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Peachy Opus editor From a group of three candidates, John Peachy, an English/Business double major, was chosen to be next year's Opus editor. The other two candidates were Jennifer Elliott, an English major from Kalamazoo and Lisa Pauker, a Psych major from New York. John was selected Wed. after all three candidates had been interviewed. All three had writing experience and all three had worked on literary magazines before. The Opus for this semester will come out in late April, and will include 13 poems and 2 short stories. Peachy, already active on Opus this year, wants to institute several changes to make a better magazine by and for the students. He would like to put out two magazines next year, one in each semester. In order to get submissions from more students as well as more submissions from those who are already writing for the magazine. Peachy will speak to English professors to en-

courage their classes to submit pieces—especially the Creative and Advanced Writing classes. In addition to better publicity for the paper. Peachy wants to try and get alumni submissions. He would also like to have the Opus sponsor more readings throughout the school year and invite professional writers to participate in addition to students and faculty. He would like to "see if Opus can sponsor poets coming in and doing poetry reading... .Opus readings don't cost anything at all." Peachy said that "we want to go back to two issues next year," and to have more submissions. He wants those who presently submit to submit twice as much, and he hopes to recruit new writers. He also wants to encourage artists and photographers to submit their work on its own merit, rather than just those that complement the writings.

APRIL 26, 1979


New officers to be elected next week

Student Congress candidates speak out on issues On Apr. 30 Hope students will go to the polls to select the Student Congress President and Vice-Presidents for the 79/80 school year. The two candidates for President are Jon Schmidt, a sophomore from Wheaton, 111., and Pat Jakeway. a freshman from Sawyer, Ml. The candidates for the position of first Vice-President are: Lana Bian, a freshman from Bangor. MI. Ted Bolema. a freshman from Muskegon. Ml. and Teresa Renaud, a freshman from Union Lake, MI. The lone candidate for second Vice-President is Jane Sanderson, a freshman from Naperville, 111. A debate will be held on Thursday during the Community Hour between candidates for the Student Congress offices. The election will take place during the lunch/dinner hours at Phelps and Durfee, and throughout the day into the late evening at the Kletz. Lana Bian, candidate for first Vice-President, is a present member of Student Congress, the Administrative Affairs Board, and the Executive Board. She also participated in the Jan. leadership seminar at Marigold Lodge. Lana said,' '1 feel that the position of first Vice-President is an important one as it involves contact with the students. I am very interested in working with the speaker series to present speakers of appeal to the students. If elected, 1 'd like to work with student polls to determine the students' major concerns."

would allow interested students to come to the meetings. Overall, he aims for "better publicity for Student Congress."

Ted Bolema, candidate for first Vice-President, feels that the position "has elections as part of its responsibility . . . elections could be improved on greatly." For example, he would like to hold seminars next year before the elections for representatives, so that interested students can see what is involved in holding that position. He would also like to see the Student Congress meetings more widely publicized. with the date and agenda announced several days beforehand. This

President since 1 feel one of the most important aspects of college life is in its offering of extra-curricular activities. The second Vice-President has a knowledge of the important issues concerning the college at all times since he is the overseer of the minutes of the cabinet, executive council and congress meetings. I think that informing the students of what is accomplished at these meetings, and letting them know where their money is being spent is vital to the bonding of the student to the Congress. I think this position would prove extremely interesting and rewarding. I also am certain that getting new members with fresh ideas on the executive staff would improve the running of the


Lana Bian -


Ted Bolema Teresa Renaud, candidate for first Vice-President, states that, "As a Student Congress member, I found there to be a great lack of concern and participation for the betterment of Hope College amongst Congress members and the student body in general. As a future first Vice-President, I would like to see tms lack of concern and participation wiped away. The first step in solving this problem would be good organization among the members of Congress so as to be able to keep the

Schmidt lists achievements


student body always aware of what's going on and what they can get involved with. I feel this awareness would compel more of the students to want to become involved, thus bringing about a closer unity between Congress and the student body. Secondary goals would include such things as: a less aggravating, more efficient room choosing policy, better satisfaction with the food service, better parking facilities, and a more efficient telephone system."

Teresa Renaud Jane Sanderson, candidate for second Vice-President, said that, "I was very interested in participating in Student Congress as a freshman and, after campaigning, was elected as a representative from Dykstra. I became more involved in the Student Congress as the year wore on, and when the elections began drawing closer, I decided that I would like to do more for the college through the Congress. I chose to run for second Vice-

Allow me to take this opportunity to explain my candidacy for Student Congress President. During this year I have been a Vice—President of Student Congress. As chairman of the Student Appropriations Committee, 1 was instrumental in the allocation of the $30 Student Activities fee. This money runs SAC, (Student Activities Committee), the anchor, Milestone, Opus, WTAS, and other campus organizations. As a member of the Academic Affairs Board I proposed that Hope should offer minors as a compliment to a student's major. After two months of deliberation the proposal passed and Hope will be offering minors in the future. I've been working this year to get Winant's Auditorium, (in Graves), remodeled for the SAC film series; and through the Student Communications Media Committee I've helped select the editors of the anchor and Opus. I was also a member of Hope's leadership conference at Marigold Lodge earof these major concerns and keep you lier this spring. Over the course of the year I've been better informed as to what Student able to serve the students in many difCongress is doing. The experience of being a member of the Judicial,Board, ferent fashions and enjoyed doing so. I Status Committee, Extra-Ciirricular see another job to be done. I've had the Activity Committee, and Student Con- advantage of seeing the Student Congress has given me a knowledge about gress in action. It has the power to our college 1 know will help make my improve life on campus. Unfortuthrough ignorance or apathy, their efforts to better our college life suc- nately, some students consider it a use- ^ voices aren't being heard. I see it as the cessful. less group. Students have complaints President's Job to eliminate this communication gap ancf put the student Patrick Jakeway and suggestions, but whether it is

Jane Sanderson Congress. I can help add to the college and help carry out the solving of the problems the students run into. After serving on the Student Communications Media Committee, I have a good background for keeping the students informed and this is going to be one of my chief goals."

Jakeway views campus problems Currently a representative of Hope's Student Congress, I receive a first hand view of the problems facing the student population; problems such as inadequate cafeteria seating, insufficient long distance telephone lines out of the college, and, of course, far too few parking spaces available near the dorms. As President of your Student Congress, I plan to strive for the correction

body in touch with their government, As President 1 would work to see that your concerns are met. Jon Schmidt

Page 2

Hope College anchor


Dance V hard work, fun by Kathy Keefer

v_ MIDLAND, Ml Anti-nuclear protesters made a peaceful three-mile march Saturday, Apr. 22, afternoon from a city park in Midland to a Consumers Power Co. nuclear plant under construction on the edge of the city. Michael Moore, one of the event's organizers, said about 5,000 people had come from all over the, state to participate in the march and rally on the shore of the Tittabawassee River. Robert Lynch, the spokesman for the pro-nuclear contingent said 4 430 percent of those protesting nuclear power probably wouldn't be there if they had better information." L A N S I N G , M I Federal prosecuters will decide soon whether to ask a Detroit grand jury to indict officials of the plant that made PBB for allegedly making false statements to investigators probing contamination at the facility. The targets of the federal probe reportedly are William W. Thome, former operating manager of the defunct Michigan Chemical Co. facility in St. Louis, the Charles Touzeau, manager of the plant before it closed. It would be up to the grant jury to issue indictments, after considering the evidence in secret. In a court document filed during another PBB case, U.S. Attorney James S. Braday alleged that the pair knew about contamination a week before. If indictments are issued, they must be handed down within the next few weeks. The five-year statute of limitations on criminal offenses expires Thursday, but prosecutors have said they have some leeway. L O S A N G E L E S , C A L : Johnny Carson says he's tired and wants out of his

NBC contract, but insists * 'there are no fights and no threats over the issue " A tight-lipped network spokesman, however, indicated a fight very well may be in the offing. Carson said he is discussing the possibility with NBC that he may leave the ' Tonight S h o w ' ' before the expiration of his contract in two years. 4 i decided to leave because I don't think I can keep up the level of quality in the show any m o r e , " he said. 4 i am no longer able to bring to it everything I would like to do. After 17 years I am mentally and emotionally t i r e d . " W A S H I N G T O N : The Carter administration has changed its stand on the Shah of Iran settling in the United States, and is now saying privately that he can live here when U.S. relations with Iran are more stable. But it was learned that the administration is not putting any time estimate on when the Shah would be able to come to the U.S. The Shah, his wife and children have been living in the Bahamas since Mar. 30, but Bahamian officials said at the time of his arrival that they considered his stay a 4, brief visit." K A M P A L A , U G A N D A : Deposed Ugandan President Idi Amin has arrived in the radical Arab nation of Iraq in an apparently futile bid to get help for his ousted government, highranking diplomatic sources said. The sources said Amin, who saw Tanzanian troops and Ugandan exiles topple his eight-year dictatorship in four months of fighting, arrived in Iraq Saturday, April 21, from Libya. A new era in relations between the United States and Uganda opened

'New Games Day' slated This Saturday, April 28th, Higher Horizons/Pals will be holding Holland 's first annual 4 4 New Games D a y ' ' in celebration of the coming warmer weather. The event will last from 10:00 A.M. till 3:00 P . M . , and will take place at Hope College's soccer field. New Games have three all encompassing rules: play hard, play fair, and don't get hurt. With participants ranging from a few to a few hundred, the main focus is on cooperation rather than competition. New Games challenges one's own abilities. New Games are evolutionary. If you become dissatisfied with the course of a eame, you may suggest changes or go off to start a new activity. It is a form of 4 'creative p l a y " that develops social skills and also diverts pent-up energy in what is called 4 4 softwar". Stewart Brand, one of the editors of The Last Whole Earth Catalog is one of the founders of the concept which had its origins back in '73 in California. It was at a time when the Vietnam War was winding down, and Brand considered that many of his pacifist friends were badly out of touch with their own

bodies. He staged an event entitled "World War I I I " that involved two massive teams struggling to move a giant "Earth B a l l , " (a brightly painted, if somewhat geographically incorrect medicine ball resembling our fond planet), towards respective goals. All the participants crawled on their hands and kifees in the attempt of moving the ball a few inches in one direction or the other. Half-way through the game, something happened. When one team had come close to winning, members of the offense would defect in order to perpetuate the game. This spurred variations on other games. There were revisions of frisbee and soccer and the development of totally new games for children and adults alike. All are welcome to come and observe the festivities. Information on Higher Horizons/Pals and other activities is available from volunteers, who recommend such games as "Catch the Dragon's T a i l , " 44 Amoeba R a c e , " 4 T h e Lap G a m e , ' ' and 4 4 Planet P a s s ' ' as the perfect excuse to take a study break.



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The Department of Health, Education and Welfare's Public Health Service has approved at $46,000 grant to the Hope chemistry department for research on the role of nitrogen oxides in biochemical systems. Nitrogen oxides are present in our environment as products of combustion or as a result of the use of industrial or food additives. The investigations that will be carried out at Hope will expand the scientific basis upon which society is to evaluate the continued production and uses of the nitrogen oxides. The Public Health Service grant was made through recommendation by the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences. According to Michael P. Doyle, director of the research program, who is also professor and chairman of the chemistry department, the long-term goal of this research is to provide the chemical and biochemical basis for the determination of the toxicity of nitric oxide and derivative nitrosyl compounds. Rodney Boyer, associate professor of chemistry and co-investigator in this program, provides the biochemical support that is required to study nitrogen oxide effects on such complex systems as the blood protein hemoglobin. The immediate objectives of the research will be to define the biochemical feasibility for the production of nitrosyl complexes of proteins which, like hemoglobin, contain metal ions and to investigate the processes for nitrosyl removal from these metalcontaining proteins.

. • / -


A bio major frantically stitches a few last sequins on a costume, a football star warms up and prances around in tights, a computer science whiz busily adjusts l i g h t s . . . and everyone seems to be enjoying themselves. There's a lot more to Dance V than smiles. The annual dance concerts are not put on for financial gain—indeed, the dance department must make back every penny they spend, and doesn't keep any profit. The choreographers are all working overtime without pay. So why do people slave away for this? A few members are paid, some are completing class requirements, others are strictly volunteers. Michael Grindstaff, manager of theatre facilities and lecturer in theatre, (who is in charge of the show's lighting) says that 4 'a lot of the best technical workers we've ever had are never associated with theatre. Everyone works for this show because it's the most fun—students can really cut l o o s e . " Besides the fun people are having, there is the important bonus of the learning involved. For example, one student is doing the lighting (for the Jazz piece) entirely on his own, a completely new—and very valuable— experience for him. Maxine DeBruyn, one of the choreographers, feels that this factor is really one of the most important goals of the dance series; "if students pursue a dance curriculum of technique, the climax of technical learning is to perform." Most noticeable in the preparations are, of course, the dancers themselves. Students have been rehearsing two or three times (or about six to ten hours) a • week for each piece they are performing in, since February 1st. Those who are dancing in more than one number sacrifice even more social life, study and sleep. And dancers are not the only ones 4 'working like Troj a n s " as Rich Rahn (another choreographer) puts it: one Saturday costume call was from 9 a.m. till 1 a . m . ! One or two disgruntled dancers will confide in weariness that "I never would have auditioned if I'd known it was this much w o r k ! " , but most are grateful for a chance to perform; they tell the choreographers 4 'Thank you for giving me the^opportunity!" Many of the performers are beginners this year: six of the twelve in the jazz number have never before performed . . . and are they nervous? " I can't wait!" one novice beams. The tryouts for Dance V were the largest ever. Forty-five hopefuls vying for twelve places is a fairly good indication of the interest being generated. Each year more students hear about it, see the show, and want to be a part of it. All three choreographers for the show (Maxine DeBruyn, Ed Riffel and Rich Rahn) have worked in the other concerts; each has a different style and method. DeBruyn is choreographing the modem dance piece, "Geometry 101," a suite in three parts. After Dance IV, she "became intrigued with the idea of what the human bcSy can do surrounded by fabric in space as a dance f o r m . " The challenge, according to her, is getting ' 'two to work individually and yet in tune with the other's strengths and weaknesses, especially since they can't see—it's like dancing blindfolded." Once wrapped up in these ideas, she began to search for the appropriate music to fit the theme, settling on Van Gellis and Walter Carlos. " S o m e music lends itself to great imagery. I wanted to enhance those shapes that the body can break space up i n t o . " When asked about the initial steps in choreographing a dance number, DeBruyn replied that work with a soloist, if there is one, comes first. " Y o u must

DeBruyn is quick to point out that all choreographers involved do things differently; 4 'we work completely separate from each other. For instance. I encourage student involvement because modem dance permits that; Rahn and Riffel d o n ' t . " One strong point in Hope's dance program is that is has three such artists with distinct and individual styles, as opposed to the situation at most larger schools where one single choreographer is hired and teaches one style only. Riffel and Rahn, both part-time professors, have been at Hope for four and eight years, respectively, and worked together at their own studio in Grand Rapids for many years before coming here. Rahn is doing the Jazz and Tap numbers; Riffel is working with him on the contemporary piece called " R o d e o . " Whereas DeBruyn scouted around to fit music to her theme, Riffel and Rahn started with the music first. Aaron Copland's "Billy the K i d . " Their three-part dance is performed to the (obviously western) "Corral Noct u r n e , " "Saturday Night W a l t z . " and "Hoe-down." Riffel and Rahn had met and talked with Copland previously; he was the recipient of the Capezio dance award and was honored for his musical contributions to the dance world. "This being National Dance W e e k . " Rahn e x p l a i n s , ' 'it seemed appropriate to use his music . . . we also wanted to go a little lighter than in the p a s t something fresh, with no big messages to the a u d i e n c e . " While DeBruyn's work in Dance V leans toward the abstract, ' R o d e o " is bouncy, lively, and happy. Rahn doesn't think there are any major hassles in the choreography itself for him; "the problem is time, trying to fit schedules together, get space to rehearse in, get things to performance quality with limited stage t i m e . " He points out the surprising number of male dancers involved (especially for such a small school) and that another difficulty is teaching dancers to work in pairs ( " p a s de deux") since there are no classes here at Hope for that kind of dance. The most impressive thing about Dance V preparations is the amount of interpersonal cooperation, coordination and mutual respect of the others' artistic work. Grindstaff describes the give and take: 44 We all work very closely together, making comments and suggestions that spark new ideas in each o t h e r . . . The dancers trust us to have the right light on them at the right time so they don't look stupid; and we trust them to be in the right place at the right time so we don't look bad. Hopefully, if we all mist each other and do what we 're supposed to as best we can, the audience will never know how hard we worked to reach the quality we havfe." The results of that kind of time, talent and dedication are hard to miss.


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today when a five-member delegation headed by career diplomat John Blane arrived in the capital—the first American officials in the country since 1973. During the weekend, Tanzanian troops marched into Jinja, Uganda's second largest city, and were greeted by grateful citizens shouting, "God bless you! We are s a v e d . " P I T T S B U R G H , P E N : The wife of Michael Ford, son of former President Gerald Ford, gave birth Sunday to their first child, a daughter. The girl, Sarah Joyce, was bom to Gayle Ford at Magee-Women's Hospital and weighed 7 pounds, 1 3 ^ ounces. The baby is the first grandchild for the former president and his wife, Betty. T E H R A N , I R A N : Gen. Mohammed Vali Gharanis, the first chief of staff of Iran's armed forces after the revolution, was assassinated Apr. 23, while walking in the garden of his Tehran home, the official Paris new agency reported. Radio Tehran also said nine persons, including a Moslem clergyman and member of the Shah's police and military forces, were convicted by Islamic revolutionary courts of murder and torture and were executed by firing squads in two cities today. The executions brought to 158 the number known executed by the revolutionary regime. Meanwhile, Radio Tehran reported sporadic shooting ih Naghadeh, 360 miles northwest of Tehran, where a cease-fire Sunday briefly silenced the guns of rival Turks and Kurds, two of Iran's rebellious minority factions.

work right away on the individual skills of the dancers themselves; then on the weak points in the dance as a whole." In later stages of developing the piece, she changes only if a dancer has problems with her design. "I build a basic movement, gradually add accents to the body core as I see the piece growing . . . This is a very creative experience for me; and, I hope, the s t u d e n t s . . . It's fun to finish a piece and display i t . . . although you rc never totally finished, there's a point at which you have to stop, crystallize and solidify the work so the dancers feel secure in performing it " DeBruyn wants the audience to "cogie and sit down, plug in and lake what they can from the dancers. Each person's past environment will have bearing on how they interpet and become involved with the work as a spect a t o r . . . for instance, math and science students who will see "Geometn 101 " will see different t h i n g s . . . . " '

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April 26,1979

Page 3

Hope offers summer alternatives For many students, summer means and may count towards an English job hunting and traditional summer major as an elective. Independent school. However. Hope offers another study opportunities are also available. alternative: educational opportunities $790 covers the tuition cost. The abroad. The Vienna Summer School first payment of $300 is due within two and Schiller College in Paros, Greece weeks following acceptance into the are the two summer programs Hope program. The balance must be responsors. ceived by Schiller College Bursar's Schiller College-Europe University office in Ingersheim. Germany before is an international, private, co- the session commences. Any undereducational liberal arts college and graduate at an accredited college or graduate school. Its branches include university may apply. Qualified high Pans. London. Heidelberg. Stras- school students as well as college bourg. Madrid, and more recently graduates may enroll. More informaParos. Greece. The institution was set tion concerning this program may be up to facilitate study in Europe by obtained from Mrs. Harrington, 306 offering an American system of gradLubbers Hall. ext. 3062. ing course work and exams. Since the Hope College Vienna In 1978. Schiller College estab- Summer School's inception in 1956. lished a summer creative writing pro- 523 students and alumni from Hope gram in Paros. Greece which is staffed and more than 370 students from 1800 by resident Americans. The Aegean colleges and universities have studied Island Study Center offers up to thir- in Austria under the auspices of Hope. teen credit hours in nine-week semes- The program is open to qualified appliters beginning June 12 and ending cants from all accredited academic inAug. 21. Paros is located 90 miles stitutions who have completed at least southeast of Athens. The program di- one year of college. rector is James A. Clark who received Classes are conducted in English his B.A. from Hope in 1958. The in- and no language prerequisite exists for formal. outdoor academic sessions enrollment. Stephen Hemenway, asconcentrate on poetry, prose fiction sociate professor of English heads the (short stones, novels-, and dramatic writ- Academic Program. Courses are ing). and literary prose (personal opin- taught by European instructors. ion essays, critical reviews, articles). The courses are composed of two These courses carry three hours of intensive, consecutive three-week sescredit and meet three hours weekly. sions which run from June 5-July 27. Language and Literature courses com- One or two lecture courses carrying plete the curriculum. three semester hours will be available. These consist of Classical and Modem Each student w ill select one course per Greek Literature and Spoken Modem session. Classes are held in the historic Greek. The first two carry three credit Palais Kinsky of the Institute of Eurohours. Modem Spoken Greek meets pean Studies with which Hope is affour hours a week and carries four filiated. The first session focuses on credit hours. One need not know the music history and "German and Austlanguage to apply for the program. rian Literature." The music history These credits are transfenable to Hope course may fulfill either the history or

music credit. "German and Austrian Literature" may fulfill either the cultural heritage or the foreign language requirement. The second session consists of an Art History course. For this, one may earn an history credit. For both sessions. students will devote one hour per day to informal, non-credit work in Gemian Conversation. One may also participate in an Optional Study Tour or independent study projects. $965.00 is the cost of the six-week session. Included in the price is tuition for six semester hours of academic credit, housing, noon meals during school days, and all field trips or excursions required for the courses in vyhich the student is enrolled. The three-week session costs $515.00. Included are all of the items listed above as they relate to one of the three-week sessions. $575.(X) covers the Optional Study Tour with trans-atlantic flight from New York. The flight leaving from Chicago costs $615.00. Included in the package is the round trip air fare from the U.S. to Luxembourg, train or bus transportation from Luxembourg to Vienna, hotels with breakfast during the tour as well as the various social and cultural activities arranged for the group. Although the deadline for submitting applications was Apr. 10, applications are still being accepted. Seven partial scholarships have already been awarded to qualified students for this year. Those interested in the Vienna Summer School Program may either contact Hemenway, 311 Lubbers Hall, ext. 3064 or Paul G. Fried, International Education Office located in VorHees Hall, ext. 2170.






>4^' -

Western directs one-acts Sunday at 2 p.m. two one-act plays will be presented on the main stage in the DeWitt Theatre. The one-acts directed by Ray Weste m . a theatre major, are "The Loveliest Afternoon of the Y e a r " and Something I'll Tell You on Tuesday". Both one-acts were written by John Guare who is best known for his offbroad way productions and the full length play "House of Blue Leaves". The first play is about two people who meet in a park while one of them is feeding pigeons, and for them it becomes "The Loveliest Aftemoon of the Y e a r " . Westem said that is a very unique work, "the first time 1 read it 1 knew 1 wanted to do that play some day." About "Something I'll Tell You on T u e s d a y " , Westem said it is images of children playing. He continued, saying "children imitating adults is the effect 1 have tried to go a f t e r . " The cast of the two plays are Kathie Smith, Bill Anderson, Bruce Tanis, Beth Latham, and Cheryl Weeter. The

stage manager for the production is Jennifer Lyons. Only two of the five actors are theatre majors. The other three are from the business, communications and geology departments. Westem said, "It is really exciting to work with people from different major backgrounds. It is nice to see them involved in theatre." Bruce Tanis, one of the non-theatre majors of the group, said he is enjoying his experience very much. He stated "It's fantastic we are like a f a m i l y . " About Western as a director Tanis commented, "he is open for suggestions and lets us bring a part of ourselves to the p l a y . " Tanis has enjoyed his experience so much that he is going to take an acting class next year and is thinking about a theatre minor. The one-acts are both rather short, one taking about 15 minutes and the other taking approximately 25. There will be a twenty-five cent admission fee to help with the cost of future student directed one-acts.

IRC elects new officers The International Relations Club has elected officers for the next year. Moira Poppen. an American, will head the organization in the upcoming year. Pek Ju Hsu of Malaysia will be Vice-President. Masoomeh Masghati of Iran will be Secretary, and Ken Powell, an American, Treasurer. Don Luidens. advisor for the group, commended the club for Us work during the year. The club has received no budget monies for the past few years.

but has received $650 for use in the next year. Student Congress, in recommending the budget for the group, said that "during the year, the IRC has proved itself to be a most responsible organization and has carried out an active program of exposing Hope students to the world b e y o n d . " The club has planned another meeting for the year, its date to be announced later.

Hope plans minor program A minors degree and an international education composite major uill be pan of Hope's cumculum. as proposed by a student and a faculty member. A student, Jon Schmidt, proposed the minor program. Schmidt is a voting member of the Academic Affairs Board by virtue of his office in Student Congress. The board adopted "the creation of minors, elected at the student's option by declaration, usually in their seventh semester, as defined by each department, and listed in each department's program description." "The minor area of concentration will be comprised of a mix of lower and upper division courses making up approximately 16 to 22 credit h o u r s . " The board has asked the Provost's office to begin implementation for the academic year 1980-81. A composite major in intemational studies will be part of Hope's curriculum. The proposal, recommended by John Tammi of the Theater department and the Intemational Education Committee, outlines a specific course of study. In addition to the normal sequence of courses taken to satisfy the general

requirements at Hope, eighteen credit hours of required courses plus eighteen credit hours of elective courses would be needed to complete the international Studies Composite Major. Further, the outline strongly recommends that students participate in an intcmship with an international focus for at least one semester and preferably for a full year. The required courses are as follows: Intemational Economics (Economics 308). Comparative Economic Systems (Economics 402), United States Foreign Policy (History 355), Intemational Relations (Political Science 251), Intemational Law, Organization and Systems (Political Science 353), and Cultural Anthropology (Sociology 151). Among the eighteen elective hours of credit, students will be required to take one non-U.S. History course, a 250 course in the Foreign Languages and Literatures Department (or a comparable course which stresses a cultural approach to intemational studies) and a independent study intended to draw their work within this composite major together. Students with this major will choose a mentor advisor to supervise their studies.

Bruce Tanis, Beth Latham, Cheryl Weeter, Kathie Smith and Bill Anderson (left to right) rehearse the student directed one-act, "Something I'll Tell You on Tuesday".

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Carnegie Restaurant? Fortunately the Phelps expansion project will be under way very shortly. Unfortunately, it will not be completed by the time school starts next fall. But cheer up, this little delay will kill several birds with one stone. It allows the old Carnegie gym to be put back in use, it will probably finalize the argument over the future of the Julianna room in the basement of Durfee, and it allows the admissions office at least one

extra semester to hype up the new dining hall construction. We certainly must commend the administration on their masterful handling of this little project. As you probably remember, there was much concern and curiosity about the Carnegie Gym. Many theories floated about: it would be a new administrative building; it would be a warehouse for maintenance; and finally that it would be torn down. But the right answer is finally coming to light, it will be next year's cafeteria. What an appealing thought. One would think that the college would have a little more respect for the students than to have them eat at a gym so old it's a wonder that it still stands. But of course, we all have our crosses to bear. The second result of the college's hemming and hawing is not quite so bad as the first. Yet the outcome will not be as bright as

expected. The problem with utilizing Durfee in the end will more than likely be that those students who can presently bear eating at Phelps will change to Durfee rather than face the unpleasant prospect of eating in the old gym. This, in turn, will cause more students to eat at Durfee which is not that large to begin with. The way in which the college took care of the Julianna room issue deserves the most respect. By changing the former dance studio into a cafeteria all of the controversy about losing the studio will be finished. Thus, after the Phelps expansion is completed, the administration can easily change the decimated room into a student lounge (which already exists upstairs). The lounge idea itself borders on the inspirational. When the lounge is moved downstairs, the television will likewise be moved. This, in turn, will force students to go to the basement to watch television. In this way, the college is saved any future embarrassment of having visitors see Hope students at their best, watching The Three Stooges. . Finally there is the age old play (often used by the college) of delaying construction of a building so that admissions can show perspective students great mounds of dirt while informing them that it is the site of the future dining hall (Dow Center, etc.). After all, if bids were let on time, then admissions would have no real construction work to show off. Do not feel frustrated, fellow students. Cheer up dance majors. Do not think that the college is ashamed of you, Durfee residents. For here at Hope college, we have the best of all possible worlds.

Guilt by association? No! We would like to take the opportunity to dispute a point raised in your April 19th article, "RA's May Lack Consistency." Our disagreement lies with the recent Judicial Board ruling that a non-drinking student is guilty of violating the College's alcohol policy if others in the room are drinking. We feel that this is an asinine

ruling at best. What if you are a 90 pound weakling and your room-mate is a 250 pound linebacker who likes to drink "Old Mil" with his buddies while in your room? Should you 1) Pick him up by the scruff of the neck and throw him out? 2) Call the RA, and face retaliation from your roommate and his friends? or 3) Leave the room? The first option is physically impossible, and the second could lead to a very uncomfortable living situation: for example, the fracture ward at Holland Hospital. That leaves the third option. Should you even be forced to vacate your room? Certainly, in the event of fire drills and the like, but not in such a case as above.

What if you are awaiting an important call? What if you need something from the room? What if you want to go to bed? The above reasons for being in your room are indisputable. But what can you say to the RA who has just burst in by using his pass key? You're guilty, and a stiff fine or even worse is sure to follow. We realize that there are no easy solutions to such a situation. It's no secret that the problems raised by the passage of Proposal D have been a monumental headache to just about everybody in this state, including many of us here at Hope College. Clearly, something has to be done concemipg the College's alcohol policy, especially in the area of punishments for violators. We would like to propose that Student Congress set up a suggestion box in bfder to solicit possible solutions to these problems. A modest prize could be awarded for the best suggestion, for example, a couple of "Shirley Temples" at the Hatch;*courtesy of Dean Johnston. There are a lot of intelligent people at this school, and we feel that by working together, we can solve our probelsm relating to violation of the alcohol policy .It won't be an easy task, but it can be accomplished. Michael W. Kulesa Richard L. Kuhrt





Decker states position Many of you read the article concerning R.A. inconsistency and were "a little" upset with me. Unfortunately, there was a communication problem between myself and the reporter. Because of this, I would personally like to let the student body know how I, as the spokesperson for the Judicial Board, really feel about the rule infractions. First, most of the RA's are doing a good job, but there are just a few who are ignoring the rules and the job they were hired to do. If there is a professor on this campus who cannot do his job, the administration finds someone else who will fulfill the job qualifications. It is the same with RA's. If one will not do his/her job, then this person needs to be replaced with someone who will do the job. This does not mean that the RA's should be pacing the halls, putting their ears to the keyholes, or their noses to the space under the doors. If an RA sees a violation.


then they should confront the individual. An RA's primary purpose for being here at Hope is first and foremost to be a student. Second, the precedent that was recently handed down by the Judicial Board states that an individual is responsible for an action that takes place in his/her room or in his/her presence. There may be some member(s) who disagree with this recent precedent, but as stated before, the majority rules. The student body knows how often violations occur and where. This is none of my concern. I become involved only after an individual has been confronted by an RA or a Head Resident and has chosen to be tried by the Judicial Board. Each individual has to make up his/her mind on which rules he/she wishes to live by and is expected to be responsible for those choices.

^ o p e college

A o ol l laanndd, m i c h i g a n

Jane Decker


of the

associareo coLLeciare pRessi


Published during the college year except vacation, holiday and examination periods by and for the students of Hope College, Holland, Michigan, under the authority of the Student Communications Media Committee. Editor Sports Editor Photography Editor Feature Editor Advertising Manager Subscriptions Manager Cartoonist Photographer Reporters ;

Janet G. Shimmin Steve Neaipass Karen Van Donkelaar .Betty Buikema Joy Dulmes Bob Baker . .Richard Traylor .Steve Goshom Jean Hunt, Betty Buikema, Clark Coding, Terri Land, Marti Szilagyi, Nancy Torresen, Jeff VerBeek, Sue Ward, Marcia Wolffis, Cathy Heise, Liz Wright .Doug Koopman

April 2 4 1979

by Larry Mannino Every day we make thousands of decisions. Some are very minor such as deciding which way to walk to class and some are of great importance such as getting engaged. In actuality, we spend very little time in thoughtful reflection when making the majority of our decisions. We make some decisions without realizing that we made them until later when the consequences of our actions are upon us. Though we may never really consider our criteria for judgment or discernment, we can rest assured that this criteria will reflect who we are and what we choose to be. Seeking to better understand why we choose one thing over another is essential if we are to improve ourselves. However, the search does not rest with discovering the criteria by which we make our decisions, but instead it rests in who we are. To understand this we must look into the center of our lives and realize who or what we serve. The question, 4 'who is my master? ' opens the door to self-understanding. We all live for someone or something and to discover who or what this is is to know your master. The question then becomes " i s my master a worthy o n e ? " Will he/she/it be there tomorrow? Will he/she/it change? Will he/

Politics aside, every thinking father who is fortunate enough to have a daughter, (particularly those who have paid to educate a daughter), cannot but hope that Mrs. Margaret Thatcher, Conservative Party leader, will become Prime Minister of Great Britain on May 3, for it will hopefully testify that a woman is capable of winning party leadership and the most important position in a great nation. Hopefully, this election will show that women are as capable of governing as men. It will portray the stupidity of paying women less for the same work performed by men—about $5,000 less on most jobs according to research of a few years ago. Some men complain about the strident tones that some women have used to make themselves heard and to gain additional rights. For this, some men would deny women their rights. The strident tones of this "minority," (really about 53% of the U.S. population and 52% in Great Britain), like other minorities, is a measure of the degree the 4 'majority'' has suppressed them in the past and continues to suppress them. The "Maggie factor" in the May 3 elections in Great Britain is hard to judge. In Great Britain one votes for one Member of Parliament, either Labour or Conservative or one of the smaller parties, in one district. If more Conservative than Labour Party candidates are elected on May 3 then Margaret Thatcher will be Prime Minister because she is currendy the Conservative Party leader. Thus, all Conservative victories will not depend on Mrs. Thatcher's personality but on how Conservative and Labour Members of Parliament have performed for their constituents in the past. To restate, there will be only two districts in Britain where the names Callaghan, L. J., and Thatcher, Mrs. M., will appear upon the ballot paper. British general elections are shaped by an electoral system into a choice between Ins and Outs. The allegedly more attractive personality of Prime Minister Callaghan would be a bright spot for the Labour Party if this were a presidential system but it will not be nearly as great an asset in this electoral system. What is so bad about Margaret Thatcher's personality? Her colleagues in Parliament complain that she is not * 'clubbable.'* Voters, too, sometimes see a combatative, uncompromising image reminiscent of Counsel £pr the Prosecution. "Clubbability" is a useful political trait in building friendships, and helpful and protective networks. On the other hand, surely friendships have led leaders to adopt misguided policies in the interest of or on the advice of friends. Perhaps women prize old and family v a l u e s unselfishness—more than men. Perhaps it is time for a woman to stand up and say as Margaret Thatcher has, "Enough isenoush.**

Hopefully, if the women of Great Britain feel the Conservative Fluty can govern, die women of Gieat Britain


she/it love me when I change? I cannot answer for you or your master but as for myself—I know. My master is lasting. He will never change. He is with me always and loves me endlessly. He has even proven His love to me, His servant. He died for me. There is but one, and only one living God and He is my master. (Luke 20:38) He is my comfort, my rest. Because He is a living God, He can satisfy my soul; He can refresh me. And because He is God, He can love me, encourage me and help me to grow. He has no fear of losing me or being left behind. (I John 4:18) He is the rock on which my house is built. Choose today whom you wish to serve. Whether it be the goods of your past or the ones in the land you are now living, but choose. (Joshua 24:14 & 15) A lot of people choose to serve themselves and make their desires their gods. Others choose something outside themselves such as a wife or husband and worship and live only for her/him. However, we do have a third choice and that again is the option of the Living Lord. We are not limited to the either/or of others or self. Instead, we can find the answer in transcending this world and living as a son in another world—a world in which God is no longer master but father and we are no longer servants but sons.

Though we may still live in this world, we belong to another. It is this belonging that gives us the ability to effectively serve others and ourselves here in this world. In giving ourselves to God we find ourselves. In giving others to God we learn to love them. (Mt 10:39). "God saw all he had made, and indeed it was veiy good. *' (Gen. 1:31) God put love into His creation and we are His creatures. He has given us a mision/purpose in life. He has prepared us in equipping us with talents and gifts. But it is up to us to go and use them—to carry out His purpose. Paul writes that we, each one of us, are a work of art, a poem. Just as a poem is carefully written and constructed so are we. Just as each line is a poem is pregnant with meaning, so is each day in our lives. God provides all that we need in tools, supplies, and abilities. He is even willing to direct us in our mission and walk with us. But He will not force us. Again, we must choose to accept His lordship. It is in this submission to His will that makes acceptance and love of others and self possible. Putting God in the center of our lives and submitting to Him and His will is the beginning of becoming one with Him, others, and ourselves.

will support Mrs. Thatcher's party. Hopefully women will not vote against Mrs. Thatcher's party because she, the leader, is a woman, which would not be unusual for many women. Mrs. Thatcher will not need the enmity of her sisters because she will have enough from the Labour Party. The Labour Party some months ago likened Mrs. Thatcher to the Nazi Propaganda Minister in World War II, Dr. Goebbels. The Prime Minister and his ministers are fond of attacking Mrs. Thatcher's so-called "shrill voice of complaint." The Labour Party hopes that Mrs. Thatcher's "shrill complaint " w i l l antagonize the majority of voters. The Labour Weekly has sustained the attack. The caricatures of Mrs. Thatcher by the Labour press are uniformly unflattering, with a nose like a bird's beak. One member of Parliament, Dennis Skinner, has coined the slogan, "Ditch the Bitch." Another, Leo Akse, has claimed that there is real danger to Britain in being governed by a "Menopausal W o m a n . " T h e Kremlin in the Soviet Union and the Labour Party refer to Mrs. Thatcher as the "Iron L a d y . " The Labour Party Transport Minister bitterly attacked Mrs. Thatcher, claiming she was "frightening" and a "one woman disaster area for Britain." • Traditionally British politics have not been composed so much of personality and bitterness. Party positions and manifestos on the issues have usually played the greater role. It has long been assumed by the party in power, with the majority in Parliament, that the minority party was the alternative government, and perfecdy capable of governing. If one assumes that the opposition party is capable of governing, bitterness against it must be mollified. In this election, however, Mrs. Thatcher's industrial and economic policies are said to be political boomerangs that will bring trouble the like of which Britain has not seen for many years. The Labour Party insists that Mrs. Thatcher will radically curb trade union power, create unemployment, and drive wages down. It is to be hoped that if Mrs. Thatcher wins the May 3 election she will be pragmatic and accomplish what i s possible. Politics is the art of the possible, not the impossible. Her goal might well be to regulate trade unions now. as it is possible, when labor appears to have gotten too big for its britches, just as capital in the past got too big for its britches. There is something to be said for Aristotle *s t4 Golden M e a n , " neither giving labor all it demands, nor capital all it wants. It is to be hoped that Mrs. Thatcher, if she wins, as well as our own leaders, can avoid confrontation, but not give in to either capital or labor. Germany and Japan have out-produced both Britain and the United Stales on a per capita basis because, rather than confronting

same. Francis Boyd, writing in the Guardian, in an article entitled "Seat of Power," 26 November, 1963, stated that the quality of great political leaders is to make coherent the hopes and emotions of millions of ordinary people and to give back to the people more than he or she took from them. It would be great if this were true of the next Prime Minister of Great Britain, and particularly nice if the leader were a woman, Mrs. Margaret Thatcher.~

each other, labor, capital, and government have worked together for the common good of their itq)ective countries. Would that we could do the

WASHINGTON—The Supreme Court, voting 6-3, ruled last week that public figures suing for libel may inquire into a journalist's "state of m i n d , " and the editorial process behind the allegedly libelous statement. In other words, from now on a reporter will not only be responsible for what appears in print or on the airwaves but also for what he was thinking at the time. Justice Byron White wrote the majority decision, and was joined by Chief Justice Warren Burger, and Justices Harry Blackmun, Lewis F. Powell, WiHiam Rehnquist, and John Paul Stevens. Opposed were Justices William Brennan Jr., Thurgood Marshall and Potter Stewart. I naturally will go along with the law of the land. As a matter of fact I might as well start practicing now by revealing what my thoughts are as 1 write this article. " My first thought is that as far as the press is concerned the score of this Supreme Court opinion should read, "Chilling Effect 6, First Amendment

Obviously I would never say these things about the most distinguished members of the bench in this land, but since their ruling I have to tell the truth about exactly what is on my mind or face a contempt citation. I am now thinking about having a chocolate souffle for lunch. The thought just came to me as 1 wrote that last sentence. If this decision is for real, and obviously it is, why should I try to lose weight? The fact that most Americans will probably agree with the decision depresses me more than the Supreme Court ruling itself. I just had another thought. Justices Brennan, Marshall and Stewart have the best legal minds on the court and are great Americans. If my daughter gets appointed to the Supreme Court, 1 hope she will use the three of them as her role models. 1 have been interrupted by another thought. It came to me because the justices wear black robes. My wife asked me to stop by the dry cleaners and pick up her black evening dress. Where am 1? Oh, yes. What is my 0." state of mind at this moment? It isn't The second thought 1 have is the bad considering the latest threat to a decision doesn't surprise me. Ever free press. 1 certainly bear no malice since the Nixon Court came into being, toward anyone on the court. As a matthe First Amendment has been clob- ter of fact, it's amazing how not one bered by the anti-press majority. malicious thought has gone through Now I am thinking if 1 can get this my head during the past hour. Maybe piece finished by 12:301 can get a good it's because if I had any bad thoughts 1 lunch and a nice bottle of wine. I won- would be sued. Now 1 'm thinking there is a mole in der if I can find some lady to join me? My thoughts have just gone back to the Supreme Court who is leaking all the Supreme Court. 1 am thinking that the court's decisions to the media. It Byron White was the worst appoint- must be driving the justices up the ment John F. Kennedy ever made wall. Maybe that's why all the First while he was President. Everyone had Amendment decisions are going great faith in White, mainly because as against us. The FBI will have to bug a college All-American he had played every reporter's telephone to find out football with a helmet. who the mole is. The Feds can now do 1 am now thinking anything Justice this without a warrant. The Supreme Rehnquist rules doesn't surprise me. I Court came down with this decision on don't even like his haircut. the same day they ruled they could go Chief Justice Burger is another prob- into our minds. 1 wonder if this was a lem. We know he has a phobia about coincidence or planned? cameras and recording devices. He 1 must be getting paranoid. Either also hasn't hidden his feelings about that or I'm starting to think too much. how juch he dislikes the press. If © 1979, Los Angeles Times SyndiBurger had his way we wouldn't even cate . . . he allowed in the Supreme Court:

weekly "Momin, Congressman." "Hello, Senator." Thus one Hope intern greets another as they open their talks on where to eat lunch or what to fix for supper. Impressed with their work surroundings and their proximity to notoriety whose names are displayed across newspaper headlines daily, interns tend to reel a part of the establishment surrounding them. No one wants to feel like a visi-. tor from the nether lands. Yet, the mystique surrounding a member of' Congress and the power accompanying such a position have not lost their impression on the interns. During the most recent set of interviews, one day was set aside to talk with Very Important People on "the Hill." The four congressmen interviewed all carry the burden of 240 million Americans on their shoulders. They try to correct wrong policies where they see them, and push for 44 right" policies in their own respective areas of interest. The interviews revealed what is painfully obvious to anyone concerned with public p o l i c y the government has grown to the point where it is impossible for any one person to keep a handle on what goes on. Specialization is the key. Dave Stockman from Michigan's fourth district specializes in the health and energy-related fields. He believes that a market free from government restrictions and regulations would do a better job with the economy than one mired in bureaucratic ooze and strangled by red tape. In the energy field. Stockman sees gas rationing as adding fuel to the f l i t . For openers, he asks, how would you determine eligibility? If, as the administration*! program proposes, $600 in coupons are disbursed for every registered automobile, you could register the clunker sitting in your back yard and collect the $600 in cash on the

white nuvket. Do you know bow mniy clunkers theft ait in this country? BcadeafSlocknMMadviies, 4 Theim-

pact of the Iranian shutdown has been grossly exaggerated The price system is the best system we have." Stockman also opposes the administration's ceilings on hospital costs. Carter's limits will freeze any further improvements in health care in this country, Stockman says. 44As the product changes and quality improves, you're going to have to pay m o r e . " "I have a very allergic reaction to government coercion." On the other side of the hill, Senator Dave Durenberger (R, Minn.) specializes in finance, governmental affairs, and intelligence. Expertise in all three of these areas makes for a good candidacy, but Durenberger is trying to make up for lost time. Winning the- seat vacated by Muriel Humphrey in last November's elections, Durenberger is up for re-election again in 1982, giving him only four years to establish himself in the Senate. Durenberger's press secretary, Tom Homer, points out the disadvantages of a shorter term. . "Most freshmen Senators have two years to find the bathroom, two years to work on legislation, and two years to concentrate on re-election. Dave has had to jump right in with both f e e t . " Conscious of his handicap, Durenberger has hired a larger number of legislative assistants than is customary to cut through the red tape and get his ideas as swiftly as possible to the Senate floor. Durenberger hopes to use his position on the Governmental Affairs Committee to make the Congress more representative of the people. In this regard, he has drawn up legislation to limit the number of terms in the House to six and in the Senate to two. Durenberger expresses a desire to maintain a " r o o t s " emphasis—a feeling of contact with his constituents.

Like Stockman, Durenberger feels strongly about the role of government, favoring sumet legislation and opposing public financing of elections. die mereascd pctttme he

feels from his short term, Durenberger says that he doesn't think of what he does in terms of re-election. "If I do my job right, I'll get re-elected. It's not whether I let somebody in the door to talk to me every few minutes." . Senator Bob Packwood (R, Oregon), an old hand in the Senate, does not have to worry as much about re-election. The election he has given some thought to is for the Presidency. But, after weighing the advantages and detrements of working in the Oval Office, Proxmire has decided on the side of hi& family. He doesn't want to give up his privacy while his children are still young,;. Now, Proxmire can go to a )wlmg alley or movie with his kids, bowlin but if he were President, his children would more likely end up going with the secret service. You can't get much more specialized than Senator Harrison Schmitt (R, N.M.). Walking on the moon isn't as easy as a Sunday aftemoon stroll. In 1972, Schmitt successfully piloted the Apollo 17 Lunar Module to the moon and back. What is it like on the moon? Schmitt describes the physiological feeling as floating in water— without the water. Physically, it feels like freefall. You're six times as strong and to more, you simply glide along the surface, taking 40-60 foot strides. Pulverized rock covers the terrain like a layer of deep snow. A brilliant sun rests in the black sky. Schmitt, who is an ardent supporter of the NASA program, sees hunself as trying to drag die last three reluctant administrations into the twentieth century. He believes research and development programs have an increasing socio-economic effect, while social welfare programs often have a declining effect. R&D is necessary to expand our options for the future, Schmitt says.

What does all of this prove? Anyone (even science majors) can become a Senator.

Hope College anchor

Pag* 6

Dance concert dedicated to DeLong Hope will honor Dorothy Wiley DeLong by presenting her with a Distinguished Service Award furing the Saturday, performance of Dance V, this hear's Hope dance concert. All three performances of Dance V (April 26, 27 & 28) are dedicated to Mrs. DeLong, in recognition of her pioneer efforts to establish dance instruction within the community of Holland. DeLong was bom in Ottawa, 111. in 1914. She began taking dance lessons at the age of three and soon demonstrated unusual aptitude in both creativity and coordination. While a teenager in Muskegon, she began teaching a variety of dance forms. After completing her high school education, DeLong began teaching dance at North Muskegon schools.

Upon moving to Holland in the late 19408, DeLong accepted the invitation to introduce ballroom dancing to Holland youngsters in conjunction with after-school activity programs. Despite initial protest from some segments of the community, DeLong persevered in her efforts and soon succeeded in drawing appreciative audiences to the programs and recitals of her students. She later operated a private dance studio in downtown Holland, while continuing her involvement with the public schools. For a number of years, DeLong also had a part in coordinating Holland's Tulip Time Dutch Dancers. Throughout her career, DeLong found her chief reward in watching young people discover and develop in dance. She firmly believes that dance

is a form of human creativity which can—and should—be enjoyed by many. Although sheretiredfrom teaching in 1968, DeLong maintains a lively interest in dance and has given her support to area programs of dance instruction, including that of Hope. DeLong is married to William P. DeLong, senior partner in William P. DeLong Certified Public Accounting of Holland. The couple has two sons: Ted W . , a partner in William P. DeLong Certified Public Accounting, and Jack W . , a physician in Holland. Both sons are Hope graduates. Reservations and tickets are available at the theatre ticket office in DeWitt Center, or by calling 392-1449, Monday through Saturday, 12:30 p.m. to 5 p.m.


Reformed church women host visitors' day Reformed Church Women of the Holland and Zeeland Classes will host a visitors' day during the annual General Synod meeting at Hope on June 14. Organizations hope to attract a thousand RCW members and guests of the Michigan and Chicago Synods, including some 200 spouses of Synod delegates. General Synod of the Reformed Church in America will hold its annual session June 11-15. The theme for visitors' day, also known as Ladies' Day, will be " A Woman's W o r t h . . . " Keynote speaker will be Mrs. Gordon Van Wylen. Mrs. Van Wylen, mother of five, has had an extremely active career as homemaker, helpmate, and currently is participating in an internship program in resuming a medical career that was interrupted by mar-

riage a couple of decades ago. She holds an M . D . degree. Mrs. Eloise Van Heest, wife of the new Chaplain, will lead morning devotions, and the Rev. Merwin Van Doornik of Trinity Reformed Church, will be organist. The morning session will be held in Dimnent Memorial Chapel, lunch in Phelps Hall, and an outdoor aftemoon tea at the adjoining Westem Theological Seminary, being held in conjunction with a ceremony to break ground for a new seminary library. Also listed are a morning coffee, missionary presentations, synod briefings, and a choice of campus tours, including the College's new Dow Health & Physical Education Center, a slide presentation, and a talk on the Chapel's beautiful windows. Holland-Zeeland RCW leaders are working with Beth Marcus, national director for Reformed Church Women;

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Betty Boerman of Grand Rapids, national RCW president, Betty Hibma of Grand Rapids, Michigan Synodical president; and Elaine Walchenbach of Grand Rapids, consultant. Holland-Zeeland committee members are Cornelia Neevel, program; Betty Schaap, arrangements; Dorothy Vos, registration; Elaine DePree, Zeeland Classical representative; Laura VanderPoppen, Zeeland Union President; Ruth Postma, Holland, Union President; Lorena Dryfhout, Holland Vice President; Marie Steketee, food; Cornelia Van Voorst, publicity.

Theodore L. Nielsen, associate professor of communication, recently participated in a panel discussion on "The Introductory Course in Mass Communications" at the 1979 annual convention of the National Association of Broadcasters in Dallas, Texas. Panelists presented papers on the influence of size of school and college philosophy on the teaching of mass media. Chaired by Thomas Bohn of the University of Tulsa, the panel heard papers from representatives of the University of Iowa, Memphis State University and the University of Tulsa, in addition to Hope. Nielsen discussed the teaching and learning of mass media in relation to the small liberal arts college and the background needs of students from this orientation toward their later consumption and use of mass media.

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Terry Pence is currently replacing D. Ivan Dykstra, professor of philosophy. Dykstra has recently undergone heart surgery and is, according to his wife, experiencing a normal recovery. He is walking again and spends his time reading while he recuperates at home. Pence is at Hope only for this semester. He is currently finishing his dissertation at Purdue University.

Harry Boonstra, director of libraries at Hope, has continued to be involved in two areas of interest: translation theory, especially Bible translation, and the relation between literature and religion. One recent essay, "Chaim Potok—Novelist and Historian" {Reformed Journal, April 1979), deals with the area of literature and religion. Boonstra examined the work of the Jewish novelist and analyzed the novels from both an artistic and literary perspective. Boonstra also recently gave a series of lectures at Dordt College in Sioux City, la. He spoke on Biblical poetry, and on the translation of poetry and of Biblical material, as well as on his experience among Amazonian Indians while serving with the Wycliffe Bible Translators in Peru.Diane E. Murray, technical services librarian at Hope College, has been selected as a participant in the American Library Association resources and technical services division preconference in Dallas, TX during June. The conference will deal with the


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implementation of new cataloging rules, which will affect- libraries throughout the country. Murray was one of three librarians nominated statewide by the Michigan Library Consortium for participation in the conference. She will especially represent independent college libraries. Upon completion of the conference, Murray, with the other Michigan participants, will serve as a resource person in the planning and conducting of a similar conference to be held throughout Michigan. Jack E. Holmes, associate professor of political science at Hope, recently participated in a panel on "Domestic Sources and Decision Making in U.S. Foreign Policy" at the 1979 annual convention of the Intemational Studies Association in Toronto, Canada. Panelists presented papers on the ways in which various opinions and interests can influence the formation of American foreign policy. Chaired by Curtis G. Reithel of the University of Wisconsin, the panel heard papers from Ronald J. Brinkman of S u s quehanna University, Sherwood McGinnis of the University of Cincinnati, Richard J. Heuer, Jr. of the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency, and Holmes. Holmes presented the paper 4 'Public Rule in American Foreign Policy: A Macro Interpretation,'' which is one of a continuing series on his mood interest theory of American foreign policy.



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April 26,1979

'Draft inevitable' says Pentagon

Mass media probed

National orotest mobilized The Army's top personnel offier has informed Congress that a return to the draft is inevitable. According to Lt. Gen. Robert B. Yerks, the declining size of the reserve

against c o n s c r i p t i o n - m a k e s any real effort tojustify the global commitments that make a 2.1 million necessary in armed services rpeacetime.

ticipate in the resistance to registration and the draft should contact the following organizations. Student for a Libertarian Society

and increasing difficulty recruiting SLS, a California based organizah ' T a ^ I men and women into the acUve force, i s holding a series of news confer- S a n F r a n c , s c 0 ' C A 9 4 1 1 leave the nation with no other choice. e n c e s ^ m a j o f c i t i e s ^ i s o r g a n i z i n g Committee Against RegistraUon and J 6 T h e only question, says U . Gen. Draft a national re sistance m o v e m e l f t o n coi Yerks, is when. leee camouses. 100 Maryland Ave. u;^nn^ve^nr!.UHCnfniilt^nrTh^ increasing Congressional support for r e X r a U o n and die draft 1 ^ ^ a posiddramatic r a m a t i ceffert e t t e c t on o n tthe n e Pentagon's Kentagon sposi tion. Asrecently as December 28th he official Pentagon position was that the volunteer annea armed services were in aall n voiunieer satisfactory condition. But the changing political climate has encouraged the military s top^offieials to reverse their previous position. Opponents to registration and the draft have called for nationwide protests on Apr. 30. A broad based coalition including the American Civil Liberties Union, the Students for a Libertarian Society, and the United States Students Association will be holding an 'informative rally' on the steps of the Capitol Building in Washington. D.C. at twelve noon on Apr. 30. The . — United ^ — States - - Students - - AssociaUon is already distnbuting buttons ca^lon youth to Register to Vote. Don t Vote to Register. The Students for a Libertarian Society has charged that. In the hundreds of pages of Congressional testimony on the draft, not one Representative—either for or

T h e Friends

Committee on National

L e g i s l a t i o n h a s e s , a b l i s h e d a C on

Washington. D.C.


l } ™ ; United States Student Association g | S t r a t , o n a 1 " 1 DrafJ 1028 Connecticut Ave. # 3 0 0 N . W . w h i c h wil1 h e l p c o o r d i n a t e t h e n a t l o n a l 6 Washington. —i D.C. 20036 lobb • e f f o r t in W a s h i n g t o n , 166



g i r e c t o r o f ^ Committee on M i l i t a r i s m i n M o t i o n charges that 0 o u r a l» l d .n e e d ... f o r m o r e m a n p 0 w e r i s. .f ^ s a m e . c r a c k t .that Q us viet N a m ^ c o r d i t0 Dr. 'need'rests on a RobertI

The mass media is being probed in depth this week which began Monday

Auditorium. He will also conduct discussions

on campus as the communication dep a n ^ e m s p o n s o n a senes " e c ^ r e s I 11 u , ^ . f " I r Communications of the University of Washington, Seattle. Pember is a nationally-known and published scholar in mass communication. ' ,. • J ' He is a participant in the College's Distinguished Visiting Scholar Program which is funded by the Whiting Foundation of Flint. The highlight of his visit was a public presentation on the topic, "Privacy and the P r e s s " yesterday in Wichers

with student^s Md facuil^ on a number „ m e d i a in l h e f u t ^ ; . a n d ..the n e w journalists." Pember is the author of the books " M a s s Media in A m e r i c a , " and 4 'Mass Media L a w . ' ' In addition to the legal aspects of the mass media, he is involved in the teaching of journalism techniques in the area of newswriting and reporting for newspapers and magazines. His visit to Hope is being coordinated by Ted Nielsen of the communication department.


You Wear

series of dubious premises: If the Russians start a conventional war in Europe; if it doesn't quickly escalate into a nuclear war; if NATO airfields and ports are not destroyed in the opening battles; and if we can build an enormous naval fleet that does not now exist, then the million men stationed in the United States will be useful in the next war. Since these premises are clearly absurd, Rhodes believes that the new call ^ draft will in. for registration ^ power of the Pentagon and crease ^ c o | ( j w a r ^ 5 1 0 , ^ ^ 6 recreate the ^ 6 1 - campus protests that existed in the late W s and early '70's but will make no positive contribution to our national security, Persons and groups wishing to par-

Alcohol Education committee working to educate public While many Hope students spend possibilities discussed included sendtheir days planning keggers or sitting ing a committee member to a conferat Skile's, a small group of students ence in Indianapolis concerning the and members of the faculty and staff impact of alcohol in contemporary life; are working to educate the college it was also suggested that the group community on the use and abuse of invite a sociat worker to speak to them alcohol. ^or their own education. The Alcohol Education Committee Recently the committee sent out a has set three goals for itself: first, questionnaire to Hope students regard' l o raise the level of consciousness ing their consumption of alcoholic of each member of the college com- beverages; the results of this survey munity regarding the use and/or abuse are not yet in. of alcohol"; second, " t o encourage The committee was formed about a the responsible use of alcohol by those year and a half ago by Peter Semeyn, who choose to d r i n k " ; and third, " t o assistant chaplain; Sharon Blanksma support the decisions of those who of Health Services; and Sarah Schenchoose not to d r i n k . " del of Counseling Services. They preAt last week's meeting the commit- sented a training and informative protee discussed several ideas for working gram to R . A . ' s in January of 1978. toward these goals. For example, they Other accomplishments of the commitplan to meet in the near future to tee include the Alcohol Awareness discuss preliminary plans for R.A. Week presented to the campus last fall, training for the fall semester. Other

CLASSES Here's an effective new eye-exercise program that can produce astonishing results in a very short time. . . The Bettervision Eye Clinic is now offering a program of eyeexercises that can safety correct most cases of poor eyesight-so that glasses or contact lenses are no longer needed. Originally developed by Dr. William H. Bates of the New York Eye Hospital, this method has been widely used by the Armed Forces, schools, clinics, and thousands of private individuals, for the treatment of: • nearsightedness • farsightedness • astigmatism • middle-age sight For many years it was thought that poor eyesight was just bad Tuck, or something you inherit from your parents. Scientists now know that most eyesight problems are caused by accumulated stress and tension—which squeeze the eyeball out of shape, and affect the muscles that do the focusing. The result is the eye cannot form a clear image, and the world appears to be blurry. In people over 40, the natural aging process is also an important factor. No matter what your eyesight problem the Bates Method can help you. This is a health care program, and will benefit everyone who follows it— children, adults, and seniors.

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Rev. Frederick A. Milos, M.S. "By following the simple exercises griven complet is program, 'I ' have completely in this recovered vision. Now I can read for jred my visio long periods without my glasses." Ron Moore—Technician "I originally went to the Clinic to deliver some equipment—and ended up trying their eye-exercise program. I am nearsighted, and have worn glasses for 15 yrs. In just 3 weeks after starting the program, my eyesight has already improve! to the point where I can now drive, do business, and watch T.V.—all without my glasses!" extrinsic muscle

The ciliary muscles I LENS 1 control the focussing power of the lens.

It is important to understand that lasses do not cure a visual problem, hey are simply a compensating device —like crutches. In fact, glasses usually make the condition worse. Because they make the eyes weak and lazy, a minor problem often develops into a lifetime of wearing glasses.


The Bates Method corrects poor eyesight bby strengthening the eyemuscles amid relaxing the eyeball. You do simple easy exercises that increase your focusing power, eliminate eyestrain, and bring your eyesight back to normal.

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Aldous Huxley—Nobel Author "My vision was getting steadily worse, even with greatly strengthened glasses. To my dismay I realized I was going bUnd. On the advice of my Doctor 1 decided to try the Bates Method. There was an immediate improvement. After only 2 months I was able to read clearly without glasses. Better still, the cataract which had covered part of one eye for over 16 years was beginning to clear up.''

Because the Bates Method deals with the basic cauae of your eyesight problem, you can^xpect to see a definite improvement in ad little as 1 or 2 weeks. Even if you have worn glasses all your life—things will become clearer and clearer, ^nd you will have flashes of good vision.. as you gothrough the program, these flashes become longer and more f r e q u e n t . . gradually blending into permanent better sight—at which point the exercises are no longer necessary. We usually find that people whose eyesight is not too bad can return to 20/20 vision in about a month. Even if your eyesight is really poor, within 2 to 3 months you should oe able to put away your glasses, once and for all. Read these case histories:

Six extrinsic musclts control the shape and movement of the eyeball.

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'f ixe fates Method can mark a turning point in your lifebetter eyesight without glasses or contact lenses. The program is guaranteed. Try it for 30 days, and if you're not fully satisfied, return it for an immediate refund. . .




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Hope Collage anchor

r Steve Nearpass

George Carvella, a freshmen attacker from Greenwich, Connecticut, passes the ball to a teammate to start an attack against the Spartans of Michigan State. Caraveila is one of several promising freshmen which bring skill and experience to the Dutchmen squad. He has already scored five goals this season and has added four assists. Hope lost to the older, more experienced Spartan team for the second time this year. They got back on the winning trail in their last outing with a 13-3 win over the JV's from Notre Dame.

MIAA Hope defeats NDJV's, Standings tough road trip ahead Baseball

The Dutchmen lacrosse team travels to Chicago tomorrow to start a tough road trip. They play Lake Forrest, one of the top teams in the league, on Friday. Saturday, they go against the Chicago Lacrosse Club, which is not affiliated with any school. The lacrosse club was the Midwestern champion last year. Following the road trip, Hope will return home and finish out the season in the second annual- alumni game. This will be played on May 5. The Notre Dame JV squad came to Holland Tuesday and lost a 13-3 decision to the Dutchmen. This was the second time this year that Hope defeated the junior Fighting Irish. In the first meeting at South Bend, Hope won an overtime game, 5-4. In Tuesday's contest, Don Williams lead the scoring attack with five goals. Williams is the club's all-time leading scorer, a senior attackman who entered the season with 21 goals to his credit. He has added nine goals this season so far. George Caraveila, a freshman from Greenwich, Connecticut, scored twice and added two assists. Jim Ausema, a senior from Grant, Michigan scored twice and Tim Van Heest tallied twice and passed for three assists. Van Heest was pleased with the victory and felt that the fact the game was

Albion Alma Hope Calvin Kalamazoo Olivet Adrian

played at home played a key role. 4'It is much easier for us, especially as a club, to play at home before the home fans,'' commented Van Heest. 4 'Everyone played well, the offense flowed well and the attack added plenty of offense." Van Heest is the leading scorer for Men's Track the Dutchmen in the season with 12 Olivet goals, followed closely behind by Calvin Williams. , Albion The lacrosse club now sports a 3-3 Hope record. The team is playing as they Alma were expected to perform this year. Kalamazoo "The results of our first six games Adrian have not surprised me at all. We expected these results before the season Men's Tennis got underway," said Van Heest. Kalamazoo The Spartans of Michigan State Alma have put two of the losses on the Calvin Hope record down on record. Both Hope games were tough and fought well, but Albion MSU, who plays against tougher com- Olivet petition, was able to weather the storm Adrian both times. The other loss came at the hands of Purdue University. Purdue Softball was able to score almost as well against Adrian * Hope, taking a 14-5 decision from the. Hope Dutchmen. Calvin Besides the two decisions over the Alma Notre Dame JV's, Hope defeated the B Olivet team from the University of Michigan. Albion The Dutchmen won a close contest with the Wolverines, a game that went Women's Tennis down to the wire, 9-8. Hope Kalamazoo Alma Albion Calvin Adrian Olivet

Dutchmen come out even The Hope College baseball team had a busy week as they played six games in five days and came up with an even record, three wins against three losses. On Tuesday the Flying Dutchmen hosted the Grand Valley Lakers in a doubleheader and swept two games, 5-4 and 4-0. In the opener, the Dutchmen -scored the winning run in the bottom of the seventh. John Vande Gutche, getting his ninth hit in his last 13 trips to the plate, singled in freshmen Jack Goorhouse, who had been safe on an error. Picking up his second win of the year against no losses was senior, Bob Angle, who went the distance for the first time. In the nightcap, the Dutchmen completed the sweep as they came up with their first shutout victory of the year.Pitcher Kevin Watson was sensational as he scattered five Laker hits and only allowed one runner to reach third base. Hope had only two hits themselves, but one of those was Rick Zoulek's second homer of the day. That, along with seven walks doled out by the Grand Valley pitchers, was enough to give Hope the victory.

The next day, Wednesday, was not as lucky as the Dutchmen traveled to Grand Rapids to take on Grand Rapids Junior College and found themselves

losing both ends of that doubleheader, 6-1 and 5-0. In the first game, the only hits the Dutchmen could muster were two doubles. In the second game, things didn't get much better as Hope only came up with a total of four singles. The two defeats left Hope's overall record at 8-7 going into league action Saturday against the Hornets. Against the Hornets the Dutchmen split their pair of ballcames winning the first by a score of 5-2, but losing the second 6-3. In the opener, Kevin Watson once again went the distance as he struck out seven batters in the seven inning contest. The win put his season pitching record at 4-0 overall, 2-0 in the league. Aiding the cause offensively was battery-mate, A1 Watson, as the senior catcher powered a home run for the Dutchmen. Hope couldn't make it a sweep, however, as they let the Hornets get an early lead in the second game and found it too much to overcome. The split left Hope with a 3-1 league mark after two Saturdays of action, good for second place behind undefeated Albion. The Dutchmen's next home game will be against those same Britons tomorrow in a doubleheader beginning at 1:00 p.m.

Women's Track Calvin Hope ^Albion Alma Kalamazoo

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START PART-TIME NOW, and full time in summer: many jobs available like this, see OFFCAMPUS JOBS, Phelps Lobby FOUND: One set of green beads, (possibly glass or other material), in Pine Grove Area. Call Rita T. Hodson or Tricia Storrs at ext. #4027.

The American pastime, major league baseball, has been under a lot of fire in the p^st three years after the inception of the free-agency draft. With the new rule, the big event of the offseason in baseball was to watch and see which teams would be able to fork over enough money to lure the superstars to play for them. A free agent is a person who decides to put himself on the open market and see what he is worth. By doing this, he allows any team in either league a chance to bid for his services. This is similar to an auction. This occurs when his contract runs out. , Since the inception of the free-agency rule, there have been many people who are for and those who are against it. Some feel that baseball has greatly benefited from this while others argue that the free agents will ruin baseball through the high prices and they will price baseball right out of the market. Many people have felt that the free agents were way too expensive and they would hurt the baseball economy. Over a long duration, it was felt that this would have bad effects on the national economy. Bowie Kuhn, the commissioner of baseball, is one of these people. He stated that he felt that the present "rate of escalation in the salaries would help in bringing about the downfall of the game '' Contrary to the commissioner and those nonbelievers, the free agent have not hurt baseball. In fact, it has greatly improved the game and this is evident in the vast improvement in attendance figures where the fans turned out in record numbers. • There are several points that when looked into will prove that the free agents have helped the baseball world. These points are baseball economic picture and the competitive balance throughout the league. The baseball economy was not hurt in the least bit by the free-agency rule. The total revenue for the 1978 season was figured to be about $287.8 million. The salaries and pension costs for all the players on the major league rosters totalled $76.8 million or merely 27.6% of the total revenue. Obviously the teams had other expenses, but 27.6% is not too large a figure that it would be impossible for the teams to come out on top. When the baseball revenue is compared with that of other industries, it comes out worse in only one instance. Football was the only industry that had a revenue that was equal or a bit better. Hockey and basketball were much higher percentage wise, as they neared the 50% mark or higher. The steel industry labor costs ran between 38 and 42% of their total revenue. In the automobile industry, the labor costs ran about 35 to 39%. These figures show that the free agents were not detremental to baseball. Although a lot of money is being given to the players, it is not so much that it will end the game. The competitive balance has been greatly improved throughout the league. Despite the fact that in three of the divisions the same teams have won the title the last three seasons; the Yankees, the Royals, and the Phillies; and the Dodgers have won twice in the last three seasons; the races have been close and to the wire. The best example is the race last summer between the Yankees and the Red Sox! One of the richest teams in baseball, the Yankees were picked to win the division—because they were loaded with talent. The Red Sox had a fine team though, and led by 14 games in late July. The Yankees put on one of the best comebacks ever in the history of the game and the season ended with the two teams tied for first place. The Yanks won in the sudden death play-off game, but it will rank as one of the best races ever. The free agents were able to help "spread the wealth," or divide up the talent and make many teams respectable. Kuhn was worried that several teams would wind up as the "elite clubs" because they would sign all the free agents. But statistics proved that more players signed with clubs that had lower records than the teams that they had been with previously. 49.3% of those who signed last year went to clubs with lower records. Some of these teams have proved that this can help as they have built themselves into legitimate contenders. In the American League, Milwaukee signed Sal Bando, Larry Hisle, and Jim Slaton. These players have improved them to where they have a good shot of overtaking the Yankees Boston signed Mike Torrez and Bill Campbell in an effort to beef-up their pitching corps. California picked up Joe Rudi, Bobby Grich, and Don Baylor through the draft to allow them to seriously threaten the Royals. The Yankees, the team that many feel has the most money in baseball, is way out in front of the other teams in the signing of free agents. The players that signed through this route that helped make them in world champions are: Jim 4 'Catfish'' hunter, Reggie Jackson, Rich Gossage, Tommy John, and Luis Tiant. In the National League, several teams have bought themselves players that will put them in the thick of the races. The Montreal Expos have picked up Ross Onmsley, who won 20 games for them last year. He teams well with the already established mound corps. The Phillies signed Richie Hebner and, this year, drew the attention of the world with the signing of Pete Rose. The Dodgers have only signed one, Terry Forster, since the inception and still have won the division for two straight years. There are very few teams that are able to go without the free agent and still remain in contention. Cincinnati was one of these, along with the Royals. These teams were able to build themselves into contenders through trades and welldeveloped farm systems. There are more teams that struggle through the year, who don't sign any free agents. The New York Mets and the St. Louis Cardinals are two teams that appear to be content without trying to build up their teams. Som<f of the owners refuse to pay the prices that the players are asking. I like the idea of these men, but 1 don't see how they will be able to contend without them. Jim Campbell, the Tiger owner, is the leader in this train of thought. Feeling that the prices are way out of line, he refuses to sign any free agents. This improvement in the competitive balance has been the major factor in the increased attendence. Fans love to come and watch a superstar in action and they will also pile out to watch a winner. Since the inception of the free-agency rule, the attendance for baseball has increased 33%. Los Angeles is the top drawing team, with 3.3 million fans turning out for Dodger games last year. The Yanks were able to draw over 2.5 million and the Reds, who play in one of the smallest cities of any who own major league franchises, have drawn over 2 million fans for the past three years. The one part of the game that is hurt by the free agents are the farm teams. These are becoming more and more obsolete. Many clubs have found it much easier to buy a superstar and improve the club immediately, rather than groom a player through their farm system and bring him up to the majors when he is ready. Free agents was good for pro baseball and can only help to improve the game. The money that the players are now receiving is not right. No player is worth the money that they are getting, especially for only seven or eight month's work. But nonetheless, free-agency is good for baseball and has allowed it to remain as American as Chevrolet, hot dogs, and mom's hot apple pie.

offer. Call 392-8302 and ask for Steve NEED Your house painted?? Experienced, reasonable painters looking for work. References. Call 392-8302 for more information. AsIc for Steve.

TO the greatest at Hope, from one of the Near Greats.

SUMMER JOBS IN YOUR FIELD: To men and women in the human WANTED: Single, mature, man services area, education and reclooking to sub-let house or reation. Extensive pre-camp an<J apartment ih Holland this sumin-service training and high level mer. Please call 392-3742 or of responsibility will provide ex1-364-9756 in Grand Rapids or FOR RENT: Furnished 3 bedroom perience in child care, group write to R. Scholten, P.O. Box- home one mile from campus. work, and outdoor education in a 6142 Grand Rapids, IVII 49506 95( $300 per month + utilities. Phone primitive setting with urban chil313-455-2974 dren. Find put why we can say FOR SALE: Car stereo DCrai. that this camp job is different Underdash AM/FM Cassette 2S TO THE DANCERS: Good Luck from any other. Write: Trail Craip 25 watt power booster 3) tonight—have a good time and Blazer Camps, 56 West 45th St., Audio vox AM/FM in-dash 8 track brealc a leg I Joyous. New York, NY 10036. 4) Two 5" Pioneer speakers—Best

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