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Gwendolyn Brooks Phelps Dining Hall Tonight at 8:15 p.m.

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77th Y E A R - 2 5

Hope College anchor

April 30, 1%5

Plans, Evaluations

Neckers, Michael son View SS The new change in command in the top Student Senate posts brought reflections on the past year, plus suggestions and plans for next year by retiring president Bruce Neckers and newly elected president Wes Michaelson. In commenting on the past year, uMichaelson commended Neckers for doing a "very good job." The new president added, "He did everything he said he was going to do. It was a good year, no doubt about that." According to Neckers the senate progressed the most in achieving greater cooperation between c e r


tain student groups. In addition, he added "If students are given the same kind of cooperation from the administration and faculty that they have been given this year, they will definitely have as successful a year in the coming y e a r . " However, the retiring president noted that the present situation will require a new definition of the lines of responsibility between student groups on campus, particularly those between the senate, AWS, Pan-Hellenic Board and IFC. Michaelson agreed, stating that "Closer ties, liaison relations and even organizational changes will be needed, so that senate relations to other student groups will be clarified. That way* we won't have a lot of small independent groups making rules for their own people without any over-riding cooperation with the Senate." Neckers ^tressed his opinion that the senate should take an active role in improving the spiritual life on campus next year. "In any publicity which we send out f r o m Hope College, we put a lot of emphasis on the fact that the college is Christian. I don't doubt that it is, but I think that we have a duty to provide the best spiritual atmosphere for the students. When the Student Senate can help, it most be a responsible organization in this a r e a , " he commented. The retiring president also called for an increase in campus events, saying that he hoped a political figure of national prominence

Seniors To Give Award To Outstanding Prof Presentation of the newly established HOPE Award by the senior class is slated for the Honors Convocation on May 25. The award, proposed at the Alumni Assn. Banquet and adopted in a class vote last week, has been established in order to recognize "Hope's Outstanding Professor Educator," and in so doing to commend and encourage all of the outstanding professors at Hope. J a m e s Boeringa, senior class president, commented, "As seniors wo a r e in the best position to single out the one person to receive this honor as a representative of the entire faculty. The award is a symbol of our high regard for them." Nominated for the award in class balloting were: Dr. Lars Granberg, Dr. J a m e s Prins, Mr. Alvin Vander Bush, Dr. D. Ivan Dykstra, Dr.

Phillip Crook and iMiss Jean Protheroe. Final selection will be made by class vote. According to J a m e s Chesney, chairman of the HOPE Award Committee, the professor who is chosen as recipient of the honor, together with the senior committee, will determine the nature of the award. Options suggested were an original painting, scholarships or furnishings for a room in the new Student Center. Whatever the form of the award, it will be given to the college by the senior class in th name of the chosen professor. Next Monday each senior will be asked to donate $2 toward the award. The donation will take the place of class dues. A matching gift will boost the total of the award presented by the 280 graduating seniors to $1,000.

would be brought to campus. Neckers added that he would like to see a real attempt at starting an MIAA college bowl here next y e a r and said that if the Letterman concert is a success at least two or more groups could be brought to town next year. Neckers suggested an expansion of the Talladega exchange idea, possibly sending students into slum areas of Chicago or New York. He also supported an idea to initiate a "cultural tour" to New York to view plays and cultural events during spring vacation. However, he added that although some progress has been m a d e as far as campus cultural programs go, student attendence h a s been disappointing. "We have a long way to go to build up the type of programs needed for good attendance every week," he said. In addition, Neckers suggested a constructive re-evaluation of social events and activities which are planned by the senate, particularly the Pull, Nykerk and Sing. He explained, "I don't say this in a derogatory manner, but I do think we should see what good these events are doing for the campus. If they are good, such an event as the Sing could be turned over to the Greek societies." In explaining the plans which he hopes to carry out next year, iMichaelson emphasized the need for campus involvement in off campus affairs and problems in terms of both thought and action. He proposed greater "thought" involvement through extended participation in conferences and discussions on such topics as US foreign policies and civil rights. Student action, he said, could be possible through participation in student exchanges, registration drives, a Hope s u m m e r "peac^i corps" and other activities "which we have so notoriously neglected and been isolated f r o m . " Michaelson also detailed plans for increased on-campus activities. He called the SCSC drive "possibly the most pressing and immediate concern." The new president said he plans to have a new Student Center Board set up, to be charged with the double responsibility of continuing to investigate the possibility of obtaining large donations for a new building and of increasing an enhancing present student center facilities to the best advantage. He explained that the new board would regularly plan p r o g r a m s for the Juliana Room center and would press to have the Kletz opened on week-day evenings. "The interest (Continued on page 2)


Lettermen To Perform In Civic Wednesday by William Cathcart "A remarkable blend of harmony and voice," writes Sports Afield Magazine about the Lettenmen who will appear in Holland on May 5. Combining voices after their college years, The Lettermen—Bob, Tony and Jim—found a winning sound in "The Way You Look Tonight," their first hit for Capitol 'Records. F r o m here only success followed, as hit after hit found its way onto the nation's best seller charts. From national to international favorites within months,The Lettermen have become accomplished night club and television performers. In the campus circuit, no major university has been left untouched by their "on stage" sound and perfection. "When I Fall 'In Love," "Wliere Or When," "Come Back Silly Girl," "Moments To R e m e m b e r , " and "Graduation D a y " are just a few of the hits produced by the unique Lettermen blend. "True talent and ability, not mere luck makes a top vocal group. All this and more we find in The Lettermen." writes Harris Tweed in Mechanix Illustrated. Pete Steketee, senate chairman of special entertainment and his

committee make this in this way to promote year.

are working hard to event a success. Only will the Senate be able a similar function next

Full student support is urged and needed, Steketee said. The campus sales goal is set at 900 tickets. Extensive sales campaigns are also being conducted in the community and surrounding areas. Tickets may be purchased in Van Raalte Hall and at Meyer Music House. Intermission entertainment will feature Jackie Dunham, Imperial Record's sensation, singing a medley of bawdy French Revolution ballads.

Ballots Okay Amendments Last Friday during the balloting for Student Senate officers and class presidents, students also voted on eight proposed constiutional amendments. The eight amendments were all passed with margins of approximately ten to one. This was the second constitutional change within the past year.

V. 3

A r t s Festival Schedules Special Events Friday, April 30 8:15 p.m.—Lecture by G w e n d o l y n Brooks, Pulitzer prize winning; poet, Phelps Dining Hall.


3:15 p . m . — A f t e r n o o n C o i l e e (Nykerk Loggia). 4:15 p.m.—Film: " T h e M e m b e r of the W e d d i n g , " Ethel Waters, Harris, B r a n d o n d e W i l d e (Snow A u d i t o r i u m ) .

May 1

10:00 a . m . - F o r m a l o p e n i n g of art e x h i b i t d e v o t e d to the works of the A m e r i c a n N e g r o painters f r o m the c o l l e c t i o n s of the D e t r o i t Institute of Art a n d the W h i t n e y a n d M o d e r n M u s e u m s of N e w York. C o m m e n t a r y by Stanley H a r r i n g t o n . M o r n i n g coffee. (Van Zoeren Library) 11:00 a.m.—Film: " T h e Q u i e t O n e , " V e n i c e a n d E d i n b u r g h awards. R o o m of V a n Zoeren Library).

2:00 p.m.—Panel discussion of Festival T h e m e . Ethel Waters, Ulysses Kay, Kelly W i l l i a m s , D a m o n W h i t e , D a v i d Clark, moderator. (Snow A u d i t o r i u m of Nykerk Hall of Music)


8:15 p . m . - P r o g r a m by Ethel Waters w i t h R e g i n a l d Beane, pianist n e n t C h a p e l ) A d m i s s i o n charge.



Sunday, May 2 3:30 p.m.—Program of m u s i c i r o m the works of Ulysses Kay by the C h a p e l Choir, B a n d a n d Orchestra with address by the c o m p o s e r on t h e subject " C o m p o s i n g T o d a y . " ( D i m n e n t Chapel).

April 30, 1965

Hope Collefe a n r h e r


Michacison, Neckers Discuss Student Senate (Continued from page 1) in SCSC has pretty much fizzled out this semester both in the SCSC drive and in the present center," Michaelscn said. He agreed with Neckers that students leaders must lead new efforts to raise money for the project. Michaelson also said he plans to push for greater informal studentfaculty contact and discussion next

year. He called the opening of the Kletz on evenings one good way to promote this and added that many faculty members were interested in such contact and might he glad to open their homes for a night to promote discussion. According to the new president, "I want to see the Student Senate assuming a voice on issues such as chapel, rule changes and policy

legislative force, but it does have a tremendous influence if we learn to use it Arid we've learned a lot this year." In conclusion. Michaelson called for the creation of a positive and concerned student attitude for the college and its development.

Vo r swuufiH h a i r d o s v a s u

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Fellowship Winner To Address IRC

changes. The senate doesn't have

Mr. Joseph Jacques, winner of a John Hay Fellowship in the Humanities for 1965-66 and a history teacher at Watchung Hills Regional High School, will be on campus May 4-6 as guest of the International Relations Club. Mr. Jacques will address the IRC Club Tuesday evening at 6:45 p.m. in the Snow Auditorium. The meeting is open to all IRC m e m b e r s and other interested students of humanities and education. In addition to this address, Mr. Jacques will speak to Mr. David Clark's freshman history class on Tuesday and Dr. Paul Fried's freshman class on Wednesday. The history department will host Mr. Jacques at a tea and open house at 9 p.m. Monday evening in the lounge of the Alumni House for all history majors. The John Hay Fellowship prog r a m was started in 1952 and since that time a total of 695 teachers have received grants for further study. Mr. Jacques, who has studied at Rutgers University, the University of Illinois and the University of Florence in Italy and has traveled extensively abroad, can use his John Hay Fellowship grant for a full year of study in the humanities at one of six universities involved in the program. He has chosen Northwestern University at Evanston. This program will round out the year of IRC activities except for the annual meeting for election of


t ' o m h


officers. This year IRC m e m b e r s sponsored delegates to IRC Conferences in New Jersey, Indiana and Puerto Rico; they hosted guest lecturers Dr. J a m e s Bornan, J r . of Purdue, Dr. Raymond Gorden from Antioch College and Dr. Wesley Fischel of Michigan State University; and they sponsored the Yugoslavian Seminar and Symposium. Another highlight was receiving an award f r o m the National Office for outstanding contributions in the field of International Relations in the past 25 years.

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April 30. 1!H>5

Hope Collefe anchor


Pace I


Senate Discusses Future

FACULTY PROMOTIONS—-President Calvin VanderWerf (second row, center) poses with the newly promoted members of the faculty. They are from left to.right, first row: Mrs. Josette Feyt, Dr. Virginia Carwell, Dr. Hubert'Weller, Mr. Robert Cecil; second row: Dr. Adrian Klaasen, Dr. Eugene Jekel, Dr. Phillip Crook and Dr. Arthur Jentz.

Eight of Hope's Faculty Promoted by VanderWerf Hope College President Calvin VanderWerf announced the promotion of eight Hope faculty members at the April 26th Faculty- Meeting at Durfee Hall on the Hope Campus.

pointed Assistant Professor of Spanish was graduated from the University of Michigan, receiving his B.A degree in 1956. He completed his M.A. and Ph.D. degrees at Indiana University.

Dr. Adrian J . Klaasen, professor of Economics and Business Administration and Dr. Philip G. Crook, chairman of the Biology Department, received word of their appointment to Full Professor. Promoted to Associate Professe i rank are Dr. Eugene C. Jekel of the Chemistry department and Mr Robert Cecil of the Music Department. Dr. Arthur Jentz, Dr. Virginia Carwell, Dr. Hubert Weller and Mrs. M. Josette Feyt, were pro moted to Assistant Professor. Dr. Philip G. Crook, chairman of the Biology Department, promoted to the academic rank of full professor is a graduate of the University of Maryland where he erned his B.S. degree in 1949. Dr. Crook completed his Master s degree in 1951 at the University of New Mexico. He received his Ph D. degree at Pennsylvania State ami has been teaching at Hope since 1955. Dr. Adrian J . Klaasen, also-promoted to the academic rank ot Full Professor, received his Ph.D. degree from the University oi Chicago in 1929. After twenty years of additional business experience, he resumed his studies in economics and business at Michigan Slate University. Dr. Klaasen has been teadiing at Hope College since 1947, parttime for the first ten years, and full time thereafter. He earned his M.A degree in 1957 and his Ph.D. in 1960. Mr. Robert Cecil, newly appoint ed Associate Professor of Music, received his B.S. degree from the Juilliard School of Music, his Bachelor of Music and Master of Music degrees from Vale School of Music. He was instructor fo wind instruments and Assistant Conductor of the Yale University Concert Band from 1952-1956. Dr. Eugene Jekel, appointed as associate professor, received his A.B. degree from Hope in 1952, his M.S. degree in 1955 and Ph.D. from Puixlue University in 1964. Dr. Jekyl was a teaching assistant at Purdue from 1952 to 1955 and has been teaching at Hope for nine years. Dr. Hubert Weller, newly ap-

Assistant Professor Josette Feyt, instructor of French, was born in Belgium, and educated at the Royal Conservatory of Music and received her B.S. degree from the University School of Sociology in Belgium. Mrs. Feyt continued her education in the United States receiving her M.A. degree from Western Michigan Univrsity and her Teachers Certificate from Michigan State I niversity at East Lansing. Mich. Dr. Virginia Carwell, of - the English Department was educated at Eastern Illinois University, completing her B S. degree in Education in 19^4. She continued her education at Northwestern University, completing the M.A. degree in 1955 and the Ph.D. degree in 1965. Dr. Arthur Jentz, assistant prolessor of Religion and Bible is a graduate of Hope's class of 1956. He received his B D. degree from Union Theological Seminary in 1959 and his Ph.D. from Colunibia University this year.

The Lettermen, civil rights, freshman orientation, the chapel program and policy formation were discussed iby the Student Senate Tuesday evening in an unusually lively meeting. President-elect Wes Michaelson, taking the chair in the absence of president Neckers, stressed the need for student ibacking of the Lettermen concert on May 5. He urged each student to support the event, since the administration has indicated it might not assist future endeavors if lack of student interest causes the event to lose money. Nine hundred tickets must be sold on campus and five hundred off campus if the concert is to break even. A report by the NSA Committee on freshman orientation recommended several changes in next year's orientation, including: the formation of a leadership training program for new students to acquaint them with organizations and opportunities for leadership on campus; a reading program of selected readings to initiate intellectual development of new students; and more efficient structure for administering the orientation program. Plans to hold a civil rights dem-

onstration on May 11, with students marching from the pine grove to the Holland City Hall, were presented by Bob Donia in an NSA report asking for Senate approval. Donia stated that the purpose of the demonstration is to support Congressional passage of a "strong voting rights bill." He also commented that the demonstration was organized for May 11 because it was "least likely to offend the least people," and because there would be an assembly speaker that day speaking on a topic relevant to civil rights. He defended the demonstration by citing a need for more student involvement in crucial social problems. He announced that information concerning the bills before Congress will be distributed to the students and made available to the anchor After considerable discussion, the resolution was accepted by the Senate.

May Day Events To Be Featured JSext Weekend

Dr. Heiko A. Oberman. Winn Professor of Ecclesiastical History of Harvard University, will deliver three lectures on the Vatican Council next Thursday and Friday at Western Theological Seminary. Dr. Oberman will speak in the seminary chapel at 11:15 a.m. and 2 10 p.m. Thursday and at 8:45 a.m. Friday. A Protestant observer at the Vatican Council in 1962-63 as well as in 1964. the Harvard prolessor will discuss "The Vatican Council in Evangelical Perspective." The speaker received his doctor of theology degree cum laude from the University of Utrecht in 1957

Next weekend will mark the annual celebration of May Day at Hope College. Voting for this year's May Day Queen will take place this week with the coronation occuring on Friday at 4:30 p.m. The days events will begin with a picnic at Kollen Park beginning at 11:30 a.m. The athletic contests will include a series of women softball games at 12:30 p.m. and the men's track and field events at 1:30 p.m. The festivities of the day will conclude with a banquet in Phelps dining Hall at 6 p.m. and the "Spring F e v e r " dance at 8:30 p.m. Admission to the dance will be one dollar per couple and entertainment will be provided by The Sheffields and Ken Walz and Bill Cathcart.

A recommendation urging that the Religious Life Committee con-

sider the NSA student opinion poll concerning chapel was also accepted. The poll indicated that students preferred more meditation and variety in chapel services rather than strictly liturgical services. A recent Administration ruling concerning women's behavior in event of panty raids was another matter discussed. The Senate recommended that in the future the administration consult an appropriate policy-making body of students, in this case Senate or AWS. before setting up rules that directly affect them. The present rule was made by the administration without consulting any policymaking group, although Student Court was aware that the rule was being made. (The resolution wasn't critical of the rule, only the method in which it was enacted.) President-elect Michaelson stated that the rule was an "offense of the typical trust in students in formulating rules."

Harvard Prof To Speak On Ecumenical Council and was invited to Harvard in 1958 as a visiting professor. The following year he became associate professor of church history and in 1963 full professor. Dr. Oberman is the author of "Archbishop Thomas Bradwardine: A 14th Century Ausustinian," which was published in 1958. His most recent book, "The Harvest of Medieval Theology." was published in 1963 by the Harvard University Press and was awarded the first Robert Troup Paine Prize for the best manuscript on the history of religion published during a four year period.





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Hope College anchor

Page 4

April 30. 1965

A Preface to Gwendolyn Brooks by Dr. Joan Mueller IT IS A TOWERING IRONY that the white American a r t s critic, while m o r e often t h a n not insisting upon his democratic m a n d a t e to probe and p a r e a n d poster the art produced in our time, to the end of saving it from fatuous sloth, empty conventionalism or downright dullness and muddy mediocrity, has all the while p e r p e t u a t e d the most outrageous of reactionary presumptions—that to be Negro is to be incompetent. For until very recently, critics who would have found it unthinkable to judge Schopenhauer or F r e u d or Einstein or Bloch exclusively in t e r m s of their Jewishness, or would have been appalled at any other critic's s t a t e m e n t that "only among Dutch painters is R e m b r a n d t a m a s t e r " have repeatedly evaluated t h e work of Negro artists with the implicit qualifications: as novels by Negroes go, this one of Ellison's or Baldwin's is good, but (implied) it could hardly compete in the field of A m e r i c a n or modern or Northern or what-have-you novels. AND IN FAIRNESS to some very perceptive and usually generous critics, perhaps t h e r e was an aspect of acceptable caution in this attitude. Feeling as undoubtedly numbers of them did, that the Negro artist deserved some special attention, some special concession to compensate for the social crimes committed against him, critics gave consideration to work which, had it not been Negro, simply would not h a v e been able to compete. We are well a w a r e of this propensity to favor in one way those who are handicapped in another. The morality of such behavior cannot be examined here, but should we concede that it is at least understandable, we must also, I think, conclude t h a t , in most of the instances of "good b u t " j u d g m e n t s , not Christian charity but Caucasian bigotry lead to the qualification. And where do we of the Hope community find ourselves at the moment of truth,

about to confront t h e subject of t h e Negro and American culture? Do we congratulate ourselves that surely we always discard generalizations about race, religion, class? Or (dubiously more honest?) that, although we might on occasion slip into our m a x i m minds ( " m e a culpa." we cry, and feel forgiven!), certainly in all matt e r s of intellectual concern, our views a r e unjaundiced, our criticism of the most enlightened sort.

such as Gwendolyn Brooks to be r e m i n d e d that the responder-artist must be himself, inescapable, irrevocably, resoundingly himself, and that if t h a t self is Negro or New England or Tudor or Dutch, then (he concrete details of t h a t c i r c u m s t a n c e Frost had New England backgrounds? Or that Hope College was founded and fostered by Dutchmen? If when evaluating the work of the Netjro artist we are tempted, in our guilty . discomfort with t h e questions of race, to inevitably provide means, sometimes e v e n ends, for the artist.

DO WE NOT, indeed, e v e n insist that in all questions of artistic merit, in o r d e r to i n s u r e against t h e d a n g e r s of cultural relativism and the "good b u t " conclusion, we THE MOST CUR carefully isolate the SORY GLANCE at artistic object, lift Miss Brooks' "Seit f r o m t h e cultural lected P o e m s " (and milieu in which it this volume, like her originated and by others, deserves ins o m e act of s u p r e m e finitely m o r e ) gives volition m a k e our reevidence a - plenty sponding minds antithat she h a s insisted GWENDOLYN BROOKS septic to association on being herself. The septic to association and connotation of Bronzeville reality r e v e r b e r a t e s across all kinds? the r a n g e of her poetry: Impossible, of course. But what is even more to the point, sheer folly. If art can Hrr cranny r/iild kissed by thr black be said to be significant response in signun (I, square on I he jnouth, nificant form, surely the nature of the World yelled, world writhed, world artist-responder is of considerable importurned to light and rolled tance. Does it m a t t e r to the r e a d e r of Into her kitchen, nearly knocked her " H a m l e t " that Shakespeare was a sixteenth-century Englishman? Is it of any importance to him that Shakespeare assumed in his Tudor audience a very specific attitude about obedience, the hierarchical order of the universe or a particular meaning to the word " k i n d ? " Does it m a k e any difference at all that Hawthorne or Emily Dickinson or Robert insist that "this is d i f f e r e n t , " we need only (o turn to the work of m a t u r e artists




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(hrom "Bronzeville Woman IIat hires out to Mrs. Miles).

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Miss Brooks is, to be sure, a Negro. An A m e r i c a n Negro. An American Negro Woman—of the Mid-Twentieth C e n t u r y . Almost the s a m e cursory glance will tell vou all this. And even more. That she is a s u p r e m e lyricist, a musician with words: Let

it be alleys.

W hose



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fall Lonely


That she thrives in the confines of poetic forms whose limited precincts thrill her with d e m a n d s for more music, c l e a r e r images, f r e s h e r symbols, and resonances of language t h a t dive and soar and touch the work to life, to a vital s t a t e m e n t that t r a n s c e n d s all generalizations, that a f f i r m s our humanity. Gwendolyn Brooks is one of the forethe





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unqualifiable signifi-

In her work we confront, a s I

think we do in all art deserving the n a m e ,

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of undeniable



Sappho to Eliot, she m a k e s an addition




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most Negro writers of our day.




the " c o n c r e t e u n i v e r s a l . " t h e h u m a n comthe


petency to be alive and m a k e it known.



This is, pure and simple, a poet.

May 10-11

Spanish Play To Be Given The Spanish Department in association with the Little Theater, is preparing a production of "En la ardiente oscuridad." a contemporary Spanish play iby Antonio

Buero Vallejo. The p e r f o r m a n c e s will be given on May 10 at 2 p.m. and May 11 at 2 p.m. and at 8 p.m. in the Little Theater. The plot concerns a group of stu-

Fine Arts Opus Issue To Be Available Today The spring edition of Hope's lite r a r y magazine. Opus, will be m a d e available to the public tonight at the Fine Arts Festival lecture by Gwendolyn Brooks. The magazine, presented in conjunction with the Festival, will include a schedule of festival events and two poems by Miss Brooks, a Pulitzer prize winning poet. F e a t u r i n g a John KilLmaster photograph on its front cover, the Opus will include poems by Carol Beukema, John Elfring, Susan Jalving, Maren Kiefer, John Killm a s t e r , Charles Menning, Bob Schwegler, Susan Shauger, Delwyn Sneller, Chuck Todd, Louise Verhoek and Rob Werge.

M a r y Essenbaggers, C h a r l e s Menning and Chuck Todd contributed short stories and sketches to the literary magazine. Among the artists represented will be Carole De Young. John Killmaster, M a r i e Morris, Margo Naber, Tom R e n n e r and Rein Vander Hall. Editor for this y e a r ' s Opus w a s Ruth Yzenbaard. Serving on the literary board were Linda Dykstra, John Elfring, Paul Hesselink, Alan Jones, Don Kardux and Carole Timkovich. 'Rein Vander Hill w a s art editor and Tom Renner was in charge of photography. Faculty advisors for the year were Dr. Henry Ten Hoor and M r . R. Dirk Jellema.

dents at a school for the blind, who have adjusted r e m a r k a b l y well to their handicap until a new student, acutely a w a r e of his blindness in relation to normal people, arrives and causes discord throughout the school. The play has been used as a classroom text in Spanish 31 for the past three y e a r s . Students and faculty who a r e interested in Spanish are invited to attend the T u e s d a y evening performance of the play. Tickets m a y be bought for $1 in Van Raalte ifrom 9 to 11 a.m. and f r o m 3 to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday. The Spanish Department h a s also issued a special invitation to all Spanish-speaking m e m b e r s of the community to attend the performance. The two matinee p e r f o r m a n c e s a r e being given especially for Spanish classes f r o m neighboring schools and colleges. The production is under the direction of Dr. Hubert P . Weller with the assistance of Sue Radliff. Appearing in the production will be Inara Bundza, Connie Chappell, Fran Hala, Jonathan Hearne, Franklin Hine, Marion Hoekstra, Gerald Keel, Charles Lake, Robert Maxam, Edna Shaw, J a i m e Zeas and Dr. Weller.

The Best of Peanuts PEANUTS


ESPANOL DRAMA—Dona Pepita (Fran Hala) seeks to obtain a confession from Carlos (Franklin Hine) in rehearsal for the Spanish play to l)e presented in the Little Theater.


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Hope Collefe anchor

The Campus Wastland



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Dean ol W o m e n , Mrs. Isia V a n Eencnaain. asked this q u e s t i o n in the "Letters to the Editor" c o l u m n s ol this page just t w o weeks ago. A n d today marks the b e g i n n i n g ol the T i n e Arts Festival, a period d u r i n g w h i c h students, faculty a n d residents of Hoiland are offered the greatest c o n c e n t r a t i o n ol cultural o p p o r t u n i t i e s t h a n at any o t h e r time d u r i n g the year.


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S A Y - W H E R E W E R E Y O U . nil of you students who speak so feelingly of culture and the arts—and those of you who complain that there is nothing to do and nowhere to go on the campus through the weekend?"






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T h r o u g h o u t this past year c u l t u r e has hardly b e e n n e g l e c t e d by the various departm e n t s of the college. T h e fine p r o d u c t i o n s ol the L i t t l e T h e a t r e , the regular recitals of the music d e p a r t m e n t , the Mortal Hoard films, speakers—all these bear witness to the fact that s o m e m e m b e r s of this c o l l e g e c o m m u n i t y are w o r k i n g to alleviate this nearly cultural wasteland.



H E S E P E O P L E R E A L I Z E that unless s o m e t h i n g is d o n e to s t i m u l a t e the culture on the c a m p u s , this c o l l e g e will p r o d u c e boorish, culturally-depraved D u t c h provincials.

In spite of the fact that m a n y p e o p l e h a v e worked hard a n d l o n g to m a k e these programs available, there has been a d e p l o r a b l e lack ol p a r t i c i p a t i o n a n d support. D e a n V a n E e n e n a a m called a t t e n t i o n t o this p r o b l e m in c o n n e c t i o n with the recent s y m p h o n e t t e concert. but what was said a b o u t that concert can e q u a l l y be said a b o u t practically^every cultural o p p o r t u n i t y m a d e a v a i l a b l e to the stud e n t s o n this c a m p u s .


W i t h i n the n e x t t w o days a series of programs d e v o t e d to e m p h a s i z i n g the c u l t u r a l

Congratulations Late Snips and Short Snorts Student

will be played by trumpeter J a m e s Ruffner and pianist Scott Cutting. This will be the first recital in which Hope students have performed on the harpsichord.


The next in the recent music department student recitals will feature pianists, vocalists and harpsichordists. The recital wil be held next Thursday at 7 p.m. in Snow Auditorium. Opening the program will be Rosemary Hekman playing Domenico Scarlatti's "Sonata in C" for harpsichord. Gerald Hagans will sing two selections f r o m "Messiah," "For Behold" and "The People That Walked in Darkness." He will be accompanied by Betty Lou Dietch. Pianist Charlene Leong will perf o r m "Intermezzo in E-flat" by Johannes Brahms and harpsichordist Stephen Rumpf will play Sweenlick's "Toccata in A Minor" and Couperin's "Les Baricades Misterieuses." Charles Walvoord and Caron Vanden Hoek will present respectively Debussy's "Prelude, Book I, No. 7" and Mozart's " F a n t a s y in D Minor." Bohuslav Martinu's "Sonatine for Trumpet and P i a m ^ '



Three members of the Aikido Club of Meiji Gakuin University in Tokyo, Japan, will demonstrate their art of self-defense in Carnegie Gymnasium this afternoon at 3 p.m. The three men. Nobuhiro Hayasti Akio Mitake and Yoshihiro Arima are masters of Aikido. which is one of the traditional arts of self defense practiced in J a p a n . Aikido. judo, and karate are becoming increasingly popular in the United States. Meiji Gakuin University is the oldest mission school in J a p a n and has had close ties with the Reformed Church in America and the United Presbyterian Church. It is presently pursuing programs of academic exchange with the United States involving both students and /acuity.





Published weekly oj the college year except vacation, holiday and examination periods by and jor the students of Hope College, Holland Mich., under the authority of the Student Senate Publications Board. Entered as second class matter at the post office of Holland, Michigan, at the special rate of postage provided for in section 1103 of Act of Congress, Oct., 3, 1917, and authorized Oct. 19, 1918. Subscription: per year. Printed: Zeeland Record, Zeeland, Michigan. Member: Associated Collegiate Press, Michigan Collegiate Press Ass. Represented for national advertising by National Advertising Service. Office: Ground Floor of Graves Hall. Phone 396-2122. EDITOR FACULTY



C o n g r a t u l a t i o n s to W e s M i c h a e l s o n a n d M a r i l y n H o l l m a n for their victories in the S t u d e n t Senate p r e s i d e n t i a l and vice presid e n t i a l elections a n d to Hob Edwards, n e w l y elected senior class p r e s i d e n t ; G e n e Pearson, junior class president; a n d Gerry Poortinga, s o p h o m o r e class president. T h e h o n o r g i v e n to these n e w officers is great, but the responsibility they have been g i v e n is far greater. T h e y are n o w faced w i t h the o b l i g a t i o n to strive to m a k e g o o d on theii ( a m p a i g n promises: they are charged with the responsibility of serving the s t u d e n t s they represent to the best of their ability.

c o n t r i b u t i o n of Negroes in A m e r i c a n life will be offered on this c a m p u s . A Pulitzer prizew i n n i n g poet, an i n t e r n a t i o n a l l y f a m o u s singer and actress, the works of o n e of America's loremost painters, a l e a d i n g A m e r i c a n c o m p o s e r and an a c c o m p l i s h e d pianist will be a m o n g the o p p o r t u n i t i e s for the c a m p u s this week-end.

anchor editorial


N A P E R I O D when Negroes are d e m o n strating for the privilege of casting a vote, lor the privilege of e q u a l e d u c a t i o n a l opportunities. lor the p r i v i l e g e of l i v i n g somewhere other than a rat-infested ghetto, it is not o n l y refreshing but i m p o r t a n t to learn that a portion of the cultural life of this nation is the c o n t r i b u t i o n of s o m e of these same people.

N o w the tragedy of all this is that t o n i g h t and t o m o r r o w students on this c a m p u s will be riding o n skate-boards, w a t c h i n g T V , playing pool and simply wasting l i m e w h i l e t h e s e p e o p l e will be trying to e x p l a i n to this q u a i n t Dutch c o m m u n i t y what it m e a n s to be a N e g r o artist in A m e r i c a n culture.

Hope To Host College Bowl Hope College will be the host school for a "College Bowl" tournament scheduled for next Monday and Tuesday. Schools participating in the event will be Albion, Alma, Adrian, and Hope colleges. The first elimination round of the tournament will be held Monday with the finals scheduled for the 10:30 a.m. Tuesday assembfy period. Rules, scoring and general procedure will follow the pattern of recent similar events. Bryce Bulter, A1 Smith and John Simons, veterans of the previous College Bowl, will represent Hope College with a fourth member who has not yet been named. Last year the Hope team brought home a trophy when it defeated Albion. A $500 scholarship will be awarded to the winning school. Butler said.

Calvin Controversy

Left-Right F ight Dead The recent controversy at Calvin College produced by religious and political right winger Dr. Carl Mclntyre is calming down, according to Calvin director of college relations, Sidney- T. Youngsma. The disagreement arose when Dr. Mclntrye publicly refuted attacks made on his extreme right political views by six m e m b e r s of the Calvin faculty last J a n u a r y . A radio minister on 600 stations across the country. Dr. Mclntyre upholds unqualified individualism and property rights as inherent in Christian doctrine and scripture and commands a sizable following. Despite indications in the UPI news release appearing in the April 17 Holland Sentinel of fiancial support of the Christian Reformed Church-controlled college being withdrawn by prominent contributors unless'the college "cleans house and gets rid of the leftists," Mr. Youngsma cited the month of March as setting a record high for contributions. He classed the situation " a tempest in a teapot" and the UPI article " a horrible misrepresentation." ' T h e r e is no moat between Calvin and its supporters." he added. Youngsma's statements were verified by a Calvin student who

called the political controversey "a dead issue." Neither,the Calvin Chimes nor the Grand Rapids Press have covered the issue since March. Refuting the UPI coverage, Youngsma admitted one instance of withdrawal of funds by an individual who gave through a family foundation. He characterized Dr. Mclntyre's March visit to Grand

Rapids as one where "no rancor or bitterness was shown by the students or faculty." He denied reports of student picketing of the visit. A Calvin student gave the opinion that the faculty had decided to "leave Mclntyre and his ridiculous views alone," with the hope that the controversey will be forgotten.

New Editor John Mulder Chosen To Head '65 Staff Sophomore John Mulder has been chosen to succeed graduating senior Charles Menning as editor-inchief of the anchor next year, the Student Publications Board announced last week.

news editor position next year. The new editor-in-chief has also chosen Bob Donia and Paul Verduin to respectively fill the newly created posts of assistant editor and managing editor.

Mulder, who is presently serving as news editor, has worked on the paper for two years and was editor of his high school newspaper. He has also been selected to serve as a summer intern with the Cleveland branch of the Wall Street Journal under a Newspaper Fund scholarship program.

John Koch will continue as business manager, Mulder said, with Bob Schroeder serving as advertising manager.

Handy (Miller will fill Mulder's

Following his selection, Mulder announced that all students who wish to serve on next year's editorial staff are requested to submit a list of qualifications to him at the anchor office.

April 30, 1965

Hope College anchor

Page •

Netmen Keep Winning Streak With Wins Qver Alma, Albion by James Mace Hope kept its undefeated tennis string intact at three in the MIAA and five overall over the past week with a pair of victories over Alma and Albion. Last Saturday at Alma, the Flying Dutch roughed up their hosts to the tune of 7-0. Butch Hopma again captured the first singles with a decisive 6-2, 6-1 triumph over Brian Hampton. Lance Stell won the second singles with a 6-0, 2-6, 6-1 win over Mark Sylvester. In other singles matches Randy Nykamp topped Tim Lozen 63, 6-0 and Don Kronemeyer defeated Jim Ladd 2-6, 6-2, 6-2. In exhibition singles Craig Holleman beat Fred Purdy 6-3, 5-6, 6-4. Doubles victories were picked up by the teams of Hopma-Nykamp and Kronemeyer-Stell. Hopma and Nykamp won 6-2, 6*4, while the second team won by default. Hope's third league victory was picked up at the expense of Albion on the courts across from Kollen Hall on Wednesday afternoon. Hopma suffered his first league

defeat when he lost to Pete Schott in three sets, 6-1, 3-6, 6-2. Stell defeated Don Nowakowski 7-9, 7-5, 6-2 in second singles, while Nykamp took third singles with a three-set win over Dick Brink 6-2, 6-8, 6-2. Kronemeyer and Dave Nykerk were the other singles winners for the Dutch. Kronemeyer topped Bill Smith in straight sets 6-4, 6-4, while Nykerk went to three in downing Joe M^Culloch 6-2,, 3-6, 6-4. Hopma and Nykamp took first doubles over Schott and Nowakowski 6-2, 6-3, while the duo of Stell and Kronemeyer defeated Brink and Joe Reed 6-2, 7-5. The final doubles match between the teams of Holleman and Carl Walters and Smith and Kirk Leighton was incomplete. Holleman topped Leighton in an exhibition singles encounter, however, 1-6, 6-3, 6-«. Hope is now tied for first place in the MIAA with Kalamazoo. Hope and the Hornets meet at Holland on May 19 and again at Kalamazoo for the MIAA Field Day on May

Baseball Victories:


Kroodsma Hurls First No-Hitter Since 1960 On a team that has featured many outstanding pitchers in the last few years, including two that have been signed to major league contracts (Joe Bosworth and Jim Kaat), it looks like coach Daryl Siedentop has came up with another top-flighl v^ei. His name is Dun Kroodsma and although he is only a freshman he already hurled a no-hitter and a one-hitter in league play. His nohitter. the first since an Albion hurler fired one against Adrian in 1%(). was a masterpiece. Fanning 11 and walking only four. Kroodsma had the Alma batters baffled from the outset. His latest outing was against Albion who he defeated 5-4. Although the opposition m a n a ^ d to score four runs they collected only one hit and that was a bleeder over Kroodsma's head that was just out of the reach of everybody. He has yet to allow an earned run in loop play. Coach Siedentop felt that he must receive fine pitching from his youngsters if the Dutch were to again challenge for the MIAA title.

He not only has received outstanding pitching from Kroodsma as well as Paul Terpstra, but he may have found one of the best righthanders in recent years in the young Zeeland native.

DON KROODSMA Hope's no i.'* p i t c h e r

Dutch Golfers Drop Two Matches With Calvin /Ubion Last toetk Hope's golf squad, with only two of last year's starters in competition, dropped its second and third matches of the season last week to Calvin and Albion respectively. In a make-up match against the Knights played last Friday at the West Ottawa course, Hope lost an HV^Vi decision. Captain Bill Potter led the Dutch linksters with an 82 and he picked up three match points. Gordy Korstange and Larry


Cain finished right benind Potter with 83's. George Cook and Bruce Gibbons, who are team newcomers along with Cain, had a 90 and a 93 respectively. Against the Britons in the first away match of the league season for the Dutchmen. Hope was defeated 13V2-21/2 at Duck Lake Country Club in Marshall. Korstange and Cook were low men for the Flying Dutch with 78's and Korstange missed a sevenfoot birdie putt on the final hole to cost him the low man honor. Korstange garnered 2 points for the Dutch with his round. Potter soared to a 91 for the day. Cain fired an 3 to pick up a half point, while Ken Kolenbrander, making his first appearance of the season shot an 87.




LAUNDRO-MAT Corner 17th St. and Columbia Ave. Only 4 Blocks South of KOLLEN HALL

SAFE AT HOME—Cal Poppink slides safely into h ome plate while Albion catcher Glen Knock awaits the throw from the field in Hope's victory over Albion Wednesday.

Dutch Win Three of Four by James Mace Joe Bcjiworth may be gone but the taste of victory still lingers with the Hope Flying Dutchmen. In a year that has filled the •MIAA baseball league with surprises. Hope defeated top loop contender Albion in a twinbill last Wednesday at Van Raalte Field by scores of 54 and 15-5 to move into a first place tie with the darkhorse Olivet Comets. Following close on the heels of a doubleheader split with the Alma Scots last Saturday at Alma, the double victory leaves the Dutch with a 5-1 league record and makes tomorrow's doubleheader with the Comets the biggest games of the season. Featuring s o m e outstanding pitching from freshman righthander Don Kroodsma and junior lefthander Paul Terpstra and timely hitting, the Dutch squeaked by the Britons in a sloppily played first game and then bombed three Albion hurlers for 14 hits in the second game to make it easy for Terpstra. In his first outing since his nohitter of last Saturday Kroodsma fired a masterful one-hitter and except for some loose defensive play on the part of his mates would have had an easy time of it. Albion came up with its lone safety of the first game in the course of a two-run first inning. Two errors and a walk led to the runs for the Britons, both unearned. Hope got one of the runs back in the last of the fourth inning on hits by Rog Kroodsma and Pelon. However, a throwing error on a cutoff play allowed an Albion runner to score in the fifth frame and that upped the count to 3-1. Hope made its move in the last of the sixth when Pelon and Clare Van Wieren drew walks from starting pitcher Tom Balistrere to start the frame. Both runners advanced on an infield out and Pelon scored when Balistrere uncorked a wild pitch. Steve Piersma came up to pinch hit and delivered a line drive double to right to tie up the g a m e at three apiece. Phil Pluister ran for Piersma and scored a moment later when Don Kroodsma's slow roller trickled through the first baseman's legs and out to rightfield. With a one-run cushion Hope handed the game back to Albion in the top of the seventh. With two out, consecutive errors by shortstop Pelon allowed one run to score and only a fine throw from first baseman Clare Van Wieren to catcher Skip Nienhuis cutting down a runner at the plate prevented further damage. Kroodsma and the Dutch were not to be denied and in the last of the seventh singles by Terpstra and Rog Kroodsma sandwiched

around a walk to Nienhuis loaded up the bases. Van Wieren brought matters to a close with a line drive single to center. In the second game Hope got to starter A1 Kahl for a single tally in the first inning on a walk to Cotts, a sacrifice and a single by Nienhuis and then unloaded for 13 more hits to blast Albion out of the park. The attack was featured by the first Dutch home runs of the year and a pair of hits by Cotts. Dan Kruegar belted one over the rightfield fence and Cal Poppink followed suit with a two-run blast over the rightfield wall.

Terpstra started and hurled five innings to pick up the win. Mark Johnson pitched the final two f r a m e s for the Dutch and was shelled for four of the five Briton runs. Against Alma, Hope lost a heartbreaking 1-0 thriller in the opener and then came back -to wallop the Scots, 17-0, behind the no-hit pitching of Don Kroodsma. Kroodsma, hurling the first nohitter in the MIAA in five years, was in complete control at all times as his 11 strikeouts will attest. He had a fine curve working for him which he offset with his sneaky fastball.

Track Team Slams Alma Falls To Albion Squad The Flying Dutch track squad ran past the Scottsmen of Alma last Saturday by a 115-21 score, sweeping 15 of 16 first place finishes and backing up the first places with 10 seconds and 10 thirds. Hope started quickly as the 440yard relay team, composed of Ray Cooper, Gary Holvick, Jim Bekkering and Bill Hultgren, raced away with a 44.8 win in the event. Gary Pieper kept the win streak alive in the running events with a 4:54.1 victory in the mile run. Dave Lane proved his speed in the 440-yard run, wtih a 51.1 victory, only to be followed by fellow teammates Jim Pierpont and Mike Paliatsos, which turned the 440 into one of Hope's seven sweeps of the day. In the 100-yard dash, Cooper led his teammates Hultgren and Bob Thompson across for a second sweep in two events. Cooper's time was a fast 10.3 seconds. Hope's attack never relinquished as Gary Holvick raced to a 15.5 second victory in the high hurdles, with teammate John Hollenbach finishing third behind an Albion runner. Freshman Steve Reynen continued the attack with a victory in the half-mile with a time of 2:05.3. Gary Pieper, winner of the mile, finished in third. In the 220-yard dash, it was again a clean sweep for Hope, with Cooper again leading Hultgren and Thompson over the line at a time of 22.9 seconds. The intermediate hurdles proved the same, with a Hope victory. This time Holvick and Hollenbach teamed up for a one-two finish, with t h e ' winning time at 40.4 seconds. Cal Casterhaven finished ahead of all runners in the 2 mile with a time of 10:27.3 min., and Hope's mile relay team of Pierpont, Hultgren, Coop-

er and Lane completed the running events with a 3 minutes 28.6 seconds victory. The only Alma win was in the javelin, where Sam Acton threw the spear 138 feet 5 inches, followed closely by Hope's Bruce Ming and Jeff Powell. Dave Hunar was the only other Scottsman to gain a point in the field events, with a third place finish in the discus. All the other events were swept by Hope, with Chris Buys, Les Cole, and Fred Shantholtzer winning the shot put respectively. Buys and Shantholtzer placed first and second respectively in the discus. In the broad jump Ron Hilbelink led Ken Feit and John Simons to a sweep and in the high jump, Ron Borst led Bruce Menning and Floyd Brady in a sweep of that event. To round out the action of the meet. Ken Feit led Kent Rowder ond Doug Swets in a final Hope sweep in the pole vault with a vault of 12 feet even. Wednesday, the Big Dutch travelled to Albion to face defending champion Albion and were soundly defeated by a very strong Briton squad. The Briton squad ran up 80 points while the Dutch could only muster 56. Lane combined with Paliatsos for a one - two finish in the 440 and Holvick turned in a first place effort in the high hurdles with Hollenbach finishing third. Besides this the only first place efforts were by both relay teams and Fred Shanholtzer in the discus. The mile relay team, composed of Pierpont, Hultgren, Cooper and Lan(? won a 3 minute, 27.7 second victory and in the 440 yard relay, Bekkering. Hultgren, Holvick and Cooper raced to a 45.2 second victory.

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