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Council Elections, May Day Coincide Two of the college's most important social a n d political events will take place this week. Council elections are scheduled to start Wednesday morning with campaign speeches by the candidates in Chapel during a special period. Campaigning will

continue until Tuesday, April 30, and Wednesday, the days of primary and final elections. Mouw Vs. Hollenbach Just as posters are traditional with Student Council election campaign, the debate is gaining AT

week challenged fellow candidate for council president, David Hollenbach, to an open debate F r i day morning in the Pine Grove. Hollenbach accepted. The two will debate also over WHTC either Monday or Tuesday night.

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over the weekend for May Day festivities. F r i d a y afternoon classes will be held in the morning with classes ending at noon. A picnic is planned for Kollen Park until 1:00 p.m. with men's sports starting a t 1:45 at Van Raalte field. The women take

over a t 4:30 in the Pine Grove as the May Day queen, her court, and new Mortar Board members are announced. To end the day a May Day dance will be held a t 8:30 p.m. at the Civic Center, following a coronation banquet at 6:30 p.m. in Phelps Hall.





Former College President to Discuss Student's World u Aaylor, — - f n vformer . w i n ' x presDr. Harold ident of Sarah Lawrence College, will speak at an all-college assembly Tuesday morning at 10:00 in the Chapel. His subject will be "The World of the American Student." t-v

t t


Dr. Taylor received his B.A. from Toronto and his M.A. and Ph.D. in London. He. be— came president of Sarah Lawrence in 1945 and is now president of the Taylor newly - founded Peace Research Institute. A leader in the field of education and an outstanding lecturer, Dr. Taylor is especially noted f o r his creative and imaginative approach to education.

Commencement Set for Civic Center The Holland Civic Center was decided to be the "best setting" for the commencement of this year's graduating class, according to a recent decision by the Administrative Committee. Commencement is set for June 3.

H o has V > q c written w r i f f p n mflTiv h o o k s and and He many books articles including Portrait of a New Generation. Speaking to the Student NEA last July, Dr. Taylor said, "What the American student needs is not simply more academic subject matter. What he needs and what he really wants is a deeper understanding of the issues of peace and war. of race, of disarmament, of equality among people, of the cure of ignorance, starvation, and deprivation, the p r(> blem of world order and the u i t i m a t e issue of personal identp e r s o n a i commitment." ity ^ j^ r 'payioj. w iii be speaking bef o r e t h e f a c u i t y Monday night and ^ p 0 s s i b i y be available f o r student discussion after his speech Tuesday morning.


Chapel Check T0 Change ^ ttendance Drops The form of checking Chapel attendance will most likely be changed, the anchor confirmed this week. Because of a lack of student attendance and student dishonesty in filling out Chapel cards, the Chapel Board of Review and Religious Committee are expected to make recommendations to the Administrative Committee. The recommendations are expected to be of a more restrictive nature. Dean James Harvey said this week that it was "intolerable to have so many students being dishonest." He also said t h a t the changes would noi not be changes wouia De until uiiwi fall. ittis depending on

Crook to Deliver "Last Chance" in Dimnent Chapel Tonight Mortar Board Honor Society sponsors tonight its annual Last Chance Talk. The purpose of this talk is to give some member of the faculty a chance to speak to

all the students on campus as though this were the last time he would be able to talk to them. He may speak on whatever he wishes —giving advice, reminiscing or the like.


This is the second year of Mortar Board's "Last Chance Talks." Last year Dr. D. Ivan Dykstra of the Philosophy Department gave the address to the filled auditorium of Dimnent Memorial Chapel.


the following Holland students: Carol Becker, James Cotts, David Kleis, Roger Kobes, and Paul Lucas. From Zeeland are Beula Kampen and Christine Nykamp. Other area students include Robert A. Koster of Hudsonville, Arlene Zwyghuizen of Grandville, Judith De Ryke and Judith De Witt of Grand Rapids, James Bultman of Fremont, Kristin Blank of Three Rivers, and Mary Peelen of Kalamazoo. Other Michigan students receiving Faculty Honors a r e

Thomas Cetas of Lapeer, Carol Shrader Steffens of Midland and Judith Zwemer of Marquette. Also named are Donna Davis, Catskill, New York, Martha Faulk, Rochelle Park, New J e r sey, Joyce Harmelink, Woodstock, Minnesota, John Jenner, Altamont, New York; Jean Louret, Hingham, Wisconsin; Louise Mak, Kobe, Japan; Diana Oster, Flemington, New Jersey; Barbara Walvoord, Oradell, New jersey.

this was a holy day and that the college observes it as such. In recent months Graves Hall has been open Sunday afternoons for students who wish to visit and smoke. However, the Dean said this week that if abuses , of the privilege were continued, the building would have to be closed.

Band to Feature Trumpet Ghitalla Soloist Monday The Hope College Band, f e a the eminent trumpet solo. g t A r m a n ( j 0 chitalla, will present a concert Monday, April 29, at 8:15 p.m. in Dimnent Memorial Chapel. Armando Chitalla was awarded his degree from the Juilliard School of Music. Presently, he is on the faculty of Boston University. He plays associate first trumpet for the Boston Symphony Orchestra and he is a regular member and soloist of the Bos-

ber by Viennese composers written for Anton Weidinger and the newly developed keyed trumpet. Mr. Ghitalla will also play "Carnival of Venice" arranged by Del Stargers. The band under the direction of Mr. Robert Cecil will perform Ralph Vaughan Williams' "Toccata Marziale" and Vincent Persichetti's "Bagatelles for Band, Op. 87" in four movements — Vivace, Allegretto, Andante Sostenute and Allegro conpsirito. This work was commissioned by the Dartmouth College Band in 1962. In addition, the band will perform Jose Franco's "Aguero" and Turina's "Five Miniatures" — Dawn, The Sleeping Village, Promenade, T h e Approaching Soldiers, and Fiesta. Turina was one of the most representative of the modern Spanish "nationalist" school. The "Five Miniatures" were taken from his set of "Eight Miniatures for the piano" and arranged by John Krance.

Crook, who has said that he will speak on some different aspects of science, has taught for over ten years in the Hope Biology Department. Pre-med .students know him well as he teaches many of the advanced biology courses.

Twenty-Five Receive Faculty Honors Twenty-five Hope College seniors have been selected for Faculty Honors, an announcement made today by Dr. William Vander Lugt, Dean of the College. The students were chosen by the faculty on the criteria of a 3.5 average and who, in their opinion, have given the greatest promise, though their academic achievement and campus service, of achieving success in their chosen profession. To be recognized at a special honors assembly next month are

tendance of the students the rest of the year. Also effecting the student body, the Administrative Committee ruled recently that the Music Building will not be open on Sundays. A group of students had petitioned for its opening, The Committee reasoned that

This year's speaker is Dr. Philip G. Crook of Hope's Biology Department. He will be speaking to all interested students at 7:00 p.m. in the Dimnent Memorial Chapel.

Because this year's senior class has 90 more students than last year's, Dimnent Memorial Chapel was determined as being "no longer adequate," according to a report made to the committee by Roger Rietberg. Locations considered were the Civic Center, Kollen Park and a spot on campus. Members of the Administrative Committee attending the recent meeting were Robert DeHaan, Dr. Paul Fried, Dr. James Harvey, Dean William Hilmert, Dr. John Hollenbach, Clarence Kleis, John May, Dean Emma Reeverts, Albert Timmer and Dr. Vander Lugt.

April 26, 1963

Hope College, Holland, Michigan

75th ANNIVERSARY — 2 8

The program will conclude with Porgy and Bess selections by Gershwin, arranged for a band by Russell Bennett.

ARMANDO A. GHITALLA ton Pops and Esplanade Orchestras. In 1958 he presented the first complete trumpet recital ever in New York City at the Town Hall, and in 1960 he gave a recital in Carnegie Hall. He has several recordings to his credit — his latest o n Columbia entitled "Frescobaldi a n d Hindemith" which was recorded with E. Power Biggs. Mr. Chitalla will perform Johann Hummel's "Trumpet Concerto" in three movements — Allegro conspirito. Andante, and Rondo. Hummel, although little known today, was one of the most popular pianists and composers of the early 19th century, This concerto was one of a num-

Author, Theologian Here on Wednesday Dr. Rousas Rushdoony, a theologian and author from Los Angeles, will be on campus next week Wednesday, May 1, to give a speech in the Graves lecture hall at 4:00 p.m. Rushdoony is bein^sponsored by Intercollegiate Society of Individuals and by Young Americans for Freedom. He will speak on the topic This Independent Republic, the title of his latest book. Other books by Rushdoony include The Intellectual Schizophrenic and By What Stand ards.

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Seven Departments Name Recipients of Fellowships



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FOR CHARITY—The annual Penny Carnival was held last Saturday night in the gym. Co-chairman Jackie Schrotenboer reports that $300.00 was made for World Missions. Knickerbocker fraternity with the Knick Jail cleared $38 and Alpha Phi made $44 with Cake Walk.

Prizes to be Awarded at Honors Meeting At the Honors Convention on May 27, many prizes and awards will be given. The following are

Hope Hosts Tournament Hope College will play host for the Regional High School Forensics Tournament, sponsored by the State High School Forensics Association, to be held Thursday, May 2. Participating in the contests will be students from high schools in the Holland, Grand Rapids, Hudsonville, Grandville, Ottawa, and Muskegon areas. The forensic events, including interpretive reading, humorous selections, extempore, oratory and declamation, will take place in the Music Auditorium and Winants Auditorium with Hope College speech students acting as official tabulators. Interested students are invited to attend any of the events which begin at 8:45 a.m. and run to 4:00 p.m. M. Harold Mikle of the speech department is regional chairman for this tournament, which will bring the high school forensic season to a close. some of the prizes which can be

the student of French who shows the greatest interest and the greatest progress in the French language and literature during the current year. German The German Department usually receives gift books from the German and/or Austrian consulates to give away as prizes. They are usually awarded to the persons receiving the higest test grade in the department finals in various courses, particularly German first and second years. Latin There will be two scholarships ocered by the Latin Department in 1963. One will enable a member of the Eta Sigma Phi Fraternity to attend the 1963 Summer Session of the American School of Classical Studies at Athens, Greece. The second will allow another to attend the 1963 Summer Session of the American Academy at Rome. The scholarship to Rome is for $450, carrying a stipend of $300 granted by the Trustees of the Academy. The scholarship to Athens is for $550, carrying a stipend of $300 granted by the Trustees of Eta Sigma Phi, and a remission of the $250 tuition fee by grant of the School. Applicants must have taken Greek or Latin, must plan on teaching a t the secondary or college level, and must apply before January 31, 1963. Music Four applied music awards are offered annually to junior or senior music majors. They consist of one year's free study during the junior or senior year. They are exhibition will be at the library the Browning Scholarship in until at least next Wednesday, according to Mr. James Loveless voice, the Rozeboom Scholarship in organ. The Junior-Senior Scholof the Art Department. The three works by Hope stu- arship in Piano, and the Juniordents are two serigraphs by Senior scholarship in Instrument. In addition, a number of freshJoan TenCate and Judson Emerman applied music scholarships ick and a lithograph by Gilmer are offered annually at $100 each. Petersen. Physics Catalogs of the exhibit are a The Douwe B. Yntema Prize is vailable to students at the main a $25 cash award, offered to the library desk. senior student who has been chosen the outstanding student in Physics.

won. Students planning to submit works for the Eerdmans prizes are reminded that all materiels must be handed in to Dr. Mueller by today. Art The Herman Miller Award, a book, is offered to the most promising student in art. Education The Edgar Winter Education Awards of $500 cash are given by recommendation to the young man and young woman in the junior class who show promise of making the most significant contribution in the field of teaching. These persons must be members of the Student Education Association. English The William B. Eerdmans Poetry Prize is a cash award of $50, offered to the student submitting the best creative writing in poetry during the current year. The William B. Erdmans Prose Prize is a cash award of $50 offered to the student submitting the best creative writing done in prose during the current year. The George Brinkhoff, Jr. Prize is a cash award offered to the student submitting the best work in a designated area of English. French The Romance Language Department offers the Marguerite Prins Award of $50 annually to

GLCA Student Art Exhibition Shown on Library Mezzanine The Student Art Exhibition of the Great Lakes College Association is now on display on the mezzanine floor of the Van Zoeren Library. Composed of 3 drawings, watercolors, or prints from each of 9 colleges in the Association, the




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Oorvwu with Crfsp French Mm Tanov CoU Slaw « Dinntf Roll & Honty m

April 26, 1968

Hope College anchor

Page 2

STORE Phone EX 2 - 3 1 1 6

WANTED For Summer Employment Male or Female, Age 21 or over, who want to make $1500.00 during summer vacation. Car helpful but not necessary. Needed: Four References and Photograph. Reply: Anchor Office.

Seven departments of study here announced candidates for graduate study who will be receiving scholarships, assistantships, .fellowships, or grants to be used in their graduate study. From the Biology department, Diana Oster will receive an assistantship from Penn. State University; Steve Goodfellow will receive an assistantship from the University of Wisconsin. Roger Kobes, bio-chemistry major, has received a fellowship from the University of Michigan. The English department announces seven honors. They are: Tom Werge, Woodrow Wilson, plans to attend Cornell University; Mary Peelen, Woodrow Wilson, plans to attend the University of Michigan; Jean Lauret, Woodrow Wilson, may attend either U. of Wisconsin or UCLA; Albert Nicolai, assistantship. Temple University, Philadelphia; Virginia Mortensen, fellowship. Bowling Green, Ohio; Barbara W a l v o o r d , fellowship, Ohio State; David Kleis, Regent's Scholarship, University of Michigan. Math majors receiving fellowships are: Gene Klassen, University of Nebraska, and Jim Cotts, New Mexico State University. Also Russel Harmsen of Holland has received a $2500 Fellowship at the University of Michigan. Norma Houtman, music major, has received a full scholarship from the Graduate Music Division, Yale University, New H a ven, Conn. The department of Physics announced three students who will be continuing their studies in Physics. They are Thomas Cetas, assistantship, Iowa State University; Paul Lucas, Woodrow Wilson Fellowship and Danforth Foundation Fellowship, plans to attend the University of Illinois; George Marr, assistantship, Miami University, Ohio. Ken Vinstra has received an assistantship in Psychology from the University of Michigan. Earl

Nettles plans to continue his studies under a three year pre-doctral traineeship at Pittsburg. Beula Kampen has received a $2,000 t e a c h i n g assistantship from Michigan State University in French. In political science department. Rich Brandsma has been awarded a $2,200 assistantship from University of Wyoming, Laramie. Two history majors planning graduate study are Gord Kirk and Carol Becker. Kirk has $1200 assistantship at Bowling Green and Becker has a $2000 fellowship at Western Michigan. Philosophy major Jim Michmerhuizen has received $2,350 McCormick fellowship to Yale.

Sociologist Speaks to Campus Today Professor Albert J. Reiss, Jr., professor of sociology and director of research laboratories at the University of Michigan, has been on the Hope College campus as a visiting sociologist, yesterday and today. Professor Reiss, who is one of the outstanding young men in American sociology led a discussion in Urban Sociology, Thursday, April 25, at 3 p.m. in Dimnent Memorial Chapel, Room 16.

Thursday evening Professor was available at Shields cottage, 12th and College for discussions with students and those interested in knowing about opportunities for advance study and potential careers in sociology. Friday morning at 9:30 Professor Reiss will present a general lecture on "Sociology and Programs For the Developing Nation" in Winants Auditorium of Graves Hall. The lecture is open to the public. Reiss is an internationally recognized specialist in Urban sociology, research methods and stratification. He became chairman of the Sociology department at Vanderbilt University in 1952, professor of sociology and director of research laboratories at the University of Wisconsin in 1960.

Late Snips and Short Snorts SWIPED: Mrs. Tellman, Head Resident at Phelps Hall, reports that one large pottery bowl and two iron ducks have been missing from Phelps lounge since a week before spring vacation. "These objects which are of considerable value were placed in the lounge to make it attractive for students and it is unfortunate that they seem to have been stolen," remarked Mrs. Tellman. Anyone knowing anything about their disappearance should report information to the anchor office. HELL, MICH.: About 4,200 square feet of Hell will be blacktopped for outdoor square dancing, the Satan's Holiday Committee announced Monday. The square dancing area, in the geographical center of Hell, will be ready for Satan's Holiday, June 29-30, the committee said. JOBS: Mr. Robert Brown, assistant admissions officer, reports that foreign students wishing summer jobs must register at the immigration office. See Mr. Brown for more information. DEPUTATION: Quite a few deputation teams are going to area churches for Christian College Sunday. The SCA asks that you remember your fellow students in your own devotions as they represent your school. GRADUATE RECORDS: The

testing service for the Graduate Record exams has selected the English, Biology, and Chemistry departments for normative testing of their exams. All senior majors in these fields will be required to take the exams at no charge so that the service can determine national norms. The English majors are taking the three hour exam Tuesday, April 30, in Graves Hall. TULIPS: The Women's Garden Club is sponsoring a flower show May 15-17 under the theme of "Before the Tulips Got to Holland!" Girls interested in entering call Mrs. Lakies (EX 6-8148) for further information. There are no requirements or experience stipulated. SEMINARY: Dr. Rachel Henderlite. Director of Curriculum Development for the Board of Christian Education of the Presbyterian Church U. S., will give a series of lectures on "The Holy Spirit." The lectures will be given on May 2 and 3. For further information see the bulletin board in the anchor office. ABSURD: "The Bald Soprano" by Eugene lonesco was presented once again on the Hope College Campus on the evening of April 18. The play was given for the American Association of University Women.

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Morrison to Solo With Symphonette in Final

Ticket Sale for Concerts Underway •7

Joyce Morrison, soprano, from the Hope College music faculty, will be the featured soloist in the final concert of the season by the Hope College Symphonette to be given in Dimnent Memorial Chapel Sunday afternoon April 28 at 4:00. Miss Morrison came to Hope

Tickets will be on sale on the campus until May 4 for the Hol•Ipnd Community Concert Series of 1963-64. Formerly student tickets were sold in the fall, but this year returning students are asked to purchase theirs at the same time as the regular patrons buy their memberships. Two concerts have already been booked: the Indianapolis Symphony and the Roger Wagner Chorale, both very wellknown groups. Student tickets cost three dollars for the series, which will include at least 5 concerts. Students Contacted During the week students will be contacted in dormitory and fraternity groups and at the table in Van Raalte Hall. Students have the opportunity of earning their own tickets by selling ten tickets a free one may be obtained. Any student wishing to do this may see Mr. Ten Hoor, membership chairman, in his office in VR 312 for details. Student participation in the Concert Series has been surprisingly small, only 86 of the 500 tickets which the college bought for student resale having been purchased last season. It is hoped that many more students will take advantage of the opportunity which this Series offers for hearing many worldreknown musicians and groups locally.

Shorter Exam Scheduled for Peace Corps

STAGE SHOW—Chuck Klomparns, Jim Jurries and Jim Wiegerink are part of the kick-line providing entertainment at the Frater Frolics, being given tonight and tomorrow night at the Women's Literary Club. Show starts at 8:00 p.m.

Council Election Week Announced; Campaigns to Last from May 1 • 8 Election week, as announced by Student Council vice-president Lynn Adams at last Monday night's 6:45 meeting, will now last from Wednesday, May 1, until the following Wednesday, May 8. Continuing with the Council's constitutional r e v i s a l , Marty Tucker reported on the work of the committee proposing the regulations of the legislative branch of the forthcoming Senate. Due to the agreement of the sororities not to request individual representation, members will be elected as follows: a total of 11 from the girls' dorms, five

Kruyf Selected Coordinator Gerald J. Kruyf, director of public relations at Hope College has been named Michigan coordinator for National Christian College Day to be observed on Sunday, April 28. Kruyf, according to John A. Perry, director of public relations and development at Blackburn College and a regional coordinator, will coordinate the efforts of Michigan's Protestant colleges and universities in carrying their Christian College Day messages to the public, with emphasis on joint programs on radio and television. Sponsored by the National Council of Churches and the Council of Protestant Colleges and Universities, National Christ-

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Hope College, Holland, Michigan

April 26, 1968

ian College Day emphasizes the importance of Christian higher education. It will focus attention on about 450 colleges and universities supported by Protestant denominations whose total membership in about 150,000 congregations exceeds 50,000,000. In addition to radio and television, the colleges expect to use news features, speakers, literature, motion pictures and slides to carry their messages to their constituents. Michigan colleges and universities expected to participate^ in the day are Adrian, Albion, Alma, Calvin, Hillsdale, Hope, Kalamazoo, Michigan Lutheran, Olivet, Spring Arbor and Suomi.

from the fraternity dorms, six from Kollen, four class presidents and four representativesat-large. In election of the representatives-at-large, each student will have four votes which he may cast in any way. The Dean of Students shall be given a permanent ex-officio membership on the Student Senate. These suggestions, along with those of the judicial and executive committees, will soon be ready for approval by the Council and the entire student body.

Carleton Boasts 15 Fellowships Northfield, Minn. — Fifteen seniors at Carleton College, a private liberal arts school, have been awarded slightly over one percent of the total number of Woodrow Wilson graduate fellowships offered nationally. Of all the schools in its district, only the University of Wisconsin • received more awards than Carleton. A total of ten students at the University of Minnesota were offered fellowships under the Woodrow Wilson program. This year 1,475 students were selected from the 9,767 who applied for Woodrow Wilson fellowships.

A new—and much shorter— Peace Corps Placement Test will be administered for the first time Saturday, April 27, in more than 800 communities across the nation. The new test to be given on an experimental basis, consists of half-hour sections on general aptitude and modern language aptitude. All applicants who have any knowledge of French or Spanish must remain to take the appropriate language achievement test of one hour's duration. By contrast, the former examination took four to eight hours, depending on optional sections. Both tests are non-competitive. Applicants who took the longer test do not need to take the new one. Dr. Edward R. Henry, director of the Peace Corps' selection division, said the new test has been designed on the basis of information gained after two years of experience with the longer examination. "Some tests in the former battery have been found to be of low validity in relation to the success of Volunteers in training and overseas. Other sections were more useful for proper class placement in training than they were for selection," Dr. Henry said. He added that college transcripts provide much of the information obtained from sections of the former test and that the Peace Corps now requires transcripts from every candidate. Increasing emphasis on aptitude for a foreign language for all Volunteers serving where English is not the main tongue has greatly increased the need for the language aptitude and achievement tests. Dr. Henry said. The new test will be given at 8:30 a.m. and should be taken by all new Peace Corps applicants for one of the 4,000 openings in 44 countries. Training begins in June, July and August. To be eligible to take the exam, candidates must either have submitted a questionnaire to the Peace Corps or must bring a completed questionnaire to the test site with them. Questionnaires and the location of the exam site may be obtained from the campus Peace Corps liaison officer. Dean James Harvey.

College in September of 1962 from a similar post at Wheaton College in Illinois. ^ Her background includes degrees from Augustana College and the American Conservatory of Music in Chicago. She is well-known through the mid-west as an oratorio and recital soloist. Miss Morrison will sing the famous "II est doux" from Hcrodia by the French composer Massenet and two songs by the German c o m p o s e r Richard Strauss, "Allerseelen" and "Dedication." Three members of the Symphonette, Norma Houtmann and Leslie Clark of Holland and Joseph Mayne of Grand Rapids will be the featured soloists in the Vivaldi "Concerto Grosso in F Major" for three solo violins and string orchestra. Other portions of he program will be devoted to a Mozart overture "Lo Sposo Deluso," a recently discovered work from an incomplete opera by this famous composer, the "Sinfonietta for Chamber Orchestra" by the contemporary English composer Gordon Jacob, and two Russian compositions a "Waltz in B Minor" by Glinka and "Gallop" from the Masquerade Suite of Khacturian. Glinka is known as the pioneer composer in the modern Russian School having inspired and guided the work of such famous composers as Bourdin, Moussorgsky and others. Khacaturian represents the colorful twentieth Soviet composer. The Symphonette returned to Holland recently from its ninth annual concert tour after playing concerts throughout Ohio, the District of Columbia, Pennsylvania, New Jersey and New York states. The group has played more than two hundred concerts in thirty-four states since its formation in 1955 by its present conductor Dr. Morrette Rider of the Hope music faculty.

SEA Holds Final Banquet Wayne Saxsma, this year's president, welcomed SEA members and guests to the SEA Annual Spring Banquet, Following the dinner, Pat Gleichmann reported on her experiences at the MEA State Convention. Dr. Jack Rombouts, Deputy Superintendent of Public Instruction in Michigan was the speaker for the banquet. He spoke on "The Philosophy of Education." The program came to an end with the announcement of next year's officers. They are as follows: Bob Fialko, president; Pat Gleichmann, vice-president; Gay De Young, secretary; and Sue Mooy, treasurer.

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• Private Partiee • Banquets • Receptions UTTLE SPACE—Constructioii is almost complete on the new Fraternity Halls on 13th street. The fraternities have been meeting with decorators t o complete the inside. W o r k w e o n t o d n g on the parking lot, which holds approximately 35 cars, enough for the advisors in Kollen and Fraternity Halls. The lot is located east of Knick House and south of Kollen Hall in what was once green lawn. yard.



Austrian's Lecture Considers Breakdown of Older Values

Professor Talks on Literature from Indonesia ' "Well," said one student on his way out of Durfee hall a f t e r attending the English department banquet h e l d Tuesday night, "Well, that was certainly something I never knew about before." It was true for most of the 90 students attending the banquet that they had never before known anything about Indonesian Literature. But they do now.


Dr. Andries Teeuw, Professor of Bahasa Indonesian and Malayan linguistics at the State Uni-e versity of Leiden, brought to the English literature students and faculty the results of years of study, research and teaching in the field of Indonesian language and literature. "Java," said Dr. Teeuw, "was at first the cultural center of the Indonesian archipelago." T h e oldest literary pieces we have from Java are from about 900 A.D. and they show a remarkable sophistication and a highly developed art form. In the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries, the influence of Islam in the previously Hindu-dominated area promoted the shift of the literary center to the island of Sumatra, where Arabic influence made itself strongly felt. The literature was characterized by interest in common-place description of everyday life and in history and its heroes. It had a strong feeling of mysticism. In an attempt to telescope the whole of Indonesian literature in less than an hour. Dr. Teeuw then jumped to the nineteenth century, where he discussed one significant work only. The twentieth century has been characterized in Indonesian literature by Western influence and by the problems of a country in the midst of rapidly changing political situations, and drastic cultural alterations. Unified by one chosen language instead of the more than 200 which competed in literature before 1945, the Indonesian literature of recent years has shown a new national consciousness and an attitude of expectation as the Indonesian people look forward to an increasingly important role in the world of literature.

GIVING—Spring and the Mission drive came together this past week. Fasting and the Auction are completed, with donationa remaining to be turned in. For reaction to the Drive this year see letters to the editor, page seven.

GLCA to Offer Reduced Cost for European Flights A round trip fare of $310 to England or $404 to Rome and other European cities is now in effect for students and faculty of twelve mid-western campuses belonging to the Great Lakes Colleges Association. This is more than a $200 markdown from individual rates. A TWA jet flight from New York to London on June 13 is available for those who qualify and their families. The return flight at this special group rate is scheduled for September 9. The longer flight, visiting 16 European cities in Holland, France, Switzerland, Italy, Germany, Denmark, Sweden, Norway, Scotland and England departs from New York on June 12 and returns August 15. Arrangements for these vastly reduced air fares were made by the College of Wooster and Flair Travel Consultants of Wooster, O. Permission has just been granted by airlines and the Great Lakes Colleges Association to extend the benefits of these group flights to all students, faculty, administrative personnel of member colleges, and their families. A $50 deposit will reserve space on either transatlantic trip as long as seats are available. Further information can be obtained " C O C A - C O L A " AMD " C O K e " A «

promptly by writing to Flair Travel Consultants, 346 East Bowman St., Wooster, Ohio.

Mortar Board Announces Film, English Comedy "Hilarious, funny show . . . a delight!" are the comments of Saturday Review magazine on Mortar Board's next and final foreign film, "I Am A Camera." This English film will be shown at 7:00 and 9:00 p.m. on Thursday, May 2, (a pre-May Day event) in the Music Auditorium. Star Julie H a m s of "My Fair Lady" fame is supported by Laurence Harvey and Shelley Winters, an Oscar winner. Miss Harris portrays the amoral, impudent Sally Bowles. "I Am A Camera" is an hilarious tale of Bohemian life in the Berlin of 1931. It also "conveys some of the turmoil and tragedy of the period when the spirit of the city prepared to bow before impending chaos," according to Time magazine.


botany... monotony notes...quotes...trig dig...review...stew fuss...discuss...cram exam.. .wow.. .whew pause

by Paul Hesselink Speaking to a nearly full house in Winant's Auditorium l a s t Tuesday afternoon. Dr. Friedrich Fassbinder told his audience, " I have some explosive ideas to offer." A colorful and dramatic lecturer, the Austrian professor went on to tell Hope students about his chosen topic "The Destruction and Synthesis in Central European Literature," t r y ing to show how the breakthrough into the 20th century has resulted in a breakdown of older values — i.e., the Christian system. Taking Kafka's The Trial — a title which, he noted, should be translated as The Process — as his first example, the lecturer described how Kafka reacted to his civilization. As a Jew, Kafka remained a foreigner who could see and analyze the breakdown of the Christian, or Roman Catholic, system. Fassbinder selected the doorkeeper scene a t the cathedral as an illustration. At this point, Joseph K., who is soon to die, hears a parable from the doorkeeper. The professor rejects both the religious and the philosophical interpretations of this parable or fairy tale, as he calls it. Fassbinder believes that the story should be viewed as a psychological unmasking in which K. is a son, the priest is a f a t h e r and the church is the mother. He said that The Trial could be interpreted as a literary expression of the dream and death psychology of Freud, whose works were published a few years before Kafka wrote his book. The son, the lecturer believes, is caueht between the mother and the father- a n d ~ conseauently comes to - realize t h a t life consists of bodily sensations only. Joseph K., according: to F a s s binder, is a typical representation of the nineteenth century intellectual who has lost his appreciation f o r symbols. At the same time, he asserted, Kafka has reduced the Roman Catholic Church attitude to that of the art historian. In this light, Joseph K.'s life is a disaster because nothine remains but physical values. It is, Fassbinder noted, a moral story because it is a cry of despair. Turning to Thomas Mann's The Magic Mountain, the lecturer showed how this work is a positive attempt to come to a positive agreement between the conflictine elements of mind and body. Calling Mann one of the greatest representatives of the Central European artistic tradition, Fassbinder said that The Magic Mountain is the experience of the "intellectualization" of European civilization, which moves, with the hero of the book, from the unhealthy lowlands to the reviving mountains. Hans Castorp, the hero of this work, discovers that the answer to ugliness and decay is poetry— saying that we, as human beings, have a duty to combat negation of life. The goal of living becomes the attainment of an aristocratic mind with "love, not r e a son, as t h a t which is stronger than death."

In conclusion, Fassbinder said that all t h e questions of life cannot be answered, nor can all of the questions about these two works be answered. His attempt, he said, had been to give his audience a bit of the two points of view of the last 50 years in Central European literature. One aside during his discussion of The Magic Mountain was his assertion that "communism is one of the deep Romanticisms of the Europeans of the last century and ours."

A-Phi-0 to Host Croup Training for Leadership Tomorrow Nu Beta Chapter of Alpha Phi Omega will host a Leadership Training Seminar f o r A - P h i - 0 chapters in the Michigan district. About 45 men from Michigan and Indiana are expected in addition to members of the Hope College chapter. The main speaker at the evening banquet will be Justice John R. Dethmers of the Michigan Supreme Court who will speak on the topic "Continuing Leadership A f t e r College." Giving the kick-off speech at the luncheon meeting will be Bob Jackson, Hope College junior. Toastmaster at noon will be Pete Paulsen, and Prof. Mikle, an advisor of Nu Beta Chapter, will guide the evening session. A native of Iowa, Justic Dethmers graduated from Hope in 1924 and received his law degree from the University of Michigan in 1927. He holds honorary degrees from both of these schools and a degree from the Detroit College of Law. Dethmers served as State Attorney General in 1945-46. He was appointed to the Supreme Court in 1946 and was elected in 1947. Re-elected in 1953 and 1961, Justice Dethmers served as Chief Justice of the Court from 1956 until 1962. His present term runs until 1969. Registration for the Seminar will begin tomorrow at 10:00 a.m. in Graves Hall. After t h e luncheon at 11:30, those attending the Seminar will attend discussion groups on any of five subjects. Pete VanLierop of Hope will lead one of these . groups, while the others will be led by men from Michigan Tech, Ferris, U. of M., and Michigan State. After the evening meal and address. Prof. Harry C. Barnett of East Lansing will lead the group in the closing ceremony. Barnett is member of the Alpha Phi Omega National Executive Board, and is also the National Field Representative. In addition to the schools mentioned above and the local chapter, chapters represented a t Seminar will include Northern Michigan, W e s t e r n Michigan, Central Michigan, Valparaiso University. The general chairman f o r this event is Paul Hesselink. He was assisted by committee chairman Garth Knutson, Rog Maxam, Jim Slee, Ken Vinstra, and Jeff Waldron.



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VAN DUREN TAILORS College Ave. at 9th

A p H l M , 1963

Hope College anchor



Greek Week Revisited by Carole Timkovich KAPPA ETA NU The Knicks proudly accepted the cup for the most successful booth at last Saturday's Penny Carnival. They extend their thanks to Bob Miller, chairman for the Knick Jail, and to all who helped. With rush now past, the next big event on the calendar is May Day, which will be followed by the informal on May 11. The Knicks are practicing hard for the May Day sports events, with the sports trophy as their goal. The informal, under the chairmanship of Bob Reynen, will be held at Fidleman's in South Haven. DELTA PHI Delphi's are having lots of fun going back with the rushees to the Gay Nineties. They've been to an old-fashioned fair, vaudeville, a style show; tonight they promise the rushees a picnic. Arlene Dietz was elected AWS representative. Hope Beckering is planning the spring houseparty, scheduled for May 10. PHI KAPPA ALPHA The II Forno Pizza Party was the highlight of last weekend's spring rush program. The final coffee break of spring rush was held Wednesday night. Tonight, as a lit meeting, the fraternity will attend Dr Crook's Last Chance Talk. Bill Van Hoven and Norm Ten Brink, informal co-chairmen, announced t h a t the informal will be held May 4 at Coral Gables of Saugatuck. SIGMA IOTA BETA Rushees and Sibs enjoyed a hearty breakfast at the beach and a humor paper by Joni Vander Veen on Saturday morning. Then the actives put the finishing touches on their Sharp Shaver booth for the Penny Carnival. Many thanks to Laura Lee Barratt, chairman of the event, for a job well done. This week concludes the rush program, a trip through Disneyland. A stop in Fantasyland last Monday night and the final tea tonight—a "Mad Hatter's Tea P a r t y " are the final rush events. Congratulations to spring term officers: Judy De Ryke, president; Lois Wilson, vice-president; Corina Erikson, secretary; and Linda Nilsson, treasurer. Congratulations also to "captivating" brother Knicks for a job well done at the Penny

Carnival. ALPHA GAMMA PHI It's spring, and Alpha Phi has spring fever, as "Hatful of Fun," their rush theme, implies. The rushees dined in a quaint Paris cafe and saw Paris' newest hats during the mixer, "April in Paris." Rushees also attended a typical lit meeting. Spring informal plans are being made under co-chairmen Ann Gardner and Claire Osborn. The event is scheduled for May 18 at Prospect Point. The sorority extends best wishes to Linda Selander and Jim Schaap ( F r a t e r ) of their pinning, and to Carol Heideman and Bill Byrne on their engagement. KAPPA CHI Ruth De Boer, Tracy Fisher, and Bruce Gillies visited the Kappa Chi lit meeting last Friday with a program of interpretive readings on "Love, Courtship and Marriage" by James Thurber and Dorothy Parker. Kothy Owen has been chosen AWS representative. Sue Radliff and Jane Woodby, co-chairmen of the spring informal, report that the event will be May 11 at Prospect Point. Congratulations to Fran Hala and the Kappa Chi turtles for a fine performance at the Penny Carnival, and to Pat Saylor and Cindy Hill, rush co-chairmen, on a highly successful docking of the "Showboat Kappa Chi." OMICRON KAPPA EPSILON President Jenner welcomed all rushees to the final spring rush literary meeting. Highlights of the meeting were philosophies of life by Fraters Jurries, Plasman, and Glupker. followed by the beatnik version of Little Red Riding Hood by Dave Stryker. John Mooshie was presented with a special award in recognition of his brilliant achievements so far this semester. Saturday night found rushees and actives taking part in campus activities. Early evening entertainment was furnished by the Penny Carnival; this was followed by charcoal-grilled burgers and socializing at the Frolics Prelude party at the house. Special recognition is extended to Dave Baas, in charge of the Penny Carnival booth.

Page 5

States Needs in Cuban Reports; Considers US Actions in Crisis The Directorio Revolucionario Estudiantil has been sending weekly communications to t h e anchor entitled The Cuban Report. The most recent, however, is not a report of the happenings in Cuba, but an appeal to public opinion in America to help the disillusioned Cuban exiles in Dade county, Florida and Latin America. In explanation of their position, the Cubans stated, "Never did we ask any country, nor the United States, that foreign soldiers should die in our beaches, or fields, defending our Freedom. To meet death, ready to ^o into combat and martyrdom, Cubans were enough." One of the greatest causes of disillusionment listed in the communique was the refusal of the United States to send support to the revolutionary forces of Cuba, support which was "promised." As the DRE put it, "We Cu-

bans never received real military support from the United States. On the contrary, our efforts have always ended in forlornness, and unfulfillment of promises." In addition, the paper accused the United States of making a deal with the Russians and Britain of helping the Cuban Communist regime survive. "We believe that these coercive measures dictated to prevent the Liberation Crusade undertaken by the Cuban People are part of the secret dealing which took place between the United States and Soviet Russia, during the October crisis. Great Britain has settled a blockage designed to protect the Cuban Communist regime from our attacks. Therefore mobilizing their forces in order to defend the Communist's interests."

Students Offer Play Program


On May 7, 8, a program of experimental theatre will be p r e sented in the Little Theatre a t 7:30 p.m. Two plays will be p r e sented. Donna Davis, a senior seminar student will direct " I t Should Happen To A Dog," by Wolf Mankowitz. Appearing in the cast are Don Kardux and Paul Hesselink. The second offering wi be an origina short one-act play w r i t ten and directed by Don Kardux, entitled TEMPUS. Cast members for this play are Donna Davis, Chuck Marschle, Larry Haverkamp, Graham Lamport, and Bruce Gillis. There is no admision charge for these productions.


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(Special Dinners for 95c) WHERE T H E BOYS ARE—College students from across the nation have been flocking to Daytona Beach in Florida for spring vacation. Grand Rapids Junior College represented a good part of the 35,000 several weeks ago. Several Hope students stopped during vacation on their way through to Fort Lauderdale and Miami Beach.

People to People Plan Travel, Home The new Hope College chapter of University People to People is currently participating in a n a t i o n w i d e project. Chapter members all across the country are searching f o r American students whose families would like to host a visiting European student for three days this summer. European students will arrive in New York City July 9 and a f t e r orientation in Washington, D. C., will spend several weeks of independent travel in the U. S. Each student has specified four cities out of a total of 47 in which he would wish to live with an American family. As host to one of the visiting students, the American families are expected merely to live as usual, including the guest in the daily routine. Any extra activities or excursions, although encouraged, are not required. AH interested Hope students, especially those living in or near the 47 host cities are urged to pick up a brochure in Van Raalte lobby and if possible return one of the application cards. The host cities are: Baltimore,

Md.; Cleveland, Columbus, and Toledo, Ohio; Philadelphia and Pittsburgh, Pa.; Richmond, Va.; Washington, D. C.; Hartford, Conn.; Boston, Mass.; Keene and Durham, N. H.; New York City, Buffalo and Rochester, N. Y.; Providence, R. I.; Chicago and South Bend, 111.; Iowa City, Des Moines, Ames, Iowa; Detroit and

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Ann Arbor, Mich.; Milwaukee and Madison, Wis.; Denver and Boulder, Colo.; Lawrence, Kan.; Kansas City, St. Louis, Mo.; Lincoln and Omaha, Neb.; Tulsa, Oklahoma; Albuquerque, N. M.; Salt Lake City, Utah; Napa, San Francisco, Los Angeles and San Diego, Calif.; Reno, Nev.; Portland. Ore.; Seattle, Wash.


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Hope College anchor

Page 6

*'Change in Chemistry" Recognized (EDITOR'S NOTE. This is a followup article to the editor's previous challenge to the OPUS which appeared in the Easter issue of the anchor. It is a condensation and commentary of an article, MA Change in Chemistry,H by Sherman B. Chickering, which appears in this weeks issue of SR.) by Thom Paul Wombwell What is the function of a col- experience that 'change of chemlege literary magazine? Ac- istry' t h a t a writer experiences cording to Sherman B. Chicker- when he sees his work in print." ing "nowhere but in the student He learns here to communicate magazine can the undergraduate in a way not otherwise teachable.

Further, this kind of publication gives the reader the opportunity to share in the "private vision of a friend or contemporary," and the chance to evaluate in the work of a few students the "esthetic convictions of a generation." It is in these two uniquely educational roles that the literary magazine functions in an educational situation.

To Fast or Not to Fast or Indigestion by Lew Scudder This evening I was deeply troubled. I had the misfortune of tripping over an unconscious student sprawled five feet from the door of the Kletz. The assorted foot prints in his skull and back made him appear rather unnoticed. He did look as though he could use some help, but since I was rather busy at t h a t moment I only had time to dash a handful of water in his face and wait briefly to see him stir. His hand reached up and scratched his head in a detached kind of way; then he sat up and even looked somewhat alive. Even though his features and condition were somewhat unique, the thing about him that caught my eye was a sign that hung around his neck. It read: I AM FASTING TO RAISE MONEY. I made a mental notation of it, but as I was leaving, he lifted his head and screamed at me: "Food! I want food! FOOD! FOOD!" I paused to inform him t h a t the Kletz would under no conditions be open before 8:30 the next morning; then I left. Having nothing in particular to do, and hesitatingly suspicious that my mischievous and angelic friend, Gummafell, was in some way connected with all this, I decided to waste my time by paying him another midnight visit. Perhaps he could enlighten me about the strange phemonenon of the student and the sign. It was dark and overcast; the wind whistled between its chattering teeth a low, sordid melody. I found a seat below the old pine just in time to get hit on the head by a falling cone, but, without taking personal affront, I calmly sat down and waited as one must for revelation, and soon lost myself in thought. While I was thus uselessly occupied, there came a rustling of branches and creaking of dry bark. I looked up again a t the tree and it had quite disappeared; in its stead stood smiling, giggling, bowlegged Gummafell, still shaking some bark off of his angelic robes. ''How do you do?" I asked. . "Quite well, thank you," he answered and sat down sedately on the grass. "And how are you?" "Just fine." He giggled and I looked at him with as bored an expression as I could put forth. "Not surprised, e h ? " he said. "You've tried that trick before," I answered, "only last time it was the other way a round." "Certainly, certainly, now I r e member. It's been some time

since you visited me." "That's true," I said. We both sat silently for a minute. "Gummafell," I began at last not really knowing just how to broach the subject, "Gummafell, are you . . . did you . . . have you . . . " "Well?" he asked impartiently. "What's all this about fasting?" I blurted out. He giggled bashfully. "Well?" I asked, and it was my turn to be impatient. "A stroke of genius, eh?" he said with a snicker. "What do you m e a n ? " "Oh, piety for pay and all that. Great for justifying religion," he answered, bouncily matter-offact. "I don't understand." "My dear boy, when will you catch up with the times? Why, only recently a new committee has been called together — of which I am chairman — to investigate the possibilities of setting up a department dedicated to the propagation of practical piety, to reconciling the heretofore devotional acts — which were really quite out of date, you know — to the practical temperment of this age. All very much tied up in economics and such, a very complex study, you understand, and yet so very necessary to make this all relevant — you know, Christianity and that sort of thing." "You're quite serious?" I asked, somewhat incredulously. "Oh, yes, yes, of course. My, my, we have some of our most competent economists, strategists, and gag writers working throughout the everlasting day on it." "But w h y ? " I asked. This urgent necessity of his, I could not fathom. It seemed a shame, really. I mean, if one must make money, one must make money; but, if I had not been a practicing faster, I had a t least a sentimental sort of respect for it as being idealistic and almost poetic in its dramatization of human devotion. "Really!" he said, "you are a bore aren't you? Now look. Answer me this question: Will people gladly and willingly part with their money?" "Yes," I said. "Really?" "Well, to a certain extent," I said. "H-m-m." He was silent for a moment, then he burst out: "What kind of realist a r e you? You know well t h a t they won't, don't y o u ? "

Features-Reviews Columnists' Opinions

"Yes," I answered sheeplishly. "Well t h e n ? " "What?" "Well, what better way can one collect funds for a holy cause than by giving that process of donation some equally holy title ? Fasting is a long standing act of piety, and to harness, if not its spirit, at least its name to such a cause is truely a stroke of — as I have said before — genius." He straightened up, brushed a cigarette ash off his robe and proudly proclaimed: "It v/as my idea you know." . .. . . I hit him! What else could I do? I hit him and left . . . I doubt if he'll forgive me for some time to come. As I was passing Van Raalte on my way home that evening I was struck by another sign. It was large and could hardly be over-looked. It read as follows: "Put your debt to God on the easy, low-interest credit plan. Convenient location, pleasant staff, friendly and prompt service. Heavenly Indulgences, Savings and Loan Inc., Offices in Van Raalte Hall, Hours: From Here to Eternity." "The Lord Loveth a Cheerful Giver," —Amen.

On the surface this function would not appear difficult to f u l fill. Yet, Chickering points to several obstacles in the way.of the realization of this function. First is the potential disapproval of both the readers and the college authorities. This obstacle is perhaps least crucial on the small campus where the literary m a g azine is usually a more integral part of the college life and the writers a r e known to more students. There is also the problem of time sufficient f o r the content and makeup aspects of publication only, with little if any f o r seeking out and cultivating t h e best writers on campus. A third obstacle is the feeling created by the campus that the magazine is "an island of creativity in a sea of apathy and academic specialization that stifles the arts when classwork deprives the writer of the time and training required to produce pieces for the magazine. A final obstacle is the tendency of the editorial board toward the F. Scott Fitzgerald tradition of a group of companions banding together to publish their own work. This condition is more likely to be found on a small campus where the major contributors, being primarily English majors or members of creative writing courses, are by their number in a better position to follow the tradition. The danger here is as Mr. Chickering points out, that most of the poets come from the "fringe or from the group of writers who gravitate toward one another with no evident correlation between their art and their academic interests." Granted one or any number of these obstacles, how can they be overcome? From the institutional corner comes help in the form of the creative writing course and the writer-in-residence who acts as an 'eminence grise' behind much student writing. But as Mr. Chickering fails to point out, it is too often the case that the creative writing teacher while serving an important critical function, is discipled as the writer-in-resident when he may have lost or, worse yet.

never had a sense of the importance of the 'change in chemistry* which only the publishing writer can really know and impart. When this happens, the magazine can degenerate merely to the equivalence of a book of readings In creative writing and lose sight altogether of the more important human chemical factor involved. It is precisely a t this point that the editor must assume his crucial responsibilities. F i r s t of these is that he accurately locate t h e fringe, the non-English majors, who have contributions and yet might be the most sensitive or reluctant about showing their works to their peers. A second responsibility is t h a t of "developing a productive relationship with both the instructors and his students," by, for example, conducting with a faculty advisor, bi-weekly sessions for students who wish to refine their writing. This is done at Trinity College, and Chickering holds that it is where the editor assumes this responsibility that the best magazines maintain general excellence. To prevent the magazine from falling into the Fitzgeraldian tradition, a conscious effort must be made to name a board which represents different interests and academic majors. The presence and participation on the editorial board of informed people from such disciplines as both the social and natural sciences, the languages, and perhaps even r e ligion could prove f r u i t f u l in a t taining the purpose of the literary magazine. The example of a recent editor of the Tufts magazine being a physics major helps substantiate the claim. With these considerations in view, if the literary magazine is to have a practical value beyond merely exposing the works of those few talents that may mature into genius, it must also provide the means f o r those quality flights of fancy which might never have the same opportunity again, or which, given the one opportunity for expression might also soar to the heights of genius.


De Capite Novel Reviewed The Coming of Fabrizze, a first novel by Raymond de Capite: Popular Library, 1961, 35c, is a novel of joyous affirmation in a time of bleak negation and omnipresent skepticism.

by Tom Werge Fabrizze ( p r o n o u n c e d F a breets-eh) is a lyric, a hymn, a joyous affirmation of life and man. As the novel's protagonist, he dispels the gloomy shadows of theological, philosophical, and literary pessimism, and conquers, by his presence, those myopic pedagogues who (conveniently) channel the diversity and wonder of existence into Absolute Categories of Sin and Goodness, Depravity and Grace, Despair and Rose-tinged Optimism. The story of Fabrizze, happily, cannot be glibly classified; he lives in Italy, but is sent to America by an uncle, who, significantly or not, is named Augustine (for those who wish to pursue religious symbolism f u r ther, Fabsizze's son will be named Paul). After the natural, spontaneous, even ethereal power of his joie de vivre has impressed itself on his community, and his ascension to the position of foreman on his road crew, Fabrizze is married. Had the narrative ended here, only the most inane humanitarian, Hollywood, (and possibly Norman Vincent Peale) would have been satisfied. But although the author idealizes Fabrizze, who has golden hair, a magic

smile, and the intuitive goodness and deep-rooted rapport with the natural world characteristic of a St. Francis, the portrait is not unreal, f o r Fabrizze, so like a Greek god, is proved vulnerable, not because of a physiological quirk, or his introduction to Capitalism, but because he is a man, and therefore fallible. (Although not necessarily sinful). I shall not reveal the contingencies of his decline here; suffice it to say that his altruism is displaced by greed, his natural love by expedience; his emotional (and unconscious) understanding that "everything that is, is holy" becomes obscured by mercenary considerations, perhaps even by the life-dulling restrictions of the intellect. And yet, ultimately, Fabrizze triumphs; forced into exile by self-knowledge and his guiltridden sense of responsibility for the economic ruin of his contemporaries, the song and the lyrical affirmation refuse to be forever silenced. Fabrizze has brought about, by the infectious desire f o r money that was himself and his town, financial disaster, but the town lives only for his return. I f t h e human heart is incapable of constant goodness, it is capable of aspira-

tion, and love, and the quality of compassion. Fabrizze will come home that night, and Poggio is attempting to persuade another who loves Fabrizze of the fact: "One thing more," said Poggio. "This Pipino is going to play the accordian tonight. But why am I telling you? Youll hear i t " "If I hear i t . . "How stubborn you are," said Poggio. ""Open your heart The music is there. I tell you I heard i t " "You hear what you hear," said Josephine. "But it's there," said Poggio.' And so it was. "You hear what you hear," said Josephine. "But it's there," said Poggio. And so it was. The simplicity of the novel is its profundity, its recognition of the goodness of the spirit (within limits), its "central motif." J. D. Salinger has said that no one has the right to disparage a world into which Kilroy, Christ and Shakespeare have come: Fabrizze's coming, too, leaves us in awe, with a lasting and emphatic impression t h a t the strange and unique phenomenon that is man, and the world in which he finds himself, are both infinite and sacred creations, to be loved, and even reverenced, because of their wonder-filled mystery.


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Responsible letters, regardless of opinion, are - welcomed and will be published. They should be no lo<nE«* than 200 words, submitted by noon Wednesday, and signed. To conserve space, editors have right to edit. We should like to draw to the college's attention the way in which this year's Mission Drive was conducted. Our first complaint is in regard to this so-called "fasting." We do not condemn fasting as such, but rather the mood (which is what gives fasting its value) in which the act was done. Fasting is an expression of religious humiliation, especially of penitence. Where this mood was wanting, the prophets condemned it as displeasing to God (Isa. 58; 3-5; Jer. 14: 12). Fasting is an act done by an individual for himself without expected reward, direct or otherwise I Our other concern is a dollar sign on an invoice distributed, "in partial payment of the debt I enclose $ •" If we believe in indulgences, we would be going to Notre Dame, agreeing t h a t by placing money a t the disposal of the Church by buying an indulgence, a f t e r the sacrament of penance, temporal or purgatorial punishment still due for a sin will be forgiven. Penny Carnival and Mission Drive Auction were fine moneyraising ideas. It was too bad that they were ruined by "fasting" and overtones of financial debt to God. Remember, "Hell is paved with good intentions," not bad ones. William Peterson Jeffrey L. Eubank


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Regulations The ambivalent and paradoxical nature of man would seem to stem from the fact that even with an end to guide his travel, each person has his own path to follow. Experience tells us there are decisions to make: any determinism is self-determinism. This is particularly true and trying for college students. College is a time for critical reorganization and adjustment of values within a new-found independence. It is a time of revolt and search, traumatic and critical. The following hypothetical Joe College has been statistically described by playboy magazine: 20.6 years old, 12 chances out of 100 married and an even bet he owns an automobile. As to outside jobs, the study by an independent research .firm shows t h a t 52.8% of America's college males work during the summer only, while 30.3% work during summer and school year. Asked about consuming alcoholic beverages, 66.8% of all male students responded affirmatively. Moreover, 60.5% drink beer, 25% wine, 50% liquor. Over half smoke and most are well on their way to acquiring the finer material things in life. These statistics are just that and by no means tell the Hope College student what he ought to do. It is to what he ought to do that this editorial would like to address itself, the above statistics not withstanding. Just as the classroom is the basis for the discipline of the liberal arts, the Chapel is the foundation of the Christian belief. As last week's editorial said, Hope's primary goal should be the search for truth through the liberal arts, with Christianity as the support and spiritual source. From this, the actuality of the situation requires a freedom to search for truth, meaning and a belief. The regulations of the college ought to accentuate the search and the belief, and allow the freedom. The main rules, however, take a pessimistic view of man and the college student in this time of change and emphasize the rules first and the questing second. The college worries more about being a home away from home, than about emphasizing the goals and the freedom within the goals. Look a t the first regulation in the Bulletin for example: . . must attend Chapel 70%." The necessity of compulsory attendance is al-

ways supported by examples of other colleges which adopted voluntary chapel and found that chapel attendance disappeared. How coercive attendance makes Christianity real and meaningful is not clear. A mature approach recognizes the crisis of the college student and affirms a vital Christianity. If Christianity and the church at Hope are to be effective they must move the soul through confrontation, not coercion. After all, remember Spiritual Life speaker John Cantelon's concept of the student-critic. The concept has been remembered by the SCA this year through discussions in small groups arid sponsorship of such speakers as Roman Catholic layman and liberal Dr. Duncan Littlefair. Chapel could well follow in the same direction. It is only through this emphasis that a change of student attitude from "what do I get out of Chapel" to "what can I give" can be brought about. A tragic possibility is that the Chapel system may become more strict next year, because the administration feels that the students have not been adhering to the "rules." Last spring the administration initiated the rule of no drinking f o r anyone. The college regulations say Hope discourages drinking. The reasons for the catalogue rule are most obvious but the restrictive rule is not. Responsibility and independence are not brought about necessarily, if a t all, through such childish restrictions. This editorial is not by anv means advocating liberalism or a blindness to values as if to compare us to a secular university. In fact signs of positive rather than restrictive steps are seen in the formation of judical boards in fraternities, sororities and the Student Council. Through these boards, students might come to know that they are sufficient to stand, but capable to fall. The other college regulations are somewhat minor and for the most part necessary. The emphasis should be on education, values and the search for truth and a belief, not on rules and their enforcement, as college students are dramatically changing. If more time were spent on this by student administration rather than on formation and enforcing of regulations for the purpose of forming proper character, Hope College would better service its institutional roll of education.

FRIDAY. APRIL 26 Last Chance Talk, by Dr. Crook, Chapel, 7:00 p.m. Frater Frolics, Women's Literary Club, 8:00 p.m. SATURDAY, APRIL 27 APO State Seminar Frater Frolics, Women's Literary Club, 8:00 p.m. SUNDAY, APRIL 28 Hope College Symphonette Concert, Chapel, 4:00 p.m. MONDAY, APRIL 29 Hope College Band Concert, featuring Armando Ghitalla, Chapel, 8:15 p.m. TUESDAY, APRIL 30 Dr. Harold Taylor speaking at All-College Assembly, Chapel, 10:00 a.m. WEDNESDAY, MAY 1 Student Council Election Campaign Begins. THURSDAY, MAY 2 Faculty Recital, Chapel, 8:15 p.m. Mortar Board Film, "I Am A Camera," Music Auditorium, 7:00 and 9:00 p.m. FRIDAY, MAY 3 May Day SATURDAY, MAY 4 Arcadian Informal Cosmopolitan Informal Emersdnian Informal

Weekend Weather U. S. Weather Bureau, Grand Rapids — Temperatures are expected to average near normal over the weekend. Normal high is 58-63; normal low is 35-42. Precipitation will total .1 to .2 inch in showers Sunday or Monday.

Van Raalte Attic Museum Proves Rationalist Wrong by Jim Michmerhulzen A few years ago the museum in the attic of Van Raalte Hall was only rumor. One heard only occasional references to a gorilla or a boa constrictor lurking up there, but no one would ever admit to having actually seen them. The more rational among us r e jected these rumors as pure superstition. And now the rationalists — Lol — have been proven wrong. The topmost floor of VR is full of stuffed beasts and missionary souvenirs. About the time of this discovery the philosophy department moved to the Chapel basement. What traffic has philosophy with gorillas and reptiles and Indian arrowheads? In our present location we are surmounted only by a place of wor-

ship . . . which, I suppose, is as it should be. I remember an ethics class t h a t met up on the third floor of VR. Now we know what we didn't then, that while we discussed Plato and St. Thomas and Spinoza, we were being watched by a big stuffed gorilla. And a serpent And tons of dust, and cobwebs and makers of cobwebs. And who knows what else. The more I think about that chamber of horrors the more eerie the image becomes. I've never seen it, of course; I don't want to. Especially now that it is being cleaned up and f u m i g a t ed. But then it's just as well anyther buildings nor men should have beasts in their top stories. Let us have light.

Maybe I've got my facts wrong; yes, I do. If I remember correctly, the attic is to be cleaned and then turned into a museum again. Back will come the shaggy ape and the boa constrictor, the mummified and sanctified remains of Heroes of the Faith, the Indian arrowheads and all. Probably some live squirrels too — they must live somewhere. And men will still have museums in their heads, and nothing else. Except maybe squirrels. Oh, well, analogies aren't always the most practical things in the world. One can hardly object to a fourth-floor museum on grounds of inappropriate symbolism. Look, f o r example, a t the dirty test tubes and bottles of Little Theatre, soaring above formaldehyde-soaked animals. I

am not unfriendly towards the sciences, but I am glad that actors are up there above the scientists. Having read what I have written so far, a friend had just made a suggestion about the VR a t tic. "Move the philosophy depart-


ment up there," he said. "Brilliant," I said. "But it would never work. The Bible department would never stand f o r such a move." We'll just have to get used to the idea of having a gorilla overhead^! guess.



Published weekly of the college year except vacation, holiday and examination periods by and for the students of Hope College, Holland Mich., under the authority of the Student Coundl Publications Board. Entered as second class matter at the post office of Holland, Michigan, at the special ratee of postage provided for in section 1103 of Act of Congress, October 3, J, 1917, and authorized October 19, 1918. Subscription: $S per year. Printed: Zeeland Record, Zeeland, Michigan MtmhrrA*Kf\rint*A Cnilvrrint* TK-MV* Michigan Collegiate. Press r» . Member: Associated Collegiate Press, Ass. Represented for national advertising by National Advertising service. Office: Ground Floor of Graves Hall. Phone: 396-2122.

P w $

April 26, 1963

Hope College anchor

Hope Netmen Win

Baseball Whips Albion Twice, Splits With Ferris Institute

on Home Courts,

Hope's Flying Dutchmen opened their 1963 MIAA season this past Wednesday with two smashing victories over defending champion Albion. By so doing, the Dutch definitely stamped themselves as strong contenders for the championship.

Defeat Wheaton Another sparkling victory was achieved by Hope's classy tennis squad last Saturday afternoon over a stubborn Wheaton team by the margin of 5-4, on the home courts of the Blue and Orange. Double triumphs were accorded to Lance Stell and Bud Hoffman, Hope's number 4 and 5 men respectively. This helped the Flying Dutchmen to increase their won-lost record to a commendable six wins and four losses. Wednesday, Hope began their conference season at home against Albion. The following are the results of the Wheaton match with Hope's players listed first: SINGLES Hess lost to Bennema 6-0, 6-1 Hopma over Claus 6-0, 6-2 Lanting lost to Hakes 6-4, 6-3 Stell over MacAluse 6-3, 5-7, 6-3

DETERMINATION—Jim Riemersma, sixth singles on the varsity tennis team, serves in a match held against Wheaton Saturday on the home court. Riemersma lost his match but Hope won the contest, 5-4. Hoffman over Webb 6-3, 6-0 Rimersma lost to Peterson 6-2, 6-2

DOUBLES Hess, Hopma lost to Bennema,

Claus 6-3, 8-6 Lanting, Hoffman over Hakes, MacAluso 2-6, 6-2, 6-2 Stell, Jorgensen over Webb, Peterson 10-8, 8-6

Hope Second in Triangular Track Meet In the April 23 triangular meet, high jumper Bob McKay, junior, set a new Hope College record in his event with a leap of 6'y4", breaking the old record of 6'. Hope finished second in the meet with 51 points. They were edged out of first place by Adrian with 62 points, but defeated Kalamazoo with 49. First place winners besides McKay were freshmen John Simons in the broad jump, 20'9", and Chris Buys who won the pole vault at 11'. Freshman Jack Buys also turned in a good performance, throwing the javelin 150' 2M>" for second place. May 4, the Flying Dutch will meet Adrian on the Hope athletic field.

Hultgren 23.7.




220 yard lows — Hendershott (JC), Holvick (H), Hall (JC) 26.5. 880 yard relay — Bolhuis, Schrier, Schoon, C. Buys (H) 1:34.7. 2 mile run — Kidder (JC), Sterk (H), Welmers (H) 9:57.8. Mile relay — Carey, Hendershott, Weekly, Carpenter (JC) 3:25.0. Broad jump — Weekly (JC),

Simons (H), Schrier (H) 20' 3^". High jump — MacKay (H), Menning (H), Duiven and Stauffer (JC) 5' 10". Pole vault — C. Buys (H), Stauffer (JC), Linscott (JC) 11' 6".

Shot put — C. Buys (H), Psaila (JC), Barton (JC) 42' 8 ^ " . Javelin — J. Buys (H), Hammer (JC), Parsakarmis (JC) 149'. Discus — Psaila (JC), C. Buys (H), Schulz (JC) 115' 7".

in WAA Tennis The Girls tennis team was trounced Saturday in a match a gainst Kalamazoo. The final score was one win and six losses. The only team to win a match was that of Joan Visscher and Tootie Finley. Tomorrow the girls travel to Alma for a match.


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Hope Defeated



April 20, Hope lost a dual meet with Grand Rapids Junior College, 78 — 58, taking only five blue ribbons. Results of this meet were as follows: Mile run — Kidder (JC), Sterk (H), Welmers (H) 4:34.9. 440 yard dash — Carpenter (JC), Carey (JC), Hultgren (H). 49.9. 100 yard dash — Bolden (JC), Fialko (H), Bolhuis (H). 10.2. 120 yard highs — Hendershott (JC), Holvick (H), Faar (JC) 880 yard run — Weekly (JC), Lewis (JC), Hoffman (H), 2:05.6. 220 yard dash — Bolden (JC)

Glenn Van Wieren threw a four-hit shut-out against the Britons in the opener, as the Dutch won 5-0. Clare Van Wieren and Keith "Barrel" Balcom each had two hits. Clare drove in one run while The Barrel was responsible for driving across three Hope tallies. The Dutch also backed up Van Wieren by playing flawless ball afield. The Dutch also copped the nightcap 7-3 behind the pitching of Van Til and Bosworth, with Van Til picking up the win. The Flying Dutchmen banged out nine hits. Ron Van Huizen collected three of these, plus a hit in the first game to give him 4-7 for the day. Ferris Win The Flying Dutchmen fattened their record against non-league foes last week. The Dutch split a Saturday double header with Ferris. Hope won the first game 1-0 behind the two-hit pitching of freshman George Bosworth. Bosworth walked only one batter and fanned ten. Glenn Van Wieren drove in the winning run with a bases loaded single in the ninth. The Bulldogs of Ferris rallied to take the nightcap 3-1, blanking the Dutch with four hits. Jim Van Til pitched the first four innings for the Dutch-

men. Fireman Neil Goodrich finished up. Goodrich absorbed the loss. On Monday the Dutch took a doubleheader from Northwood College. Pat Pryce pitched the Dutch to an 8-3 victory in the opener. Rog Kroodsma and Glenn Van Wieren each had three-run homers to pace the Dutch hitting attack. Rog Kroodsma followed with a three-hitter in the nightcap as the Dutch won 7-3. Ron Ven Huizen provided the key blow with a three-run homer.


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