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ope college

olland, michigan APRIL 21. 1983


Student Congress officers to be elected today David Van Dyke "As the current First Vice President, I am relying on my past experiences to help me carry out the job as President. Some of these include being a member of the Administrative Affairs Board, the Strategic Planning Committee and being a student liaison member of the Hope College Board of Trustees. I also have been involved in many other kinds of activities, including Nykerk entertainment and representing Hope College at the Reformed Church General Synod. I feel I am the most qualified person for the job as Student Congress President. Having served first as a Student Congress Member, and then as First Vice President, 1 understand the challenges and duties the job as president requires, and would welcome the opportunity to serve as Student Congress President."

own personal needs (I believe that in order to perform well in a situation a person must have a genuine interest in it and most importantly enjoy it) as well as serving each student of Hope College. I cannot ask for your vote, but I can ask of you to recognize my individuality and to evaluate it in a manner that only you can do." James Karsten "Having now attended Hope College for almost three years, I have noted the apathy that most students have about student congress. In the fall elections last semester, more than half of student congress seats were filled by peole who didn't even get elected. They merely had completed a petition and, due to the lack of other candidates, were automatically given the job. The First Vice-President is in charge of publicity and elections for student congress. I feel that I have the organizational skills needed to inform the students of the responsibilities of student congress, and thus, hopefully, get more students to seek election. One of the main r n s i b i l i t i e s o ( s t u d e n t congress is to ^ c o l l e c t e d in handle the ^ than ^ students fees j believe that the student ^ better informed, and have

James H. Shields "The First Vice President of Student Congress is primarily responsible for all campus elections and polls, as well as publicizing all Student Congress events. In addition, the First Vice President is placed on the Administrative Affairs Board as one of the student members. My most recent experience has been as the Second Vice President during the past year. It has been in performing the duties and obligations of this post that I have become more familiar with the working of Student Congress as a whole. As for the position of First Vice President, I feel I have a thorough understanding of its workings after serving with and watching Dave (Van Dyke). I feel that my experiences and my knowledge of the functions of Student Congress make myself the qualified and capable choice for this position

years, 1 have served on the appropriations committee and consequently have the knowledge and experience needed to chair the committee in the most effective way. As well as a current member of the appropriations committee I also serve on the Administrative Affairs Board and the Board of Trustees Business and Finance Committee. It is because of my experience I ask for your vote on April 21. Paul Holtrop "One of the first things that people wonder when they find out that I'm running for S.C. President is, "Are you really serious?" I'd just like to let everybody on campus to know that I really am serious about this. If I wasn't sincere in my desire for the office I wouldn't be taking the time to run. I believe that Lean do a lot for the school, if everybody will get out and vote and give me a chance. Student Congress is given a good budget to administer and it can go a long way if it is spent wisely. Student Congress should act in a manner so that whatever comes out of a session should benefit the whole of the student body as much as possible. I'd just like to close by saying that I think I can give S.C. responsible leadership and I would appreciate your vote."

Scott Derwenskus "When I first was asked to write a Paul Hemeren small essay for the Anchor summarizing "The primary responsibility of the 2nd my 'platform' I was rather uncertain as Vice President of Student Congress is to to just what I would try to convey to my chair the appropriations committee. The classmates. With the Chicago mayoral committee is a major factor in approving election over not more than a week ago, the budgets of all student organizations the negative side of political contests-the which receive money from the fund side in which I wanted no part In-still generated by the $30 activity fee paid by lingers through the minds of many. I was all students. It is my goal to provide the tired of hearing the attacks of one can- m o r e a s to w h e r e this m o n e y goes didate launched against the other A n g ^ t e d , 1 will strive to promote student most effective leadership possible. My effectiveness can be measured by my exsituation arose whereby the Chicago cam- c ss m o r e a n d b l i c i z e t h e m ethods perience on the committee. For the past 2 paigns were not a matter of a man s in- aavailable u a i l n h l p tto n sstudents t l l f i p n t s t 0to a {affect f e c t school school tegrity, but of how he could discredit his policy through student congress." opponent. This was done either by direct means-for example, exposing that opponent had not filed his income tax form and was jailed-or by indirect means-stating how p a r t i c u l a r e x p e r i e n c e would somehow make him that much better of an official. With the misguidance of the Chicago election in the back of my mi nd, what I genuinely wanted to inform students at Hope was of my true self. In doing so I would not try to push pre-conceived ideals mumm onto my fellow students. I guess I feel compelled to describe who I really am and in doing, allow^the student to decide if I deserve their vote. One trait that I believe to have is that of persistence. The longer a problem or issue takes me to resolve the more engrossed and determined I become in pursuit of its solution. Business-being my ^ / n foremost fascination-led me to run for 2nd •- t a Vice President. The major task of this position is that of presiding over the appropriations committee. I cannot stress enough how overjoyed I would be to be in the position of helping channel the student activity funds to the appropriate campus groups and activities. It would serve my September brought to Hope by SAC per formed at the Lincoln School gym Saturday night, (photo by John Gardner) :


Editorial Bookin' it on Sunday Sundays are the big days around Hope CoIIege~lf you believe that...Sundays are lounge days for some people, but there are others who begin to shake and sweat when the realization that (N Monday is 'pert near around the corner and the homework has cold lected dust over the weekend. a: a. Sunday is catch up day and for those who want to get an early < start where do you go to study? The library doesn't open until 1p.m. and the buildings around campus are locked so where does that leave the studier? The truth hurts, but not everyone here goes to chapel on Sunday mornings. So why are most building schedules geared to the belief that somewhere between the hours of 9a.m. and 1p.m. students are sitting in a pew not thinking much about studies? Truthfully and realistically this is not so. Scheduling library employees to work on Sunday mornings should not be that much of a problem and the opportunity to use the library at that time should be available. This is not meaning to condemn the practice of going to church, but it is time for the big people on top to open some eyes and open some doors so those who need this access will have it. The time has come, as we are all realizing, that the deadlines are rapidly approaching and time is becoming extremely precious. These next two weekends are all that there is and every bit helps. A change in the hours or availability of these buildings could help those who do not wish on a Sunday morning to worship |Uie Lord or worship their bed-but rather "prey" on their books.

More about frats Having read so many letters this semester that examine the fraternities and sororities at Hope-either seeking to identify the deficiencies in these institutions- or proclaiming . their benefits--! decided to Jump on the bandwagon before we all tired of the issue. In a sense the whole thing seems pointless (who wants to hear more about fraternities?). It seems that somebody once said that fraternities are one-hundred percent bad. Who could believe it? This would be just ridiculous as saying that they are onehundred percent good. No, not all people that are in fraternities are bad people-this I can assert because I know some fraternity people that are good. This obviously is not the real issue. Although I don't remember any editorial that claimed that fraternities create people of identical personalities, 1 do recall some which claimed that the supportive aspect of fraternities encourages variety among the members. This almost seems to be the issue-except that it too is pointless. The first claim would be absurd, the reply understandable; it is preposterous to believe that all people of fraternity "A" are identical "A type" people. We are all different. On the other hand, it would be hard to deny

"Blessed ore the peacemakers..." To the Editor . I have read the ANCHOR for the past four years. Never prior to the March 24, 1963 edition had it moved me to tears. "What's wrong with war anyway?" by Dan Brudos changed that. I pity Mr. Brudos if he honestly believes that man is such a hopeless creature. It is people who refuse to see the possibilities of peace and common effort who prevent such goals from being attained. While it may be true that the business of war is economically beneficial to SOME parts of the world. It is also evident historically that pent-up demand after a war causes rapid inflation. During a major war, manufacturers cease making domestic goods in order to contribute to the war effort. This creates a shortage of non-essential domestic goods. Jobs created by the war effort temporarily reduce unemployment, but money saved during the w a r - because there is nothing on which to spend one's money- contributes to the problem of inflation once domestic goods again become available. Even if rapidly rising prices were not cause for concern, would the reduced unemployment and economic stimulation in some areas be worth the sacrifice? Do you realize how many thousands of lives (men, women, and children) can be lost in a day's battle? We're not talking about "the enemy" or even our own "troops." We are talking about INDIVIDUALS with names and faces and unique, irreplacable personalities. Viewed in this light, is the second car in the garage or the blender in the kitchen still so important? It seems absurd to me that you use Scotch tape, the computer, and eye

surgery as examples of beneficial sideeffects of a well-supported defense department. Wouldn't it be more logical to direct our attention directly to these products? I believe we could have developed them much sooner had we done so. And what's this about the nation's "toprated scientists being of no value in a peacetime society?" Come now, do you really believe that? If so, please explain the value of a cure for cancer in relation to a war effort. Surely those scientists seeking the solutions to such diseases are worth something. Perhaps if we devoted more money, education, time, and general efort to such constructive endeavors, we could better the state of man without killing him off in the process. (I'm sure we could create competitive stimulation by encouraging several companies to get involved in beneficial research.) True, there is a world population problem. Yes, I must confess that war is one way to "solve" the problem. But wouldn't it be more logical to nip the problem in the bud rather than waiting until it's in full bloom? Again this calls for redirecting time, money, and effort to the development an implementation of effective birth control techniques rather than devoting our resources to the production of guns and bombs and fighter planes. Some careful thought will reveal the error in the statement that war "removes the old wood, leaving room for the stronger, more vital growth." Whom do we and most other countries send to do

the biggest share of our warring? We send the strongest and most vital parts of the population when we draft our young adults. That's a far cry from eliminating old woodl I agree that man is an animal, but this does not necessarily mean that man must be violent against himself. If it is true that animals must aggress to survive, deer and rabbits wouW not exist. Human reason developed to help us survive, not to help us destroy ourselves. If productive survival is our ultimate goal, isn't war a counter-productive act? It seems that the absurd and foolhardy idea is the idea that man can only achieve his potential through war. I believe that man, created in God's image, is basically good- by the very fact that we are a part of His creation. Certainly we have the potential to sin, and sin we do, but must we pertuate this sin on a grandiose scale? Christ the incarnate came to free us from sin- to allow humankind to grow to a point where everlasting peace is a possibility. We must resist the temptation to stagnate where we are. We must strive, with prayer and concentrated effort, to reach the goals which seem so high. As Christians, we must transcend the absurd and foolhardy notion that world peace Is impossible o r undesirable and encourage our national leaders to work towards this state as well. In Christ's words, "Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called sons of God." (Matthew4:9) My friends, the challenge is before us. j Sincerely submitted, Diana L. Krahe *



that the small, fairly homogenous population of Hope CoUege should not be segregated more than It already is. Learning is the process of diversification, challenge, and debate. The fraternities at Hope may not provide the same benefits of those of larger universities; the most stimulating of literary achievements can not be expected to have the same impact upon an intellectually endemic population. Such a population rejects the most powerful of learning experiences: Other people. As people try to find fulfillment in groups they may do disservice to others who do not feel this same need (the g-di's). Worse yet, they may do disservice to themselves; for they may never find the fulfillment in examining themselves and accepting the differences of others. Not one Boy Scout is always trustworthy, loyal, helpful, friendly, courteous, kind, obediant, cheerful, thrifty, brave, clean, and reverent. Although individuals share enjoyable activities in groups they do not share a common idea; individuals do not overcome their shortcomings and differences by grouping together. This is the true lesson of the holocaust; for a person is wrong to feel superior because he is a part of a group-regardless of what imaginary ideals the group holds forth. Even so, members of a group often attach flesh-and-blood Importance to the group image, motto, or symbol. They perceive incidental criticisms of the group as direct assaults upon themselves (although these criticisms may only be suggestions for ways in which the group can become even better than it already is). At its worst, a group of people will discuss the "sanity" of people it has never met before or attempted to personally know (Just for an example, the situation in which fraternity brothers agree upon whom to accept into their pledge class). When the group decides that the individual is "Insane" (not worthy of being a member of their group) the continued on page 4

Published weekly September through April, except during exom periods ond college vacations, by and for the students of Hope College. Holland, Michigan, under the authority of the Student Communications Media Committee. Subscription price: $10 per year. Member, Associated Collegiate Press. O f f i c e located on lower level of Kollen Hall, telephone 394-6578. The opinions on this page are not necessarily those of the student body, faculty, or administration of Hope College. Editor News editor Feature editor Arts editor Sports editor Photo editor Copy editor Production mgr Production mgr lypM Advertising layout Advertising mgr

Second-cloM p o t t a g e paid at Holland. Mi- 49423." POSTMASTER: send address changes to Hope College tinchor. Hope College. Holland, Ml.



Jamie Moore Shawn Carpentier Chris Simons Dave Rowell Steve Underwood Mark Billadeau BethTrembley Chris Van Eyl Lois Furry Tamara Hoshal Nancy Burrink Cindy A b e l Randy Warren

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Let's not go Europe by C.A.Simons Once again, back by popular demand... (actually, I may be quite unpopular by the time I finish this one). But listen gang, all semester I (and a few others) have been trying to spare you the hassles of traveling in Europe. One would think you'd get smart and go someplace where you can experiencerealculture, like Toledo, Ohio or Walla Walla, Washington. But no, registration for European semesters is up. I guess it's time to get tough and discourage a few more of you. . WHO SHOULD NOT GO TO EUROPE Men. Hey, I'm sorry fellas, but you should stay home, have babies, make quiche, do anything other than try to travel through Europe alone. Now don't think I'm a man-hater or anything of the sort. Some of my best friends are men. But I have facts. I've seen it first-hand: men are not good travelers. Case 1: John Navright, a student from Paris. This poor guy had already missed his boat (in more ways than one) and was runnning five hours late on his trip to visit some cousins in Boublin for Christmas. After he meekly followed m y , travel partner and I everywhere on the boat (the situation was awkward at the Ladies Room), we decid-

ed to take him under our wing. Much to our dismay, no family awaited him when we arrived, so the rescue process began: " J o h n , do you have their phone number?" "...no." 'Do you have an add r e s s ? " " . . . y e a h . " After locating ourselves on a map, locating a bus stop, and giving him enough money for the fare, he tearily waved good-bye making sure we didn't want to come along. If It hadn't been for us, he may have ended up spending Christmas in a train station. Score: Men0, Women 1. Case 2: An unidentified Arab. We ran into this one on our way back to London. Somehow, someway, he headed out from Kilkenny, Ireland by himself without being able to speak a word of English or French, or German or anything someone might understand. Oh, excuse me, he could say "London?" I guess that shows how little one can get by with, or how many women had assisted him along the way. What was even more curious was the fact he carried no luggage. Oh, sure he could have had a pair of underwear and a toothbrush stuffed in his pocket, but how long can one pair of boxers hold up? Score: Men0, Women 2.

What isGauia? Dear Editor, . Like, I'm Just sure that Cindy Arnold, Tim Kelsey, Mary Peelen, Ben Vonk, and Jenny Heitman are grody enough to put out that underground paper, the BURROW. I mean, so what if I came here for my MRS degree- as Jerry Falwell and Phyllis Schafly preach, a woman's place IS in the home. I'm in college so that I can raise well rounded children. As for the mock on Hope renovationslike, so what? I mean, why shouldn't all of

the gifts from alumni be used to re-do all of the buildings, even though there are huge tuition hikes every year? I don't c a r e - my daddy's paying for my tuition anyway. And ya know, who care's what's going on in the world? If I cared about the real world, I wouldn't have enrolled at Hope College! Sue VanderLathamstra P.S. Just what IS Ganja?

Case 3: A real punk rocker from Liverpool. It's sort of intimidating to be asked for help from a person In black leather, with pink hair and handcuffs. But if this fellow, no matter how tough he appeared, couldn't find his way across London who am I to turn him down? Besides, once you got past all that leather, there was a really helpless male In need of guidance. I ended up taking him to Victoria Statlon-lt was on my way. Score: Men 0, Women 3. Oh, sure, you can say this is really in-

volved In campus activities. Chris Is most proud of two things in her SAC career; The 1981 Winter Formal, because It w^s her first responsibility and a big success, and the more recent Beaux Arts Ball held this past October. The



Chris Petersen (photo by John Gardner)


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A funny column by David Van Dyke The other day I was In Meljer's, and while standing in the check out lane, I was reading the headlines on those scandal sheets (National Enguirer, The Star, Time, and a recent addition. People).! always read the headlines while I'm waiting, and quite often I will be so brave as to take the paper from-the rack and open it to actually see the photos of President Nixon talking with people from outerspace. If you think that Is brave (of stupid), wait until you hear this. I discovered a new paper to be ranked right up there with all the greats. I am, of course, refering to the Weekly World News. The thing that drew me like a magnet to this paper was the great headline. In big type It said, "BIGFOOT STOLE MY WIFE". Ok, I'm a sucker and I bought the paper. It was only 45 cents, but the real reason was because of what it said under the headline in smaller type: "Distraught hubby vows vengeance on beast that took his woman". I thought to myself, what would I do If I was married and my wife ran off with Blgfoot, and I admit, I was puzzled. I bought the paper just In case

Student spotlight by Jane Bursma To find a person with oodles of money who needs someone to coordinate and plan weekly balls and huge parties in Chicago is the dream of Chris Petersen, a Junior from Rochester, New York. Chris is the Activities Coordinator for SAC, which translates to Jack-of-alltrades. She is responsible for all the book work, the contracting, making all the agent contacts for groups and guests, filing the mail and finally facilitating physical planning, or making sure an event goes off smoothly by organizing who does what. All of these things help to test Chris's choice of a Business Administration major. Actually there Is a lot of personal satisfaction In Chris's Job. She gets gratification out of watching others have fun and knowing people are enjoying themselves because of entertainment SAC has brought. It's fun work, highly involved, and social, which makes it enjoyable. It is impossible in Chris's position not to meet people and become in-

conclusive evidence, but these cases are mere examples. Maybe I Just have a maternal air about me, but everywhere I went In Europe I ran Into a male who needed assistance to get around. So listen guys, I don't care what they told you in boy scouts, checking which side of a tree moss grows on will not help you locate yourself In a city. But if you insist on giving it a try, take my advice-have your Mom pin a note to your Jacket with your home address and phone number on it.

Beaux Arts Ball was unique from the other things that Hope has done and It went off very well. Chris originally started at Hope as a pre-med student. She had heard about Hope through her Chemistry teacher and was really Impressed by the friendliness of the campus when she came to visit. After becoming involved with SAC, she decided to change her major because she realized how much she wants to experience people and events and not Just spend her time researching and studying. She sees Hope's greatest asset as a genuine caring for people. The administration, faculty and staff all puli for the school and the students, even though most students fail to realize how much.

The caring attitude of Hope and her involvement in SAC has caused Chris to want a career coordinating either events or products. But mostly Chris wants to enJoy whatever she's doing by making the most out of what she has: a career, and later a family. Chris wants to work and live by having fun with life.

this ever happens to me, so I'll know how to handle It. Before I tell you how this whole Blgfoot controversy began, I must warn the weak-stomached, that what you are about to read Is the most grizzly thing I have ever read, and that it is 100 percent true. It all began about 15 years ago ia Sanders, Florida. The residents began seeing this big hairy ap^-like monster. J a m e s Larmore and his wife had spotted the monster several times, and both agreed that the creature smelled like, "a sour potato celler" (1 told you this was grizzly). While Blgfoot was terrorizing the town, J a m e s Larmore noticed that his wife, Tonya, started taking long walks in the forest, alone. A real s m a r t thing to do when Blgfoot is terrorizing the town. Mr. Larmore claims that his wife Justified this by saying, "She would never do any work at home. Sometimes she would go out and pray to a tree, or hold a rock and talk to it," (can you picture in your mind the kinds of people we a r e dealing with). Well, one thing led to another, and pretty soon Tonya wanted nothing to do with her husband, and she disappeared. The neighbors claim they saw Blgfoot walking off into the forest with someone over his shoulder. They swear it was Tonya. Mrs. Taylor, a neighbor. Is convinced that the two are in love and now live blissfully In a back-to-nature lovenest. She also hopes the two stay In the woods where they belong. As ior Mr. Larmore, he Is planning to go into the woods and hunt down the beast. You have to feel sorry for this poor guy. Can you amagine how the talk Is flying around the office? "Hey, did you hear about Larmore's old lady? She ran off with Blgfoot." "Well, it's not really that suprising, she always was a little on the wild side." Well, I told you It was not reading for the weak-hearted. I advise you to pick up a copy If you're bored, because there Is a lot of other great reading in this issue. I'm starting a story about the cops who called In an exorcist to rid the highway of a killer ghost. Try to keep in mind as you read these papers, it must be true or they couldn't print It.

and still more

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Dear Editor: I am tired and fed up with sororities and fraternities. But another thing I am tired of is being included in this generalization. I am a greek and quite proud of that fact. No, I would not be proud of that fact if my sorority teok part in "the beatings, the public and private humiliations, the tiring of a person to the point of illness, and the rest of the yearly degradations..." to use the words of Jay Flikkema. In response to Mr Fllkkema I LETTER continued from page 2 iiKllvidual-group relationship becomes permanently polarized with a slanderous effect upon the individual; for oftenregardless of the individual's responsethe group will never admit its mistake. The grouping of people in such ways endangers freedom of speech. Only if people are reminded of their imperfections can we expect them to be open-minded and able to progress. We are all in the same boat regardless of whether we divide ourselves into groups. I can not agree more fully with the editorial that suggested that what Hope College really needs is acceptance. It's what the world needs. If people could practice being more accepting of other's dlfferencesespeclally of their own Individual challenge-they might discover the uniqueness of themselves and life would be more stimulating and rewarding for everybody. Scott Gunderaen

Summer releases

would like to say that being a new student this semester, how can he possibly take an accurate point of view? I was truly insulted by his letter to the editor and would like to invite him to take another look. There are more sororities on campus than Just what you see In the cafeteria during pledging. Pledglng's purpose Is to give the pledges an opportunity to learn the history and fundamentals of the particular greek organization they want to become a part of. The actives provide this opportunity, and any element of seriousness Is to try to see the pledges seriousness In wanting to learn about the organization. The three weeks of pledging is to build a foundation and a spiritual bond with the people of the organization so that when the group tries to accomplish a task that unity is there to enable the accomplishment of that task. Pledglng's purpose is not "ego stroking self-centered masturbation." Greeks are not antl-soclal organizations; my friends and aqualntances do not just exist In this group, rather, this group exists In my realm of friends and aqualntances. In conclusion I would like to answer your question, Mr. Fllkkema, "What does pledging (and, therefore, fraternities) have to do with your religious and moral foundation?" Exactly, this is a true body of believers of which I am a part. The greek organization of which I am affiliated Is Christian and has often provided me with Christian support. My sorority (and I am sure other greeks) does have a



religious and moral foundation. Take time to know a member of my group. We are individuals and not anti-social or 4, clique-lsh." I am sure that you will find that you jumped to some purely false conclusions In many cases. Please, before judging something so quickly, investigate first. Be a little more open minded. Granted, your conclusions may be the same, but at least they will be a little more firmly based. Sincerely Tracy E. Ore Kappa Delta Chi Sorority

Reporter disappointed by William Monk Of all the places one could possibly put things, the basement of Kollen Hall has got to be one of the poorest choices available. Do not jump to conclusions. Kollen is fine, but a basement is a basement no matter where it is. Yet, all major student activities are relegated to languish in the Kollen basement: the yearbook, the Student Conv gress, the students activities committee, the radio station. Alpha Phi Omego, and yes, even the newspaper. These are squeezed in between the Kollen laundry room and the Kollen Barbell Club. Really nice neighbors, I must say. Now maybe this is due to a lack of space, either the Van Raalte fire or the flood or the DeWitt construction or whatever else. I really don't care about why this is so, I only care about getting it changed. Take a stroll down to the sub-terranian level at Kollen sometime. Walk through iron doors straight from the Joliet State Penitentiary. See the lovely shade of gray on the walls that are made of something which is anybody's guess. In fact, try to distinguish what the walls are actually made of. If you aren't run down by a muscle bound truck heading for the Barbell Club, you can dodge people who are carrying their dirty clothes down the hall. Try to see if any of the doors are open at one of the student offices. You get extra brownie points for finding an open door with someone actually in one of the rooms. The last time I was in the Kollen basement I was shot by someone playing "assassinate you neighbor." I am sure Kollen Is a nice place to live, but the basement Is no place for our student Institutions. The radio station may not suffer too much from this, but it is obvious that the yearbook, SAC, the Congress, Alpha Phi Omega, and the Anchor d e s e r v e to live s o m e p l a c e else. Somewhere above ground or at least a place that's not pathetic. Certainly there's a spare office or two at Graves Hall, or how about in the lower Chapel? The larger area of DeWitt would be good. The basement of Durfee is hardly thinkable, and the basement of Phelps is not much better. However, something, almost anything is better than the Kollen basement. I mentioned before that you might want to see it for yourself. However, if you're a new student or simply haven't been down there yet, maybe you shouldn't. You might give up on college altogether.

Waterviiie Cootdinatei

Junior Department

- ^ m s 33 East 8th Street


The summer release dates of all major films have been announced by their studios. There will be thirty major film releases this summer, and It looks to be a good summer for the film-goer. Here are the top twenty films and their respective released dates, in order for the coming months. 1. BLUE THUNDER, starring Roy Scheider (Reviewed in ANCHOR); May 13-2. „ BREATHLESS, starring Richard Gere; May 13-3. SPACE HUNTER starring Peter Strauss; May 20-4. RETURN OF THE JEDI starring the whole STAR WARS gang; May 27 -5. PSYCHO II starring Tony Perkins (He's back!); June 3-6. WAR GAMES-Global Chess with the Pentagon's defense computers; June 3-7. MAN WITH TWO BRAINS starring that 'wild and crazy guy' Steve Martin; June 10-8. OCTOPUSSY starring Roger Moore as 007; June 17-9. SUPERMAN III starring Chris Reeves and Richard Pry or; June 17-10. NEVER SAY NEVER AGAIN starring Sean Connery as the real 007; June 24-1. TWILIGHT ZONE Spielberg's homage to the classic T.V. show; June 24-12. PORKY'S THE NEXT DAY, The sequel to the movie no one is sure about; June 24-13. YELLOWBEARD starring Marty Feldman, Cheech and Chong, a high s e a s c o m e d y ; J u n e 24-14. STROKER ACE starring Burt Reynolds and Lonl Anderson; July 1-15. STAYING ALIVE starring John Travolta In the SATURDAY NIGHT FEVER sequel; July 15-16. JAWS 3-D starring You-KnowWho, this time he pops into your lap; Jdly 22-17. KRULL a 27 million sword and sorcery tale that looks pretty good; July 29-18. BRAINSTORM they finished the film even after Natalie Wood's death; July 29-19. CUJO starring Dee Wallace and Shrls Stone, another of Stephen King's hits the screen; August 12-20. PRIVATE SCHOOL another of the teen-age sex and drugs films; August 12.

Jim Boullosa, Brent Baker, Lynn DeBruyn, Paul Lubbers, Janet Mountcastle, Jane Repke and Karen Thompson attended the National Alliance of Health, P.E., Recreation and Dance National Convention In Minneapolis, Minn, with professors George Kraft, Jane Snyder and Marj Snyder April 11-15. Oliver P r e s b y t e r i a n C h u r c h in downtown Minneapolis allowed the group to use their kitchen and showers and set up their cots and sleeping bags in available Sunday school rooms. It wasn't the Holiday Inn, but the price was right! The convention combines m a n y disciplines and there were close to 4,000 people in attendance. Because of Its size, s e v e r a l p r e s e n t a t i o n s were m a d e simultaneously throughout the day. The Hope P.E. and Recreation majors isted several features that Impressed hem. Some were: meeting students from )ther schools, how fit most convenioneers were, seeing new equipment and rends, getting to meet specialists in the leld. Job interviewing, FCA breakfast, demonstrations by school age kids^ talkng to Hope grads in the profession, and meeting Daryl Siedertop. Several meals were made in the church atchen and the kitchen table served as a orum for round table discussion between tculty and students into the evening hours.


Life in the "real world"...usually behind a desk by Anne Buckleitner Walking to work on Captial Hill the trench-coat, 1 compared the two lifeother week, I watched my feet wearing a styles, and at that moment the pain of pair of career-woman executive-type moving from sneakers to pumps, compumps, and pondered what I would have plete with blisters and corns, was enough been doing that morning had I been In that I almost withed to be a full-time stuHolland wearing a pair of sneakers. I dent again. My musings were not to reject the prorecalled overhearing a Hope professor vehemently kicking at the phrase "here fessor's. comment that the sneakerstudent existence was real life- far from at Hope versus out in the 'real world' and wondered whether, in fact, life in it; I was living many parallels between pumps was somehow more real than life campus and office: the first time I edged in sneakers. It had been the professor's into a Hope classroom and the first time I contention that life, love, and work at sidled into my supervisor's office for Hope were microcosms of life in the world evaluation, I smiled so grimly that my at large, that both lifestyles are replete lips stuck high on my gums (cause for a with pressures, deadlines, and duties. grimace); the first paper I turned into a Scuffing up The Hill in my pumps and Hope professor and the first speech I

wrote for my supervisor were each Hipped back at me with "well, what's YOUR opinion?" (cause for soul-search). The biggest difference between life in sneakers and life In pumps is that while in school only grades are at stake, on the Job, business, as well as career advancement, is at stake. I have found that this not especially profound realization can assume gut-wrenching, sweat-wringing dimensions upon first encounter; one week into my internship 1 received a phone call inquiring as to the status and implicaitons of Senate bill 72. The routine inquiry, along with the realization that my comments were affecting a staff member's advice to a policy-molding

legislator, was enough to draw blood (sweat, and tears) to my brow. With an additional eight weeks of work behind me and my pumps, I can now advise and write with a bit more confidence, and a parallel between school and career, initial intimidation and eventual confidence, is becoming more apparent. At their start, both school and career were " u l t i m a t e c h a l l e n g e s " , but with perserverence both have dwindled to stepping-stones to more challenging pursuits. Life at'Hope, from the perspective afforded from Washington, D C., IS life in a "real world", a training ground for professional pursuits and satisfactory existence in the world at large.

Teachers organization seeking applicants r The Foreign and Domestic Teachers Organization needs teacher applicants in all fields from Kindergarten through College to fill between five and six hundred teaching vacancies both at home and abroad. Since 1968, our organization has been finding vacancies and locating teachers both In foreign countries and In all fifty states. We possess hundreds of current openings and have all of the pertinent information on scholarships, grants, and fellowships.

The principle problem with first year teachers is WHERE to find jobs! Since college newspapers are always anxious to help find positions for their graduating teachers, your paper may be interested In your teachers finding employment for the following year and print our request for teachers. Our INFORMATION and BROCHURE is F R E E and comes at an opportune time when t h e r e A R E MANY MORE TEACHERS THAN TEACHING POSITIONS.



Should you wish additional information about our organization, you may write the Portland Oregon Better Business Bureau or the National Teacher's Placement Agency, UNIVERSAL TEACHERS, Box 5231, Portland, oregon 97206. We do not promise every graduate In the field of education a definite position, however, we do promise him a wide range of hundreds of current vacancy notices both at home and abroad..We still need about 300 teachers to fill positions In the Mid-West and Overseas.

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Jan Stolk explains procedure to the audience.


Jan DeHaan directs the congregation during the singing of the hymns

While the camera scans the live audience, Lenee Couvee identifies the pieces for the television audience.


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The camera's eyes miss little as they film the performance.'photos by Mark Billadeau)




A film of mystery and romance by Susan White (N "The French Lieutenant's Woman" is a J complex, romantic, story of love and pasx^ sion. There are two simultaneous plots a, < consisting of intertwining, comparative, love stories. The southern coast of England provides the romantic environment where in present day, Anna and Mike, (Meryl Streep and Jeremy Irons) are involved in an affair while filming a movie portraying the story of an affair back in the ISSO's between Sarah

Woodruff and Charles Smithson. This story tells us of Sarah, ostracized by her town due to her past affair with a French lieutenant. Still, Charles falls in love with her and pursues a relationship. ' T h e French Lieutenant's Woman" is an exciting, intriguing, experience for anyone with a sense of mystery and romance. Showings are at 7:30 and 10:00 on Friday, April 22 and 10:00 on Saturday, April 23, in Winants Auditorium.

Ticket specials available for Godot Tickets are now on sale for Samuel Beckett's "Waiting for Godot." The theatre's fourth main stage production will run from April 27 through April 30. The play will be performed by two separate casts, one male and one female. The female cast will perform April 27 at 8 p m., April 29 at 10 p.m., and April 30 at 7 p.m. The male cast will perform April 28 at 8 p.m., April 29 at 7 p.m., and April 30 at 10 p.m. The production of this play is especially unique due to the double cast, one male,


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the other female. The theatre goer can truly benefit from experiencing the performances of both the casts by taking advantage of a special offer. If attending the Friday or Saturday productions, and seeing both casts perform, the tickets will be sold at full price for the first show, half price for the second performance. This offer only good when attending both performances. The production Is being directed by Tim Young, visiting professor. Tickets are on sale now at the DeWitt ticket office.

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Barthel to give senior recital Thomas Barthel, a piano performance major from German Valley, Illinois, will be presenting his senior recital on Monday, April 25, at 8:00 p.m. In Dlmnent Memorial Chapel. Student of Charles Aschbrenner, Barthel will present Bach's Chromatic Fantasy and Fugue, Beethoven's Sonata, op. 57, ' ' A p p a s s l o n a t a " , S c h u m a n n ' s Davidsbundlertanze and Barcarolle by Chopin. Barthel was named a winner in the 1983 Bach Festival Young Artist's Competition, performing the Chromatic Fantasy and Fugue. In addition, he was a finalist in the Young Keyboard Artist's Competition and took third place In the West Shore Symphony Concerto Competition, both In 1982, he was named winner of the 1981 Hope College Concerto Competition, and he was the youngest finalist In the competition sponsored by the American Music Scholarship Association in 1980. He has done orchestra work for Hope theatre, and has performed two seasons with the Hope Summer Repertory

FCA night planned The Hope College chapter of the Fellowship of Christian Athletes will sponsor its second annual FCA night Friday, April 22, at 8 p.m. in Dimnent Memorial Chapel. Featured on the program open to the public will be Brian Cabral of the Chicago Bears, contemporary Christian musician Don Wharton of Ann Arbor, and Hope College student-athlete Todd Holstege.

Saturday 10 p.m.

Downtown Mobil

Winants Auditorium $1.50 W/I.D.

SATURDAY NIGHT SPECIAL Saturday 7:30 p.m. Winants Auditorium $1.00 W/I.D.

A graduate of the University of Colorado, Cabral has played professional football since 1978 and has been a member of the Bears since 1981. He plays linebacker and has been an outstanding performer on the Bears' special teams. Holstege was trl-captain of the Hope football team last fall and voted the most valuable player in the Michigan Intercollegiate Athletic Association. A senior, he is a graduate of Grand Rapids Christian High School. The proceeds of a free will offering will be used to sponsor the attendance of Holland area youth to national FCA conferences. The scholarships have been named in honor of the late Lawrence Doc" Green, longtime Hope College professor, coach and athletic trainer until his untimely death in January, 1982.

The College Community's Service Station

DISCOUNTS on service work to Hope Students HOURS: Mon. & Fri. 6:00-9:30 Tues., Thurs., Sat. 6:00-8:00

Location: Comer of 8th and Columbia


Theatre. Barthel Is also a member of Mortar Board and president of Chapel Choir.

Phofl*: 396-1659

NEED HELP? Concerned about Pregnancy? Free Pregnancy Testing Confidential Ask for Sharon

CALL ext. 2362


Arts Tea and Sympathy on its way to the top "We're trying to keep ourselves down to earth because we have a lot of work to do." That's how Hope College student actress Dawn Marchaund Tuttle describes the mood in the DeWitt Center Theatre as cast and crew prepare to present Robert Anderson's "Tea and Sympathy" next week at the Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts in Washington, D.C., as part of the National American College Theatre festival. The Hope production, which was performed on campus in late October under the direction of faculty member R. Scott Lank, is one of seven finalists In the American College Theatre Festival. Performances of the Hope production are scheduled for the Terrace Theatre at the Kennedy Center on Thursday and Friday, April 21 and 22. This marks the first time that a Hope production has been Invited to participate in t h e national competition. The American College Theatre Festival is a joint effort of several organizations Including the University and College Theatre Association of the American Theatre Association, the JAlllance for Arts Education, the Amoco Companies, and the John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts In Washington, D.C. Approximately 450 college or university theatre productions. Involving more than 13,000 theatre students and faculty member, participated In the American College Theatre Festival, but only seven received invitations to participate in the festival in Washington. "The selection of Hope's performance of "Tea and Sympathy" for inclusion in the national festival at the Kennedy Center represents a great achelvement for the faculty and students of our theatre department," says Jacob E. Nyenhuls, dean for the arts and humanities at Hope. "They have survived a rigorous competitive process in which they have been judged by outstanding professionals against performances on some 450 campuses across the country. To be one of the seven schools selected for the highest honor open to them therefore not only confirms the high quality of our theatre department but also sets a new standard of excellence for the future. Director R. Scott Lank and the entire company have earned not only national recognition but also a special place In the annals of Hope College. "I am very proud of them for their unique contribution to the tradition and reputation of Hope. They deserve both our congratulations and our support." "Tea and Sympathy" was performed at ACTF regional competition In January at Indiana University in South Bend, Ind. Director R. Scott Lank reports that the performance there received a spontaneous standing ovation and that "Tea and Sympathy" has been given the optimum p e r f o r m a n c e scheduling in Washington to insure maximum coverage by the press and critics. Lank sees his prime challenge as "keeping the cast from becoming tired with the play" after living with It for more than six months. He says the company worked feverishly before the regional competition and learned a new level of discipline which payed off in "real growth" for the production. "My intention and hope is that wui happen again in this period between

regionals and the national competition, and that we will take the play one more step," notes Lank. The company has been rehearsing daily for the past week, culminating with a benefit performance In the DeWitt Center on Saturday evening, April 16. They will spend three days reviewing their lines before loading a bus on the morning of April 20 to depart for Washington. Although concentrated rehearsals will fill many hours In the capital city, there will be time for recognition and relaxation as will. Washington-area alumni

have planned several get-togethers, including a pre-performance reception at the Kennedy Center on Thursday, April 21. Other events Include a Congressional Breakfast on April 22, sponsored by Amoco Company, followed by a tour of the Captlol Building and the White House, by arrangement of U.S. Representative and Hope alumnus Guy Vander Jagt. The group returns to campus on Saturday, April 23. In the acting company are: Dawn Tuttle, Judy Plazyk, Brian Goodman, Michael Gelb, Dan Doornbos, Jonathan

Martin, James Gray, Charles Bell, Tom Boughman, Kevin Bailey, and Paul Avedlslan. The production staff Includes: Brian Baker, Nancy Givson, Linda Miles, Lynn St. Clair, Kurt Van Koeverlng, and Rick Westers. Also accompanying the cast will be Diane Hinman, the student theatre major who designed the costumes, as well as theatre faculty and staff members Lois Dalager-Carder, Michael K. Grindstaff, Michael Gallagher, Joyce F. Smith, and R. Scott Lank.

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The crisp, sunny m o r n i n g promised good racing conditions. Indeed, six n m ners ran faster than last y e a r ' s ui.;;, ; Taking top honors this y e a r wen* U - u Viola (31 53) and Paula Brown '40 .'VJi Gene and P a u l a also won the inale-femahteam category Nancy Scholten '82 and Jeff C r u m b a u g h '83 from Hope finished third In the m a l e - f e m a l e c a t e g o r y Although r u n n e r s from various p a r t s of the state p a r t i c i p a t e d In the 10 km event, many r u n n e r s f r o m Hope took part Steve Underwood placed third overall with a time of 33:17. Sheila Prochnow (44:4;>) was [lope's top f e m a l e r u n n e r , finishing 34th overall, and 3rd a m o n g all women Other Hope r u n n e r s included Jeff Crumbaugh (6th--34:25), Mike S c h m u c k e r (12th-38:02), Randy Warren (16th-

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39:07). Andy VanSlooten (27th--44:04). John R a t m e y e r (31st--44:28), Ann Lootens (41st-46:27), EmUy Wang (62nd52:27), Margie Koster (64th-53:27). and Janet Howatt (65th--53:2a). All runners received specially designed T-shirts for their efforts. In addition, nearly 50 medals were awarded to age group placers.

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Sports Thinclads outrun Calvin twice



It was a chilly day out at the Hope track last Friday when the Dutch men's and women's track t e a m s hosted their respective opponants from that arch-rival school about 30 miles northeast of Holland. But the athletes-were grateful that the wind had died down from the day before; it really wasn't THAT bad a day out. JBesides the Flying Dutch were keeping things hot. In fact, they were burning up the track. For the second consecutive year the men stomped Calvin, by nearly the same score as last season, 94-60. Meanwhile, the defending MIAA champion women continued to hold the edge on the Knights, as they have the past few seasons, with a 70-65 triumph. It was the first MIAA dual of the season for all four teams. The Hope men's and women's teams will be competing with their respective rivals simultaniously the rest of the year. The tracksters will travel to Hillsdale (with Adrian, too) for a meet Saturday, then travel to Alma Tuesday. As Steve 'Dog, Simon J. and others will agree (from cross-country as well as track), mixed-sex sports are a great way to foster relationships!!! Men: Utilizing an unexpectedly strong showing in the field events, the DutchMEN were able to turn what was thought to be a very close meet into a decisive win. The Dutch thus claimed the driver's seat for second place in the MIAA. Alvion is the heavy favorite in the league race, with Alma being a darkhorse, and Adrian and Olivet looking relatively weak. Last year Albion whitewashed Hope in their dual meet, then won the MIAA meet by doubling Hope's score. Calvin was a very close third behind the Dutch in that one. Now Hope is striving to beat Calvin again in the MIAA meet, and to reduce, if not completely eliminate, the large margins that the Britons ran up on them before. Things looked rough for Hope at the very start of their Calvin victory as Brian Taylor and Dick Hoekstra lost a tough see-saw battle to the top Knighty in the 10,000 meter run. But Hope turned the tables for good in the very next running event. John Coughenour, now a happy husband, exploded into the lead in the first leg of 440 yard relay. Suddenly on the first exchange, Calvin muffed the handoff, and it was easy sailing from then on in. Rob Appel, Todd Knepper and Kraig Jansen wrapped up a 44.54 win. The 1500 meter event saw Dutchman Mark Southwell, the defending MIAA champ in the event, overcome a very gutty pair of runners. Southwell, trying to conserve as much energy as possible for the 800 meter event, finally pulled away in the last homestretch for a 4:02.70 victory. Just behind him, an exhausted teammate Steve Elenbaas was straining for second place with Calvin's equally exhausted Dan Diekema. It was the Dutchman who stumbled into the finish first, by a slim .03 seconds, with a 4:03.78. Now the good news of the field events began pouring in. Mark Hildebrandt (43'6"), Jeff Allen (43 W ) and Phil Goff

( 4 1 W ) swept the shot put. Coughenour and Bruce Jendrltz took 1-2 in the long jump with leaps of 1 9 ' V and 1 8 ' 5 V respectively. John Groeneveld (164'3") and Steve Geurink (156'9") nailed down first and third in the javelin. The Dutch had it all but wrapped up. But there was still more to come. Kraig Jansen won bith hurdle events, including a school record clocking of 14.81 in the highs. Appell (200 meters- 23.27) and Tom Kessel (100 meters- 11.15) each scored sprint victories. Steve Underwood won the 5000 meter (14:58.8). Finally, to cap it off, the Mile Relay team of Ken DeMino, Knepper, John Strand and Gregg Sturrus (thanks largely to a great lead off leg by DeMino) won in 3:31.12. DeMino, Appell, Allen, Hildebrandt, Steve Crumbaugh, Doug Boonstra, Scott Vande Vorde, Todd Nisbet, Kevin Spotts and Rich Burrell also picked up important points in their events that secured the win. . In fact, the only disappointment of the whole meet (tongue in cheek) may have been the fact that Southwell could not come back and catch the mighty Kwantamule in the 800, try as he did over the furious last 100 meters! It was a very satisfying day for Coach Brewer and the men's track team.

Women: It was also a very sastisfying day for Russ DeVette and the women's track team. (Actually, Brewer, DeVette and Steve Hulst combine to coach both teams). The DutchWOMEN led nearly all the way in this close meet, though never by a big margin. Yet it never appeared that Hope would lose; they seemed in control at all times. The Dutch a r e now in the driver's seat for FIRST place, as most think that Clavin was to be Hope's toughest MIAA foe. On the other hand, no one is looking past meets against Adrian, Albion or Alma. It is also worth noting that after Hope beat Calvin in their 1982 dual, the KNights fought the Dutch to a 95-95 tie in the MIAA meet, giving the Dutch an outright MIAA title by the slimmest of margins. Double winners played a big part in Hope's 5-point win. Distance star Deb Heydenberg won at 5000 and 3000 meters, cranking out times 19:12.05 and 11:16.04 respectively. Cathy Fox broke her own school record in the javelin with a mighty heave of 1147", and was also victorious in the shot put in 33'U". Captain Marge Deckerd won both hurdle events; the 100 in 16.73


and the 400 in 1:14.53. She also leapt to a o 3rd in the long jump. o Paula Smith also scored In three events. She won the long jump In 16'2" and placed 2nd In the'200 m e t e r and 3rd in 0 w the 100 meter. Barb Buis took the discus with a 93'9 , ^" throw to complete the list of winners for Hope. Lisa and Lorrle VandeGrlft grabbed four places between them. And not to be rendered unimportant were Important places by Wendy Schoenmaker, Sheila Prochnow, Penny Yonkers, Bridgette Knittel, Sue DeSantls, Heidi Winters, Cindy Alkema, Mellnda Fischer and Kathy Kaehler. In a close meet like this one, EVERY point Is Important. The next question Is: Can they make it three MIAA championships (or Is It four) In a row?



The Hope College Chapel Choir will present Its annual home concert on Sunday at 8:30 in Dlmnent Chapel. The performance will include the pieces sung during their spring tour to the mid-west. Admission Is free; all are invited to attend.

Hurlersthe key for Dutch baseball by Chris Meyers Coach J a m e s Bultman Is quite optimistic about the Hope College baseball team's chances of success this year. He believes that Hope will finish among the top three t e a m s in the MIAA, and think that the teams to beat this year will be Albion and Alma. Albion, which was 11-1 in MIAA play last year and captured the league championship, returns many of Its starters including league MVP Bob Varner. Alma also has many quality players returning and Coach BOltman feels that their experience will make them a contender for the league championship. Returning for Hope are starting pitchers John Klunder and Greg Heeres, two of the top five pitchers In the league according to Bultman. He believes that junior Steve LaRue will play an Important role as a reliever along with senior

captain Jeff Myers, who has been bothered by a r m problems. Adding to what Bultman thinks is a good pitching staff will be freshmen Steve Majerle and Tom Bylsma, who along with junior Dan Gibson will start occasionally and take some of the load off of both Klunder and H e e r e s In upcoming doubleheaders. Coming off a spring trip In which the team went 3-4, Bultman was pleased with the pitching as Heeres picked up two wins. Klunder struggled, but Bultman attributed this to the long basketball season that left his a r m somewhat weakened. He believes that Klunder's a r m Is just now starting to gain strength and Saturday's

one-hit victory over a tough Albion team would make a strong case for his beliefs. Heeres also pitched well, firing a twohitter. Unfortunately, Bob Varner outdueled him, pitching a no-hitter in Hope's 2-0 loss in the first game. The second game went better for Hope as senior Jim Vande Guchte hit a solo home run to back Klunder's gem and give Hope a 1-0 victory. Hope Is now 6-6 overall, 3-2 In their regular season, and 1-1 In MIAA play. Their next home game will be Wednesday, April 27 against Adrian at 1 p.m. at the Ekdal J. Buys Athletic Field located at 13th St. and Fairbanks Avenue.


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Sports Women's Softball experiences losing slump


The Hope College softball team is experiencing a losing slump. The Flying Dutch have dropped their last seven games and still look for a victory in the Northlands. Coach Anne Irwin's team has fallen victim to the long ball; their lack of it and the other teams' abundance. In their last four games, Hope has hit just five singles in scoring two runs. In their doubleheader against Lake Michigan Community College, a highly ranked Junior College, the Dutch were shut out and left hitless in the first game with a 10-0 defeat. In the second game they managed just one safety in an 11-0 loss. At Albion last weekend, Hope opened their MIAA season with two losses, 4-0 and 5-2, but faired a little better at the plate. The team totaled four hits and two runs for the afternoon. Annette Van Engen had two singles, while Lynn Frank and Suzie Tague added one hit each. "Our problems are more defensive." said coach Anne Irwin. "We're hitting but not to the pockets." "We're not playing like I think we can." she added, "It hurts but we'll just have to clean house." In the pitching department, Robin Pfeiffer owns the lowest ERA with 3.25 along with a 1-3 record. Anne Hendrickson, Lynn Frank, and Lisa Klaasen round out the pitching staff. The Flying Dutch is a young team again this year with two-thirds of the playing regulars, being f r e s h m a n and sophomores. Irwin says the team receives young leadership f r o m Van Engen, Shelly Folkery, and Beth

Beachum. Upon returning from their spring trip, the women's team was 3-4-3, once owning

a .500 record at 3-3. The Dutch are now 310-2 overall and will face Calvin in Grand Rapids today and Olivet Saturday.

Tough week ahead for male netters by Steve Underwood

Coach William Japinga and the men's tennis team are looking forward to some tough challenges ahead after placing 6th in a tough 10-team field at the GLCA tourney at Denison. Kalamazoo, which has dominated the MIAA since the beginning of time, won the meet with 110 points, 49M» points ahead of runner-up DePauw. Hope's 23 points didn't seem spectacular at first glance, but it was well ahead of 8th-place Albion's 7 ^ points. Although the netters would love to end K-zoo's long reign in the MIAA, a strong 2nd play might be more realistic. And to do that, says Japinga, Hope will have to top Albion and Alma. Because of rainouts (and subsequent reschedulings) the Dutch will learn nearly half of how they stack up in three quick days this week. (Remember, the overall MIAA title is decided on the basis of the dual-meet standings AND the MIAA meet inK-zooMay5and6.) The Dutch were at Alma yesterday, host Albion today (3 p.m. - be there!!), and travel to the Hornet's nest tomorrow in three trying days of tennis, weather permitting. Hope will also host Adrian on Wed. April 27. Three Dutchmen turned in notable performance back at Denison. Mark Johnson, after winning just 1 of 6 matches

before last weekend, advanced all the way to the finals of the second flight before bowing out. He advanced the farthest of any Dutchman. In the fourth flight, Jeff Harlow won his quarterfinal matchup, before being sidelined in the semis. John Christian, unbeaten before the tournament, lost his first match, then went on to win four matches in the consolation bracket to take 3rd in the 6th flight. Randy Smith (1st singles). Derrick Velarde (3rd singles), and Jeff Plomer have also competed strongly for the Dutch and hope to improve their records as the MIAA season gets under way. Smith and Chris Bajema have competed strongly for the Dutch in first doubles this season. Harlow and Christian have been a very successful coubles combo in the second and third positions, going unbeaten before the GLCA meet. Velarde, Plomer, Johnson, and Tim Custer have also competed in various doubles combos this season. "They've done very well," says Japinga proudly of his netters, who compiled a 2-4 record in difficult competition down south before coming back up and blanking Aquinas, 9-9, on April 12. He is sure to feel even more pride if they perform up to their potential in the flurry of meets ahead.

Women's tennis stomps Albion by Randy Warren The women's tennis team invaded Albion last Saturday and came away with a 7-2 victory. Albion could not overcome the tremendous Dutch offensive as Hope dominated from the first singles on. Suzi Olds won that opener 6-3, 6-3; and Cathy Work was victorious in her number two singles match; 7-6, 6-2. Number four singles player Annette Kingsland was the vanquisher in her match; 6-4, 6-0. Both Work and Kingsland are now 3-0 in regular season action. Brenda Harris overcame a tough first set loss to dominate the rest of the match, 5-7, 6-1, 60. In doubles action, the Dutch could not be touched as they won all three matches. Olds and Kingsland triumphed; 6-4,1-6, 64, while Cathy Walsh and Barb VanAndel were 7-6, 7-5 winners. Work and Jane Ekleberry also took their match, but had to overcome a 3-6 loss in the first set with scores of 6-3 and 7-6. The Exhibition matches all went Hope's way. Glynis Coopmans wore down her opponant to win; 4-6, 7-6, 6-4. Ekleberry had no trouble with a 6-1, 6-0 score in her favor. Beth Snyder also won her exhibition match; 6-4, 7-6. Barb VanAndel celebrated the end of her year long lay-off from tennis because of an injury with a 60,6-1 stomping, as well as her doubles victory. In the doubles exhibitions Coopmans and Snyder won; 6-1, 6-4 and Jennifer Gibbs and Harris came away with a 7-5,64 win. Olivet visits tomorrow, so let's show some support and come to the courts on the corner of 13th and Columbia and cheer on our women to another victory. The match is scheduled to start at 3 p.m.

Classifieds On Friday April 22nd The Knickerbocker fraternity will be collecting donations for

FREE room and board next fall for student in


exchange for child care. O w n living area and half bath. Must be willing to schedule classes

be set up at Phelps during the day. PLEASE DONATE ^ SIBS: Please I Help me! They won't let me go! Sarah either. I've got a test tomorrow p.m.

around mom's schedule. Nice home near tunnel park. Must be consciencious, reliable, and

Jesus is savior and Lord! He himself bore our

good with children. Own tra/isportotion preferred but not necessary. Call days 3992229.

sins In his body on the cross, that w e might die to sin and live to righteousness; for by his wounds you were healed. I Peter 2;24

ML: We all LOVE you, but truly there is a friend that sticketh closer than a brother. (Prov. 18:24).

ARTS CALENDAR: Thursday, April 21, Music Dept. Student Recital; Wicher Audit. 7 p.m.,

Coming Soon I The last Blood Drive for the 1982-1983 school year. It will be held on April 26, a Tuesday from 10:00 a.m. to 3:45 p.m. Please come and give of yourself.

Sunday April 24, Hope Chapel Choir Concert: Dimnent Chapel, 8:30 p.m., Monday April 25, Thomas Barthel, pianist, senior recital, Dlmnent Chapel, 8:00 p.m., Saturday, April 30, WAITING FOR GODOT, DeWitt Main Stage, Wednesday and Thursday at 8 p.m., Friday and Saturday at 7 and 10 p.m.

Viola Man - You're a great blessing! I'm so glad you're my brother and friend! Keep up the good work; only 2 weeks left! Prov. 17:17 and Psalms 3:4 Laura Attn: Fall nursing students! Selling nursing uniforms - pant suit (size 12) and dress (size 10). Also nursing books and white pantyhose (unused). Call Deb at ext. 6530. The Hope College Chapel Choir cordially invites all students and faculty to attend our home concert, Sunday April 24, 8:30 p.m. in Dimnent Chapel.

Next time we'll use the tape! (put on your dancin'shoes!) Bumper Swammi T - We re with y a l ! Do it u p ! ! R and B

nient location 2 blocks from campus. For informatlon call ext. 6363 or ext. 6366.

Please give to the AMERICAN CANCER SOCIETY, Friday April 22nd in Phelps-- Bring your loose change.

Mouse • I praise God and pray for you. Plalms 1:1-6, 3:1-6 Your sister and future neighbor

Annie, I can deal w i t h being left at the altar, but missing the honeymoon is unforgivable. M.

STEVE- THANKS for joining us Monday. We



Cathy T.- In everything praise G o d ! Isaiah 42:161 Love You Sis 1 Laura •

To my neato, cool-o, roomeo, God loves ya and so d o l l .

Singles Only" Saturdays, evenings beginning

To bad American boy: Did your mama spank

at 7:30 p.m. Sponsored by Friendship Finders. 9320 South Division, Byron Center, M l 49315. For free literature coll 1 •455-3177

you yet? The Chinese Girls (Ching Yung and Yo Chin)

David Van Dyke for President • VOTE TODAY 1111





At the

Bruce • Isn't It great that w e can trust in Jesus? Phil. 1:6 Laura

keep you in prayer. Galatians 6:9 Spectrum of Hope -

Anna K. - Thanks for everything! Keep smiling! PS. 133:1 Love, Laura and Spectrum Buy tickets now for "Waiting for Godot," the theatre department's fourth main stage production. Special prices available for those wishing to see both male and female casts. Check it out at the DeWitt ticket office. Igora: Just 2 more terahfied! Volley gal.





Research is a continuous effort. Without your donations it will stop. Please give to the AMERICAN CANCER SOCIETY. To nice American boy wherever you are: We think good thots of you. Luv, The Chinese Girls (Ching Yung and Yo Chin) Kid • I'm always there for you. Remember NOTHING you say can shock me! Love you l o t s - M o m . P.S. Beach... soon?? Mr. Receptionist and gang: The view is great, but where's the show?

Thanks for all

Thanks to Tom C , Anne B., Ton! P., Paul B., TOP Quality TYPING: Only one dollar per page. Double-spaced. Fast Service. Pica or elite type. Call Pattl at 335-2835.

Chapel Choir - Let's be the best ever! Bethie

Susan • Thanks for the help with the dance.

NEEDED: 3 or 4 girls to stay In nice, recently re-decorated home for the summer. Conve-

David Van Dyke for President. VOTE TODAY

Hey Romance! I thank YOU for being such a sweetheart! TK

and especially WTHS for the help w i t h The Dance of the Century. I couldn't have done It without y'all I Bumper

the get well cards and

wishes. My eye is healing nicely and will stay that way (If some people will keep their hands off 11) Boogie Anna C. - Thanks for letting God use you In a variety of ways! PS. 37:23 Love Laura and Spectrum

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