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Hope College — Holland, Michigan

Lubbers Announces Two Appointments to Faculty Zsiros, Van Eyl, Greek, Psychology


By Nancy Sonneveldt President Lubbers has announced the appointment of two men to the Hope College staff beginning with the fall session 1959-1960. They are Dr. Joseph Zsiros and Mr. Florus Van Eyl. Dr. Zsiros, who is to be an associate professor in the Department of Greek, is a native of Hungary. He graduated from Sarospatak College and received his Th.D. at Debrecin University. Following his last year in seminary in Hungary he was sent to the University of Pennsylvania to prepare to take over the chair of New Testament in the Hungarian Seminary. However, upon his return to Hungary the chair of the Old Testament was unexpectedly vacated and he, therefore, without preliminary preparation, became a The annual children's play will professor of the Old Testament. be presented by Hope's Speech In 1948 Dr. Zsiros came to Hope Department on April 25th and as an exchange professor. After April 27th. There will be two perhe had taught in the Bible Departformances f o r the children on Satment for three and a half years, urday the 25th, one in the mornhe and his family were unable to ing and one in the afternoon, and return to Hungary because of the play will be given the night of Communist influences and power Monday the 27th f o r anyone who there. He then became pastor of would like to come at 8 p.m. a Reformed church in Racine, WisTickets are 35c f o r children and consin and is presently serving the Hungarian Reformed Church 50c for adults. They will be available at the door and will be sold in Toledo. The administration of Hope Col- Friday in Van Raalte Lobby. This year's selection portrays lege feels that Greek is a very imthe familiar favorite, "Red Shoes," portant part of the curriculum in a liberal a r t s college. For this a delightful story of a pretty girl, reason Dr. Zsiros will be teaching Karen (Grace Oosterhof) who is classical Greek and the course will enticed by an evil, calculating gypbe geared to the level of all stu- sy, Snogg (John Paarlburg) into trying on the magical red shoes dents—not just pre-sems. Dr. Zsiros is regarded as one of and is spirited away. When the bilious and pompous the most accomplished linguists in Burgomaster (Jack DePond) deEurope today. Mr. Van Eyl, a '55 Hope gradu- cides to help Karen's dear sweet ate will be an instructor in the old grandmother, (Nancy MalDepartment of Psychology. Mr. strom) find Karen, and Jemmo, Van Eyl received all of his ele- Snogg's bashful lovable clown mentary and secondary schooling (Bob Fisher) at the same time in the Netherlands. He fought in leads Karen's devoted boy friend, (Joe World War II and later came to the cobbler's apprentice Woods) to the spot where Snogg the United States. At present he is living with his has hidden Karen, a confusing wife and two children in Clare- change of costume takes place and mont, California where he is com- a lively hilarious chase begins. The matter is settled amidst pleting his fourth year of study for his doctorate at Claremont much chaos and shuffling. Throughout the play, adding to College. Although he has finished all of his preliminary work, he is its spontaneous character and gaistill writing his thesis and upon ty, cleverly worked out dances are its completion he will become a woven into the plot, performed by Grave Oosterhof and Bob Fisher candidate for this degree. as Karen and Jemmo to the "Red Shoes" music. For the most confusing, the craziest, the best fantasy of the year, "Red Shoes" will be given the 24th and 26th. The play is directed by Two $300 and two $200 scholarMrs. DeWitt who is assisted by ships were presented to four Hope Lorraine Lawrence. students at the International Relations Club Award Banquet held last month at Durfee Hall on the Y Conference campus. Winners of the $300 awards are Betty Vicha, a sophomore from Normal, Illinois, and Janet Owen, a junior from Kalamazoo. The The Annual Spring District "Y" $200 award winners are Shelby Braaksma, a junior from Cambria, Conference was held last weekend Wisconsin, and Miriam Klaaren, a at Camp Manitou-lin, Barlow Lake. junior from Conrad, Montana. The The topic "Death of the American presentations were made by Mr. Student" was discussed fully by Clarence Kleis, Chairman of the delegates, attending from five Michigan Colleges. Scholarship Committee. Thirteen students were present The four award winners, who will be using the money to defray from Hope. They were not only expenses on their Vienna Summer able to gain great insights into School trip, were guests a t a re- the problem, but also were able to ception held a f t e r the banquet in gain a fuller knowledge of the "Y" the home of Dr. and Mrs. Lubbers. Movement. Speakers for the conference Other H o pe students, who are were Reverend Truman Morrison, planning to attend the Vienna Summer School, were present at Edgewood Congregational Church, East Lansing and Mr. Douglas the reception.

Red Shoes To Be Given April 25-27

I. R. C. Presents Scholarships To Four

Dr. Ellerf Presenting Language Paper

April 24,


1959-'60 Council Heads Selected

Discussion to Center Around Teaching Dr. Ernest Ellert, professor of German in both Hope College and Holland Junior High School, is planning to participate in two outof-state conferences pertaining to the field of the teaching of foreign languages in the e l e m e n t a r y grades. Saturday, April 18, Dr. Ellert was in Chicago, Illinois, in order to present a formal report to interested professional men and women, including the Chicago Board of Education. He was also available during the day for a more informal question and answer period related to his paper. Today Dr. Ellert is traveling to Kentucky to discuss again his formal paper. The paper Dr. Ellert has prepared is a resume of the successes and failures of elementary languages in grade schools as shown by experiences in the Grand Rapids, Grand Haven, and Holland schools. An authority on the subject of teaching foreign languages to the pre-high school age group. Dr. Ellert has written numerous articles and several books that reveal his deep interest in the program.

Dressel's Reilal Tuesday Night In order to fulfill the necessary requirement for a music major at Hope College, senior Sandra Dressel will present a clarinet recital Tuesday, April 28, at 8:15 P.M. in the chapel. Miss Dressel has been studying clarinet for thirteen years. In addition she doubles as an oboe performer. Her program will consist of the following numbers: F a n t a s i e Stuecke, by Robert Schumann; Sonata Number 2, by Brahms; Sonata (1939), by Hindemith; and a suite f o r violin, clarinet, and piano, by Milhaud. Playing with Miss Dressel in the instrumental trio will be Hewitt Johnston, her accompanist f o r the evening, on the piano, and Charles King, a member of the faculty quartette, in the violin part.

R o w l a n d Van Es

At the Illumination Night Pro gram held in the Chapel last Friday night, Rowland VanEs, a junior, from Yakima, Washington was elected to head next years Student Council. Van Es will be assisted by the newly elected Vice-President Joan Schroeder, from Calgary, Alberta, Canada. Winners of the class president




offices were also announced at that time. The president of next year's senior class is Mel Ver Steeg from Sheldon, Iowa. The president of the class of '61 is Doug Jappinga, from Grandville, Michigan; and the president of next year's sophomores is Dave Meyer from Clara City, Minnesota.


To Present Concert

Joining Thursday

Having recently returned from a successful concert tour of the East, membars of the Hope Symphonette are now working in conjunction with the band and orchestra in preparation for forthcoming spring appearances. Under the direction of Dr. Morrette Rider, the three instrumental groups will present their first program of the season on Thursday, April 30, at 8:15 P.M. in the chapel. Included will be selections by Strauss, Wagner, Anderson, and Gershwin. As part of the festive Tulip Time activities, the orchestra has scheduled a concert for May 14. Featured works on the program On Friday, May 1, the annual will be the "Reformation" symphony of Mendelssohn, the popular May Day celebration will be held Rachmaninoff Second Piano Con- on Hope's campus. This is an allcerto and a new overture written day event with classes being exfor the occasion by a former Hol- cused a f t e r the second hour. land resident and Hope graduate, At 10:30 the Women's Sports Calvin Langejans. Events will be held at Civic CenIn addition to these programs that are open to the public, the ter Parking Lot. Men's Sports will orchestra has planned a recording begin at 1:15 at Riverview Park. session f o r Wednesday, April 29. The crowning of the queen and Several pieces from the repertoire the tapping for Alcor will be held will be incorporated in a record. at 5:00 in the Pine Grove, weather permitting. At this time the Freshmen Daisy Chain will precede the junior women, the queen and her court from last, and last year's Alcor members. These members from last year's groups will retiring co-chairmen Diane Sluyter then escort this year's girls as they from Hope and 'Tony Nissen of are announced.

May Day Schedule Released

"Death of an American Student" Discussed Kelley, Assistant professor of education at Michigan State University. Dialogues between these men, discussion groups, movies, and role playing sessions made the problem of campus stereotypes, of complacency, and of stifling conformity very real to the students. Not only reached was a greater insight as to what the student values are but also reached was a practical challenge of how we can try to overcome these attitudes. Climaxing the weekend conference was the installation of the new district "Y" officers by the

Michigan State U.

A banquet will be held in the Installed in district leadership Juliana Room following the Coropositions from Hope College were nation and is for all students of Don Gallo and Marjorie Wood, the college. Following the Banquet vice-chairmen, and Gloria Linscott, the "Spring Swing," this years' World University Service chair- May Day theme, will be held at man. the Civic Center. Also the May Plans f o r next year were in- Pole Dance will be presented at augurated with the usual Fall Con- this time by the sophomore girls. ference in mid-October and plans All of the May Day Activities f o r inter-collegate exchanges. Also announced were 5 district Work are sponsored by the Womens AcWeekends at Lapeer Mental In- tivities League under the leaderstitute next year. ship of Miss Helen Wade.


Page Two



E Pluribus Unicorn, and Other Stories

HOPE COLLEGE ANCHOR Member Associate Collegiate Press


Published weekly by and for the students of Hope College except during holiday and examination periods, under the authority of By Jim Michmerhuizen the Student Council Publications Board. For most people, literary horror Entered as second class matter at the post office of Holland, Michigan, at a special rate of postage provided for in section 1103 of Act of is a genre that began and ended with Edgar AlCongress, October 3, 1917, and authorized October 19, 1918. Subscription Rate: $2.00 per school year to non-student subcribers. lan Foe—an innocent enough Editor-in-Chief John Fragale, Jr. illusion, fosterAssistant Editor Nancy Boyd ed no doubt by Editorial Board Carol Rylance, Carl Poit, high s c h o o l Ronald Stockhoff, John Wiers, Nancy Raymer English coursNews Editor Norma De Boer es and a generFeature Editor Richard Jaarsma al lack of imaSports Editor Merwyn Scholten gination. O n e can hardly graProof Reader Carol Vander Meer duate from high Copy Editor Lynne Feltham school without Photographers David Vande Vusse, Frederick Vande Vusse a nodding acquaintance with Foe, Typist Barbara Phillippsen and perhaps a vague idea that Business Manager Ronald Lokhorst there was once a thing called the Circulation Manager Dale Heeres gothic novel, which was full of Adrertising Manager Duane Werkman, Richard Stadt ghosts and castles. Bookkeeper Fred Diekman


You Missed It Spring is here! A time to be outside rather than inside, a time to enjoy the sun and the fresh air, a time of elections and a time of renewed spirit. During these past election campaigns, we have heard much about school spirit and class unity. Even in our everyday conversation, questions have frequently arisen such as: "Where is our school spirit?" "What happened to our school u n i t y ? " and "What is wrong with our student body and organization?" Those who know all the answers to these questions need not read any farther. This article is directed to the other 80% of our student body who don't know the answers to these questions and have shown little or no interest to find out the answers. To those who have shown this minute, at times invisible, interest, let me ask the question. If Hope College is to have unity and spirit, why don't more students join in on our spring sports as active participants or as active spectators? For let me remind you again, Hope College is still in the thick of the fight for the MIAA All-SportsTrophy. Whether Hope wins or not is dependent upon the outcome of the spring sports. The football, cross-country, and basketball teams have already given their all. And the support rendered by the student body was at times terrific while at other times utterly disgraceful. Why, now that the spring sports are in full operation, leave the conquest of this trophy up to a small minority of students who love sports and its competitive aspects to win this honor for us and for Hope College. If we fail to win this honor, it is a fact that it won't be hard f o r any of us to criticize our teams for not winning, nor will it be hard to join in the celebration if they do win, even though the final celebration was never and should never be the purpose of sports. Is it more important to get a sun-tan than to be contributing to school unity and spirit? Is it more important to give your all on May Day for the honor and glory of it rather than to be unselfishly giving your best to all the students of Hope College in its quest for a greater honor. I know not everyone can engage in the activities themselves, but everyone can help make the activities a success by seeing that he is in the audience applauding the competitors. Let it never be said of you — You missed it. Let's join in school spirit! nmmm



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April 24, 1959


And these two vague ideas — that literary horror consists largely of gothic novels and the writings of Edgar Allan Poe—are likely to be, in the mind of John Average, the only contents of the file marked horror. That is, if they are filled at all. Devotees of fantasy today pity Mr. Average exceedingly f o r his ignorance. Any one of them (in particular, myself) will, upon the slightest provocation, launch into rhapsodies on the lyrical style of Ray Bradbury, the fiendish machinations of Theodore Sturgeon, or Robert Sheckley's post-mortem humor.

For terror has come a long way since Foe's mechanically calculated fright. I am not habitually a worshipper of the Modern; but the progress in this field since Poe appears to me indisputable. The most obvious and important difference is this: Poe makes every detail of the emotion he wishes us to feel as explicit as possible, piling adjective on adjective and phrase on phrase to secure an "effect"; and finally the very cloying thoroughness of his description becomes enervating. The presentday author's technique, on the other hand, has progressed to the point at which the effect is made not by what is explicitly pointed out, but by what is left implicit.

For examples, allow me to refer the reader to A Walk in the Dark, by Arthur C. Clarke; a grisly little sketch by Theodore Sturgeon entitled The Music; and many others from Sturgeon's volume "E Pluribus Unicom" — The Professor's Teddy Bear, Bianca's Hands, Die, Maestro Die! All of these, with the single exception of The Professor's Teddy Bear, are straight psychological horror stories; Sturgeon reserves his more offbeat talents for something like the trilogy More Than Human. Bradbury is a world in himself. Originally a writer of short stories in the s-f vein, he has lately turned to fantasy and even an "orthodox" work. He is accepted in Europe— as Poe also was—without any condescension as one of the leading contemporary American authors. The Golden Apples of the Sun, an anthology of twenty-two short stories and vignettes, was the turning point from s-f to fantasy and straight work, and has a good selection of horror in each field.

Spice and Crumbs By Richard J. Jaarsma As Thomas Jefferson glanced the voices of fraternity men "— over what he had written prepara- not only do I firmly promise to serve the student body in the tory to presenting the finished Constitution to the Congress the greatest capacity possible, but I believe that only through thoughtnext day, the flames the fire flickered high and began to form ful action, not reaction, can the strange shapes which materialized Student Council represent the needs and the aims of the student into miniature body in general—qualifications for pictures of the this job are: two semesters on the land that the colonists h a d Dean's list, Alcor, W.A.L. three j u s t wrenched y e a n , Pan-Hellenic board o n e from Great year, Chairman of Spring Informal Britain. for my fraternity for two years in It was a biga row, assistant chairman of the ger c o u n t r y Candy Cane Ball last year—" t h a n it w a s As the scene changed again he then, but Thomsaw a large truck, covered with as r e a l i z e d banners, and on the truck a group with a thrill of pleasure that it of musicians playing in uneven was his country, his land and he rhythm softly sentimental songs peered intently into the flames, and brashly cacophonous marches; paying close attention to the scenes and he saw hundreds of students which shifted irregularly to form standing in a long line before yet other scenes. tables on which were boxes, and He saw huge cities teeming with he saw the students dropping small life, and in the cities universities slips of paper in the boxes and on and colleges with banner waving their faces shone the light of the students riding around and around righteous; but nowhere, nowhere in red and yellow convertibles at all, did he see a book and as he shouting unintelligible slogans; he walked through the deserted halls, saw the corridors of the buildings, he saw professors in their offices, their walls covered with posters softly weeping as the exited young proclaiming "Providence, Principle voices drifted up to their rooms. and Propogation." and the slogans Then Thomas Jefferson poured "Careful, Cautious, Capable, Canhimself a drink and swallowed it didate" underneath pictures of hurriedly and sadly, very sadly he cleanlooking young men and womwalked to the fire with the paper en smiling artificially at the awed he had written and averting his students. He heard from some of eyes, he dropped the paper into the buildings the sounds of cheerthe flames and buried his head in ing and as he peeked in, he heard his hands.

Training Program Here April, 13-15

Nat'l Award for I. R. C. Program

On April 13, 14, and 15, Hope For the third successive year College was host to three college Hope College has received nationadministrators who were partici- al distinction for its International pating, along with Kenneth Weller, Relations Club activity. in the Leadership Training Project Last week at the 12th Annual of the North Central Association. Conference of the Association of These men spent the three days International Relations Clubs held on campus studying various phases in Pacific Grove, California, the of our college structure, organiza- Hope IRC was named winner of tion and program. They were in- the $200 award in the national proterested in present operations and gram contest. The program contest problems. is one in which clubs enter descriptions and visual exhibits of The N.C.A. training propect is their IRC program. Last year the meant to help give college adminHope club won the $500 first prize; istrators a better insight into the year preceding, the $200 sechigher education. ond prize. The three trainees were: Dr. D. The conference also nominated J. Guzzetta, Dean of the Evening and Adult Education Division, Di- Charles Lemmen, a Holland junior rector of Summer Session, Asso- and president of the Hope IRC, ciate Professor of Education, Uni- for presidency of the national asversity of Akron; Dr. Laurence sociation. Barrett, Professor of English and Dean of the College, Kalamazoo College; and Professor H. S. Stillwell, Chairman, Aeronautical Engineering Department, University of Illinois.

Besides Lemmen, delegates from Hope to the conference included Wael Karachi, a sophomore from A m m a n , Jordan, and Dr. Paul Fried, adviser for the Hope club.

Smith Wins Speech Award


Mr. Robert L. Smith, of Hope's speech department, was presented an award by the Central States Speech Association, honoring him a one of the ten young speech educators of the year. Mr. Smith was so honored at an award banquet last week during the conference, held in Detroit.


Receives $1000. The Standard Oil Foundation has renewed the scholarship in chemistry which it has awarded Hope College for the past several years, Dr. Gerrit Van Zyl, Chairman of the Chemistry Department announced. The gift is in the amount of $1,000, half of which will be used to benefit the facilities of the Department of Chemistry.

The bases of this award are as follows: sense of mission, love of people, love of his work, intellectThe remaining sum will be ual honesty, thorough knowledge of his subject, non-authoritarian awarded to an outstanding senior attitude, understanding of stu- planning to undertake graduate dents, and ability to create student study in chemistry or chemical eninterest. gineering, and having the ability, This column is at an end. You The award is given to educators initiative, and personality to conwill have to find out about Robert with less than five years teaching tribute to chemical science in comSheckley for yourself. experience. ing years.

April 24, 1959



Page Three


CAriPUS conEpr

Senior Philosophies

Marriage and Family Relations EDITOR'S NOTE: The articles appearing below represent, we hope, the first of a series, featuring the personal philosophies of our graduating Seniors on subjects such as marriage, religion, government, science, and education. Oddly enough, each of the articles that have thus f a r been submitted has been in response to our questionnaire on Marriage and Family Relations. If you would like to see the other topics discussed in print, keep your articles rolling in. By Carl Ver Beek When should I m a r r y ? Whom should I m a r r y ? About 90% of us are trying to answer either one or both of these questions, so this is a subject well worth considering. I can't claim to be an expert in this area, but I can give my opinions on this subject, since I have done a lot of thinking about it, as any engaged person has. Of course, my opinions may be biased because of my position, but I will try to be as objective as possible. Probably the easiest way to cover this would be to follow the outline provided by the staff and consider the sections in that order. The first factor mentioned is age. This is a relative thing which I feel we can best set a minimum and a maximum on, and let the other factors make the decision within the time span. Speaking for college students, I feel that the best chances for a happy marriage occur if the marriage takes place between the ages of 20 and 24. The determining factor, assuming the mate is a logical one, is that you are able to see a good possibility of some type of financial security without sacrificing everything else for a married "existence." Whether the woman or the man provides the money at first, is an individual question, but it is always better if the woman has a chance to continue her education or training until she has some special profession to fall back on. This leads us to the question of the relative educational levels of the partners. When possible, it seems to alleviate a problem if the male is at least as well educated as the woman or has some compensatory factor like a very good job. At least, their cultural tastes should be somewhere near the same. I may be old fashioned, but I feel that the woman should still subordinate her career and aspirations to the man's. Also they have an equal responsibility to make the marriage "go," and if one is continually being forced to give in, it can lead to feelings of disrespect on both sides. In regard to sex, I can only say that this is a very important factor and can't be treated as something to be worked out after marriage. The couple should have an understanding of what the sexual desires of the opposite sex consist of and should concentrate on fulfilling them, and in so doing it would probably follow that both will be very happy and satisfied. The purpose of marriage is to create a home, which when possible should include children. They should be a part of marriage as


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soon as they can be provided for. It seems to me to be wrong to bring children into a home that can't afford them, but that it would be better to err in this direction than to wait until each and every desire can be supplied, because that time will never come. Personally, I feel t h a t it is a big mistake to m a r r y across the lines of Roman Catholicism and protestantism. As I am approaching marriage, it seems that there are going to be enough problems without creating one t h a t has no solution. Perhaps it is even wrong to marry when both are of the same faith but one is much more devout than the other. This is a question of individual judgement. The personal qualities of a mate are simply a matter of taste. Luckily we don't all want the same thing in a mate, or most of us would be out of luck. It often seems too, that maybe some of us don't really want what we think we want. The one necessary factor is that you can conceive of yourself looking at this person after thirty years and expect that you will love him or her. Love isn't just a sexual attraction, but is something that needs time to grow and is never completed. Love is a process, not a fact. It takes two vitally interested people devoting their best efforts to make it as good as possible. To the observers or the participants, nothing is sadder than a one-way marriage. I hope t h a t this article makes you think a little about this, as I have had to do, and that maybe you have found that we agree on these areas. However, even if we don't agree on anything stated here, if it makes you more sure of why you think what you do, we'll both be better off.

by David Noebel From one who has found that marriage is not really blister, but bliss, I would suggest the following: As to the age — The earlier, the better i.e., 18-23. Too difficult to adjust to one another a f t e r both become concrete in their ways. Besides it's fun! As to finances — Can't worry too much about this because once you feel you have sufficient, you'll be too old to land a Frau. Save a couple hundred dollars (or borrow it from your friend), and then run off and get married.

As to education — I would suggest that a college grad leave the — D^AU /<»<* eighth grade coed to the eighth ". . . and I am confident that the future of the world grade romeo, and get himself a will be in capable hands!" sharp high school Juni, or a college chick. Just make sure she's not straight A while you're 3.87. As to obligations and responsibilities— The obligations of marriage are give and take. You give At last week's Pi Kappa Delta Monday evening, April 20, severand she takes! and then vice versa! National Speech Convention at al Hope orators presented the proThe big responsibilities belong to Bowling Green State University, gram at the Coopersville Reformed the head of the house; the little responsibilities belong to the wife. Hope College debate teams had a Church Men's Brotherhood meetSo far they have all been little! record of two wins and six losses. ing. Paul Lydens and Dennis HengeThose who took part were: Mary As to s e x — This takes care of veld, debating the affirmative on Ann Klaaren (winner of 2nd place itself a f t e r a few months. If it the topic "Resolved: That the fur- in MISL Old Line contest at Kaladoesn't you'd best see a doctor. ther development of nuclear weap- mazoo College, April 6th) with her (And I don't mean Doc Green.) ons should be prohibited by inter- "A Divine Command," Ann Herfst As to children — They also seem national agreement," won against (Freshman Nykerk Cup Contest to take care of themselves. How- Phillips University of Oklahoma, Orator), with her "Road to Peace," ever, it's best to be a little careful and lost to Montana State, Stephen Ruth Vander Meulen (3rd place if you're still going to school. Austin University in Texas, and to winner in State Peace Contest in As to religion — If marriage is South Eastern Missouri State. February at Western Michigan team work, it's only proper that Debating the negative side of University) with "The Widow and both mules pull together. There- the resolution were Ronald Chand- the Judge," and Ron Chandler fore, mixed marriages are but un- ler and Dennis Hengeveld, winning (winner 1st place. State Peace less you're asking for trouble. against Los Angeles State and Contest for Men at Hope College "How can two walk together lest losing to Washburn of Kansas, Ot- last year), with "The Quest for they be agreed?" Also remember, tawa University of Kansas, and Peace." "A family that prays together — Harding College of Arkansas. As a male, I can't help but mar- stays together." In Women's Extempore Speakvel at how the female mind works, As to personal qualities in a ing. Carolyn Kleiber received a and I suppose that females find us mate — Ask for two: a) a loving rating of good for four rounds of equally disconcerting. However heart and b) a humble spirit. The speeches. the process of attempting to get rest will follow throughout life. Representing Hope in Men's Richard T. Brockmeier, a Hope along is always interesting and One who is dissatisfied with Oratory was Ronald Chandler who College senior from Grand Rapids, surprising. There's no doubt about marriage is either dissatisfied with also received a rating of good. it, "it's the spice of life." life o r — u n m a r r i e d . The group was accompanied on who recently won a coveted Woodthe week-long trip by Dr. William row Wilson Fellowship, has been Schrier, Chairman of the Speech notified that he will be the recipiDepartment, and Robert L. Smith, ent of a Danforth Fellowship and • # • # •• • # • # •«• • • •«• • • • • •# «*• • • • > • • has also been offered a $1275 Director of Debate. scholarship and a $1650 teaching BUNTE'S #.• #,• #> #,• #,• #%«assistantship at the California InPLACE PHARMACY stitute of Technology in Pasadena, California. Ph. EX 6-6511 54 E. 8th H E R F S T The Danforth Fellowship will •# V# •# *#•#•#•# V# •# *#•#*#•#•#•#*>«#•••#••*#*#•#< provide Brockmeier with funds for Studio and Photo Supply his education until he has received One Place to Go For his doctorate. This Danforth grant is given to exceptional students PORTRAITS who intend to enter the teaching CAMERAS, FILMS and profession upon completion of PHOTO SUPPLIES graduate school. 7 W. 8th St. Phone EX 2-2664 Brockmeier, who expressed deep WE GIVE S&H GREEN STAMPS appreciation at being offered the scholarship and assistantship at #,• #.• #.• •> v #,• #,• #„• #> #.• #,• #,• V Cal Tech, has decided to decline this grant in deference to the Dependable Jewelers for Over a Quarter Century Woodrow Wilson scholarship. 6 West Eighth Street He has, however, been accepted at Cal Tech and will begin his g HOLLAND, MICHIGAN graduate work there this fall. After graduation in June, Brockmeier, son of Mr. and Mrs. Richard T. Brockmeier of 134 CanterGOOD FOOD bury S.W. in Grand Rapids, will attend summer school to study AT PRICES YOU LIKE French. TO PAY ESTABLISHED 1867 68 East Eighth Street TYPEWRITERS Portables — Royal — Corona Open 7 A.M. to 7 P.M. Bought, Sold, Rented, Repaired BUILDER'S HARDWARE . . . BUILDER'S SUPPLIES School Discounts Closed Only on Sundays NAPIER'S TYPEWRITER CO. 589 Howard Ave. Tel. EX 6-8084

Debate Teams Active At Bowling Green

Hope Orators Present Program

Brockmeier Recipient of Three Scholarships





Page Four




April 24, 1959

Hope Starts Baseball Season With Four Wins Olivet Stopped in M* A* A. Doubleheader Match Hope Cagers To Hope Netters Recover InHopeThird College's tennis t e a m trounced Olivet Wednesday on the Netters Drop Holland courts in a complete sweep Play Northern Hope College will play Northern Michigan College for its opening basketball game next season, Wednesday, Dec. 2 in the Civic Center, it was announced today by A1 Vanderbush, Hope athletic director. This addition of Northern to the schedule gives Hope a total of 21 games, including 10 at home. There is a possibility that the Dutch may also play Valparaiso University in a home game later in the season. Northern won the Michigan NAIA tournament for the second straight year during the past season and represented Michigan in the national NAIA tournament. The Wildcats compiled a season's mark of 16-5. Coached by Stan Albeck, Northern Michigan didn't have a senior on its 1958-59 club. Hope will play Northern at Marquette during the 1960-61 season.

First Two ALMA-HOPE Hope's tennis team got off to a slow start in the season by losing to Alma College 4-3 at Alma on April 16 in the MIAA opener. Freshmen accounted for Hope's points as Norm Hess starting in the No. 3 spot tagged Johnson 6-1, 8-6 while Bruce Laverman in the No. 4 spot beat Turner 6-2, 4-6, 6-2. The third Hope point came on the doubles win by the HessLaverman combination over Johnson and Turner 6-0, 6-2. Marsh Elzinga lost to DeVries 6-2. 6-4 in the top spot while Roland Van Es was shut out by Alma's Cantrall 6-0, 6-0 in the No. 2 position. Elzinga and Van Es were sidetracked by DeVries and Cantrall 6-4, 6-2 in the No. 1 doubles. Ron Wigerink lost to Delaven 6-0, 6-3 in the No. five spot.

as they won all five singles and both doubles matches. Playing number one spot for the Dutch was freshman Norm Hess who finished off Bill Pratt 6-3, 6-0. Hess started the season at the number three spot, moved to number two against GRJC and took over the top spot in this third match. Marshall Elzinga knocked off Wadell 6-2, 6-0 in the number two s p o t while another freshman, Bruce Laverman beat Olivet's Robinson 6-2, 6-2. Stan Vugtveen stopped Mc Kale 6-1, 6-1 and Doug Johnson finished Mc Grath 6-1, 6-0 in the four and five positions, respectively. Both Vugtveen and Johnson are freshmen also. Hess and Elzinga teamed against Pratt and Robinson for the number one doubles and won 6-0, 6-1. Laverman and Vugtveen played second team doubles and stopped Wadell and Mc Kale 6-2 and 6-1. Roland Van Es, who played No. 2 and 5 in the two previous matches, did not play due to a minor hip injury. The victory leaves Hope 1-1 in MIAA play.

GRJC-HOPE V *,* *.*%'• *,* » »« •1 #.• « • •**•«•«•••••*•• •• •*«».•• • •• •# •»»,•# » #.• •>».•* Grand Rapids Junior College topped Hope 8-4 in a non-conferFOR YOUR ence match on April 18, at Grand Rapids. NEW FOOTWEAR NEEDS Three of Hope's four points were again scored by freshmen while sophomore Ron Wiegerink tallied try spot and Wiegerink topped Nielson the fourth. Norm Hess, playing No. 2, stop- 6-4, 7-5 in the No. 8 position. BORR'S Hope dropped all three doubles. ped Malmberg, 2-6, 6-2, 6-3 while Laverman (No. 3) edged Driscal Singles BOOTER Y 9-7, 6-2. Stan Vugtveen nosed out No. 1—Westover vs. Elzinga, 8-6, • #.• #.• • • •.« #« Betten 5-7, 6-2, 6-2 in the No. 7 6-8, 7-5 •*# •• •> •> •• •• •*##.• »V#> •V %V •V •••.» • •• •V vV •'<

Hope College left no doubt about its baseball prowness last Saturday as they turned up with a pair of wins over the Olivet College nine, 4-0, 4-1 in a doubleheader at Olivet. In non-conference play, Hope has turned in victories over Grand Rapids Junior College and Muskegon in a scrimmage game. The GRJC game was the only scheduled non-conference meet f o r this season. All other games are MIAA doubleheaders. Saturday's wins were virtually won "on the mound" as southpaw Bruce Hoffman pitched a two-hitter in the afternoon match while Sherwin (Sharkey) Vander Woude hurled a three-hitter in the evening. Hoffman struck out 14 batters in his victory while Sharkey fanned six. Pre-season predictions were for "a tough team if the pitching comes through." Saturday's exhibition left no doubt t h a t Hope is tough on the mound. Hope proved to be a team to be reckoned with in the hitting department too as powerful Gene Van Dongen drove in three runs in

No. 4—Kirchner vs. Johnson, 6-4, 1-6, 6-3 No. 5—Hoekstra vs. Van Es, 6-1, 6-3 No. 6—Highley vs. Nykerk, 6-2, 6-4 No. 9—Tawja vs. Van Eenanaam, 6-2, 6-3 Doubles No. 1—Westover-Driscal vs. HessLaverman, 7-5, 3-6, 6-1 No. 2—Malmber-Highley vs. Elzinga-Vugtveen, 6-0, 8-6 No. 3—Kirchner-Betten vs. Nykerk-Johnson, 6-4, 4-6, 6-0

the opener on a triple, and a double while Bob Thomson doubled twice in the second game and drove in one run. The ever-alert Thomson started a double play in the seventh inning which ended the second contest. Thomson scored first for Hope in the second inning of the first game after the Olivet pitcher walked him and Ed Bredeweg, hit Bob Reid with a pitched ball and walked Ron Boeve. Van Dongen's triple scored Bob Reid in the fourth while his double scored Beernik who had singled and Boeve who had double in the sixth. In the second game, Beernik and Van Dongen both singled in the first inning. Captain Beernik scored on a fast double steal. Thompson smashed his first double in the second, trotted to third on an error and crossed home plate on a single by Vander Woude. In the fourth, Jerry Boeve walked, stole second and scored on Thompson's second double. Van Dongen scored Hope's final run in the fifth. The host team's only score in the two games came in the sixth inning of the second game. Line score: R H E Hope 010 102 0—4 4 0 Olivet 000 000 0—0 2 4 Batteries: Hoffman and R. Boeve; Spencer, Kober (6) and Snyder. R H E Olivet 000 001 0—1 3 4 Hope 110 110 x—4 7 0 Batteries: Vander Woude and R. Boeve; Benhert and Hoenes.




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