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Hope College — Holland, Michigan

13 Seniors Get Awards

Five Out of Ten Elected to Leodj Hope Illumination Night — 1960 held both joys and sorrows for ten anxious candidates, five of whorn were to become the leaders of the student body of the year 1960-61.

Thirteen Hope seniors have been awarded teaching fellowships or assistantships for the 1960-61 academic year. Seven of these thirteen are from the department

of chemistry, which is headed by Dr. Gerrit Van Zyl. David E. White has been awarded a teaching assistantship in Chemistry at the University of Rochester. Nicholas Vanderborgh has been awarded a teaching assistantship in Chemistry at Southern Illinois University, Carbondale, Illinois. Kenneth H. Brown has been Barbara is currently a senior awarded a teaching assistant- Spanish major. Last semester ship in Chemistry a t Rutgers she studied at Mexico City ColUniversity, N e w Brunswick, lege. In 1959 she was a memNew Jersey. ber of the Vienna Summer Harry J. Wristers has been School. She was Holland's Comawarded a National Defense munity Ambassador to Chile in Fellowship in Chemistry. Wris- 1957. ters will use his fellowship to Miss Emmick is a member of study a t O h i o University, the Spanish Club, French Club, Athens, Ohio. The fellowship Pan-Hellenic Board, Internacarries a stipend of $2,400 which tional Relations Club, Alpha is applicable towards earning a Gamma Phi sorority. Band, OrPh.D. in his field. chestra, and Alcor, Senior woLorraine K. Hellinga has been men's honorary society. Last awarded an ^assistanship in year she was literary editor of Chemistry by Wayne State Uni- the Milestone. versity in Detroit. The assistantship carries a stipend of $1900 Thomas L. McCarthy, has with remission of tuition and been awarded a graduate assist fees. antship in marketing at the Roger L. De Vries has re- University of Indiana it was ceived a teaching assistantship announced by Dr. Dwight B. in Chemistry at the University Yntema, head of the Hope Colof Illinois, Urbana. De Vries lege Econmics and Business Adwill teach twelve hours of chem- ministration. istry courses. The assistantship The assistantship carries a carries a stipend of $1900 plus stipend of $1000. full remission of fees. Delwyn E, Machiele has reTwo Biology majors have alceived a teaching assistantship so been named as the recipients in Chemistry at the University of awards. Paul Fell has been of Illinois. Machiele has an as- awarded an assistantship in biosistantship which carries a logy and a scholarship from stipend of $1900 plus full re- Stanford University, Berkely, mission of fees. California. The announcement was made by Mr. Oscar ThompThomas O. Flickema has been awarded a $1900 assistantship son, Head of the Biology Department. at Wayne State University acFell also received, but decording to Dr. Paul Fried, head of the History Department. clined assistant and fellowship Flickema, who is a senior his- offers from the University of tory major attended Muskegon Illinois. After graduation • in June, Fell plans to work for Community College. master and Ph.D. degrees in the While at Hope he was active field of physiology. in Future Teachers and InterRobert S. Marshall has been national Relations Clubs and is awarded a graduate fellowship a member of Phi Alpha Theta, in Bacteriology and Virology national history honorary fraby the University of Wichita, ternity, and Chi Phi Sigma, so Wichita, Kansas. cial fraternity. The fellowship carries a stipTwo students have received end of $1500 plus remission of awards in the field of foreign fees. Marshall presently holds languages. Margo Ruth Gotte a teaching assistantship in the has received a teaching assist- Biology Department at Hope. antship in German a t the Indiana University, Bloomington, Indiana. A senior German major, she will teach five hours of German courses as she does graduate work. The assistantby Paul Armstrong ship carries a stipend of $1500. With the welcomed advent of While attending Hope Col- fair weather came the spring lege, Miss Gotte was assistant sports season, as the Flying editor of Opus, was secretary of Dutchmen fielded four teams Delta Phi Alpha, a national last Saturday, with a variety honorary fraternity in the field 0f ™8U!tS* . f , of German and was secretary of Ihe tennis team turned in the the Dorian sorority. She attend- finest showing with a decisive ed the University of Munich in 5-2 victory at Albion. With sue1959. cessive victories by the top Barbara Ann Emmick has three men and a doubles sweep, been awarded the Knapp Fel- the netmen avenged last years lowship to the University of loss to Albion, also by a 5-2 Wisconsin. The fellowship car- s c o r e * ries a stipend of $2,600 and is Victories were supplied by to be use to "cultivate ideals of Norm Hess (6-1, 3-6, and 6-0), honesty, sincerity, earnestness, Paul Mack (6-4, 6-3), Arlyn tolerance, and social and poli- Lanting (6-2, 6-3), and by the tical obligations" according to doubles teams of Hess and Bob Mr. Knapp, who endowed the Teal (6-4, 6-1) and Mack and fellowship. Lanting (7-5, 6-4)v

April 29, 1960

The honor and responsibilities of being president of the Student Council will be shouldered by Cal Bruins, a Cosmopolitan and member of the Pre-Medical Society. Cal has served this year as treasurer of the Student Council. He is looking forward to a very successful year which he believes is dependent upon the quality of the representatives which the various societies will elect to the council next fall. He is anxious to fulfill the wants of the student body and he encourages any one who may have suggestions to give these suggestions to him. Working with Cal next year in the capacity of vice-president of the Student Council will be Sharon Crossman. Sharon was supported by the Alpha Phi Sorority. She has demonstrated much of her leadership ability as acting President of the PanHellenic Board. Looking forward to leading the Class of 1961 to a successful Senior year is the newlyelected president, Kritz Kruithof. A native of Holland, Michigan, Fritz was backed by the Arcadian Fraternity. He has served as vice-president of

"Coine Mutiny" Tomorrow Nite

T h e s e h a p p y smiles a r e o n t h e f a c e s of S h a r o n Crossman a n d Cal Bruins — next y e a r s p r e s i d e n t a n d v i c e - p r e s i d e n t of S t u d e n t Council. Best of Luckl

Classics Club and assistant editor of his high school yearbook. A vote of confidence was awarded Cosmopolitan R o g e r Achterhof as he was elected president of the Class of 1962. Rog has served on the Student Council this past year and has held various fraternity offices. Steering the ship for the Class of 1963 in their sophomore year will be Jack Jenner. Jack is a member of the Fraternal Society. He gained much experience in the duties of leadership during his h i g h school years. Heartiest congratulations and best wishes for a successful 1960-61 year are extended by the student body to the new officers!

Saturday night, April 30, Alcor, the senior women's honorary sorority, will present the movie "The Caine Mutiny," a technicolor production adapted from the famous novel of the same name by Herman Wouk. It will be held at the music building auditorium at 8:00 p.m. and admission will be $.50 per person.

Nelson Presents Senior Recital Miss Lynalice Nelson, a Hope College Senior from Muskegon, Michigan, presented her senior organ recital Sunday, April 24 at 3 p.m. in the Dimnent Memorial Chapel. Miss Nelson is a music education major and plans to teach music in the elementary school. Her program, which was open to the public at no admission, included "Toccata" by Muffat and "Basse et Dessus de Trompette" by Clerambault. She played J. S. Bach's "Chorale Preludes, My Soul Exalts the Lord" and "Toccata and Fugue in D Minor." She played two selections from Brahms' Chorale Preludes "My Heart is Filled with Longing" and "My Faithful Heart Rejoices. Included also in the program was "Choral in A Minor" by Franck. Miss Nelson is from the class of Roger Rietberg. She is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Nelson, 1273 Montgomery, Muskegon, Michigan.

Formal At Civic

The story centers around a group of naval officers who rebel against what they conceive to be a unreliable commander, Captain Queeg, who is portrayed Humphrey Bogart. The story is climaxed by a tense court marshall scene which brings about surprising results.

Dress for the All College Formal held May 6 Girls — summer dresses OR Semi-formals, no flowers Guys — business suits or blazers Miss Lynalice N e l s o n

Spring Sets A New Sports Scene On Monday, Coach Larry Green's squad again emerged victorious with a 6-1 romp over Adrian on the home courts, bringing their record to 3 and 0 for the season. Hes8, Lanting

' Tea1' a n d S t a n Vugteveen turned in winning performances, while the doubles teams of Hess and Teal, and Mack and Vugteveen won again, The team plays Hillsdale here today. The golf team, coached by Dean Hilmert brought its MIAA record to 2 and 1 on Monday with a victory over Alma on the home links, 9 ^ to 4%. Bob Holt led the victors with a 73 followed by Bob Klaasen with an 80. Runners-up were Wes Ny-


kamp 85, Ken Biel 87, and Tom Klaasen 90. The team travels to Hillsdale today for a dual m a t c h w i t h Hillsdale a n d Adrian. The track team spent a rather


to the respective tunes of 13-7, and 7-2. | n the first encounter five Hone errors snelled defpaf for fhe'DuZen ^ d s t S n g X Sharkev Vander W o u H p c her

P l e a 8 a n t d a y vying while in the second game, a dis' with Grand Rapids JC, event- asterous sixth inning broke up ually losing its first meet by the a hard-fought tie ball Rame as score of 72 to 59. Highlight of the Scots pushed five runs the event was Jim Rozeboom's across the plate to give the record breaking run in the 880, c i u b its third defeat of the sea setting a new mark of 2.01.3. s o n . Tomorrow, Coach DeVette's On Wednesday the squad n i n e w iii journey to Calvin. traveled to Adrian, although the results were not available Summary: by press time. Tomorrow, Coach 1st game R H E Brewer's men will host Calvin Alma 13 13 2 College. Hope 7 10 5 The baseball team also spent 2nd game R H E a long afternoon, dropping both Alma 7 8 3 ends of a double-header to Alma Hope 2 4 1

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April 29, 1960



presented in; for example will it be presented in a

It is in the theatre that all the seven arts — poetry, music, dancing, sculpture, painting, drawing, and architecture — come together and are arranged to form a complete, unified whole. The dance is present in the bodily movement and gesture that is necessary for the proper interpretation and projection of the characters portrayed by the actors.


i l l u s t r a t i o n of t h e

u s e of






Wing and Border


or Arena type stage.

in t h e t h e a t r e .

Music is present in the total sound of the performance and the speech of the actors. Particular elements of music here are the rythm, melody and harmony. The drama, itself, with its words, meter, imagery and other devices is the poetry or literature. We realize the scenery, lightning effects, and decor of the settings to be the particular contribution of the graphic arts. Particular elements here are the use of line, mass, and color.

Tennyson, Browning, Shelley and others were not cognizant of this fact and consequently wrote 'closet dramas'; dramas which can never be presented on a stage eveii though -they can be read with great enjoyment. A play should posses both literary excellence and inherent possibility for presentational success. The first, of course, is too often the fault of plays being written in our day. It is commonly held that no one since the Greeks has achieved the highest form of drama — t h e tragedy. Ibsen, Miller and others have tried but changes in society have proved their attempts unsuccessful and now their works are referred to as serious dramas. Many feel that only in the field of poetic drama can we achieve our goal. Others, that man today is not of heroic proportions. The play must have significant meaning and value for those who are a part of it; "will it send them away better equipped to face life in some w a y ? " Certain questions "of morality must also be raised.

The Director The director is the author's representative. It is his respon-

Art in t h e t h e a t r e is f o u n d in s e t t i n g s like the o n e a b o v e .

Origin of Theatre Theatre began when primitive man added words to music and dance to portray his feelings and emotions. Theatre, as it was then, was concerned with worship, love, food getting, and so forth. Art is religious in nature; man asks significant questions about self, universe, and so forth. Man has become a creator. The theatre artists' highest aim is to provide catharsis, or a cleansing of the soul through the experiencing of the emotions fear and pity by the audience that is able to believe in the action going on. This implies an attempt to present an illusion of life even though there is more of life presented in these few hours than would ordinarily take place in the same amount of time. Also implied is a truthful representation of life wherein elements are carefully selected, arranged and presented in such a way that the audience can believe what it is a part of.

The Theatre Organization The theatre can function in this direction only if its five component parts are actively present; the author of the play, the director of the production, the actors, the technicians, and the audience.

The Playwright Webster defines drama as "a composition in prose or verse portraying life or character by means of dialogue and action and designed for theatrical performance." The playwright must carefully select his characters and endow them with certain attributes and characteristics that are significant to the conflict he presents. The conflict should be one that is of significance to all men: his characters must be true to life's experience. The outcome of the action also must be true to life's experience. He must decide the form of the play — a drama, as the plays of Euripedes, Sophocles and Aeschylus; a melodrama such as Ibsen's Ghosts or Hedda Gabbler; a comedy as Moliere's Misan thrope or a farce such as Auntie Mame. He must decide the development of the story of action. He must carefully order his elements. It is imperative that he consider the limitations of the theatre his play will most likely be

sibility to interpret and express the conflict in terms of character and line as the author's intended meaning demands and to convey this to the audience. Edward





Primer For Playgoers states that, "In short, it is the director's responsibility to see that the actors not only play the characters they have been asSigned, but that they also play

Director H a r o l d C l u r m a n . His s t a g e credits i n c l u d e G o l d e n Boy, t h e m e m -

the play that has been written

b e r of , h e W e d d n


Gates, Tomadors.

for art the the





i 9 »Bus and

S t o p , Tiger W a l t z of t h e

them. Therein lies the true of the director. It is he who decides what is to be done, and actor who determines how that direction will be portrayed for audience."

The goal of the director is to create a work of art but also to provide an experience of growth and direction for the actors and the audience. More specifically, the director is responsible for such matters as the choice of a play; casting; where the emphasis is placed in and on a play; stage grouping, movements; maintaining and acheiving the appropriate balance of aesthetic distance and empathy; maintaining the proper balance of rythmn, tempo and pace, remaining truthful to the author's meaning in his work; challenging the minds and spirits of his actors and audience; and others. He works with and directs the work of the technicians.

April 29, 1960




I I I DRAMA The Technicians The technicians are responsible for the background of a play being presented on stage. Their goal is to present to the viewers a smooth running, well integrated production. The technicians are of three types. The stage designer creates the stage setting for the play. Stylization, which depends on the audience's imagination; symbolism; and space staging are his particular tools in addition to several scenic styles in the modem theatre.

He must be able to exercise his imagination. He must try to believe in the action that is taking place; he must give the play a fair chance. He must « recognize his own personal feelings and prejudices in regard to certain matters and try to view the play objectively. He should observe the work of all the artists that made the production possible. He must realize that the artist has a right to express himself in what - he considers the best way. And to ask—always—Goethe's three ' questions: What is the artist trying to do? How well has he done it? • Is it worth the doing? Pictures taken from Wright, "Primer for Playgoers" - ' Gassner, Producing the Play, International Theatre Institute' Stage Design Throughout . The World.



Group Has 2 Weeks Fun


H e r e is t h e m o r e e x p r e s s i o n i s t i c s t a g e d e s i g n . r e a l i s t i c d e s i g n — is pictured b e l o w .


The n e a r o p p o s i t e o n

this —

The lighting technician has become of increasing importance since the value of colored light and illumination have been realized. The costume designer designs all the costumes for a given production. The considerations these people must give in terms of line, color, mass, are fairly obvious. Their work is very important and of various degrees of importance depending upon the production.

by Mary Gouwens Thirty people got off a Greyhound bus and entered the silent little glass chapel on a bluff above the Pacific Ocean at Portuguese Ben, California. As they viewed Wayfarers'-Chapel, the Symphonette members realized that their two-weekconcert tour was more than half over. They pushed the thoughts of classes and studies from their minds once more and looked forward to a few more days of freedom from routine and reality. During the past week they had seen and done any number of interesting things. The first was their departure from Holland on April 1, the beginning of two weeks of pleasure and work. Passing through the bleak, midwestem plains the symphonette members first saw the foothills of the Rockies, then the mountains themselves. _ The _ warm, sunny city of Denver next greeted them with the first promises of spring — green lawns.

The f i n a l p r o d u c t . From t h e p i c t u r e o n e c a n design, lighting a n d costume.

s e e t h e effective u s e of


The Actor The actor's contribution is the creation of a given character who functions in the play with other characters. To do this well, he must have an emotional understanding of the character he will portray. In short, he must play the part the author has written. To do this he can live the part of the character, or he can interpret the character in terms of himself. Either way, his work is not easy. He receives a great amount of training — actors are made, not born. He spends long hours studying, and using and his imagination; acting is hard work, physically, mentally, vocally. Good actors have talent, great actors have an added spiritual quality.

The Audience The theatregoer must realize that the theatre is the synthesis of all the arts and that many people have worked toward the production of this play. The theatre is not there to provide a convenient, temporary escape for his problems. The theatregoer has certain obligations.

Once again they had traveled across plains, this time in northern Colorado and Yyoming. For a second time mountains began to appear. One evening, riding through the lofty peaks, the bus rounded a turn, putting Salt Lake City in full view. In San Francisco some of the Symphonette members went to Fishermen's Wharf, others to Chinatown. After leaving Phoenix, Arizona, the Symphonette took a small detour of 800 miles to Grand Canyon. Thirty people peered over the rim while camera shutters clicked madly. Even though it may seem impossible, the Symphonette did give concerts on this tour. They developed the ability to get into formal dress, set up a stage, and tune up in record time. They returned to school on April 16, tired and behind in work, but satisfied that they had spent a profitable two weeks.

Page Three


Organizations S(urry To Complete Year Social Sidelights is back again finally with a bit of campus news for your ears. We were unable to be with you last week but hope to be able this week to catch you up on what has been happening for a while around the campus. Just as the flowers burst forth with the arrival of spring, so the members of the Dorian Sorority are bursting with new ideas for the few weeks remaining this year. At the Lit. meeting on April 22 Mr. Hoffman of Grand Rapids delivered some personality pointers. It was decided that the sorority would change the pattern of the usual sorority informals and have a beach party. »

The Fraternal Society has boosted its ranks by pledging the following men: Paul Welwod, Paul Cramer, Dave Bonnette, Bob Poland, and Jon Schoon. The Alpha Phi Sorority held a business meeting on April 22, and after the meeting they attending the Illumination Night Program in a body. Congratulations are in order for Sharon Crossman, the Alpha Phi candidate for vice president of the Student Council who became the vice president of the Student Council. •

• •

The Emmersonian Fraternity has elected its new officers for the third term. They are as follows: Pres., Sheryl Schlafer; V.P., Bruce Hoffman; Secretary, Fred Diekman; Sergent at Arms, Vern Essenberg. The eight pledges of the second semester attended the last two meetings. We extend our best wishes to Brenda Burger (out of town) and A1 Plaasche who recently became pinned. New pledges are as follows: Bob Jachning, Rog McLeod, Rich Brand, Steve Morse, George Munger, Bob Schout, Jim Tysse, Bob Gordan. •

As is with all of the other sororities, the Sorosites have been discussing rushing plans. They have had their room completely redecorated, in preparation for the rushing season. Best Wishes are extended to three members of the Sorosis sorority who returned from Spring vacation engaged. The newly engaged are as follows: Sandy Decker, Phil Welch, and Joy Phillip. The announcement of the engagement of a last years Sorosite has also been announced. The one? Isla Van Eenenaam. The sorority informal will be held at Castle Park on May 14. Connie Shroyer and Diane Deemes are co-chairmen. »


At the business meeting on April 22, the Delta Phi Sorority discussed a revision of the constitution. A final vote will be taken at a later meeting. An informal report was also given. The Del Phi engagement is none other than Jeanie Baldwin to Chuck Vanden Burg (out of town). Best wishes Jeanie. »

Chemistry Club News: Del Machiele, president of the local chapter of the American Chemical Society, spoke at the club's regular meeting held Tuesday, April 19 in the science building. His subject was "Ferrocene", a recent advance in organometallic research. Approximately twenty-five members of the club are visiting the Argonne National Laboratories today, April 29, in Lemont, Illinois. The annual banquet will be a steak dinner a f Van Raalte's in Zeeland on May Hi The program on that evening will include election of officers and a film of some phase of industrial chemistry. »


The Arcadian Fraternity held a meeting on April 22 in the chapel basement. Jud Emerick gave a talk and demonstration on jazz. He used recordings along with his talk. The fraternity attended the illumination night ceremonies in a body. They give their congratulations to Fritz Kruithof, the new president of next years senior class. After the illuminating ceremony the Arkies held a party for Fritz. At midnight the fraternity seranaded Sharon Crossman, a member of their sister SQrority, and presented her with a dozen red roses. The new ^pledges this spring are as follows: Ken Biel, Bill De Young, Bob Hoekman, Jim Stull, Rich Taubald, and Bob Vanderlaun. Final plans were made for the informal to be held at Sleepy Hollow on May 7. Bob Fisher is the chairman of the informal. The fraternity also held a paper drive to earn money for Em and Dee's campaign. The proceeds, $53.50, will go to the World Refuge Fund. •



At the business meeting of IRC on April 20 the following people were elected as officers: Pres., Wa-el Karache; V.P., Allan Dietz; Secy., Betty Talsma; Treas., Jim Mac Dowell; Historian, Ian Jones; Project Chairman, Justine Dakin. A report was given by Ron Chandler and Wa-el Karache on the AIRC Convention which was held at Harvard University from April 1-4. *



The Cosmopolitan Fraternity held a business meeting on April 22 and afterwards attended the Illuminating Ceremony in the chapel. Our best wishes are extended to Cal Bruins, the new incoming president of the Student Council and to Rog Achterhof, the incoming president of next years Junior class. The election of officers also recently took place, and the results will be told in the next issue. Suspense! This is all for this time. Think carefully rushees in making your choices of sororities. Just remember, "The present sorority members are trying to make as good an impression on you as you are on them". To the beach lovers Have a ball!



Page Four


April 29, 1960




Who's Going to Learn What

Encounter With An Intellectual

From Whom?

Balancing my coffee cup de- licately between my index finger and my thumb, I cleared the accumulated napkins off the sticky table, put the cup down without spilling a drop, and procured a chair from the other side of the room. I leaned back, glad of the opportunity to relax until third hour began. The room was so thick with smoke that I at first had some trouble making out the form that sat huddled, in the attitude of Rodin's "The Thinker" (As f a r as such a thing is possible when one is seated in a curvedbacked chair) at the opposite end of the table. But when my eyes had become accustomed to the blue-gray haze, I saw that he was obviously a student. He was wearing a paisley print shirt with button-down collar, a pair of wash pants, and a beard. His hair was uncombed. He made no move and did not speak, preferring to listen to the others. The discussion had to do with the relative merits of one type of shaving lotion as over against another, and the crassness of the subject was apparently distateful to him. Leaning over and asking, in a whisper, who he was, the senior sitting next to me said, in the same whispering tone, "An intellectual. He's brooding."

We must confess that at the beginning of this school year we were naive enough to believe that the chapel ticket machines would not last longer than a month at most. We expected the administration to find itself shamed out of them the first time we had an outside speaker. Speakers and assemblies and "Spiritual Life Week" came and went, but the ticket machines went and came back again. Hasn't this farce gone about f a r enough? Campus conflicts have come and gone; most of them centered around some sort of when-are-we-going-to-be-treated-as-adults idea, even the trifles about women's clothing and the unspoken struggle about women's smoking rights. Whether or not Hope women are allowed to indulge their neurotic craving for nudity is a matter of small import; but the matter of ticket-taken chapel attendance—• and more than that, the whole philosophy behind the chapel attendance requirement— is one that needs immediate and drastic revision if Christian practice on this campus is to be anything but a breeder of inwardly agnostic parrots. One wonders how many high school graduates with perfect-attendance Sunday School pins have graduated from here as agnostics because of the administration's religious authoritarianism. Of course the administration is always wholeheartedly behind any attempt to demonstrate that Christianity is more than the ability to recite all the Scripture verses which prove Christ's divinity: that Christianity is rather a life, action as well as words, thought as well as action. So are we. We only wish to point out that from eight o'clock to eight twenty A.M. five days a week, Hope students are effectively taught that Christian living consists of keeping a seventy per cent attendance record at chapel services; that the teachings of Christianity are too boring to be capable of existing without that same attendance requirement, and that Pharisaism makes a perfectly good substitute for Christianity. What is going to be done?

r. M.




Approaching hand and hand with this charmed season are the traditional events which characterize Spring ' on Hope's Campus. -r * The biggest and best of these annual activities is May Day. Aside from Homecoming in the fall, it is the most festive and anticipated all college activity of the year. From the cheers and jeers of the women's athletic events in the morning until the last melody fades out at midnight in the Civic Center, there is something diverting for everyone to enjoy. The activities are both geneneral ones for all the students like the sports events. May Day Banquet, and All-College Formal, and special ones that individual classes are responsible for such as the freshman Daisy Chain, the sophomore May-Pole Dance, the coronation of the queen and her court of junior class women, and the tapping ceremony performed by the senior Alcor women.


May Day is a celebration sponsored by the Women's Activity League and involves the efforts of many student leaders and faculty members. Under the direction of general chairman Sharon Van't Kerkhoff, plans and preparations are under way now for this years "Salute to Spring". Some of the other important people behind this years festival are Sharon Beck, the Junior Assistant and Coronation Chairman; Arlene Cizek, Publicity Director; Jean Scholten and Cynthia Vander Myde, Women's Sports Chairman, Dan Ritsema and Bruce Brink, Men's Sports Chairmen, S h a r o n N e s t e , Awards; Leona Jansen, Banquet General Chairman; S h a r o n Crossman, All-College Formal, and Peter Geitner, Master of Ceremonies. Friday, May 6, is the day we are all looking forward to and will be hearing much about in the next few days.

HOPE COLLEGE ANCHOR Member Associate Collegiate Press


Publiihed weekly by and for the students of Hope College except during holiday and examination periods, under the authority of the Student Council Publicationa Board. Entered as second class matter at the pott office of Holland, Michigan, at a special rate of postage provided for in section 1103 of Act of Congress, October S, 1917, and authorized October 19, 1918. Subscription Rate: $2.00 per school year to non-student subBcribers. Editor-in-Chief Nancy Boyd Assistant Editors Norma De Boer, Louise Hunter News Editor Nancy Sonnevelt Feature Editor Barbara Mortinson Sports Editor .Alta Garfield Picture Editor Mickey Hoffman Copy Editor Beverly Joeckel Proof Reader Hazel Montel Make-up Editors Dale Conklin, Sandra Vander Berg Editorial Board R. Jaarsma, J. Michmerhuizen, C. Rylance, R. Stockhoff, J. Tomlinson, J. Wiers Business Manager Duane Workman



by Richard J. Jaarsma

"Oh", I replied. I have always had a soft spot in my heart f o r brooding young intellectuals ever since I read "Crime and Punishment" and other novels which deal with intellectuals whose custom it is to brood just when the conversation gets exciting, so offering him a cigarette, I said, "I'm Rich Jaarsma." He dealt me a cursory blow of the eye, as the French say, and replied in a tired voice, "I smoke a pipe." "Oh." I rejoined, "My mistake. Cigarettes too expensive?" A look of horror passed over his face, and reaching in his pocket, he brought out a shiny, new pipe. Deliberately filling it, he announced, "I have always smoked a pipe." I tried a new tack. "Have you read Camus' "The Fall"?" "Camus," he told me, "Is an ass." "Oh." I said again. Usually, I have no trouble with intellectuals. We exchange cigarettes, compare brands, and launch into an invective against the smoking industry. I sometimes sneak in the name of a philosopher or two, but this by and large, goes unnoticed, and then I know that this person is as

Fourth Program Award Goes to Hope's IRC At the annual meeting of the Association of International Relations Clubs, held at Harvard University April 1-4, the Hope College International Relations Club was named, for the fourth consecutive year, winner of a cash award in the annual program contest. The program award, given by the Youth's Friend Association of New York, is intended to stimulate interesting and original progframs in International Affairs for the students of the six hundred colleges and universities represented in the association. At the same meeting. Dr. Paul Fried, adviser for the Hope IRC, was elected to the Board of Trustees of the Association of International Relations Clubs for a two year term. Programs of the Hope club have been awarded two seconds

Hope Women Defeat Calvin Hope College's women's tennis team defeated Calvin College in a 4-3 decision on the Hope courts last Thursday. Kathy Bakker, the lone freshman on Hope's team, played No. 1 singles and defeated Calvin's J. Van Dellen, 6-3, 6-4. Other single results were: Janet Owen (H) was defeated by Phil Zandee (C), 6-1, 6-8; Marilyn Scudder (H) def. J. Holstein (C), 6-2, 6-2; Bobbie Russel (H) was def. by Sandy Lieffers (C), 6-1, 11-9; Mary Wiersma (H) def. Debbie Jenkins (C), 6-3, 4-6, 6-2. In doubles, Owen and Jean Schregardus (H) def. ZandeeHolstein, 6-2, 6-2; Barbara Gray and Ula Oosterbaan were def. by Van Dellen-Ardie De Vries, 6-3, 1-6, 7-5.

and one first prize in the past, and have been used as models for the program planning of other clubs. This year's prize winning program display was designed by Charles Lemmen, and Stuart Wilson, senior from Detroit, Michigan.

Forensic Activities ---Spring, i960 On April 28 and 29, the Department of Speech and Pi Kappa Delta, national forensic honorary, will sponsor three activities. On Thursday evening, April 28, the Annual Spring Banquet and Initiation of Pi Kappa Delta will be held in the Terrace Room, Durfee, at 7:00. Dr. Raymond L. Yeager, Director of Forensics a t Bowling Green State University and Governor of the Province of the Lakes of Pi Kappa Delta, will be the featured speaker at the banquet. Dr. Yeager is also a member of the national Council of Pi Kappa Delta. On Friday morning, April 29, ?.t 10:15 Ann Herfst and Mary Whitlock will debate against Carolyn Kleiber and Wanda Chenoweth in the Dimnent Memoral Chapel. Also on Friday morning, April 29, the Hope Pi Kap Chapter will host the Regional meeting of the Michigan High School Forensic Association in the Music Auditorium and the Little Theatre. In Women's Debate Miss Herfst and Mary Whitlock,. a Chicago sophomore, competed against and lost to the four Women's teams which placed first, second and third, respectively: Kent State, Heidleberg, and Bowling Green, Central Michigan (tie for third).

human as the rest of us and probably likes nothing better than to watch "Huckleberry Hound" on television. This man was obviously of a different and superior caliber. "Donne not ask to know for whom the bell tolls," I quoted, hoping to draw him out, "It tolls for thee." I had been saving the fun for some time for just such an opportunity. "There is always death in the air," He replied, showing interest, "Death, despair, decay, doom and delinquency." I don't know how the "delinquency" appeared in the sequence, but it sounded impressive. "What do you s u g g e s t ? " I asked, knowing that we would soon be f a s t friends. "A return to reason and therefore sanity." He almost shouted and a dedicated gleam came into his eyes. "Like Descartes?" I asked. "Descartes?" He looked puzzled and insulted. "The philosopher." I helped. "Ah, yes," he breezed, "I thought you had said Sartre." "No. Descartes." "Well . . ." he deliberated, purposely letting his pipe go out so he could strike another match and In the interval, think of something to say, "No. Definitely not!" You could see that he was happy to have come to some conclusion. "Why n o t ? " I asked him. "There's the bell," he said, glancing as his watch. As he got up, I caught his sleeve. " W e l l meet again." I said. "What year are you i n ? " A pained expression flashed across his face and he looked helplessly at me out of his eyes, which, I noticed, were a childlike blue. "A freshman." He whispered. No one heard and he left quickly, almost knocking over my friend Robert, who sensed a discussion at our table, and was fairly skimming along the passageway in anticipation. "Too late," I said, "He left." "But the hour's only half over." He said plaintively.

Attended Eta Sigma Convention On April 1 and 2, Coralie Wolf and Bruce Parsil represented the Gamma Rho chapter of the national Classical f r a ternity, Eta Sigma Phi, at the 32nd National Convention in Huntington, West Virginia. Hope College has had delegates at both conventions since the local chapter was formed under the guidance of Professor Wolters two and one-half years ago. The main part of the convention consisted of a discussion of the work and problems of the past year, nomination and election of new national officers, and formulation of plans for the next annual convention which will be held in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. I t is to the credit of our chapter t h a t in so short a time of activity it has been recognized by the other chapters and that one of its members, Bruce Parsil, was nominated for the presidency of the national organization.

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