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OLLAND, MICHIGAN March 16, 1962

Hope Collefe — Holland, Michigan


St. Louis Symphony Plays Tomorrow Night HMMMt X-Xilv.vX

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The St. Louis Symphony Orchestra will appear In a concert at the Civic Center at 8:00 tomorrow night.

Pan-Hellenic Board Pushes for Spring Rush Questionnaire Evaluation to Help System by Linda Walvoord This s e a s o n Pan-Hellenic Board has been engaged in an extensive re-evaluation of the present sorority system and its capacity, based on a questionnaire circulated last month to all women on campus. During the last meeting of the Board on March 13, Dr. and Mrs. Lubbers were the special guests of the Board at a Phelps dinner meeting. At this meeting, a letter written by the sororities was read, which expressed a clear preference for spring rushing, and opposing the recent proposal for cancellation of sorority rushing this spring. After a thorough discussion of the ques-

tion, the Board voted to go ahead with spring rush this year. At the same time, a fifteenmember committee, consisting of five sorority members, five interested non-sorority members and .five adults was formed to begin a close study of questionnaires and report their suggestions this spring. A members' thorough re-evaluation of the entire sorority system is intended through these committee meetings. Dr. Lubbers gave the women several ideas as to the real purpose and function of sororities on Hope's campus and offered his assistance to the committee. Hope's present sorority system has been in effect for two

Campus Lecture Series Features Kalamazoo Orchestra Conductor Mr. Gregory Millar, newly appointed conductor of the Kalamazoo Symphony Orchestra, will be guest lecturer at Hope College on Monday, March 19, in the Dimnent Memorial Chapel. His lecture, on the topic "Music in American Culture" is scheduled for 10:30 that morning as a part of the All-Ompus Lecture Series for which classes will be dismissed. Mr. Millar came to Kalamazoo last September from his post as assistant to Leonard Bernstein, conductor of the New York Philharmonic Orchestra. His musical background and training have been mostly in Canada and on the West Coast of the United 1 States. He was founder of the San Francisco Orchestra and various other opera and instrumental groups. His activities with Mr. Bernstein and the New York Philharmonic were given a wide newspaper and magazine coverage during the past year and included a feature story in Time magazine. Since he was appointed the permanent conductor of the Kalamazoo orchestra, he has

years, replacing a system of "preferential bidding" in which girls were placed in a sorority for leadership distribution and preference matching. Used for many years before 1958, this system proved unsatisfactory as enrollment increased. Now the questions before the Board are 1) What should we expect from Hope College sororities? 2) How many are needed? 3) Are the sororities fulfilling their aims at present? 4) What is the best system for membership? Responses on the questionnaire were most encouraging, demonstrating concern and interest among Hope women for a good social system. O f ' 470 upperclass women, 311 returned their forms, while 108 freshmen returns were received. Generally, reactions to the present system were highly positive; fewer

programmed many unusual and Committee Formed significant compositions previously not heard in western To Investisate Michigan. Prior to his association with Curriculum Chanses the New York Philharmonic he At a recent meeting of the was conductor of the St. Louis University Orchestra and the -Educational Policies Committee Canadian Broadcasting Corpor- a motion was acted upon to form ation's serious music programs. a special Curriculum Committee to prepare a proposal for revising the general course requirements. This committee would formulate suggestions for course revisions for graduation and possible changes in the academic calendar. The steps which the committee are to take are 1) to solicit ideas and suggestions from the faculty members and students, 2) to prepare an initial proposal, 3) to present this proposal for comment and suggestion to representatives of various departments, 4) to prepare a second draft of the proposal, 5) to present this draft to faculty in small groups and as a whole for acceptance or rejection. "This procedure will take sometime," said Dr. Lubbers, "but will help to insure sound revisions in the present curriculGregory Millar um." •

than 50 women opposed the bidding system, though many offered suggestions for improvement. As a regulatory organ for all sororities, Pan-Hellenic Board recognizes responsibility for all Hope women, first of all to nonsorority women who desire membership. Included on the sorority letter at the recent meeting was a strongly supported recommendation that at least one new sorority be formed, modeled after the existing ones, next fall. At present, sorority facilities at Hope are inadequate. (Continued on Page 4)

Highlights Local season Concerts The New York Times, The Chicago Tribune, The Washington Post, the list continues; all have mentioned appreciatively the St. Louis Symphony Orchestra. A sample taken from the Galveston News, "The ensemble has been shaped into a cohesive balance that speaks as one instrument — perfectly tuned precision instrument." The possessors of Civic Concert Series tickets will have the privilege of hearing this orchestra, the second oldest in our country, this Saturday night at 8:00 in the Civic Center. Founded in 1880, the orchestra is now under the conduction of Edouard Van Remoortel, a 35-year-old Belgian who began his reknowned career at 17 and is himself a famed violoncellist. He has, since then, furthered his career by conducting 50 orchestras on six continents. "His conducting repertory includes acquaintance with some 400 works, classical and modern." The orchestra has been conducted by such men as Max Zach, "principal violist of the Boston Symphony and conductor of the famed Boston Pops from 1887 to 1897." Rudolph Gang followed and then Vladimir Golschmann of Paris. The concertmaster is Melvin Ritter, famed musician in his own right. Leslie Parnas, ' who in 1957 won the Pablo Casals International Competition, is the principal 'cellist. He has been named the "outstanding young 'cellist in the United States" by the violoncello Society of New York.

Lubbers Attacks Federal A i d Grants President Irwin Lubbers along with 28 other small college presidents has spoken against legislation now pending in Congress on federal construction grants to private colleges. Dr. Lubbers said, "This is not a statement for future college policy but this is a time to let Congress and President Kennedy know that private colleges want to remain free, strong, and independent." Representatives from Rockford, Franklin College, Hillsdale College, Wabash College, Wheaton College and DePauw University met in Chicago last week to compose a wire that was sent to President Kennedy. Twenty-three other college presidents including Dr. Lubbers, added their endorsement when informed of the protest. "Such provisions would embark this country upon a radically new program and policy of support of privately endowed institutions of higher education which will have devastating consequences to the individual institutions and therefore will prove inimical to the public interest," said the group. Dr. Lubbers explained how

this rejection of federal grant is consistent with the college borrowing federal money for the building of dormitories. "When the college builds dormitories and borrows money from the government, the college pays the government back with interest just as is done in a business transaction" said Dr. Lubbers. The college borrows from the government because the rate of interest is lower than elsewhere and because of the controls by expert government engineers which make sure the building is correct. The bill now pending in the House authorizes federal matching grants. This form of subsidy is a grant not requiring payment to the government. Under this new legislation, private colleges become "charity cases, lessening their freedom and independence," Lubbers went on to say. There are two bills pending in C o n g r e s s . The compromise House bill authorizes $1.5 billion over five years in grants and loans to public and private colleges for classroom construction. (Continued on Page 3)

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March 16, 1882

Peace Corps


Letter From Bloop To the masses via the Anchor: My name is Harriet E. Bloop. I'm a freshman here, and am very sickly. Because of my condition I am forced to partake of the gracious aid bestowed by our Friendly College Infirmary. Of late, I have witnessed many students expressing mistrust and even fear concerning the acceptance of aid and information from this institution. Thus I have taken it upon myself to acquaint the masses with the intricacies of the crumbling cottage on the comer of 12th and College. As you slide down the walk and trip up the slender stairs, you will be greeted with a sign that informs you that tender loving care will be given precisely from nine until twelve and then from one until five in the daytime. Seated behind the desk, as you enter, is a calm, courteous and courageous nurse. She is capable of taking temperatures, emptying bedpans and looking up your health card in the file. After some passage of time, you will be directed into a smaller side room and correctly seated. The doctor will pronounce his judgment. Either you are to go to bed and not eat anything all day and see how you feel tomorrow, or else you can just take a nicely colored pill and take it easy, or, if you are an extreme case, you are to run home and prepare for a stay in the clinic. I know several students who recently stayed in the clinic. I've never had a chance, but I know it's lots of fun. All you do is lay there for five or ten days and take aspirin and dine on Slater delicacies. Every day or so a new doctor comes in to see how you are. One doctor is the pulse reader. Another might be the temperature taker or the brow feeler. My friends weren't sure just what all of the duties were. You get to meet a lot of new people, my friends said, between the doctors and the nurses and the kids that stay in the room with you. You'd get to know the kids the best, of course, as you'd be exchanging conversation and opinions and germs. And your friends can come and see you and tell you what's happening outside and how much work you're going to get to catch up on. Finally, if you're only as sick as these girls were, you'll soon be so doped with aspirin you'll be cured. I doubt that you'd even have to go on to a hospital. Only two of my friends did. So, you have perhaps begun to see the situation more clearly. I'd like to ramble on for a while longer, but I think that just this much insight into the situation will cure you of any indecision as to policies regarding the clinic. Sincerely submitted, HARRIET E. BLOOP

A n Injustice He was a new comer to the colder climates, never experiencing before the thrills and spills of winter in the Midwest. Therefore many hours were spent taking pictures of the snow formations at the Lake and other scenes which typify a Michigan winter. He also found occasion to take shots of the campus. These had special meaning to him because he is president of a college himself. Then one morning before he was to return to his own country, he discovered that all of his pictures were gone. During the night he had become the victim of a ridiculous robbery which could only have been the work of some misled child. He, being the kind of gentleman he is, would hesitate to ask for pictures to replace those which were taken, in spite of the fact that he had anticipated many happy hours of sharing them with his own countrymen. It is regretable that Dr. Babbage should have to leave with such an experience in mind. If it is at all possible, it would be a tribute to Dr. Babbage if the students would give any pictures to him which have been taken during the winter months. Any and all pictures can be turned into the Anchor office in Mandeville and will be forwarded to Dr. Babbage.

Coming Events Friday, March 16 , "Orchid Elegance," All-College Formal, Civic Center, 8:30 p.m. Voting on Constitutional Amendment. Saturday, March 17 St. Louis Symphony Orchestra, Civic Center, 8:00 p.m. Monday, March 19 Gregory Millar Lecture, Chapel, 10:30 a.m. Wednesday, March 21 . 'c•. IRC, Phelps Conference Room, 6:45. Thursday, March 22 Joint Senior Recital, David Holland, pianist, and Robert Cook, bassoonist, Chapel, 8:15 p.m. Saturday, March 24 AWS Penny Carnival, Gym, 7:00 p.m. Phi Epsilon Delta Dinner and Theater, Kalamazoo. Classics Club Banquet, Phelps Conference Room, 1:00 p.m.

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HOPE COLLEGE ANCHOR & Member Associate Collegiate Press

PRcSo Published weekly by and for the students of Hope College except during holiday and examination periods, under the authority of the Student Council Publications Board. Entered as second class matter at the post office of Holland, Michigan, at a special rate of postage provided for in section 1103 of Act of Congress, October 3, 1917, and authoriied October 19, 1918. Editor Qtrrj Wdl Feature Editor Nancy Sonnereldt News Editor jPaol Lucas Sports Editor.... Bob KTeunen Social Editors Joan Diephuis, Ruth Flikkema Copy Editor Dave Brower, Beverly Joeekel Proof Editor Jan Rietveld Circulation Manager JBernadine Vojak Advertising & Business Manager Gord Hulien Make-up Manager J. Schrotenboer, Dale Oonklin Photographer JOke Snyder Typist JPat Kooiman Reporters .Rich Brand, Billie Chain, Carol Thnkovieh, Jo Ann DeNoble, Paul Hesselink, Dave Bach, Ann Kohlman, Esther Harpham, Jean Ferb, Bobie Freggens, Kristin Blank, Pat Gieidunan, Jack Cook, Jackie Joseph, Cynthia Segedin.

''They're Rioting In Africa, TheyVeiStarving In Spain" by Abla An tar Editor's note: Miss Abla Antar. Junior political science major, spent last semester at the American University in Washington, D. C., studying first hand the workings of government. Her special project for the semester was with the office of the Peace Corps. This article Is based on her experience. Most college students are familiar with the amusing, politically-satirical song on the "festering" world situation sung by the Kingston Trio. Remember how amusingly it ends? "They" are rioting in Africa! The many countries of the African continent are festering with uphappy souls who have decided

violent action is the means of eventually securing a better life, and government representative of the masses. The Latin American continent too is'"festering" in social and political revolution. In somewhat sheepish tones, our American government officials have begun to acknowledge that these revolutionary sentiments are increasingly anti-Northern America." Our sums of financial aid and "assistance" in the last few years have yielded us a cool "neutrality" policy from most of these nations. Editorials and articles consistently warn us that we, the American nation, are in grave danger of losing our great allies and neighbors to the south. The American people have begun to ask why?"

OTHERS SPEAK OUT To the Editor: At a meeting of students which I attended recently, the question arose as to'whether Hope College could have a scholastic situation where the prime responsibility would lie with the student. For instance, the month of January might be spent for independent research on a given topic. Another method would allow the student to choose his own topic in his sophomore year and get credit hours by researching and developing it in his final years. Both were exciting ideas to me for developing "intellectual a t m o s p h e r e . " Images ran through my mind of students really getting enthused, forming some strong opinions, and heatedly defending them. I saw feverish research, glittering eyes, and students discovering their real interests and future. Then I chuckled at my scholastic Utopia. I was back at Hope College. Rev. Cook was holding a handful of chapel cards, Mr. Raymond had a handful of spoons, the orchestra was playing in an empty chapel, a noted speaker sat alone in a conference room; back in the dorm there were sounds of guitars, cards, and snoring (some were studying with grim impatient faces); and the Holland Theatre played to a packed audience. Something whispered mockingly, "It will change with a new system," But will it? I can hear so clearly, "Tomorrow we'll start our project; let's go skiing today." . . . We need not so much a new system as a new set of fundamental values. David Hollenbach (Sophomore) To the Editor: It is unfortunate to note that our belligerent editor could not hold his caustic tongue better when he ran off at the mouth in regard to the Dean's List. What was stated in the "Long, long, list" was of little value save to alert the campus that we have a narrow minded editor. Agreed, there were a great many names on the Dean's List; a great many deserving names as well as a few not so deserving ones, not to mention many deserving ones who tried but didn't quite make the grade. I feel that the size of the Dean's List is of little importance. The Dean's List should serve as an incentive for students to strive to maintain academic excellence deserving of some recognition. To many students, the Dean's List represents months of laborious toil and self denial while to others Who are more gifted it is a matter of course. By no stretch of the imagination has the dean's list ever been meant to be an academic award withheld for those

very, very few who by fortunate native ability and by great motivation achieve the very top grades. Instead, it is meant as a pat on the back for the hard working "good" student who is able to maintain a level acceptable to the dean. To arbitrarily state that there are too many people on the dean's list is utter folly. We should rejoice and thank God that more people are striving to do better work and write essays of praise rather than sarcastic whines that the dean's list eclipsed and I quote, "five news stories, a feature article and ads," all of which I am sure were most important, considering the superb job the Anchor staff always does. Now I find myself doing the very thing which I am condemning in our editor and that is saying things which would be better left unsaid. However, before I retire, I would like to summarize my feelings towards the Dean's List, and they are: 1. It should be set at a level suitable for a good academic showing. 2. It should be unlimited numerically. 3. It is meant as a pat on the back and as an incentive to the plugging student (something we have too much of) rather than as a high academic honor such as Phi Beta Kappa. Ken Sewel

Recently-retired United States Navy Director of Pan American Affairs, Rear Admiral Harold M. Briggs, replied in an interview with U. S. News and World Report (July 31, 1961): "We're going to lose Latin America (to the Communists) because we are not getting to the masses . . . we've got to sell the masses on the things we believe in . . . Anti-Northern American sentiment is growing throughout Latin America • . . It is growing because the world is getting smaller and everybody in this world knows that everybody else has, and they want it, too." People want the same thing everywhere in the world . . . "the good life." It can mean a clean, healthy village with dependable agrarian sources and small but modern eductional facilities. They want understanding, plain and simply, "communication with the otiier peoples of the world. Admiral Briggs added: ". . . The situation means (we need) a great effort in what I would call a youth movement . . . It could be the Peace Corps." The office building taken over by the Peace Corps is large and impressive. It stands two short blocks from the White House at 806 Connecticut Avenue, a main thoroughfare in Washington. Peace Corps has taken over five floors of offices and is readily expanding to t h e . remaining floors of the building out of growing necessity. You enter the building. There are two guards at the main desk in the lobby. You may be asked to sign and state your business there. An elevator will whisk you to the third floor. The main office door reads "Selection Division." The place bustles and hums with action! People are busy but most pleasant and you notice that the majority of office staff seem to be college-age and late twenties. John is from a large Midwestern University. He has been granted a 'year leave of absence' from his studies in engineering. Why? "Because I want to be part of something politically big, new aind dynamic! I want to take part in our government's smartest and most slncerely-humani(Continued on Page 4)

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"There must be something in my files that will Improve your next speech."

Hope OeUece Anchor t





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Hi everyone!

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OMICRON KAPPA EPSILON The annual joint Fratemal-Sorosis meeting was held Friday night. The humor paper was given by Sorosite Mary Bosch. Frater Jack Jenner showed slides taken on his recent trip to Europe. The Fraters would like to extend their congratulations to Spider Vander Hill for being named the Ugliest Man on Campus. SIGMA SIGMA Last Friday night the Sigma Sigma Sorority were guests of their brothers the Fraters at the annual joint meeting. They were greeted by president Tom Toringa and after the business meeting a humor paper was given by Mary Bosch and Jack Jenner showed slides on Europe. The meeting was closed by the singing of the respective societies' songs. Refreshments were served by the Sorosites which were accompanied by informal socializing. The sorority wishes to thank their brothers for being such gracious hosts. It was a very enjoyable evening! Tomorrow evening the Delphis and Sorosites will hold their joint tea in Phelp's Conference Room. KAPPA ETA NU Last Friday the Knickerbocker men had a house party. Entertainment was provided by John Draper and Tom Dykstra who gave three readings, a jazz trio consisting of Bruce Roe, John Burgraff and John York, and folk singing by Steve Ditko and Mike McNeal. The Knicks thank Mr. and Mrs. Oostenink for being guests. KAPPA BETA PHI The Dorian Sorority held its spring election of officers last Friday evening. Newly installed officers were: Penny Adams, president; Lynn Adams, vice president; Betty Hesselink, secretary. A treat, given by the retiring officers, was served after the meeting. A thanks goes out to Judy Mastenbrook, Penny Adams, and Sue Mooy for a successful winter term. CHI PHI SIGMA A1 Deitz, John Riters and Karel VanderLugt showed their slides of Europe and the Vienna Summer School at a joint meeting of the Arcadian fraternity and Alpha Phi sorority Friday night in the Juliana Room. The Arkies serenaded their sisters for winning the sing and President Carl Tidd presented a bouquet of roses to Marti Workman who directed the Alpha Phi at the Sing. Two couples were serenaded Thursday night. They were Ken Biel and Sandy Daviou, and Ken Siebens and Carol Klooster. ALPHA GAMMA PHI The joint meeting with the Arkies was very enjoyable. The first part consisted of roll call and announcements. We appreciate the serenading and the presentation of flowers to Marti Workman. Thanks also goes out to Renetta Dykstra for the humor paper, and the three Arkies who showed their slides on Europe. The second part of the meeting was held in the Arkie house where refreshments and music ended a splendid meeting. PHI TAU NU OTN would like first of all to extend a big "thank you" to Pete Paulson for his fine job as sing director this year. Also congratulations to Bob Jaehnig on his selection as community ambassador to Ghana; Bill Holleman on his assistantship to MSU; and Paul Hesselink for the coveted Wilson Fellowship. Also thanks to Dick Newhouse .for his efforts in the UMOC contest. A lit meeting was held last Friday night. Paul Wackerbarte gave a paper on the History of Emersonian. Dick Newhouse was the humorist for the evening presenting Robert Benchley's "Life of the Newt."

by Mr. Camp

Try Card Reading For That Extra Trick

Here we are again bringing you the "social highlights" on the campus of Hope.

At Friday's meeting Judy De Ryke was elected by the sorority as their candidate for the position of vice president of the Student Council. We wish Judy the best of luck. Karen Blum was elected chairman of the informal. Ann Herfst provided a program which transported the sorority to Ireland for a time and at the conclusion of her slides and warm description of her "Irish home" and friends, everyone wished that they too could have such an exciting experience. We also found out the reason why Ann is such an excellent speaker — she kissed the Blarney stone not once, but twice! Thanks again Ann!


S: H: D: C:

North Q 8 4 8 6 4 A K J 5 Q 4 2

West 10 7 6 2 K 9 2 7 3 8 7 6 5 S: H: D: C:

East S: K J 5 H: Q 10 7 3 D r Q 10 8 4 C: 10 9 South A 9 3 A J 5 9 6 2 A K J 3

South dealer The bidding: South West 1 No Trump Pass Pass .?, Pass The opening lead was the two of One of the reasons bridge is so popular with many people — and, I might add, so unpopular with other people — is that it is a game that demands thought if it is to be played well. Luck a is necessary: you need the cards. But even if you get the cards, you may very well lose if you are playing against thoughtful opponents. The declarer in today's hand. South, showed a great propensity for thoughtfulness when he managed to find a ninth trick and make his contract. With seventeen points and an evenly balanced hand, he chose rightfully to open the bidding with one no trump. North, with twelve points, jumped directly to three no trump, for he saw thai the partnership had a minimum of twenty-eight points and only twenty-six points are necessary to bid game in no trump. "


(Continued from page 1) The Senate bill authorizes $50 million a year for five years in federal matching grants to help build public junior colleges. The Senate bill also authorizes $300 million a year for five years for loans to public and private colleges for classroom construction. It also authorizes $924 million over five years for 212.00 scholarships. Unlike the House Bill, it does not authorize any construction grants. It is this last point that places Dr. Lubbers in favor of the Senate bill but against the House bill. Dr. Lubbers went on to clarify that this statement was not a stand politically, but was intended to keep consistent college policy. (ACP)—Fellow students and "the college community" saw to it that a Wilmington College senior from Jordon could flv home for Christmas after his father's death.

Neither side vulnerable North East 3 No Trump Pass Pass • Pass spades. On West's opening lead South played dummy's four of spades and East played the jack. South took the trick with his ace and began counting tricks. He only got to eight: one spade, one heart, two diamonds, and four clubs. Where to go for the ninth? Some might be tempted to try the diamond finesse, but if it loses a heart shift by East would really upset the apple cart. No, South saw another way. He noted carefully that East had played the jack of spades. Where was the ten? If East had held both the jack and the ten of spades, the correct play on the first trick would have been the ten. Then, when South was forced to take his ace, West would know that his partner had the jack. Therefore East had no reason to false card: he could not have the ten of spades. Consequently, South led his NOTICE Now that the winter issue of Opus for 1962 is finally reality, we of the editorial board would first of all recommend that it be read fondly, for we have relished the thought of presenting this first issue of Opus, and we are, we believe. Justifiably proud. Yet the mere existence of a "creative magazine" on campus does not insure the Quality nor the existence of creative activity in our college. And we cannot emphasize this simple and obvious fact enough. Opus does not stand alone, nor aloof from the creative energies of individuals at Hope College — nor can it long survive apart from sympathetic, appreciative and critical readers. Our magazine is the result of the many, not the few, and is directed toward the many at every point and instant. This is as it should be, for Opus is the vehicle of art-works; it echoes, makes known, but never ordains.

three of spades at trick two. West played the six (it didn't matter), and South finessed dummy's eight. East was forced to win with his king, and South's queen of spades provided trick number nine. Thinking, thinking, thinking. The value of playing the hand in this fashion is that, even though the well-reasoned-out spade finesse should lose. South can still try the diamond finesse to bring home his contract. Bidding problem of the week: You are South and vulnerable; the bidding has proceeded — West: 1 Club; North: Double; East: Pass; South: ? . ' What do you bid with the following hand? S: H: D: C:

Q 10 7 3 Q 6 5 8 6 K J 92

Chapel Roster Monday Most people are familiar with Dr. Robert Pierce and his program of "World Vision" which operates orphanages in Far Eastern countries. The person who revealed the need of "World Vision" to Dr. Pierce is a graduate of Hope College and a missionary in the Orient, Miss Tena Holkeboer. She will speak Monday in chapel on behalf of World Missions to which she has given 40 years of service. Tuesday Dean Harvey will conduct chapel. The service will include the presentation of the Scholastic Trophies and the money from the Ugly-Man-Contest to Prestatie Huis. Wednesday The form of the service will be liturgical, including full choir. Thursday & Friday "The sermon delivered at our Chapel was one of the most challenging of the year," said students at Catawba College after Reverend Ichiro Matsuda from Japan spoke on their campus. Reverend Matsuda is a missionary to the U. Sf. doing pastoral, evangelistic, and community center work in the Mountaineer Mining Mission in Morgantown, West V i r g i n i a . Speaking upon his experiences in.this destitute area Reverend Matsuda will speak on "The Life and Mission of the Church in the United States." He will be on campus for two days under the auspices of the Commission on World Mission of the National Student Christian Federation.

Exchange Column

Milestone Meets Deadlines

Lauderdale Shows Life by Dick Emmert The brevity of this column is undoubtedly due to Spring Fever: the writers and the students on other "campi" haven't produced any news lately. However, there is some hope; Albion and Fort Lauderdale have shown signs of life. An All-Campus Weekend is being planned by Albion's Student Council for later next month; it is hoped that some big name entertainment, the Kingston Trio, the Limelighters, the Brothers Four or the Lettermen, might be scheduled for one evening. Such a program will be the first of its type for Albion since they abandoned their u Big-3 Weekend" a few years ago. On the chilly side of campus news, four colleges in Hope's general area staged some form of Winter Carnival this year: Michigan Tech, Albion College, Hillsdale College and Central Michigan University. Cold or not, at least it was one way to make the most of that snow, and at the same time have a little extra social life. The above mentioned colleges seemed to have a great time during their respective carnivals with activities ranging from statue sculpturing to hockey games and from the crowning of a campus queen to a winter formal. In Hope's search for a means of expanding campus activities, it seems like this would be a great "find." However, for those who can't make it through Michigan's frosty winters, there is always Fort Lauderdale! The following is a news release from that city's Chamber of Commerce that was printed in Albion's Pleiad: Citizens are working with municipal officials to offer vacationing undergraduates a varied recreation program. The New York Yankees also will be playing 15 exhibition baseball games in the Fort Lauderdale stadium between March 10 and April 7. With few exceptions, all other day and night activities will center on Fort Lauderdale's beach. A special area will be reserved for live music and dancing. Bonfires will be permitted under the supervision of the fire department. The city's recreation department will construct a large bandstand which will be used for bathing beauty contests and other forms of entertainment, including the twist and limbo. Competitive events will include beach basketball, volleyball, and swimming . . . . . Hospitality passes, issued on the presentation of college identification or current registration cards, will entitle students to admittance to all of the recreation and entertainment events. A fee of 15


cents will be charged. Presidents and deans of several universities and colleges have been invited as guests of the city's leading hotels, (and) as in the past, the city will enforce its customary traffic regulations and ordinances.


(Continued from page 1) for enlarged memberships within present groups; with a maximum present sorority capacity of 250, only slightly over half of all women can belong. Thus a basic committee area of consideration will be. What can be done to augment social outlets both inside and outside sorority? (Over 150 women did not return questionnaires; in addition, over 125 stated that they do not desire sorority membership.) Pan-Hellenic Board is obligated also to Hope's freshmen women. The 108 returns were nearly unanimous in the opinion that organized social life for freshmen women is inadequate, and that a Student Union is imperative. In view of this fact, the Board felt that to deprive them of a chance for sorority membership this spring would be unfair, since no alternative has been outlined. Finally, representing their respective sororities, the PanHellenic members are responsible for their interests. Had rushing been postponed, most sororities would be reduced next fall to about 25 members 25 to pay dues, and 25 to conduct both a rushing program and . Homecoming next fall. Weak, small sororities next fall would only emphasize the inadequacies of the system. In the interests of all these groups, the Pan-Hellenic Board has proposed these steps: 1) Carry out a regular rushing program this spring. 2) Provide regulations or conduction of the bidding meeting in all sororities this spring. 3) Initiate a program of freshman women activitions next fall, including possibly study questionnaires this spring and implement their modifications next fall, including possible a new sorority. Members of the ' committee will be: Miss Pyle, Miss Hellenga, Mrs. Tellman, Miss Reeverts and Mrs. Van Eenenaam; Donna Davis, Leanne Ridderhoff, Justine Dakin, Norma French, Margaret Maki, Marge • Bundschuh, Jean Louret, Linda Kloosterhouse, Junia Dalman and Beverly Zeedyk.






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Pan-Hellenic & Rushing

Next to Penny's

The Milestone staff labors lonf hours this last month to meet the final deadline which is the end of the month. Editor Joan TenCate talks with Paol Meyer, sport editor, while writer Joan. Kennedy works at desk in background. Senior


Cook A n d Holland Featured Robert Cook, bassoonist, and David Holland, pianist, will present a joint senior recital next Thursday, March 22, at 8:15 p.m. in Dimnent Chapel. This is the program: I Sonata in A minor (Largo and Allegro), Vivaldi: Mr. Cook.

Mr. Cook will be accompanied by Paul Hesselink. Mr. Holland will accompany Mr. Cook in the Hindemith number. Robert is from Holland, and


Prelude and Fugue in D Major, Bach; Sonata Pathetique, Op. 13, Beethoven: Mr. Holland, m

First Concerto in B flat Major, Mozart: Mr. Cook. IV H u n g a r i a n Dance No. 7, Brahms; Rhapsodie in G Minor, Op. 79, No. 2, Brahms: Mr. Holland. V Sonata, Hindemith: Mr. Cook. VI P a s t o u r e l l e (L'Eventail de Jeanne), P o u l e n c ; Preludes, Gershwin: Mr. Holland.


Concerto for Bassoon Strings, Gordon Jacob: Cook.

and Mr.



is a student of Mr. Leroy Martin. He is also a member of the Hope College Band, Orchestra and Symphonette. David is from Muskegon, and is a student of Miss Jantina Holleman. He is also a member of the Chancel Choir. Both are members of Phi Mu Alpha Sinfonia, honorary music fraternity.

(Continued from Page 2) tarian, international move in a long time!" He has been trained in part of the "volunteer selection" process. "Selection" is long and thorough. It must be for these volunteers to be our new "ambassadors." our new "communicators." They have the Herculean task of becoming the "human element" in our foreign policy.'A serious look at U. S. world position today starkly reveals SOME element is missing! A conversation with Mr. Bradly Patterson, Executive Secretary to the Peace Corps and "second man" to Director, Sargeant Shriver, will graciously explain this element and the motives of Peace Corps. It's not a new idea, basically, but it has been worked out and readily mobilized for a new administration, a new age! . It is a plan of humanitarian service to the needy world and will fullfill a threefold purpose; practical aid to needy world areas, " c o m m u n i c a t i o n " with the masses of these c o u n t r i e s through a cross-section of our young people, and a resultant, a more awafre and sympathetic generation of Americans. These

are potent ingredients for world peace." On his desk lies a grey resource document. Mr. Patterson hanck it to you: "Peace Corps Projects and Volunteer Assignments — December 1961." He continues: "Projects have been planned and begun in Latin America, Asia, Africa and the Far East. By January 1962, more than 1,000 volunteers will be actively engaged in their work or near completion of their training. This is Just the beginning. It is our new generation speaking to the new and old generations of the world. It is communication, or comprehensible levels, with the masses." You open the document. "Assignments — Latin America; Columbia, Chile, St. Lucia, El Salvador, Brazil, Bolivia; the list goes on. "Specifics": ''Thirty men and ten women to serve in health instruction, agricultural extension, teaching of home crafts and industries; twelve men and wom$n to conduct program in agricultural and community improvement; fifty to seventy men and women to teach mathematics, physics, EngU v p u o o o s ui AJofoiq 'qsii


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Vanderborgh O u t W i t h Diabetes Mr. Garrett Vander Borgh, chairman of the education department, is expected to return to Hope campus on Monday. During Mr. Vander Borgh's stay in the hospital with acute diabetes since March 2, Dean Vander Lugt and Mr. Ver Beek have taken over his classes.

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Milestone editor Joan TenCate announced that the final copy deadline for this year's Milestone is today. Almost all pictures and copy have already been sent to Edwards Brothers in Ann Arbor, Michigan, who are printing the yearbook, and the final, finishing work is being done by the various special editors and their staffs. The M i l e s t o n e is scheduled to arrive during the last week in May, the exact date to be announced later in the spring. This year's Milestone will feature a distinctive light-colored cover which is being handled by the S. K. Smith Company. Plastic covers for protection of the books will be sold by the staff upon arrival. Another feature of this year is the inclusion of 1962 spring sports such as tennis, baseball, golf, and track. Also included will be pictures of the main events of last spring such as the Penny Carnival and the Fine Arts Festival. The Milestone is free of charge for full-time Hope College students. However, special students and faculty may purchase it for $4.00. Any students interested in working on the 1963 Milestone as an editor or as a member of one of the staffs should give the matter special thought in the near future as application blanks will be available after spring vacation for these positions.

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schools;" The assignments continue. One catches your attention. "Sixty-four men to work in villages with trained Colombian counterparts. Together they will construct farm-to-market roads, build schools, dig wells, build medical center . . . " "Together,". . that's part of Peace Corps. "Communication" . . . a Columbian and an Amerr ican working side-by-side to build a medical center or school; not a Columbian worker watching an American plenipotentiary benignly waving to the masses from a motorcade! It means "America" . . . an American teacher instructing in a Sft. Lucian s e c o n d a r y school; not "America" . . . a beautiful super highway" in Cambodia upon which the average Cambodian "can walk his water buffalo!" The completion of an important job, an unbelievably significant and rewarding job! There is so much to be done! Is this the way to world peace? Many young Americans, fellow students, want to find out by practical experience. Jan is a dynamic, politically-aware, senior at a small Ohio college. She is an "ex-Africa-Crossroader" and has just completed her "volunteer" exams for the Peace Corps. You ask Jan why she's signed up for "Corps" instead of planning on the things most college students ^plan for after graduation. "There's a significant job for me specifically to do somewhere in the world. There will be lots of time for the other things I want out of life, later. I guess I want to try to make sore there is a later!" Remember the end of the song?

March 16, 1962


International Contest Captured ;

By Kubo From Hong Kong by Kathy Verduin A few weeks ago tiny Hope senior Mitsuyo Kubo (more widely knows as "Mitzi") reached into her mailbox and discovered there an airmail letter p o s t m a r k e d "Taiwan." This wasn't unusual; since Mitzi's original address is Kyoto, Japan, she often receives mail f r o m great distances. But this letter wasn't one that comes every day; it announced Mitzi as the winner of a $500.00 international contest! How did it happen? One day last October Mitzi was t h u m b ing through a newspaper and came upon news of a contest sponsored by the Pen Pal Committee of the Chinese National Writers and Artists Association, in which students all over the world were asked, in the interest of world peace, to write an open letter about their lives.

McDowell Re-elected V P A t Midwest Conference The Midwest regional conference held at the University of Wisconsin in Madison through the week end of March 2-3 was attended by approximately ten midwest colleges and universities. Representing Hope's AIRC club at the convention were: J i m McDowell, upperclassman f r o m Edinborough, Scotland; Bob Jaehnig, u p p e r c l a s s m a n from Holland, Michigan; Brian Warner, freshman from Glenmont. New York; Jack Cook, freshman from Delaware, Ohio; and Jeff Eubank, freshman f r o m Cadillac, Michigan. Of the five attending, Jim McDowell was re-elected as vice president of the mid-west regional AIRC. The theme of the conference was "The Problems of Underdeveloped Nations," and although there were several very interesting speakers that dealt with the topic in its varied aspects, the main speaker, Edward C. Fei, was by f a r the most interesting and revealing on the conference schedule. Mr. Fei is the Acting Chief of the Department of Research in the Agency for International Development under the United States Department of State. He showed, in his discussion of his topic, "A New Approach To Foreign Aid," his acuteness and frankness with the existing conditions which greatly surprised all attending. "On the whole, the week end at Madison was an enjoyable and satisfying one: educating, interesting, entertaining," said Brian Warner, Hope delegate.

ideas, and ambitions. Not thinking seriously about it ("I never win things like that!"), Mitzi nevertheless wrote a 500-word letter. Four months later her answer arrived: she was winner of the contest, and would receive a "reward of memorials valued at $500.00." Mitzi had never expected to hear from the contest again, she confesses, since she entered it so "nonchalantly"; but "e'est la vie," says the Spanish m a j o r philosophically. (Mitzi has at least some knowledge of five l a n g u a g e s : French, German, Spanish, English and Japanese.) Her letter, which will be published in a Chinese-English newspaper in China, told how Mitzi had left Kyoto three and a half years ago to study in the United States, spent a year in Wisconsin, and finally transferred to Hope, spending the summer of 1961 in Mexico City, where she continued her study of Spanish and lived with a Mexican family. "My Mexican family was just wonderful," Mitzi said glowingly. "We lived in a small a p a r t ment house, there were eight people and only three bedrooms, so it wasn't wealthy; but the neople were so warm-hearted. I think they would have done anything for me." Mitzi enjoyed her s u m m e r ' in Mexico, as she delights in all travel. "I'm not airaid of strange places and people," she says. "Americans are so friendly . . . probably that's why I've never felt homesick here. But then, I've heard Americans say that the Japanese are the f r i e n d liest people in the world, so I

Jaehnig To Spend Summer In Ghana As Community Ambassador From Holland Robert Jaehnig, junior English m a j o r from Holland, was announced as Holland's 1962 Community Ambassador in International Living this past week. James Thomas, Beula Kampen, and Thomas Wolterink were the other finalists from Hope. Jaehnig, 21, has chosen to go to Ghana, Africa, where he will live with a Ghanaian family for the summer, tour the country, and report to Holland community upon his return of his experiences. He is the first Holland ambassador to go to Africa. Jaehnig is a radio announcer for WHTC, a staff reporter for the Sentinel, and an Anchor writer for the past three years. Among his other responsibilities upon returning, besides speaking engagements in the local community, Jaehnig plans to write as a feature writer for the Anchor next year on his African experiences.

Mitsuyo Kubo was surprised on beinff the winner of $500 in an international contest which she entered last fall. don't know!" (At this she broke into one of her famous laughs.) The little senior, a Dorian and member of the Spanish Club (naturally!), wants to continue study of Spanish in an American university after graduation, and she has a good start: 36 hours of Spanish credits, and the experience of being mistaken for a Mexican girl! Let it never be said, though, that Spanish is Mitzi's only talent; could anyone else make a necklace out of a piece of driftwood and an egg shell?

The local program is supported entirely by locally-solicited contributions. Organizations wishing to contribute to the program of the Experiment of International living may do so by presenting them to Miss Corinne Pool, board treasurer, at the office in the First National Bank of Holland.




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March 16, 1962

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by Bob Kreunen In one of the most interesting basketball games of the lastfading season, the Zeeland Oilers hosted a team of MIAA AllStars Tuesday night in the Holland Civic Center. Of very little significance was the final score of 84-80. What was of importance in this game that matched amateurs against professionals was that the MIAA team gave the Oilers the game of their lives and came closer than anyone would have thought possible to beating them. Prior to Tuesday night it was generally thought that the Oilers played a far better brand of basketball than is played at college level and consequently would dispose of their MIAA challengers quite handily. Although the MIAA team was an Ail-Star team that gathered together the best seniors from the conference, this team was playing together for the first time Tuesday night. On the other hand, many of the Oilers have been playing together for several seasons. The MIAA All-Stars may get another chance at the Oilers as they will both be participating in a four-team tournament to be held in the Civic Center at the end of March. . Coached by Hope head basketball coach Russ De Vette the MIAA team consisted of Gordon Rodwan, Dale Southworth, and Jon Lindenburg from Kalamazoo; Carl De Kuiper, Warren Otte, and Henry De Mots from Calvin; Dick Groch of Olivet; Denny Groat of Albion; and Bob Reid and Ekdal Buys from Hope. The team may add ex-Calvin stars Bill Woltersdorf and Ralph Hondered to their roster. Another Hope College basketball player also made an appearance Tuesday night as senior Jim Hesslink from Wauwatosa, Wisconsin, stepped forward to claim a basketball awarded as a door prize at halftime. As Hesslink said, "I had an inkling that one of us would win something tonight." FINAL INTRAMURAL BASKETBALL STANDINGS Monday Night

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Seven members of the vanity tennis team have been practicing for almost a month at the armory. The team opens the season sprint vacation in Florida. In the back row ( L to R) are B. Tigelaar, D. Zwart, A. Lantinf, and Coach Green. In the front row (L to R) are N. Hess, J. Riemersma, S. Vnrteveen, and B. Hoffman.

Daily Track Practices Started Indoors; Opening Meet April 21 In Grand Rapids by Dave Baoh With the arrival of spring showers and thawing snow, Hope College's trackmen can be seen jogging around school, conditioning for their opening trackmeet on April 21. With 42 candidates reporting to the daily track practices which started last week. Coach Gordon Brewer and senior captain John Brunson are making an all-out effort to develop a team that will better the .fourth place it received at

Golf Team Looks Forward To A

Better Season Than Last

by Jack Cook The snow is melting and the golf team will soon swing into action under the supervision of Coach Bill Oostenink. Although the golf team will not be able to practice on the local courses until all oi the snow has gone they are at present using the basement of Kollen Hall to smooth out their swings. Coach Oostenink has expressed high hopes that the team will improve on last year's record

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overall of two wins and six loses, with two wins and four losses in league competition. The main weakness of the team is the lack of a number-one man who is consistent in his play. This hamP e r e d t h e Dutch last year. « a good number-one man is to turn up it may well be Jim W i e r s m a w h o is one of the three returning lettermen from last year's squad. Jim has an exceptional short iron shot with good depth perception near the green. but was a little inconsistent last year. The team has suffered the loss of three lettermen but has three coming back into action. The returning lettermen are Jim Wiersma, Wes Nycamp, and Ken Biel. Jim Van Dam, who did not letter last year but played a few games with the team, has suffered a broken bone in his left wrist, but should be able to play in a few weeks. Two of the most promising freshmen are Dean Overman and Bruce Gibbons. There are now fifteen men out for the team but this number will have to be cut to seven before the season starts. Hope's golf season will open April 19 with a practice match against Calvin in Grand Rapids. The official season will begin on April 24 with a match against Kalamazoo.

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Of the 42 track candidates, 27 are new to Hope's track program. Many of the new candidates are freshmen who are credited with outstanding high school track performances. Mike Laughlin from Columbia, California, was a conspicuous 880 yard runner in high school. Ron Hilbelink, another freshman, is expected to give commendable performances in the broad jump and 220 yard dash. Brothers Dirk and John de Velder, whose father still holds Hope College's javelin record from 1929, should strengthen the team in the 220 and 440 yard dashes. Rod Sluyter, Fred Shantholtzer, and Chris Knecht are other freshmen to whom Hope shall look for steady performances in the pole vault, weights, and distances respectively. Hope will miss Jim Rozeboom, last year's captain, who was twice the MIAA's 880 yard champion and record holder. Jim is now teaching English in Tokoyo, Japan. Filling in for Jim will be veterens John Brunson, Mike Schrier, and Bob Fialko. Fourth year man, John Brunson will be going after the javelin record this year. The record of 175' 2" was set by Walter de Velder in 1929. Sophomore Mike Schrier is high jumper and broad jumper of proven ability. He will have a big gap to fill in these events since jumpers Rich Baker and B i l l Vanderbilt graduated last year. Bob Fialko was a surprise freshman performer last year, receiving a fifth place in the MIAA Field

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MIAA Field Day last year. The daily track workouts are being held in Carnegie Gymnasium until the weather permits the team to move outside to their new rubber-asphalt track which is still under snow. The first two weeks of practice have been filled with enthusiasm and aches, enthusiasm in anticipation of the track season and aches from participation in the calisthenics and stretching exercises.

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HOPE COLLEGE TRACK SCHEDULE-1962 Sat., April 21, G.R. Jr. College, 1:30 p.m.. Home; Sat., April 28, Olivet, 2:00 p.m.. Away; Tues., May 1, Alma-Olivet, 3:30 p.m.. Home; Sat. May 5, Adrian, 2:00 p.m.. Away; Tues. May 8, Kalamazoo, 3:30 p.m.. Home; Wed., May 9, Valparaiso, 3:30 p.m.. Home; Sat., May 12, Calvin, 1:30 p.m., Home; Tues., May 15, Albion, 4:00 p.m.. Home; Sat., May 19, MIAA FIELD DAY, 10:00 a.m., Kalamazoo. Hope's new spongy, rubberasphalt track, which will be the scene of six home track meets this year, is located three blocks east of Hope College on Columbia Avenue. It is essentially a hard surface track with a rubber filling base. Runners will use Vt'* spikes on the track. Holes made by the spikes will close immediately after they are made. This years track candidates are: Allen, Lynn; Bach, David; Beltman, Jim; Bennink, Dick; Bolhuis, Dave; Brunson, John; Calfee, Larry; deVelder, Dirk deVelder, John; DeVries, Jim; Fialko, Bob; Hepburn, Bruce: Hilbelink, - Ron; Hoffman, Al; Knecht, Chris; Laughlin, Mike; Lobbes, John; Makaryk, Walter; Maris, David; Miller, Bob; NeOsman, Al; Peterson, Bill; Reid, Jim; Riedel, Bill; Rypkema, Willard; Schoon, Jon; Schrier, Mike; Shantholtzer, F r e d ; Sluyter, Rod; Stansby, Dave; Sterk, Vem; Stryker, Dave; Swets, Paul; TeBeest, Ron; Van Dyke, Tom; Van Lonkhuyzen, Chris; Vogel, Dennis; Wackerbarth, Paul; Welmers, Bruce; Witter, Dick, derveld, Gary; Nyboer, John;


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Day 100 yard dash. More wins in that event are expected from Bob this year. These men, along with the return of junior Jon Schoon in the 440 and 880 yard runs, give this year's track team balance and power. The teams for Hope to beat in the MIAA this year will be Calvin, Kalamazoo, and Albion, Hope will undoubtedly be battling for third place in the conference with Albion. Two nonconference track meets for Hope college's cindermen will be held against GR Jr. College and Valparaiso.




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