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April 1, 2, 3


Volume XXXVI

H O P E COLLEGE, Holland, Michigan, M a r . 26, 1924

Y. M. C. A. MEN HOPE READY FOR HOLD LIVE DEBATE PEORIA CLASSIC Y. M. ('. A. DEBATK ON AMERICA'S SPIRITUALITY Dill Maat versus Roy N a t tress Uesolved; That America is ^rowin^ Spiritually. Hill Maat—Negative Wo must admit t h a t there is a Rreal deal of spirituality found in Holland, hut we must rememhor that Holland is an exceptional city. In this city wo rnjoy a spiritual environment to a decree that is not reached hy any other city in the country without doubt. Now in considering this (|uestion we must look at the facts of the situation a s they are found in the country and not allow ourselves to bo narrowed by our own unique surroundings. Let us look a t the relations which exist between two of the leading: factions in our country, namely, Capital and Labor. Both of these powerful organizations are struggling f o r the upper hand so that they may oppress the other. Hatred and strife exist, and foul methods are being used by each in an effort to get the other by the throat, v Does this action suggest spiritual growth? Then let us look at the Ku Klux Klan which is a g r e a t power in our country today. This Hooded Invisible Empire preaches race hatred and seeks to antagonize the people by demanding the supremacy of one race at the expense of the others. Then take for example the spirit of lawlessness that prevails throughout our country. The great crime waves that sweep the nation and are like the waves of the sea for multitude. Even in our high offices of distinction and honor there is base corruption. The oil scandal has revealed that our most respected statesmen sometimes forsake the welfare of their country for personal advantage. Do these evidences of the character of America show any spiritual growth? In fact they reveal the decline of spirituality. How can we have spirituality when our government and people are corrupt. Even our professors and scholars of our great universities are seeking personal welfare rather than the welfare of the race. Even in the rural districts only one-fifth of the people attend church, and the attendance in the cities is much loweri Sabbath desecration is a common sin everywhere. The moral and social' life of our nation has gone from bad to worse. Therefore, because of these f a c t s concerning conditions in our country it is evident that America is not growing spiritually.

' N u m b e r 14




Ricmcrsma and Hinga Score High

Dr. Nykerk Accdnpanics Contestants

it will be an unusual event in the history of Hope's foi-ensic activities to send a delegation to a national cdavention. For this the .stage is now set and on Monday 1)?-. J . H. Nykerk, Simon Heemstra, Nolle Kole, and Harvey De Weerd will depart for Peoria, Illinois, where the national Pi Kappa Delta convention takes place April 1, 2, and u. The delegation will be located at convention headquarters, in the Jefferson hotel. This "cut" shows the fighting aggregation which represents Hope this All members of the group are under season. The following is an attempt to appraise their service together with the training rules of Dr. Nykerk, a bit of general comment. since they will participate in the oratorical and extemporaneous contests. Captain Irving "Kenny" Van Lente Miss Nelle Kole will speak in the Perhaps our Captain's name was not "Kenny" Van Lente is playing his Women's contest, which takes place always in the sport write-ups because first year as a regular, but has been a April Jst. The title of her oration is of the number of baskets which he sub f o r two years previous. "Kenny" "The Cannon and the Cross." Miss tossed in, or because of "flashy" play- had played forward and center before Kole participated in the state, oratcfri- ing, b\it if there was any consistent the presen^ season, but " J a c k " needed fioorwork to be performed or any a standing guard, and "Kenny" was cal contest last year and won second quick thinking to be done. Captain place. She has had considerable ex- George Irving was on hand with his groomed for the berth. How well he blossomed forth into one of the steadperience in stage work, having always fighting, blood up. This is his third iest guards Hope has ever boasted is been active in forensics and as a mem- 'varsity season, and he will return f o r proven by his record this season. He next season's campaign. ber of the Hope College Girls' Glee plays clean and can be counted upon "Fritz," Manager to give his best for his Alma Mater. Club. Her training with Dr. Nykerk "Kenny" will be wearing the Orange " F r i t z " Yonkman, manager, is the. for the coming event has been very and Blue f o r another season. type of athlete that sends the name of successful up to this time and we enHope throughout intercollegiate circles "Heinie" Albers tertain high hopes for victory. Be- with respect linked alongside of it. "Heinie" Albers has been one of cause of her success, last year Miss " F r i t z " always manages to come out Schouten's dependables who sit on the Kole was admitted into the Pi Kappa of a hard play smiling, and he is one bench, ready to go in the melee at any Delta fraternity, in which the Pro- of the cleanest players that ever wore moment and fight his hardest, alan Orange and Blue uniform. Fred ficiency degree was conferred upon and his basket tossing ability will re- ways giving a good account of themselves. "Heinie" regularly plays forher. This year she was Secretary- turn for the 1924-'25 machine. ward but he can take over a center's Treasurer of the local chapter. "Chief," the Clever berth should the occasion demand. He Simon Heemstra will compete in ttje "Chief" Ottipoby, the scrappy, dim- still has two years left in which to Men's contest. He will speak on inutive Indian, who can fool almost give his best to Hope. Wednesday evening, April 2, on the any opponent, has proven his worth "Long J i m " Poppen to the squad this season, as never besubject "Our Uncrowned Kings." "Long J i m " Poppen is the man who fore. "Chief" plays clever basketball, alternates at center with " F r i t z . " He Heemstra was within six-tenths of one and usually has an unerring eye, a t has splendid basketball form, and is a per cent a victor in a national contest least always managing to surprise the dead shot a t the basket. With two last year. With a new oration and f a n s with two or three center-court years ahead of him he should desome more training with Dr. Nykerk shots in a game. "Chief" comes back velop into a center Hope can well be he gives promise to be a strong con- to the Orange and Blue for another proud of. season. testant in the f r a y at Peoria. Mr. "Ted" Vanden Brink "Beans" Heemstra holds the highest honor in "Beans" Riemersma is so well known "Ted" Vanden Brink, who scraps to the Pi Kappa Delta, having Special to all Hope fans that he needs almost the last whistle, has been on the 'varDistinction in oratory and debate. He no introduction. Ben usually puts up sity two years, now, and still has two is also a member of the Delta Sigma a steady, reliable game at guard, and seasons to play. He went in frequentfew and f a r between are the ringers ly during the past year, and always Rho, the oldest and largest forensic made through his guard. Ben's uncommanded the respect of all oppofraternity in America. In the local canny ability at midcourt shooting has nents. Being fast on his feet and chapter he is manager of debate and often saved the Orange and Blue f r o m possessing a fair eye, he has made was chosen as an officer in the state narrow defeats. Ben will return also himself a welcome addition to the for another season. Orange and Blue squads. oratorical and debate leagues. Harvey De Weerd speaks in the Extempore contest on the last day of two things that abide forever. Marie Kruif then took up the theme the convention. Ho will discuss some and told us of some more things that phase of America's agricultural probwere lasting, such as Christ's promlems. A definite subject will not be ises, His care, love, and friendship. Roy Natl rcss—A(Tirmativc assigned him until shortly before the Her closing remark was t h a t there was something we ourselves possessed "Spirituality is to know God and contest. Mr. De Weerd is a keen that could not be taken away, and t h a t ASSISTANTS TO BE serve Him," therefore growth in thinker and a good impromptu speakANNOUNCED SOON w a s character er. He has been a member of the colspirituality would be an endeavor for a better knowledge of God and an ef- lege varsity debate teams for four ALUMNI NOTES Chester Yntema and Frederick f o r t to serve Him better. 1 have years, and has achieved Special Dis- Meyer have been chosen to the posichosen six ways in which we may de- tinction in debate, one of the highest tions of editor-in-chief respectively of Rev. Henry Veltman gave an Easter termine and estimate the spiritual honors and degrees in the Pi Kappa the Milestone of next year. Both message over the Radio last Thursday growth in a nation. First we may de- Dilta fraternity. De Weerd is Presi- men were elected on the first ballot Many "tuned in." termine the spirituality in America by at the Sophomore class meeting and dent of the local chapter of this f r a the interest shown in church activity. Milestone election held last WednesHerman Potgeter has accepted a call We find t h a t there has been a great ternity. Under his supervision foren- day. to the American church in Hamilton. gain in church membership > ands sics at Hope College have been placed Mr. Yntema is a sincere worker and buildings in this country during the gives promise of being an efficient under a new management this year. last few years. There has also been Miss Hermina Ihrman entertained editor and executive. Mr. Meyer has The convention is the fifth of its held a similar position before and Is with a tea party in honor of Miss an increase in church societies and organizations. Next let us see what kind, occurring biennially. There are theiefore a fortunate chaice. Glerma Wasser, whose marriage to the interest is in the salvation of oth- now ninety chapters in the Pi Kappa In order to effect a good working Chas. Francis Ihrman is to take place ers. On survey we find t h a t the misstaff the selection of all assistants is this spring. Lorene Meulenberg, Emsions both in this country and in for- Delta fraternity. It includes univer- left to the editor. The new head is ma and Clara Reeverts, Maybelle eign countries are steadily growing. sities and colleges from practically considering these selections and will Mulder and Dorothy Pieters were In fact there are more young people every state in the Union. Some of announce them soon. some of the alumni present. ready to go out as missionaries than the best forensic ability in the country the church can afford to send, not beY. W.'S HOLD ANOTHER Members of the faculty also have cause the church is not doing its part will be represented in the contests. A GOOD MEETING some "outside activities." Prof. but because the living expenses of the very splendid three day program has Wichers spoke to the Exchange Club missionaries have increased so tre- been planned. Many important sub"That Which Cannot . Be Taken a t Grand Haven Monday, March 17. mendously. The Red Cross is doing a jects will be discussed in the business Away" was the theme of the meeting noble work in all parts of the world sessions, while many prominent e'du- and the idea was earned throughout He also read a paper a t the Thursday to relieve the unfortunates. Every- cators and lawyers are scheduled to the singing and prayers. Misses Ree- afternoon meeting of the D. A. R. on where hospitals and sanitariums are speak. The big speaker will be former verts and Sprick sang a duet a t the "The Philistine in Society Today." being built as relief measures to the Senator Albert J. Beyeridge of rn- close of the prayer circle which gave needy. And not all of these evidences diana, who will give an address at the the right atmosphere. Helene Van Notice! banquet on the evening of the third. Kersen gave us a talk on the stability Meliphone alumni are welcome to The convention will undoubtedly prove of Christ. She urged all of us to re- our banquet March 28. See Julius (Continued on Last Paj;e) to be beneficial in many ways. member that Christ and his love were Schipper for special rates.


Annexing the second game of the series from Schouten's warriors by a 33-20 score, the Holland Furnace five can justly lay claim to the city championship. Both teams and their managers realized that the two point victory previously taken in by the Warm Friends was no margin with which to determine the champion, so another game was booked. The Orange and Blue was decisively beaten in this game, consequently f o r the first time in many years an independent team can flaunt the city title at Hope. In f o r m e r years when there was a Holland " Y " team, the Orange and Blue had a habit of coming out on top, but this time the independent team is of a much higher calibre than tho usual run of such quintets, and as a consequence, Hope came out "on the short end of the horn," f o r this season's title. * The Furnace team played brilliant basketball during all the tilt, but Hope did its best work in the "first half. "Ben" Riemersma had a wonderful eye in the first f r a m e and r u n g up five baskets, b a t the best he could do in the next half was one field goal. On the other hand Hinga scored fifteen points in the last half. The guarding of Schouten's warriors was f a r below par, and the Furnace makers had no difficulty in taking advantage of this fact, scoring easy shots that ordinarily they would have had no chance to a t tempt. The half ended sixteen to nine with Hope in the van, but a rally soon a f t e r the second half started gave the Warm Friends a lead that Hope was unable to overcome, t r y as they might. For the furnace team Hinga was the outstanding star, scoring 21 of the 33 points. Then Heasley and Japinga also gave a good account of themselves. Riemersma starred in the first half, while Ottipoby and Irving shared honors during the remainder of the battle. Van Lente was a bear on the defense throughout the game, exhibiting t h a t style of play which has made him so valuable to " J a c k " and the team this year. In a prelim the Reserves were beaten by the Jamestown " Y " 30 to 27. The Reserves led a t half-time but lost out in the closing minutes of the melee. Doeksen and C. Lubbers starred for the scrubs, while Smallegan was the individual who contributed most to the Reserves' defeat. Line-up and s u m m a r y ; Hope Holland Furnace. Irving R. F...„ F. Hinga Ottipoby —L. F. Japinga Yonkman _C. — De Jonge Van Lente R. G Kurz Riemersma L.G. Heasley Field Goals: Hinga 9, Riemersma 6, Ottipoby 3, Heasley 2, Irving, Yonkman, Van Lente, Japinga, Kurz. Free Throws: Hinga 3 in 5, Japinga 2 in 3, Heasley 2 in 4, Irving 2 in 5. Referee: Thompson, Battle Creek. o FIVE DIE IN COLLEGE FOOTBALL Five men on college and universaty football teams throughout the country were fatally injured during the past season. The majority of the deaths were caused by fractured skulls and injured backs. One player died of strangulation as he was chewing tobacco during the game.. When he was tackled the tobacco stuck in his throat and he died on the field. Nine high school and four professional players also were fatally injured. —Prince toniaiu

F a g e



®l|p A n t l j n r


B I L L ' S

Published every Wednesday during t h e collegiate year by the Students of Hope College. Subscription —$1.50 per year BOARD O F EDITORS Albert G r a n t

Louis Reeverts Mary Pieters Associate Editors

Mildred Raemaker—Exchange Bill Maat—Humor Anna Tysse—Alumni Jack Soeter—Humor G a r r e t t Winter—Sports O a c e Gardoi—Campus Laurence Vredevoogd—Prep Reportorical Staff Simon Weersma A. J . Ungersma,

Jack Veldman—Head Reporter Amanda Zwemer, Kathryn Keppel,

Richard Mallery, Henry Burgratf.

0 Business Staff ... Business Manager Circulation Manager ^opy

Gerard Pool .. Joshua Hogenboom Ray Van Zoeren

Accepted for mailing a t special rate of postage f o r Section 1103, Act of October, 1917, authorized October 19, 1918. A F F E C T A T I O N VS. SIMPLICITY

T H E P E P ORCHESTRA The Pep Orchestra, sometimes known as the Emersonian Orchestra because of 's °n,P, and has made a good showing from its first public appearance. It was not designed to be a symphony orchestra t h a t might rival some well known orchestras of t h a t description—far from it. However, it was designed to assist ,uu , l, .mm, in in aarousing / ' £ enthusiasm and "pep" for our basketball games It been this interest in keeping u r t ^

'u r k

Qveidecoration of one's person or home is conceded to be an evidence of vulgarity. The rich, but uncultured woman loads heiself with embroidery ::nd jewels in an a t t e m p t to hide h e r ^ she sueeeeds on,y in emphasizing it. Do we realize t h a t our tastes in words betray us j u s t a s truly as our t a s t e s in cloihes? Many students spem to th.nk l h a t one,s knowie(|ge of E n g . i v i n f




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s r s s i 'rssxx s; sst' sgt Ait s s ;

He met with the faculty before ch&pel and informed them t h a t his hat was not in the l i n g of candidates f o r valedictorian. To his first hours class then and helped p e r f o r m a post mortem on Monday's test. To the barber shop then to learn t h e i elation between the fact that only leaky roofs are shingled and t h e bobbed hair craze. In the alternoon to Grand Rapids for the Anchor To a Choccolate Shoppe for i- d u b " sandArich and found it very striking. Home on the last car.

It m a y be a g o o d p o l i c y t o burn a woman s love ^ ™pnTv poor policy to let her know it. Polytechnic.


work at once; all or spare time; ex-

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At the last g a m a the A. D. D.'s sold p e r i e n c e u n n e c c e s s a r y ; n o canvass1,911 frost-bites. ing; send for particulars. J u s t before the prelim started last Wednesday night the North bleachers were seating 105 people. The small Northwest section was occupied by 63 Fellow Hopeites: May the joys of a happy vacation be persons. T h e r e were approximately yours. 1 trow it will be so. (Remem- jjQO people on the main floor (luring ber me to your loved ones, both young the game. The two inner circles of the balcony took care of ol7 people. Foolish as ever, and old.) The others moved and scattered so The Fool, '27 ( ? ) . much t h a t an accurate count could not he taken. ANCIENT HISTORICAL HER01< One of our most popular students requested me to print t h a t Miss Alice Alexander (the O r a t e ) High up in the valley, Caldwell's brown dress is adorned with A soft noise is heard; I7S buttons. (This is reliable inforLike the thundering of thunder, mation.) And the lowing of the herd. The bobbed co-eds on the campus T i s merely Alexander, Who robed in whitish black, hold forth the following percentage. Vr Unb. Weeps in humorous anguish, Bobbed Class 14.28 18 F o r conquering is slack. 3 Senior 25. 39 " H a r d times, hard times," quoth he, J u n i o r ... 13 ' 56.1 "All the dead a r e slain; 18 23 Soph 42.346 And o'er this land, my hairy hand. 30 22 Fresh 10. Sways like the s u g a r cane." 9 1 Faculty ... 44 2 ingrown Pompadours WEAKLY READING Total Bobbed 02 Total of Girls 17() The Point : 35.2% 01 Bobbed Heads S l i c i n g Upward': Charle^Parlons Paul Gebhard I n H „ Grasp Grasp EXCHANGES B. Nighkerk Music Hath Charm Princeton now has unannounced examinations. Girls in Voorhees a r e a l w a y s gctThe Cornell A r t s College has adoptting called down. ed a.policy whereby all m a r k s except passing and failing m a r k s a r e disN O T I C E A B L E NOTICE TO carded. ^ READERS^ %

^ • mi

Newswriters Training Bureau, Buffalo, N. Y

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of some of H o p . ' . stodenU lo j o o d t " r t u 11 advantage. The organization does not • claim to be directly resposible for the * o m ? . t h , n £ immediately a t t e m p t to H a r e s f o o t Club of the U; of SUC T h i s A tobio 1Tho 1 success of the basketball team, but it c^epe hd | u K : r a p h y will a p p e a r un, . musical f a n t a s v .""'y bombastic and ( i e r f o u r h o o d g i n Bin's R u n k ; : n a m e l y , Wis. ^ ' l l ^ o w ' t s musica f a n t a s y , has in a large measure contributed grandiloquent. When will the a v e r a g e b a b y h o o d , grammarhood, highschool- n T v v l ^ i ^ ' " 6 f toward its success. t h e M ltlle WeKt Hope College student realize that the h 0 0 ( l > a n ( | c o i i e g e h o o d . Keep in time " interesting writer is the one who exj u n e a n ( | follow the footnotef or anything for the Base REAL HUMOR The S o p h o m o r e class at Purdue lm _ i " J u f . ? ' closely or you may lose your step. Ball Player University has set a definite date on .. ^ i iir u i. P ^ e s t a n d clearest words possible? Humor, according to Noab Webster, ^ n affected style is bad enough which all class dues must be paid. All at is " t h a t quality of the imagination the writer understands the AUTOBIOGRAPHY OF HUMOROUS violators will not be nermitted to wear mir HICCUPS which excites t h by ^ ludicrous m e a n i n g 0 f the words he uses. Many class hats. Babyhood images or represfentations. Humor, f t h , and employ words 4.u • • • •. <•• us ur er On the thirty-second day of t h a t is, real humor cannot be o \ e i meaning of which we have onlv a ol the Hie '1 lie system of allowing no cuts has looked because it puts one in a happy month I, Humorous Hie- been adopted a t R u t g e r s College. To u e i(,ea 0 n e o t . t h e w o r d s n ; o s t thirteenth 206 River Ave. f r a m e of mind. What do you think of m i s u s e d i n t h i s w a y i s " t r a n s p i r e . " CUPS» w a s heralded into this sinful balance this, however, a bonus system M v the man who has no sense of humor? l t ( l o e s n o t r | i e a n "happen"—yet how . parents were proud of me allowing additional credit for perfect W h a t is your honest opinion of the o f t e n w e s e e i t u s e d i n t h a t c o n n e C . and a f t e r a three-day debate, they attendance has been adopted. man, who, in the walks of life, fails t i m e r e ] y because the writer wished finally convinced a photographer that to laugh and smile, and also fails to appear learned, and was too lazy be would not endanger his pictorial produce laughs or smiles in others? t o c o n s u ^ a dictionary! ! mechanism bv reproducing my facial We are inclined to call such a man ,p , would truide the average expression. My g r a n d p a on my Ma's "sour," . "down-in-the-mouth," and \ h e ^ r f i g h t aml n a r ^ w side died of "acute disappointment Get a real Curling Iron at a "cmlly-with-heat. First—Consult a dictionary when p atthh.: wnen Ma ina informed i m o i m e u him niin of oi the wie fact latt Humor, therefore, plays an an active active I r e q u e n t i y # Second—Never use a long that I resembled him in many respects, real price: and important part in our •nf" f -f 6 or unusual word if a short and f a - My g r a n d m a on my Pa's side died of cannot and should not be wrthout without it; m your meaning meaning aa stroke stroke of of thanksgiving thanksgiving and and pleasure plea n l .ij| aa r o n e "wwi i|i l l eexpress X p r e s s your Small size $1 19 but, out, there m e r e are some MJIIIC pcupie people who tlnnK think . u s ,t a s w e j ,,j | i e n s she | i e heard heard II was was inin no wise conwwhen Large size (detachable) 2 29 t h a t all funny and foolish things are Compare the bombastic affectation nected, by face or feature, to her side humorous. Humor is set a p a r t f r o m o f t h e c o | j e ^ e Sophomore—or o f t e n , of the relation fence. Guaranteed f u n n y and foolish. It is distinct. It a l 'iher.e deaths caused no small stir t h e g e n i o r a s W ell—with the folcannot be mixed. In every paper, col- | o w i passage. It is one of t h e no- among my multitude of feelings; but, lege or otherwise, there is some space ^ i e s t loftiest, and most dignified I hardened my heart when my "can'cdevoted to humor. The policy of the English language; yet be-stopped" teeth commenced to proe m s jn ^ e humor columns in this paper is to set t j i e r e ^ n o t o n e W o r d in it which a trude. Under tender parental guldchild cannot understand. ance, 1 learned to meander and promS. W. Cor. 8 t h and River foolish. The contributors to these huThe Lord is my Shepherd; I shall enade in a wobbly style, and finally, mor columns are trying their very not want. He leadeth me beside the a f t e r an abundance of hard practice best to create " t h a t quality of the still waters; ;He maketh me to lie 1 trained the noises to proceed f r o m imagination which excites mirth by down in green pastures. my " t h r o a t o r i a l " regions in an organludicrous images and representaHe restoreth my soul; He leadeth ized and unified manner. These notetions." It means work, it means time; me in the paths of righteousness for worthy and advantageous accomplishbut, they will endeavor to produce on His name's sake. ments bolstered my wiltered flower of the faces of the Hope students t h a t Yea, though 1 walk in the valley conceit and J, the Honorable Humormirthful smile that expresses so clearof the shadow of death, 1 shnll f e a r ous Hiccups, was ready f o r g r a m m a r ly a sweet disposition. no evil; . school. Yea! Yea! I was prepared l o o For Thou a r t with me; Thy rod and undergo an elementary educational SHIFTING S C E N E S Thy staff, they comfort me. operation. Thou anointest my head with oil in ( I N 1774) Youth impatient youth .demands ^ pjesence of my enemies; my cup Van Vleck Hall is a brewery—fun and getss variety. variety, For t o r him college runneth over a n ( 1 l a u g h t e r brews all the time. HAVE ever considered it as the indispensable must be kaleidoscopic and the campus g 0 0 ( | n e s s and mercy shall Sui.e) 0 duty of every member of society to promote, as a stage of changing scenes. This in- f o l l o w m e * „ t h e d a y s o f m y l i f e WORD O F W A R N I N G tar as in him lies, the prosperity of every indicreasing demand f o r c h a n K e - f o r esj s h a l l d w e l | in t h e h o u s e of An(| cape from the intangible chains of t i l p T , r .i f f t r p V p r p - vidual, but more especially of the community in To whomsoever may confess: * monotony—engenders opportunity for ^_ n which he belongs." Jacob Marcellus Kik, a graduate of a cosmopolitan studentry to vent its Grand Rapids Central High School WHAT A BIG B U S I N E S S MAN Life insurance is inseparably bound up with the struggling talents. Thus many have and at present a member of the noble T H I N K S O F COLLEGE MEN their period of acting and all their peprosperity of every individual, family and community. freshman clasp, hereby issues a w a r n liod of special entertainment. It is a secure and prosperous business and satisfactory r ii-or a time 1 tried picking your.- ing, through this column, t h a t the s t u i ne Basketball season has ended. to the salesman in every way. i i)..f my experi- dent v;ho unlawfully plucked Ins new We s h i f t now to a period of dramatic men. out of college. But interest in which the Senior class and ence with college men was not for- rubbers had better quit school before The J O H N H A N C O C K would like to interest a few and thoroughly ihe Dramatic Club will stand in bold tunate. If I selected good students, 1 „he is, ...discovered . . ,, ambitious men who graduate this year to make J O H N Kik relief. A period in which spring with found too often t h a t their leadership .i 1 ! 0 ' : f , Mr. „ states . * - ..t h a t n . H A N C O C K selling their life work. its call of the diamond, of the cinder had been won by doing very well what n have been umntentionh Statistics on college graduates who have entered path, of the tennis.-ourt and of nature their teachers had laid out f o r them. ^ * 1 ' a t large is irresistible. They had developed a fine capacity for life insurance place it at the very top as a source of Inactivity never, there is always taking order.-, but not much initiative. income. Before making a decision as to your career TONIE PHONIE TONES some group, some team, someone ag- if j hired athletes, too many of them 1 gressively engaged m accomplishing seemed to feel that their life work K m e M . " ' 1 , 0 ",""rto °f ^ "A*"*v The Cauliflower q u a r t e t , consisting w a s done; t h a t the world owed the.n something. Every moment brings anV ; . w a s none; m a c m e worm owed me.n of* nDe n m..m^i Maagd, yfn.r Steggerda, Luidens and other trial, another chance for triCe 01 1 V in for tl lined the faculty a t a T " N a t t , e s s , entertain, umph. Opportunity, lho cup ' with i : | T -s available ul achieved f o r the grand old school. . ^ 1 e e c n t M with grind organ melomany handles, is always a v a , l , l l ) , 0 » —I'rom the American Magazine. .• u: ti dies. Professor Hinkamp claims t h a t ways free. the monotone and oxytone was upliftLife has no fade-out period. I t is a P R M P Q ( J W V I H -U n u n MAJTI ing. reries of crises all demanding focused ® SWLAK ALOUD LIFE attention. The spinning top, the movA riot w a s threatened on the camo INSURANCE COMPANT ing bicycle, the whirling planet all ex- pus of the University of Chicago DIARY O F S A M U E L P E P Y S II OF BOSTON. MASSACHUSETTS • mples of equilibrium through motion, when professors and other dignified ( P e r his landlady) Stttynrntyewmbuihiea. Nou, mrurinj-One Billion Stwn Hundred Remember that responsibility is the personages were heard calling "Damn Monday, March 24. Million UDllars in bolides on 3,250,000lives I e .t preparation for the bearing of it. You." It was, however, merely an Samuel Pepys arose t h i s morning Remember, too, t h a t ability is no effort to earn a reward by finding a early and took up his studies a t t h e mushroom. lost dog by the name of "Damn You." i.oint where he fell asleep last night.

Base Ball Shoes, Bats and Gloves Superior Cigar Co.



John Hancock Said:—





We wish to announce the opening of a Ladies' Undergarment Shop. We are sure that a visit would be both pleasant and profitable for you.


174 N. RIVER A V E .


Jim Ver Muelen, Frank Hinkamp, and Louis Reeverts have staged a comeback in U. S. History class. Each is now striving to outdo the other In asking questions. Friday's game resulted in Ver Muelen 3, Hinkamp 2, and Reeverts 2.

Kenny Van Lente and Coach Schouten went to Grand Rapids Friday to attend an athletic conference.

GREEN MILL CAFE You are what you eat. to be particular.

You cannot afford not

N E A T N E S S , SERVICE, Q U A U T Y ' Hope lost last Wednesday night. Martha Gabbard owes somebody a box of candy.

Let Us Haul Your


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Citz. 5283

I Frog Lees! Lobster! All kinds of fresh fish

"For People who Care , , ninnniinnnnnnnin

Billy Spreek notified the campus loiterers Thursday t h a t spring was here. What do you mean, Billy?

Did you see Pollyanna? If you did you will certainly agree with us that Janet Albers has a very wonderful sister. Space forbids the publication of all "Jack's" the only man allowed, and jokes, but Prof. Winter and Clarence Lubbers should be compelled to contribute to the humor department. The gospel team went to Rockford last Friday. Dick Mallory accompanied Hie girls as speaker.

DIIKE1CAFE 'i Bnnnnninnnnnihnnnnn

Green Mill Cafe,



For Your Ice Cream and Candies and School Supplies J. VAN RY, 331 College Avenue

DISEASES OF THE EYE, EAR, NOSE and THROAT < : , 22 W e s t - m Street, Abave Woolwortb's 6 and 10 Cent Stovt Office Hours— 9 to 11 A. M. 2 to 6 P. M. flat. 7 to 9 P. M.



. ninnnniiiPl

The Emersonian Society met Friday evening at the usual time. Before Q]iinnnnnnnnnninnnnnnnnnnnnnnninnnnnnnnnnninnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnninnnninnnnnnnnnnnnni»[7) the program the meeting was addressed by Mr. Achterhoff, '23, from Ohio State, who told of the social life /vpaocyA Many are the demands for Corsao t t g w UUIVClo ges harmonize with the costhere. , , „ The program contained five num5 tume of the wearer—either in color or variegation of colors. Our years of bers. all well prepared and thoroughly : experience in this service will please you. enjoyed. The first number. ModernHENRY EBELINK, Leading Florist, Phone 5&54 238 River Ave. ism versus Fundamentalism, by RichQnniiiiiiiiiiiiininiii nun nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnninnniiQ ard Van Farowe, discussed the present ecclesiastical controversy and have arrived. contained the possible future developments. The second number was the last installment of the story, BarnMost Comeplete Line yard Blues, by Martin Hoeksema. > In his hands the plot reached a whirlin the City. wind climax but closed with the characters happier and wiser. The third number was a saxophone solo Donald Schilleman. He chose "Mighty Lak' a Rose" and rendered it delightfully. The fourth number was a paper on Current Events, by Arnold Van Wyck. All recent happenings were 12 E. 8th St. given minutely, containing even the SOMETHING NEW recent developments in the line of golashes, weather conditions, stock markets and local elections. The last number. "A Budget," was given by Ten Pas. For several moments ne (jpinnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnniiiQ enthroned the little god Razz, who subjected to withering sarcasm those who had displeased his satanic ma«—-HNight Sittingt by Appointment jesty. The society will hold its next meeting on Thursday, March 27.

Base Ball Goods

DR. A. L E E N H O U T S Citz. Phone 1208


Holland City State Bank


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Van Tongeren's

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Personal Stationery T

The appeal of a personal Letter is multiplied many times when the stationery is individual lized. Unequaled facilities enable us to make speedy deliveries.


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FOR BEST RESULTS with your Kodak, use the film m the yellow box.

D. J. Du Saar J*


HOLLAND, MICH. Capital $100,000.00 Surplus and Profits $85,000.00

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Qnality and Prompt Scrvice

The LaceyStudio

See our Bar Pins, Cuff Links and Bracelets

SOROSIS The Sorosites became very animated last Friday night as they met to discuss the coming presidential campaign. After the usual business had been disposed of and chaplain services had been rendered by Anna Meengs, Marian Van Vessum read a paper on "How the President Is Elected." It was written in the unique style that only Marian is capable of and not a minute detail of the process was omitted. Myrtle Hundley gave the "Presidential Possibilities for 1924." There were twelve Democratic and twelve Republican ones. Very ably she told the arguments pro and con of each man. Our minds were relieved from heavy matters for a few minutes while Mary Pieters, garbed in the attire of a well known member of our faculty, naively led the singing of clever, original campaign songs. The third of a series of talks on Parliamentary Law was given by Ethel Luidens. Then the society was held spellbound as they listened to Carol Van Hartesveldt's story, "The Curse of India." J u s t as one's bobbed hair was beginning to stand on end she added, "To be continued in our next."

* Dorian The Dorian Society met last Friday and enjoyed the following program:. Piano Solo, Eunice Brockmeir; Ramsey MacDonald (a paper), Shirley Hartman; violin solo, Hester Ossewaarde; Interesting Facts in Science, Josephine Ver Hage; "Wilson, a Man of the Ages." Harriet Vander Bush, and piano duet, Ruth Harder, Margaret De Weerd.

- P™

Holland's Leading Clothiers




33 Years of Satisfactory Service

Jim Ver Muelen and Harold Dam* stra have secured a horse and a mule and intend to increase their income .(luring spring vacation by • hauling m nn 111111111 n nn iiiiiiniinit i Miiiiiiiiiiini in mi away ashes. ' 0


Lokker & Rutgers

Si Heemstra, our orator to the Pi Kappa Delta convention, Peoria, Illinois, is using the chapel to good advantage. We're with you. Si.




Campus News



All Kinds o) Copying & Enlarging Ph. 5338 19 E. 8th, Holland, Mich.

The Students Barber CASPER BELT Now located at Ollie's Sport Shop

D U MEZ BROS. Dry Goods, Coats, Suits and Millinery. HOLLAND,





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The White Cross

S. Sprietsma & Son,

Three experienced Barbers. Hair Bobing a specialty,



for Society affairs at

Goods Galled for and Delivered Ph. 1S28

9 East Sth Stt

Molenaar& De Goede

B. HEEHGS, Prop.

14 Bast Sth St. •


Sport Comment

Expert Cleaning and Pressing at NICK DYKEMA'S




iimmmiimmiim/j *

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Correct Engraved Stationery, Unique Programs and Menus
















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Our Patrons are Satisfied

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N. HOFFMAN & SON, Proprielors

Arctic Frosl Bites 5 CENTS Keefer's


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P h o n e 1445

Remember - a Malted Milk 4

is more than deliciously refreshing, it is satisfying and nourishing. Frequent

THE WAFFLE SHOP Best Ice Cream Parlor in the City Also Confectionery and Fruits.

A. PATSY FABIANO 26 West Eighth Street

F I V E YEARS AGO (From the Anchor files of March 2G, 1919) At the Annual Anchor election, held last Tuesday evening. P. J. Siegers was elected editor-in-chief.

Now that the Spring Goods have Arrived

Select Your Bat & Glove

Hope took the wrong end of the score in a tilt with the Muskegon V Quintet. Alibi—Low ceiling.

Superior Cigar & Sporting Goods Co.

We are happy to announce t h a t the "Millionaire Kid" of Van Vleck, John Vandeiploeg, has made a donation of two fifty to the school.

The Shady Lawn Florists JOHNjlB. VANDER P L O E G , M g r . Store—Cor. 8lh St. & College Ave. Flower-phnne 5345 Office & Greenhouses, 275-281 E. IGth st. " 2652 •'OUR BUSINESS IS G R O W I N G "


GE0.H.HU1Z1NGA&C0. Jewelers and Opticians Chartered Agents for




IT ISN'T EVERYWHERE That you can be sure the kitchen is as clean as the dining-room. You can at



72 East Eighth St. Where food is good, wholesome and clean. F REE T I C K E T S TO THE HOLLAND THEATRE.


+ •••

Spring is Around the Corner JACK BLUE'S Malted Milks are a good remedy for spring fever. DROP AROUND TO SEE US. 126 East Eighth St.


206 River Ave,

SPRING SUITS are here. The new free fitting Models.

For Your Banquets.

"The Hope Girls' Masketball Teain" - t h e r e ' s a title for you. You hadn't heard? Well, if you hadn't you must have been d r e a m i n g 'way back in the ('ays when hoop-skirts and wigs were the fashion. J u s t now there's a stir among the co-eds—all about this g a m e of "caging the whirling sphere"—as the sport editor would say. We're always following the men in something, don't you know? The Holland Furnace team was the first to fall before the Hope Sextette, 17 to 15. " D e a r Old Holland H i g h > came next as a victim, t a k i n g the small end of a 10 to S score. A Zeeland game will be scheduled f o r an early date. Then, instead of two or three rooters on the side-lines t h e r e ought to be two or three hundred, evening. Many of his Holland friends probably " P u d d , " who referees. Honored, isn't h e ? ..Now for the personnel, i. e.—the line-up. There's Psyche, and A n n e W. a n d . H a r r i e t V. d. M. and*Nell W. as forwards; Marie De -C., H a r r i e t H., and Bertha V. E. as g u a r d s ; Alice A. and Lillian B. a's running centers; and Isabel G. and Helen V. E. to touch ofV the ball each time as j u m p i n g centers. Their names a r e n ' t yet as f a m o u s as "Chief" and " B e a n s " and " F r i t z " and "George," but who c a r e s ? They're always " g a m e " a t every game, going for every goal, f u n n y enough for any fan—so come out, ye co-eds.! and all ye co-eds alone!

The faculty of the Schools of Music and Expression gave t h e i r swan song for the year. The audience is to be commended f o r their endurance.


j Pluggie's Corsages |

The Inter-clas* Basketball Tournament is about to close. F r o m the looks of things it would seem as though the Freshman class is going to c a p t u r e the championship. With but one g a m e left, the Freshmen are tied with the Juniors for the first plact*. The l ist time tho oflicial averages were given out the Freshmen were leading with .750; next came the Sophs and J u n i o r s with .500 apiece. The Seniors trailed with an average of .250. Since then, however, the J u n i o r s gave the Fo'ihs a narrow defeat by a 12-11 score. Next Monday tho deciding g a m e will be played between the Frosh and JIN nors, and should either the J u n i o r s or Freshmen win, it will mean the championship for t h a t team. The J u n i o r s h ive won it for two consecutive years and the " F r o s h " feel it is thejr duty lo stop them.

All Two Pants Suits at

$25.00 and up.

P. S. BO TER & CO.

At the regular meeting of the Addison Literary Society F r i d a y night elections foi the final term were held with result as follows: Mr. John Minnema was re-lected president and Theodore Vander Ploeg was chosen vice president. Henry Nyboer, Bruno Hruns and Anton Scherme wciv elected to the olfices of secretary, treasurer and archives keeper respectively, while Nelson Doak was chosen by lot to fill the distinctive position of custodian. In accordance with time-honored tradition, the new officers entertained with r e f r e s h m e n t s at one of the local restaurants.




Players, Victrolas and Records —at the—


(Continued frDm Page 1)




Lindeborg s Students Drug Store 54 E a s t Sth Str. HI-*—



. Hoekstra's Ice Cream RICH AS GOLD 29 West 16th St-


Phone 2212


ica? Today there is a g r e a t interest • • manifested in the Divinity of Christ. Men everywheie are searching the scriptures and reading religious books in order to find the t r u t h as it is in Jesus. There are more Bibles and religious books sold today than ever before. Let us look a t the interest t h a t the church shares in the social betterment of the country. It was the influence of the church t h a t made the 18th amendment a law and t h a t is doing the most to enforce it. The church leads in most of the g r e a t reforms of the nation. The movement to bring the Bible back in the public schools is supported by the church and has the spiritual growth behind it as an incentive. The increased interest in immense Christian gatherings that are taking place throughout the country r. an evidence of spiritual growth. Oreat auditoriums are crowded by masses of students who have dedicated their lives to the cause of Christ. Theref o i e in the face of these f a c t s it is clea.* that America is growing spirit-


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We have many different Styles but only ONE Standard of Quality.

The House of Extra-Values Vanderlinde

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