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Hope College, Holland, Michigan 4 9 4 2 3

Volume 8 4 - 2 5

May 8, 1972

Vice president Handlegten The resignation of Executive Vice President Clarence J. Handlogten effective July 31 was announced Friday by Board of Trustees Chairman Hugh DePree. HANDLOGTEN, a member of Hope's administration since 1966, has accepted an offer to be associated with Howard Sluyter of See other story on page 5 Dallas, Texas. He will be involved in the marketing of anti-pollution devices. He will continue to serve in his present position until the end of July, the first month of Dr. Gordon Van Wylen's term as president of the college. After leaving Hope, Handlogten will continue to be available to the college in a consultative capacity.

"THERE ARE things like economic planning and preparing materials for board meetings that are pretty hard to delegate, and it will take awhile for someone else to pick them u p , " Handlogten said. " I ' m thinking of being available to advise Van Wylen if he needs it." The departing administrator said he will be paid enough to cover expenses for his consulting services ' ASKED ABOUT the details of his new job, Handlogten declined comment, indicating that the nature of the products involved is a secret. During Handlogten's six years of service at Hope the college has received national recognition for its financial management. SINCE 1966, virtually every segment of the college's operation

MIAA council shifts

spring sports to fall by Merlin Whiteman In a surprise move, the Presidents' Council, a group composed of the representative president of each Michigan Intercollegiate Athletic Association school, voted 5-0 to shift baseball, golf and tennis to the fall, effective this fall. PRESIDENTS voting were Ray Loeschner of Olivet, John Dawson of Adrian, Bernard Lomas of Albion, Robert Swanson of Alma and William Spoelhof of Calvin. George Rainsford of Kalamazoo and Hope's Chancellor William Vanderlugt abstained. A few weeks ago the presidents had met with A1 Deal, commissioner of the MIAA, and talked to him about the idea. It was agreed that Deal and the MIAA athletic directors would study the possibilities and effects of such a move and report back. However, last wee'k the Presidents' Council took it upon themselves to adopt the proposed shift without consultation with the league's Board of Governors. THE MIAA BOARD of Governors is delegated authority to administer conference athletics by the Presidents' Council. It is composed of the various athletic directors, plus faculty and student representatives from each school. Last Thursday the Board of Governors met to discuss the proposed shift. In an interview Friday, Hope athletic director Gordon Brewer revealed what hap-

GORDON BREWER pened at the meeting and the effect the shift would have on Hope athletics. "THERE WAS a lot of talking, but until they revise the requirement, we feel we have to carry out their decision," Brewer said about the meeting. "They do have final authority. We are hopeful that some sort of adjustment can be worked o u t . " While the possibility exists. Brewer gave the impression that the proposed shift would only be partially carried out next year. "No one in the league was in favor of moving baseball to the fall," he reported. continued on page 10, column 1

Yearbook may arrive before semester ends Most of the material for the 1971 Milestone has been sent to the publishers but long delays in the book's compilation may push the delivery date past the end of the school year, says editor Barbara Barta. Miss Barta reported that since Hope has missed its deadlines the publisher is under no obligation t o speed delivery, and although the book may be here before June, the prospect seems doubtful. "We can now promise, however, that there will be books for all who ordered them," Miss Barta went on. The delay in the year-

book's appearance had left many students wondering if there would be a Milestone for '71. Miss Barta blamed a lack of student support for the yearbook effort and revealed that a staff slip-up left many students' pictures unidentified. However, Miss Barta told the anchor Thursday that most of the pictures have been cataloged and that they will appear with proper identification in the book. The yearbook will be published in two volumes, one depicting college activities and. the other featuring pictures of the individual students. Miss Barta concluded.

has been significantly expanded and improved, including the size of the student body, employee benefits and salaries, the physical plant, budgeting and forecasting procedures, personnel policies and overall administrative leadership, DePree said. DePree stated, "Mr. Handlogten's contributions to the college have been great and we will probably never know about many of the things he has done, but we do know that his work here will live on to benefit the college for many years and will serve as a reminder of the excellent leadership we have had." Handlogten received a standing ovation from the trustees. THE PROGRESS and recognition of recent years has prompted numerous job opportunities elsewhere, Handlogten said. However, at the urging of DePree and board secretary Willard Wichers Handlogten delayed his resignation until new leadership could be found. Handlogten and Chancellor William Vanderlugt had been designated last fall to fill the leadership void left by the resignation of Calvin VanderWerf as president in 1970. The position will be filled when Van Wylen assumes office July 1. VAN WYLEN indicated Friday that he "very definitely" will carry on the management methods which Handlogten initiated. As treasurer and later as executive vice president, Handlogten brought new accounting methods and strict budgeting control to the college which in a four year period turned a $250,000 budget deficit into a moderate surplus. "WHAT I CAME to do is done," said Handlogten. "We've


CLARENCE HANDLOGTEN gone through the most difficult part of the planning for the new building program, we have satisfactorily upgraded administrative procedures and have eased some of the college's financial difficulties. "It is my hope that I can go on from Hope College and establish new levels of achievement in the area of business and finance where I have my greatest ability," he said.

STUDIES ARE now underway, according to DePree, to determine the organizational characteristics that the college should establish and t o outline responsibilities so that any desirable personnel changes can be made. Planning will hopefully be completed within the next two months, DePree said. He added that the position of executive vice president will be discontinued after Handlogten's departure.

Sets record

Class of '76 may top 650 by Marjorie DeKam A record-breaking year for applications should bring a freshman enrollment of about 660 in 1972-73, says an admissions report recently released by Director of Admissions Tom LaBaugh. APPLICATIONS have thus far increased markedly over past years. As of April 29, 1 148 students had applied, which is 13.8 percent ahead of 1971 and 4.7 percent ahead of 1969, the previous high year for applications. Of the 1148 applications received, 973 have been accepted, while 27 have been rejected and the remainder are pending, the report indicates. THE PROJECTED enroUment figure of 660 was arrived at by taking 56 percent of 1200, which is the total number of applications the admissions office expects to receive by the end of this academic year (the 56 percent is based on the number of applicants usually retained). A freshman class of 660 would have 83 more students than this year's class-an increase of 10 percent. Applications from minority students have improved over 1971. Thirty-five blacks have applied, compared with 28 last year. Spanish-American applications have increased from six in 1971 to 15 this year. SO FAR 15 blacks have been accepted, and 11 chicanos are1

accepted. A total of eight American Indians and 31 OrientalAmericans have also been accepted. LaBaugh said that the new recruitment methods should bring a greater increase in the number of minority student applications next year. APPLICATIONS from men students are also up this year: 569, or 49.6 percent of all applications are from men compared with 436, or 43.1 percent from men last year. 579 women have applied so far this year, while 574 applied last year. THE AVERAGE high school grade point of accepted students is 3.05. Twenty-four percent have a 3.5 or above, 45 percent have a 3.0 or higher, 88 percent have a 2.5+, and 98.6 percent are above the 2.0 level.

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ANCHORED INSIDE Chem students seek sex substance page 2 Women to head campus publications page 3 Theater to present Peanuts play page 3 The McGovem "fad" attacked .page 5 Focusing in on "Dropping Out" page 6 May Day through a lens page 7 Exclusive interview with George Wallace . . .page 9 Build Hope progress detailed page 11 The mechanics of the Michigan primary . . .page 11


May 8 , 1 9 7 2

Hope College anchor

Chem students research human sex attractant The corresponding human s t u f f , if it exists, Doyle says, is probably a " s t e r o i d . " Unlike its mammalian counterpart, which is excreted at. specific times and seasons, the h u m a n attractant might be emitted all the time, Doyle believes.

by Mary Houting "Is there a h u m a n sex attractant, and if so, h o w does one detect i t ? " ASSOCIATE Professor of Chemistry Michael Doyle thinks there is and for the past semester he and Assistant Professor of Chemistry William Mungall have been directing the sophomore organic chemistry classes in their attempt to discover it. Doyle and his students seem agreed that the project is probably one of the best teaching tools in the organic chemistry sequence. "And student interest and enthusiasm have never been so high," Doyle notes. DOYLE EXPLAINS that clues to the nature of the human sex attractant may be found in animals. In higher mammals, the substance is excreted by the female and received by the male just as an o d o r is through a neural receptor specially designed for the purpose.

the male has lost his special talent to sense it, or both. D O Y L E SEES no reason t o believe t h e female has stopped emitting the substance. Daily washing and the wearing of perf u m e may have deadened the male's response t o it, however. At any rate, with unfailing faith in t h e existence of some sort of sex attractant, Hope's chemistry students are proceeding in their a t t e m p t t o prepare a series of c o m p o u n d s which may approximate that substance. HOW DID SOME SO-odd sophomores decide to launch such an impressive project as the preparation of an exotic substance, the existence and composition of which are shrouded in mystery? Last year, Doyle reports, Hope conducted research with steroids, particularly cholesterol. "We said the students could do anything," Doyle comments, "and we had some people trying t o get cortical steroids and even some trying t o get sex hormones.

If it is such a questionable and elusive substance, how do we know that the substance exists at all? One clue is derived f r o m old English literature, Doyle notes, although he's not sure exactly where. A P P A R E N T L Y there are references in Shakespeare and even farther back t o human odors and their role in eliciting responses. Judging from this hint, man once had the ability t o b o t h produce and apprehend the mysterious attractant. Unfortunately, something seems to have happened to it during the past several centuries. Either the female has lost the ability t o produce the steroid, or

" T H I S YEAR WE decided to try something different. We had a biochemist from Michigan State visiting last fall, and he was talking about insect sex attractants. This of course brought up the subject of human sex attractants, which we decided to work w i t h . " Although interesting, the area of sex attractants is relatively complicated, Doyle indicates. In order to prepare the substance, one must have an idea of what it is. " J u s t what is the sex attractant like?" was the first question that had to be asked - and answered by Hope's fledgling researchers.

K College inaugurates Rainsford as president Dr. George N. Rainsford, one of the candidates considered for Hope's presidential position before the appointment of Dr. Gordon Van Wylen, was inaugurated Saturday as the thirteenth president of Kalamazoo College. T w o Hope faculty members attended the inauguration ceremonies at 2 p.m. in Kalamazoo's Stetson Chapel. Representing Hope were Dr. D. Ivan Dykstra, professor of philosophy, and Dr. Cotter Tharin, associate professor of geology. Rainsford was appointed president of K College last Jan. 1 to succeed Weimer K. Hicks, who held the post for 18 years.

Hope's Presidential Search Committee had seriously considered Rainsford as a candidate for president while that group was still active. The three days of events surrounding of inauguration of K's new president were designed to involve students, faculty, administrators, and the entire community. Discussions and position papers were presented Friday concerning the f u t u r e of the small college, with students and invited guests as participants. Prior to his a p p o i n t m e n t Rainsford served as assistant to the president at the University of Colorado.

F I R S T , IT HAS to be capable of being transferred through space, of being vaporized, like an odor. Hope's chemists could then eliminate the proteins, fats and sugars as lacking the requisite properties. It must be a c o m p o u n d which elicits a response and has a spe-







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" A N Y ONE O F these materials could have the specific f u n c t i o n alization we w a n t , " Doyle says, " b u t we just d o n ' t k n o w . " He stresses that Hope's chemistry department lacks the equipment t o determine whether the substance they produce is actually the sex attractant. "This would have to be done in c o n j u n c t i o n with other universities," Doyle states.

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of sex attractants has advantages for the chemical industry. SOME COMPANIES are already using insect sex attractants to control pests, Doyle reports. They have proven especially effective in trapping flies on fly paper. The benefits of isolating the mammalian sex attractant, though, are difficult to see. The potential for the human sex attractant, however, is another matter. Doyle believes it could aid research in discovering just how free and how controlled man's life is. Work with a stimulant such as a sex attractant could help psychologists determine " w h e t h e r there is a gradation in individuals in response to specific material," Doyle says. " T H E R E ' S A moral question involved here," he went on. " O n e must not overlook the fact that man's response to a sex attractant could be overridden by o t h e r factors." Perfume companies would enjoy an obvious commercial benefit if they should be f o r t u n a t e enough to discover the stuff and use it in their product, Doyle feels. THE PRIMARY benefit for Hope's organic chemistry students, however, is an academic one. "We want to produce a person with real confidence in his ability in one specific area," Doyle says. "We also want him to have the actual ability." " O u r lab helps produce an independent scholar," he concludes. And an eager one, we might add.

Six students, three profs run in primary



d f i c structure and relatively low molecular weight, they decided. Doyle's crew then concluded that the sex attractant is a Delta 16 steroid. All known Delta 16 steroids are 22-carbon atoms and possess a peculiar odor. In addition, t h e y have a functionalization similar to that of all the sex hormones. PRESENTLY 55 students in teams of two are working feverishly in labs to produce Delta 16 steroids in the hopes that one of them will be the desired - and desirable substance. Hope's chemists have chosen 10 compounds on which t o concentrate.

AT THE PRESENT stage of research, t w o lab teams are closing in on one Delta 16 steroid, Doyle reports. However, t h e problems of getting there in a six or seven step sequence are m a m m o t h . " O u r finished product must be not only structurally correct, but also physically pure," he indicates. The human sex attractant, once discovered, could be beneficial for certain types of research, Doyle says. In fact, the whole area



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Only nine of Holland's 53 candidates for precinct delegate are among the newly-enfranchised 18-21 year-olds. Six of these are Hope students. AREA RESIDENTS will go to the polls May 16 to cast their ballot for precinct representatives and t o indicate their preliminary presidential picks. All six Hopeites are running as Democratic candidates, with three pledged t o McGovem and three u n c o m m i t t e d . In addition, three Hope professors are seeking election as precinct delegates. PROFESSOR of Political Science Alvin Vanderbush seeks election in the f o u r t h ward, third precinct, pledged t o McGovem. Jack Holmes, assistant professor of political science, w h o is pledged t o Nixon, is running in the sixth ward, first precinct. Although Vanderbush is virtually assured election since he is one of five candidates for five seats, Holmes will fight four others for two seats. DR. RHONDA Rivera, assistant professor of economics, will seek election in Spring Lake Township, precinct 3. She is pledged to Shirley Chisholm, and with two others is running for three of the precinct's six positions.

Candidates previously pledged to Senator E d m u n d Muskie who recently withdrew from the primaries, will n o w be on the ticket as u n c o m m i t t e d , Michigan Attorney General Frank Kelly ruled Friday. For an explanation ot the precinct delegates' role in the process of selecting presidential candidates, see page 11.

Panel to discuss Nixon record tonight in DCC Supporters of President Richard Nixon f o r re-election will examine his record in an informal session tonight at 6 : 3 0 in the ballroom of the DeWitt Cultural Center. Entitled " T h e Nixon Record: Why You Should Support the President," the session wUl consist of a panel discussion and audience question and answer period. Members of t h e panel will be Ottawa C o u n t y Republican Committee Chairman A n t h o n y Garofalo, Jack Holmes, assistant professor of political science, and student R u d y Broekhuis.

May 8 , 1 9 7 2


Hope College anchor

Honor faculty

Trustees re-elect DePree Hugh DePree, president of Herman Miller, Inc. of Zeeland, was re-elected chairman of the board of trustees at the board's spring meeting Wednesday and Thursday. A 1938 GRADUATE, DePree has been a member of the board since 1963, serving as chairman since 1966. The Honorable A. Dale Stoppels, probate judge for Kent County, was elected vice-chairman of the board and Willard C. Wichers, director of the midwestem division of the Netherlands Information Service, was reelected secretary. The term for each officer is one year.


Cavorting characters from the comic strip Peanuts rehearse for the theater department's last production of the year, " Y o u ' r e a Good Man, Charlie Brown." The musical entertainment is scheduled to begin Thursday.

"You're a Good Man, Charlie Brown" to open here Thurs. The familiar characters from Charles M. Schulz' comic strip "Peanuts" will make their way to the stage when Hope's theater department presents the first of seven performances of "You're A Good Man, Charlie Brown" Thursday, May 11, in the DeWitt Student and Cultural Center. The production is a light, fast moving musical revue that tells the numerous truths and halftruths about the miseries and joys of childhood all focused into "an average day in the life of Charlie Brown." It has been called a "most delightful, witty, warm, wistful family show."

The cast includes Jack Ridl, instructor in English, Vicki Weidman, Mike Boonstra, Brad Williams, Margaret Rose, and Donald Steele. The production is directed by Donald Finn, assistant professor of theater, with scenery by Tim Walters and lighting design by Michael Grindstaff. Rich Rahn and Jim Nieboer are doing the choreography and musical direction respectively. "Charlie Brown" will play May 11, 12, 13, 17, 18,. 19, and 20 at 8:15 p.m. Regular tickets are $3; admission for students is $1.50. For reservations call 392-6200.

ASSOCIATE Professor of Physics Dr. David Marker was elected to a two-year term as a faculty representative on the board. He replaces Professor of English Dr. John Hollenbach, who will be on sabbatical for a portion of next year. Re-elected to six year terms as board members were Dr. Fritz V. Lenel, chairman of the materials division at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute in Troy, N.Y., and Wichers. THE BOARD nominated as members Rev. Albertus G. Bossenbroek, field secretary and minister at large for the Synod of New York of the Reformed Church, and Titus J. Hager, president of Marquette Lumbermen's Warehouse, Inc., in Grand Rapids. Both have served one term. Their appointments are among the twelve board positions subject to the approval of the General^Synod of the R.C.A. IN OTHER action, the trustees heard reports from all their standing committees. The recent Campus Life Board decision to rearrange campus housing - a change that will involve moving women into the Knickerbocker House and Kollen Hall West - was reported to the board by the Student Life Committee. The report aroused " n o unfavorable reaction," although there were some questions, according to Wichers. He noted that the board's concern is to prevent bad connotations from being attached to actions such as the CLB's decision, and to insure that sources of funds remain open.

THE BOARD ALSO dealt with legal problems connected with the representation of faculty members on the board. Wichers explained that when the board several years ago decided t o include faculty members among their number, they had never made the proper modifications in their legal charters. As a result, some legal problems arose in connection with Hope's eligibility for federal grants for the Academic Science Center. IN ORDER to allow for the valid representation of the faculty members, Wichers said, it was necessary to make some modifications in legal documents dealing with the corporate structure of the college. A long list of retired and retiring faculty members were given the honorary title "emeritus" by the trustees last week. Most prominent among them were this year's five retirees: Professor of Political

HUGH DEPREE Science Alvin Vanderbush, Professors of English Clarence DeGraaf and Edward Brand, Chancellor William Vanderlugt and Professor of Religion Bastian Kruithof.

First fruits of CLB bookstore study told The Hope-Geneva Book Store sells books at manufacturers' suggested retail prices but makes a slightly higher profit than the national average for college book stores because of lower costs. THAT SUMS UP preliminary results of an investigation into the operations of Hope's book store which has been carried out under the aegis of the Campus Life Board over the past few weeks. The CLB in February appointed a special committee to carry out the study. The committee members, who include Assistant Professor of Mathematics Frank Sherburne, Neil De Boer, instructor in economics, and students Ron Posthuma and Nan Olmstead, were instructed to examine the book store's profit margins, hiring practices and policies regarding the resale of books. COMMITTEE chairman Posthuma so far has released only a part of the results of the study, which is based on figures for the

1969-70 and '70-71 academic years. During that period the store, under its old name, the "Blue Key," was still located in Van Raalte basement. The results indicate that wages below the national average for college book store workers and lower costs in other areas account for the Hope store's slightly higher profit margins. Total wages paid to book store staff members at Hope amount to 9.3 percent of total sales income, while the national average is 11.3 percent. POSTHUMA SAID that the book store's profits have no effect on manager Duffield Wade's personal earnings, because Wade has a fixed salary. More complete results of the book store investigation will be released later, Posthuma said. His committee is presently seeking more data from book stores at other schools so that a thorough comparison with Hope may be carried out.

Coeds selected

SCMC picks new editors Editors for next year's campus publications were chosen Wednesday by the Student Communications Media Committee. MARY HOUTING will become the anchor's third woman editor as she replaces graduating senior Bob Roos. Miss Houting is a junior English major from Holland who has held editorial positions on the anchor for the past year. Last year she served as a reporter. SOPHOMORE Gary Gray and junior David Dustin will assist Miss Houting next year on the anchor. Students interested in working for the newspaper next year should contact the new editor. Opus co-editors for '72-73 will be freshman Carol Yeckel and sophomore Joan Kacewich, both English majors. Miss Yeckel is from Rochester, N.Y. and Miss Kacewich is a native of Woodstown, N.J. PRESENT Opus editor Steve Farrar has asked the f u t u r e coeditors t o assist in the production of the upcoming spring Opus, Miss Kacewich reported. Leslie Dykstra, currently serving as Milestone editor, was the only applicant for t h e t o p post on next year's yearbook staff. The committee was unable to officially certify her appointment because of inadequate time, however.

Beware of editors with long hair.

.-Better than. ^ Barefoot. MARY HOUTING


Rev. Buteyn to address Baccalaureate assembly A Hope alumnus and retiring Chancellor William Vanderlugt will be the speakers at this year's baccalaureate and commencement programs, June 4 and 5. The Reverend John E. Buteyn, secretary of world ministries for the Reformed Church in America and a 1936 alumnus, will deliver the baccalaureate address Sunday, June 4 at 2:30 p.m. in Dimnent Memorial Chapel. Buteyn is also a graduate of Western Theological Seminary. An

honorary Doctor of Divinity degree will be conferred upon him at commencement, Vanderlugt will speak during the 107th commencement exercises Monday, June 5 at 10 a.m. in the Holland Civic Center. Approximately 400 seniors will receive diplomas in this year's graduation ceremonies. Graduates and their families will be Vanderlugt's guests at the chancellor's breakfast in the Pine Grove from 7 t o 9 a.m. June 5.

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9oo4&o*J'Ufctt$b 51 East 8th St. 392-2821

May 8 , 1 9 7 2

Hope College anchor

Handlogten's legacy "First, yuh gotta git its attention. The departure of Clarence Handlogten from Hope's administrative staff is unfortunate for the college, though his decision was probably inevitable in view, of his personal career goals and the changing shape of Hope's leadership roles over the past two years. His resignation will mean the loss of one of the most competent managers the college has had on the economic side - and at the same time it raises questions about the kind of administrative leadership the college needs in order to permit continued growth and improvement. What Handlogten's career at Hope clearly demonstrates is the immense value of an administrator with a solid

background in financial management who is capable of imposing financial discipline, thereby keeping the college on its feet. The list of his innovations and accomplishments in eradicating Hope's deficit and steering clear of red ink while promoting expansion has been repeated many times. Handlogten has realized the need to view the college in the context of the national economic environment, and he focused professional skill on the task of managing the college in that context. He summed up this kind of management approach in an essay contributed to the anchor last year: " I t is in interpreting and interrelating the internal economic system with the external economic conditions that the well-being of the 'corporation' and the legal and financial stature of the institution are enhanced." Occasional mutters of discontent have been heard to the effect that Handlogten has stressed the financial requirements of the college to a degree detrimental to academic pursuits. There is no real evidence to justify such charges. On the contrary, the expansion of departments and the creation of new departments and new facilities over the past few years were made possible largely by

the college's basic financial health. Thus Handlogten's record has been outstanding. Ironically, however, his capability brought him to a position in the administration where the hiring of a president by the college would have the effect of a demotion for Handlogten. When he and Chancellor William Vanderlugt were named as co-exercisers of presidential powers last fall, Handlogten's role as the man who ran the college on the practical day-to-day level became more.or less official. The point of this is not to say that Handlogten is being forced out by Van Wylen's appointment - for Handlogten had been considering resigning for over a year - but to raise questions about the kind of administrative structure and leadership the college needs. Dr. Van Wylen and the board of trustees are planning a study of the administrative staff needs in order to determine what position should replace the executive vice president office, which will be phased out, and who should hold it. In doing so they should seriously consider one lesson contained in the departing executive's record: that the role of a capable financial administrator can be expanded to include much of the public relations work that has traditionally been the president's duty. Whether it is desirable to perpetuate this de facto combination of functions in an administrator who started out only as a business manager, and whether a man can be found who could handle the double duties as well as Handlogten, is for Van Wylen and the board to determine. One obvious advantage of the arrangement is that it would leave the president more freedom to concentrate on academic leadership. The outcome may depend more on the personality of the new president and the abilities of Handlogten's successor than on deliberate planning, but the possibilities merit study. In the meantime, Hope is fortunate to retain Handlogten's services as a consultant to the new president. If Handlogten is as valuable in that capacity as in his previous service, he will be a powerful aid to Van Wylen in his first months as chief executive.

Politics of frustration Behind the campaigning and the debates heralding the approach of the May 16 primary, some trends in the political consciousness of Hope students can be detected. Students in 7 2 on the whole are more liberal than those four years ago; those students who are more conservative are less active politically, it seems. All six students running for precinct delegate positions in Holland are either committed to McGovern or running uncommitted on the Democratic ticket. However, a more significant characteristic of this year's student par-

A note Because of enforced ignorance about the state of our budget, it is uncertain whether the anchor will publish one or two more issues before the end of this semester. However, it is certain that the issue appearing next week — May 15 — will be the last full-sized one. Therefore all important announcements and articles anyone wishes to see in print before the end of the semester should be brought to the anchor office in Graves basement no later than Thursday evening.

ticipation in the political process is that the active students are only a handful. And while few are working through "the system," few are working outside it through any of the forms of direct protest. The embers of radicalism at Hope are not likely to affect much of the rest of the campus. Unfortunately, neither are any of the other kinds of political activism. More unfortunate than the poor participation is the likelihood that those few students who are pursuing political goals in the prescribed manner will be frustrated by the unbelievable cumbersomeness of the primary procedures. Peter Brown's article in this issue on the primary shows how political activity seems likely to be wasted in the creaking. Rube Goldbergian mechanism of the primary and the county and state conventions. Liberal students will attend county conventions which may be forced to send a large number of Wallace delegates to the state conventions: this will be the case if Wallace gets strong local support. One thing is obvious: students with any orthodox political zeal left after the primary would turn it to best account by striving for further reform (read: simplification) of the process for nominating presidents.

art buchwald

Politicus grim'ti's by Art Buchwald Copyright Š 1972, Los Angeles Times Syndicate

No one talks about it, but there are definite medical hazards involved in running for the Presidency of the United States. One that is increasingly a problem has to do with a candidate's face. ANYONE WHO HAS been following the Democratic primaries on television knows that every presidential hopeful always has a smile on his face. What people don't know is that these smiles are frozen there and the longer the primaries go on, the less chance the candidates have of wiping them away. A plastic surgeon named Cooke told me, "Most of the candidates running for the Presidency have been smiling steadily for five months. By the time they get t o Miami they will have smiled for eight months. The muscles controlling these smiles have hardened them into place. I fear that by the time Election Day comes we could wind up with a President with a permanent stupid grin on his face." "I D O N T KNOW," 1 said. "Everybody likes to see a happy President." " I t ' s all right t o have a happy President," Cooke said. "But what happens when he attends the funeral of another head of state? "Suppose he has t o go on television and tell the people the cost of living has gone up 25%, and unemployment has reached a new high. He'd look pretty silly doing that with a smile." "1 never thought of that!" "WHAT HAPPENS when he meets with the Russians to discuss disarmament and is grinning all the time? Do you think they could take him seriously?" "They might think he's nuts," I said hopefully, "and out of fear give in on something."

"IT'S TOO BIG a gamble to take. I can't believe anyone would have confidence in a President who is smiling all the time," Cooke said. "Wait a minute," 1 said. "We've had presidential candidates in the past who smiled continuously, but their faces went back to normal after the election." "THAT WAS BEFORE television," Cooke said. "TV has forced the candidates to maintain permanent grins. We saw what happened to Muskie in New Hampshire when he stopped smiling and sobbed. People thought he was shaken up. All he was trying to do was relax his smile muscles for a few minutes. But because of what happened to Muskie, no candidate dares stop smiling now. It would be political suicide." "Isn't there some way plastic sui^eons could do away with the frozen grin after the election is over?" "IT'S VERY DIFFICULT. It requires uncreasing the mouth as well as reshaping the face muscles. We've tried cheek transplants but everyone comes out looking like former Atty. Gen. John Mitchell." Cooke said, "I am not only concerned about the man who is elected President, but 1 am also worried about the losers. "WHAT WILL PEOPLE think of a man who ran for the highest office of this land, lost in a bitter fight and is shown smiling helplessly into the '70s and '80s?" "A lot of his financial backers would be pretty sore," 1 said. "We must accept the fact that a politician's smile is a physical affliction," Cooke said, "and I hope that after the primaries, when he is shown with his frozen grin, people will not have the bad taste t o laugh at him."




Published during the collece year except vacation, holiday and examination periods by and for the students ot Hope College, Holland, Michigan, under the authority of the Student Communications Media Committee. Subscription price: S7 per year. Printed by the Composing Room, Grand Rapids, Michigan. Member, Associated Collegiate Press, United States Student Press Association. Office located on ground floor of Graves Hall. Telephone 392-5111, Extension 2301 and 2285. The opinions on this page are not necessarily those of the student body, faculty or administration of Hope College. Editor Bob Roos Associate editor Mary Houting Assistant editor Gary Gray Critiques editor Kay Hubbard Editorial assistant Ryan Mathews Sports editor Merlin Whiteman Business manager Ned Junor Advertising manager Chris Fenton Subscription manager . . . . Clarke Borgeson Layout Lynda Hutchings Diane Lanting


Cartoonist Columnists

Dan Dykstra Neal Freedman, Steve Wykstra

Reporters Clarke Borgeson, Marjorie DeKam, Dave DeKok,Candy urane, Molly Gates, Anita Hamre, Peter Orbeton, Roy Shuey, Tom Siderius, Bruce Smith Photographers Tom Siderius, Bob Lawhead

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May 8 , 1 9 7 2


Hope College anchor

anchor essay

Sen. George McGovern: pied piper of students Editor's note: The f o l l o w i n g essay, which attacks Democratic presidential candidate George McGovern, is w r i t t e n by sophomore political science major Peter Brown.

Two weeks ago, amidst an otherwise apathetic campus, came the first traces of the newest college fad, "McGovern for President." A few Hope students initiated this great campaign locally by seeking out volunteers and support for America's Saviour for 1972. IN SPEAKING to my fellow students, it seems as if McGovern is indeed winning the hearts, and therefore the minds, of students at colleges everywhere. As a student of political science, I was shocked that McGovem has such overwhelming support from the students when there are five prominent candidates from whom to choose. I began to seek the reasons why McGovern is so popular with the students and exactly where he stands on the important issues. INTERESTINGLY enough, McGovern stands dangerously apart from the other candidates on two issues: military spending and the Vietnam War. His unusual approach to these problems could very well be the reason for this new " f a d . " McGovern has proposed to cut military spending by an incredible $33 billion and to reduce troop strength from 2.4 million to 1.7 million. This represents a political position far more extremist and isolationist than any other candi-

date. If elected, McGovem may propel the United States into an isolationist period. McGOVERN'S reduction of troop strength in Europe would come at a time when the U.S.S.R. is increasing its military spending there. Repercussions of this Soviet build-up are already apparent as Great Britain begins to bolster her navy in fear of the Soviets. If McGovern reduces U.S. troop strength in Germany enough so that Germany is forced to arm, the balance of power is in severe danger. A German rearmament would surely bring considerable fear and consternation on the part of European leaders. FURTHERMORE, if other countries fear that the U.S. will not support them in a time of crisis, there may be severe friction leading to a breakdown in the balance of power. Many scoff at the "balance of power" concept, but it was the military superiority of the United States which enabled Kennedy to take a firm stand during the Cuban Missile Crisis. McGOVERN, though, is not the first isolationist. In fact, the last great isolationist. Senator Borah from Idaho, bears a striking resemblance to McGovern. Both opposed the draft; both opposed the war, but voted for it (Borah, World War I; McGovern, Gulf of Tonkin and the 1967 Supplementary Defense Appropriations Act); both support domestic progressivism, and both were from westem states. In short, McGovem seems to be the 1970's reincarnation of

Handlogten's methods boost college into black When Clarence Handlogten joined the Hope staff in 1966 he brought with him a radically different approach to organizing the college's financial management. With the help of these new methods the college has closed what had been a widening gap between expenditures and revenues and has begun operating at a surplus. AS TREASURER and business manager Handlogten introduced extensive budget and accounting controls which divided the college into about 100 separate budgetary departments. Allotments to various departments are now made after analyzing the effects of spending upon other budget areas and future years. At Handlogten's urging the college began stepped-up fund-raising efforts and instituted the new development office to administer the money-gamering campaign. He also worked to prepare long range forecasts to assist in year-toyear planning. UNDER THIS kind of management the college eradicated its debt, boosted its operating budget to $5.7 million, and managed, according to Handlogten, to "prove to people that we can live within our budget. This," he said, "is extremely important to our fund-raising program." When former President Calvin A. VanderWerf resigned in 197.0, Handlogten was named chairman of a group of five key administrators chosen to act in the chief executive capacity. He was named executive vice president last fall.

Borah. The latter proved the simple-mindedness of isolationism in the late 1930's when he voiced his opinion on Hitler's aggression. HE SAID, "I know it to be as much a fact as 1 will ever know anything . . . that Britain is behind Hitler." McGovern seems to be from the same reform-liberal isolationist class which has proved its simple-mindedness all too often. Regarding the Vietnam War, McGovern has promised that upon taking office he will end all American involvement within 90 days by withdrawing all U.S. forces. STRANGELY enough, on February 28, 1965, the New York Times reported McGovern as saying, "I want to make three things perfectly clear. First, I am against a U.S. withdrawal from South Vietnam until such a time as we can negotiate a settlement that is acceptable and provides some reasonable insurance for the safety of the people who have been fighting with us in South Vietnam. "Secondly, I think President Johnson has conducted the military effort in South Vietnam with great restraint and great responsibility. Third, 1 support the strafing ordered by President Johnson (of North Vietnamese targets above the 17th parallel) because 1 agree when our forces are at-

SEN. GEORGE MC GOVERN tacked and when our interests are under fire, we have to respond with an appropriate retaliation." IN LIGHT OF McGovern's policy switch, it is doubtful that he is the peace-loving and honest man he is thought to be, but is in reality just another politician, although a bit more naive. Looking back upon every extreme international stand - isolationism or extreme internationalism - has resulted in war. The three presidents in the century to hold as extremist a position as McGovem were all Democrats: Wilson, Roosevelt and Johnson. All three promised peace and har-


OF by Steve Wykstra

"I saw the best minds of my generation dulled, complacent, brooding, stoned out in the country, watching time on farmers' lands. . . "

I HAVE HEARD that the "student business" reached a real peak after World War II: G.I.'s back from that war to end all wars, eager and hard-working and a m b i t i o u s - I have heard first-hand, how just the drjve in their eyes intimidated even Dr. Dykstra, as he' stood in front of them to teach them Greek. Now, I would wager he would shave off his beard, if he thought it would prompt something akin to that which intimidated him in those days. Even the "counter-culture" had drive in those days. Ginsberg howls, "I saw the best minds of my generation destroyed by madness, starving, hysterical, naked / roaming the Negro streets at dawn looking for an angry fix." Those heads were on the road in passion; it might have been hell, but it had some s o u l - b e t t e r , some g u t s - i n it. Today, a "street people" might get up at noon and bum a joint, but like Neal says, it's a pretty complacent despair. BUT ENOUGH VICARIOUS nostalgia. What I want t o know is: Where do you get your bread for hollow men, Mr. Eliot? Back to being a student in these days, t h e n - a n d in a more straight-forward vein. IT-SEEMS TO SOME of us that at the bottom of our malaise is a new "subjectivism." There was a time when our cultural framework was a framework: it provided a sense of objective values, and these matched up with the inner yens of the individual. A m a n ' s - o r Student's-direction was, it seems, toward something "out there," toward goals-in-theworld. And the world-out-there, to many, had the kind of stability that promised that the goals could, with hard work, be attained. It was a happy combination quite congenial to drive, to motivation. BUT THE HAPPY combination got a divorce. We can guess some of the factors involved. Perhaps the




Being a student these days is becoming a pretty precarious business. If it were on the stock market, I doubt that it would be a safe investment.

AN ARTICLE this year in the Christian Science Monitor acclaimed the college's financial success, crediting Handlogten's business savvy for the bright financial outlook. Handlogten came to Hope from the Big Dutchman Company of Zeeland. Before that he served fof nine years with the Rose Patch and Label Company of Grand Rapids. Bom Jan. 3, 1930, Handlogten attended Grand Rapids Junior College and received his A.B. degree from Davenport College in Grand Rapids. He also holds a B.S. from Detroit College of Business. He presently resides in Grand Rapids with his wife and two children.


Christ's people

- N e a l Freedman


mony for the country, but each time the country was dragged into a war. WOODROW WILSON was elected in 1916 under the Democratic slogan, "He kept us out of war." On April 6, 1917, the United States became embroiled in World War I. The next extremist president. Franklin Roosevelt said, t o the American public in 1940, "I shall say it again, and again, and again: your boys are not going to be sent into any foreign wars." On December 8, 1941, one year later, the United States entered World War II. IN 1964 ANOTHER extroversionist Democrat, Lyndon Johnson, verbally rejected a wider war that would, according to Johnson, "result in our committing a good many American boys to fight a war that I think ought to be fought by the boys of Asia to protect their own land." Our newest extremist is McGovern, who promises drastic cuts in military spending and promises to get out of Vietnam within 90 days after his inauguration. In view of the actions of his historical counterparts, I can only conclude, that this is just another simple-minded extremist policy that could conceivably result in yet another war.



goals were too individualistic and too materialistic to begin with. On top of this, the "stability" of the world really wasn't: on every horizon new problems loomed, closing in on us in every direction, becoming less and less remote to whatever our selfinterests might have been. The world-out-there no longer seemed permeated with values; instead it seemed riddled with apocalyptic problems. And so we t u m e d inward, and no more sharply did this t u m evidence itself than in education. It was concealed by the cry for "relevance." Relevance, of course, can easily mean relevance to the problems "out there." But was this really what it did mean? Or was it really relevance t o my felt needs? Wasn't it, really, the search for some kind of inner compass to give us a direction, now that the external landmarks seemed to be crumbling? IF SUCH GENERAL images say anything at all to you, then this may also say something. Certainly a man, in our days, must find his way in a new way. The external landmarks are crumbling, and the nature of the extemal problems does not in itself yield a vision of the character of the solutions. And so the search for an inner compass is a vital one. But if the old "objectivism" is then no longer viable for us, perhaps we yet need to leara something from it. One cannot be an island of meaning in a. sea of absurdity, J. P. Sartre notwithstanding. And this might be what the failure of our search for just an inner compass indicates. A COMPASS NEEDS an extemal magnetic field in order to point out a direction. Our generation needs a neo-objectivism, if it is not t o give up watching its fluctuating inner compasses and resign itself to "watching time on farmers' lands." To recklessly mix one more metaphor in my melange of images: Lao-tze does have something to give, in his counsel to " r e t u m to the r o o t . " But a root needs fertile ground in which to germinate, and from which to receive its nourishment. And we need more than Lao-tze and his ineffable Tao, for that. Where do you get your bread for us hollow men, Mr. Eliot? And of course, Mr. Eliot came out of the Wasteland to Jesus Christ. They screamed that he copped out, another case of bad faith. But Mr. Eliot is only one beggar telling another beggar where he found bread.

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May 8 , 1 9 7 2

Hope College anchor


anchor review

Dropping Out in ^/4 Time: disenchantment today Editor's note: This week's anchor critique is w r i t t e n b y junior Don Larsen. He reviews Dropping Out in 3/4 Time, b y Allen Morgan (Random House, $3.95).

"1 had opened the door a n d z a p - t h e r e it had been, the Selective Service envelope looking at me, through me actually, as if it had a magic evil eye." SO THERE it begins, well not there actually, it just got written down from that point on. That was a day in October 1967. That letter, stamped and mailed by just an ordinary person, any person, made it all necessary almost. Even the book. "I FINALLY looked inside. 'Dear Sir,' it said, 'How would you like to haul ass down to our offices, boy, and take yourself a physical . . . zzzzzzzot!' " For not matriculating at the normal pace, Allen Morgan was pegged. He was a wanted man.

NOT MANY PEOPLE are jolted out of their complacent, comfortable lives by an invitation to join the action army. But, that's what this book's all about. Writing about a brief period in his own life, Allen Morgan succeeds in presenting "the real world" as it is seen in the eyes of a growing number of disenchanted young (particularly college) people. Far from laying down a systematic barrage directed at the foundations of our society or the machine age, Morgan gives us a slice of life as he (as a senior in college 1967) experienced it. THE IMPULSE of his style is natural and spontaneous. All those things we mumble to ourselves: observations, criticisms, grunts, etc. all come out and there it is, take it or leave it. Mostly, though, his ramblings are innocent, neither cynical nor defeatist, and generally incredibly funny. Basically, Morgan is frustrated by his circumstances and perhaps

Briton Prins to speak on Dutch art tonight "Modern Trends in Dutch A r t " will be the topic of a lecture to be presented by Eli Prins of England tonight at 8 p.m. in the art gallery of the DeWitt Cultural Center. The lecture, open to the public free of charge, is sponsored by the Netherlands Information Service in cooperation with the art department. Prins was b o m in the Netherlands and has lectured on art and the Dutch empire. Touring under the auspices of the Dutch government, the Ministry of Information, the Central Advisory Council

for Education in H.M. Forces, and for the Extra Mural Department of Bristol University, Prins has visited Germany, Malta, North Africa, the Netherlands, Belgium and the United States. Prins is the author of several Dutch children's operettas which were performed in Holland before and after the war. While in England during the war he assisted in the translation and publishing of Dutch underground poetry. He also has written many articles for Dutch papers, and Radio Nederland has broadcasted some of his contributions.




by himself (though he doesn't develop this). He is sick and tired of the regimented, stifling life style imposed upon him by forces which are beyond control and which defy change. MORGAN IS NOT compelled to justify his gripes and actions argumentatively. He felt bored and he knew it, so he dropped out . . . in 3/4 time. Most of the book will best be appreciated by s t u d e n t s - t h a t is, people who have found themselves in the same situations he describes and share his general outlook, biases, beliefs, etc. "I WENT UP to the third floor, and into the classroom. I was about fifteen minutes late, but that was all right because it was fashionable to be a little late, sort of like a cocktail party in that respect. Unless you didn't come at all, which" was very cool. Most of the class were being really cool this moming because there were only two other students and Arthur the teacher." He admits frankly what many of us shy away from. His comments about college reflect the feelings of many today. Describing his college experience he says, "The thing was, there wasn't much to do, except think about things which I wasn't particularly anxious to d o . " OBVIOUSLY he derived some of his material from visits to our own Kletz. Because I'll be damned if he didn't place us all exactly, all of us just sitting . . . " "And they talked and talked about nothing at all, about reports and acting assignments, sets to build, reading to do and on and on, and in the other corner some engineers were talking about a project they had to do and at another table some liberal arts types were discussing some paper they had to write, and we all sat


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7 there tearing paper cups and scaling paper plates and eating cheeseburgers and playing cards and staring off into space and being bored. "IT GOT ME to thinking that one of the primary functions of school and the army was to form you into a certain frame of mind, into a certain attitude. At the age of eighteen or nineteen there are few people who have any real firm hold on what they are or what they want to be. They only sort of play off what's around them. "For most guys all they get to play off is school and sports and then the army. By the time you get through all those things you're twenty-four and you say, all right, now I am free to choose the sort of person I want to be, but the thing is, what kind of choices do you have?" HAVING RECEIVED word of his physical, Morgan got down there at 6:30 p.m. (sharp), was poked, jabbed, bent and inspected ("There was even one guy who spent all day looking at people's assholes"), shuffled through agonizing lines and finally it was over with. Ten days later he got another letter from the S.S., informing him that he was I-A. "And there wasn't anything I could do about it. When you're my age you can't really disagree with the system effectively. You don't know anybody. You don't have any money to buy your way out, you don't have any reputation to bullshit your way out. "IN SHORT, there is no way legally or illegally that you can effectively say "Hey, I don't believe in this," and then back up that belief with actions. In most states you couldn't even go off and get drunk when you saw yourself getting screwed. You were too young. "Now you wonder why all of us young guys are doing peculiar

things! Well, the reason is that we are all in situations where there are really no choices that make any sense. In that kind of situation you become free to do all sorts of peculiar things, or drop out, or just go away." I-A. WHAT THE hell? So with armloads of salutations, 'recommendations, libations and duded up like a fine young man, he paid a call on his local board, courting favors. Well, it worked fine. He got his II-S back. Big deal. He would have to go in June after graduation anyway. "II-S was just a longer way of saying I-A." "What I suddenly realized was that I didn't want to find a way out of joining the Army, I wanted to find a way to get out of the Army I had already joined." " S O THAT'S HOW it was one day I was sitting in the student Union tearing up paper cups with the rest of them, and the next day I was going to Canada." Regardless of your feelings about dropping out, this book is worth reading if you wish to understand how an increasing number of students feel today. You could probably hear much the same story from many students, but with slightly different embellishment. THE PERSONS who would most benefit from this type of book are unfortunately least likely to read it. For those who could write their own adventures, it makes riotous reading nevertheless. And so things go on. "The card players were dealing and the engineers were scaling paper plates and a liberal arts type was sitting in the corner of the balcony tearing up a paper cup piece by piece by piece by piece . . . "

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Editor's note: This week WTAS music director Bud Thompson reviews "Graham Nash/David Crosb y , " released on Atlantic Records. A lot of people are getting away with murder in the music world. Some are murdering the music world itself, some just their own music, some themselves. ONE REASON WHY they're getting away with it is because they have the name. Lennon did it. McCartney's doing it. Paul Simon's doing it. After listening to so many superstars make such superbad music, one wants to scream "When will it e n d ? " The answer is now. Crosby, Stills, Nash and Young were a supergroup because the members had the qualifications to be supergroups by themselves. They got together to make music the world would never forget. Then they split up to carry on making the music. Now David Crosby and Graham Nash have come together to create more of the same. CROSBY AND NASH are different musicians. David Crosby writes songs that seem to have no definable melody. He creates haunting airs with poetry for lyrics. Add t o this his ability with a guitar and his fine vocal performances and there's no getting away.

In one cut called "Where Will 1 Be?" Crosby's vocal is dubbed over six times. The result is a choir that can make any church group stop and take note. Nash writes simple songs. Most have an identical beat and a very distinct melody style with a touch of harmonica. And it works. Nash states his message and doesn't play games with his listeners. So they listen. TOGETHER THEY weave a performance that's smooth as silk. Just the t w o of them singing together sound like a roomful of people in perfect harmony. It becomes clear that the base of the C, S, N & Y sound was with these men. On this album they have the chance to re-construct that sound together in songs like "Southbound Train," "Girl T o Be On My Mind" and "Immigration Man." "Whole C l o t h , " "Where Will I Be?", "Page 43," "Games," and " T h e Wall Song" are clearly Crosby. "Blacknotes," "Strangers R o o m , " and "Frozen Smiles" can be the products of no one but Nash. And all of it nothing but good. So while the rest are o u t l e t ting away with murder, D Crosby and Graham Nash are ting away with music. Nice.

May 8, 1972


Hope College anchor


May Week festivities c l i m a x e d last F r i d a y in t h e P i n e ( » r o v e w i t h t h e c r o w n i n g ot j u n i o r Pal D e K a m as M a y Q u e e n , t h e a n n o u n c e m e n t ot" t h e I n d i e s ' s o f t b a l ! t r i u m p h , the a w a r d i n g of the ( i r e e k acad e m i c t r o p h i e s a n d the t a p p i n g of I1-) n e w M o r t a r b o a r d m e m b e r s . M I S S D e K A M was c r o w n e d b y last y e a r ' s q u e e n D a w n V o l l i n k . The 1 ^ 7 2 Q u e e n ' s C o u r t was also p r e s e n t e d . T h e y are J e a n K l o o s ter, Jackie Stegeman, Linda Warnet, l.ynne Walchenbach, Linda Z e r b e , a n d Sue Sinclair. T h e girls w e r e e s c o r t e d b y t h e i r fathers. M i s t r e s s of c e r e m o n i e s N a n M a n g u n led t h e Daisy C h a i n p r o c e s s i o n , w h i c h was f o r m e d b y f e m a l e m e m b e r s of t h e f r e s h m a n class. KARLA HOESCH, president of P a n - H e l l , a w a r d e d t h e s o f t b a l l trophy to the Independent team for their victory over Alpha Phi e a r l i e r in t h e a f t e r n o o n . Miss H o e s c h a l s o p r e s e n t e d t h e sorority scholastic trophy. This semester's c o m p e t i t i o n was close as t h r e e s o r o r i t i e s w e r e o n l y a f e w h u n d r e d t h s of a p o i n t a p a r t . T h i r d place w e n t to Sigma Sigma with a C P A of 3 . 0 6 4 . S I G M A I O T A Beta r e c e i v e d second with a 3.081 and the

t r o p h y f o r first p l a c e w a s a w a r d e d t o D e l t a Phi f o r t h e i r 3 . 1 6 6 G P A . T o m S t i n t , p r e s i d e n t of I F C , awarded the fraternity scholastic t r o p h y . Third place went to the Praters f o r their 2 . 7 6 8 G P A . T h e Fmersonians took second with a 2 . 9 2 4 G P A . c o m i n g close t o the Arkies' winning 2.995. THE FRATERNITY track m e e t , h e l d at V a n R a a l t e F i e l d e a r l i e r in t h e a f t e r n o o n , e n d e d in a tie f o r first b e t w e e n t h e I n d e p e n d e n t s and the Arkies. A l s o i n c l u d e d in F r i d a y ' s f e s t i vities w a s t h e M o r t a r b o a r d t a p ping ceremony. The women's honor society tapped nineteen junior w o m e n , selected on the b a s i s of s c h o l a r s h i p , l e a d e r s h i p , and service. T h e new m e m b e r s were presented by president Linda Wyff a n d e s c o r t e d by 1971 Mortarboard members.


NEW M E M B E R ? are Tamara Cooke. Mary Dykema, Eunice Koster, D e e D e e S t e w a r t , Molly Gates, Vicki Ten Haken, Marianne Meyers, Bettina Brown, Mary Fleming, Gretta Hauth, Chris Lakanen, Carol Hector, Karla Hoesch, Anne Deckard. Debbie Smith, Rosalyn G o - ' e m a n , Jan Slot. Pat VanWyk, and Gail Werka.




t .



May 8 . 1 9 7 2

H o p e College anchor



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May 8 , 1 9 7 2


Hope College inchor

George Wallace: segregationist turned populist Editor's note: College Press Service reporter Don Catterson sounds o u t Alabama Governor George Wallace on a broad range of political issues in the f o l l o w i n g interview, conducted during the campaign for the recent Indiana primary, where Wallace received 42 percent of the vote.

CPS: You are considered a populist candidate by many. Could you give your definition of populism? Wallace: I've been told that I sound populist. I don't exactly know what they mean by the term myself. If it means a movement of the people then I subscribe to it. You'll have to draw your own definition of what you mean by populist but 1 think it is a movement that pays some attention to the great mass of citizens of our country. CPS: Governor, in 1963 you made the statement "Segregation now, tomorrow, f o r e v e r . . . " Wallace: That was in the context of the times and that had been allowed by law. I don't have any apologies to make on any statement I made at any time that supports a system that had been approved by the courts and by the people and by the Supreme Court of the United States. That system is gone now and we have non-discrimination, as it's called, and it's been accepted and we've accepted freedom of choice. Let the people go to the school of their choice. They broke that down with arbitrary rulings of closing schools, busing students, and setting quotas and percentages which we slightly object to. We believe in equal opportunities for all children, and I never have believed opposite to that and never did consider any school system OKed by the courts the antithesis of that. But when the courts came in and changed what they had OKed as being law, there was more resentment by the people of a great number of states at the type of systems referred to. The government takeover's end result is that we now have nondescrimination in the school system, but we do object to the government now coming along and setting percentages and quotas and busing children, and the great mass of people object to that too. CPS: You said in Philadelphia recently that forced segregation was wrong just as forced integration was wrong. Nearly seven years after the Supreme Court decided segregation was against the law you stood in the schoolhouse door of the University of Alabama . . . Wallace: We were testing the admission policies and we were raising a constitutional question. That decision in 1954 was the law of the case and not the law of the land, and we were trying to raise the question, a constitutional question, with the governor involved, really who can run the school system. That school system eventually was going to allow people - all citizens - in it anyway, but they did object very vigorously to the government's take-over of the public schools. CPS: Could you consider that same question from a non-legal viewpoint, from a moral viewpoint? Should segregation exist as a moral issue? Wallace: Moral matters emanate f r o m the heart - and nothing is immoral in this respect, if the person that feels what he has done and the system he has provided is

then, as it was in those days, in the best interests of everybody. So that's not a question any longer - that's over. There is more integration now in the school system in the south than there is in Chicago. CPS: What is your opinion of President Nixon's trip to China? Wallace: I thought the trip was ill-advised in view of the fact that they were still killing American servicemen in Southeast Asia and exporting heroin, and the trip was made without prior consultation for any length of time with our allies in the Far East.

I thought it was a mistake, but since he went, I hope it is successful. I hope it does just what he says he thinks it will do: that it will be a step in the direction of world peace. I doubt it. I think t h e best way to guarantee world peace at the present time is to be strong militarily. I object to the necessity - I mean I'm sorry f o r the necessity, rather, that we have to spend so much money on the military. But in World War II when we defeated the Nazis and the Germans there weren't any objections raised by anybody to a strong military. But if we had had a strong military in the beginning there might not have been any war. Everybody was for the military then, but now we find a great group, when our enemies are not the Nazis and the Fascists but the Communists, that wants to unilaterally disarm, which I think is a big threat t o world peace. CPS: Do you feel we should have conscription during peacetime? Do >you think we should have the draft? Wallace: I would hope it could be volunteer but I would be for limited conscription if that's the only way to have our national security assured. But I'd rather have a volunteer army. I served in the Armed Forces and I would like it to be by choice, but if our national security depended on the draft I suppose 1 would be for it. CPS: How would you propose to end the war inVietnam? Wallace: Well, there's no way to end the war, it doesn't look like, in Vietnam. It should have been ended years ago, with conventional weapons. It would have been far more merciful to have done it then with far less lives lost on both sides. In the first place we shouldn't have been involved in a land war in Asia. If the national interest required t h e use of air power, well, all right, but once we got involved in a land war in Asia we should have won it with conventional weapons, and if we had determined we couldn't win it years ago we should have gotten out then.

Music frat to sponsor Miss Wichers contest Balloting in the first annual Miss Wichers contest begins today, Phi Mu Alpha Sinfonia music society spokesmen have announced. Under the rules of the contest, students may cast a vote for any coed involved in a performing musical group on campus or presently taking private lessons on an

instrument. Votes cost five cents each and proceeds will go into the Phi Mu Alpha treasury. Fraternity members will accept votes daily in the lobby of the music building and nightly in the music library. Miss Wichers will be crowned Friday afternoon with a reception following.

I do feel regarding the offensive now in Vietnam that we should take whatever action is necessary with conventional firepower to protect the remaining American servicemen who are there so they can safely withdraw. I want us to continue our withdrawal but I don't want us to conclude the matter without successfully negotiating - I want the prisoners of war and MIA's successfully negotiated back. CPS: Do you agree with President Nixon's policy of withdrawing troops while continuing the bombing? Wallace: 1 would have hoped they could have been withdrawn quicker but 1 hope that any President, Humphrey or Nixon, either one, would be successful in their withdrawal program, but it looks like they (NLF-N. Vietnamese) are trying to keep us from withdrawing, trying to trap the remaining American servicemen over there. If they overrun the South Vietnamese, which is difficult for them not to let happen because they are fighting a defensive war in their own land and they've never been allowed to be on the offensive, and that's hard to do, then you've got the danger of the American remaining troops being annihilated. CPS: Is that your Dunkirk principle? Wallace: Yes, that's right. That's a real danger. They've been doing the peace talks now for four years and I was confidentially briefed by the President - Mr. Nixon, Mr. Humphrey and myself were - in 1968, by telephone, a conference call hook-up before there was any news of it. The North Vietnamese allegedly were supposed to respect the DMZ and not shell the cities and not shoot at our reconnaissance planes if we stopped the

CPS: If you were President how would you regain full employment in this country? How would you bring the economy back to full production? Wallace: I think the first way is to give general tax relief to the mass of the citizenry and plug up tax loop-holes. Shortly stated, I think this would boost the morale of every businessman, working man and farmer in the country and I think it would increase production which would help cut inflation - many economists say this. I believe this would create more consumer spending which, in turn, would create a demand for employment and I believe that this morale boost, which would increase production in this country, would aid us in the matter of balance of trade deficits. That's a bombing. They've violated every- first start. In those areas that have high one of those alleged agreements and we've killed more people chronic unemployment I would since the talks started than before use some of the foreign aid money that is unallocated for public the talks began. CPS: What is your position on work projects in those particular areas. marijuana legalization? CPS: If you don't receive the Wallace: In Alabama we got Democratic Party's nomination in the legislature to lower the penalties for possession of marijuana Miami what do you hope to and the mere use of it, though not achieve by the successes of your for pushers. We reduced it to a campaign? Wallace: We've already misdemeanor. I thought the punishment was too severe and we got achieved one thing - all of the candidates on eight out of ten it changed. But I am not for the legaliza- issues are saying what I've been tion of marijuana. We've got saying since '68 and even before enough drunks with alcohol, then but I feel I'm going to get much less legalizing marijuana. good treatment in Miami because they can't win the election withI'm just not for that. Although alcohol is legal and out the folks that support us will be legal 1 think we ought to support me. CPS: At your luncheon earlier have a policy of discouragement of its use. 1 think it's a big today, William Chaney, the Grand Dragon of the Indiana Ku Klux national problem. CPS: How do you feel about Klan called you "his kind of legalizing abortion? man. . . ." Wallace: I'm not for legalized Wallace: Well, I can't comment abortion. Just when the health of on everybody who says they supthe mother is involved. But just port me. You know how I stand. legalized abortion, you know, I've never been a supporter of that ^ c o m ^ a n ^ g e M t ^ n ^ U ^ ^ u l w ^ group. niSSsPl Hal: HRKimA



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May 8 , 1 9 7 2

Hope College anchor

MIAA makes switch

Grants available

Spring sports rescheduled continued from page 1 BREWER SEES merit in moving golf to the fall, a move he had previously supported. Golfers would be at peak form in the fall, and there would be less inclement weather. Tennis would also benefit for the same reasons. The final product of Thursday's meeting was reported in a press release which stated, ' T h e Governing Board has appointed a committee from within its membership to implement the directive. At the same time, the Governing Board has requested a meeting in the near future with the presidents to discuss problems relating to immediate implementation of the changes." SEVERAL obvious problems could be caused by the proposed shift. There is the problem of a coaching staff. Coaches Ray Smith and James Bultman, who form part of the football staff in the fall, are also golf and baseball coaches. Dr. Lawrence Green, tennis coach, has a full time job as trainer for the football and other fall teams. Brewer said the coaching staff had not as yet discussed the problem as a group, but he did feel things could be worked out by the fall of 1973. SCHEDULING would be a problem, since there are no other conferences or schools in Michigan presently on such a system. If played in the fall, those sports might have strictly league schedules. Participation by individuals in post-season tournaments might be impaired. Recruitment would also be affected by the switch. Commissioner Deal alluded to this in a recent interview: "Kids are the lifeblood of the MIAA schools. We need every inducement." HEAD FOOTBALL coach Ray Smith, who feels the change will probably be gradual, felt it could affect recruitment at Hope. "One

of the things we stress is that a boy can play several sports at Hope. This move would increase the number of specialty men. It is silly for a school our size to have specialist athletes in any great numbers," he said. Regarding the athletes themselves, if the plan were totally implemented next fall, ten Hope athletes would have to choose between football and tennis, golf, or baseball. TWO OTHER problems were brought up by Brewer which would be particularly severe for Hope: transportation and locker space. Hope's bus fleet is presently overtaxed, and would find it nearly impossible to move six teams at once. As to locker space, Carnegie gym basement is already bulging at the seams in the fall.

Financial considerations went into the presidents' decision. However, this reason seems ridiculous since anticipated savings in cost will be absorbed by new additions to coaching staffs and transportation costs, especially if outside competition cannot be found in Michigan.


for overseas

study during

The Institute of International Education has announced the opening of the 1973-74 competition for grants for graduate study and research abroad. THE GRANTS, whose purpose is to increase understanding between the people of the U.S. and other countries, are provided under the terms of the Mutual Education and Cultural Exchange Act of 1961 and by foreign governments, universities and private donors. Approximately 550 awards to 37 countries are available for '73-74. Applicants must at the time of application be U.S. citizens who will hold a bachelor's degree or its equivalent before the beginning date of the grant and, in most cases, be proficient in the language of the host country. Except for certain specific awards, candidates may not hold a Ph.D. at the time of application. SELECTION is based on the academic record of the applicant, the validity and feasibility of his proposed study plan, his language preparation and personal qualifications. Preference is given to candidates between 20 and 35 years old who have not had prior opportunity for extended study or residence abroad. Application forms and information may be obtained from Professor of History Dr. Paul Fried, Hope's Fulbright program


adviser. The deadline for filing applications at Hope is September 18.

Juniors who are considering applying for the program are advised to discuss their plans with an adviser before vacation, an institute newsletter said.

Vickers named art consultant for U.S. agency Robert Vickers, chairman of the art department, is serving as an art consultant for the General Services Administration of the federal government. During the 1930's and early 1940's the federal government through the W.P.A. (Works Projects Administration) commissioned numerous works of art for government owned buildings throughout the United States. An examination and condition report of these art works currently is being conducted for the General Services Administration by consultants such as Vickers. Complete sets of the Fine Arts Inventory will be deposited in the National Archives, the National Collection of Fine Arts, the Smithsonian Institution and the Central Office.

A young visitor peers into a microscope in the pre-med lab during the Science Day sponsored by the chemistry, biology and physics departments on Friday. There were several displays, including one of Holland marsh areas on the fourth floor of the science building, and a demonstration-slide presentation to capture the imaginations of future scientists.

Something For Everyone Pholo by U«nktn/S«llit'

Get to know the two of you before you become the three of you. Get to know what you both really like. What you both really want out of li f e. Get to enjoy your freedom t o g e t h e ; until you both decide you want to let go of a little \ it of it. But make it your choice. Research statistics show t h a t 'nore than half of all the pregnancies each year a r e accidental. Too many of them, to couples who thought they knew all about family planning methods. Get to know how the two of you don't have to become the three of you. Or the f o u r of you. O r . . .



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Children by choice. Not chance. For f u r t h e r i n f o r m a t i o n , w r i t e P l a n n e d P a r e n t h o o d , Box 431, Radio C i t y S t a t i o n , N e w York, N.Y. 10019. P l i n n e d P a r e•enthood n t h o o d is a n a t i o n a l , n o n - p r o f i t o r g a n i z a t i o n dedicated to p r o v i d i n g i n f o r m a t i o n and effective m e a n s of f a m i l y p l a n n i n g to all who w a n t and need it. a d v e r t i s i n g c o n t r i b u t e d f o r the public good





Hope College anchor

Mty 8,1972


May 16 primary examined $
















Gil more








Kollen second floor



Kollen third floor



Women's cottages



Men's cottages





















Kollen first floor







$ 24,329.00










$ 82.471.00

Build Hope drive nears overall goal of $100,000 With the Build Hope College Family fund-raising drive now three weeks old, more than $82,000 has been raised toward the overall goal of $100,000. All three divisions have either exceeded or are well on the way to reaching their goals. So far two-thirds of the faculty have pledged contributions, and $38,000 of the $40,000 target amount has been solicited. The administrative staff has gleaned more than $19,000, far above their $10,000 target. The student drive has netted $24,000 of the $50,000 goal set for it, with pledges in from 419 students. However, despite the obvious financial success of the effort, Build Hope leaders are concerned that participation among students is not broad enough. "When we talk in terms of participation, we're not where we would like to be," said Build Hope director William DeMeester.

"To go and say we got so many thousand dollars isn't as impressive as saying we got all the students to participate." He went on to attribute the relatively low number of students who have pledged contributions so far to inadequate solicitation rather than to student reluctance to contribute.

Philly semester applications due by next Monday Students interested in the Philadelphia Urban Semester must have their applications in by May 15, Assistant Professor of Sociology and Philadelphia faculty liaison James Snook has announced. Applications should be tumed in to Snook's office in the basement of Graves Hall.




June 3 , 4 , ?, 1972

Editor's note: The following special report is an effort to explain how voting in Michigan's May 16 presidential primary will affect each candidate's delegate strength. As Michigan's May 16th primary nears, much confusion is apparent. The primary system which was literally thrown together in January by the state legislature is now beginning to show the effects of hurried legislation. THE PROBLEM is particularly acute for the Democrats, who have several candidates in competition. Therefore I will examine in detail the Democratic primary. The lowest level of the primary system is the precinct. At the precinct level there is one delegate alloted for each 600 votes that were cast in the last election for the Democratic secretary of state. Basically this means that in a precinct where 3000 votes were cast for the Democratic secretary of state, five precinct delegates will be chosen. THE TOP HALF of the baUot will list the names of the presidential candidates. A voter will be able to choose any candidate regardless of his party. This open primary system will enable Republicans to vote for a Democrat, and vice versa. The bottom half of the ballot will list the names of the precinct delegate candidates and the presidential nominee, if any, to which each is committed. Voters will be instructed to choose a specified number of precinct delegates. AFTER THE primary, the precinct delegates in each county will hold a county convention, where delegates will be chosen to attend the state convention. Representatives for each candidate will be sent to the state convention, theoretically in proportion to the popular vote received by the presidential candidate within the county.

IN AN INTERVIEW with the For example, if Wallace reanchor, Democratic State Comceived 50 percent of the vote in Ottawa County, he would be en- mittee Chairman John McNeely titled to 50 percent of the dele- termed the whole concept of progates chosen for the state conven- portional representation a "mere tion from the county. Every can- technicality" which will probably didate who receives more than be far removed from reality. According to McNeely, if the five percent of the vote in a district caucus or the state concounty is entitled to representavention decided to instruct deletion from that county. FINALLY, THE county dele- gates pledged to McGovem to gates will meet at the state con- represent Wallace, it would be vention June 10. At some time perfectly legal. The law stipulates during the convention there will that if a delegate is selected to be congressional district caucuses represent a particular candidate, whose purpose will be to choose all that the delegate must do is delegates to the national conven- vote for the candidate on the first tion in Miami. The delegates to be two ballots at the convention. SINCE THE Michigan Democratic party is anti-Wallace, it is apparent that many of the delegates sent to represent Wallace will actually be anti-Wallace. The delegate must only vote for Wallace; he need not verbally support him or vote for him after the chosen from each of Michigan's second ballot. Another problem for the fourteen congressional districts to the National Convention are sup- Democrats was the still uncertain posed to reflect the presidential status of Maine Senator Edmund preference of the voters in the Muskie's delegates. Though Musdistrict. kie had dropped out of the race, Once again, this would mean he was still on Michigan's preferthat if Humphrey received 50 ential ballot. Michigan Attorney percent of the vote in the 6th General Frank Kelly has decided, congressional district, he would be however, that Muskie's name will entitled to 50 percent of the be removed from the ballot. Deledelegates from the district to the gates formerly pledged to him will now be uncommitted. National Convention. THE TOTAL NUMBER of delTHE DEMOCRATS conseegates sent directly from the dis- quently are going to have many trict caucus to the National Con- structural problems in next week's vention will include at least three- Democratic primary. While the fourths of Michigan's 132 seats. entire procedure is basically the The remaining delegates selected same for the Republicans, they to attend the convention in Miami have no viable opponent to Presiwill be chosen at large by the dent Nixon, and therefore do not have to worry about structural entire state convention. Theoretically, each presidential problems. After the primary is over, the candidate will claim delegates in proportion to the percentage of legislatures will have four more votes that he received in the pre- years to devise a better system for ferential primary, provided he re- the next primary. Meanwhile, ceived at least 5 percent of the next week's primary should prove both confusing and interesting. vote.


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Hope College anchor


May 8 , 1 9 7 2

Trackmen clobber three teams; remain unbeaten by Merlin Whiteman The Flying Dutchman cindermen raced past three league opponents in the past week to raise their conference record to 5-0. They take their unblemished record into the MIAA Field Days at Calvin this Saturday. ON APRIL 29, the Dutch squeaked by the Alma Scots 75-70, breaking a Scot win streak that stretched back over two years. Greg Daniels and Cliff Haverdink paced Hope with two wins apiece. Daniels won his specialties the one mile and two mile runs and took a second in the 880, an event he is not exactly foreign to. His winning times in the mile and two-mile were 4:23 and 9:42.6 respectively. THE HAMILTON Flash, Haverdink, edged out teammate Chris Gouyd at the tape in the 220, although both were timed in 22.5. He also claimed the 440, coming home in 49.6. Hope athletes were victorious in six other events. Freshman John Cavallo picked up one of Hope's three first places in field events. He cast the javelin 159' 11". Tom Staaf flung the discus a winning 122' 11", while junior Chet Fvers won the long jump, leaping 21' 9". OTHER DUTCH wins were in the 440 relay, 100 yard dash and 120 high hurdles. The relay team, composed of Hud Wilson, Gouyd, Haverdink and Evers, ran 43.5. Gouyd ran 10.25 in the century, while sophomore Rich Schaap kicked out a 15.6 in the high hurdles. This past Wednesday Hope defeated the Olivet Comets 100-45. The Dutch took 11 firsts, 10 seconds and 10 thirds to chalk up a sizeable lead. IN THIS MEET Hope had three double winners in the persons of Haverdink, Evers and Daniels. It is interesting to note that Hope swept five events. Daniels again swept the long distance running, winning the mile run in 4:33.9 and the two mile run in the time of 9:28.5. Haverdink claimed wins in the 100 and 220 yard dashes. He ran the first in 10.0, and the second in 22.5. EVERS LEAPED 21' 31/2" in the long jump, and 42' 51/4" in the triple jump to lead the way in the field events. Other field event winners were Staal in the discus (122') and McFarlin in the high jump (5' 11"). Carleton Golder took the 440 in 51.3, while Glenn Powers claimed the 880 in a time of 2:02.5. Hope also took both relay

races, winning the 440 team event in 43.5, and the mile in 3:30.1. SATURDAY, on a cold, overcast day, the Dutch turned back the visiting Bulldogs from Adrian 93-52. Once again, Haverdink, Evers and Daniels were double winners, each winning their specialties. Daniels turned the trick in the mile and the two mile run. He ran the mile in 4:31 and the two mile in 9:23.4, less than a second off the school record which he holds. SENIOR HAVERDINK copped the two dash events. He was clocked in the 100 yard dash in 9.8 and 22.2 in the 220. Cliff holds three school records and is on a record relay team. Evers, a junior from South Holland, Illinois, took both the long j u m p and the triple jump. He soared 22' W in the long jump, and 43' in the latter. HOPE HAD A fourth double winner in Schaap who took both hurdles events. He covered the 120 high hurdles in the time of

15.3 and the 440 intermediates in 56.1. Carleton Golder won the 440 run in 50.7. He was also a member of the winning mile relay team that included Evers, Haverdink and Schaap. The relay team coasted to a 3:30.1 timing. POWERS TURNED in the winning time in the 880 run, just missing a sub-two minute half. Hope could only win one other field event, and that was the pole vault. In that event, Craig Bleckley beat freshman Jeff Pett by way of fewer misses at 13 feet. The 440 relay team of Wilson, Evers, Haverdink and Gouyd took the one other relay in the time of 43.7. Wednesday the track squad travels to Spring Arbor to participate in a triangular meet along with Grand Rapids JC. Friday and Saturday is the big meet of the year. Hope has to be considered one of the favorites in the 81st renewal of the MIAA championship track meet.

Hope vaulter clears bar in Saturday's meet against Adrian. Hope outpaced the Bulldogs 93-52.

Cosmos disqualified

Arkies, Indies share May Day honors The annual May Day track meet is rapidly developing into one of the most exciting athletic events on campus, if not the most exciting. For the third straight year, the final event of the day determined the outcome of the meet -

WHEN ALL WAS said and done, the Arkies and the Independent team had tied with 43 points apiece, shariitg first place, The Fraters were a close second, scoring 41 total points. The last event of the meet was the high jump. The Fraters

Poised in space, Frater Paul Ferman leaps the long jump in last Friday's May Day fraternity track competition.

Stand 3-7

Dutch drop double headers The diamond crew of Coach Bultman lost both games of two league double headers this past week, lowering their league record to 3-7. Besides losing four games, they lost Bob Cooper indefinitely because of a severely split finger which he received in the game against Olivet. THE FLYING Dutchmen saw four home runs go over the fence in their dual loss to Olivet. That makes a total of 20 gopher balls thrown by the Dutch pitchingstaff this year. Hope's lone run of the first game came on a single off the bat of Brad Lyons. First baseman Lyons went three for four in the opening game. THE COMETS scored their six runs on a pair of three run innings in the second and sixth. Hope outhit the visitors 7-6 in the first game, but were strikeout victims eight times at the hands of Bill Dunn. In the nightcap, starting pitcher Tim Fritz got into an early hole from which he could not escape. Olivet scored three runs in the bottom of the first when they hit back to back home runs. IN THE TOP of the first, senior third sacker Jim Lamer had slugged a solo blast to give Hope an


early lead, just as in the first game. Sophomore Kurt Avery tied the game up in the fourth when his single knocked in two runs. Avery went two for three in the first start of his varsity career. THE GAME winning blow came in the bottom of the seventh. After a shaky start, Fritz settled down, allowing only four baserunners in the next five innings. However, a lead-off home run by Gary Landmaninin in the bottom of the seventh gave Olivet a 4-3 win and a sweep of the doubleheader. Saturday Hope dropped two more games, this time to host team Adrian. The 2-1 and 3-1 losses extended the Dutch's losing streak t o five. THE FIRST GAME was a heartbreaker. Hope scored first when Tom Jeltes walked, stole second and was knocked in by a Bob Lamer single. Adrian came back in the bottom of that inning to score one of their own on a walk and two singles. The winning run came in the bottom of the seventh. After reaching second on a sacrifice fly, the Adrian runner scored on a wicked, bad-hop single over the shortstop's head.

PITCHER Don Remo pitched a great game for Hope, but didn't get enough offensive support. Remo struck out six, walked but one and scattered six hits. Adrian outhit the Dutch 7-3. The second game saw the visiting Dutch outhit the Bulldogs 8-6, but still lose. Hope scored the game's first run in the second. Kurt Pugh ran for catcher Steve Westra who had singled, and scored on a Marty Snoap single to right field. THE BULLDOGS scored the winning runs in the fourth when they plated two runs on two walks and two singles. An insurance run in the sixth developed out of a single and a triple. The Dutch mounted a rally in the sixth when Lyons singled and Westra doubled. With men on second Gary Constant bc^unu and dnu third, uuru, oary ^onsiaiu hit a fly ball to right field. Lyonss hi, . (1, M to right field. Lyo„ was thrown out at the plate on an excellent throw, aborting the rally. The baseball team has only one engagement this week. That en counter involves an ecumenical game against Aquinas College at the Tommies' field on Wednesday at 1 p.m.

seemed certain of winning, and thus placing second with 42 points, while the Indies would take second in the event and finish third. Such was not the story. Don Larsen, who has never jumped competitively outside of May Day and who was a wrestler in high school, leaped 6' 1" to win the high jump for the second straight year, and gave the Indies a one inch margin over the Frater high jump team. The Indies' team totaled 1 7 ' 1 " . It seemed the Arkies had won, with the Indies second and the Fraters third. However, after the meet was over, the Cosmo shotput team was disqualified for using an ineligible participant. The Indies picked up one point in this event, and for the second straight year tied the Arkies for May Day. THE FIRST event completed was the shot put. Ted Albrecht, Dave Gosselar and Pete Semeyn combined forces for a total of 114' 9". The individual high was turned in by Arkie Steve DeYoung who put the shot 42' 5". The long j u m p was won by the Arkies, who had two men jump over 19 feet, and one leap 20 feet. Mike Zylstra, Bill Wolters and Doug Smith totaled 58' 8 5 / 8 " to head a field that had ten men jump over 18 feet. Smith covered 20' 1/8", but was edged out for individual honors by fellow football player Ed Sanders of the Indies, who went 20' 1/4". THE FIRST running event of the day was copped by the Fraters. Mark Bolthouse, Dave Harmelink, Rich Zweering and Randy Zomermaand ran the high hurdles race in 1:12.5. The Fraters also won the next event. In the medley relay the team of Bolthouse, Lee Curry, Jim Goldman and Jim Bosscher ran 2:44.2 to edge out the Arkies by .3 second.

The third race turned out to be very important. The Indies took second, but were subsequently disqualified for dropping their baton into a different lane. This, plus the loss of their premier runner, cost them the meet. IN THIS RACE, the team of John Wyns, Jim Courter, Ric Vanderlind and Smith led the Arkies to the 440 relay title in the time of 46.9. Next was the mile relay which was won by the Cosmos, who were later disqualified for using ineligible runners. First place was awarded to the Indies' team of Willie Cunningham, Bob Clapthor, Bruce Houtman and Mike Evans. They ran the mile distance in 3:51.8. THE LOW HURDLES race would have been much faster had the Arkies not drawn the slow heat. The Indies team of John Wealton, Rudy Howard, Blain Baker and Bruce King tumed in a quick time of 59.4, edging out the Arkies by .6 second. The sprint medley race was won by the Arkies who tumed in a time of 1:44. Wyns, Courter, Vanderlind and Smith composed this team. THE LONG distance medley team of Indies won that event in a time of 6:17.1, beating their nearest competitor by over 12 seconds. Klapthor, Tom O'Brien, Allen Smith and Mike Wolf made up the team. The last running event of the day was the 880 relay. It proved to be the closest race of the day, as the Indies edged out the Arkies by one second in the time of 1:37.7. Evans, King, Baker and Houtman streaked to victory. The last event to be completed was the high jump. In addition to Larsen, King and Cunningham also jumped for the Indies.

Netmen slam Olivet 8-1; now 3-1 in MIAA action The tennis team demolished visiting Olivet 8-1 Wednesday afternoon, eaming them a 3-1 record overall in MIAA competition. Sineles victories went to Crai^ Schrotenboer who deflated ^ opponent 6^), 6-0. Chuck LuyenHvk wnn ^-4 k v KRKi r t Qmith a i ^ . ' " ' * A ^ ' t S i g l S S Z J f t & J S a 6-3, 6-2. In doubles action SmithWhitlock beat their Comet com petitor 6-1, 6-1, while Jim Hickman and John Sinclair won their match in three sets, 6-1, 4-6, and 6-0.

Saturday Hope destroyed Adrian at their courts 9-0. In singles

play, Schrotenboer, Luyendyk, Smith, Whitlock, Koeppe and Carlson claimed victories over their Bulldog opponents. The doubles teams oe Lu en y



d k, SmithHick man-Koe ppe t o o k h o m e wins - Match scores for both singles and doubles were — tenb r- y Wut'ock and

Friday and Saturday, the netmen participate in the 80th yearending MIAA tennis meet, an event that Kalamazoo has dominated. The last time Kazoo failed to win all the marbles was 1936. A tie with Hope in 1962 is the only smudge on their incredible record.

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