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Senior artists present

Candidates give platforms

Editorial Opinion Sports



Hope College

Ine anchor Volume 103, Number 23

A window through the walls

pg.6 pg-7 pg.10 Bulk




PAID Permit #392 Holland,


April 18, 1990

National Science group gives Hope laser grant



Dr. Dennis Voskuil speaks with Danforth lecturer Dr. James H. Cone

Lecturer takes two looks at freedom by Carrie Maples news editor Dr. J a m e s H Cone of Union Theological Seminary spoke to a full house in Winants Auditorium last Thursday afternoon. Cone titled his lecture "Two Roads to Freedom: Martin Luther King Jr. and Malcolm X . " Cone opened by saying the two men were, "two people who mean a great deal to me and. I think, America " Cone then quoted King, " F r e e d o m is f r e e . " and Malcolm, " T h e proce of freedom is d e a t h . " to illustrate t h e i r s i m i l a r i t i e s a n d differences. Cone said both men were, " s e a r c h i n g for t h e freedom America Promised but never delivered." The two men just LOOK uifferend paths to the s a m e goal.

"As during their lifetimes, it is the Martin and Malcolm enthusiasts who s t r e s s their differences." Cone said they a r e seen as saints and, "saints have no weaknesses, only t e m p o r a r y lapses in judgement to remind us that they are h u m a n . " and we need to recognize their humanity. Cone said. "We must see them as they saw themselves and each other " as complimentary viewpoints. "Their methods, though different, had the s a m e goal, the unqualified liberation of the black people." Cone explained why each took the direction they did saying, "The differences between Martin's and Malcolm's strategies w e r e r e l a t e d p a r t l y to geography." King targeted the Southern Christian blacks while Malcolm aimed his attention at

the Northern ghetto blacks. King m o t i v a t e d people through his powerful faith. Nonviolent protest was the only way for the Southern blacks who were a 10 percent minority. "Like King. I was born and reared there," said Cone. " F a i t h in the God of the Bible as interpreted by the black church," said Cone, "led to an end of the f e a r . " Cone quoted King saying, "Do the right thing, the rest is in God's h a n d s , " and explained that increased violence and fear equal increased faith for the blacks as it did for the Jews of the Warsaw Ghetto. M a l c o l m a p p e a l e d to t h e blacks of the northern ghettoes. " H e climbed out to become a Daniel for his people." Cone said of Malcolm who. " i n s p i r e d

Continued on

pg. 2

'Holland) -- Hope college has received a ^rant from the National Science Foundation i NSF i that will fund the creation of a laser teaching laboratory The development of the facility will span a two-year period, with portions of the related program in place beginning with the 1990-91 academic year Student activities in the laser facility will center around three laboratory e x p e r i m e n t s t a u g h t in t h e physical chemistry laboratory curriculum The $44,000 from the NSF will provide half the money needed for the project Matching funds from other sources a r e being sought for the remainder

Subsequent experiments will emphasize applications using a dye laser system, which can create any color ot the visible spectrum The second experiment will require students to obtain a laser-induced flourescence spectrum of a chemical sample the third will have students measure energy transfer rates caused by changes in pressure in a gas cell through which the laser will shine. The laboratory will be used by all chemistry m a j o r s at the college Through journal articles and teaching workshops at the college, the laser program will be displayed as a model that can be adopted by other institutions

The laboratory will be used by chemistry majors' "The m a j o r impact of the proposed laser teaching laboratory will be to introduce chemistry m a j o r s to the operating principles and scientific applications of lasers through a hands-on approach." said William F. Polik. assistant professor of chemistry at Hope College. Polik noted that the increased importance of lasers to both chemistry and other physical sciences makes an understanding of their use important to students. "In fact, laser applications a r e so widespread that more than one-third of today's experimental papers in physics and chemistry report the use of lasers," Polik said. "Today's students, especially those who comtemplate scientific careers, require an introduction to lasers at the undergraduate level." In chemistry, according to Polik, a large number of spectroscopic techniques a r e based on laser instrumentation, and irradiation by laser light can be used to induce chemical changes

not otherwise possible in a system. Uses of lasers outside of scientific research include bar code scanning, laser surgery, cutting and welding, information storage on CD-ROM disks, and t h e d e v e l o p m e n t of n e w technologies. The t h r e e e x p e r i e m e n t s created for the new laboratory at Hope have been designed to introduce the students to the principles of laser operation and involve them in useful, interesting a p p l i c a t i o n s of l a s e r s in chemistry. "It is one of the first comprehensive efforts in the na tion to teach both the principles and the applications of lasers to undergraduate students," Polik said. The first experiment wil int r o d u c e s t u d e n t s to l a s e r technology and develop a basic understanding of the laser process by having them assemble a helium-neon laser, which creates the s a m e red light used by supermarket check-out line scanners.

Aprii 18,1990

the anchor

Page 2

News Local News

Hope honors three alumni (Holland) -- Three Distinguish ed Alumni Award presentations will hi^hiighl Alumni Day at Hop*' College on Saturday. May 5. Keceivemg the highest award given hy lhe Hof)e College National Alumni Association will l»e Watson "Waddx' Spoolstra. a I y ^ 2 g r a <i u a t c f i o m S ' F^etJ'r^lv.irg. K1 !>*• IJnwl .1 Lemmen. a giaduati 1 from Mu ; k e y o n a n d Mr I )ar\1 :i Siedenlop a l% gr^.inalr ;*orrn \\'•! Ohio The .iv. ards a ill he presentt'd at the annual Alumni IMnner. t>eg.nniiig a! 6 p rn ir. tfie I'helps Hall dining room

mains active through his current position, organizing and develop ing Bible studies, providing players with Bibles and tapes, a n d w r i t i n g a hi m o n t h l y newsletter titled "Closer Walk." which he publishes and mails at his own expense

Women studied May term The May Term course "Topics in American Women's History Public and P r i v a t e Spheres" will explore the myth i or reality > of the idea of separate spheres for women throughout American history. Through readings, lectures, discussion and film students will examine the world of American women in both their public and private lives and observe how the cult of domesticity greu develojHHl and changed They will study the tensions inherem in the social, cultural, religious and biological demands of famil> and children with tin' need for women to find outlets for then talents creativity and intelligence In this class students ran learn how ideas concerning family education, and women in Uk* workplace evolved and come to a l e t t e r sense of self and per sonal choices for Wv future Contact the Registrar s Office fo: further information

Concert features winners


S p o e l s t r a . d i r e c t o r of the Florida-based Baseball Chapel, is a g u e s t w r i t e r f o r "Guideposts" magazine, and is actively involved with Fellowship for Christian Athletes. All of his current activities follow many y e a r s of m a k i n g the word known to athletes. After graduating from Hope, Spoelstra joined the "Holland Evening Sentinal," where he wrote sports and general news, and l a t e r worked for " T h e Detroit F r e e P r e s s , " the Associate P r ess and the ''Detroit News." Once described as a heavy drinker and known for his easily ignited temper, Spoelstra accepted Jesus Christ as his personal savior in 1957 when his critically ill daughter was healed by prayer. Spoelstra subsequently worked with evangelist Bill Glass, prod u c i n g the p u b l i c r e l a t i o n s materials for his crusades. After retiring from sports writing in 1973, Spoelstra started Baseball Chapel, which provieds Sunday worship service for m a j o r league clubs on the road. Although r e t i r e d . Croiti , the. organization's presidency, he re-

assistant to assistant prolesscr from 1960-65, Following the com pletion of his graduate work, he was also an assistant professor ol physical education at Hope from I ' M through 1970 and served as baseball coach. An i n t e r n a t i o n a l l y known scholar in sport pedagogy. he is lhe auinor of nine texts, mans ol uhich havr been translated into .lapanese At nhio Slate r m v e r s i U he coordinates the teacher education program in physical educa lion His r e s e a r c h in flu 4 behavioral analysis of instruc tion and supervision has won iri fernational recognition

The annual concert featuring winners ol the Hope College Music Department's Student Concerto/Aria Competition wiii he held m Dimnent Chapel at 8 p m on Tuesday. April 24 Accompa nying the soloists will be the Hope College Orchestra and Ho|>e College Symphonette Dr Robert Ritsema, conductor Featured solists on this year's concert will include vocalists K a t h e n n e Grau. a junior form Midland and sophomore Stephanie Smith from Alma, pianists Cynthis Kortman, a freshperson from Holland, and Atsuko Minami, a freshperson from J a p a n , trumpeter Greg Laman. a freshperson also from J a p a n , and cellist Christina Christian, a junior from Hopkins.


Lemmen has been practicing medicine for more than years He currently practices neuroloty two days a week in his office, spending the other three days plus many weekends and evenings - at medical clinics in Muskegon. Grand Haven and Grand Rapids, He e a r n e d t h r e e g r a d u a t e degrees, including his medical degree from the University of Michigan, and in 1953 became an a c t i v e - d u t y c a p t a i n in t h e Medical Corps of the U.S. Army, serving as assistant chief and chief of the Neurological Secion at Tokyo Army Hospital. Lemmen established a practice in Muskegon in 1959, and was for many y e a r s the a r e a ' s only neurosurgeon. Consequently, he was on call duty all day, every day, and for 25 y e a r s he did not take even a single day off for illness. He and his wife lone, also a 1944 Hope graduate, have supported Hope College in m a n y ways, such as t h r o u g h t h e Biology d e p a r t m e n t ' s disease research in Ecuador, May T e r m programs, campus facility renovations, establishment of an endowed fund and establishment of a scholarship fund. Their four children also attended Hope College. Siedentop is a professor of physical education in the School of Health, Physical Education and Recreation a t Ohio State University, where he has been employed since 1970. After graduating from Hope, he joined the Hope faculty, progressing from departmental

Biology receives grant Daryl Siedentop In 1984, he was awarded the prestigious " J u a n Antonio S a m a r a n c h A w a r d " for his research in sport pedagogy. The internationally-juried award was p r e s e n t e d to h i m by M r . Samaranch, the president of the International Olympic Committee. at thje 1984 Olympic Scientific Congress. In 1989. he returned to Hope as the inaugural speaker in the college's Presidential Lecture Series. Also during Alumni Weekend, graduates from 10 classes will hold reunions on F r i d a y and Saturday, May 4-5. Alumni from t h e c l a s s e s o f 1930,1935,1940,1945,1950,1955,1960,1965,1970 and 1975 will be returning to campus for the annual weekend's events. Members of the class of 1940 will be welcomed during a ceremony Saturday afternoon into the college's Fifty Year Circle by other g r a d u a t e s who left Hope more than 50 y e a r s ago. The Alumni Weekend coincides with the college's Commencement exercises on Sunday, May 6. A worship service for alumni and friends will be held on May 6 at 9 a . m . in Dimnent Memorial Chapel.

The Hope College biology department has for the fourth year in a row received a grant from the National Science Foundation (NSF) that will fund joint student/faculty s u m m e r research projects. The $39,700 grant from the NSF will support 10 students during the s u m m e r - five from Hope College, and five chosen from other institutions. Research opportunities for the students will be in the general a r e a of environmental biology, including at the levels of molecular and cellular biology, plant and animal physiology, parasitology and ecology and systematics.

Fencing Club sponsors meet The Hope College Fencing Club is sponsoring an open fencing meet Saturday, April 21 in the Dow Studio. Registration is from 11:30-11:45 a.m. Anyone who has had fencing experience is welcome to participate. Equipment will be provided The public is invited to observe.

Two paths to freedom Continued




"Martin and Malcolm knew iheir own limitations, and knew H a r l a m blacks to walk the t h e i r l i m i t a t i o n s w e r e thel streets with dignity and to not be strengths of the o t h e r . " They nfraid to die for it." "represented the two sides of Cone said Malcolm was a pro- W E B. DuBois' double identity,*' duct of Northern hypocrisy. Cone concluded. Malcolm revealed the Cone's lecture was sponsopred hipocrasy of Northern white by the Religion d e p a r t m e n t and liberals and identified them as the Annual Danforth Lecture e n e m i e s ^ the black people." • • • program.

April 18,1990

the a n c h o r

Page 3

Minimum wage increase has no effect on student jobs

Chapel Choir will hold a farewell concert for Dr. Roger Rietberg on Sunday. (P,r. photo)

Maple trees to be planted for Earth Day (HOPE) - Activities at Hope College in conjunction with national Earth Day will include the planting of two trees. Two sugar maple trees will be planted at Gilmore Hall on 10th Street near Columbia Avenue on Friday at 4 p.m The Friday tree planting is being coordinated by Environmental Issues Group at Hope as the highlight in a week-long series of activities tied to E a r t h Day. which is actually observed this year on Sunday, Aprill 22. The planting ceremony will include music with ecological I hemes by Erik Muiderman and Charlie Hoats. Other participants will include Chaplain Gerard Van Heest, who will deliver the invocation; Professor Stephen Hemenway, faculty moderator of the environmental group; and staff m e m e b e r Gloria Shay and junior Matthew Johnson, who will assist in the planting. Activities have also been planned for the week preceding the planting. From 7-9 p.m. tonight and Thursday evening, a staffed

"bulletin board' in the Van Wylen Library continues to provide information on environmental issues Petitions concerning such issues are also available for signing. Today from 4:30-7 p.m , the group will host an audio-visual table in the lobby between Phelps Hall and the Maas Center The table will feature a video program dealing with environmental issues. Also, during the afternoon of Saturday, April 21 at Westshore Mall, the organization will staff a booth focusing on the conservation of trees Several other groups with environmental concerns will also have booths at the mall. According to Hemenway, EIG developed late in Septemeber as a direct result of issues raised during the college's 1989 Vienna Summer School. During the prog r a m , which Hemenway led, Hope students were exposed to environmental issues by several guest speakers, such as the head of the Green movement. Vpon returning to the United

States, four or five of the students remained interested in establishing a group that could play an active role in increasng environmental a w a r e n e s s and helping the environment. The organization has since grown to 25 active members, and meets weekly "Almost everything we've done has some connection with paper, trees and recycling," said Hemenway. Hemenway explained that he sees the group functioning as a catalyst - helping other organizations focus their desire to help the environment. Other environmentallyoriented efforts at the college include the recycling of paper products - an initiative which started in J a n u a r y of 1988 with the college s administrative offices and has since expanded to other a r e a s of campus, including student d o r m i t o r i e s . S e v e r a l m e m b e r s of the college's c h a p t e r of M o r t a r Board a l s o p a r ticipated in a statewide Mortar Board highway cleanup project last fall, collecting 23 bags of trash along US-31.

P a m Lundberg staff writer According to Hope College, the minimum wage increase will have little or no effect on working students. On April 1, federal minimum wage increased from $3.35 to $3.80 It is set to rise again to $4.25 in 1991. Some schools a r e afraid that they will not be able to pay the higher wages and will, therefore, be forced to cut jobs This could lead to understaffing and students without jobs Two more factors affecting work-study students nationwide a r e the t r a i n i n g w a g e and percentage of wages that the schools themselves must pay. The "training w a g e " , which can be paid to workers under 20 for at least three months but no more than six, is 85 per cent of the minimum wage, but no less than $3.35 an hour. The U.S. Dept. of Educ. has alread said that s t u d e n t s on work-study should not get this training rate.

Students who work off campus a n d fit t h e t r a i n i n g w a g e qualifications a r e the ones that will suffer. Under the work-study prog r a m , federal aid and sometimes state governments pay 75 percent of the money students earn. Now the Education Dept. has passed new regulations that will require schools to pay 30 percent of thir work-study s t u d e n t s ' wages. Thus, underbudgeted schools may cut jobs. William Anderson, director of Business and Finance and Bruce H i m e b a u g h , director H u m a n Resources, agree that the workstudy program at Hope will not be affected greatly. The number of jobs will remain the s a m e as will t h e a m o u n t of m o n e y students must e a r n . The only thing that will probably change is the amount of time students spend working. Hope College is doing what it can so that students do not lose out, they said.

Anchor rededicated Saturday ( H O P E ) - A rededication ceremony at Hope College marked the 25th anniversary of the dedication of the symbolic anchor that stands on the lawn fronting Graves Hall. The ceremony took place at the anchor, which faces College Avenue between Graves Place and 10th Street, last Saturday. The nine-foot, 1,790 pound Admiralty Anchor, a gift of the Baldt Anchor, Chain and Forge Division of Boston Metals Company of Chester, P a . , was installed during the s u m m e r of 1965. The anchor w a s presented to Hope by m e m b e r s of the college's Nu Beta chapter of the national service fraternity Alpha Phi Omega, and was reportedly more than 100 y e a r s old at the time of installation. Usually painted white, the anchor is a popular victim during the rivalry that arises between Hope and Calvin College during basketball season, and has been

r e p a i n t e d m a r o o n a n d gold several times through the years by Calvin students during latenight raids. As the college's symbol, the anchor is tied to a s t a t e m e n t m a d e by the Rev. Albertus C.Van Raalte, founder of both Holland and Hope. In r e f e r r i n g to the Pioneer School, predecessor to the college, Van Raalte said, "This is my Anchor of Hope for this people in the f u t u r e . " The college's n a m e , seal (which features an anchor) and motto ("Spera in Deo," for "Hope in Grod") a r e all derived from Van Raalte's observation. The anchor's stone pedestal is adorned with biblical verses that mirror Van Raalte's words: "We desire that everyone of you lay hold of the hope set before us, which hope we have as a n anchor of the soul, both s u r e and steadf a s t " (Hebrews 6:11,18,19).

Officials consider Dirty Rotten Imbeciis concert hazardous vv.t S; -- Administrators at the U n i v e r s i t y of New Mexico, claiming they were concerned slam-dancing students might get hurt, canceled a c a m p u s concert just days before a band called the Dirty Rotten Imbeciles w a s scheduled to play. But students say the safety concerns were just a flimsy excuse to keep students f r o m hosting a punk band. "They just heard the word 'punk' and got s c a r e d , " charged Dianna Douglas of the Popular Eptertainment Committee, f in n ri.WAW.v.


which booked the band. "If they " Any time a university sancresearched the band, they didn't ions an activity where there is do a very good job. None of the the likelihood of an injury, it might indicate to the insurance lyrics a r e offensive. "We felt like it was a form of company that the university is censorship," she added. lax in its loss control," said Dean of Students Gary Golden Ronald Krauss of the New Yorkand Assistant Dean of Students b a s e d A m e r i c a n I n s u r a n c e Debbie Morris canceled the Association. "However, it is only one very band's a p p e a r a n c e , telling small part of a university's instudents that they were concern ed about the university's liabili- s u r a n c e , " he added. " W e ' r e most upset that they ty. Neither returned phone calls d i d n ' t voice t h e i r c o n c e r n s to College P r e s s Service. UNM's liability concern is beforehand. Instead of working valid, an insurance expert ^ a y s . , . vyith us, they just took c h a r g e , " ^


Douglas said. In F e b r u a r y , University of Minnesota officials banned " r h y t h m i c d a n c i n g " - and any bands that might inspire it ~ from one of their a r e n a s a f t e r a piece of plaster fell f r o m the ceiling during a J a n u a r y B-52s' concert. Douglas noted that at about the s a m e time the Red Hot Chile Peppers - another group popular among slam d a n c e r s - performed at the UNM campus, and nobody was injured. "People who slam dance know

what they're doing. There a r e some injuries, but there a r e injuries with everything you do. J u s t look at football," said Douglas, who is a punk rock fan. "You always get a few scrapes and bruises, t h a t ' s part of the enjoyment (of slam dancing). But people who slam dance a r e not there to hurt people," she added. Rather than canceling the act completely, the P E C worked with a n Albuquerque promoter, Joey Abbin, who a r r a n g e d to have the band play a t an offc a m p u s location <f

April 18,1990

the anchor


Prospective officers voice answers For President: Why a r e you qualified to be President?


President should be a com municator and a creative source 1 would also be a representative who could offer different and fresh ideas Finally. I believe the Vice President should be an in tent listener, a sincere ques tioner and a d e b a t e r when necessary 1 won t m a k e campaign promises I can t keep, but I'd like to i m p r o v e c o m m u n i c a t i o n between the administration and student body, perhaps a monthly letter to all students, describing issues of importance By informing the students that we all can make a difference when organized. 1 hope to encourage them to use their representatives Also, by sponsoring an all campus event for a charity, it could serve a charity and the students Finally. I d like to acheive a good working relationship with all the congress persons to better serve the student body and improve Mope College

dent with you. This past year I was honored to serve as a representative on Student Con gress The position 1 held allowed m e to gain insight and ex perience. For a liason to be effective. they must communicate effectively with both their constituents and admimistrators. It is imperative for the Vice President to know who to go to with constituency concerns. I have this knowledge. The Vice President is a vital part of an effective Student C o n g r e s s The Vice President s e r v e s as student representative to the Board of Trustees as well as other policy making boards A Vice President must be someone not intimidated by opposition. They must have drive and initiative 1 have those qualities and m o r e ; I have experience. As Vice President I want to im prove communication between students and administrators. 1 would like to see Administrative Forums continued, with more support. I want to see more student initiated policy presented and enacted. I want to see changes for the students, such as the remodeling of the Kletz Most importantly. I want to be your Vice President

Next fall 1 will be entering my third year of involvement with Student Congress This year 1 have been actively involved in the running of the organization, serving as Vice President. As an officer and m e m b e r of the Appropriations Committee I a m m o r e f a m i l i a r with s t u d e n t organizations and the budgeting process And I am certainly no stranger to Student Congress meetings, as 1 have participated in 46 of them and have experience running one My committee work has been extensive, as 1 have served on eight boards or committees along with other students, facul ty. and administrators, ranging from a Strategic Planning Task Force to the Board of Trustees As Vice President. I have had HEATHER SHOUP VP the opportunity to be involved in every facet of Student Congress If elected Vice President. I feel and work along side of key ad my responsibilities and goals m i n i s t r a t o r s and student would consist of the following 1 organization leaders My would propose that a special colknowledge of student governumn be written bi-monthly in the ment and leadership abilities Anchor which would notify the have been greatly enhanced by students of what is happening on the two national conferences I Student Congress. I also see my have attended this year I have a role as informing Student Con sense of direction on where Stug r e s s r e p r e s e n t a t i v e s of dent Congress needs to go and am excited about the possibilities meetings and making sure they receive minutes Recording for the next Congress. everything that happens on Student Congress is very important and that is why I would continue to keep up the archives My other m a j o r responsibility For Vice President: would be working directly with What do you see the role of the administration and the PresiVice President to b e ' What do you want to achieve as dent of Student Congress 1 would be conveying the student's needs Vice President? and wants to them. If the President was unable to attend a meeting. I realize I would also have to fill the position until the President returned The students need to come JOE MIKLOSK1 VP together and be a w a r e of what is happening on the c a m p u s I m I see the position of Vice Presi dent to first and foremost vbe^ willing to work on this so why not that of an applier of the eijght pro- give me a chance by voting visions required in the Constitu- SHOUP on Friday tion. Besides the f o r m a l duties which I would perform to the best of my ability. I believe the Vice President should be a quiet en HOLLY MOORE VP courager. a unifer and a humble second opinion person within the The m a j o r role of Student ConStudent Congress and throughout the entire student body. After gress Vice President is that of a listening to the different view- Uason The duty of all elected ofpoints of v a r i o u s r e p r e s e n - ficials is to faithfully articulate tatives, the Vice President, when the concerns of the people they necessary should speak up and represent. 1 would like to take represent the goal of serving the this opportunity to s h a r e my entire strident body * T h e Vite views on the office of Vice Presi-

V'ander Hoest

For Comptroller: What is the most important qualification to be Comptroller? What is your philosophy on the distribution of the Student Activity Fund 0 * How would you h a n d l e a surplus of $20,000 next year?

STEVE VANDER ROEST VP 1 see the role of Vice President not solely to assist the President but much m o r e I think the biggest role is publicity to increase involvement and awareness of the student body 1 strongly believe the essential ingredient to participatnon is knowledge. Although I have had extensive experience with political organizations in high school, not only as President of the student council but also as an active student voice on the administration board. 1 have not had the opportunity to be a part of the student council at Hope College. I see this as an advantage, not a detriment I not only have the experience of previous participation in similar organizations but also the sight and goals of the common student I know what we hear and more importantly what n e don t h e a r a b o u t what iranspires at the meeting. It is my job to inform you and spark the participation that accompanies knowledge. This is my goal, through a newsletter or possibly the anchor 1 have proven myself academically to have the dedication it takes to secceed. I know I can apply this as Vice President of the student council. On Friday, when filling • in your choice for Vice President, R E M E M B E R ROOST-, Steve

JAMES O'NEAL COMP The most important qualification that the Comptroller must have is that of conscientiousness The C o m p t r o l l e r must be responsible, prudent, cautious and have many more attributes. The Comptroller is the chief financial officer of the Activities Fund which totals around $150,000 of the students' money. I know that 1 don't want my money wasted and you. the students, don't want your money wasted either. It is the conscientiousness of the Comptroller that guarantees that every dime is put to good use The Appropriations Charter sets down a guideline on the distribution of the Activities Fee that is to be strictly followed. Within the Charter. I would say that I want most of the money to go to the majority of students and that no money is wasted The last part may seem like a dream but if the Comptroller and the Appropriations Committee do a good job this waste will at least be kept to a minimum. The $20,000 surplus would virtually h a n d l e i t s e l f . Two previously funded organizations haven't received their operational budgets; WTHS wants to add a $6,000 AP wire service. These things and more smaller, but consequential m a t t e r s will quickly eat up this surplus. I see it as duty of the Comptroller to see that the money is used properly and in a manner consistent with the Appropriations Charter and m the students' interests.

organization representatives that want the money available for activities on or off campus to attend a briefing. At this time the specific amounts of money and a listing of what a r e a s and items the money (will be used for) can either be submitted in written form in a proposal with all existing expenses, or the organization can supplement a s p e c i a l p r o j e c t t h a t has a campus-wide significance, such as a c a m p a i g n to promote responsible drinking year round An organization, such as BAC CHUS would be asking for mone\ to do a r a l l y , lazer-printed posters, t-shirts. mugs, etc to support this project 1 would handle a surplus ot $20,000 for the next school year on : 1. A scholarship fund lor needy students (all students, not just minorities). This fund will be in addition to other financial aid. not in place of financial aid package. 2. To donate money for a new Studeni Union or remodel the old Student Union. 3 Put the money into an account and or investment plan so the scholarship fund (not necessarily a need\ student scholarship f u n d ' can i>e established yearly

SAMATHA GANG COMP I believe the most important qualification to be Comptroller would be to have good manage ment skills to keep control of tht existing funds philosophy on the distribution of the Student- Activities Fund is to h a v e all student

Responses to the questions had to be under 225 words.

Write-in candidates will be accepted for all positions including the office of President where Brad Votava is currently running unopposed.

The anchor e n c o u r a g e s all students to get Involved in their g o v e r n m e n t and vote during the day on Friday.

April 18,1990

the anchor

Keynote speaker to address campus access (HOPE) - Hope College is now s p o n s o r i n g its t h i r d a n n u a l Disability Awareness Week in an effort to promote understanding of persons with physical and learning disabilities. Darlys Van Der Beek, director of disabled student services at the University of Michigan, will present the week's keynote address on Thursday, April 19 at 11 a.m. in Cook Auditorium of the DePree Art Center. Van Der Beek's presentation is titled "Stares and Stairs: Access in Attitude and Architecture." The public is invited, and admission is free. The week's activities began during the college's morning chapel service on Monday with a wheel chair challenge which had m e m b e r s of the college's faculty, staff and student body undergo a day-long disability experience. The 30-minute video "Profiling C a r e e r s of Disabled College G r a d u a t e s " was presented on Tuesday at 11 a . m . in the Maas Center conference room. The

The disability simulations will run on tonight from 9-11 p.m. in the lobby of Durfee Hall; on Thursday from 9-11 p.m. in the lobby of Dykstra Hall; and on Friday from 10 a . m . to 2 p.m. in the DeWitt Center Collegiate Lounge. The week-long event will conclude Friday with an appreciation ice cream social under the glass in the Kletz from 2-4 p.m. All interested parties a r e encouraged to stop by the review the week's activities.

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program addresses how 13 college graduates with a disability overcame various barriers in their careers. Today through Friday, participants a r e able to simulate four different disabilities, including mobility impairment, visual impairment, hearing impairment and learning disabilities. There will also be an opportunity to gather information about a number of hidden disabilities.

Page 5


Uf looks ttrous.MKMw twte He's NOT Gonna i w w ASH0UE7

CtAirtS TO fte vtcuetJ-r, t u t s pnui fiZAc-nce fEfMpS ] h t KLV1 ^OlTM

Communications looks for print media prof by Sunni Tenhor staff writer The Communication department is in the process of finding a full time print media professor. After advertising, Hope received over 30 applications. Professor Ted Nielsen is in charge of organizing the interviews and keeping records of any input and feedback on each applicant. The applicants submit a resume, letters of recommendation and a statement of their philosophy of teaching. Nielsen has invited three applicants to Hope College to ake part in the interviewing process. "I a r r a n g e a day to day schedule for t h e m , " Nielsen says. "They look at Hope and decide what they think and we look at them.'' The applicants a r e kept busy during their s t a y at Hope. Besides meetings with other communication professors, there a r e interviews with President Jacobson, Provost Jacob Nyenhuis and the Dean for the Social Sciences, Nancy Miller. The applicant also gets to meet with some communication majors, m e m b e r s of the Anchor editorial staff, and the publisher of the Holland Sentinel. The applicants are asked to lead a communications colloquim presentation where students can evaluate the guest speaker. Last Wednesday, Professor Dennis Renner from Gannon University of Erie, P a . spoke about the decision making process in journalism. Renner has been a professor at %

Gannon for nearly 20 years. Renner is seeking a mid-career change where he can devote more of his teaching to topic of media, which is his specialty. The criteria for the new pro fessor is a person with a doc torate degree in communica tions, good public relations skils, involvement in print media and a working journalist.

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Editorial Editorial


A call for action






Write a letter for a liberal education I

Last week the c a m p u s buzzed with class discussions and informal bull sessions about the Danforth lecturer Dr . J a m e s H.Cone's comment that Hope College is inherently rascist. Cone said any college or institution that has so little acknowledgment of black history and accomplishments in its curriculem is sending the message to millions of black people that they a r e not important in a liberal arts curriculem That. Cone said, is rascist. Responses ranged from "Right on" to "But I love blacks" to flat out " H e ' s wrong." Whatever the response. Cone s words m a d e a stir and shook those who listened And then Cone went back to Union Theological Seminary in New York City. He went back, just as Rev.Dr.Allan Boesak went back to South Africa. They left a message to Hope College. A message that is difficult to be a r . No one likes to be called rascist or apathetic. But then there a r e finals coming up and term p a p e r s a r e due daily for the rest of the semester. Who has time to fight for change 9 It is easier to push Cone's, Boesak's and the cries of Hope's own multi-cultural students to the back of the priority list. Cone recommended changing the curriculum to accommodate the impact blacks and other minorities have had on America This is a practical first step toward a truly liberal (allencompassing) education. The bureaucratic s t r u c t u r e is already in place to implement the change. The Academic Affairs Board awaits a push f r o m the tuition paying students for these changes to the curriculum. The problems a r e still g r e a t . But they a r e m o r e surmountable and reasonable than looking to the Admissions Department as a scapegoat for not recruiting enough minority students. Sometimes the anchor and other m e m b e r s of the student body have looked to the administration and or the Board of Trustees to shoulder the blame for Hope College's lily white existence. But the time for scapegoats is past. Now that the students, faculty, administration and possibly even the Board knows what can be, and should be, done for the good of the College and the students' education it is time to do it. But where is the time to do anything? Couldn't it wait till next semester9 Yes, it could ; it could if the Hope College community is willing to settle for a second rate liberal a r t s education. It is absurd to consider a liberal a r t s education well rounded if the students a r e never exposed to black and hispanic culture. In g r a d u a t e schools as well as the business world, minorities a r e everywhere. To not know something of their cultures is to be unprepared. A liberal a r t s education is nothing if it does not prepare students So this week t a k e the time out to write one letter expressing your opionon about changing the curriculum. Send this letter through free c a m p u s m a i l to any of the following: President Jacobson, Provost Nyenhuis, Dr.Sander De Haan the chairperson of the Academic Affairs Board, or to Dr.A.N. Perovich the chairperson of the Curriculum Committee. The anchor is also m o r e than willing to print s o m e of these letters. By sending these letters to people of authority, the Hope community can be heard in one fine swoop. Let the College hear the voices and opionions of each student, faculty m e m b e r , staff person, and administrator. It is time for everyone as a p a r t of Hope College to sacrifice some time for our own good. < i.

¥ Letters to the Editor

Campus evils need stomping out Dear Editor: In last week's letter to the editor, a Hope student brought to our attention three profound evils occuring on our campus. I too, a m appalled at the "annoying, spike h a i r e d j u v e n i l e , " " i n f l u x of s t u d e n t s p l a y i n g g a m e s on the Vax and Zeniths." and t h e " n o less t h a t 120 cigarette butts outside of Van Wylen." Even more disgusting is the lack of student reaction concerning these problems. Across c a m p u s , students and faculty a r e gearing up for E a r t h day with such time consuming projects a s Crop walk and the Project Pride park clean up, neglecting the fact that therp is a "spiked haired juvenile" with alleged behavioral disorders running r a m p a n t through VanWylen. Although one could a r g u e that the problem of environmental destruction is not unworthy, we have to get our priorities correct. I propose a solution. 1. A l l " s p i k e d h a i r e d juvenilles" and other unworthies ( u n w o r t h y - one not p a y i n g $13,000 to go to Hope) caught in the library or near Hope College property will be first warned and Hope

if the first warning is uneffective. physically removed from campus. 2. Any students caught playing games on the VAX. having fun in the library, or in the case of exam week, even remotely enjoying themselves, will, on the first offense, prepare an oral apology to all of us more serious minded students. On the second offense, the fun-loving-computer-gamingVAX-hogging-lunatics will be

Thanks for your support. Guy Cheney

Greek Council dispels myths about system Dear Editor: This is a letter on behalf of (.he Greek organiztions here at Hope College. There has been a great deal of rumor, concern, and app r e h e n s i o n a s s o c i a t e d with sororities and fraternities here at thie C h r i s t i a n , l i b e r a l a r t s school. Many people feel that such organizations do not belong within such an environment. We hope to dispel some of the r u m o r s and lessen the anxiety m a n y feel with this letter.

Since this letter concerns the Greeks here at Hope College, a basic question that must be answered is : " W h a t a r e fraternities and s o r o r i t i e s ? " One basic answer is that we a r e groups of friends. We enjoy doing things together; things such as eating, playing i n t r a m u r e l g a m e s , sitting around talking, and having fun. When you meet a group of people whose c o m p a n y you enjoy






The anchor EdltoMn-Chlef .' Assistant Editor News Edit or Assisant News Editor Sports Editor Feature Editor Managing Editor Photo Editor Assistant Photo Editor Ad Manager Assistant Ad Manager Business Manager Cartoonist Facutty Liason. , , j. ». » •

asked to leave the College. 3. Any individual caught tossing a cigarette will be required to keep a daily tally on the number of butts discarded outside the library, thus relieving the burden from those who otherwise must waste valuable t i m e counting the offending butts when they could be writing letters to the editor.

•' -4

Jim Monnett ."....Bill Meengs Carrte Maples .......Pameta Lundberg ...Rochelle Anderson Carol Ormsby .Reba CShesky Caty Kehs Beth Bym Steve Kaukonen Stephanie Wright Ken Landman Wade Guglno David Jarnes , . . ; . •,

Staff Wrtters; Jon O'Brien Tim Grofenhuls Kris Olenik Mpine Qaklsa Sunnl Tenhor Anne Schloff Pam Schmidt Stepharle Smith Mary Cunningham BettvPaterlk Lance Evert, Jr. Betsy Verhey

Typists: Teri Morel Mindy Lane Tom Ochs Distribution Joe OGrady

The anchor Is a product of student effort and Is funded through the Hope Coflege Student Congress Appropriations Committee. Letters to the edhor are encouraged, though due to space imitations, those of 250 words or less win be given preference. The opinions addressed In the editorial are solely those ot the editorial board. Subscriptions to the QnchQf are available for $18 a year or $10 a semester. We reserve the right to accept or reject any advertising. POSTMASTER: Send oddre* changes to: the arc hex. DeWitt Center: Hope Cofege. Motond. Ml 4942 4 . 1 t ^ • ?< J ; t V#, >«• .i

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Page 7

the anchor

^pril 18,1990

Opinion •She'd never been given a ninule of love - Unless she met he c o n d i t i o n s ' ' - Tonio K., 44LivngDoll" Another guy bought S a r a h vesterdav She was paid for with i visa and a smile. Her friends congratulated her. Her parents ^•ere so proud Other women envied her. Other guys checked theij wallets. Everything worked out the way it was supposed to. Sarah didn't think much of it at he time Why should she? She'd never known anything else. Besides she liked the guy. He mades her laugh. She enjoyed driving around with him. He'd pve; her presents, cook her dinier and take her to parties. He rails and makes her feel good. They have a good relationship. On weekends they would go out and< have fun. He c a r e d about ler, of that she w a s sure. Was it ove*? It doesn't h a v e to be, she migW say. We're both young. They spent a lot of time together and*with friends. Their relation-

ship could only get better He didn't realize at the time t h a t he asked her out that he could buy her. He knew she was on the m a r k e t , but nothing more. He loved to have her holding his h a n d . She was beautiful. After a few dates, though, he found that she was for sale and t h a t there were a lot less wires to hook up than his new compact disc player It was really the only decision he could have made. She was a g r e a t asset to him. Didn't all his friends slap him on the back and congradulate him on his "perfect f i n d ? " Wasn't he the luckiest 9 They did m a k e a g r e a t couple. Anyone could see that. He liked her constant attention. She was always available during the weekends. He could go out with the boys and call her up at midnight and she was ready, even impatient for his call. And he knew she cared for him. Didn't she break c o m m i t m e n t s with other people to go with him whenever he called?

So he bought her. Sarah didn't mind being bought. She didn't know anything else. In high school she had been a cheerleader for four years and now here at college she was a proud independent. She had wanted to join a sorority, but her last owner had been misinformed about the greek system. He told her to stay independent and free. She d i d n ' t b e l i e v e the stereotypes about the greeks being all alike, but she did what he told her too. At h o m e S a r a h h a d n o freedom. Her parents wanted her to get a c o l l e g e e d u c a t i o n because it was expected of young women from their neighborhood. They sent her to Hope College so that she could be around other Christians (she didn't have the heart to tell them that she didn't go to church at school). When she graduated they would buy her a car. a Mazda. She would g r a d u a t e ; her parents were paying for her education. If you asked her about her life.


JIM MONNETT Sarah probably would tell you that she's happy. She likes to m a k e her new boyfriend happy He likes her too What more is there? A c t u a l l y , s o m e t i m e s when she's laying alone in her loft during the early morning she does wonder about her place at Hope College. She wonders if she doesn't have something more to give. Not to her new boyfriend, or to her parents, or even to her friends, but to someone else At t h o s e t i m e s S a r a h

r e m e m b e r s that one boy in high school who never asked anything of her. It was only right before she was to leave for college that she realized she would miss him. She would miss talking to him ; he listened to her No one else ever did. Sarah never thought much beyond this. People might think her shallow for not doing so. But she didn t like to seek out hurt. B e s i d e s s h e h a s a new boyfriend. And he c a r e s for his living doll.

hiladelphia Semester opens closed Christian eyes •r rS I4r»ru> 1 Mv accosted regarding Lhe issue. If a woman...typical of Hope). My plan for dealing with the above cope with the use of non-sexist DeaV Editor. that had happened to me, I'd home address is in the book, and inadequacies of our institution, I I'll be home soon. As I i nter the final weeks of mv language. just don't know Regular chan- have bopped 'em (but then, I'm After working with a staff of Please consider these issues if amPQtpr in Philadelohia. I fil»2 semester Philadelphia. 1 fir. not a good Christian anyway nels a r e n ' t very efficient at you d o n ' t r e g u l a r l y do so myself looking a h e a d to m y final African-American persons, inHope. An earnest letter to the b e c a u s e I d o n ' t c o n d e m n tegrating black and white, I anyway. Hope cannot remain in year at Hope and reflecting on editor last Spring concerning the h o m o s e x u a l i t y ) . W h a t ' s even return to a place which is virtuala vacuum (although Holland will my time here. use of blatant and offensive sex- worse is that the criticized ly caucasian, really hasn't done fight to keep it so). For example, Tteis semester h a s been the ual innuendo for the title of a themselves reacted in the manmuch to change that, and where greatest p e r i o d of p e r s o n a l n e r of c h i l d r e n . C o m e on, the Anchor staff will have to fraternity rush dance received a racial ignorance and prejudice learn that the president of South growth I have ever experienced. choice response. "Come on, I everyone knows that the dance tiAfrica is F.W. DeKlerk, not Philadelphia is a w o n d e r f u l abound. wanna lay you" is now "King tle c a m e from a song... After finally seeing a homosexnlace; I will a l w a y s cherish the 1 don't pretend I'm s a f e writing LeKlerk. I applaud the organizacome on, I wanna lay you." I ual community that is tolerated tion and individuals working for memories of good times had guess that m e a n s the m a l e s in this from Philadelphia. I expect and accepted at least enough to here, as well as the challenges reactions and I welcome them. positive change on campus. I that f r a t a r e on an even bigger be able to put out a newspaper, I that h e l p e d m e to g r o w . Hey, I'll be back this fall if hope to join you in the fall. Hasta power trip now, but it's not m u c h return to a place w h e r e homosexluego. However,, big cities b e a r many of a responsible reaction to con- anyone would like to confront uality is believed to be a sinful, evils. After suffering u r b a n proand belittle me about my views. structive criticism, is it? Oh well, blerti overdose, I long for the perverted sickness. Nobody seemed to want to do so what c a n one expect when most After experiencing Christ in Shalom, peace of Holland, Michigan. r e g a r d i n g my I n k l i n g s people were on the side of the fellowship with the traditionally Bob Anderle After experiencing the dull gray (December) article on the sexfrat? F o r crying out loud, even needy, I return to a place where Philadelphia, P a . environment here, I long for the ism ol the Pull (except one, oddly the letter-writer's girlfriend was Christian fellowship m e a n s an beayty of a L a k e Michigan sunset and the thick g r e e n of the hour on Monday nights pumping pine grove. After con m e n , traf- sunshine up one a n o t h e r ' s r e a r s . After spending time in meanfic from hades, exploitation, • •i i » U — Vi r-»i f i n (J nl ingful relationships with Muslim n society today, you probably terms, through meeting other degradation, ugly pigeons, ex> Know one or t vo. You m a y even people in the Greek system these and agnostic co-workers and C o n t i n u e d f r o m pg. hauit and noise, t h e thought of a friends, I return to a place w h e r e then you hang around with then nave a friendsnip with them, one ideas may very well be changed smile from a fellow Dutchperson There a r e many such grou > which started before you realized as the stereotypes a r e shown to on d walk through c a m p u s is most Christian students c a n ' t that they had such ideas. Should • >c false rattyer appealing. Yet, I have bear the thought of a religious here a t Hope which have no ties It is also charged that Greeks (or even Christian) witness other to the Greek system, indeed you disassociate yourself f r o m mixed feelings about what my a r e exclusive. Yes, we sill admit than orthodox P r o t e s t a n t i s m . many Greeks belong to other those people because they a r e return has in store for m e . After witnessing the r a v a g e s of organizations in addition to their living with w a r p e d ideas? Pro- that Greeks are. We try to be that the f wish to e x p r e s s capitalism, government corrup- own. Greeks a r e not overly bably not. So statistically it is not careful about who we allow into following s t a t e m e n t s a r e not our organizations. The question tion a n d government greed upon secretive, in f a c t most would prosurprising that there m a y be directed to Hope's students (or is " W h y ? " There a r e a number my fellow h u m a n s , I return to a bably be anxious to talk extensuch people in t h e Greek faculty) in general, but only to of reasons. One is partially place where the present politico- sively about their organization. o r g a n i z a t i o n s h e r e a t Hope, the4 m a n y w h o w i l l s e e answered above, we try to find economic s t r u c t u r e is enshrined, It h a s been suggested t h a t t h e r e f o r e t h e s e organizations themselves reflected in them. men and women who we feel where people believe God a n d Greeks a r e sexist, racist, et should not be condemned for one You know who you a r e . could contribute to our fraternity politics don't mix (please see cetera. We will not give a blanket individual's ideas or words. I know what I c a n expect upon Critical Issues Symposium - or pardon to all Greeks, but we Most fraternities and sororities or sorority's ideals, and who retufning to Hope. After studying think we can safely m a k e one for a r e predominantly Ciirisiiaii in would, in addition, profit and among people who a r e genuinely were you asleep?). grow from bein part of such a n How sad. This is 1990. a l l of t h e o r g a n i z a t i o n s outlook and practice, and allow con«erned with the equality of organization. There a r e twelve I ' m not sure w h e r e I go f r o m themselves. < 4 But," you m a y ask. tor individuality anc! choice women and u n d e r s t a n d what it organizations at Hope, six each here. Obviously, back to Hope. I •Isn t m. t a ^ n t r a i L . i ? how their m e m b e r s see tht means (though w e do h a v e our for men an J women. With the would never think of transferring \V it \h a sa * but true faci. tha world, in the truest liberal a r b .ale pigs who believe a w o m a n ' s C o n t i n u e d on pg. 11 w-1 wouldn't b e able to w n t i racist a n d . exist people do exis. t r a d i t i o n . T h e n , in . positive place is in b p l ) , I r e t u r n to a

Hope's greek life explained

plade where people c a n ' t even

these critiques. But.concerning a

Page 8

ihe anchor


Senior Art SfiovJ Show gives final 'toast' to artists

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'3 times' by Tom Stryker is among the sculptures on display. ..

Ann Exo's sculptures decorate the staircase of the gallery with one piece (top) hanging above and 'Grace' (below, right) sluing underneath. i »» » J1

I* •

pril 18,1990

Page 9

t h e anchor


English duo finally makes mainstream breakthrough by, Bill Meengs asst editor

Girl uses a n electric jazz musical sound with a rock vocal laid k down over the top. This is a dif• The Language of L i f e " is the ficult task to pull off, a s it takes alest offering f r o m the English not only accomplished jazz musiduo who a r e Ben Watt and cians to supply the music, but a Tracey Thorn. talented vocalist a s well. For E v e r y t h i n g But T h e Girl. tunately for E B I G they've got They're a band that h a s been plenty of talent to meet both together for several y e a r s , but categories. have just b e g a n m a k i n g a To supply the music, EBTG b r e a k t h r o u g h i n t o t h e recruited s o m e of the best people mainstream. ' T h e L a n g u a g e of in the business. Michael Landau, U f e " is the album t h a t should a session gutiarist e x t r o r d i n a r e , make that b r e a k t h r o u g h com- was pulled in to help out on six tracks, a n d he does his usual pete. The sound of this a l b u m is very outstanding job, Landau is no similar to what you would h e a r slouch when it c o m e s to credenfrom groups like Swing Out tials as he h a s worked with Sister, early Chicago, a n d Sting's Chicago, Jon Anderson (of Yes solo work. Everything But The f a m e ) , a n d R i c h a r d Marx.

EBTG also recruited highly touted jazz d r u m m e r O m a r Hakin to play the d r u m s on the a l b u m . Hakim is best known for his jazz solo work, and his contributions to Sting's jazz-rock fusion solo albums. To help round out the b a n d , E B T G got respected jazz musicians Russell F e r r a n t e on piano, and Stan Getz on saxophone. Thorn c a r r i e s most of the vocals on the album, with Watt singing an occasional lead but mainly backing vocals. Thorn s voice is not particularly unique (she sounds like just about every other English songstress) but it is a p l e a s u r e to listen to, and she does a good job keeping the inten-

sity through the song. P a r t i c u l a r ly pleasing is the way she is able to play off the saxophone lines that a r e found on most t r a c k s of the album This shows up best on the t r a c k s " T a k e Me" and 4 , Me and Bobb D " . Thorn s vocals weave in and out with the countering saxophone lines of Kirk Whalum (who is extremely hot on both t r a c k s ) . " T h e Language of L i f e " is one of those a l b u m s that will g r a b your attention f r o m the first listen, and gets better with each new listen . You really can't appreciate all t h a t ' s going on with this album with only one listen. It is truly a polished effort and each new listen brings out another

p.iece of the puzzle. EBTG m a y only be two people but don't be fooled, the success of this album is directly related to who played during the session's H a k i m ' s d r u m work simply cooks, a s does the horn work by Getz, Whalum, flugel hornist J e r r y Hey, and saxophonist M icheal B r e c k e r " L a n g u a g e " is a strong album overall, but its shining m o m e n t s a r e the songs " T h e R o a d " , " T a k e M e " , "Me and Bobby D ", and the first single " D r i v i n g . " This is one of those r a r e a l b u m s that is cool while it cooks. Look for s o m e action f r o m this on the Top 40 soon. It shouldn't take too long to b r e a k out. It is that good!


Opus sponsors reading by award winning poets m

• HOPE) - On T h u r s d a y , April >6. at 7 p m. in the D e P r e e Art t j f n t e r , Hope College. Charles Wright and Tom A n d r e w s will r#ad from their work. ^Charles Wright, winner of the American Book Award in poetry ler his collected p o e m s "Country Music," has also won the P E N

T r a n s l a t i o n P r i z e for " T h e S t o r m And O t h e r T h i n g s , " t r a n s l a t e d f r o m the Italian of Eugenio Montale. In 1980 he was given an I n g r a m Merriall Fellowship in Poetry, in both 1974 and 1984 he w a s the recipient of a National E n d o w m e n t for the Arts Award, and in 1975 was a w a r d e d

New Releases HE FOURTH WAR ( R ) Tlie Czechoslovak-West G e r m a n border is the setting for a d t n g e r o u s and personal feud between a hot-headed American colonel and a Russian colonel of similar t e m p e r a m e n t . This private battle is presented a s a m e t a p h o r for cold-war mentality. And the driller has m o m e n t s of effective tension. But the dueling colonels' behavior d e t e r i o r a t e s into antics that a r e hokey, juvenile and somewhat unbelievable. Roy Scheider and J u r g e n Prochnow s t a r as the opposing loose cannons. FAIR DRAMA DIR-John F r a n k e n h e i m e r LEAD-Roy Scheider HT-I04mins. ( P r o f a n i t y ) L'ONELY WOMAN S E E K S L I F E COMPANION (No Rating) Jven the Soviet Union has its s h a r e of lonely hearts. This Russian comedy tells the story of a 43-year-old, u n m a r r i e d d r e s s m a k e r frina Kupchenko) who seeks the m a n of her d r e a m s by posting uptices of the f i l m ' s title. The responses a r e quite unexpected. The story has its tender touches. But the telling is d r a b . Alexander Zbruyev plays a f o r m e r circus p e r f o r m e r with a drinking problem who answers the lonely w o m a n ' s ad. In Russian. English titles. FAIR COMEDY DIR-Vyacheslav Krishtofovich LEAD-Irina Kupctienko RT-91 mins.

a Guggenheim Fellowship in Poetry. In 1976 the A c a d e m y of A m e r i c a n Poets gave him its E d g a r Allen Poe Award, and in 1977 the A m e r i c a n A c a d e m y of Institute of Arts and L e t t e r s a w a r d e d him and AcademyInstitute Grant. Charles Wright was born in Pickwuck Dam. Hardin County, Tennessee. He attended Davidson College, The University of Iowa, a n d the University of Rome. In 1963-65 he was a F u l b r i g h t s t u d e n t in R o m e , t r a n s l a t i n g the poems of the Italian poets Eugenio Montale and C e s a r e P a v e s e . He is now P r o f e s s o r of English at the University of Virginia. Wright has published eight volumes of poetry, six chapbooks, and four collections of translations. He has given readings throughout the world and been the subject of the University of Michigan's s e r i e s on c o n t e m p o r a r y American poets. He lives in Charlottesville with his wife, photographer Holly Wright. Of C h a r l e s W r i g h t , Helen Vendler in The New Yorker wrote: "Because Wright s poems, on the whole, a r e unanchored to incident, they resist description; because they a r e not n a r r a t i v e , they defy exposition. They cluster a g g r e g a t e , r a d i a t e ; they a d d layers, like p e a r l s . "

P R E T T Y WOMAN (R) Familiar elements a b o u n d : a portion of " P y g m a l i o n , " a touch of "Cinderella" and a hooker with a hear of gold. Yet this r o m a n t i c cbmedy is fresh, topical, lighthearted a n d thoroughly entertaining. Richard Gere plays a calculating c o r p o r a t e r a i d e r who falls in love with a young prostitute (Julia Ro b e r ts) . Both discover they have much in common. Of course, their lives c h a n g e for the better. All p e r f o r m a n c e s a r e top notch. And this turn for Roberts is of m a j o r star quality. GREAT ROMANTIC COMEDY DIR-Garry Marshall LEAD-Julia Roberts RT-117 mins. ( P r o f a n i t y )

Tom Andrews' " T h e B r o t h e r ' s C o u n t r y " was chosen f r o m over 1400 m a n u s c r i p t s for the National Poetry Series by Charles Wright.


SHOCK TO T H E SYSTEM (R) . Durable, reliable Michael Caine invigorates this d a r k s a t i r e about corporate office politics. He plays a likeable advertising executive who, when passed o v e r for promotion, rises to the firm s top by killing his a d v e r s a r i e s . L a u g h s actually a r e in short supply. But the film succees brilliantly a s a p o r t r a i t of greed, ambition and power. Peter Riegert is e f f e c t i v e a s a young c o r p o r a t e climber. GOOD COMEDY-DRAMA D I R - J a n Egleson LEAD-Michael Came HT-91 mins. ( P r o f a n i t y ) YTourtesv of CPST


A n d r e w s , a Hope C o l l e g e g r a d u a t e and native of G r a n d Rapids, has also published a chapbook, ,4Hymning the K a n a w h a . " His work has appeared in The Antioch Review. The Virginia Quarterly, Field. The Missouri Review, Ironwood. Poetry E a s t , and OPUS. In 1984 h e w o n t h e A c a d e m y of American Poets P r i z e at Oberlin College and in 1985 Andrews w a s

awarded a HoynsFelh w>hip at the University of Michigan. He lives with his wife, designer Carrie Andrews, in Ann Arbor. Publishers Weekly called " T h e Brother's Country," " a daring and potent first collection. Andrews pushes the boundaries of form and syntax in these poems to prove, p a r a d o x i c a l l y , t h e limitations of language. This ex-

quistively written and fiercely intelligent book is at once restrained and provocative." The works of both poets a r e available in the Hope College Bookstore. The reading, sponsored by OPUS. Hope College's literary magazine, is f r e e and open to the public.

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Page 10

the a n c h o r

April 18,1990

Lacrosse club runs Calvin into the ground by Rochelle Anderson sports editor The Hope College LaCrosse club united as a team to defeat Calvin under the lights at the Holland Municipal Stadium last Wednesday by the score of 13-7. Under the new coach and alumunus Greg Relyea, the Flying Dutchmen swept victories at both the varsity and junior varsity (3-11 levels. An enthusiastic crowd braved the elements to view Hope's first victory of the season. Pope

scored the first goal within minutes of the opening face-off, but it was in the third quarterwhen Hope took control of the game. At half time, the score was tied at five and the fans ran to their cars to warm up. Beginning the third quarter. Hope came out with determination not to let this game slip away. Within minutes of the start of the quarter. Senior Tom Theile hit the first goal of the half and Hope was off and running. A few minutes passed, then junior Doug Henke took control

of the ball and after running behind the goal, he took a shot ro s e m b l i n g those of Kareem Abdul-Jabbar and scored over three defenders. Calvin took a time out. but this did not stop the momentum Hope had gathered. Mope's defense was the key to the momentum they carried throughout the g a m e Hope stressed a "diamond defense." and played it to perfection most of the time. By b a d g e r i n g Calvin's offense. Hope stopped Calvin from maneuvering for a good shot. Mark Van Genderen,

As the ball moves up field, Hope's defense gets a chance to slow down during the Hope-Calvin game at the Holland Municipal Stadium.

— — —


Andy outhouse and Lance Fvert held the defensive line for Hope most of the g a m e In the third quarter especially, Hope had s h a r p outlet passes which allowed the offense fastbreak opportunities before Calvin could set up on defense In three or four shots, crisp passes, Hope had the ball down to the other end with an opportunity to s c o r e . This pulled C a l v i n ' s defense out of position and left wide gaps for Mope to run through. Senior Mike Schanhals found one of these gaps and ran in towards the goal and took a shot. Everyone cheered, but the ball was found to be outside the net and the goal was not given. Calvin made critical mistakes during the third quarter and Hope capitalized on them. After Calvin was called for being in the crease. Hope received possession of the ball and a free " c l e a r " downfield Over the next three minutes, Henke poured on the steam by firing three quick shots. Two of these found their mark and the third hit the goalpost hard enough for everyone in the stands to hear. Henke was the high scorer with four goals for Hope. With the score 9-5 m Hope's favor. Calvin called another time out. Calvin c a m e out and drew Hope's defense to one side allowing a Calvin player to go one-onone with the goalie. The shot was off and Hope tightened their defense. Hope barely took time to watch the snow start falling h e f o r e T M l e « " o r H again Theil^ had

three goals (or the night. As the third quarter was ending. Calvin managed to slip one in the net U) make the score 10-6 The fourth quarter found Hop*scoring first again Schanhals spun one around one of Calvin s defensemen and went one-on-one with t h e i r g o a l i e Calvin retaliated with their own goal but it was the last one I I k ; \ scored. The last two goals were scorrti by H e n k e a n d S c h a n h a l s Schanhals threw the ball bet ween the goalies legs to m a k the score 13-7. although Hope s offense could not score in the la^l seven minutes, the d e f e n d played just as strong as they had the whole game. Key blocks hv Craig Kozler, Pat Cunnmgtuji and Greg Busch. who took a shot to the ribs, helped hold tfop Knights at bay Coach Relyea c o m m e n t e d after the game. "Depth definitely a key. We took awiiv their momentum " He addo/i " T h e y (Hope) finally caine together as a team They needed to take time and think ot what they were doing and that's whal they did." Thne entire team wanted Wj thank Chaplain VanHeest for hi> support throughout the year When asked what they haj] changed to improve over past p e r f o r m a n c e s . SchanfuiK replied. "We didn't changt' anything Greg i Relyea) took (he responsibility of the coaclu* <who were playing toot, so we could concentrate on our phu r He added. "We wanted to pia^N together so we played like . team " •»


r r r T i

vi Within s e c o n d s , t h e thieves broke through the surface, g r a b b e d s e c o n d base and made their escape w e l l ahead of the t h r o w from home.

... And I believe you'll c o n c l u d e as I have, gentlemen, that a walk is not, In fact, as good as a hit ... "

" S l a c k ! Slack! ... Dang, I hate o p e n i n g d a y ! " *

P a g e 11



Hope track teams breeze past Adrian Ken Kimes pole vaulted 13 feet 6 inches to win the event, while Karl Koelling threw 187 feet 4 inches with the javelin. Besides winning the discus. Buys won the shot, putting 44 feet 8 inches Another double winner was Phil Cratty, who won both the 100 and 200 m e t e r sprints. His 100 meter time was 10 98 seconds while his 20(1 m e t e r t i m e was 23.87

by Rochelle Anderson sports editor

Mope takes first 3nd second in the 100 meter dash during the meet oaainst Adrian The men took lirst in every event, and swept six events. T i e women had 13 first places and swept eight events. Both teams were affected by the strong winds, w J h resulted in slower times,

The Hope College t r a c k t e a m s doused Adrian during a dual meet last Wednesday at the Ekdal J . Buys Athletic Fields The women d e f e a t e d the Bulldogs by a score of 109-32, while t h e men cruised past Adrian 132-20. The men swept six events including the high jump, the 10 kilometer run. the pole vault, the 1500 m e t e r run. the triple run and the 200 m e t e r sprint The h a r d cross wind prevented runners from breaking many records, but the field events did not have as much of a problem Matt Buys broke his own record in the discus throwing 150 fe^t ll : i 4 inches. The m e n took first place in every event and mainly com peted against themselves. In the field events Steve Moore was a ^ ^ winner. He won the high ^ triple , u m p c l e a r i n g 6 feet 2 inches He a l s o t.K.k first in the long j u m p .

The women w e r e just as successful as the men The women carneil eigfi' events and had l.i tirsl places They gave up only four firsts to Adrian. Double winners included Mary Beth H e n n and Amy Lantmga Her in won the 100 hurdle in 16.04 seconds, and the high jump, reaching 4 feet 10 inches. Lantmga won the triple j u m p and the 4(H) meter run. She jumped 30 feet 2,-2 inches and won the 400 in 74,65 seconds which w a s amost five seconds better then the next runner. This Saturday the women head to Michigan State University, while the men travel to the Illinois Wesleyan Invitational

S! t


Greek i i inuicd




lili a v a i l a b i t . anyone *iin |g e o r a M v p o s i t i v •• characteristics will be able 10 find«a group that they feel comfortable with. Aitd it must also be noted that r u s h " is a voluntary activity, ^ e r e both active m e m b e r s and intefested independent students get ^o know one another. If the person feels that they will feel comfortable with an organization, the c h a n c e s a r e very good that the orgaization they a r e looking at will feel the s a m e a b o u t t h e m , for t h e y will reedfenize m a n y similarities in e a c ^ other. Rush is not a d r a f t or cattle auction, those taking p a r t do so for ^ i n d i v i d u a l r e a s o n s . T h e reason m a y be m e r e l y f r e e food, interest in joining an organization, or curiosity about G r e e k s in general. One of the g r e a t things about Hope is t h a t Greek life is not the only life. Another very i m p o r t a n t reason h a v e to be exclusive is t h a t we a r e organizations in the truest sen^e of the w o r d . G r e e k s a r e n on-p r o f i t o r g a n i z a t i o n s w h o m u s t keep t h e m s e l v e s running white helping out the c o m m u n i t y through work projects and d a n c e s to r a i s e money for a r e a charities. i t i G r e e k s at Hope do not look dov^ti upon those who choose not to jpin t h e m , the c a m p u s has m a n y things to offer and no one possibly t a k e p a r t in t h e m all. We do not cut off friendships whifch we s t a r t e d before becom-

ing Greeks. Life is not a static FOR SALE: Nearly new pink thing, it c h a n g e s and goes on and and jade futon couch $100 This individuals, Greek or Indepen- deal includes 3 matching pillows, pink ladder for lofts, a n d , pink dent, must be flexible and sen sitive to this. All we ask is that carpeting for any dorm room. j)eople realize that a minority of Please call Amy or S a r a h at their fellow students a r e looking X 6 6 0 0 as soon as possible. A great for s o m e t h i n g d i f f e r e n t , for deal for any pink or m a u v e w h a t e v e r reason, and that we be lovers given the respect of those who O F F CAMPUS JOBS, needs have chosen a different path. students to work during Tulip Time May 1 4 - 1 9 , 1 9 9 0 . Hours and Thank you days very flexible. Apply in perJoe M u r r a y , C e n t u n a n . Mark son for an application. Reimer, Centurian Angle S h o e m a k e r , D e l p h i . D e a n n a CONCERN - A decision by Joe Butts, Dorian Kirk Slater, Arca- Miklosi to listen and r e p r e s e n t all d i a n . C h r i s L o h r o f f , the different organizations on Cosmopolitan and Greek Coun- campus, and to act t o w a r d s what is best for the entire student cil. body. HAESOOK, You're m o r e than welcome. You must p r e f e r K., so ANCHOR S T A F F - m a n d a t o r y K. it is. It w a s a spur of the momeeting for all typists, staff ment idea. Couple Clues - MI w r i t e r s , editors, p h o t o g r a p h y isn't where I live, Austria is editors, business m a n a g e r s , and Awesome!, and I ' m almost Rana d v e r t i s i n g p e o p l e at 6:05 dy. - M M TONIGHT in the anchor office. TOO MANY JOBSC O L L E G E STUDENTS NOT ENOUGH NANNIES!! GRADS Quality training for International Marketing F i r m in-home child careexpanding into Holland h a s fullDELTA COLLEGE NANNY time summer openings PROGRAM available. T r a i n now and s t a r t Classes begin J u n e 11. a f t e r e x a m s . C o r p o r a t e ScholarCall 517-686-9543 or 517-686-9417 ships & internships a r e available for f u r t h e r information. to students who qualify. Local ADOPTION - If y o u ' r e p r e g n a n t training provided, work in your and looking for a loving stable hometown. Some c a r e e r posihome for your baby. Legal agentions available. $8.50 to s t a r t plus cy involved. Call collect a n y t i m e incentives. Call now - 392-6741 1-517-394-3338 between 9 a . m . - 5 p.m. MondayDEDICATION - A decision by Friday Joe Miklosi to faithfully and S I N C E R E - A decision by J o e diligently work a t improving the Miklosi to faithfully r e p r e s e n t position of Vice-President and the e n t i r e c a m p u s to the best of the relationship between the adhis ability a n d to a c t in support of ministration a n d t h e student p r o g r a m s t h a t benefit all of the student body.


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P a g e 12

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