e r s are a, m o re well-to-do class than those of the K o jimachi Church. ‘ Besides the regular Sund ay morning and evening preaching services there are classes .on Sund ay afternoon, and at the same time Mrs. Miller has a Bible class and prayer meeting for w o ­ m e n at the house of the deacon, Mr. Miyabe. Miss Inagaki, sister of the pastor of the Y o k o h a m a Church, w h o is Mrs. Mil-

ler’s teacher, expects to unite b y -letter wi t h this C h u r c h a n d m a y p r o v e a great help a m o n g the w o m e n in' their Christian work. ,

3. Ueda.— This church is in the castle t o wn of U e d a in Shinano, 120 miles from Tokiyo on the high road to Niigata. It w a s organized in the s u m m e r of 1876. Mr. M a k i was the pastor for some time, but he left there about a year ago and is n o w living at Ko m o r o , a t o wn of nearly the same size as Ueda, about twelve miles this side of it. T h e church officers keep up the regular services. During the fall, one of the elders wa s in Tokiyo, and c a m e to see if the mission could not send some one to be their pastor and pay part of his salary. W h e n he learned that there was no one w h o could go at that time it was decided that for the present one of the students from the T h e o ­ logical School should g o up during the vacations, with one of the missionaries going twice a year if possible, the officers of the Church taking care of the services in the m e a n time. During the fall both the Rev. Mr. T b uk a and Rev. Mr. U y e m u r a were able to go up for a short visit, and at the winter vacation Mr. Kato, one of our theological students in his second year, spent six weeks there. Dr. Verbeck visited the Church twice during the year, once in the winter holidays of 1880-81 and once in the spring with Mrs. Verbeck. Mr. and Mrs. Miller were there in the fall, at which time, as well as w h e n Dr. Verbeck wa s there, there were held popular lectures under the auspices of the Church officers. T h e Church is zealous and growing, though they might be m o re aggressive in their work. .The lectures were attended by great numbers, and the Church thinks good'results will follow. M r . Sekiya, the chief-judge at the U e d a court, has b e e n r e m o v e d to N a g a n o , and, as he w a s favorably disposed to Christianity a n d his wife o n e of the m o s t d e v o t e d believers, th e y will b e greatly miss e d ; perhaps, h o w e v e r , they m a y b e the m e a n s of starting an interest at N a g a n o , the t o w n w h e r e the great t e m p l e of Zenkoji is. M r . K o j i m a , the elder of the C h u r c h , is thinking of studying for the ministry, b u t J u d g e Sek i y a wishes h i m to c o m e to N a g a n o , w h e r e h e c a n give h i m a n a p p o i n t m e n t in court similar to the on e h e n o w holds. T h e w o r k of M r . M a k i at K o m o r o is very slow, b u t h e is diligent a n d earnest, a n d w e h o p e in time, to see fruits. T h e disposition of the people at K o m o r o is ver y different f r o m that

of their neighbors at Uefia. . In the. former they are conserva­ tive and devoted to money-making, while at U e d a they are ready to embrace anything new. Mr. Maki holds services at two other places. O n Mondays at Iwamurada, about five miles from Komoro, and on Thursdays at Mariko, about seven, miles from Komoro. 4. ~Wadomura Church.— Thi s c h u r c h is in a small village, a b o u t t w o miles’ off the hi g h r o a d w h i c h leads to N i k k o , b u t the chur c h m e m b e r s c o m e f r o m the neighboring villages. M r . Jiutaro Suzuki, o n e of the y o u n g m e n w h o has b e e n u n d e r the care of the mission for quite a while, ’ a n d w h o w a s installed as pastor only in the s u m m e r of 1880, a n d w h o has really d o n e a g o o d w o r k in building u p the C h u r c h , w a s accused of gross immorality. W e h eard of it onl y this fall, t h o u g h it is stated to h a v e a p p e a r e d d u r i n g the winter of ’80 a n d ’81. A t first h e denied ip positively, at a m e e t i n g of the Classis called to investigate the matter, the Classis appointed a c o m m i t t e e to g o to W a d o m u r a , a n d they f o u n d the proof so strong that th e y advised M r . Suzuki to c o n ­ fess his guilt so as to save a public trial. T h i s h e did, a n d w a s in con s e q u e n c e d e p o s e d f r o m the ministry a n d s u s p e n d e d f r o m c h u r c h ordinances. T h e case w a s peculiarly trying to all concerned, for the families of t w o of the c h u r c h officers, w h o ’ w e r e brothers, w e r e com p l i c a t e d in it j a n d o n e w a s v e r y m u c h incensed against the c o m m i t t e e a n d the Classis, declaring, w i t h his k n o w l e d g e of criminal p r o c e d u r e in J a p a n courts b e ­ fore his m i n d , that the c o m m i t t e e h a d c o m e to p r o v e h i m guilty b y e x a m i n i n g him. H e thought, also, that t h e y w i s h e d to screen M r . Suzuki, b e c a u s e . h e h a d b e e n installed b y the Classis, a n d so, according to his ideas, w e r e b o u n d to protect him.

W h e n he found that sentence had actually been passed he was somewhat mollified, and after he has had time to quiet . d o w n he m a y continue in the Church, which at,present he threatens to leave. Since the sentence has been read out in the Church the attendance has increased, and w e m a y hope that the whole painful circumstance will be overruled to the good of the Church at large and the W a d o m u r a Church in particular. Since Mr. Suzuki has left, five young m e n have been baptized from a neighboring village. Mr. Suzuki professes to be deeply 'penitent for his sin, and says that he will a me nd his life so’that

h e m a y be received into the c o m m u n i o n of the C h u r c h a g a i n ; b u t w e are sorry to say that there are s o m e things that lead us to d o u b t his sincerity. • New Preaching Place.— U p o n consultation with the native helpers of the mission, it w a s f o u n d that w e could o p e n another preaching place, a n d so w e h a v e b e e n looking for a suitable building or lot in the n e i g h b o r h o o d of Sujikai b a s h e ei K a u d a . If a desirable site b e obtained w e pu r p o s e building a fire­ proof chapel (since it will b e in the m i d s t of the fire district, near “ fire-bridge ” ), w i t h the m o n e y that w a s given for .Dr. Y e r b e c k ’s chapel.

Preaching hi the Prisons.— This work, which has been re­ ported during the past two years, and which w a s carried on with the most promising results,' w e were obliged to discon­ tinue last spring, on account of the opposition of the Buddhist priests, which was brought to bear upon the government offi­ cials, so that they said no one outside of the Kiyo-do-Shiyokii (Preaching Department) could preach. T h e officers gave a little present in m o n e y to the Rev. Mr. Okuno, and expressed their regret at his leaving. T h e y had built a house of 48 feet b y 156 feet for holding such meetings, where over 1,100 per­ sons assembled. O u t of these hearers there were some inquirers for the truth and a few candidates for baptism. II. E D U C A T I O N A L W O R K .

Theological School.— O u r mission is represented b y the R e v . Jas. L. A m e r m a n , ^ P e r m a n e n t Instructor, w h o " g i v e s nine hours a w e e k in lectures to all the classes o n Biblical a n d Systematic T h e o l o g y a n d C h u r c h History. D r . V e r b e c k h a d classes in Homiletics a n d Christian E v i d e n c e s until the s u m m e r vacation. R e v . E. R . Miller gives o n e a n d a half hours a w e e k to the students of the first a n d second years o n the H e i d e l b e r g C a t e ­ chism. R e v . K . I b u k a gives eight h ours a w e e k on M r . I m b r i e ’s Lectures o n the Life of Christ, a n d also an Exposition of the G o s p e l of L u k e , a n d H o d g e ’s “ W a y of Life.” W e d o not expect, b y a n y m e a n s , that the following cursory notice shall supersede the A n n u a l R e p o r t of the Theological School, as given b y the P e r m a n e n t Instructors to the C o u n ­ cil of the T h r e e Missions, but[ m e r e l y ’give a f e w p r o m i n e n t features.

There are in the 4th-year class five students ; in the 3d, one ; in the 2d, tw o ; and in the 1st, twelve; in all, twenty. A m o n g these last are tw o elders and one deacon w h o do not expect to b e co me ordained ministers, but seek b y their attendance on the lectures to qualify themselves better for their official w o r k in the Church. O u r 2d-year m a n c a m e to us from the English Baptist Mission. Those looking forward to the ministry from the United Church are : five 4th-year students, one 3d-year student, four 2d-year, and six Ist-year students; in all, Iti— of which only four are directly connected with our mission. • T h e vacations have been so changed that the students can be a w a y on evangelistic w o r k during the months of December, April and July and A u gu st without interfering with their studies. T h e instructors hope in this w a y to avoid having the students taken out of the school during the terms. Since the opening of the fall term the Rev. Kajino-ouke Ibuka, w h o was the pastor of the Kojimachi Church, but w h o has for some time been employed as interpreter in the T h e o ­ logical School; one of the y o u n g m e n w h o has been connected with the mission for a long time, and one of our steadiest and most reliable men, wa s regularly engaged as Assistant In­ structor. W e hope that his presence will not only be a great help, but that the influence on the Japanese Church will be beneficial. • His whole salary is paid b y our mission, according to a resolution passed at a special meeting. This was conceded by the other missions at our request, although they wished to pay their share. O u r desire wa s to retain his valuable services to the mission, and also have the right of directing his labors during the vacations. T h e students under our care in the school are all licensed. Hideteru Y a m a m o t o has been laboring in N a g o y a for tw o years, but returned at the end of the s u m m e r vacation to c o m ­ plete his studies in- the Theological School. H e will probably be ordained in the spring and m a y go back to w o r k in Nagoya. H e has the oversight also of the Kojimachi school, and is the superintendent of the Sund ay school. Mr. K a k u Kobayashi is also a student of the 4th year. H e has asked to remain another year, as he is still young. Mr. Kaichi B a n u o is a student from Nagoya, where he spends his vacation laboring. H e is in the 3d year. Mr. Torahiko K a to is a student of the 2d year. W e have none in the 1st year.

T h e only other educational w o r k w h i c h w e h a v e in Tokiyo, outside of the Theological School, is the Parochial School of the K o j i m a c h i C h urch. This has g r o w n as large as the r o o m will allow. Since Mrs. I b u k a w a s obliged to give it u p w e h a v e e m p l o y e d a y o u n g graduate of the Girls’ N o r m a l School, a n d she- has an assistant, w h o is paid f r o m the fees of the scholars. U p to the s u m m e r vacation Dr. Y e r b e c k lectured in the Theological School, b u t since then h e has m a d e a r r a n g e m e n t s to devote the w h o l e of his tim e to Bible translation, a n d in con s e q u e n c e has h a d to give u p these lectures a n d also his lec­ tures o n political subjects in the Gaku-shiu-in (N o b l e s ’ School) b u t he has m a d e a r r a n g e m e n t s to k e e p u p still the lecture o n c e a m o n t h before the w h o l e school o n m o r a l science. III. Publication.— T h e Biblical T h e o l o g y of the N e w T e s t ­ a m e n t w a s published early in thei s u m m e r . It w a s t h o u g h t best to issue at first a n edition of only 300 copies. O f these 172 h a v e b e e n sold, 12 h a v e b e e n given a w a y , 30 h a v e b e e n ordered a n d not yet paid for, or are out o n commission, a n d 86 r e m a i n o n hand. It is use d as a text b o o k in four Missions, besides those represented in o u r Theological School. T h e r e h a v e b e e n n o other publications at the e x pense of our Mission dur i n g the year,'but u n d e r M r . A m e r m a n ’s direction a n d wi t h the assist­ ance of M r . I b u k a a colloquial edition of the gospel of M a r k has b e e n prepared a n d is just issued b y the A m e r i c a n Bible Society. T h e w o r k is'an experiment, f r o m which, h o w e v e r , large results are hoped, the object b eing to prepare s o m e portion of the Scriptures in a style suited to the c o m p r e h e n s i o n of a large class of Jajtanese, w h o cannot read w h a t is k n o w n as the written l a n g u a g e ; a n d although this edition of M a r k is prepared in a style far r e m o v e d f r o m the vulgar colloquial it is yet m u c h m o r e simple than that k n o w n as the standard version. T h e w o r k of distribution b y sale or gift dur i n g the year has be e n as follows : ■

Our own Mission publications: Primary Catechism...... ... .... 671 copies. Heidelberg Catechism..... ..... 85 “ Sacramental Forms............. 50' “ Biblical Theology of New Testament.. 202 “

35,563 pages. 6,545 “ 1,400 “ 82,214 “

Publications of Council of three Missions: Hymn Books........... 2,030 copies. Sundries.......... 191 “

223,300pages. 1,994 “

2,221 copies, 225,294 pages. Publications of American Bible Society. 171 copies. Other Bodies................... ..5,401“

20,128pages. 88.009 “

Total ofallPublications......... 8,891copies. 459,213pages. Dr. Verbeck and Mr. A m e r m a n being on the Committee of the American Tract Society, have bad to examine all tracts passing through the Committee. Mr'. A m e r m a n has had charge also of the printing and distribution of these tracts, but since arrangements have been m a d e to keep th em at an agency, he will be relieved of the labor during the coming year. W e are sorry to have to record the return of Mrs. A m e r m a n and her daughter to America, on accound of their health. T h e y sailed on the 28th of September. Before closing w e would call the attention of Christians at h o m e to the fact that though the past year has been one of great progress, yet w e must not infer from this that in the coming year w e need not put forth m u c h effort. O n the con­ trary w e mu st be specially active, because w e find that the op­ position to Christianity is taking various forms and is becoming more determined. Thijs is the time for us to be aggressively active in our work, for w e find our enemies so. T h e priests, both Buddhist and Shinto, are putting forth all their strength. In Tokiyo there are t w o newspapers devoted to the interests of particular Buddhist sects, and one to B u d d h i s m in general and one to Shintoism. T h e y are adopting some of the words used by Christians, such as kiyo kimai (the w o r d used for Church) for their meetings. T h e words for preaching sekkiyo and kogi they had before. T h e y are maki ng all sorts of extravagant propositions to wipe out Christianity, while the secular papers on the other hand are giving t h em the a,dvice of Gamaliel to let Christianity alone, and rather reform themselves, and preach the excellencies of their o w n belief, as Buddhism, which only w o n its w a y in Japan by being persecuted, is the last sect that ought to advocate persecution. ' In N a g o y a popular placards of Christ on the cross, with a list of the kinds of fools w h o embrace his teaching, are to be seen for sale and afford no' little merriment at their supposed

wit a n d k n o w l e d g e . F o r example, the S a b b a t h is s h o w n to be to obviate the p a y m e n t of debts, as n o bills can b e paid o n S u n ­ d a y ; a n d so reverence to G o d is represented as irreverence to parents ; a n d so of all the objections m a d e b y the natural heart to the claims of revelation a n d the cross of Christ. T h e suffering Saviour is the butt of ridicule n o w as of old, a n d a p o pular piece of poetry is :

Kirisuto yo, hito wo tasukuru, chiye araba, ono ga karada ni, kugi wo utaru na. “ 0 Christ, who saveth others save thine own flesh from being pierced by the nails.” Besides this l ower f o r m of opposition to the spread of Christi- " anity, the Shinshiu or R e f o r m e d B u d d h i s t sect s e e m s especially ■ desirous of b e c o m i n g the defenders of the old or rather m o n o ­ polizers of the n e w faith. Their tenets, save as th e y w o r s h i p A m i d a , can hardly be called Buddhist. T heir marriage of the priests a n d free use of ani m a l f o o d a n d intoxicants are all c o n ­ trary to B u d d h i s m . These, as well as their schools for the introduction of western science in their novitiate course, as also their adoption of public lectures a n d preaching to catch the ear of the people, m a y b e regarded as a revival o f B u d d h i s m , or a strenuous effort to retain their p o w e r f u l hold u p o n the purses -> a n d consciences of the mercantile a n d agricultural classes of the people, wit h w h o m th e y are ver y popular. V e r y large s u m s of m o n e y , a m o u n t i n g to millions of dollars, h a v e be e n contributed the past year to rebuilding a n d enlarging their temples a n d p r o ­ viding s u m s for p r o p a g a n d i s m . A l s o their adherents h a v e in the southern part of J a p a n created s o m e disturbance at Christian lectures a n d services, s h o w i n g plainly that, h a d they the power, there w o u l d b e n o religious toleration, a n d that th e y will be a source of future difficulty both to the profession of Christianity a n d to the g o v e r n m e n t ’s present attitude of non-interference in matters of religion. O n the other h a n d w e w o u l d note w i t h pleasure the f o r m s that militant Christianity is taking a m o n g the J a p a n e s e t h e m ­ selves. O n e is the g r o w t h a n d progress of the Y o u n g M e n ’s Christian Association. Its n a m e is Seo-nin-JZuwai. T h e y h a v e issued a n d m aintained d u r i n g the last year a m o n t h l y periodical, w h i c h at the close of its first year has a circulation of a b o u t o n e thousand. T h e c o m i n g yea r they will m a k e it a

semi-monthly. T h e articles are original or' contributed m E n g l i s h a n d translated. T h e y h a v e r o o m s for their m e e t i n g s a n d regular lectures, a library to w h i c h recently v e r y valuable contributions h a v e b e e n m a d e b y Christians in A m e r i c a , a n d s o m e f r o m our o w n C h u r c h , a n d t h e y are d o i n g a g o o d w ork. A n o t h e r m e t h o d of p r o p a g a t i n g Christianity n o w in use is lecturing. P o p u l a r lectures (Y e n z e t s u K u w a i ) are quite the fashion n o w all ove r Japa n , a n d the r a n g e of subjects is as varied as the s p e a k e r s - f r o m political lectures b y n o t e d politicians a n d editors, to little cat c h - p e n n y side s h o w s o n a n y subject that will d r a w a cro w d . O u r y o u n g m e n h a v e taken these u p a n d find that great n u m b e r s of people may b e b r o u g h t together to hea r w h a t is called a lecture o n the principles of Christianity, w h o w o u l d not c o m e w e r e the s a m e discourse called a s e r m o n . 1 ■ , u I n the cities these lectures gat h e r those w h o w o u l d other­ wis e n ever h e a r a n y t h i n g of Christianity ; a n d in the country the y d o a g o o d deal to b r e a k d o w n prejudice, e v e n w h e n the subject itself m a y n o t b e distinctively Christian, b e c a u s e the people are b r o u g h t to appreciate w h a t Christians can do. f h e se lectures are yet to b e a m e a n s of d o i n g great g o o d a n d also great h a r m . . . , W i t h this report w e close o u r w o r k as a Mission for the year, w i t h thankfulness that w e h a v e a c c o m p l i s h e d as m u c h as w e h a y e a n d regret that w e h a v e not d o n e m o r e for o u r Master. M a y the n e w year u p o n w h i c h w e h a v e entered bring us not alone h a r d w o r k b u t large results f r o m it. L e t the w o r k be ours, a n d m a y the results b e s u c h as to a w a k e n r e n e w e d zeal a n d consecration in the cause of missions in the C h u r c h . a t h o m e , to the glory of o u r Blessed G o d a n d Saviour, Jesus C h l '1St'

I n behalf of the Mission, E. R O T H E S A Y M I L L E R ,

Mission Secretary.


W O M A N ’S B O A R D .

T h e W o m a n ’s B o a r d has just closed the m o s t successful year of its life. T h e n u m b e r of auxiliaries has b e e n increased b y t w e n t y n e w organizations, a n d the receipts h a v e risen to $10,­ 915.40, an increase of m o r e t h a n $2,000 u p o n those of the

previous year. . T h e w o r k of the B o a r d is c o n d u c t e d quietly, b u t vigorously a n d effectively, a n d in a n u m b e r of churches w h e r e n o auxiliaries h a v e b e e n formally organized, Christian w o m e n h a v e b e e n incited to hold regular m e e t i n g s to consider the intelligence f r o m our o w n a n d other missions, to unite in prayer to G o d for a blessing u p o n the' preaching of the G o s p e l in all lands, a n d to e n c o u r a g e o n e another in pious endeavors a n d liberality t o w a r d the m a i n t e n a n c e of the w o r k entrusted to our care. A s o n e result of these m e e t i n g s the missions of the C h u r c h h a v e b e c o m e the objects of affectionate interest m m a n y households, a n d the n a m e s n o t on l y of m i s ­ sionaries b u t of not a f e w native helpers a n d pupils in the schools h a v e b e c o m e as those of dear friends. O u t of this personal interest, for m a n y reasons v e r y desirable, there hasarisen a source of anxiety. Gifts are m a d e for the support of individuals, of the w o r k at out stations, of schools, of single scholars, a n d letters a n d reports are desired in return. T h e w o r k of the missionaries, w h o m u s t look after this correspon­ d e n c e in nearly e very instance, is m u c h increased. A s each of the missions is decidedly u n d e r m a n n e d , as the w o r k i m m e ­ diately a r o u n d e very missionary is m o r e t h a n h e c a n overtake, a n d since interruptions f r o m sickness a n d exhaustion, u n d e r a ’ tropical sun, are frequent, the correspondence is often u n a v o i d ­ ably tardy a n d irregular; a n d d i s a ppointment to the giver or givers in this country follows. ’ Besides it is not infrequently forgotten, that a correspon­ d e n c e to b e frank, hearty a n d really e n g a g i n g a n d profitable, m u s t b e ke p t u p at bot h end s of the line. T h e givers often s e e m to think that simply to give is en o u g h , a n d that the reci­ pient o u g h t to u n d e r s t a n d a n d appreciate the spirit w h i c h p r o m p t s it, a n d so it has. c o m e to pass that a desire is cherished that a correspondence shall b e continued u n d e r conditions w h i c h present v e r y m o d e r a t e i n d u c e m e n t s to correspond. These gifts foi special objects h a v e b e c o m e so n u m e r o u s a n d are increasing so rapidly, that w e regard t h e m wi t h a g r o w i n g * anxiety. T h e personal interest in the missionaries a n d in the native brethren, w h i c h has b e e n created b y the system, is such as w e wi s h w e r e felt b y every m e m b e r of the h o m e C h u r c h , a n d w e h o p e that s o m e m e t h o d m a y b e r e ached b y w h i c h this interest shall b e increased w i t h o u t a d d i n g too m u c h to the w o r k of o u r missionaries, a n d wi t h o u t r u n n i n g the risk of dis-

appointments calculated to destroy the ardor of those w h o give. . T h e report of the managers of the W o m a n ’s Bo ar d is espe­ cially encouraging. T h e advance which has been attained is expressed in the following extract f r o m that report : “ It is only necessary to go hack to our first report, issued just seven years ago, to m a k e us exclaim, ‘W h a t hath G o d wr ought !’ A t that time nineteen societies were auxiliary to us, and their contributions amounted to $2,891.15. Since then w e have raisedt/ y % thousand dollars, and our auxiliaries have g r o w n in n u m b e r to one hundred and twenty-nine.'" This Board heartily desires that the female m e m b e r s of every church m a y be earnestly engaged in the endeavor to sustain the mission and enlarge their work, and would be glad to k n o w that an auxiliary or mission circle or both were in every church of our c o m m u n i o n ; but w e must at the same time express our regret that in some localities the collections in the church for missions have been discontinued, and the w o r k of obtaining contributions committed entirely to the ladies of the auxiliary to the W o m a n ’s Board. If only one form of collections is pos­ sible, it is our conviction that that one should be m a d e in the house of God, or m a d e as a church ; but in our judgment there is no reason w h y in any case the gifts of the w o m e n of the church should interrupt the church collections. T h e W o m a n ’s B o a r d ' wa s not organized to take the place of appeals and collections on the L o r d ’s D a y in the L o r d ’s House. Cheerfully granting also the utmost that can be claimed in re­ gard to the efficiency of w o m e n as collectors, w e mu st repeat the opinion often uttered b y us in the past, that in educating the Church in benevolence and in inciting the children of G o d to convey the Gospel to every creature, no influence is so po­ tential as the words of the pastor, w h o has w o n the respect, con­ fidence and love of his charge. There cannot be, never will be, any equivalent substitute for this power, proceeding from a relation ordained by the H e a d of the Cbuich. _ W e thankfully acknowledge that our treasury has received $1,115.13 from the W o m a n ’s Board during the past year. T H E FINANCES. T h e receipts of the year have been as follows : F r o m Churches, $25,702.49.: Sabbath schools,

$5,459.47 ;

Individuals, t h r o u g h Churches, 89,3'74.12 ; Individuals’ not t h r o u g h Churches, 85,244.30 ; Miscellaneous sources 86,500.35 ; Legacies, 85,903.98 ; total, 858,184.71. This a m o u n t is a bout 85,000 less than the average i n c o m e of the seven years pre­ ceding the last year, w h e n the i n c o m e w a s unusually a u g ­ m e n t e d b y the general effort to p a y the debt. T h e decline Ts chiefly in the item of legacies.

For the coming year the following appropriations have been made.: . F o r t h e A r n o y Mission, ‘$12,247 ; the A r c o t Mission, includ­ ing 83,000 for a residence for Dr. Chambe r l a i n , 826,367 ; the J a p a n Mission, 826,584 ; H o m e expenses including interest on loans dur i n g the s u m m e r m o n t h s a n d a possible p r e m i u m on e x c h a n g e 86,675 ; total, $71,873. W e can, h o w e v e r , safely leckon that the h o m e expenses will not exceed those of the present year, a m o u n t i n g to 84,900, a n d that the actual total, expendhures! of the year, satisfying fairly all the objects included in the appropriations, will not e x c e e d 870,000. C a n a n d will the C h u r c h contribute this a m o u n t , surpassing the i n c o m e of the year just e n d e d b y nearly 812,000, or m u s t the appropriations b e reduced ? .

Fuithermore, can and will the Church contribute a special addition of about 85,000 during the present s u m m e r to send out the re-enforcement of five n o w awaiting appointment ? Nor m a y w e neglect to say that the lifting up of the income during the coming year to 870,000 entails the contribution of an equal amou nt for a series of years. Is the Church prepared to m a k e such a permanent addition to the income of this treasury ?

CONCLUSION. This report closes the fiftieth year of the existence of this B o a r d a n d the fiftieth year of the participation of the C h u r c h as a C h u r c h in the e n d e a v o r to w i n the p a g a n w o r l d to Christ. T h e period has b e e n consecrated b y prayer a n d b y self-deny­ ing efforts a n d b y a rich blessing-from o n high. W h i l e the contributions of the C h u r c h during, this last year of the half-century h a v e not b e e n as large as w e h o p e d for, still they h a v e sufficed to sustain the Missions, to a d d t w o brethren to our force o n the field, a n d to furnish three t h o u s a n d

dollars for a building for the P r e p a r a t o r y A c a d e m y at Y o k o ­ h a m a , hereafter to b e k n o w n as the S a n d h a m A c a d e m y a m o t h e r ’s m e m o r i a l of the love a n d service of a son. T h i s result is d u e largely to careful m a n a g e m e n t at h o m e a n d abroad, b u t m o r e to the favorable rates of e x c h a n g e b e t w e e n Asiatic countries a n d G r e a t Britain. W i t h the Missions the year has b e e n a prosperous o n e in the best sense. M o r e than three h u n d r e d souls h a v e b e e n a d d e d to the churches o n confession of faith in our L o r d Jesus Christ, a n d the m e m b e r s h i p has b e e n increased ov e r all losses b y m o r e tha n t w o h u n d r e d souls. T h i s increase is not exceptional. A n almost equal yearly g r o w t h m a y hereafter b e e x p e c t e d if the C h u r c h at h o m e shall continue the devotion it has exhibited in the past. _ s T h e w o r k of Missions c o n d u c t e d b y the entire Christian C h u r c h , w h i c h fifty years a g o w a s an experiment, entered u p o n with a s o m e w h a t hesitating faith ^by its m o s t ardent advocates, a n d r e g a r d e d as chimerical b y m a n y sincere a n d influential Christians, is n o w established as a Christian duty, as o n e of the best Christian privileges, a n d as o n e of the m o s t hopeful a n d fruitful enterprises inviting the attention a n d ability of .the C h u r c h . T h e reflex 'influence of this missionary enterprise u p o n the C h u r c h , the e n l a r g e m e n t of Christian s y m p a t h y w h i c h it has w r o u g h t , the confirmation of the truth as it is in J esus • w h i c h it has furnished, the treasures of Christian experience w h i c h it has accumulated, as presented in the lives of missionarites a n d of t h o u s a n d s of converts f r o m the m o s t debasing superstitions— all this is invaluable. H a n d - i n - h a n d w i t h the successful f o u n d i n g of churches in h e athen lands has p r o c e e d e d the establishment of the C h u r c h of G o d over all this great land, w o n for us b y the blessing of G o d u p o n the c o urage a n d sagacity a n d consecration of our fathers. . N o t only has the C h u r c h b e e n e x t e n d e d f r o m ocean to ocean, a n d f r o m the lakes to the Gulf, b u t it has also b e e n buttressed b y schools, academies, colleges, a n d seminaries, b y dispensaries, hospitals, asylums, refuges for old a n d y o u n g , b y all m a n n e r of appliances w h i c h hea v e n - b o r n charity could d e ­ vise for the relief of suffering a n d misery a n d the uplifting of the degraded. T h e blessed w o r k has b e e n a n d is one, at h o m e a n d a b r o a d ; has e n g a g e d the s a m e hands, b e e n included in o n e a n d the s a m e effort, be e n w a f t e d h e a v e n w a r d o n the

s a m e breath of prayer. It has be e n a c c omplished m a i n l y during the past fifty years, a n d as w e a d m i r e it to-day, a n d the m o r e w e e x a m i n e it the m o r e settled is our conviction that all in all it is the m o s t splendid a c h i e v e m e n t recorded in the history of the C h u r c h of C h r i s t ; a chapter e x c e e d e d in brilliancy a n d g r a n d e u r b y n o other o n the p a g e s of a record destined to b e ­ c o m e m o r e a n d m o r e e s t e e m e d a n d a d m i r e d a m o n g m e n as the experience of h u m a n i t y is extended. M a n y a m o n g us can recall distinctly to-day this entire m o v e m e n t , a n d although there are millions still w h o h a v e n o k n o w l e d g e of G o d a n d his great salvation, still d a r k places that h a v e n o light, the a d v a n c e ha,s b e e n so great, the conquests so vast, the future has b e c o m e so assured that th e y m a y well exclaim, “ Lord, n o w lettest tho u t h y servant depart in peace, for m i n e eyes h a v e seen t h y salvation.” / T h e propriety of holding a General Missionary C o n f e r e n c e in the fall of this year is respectfully referred to the General Synod. • ' T h e t e r m of service of the following m e m b e r s of the B o a r d expires wi t h this year’s session of the G e n e r a l S y n o d : ‘ R e v . J. F. Mesick, D . D . R e v . R u f u s W . Clark, D . D . R e v . A.. R . V a n Rest, D . D . J o h n Z. Lott, Esq. Rev. Geo. S. Bishop, D . D . M r . D . J. Steward. Rev. C. L.'Wells, D . D . H o n . N . F. Graves. Adopted, M a y 17th, 1882 JOHN .

M. F E R R I S , .

Corresponding Secretary.

GENERAL SUMMARY. C h i n a . In d i a . Ja p a n . T o t a l .

9 3 5 101 24 65 16 7 6 24 10 6 6 13 4 39 8 17 Catechists, or Preachers........ 6 18 12 36 36 38 5 30 3 Schoolmasters, or Teachers „..... 13 1 12 2 2 r » 37 22 8 2,625 403 1,481 741 2 5 2 1 62 130 38 30 90 82 3 5 2,210 60 2,061 89 * 14 4 10 1 1 No rep’t Contributions of Native Churches.. $1994.55 $910 $328.77 $3233.32

Stations.......... ......... Out Stations-............... Missionaries................ Assistant Missionaries.........

* The entire body of native helpers,

1 12 3 8 3 14


FROM ' FR03I FROM CHURCHES. S. SCHOOLS. l n d i v i d ’l s .


Classis of A l b any. N e w Baltimore__ First Albany ... Coeymans ...... K n o x ......... Second Berne... Westerlo....... Second Albany.... Second Bethlehem IJnion Church... Fourth Albany___ Jerusalem...... Holland, Albany... N e w Salem..... Clarksville...... Third Albany... First Bethlehem... Onisquethaw....

$117 69 215 74 70 54

$30 80 $372 00

6 00 6 00

6 00 6 00

12 50 261 69 25 00

3 00

14 00 1 50 20 31 9 01 2 52

$148 49 587,74 76 54

200 00 ■

12 50 461 69 25 00 3 00 14 00 1 50 20 31 9 01 2 52

Classis of Berg e n . Park, Jersey City... German, Hoboken__ First Hackensack .... North Bergeh...... Schraalenberg..... English Neighborhood Closter........... N e w Durham . First Hoboken Second Hackensack. Third Hackensack.. Palisades Guttenberg........... Central Ave., Jersey City Fort Lee............ Cherry Hill...........

22 00

40 47 0 83 205 00 15 00 35 41 15 00

3 00 SCO 00

1 00

30 00

12 20

62 47 9 83 505 00 16 00 65 41 15 00

12 20

S o u t h Classis o f B e r g e n . Bergen.......... South Bergen__ ___ Lafayette....... Second Jersey City. Second Hudson City Greenville....... First Jersey City__ First Bayonne .... Bergen Point.... Free Jersey City... Third Bayonne....

208 75 30 36 125 00 78 43 13 89

65 02 27 73 33 28 50 00

179 68 9 25 20 00 140 75 110 85

52 63 21 83 200 00

453 45 67 34 178 28 269 18 13 89 110 85 52 63 21 83

200 00




Classis of C a y u g a . Syracuse.................... Utica ..................... Thousand Isles............... Owasco Outlet............... Chittenango................. Naumburg.................. N e w Bremen................ . Canastota................... Cicero.................... . Owasco.................... West Leyden................

$190 00 588 00

$81 41 100 58

11 00 10 00

$271 41 688 58

11 01) 10 00 17 00 5 00

17 00 5 01)

1 00

1 00

ClasNts of G r a u d River, Third Grand Rapids.......... Fourth Grand Rapids......... First Grand Haven........... Second Grand Haven.......... Second Grand Rapids......... Kalamazoo................ Muskegon ................. Grandville.................. Spring Lake................ Polkton ................... Twin Lakes................. Detroit.................... Fremont Centre............. Montague.................. South Haven................

7 50 5 00 49 83 34 00

$29 25 72 56

84 00 60 00

100 00

28 62 150 00 106 41

80 00 21 65

64 00 24 00 21 0(5 5 50 13 10

36 72

36 75 5 00 206 39 94 00 128 62 294 00 128 06 24 00 57 78 5 50 13 ia

Classis o f G e n e v a . Mina........ Fairhaven.... First Rochester.. Marion ...... Pultneyville... Tyre........ Fast Williamson Clymer....... Abbe Church__ Lodi......... Dunkirk...... Arcadia...... Buffalo....... Cato........ Caroline...... Farmer Village.. Geneva......

4 02 5 04

4 02 ’88 C8 5 00 31 75 13 28 25 00 24 00 44 00 59 28 4 00

5 04 45 00 75 20 74

m 68 10 00 8 60

5 75 31 75 44 02 25 00 32 60 44 00 59 28 4 00

Classis of Greene. Second Coxsackie.......... First Coxsackie............ First Athens.............. Catskill.................. Ki&katom................. Leeds .................. . Second Athens.............

89 25 12 43 50 00 15 00 25 56 9 00

25 00

50 00 30 00

10 00

89 25* 62 43 105 00 15 00> 25 50 19 00/

Classis of H o l l a n d . Cleveland^ Ohio............ Drenthe.................. Jamestown............... Ebenezer................. Vriesland............... ; Zeeland.................. Graafschap................ Oveyssel................. Third Holland............. First Holland.............. Rotterdam, Kansas.........

10 50 40 00 50 50 50 15 65 43 222 69 54 63 175 94 26 80 123 61 6 25

1 50

33 30

1 00 12 11 17 52 40 00 3 00

25 34 83 50

10 50' 40 00 85 SO­ SO 15 66 43 234 £0> 54 63 218 80= 100 30 126 61 6 75.




ClassU of Holland. (CONTINUED.)

North Holland............. . Beaverdam............., East Overyssel.......... Fynaart........ .......... 'Saugatuck................. Zabriekie.................

$44 00

$39 00 14 00

$12 00

$95 00 14 00

17 00 430 46 123 00 21 78

22 00

60 00 38 00 75 34

99 00 468 46 205 59 26 78

Classis of H u d s o n . Greenport.................. Hudson................... Upper Red Hook............ Linlithgo.................. Germantown............... Gallatin............... . First Clavcrack............. Second Claverack........... Taghkanic......... . Livingston.................

7 25 5 00

20 01

20 01

10 59 83 80 58 68

10 59 83 80 72 81

Classis of Illinois* Norwood Park........ .... Third Pella................ Bethel, Pella............... Fairview .................. Norris.................... First Pella’....... .......... West Branch, loa........... . East Orange................ . Raritan .................... Irving Park............... Washington, loa............ . Havana....... ............ . Parkersburgh.............. . First Pekin................ . Spring Lake................ Bushnell.. ................ Second Pella......... ....... Otley....j................. “Orange City................ Second Pekin.... ..... Manito.................... Dakota....................

2 68

18 00 15 00 46 08 7 60 140 00 18 13 22 25 40 00 16 72

6 00

26 00 50 00 3 25 30 00 20 00 4 78

2 36 21 60

20 68 15 00 26 00 96 08 7 60 140 00 21 38 22 25 70 00 36 72 10 78 2 36 21 60

Classis of King s t o n * N e w Paltz................. Clove.... ................ Marbletown................ Hurley.............. ..... Second Kingston............ Krumville.............. . ‘North Marbletown........... Rosendale................. Guilford.................. Rochester, Ulster C o ......... Bloomingdale............... Dashville Falls..!........... Lyonsville................. St. Remy .................

126 18 60 42 15 31 54 79 105 28 3 00 7 69 5 00 7 00

44 40 41 42

61 25



85 50 42 27

281 83 101 84 27 31 90 29 147 50 3 00

’12 00

4 31

5 00 7 00

20 00

20 00

N o r t h Classis o f L o n g Island Flushing...................... Second Astoria................. First Astoria.......... *......... Queens ....................... St. Peters, Ger........ '........ Oyster Bay. ...•................. Jamaica... ........... .......

76 45 87 45 51 03

50 00 17 00 63 50

120 00

20 00 29 03 85 26

7 50 30 42


126 45 '17 00 150 95 171 03 27 50 29 03 175 85






N o r t h Classis of L o n g Island* (CONTINUED.)


Sayville........... Locust Valley...... Greenpoint......... Newtown___ ______ . College Point....... South Bushwick..... St. Paul’s, Jamaica... Bushwick.......... North Hempstead..... Williamsburg!)...... East Williamsburgh.... Laurel Hill ........ First Long Island City.

$4 00 35 50 116 69 75 00 38 02 30 50

10 00

$9 00

85 00

1 00,

36 50 136 69 95 00 38 02 30 50 12 00 25 00

20 00 20 00

.8 2 W

25 00

S o u t h Classis of L o n g Island. Flatbush ..................... First Brooklyn................. North Brooklyn................. Flatbush Mission............... East N ew York............... ... New Lots..................... N e w Utrecht................... Middle Brooklyn............... On*the-Heights................. South Brooklyn.......... ...... Flatlands.............. ....... Gravesend..................... Twelfth street.................. Canarsie...................... N e w Brooklyn................. Bedford....................... Second Flatbush ...............

'265 00 300 00

868 29 422 50

1,133 29 722 50 70 00 50 00

70 00 50 00 28 10 148 50 204 01 72 70 1,570 85 7 28 22 56 69 50 29 29 3 25 5 00

60 00

88 10

177 00 > 30 00

148 50 254 01 72 70 1,747 85 37 28 42 56 209 95 89 29 3 25

50 00

20 00 80 45

60 00 60 00

6 00

11 00 10 00

2 00 8 00

32 00 33 00 11 06 23 00 41 50 34 65 1 41 5 25

10 00

Classis o f M i c h i g a n * First Grand Rapids.............. Constantine.................... South Macon.................. Centreville.................. • Macon........................ Hope.................. ....... DeSpelder...... ...... ........ South Bend.... ............... Porter.... ....................

30 00 25 00 11 06 23 00 11 50 34 65 1 41 5 25

Classis of M o n m o u t h . Second Freehold................ Holmdel..... ................. Colt’s Neck.................... Middletown.................... First Freehold................. Keyport.................... ... First Long Branch.... ........ Spottswood.................... Highlands............... ..... Asbury Park .................. Second Long Branch.............

106 07 65 75 31 00 14 01 15 92 8 35 23 20

179 07 65 75 31 00 14 01 24 25 8 35 23 20

73 00

8 33

Classis o f M o n t g o m e r y . Currytown..................... Fonda................... ..... Herkimer ..................... Mapletown... ................. Manheim........... .......... Hagaman’s Mills................ Spraker’s Basin................. St. Johusville..................

31 16 76 00 59 14 16 21 5 00 49 12 5 25 13 00



31 16 76 00 74 74 16 21 5 00 49 12 5 25 26 91



Classis of M o n t g o m e r y . (c o n t i n u e d .)

Glen.......................... Canajoharie..... ............... Fultonvillc... ................. Auriesville.... ......... ...... Florida....................... Port Jackson ................. Fort Plain............ *........ Columbia..................... Cranesville.................... Ephratah.................... Fort Herkimer................. . Henderson ................. .... Indian Castle ................. Moha w k...................... Stone Arabia..... '.............

$23 00 33 63 44 39 11 16 39 00 29 43 75 00

$10 00

$10 00 40 00

8 92

$33 00­ 83 63 44 39 11 16 39 GO­ SS 35 75 00'

Classis of N e w a r k . First Orange................... East Newark............ ...... .Belleville... !.................. First Newark ........... Clinton Ave.................... Second Newark................. Linden ....................... North Newark.......... Stone House Plains.......... Trinity, Plainfield...........! ..! Franklin...................... Irvington...I...... ......... West Newark......... ....!1!!!! Woodside......... •........

670 30 0 50 105 75 326 16 124 14 45 20 35 00 1,250 00 14 28 200 00 11 25

280 00 6 75 7 00 110 00 100 00 35 56

497 95 291 90 90 00 32 18 19 70 27 84 50 00 14 54 185 56

120 00 128 00

50 00

850 00

25 00

950 SO1 13 25 112 75 436 16 224 14 80 76 85 00 2,150 00 14 28 225 00' 11 25-

Classis o f N e w B r u n s w i c k . Second N e w Brunswick........... First N e w Brunswick..... ....... Middlebush.................. Millstone................... East Millstone............... Third New Brunswick ........” ![ Griggstown................. j..** Bound Brook............. Franklin Park........."!!!!!!!!!! Metuchen........... !..!!.!!!!

270 00 117 00 50 00 3 00


6 76

887 95 536 90 90 OO 82 18 19 70 30 84 56 76 14 54 .185 56-

Classis ot N e w Y o r k . Brighton Heights South N e w York. Madison Ave__ Thirty-fourth st. Collegiate.... DeWitr. Chapel.. Knox Memorial. Seventh Avenue Chapel........... Prospect Hill................... St. Paul’s, Mott Haven... !!.!!!!!!! Union, Sixth ave...........!!!!!!! Harlem......... •...... !.!!!!!” !! Bloomingdale......... Norfolk Street.. ......... *.!” !!!!! Fourth German............ .**!..* Port Richmond......... Ave. B German E v a n g ...... !!. ! German Evang. Mission...... .. Richmond, S. I................ '* Huguenots, S. 1........... !!!!! Union, High Bridge.......... . Holland..................... Brookfield, Conn...............

31 62 888 89 104 99 33 28 2,148 99 36 96 30 59 15 00 75 00 34 60

150 00

18 90

50 00

19 50 15 50 99 88 20 00 78 20

50 00

5 00 901 85

50 66 156 25 70 00 30 00

31 62 888 89 109 99 33 28 3,200 84 36 96 30 59 65 00 231 25 104 60 30 OO 98 90 5 00 19 50 15 50 99 88

20 00 /

128 20





Classis of Oran g e . Callicoon..... Port Jervis.... Ne w Prospect... 'Wuwarsing...!. Ellcnville..... Lower Walpack. Newburgh.... Mamakating... *Fa11sburgh.... Walkill Valley.. Perea....... N e w Hurley... Bloomingburgh.. Walden...... Montgomery— Claraville.... Cuddebackville. Graham ville... Kerhonkson___ Minnisink. Shawangunk-- Union ville.... Upper Walpack.

$3 00 154 20 14 02 4 82 5G 46 10 56 52 45

10 00 12 00 31 00 19 55 9 47 138 00 658 16

$30 00

$100 00

42 50 37 33 17 70

100 00 6 00

11 00

$3 00 284 20 14 02 47 32 93 79 10 56 170 15

6 00 10 00 12 00

42 00 19 55 9 47 138 00 658 16

Classis of P a r a m u s . North Passaic.............. Acquackanonk.............. Broadway, Paterson.......... Clarkstown................. Paramus.................. Spring Valley.............. Tappan.................. Second Paterson........ ... Piermont................. Nyack................... Warwick................. "West N ew Hempstead....... Second Lodi............... First Holland, Paterson...... Holland, Lodi............ • Holland, Wortendyke........ Holland, Passaic............ Paseack.................. Ramnpo.................. Ramseys... .............. Ridgewood ............... •Saddle River..............

69 35 273 00 34 66 35 59 97 47 17 67 36 00 • 29 00 36 82 74 22 86 95 23 46

88 00 200 00

80 86 168 00

95 00 24 00

25 00

12 72 114 77 25 00

100 00 11 16

34 00

238 21 641 00 129 66 84 59 97 47 30 39 36 00 143 77 61 82 174 22 132 11 23 46

20 00

20 00

4 90 2 54

4 90 2 54

Classis of Passaic. Fairfield Boonton............ First Paterson...... Pomoton Plains...... Franklin Furnace.... Preakness .......... Little Falls........... Union, Holland...... Pompton........... Montville........... Wyckoff............ Ponds............. Sixth Holland, Paterson. Boardville..........

66 00

66 00 50 00 161 60 27 50 95 48 33 00 41 00 64 81 25.00 73 64 32 68

127 00 n r so

25 00

27 00

io ii

26 00

127 00 50 00 279 10 27 50 95 48 33 00 41 00 116 81 109 00 109 75 32 68

20 00

20 00

4 27

4 27

Classis of Philadelphia. Neshanic.................... First Philadelphia............. North and South Hampton..... Addisville ................. Third Philadelphia............

66 44 54 96 25 05

12 00 55 30

6 30 27 12 5 00

72 74 54 96 52 17 17 00 55 30


FROM churches!



Classis o f Philadelphia. (CONTINUED.)

Elawen burgh.... Harlingen....... Fifth Philadelphia.. Rocky Hill....... Second Philadelphia Fourth Philadelphia Clover Hill....... Stanton.... .... . Three Bridges.... .

$77 53 23 30 35 00 40 94

$77 53. 23 30 35 00 40 94’ 60 00' 90 00-

$60 00 90 00

Classis o f PoiiglikecBsfe* Second Poughkeepsie. lihihebeck ....... N e w Hackensack... Hyde Park........ Hopewell........ Fishkill Landing.... Fishkill..... .... Glenham.......... Fi rst Poughkeepsie... Cold Spring........ Millbrook....... ..

96 35 83 48 60 10 26 78 14 20 129 14 35 35 9 50

$67 50 10 00

20 00

20 00 60 00

163 85 93 48 CO IO46 78 34 20 129 14 95 35­ 9 50

Classis of Uarltan. Pottersville...... Third Raritan.... Branchville__ ___ First Raritan. ..J ... North Branch.... Rockaway...... Lebanon.’....... Second Somerville Peapack ........ Bedminster..... Easton......... German— Plainfield Readington... . High Bridge ... Clinton Station__ Fourth Raritan...

6 94 94 22 40 27 124 77 60 00 23 50 11 21 94 31 13 50 ' 86 77 57 28

5 20 87 73 20 75 ”34 28

8 00 40'6o

"fso 12 13-

8 50

5 99

100 00

20 14­ 181 95 101 02 159 05­ 60 00 30 70­ 31 84 94 31 13 50‘ 86 77 57 28 5 99­ 100 00

Classis'of Kensselaer. Schodack Landing. Kinderhook.... Second Ghent... First Ghent..... Schodack....... Stuyvesant...... Cnstleton....... East Greenbnsh ... Nassau........ Chatham....... Blooming Grove ... N e w Concord.!.... Stuyvesant Falls...

42 43 583 22 10 50 50 00 23 32 ,38 42 65 12 70 00 41 40 . 93 78

10 00

.38 00 ........ 167 09 75 00

"’26*66 30 25

40 00 ; .105 50

100 00 6 00

80 43­ 825 31 10 50 70 00 73 57' 143 92 65 12 70 00‘41 40­ 193 78

0 OO 10 00-

Classis o f Saratoga. South West Troy........... Cohoes.................. *’ Saratoga.......... ... North West Troy........ Fort Miller.......... Schaghticoke ........ Buskirks....... ........ Boght.............. Easton... ... ..... ..!.. !!! Gansevoort^...... ^

122 70 110 00 ...... 70 00 ....... 15 0 0......... ;......... 35 00 5 00... ’’

232 70' 70 00 15 00 40 00

5 00 ........ ..... 25 00 ...... ........ .

5 00 25 00-

8 00 .......

■“ *

8 00




Classis of Saratoga. (CONTINUED.)

Northumberland Rensselaer.... Union Village... Wynantskill.__ Classis of Schenectady. A m i t y ........ ... First Rotterdam. .. First Glenville.... .. Niskayuna........ Lisha’s Kill....... First Schenectady.... Princetown...... Second Schenectady. Helderberg....... Second Glenville — Second Rotterdam....

$9 18 91 00 29 60 19 32 28 11 6 48 31 63 30 00 14 00

$8 50 16 58 34 10 ,^ 17 TO

$9 00

$17 50 25 76 125.10 47 30 19 32 28 11 6 48 31 63 30 00 14 00

25 00 5 00 5 00

38 60 11 25 63 22 105 55 4 40

Classis of Schoharie. First Berne................ North Blenheim............ Schoharie.................. Gilboa.................... Beaverdam................ Schoharie Mountain.......... Breakabin................. Middleburgh............... Gallupville................. Lawyerville................ Sharon.................... Central Bridge.............. Prattsville................. Moresville.................

13 60 6 25 18 22 5 55 4 40

40 00

100 00

6 00

6 00

10 50

10 50

Classis of Ulster. Caatsban.......... Blue Mountain..... West Hurley....... Comforter, Wiltwyck . Saugerties........ First Kingston :.... Shandaken........ Pluttekill......... Stewartville....... Woodstock........ Roxbury.......... North Fsopus ...... Esopus.......... . Flatbush......... . Shokan..........

105 63 13 20

35 00 4 34

2 37 91 92

20 00

5 70 19 57 1 50

5 20

6 00

70 98

10 00 10 63 60 00 312 40

140 63 27 54

6 00

83 98 171 92 312 40 5 70 24 77 1 50

6 00

o oo

13 04 34 00

13 04 34 00

Classis of Westchester. West Farms.... Bronxville...... First Tarrytown ... Yonkers........ Mt. Vernon..... Fordham....... Second Tarrytown. Courtlandtown... Greenburgh..... Greenville....... Hastings....... Melrose........ Peekskill....... Unionville......

12 29 27 14 72 46 100 92 174 96

50 00

120 00 120 00 50 00

120 00

"mob 160 oo

5 00

62 29 147 14 72 46 340 92 224 96 160 00 160 00 5 00





Classis of Wisc o n s i n . South Holland.... Cedar Grove..... Peoria.......... First Chicago.... . Greenleafton..... Silver Creek..... Fulton.......... . First Holland, Neb.. Alto............. Danforth........ Forreston....... Bethlehem....... Milwaukee....... Roseland........ Gibbsville........ Oostburg........ . Ebenezer........ Lansing......... . Franklin......... Ebenezer, Alto.... Second Holland, Neb N e w Amsterdam .. . Sheboygan Falls

$60 00 30 86 144 25 40 10 216 75 57 36 142 54 108 70 24 90 14 00

$10 00

$10 00

7 65 61 26 12 40 3 35 14 70 12 38

58 14

’ 76*66

220 10

... i72:08

9 00

■:057 25 50 98 79

10 00 11 25 . 10 00 . 23 00

105 00 48 21

$70 00 99 00 7 65 281 51 52 50

101 00

72 06 142 54 280 78 37 28 14 00 9 00 171 57 130 50 147 00 10 00

1125 10 00

23 00

FROM INDIVIDUALS NOT THROUGH OHUROHES. P. C., Pittsford, Mich.......... $10 ^ ................... $12 Mrs. Margaret A. Stitt, Jersey City, Members of Reformed Church,KingN. J ...................... 5 ' ston, N. Y ................. 234 Mrs. D. A. Lea, Brighton, M d .... U AFriend, Ithaca, N. Y .......... 5 Member of Holland Church, Cold Mrs. Geo. B. Smith,Parsippany, N.J. 35 10 Brook, Grand Rapids, Mich.... James E. Hedges.......... RM) T.J. K ..................... 1° A Friend to Christ and His cause... 25 Four Hopers, Holland, Mich t.... 40 For Japan................... 145 T w o sisters, Hackensack, N. J ... 60 Rev. S. W. Mills, D. D., Port Jer­ For Catechist in India.......... 90 vis, N. Y ................... 10 H. A. B., Philadelphia, P a ....... 1 Rev. W m . H. Steele, D. D„ Newark, Rev. Philip Phelps, D. D., Holland, N. J ...................... 250 Mich..................... 0 A. H. M., Summit, N. J ........ 10 A Friend to the Church, N. Y. City 3,0C0 G. R. G ................. 50 Mary E. Scott, Philadelphia, Pa ... 9 A Friend.................... 0 5 Mrs. John H. Stanley... ,...... 28 Rev. A. M. Mann, D. D ........ 10 Cash....................... A. H. Sherman, Albany, N. Y.-.... 80 A Friend of Missions, Brooklyn, E. A Friend of the Cause.......... 10 A Thank Offering............... 10 M. D., Gardener, N. Y .......... Rev. J M. Van Buren.......... 200 Privilege..................... D. T. Blauvelt, Nyack, N. Y ..... 50 Rev. T. Romeyn Beck, D. D ....... 5 A Schoolmate of Mrs. Chamberlain, Ohio...................... 5 Rev. Jno..Forsyth, D. ........... 100 J. E. ..................... 5 L. S. F. ..................... 5 A Member of the Reformed Church. .200 Mrs. J. IT Collier, Oakfield, N. Y . .. 5 A Thank Offering............. Geo. Tillema, Randolph Centre, W i s ........................ 15 T w o74Friends, Flatbush, Ulster Co., N . Y ...................... 20 50 N. N. Baldwin, Wis.............. 34 20 Rev. C. N. Waldron, D. D......... 100 Mrs. Sarah Strang, Peekskill, N. Y. 25 A Friend, Seneca Falls, N . Y......... 40 K .... ........... •••■• 5 Rev. W Brush, Morristown, N. J. 5 Thank Offering .............. 5 C. Weichmann, Ackley, Iowa.... 107 58 Fami y Mittioutiy Box by E. R. A. 5 W. W. H. II................... 10 $5,244 30 Total Mrs. Jas. VanWyck, John8ville,N.Y 5

From Miscellaneous Sources. , Sabbath School, H a r m o n y Plains, N. J . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $5 U n k n o w n , by Express.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 W o m a n ’s Bo a r d . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .... '. .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3,239 58 Infant Class, T o m p k i n s Ave. Congregational Church, Brooklyn, L I ... 30 Holland D a y School, Grand Haven, M i c h . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ....... ''' ‘ 10 . Ladies’ For. Miss. Soc.. Orangeburgh, S. C ......... .... -..... i so­ Interest on Security F u n d s . . . . . . . .......... use 87 Bright H o p e Mission Circle, Winonville, N. J . . . . . ..7.7.7.* ’.. . . . . . . . . . 20 Correction of Error in check........... .. ... 60 Ladies’ Missionary Society, N e w Centre, N. d7.7.7. .7.7.7. .7....... 150 Childrens’ Missionary Boxes, H a m m o n d , W i s ..... .... 1 75. Classis of. Holland. . . . . . . . . . . . . . ............. 25 Auxiliary, Holland, M i c h . . . . . . . . . . . 7.... .7 7 ! ... .......... ....... 20 Ke ok uk, I o w a . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . :7 7 7 7 7 7 . 7 7 , 13 Y. M . C. A. of Church of Coldbrook, Gr an d Rapids, M i c h ........... 7 7 * * 5 ............. Earnest Workers, 1st Presbyterian Church, N. Y ...... 27 75 First Independent Ref. Dutch church. Grand Haven, M i c h ’.7.7 7 7 7 .... 18 05 American Tract Society for Arcot Mission....... .. . . . . . ......... 100 M i n e Br oo k Sabbath School, N. J . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7.7 7 ........ 50 Church, Raritan, N. J., from W o m a n ’s Board ............... 7 . 7 7 7 50 American Bible Society, for Japanese Version... .............. 1,500 Sabbath School, Ulsterville, N. Y . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .’.7.7.777.7.7.7.... 3 * Total . $6,500 35

From Legacies. K T."

Mrs. Julia Storms, Tarrytown', N. Y. Isabella Roeleff.. Martha Walker...... Maria Mayer__ :..... 7 Ellen M. Brokaw, Bound Brook,,] N, J . Samuel Crawford, West Troy, N. ' IraRyerson, Paterson, N. J ............. AbramStorms, Tarrytown, IS. Y ... ...7.77 Estate of Elsie Manton, Kinderhook’N.’’ Delia Hearmeling, Gibbsville. Wis....... Mrs. Mary Jane Stilwell................




1,551 17 171 35 4 25­ 100 25 200 515 77 1,085 66­ 20 1 28­ 29 50 $5,903 98



N e w York.





0 $681 62 404 62 683 93 3,581 83 3,651 90J 1,173 69 454 90;' 392 77

Hudson........ Kingston....... North Long Island South Long Island N ew York...... Orange........ Pongnkeepsie... Westchester...

$257 14 73 25 113 67 952 00! 1,041 85j* 206 00| 157 501 610 00

$48 38 167 90 282 92 - 156 45 456 25 138 53 20 00 170 00

$3,411 41

$11,025 16

$1,440 43

$771 50 225 99 299 01 201 24 510 49 1,028 19 280 70 259 32 01 52

$30 80

83,939 89

$884 50

$323 99 860 00 353 74 141 87 1,097 57

$423 56 125 52 84 03 10 00 274 95

$2,T77 17

$918 06

$987 04 645 77 1,080 52 4,690 28 5,150 00 1,518 22 032 40 1,172 77 $15,877 00

Albany* Albany.... Cayuga .... Geneva.... Greene.... Montgomery. Kensselaer... Saratoga... Schenectady..

9 00 135 00

$1,374 30 1,003 99 389 14 316 24 608 92 1,590 03 395 70 345 20 239 52

$2,206 13

$7,090 52

$572 00| 778 00 18 60 90 00 50 00 220 50

71 53 25 00 48 43 341 34 115 00 76 88 40 00

Chicago. Grand River.. ................ Holland....................... Illinois.............. ......... Wisconsin.....................

417 22

$993 20 1,103 27 490 45 151 87 1,789 74

$833 30

$4,528 53

$356 00 460 53 73 00 850 00 440 00 307 8b 264 00 5 00 156 50

$085 91 1,367 45 345 63 4,252 89 1,904 43 1,820 14 1,111 59 578 94 942 55

$2,240 22

$2,912 89

$13,009 53

$5,483 21

$9,423 73

$40,505 58


.$•245 65 117 75 52 68

N e w Brunswick. ■ • South Bergen.................. Monmouth......... ........... N e w Brunswick...........*..... Paramus...................... Philadelphia................... Raritan ......................

i $323 08j 730 89 264 301 2,788 58'! 1,209 671 841 63 094 98 390 52 612 77 $7,856 42

Grand Total.............. .

$25,598 64

$083 17803 833 01431 25476 67065 15201 18342 17328


Ireasurer of the W o man’s Board of Foreign Missions of the Reformed Church in America. RECEIPTS. May 1st, 1881, Balance on hand........................... Acquackanonk Auxiliary for Mrs. Scudder and School at Amoy, . China.............................. Albany Second Reformed, from a few ladies............ .... •Astoria Yonng M e n ’s Bible Class, to make their pastor a life member........................................... 25 00 Auxiliary, same church............................... 60 00 Bergen, Jersey City Heights Auxiliary for Yokohama, Vellore, 225 55 Chittoor, and general use of the Society.................. Nellie Amennan Mission Circle, in the same church.......... m is Bergen, South Auxiliary........................... Brooklyn, L. I., Auxiliary, in South Reformed, for girl Emily at Chittoor................. Pirst Reformed Bedford Avenue Auxiliary for Schools in Arcot Mission.................................. Church on the Heights, Auxiliary towards Ferris Seminary..... Twelfth Street Church, Auxiliary for native helper in India.... Belleville, N. J., Auxiliary.......................... ’ ^ Boonton, N. J., Auxiliary........................ Busline!], Ills., Auxiliary............................... Bushwick, South............................ Bronxville Star of Hope Mission Band, for girl in School at Amoy. Bethlehem, Second Reformed Auxiliary ................... Caatsban Auxiliary........................... 86 17 Sabbatli School in same church, for Ferris Seminary.... 61 00 Catskill Auxiliary........................ Canajoharie Auxiliary for Chittoor........................ Clover Hill Auxiliary.. .... *................ Coxeackie Auxiliary in First Reformed for Chittoor...... . “ Auxiliary in Second Reformed.............. .... Constantine, Michigan Auxiliary ........................ 33 30 “ “ Bright Evergreens.................. 11 00 Centreville, Mich., Auxiliary................... . Cohoes Auxiliary.............................. East Greenbush, N. Y., Auxiliary............... ” .... 45 78 “ “ Mission Band ..................... 8 82 Flatbush, L. L, Auxiliary.................... Flatbueh, Ulster Co., Auxiliary............... Fairfield, N. j“ Auxiliary......................... Fonda, N. Y., Auxiliary..................... Flushing, L. I., Auxiliary.......... ...V... ......... 29 00 ,l “ Sabbath School for a girl in Ferris Seminary.... 25 00 Fishkill, N. Y., Auxiliary for a native teacher in India........ “ Brinkerhoif Mission Band .................

$3,893 54 274 19 71-00

85 00

241 73 9 25 80 00 172 34 152 00 60 00 34 00 100 00 35 00 50 00 60 00 33 00 147 17 74 40 40 00 32 00 40 00 48 00 44 30 10 00 20 00 54 60 169 00 12 85 15 00 114 66 54 00 60 00 65 00

Freehold, N. J., Auxiliary in Second Refo rme d for educating a girl in Ferris Seminary. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ghent, N. Y „ Auxiliary. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Green’point, L. I., Auxiliary. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . '•. . . . . . . . . . . . Gravesend Auxiliary for Dr. Chamberlain’s School. . . . . . . . . . . . Greenville, N. J., for Bible reader at A m o y . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Green port, N. Y., R e d Hill Chapel, for Caste Girls' School at Vellore. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Greenport, N. Y., Auxiliary for Ferris’ Seminary. . . . . . . . . . . . . Mission Circle, “ Work ers for Jfsns” ....... G a yh ead Sabbath School, Stormtille. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Hackensack, N. J., for support of Pupil in Ferris ’.Seminary, and general use........................................ H u d s o n Auxiliary for support of Girl in India. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . H a mp ton , N. & S. Auxiliary for Ferris’ Seminary............ H i gh Bridge Auxiliary. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Holland, Mich., Auxiliary for School at A m o y . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Holland, Mich., W o m a n ’s Miesionary.Society. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Harlem, 121st Auxiliary for general u se. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Hopewell, a few ladies for a pupil at A m o y . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Harlem, a few youn g ladies for a girl in Chittoor, for three years

73 00

20 00 20 00 60 00 111 85 30 00 40 00

5 00

200 00 103 00 18 00 34 75

20 00 110 00 73 00

20 00 114 OO 20 OO 56 55

support.................. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Irving Park, 111., Merry Mission B a n d . . . . . . . . . . . . . ........ Jamaica, L. I..............’............ . ........... Jersey City Auxiliary in First Reformed C h u r c h . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ., « .. in Second Refo rme d for Pupils in School at J e r M y C i t y Farrington Circle in s a me Church for Madanapalle.... .. .< Auxiliary in Park Reformed Church .for a girl in

45 OO 17 08

20 00 130 75 10 00

140 75 45 25

School at A m o y . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Jersey City Auxiliary in Lafayette Reformed............... Kingston Auxiliary. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

100 00 40 00 50 OO 15 00 15 00 84 OO 70 00

..................................... Lishas Kill Auxiliary............... ................... Leeds Auxiliary. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...... .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Montville Auxiliary towards Mr. Conkling’s salary.... . . . . . . . Mott H a v e n Auxiliary for students in Vellore............... Middlebush, N. J., Auxiliary. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . '•..... Middleburgh, N. Y., Auxiliary............ . . .. . . . . . . . . . Middleburgh, N. Y-, Mission B a n d in the s a me C h ur ch.... ..... Millstone, N. J., for two Bible Readers under Dr. Chamberlain... North Branch, N. J., Auxiliary for Caste Girls’ School in India.. .. Nyack, N. Y., Auxiliary. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Niskayuna Auxiliary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . N e w Paltz Auxiliary. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . N e w b u r g h Auxiliary for Chittoor and general use............ N e w Hackensack, N.Y., Auxiliary. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . N e w Brunswick, N. J., Auxiliary First R e f o r m e d ............ .. u ii “ Second R e f o r m e d . . . . . . . . . . . Individual donations for native teacher. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sabbath School for a teacher and two pupils. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . In M e m o r i a m of Miss Ellie M a d d i s ....................... Mrs. D. 0. Vail for teacher. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Newark, N. J., Auxiliary in First R e f o r m e d ................ ii ii “ “ Clinton A v e n u e ................ “ “ Infant Class North Refo rme d. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ' Newark, N. J., Birthday thank offering. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . N e w Y o r k City, 34th Street Church Auxiliary.... ......... Sixth Av e n u e Reformed Ferris Auxiliary for Nagasaki. . . . . . . . Faith Mission B a n d for girl, Elsie D a y ......... ..........

20 00 15 10 10 50 50 00 71 65 152 56 52 25 79 75 47 20

100 00 56 13 90 00 60 00’

120 00 50 00

120 00

440 (10 114 OO

100 00 50 00

2 00 66 49

100 00 31 00

131 00

N e w Y o r k C ity C o l legiate C h u r c h e s .

Fifth Avenue and 4Sth Street Auxiliary for Madanapalle and gen­ eral use..-..................... 416 50 Mrs. S. H. M. in memoriam, for teacher in India, 850— for pupil in Japan 830..................... 80 00 Sabbath School in same church, for two girls at A m o y .... Fifth Avenue and 29th Street Church Auxiliary.... . . . . . . . . Mrs. Jonathan Sturges, to be divided among the three missions... Miss Josephine Penfold, of the same church, for Head Master at Chittoor.................... ...... Fourth Street Collegiate, towards Miss Talmage’s salary........ North Dutch, Fulton Street, for native teacher and general use!!! N e w Utrecht, L. I........................ Orange, N. J., Auxiliary in First Koformed............. ^ Oakdale or Shyville..................... ..... Owasco Outlet......................... ........ Piermont, N. Y., Auxiliary..................... ........ Pcapack, N. J. “ .................. ........ ............... ....... Paramus, “ “ Poughkeepsie Auxiliary in the Second Reformed.... ........ Paterson, N. J., Auxiliary in First Holland Reformed..... !!! Passaic, N. J., Auxiliary North Reformed, for salary of Rev. John Conkling....... ................. ' 55 86 Conkling’s Mission Band for the same objoct........ ...... 25 00 Paterson, N. J., Auxiliary in First Reformed, for Rev. John Conkling’s salary........................ 146 00 Sabbath School for same object.. ........... ..... 30 00 Philadelphia Auxiliary in First Reformed...... ........... 110 25 “ Sabbath School First “ ............ ’* 10 00 “ Auxiliary in Second “ ........... *” 85 00 “ Sabbath School “ “ ........... .... 60 00 “ Auxiliary in Third " ....... ’* 23 00 Rotterdam, N. Y., Auxiliary in First Reformed........... Raritan, Ills., Auxiliary for A m o y .. ............. ... Raritan, N. J., Auxiliary for Rev. Mr. Wyckoff and general fund! Rhincbeck Auxiliary........*.. ............ * Readington Auxiliary 885 X. Y. membership_$15 for the Nagasaki Mission............... >___ ' Shandaken, N. Y., Auxiliary... .......... Shokan, N. Y., “ ............ Syracuse, N. Y., Auxiliary Reformed Church 100 00 “ Penny a-Week Society.. 40 00 Schenectady Auxiliary in First Reformed 11 “ in Second Reformed.......... . ■Schraalenburgh Auxiliary in North “ ...... . ...... Saugerties Auxiliary..................... ...... “ Sabbath School.............. ..... Spring Valley, N. Y., Auxiliary.......... !!!!!!!..!!!....... Stuyvesant Falls .“ ........ ............ Tarrytown Auxiliary in Second Refoimed for Catechist under Rev Mr. Wyckoff..................... ' Utica Auxiliary for girl at Chittoor......... ! .... ..... Unionville Bright Hope Mission Circle..!!.!!!!!!!!!!!!......... Upper Red Hook Willing Workers Mission Band.............!.... 41 63 “ “ “ Scudder Memorial............. 75 34 Vriesland, Mich., Work.and Play Band....... ■........ Warwick Auxiliary for Chittoor...... .................... Wyckoff, N. J., W o m a n ’s Miss. Soc.... ... ’ Yonkers Auxiliary for bibie reader and pnpil at Madanapalle....

490 50 50 00 372 00

1,000 00 120 00

100 00 105 20

100 00 100 00

6 00 23 00 , 25 00 43 60 20 08 75 00 22 96

80 86

176 00

288 25 60 00 30 00

100 00 25 00

100 00 15 00 27 00 140 00 75 00 30 00 30 00 79 13

20 00 38 75

10 00 180 00 183 00

20 00 116 97­ 12 12 34 00

21 00 120 00

98 84 36 39

Zeeland, Mich., Auxiliary... “ “ Sewing Circle

133 23 14,396 49

Total. ..


z....... '............. Savings of little Martha Walker, deceased.. Mrs. Walker, in memoriam of little Martha, Mrs. S. E. Le Eevre, of Poughkeepsie.... Miss Esther Thorn.................. “ Mary “ ................ Mrs. M. A. Givan.................... “ T. Jessup.......... ........... “ W. H. Jackson.................. A Friend.......................... Celenda Smith..................... Mrs. T. R. Beck, Holland, Mich........ Miss J. A. V. A ..................... Mrs. A. A. Raven................... “ E. B. Polhemus................ V J. H. Polhemus.............. . •* W. W. Polhemus............... ** R. H. Veghte.............. . ■ “ Charles Van W y c k ..............

$80 00 4 23

10 00 25 00

5 00 5 00

10 00 5 00 5 00 40 00

1 00 6 CO

10 00 26 00

5 00 15 00 5 00 5 00

5 00

$266 25 14,396 49

Total........... Interest on Nagasaki Fund May 1,1882...

$14,662 74 146 20

Grand Total....... Total Disbursements

$14,808 94 8,077 51 "$6^731 43 $2,137 69 4,593 74

Nagasaki Balance... General Balance

$6,731 43 The undersigned having examined the foregoing account, and compared the.vouchers, finds the same to be correct, and that there is a balance in the treasury of six thousand seven hundred and thirty-one 43-100 dollars, of which two thousand one hundred and thirty-seven 69-100 belong to the Nagasaki Fund. * ' ' T A L B O T W. C HA M B E R S . April 26, 1882.

DISBURSEMENTS. Paid G. G. Smith, Treas.................................. ....... $7,110 91 “ Rev. J. M. Ferris, Cor. Sec..................... . .......... 664 22 ««* R. Brinkerhoif, printing reports, &c........... .......... '•...... 239 66 " « “ postal cards and leaflets.......... .............. 15 20 a a “ stationery, tracts, & c .......... r................. 20 17 “ Mrs. M. E. Sangster, postage on certificates....................... 19 35 “ Postage and stationery...................................... . 8 00 Total...................................... . 38,077 51 MRS. A. E. D O N A L D , Treasurer.

TREASURERS’ ANNUAL REPORT. The Board of Foreign Missions of The Reformed Church in America in account with G A M A L I E L G. SMITH,, lieasurer. Dr. ARCOT MISSION.

April 30, 1882. To cash disbursements during year......................... ....... $18,930 97/ c A M O Y MISSION.

To cash disbursements during year

11,699 76. JA P A N MISSION.

To cash disbursements during year ........... . To cash paid Cor. Secretary for salary........... “ Bookkeeper for salary......... “ Postage, Home and Foreign..... “ RentofOftice.............. . “ Care of Office ... . .......... “ Traveling Expenses........... “ Account'of Mission Monthly.... “ Incidental Expenses.......... “ Printing Annual Report, &c.... “ Books, Magazines and Mite Boxes “ “

Loans due Banks............. Interest on Loans.............

Balance in Treasury...........

24,225 79$2,400 00 500 00 99 28 466 52 42 00 266 16 231 46 135 12 314 34 111 80

12,000 00

4,566 68-- .

333 32 12,333 32 911 59 $72,668 11'

E. & O. E.

Or. April 30; 1881. By Balance in Treasury last report................. April 30,1882. ' By Cash received from Churches............ ....... “ * *• Sabbath Schools............ .. “ “ Individuals through Churches... “ “ “ not through Churches. “ “ Miscellaneous sources......... “ “ Legacies.................... “

Borrowed from Banks during year.. .....

N e w York, April 29th, 1882.

$2,483 40'' $25,702 49 5,459 47 9.374 12 5,244 30 6.500 35 5,903 98 58.184 71 12,000 00s* $72,668 11 ----- : —

, ° GAM. G. SMITH, Treasurer.. Examined and found correct. . J A M E S A. WILLIAMSON, I Auditina D. J A C K S O N S T E W A R D , f Committee,

BOARD OF FOREIGN MISSIONS. Member* whose Term expire* June, 1883. Rev. “ “ “

H e n r y N. C o b b , D D . , T. W . Oliambers, D .D., J o h n Forsyth, D.D., W . J. R. Taylor, D .D.,

R e v . E d w a r d A. R e e d , D.D., M r . J a m a s A. Williamson, J a c o b L. Sutphen, Esq., M r . Garret Planten.

Member* whose Term expire* June, 1884. Rev. “ “ “

W . H . Steele, D .D., A. R . T h o m p s o n , I).II., L e w i s Francis, W m . R . D n r y e e , D.D.,

Rev. 'I.'. B. R o m e y n , D.D., M o n . L e w i s A. B r i g h a m , A . V . W . V a n Vech t e n , Esq., M r . A u g u s t u s S. W h i t o n .

Member* whose Term, expires June, 1885. Rev. “ “ “

A . R . V a n Nest, D.D., C. L. Wells, D.D., * G e o r g e S. Bishop, D . D., Charles H . Pool,

R e v . J o h n N . Jansen, Mr. D. J. Steward, H o n . N . F. Graves, J o h n Z. Lott, Esq.


A. R. T h o m p s o n , D.D., W m . H. Steele, D.D., C. L. Wells, D.D., W m . R. Duryee, D.D. W . J. R . Taylor, D.D.,

COMMITTEE. J a c o b L. Sutphen, Esq., M r . J a m e s A . Williamson, A. V . W . V a n Vech t e n , Esq.. M r . D . J a c k s o n Steward, J o h n Z. Lott, Esq.

O F F I C E R S F O R 1882-83. Rev. William H. Steele, D.D., President. Rev. John Forsyth, D.D., Vice-President. Rev. C. L. Wells, D.D., Recording Secretary. Rev. John M. Ferris, D.D., Cor. Sec'y, 34 Vesey St., N. Y. Gamaliel G. Smith, Esq., Treas., 85-91 E l m St., N. Y. M E D I C A L ADVISERS. J a me s Anderson, M.D., N e w York. H e n r y R. Baldwin, M.D., N e w Brunswick.



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