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Higher Horizons Receives OEO Grant of $11,190



Grant Is One Of Four in Area;


Begins Next Fall The Hope College Higher Horizons Program has received an $11,190 grant from the U. S. Office of Economic Opportunity. This grant, which represents one of the four distributed to the State of Michigan, provides for a full time director, the employment of professional consultants and an activities fund to be used by program participants during the 1966-67 college year. The grant required 90 per cent of Higher Horizons participants to be from poverty backgrounds. Poverty conditions are defined as a $3,000 yearly income per three dependents and an additional $500 allotted per additional dependent. This grant may extend the Higher Horizons Program to include all of Ottawa County and cooperation from Grand Valley State College. Current expenses for the 1965-66 year were aided by a $1,300 grant from the Greater Holland Community Foundation. A contribution is given yearly by Hope College including in this donation the use of office facilities and consultation services. The value of this contribution is estimated at $1900. The Higher Horizons Program of Hope College is intended to aid children who are not able to take maximum advantage of the normal classroom approach to learning. A one-to-one relationship between a college student and a school child the basic means used for this end. Activities may include cultural enrichment activities; tutoring; study aids; development of skills, hobbies and talents; imparting of values and ideals. The children involved in the program are to be recommended by the schools on the basis of economic deprivation, cultural deprivation and emotional needs, said Higher Horizons director. Mrs. Robert Cecil. Previous statistics have indicated that children most in need of individual attention have not become involved in communitv youth activities nresentlv available and that a full-time director of the oroeram could aid in such communication.


Hope College, Holland, Michigan



Into Permanent

Body Hoped

Campus Church to Continue Services Started as a four-week experiment in preparation for Lent, the Sunday morning worship services aimed expressly at Hope students will be continued, announced Chaplain William Hillegonds. Faculty members and chosen guests will conduct weekly services in Dimnent Memorial Chapel for the remainder of the semester. The Religious Life Committee, however, hopes to develop the program into a permanent institution at Hope. Chaplain Hillegonds is currently drawing up a plan, to be presented to the Board of Trustees for approval in June, which would establish a church run almost entirely by students. According to Chaplain Hillegonds. the church would be governed by a student "consistory" and Board of Christian Education, and would be supported by its own independent budget, which would be distributed in the same way a normal church budget is. P a r t would be used to cover the operating expenses of the church, which include the procuring of guest speakers, and part would be contributed as benevolences to worthwhile enterprises. A

student choir formed expressly for these services is also being planned. The purpose of the church, which hopefully will begin operation this September, is to give students another opportunity to worship and study. It is also to be a learning experience, according to Hillegonds, giving the student body a chance to become really involved in the life of the Church. It is also hoped that the church will take the lead in setting the religious tone of the campus. The Religious Life Committee hopes to make the student church as much like a normal church as possible. There will be a chance for associate membership in its fellowship, so that, with dispensation from the Reformed Church in America, the elders on the faculty may serve the Sacrament of Holy Communion from time to time. The Committee will also try to give as much power in the church as possible to the students. Chaplain Hillegonds now anticipates three faculty advisors in the government, but in an advisory capacity only. Although Chaplain Hillegonds emphasized that these plans have not

Scholarships Awarded to Two Hope Students to Attend Yugoslav Seminar Neal Sobania and Keith Taylor, two Hope sophomores, have been selected to participate in a seminar in Yugoslavia this summer. Both received full scholarships to cover all expenses, including travel to and from Yugoslavia. In addition. Bob Donia, a junior at Hope, will act as administrative assistant to the seminar staff. Donia attended a similar seminar last summer, and then remained in Yugoslavia to study for one semester. Dr. Paul Fried, professor of history at Hope, is the program's administrator.

April 15, 1966

The seminar takes place by arrangements between the Great Lakes College Association and the Unicersity of Ljubljana. Yugoslavia, and the support of the United States Department of State. A total of eighteen American students from twelve colleges in the association and an equal number of Yugoslav students will participate. The faculty incdudes both American and Yugoslav professors. Dr. Irwin Abr a m s of Antioch College will direct the program. The program, a pioneer project

in relationships between American students and students from behind the Iron Curtain, is designed to give the American participants a view of modern socialist society and its people, and to acquaint him with particular problems in the academic discipline of his Yugoslav colleague. There will be discussion of the differences and similarities in the systems of Yugoslavia and the United States, both on a general level and within the subject areas of economics, sociology and history-political science. The American participants will take a study tour through Yugoslavia by bus for one week, concluding at Ljubljana University, where the actual seminar is to take place. The second week will be spent acquiring general background information about Yugoslavia. Following this, the Americans and Yugoslavs, divided into groups according to interest areas, will spend two weeks in intensive comparative discussions. The American students will return to the United States on September 19, and will reconvene in October for final evaluation.

YUGOSLAV SEMINAR—President Calvin VanderWerf awards (left to right) Keith Taylor and Neal Sobania their scholarships for this summer's Yugoslav seminar. Robert Donia (far right) will also attend the seminar from Hope.

The exchange program includes a plan to bring eight Yugoslav students to the United States for summer study and travel, including a month in attendance at Hope's summer session.

been finalized and have been officially approved by no one, he also said that the chances for approval are good. The fine responses to the first four services will certainly have a favorable effect on the Board of Trustees, which has already shown signs of agreement with the plan, he said. Approximately 500

people have attended the services in Dimnent Memorial Chapel. The program was also unanimously endorsed by the Holland Classis. The Chaplain reiterated that students are under no obligation to join the new church if it is formed, and should feel free to worship at any of the local churches.

Dr. Olert to Preach Sunday In New Campus Church Service Dr. Frederick H. Olert, pastor of the Central Reformed Church in Grand Rapids, will be the guest preacher at the service in Dimnent Memorial Chapel this Sunday morning. The title of Dr. Olert's sermon will be "The Burning Heart." Dr. Olert, a graduate of Hope College and Western Theological Seminary, earned his Th. M. degree at Louisville Presbyterian Seminary. He also did graduate work at the University of Chicago in 1928 and at the University of Edinburgh in 1936. Alma College conferred an honorary D.D. degree on him in 1940, and Hope similarly honored him in 1963. He also served as church organist and choir director, and has preached on a weekly television program. He has been included in "Who's Who" since 1940.


Sue Dampman Wins Miss Holland Pageant Susan Marjorie Dampman, a 20year old junior from Teaneck, N.J., won the fifth annual Miss Holland Pageant March 26 along with the Miss Congeniality and talent trophies. This was the first time in the history of the local contest that a contestant captured all three awards.

swimsuit and talent competition and on their response to a frivolous and serious question

First and second runners up were Ann Slaughter and Linda Nelson, both freshmen at Hope. Miss Dampman performed a novelty song presentation "Wouldn't It Be Loverly" in which she used an original painting of a London street scene. She also made the gown she wore for the competition. Miss Slaughter, who competed in the Miss Michigan pageant last summer as Miss Charlotte, presented a character soliloquy f r o m "St. Joan" and Miss Nelson did a routine with 4 'Let Me Entertain You" and "Standing on the Corner Watching All the Boys Go By." The contestants were judged on their performance in evening gown,


April 15, 1966

H«pe CoOefe andior

Page 2

Hunold on European Unification

Chapel Choir Conducts Annual Tour in East

Common Market Not the Key The goal of the Common Market is the political unification of its member nations into one European federation. According to Dr. Albert Hunold, Swiss economist visiting Hope, the basic conviction that economic union will lead eventually to political union is " a naive belief in the face of history." Dr. Hunold expressed this controversial opinion during his lecture last Wednesday in Snow Auditorium. Director of the Swiss Institute of International Studies and in the words of Dr. Paul Fried, "an extremely well-known Swiss conservative economist," Dr. Hunold spoke on the topic: "De Gaulle, E r h a r t . Wilson and the Common Market." The desire for one great European nation can be traced back twenty years to a speech m a d e on the subject of unification by Winston Churchill, said Dr. Hunold. This desire is expressed today in two different European organizations: the six-nation Common Market and the more loosely connected European F r e e Trade Zone. Dr. Hunold likened the problem of European unification to those which would be created "if the United States and the other nations of North and Central America were to unite." He asked if we would

DR. ALBERT HUNOLD allow ourselves to be ruled by the votes of P a n a m a , Guatemala. Costa Rica and Mexico. Could we submit ourselves to decisions which "could influence the very heart of our nation?" he asked. This is the s a m e question which disturbs De Gaulle, and accounts for his activity at the present time, he said. He wishes to "shape Europe to suit him and F r a n c e " before

the method of voting is changed and F r a n c e loses its veto power. Eventually the problem c o m e s down to the inapplicability of laws of natural science and economics to a society. Just because economic ties are established is no assurance that cultural and social unification will develop and that nationalism will be forgotten, Dr. Hunold said. Speaking of Chancellor Ludwig E r h a r t of Germany, who has been an acquaintance of Dr. Hunold for over twenty years, he stated that he believes that E r h a r t is "not greatly s y m p a t h e t i c " toward the goals of the Common Market. Although never having met P r i m e Minister Harold Wilson of England, Dr. Hunold has no confidence in Wilson and said that the conservatives in Switzerland "hate Wilson like poison." The Labor leader never uttered a word of socialism until the socialist victory following the Second World War. Then he joined the Labor P a r t y "for opportunistic reasons." Dr. Hunold expressed "great pessimism" about England and said that G r e a t Britain's "slipping into socialism is a great tragedy." In brief. Dr. Hunold's talk painted a very dim picture for the d r e a m of European unification despite the economic success of the m e m b e r s within the Common Market.

The Chapel Choir is making its annual spring concert tour between April 1 and April 17. Ontario, Canada, will be the location of the first concert of the 66m e m b e r choir. The high point of this y e a r ' s tour, the choir's fourteenth, will be an engagement at Radio City Music Hall in New York City on E a s t e r Sunday. The choir will also sing in other cities in New York, New Jersey and Pennsylvania. There will be opportunities for sightseeing in both New York City and Valley Forge, Penn. The choir's p r o g r a m will include the following selections: Introit: 0 , All Ye Works of the Lord . . . Thomas Canning Full Choir Jubilate Dea . . . Orlanoo di Lasso Presentation of Christ in the Temple . . . Johannes Eccard 0 Seek My Dark Eyes . . . Tomas de Victoria Lord, in Thy Resurrection . . . J a c o b Gallus Women's Choir We Hasten with Tired. Unfaltering Footsteps . . . J S. Bach Lord, How Long Wilt Thou Forget Me? . . . Johannes Brahms Full Choir The Defeat of Sennacherib . . . Modest Moussorgsky The Virgin and Child . . . Gabriel Faure There is a Balm in Gilead . . .

Dr. Rider Leads Symphonette On Southern Concert Tour The Symphonette, conducted by Dr. Morette Rider and composed of 28 m e m b e r s selected from the 75m e m b e r orchestra, is also on tour during the first two weeks of April. They will perform their tour concert on April 3 in Indianapolis. Ind. Their itinerary will also include concerts in Kentucky, Alabama and Florida. During the past 11 tours, the Symphonette h a s performed for over 200 concerts in 34 states. On Sunday, April 24, the Symphonette will repeat their tour concert in Dimnent Memorial Chapel. The Symphonette's p r o g r a m will consist of the following pieces: Concerto Grosso, Op. 6, No. 12 . . . Arcangelo Corelli Symphony No. 7 in A, Op. 92 . . . Beethoven Esquisse, Op. 1 . . . Francois Morel Intermezzo . . . Alexander Borodin


Scherzo. Op. Variations g r a m above Overture to

19 . Lars-Eric Larsson to the standard pro will include: "Cosi fan T u t t e " . . Mozart " T o y " and " F a r e w e l l " symphonies . . . Haydn "Music Box" . . . Liadoff Selected works by Greig and Vaughn Williams Each p r o g r a m will also feature a soloist or small group of performers. Leslie Clark, senior violin major, will play "Rondo" f r o m Beethoven's violin concerto. P a u l Lein, senior bassoon m a j o r , will perform Burrill Phillips' 'Concerta Piece for Bassoon and Strings." Harpsichordist Robert F o r m s m a will accompany a recorder trio including Susan Bosman. T a m a r a Lock wood, and Frederick Schutmaat in a selection by J e r e m i a h Clark.

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Missions Drive Requests Clothes For India The Missions Committee, collecting funds to aid the impoverished slate of Madras, India, has announced that articles of clothing will be collected this week from students and townspeople for resale later in the month. The freshman and sophomore classes are responsible for the collection of the clothing. Used clothing may be placed in deposit boxes in all dormitories. The junior and senior classes will then sell the clothes at the Armory from 8 a.m. to 0 p.m. on April 29 and 30. Donation boxes for monetary contributions will be placed in Van Raalte until the end of the school year. A car wash to raise funds, is planned for a Saturday in May. To date, the mission fund has received m a n y contributions from various sources. The movie " P a r a b l e " brought in $200; the Madras Dance netted $90; the Knickerbocker F r a t e r n i t y donated $100; and $10 f r o m a private donation brought the total to just over $400. The Mission Committee is made up of student representatives from all the classes, sororities, fraternities and the Senate, with Rev. Hill^gnn<is as thp farnUv advisnr

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Dr. Robert Cavanaugh directs the Chapel Choir, aided by Dr. Anthony Kooiker, who is associate director of the Women's Choir, and by Roger Rietberg, who is associate director of the Men's Choir. The choir's soloist is Katherine Lenel. Yvonne Ritsema is accompanist: Gloria Langstraat and Cheryl Richardson are organists. The colors of the choir robes, designed by Charles Earns, symbolize various qualities. White stands for purity of faith and tone; light blue for unity; the horizontal black bars for the music staff; the short vertical black b a r s for grace notes Also, the tonal depth of each singing part is symbolized by the depth of the color of the robe, Irom yellow for sopranos to purple for basses.

S T A N D A R D scrubbed denims

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Full Choir An E a s t e r Antiphon . . . T. Frederick Candlyn Lully, Lullay . . . . Ulysses Kay The Eyes of All Wait Upon Thee . . . J e a n Berger 0 Praise the Lord of Heaven . . . Ralph Vaughn Williams

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April IS, 1966

Page 3

Hope CoUege anchor

Self- Help Emphasis Vital

Patient Administration of Le Loi Funds Urged By George A r w a d y

Shortly before vacation Dave Vander Wei, Rohn Ritzema and Wes Michaelson conferred with the coordinators of Michigan State University's Vietnamese village project, Judith Rice and Karen Radom. They had just returned from a trip to South Vietnam which included a visit to the hamlet of Le Loi. Slides and photographs of Le Loi were studied, and the conditions in the hamlet were discussed in thorough detail. According to Miss Rice and Miss Radom, Le Loi was in greater need of assistance than any other hamlet or village they visited. The most pressing need is for additional school facilities. Presentlv, there are three small worn-down.bamhrvothatched classrooms that are being used for the education of the hamlet's 450 children. New and modern classrooms will be the first improvements to be made possible through the Hope-Holland-Hamlet Fund. The hamlet is also in great need of health facilities. The closest doctor to Le Loi's 1.800 residents is eight kilometers away, and there are not even adequate maternity

facilities in the hamlet. The establishment of a health clinc for the hamlet will be made possible through the HHH Fund just as soon as arrangements for the purchase of materials can be made and the residents can begin work. Both the school facilities and clinic will be built by the oeoole of Le Loi and will be done when and how they see fit. This preserves the "self-help" nature of the HHH project; HHH financial assistance only helps them to help themselves. Wells for fresh water are another primary need for the hamlet. Pictures of existing crude wells were viewed at East Lansing, and it was obvious that such wells were inadequate. Possibly, the HHH Fund will provide an electric pump to insure modern means for fresh water supply. Such pumps cost about $1,000, however, and the acquisition of such a pump will first have to be thoroughly discussed with the people of the hamlet. Tin for roofing was mentioned as another need. Most of the "houses" in the village consist only of bamboo-thatched walls and roofs. Naturally, such structures are very

New Faculty Members Appointments Released Dean William Vander Lugt has announced the appointment of 12 new professors to the Hope College faculty. In addition, he revealed that efforts are being made to obtain "at least four or five more" for the 1966-1967 academic year. Coming to Hope as professor of speech and chairman designate of the speech department is Dr. William Bos. Dr. Bos is presently a member of the faculty of Malone College in Ohio. Dr. Elton Bruins, who received his doctorate from New York University, and Robert Palma, currently completing work for his Ph.D. at the University of Edinburgh, will both assume positions as assistant professors of religion and Bible. There will be two new additions to the history staff. As was announced in the last anchor, Michael Petrovich, a Yugoslav by birth and a former State Department interpreter and escort officer, will be an instructor in history and political science. James Duram, Who expects to finish his doctoral work this June at Wayne State University, will be an instructor in history. Kurt Rothmann, a native-born German who will receive his Ph.D. from the University of Cincinnati in June, will hold the position of assistant professor of German. Glenn Van Wieren will be an instructor in physical education during Daryl Siedentop's leave of absence. He has a master's degree from Western Michigan University.


SwiSW-Hkaga Open Every Day Til 5:30 p.m. (Including Wed.) Mon. and Fri. T i l l 9 p.m.

Dr. John Barlow, now teaching at the University of Indiana, will come to the psychology department as an associate professor. With a doctorate from the University of Wisconsin, Dr. Claud Crawford will assume the position of professor of education. He is presently instructing at Knoxville College in Tennessee. To the political science department will come J a m e s Zoeteway as an assistant professor. He is also completing work for his Ph.D. at the present time. Dr. Dwight Smith, teaching now at Weslyan, Connecticut, will be an associate professor of chemistry next year. His doctorate was earned at Pennsylvania State University. To the position of assistant professor of physics comes Dr. Richard Brockmeier. He received his Ph.D. from California Institute of Technology, where he is presently pursuing postdoctoral work.



prone to severe wear by the weather. Tin roofing, which is relatively inexpensive, is a most constructive addition to any of the homes. Miss Rice and Miss Radom emphasized that from the experience with their South Vietnamese hamlet, it is best to proceed slowly and patiently in the administration of funds for improvements. Although the tendency is to desire an immediate transformation of the hamlet, it must be remembered that the final and most lasting effect of the project is the instillation of hope and confidence in the people themselves, they said. Thus, the purpose is not to give a "hand-out" to the people of Le Loi but rather to help them realize that they can play a part in improving their own lot. Also, the funds are merely provided for them and they build the facilities. Farming and

forestry are


The girls complimented the visitors from Hope again on the great success of the HHH Fund, emphasizing that no student group anywhere in the nation has come close to carrying out such an ambitious fund drive.

Glenn Pontier Wins Awards For Oratory Skill Glen Pontier, a Hope sophomore, placed in two oratory contests during the spring recess. He won first place in the men's division at the Michigan Intercollegiate Oratorical contest at Eastern Michigan University at Ypsilanti on April 2. His oration, "A Plea for Understanding," brought second place and an excellent rating in the Men's Sweepstakes at the Pi Kappa Delta Province Contest of the National Forensics Society on April 9 at Norwich University, Northfield, Vt.

Faculty Retirements and Resignations Announced Dean of the College William Vander Lugt announced that four Hope professors will be leaving the faculty permanently at the end of this year, and that five other instructors will be taking leaves-ofabsence during the 1966-1967 academic year to pursue post-graduate studies toward the attainment of their Ph.D's. Announcing their retirement were Professor Edward Wolters and Dr. Tunis Baker. Mr. Wolters leaves his position of professor of Latin and chairman of the Classical languages after 40 years on the Hope faculty. Dr. Baker, at Hope since 1957, retires as professor of science education. In addition to these retirements, two faculty members have submitted resignations to the Dean in order to accept positions elsewhere. Dr. David Powell, assistant professor of history, is leaving. Next year he will assume the post of chairman of the department of social sciences at Nebraska's Wayne State Teachers College. Dr. Earl Hall has also resigned. He departs as an assistant professor of sociology and chairman of the department. Dr. Hall has taught at Hope since 1961 and


Dr. Powell came to the college in 1960. Taking a leave of absence to do post-graduate work for next ear are; Daryl Siedentop, J a m e s Malcolm, Eldon Greij and Paul Van Faasen. Lamont Dirkse will take leave during the second semester next year. Mr. Siedentop will study physical education at the University of Indiana, and Mr. Malcolm will do work in speech at the University of Minnesota. Mr. Greij and Mr. Van Faasen will do advanced work in biology respectively at the University of Iowa and Michigan State University. Mr. Dirkse will attend MSU to study in the field of education.

Other Hope students won honors at the April 2 contest as well. Irene Maatman, also a sophomore, received an excellent rating in discussion. A Hope senior, Ron Ovens, was given an excellent rating in oral interpretation, a non-competitive class of oratory. Also participating in the contest were Bemice Van Engen, Jack Koch and Ray Fylstra. Mr. Harold Mikle and Dr. William Schrier also made the trip. Hope was the only small liberal arts college at the contest in which 26 schools from eight states were represented.




T h i s week's m e e t i n g will c e n t e r a r o u n d D r . R o b e r t B r o w n , I n s t r u c t o r in t h e Psychology D e p a r t m e n t h e r e at H o p e . D r . B r o w n i n t e n d s to discuss t h e effect of " h a l l u c i n a r y d r u g s " in o u r p r e s e n t society. Of course,, all h a v e h e a r d of " L S D " b u t this is o n l y o n e of a n u m b e r of t h e s e dream-enticing drugs. F r e a k i n g o u t , ( t h e p h r a s e users c o i n e d t o d e s c r i b e the effects of these d r u g s ) , is b e c o m i n g m o r e c o m m o n a n d poses a t h r e a t t o e a c h of us, as s t u d e n t s a n d h u m a n beings. P r e p a r e f o r a n e x c e l l e n t discussion.

Don't Forget: Sunday Sunday, April 1 7 # at 7:00 P.M.

jVc Jay#

stable Saigon government of some kind is necessary for the proper communication and administration cf the work in the hamlet.

two main ocupations of the residents of Le Loi. But these activities yield an average income of only $.60 per day for each family. It is easy to see why the village does not have the financial means to bring about the improvements which it desperately needs. Careful steps have been made by the HHH committee to insure that any money sent to the hamlet will be thoroughly accounted for and used for the right purposes. Although this has involved two months of often frustrating work and correspondence with Washington and South Viet Nam, the proper channels of communication have been arranged. It is hoped that the people of Le Loi will be able to start work on the school buildings very soon, with work on the other facilities to follow shortly. The current political upheaval in South Viet Nam has temporarily hindered efforts, however, for a

In Hope Church

00 Mail







1517 N . W e l l s S t . Chicago, Illinois 60610 Gtntlemen: PUase

Dr. Robert Brown

orders add






POSTERS. I a m e n c l o i i n g



^ocd ^ood

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Freaking Out 11 —Drugs, Dreams, and Dilemma All Are Urged to Attend







Page 4

April 15, 1966

Hope College anchor

anchjor editorial

On the Catalog R




of t h e H o p e C o l l e g e c a t a l o g h a s app e a r e d o n c a m p u s , a n d as t h e l e t t e r b e l o w i n d i c a t e s , it h a s b e e n c h a r a c t e r i z e d m o s t n o t a b l y by its o m i s s i o n s r a t h e r t h a n new a d d i t i o n s . Conspicuously absent from t h e n e w c a t a l o g is a n y specific m e n t i o n of C o l l e g e r e g u l a t i o n s w h i c h h a d b e e n p a r t of p r e v i o u s catalogs. A l s o e l i m i n a t e d w e r e t h e ten e n u m e r a t e d p u r p o s e s of t h e C o l l e g e a n d t h e r e q u i r e m e n t tor f r e s h m e n t h a t t h e y r a n k in t h e u p p e r half of t h e i r h i g h s c h o o l g r a d u a t i n g class.


T h e r e a s o n for t h e o m i s s i o n of t h e ten p u r p o s e s was, a c c o r d i n g to o n e a d m i n i s t r a tor, t h a t c e r t a i n of t h e p u r p o s e s w e r e inadeq u a t e l y s t a t e d a n d m i g h t be called i n t o quest i o n in l i g h t of t h e t h e o l o g i c a l c o m m i t m e n t of t h e C o l l e g e . A n o t h e r a d m i n i s t r a t o r suggested t h a t a n y list of o b j e c t i v e s a n d p u r p o s e s was a b u s r d , t h a t t h e t r o u b l e w i t h b e g i n n i n g t h e list was t h a t you c o u l d n o t e n d it. Instead, h e said, t h e p r e s e n t b r o a d s t a t e m e n t was felt to b e still i n a d e q u a t e , yet b e t t e r t h a n t h e p r e v i o u s a t t e m p t t o be m o r e specific.


T h e a l t e r a t i o n of a d m i s s i o n s r e q u i r e m e n t s m i g h t be m i s u n d e r s t o o d in view of t h e College's a t t e m p t to increase e n r o l l m e n t . However, according to one administrator, this c h a n g e does n o t r e p r e s e n t a l o w e r i n g of t h e a c a d e m i c s t a n d a r d s of t h e C o l l e g e . In stead, it was an a t t e m p t to p r e v e n t prospective s t u d e n t s f r o m g e t t i n g t h e i m p r e s s i o n t h a t r a n k i n g in t h e u p p e r half of o n e ' s s e n i o r class was a g u a r a n t e e of a d m i s s i o n . T h i s crit e r i o n was so s e l d o m used as a d e t e r m i n i n g f a c t o r in a s t u d e n t ' s a d m i s s i o n t h a t it W:JS felt t h a t it s h o u l d b e left o u t .









V E R S I A L o m i s s i o n was t h e r e p l a c e m e n t of t h e s e c t i o n o n C o l l e g e regulat i o n s w i t h a s h o r t s e c t i o n e x p l a i n i n g t h a t any s t u d e n t a t t e n d i n g H o p e C o l l e g e w o u l d b e exp e c t e d t o a b i d e by t h e C o l l e g e ' s r u l e s . S o m e of t h e r e g u l a t i o n s w h i c h w e r e o m i t t e d w e r e those r e g a r d i n g c h a p e l a t t e n d a n c e a n d student drinking.

Review of the News


Troubles in Vietnam continue. The Buddhists want ^no part of Premier Nguyen Cao Ky and insist not only upon national elections as soon as possible but also upon another interim government (military or civilian, it makes no difference as long as Ky isn't in it). Thus, although Ky has promised to hold elections as soon as a constitution is set up and voting machinery prepared, the Buddhists not onl^ refused to attend the political congress for preparation but reject the entire idea unless Ky is removed from power. In the meantime the war against the Viet Cong continued although hampered by a lack of bombs, apparently not being unloaded at Da Nang. B-52's still blasted Viet Cong strongholds in the areas west and northwest of Saigon but on the ground, U. S. and South Vietnamese operations came to a near halt. However, the Wall Street Journal of April 11 states, "An American spokesman said there wasn't any link between the slowdown and political unrest." President DeGaulle continues to flex his muscles and his mouth by ordering the U. S. bases and the 30,000 U. S. troops out of France within one year, in direct contradiction to current treaties. The State Department rejected DeGaulle's deadline and said that U. S. troops would be withdrawn within two years and then only at the expense of France. Further, France will lose access to U. S. nuclear might in West Germnny. Red China held a meeting of communist parties of her own during the latter stages of the Soviet Communist Party congress in Moscow. Peking's tremendous "increase" in prestige derived from her recent "tri-

umphs" in the war in Vietnam and in the politics of Africa, resuited in attendance by one national communist party, that of Albania, and splinter groups from the pro-Moscow parties of Belgium, Australia and New Zealand. Indonesia's new government is beginning to revamp her econ)my. Sukarno's "efficient" re^ime left the country with 2.4 billion dollars in foreign debts, an empty treasury, declining exports and the prospects of an inflation which may cause a tenfold increase in food prices this year. Great Britain received permission to use military force to prevent supplies from reaching Rhodesia. This places the tanker loanna V in a rather precarious position if she chooses to attempt to discharge her 18,700 tons of oil into the pipeline to Rhodesia. She is docked at Beira, Portuguese Mozambique, and her captain says that she won't unload her cargo there. Since there is a British man-ofwar sitting just outside the harbor, this definitely would seem to be the better part of valor. Vice President Humphrey made the news again. One well-known Senator asked the question, "Don't you like Hubert?" Apparently the answer is "yes" because not only did the p resident sign a bill authorizing a $750,000 expenditure to build an official residence for the Vice President but he also assigned him the momentous task of continuing an age-old American tradition. He allowed him to throw the pitch which opened the 19661 baseball season in Washington. ^ut Humphrey got carried away. He had to reallv impress by throwing two pitches. It didn't h e b though. Washington still lost to Cleveland 5-2.

g S 5: S g i; >:• $: ;£ S # $ >v £:

W e i n v e s t i g a t e d this o m i s s i o n , a n d we feel t h a t t h e results a r e s o m e w h a t u p s e t t i n g . S h o r t l y a f t e r the c a t a l o g a p p e a r e d w e asked one a d m i n i s t r a t o r why the regulations had been omitted. H e confessed that he didn't even k n o w w h y they h a d b e e n o m i t t e d . Ano t h e r said t h a t t h e C o l l e g e d i d n ' t w a n t t o hit prospective students with rules right away. A n o t h e r said t h a t t h e r u l e s w e r e left o u t because t h e c a t a l o g was s u p p o s e d to b e d e a l i n g w i t h " j u s t t h e a c a d e m i c " side of t h e C o l l e e e . Still a n o t h e r a d m i t t e d t h a t t h e e l i m i n a t i o n of t h e c h a p e l r e q u i r e m e n t r e g u l a t i o n was an " i n a d v e r t e n c y " a n d t h a t it w o u l d b e r e s t o r e d to next year's catalog.


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W e t h i n k it u n f o r t u n a t e t h a t this a c t i o n was t a k e n w i t h o u t t h e k n o w l e d g e of t h e entire A d m i n i s t r a t i o n a n d t h a t n o w a p p r o p r i a t e c o r r e c t i v e s t e p s m u s t be t a k e n . It i n d i c a t e s a c e r t a i n lack of c o m m u n i c a t i o n in t h e Adm i n i s t r a t i o n , s o m e t h i n g w h i c h we h a v e witnessed b e f o r e . F u r t h e r m o r e , we b e l i e v e t h a t t h e a c t i o n was n o t wise, since t h e r e is n o c o l l e g e p u b l i c a t i o n w h i c h lists t h e r e g u l a t i o n s of t h e college. E q u a l l y d i s t u r b i n g , h o w e v e r , w e r e the justifications themselves. If t h e c a t a l o g repr e s e n t s p u r e l y t h e a c a d e m i c a s p e c t of H o p e C o l l e g e , t h e n t h e r e o u g h t to be a n even m o r e d r a s t i c r e v i s i o n , e l i m i n a t i n g m e n t i o n of social f r a t e r n i t i e s , e x t r a - c u r r i c u l a r activities, etc. W e c a n n o t a c c e p t this c o n c e p t of t h e c a t a l o g a n d h a v e a l w a y s e n v i s i o n e d it as an a t t e m p t to give p r o s p e c t i v e s t u d e n t s a p i c t u r e of t h e total life of t h e C o l l e g e .





TORS consulted were most apprehensive a b o u t t h e e l i m i n a t i o n of the chapel r e q u i r e m e n t regulation, there were e i g h t o t h e r r u l e s w h i c h fell by t h e w a y s i d e . O n e of these was t h e d r i n k i n g r u l e . T h e r e has n e v e r b e e n , to o u r k n o w l e d g e , any official s t a t e m e n t to s t u d e n t s in any C o l l e g e p u b l i c a t i o n o t h e r t h a n t h e anchor of t h e revised d r i n k i n g rule. And although the Administrat i o n has d e c i d e d to n o t i f y all n e w s t u d e n t s by l e t t e r of t h e c h a p e l r e g u l a t i o n , t h e r e has b e e n n o m e n t i o n of i n f o r m i n g t h e m of the d r i n k i n g r u l e , or f o r t h a t m a t t e r , of a n y of the other rules which certainly must be obeyed if a s t u d e n t is to a t t e n d H o p e C o l l e g e . W e wish to r e m i n d the A d m i n i s t r a t i o n t h a t p a r t of t h e n e w d r i n k i n g r u l e i n c l u d e s a r a t h e r e x t e n s i v e s e c t i o n on i n f o r m i n g stud e n t s a b o u t t h e r u l e . T w o - t h i r d s of t h i s sect i o n d e a l s w i t h i n f o r m i n g new s t u d e n t s t h r o u g h first a c o l l e g e p u b l i c a t i o n a n d seco n d l y t h r o u g h t h e F r e s h m a n O r i e n t a t i o n program.


A R I OF H O P E C O L L E G E ' S uniqueness lies in its r e g u l a t i o n of t h e k i n d of life w h i c h s t u d e n t s a r e asked t o live w h i l e in a t t e n d a n c e at this college. W e t h i n k it is i m p e r a t i v e t h a t p r o s p e c t i v e s t u d e n t s k n o w a b o u t this k i n d of r e g u l a t i o n , prior to (uhmssio*!. O t h e r w i s e , we a r e g u i l t y of a r a t h e r d r a s t i c d e c e p t i o n w h i c h can o n l y result in w i d e s p r e a d d i s c o n t e n t on t h e p a r t of new students.

Speak Out

g; g



ERHAPS T H E MOST DISTURBING e l e m e n t in all of these j u s t i f i c a t i o n s is t h a t these a d m i n i s t r a t o r s k n e w l i t t l e of w h a t t h e o t h e r was s a y i n g , s o m e t i m e s d i d n o t k n o w of t h e c h a n g e in t h e first place, a n d finally s h o w e d t h a t c o m m u n i c a t i o n s b e t w e e n d i f f e r e n t a r e a s in t h e A d m i n i s t r a t i o n h a d e i t h e r b r o k e n d o w n o r d i d n o t exis^ at all.

Dear Editor... Editor's note: All letters to the editor, regardless of subject matter, are welcome. They must be responsibly written, signed, approximatelv 300 words in length and submitted to the anchor office no later than 6 p.m. on the Wednesday before publication. Names will be withheld upon request, and pseudonyms will be accepted onlv if the identity of the writer is made known to the editor. All letters are subject to editing.

This letter concerns the omission of certain items from the new Hope college "Bulletin" for 1966. Nowhere in the catalog is mentioned the presence of a chapel system or certain college regulations which ':S essentially, by their very existence, create a large part of that which g is uniquely Hope college. This is not written out of a great concern *: for the traditional institution of ;$ chapel, though we believe its being $• is constructive and worthwhile; or $ out of a conviction which regards the various regulations of the school as absolute and vital but out of

a curiosity which questions why of these omissions.


Perhaps the enumeration of some minor and inconsequential rules in the previous catalogs was not necessary nor done in a positive light, but does that require no consideration whatever for what is so basic in this college's educational


ideal? Is this total absence of specifics a misplaced concern for Hope college's public image? Is this not basically a misrepresentation offered to prospective students and possible future financial contributors?


Paul Terpstra Roy Anker


Published weekly during the college year except vacation, holiday and examination periods by and for the students of Hope College, Holland, Michigan, under the authority of the Student Senate Publicationi Board. the .'".J'T''flaSS f""1 "ft'" "f Holland. Michigan. 19423. nt thr special rate of postage provided for in Section 1/09 of Act of Subscription: $S P*r year. Printed: leeland Record, Zetland, Michigan. Congress, Oct. 1917, and authorized Oct. 19, 1917. Memfcer; Associated Collegiate Press. Michigan Collegiate Press Assn. Off tee: Ground Floor of Graves Hall. Phone: 569 2122 Editor - John M. Mulder


April 15, 1966

p a r iir:'

Page 5

Hope Collefe anchor

Tom Wolfe Comments on the Present in 'Streamlined Baby'

Death of God -1



is Dr. Donald line University University of

Editor's Note: Robert G. Burton, an instructor in philosophy, came to Hope in 1964. The following is a two-part series on the "death of God" controversy. By Robert G. Burton I agreed to do this review knowing that no major or definitive works on the "death of God" theology are yet available. A book of essays, "Radical Theology and the Death of God" by Thomas J. J . Altizer and William Hamilton, is to be published this month by BobbsMerrill. Altizer's "The Gospel of Christian Atheism" is to be released by Westminster Press in May. I have been forced to rely on a series of short articles by the new radicals published in such religious journals as The Christian Century and Christianity and Crisis. Accepting these limitations together with those imposed by the length and popular nature of the Faculty Focus column, I shall consider three questions: 1) What are the new radical theologians trying to say? 2) What are some typical inadequate responses to the "death of God" theology? and 3) What is wrong with this new radical theology? I What does it mean co say "God is dead"? It would be well to remember at the outset that God, if there is a God, is not a being who could die. From this it follows that on any literal interpretation the statement "God is dead" is as meaningless as the statement "Thursday sleeps furiously." Thursday is not the sort of thing which sleeps, and sleeping may be done restlessly but not furiously. It is significant that Altizer is the only one of the new radicals who insists on a literal interpretation of the death of God. He is not simply saying that modern man is incapable of believing in God, or that modern culture is idolatrous, or even that God has chosen to be silent in our time. He is saying that God, having disappeared from history, is no longer present for faith. He maintains that God's death is an event which has taken place in the context of human history, but he has been either unwilling or unable to tell us approximately when the event took place and under what circumstances. Altizer argues that the "Christian Word" is real only to the extent that it becomes one with human flesh, and since the flesh of the historical Jesus no longer walks the earth, the "Word" of Christ can live only if it becomes incarnate in our own flesh. But we must freely will the "death of God" if we would become the new incarnation. Paul van Buren does not use the phrase "God is dead" since it tends to distort and lead people to misinterpret what he is trying to say. For Vahanian the phrase only refers to the cultural phenomenon of secularization. He apparently feels that to carry Bonhoeffer's "religionless Christianity" to its logical conclusion as a totally this-worldly, "cultural vocation" devoid of all tendencies to become an esoteric, other-worldly mystery cult, Christianity must become not only "religionless" but also "Godless" (a

conclusion which Bonhoeffer would m doubt reject). Hamilton views "death of God", as a metaphor which serves an invaluable purpose "insofar as it irritates and gives offense". It is pre ferable to such similar phrases as "absence of God", "eclipse of God", or "the disappearance of God", because the metaphor of death suggests final and irretrievable loss. The traditional dialectic between the presence and absence of God has finally collapsed nevermore to be revived. As Hamilton puts it, "we are, after all, Christians trying to make it without God." Hamilton finds a "new optimism" in his "godless Christology" which would articulate a radical "obedience to Jesus." The doctrine of sin is no longer a central doctrine. The new feeling of hope in American life today is not blind faith in inevitable progress, but rather "a conviction that substan tive changes in the lives of men can and will be made." The civilrights revolution is an important source of this feeling of optimism. II What are some typical inadequate responses to the "God is dead" theology? Perhaps the most revealing type of response is the one which would defend God. Do those who rush to God's defense really believe that he lives and reigns, that he is our defender and not vice versa? The defenders forget that it is the theology which is on trial and not God. And in their misguided attempt to defend God, they frequently attack the theolog-

ians instead of the "death of God" theology itself. Many frightened Methodists have been greatly relieved to discover that Altizer is only an Episcopalian. Furthermore he is not a clergyman but a layman, not a theologian (in the technical sense) but an historian of religion teaching in the University and not in the Methodist seminary. There are people even at Hope College who gloat over the fact that Altizer recently gave his ailing, newborn son a " l a y " baptism at the hospital only to have the sacrament repeated officially in church as a public act of gratitude to the "dead God" who had given life to his dying son. We need not take such a man's theology seriously. It is at best a popular fad which, like the hula hoop, will pass. Other responses are addressed to the theology itself and are inadequate therefore not because they are totally irrelevant but because they are for the most part trivial. The mere novelty of the radical theology is no guarantee of its invalidity any more than the antiquity of the traditional Christian faith is proof of its truth. Nor is it a serious objection to point out that some of the language used is, if not contradictory, at least sensational and unnecessarily obscure. Altizer may yet explain why we must will the death of God if we would become the body of Christ. The serious objection must be based upon the discovery of significant inadequacies in the content and not merely the form of the "death of God" theology.




J. Savage, R.A. Ham1948, M.A. and Ph.D. Minnesota 7955. Dr.

Savage is presently director of theater and professor of English at State University College in Buffalo. New York. T h e Kandy-Koiorcd Tankeri n e F i a k c S t r e a m ' i n r B a b y , by Tom Wolfe, was published by Farrer, Straus and Giroux, 1964, 339 pages.)

By Dr. Donald J. Savage In commenting on this collection one had better avoid any further resort to alliterative device. The title automatically warns one against this kind of excess, even though excess is one of the author's favorite pasttimes. We find in this extended commentary on a affluent society an accompanying affluence in linguistic usage. License in manners is reflected by license in Innguage, and the appronriateness of style is at once weird, disturbing and entertaining. The Kandy-Kolored TangerineFlake Streamline Baby is a collection of essays or sketches about contemporary U.S. society. By contemporary I mean very recent. This is a book written in 1964 about 1964. Its concern is often with trivia—with male and female hairdos, stretch oants, fuzzy sweaters, pointei-toed shoes, custom car styling and the like. Wolfe: 'Graphic Artist' Despite its contemporary quality, the book is organized in an almost classical manner. The essays rre of fairly equal length, and the whole is divided into five oarts. each of which contains either six or five studies. I say "studies" because part three is comoosed of drawings. The drawings admirably support the content of the essays

An 'Obituary' for God Editor's Note: The following, written by Anthony Towne, is a satirical comment on the "God Is Dead" movement. This shortened version of an "obituary," written in the style of The New York Times, was excerpted from a longer article that appeared in Motive, a Methodist student publication, Nashville, Tenn. God, creator of the universe, principal deity of the world's Jews, ultimate reality of Christians, and most eminent of all divinities, died late yesterday during major surgery undertaken to correct a massive diminishing influence. His exact age is not known, but close friends estimate that it greatly exceeded that of all other extant beings. The cause of death could not be immediately determined, but the deity's surgeon, Thomas J. J. Altizer, 38, of Emory University in Atlanta, indicated possible cardiac insufficiency. Assisting were Dr. Altizer in the unsuccessful surgery were Dr. Paul van Buren of Temple University, Philadelphia; Dr. William Hamilton of Colgate-Rochester, Rochester, N. Y., and Dr. Gabriel Vahanian of Svracuse University, Syracuse, N. Y. In Johnson City, Tex., President Johnson was described by aides as "profoundly upset." He at once directed that all flags should be at half-staff until after the funeral. The First Lady and the cwo Presidential daughters, Luci and Lynda, were understood to have wept openly. Both houses of Congress met in Washington at noon today and promptly adjourned after passing a joint resolution expressing "grief and great respect for the deDarted spiritual leader." Senator Wavne Morse, Democrat of Oregon, objected on the grounds that the resolution violated the principle of separation of church and state, but he was overruled by Vice R e s i d e n t Hubert Humphrey, who remarked that "this is not a time for partisan politics." Plans for the deity's funeral are incompletp. Reliable sources suggested that extensive negoti-

ations may be necessary in order to select a church for the services and an appropriate liturgy. Dr. Wilhelm Pauck, theologian of Union Seminary in New York City, proposed this morning that ii. would be "fitting and seemly" to inter the remain.: in the ultimate ground of all being. Funerals for divinities, common in ancient times, have beer, exceedingly rare in recent centuries. Reaction from the world's great and from the man in the street was uniformly incredulous. "At east he's out of his misery," commented one housewife in an Elmira, N. Y., supermarket. In Paris. President de Gaulle in a 30-second appearance on national television, proclaimed "God is dead! Long live the republic! Long live F r a n c e ! " Public reaction in this country was perhaps summed up by an elderly retired streetcar conductor in Passaic, N. J., who said: "I never met him. of course. Never even saw him. But from what I heard I guess he was a real nice fello".. Tops." From Independence. Mo., former President Harry S. Truman, who received the news in his Kansas City barbershop, said: "I'm always sorry to hear somebody is dead. It's a damn shame." From Basel, Switzerland, came word that Dr. Karl Barth. venerable Protestant theologian, informed of the death of God. declared: "I don't l:now who died in Atlanta, but whoever he -vac he's an impostor." Dr. Altizer. God's surgeon, in an exclusive interview with The Times, stated this morning that the death was "not unexpected." "He had been ailing for some time," Dr. Altizer said, "and lived much longer than most of us thought possible." Dr Altizer suggested, "God was an excellent patient, compliant, cheerful, alert. Every comfort modern science could provide was made available to him. He did not suffer—he just, as it were, slipped out of our grasp."


by illustrating basic types of characters and styles. As a graphic artist Wolfe exhibits a sardonic skill. His forms are skeletal and faintly obscene. Their style is a gross reflection of fashion photography and akin to Dick Tracy caricateur. The five parts are titled: (1) The New Culture Makers, (2) Heroes and Celebricies, (3) A Metropolitan Sketchbook, (4) Status Strife and the High Life, and (5) Love and Hate New Vork Style. The unifying theme of the book might be said to be the totems of present day American culture—things which money can buy or those things which we wish it could buy. Much space is devoted to the description of custom built cars, fancy apartments, glamorous styles. Although Wolfe seems to be concentrating on things which preoccupy the teenager, the adult reader may find disconcerting the fact that some of his own passions are reflected as well. The jump from hot red styling to Detroit design is easily perceived after reading the title essay. < "Tangerine-Flake" is, in fact, the name of a custom auto paint color.) The adults in Wolfe's book are oreoccupied with more sophisticated trivia than are the teenagers, but veneer peels quickly when it is touched by the acid of Wolf's language. Classicism and Slang Wolfe's style is a strange combination of esoteric allusion and modern slang. In pointing out the fact that the demolition derby has become a popular pastime for eastern socialites and professional men, he parallels the derby with gladiiorial combat. All of which brings to mind that fine afternoon when some high-born Roman women were out in Nero's box at the Coloseum watching this sexy Thracian carve an ugly little Samnite up into prime cuts, and one said, darling, she had an inspiration, and Nero, needless to say, was all for it. Thus began the new vogue of Roman socialites fighting as gladiators themselves, for kicks. By the second century A.D. even the Emperor Commodus was out there with a tiger's head as a helmet hacking away at some poor dazed fall guy. He did a lot for the sport. Arenas sprang up all over the empire like shopping center bowding alleys. The opening of the first essay offers the most striking example of Wolfe's concern with the sound of words. Within the first paragraph he repeats the same three-syllable word fifty-seven times. The essay is on Las Vegas, and the word repeated is the author's duplication of the continual sound of the onearmed bandits. Total Effect Shattering "Las Vegas (What?)" is perhaps the most revealing and exciting essay in the entire collection. The author shows us the cheap splendor of the city and some well chosen examples of human deterioration. The total effect is shattering. "The Secret Vice" and "The Nanny Mafia" are also memorable, lucid comments on our society. You, too, will have your favorites. If you read this book, though, read it soon. The bouffant hair style is already out of date.

by permission

of the Chicago

The Best of Peanuts PEANUTS






April 15, 1966

Hope College anchor

PaC0 I

Muilenburg Relates Man's Humanity With God's Existence


Meanwhile in the Pine Grove By Rob Werge Slowly drifts this school back into sunlight. Out of the caverns of Van Raalte and the dark, heavy rooms of the Science Building, kids wander around the new earth and sit, perhaps, in the Pine Grove. There they talk of warm cabbages and kings. The talk is not much. The latest incident between Beer and Law is is discussed with judgment passed or jokes made depending upon moral persuasion and fraternity affiliation. Everyone seems glad and reassured by its not having been their party; at any rate, they would have been more careful. "Ahhh, they should be glad we're all not on LSD." A stray pigeon struts on the grass and almost, but not quite, decides to eat some Salem cigarette butts. A few students try to figure out

who went to Lauderdale and who just stayed home in the Bronx under a sunlamp. Status is awarded according to quality of the tan and the degree of general dissipation noted in the eyes. "I am so pasty white and icky," lamented Ethel Baum. "I feel like a second class citizen." The more radically inclined sit about and discuss their next plan to demonstrate indignation with the chapel system. Plan "A" had been to hold a sit-down on the chapel stage so that neither a speaker nor the choir could get to the platform. Volunteers had offered to fling themselves on the keys of the organ when the prelude was to begin. But the "coup" fell through when the dissenters, to a man, overslept on the set morning. Plan "B" is to go "en masse" to

Rieck Views the Need For Religion in Teaching Teachers and their place in a religious liberal arts education was the subject of Dr. Norman Rieck's Centennial Lecture last Tuesday. After a few introductory remarks he pointed out the fact that we live in a very complex world, with problems that do not allow themselves to be solved by any panacea. But he regarded the role of teachers as extremely important in man's attempt to better his world. Some teachers, he said, satisfy their own egos in militation against the mediocre, while others, whom he admired, dedicate themselves as servants, not to themselves, but to mankind, not to condemn or ignore mediocrity but to work with it in the attempt to raise standards of existence. This is the duty of a teacher, he said. Science, said Dr. Rieck, speaking as a biologist, cannot supply all

the answers. It can analyze mechanisms, and establish how things exist, but the question of spirit, of values, of right and wrong, he said, are beyond its area of inquiry. At some point, the scientific mind must be able to say, "I simply don't know," and appeal to faith for the answers. And when a teacher faces this inevitable inadequacy to answer all questions, and humbles himself to faith, he said, "teaching becomes the most enjoyable experience of his life." The teacher who has faith only in science, and not in God, is ignoring half the questions and answers. Religion, then is necessary to good teaching. There is a place for the Hope college graduate as a teacher in the chaotic world, not in spite of his Christian education, but because of it, he concluded.



Woitorn Michigan 7 ! Largett Grooting Card Dopartmont


a service and, when a particular outrageous passage is read from the Gospel, to march around the aisles singing freedom songs. Plan " B " is fated to also fall through because none of the protestors know any freedom songs excepting the chorus to "Amazing Grace." In another knot of students, mention is made of the virility of Dutch culture which is, after giggles, still equated with Tulip Time which leads to the idea of digging up this year's tulips and replacing them with mums which reminds someone to go downtown to look over the Hondas so everyone goes along. They walk through Centennial Park and, because they are freshmen, don't see the goldfish in the pond. A few people continue to sit in the grove, book in hand, waiting for enlightenment or something. A bunch of small kids comes speeding bikes over the concrete, ringing bells, yelling and followed by a wildly barking black dog. They have mostly red bikes and, with a sudden noise, round the corner of Graves and are gone. "Damn" is the comment before a student begins the last chapter of "Anna Karenina" for the fourth time; "six long dry weeks."

Dr. James Muilenburg, in a Tuesday morning assembly lecture on March 29, stated that man in his search for significance in life must depend upon God for his humanity. In addition, man must avoid the spirit-body dualism, exercise his divinely given freedom to conquer the universe, explore the relation between a self and life and reject orthodox cliches, he said. Beginning with the topic, "What It Means to Be Human," Dr Muilenburg asserted that the significance of human life is a problem which should trouble all students. The danger is that man should be-


Off ami on the (lauipii*

Free-Sex Movement at Berkeley By Dick Shiels "First it was free speech, then filthy speech. Now it is free love, as students continue to test the limits of the permissible at Berkeley, f»

So goes the now famous Time Magazine report of the immediately infamous California "nudie parties." An alleged nation-wide "freesex movement," although less talked about than this latest rage in partying, is really the subject of the report. Great isn't it? Anyway I get the idea Time Magazine expects me to say so. I get the feeling I wouldn't be meeting up to the definition of college student if I didn't send away tomorrow for my "I'm-Willing-IfYou-Are" button from Berkeley. I ought to be testifying for sexual freedom, if not for sensual reasons, then for intellectual and philosophical. After all, "man will become free only when he can overcome his own guilt and when society stops trying to manage his sex life for him." A Berkeley drop-out said as much. Time Magazine printed as much. I get the feeling 1 really ought to do my part.

I ought to be helping every selfrespecting female I know to get past that stage where she's "ashamed of her body," where she's "embarassed by public nudity." It can be done you know: "A bright 18year-old" at Berkeley "got over it." The group out there at Stanford has drawn up a four-point creed on the legality of sex. Basically it comes down to doing away with all laws prohibiting any form of sexual activity, bisexual or otherwise, and using the Government's resources for progress in the areas of abortion and prostitution. (It's kind of clever the way they get four points out of that; you really ought to see that creed.) They've also come up with a fourpart series of suggested revisions in college regulations: Women should have no social regulations; open house hours in any residence hall should run around the clock; "truly co-ed housing" should be established once and for all; and the students should have access to all the birth control methods the situation calls for. Put them all together they spell "freedom." Or

IHmdmtU itestaitrattt In The


Heart Of s ?

Morning Worship 9:30 A.M. —



11:00 A.M.

SERMON: "Elected To Suffer" Rev. Walchenbach, Preaching

come indifferent toward this problem or that he should conclude that his existence has no significance. Quick answers to this problem, however, are suspect. Dr. Muilenburg declared that in the HebraicChristian impulse of human history as revealed in the Old and New Testaments, we find a significant disclosure of what it means to be human. The existence of man i^ directly tied to the existence of God. Man's uniqueness depends on God's uniqueness; to be without God is to be without a self, without one's humanity. "The horrendous notion that the body — the flesh — is evil has had terrible consequences in history. The flesh is good! The spirit of the breath of God is in every organ of the body." Man as a self is incomplete — he needs a self to complete the self. "The age-long urgency of the sexes for each other —the power of eros — is a divine urge emplanted in man by God which makes the relation between man and woman the greatest miracle and mystery of all creation." Man represents God in the universe; his duty is to subdue and rule over the universe. Science is not assailing the mysteries of the divine — rather science is the expression of man's divine impulse to conquer the universe. This is what it means to be created in the image of God."

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maybe anarchy. Or maybe sex. Anyway, you can see that this program just can't be beat. Who could be against it? And look at all the people for it: anywhere from 20 to 45 at Berkeley alone; three men and two girls at Stanford; and certainly lots of other people now that Time has let them know about it. . . . Antioch College is an example of a small, liberal arts school that is feeling the results of all this. Their president, J.D. Dawson, instituted a "five-stage program aimed at forming a new college policy on sexual behavior" just last month. He took his problem right to experts: the students. The first stage constituted a meeting where he personally addressed the students. The next three were to be taped discussion periods involving students and interested faculty. The culmination of all this was to come in a meeting where students would lay their proposals before him. Mr. Dawson figured he had it made. As president of the college, it wouldn't be his place to schedule come-as-you-really-are parties, but holding discussion groups would be innocent enough. And it would certainly be a blow to student apathy, because everybody wants to talk about sex. And with a program like that, Antioch might even make Time Mi gazine. . . . But the strangest thing happened: the whole program fell through. Almost nobody showed up to talk about sex! Those people that did come by refused to do anything more than listen. And the student in charge of the whole deal, a senior named Craig Movsesyan, made the wildest statements! He said students are "tired of the whole thing!" He even told the school paper that "what we really need to talk about is not sex but the other problems which make sex a problem for students." Other problems — like a student's lacK uf security and purpose — are more basic than sexual frustration, to hear him tell it. Somebody ought to set that guy straight. He just doesn't seem to understand what it means to be a college student. And he'll certainly never get inside Time Magazine that way.

April 15. 1966

Page 7

H«pe College anchor

Basic Economic and Social Needs Evident in Appalachia By Joan Remtema Saturday evening, April 2. the hills of Kentucky appeared in the distance. We seven Hope students and our sponsor were .about to encounter perhaps one of the greatest experiences in each of our lifetimes. The poverty program set up and publicized by the Student Senate was resopnded to by Caryl Yzenbaard, Sue Pickard, Judy Jensen. Laurie Noetzel, Gary Parker. Bill Wykhuis, Stan Voth of Young Life, who was our sponsor, and me. Over the hollers and into the valley of Jackson County we found the Annville Institute which was to be our home for the coming week. The students and the faculty of the institute warmly welcomed us to their campus and helped us plan a schedule for the week. Briefly that schedule included a day spent with the ministers who served in the outlying churches, a county tour with a Vista worker, a trip to the coal mining area in Harlan County, a tour of Rerea College, observation and participation in the classrooms at Annville. two panel addresses to the Annville faculty and a day in which we cleaned the church at Gray Hawk. The people of Jackson County and the Appalachia area are poverty stricken but they are happy. The average family includes six to twelve children. Most families have one milk cow, a small vegetable

garden, and an acre of tobacco This tobacco crop usually brings if three or four hundred dollars a year. Few families have electricity, gas or running water. The children marry around the age of sixteen and few of them receive more than an eighth grade education. The Annville Institute, a high school for grades eight through twelve, has a curriculum which prepares the students to leave the hills and find higher education or better jobs. These people are poor, but not without pride. They will welcome you into their home which is often no more than a two-room fallingdown structure. But because it is their home they are proud of it. The Mountaineer is very conscious of his debts: he always gives pay or trade for something he receives. The mountain people are at least 25 years behind the rest of our country. They are not lazy. They work hard on their land but they can't get ahead. It's no wonder that they live for today or even for yesterday but seldom worry about tomorrow. One week in the hills gave eight of us an insight into a culture completely different from our own. We have become aware of the problems in this area. Now may we spread our knowledge and encourage others to action.

POVERTY—This was a typical scene witnessed by the group of students who visited the poverty-stricken Applachian area under the organization of the Student Senate Social Concerns Committee. Other students visited Brooklyn and Cleveland during spring vacation.

Hope Students Confront Problems Of Cleveland Inner-City Life By Norm Gibson We wish you could have been in Cleveland with us last week. The four of us who were there, soph-

cmore Linda Kloote and freshman Richard Kooi. Norm Mol and 1 — all have been affected greatly by the problems of the inner-city and what is being done to solve them. Although it is not the only crisis to be found in Cleveland, our chief concern was with the conditions of the Negro in the ghetto. Gross injustice was lurking everywhere. But you have heard about all of this. And citing graphic details will nine children was murdered on the do little more to your thinking day of our arrival, and a good sum about racial prejudice than perhaps of money was donated to help the to create some monetary pity. family, some of it was taken by Instead, picture these people in a Welfare. new way: The mother of nine chilOn what grounds is this just? dren whose husband has left her This is what the people fight and who is accused of being "a against, including educational inlazy black bastard" because she adequacies, lack of police proteclives off a monthly government tion, unbearable housing, political check; the little boy shot down by injustices and much more. a patrolman for trespassing in a This is where the Church finds condemned building; the unemployaction. There are many remarked man who loses his job because able and courageous men working he has never heard of the idea through and outside the Church. of being on time for work; the inWe saw much potential leadership fant fatally poisoned by rat bites; among the people themselves. The the young man who supports his people of the "ghettos" are congirl friend by soliciting for her cerned. ambitious and very angry. up and down Hough Avenue; the They are beginning to do sometwelve-year-old boy whom one of thing about their problems themus overheard screaming in his sleep. selves. The Church can do much "Why-ja always do me like that 9 more to help them. Why-ja always do me like that? I do believe that if Christ is to Why?!" come again, we will not find Him Picture all of these people in a preaching on the shores of Lake new way, as people who feel, Macatawa but in the "ghettos" of our slums helping his people. 1 "When you've been told you're no damn good for such a long time, think we, as the Church and part you start to believe it." of the human race, must wake up A good deal of our week was to this fact, and must crawl out of spent with people trying to change our comfortable middle-class nutthis situation. We lived with a shells to face and solve the probgroup of the Students for Demolems of an ever-increasing popucratic Society, SDS. These people lation, unless we want to deny the and many others maintain that the power of Christ's love and also answer to the Negro's state is to agree that God certaintly is dead, change the society that has placed which may be more convenient for us, and somewhat safer. him there.

Students Examine New York's Slums And See Riot-Causing Conditions forgotten because they are black Where have all the white men gone? Most of them moved out as soon as the first colored family 'huerto Rican or Negro) moved into the neighborhood or housing project. When this happens the area soon becomes predominantly of lowerincome status; the cost of living is unable to be met; families break up; fathers lose their jobs; youngsters loiter in the streets; and the The director of Neighborhood problems invite crime and corrupYouth Corps told us that "if you're tion. in education, damn the administraPoliticians have to recognize that tion. They always try to satisfy their constituencies are moving out some political goal." He emphaof the city in situations' like this. sized that the people need direction Things are changing. Riots are and responsible, trusted positions caused because the people can't in society; that a teacher has to express themselves politically along act with and for the students, not any lines. They riot because the just present the material and leave right to vote doesn't solve the basicit go at that. problems. It doesn't put anything into their pockets. They have alThe educational system is corrupt ways been "the last to be hired and and declining. Teachers are not the first to be fired " competent enough to teach and can Addiction, alcoholism and delinnot teach sufficiently while trying quency all show symptoms of deep to police the pupils at the same inner conflict and frustration. An time. Facilities and schools to proescape from reality becomes necvide education for everyone are lacking because the people are a essary. Adolescents seek safety, security and identity which is lackforgotten people. ing in the home, in the street gangs. It is a false conception if one thinks They are forgotten because they of street gangs constantly fighting are not caught in the mainstream of the American dream of respec- each other, however true that may be at times. Gang structure is pritable middle-class values; they are marily used for security and identity. It is also a false conception if one thinks that families on welfare are complacent, irresponsible, dirty, immoral and lazy. But I don't deny the fact that some people do take advantage of Welfare. For one The Student Education Assn. and thing, of these fatherless families. Higher Horizons will have guest 78 per cent are children. Besides, it speakers at their meetings next takes months before a family can week. receive aid once having applied SEA will hear a talk titled^ "The In the meantime, they must live on Challenge of Teaching in the Inner the edge of subsistence or starve. City Schools" delivered by Dr. Welfare is also inadequate beGeorge Owen from the public school cause it offers no direction and resystem of Detroit. He will speak sponsibilities for the families. A at the SEA's banauet in P h e b s next son cannot go out and make some Wednesday. Price for the dinner is extra money. Welfare gives a little $.25 for boarding students and $1.75 and finds the chance to take a lot. for non-boarding students. For example, when the father of "Helping and Understanding the Disadvantaged Child" is the HHp of Will Smith's talk to the Higher Saturday 8:30-Midnight Horizons program particinants in Phelps next Mondav at 4 p.m. Dinner will follow and additional discussion will be held from 7 to 8:30 p.m. Music by the Mr. Smith is presentlv advisor for the Campus Service Corps at Eastern Michigan Universitv. a program similar to the Higher Hori25c 25c zons program but on a larger scale.

By Hans Vogelaar Why did we ^o to New York? It is difficult to put into words what we saw, heard, and felt. I can try to tell what I learned and to give some of my impressions. We came in order to become more aware of a poverty situation and the causes behind it; and to learn what the churches and social organizations are doing to alleviate the problems of the people.

SE^ and Higher Horizons Have Guest Speakers

Student Union Legends

Another answer is offered to the Negro trapped in Cleveland's slums. It comes from concerned people who say the answer is to get discouraged ones back on their feet. They are the people who hold that we must attack social injustice on the individual level. This second answer is offered by the young school teacher who moved into an ugly apartment house and began re-making it into a home, a real home, for its 70 Negro families. Because of Ralph Deianey, Cleveland today has its own library, judo lessons for the boys, dozens of freshly painted rooms and several people ready to start living again. So there are the mistreated ones, and two groups trying to help them. Those of us who met these people and talked to them are still thinking. but we do not know what to say. We can sympathize with the picket who rebukes the political activist. "You can legislate this country upside down and it still won't mean a damn thing until people start lovin' each other and pitchin' in." It is also important to consider the Negro's attitude toward you if you visit Cleveland; he may test you to find out if you really accept him. He will act cocky, question why you came, and ask how many Negroes go to Hope. Or the Negro mother who put you up for the week will say. just before you leave, "Come back and see the ghetto. You ain't really seen it yet. Don't forget us. Don't forget us." The Negro is used to hearing us make promises. You say. "I want to help," and he will often m e r d y smile. But what are we going to do. forget them? The hour is very late.

MONDAY, APRIL 18TH (One Day Only) LONDON GRAFICA ARTS presents an exhibition and sale of

originals, lithographs, etchings, wood cuts 10 A.M.-9 P.M. Phelps Hall—Study Room Daumier Carzou Chagall Cassatt

Corinth Dufy Maillol Picasso and many others

Renoir Rouault T oulouse-Lautrec Van Dongen moderately priced


April 15. 1966

Hope Collefe anchor


Baseball Team Posts Losing Record on Spring Trip


Hope's baseball team came home with a 3-5 record as they concluded their spring trip with a 5-2 win over Goshen College. The win came with three runs in the eleventh to give Hope the victory. The Flying Dutchmen scored their runs on two walks, a single by Dan Krueger's sacrifice and two wild pitches brought in the first two and Cal Beltman's single scored the final. Hope registered nine hits including two by Wayne Cotts and a double by Krueger. Clare Van Wieren. Paul Terpstra, Rog Kroodsma, Beltman and Nienhuis chalked up the other hits. Don Kroodsma was the starting pitcher with Mark Johnson coming in relief in the sixth and Gary Frens in the seventh. Rog Kroodsma pitched the eleventh inning.

ifc4 •*

WHACK—Rog Kroodsma raps out a single during the second game of Wednesday's twin-bill with Spring Arbor at Riverview Park. Hope was victorious in both games, 3-0 and 6-2.


Hurls One-Hitter

Dutchmen Take Doubleheader Last year's Little Ail-American, Paul Terpstra, went to the mound for Hope College in the season's home opener, and threw a nifty one-hit shutout against Spring Arbor, walking three and striking out eight and winning 3-4). Hope scored two runs in the second inning after the side had been retired in order in the first inning. After two were out, Don Troost was safe on an error by Spring Arbor's centerfielder. He then proceeded to steal second and advanced on to third when Dan Krueger belted a single. Clare Van Wieren thencleared the bases with a line double but was thrown out attempting to stretch his hit into a triple. In the second inning. Long got Spring Arbor's only hit of the game, a single. In the fourth inning, after two were out, Troost belted a long home-run to put Hope ahead, 3-0. The only time that Spring Arbor posed any kind of threat was in the last inning when, with one out, an error by Hope's rightfielder put a runner on. After another out, an error by the shortstop made it men on first and second with two out. But the next batter grounded out to Van Wieren and the game was over. Van Wieren was one for two and had two RBI's. Troost was one for

Dr. Klaasen Suffers Stroke, Is Recuperating Dr. Adrian Klaasen, professor of economics and business at Hope College, has suffered two slight strokes which has forced him to discontinue teaching for the rest of the semester. Dr. Klaasen suffered his first stroke the week of March 7. He went to the hospital for tests which were to be concluded on March 25. Before the tests were completed, he suffered his second stroke and was taken to the Grand Rapids Hospital where he has begun therapy. He is expected to be home sometime during spring vacation.

Though he won't be teaching the rest of the semester. Dr. Klaasen should be ready to teach next fall. Of his absence Dean William Vanucr Lugt said, "Dr. Klaasen is a man whose counsel Hope College will miss. We are glad to hear that Dr. Klaasen's illness is not serious and are looking forward to seeing him on campus again next fall."

two with one RBI and two runs scored. The only other Hope hit was by Krueger. The second game began quietly with both sides being retired in order. In the second inning. Skip Nienhuis hit a single and reached third. Cal Beltman went in as a pinch runner and stole home. The next man up, Charlie Langland. belted a double and that was most of the action until the last two innings. Spring Arbor got Sauer, their second batter, aboard with one out. Then their centerfielder, Bates, slammed a triple, driving one run across. Long then hit a single, bringing another runner across the plate. Coach Siedentop then brought in Gary Frens to replace Mark Johnson who had started. Frens got the next batter on a fly to center and the last one on a grounder to second. Then Hope came to bat. After one man was out, Charlie Langland boomed a tremendous drive which landed on the rooftop of the building just outside the ballpark for a 400 foot home-run. The next batter. Frens, walked. Beltman then ran for Frens and stole second. After a ground out, the next three batters. Wayne Cotts, Troost. and Rog Kroodsma walked, forcing in the lead run. Then, Van Wieren hit a single to bring in another run. The fifth inning ended with Hope leading 4-2. in

After Spring Arbor failed to score their half of the sixth, Hope

scored on an error, a single by Langland, an error by the pitcher, and Terpstra's single. The final score was 6-2. The winning pitcher was Frens who gave up only one hit in two and two-thirds inning of relief work. Langland was the big man with the bat, going three for three with a double, home-run, three RBI's and two runs scored.

Frens and Rog Kroodsma had two hits while Paul Terpstra, Clare Van Wieren. Tom Pelon and Skip Nienhuis each had one. Thirteen hits were tallied off Frens for the winners. In the second game against Union, three runs were scored against Hope on a throwing error by Rog Kroodsma following a bunt, to give the winners a four run fifth inning. Hope registered 11 hits, led by Wayne Cotts who collected three singles and a double. Terpstra and Vern Plagenhoef had two hits with Pelon. Don Troost and Phil Pluister with one each. Hope dropped their third game of the trip against Southwestern

April 25 marks the start of election week at Hope, culminated by the primary election on April 28 and the final balloting on April 29. the winners of the elections for president of the sophomore, junior, and senior classes and president and vice-president of the Student Senate will be announced Friday evening, April 26, in the Pine Grove. The week will be filled with campaign events. David Vanderwel and Gene Pearson, candidates for Senate president, will discuss the issues of the campaign over WHTC radio on April 26 at 6:30 p.m. There will be a special elections assembly on the same day at 10:30 a.m. in Dimnent Memorial Chapel at which the candidates for Senate president and vice president will give brief platform speeches.

Dimnent Memorial

gained day as picked trip.

Sophomore Mark Johnson collected the win as he hurled a sevenhitter, struck out seven and gave up four walks. The hitting attack was led by catcher Vern Plagenhoef, who hit a double and a triple for two of Hope's eight hits. Memphis College also handed Hope a defeat by a score of 6-5 as Memphis scored four runs in the sixth inning to destroy a 4-2 Hope lead. Hope had eleven hits for the game, including three by Paul Terpstra and two apiece for Piersma and Krueger. Wayne Cotts, Vern Plagenhoef. Tom Pelon and Clare Van Wieren each collected one hit.

Tennis Team Wins 2, Loses 7 In Recent Meets Earlier this week Hope College's tennis team won their second match in nine encounters as they blanked Central Michigan University 9-0. It was Hope's first home contest after a two week southern trip. Hope opens their MIAA action tomorrow against Kalamazoo at 2 p.m. Hope's Craig Workman defeated Bill Kooiman of Central, 4-6. 6-3. 6-4; Lance Stell won 6-1, 6-4 against Dennis Elkins; Ron Visscher downed Tom Johnson 6-3. 8-6; Jack Schrier defeated Jerry Kennedy 6-3, 7-9, 6-3; Craig Holleman won 6-1, 6-4 and Jeff Jorgenson collected his win 2-6, 8-6, 6-3. In doubles the Workman-Visscher duo won 4-6, 6-3, 0-2 while Stell and Holleman won 6-3, 4-6, 6-0 and the Schrier-Jeff Green team defeated their opponents 12-10. 6-1.

Senate, Class Officers Candidates Announced


This Sunday

At Union College in Jackson. Tenn., Hope lost two with scores of 9-6 and 5-4 last Friday and Saturday. Union's win Friday came off the bat of Williams who hit a three run homer in the eighth. Williams' blast came after a homer by losing pitcher Gary Frens which tied the score 6-6.

College in Memphis 6-4 but their revenge the following Hope defeated them 6-2 and up their second win of the

Each class is sponsoring an event to present the candidates for class president. The junior and freshman classes are planning dinners to be held April 25. The sophomores are planning a social featuring ice cream, a Charlie Chaplin movie and the speeches of Dave Duitsman, Dennis F a r m e r , Bob Thompson and Jeff Gale, candidates for class president. Candidates for Student Senate vice president are Marcia Bennink, Leslie Brueggemyer and Susan Sonneveldt. Candidates for senior class president are Leslie Cole. Bob Donia, Phil Rauwerdink and Pierre Sende. Seeking the office of sophomore class president are David Allen, Jed Green, Thomas Hildebrandt, Shirley Lawrence. Don Luidens and Pete Strauss.

In the spring trip's opener Hope dropped two from Rollins College with scores of 9-0 for both matches. Rollins had been undefeated at the time. Also in Winter Park, Florida. Hope lost two more matches, to Duke 8-1 and to Columbia 7-0. The team's sixth straight loss came from the University of Florida's team 9-0. Hope picked up its first win of the tour against West Georgia last week as they blanked them 11-0. Hope concluded their tour by going down in defeat 9-0 to Indiana University in Bloomington to give the Flying Dutchmen a 1-7 trip record.

Dr. Marcus Bloch L-Hy PRESIDENT Eastern Magical Society P.O. Box 1 1 8 New York 9, N.Y.

W H O H A S : Scrubbed Denims, Striped Velours, Cruncck T-Shirts, Baggies, Paisley Ties, Pink Dress Shirts, Summer Blazers in ten colors, and Ventilated Swim Suits.


at 10:45 A.M.

Preaching—Dr. Fred Olert, Senior Pastor Central Reformed Church Grand Rapids, Michigan

We Do . . .



(Next to Lokker Rutgers)


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