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Hope College flnchor


Official Publication of the Students of Hope College at Holland. Michigan

May 15. 1942


Campus Firemen Ready tor Emergency Ac+ion

Tonight In The Pine Grove

At a recent meeting of the campus firemen, composed of four men

Freshman Girls t o Be Guard of Honor

Majesty Reigns

The grove of pines will be

areas, with firemen assigned to a particular section.

some lovely junior co-ed as Campus


of action to be followed in the event of an emergency. The campus has been divided into three

the scene of the crowning of Hope's

chosen by each fraternity, Fire Chief Roy Davis outlined the plan


In case of a city-wide emergency,

1941-2 at 6:30 this evening.

the campus firemen would have ac-

The Queen, selected for her

cess to local fire equipment, but would be completely responsible for the protection of the campus buildings and the fraternity houses. Chief Davis states, "The war may seem f a r away from Holland, but surely no harm and only good will result from this program of preparedness."

beauty, scholarship, and activities, will be seated on a blue and white throne, enhanced by floral decorations. Surrounding Her Majesty will be her court, guard of honor, and ladies-in-waiting.

Hinga Is Speaker at Albany Alumni Meet

Military Guard of Honor The procession wil be led by the guard of honor, composed of Dorothy Atkins, Rosanna Atkins, Rose Seith,




Jeanne ShifTner, Margery Prince, J a n e Reus. Evelyn Reus, Barbara Tazelaar, Helene Minnema, Mona Vreeling, and Ellen Giebel. Captained by Shirley Rutgers, the girls will be dressed in a military fashion, and carry white spears, with which they will form a military

Albany Chapter of the Alumni Association held its annual spring Queen Nola reigns today over all banquet at the Scotia Reformed the activities of May Day until she church Monday evening. May 4. crowns the new queen and goes The meeting was presided over by the president, Rev. William Buiteninto retirement tonight. dorp. Professor Milton Hinga spoke to the group on the subject, "My Challenge to the Students of Hope College."

Rev. Paul Hinkamp Addresses Pi Kap

Pi Kappa Delta held its annual

arch for the queen and her court. banquet in the private dining room Following the guard of honor in the Dutch Mill restaurant last will




a Wednesday evening, May (5. Fol-

group of freshman girls, dressed

lowing the meal, Calvin De Vries formally, and carrying the tradi- was installed as a new member of tional daisy chain, forming an aisle this honorary forensic fraternity. for the queen. Up this aisle and He has done outstanding oratorical through the arch will come first, work, winning first place in the the present campus queen, Nola Nies, and her court, Doris Vander stale oratorical contest with his Borgh, Jeanette Rylaarsdam, Peggy Hadden, Mae Clonan, Ruth Williams, and Dorothy Curtis. Tappan Announces Student council prexy. Bill Tappan, will then read the names of the new Alcor members, who will be escorted to the throne by the present members of Alcor. These girls, who have been chosen on the basis of their scholarship, character, and activities, will be tapped by the present Alcor president, Anne De Young. Members of the new court will then be announced, and the girls will be escorted to the throne by the retiring court ladies. Finally, the new queen will be announced and escorted to the throne by the student council president. Flower girls, Paula Brouwer and Beth Wichers, will strew flowers in the path of the new queen, and George Becker and Teddy Du Mez will carry her train. Retiring queen, Nola Nies, will crown the new queen. After the coronation, the queen and court will recess to Carnegie gymnasium for the annual May Day banquet. Committees planning this event are: coronation, Junella Vander Linden; guard of honor and ladiesin-waiting, Bernice Oatman and Mae Clonan; music, Gordon Berkel; and throne, Ruth Houmes and Jeanette Van Beek.

Mothers Honored at Y W Meeting YW girls paid tribute to their mothers last Tuesday evening at the YW meeting held in the com mons room. Those girls who were unable to bring their own mothers brought an older friend. Mary Blair opened the meeting by leading the girls and their guests in an inspirational devotional period. Beth Marcus gave a toast to the mothers. Mrs. Alexander Van Bronkhorst, of Conrad, Montana, gave the address of the evening. Mrs. Van Bronkhorst is the mother of Ruth Van Bronkhorst, who is a t present a member of the sophomore class. A f t e r the conclusion of the formal meeting a social was held. Next Tuesday, May 19, the senior class will have charge of the meeting. Dorothy Renzema is chairman for the program.

oration, "Standards That Stand." Installation of officers for next year




president; Corinne Pool, vice-president;




treasurer; Andrew Veldhuis, director of men's debate; Vivian Tardiff, director of Allan

women's debate

Weenink, reporter.



The chapter decided to purchase the library furniture for the new science building. A plaque will be placed in the library to denote the gift. Officers for the coming year were also elected1 at this meeting. They are: Rev. Arnold Dykhuizen, president; Rev. Raymond Van Zoeren, vice-president; Miss Virginia Freligh, secretary for a three-year term; and Rev. Bert Pennings, treasurer. Rev. and Mrs. Norman Vander Hart rendered a cello and piano duet. They played " T i s Spring," and "To a Wild Rose." Mr. Philip Engel read several of his poems to the group. Rev. H. E. Van Vranken, missionary recently returned from India, gave a brief resume of his work, and of the present situation there. The program was concluded with the singing of the Alma Mater song.

Westhof, outgoing president, spoke concerning the

prospects of the

organization in the coming year. Speaker of the evening was the Rev. Paul E. Hinkamp, who gave an inspiring and timely address on "Spiritual Defense." Prof. William Schrier, head of the Speech department, was also present at the banquet which was attended by twentyfour





program chairman and Jeanne Horton served as hostess.

College Sing Plans Completed for May 30 The third presentation of the All-College Sing will be presented by the fraternities and sororities May 30 at nine o'clock in Hope M e m o r i a l chapel, under the sponsorship of the Woman's Activities League. The sing has gained new distinction on the campus each year. Jean Ruiter, general chairman of the sing, has announced that the decisions by the judges will be i based on the following point system: Diction, 15; balance, 15; intonation, 15; attack and release, 15; interpretation, 15; originality of arrangement, 15; and general appearance, 10. The winning positions will be decided by the number of first, second, and third places awarded by judges, not by the total number of points. Separate awards are given to the winning fraternity and the winning sorority. The committee in charge of the event includes: Clinton Harrison, publicity and group singing; Harvey Koop and Earl De Witt, address system and lighting effects; Mildred Timmer, flowers and decorations; Edith Klaaren, programs; Jean Ruiter, judges; advisers, Miss Lichty, Doris Vander Borgh, and Prof. Cavanaugh.

Blue Key to Install New Members May 27


Girls Track Events In Mornins, Inter-frat Meet This Afternoon/ Kik Addresses YM;iI lI l ." "I I'M*^ .11° fLBc I| B l u f . I < eA y JL' A.A JD c o r 'A S t u d e n t Dr. Dame Comesto Council Elections to Be Announced Campus on May 19 Textbooks close as Hope's annual "Spring Carnival" opens "Tiie Good Priest of the Gaspe"i was the topic of Henry Kik, senior from Grand Rapids, as he spoke to the men of the college at the YM meeting last Tuesday evening. Henry Kik, who is personally acquainted with the priest who was converted from Catholicism, told the life story as it was given to him from the lips of this "Martin Luther of Canada." Jack Yeomans led the opening song service, accompanied on the piano by Charles Moolenaar. Bud Karel led the devotions. Special music was provided by Niles Hansen with a violin solo. Next Tuesday evening the men of the college will be privileged to have Dr. Clarence P. Dame, pastor of Bethany Reformed church of Grand Rapids, as their speaker. Dr. Dame, an alumnus of Hope, will bring a message of inspiration and help especially prepared for young men. Final Mission Drive

promptly at 10 a. m. today, and the entire college comes out to put another successful program of May Day festivities "in the books." A full card of events insure "never a dull moment" as the girls' inter<Jass track events in the a. m. are

followed by the inter-fraternity track meet, the coronation of the new queen and the revelation of her court, the tapping of new Alcorians, and finally the banquet in Carnegie gym where next year's Blue Keys will be heralded and the new Student Council president will be announced. Commencing the day s calendar are the co-ed sports events to be held on the college athletic field. The girls will compete in foot races, relays, the high and the broad j u m p and the ~

Beach Party Held by English Majors Group

Tonight Blue Key will tap its new honorary members at the May Day banquet. At the last meeting of the year, on May 27, these new men will be officially handed the reins of the society f o r the coming year. At that time, they will also choose their officers, with the meeting under the direction of the present members. There still remains work for the society to do as they balance the ledgers of this year's labor. Probably the most interesting item before them yet is the selection and presentation of their traditional gift, annually given by the society to the school. It has also been announced by Jack Baas, chairman of the proposed sale of defense stamps on the campus, that because of unforeseen circumstances, this program Candidates f o r officers in Gerwill not be carried out. man club were nominated as follows by the executive board: President, Ruth Van Bronkhorst and Dorm Cook Presented Betty Warner; vice-president, Andrew Veldhuis and Carl Verduin; G i f t by Co-ed Residents secretary, Paul DeWitte and Paul Last week Miss Celia Schepers, Fried; treasurer, Betty Jane Smith, cook at Voorhees hall, was present- Helen Mae Heasley, and Dorothy ed with a set of dresser lamps by Wendt. Other nominations were to Jean Ruiter, house president. The be made from the floor. lamps were a gift from all the Last meeting of th year at which girls in the dormitory as a token these new officers were to be electof their appreciation of the fine ed, was held in the commons room meals which have been provided on Wednesday, May 13. A f t e r the during the past year. business of officially handing over Wednesday evening. May 13, the the club to its new government, the last birthday dinner of the year club adjourned to enjoy a humorwas held in the dorm. The difmer ous romantic d r a m a given by the honored all girls having biittltfays advanced class in German. The in April, May or June." play, '^Die schlimmen Buben -in Louise Becker, social chairman, die Schule,*' included in its cast announced that plans were being Walter Kuiper, Helen Mae Heasmade f o r the annual junior and ley, Paul Gottwald, Paul Fried, senior dinner on Sunday, May 24. John Van Lierop, Carl Verduin, Practice teachers f o r this semes- Arthur Armstrong, Dorothy Wendt, ter will also have an opportunity Paul De Witte and John Heemstra. to entertain their teachers a t a Refreshments served later ended dinner to be held on Wednesday, the club meeting on an enjoyable May 27. note.

German Club Elects Officers On May 13


Two interclass softball




sophomores, and freshmen will be a regular attraction; supervising











party Wednesday afternoon. May

Boynton and Dolly Kamps, chair13, at the Curtis cottage on Lake men in charge of girls' sports. Michigan. Baseball, badminton and Something new will have been horseshoes were played in the a f t - added to the men's track meet in ernoon before a picnic lunch was the afternoon when this year's queen and her court reign over the served. athletic field to present the various After supper the installation of awards as the events are run off. next year's officers took place. Beginning at one o'clock, the four Louis Chisman was installed as fraternities and the independent president, Donna Eby as vice-presi- athletes will vie for honors in all dent, and Edith Klaaren as secre- the events that are included in a regulation track meet. Ribbons will tary-treasurer. Before returning to be awarded for the first three Holland, indoor games were en- places in all the specialties and as joyed by the group. per usual the award for the outCommittee which planned the standing boy and girl athlete of the p a r t y consisted of Donna Eby, day will be presented a t the banchairman, and Jeanne Horton, John quet in the evening. Contrary to tradition and due to a shortage Maasen and Allan Weenink. of golf balls, it has been necessary to strike the usual golf tournament from the schedule.

During the remaining few weeks of school the Y is endeavoring to collect those mission pledges which still remain unpaid from this past year's drive. Already $550 has been sent away to the Mexican mission, and Prof. Bast urges all students who have not yet paid their pledge to do so immediately to facilitate the complete success of this commendable drive. Among the many items discussed a n d - f a n n e d a t - t h e annual Y retreat held on May 5 were Orientation Week, the Mission Drive, and Prayer Week. Included in the plans f o r the first week of school will be beach and skating parties. The money which will be given at Jean Ruiter Elected the mission drive next year will go House Board President to the Kentucky mission, according At a general house meeting to present Y plans. Several of Hope's seniors are preparing to go held recently in Voorhees hall, there a f t e r graduation to teach and Jean Ruiter, M u s k e g o n do other kinds of service. Prayer Week Changed The annual Week of Prayer on the campus will be held during the second week of February in the next school year. Previously this week of spiritual emphasis had been held during the first week of February. but because it conflicts with the opening of the new semester, and because it is necessary for Dr. Wichers to be away from the campus at this time, the combined cabinets have moved to change the date. It is believed that a fuller cooperation can be gained by removing such unavoidable conflicts, and thus the students and faculty can be more greatly benefited by this week of prayer.


Heights junior, was elected house president for next year. Jean served on the house board during her freshman year. During her three years she has been active in athletics, winning the women's tennis championship for the past two years. At present she is on the business staff of the MILESTONE and is chairman of the annual All-College sing.

In keeping with the trend for changes that seems to permeate this particular May Day, it is appropriate that another alteration be instituted, that of the new location f o r the c o r o n a t i o n ceremonies in the pine grove just behind the president's home. Here, directly following the afternoon's sports, the old queen will crown the new monarch and the new attendants to Her Royal Highness of '43 will be duly installed in the place of the outgoing court. At this time the queen will announce the names of those girls who have been received into Alcor, the choices having been made the previous Wednesday night at a special meeting of the society.

This year's ceremonies will be Other officers, elected from new more impressive than ever with a board members, are Mildred Tim- real interest among the student mer, vice-president; Louise Beck- body as regards their individual er, social chairman; Norma Lem- opinions manifested through a popular election f o r a candidate to the mer, secretary; and M a r j o r i e throne. Emery, treasurer. As a culmination of the day's The remaining newly elected activities, the all-college banquet house board members are seniors given in Carnegie gymnasium at Dorothy Renzema and Marion Van 7:30 will feature a parody on Zyl; sophomores Muriel MackeShakespeare, starring Ruth Van prang and Marion Sandee; freshBronkhorst, J a n e t Bogart, Jane men, Jayne Smies and Mayneen Smies, and Rosanna Atkins. ClinJellema. Josephine Fitz and Dorton Harrison and Andy Veldhuis, othy Atkins were chosen to repreGordon Girod and John Hains as sent the Annex. court jesters will debate on a propAt a joint meeting of the old and osition which will please H e r Manew boards held in Miss Lichty's jesty and attendants. room on April 28, the business of Her Royal Highness will announce governing Voorhees hall was offithe members to Blue Key national cially turned over to Jean and the honorary society and the results new house board members. of the student council election. The program also includes a piano duet by Marge Friesema and Ruth Van Folensbee Takes Over Bronkhorst and selections by the as French Club Prexy girls' glee club. Nola Nies, president of French club for the past year, handed over the gavel to Barbara Folensbee on Alcor Holds Last Meet Wednesday evening when she enFinal Alcor business meeting for tertained French club a t her home. this year was held Wednesday eveOther officers installed a t this time ning, M a y 13, a t the home of Peggy were: Vice-president, Mimi MonHadden. A t this time new Alcor cada; secretary, I r m a Stoppels; members were chosen f r o m the treasurer, Wendy Rameau. •girls in the junior class. The names A f t e r a business meeting in of those selected f o r membership which plans f o r the coming y e a r wil be revealed when Alcor " t a p s " were discussed, a series of unusual a t the coronation exercises this French games were played. Re- evening. This ceremony is as much freshments, in charge of Persis an attraction a s the crowning of Parker, were then servod. the queen.

Hop* Coll*g*! ^Anchor = = g =

Pag* Two

A Toast t o W A L And Long Live the Queen! •

* *

Commendation is due the Woman's Activities League for their successful efforts in regaining our rights to crown a junior girl May Day queen of the campus. Last fall the selection of a queen for tne campus was questioned and criticized as being undemocratic. Later, qualifications were made t h a t the objection would be withdrawn if a new method of selection were used. Throughout the entire year, the members of the WAL board worked on the formulation of a new plan for choosing her royal highness and six members of her court. The plan which was finally approved by the faculty of the college is one which incorporates the choice of the student body. Monday morning every student on the campus voted for five junior girls on the basis of popularity, attractiveness, character, and activity. Of the ten girls who received the highest number of votes, the six court members and the May Day queen will be chosen by May Day chairman, Nola Nies, WAL President Doris Vander Borgh, and Dean Elizabeth Lichty. There could hardly be a more democratic way of choosing a campus queen. When the right of crowning a May Day queen was taken from the student body, the objection was loud and strong. Now when the right is restored, there should be just as loud and strong praise for the donors, the WAL board.

The Tattler This column has always been regarded (don't ask me by whom) as a highly accurate mirror of the interests and desires of the public. And consequently no one should be jvercome with astonishment to discover that this week's kernel from .he old familiar cob will consist— among other things — of a lucid account of Gil's chant to Kooiker: "You know what you promised me, Kooiker. You know what you jrowiiseJ me." Has it anything to io with the frill shortage? The senior class is proud of its .all bonde president — so much so .hat they composed this yell to him: Rah, rah, rah, Toot, toot, toot, Here comes Visser To Annville, Annville In-sti-tute.

Phi Tau Nu certainly is buzzing with excitement these days, and not without good reason. Take heed, Les Femmes — measles are catching!!! Fair warning to one Frosh Cosmo, b e w a r e of the measles germ carried from Phi Tau Nu by a popular co-ed. Any enemy spy wandering around this section without his compass and map would probably think he was in Florida a f t e r oggling the myriads of briefly clad females bathing in the Michigan sun. But VanderMay wasn't a member of last Saturday's pilgrimage to the beach. Lieutenant Van Tatenhove has been occupying her time for several days. In about a month, she'll be joining him for better or for worse. In closing, a toast to our new queen — "Here's to our new queen. She's true blue; She's a beauty thru and thru, So chug - a - lug, chug - a - lug.

Inside Dope of "Smilin Thru" they sling the words, too — and Hi, Pete — I did go by the old Lit club last not only words. I shure did l a m a lot there. Fer night and almost had my chance to instance, what's wrong with Blaise be a hero — heard a gal in there Levai? I heard him say, "I have screamin' f o r bloody murder — no r i g h t to m a r r y any woman. Look "Keep him off me! Keep him off at me!" I didn't haye time cuz me!" Well, what would you have Nola Nies and Gord Girod were thought, huh ? So I rushes in boldlike an' busted right in on a gang up to somethin'. Says he, "It's such fun doing what one ought not to of seniors prancin' around on the do." Now what are they up to, stage practicin' their play, "Smilin' huh ? They gotta be watched anyThru." Seems like this here Johnny how — Things are happening — Westhof keeps a gosh-dern bull and one of the others. John or his an' right under the noses of that critter was up an' chasing poor director and gal which is orderin' everybody around. Albers and Jetts Rylaarsdam (remember h e r ? ) through the tomato plants. There Kamps, I guess the names is. were a coupla old codgers up there having their daily fight (twice on Sundays). I thought I saw Jim Baar and Chuck Boonstra putting on the years lately but I didn't know they could get to be 70 (seventy) in such a hurry. Boy, can

Boy, here I get set to watch the most gloriferous weddin' — when bang, bang, the bride is murdered — oh me! What fun! What a play! By the way, almost forget. I'm a senior, too, and I got tickets to sell. 'Bye, be seein' you, ME.

v. wA«.;.y

As You Leave Me What can I say to you? What can 1 do? You will be lost to me so very soon! When you march olT to war some blazing noon And 1 stand aching at the sight of you And feel that passionate rush of love anew, 1 will remember, as the echo of a tune. The loveliness of moments stardust-strewn . . . When will we know again what once we knew? There is so little time for loving now! And 1 would tell you, yet not knowing how. How deep and inexhaustible this love of mine. Oh, my beloved, this is heady wine. This life! So let us joyous drink it deep. Laughing. There will be time enough to weep. R.V.B.

AC P »


Jay R i c h t e i R e p o r t s t r o m W a s h i n g t o n

HIGH PRICES CHECKED . . . Washington — (ACP) — College students — because their "income" is relatively "fixed"—should benefit more than the average person from the Office of Price Administration's over-all ceiling order on prices. The inflationary spiral has sent retail prices up 19 per cent the last year. Were the spiral to continue, students would tind it tougher and tougher to compete for goods and services in a market glutted with eager buyers. The ceiling on retail goods goes into effect May 18, while that on services becomes effective July 1. Retailers then must charge no more than their highest March price. Here is what will happen to some important items in the student budget: Room and board — If you live in a war-rental area room and board will be controlled. Some twothirds of the nation's population is included in these areas.

on the controlled list. Laundry, dry cleaning, shoe repairing, etc. — Controlled.

Beauty and barber shop services — No control. The Kovernment does not recognize beauty as a "commodity," and only services involving commodities are controlled. You might remember, when the ceilings go into effect, that the order does not wipe out price differences between stores. Quisling's oruer sending 500 Norwegian teachers off to the Finnish labor camps in the cramped hold of the S.S. Skjerstad has aroused storms of protest throughout Norway. The 500 were among thousands who refused to join Norway's Nazi Teachers I'nion, Norges Laerersamband. When the "Nazi slave ship" docked in Trondheim, it was reported that all the teachers were sick and two of them had gone mad. Even Quisling satellites protested against resumption of the trip. Provincial Governor Prytz wired Quisling: Restaurant m e a l s — No price "Hygienic conditions on board control. are extraordinarily bad . . . Many C l o t h i n g — Both men's and will not be able to lie down at women's controlled. night . . . Many of the teachers are Movies and entertainment — No ill . . . The water supply is insufficient . . . Suggest medical examiceilings. nation for all teachers." Carfare — No ceilings. The ship was sent on its way Cigarettes, cosmetics, tooth paste, a f t e r a Quisling physician treated aspirin — Just a few of the thousome 100 of the sick. sands of "processed commodities"

• New Deferred Service Plan Allows You to Continue Your Education • ... "...i"'."' I n the skies over America the mightiest air fleet in the history of the world is mobilizing f o r victory I So fast is it growing t h a t t h e r e is a place here — an urgent need here — f o r every college m a n in America who can qualify f o r Officer's T r a i n i n g . T h e U . S. A r m y Air Forces need Flying Officers and G r o u n d Crew Officers. A n d m a n y of them must come f r o m the ranks of today's college students — men who make their plans now f o r the necessary Aviation C a d e t training. T h a n k s to a newly created Air Force Reserve plan, men of all classes — aged 18 to 26, inclusive — can enlist f o r immediate service or continue the scholastic work required f o r g r a d u a t i o n b e f o r e being called to active duty. Y o u must meet the requirements f o r physical fitness, of course. In a d d i t i o n , you take a new simplified teat to determine your ability to g r a s p t h e training. A college man should


P u b t a h c d every t w o week# (lurlnK t h e school year by t h e i t u d e n U of Hope C j l l e g e . E n t e r e d as second elaaa m a t t e r at the pout office of Holland, Mlchittan, at special rate of poeUue provided for in section 1108 of A c t of C o n i f r e s s . October 3. 1917 and HuthorUwl October 19, 1®18.



care, uniforms, e q u i p m e n t .

P^sociotecl Cbtle6iate Press LORRAINE TIMMER


Associate Editor News Editor Assistant News Editor Feature Editor Society Editor Assistant Society Editor Sports Editor Assistant Sports Editor Business Manager Circulation Manager

Milton Verburg Dan Fylstra Marian VanZyl Mary Felter Winifred Rameau Mary Blair Kenneth Poppen .....Roger Koeppe




William Moerdyk Irma Stoppels

Assistants — Melba D i n f a . Itocpe Borvman, Donna Eby. Clarence W agn tr , Safford, J o a n DeYoung. Marian Sandee, J a n e Veneklaasen Richard Brown.

REPORTERS Geerg* Lumaden Hftrland Steel# Barbara Taseiaar Mildred Sebolten Marie Jenkins Larry Beltman

Ruth Stecanga John Warthaf Edith Kftaana Charles CUear Halene H l a M i n a Preston Ste*tn«a Rodman Funrton

T h o s e accepted who wish immediate d u t y will go into training as rapidly as facilities permit. As an Aviation C a d e t , you are paid ^75 a m o n t h , with subsistence, quarters, medical



Nancy Boynton Ruth VanBronkhorit Dorothy Rcntema Elva V a n H a i U m a Roaanna Atkins Roae Seith FriUl Jonkman


i i i

Three trifetment Plans for College Men Juniors—Sophomorts—Frtshmen Hoy Coatimo Tholr Educotion 1. A new plan allowi Juniors, Sophomores and Freshmen, aged 18 to 26, inclusive, to enlist in the Air Force Enlisted Reserve and continue their schooling, provided they maintain satisfactory scholastic standings. All Colloqo Men Moy Enlist for immodiofo Servlco 2. All college students may enlist as privates in the Army Air Forces (unassigned) and serve there until their turns come for Aviation Cadet training. 3. All college students may enlist in the Air Force Enlisted Reserve and wait until ordered to report for Aviation Cadet training. Upon graduation or withdrawal from college, men will be assigned to active duty at a training center as facilities become available. If the necessity of war demands, the deferred status in the Army Reserve may be terminated at any time by the Secretary of War.

pass it easily.

Hope College Anchor

Mail subscriptions, one dollar per year Address — The Anchor, Hope College, Holland, Michigan Telephone 9436


I n 8 m o n t h s you can win an officer's commission as a bombardier, navigator or pilot — a n d be well started on your way to serve America a n d advance yourself in aviation.

The Haw Army Air f o r e * f n l / s f t d Ret t r v e Flan Is pari of an over-o/f Army En/ltfed fttterve Corp$ program thorfly to bo ounoaiictd. Thlt program will provide opporfunltleg for c e i f e g e men to onlltt In other branch*! of tko Army os a deferred basis and to conthmo tholr education through graduation If a iatlifaetory standard of work It maintained. In e a s e of aecesslfy the Secretary of War thall determine when they may bo called to acflvo doty. It It undentood that men s e onllttod will have the opportunity of eompotlng for vacancies In eMcer's candidate tchoolt. Thlt plan hat boon approved In tho belief that continuance of education will develop capacities for leadership. (keterve enllttment will not alter rogolaflont regarding oitaklltbod ft.O.T.C. plant.)

MANY BRANCHES OF SERVICE T h e r e are also commissions awarded in g r o u n d crew service. College m e n particularly will be interested in t h e requirements for A r m a m e n t s , Communications, Engineering, M e t e o r o l ogy, P h o t o g r a p h y . If you h a v e engineering experience your chances of getting a commission are excellent. A s a Second Lieutenant on active d u t y with t h e A r m y A i r Forces, your pay ranges f r o m ^183 to ^243 a month.

ACT AT ONCE If you want t o fight f o r America, this is where y o u r blows will c o u n t . If you want the best training in t h e world, and years of solid achievem e n t in aviation— t h e great career field of t h e f u t u r e — this is where you belong. Y o u r place is here—in the A r m y A i r Forces. If you p l a n to enlist immediately, start getting your necessary papers r e a d y f o r t h e Aviation C a d e t Examining B o a r d when it meets in y o u r locality. F o r complete i n f o r m a t i o n , see y o u r Faculty Air Force A d v i s o r . Y o u can t a k e your mental a n d physical examinations t h e same d a y you a p p l y . Get f u r t h e r i n f o r m a t i o n now, NOTE: If you wish to enlist and are under 21, you will need your parent? or guardian's consent. Birth certificates and three letters of recommendation wilt be required of all applicants. Obtain the jfMltr forms and send them home to $ d<ry—you can then complete your enlistment before any Aviation Cadet Examining Board.


Hope College Anchor SOCIAL


DORIAN The Dorian's spring formal was held a t the Women's Literary club on Saturday, May 9, with Comedy and Tragedy the theme of the evening. A f t e r dinner, and introduction of the producer, Ruth Newnliam, was given by prexy, Louise Essenberg; and toasts to the guests were given by Marian Sandee and Pauline Naas. Faculty guests present were Miss Metta Ross, Miss Laura Boyd, and Mr. and Mrs. Clarence De Graaf. »


SOROSLS Gay shouts echoe 1 a • jss the golf course at the Ho and Country club Saturday evening, May !), when Sorosites and their gue.Us enjoye.! a treasure hunt as a feature of their spring party. Informality prevailed at the attractive buffet supper served in the clubhouse following the hunt. Faculty guests attending the party were Coach and Mrs. Milton L. Hinga and Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Ten Cate. »


The annual industrial tour of the Chemistry club was conducted to Kalamazoo last Friday, Alay 8. The Hercules Power Company, Kalamazoo Vegetable Parchment Company, and the Kalamazoo City Laboratory were the industrial chemical plants visited by the group of about fifteen club members. Dr. Van Zyl, head of the chemistry department, accompanied these prospective chemists on this educational trip.


A Scene Fifty

Through," to be presented Tuesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday of Tulip Week by the senior class of Hope

college. This fantastic comedy will entertain 1200 guests, and citizens of Holland in the four nights t h a t it will be given. The play is the story of the spirit of a woman who returned to help a pair of young lovers achieve the happiness Familiar Lines J e t t s : Don't you think long en- she had been thwarted of fifty years previous when the bullet gagements are an awful bore? Boonstra: I dare anything for of a jealous suitor killed her Kathleen! on the eve of her wedding.

Years Before

Westhof: In my opinion, when a man takes a wife these days, he's running risks! J e t t s : Now he doesn't want me any more! Boo-hoo! Van Ark: I love you — it's killing me! I can't stand it! Girod: It's such fun doing what one ought not to do! B a a r : Think I'm a bit "touched," Jo they? Blase: Observe me! Vander Hill: It's all her fault — ^he undressed me—.

COSMOPOLITAN Cosmopo itan meeting for may 8 .vas opened by the president, /ames Baar, at 7:30. First number "or the evening was a practice sesnon for the All-College Sing. Harland Steele opened the literary neeting with the prayer for the eveaing. John Visser presented a serious paper on "Tne First White Settler in Ottawa County." John reviewed the ancestry and life of Rix Robinson, a f u r trader, who came to this county before the Dutch settled in Holland. John also evaluated the life and work of this early pioneer who was so intimate .vith the Indians.

Seniors Will Present Play, A Tulip Week feature this C h e m C l u b Visits K a z o o y e a r will be " S m i l i n '


DELPHI Saturday, May 16, Delphi will hold its annual s p r i n j formal. Dinner, to be s e n e J at 7 p. m. at the Holland Country club, will be followed by a novel program. Arrangements for the party are being made by Olga Baar and Marge Emery. Chaperones for the FRATERNAL occasion wiil be Mr. and Mrs. Jack The May 8 literary meeting of S.'houten anJ Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Fraternal was opened with devoTen Cate. tions led by Harvey Koop. Follow• » • ing this was a humorous song servs u n L LINE ice under the directorship of John The Sibylline literary meeting of VanderBroek. On the serious side Thursday, May 7, featured the of the program, Howard Hoekje freshmen. Still feeling their lowly presented a paper, "America, Its station in the ranks, they presented Heritage and Growth." Eugene a ""baby" theme with programs in Rothi next entertained with a huthe form of giant all " y e a r " suck- morous skit entitled, "Memoirs of ers. Homer Anderson." The traditional Absolutely in keeping with the senior paper, "Philosophy of Life," program came refreshments in the was Ray Van Ommen's contribuform of chocolate milk, animal tion. The conclusion to the literary crackers, and lollipops. Chairman meeting was George Lumsden's of the affair was Jane Waldbillig. master critic report.




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At the end of the first act of 'Smilin' Through," Uncle John for-

The first and third acts take place during the last war, and the second act is fifty years before. Jeanette Rylaarsdam and Blaise Levai have copped the leads for the first and third acts. Nola Nies and Gordon Girod play the leading parts of the second act. Other members of the cast are: James Baar, Charles Boonstra, Marion vanZyl, Nancy Boynton, Donald VanArk, George VanJerHi'.l, Gene noover, John Hains, John Maasen, Marguerite Hadden and Eleanor Dalmark' Dolly Kamps is junior director of the play, assisting Stanley Albers of Grand Rapids.

bids Kenneth to speak with Kathleen, even though Ken is about to leave for the war front in France. Ken vows that he will come back alive and marry Kathleen. J i m Baar is seen as Uncle John, Blase Levai as Ken and Jeanette Rylaarsdam as Kathleen in rehearsal. » • • The second act goes back fifty years to the time of Uncle John's courtship with Moonyeen and Moonyeen's death at the hands of Jeremiah Wayne on her wedding day. Gordon Girod is John and Nola Nies is Moonyeen.


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"Smilin' Throush", Next Week

EMERSONIAN The Emersonian f r a t e r n i t y entertained their guests Friday, May S, at the Holland Country club. Transportation was provided for the party by four hay racks. Upon arrival, guests found the club Lransformed into a bam with .jlows, lanterns, haymows, and corn as a part of tiie scenic background^ )rchestra m u s i j for the b irn nart-.1 /as f u r n i s h e l by John D. White nd his musicians. Faculty guests were Mr. an J Irs. Vernon 'lea Cate. Mr. and i r j . White al-.o s e n e i a s cliaper j -nes.

Thesaurians and Dorians held a joint beach party at Tunnel park Thursday, May 14, from four to eight p. m. The afternoon's activities featured softball, swimming and other sports and were climaxed with a wiener roast and campfire singing. Arrangements for the affair were made under the direction of Cocliairmen Judith Schermerhorn and Muriel Mackeprang. •


KNICKERBOCKER The Knickerbocker fraternity will hold its annual spring party Friday, May 22, in the form of a beach party at the Mooring on Lake Macatawa. i h e affair will begin at about 4:00 p. m. In th^ a/ternoon there will be all forma of recreation such as swimming, baseball, and other games. Jack .Crum has arranged f o r some of the sea scouts' boats to be available Sea Scouts' boats to be available for the f r a t e r n i t y ' s use during the iftemoon.




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By Edith Ellen Klaaren Today's the day when we're all stiff (as in board) because we didn't get out to practice up 'til yesterday. So we're in poor condish now, and resolve at once (like we did last y e a r ) t h a t next year we'll s t a r t sooner. All of which is typical and perennial. Dolly K a m p s and Nan Boynton, together with the individual class captains, will handle the big inter-class meets this A. M. — in relays, dashes, broad j u m p s , high jumps, and baseball. Place your s t a k e s now. We'll cover al! dope P.D.Q., waste no chin music. WAA elections resulted. So now Florence Dykema is WAA prexy, Syd MacGregor t r e a s u r e r , and Rose Winstrom secr e t a r y . New appointees representing the classes on the board are Jean Ruiter, Virginia Ewing, Mildred Scholten, and Betty Kamps. WAA has closed up shop for the year, won't meet again 'til fall. Results of tennis trip: At Western S t a t e our netters lost five singles matches and two doubles. Sally Brannock and Betty Kamps lost their doubles a f t e r two hours of play! Ah, me! Others making the trip were Micki Heasley and Hoppy Van A 1st (doubles duo) and J e a n Ruiter. That was last week Thursday. F r i d a y the troupe went to Charlotte for the all-MlAA meet and met a bitter f a t e . The HeasleyVan Alst combination beat the Albion second team, then lost to Kazoo number one. the t o u r n a m e n t winners. Brannock and Kamps lost out and were eliminated. Ruiter, in

the singles, b e a t Albion, then lost to the Albion first t e a m player, whom she b e a t last year. A h ! again, bitter irony! And Jean humiliated. So here our s t o r y ends. But a new beginning, for a f t e r the new girls' t o u r n a m e n t here, in which glee clubbers will participate, a team of eight will be sent to have a match with G.R.J.C. In the novice t o u r n a m e n t the play-offs are between T a z e l a a r and Cross. Sign up for mixed doubles. Just g r a b a p a r t n e r and sign. (Sounds like the Russian m a r r i a g e license bureau.) Gabby VanDis and Micki h e a s l e y in c h a r g e . Sibs e m e r g e victors in the intersorority softball league, having four wins and no losses. They took a f o r f e i t from the Thetas, and Delphi took Sorosis in a thriller a week ago Tuesday. T h e DelphiD o r i a n and Sorosis-Thesaurian games of a week from Tuesday decide placement in the tourney, and I forecast this:

Spirits High, Competition Keen; 125 Entries Crowd Events In Annual May Day Contest

G. R, Junior Shares Thin-Clads Place 2nd In 3-Way Series with M e e t at Albion Hope, 3-0, 6-3

Hope's diamond a r t i s t s split a Hope's track t e a m came t h r o u g h home and home series with Grand with flying colors a t the t r i a n g u l a r Rapids J.C. In the first g a m e of m e e t a t Albion Wednesday, May the season, Russ DeVette pitched 6, placing second with 30% points. the team to a 3-0 t r i u m p h . De Albion swept the field by massing Vette's pitching w a s a l m o s t per104 big points, and Adrian trailed fect. He allowed only two hits and with 29Mi. walked only one m a n . Also, in the T h i s achievement must be noted second he batted in the first and as exceptional, because the boys winning run. O t t e m a n ' s single with were up a g a i n s t s t r o n g competithe sacks filled in the fifth put the tion. Albion is the MIAA favorite, g a m e on ice. The second game, a nine-inning and any small inexperienced squad affair, played on L a m a r field in t h a t chalks up 30 points a g a i n s t Grand Rapids, was a d i f f e r e n t them deserve a bow. This initial story. Rosema struck out 13 Dutch- success promises b e t t e r y e a r s ahead men and had a s h u t o u t until the as most of the men who placed ninth, when the Dutch rallied with were f r e s h m e n and sophomores. Following a r e s u m m a r i e s of three runs. Karel, m a k i n g his first s t a r t for H o p e , had plenty of Hope places: Ottoman—2nd in javelin, Fuhstrouble but m a n a g e d to pull himself out of several tough spots. ton—2nd in discuss, 4th in 220; However, in the eighth, the roof Slocombe—3rd in 40, Higgs—3rd fell in and J.C. pushed over four in shot-put, Kinnison — 3rd fit runs to put the g a m e on ice. broad jump, Moolenaar—2n^i.'^ir?; broad j u m p and 2nd in r00-y^.-Wgh First g a m e — Hope 0 1 0 0 2 0 0—3 6 2 hurdles. The Hope relay team W I'd. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0—0 2 0 placed second. 1 .IMMI J u n i o r 4 Sybillint* .75(1 Delphi .3 From now on, all roads lead to Second g a m e — .51)0 Sorosis .250 Hope 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3—3 5 3 Kalamazoo, the scene of the MIAA Dorian .000 Th " s a u r i a n J u n i o r . 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 4 x—6 8 3 Field Meet on the 22nd of this which closes a good season, full of lively fun for all, with a recommendation f o r a r e p e a t e r next year. N o t e : Archery tomorrow A. M., nine o'clock. Don't overdose your. . . . By H. Hoehji self o0 May Day. Last year the tennis team went south on a t r i p through the sweet No more riding at reduced r a t e s Georgia and Carolina t e r r i t o r i e s . We won three out of f o u r from with t r a n s p o r t a t i o n p r o v i d e d schools such as P r e s b y t e r i a n (we lost to t h e m ) . South Carolina (we ( f u n d t r o u b l e ) , but Van Wieren's r a t e is still 50c to college students didn't play t h e m — i t was r a i n i n g ) , C a t a w b a , S t a t e T e a c h e r s college in g r o u p s of f o u r or more. And rid- at Johnson City, Tennessee. (Cutest girl there called Cornelia). We ing's still healthful. had a n o t h e r scheduled for this year, with matches at schools such as

Howard Serves Doubles . . . .

Presbyterian, South Carolina, C a t a w b a , S t a t e T e a c h e r s college.



sold candy and pop at the high school basketball t o u r n a m e n t s , and

wishes for Hope College and The Anchor

spring vacation. The money we made was spent to buy new w a r m - u p

were all set to go d u r i n g s p r i n g vacation. We had quite a t r i p — D u r i n g s w e a t e r s f o r the team. T h a t ' s those b e a u t i f u l white creations by Schia-

the Success it Merits

perelli the tanned lads of the tennis t e a m are wearing. just too, too divine?


Are you kidding?

That boy. Van Dis, who s t a r r e d in basketball is playing his first


varsity season as first man.


Aren't they

Warm Friends"

This year's May Day promises one of the closest Interfraternity track meets this college has ever seen. Cosmos, Emersonians and F r a t e r s are out to do AND die. Spirit hit a new high as 125 entries signed up for all events, from the hundred to the mile. At one o'clock today the big push is on. The three fraternities each present a power-house, and on no one can be pinned "favorite." The Emmies are defending their title, as the boys f r o m 13th and boys from Columbia Ave. will do their most to dissappoint t h e m . E m e r s o n i a n s a r e pinning t h e i r hopes on F u n s t o n and Slocomb f o r the d a s h e s and distances. Kinnison is the Cosmo's b r i g h t ray a n d F r a t l ers look to T i m m e r and De Voogt to g a r n e r points. Needless to say, Hope's golf team hit their stride many discoveries will be made. a g a i n s t Kazoo but only m a n a g e d Popular opinion gives the edge to to win 2 o u t of a possible 12 the E m e r s o n i a n s , but t h a t ' s just points. Maynor, Kazoo's No. 1 man, one side. On the other p a g e we shot an 82, which was good enough see a s t r o n g F r a t e r team, and posto nip Bob Geldart, who shot 84, sibilities in the Cosmos — and and sent his team off with a t h r e e very good possibilities. point lead. Don Mulder's wellLooking over the entries, most played 84 just couldn't match the of the e v e n t s a r e crowded with sizzling 7G which Kazoo's No. 2 competition, especially the 100-yd. man shot. Les Nienhuis, playing dash. T h a t will be run in three in the No. 2 spot, Was the only heats. In like m a n n e r the 220. Hopeite to win a point. Les shot The 440 is always a killer, and the 83 while his opponent. Burke, had . . * • tu no \ u, c 880 is no respector of wind, to be content with a 02. A bogie 5 , The prediction is t h a t t h e mile on the par 4 18th prevented Les relay will decide the meet, one way from winning all three points. The or the o t h e r . So h a n g a r o u n d if No. 4 men didn't fare so well. Timyou've g o t a s t r o n g h e a r t . mer lost to McLain, 98-91. If t h e Sports committee c h a i r m e n , improvement of the past continues Marty Bekken and Ken Vanden the boys will certainly do someBerg, advise all entries to be thing at the MIAA Field Meet. prompt in order t h a t the events may be run off efficiently and m o n t h ; Alma is handicapped by the 1 q U i t .k|y Unnecessary delay will loss of Bob Kirby, t h e i r weight complicate the Coronation Cereman, and is no longer much of a mony following the meet. t h r e a t . Albion is paced by Bruce Points will be on a 5-3-2-1 basis. Stevens, speedster, and Jim Matthews, who is tops in the 440. Only n e a r - t h r e a t is Kalamazoo college. ESTAT Hope is a s t r o n g contender f o r No. 3, but will have to nose out Alma on the way. Adrian may mess t h i n g s up a bit in the lower brackO t A U KINO'. ets, and Hillsdale is playing the role of dark horse.

Hope Turtsters Battle But Beaten By Kazoo, 12-2 /2

He took only one g a m e f r o m Culver, but

Culver is like a fish out of w a t e r in the MIAA.

He and P r a t t . .Last

year a t the MIAA t o u r n a m e n t he looked like he j u s t got out of bed. I

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watched him sleep-walk t h r o u g h his morning's matches, r e p e a t i n g a f t e r every shot he made, " I ' m lucky this morning." How he t a l k s ! P r a t t doesn't say much. He j u s t grins, and takes the next point, too. A f t e r a match a g a i n s t them, you feel like the Battle of Dunkerk, "Too little, and too late." It's fun playing them t hough, it really is. T h e y ' r e all swell kids. They " t r i m the p a n t s " off you, and how you love it! B r a i t h w a i t e gave me two g a m e s the second set, and when we would c h a n g e courts, "You're hitting them well today, but the luck seems to be with m e " ; "I must have c a u g h t you on an off-day on your volleying"; "How are you fixed in the d r a f t ? " — I didn't have a chance. We a r e three seniors on the team. Two f r e s h m e n play, too. " G a b b y " Van Dis, and Red Wierenga. Watch L e f t y swat his f o r e h a n d some day, and think how good he will be when his backhand comes up to t h a t . Move over. Lady Macbeth, I'll be walking, too. Bill Moerdyk is the only sophomore playing, and when his shin-splints heal, he'll be a good man. It's too bad we can't get g a m e s with other MIAA schools so we could stop in at Schuler's on the way home and have some of his steaks, and melba toast. How Hoek ate t h a t melba toast! By the way, before looking at this year's record, let me hasten to stress the importance of the victory of Hoekje and T a p p a n in t h e t o u r n a m e n t last year. They whipped the Kalamazoo second doubles team in the semi-finals. T h r e e sets it was. W h a t a whipping! We took three g a m e s f r o m Culver and P r a t t . (Make a note, Miss Brown, commercial taken care of.) T h i s year we expect to do b e t t e r . We'll t a k e four g a m e s or lose. Are you k i d d i n g ? Anyway, we had fun this year, even if Mike A r e n d s h o r s t played golf in the low 70's, and J.C. beat us twice. Forget the by line, Ken, I'll waive royalties.



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