
Page 1





Hope College — Holland, Michigan

Fine Arts Festival To Be May 19-20 Hope's Campus will be the scene of the Fine Arts Festival the week-end of May 19-20. the talent of their fellow classthe talent oftheir fellow classmates, in a variety of programs planned for the festival to be held in the Music Auditorium at 7:30 p.m. Programs for the two evenings are as follows: Two one act plays, "The Tiny Closet," a comedy will be under the direction of Tom Costing, and

May 7

Faculty Will Give Concert The Music Department will present a combined recital by the Faculty String Quartet and the Faculty Woodwind Quintet on Sunday, May 7, at 4:00 p.m. in the Music Building Auditorium. The String Quartet will open the program with the Quartet in C Major, by the classical Italian composer Luigi Boccherini. The Quintet will then perform the Kleine Kammermusik, Op. 24, No. 2, by the contemporary German composer, Paul Hindemith. The program will be concluded with String Quartet in Eb, by Franz Schubert. Members of the Quartet are: Morrette Rider, Wanda Nigh Rider, violins; Charles King, viola; and Peter Kleynenberg, cello. The Quintet is composed of Gail Schaberg, flute; Arthur Hills, clarinet; Florence Sullivan, oboe; Leroy Martin, bassoon; and Albert Schaberg, horn. Mrs. Sullivan is first oboist with the Grand Rapids Symphony, and is taking the place of Terril Zylman for this concert.

Admission is 75c per person. Scheduled for a few days before the actual festival is an art exhibit to be held in the Herrick Public Library.

With a springtime embrace between the old and the new, today combines a W.A.L. tradition over twenty-five years old with a theme as new as the

"The Valiant," a drama will be directed by Mary Jane Veurink. Also included in the program will be music selections, including a piano, vocal and instrumental number. Further items on the program include, a dance number and a reading.

"Rites of Spring." A day filled with activities since 10^:10 a.m. leaves at this moment only the May Day banquet at 6:30 and the evening's dance to climax the day-long event.

Hail Queen Roberta

The newest figures in the celebration. bo old it was known to the Greeks, is May Day Queen, Roberta Russel and her fivemember court of junior women elected last week. Among them are: Judy Wiley, Marilyn Vander Wilt, Jan Lincoln, Carol Sutton, Barb Ver Meer and Mary Fry ling. Also identified this afternoon were next year's members of

Hope Belongs to Great Lakes College Assn. Twelve liberal arts colleges in Ohio, Indiana, and Michigan met in Cleveland, Ohio, on April 17, for a two-days conference financed by the Ford Foundation and have just announced the formation of an organization to promote extensive cooperation for the strengthening of their education programs. To be known as the Great Lakes College Association, the group includes Antioch, Denison,

Kenyon, Oberlin, Ohio Wesleyan, and Wooster in Ohio; Earlham, DePauw, and Wabash in Indiana; Albion, Kalamazoo, and Hope in Michigan. Student enrollment at these institutions total 16,300 and 1,223 teaching faculty members. The representatives from Hope at the conference were Dean Vander Lugt, Dr. Yntema, Dr. Weller, Prof. Gearhart, and Dr. HoIIenbach.

New Editors Are Announced

Wolf for

will first






the year.

A s o p h o m o r e from N o r t h v i l l e , Illinois, G a r y has w o r k e d on the Anchor Staff for two y e a r s .

The Joan was book

Milestone Ten editor and



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from her


this y e a r



Holland. school



This association has been in the making about two years; the faculty and Board of Trustees have examined possibilities and thought it to be of great advantage. Preceding the meeting April 17, formal action was taken that we join the association. About two weeks ago, four Hope staff members were at Earlham College for a conference on co-operational research and discussion in the natural sciences. Dr. Frissel, Dr. Crook, Dr. Van Zyl, and Dr. De Haan attended this meeting. Some of the projects now be(Cont'd on page 4)

Seniors Receive Faculty Honors



On May 11, at 8:15 p.m., in the Music Auditorium, Piano students from the class of Miss Jantina Holleman, Associate Professor, plan to present a recital from the works of Ludwig Van Beethoven, one of the greatest of all composers for the piano. The purpose for this exclusive concentration upon one composer is to create greater unity in programming. A film on the life of Beethoven will also be shown. Students who will appear in the recital, which is open to the public at no charge, include the following: Charlene Van Houten, Bonnie Peddie, Joyce Vander Molen, Cynthia Hill, Jacky Krause, Lucille Wood, Edith Pinter, Eugene Wabeke, David Holland, Lee Ten Brink, Bill Seyfarth, and Clay Smith.

Welcome Sweet Spring Time When a handful of freshmen rise at 5:80 to begin decorating the Civic Center; when weeks of practice for fraternity men culminate in some still track competition; when eighty-eight fullsize flags deck the Pine Grove; when freshmen women turn into "daisies" and sophomores dance around a Maypole, then spring on Hope's campus reaches a climax it's May Day, 1961!


All-Beethoven Piano Recital

M a y 5, 1961


Joan year the







O p u s Staff in t h e c o m i n g school y e a r . Jim, a



has w o r k e d

on t h e staff for t h r e e y e a r s .

The outcome of W.A.L. elections placed the following people in key spots for next year: Pres. Barbara Sill; Vice Pres., Donna Ten Brink; Sec., Linda DeWitt; Treas., Sharon Cady. Pres., Ruth DeBeer; Vice Pres., Ruth DeWitt; Sec., Judy Hoffman; Trea., Mary Klein were elected to House Board. W.A.A. announced their new Pres. to be Johanna Van Lente; Vice Pres., Bev. Joeckel; Sec., Carol Fuge; Point Recorder, Ida Salm; Publicity Chairman, Jan Schulz.

Those members of the Senior Class who have received FaculAt this evening's banquet, ty Honors for this year were under the general chairmanship recently honored at a dinner in of Marilyn Keizer, the program Phelps Dining Hall. The stuwill be in charge of Jean dents so honored, all of whom Paduch. have at least a 3.5 overall Centered around a -Grecian scholastic average, were: James theme, tonight's dance will again Betke, Linda Den Uyl, Edward recall the flavor of the ancient Ericson, Emily Hradec, Michele in the May Day climax. General Hoffman, Leroy Lebbin, Judith co-chairmen are Janet Lincoln Nienhuis, Gordon Stegink, Mary Van Dyk, Betty Van Wyk, and Jim Anderson, while freshman Janet Blom planned the James Halley Whipple III and decorations. John Wiers. Other committee members for this afternoon's coronation ceremonies were decorations, Mary Bergharst, Lorna V e r m e e r , Sharky Vande Woude and Jon Schoon. The host of national three to five o'clock. Invitations flags placed in the Pine Grove are also sent out to all the represents a year's project of women members of the faculty the International Relations Club. and all the wives of the faculty Programs were in charge of members. Sharon Beck, vice- Janet Riemersma; M a y p o l e president of House Council, is dance, Janet Lincoln and Mary Fryling; music. Dean Nederveld chairman of the tea. and sound, John Wiers. The "Y" organization on Decorations for the banquet Hope's campus sponsors the were managed by Barb Blunt Mother - Daughter Banquet, and Janet Hollander; programs which is to be held in the main Jan Weenum; tickets Lois Gardining room of Phelps Hall at ber; menu, Barbara Ver Meer seven P.M. There will be musi- and Judy Sietsma; and clean-up, cal entertainment p r o v i d e d Voorhees Annex. which will correspond to the Publicity chairmen for May theme "Southern Belle." Adina Day was Sara Vande Poel, f o r Yonan will be mistress of cere- the Anchor, Linda Walvoord, monies and Ruth De Beer is and posters, Jeanette Ellsworth chairman of the banquet. and Judy Boyink.

Voorhees Day Tea Will Be Tuesday Another sure sign of spring's arrival is the annual visitation of the mothers of Hope women to the college campus. On Tuesday, May 9th, the college women and their mothers are invited to attend the Voorhees Day Tea and the Mother-Daughter Banquet. The tea, celebrated in honor of the birthday of Elizabeth Voorhees, after whom Voorhees dormitory was named, is sponsored by the Dean of Women and the women of Hope College, and is directed by the Women's House Council. Held in Voorhees Hall, with the head resident, Mrs. Isla Van Eenenaam as hostess, the tea is from

Mortar Board, the senior women's honor society, now a member of the national sorority. Members of Mortar Board "tapped" this afternoon were: Viv Kajdy, Barb Bloemers, Ann Herfst, Bev Joeckel, Nancy Sonneveldt, Ellen Frink, Mary Whitlock, Bobbie Russell and Barb Mortensen.


Page Two

May 5, 1961


Peace Corps


Growth & Responsibility ffli.





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The past two years have seen the most remarkable surge of creative activity on this campus since Opus first struggled into existence seven years ago. Opus '59 had sixty pages of material and a dozen contributors. Opus '60 had a hundred and four pages and eighteen contributors. And as for this year . . . Selection of material being finished, work on the magazine has progressed to the point where the following information is available. Two two issues will contain a total of 120 pages of material. There were 24 contributors to the winter issue, and the spring issue will see eight new ones in poetry and prose alone. In two years the number of contributors to Opus has almost tripled. Regardless of whether more people are writing, or whether people who write are simply overcoming their caution enough to submit material, this growth is an encouraging sign. Nor is it a growth merely of quantity. The general quality of the work has also soared in the past two years. This is very good indeed; no longer need Opus print the subliterary work that is the bane of every college arts publication — the "nice" junk that must He uocJ when the s u p p l y o f r o a l l y good m a t e r i a l hao been exhausted. Gone, too, are the days when Opus, to avoid printing more filler material, had to rely heavily on the poetry and prose of two or three or four students — as a horrible example of which there is the '59 issue, in which one of the 12 contributions, and the top two accounted for two thirds of the entire issue. The writing talent represented by the recent vastly enlarged and improved Opus is not a talent of mere dilettants. Most of the new names in this year's issues are the names of fairly serious authors and poets, and a remarkable number of them are freshmen and sophomores. What is the significance of these developments f o r the student body as a whole ? 1) The student body has been in desperate need of an articulate voice for the controversies and conflicts that simmer continually just under the boiling point — as witness the honor-system fiasco, the spreading dissatisfaction with the student council, and a host of other minor and major irritations. These authors may be expected within the next few years to provide just such a voice. They have recently organized themselves into a Writer's Workshop amounting to some twenty-odd members, the better to write with. For the sake of improving the quality of their writing, that is. Which brings up the next point. 2) The organization is free of all official ties to any other group on campus, including the administration. It would be foolish to pretend that such independence does not bear with it responsibility. The first responsibility is to itself as a group of the most active creative writers on the campus. But its second responsibility arises directly out of the first: these writers are also students — they do not exist in a vacuum. The mere fact that the organization exists should have an effect on all the student communications on campus — Anchor, WTAS, and to a lesser extent the Milestone. But we believe that the members of the Workshop must, individually, become spokesmen, in the communication facilities of the student body, f o r their less articulate fellow students. Good writing is responsible writing is responsible action. It is many years snce there have been more than three students on this campus at any one time who have been capable of genuinely responsible action towards anything. The Workshop will not have a collective voice; it is a group of individual students, each of whom has a voice and is in the Workshop in order to perfect that voice. We say to the members of the Workshop, you perfect your-writing, use it. Writing on this campus has begun to come of age — that is the upshot of the two developments we have mentioned. And it is time for some articulate voices to come forward and effectively bring into the open some of the too-long-suppressed controversies that are simmering throughout the student body. Only by facing issues squarely can we make or find proper resolutions of them. This is true responsibility, and the writers in our midst have it in their power to provide the initial drive toward such responsibility.

r. M.

Examination Schedule MAY 26 THROUGH JUNE 2, 1961 May 26 — Friday May 27 — Saturday May 29 — Monday

May 30 — Tuesday

1:15 — 2 MWF 3:15 — 6 TT ..

7:45 — 1 MWF 10:15 — 5 TT 7:45 — 7 MWF 10:15 — 1 TT 2:00 — Languages 1:15 — 3 TT 3:15 — 4 TT

May 31 — Wednesday

7:45 — 3 MWF 10:15—8 MWF 2:00 — 5 MWF

June 1 — Thursday

W:45 — 4 MWF 10:15 — 2 TT . 2:00 — 6 MWF

June 2 — Friday

7:45 — 7 TT 10:15 — 8 TT

First Volunteers Will Go To Tanganyika College graduates will not dig ditches in the Peace Corps. Nor will they explain Locke to the Bantus. Volunteers will not try to "Americanize" the world, nor will they be selected from the ranks of the "draft dodgers." ' These and other misconceptions about the Peace Corps have taken root and blossomed on some college campuses. Let's look at the truth of the matter. First, the Peace Corps Volunteer will go only where he is asked. He will be asked only where there is a specific job to Ho. The job will bp one the host nation can not do itself. The first Peace Corps Volunteers will go to Tanganyika. There, to improve the lot of the nations many farmers, roads must be built to get their produce to market centers. Tanganyika has an abundance of unskilled labor but the country can only produce two Tanganyikans trained in land survey work in the next five years. Their government has asked the Peace Corps to supply the surveyors, civil engineers and geologists to meet their shortage. President Kennedy has agreed to help and a joint plan has been mapped out. Volunteers with these skills have applied and are now applying to the Peace Corps. In late May the Volunteers will be called for interviews. In June the task force will be selected and intensive training started. At a university the Volunteer will learn about Tanganyika, about its culture, mores, tradition and history. He will study our heritage and democratic institutions. He will begin a physical conditioning program and brush up on his skills in terrain similar to Tanganyika's. Next, according to present plans, the Volunteer will participate in another exhaustive training period at a camp site in a mountain rain forest abroad. Physical and mental conditioning for the rigors of Africa will be stepped up. Lectures on tropical living will be given. Programs designed to develop and test the stamina, self-reliance, adaptability and endurance of the Volunteers are planned. In most Peace Corps projects, the local language will be taught in a stateside university. For this project, however, the Tanganyikan government asked that it be permitted to use its techniques to teach Volunteers Swahili. The first seven weeks in Tanganyika will be spent at a camp on the slopes of Mt. Kilimanjaro where the Volunteer will study Swahili and learn about his work there. After this course. Volunteers, in groups of two and three, will be assigned to provincial capitals which will serve as home base for the safaris into the jungle to plan the needed roads from the isolated native villages to the main highways. In Tanganyika, the Volunteer will receive enough money to live a simple existence, but not exactly at the level of the local populace. The Volunteer will have all his needs — food, housing, clothing and transportation — provided for. The Volunteer

will need no money of his own. He need not fear that his subsistence will provoke hunger or poverty. Provision will be made for recreation, some travel during relief periods, and medical care. The work will be hard. It may be frustrating. It could be dangerous. It certainly will be lonely. But it will also be exciting and rewarding. When he returns after two years service, the Volunteer will receive $75 for every month spent overseas. He will have the services of a Career Planning Board to help continue his career. During his Volunteer service, the Volunteer will be deferred from the draft. It he returns home to a socially useful job, his deferment will continue.

Married couples without children are welcome, provided each does a needed job in the host nation. Liberal arts graduates will be in great demand for a number of needed tasks. Their background, plus Peace Corps training, will qualify them for many jobs. Teachers are in short supply everywhere, and many nations have already indicated they want teachers of English. Anyone requesting full information about the Peace Corps should write for the Peace Corps "Fact Book", Peace Corps, Washington 25, D. C. Volunteer forms for present and future Peace Corps projects are available on campus, through the Congress, or by writing the Peace Corps. .

" . . . T h e n o n e d a y t h e rules a n d r e g u l a t s a t H o p e C o l l e g e began






w S t i k M e m b e r Assoefcte Collegiate Press PRESS

Published weekly by and for the students of Hope College except during holiday and examination periods, under the authority of the Student Council Publications Board. Entered as second class matter at the post office of Holland, Michigan, at a special rate of postage provided for in section 1103 of Act of Congress, October 3, 1917, and authorized October 19, 1918. Subscription Rate: $2.00 per school year to non-student subscribers. Co-editors....Norma DeBoer and Louise Hunter

Girls' Sports Ed

Assistant Editor Nancy Sonneveldt


News Editor

Business Manager. Tom Klaasen

Kristin Blank



t o

SharonNeste Sandra



Dale Conklin

Sports Editor....Paul Armstrong


Copy Editors Barbara Bloemers and Judy Cameron Eileen Watt and Jean Paduch

Walters and Mary Hoksbergen „ . A. Circulation Manager David Bringedahl and Roger Jansma

Editorial Board L. Bonnema, P. Geitner, J. Michmerhuizen, R. Jaarsma, J. Rietveld, J. Nienhuis, G. Wolf

Reporters J. Louret, j . jenner, T. Andersen, j # Diephuis, G. Geubering Flikkema, J. Rietveld,

Picture Editor..Mickey Hoffman ^ „ ,r ^ ,r Photographers..F. Vande Vusse, and M. Hale

N. Malstrom A. Prins, P. Lucas, J. Thomas

Proof Readers




Karen Lefgren

May 5, 1961




Page Three

Political Periscope

Herfst to be Holland's Community Ambassador

Some Answers for Emergent Africa

Holland's Community Ambassador for the year is Ann Herfst a 20 year old junior. Her parents are Dutch immigrants who came to America 21 years ago. The family moved to Holland when Ann was eight and she has attended the Holland school system.

by Carol Sikkema Can the challenges presented by Emergent Africa be met? We must be optimistic and meet these new demands with high determinism and firm idealism. The problem is to determine what policies and programs the United States, as leader of the Western World, should adopt in its relations with these new countries. As James Penfield, Deputy Assistant Secretary of State For African Affairs once said; "It is our role to prove to Africans the positive advantages of cooperation with the United States and the West. To do so, we must be prepared to give Emerging Africa both sympathetic support and tangible assistance so that its great potential will be achieved in a manner which will benefit both them and us all." What concrete steps should we take to help these countries off their launching pads?

rewards. This body is suffering from growing pains and we should strive to re-organize the U. N., especially the councils, to reflect political realities. The U. N. is f a r from perfect) but it is an existing instrument and we should give it our loyalty and ideas.

Most of

OUr economic aid should be d i r e c t e d through the United Nations channels, but we must also use our opportunities through unilateral and private economic aid. In all these areas we must try to orientate our aid to the African point of view and attempt to work on a popular basis for the majority of people. Also, the United States must realize their limits in not being able to provide all the necessary men, money, and materials, and thus should welcome aid from the Communistic bloc so as to create economic stability. We should also strive to make our appropriations and tours of duty for longer periods of time, and it might be well for us to initiate aid programs as packages ideas.

There are two other areas

which should be given very serious consideration as it is in education and health projects where wt can best reach the real people with their problems. First, the Amer^an people must be educated concerning Africa, but our chief aim should be to reach the illiterate masses with the truths of knowledge. We can best do this through teacher exchanges, language expansion, branch universities, movies and radio, books in national Iijiguages, and a crash education program through the peace corpi. There is m quicker way to reach a man than through his stomach and we must follow this simple rule in our practical aid. We should devehp constructive programs in both curative and preventive mediche and help the African overcome harmful customs. Hygiene educa^on and sanitation projects would also be constructive steps. The^e steps can only be successful if we have a clear statement of objectives which put the African countries first. We must be optimistic and search for ideas as "fatilism tends to produce what it dreads."

IRC t o H e q r L o m a x Louis E. Lomax, a prom^ent American Negro writer whdrecently returned from an exte^ed trip to Africa, will addr^s the International Relations CI at 4 p.m. Wednesday in Phelpi Hall Conference Room. His subject will be "The Reluctant African," the title of the book of his impressions of the African trip. The entire campus community is invited. Mr. Lomax was graduated from Paine College in Augusta, Ga., and has done graduate work at the American University in Washington and at Yale University. He taught philosophy

for a time at Georgia State College in Savannah. He has been a staff writer f o r the Chicago American and has contributed articles to "The New Leader," "The Nation," "Pageant," "Lift," and "Harpers." Wednesday's address is the ssecond Veventh in the I R C Sb nester program, "Focus on Ai\ca." Club advisor is Dr. Pauto. Fried, Chairman of the Histov Department, and special c o n s u l t s is Rolf B. M. Italiaander, \ s i t i n g Professor in African I^tory and Civilization.

Affairs Committee. She is very active in speech activities, has been on the debate team for two years and represented Hope in national debate, oratory and extemporaneous speaking contests. She has taught swimming for the city of Holland for eight years. During her travels she will write a series of articles for the Holland Evening Sentinel and when she returns next fall she will give speeches to the various clubs and organizations in the city.

Hope is Represented In "Summer Stock"

First, and of utmost importance

the United States must use the resources of the United Nations, but it must be remembered that although this is a very necessary agent, it is not sufficient. The real question before this body is whether the old members will act in unity and the new will accept responsibility. The danger which the United States must be on guard against is further compromise of our principles with Russia concerning the new countries. We must stand up for our rights with courage and accept due criticism but also critize when we observe weaknesses. We must force our opponents into putting the shoe on when it fits and not permit them to pound the table with it! In 1959 the U. N. cost sixty-one cents per capita for each American, and certainly we could increase this expenditure to one dollar and reap many more

fact that she thought both the community of Holland and herself would profit from, and enjoy knowing more about the country. It is supposedly a beautiful country and it has an interesting internal political situation. Ann also felt that as a speech major she would get along well with the talkative Irish. Ann is a member of Sibylline Sorority, Student Council, Hopes representative at the national and state student association meetings, I.R.C., P&M, Secretary of TKA, S.E.A., Cultural

A n n Herfst

The Community Ambassador plan is sponsored by the Experiment in International Living. Ann has choosen to spend the summer in Ireland, where she will spend one month living as a member of an Irish family and will spend three weeks touring the country with other Irish and American youth. Her choice of Ireland was based on the

WTAS Gets New Broadcasting Console A new broadcasting console is now in operation at WTAS. Built by the Gates Radio Company of Quincy, Illinois, the $1,100.00 console will greatly facilitate broadcasting by the student disc jockeys. It will also enable the radio station to do remote and pre-taped shows. The console replaces a temporary one built last fall to enable WTAS' to go on the air. The console was purchased as part of a long range project for a control system to go with equipment installed last year. WTAS will welcome anyone who cares to stop in at the basement of Kollen Hall and examine the new console.

Students Attend Press Meetings Four Hope College students and one faculty member attended the first annual Michigan Collegiate Press Association Convention. This organizational meeting was held on the Central Michigan University campus, on Saturday, April 29. The Hope delegation, Gerrit Wolf, Paul Lucas, Dale Conklin, Kristin Blank, and Dr. Edward Brand, attended professional seminars and round table discussions concerning the problems and headaches of a college newspaper. A highpoint of the day was the election of Dr. Brand as faculty advisor of the new association. The delegates heard Mr. James Tagg, publisher of the Alma Record and president elect of the Michigan Press Association, speak on the newspaper of the future and the position of importance which the newspaper plays in the community.

Professor Robert L. Smith, instructor in speech at Hope College, and six Hope students will be members of the company of the Huron Playhouse during its thirteenth season of "Summer Stock" from June 25 to August 19. Located on Lake Erie at Huron, Ohio, the Huron Play house is an educational summer theatre, operated as a regular part of the special summer programs of Bowling Green State University by the Department of Speech. Mr. Smith, who is completing his third year on the Hope faculty, will serve as Associate Director of the Playhouse, and his major duties will include directing two plays. The Pleasure of His Company and Smilin' Through, and t e a c h i n g the and as Managing Director of The Holland Community Theatre, course in Acting. Smith holds his B.S. in Education and M.A. degrees from Bowling Graen State University, and he has done additional work at the State University of Iowa and Michigan State University. His theatre experience includes acting, directing and technical work in 130 plays, some of which has been gained at Hope College as designer for Anastasia and director of R. U. R., This will be Mr. Smith's fifth season at Huron. Milton Nieuwsma, a Hope sophomore from Holland, will be the Public Relations Director for the Playhouse during the 1961 season. Nieuwsma, an English major, is presently assistant to Mr. Gerald J. Kruyf Hope's Director of Public Relations. He has also been a reporter for the Sentinel. Another Hollander, via Wales, Leonard Lee, a Hope senior, will be a member of the company of the Huron Playhouse. Mr. Lee, a Speech major, will work toward his M.A. d e g r e e at Bowling Green State University next year as a graduate assistant. He is presently cast in the leading role of Vandergelder in the forthcoming Holland Community Theatre production, The Matchmaker. Last fall he played John in Hope's production of The Potting Shed, and while a student at Northwestern College he portrayed the title role in Cyrano de Bergerac. Lois Bonnema, a senior from Plainfield, Illinois, who recently played a major supporting role

in Hope's production of Royal Gambit will also be at Huron. Miss Bonnema, a senior English major, will also serve as a graduate assistant in the Department of S p e e c h at Bowling Green State University next year as she works toward an M.A. degree. Donna Davis and Nancy Rees, two sophomores from Catskill and Brooklyn, New York, respectively, will be the fourth and fifth Hope' contributions to Huron for the '61 season. Miss Davis is an active member of the Religious Drama Company, and last spring played the lead role in Double Door. Miss Rees is currently portraying the leading role in Hope's production, The Curious Savage, and was also in Double Door. The final Hope student who will be a member of the Huron company is Thomas Oosting, a sophomore from Dayton, Ohio. Mr. Oosting is a student technical assistant in the area of theatre at Hope. He is majoring in speech and is primarily interested in technical theatre and scenic design. The Playhouse company is small, about 30, and normally includes representatives from a dozen or more different colleges and universities. The highly selective student company is afforded a unique educational program which combines production activity of professional standards with classroom work, to give each student an intensive and extensive . t h e a t r e experience. The productions at Huron this summer include the following plays and dates: Tall Story, July 11-15; The Pleasure of His Company, July 18-22; Oklahoma!, July 25-29; You Can't Take It With You, August 1-5; Smilin' Through, August 8-12; Down In The Valley and My Heart's In The Highlands, August 15-19; and a children's play. Once Upon a Clothesline, matinees on August 17-18.

A.D.D. Revises Constitution After another year of serving Hope College sports fans, the Athletic Debt Diggers are making plans for the organization for next year. According to the revised constitution, members will now serve during their sophomore and junior years. The Independents and the Service Society will be represented in A.D.D. as well as the five sororities. New members will be invited to join the organization the third week in May.

Page Four



Fulbright Scholarships Are Explained Fulbright scholarships f o r graduate study or pre-doctoral research in 32 countries will be available to over 800 graduate students for the 1962-63 academic year, it was announced by the Institute of International Education which administers the program for the Department of State. In addition to the Fulbright Scholarships, awards for graduate study in Latin America under the Inter-American Cultural Convention and for graduate study in Ireland under the Scholarship Exchange Program between the U.S. and Ireland will also be offered f o r 1962-63. Applications for these programs will be available on May 15, 1961. There are two types of grants for study abroad under the Fulbright program. Complete Fulbright grants provide maintenance, travel, tuition and books for one academic year. Countries participating in this program include Argentina, Australia, Austria, Belgium-Luxembourg, Brazil, Burma, Chile. China (Republic o f ) , Denmark, Ecuador, Finland, France, Germany (Federal Republic of), Greece, Iceland, India, Iran, Italy, Japan, Korea, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Pakistan, Peru, Philippines, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, Turkey, United Arab Republic, United Kingdom (and overseas territories). Fulbright Travel Grants to supplement maintenance and tuition scholarships from other

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sources are also available to American students receiving awards f o r study and/or research in universities in Austria, Denmark, France, Germany, Iceland, Israel, Italy and the Netherlands. The terms of the awards to Ireland are the same as for the Fulbright grants. The Inter-American Cultural Convention awards cover transportation, tuition and partial-tofull maintenance. Participating Latin-American countries are Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Ecuador, Guatemala, Haiti, Honduras, Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama, Paraguay, Peru and Venezuela. General eligibility requirements f o r all categories of awards are: 1) U.S. citizenship at time of application; 2) a bachelor's degree or its equivalent; 3) knowledge of the

language of the host country sufficient to carry out the proposed study project and to communicate with the people of the country; 4) good health. In addition, a good academic record and demonstrated capacity f o r independent study are also necessary. Preference is given to applicants under 35 years of age who have not previously lived or studied abroad. Applications f o r scholarships for 1962-63 will be accepted until November 1, 1961. Requests for applications must be postmarked by October 15. Interested students who are enrolled at a college or university should consult their campus Fulbright Program Advisers. Others may write to the Information and Counseling Division, Institute of International Education, 1 East 67th Street, New York 21, N.Y.

Dutchmen Split with Dales; Trackmen Defeated After a leadoff inning which netted them five runs, the Hope College baseball team saw their lead steadi'y decreased until Hillsdale College emerged on top of a 9-7 victory in the first game of a double-header last Saturday. Jim Van Til and Neil Goodrich were in charge of the pitching duties, w h i l e Art Kramer, who doubled and singled in the second game, was behind the plate. Captain Norm Schut and shortstop Jim Bult-


May 5, 1961


man also contributed a single and a double apiece to the cause. In the twi.light contest> . . s h a r k y . . yande Woude won his own ball game with a tworun triple off Hillsdale pitcher Bishop in the second inning. Tomorrow, the team will face the Calvin Knights at Riverview P a r k in a contest beginning a t two o'clock. The track team was defeated by league-leading Calvin College by the substantial margin of 81-50,but six Hope athletes took first places with some fine individual efforts. Captain Jim Rozeboom bounced around the new rubber track (made of asphalt and tire retreads) in less time than anyone previous, in 2 minutes and one second, while John Brunson's javelin heave of 164' 9" won him a first place in that event. Bill Drake cleared eleven feet in the pole vault for another first, while Mike Schrier led all broad jumpers with a 20' 4" effort. Rich Bakker and Ron Te Beest won the high and low hurdles respectively. Tomorrow the team will face Olivet and Hillsdale in a triple meet, beginning at one o'clock.

College Association

Social Sidelights Rush Meetings End; Informals Begin Hello Again,

Alpha Gamma Phi A very eerie setting prevailed for the background of Alpha Phis' literary meeting — Act IV, which was held last Friday evening. Before the big surprise came f o r the evening, several girls took p a r t in the literary program. Ruth De Beer presided as the Mistress of Ceremonies, Ida Salm presented devotions, and then Margo Kahler gave a delightful fashion show with the following girls as models: Marilyn Fugazzotto, Delores Walt, Lois Veenstra, Jean Scheffers, Barbara Sill, Renetta Dykstra, Judy Hoffman, and Norine De Witt. Marti Workman presided with group singing during the intermission, and then the final touch came to the program. Richard Marlowe, the well-known hypnotist, actually put some people to sleep, but don't worry the girls woke up and they are fine.

Chi Phi Sigma Last Friday's lit meeting was the last formal meeting of the year. Dr. Lester Kuyper of Western Theological Seminary was the special speaker f o r the evening. He showed slides and spoke on his trip to the Holy Land and also spoke briefly about the Dead Sea Scrolls.

Praters The Fraternal Society will present the " F r a t e r Follies," a program of diversified entertainment, at 8 p.m. Saturday in the Woman's Literary Club. The public is invited. General chairman is Tom Werge. Assisting are Jim Fox and Dan Rietsma. Participating will be the society's entire membership. There will be no meeting this Friday because of May Day.

Arkies Friday the 12th of May the Arkies will hold their Spring Informal at Prospect Point in Spring Lake. The party is scheduled to get underway at four P.M. On Friday, May 19, the Arkies will serve as ushers for the Parade of Barber Shop Quartets which is being held as a part of the Tulip Time events. The Annual Stag will be held on Saturday the 27th.

Kappa Eta Nu On Tuesday, April 24, the Knickerbocker Fraternity held their traditional " S t a g Chow" at Van Raalte's Restaur a n t in Zeeland. Dr. HoIIenbach, the principle speaker, presented some very interesting remarks concerning fraternities and their relation to Hope College. Six new members were also formally initiated into the fraternity. At last Friday's literary meeting Ya fesi Sepuya spoke to the fraternity on the United States' foreign policy, and Africa.

Dorian "Zannzibar" was the theme of the Dorian's literary meeting on April 28. Devotions were given by Linda Kloosterhouse and Bonnie Beyers rendered vocal selections pertinent to the theme of the meeting. The guest speake? was Mrs. Aardema from Muskegon who presented interesting and colorful facts about African folklore. A humor paper was given by Penny Adams, and the meeting was ccncluded with group singing led by Gloria Lindscott.

(Cont'd from page 1)



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ing considered by the association include a joint center f o r study and research in a Latin American country, a jointlyoperated summer biology field station, and a cooperative program for providing Master of Arts training f o r elementary and high school teachers. Other expected areas of cooperation involve group studies of administrative p r o b l e m s peculiar to the independent and church-related colleges, including possible ways of promoting economies and greater efficiency in administrative operations and there is also a possibility of joint student government meetings, music groups, inter-collegiate forensic activities, and perhaps athletic relationships. In speaking of the Great Lakes College Association, Dr. HoIIenbach said, "This movement to establish closer association of college staff and students among colleges of similar purpose and standards is one of the best waysthat Hope has of im proving its own program."

Cosmopolitans Mr. Gordon Brewer spoke at the Cosno Lit. meeting last Friday night on "The Status of Athfetics on Hope's Campus." Mr. Brewer reviewed plans for the f u t u r e and discussed some of the many problems comerning atheletes. Leander Wang was received into the Cosmopolitan Fraternity as an active member at the Lit. meeting. Plans for the Spring Informal are d'awing to a close as Saturday, May 6th is the day. Jim ^oersma and Harold "Shorty" Brown are the Co-Chairmen.

Independents Charles Becher and Thomas Wo^bwell have been chosen to represent the independent men on Student Council next year.

Enters onians A business-literary meetiiV w a s the agenda f o r last Friday night. Plans f o r the formal were discussed. The theme "Ebb Tide" will set thr mood for the day of f u n and evening of dance. The pla^ this year is Fiddleman's of South Haven. Carl Vermeulen gave A e Serious Paper for the evening and the new president a i / officers for the spring term were installed. CONGRADULATIO^: Claire Tremba^ (A.lpha Phi) engaged to Greg Bryson (Emmie) '60. y f



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