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P. B. RlnlrMnp 142 E. IBth St



The Anchor

Volume XXXV


HOPE COLLEGE, Holland, Michigan, Mar. 14, 1923 P R E P S DEBATE AT ALLEGAN.



i i Number 20


Last Wednesday evening the Prep "Turn backward, turn backward, oh, debating team went to Allegan to Time in thy flight, debate against one of the strongest Make me a child again, just f o r tohigQi school teams in the state. It night." BROADWAY PLAYERS DEMONH O P E Q U I N T E T JOURNEYS TO is late in the season and it was imOn March 5th the Senior class put HOPE D E F E A T S CHAMPION F I V E STRATE HIGH-CLASS KALAMAZOO FOR F I N A L possible to arrange debates with O F 1918—33 TO 18. the finishing touches to the glory in ACTING GAME O F REGULAR other schools, to test our metal. The Glory Day by holding a glorious SCHEDULE team is comprised of Thomas Ten party. . Never before Iras the Good Sized Crowd Witnesses Last Laurant to Come Sometime in April Hoeve, Helen Olgers and Lawrence Game Of The Season. Woman's Literary Club Room witPlay is Even in First Half, But Hope Vredevoogd and altho we lost the nessed such a variety of costumes. The Hope College Lecture Course Weakens and Normal Wins debate,-every Prepite who attended Playing a good brand of ball, Hope There were representatives from Management under tAve direction of is proud of the showing these three Turky, Palm Beach, Netherlands, defeated the championship team of Dr. J . B. Nykerk has succeeded in In what promised to be a battle made. We had the negative side of and even a bell-boy who had taken 1918. Especially in the first half Hope its program for the season. One the question of the St. Lawrence royal. Kazoo came out ahead and won a few hours' leave of absence to played up to form presenting a swift more number remains to be given W a t e r w a y s Project. Mr. Vrede- the game by their strong offensive grace the party with his presence. offensive and a defense that the Alumby L a u r a n t and Company. Arrangevoogd, our first speaker, made an playing in the second half. In spite Clothes of ten years back had been ni were unable to penetrate. As a rements are pending to have this take easy and calm appearance and a of the rain the crowd came out to see pressed into service and with them sult they only counted one field goal, place sometime during the second good constructive argument. In the the "Hilltop" team in action f o r the came the memory of long ago so whole Hope amassed seven. The week of April. Every entertainrebuttal, too, he was clever and last time. With Hope as their op- that, in merry comradeship, we cele- game was characterized by fouls, ment has been of a high class charbrought his points home in an amus- ponents-a close game was expected. brated an old-time hospitality. Age Lewis, the referee, calling every ofacter and this was again evidenced Riemcrsma, who had entertained a ing way. Miss Olgers, as our next brings with it childishness and so fense. Seven were called against last Tuesday and Wednesday when speaker started a flow of language hope of playing in the Kazoo game, we aged Seniors returned to child- Hope, and six counted in the eight "Friendly Enemies" and "Cappy which the second warning could was absent f r o m the lineup on ac- hood by playing " F a r m e r in the points chalked up by the Alumni. The . Ricks" were played by a troupe of hardly stop. Her indomitable spir- count of an injury to his hand which Dell." That was abandoned f o r the first half was r a t h e r slow, Hope hav-' Broadway actors. it and her belief in what she was he received a couple of weeks ago. more intricate game of Three Deep ing possession of the ball most of the The peculiarity of "Friendly EnIn the first half a real type of saying spoke thru her whole argu(no reference to the three-date time and working it into the Alumni emies" was the binding relations ment and won the admiration of her basketball was displayed by both system). Competition was strong defense deliberately with a basket and at the same time the severing audience. Mr. Ten Hoeve, as last teams. Hope started the scoring and when London Bridges were laid. usually resulting. of those relations between two remained in the lead the greater p a r t speaker, summed up all of the points In the midst of all this merriment, The spectators roared their apfriends who had come to America of the first half. Jonkman showed in a clear and concise manner, a f t e r presto! the efficient social commit- proval as the Alumni took the floor, f r o m Germany. The one had begiving the final argument f o r his his ability by dropping three long tee, which consisted of six chairmen, and the old players showed t h a t they come thoroughly Americanized while side. The Allegan debaters were ones thru the ring, and with "Chief's" appeared upon the scene with eats could still toss the ball thru the hoop. the other could be stamped a s ' a fiery and quick and showed a great rainbow and Irving's neat counter, which, from potato sajad to hot This aggregation, one of the best t h a t "pro-German." deal of training and a good coach Hope totalled 5 field goals to Kazoo's fudge sundaes, did full justice to the ever wore the Orange and Blue, tried The son of the latter, who had behind them. The judges were very four. Miller, the Hilltop captain and merry party. The social committee their best to penetrate Hope's defense, fallen m love with the daughter of encouraging, saying that our team foul shooter, cashed in six out of the felt greatly relieved when " F a t " but lack of teamwork and close guardthe f p f m e r , was a college student showed tire quickest thinking and eight trials so the half ended 11 to 14 Mentink claimed t h a t he had more ing caused their downfall. T. Prina w h o ' had enlisted without his f a t h best extemporaneous speaking of any in Kazoo's favor. than enough. scored their only field basket of the er's knowledge. The climax of the The second half is a different story. It's eleven o'clock in the evening; who had come to Allegan. first half. play comes when the son, who was It must be remembered t h a t the Kazoo desiring to end strong put on a We've played the whole night thnK In the second half the Alumni believed to have been drowned beAllegan team were state champions •strong offensive and time and time And the dorm door soon will be clos- started off with a bang and soon because his ship was torpedoed, relast year and a r e just now prepar- again worked the ball down the floor ing; . * gan to ring up baskets, Japinga leadturns to his home. with such team work t h a t the result ing to enter the state contest. ConLet me walk home with you. ing. The playing became faster, The stellar performers were Dougwas a basket. Hope seemed helpless, sidering this, and the faot t h a t P r e p And so the men had a double set passing more sure and s w i f t and las Hope and Robert Bentley who held her own so well, we ought to and the lack of practice was shown, as of hats and canes, Whereas formerly basket shooting more accurate. The ptayed the role of Karl Pleiffer and feel greatly encouraged. Neither the team had not been on the floor many had "none. Upon reaching our Alumni, regaining their old form, Henry Block. Hope displayed not t h a t week, due to the many activities various homes, full dignity was at were piercing Hope's defense. Bill only t h e humerous acting in a first Mr. Ten Hoeve nor Miss Olgers will be in Prep next year, but we in the gym. once assumed, and we bade each Joldersma, playing his last game f o r r a t e way, but also moved t h e audiDuring this half many substitutions other a courteous farewell. have a very promising debater in Hope, was a bear on defenserstopping ence by "his sincerity of feeling. v/ere made; Kazoo used 10 men while Mr. Vredevoogd and with the other Latest definition of pep—.Senior big Tuny, and Heemy, and preventBently possesses that poise which Hope used 7. The final score was 40 class party. fine material brought out in the eliing them from adding to their score. made every movement count. mination debates and an earlier to 14. o Hope cannot be too liberal with its "Cappy Ricks" bad probably more Line-up. start next year, we have very good praise, and thanks to Bill, f o r his efhumor than "Friendly Enemies". J U N I O R PARTY Hope Kazoo. "Cappy" was, so to speak, in a con- reasons to hope f o r some victories forts and prowess in every line of then. Ottipoby L. F. Miller tinual uproar about his business inThe Juniors could well sing "The sport and f o r always giving his best o Irving R. F. Van Wingen terests. As president of t h e "Blue End of a Perfect Day" a f t e r their f o r his school. He will be greatly Jonkman C. O. Johnson S t a r " he though himself a real busiGlory Day party. The strenuous missed next year. The referee still VanLente L. G. Gill ness man, and yet, in critical mostunts of the morning and afternoon calling fouls with deadly accuracy, Joldersma • R. G. W. Johnson ments, !he had to rely entirely upon inspired them to greater pepability soon put Irving off the floor, and Van Substitutions Kazoo: his secretary, John Skinner. "Capit seemed, and the thrills and f u n den Brink was substituted. Lee, Beebe, Moser, Ruse and Henp y " also had "much ado about The Alumni presenting the strongended not in Holland but increased a t derson . nothing" with his employees. Matt. the Jenison cottage party. Jack's est comeback ever seen in an Alumni Substitutions Hope: Peasley, who later became his comefforts to bring out the hidden ta- game, continued to score, both by field Poppen and Van Den Brink.' Mar. 14—Wednesday. petitor in the shipping industry, lents of the d a s s met with great goals and the foul rate. Jonkmftn and Day of Prayer for Crops. Field Goals: and Cecil Pericles Bernard, the poor success. Our aspirations were high, Ottopoby each added two baskets, and O. Johnson 5; Miller 4; Jonkman 2:30 Dr. Paul Harrison speaks at "skipper" on the Sweet Clover. but none could reach the f a m e of three points by fouls were added in 3; Ottipoby 2; Van Wingen 2; Gill 2; Winants Chapel. This comedy centered around one Nelle and "Si? t h a t night. Then our the second half. Thirty seconds beIrving, W. Johnson and Lee. player, Cappy Ricks. Douglas Hope Mar. 15—Thursday. hearts were made merry by feasting fore the game ended Jonkman was Free Throws: 8:00—5:00 Personal Conferences again carried the main part in a —and such eats! It was a tired but put out because of f o u r personal Miller 10 out of 13. with Dr. Harrison. stellar fashion. H e remained "Topsy joyous crowd of Juniors who caught fouls and Hope finished the game 5:00—6:00 Y. W. meeting—DeIrving 1 out of 5. T u r v y " f r o m beginning to end. His t h e 9:45 for Holland and "sweet with four men. bate. Resolved: That indifference Ottipoby 1 out of 1. facial expression and movements dreams." The game was hard fought all the is a greater hindrance to progress o on the stage were outstanding featway, Hope having plenty to do t r y i n g x o and reform than active opposition. M E L I P H O N E SOCIETY ures in his a(5tin£. Our young to stop the smashing attack of Tuny • RESERVES ADD ANOTHER Jeanne Kuyper, Amy R. Zwemer comedians had a fine opportunity to and the long shots of Dick and Dyke. VICTORY Friday night Mardh 2, 1923, some Anna Voskuil Agnes Blocker. study this actor, since he was beThe Alumni had trouble with the of the fellows in " P r e p " experienced f o r e his audience almost all the Mar. 16—Friday. smooth working offense and strong (time. 4:45—6:00—Ochestra Practice. a few r a t h e r peculiar sensations. . Thursday night the Reserves had an defense of Hope. Jonkman was the 5:00—6:00—Home Volunteer meet- They learned f o r the first time what easy time whipping the St. Johns of Robert Bentley .again caused much high scorer f o r Hope with six baskets, ing. it was to b e initiated by the mem- Grand Rapids. This team composed while Japinga led the Alumni with laughter by his boyish conduct. He of former Union High School stars 5:00—6:00—Student V o l u n t e e r bers of the Meliphone society. reminded us of what "dad" called three. meeting. From the expressions on some of and champions of the church league his competitors' son—an "overClarence Lokker, coach of the ^Student Volunteer Convention at these bright young men's faces they was supposed to furnish some stiff opgrown calf". But we enjoyed BentChampion team, sat on the sidelines Ann Arbor. seemed to Ibe a little bit afraid of position, but it did not materialize. ley's W e - m n k i n g with Florence directing the Alumni. • what was coming next. They are all The Reserves carried the ball thru Ricks, (Margaret Leonard) who in a Mar. 17—Saturday; Line-up: their defense almost a t will, with Jim 10:00—10:30 Chorus Practice. alive and very active. very clever way became the business Alumni Hope The old members of the Meliphone Poppen usually adding the counter partner of Matt. Peasley, (Leo Mar. 19—Monday. Japinga F Ottipoby 5:00—6:00 Y. M. and Y. W. society wish to extend a h e a r t y wel- St. Johns could not advance the ball Cbalzell), and in the last minute of Van Putten F Irving play these two # players joint partnerCabinet Meetings. come to the following men • who past the middle of the floor and their Heemstra C Yonkman Mar. 20—Tuesday. ship in a greater concern. have been taken into the society. long shots went wild. They only G T. Prins (Cap). Van Lente 4:00—5:00 Chorus Practice. Harvey Kollen, James Sterenburg, scored one point in the first half, Tbe Broadway players certainly P. Prins G Joldersma 7:00—8:00 Y. M. meeting led by Adrian Ter Louw, Jacob Van Dyke, while Hope scored six. were favorites for two days, f o r Field Goals: Hope; Yonkman 6, Van Al. Timmer. Alzenas De Vries, Glenn Nykerk, ea!c$f night they performed before a The game was slow with the passLente3, Ottipoby 2, Joldersma, Van Julhis Skipper. large crowd. The idea of having Mar. 21—Wednesday. ing, and shooting very poor, especialDen Brink. Anchor. o professional actors come to Holland ly the St. John's shooting. Kuiper, Field Goals: Alumni; Japinga 8, T. — — o The little worm was digging away Vanden Brink, and Kempers preventseems well taken, and we may rest Prins 2, Van Putten, Heemstra. in dead earnest. Poor Ernest. assured t h a t the Lyceum patrons • Let's have -another victory! ed short shots, while J i m Poppen Substitutions: Hope; Vanden Brink Let pay t h a t Hope High School a r e eager to welcome again any enscored five field goals f o r Hope. "Sprig is 'ere, 'ud we kno'ut da'd Schaubel, in the last half, scored their f o r Van Lente, Van Lente f o r Irving. tertainment like "Friendly Enemies" pledge! Substitutions: Alumni; Klomparens and "Cappy Ricks". Give Josh that money this week. w e ? " only field goal. Final score was 19—4. (Ooailnaed on*P*£® 8)






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Holland, Mich.

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Head rests have been purposely omitted f r o m Wick's history class.

j i


r " i1


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A Real Good Place to Eat

Creamer's Sample Store 70 East 8th St.

OUR "ROLLS R O Y C E " Model—1923.. Body—Student body. Color—Orange and Blue ( a l w a y s ) . Engine—-The Council (they run the school). Steering Wheel-^Dr. Dimnent. Headlights—Dr. Nykerk and P r o f . Wichers. E x h a u s t pipe—Arab Zwemer. Running Boards—Harold Lubbers and Clarence R. Lubbers (to the dorm). License—(applied f o r ) H. Korver. Tail light—Martin Hbeksema. Speedometer—Schutt. Tool box—The f r e s h m e n nuts and chapel bolt (ers). Crank—Mrs. Durfee (she makes 'em all go). H o r n — H a r v e y De Weerd. Cut-out—(cut-up) Amy Ruth. Spotlight—Erny V. D. B. GasoHne—Holland (it feeds t h e college). F r o n t seat—Nelle Kole and Cy Heemstra. Back seat—Herb Mentink. Crank shaft—The faculty. Spare tire—Dick Jappinga.

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Fine Pianos and Players Victrolas and Records —at the—


are now on display at

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Doke ii Cafe "Holland's Foremoit Eating Plaaa" PETER H. DE VRIES. .'22 P r o p .

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Some of Dr. Dimnent's Philosophy. Man is somewhat like a sausage, Very smooth upon the skin; But you can't tell j u s t exactly How much hog there is within.

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The trouble with the movies is t h a t t h e y show w h a t people want.

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Mildred Bertsch— < f Schutt isn't the same anymore." K a t h r y n K.—"Did you see him with a n o t h e r ? " M. B.—"No, he saw me with another the same night a f t e r he l e f t . "


1 and 2 lb. packages 80c. to $3.00


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Say It With F r u i t . Discussion at Jo. V. D. S. table Topic: Jeanette's J e r r y (De Vries) Florence K. says, " J e r r y is a cherry". J e a n e t t e V. declares, " J e r r y is a peach." Jo. V, D. S. claims, ' T h e y a r e a pear." Marie K. reports, "They have a date."

- i

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Honesty is the best policy, Prevarication is Ite-ability.

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The Place were you can get Your Suits and also Furnishings. Over Kteftr*! Restwrsnt

Extra! Extra! Bachelors T a k e Heed. When first he came to see her. H e showed a timid heart, and Even when the lights were low, They—sat—this—far—apart. But as their love grew warmer, And t h e y learned i t s joy and bliss; Theysatsoclose, like this.

I D .

J .












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But it takes Quality to keep up the Conversation

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Bill R.—"But Mildred why must we wait till August before our engagement?" M. T.—"Well, I ' m r a t h e r keen on August. You see I've never become engaiged in summer before." We will now close with t h e old f a m i l i a r ballad " I Own The W o r l d " by t h e Standard Oil Co.


Prices that are as distinctly right as our clothing. At these prices we are giviny the best values obtainable in this city


Vanderlinde & Visser 50 EAST 8:h ST #t


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THE ANCHOR B A L A N C E D RATION FOR WEEK-END READING. Macdonald: A Gentleman Prison. RussellThe Wreck of the Grosvenor. Service: The Spell of the Yukon.



Van Tongeren's FOR

A college editor should be a superman, endowed with the patience of Job, the editorial ability of Horace Greely, the m a n a g i n g and directing ability of Charles Schwab, t h e diplomacy of Woodrow Wilson, and the judicial qualities of former Chief J u s tice Marshall; he needs the keen humor of Lincoln, the dignity and philosophy of Socrates, the religion of John Wesley, and the agnostic tendencies of Ingersoll; he should have the literary ability of Shakespeare, and the lack of conscience to penet r a t e the atrocities of Amy Lowell. In addition to these few qualifications he needs the physique of J a c k Dempsey, the nerve of a holdup m a n and Edison's ability to do without sleep. His brain should be so constituted that he could absorb the essentials of a twenty-credit course by means of the barest perusal of the subjects therein contained and to pass the final exams with honors so t h a t the faculty will respect him and allow him to remain in school. He should be absolutely foreign to the needs of rest, sleep, eating, recreation, the love of society, the inclination f o r glory in athletics, school activities, he should be able to qualify as a f a i r l y competent editor, and there is a possibility t h a t he would not be hauled on the faculty carpet more t h a n once a week, and kicked by t h e student body in general more than once in a day.—Idaho Argonaut.


The Holland Dry Cleaners Goods railed for and deliveied Phone 1528 H. MEENGS, Prop. 9 E. 8th St.

• '# | Guaranteed Sporting Goods j OF ALL KINDS At



Holland City News PRINTERY

-o-«ROMANCE. He met her in the meadow, As the sun w a s sinking low. And they walked home together In the twilight's a u t u m n glow. She watched him patiently as he Lowered all the bars, And he looked into her eyes As radiant as stars. She said not a word, F o r she knew not how, F o r he was but a f a r m e r lad. And she—a J e r s e y cow.

The Printers Who Know How r-n:


Our New Spring Goods —in-

(Continued f r o m Page 1) f o r P. Prins, P. Prins f o r Klomparens, Klomparens for P. Prins. Fouls: Hope; 7 out of 11. Fouls: Alumni; 12 out of 22. In a hard f o u g h t preliminary the Hope Reserves playing true to f o r m , defeated the Holland High School quintet 21—14. The High School playing without the services of Captain Hill, could not stop the attacks of Long Jim and Kempers. Their t e a r 2l ing offensive w a s stopped by the superb g u a r d i n g of Kuiper, Kempers and Van Den Brink. F o r Hope, Kempers scored f o u r field goals and Poppen and Doeksen two apiece. Lordahl's guarding i f e a t u r e d f o r High School.

CLOTHING & S H O E S : ,is arriving , • daily. ^








"Day by Day in every way, our Pictures are getting Better and Better."


You can't afford to miss a single picture. Special Music appropriate to each production. WEDNESDAY, THURSDAY. AND FRIDAY, MARCH 1 4 - 1 5 - 1 6 HAROLD LLOYD in, "Dr. Jack." SATURDAY, MARCH 17 CHARLES (BUCK) JONES in, "The Bells of San Juan." A truely western story uturated with sensational daring action. You'Ml thrill with excitement, tremble with anxiety and cheer with enthusiasm. Rollin Comedy: "The Fliver". Mutt & Jeff in, "Red H o t " Fox News Reel. MONDAY AND TUESDAY, MARCH 1 9 - 2 0 WM. FOX p esents his Super-Special: "A Fool There Was."- From Rudyard Kipling's famous poem, T h e Vampire." A Dynamic drama of temptation, Guilty Lore and Destroyed Faith. Filled with stirring, scintillating startling surprise. The true story of "The Moth and the Flame," in which the man pays. Said to be the spark plug of high powered drama. Special Comedy: "Nightie K n i g h t " WEDNESDAY AND THURSDAY, MARCH 2 1 - 2 2 WM. FARNUM in, "Shackles of Gold". A sensational drama of the highest order.


P a g e CAMPUS NEWS. P a g e Jim!—."I don't think we enjoy chapel nearly as much now t h a t we c a n n o t s i t where we w a n t to," declared J e a n e t t e . T h e Dorm halls echoed with loneliness Monday night when mofst of t h e girls deserted to celebrate a t the various parties. Van Tyne, t h e historian visited our c a m p u s when he was in Holland last week. H e acMressed the C e n t u r y Club Monday evening. Dorothy B u r t ' s m o t h e r was a guest a t the Dormitory la^t week.



~ ^

"Off t h e dock dived our lon^r Jim and t h e n he found he couldn't s w i m " sung a t the Tennis court swimming pool. "This f a m o u s painter met his death Because he couldn't d r a w his breath". Ho Ye! Merry College Widows Aittached " I love you well," t h e s t a m p exclaimed, " D e a r envelope so t r u e . In f a c t it's evident to all, T h a t I am stuck on you.' Now w h y doesn't our f a c u l t y lock the library door on F r i d a y w h e n " it meets? W h a t kindness t h a t would be to students who walk innocently into t h e i r midst. Gerrit H e e m s t r a goes to Kalamazoo over t h e week-end to see "game".


The Students Barber CASPER B A R Be/oiv Hotel Holland

HoUand City State Bank HOLLAND, M i f H . Capital $100,000.00 Surplus and Prpfita $85,000i00

O^Interest paid on Time ^ f / b Deposits

FOOT= W E A R S. Sprietsma & Son, HOLLAND, MICH.


WHITE CROSS BARBER SHOP is the place to go if you want service. Three experienced barbers.

—a— By E d g a r A. Guest. MODEL LAUNDRY Sunshine and shadow and laughter 97-99 E . 8th St. Git*. P h o n e 1442 and t e a r s , O u r Motto These a r e f o r e v e r the paints of the years. Quality aid Prompt Senrice Splashed on t h e canvas of l i f e day b y day, We a r e the a r t i s t s , the colors are eeeeeeeeeeeeeteeteeeeeeeeteeeeeeeeeeeee they. We a r e t h e (painters, the p i g m e n t s we use Never we're wholly permitted to choose. Grief with its g r a y t i n t and joy with its red Come f r o m life's tubes to be blended and spread. Phomm 2550

Graduation Portraits

Eleanor F. Jones, j

H e r e a t the easel, the brushes at hand. Each f o r a t i m e is permitted to stand. White w a s the canvas when first we began. Ready to picture the life of a man. Now we are splashing the : pigments about. Knowing the reds and the blues must give out. Soon we must t u r n to the dull hues and g r a y . Painting the sorrows t h a t darken the way. Now with the sunshine and now with the shade Slowly b u t surely the picture is made. Even the g r a y t i n t s with beauty may glow Recalling the joy of the lost long ago. Let me not daub it with doubt and despair. Deeds t h a t are hasty, unkind and unfair. But when the last bit of pigment is dried Let me look back a t m y canvas with pride. Let me when trouble is mine to portray. Dip, with good courage, my brush in the g r a y ; A f t e r the t e a r s and the grief let there be Something of f a i t h f o r my children to see. • Lord, let me paint not in a n g e r or hate. G r a n t m e the patience t o work to wait. Make me a n a r t i s t , though humble m y style, And let m y life's canvas show somet h i n g worth while.

Over CORNER H A R D W A R E STORE, H o l l a n d , M i c h .

p w ww vww V

DU MEZ BEOS. Dry Goods, Coats.Suits and Millinery HOLLAND,




f n t c v'u,der ploe*8 l / U l S BarbOT Shop Cor. College Ave. and 8th St. Hair nair

Sterilized tools. Strictly S a n i t a r y .

DISEASES OF THE EYE, EAR, NOSE and THROAT t t t 22 West 8th S t r e e t , Above Woolworth's 5 and 10 Cent StOM Office H o u r s — 9 to 11 A . M. 2 to 6 P . M. S a t . 7 to 9 P. M.

DR. A. LEENHOUTS Citz. Phone 1208 ^•^•••••••••••t«eee«ee«MM»««eeeeeee

Chas. Samson, M. D. * Citz. P h o n . I79S

EYE, EAR, NOSE, THROAT and HEADACHE GLASSES F I T T E D Office Hour.;—9.80 to 12 A. M. l.So to 5 P . M. Sat. Evenings 7.80 to 9. Office 11 E. 8th.St. Holland l(ich


— I





itfp Anthor P i b f c h i d t v t r y Wednwdiy during tha Ool!•§• j — t h j itudenU of Hope Ooller«. BOABD OF EDITORS Dsn W. Dt Or&ff Editor-ln-Ohief Joan Vander Spek Associate Editor Harold Dametrm Associate Editor Koth Feilefrom. Campus News Pearl Paalman

Campus News

lftl)>e KoBf


Swaattna Be Young Kenneth Van Lente Hanrejr De Weerd

Alumni Athletics Jokes

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much damage can be done to the none too prosperous growth of grass which -covers our campus. As we cut across the soft lawn deep tracks are made which leave their scars on the coming verdant covering. Bear this in mind, students, and when you come to a path on the campus say, " I hate a path, I hate a path", and walk around, and, above all, don't cut across the lawn on any part of the campus. Help make the campus one of the beautiful green spots of the city. This same thing can be applied to the tennis courts. Any one cutting across the courts at this time of the year when they are so soft that every step leaves a large hole, should be drafted into service to help the Freshmen put them in shape later on. These tracks make double work for the tennis manager and his assistants. Remember these things, students, and help. Please keep off the grass and tennis courts. J U S T A MINUTE.

POLISH A recent speaker has said: "H stands f o r honesty, 0 stands for originality, P stands for polish, and E stands for eloquence." And I am glad t h a t he let P stand f o r polish. It might stand for personaUty, power, or pride in our institution, which are also admirable and necessary qualities of every true Hopeite. But we may possess all these m a f k s of character and yet be a diamond m the rough. What we need to be successful in life is culture and refinement. An expert can recognize an unpolishid diamond, it is true, but the rough stone is not marketable. That is where the difference lies. The diamond must be well cut and polished before it will have the fire and brilliance and color which mark it as a precious igem. But does every stone reflect the brilliant colors of the diamond? Indeed not. You may cut and rub and polish an ordinary roadside pebble but it will never assume the beauty of the diamond. We must above all have full and rich characters or we shall be shallow and superficial in our dealings with others. For all of us, whether we have chosen to remain at home or go abroad, there is need of this culture and refinement. Do not pride yourself on being a man of the soil, a common man. A few such men, it is true, have acquired fame but not because of their boorishness. We must get culture of the heart and mind in addition to aesthetic culture. A polished diamond has higih resistance, and reflects the light and beauty of the sun, and so we too, if we are firm and fearless and have this culture will reflect.in our souls the lives and character of the persons round about us.

"Are you going over to the meeting now? It's time." "Yes, in just a minute." And the result of all these minutes that are " j u s t " taken is that t h e meeting • is about ten minutes late in starting. ' ' "Oh, well," says someone else, "The meeting will be late in starting anyhow." But why is it t h a t a meeting does not begin on time? The only reason is that you and I and all the other late-comers are so selfish t h a t f o r our own ends we steal a minute from the time of the school, the class, society, etc. Now all this is really more serious than it sounds. Punctuality is one of the great social virtues and when we begin to slide over it and let things go as they will, something is vitally wrong somewhere. Either we do not have the proper respect for our own work and activities or else we have no regard whatever f o r other people's time. If we are not prompt in keeping our appointments with others, there is every reason to believe that we won"t be very careful in keeping appointments with ourselves i.e. getting our work in on time or doing the things we planned to do. Really, there is no more exasperating person than the slipshod person who does things only when he feels like it. You can never depend on him f o r you are never sure about his feelings. All of us a r e guilty of the "just a minute" habit. That's what makes it so dangerous—it's too common. For the remainder of this year, suppose we make a special effort to be .on . time at Chapel, classes, "Y", societies, etc. Then by next year the habit of punctuality will be so firmly fixed upon us that we couldn't break it if we would. "OUR FOOLOSOPHER"

We have at last found an explanaPLEASE tion for the fact that many of the —o— Dorm girls have had dirty faces With the advent of spring we during the past week. The hot note many gradual changes occur- water apparatus has been out of ring in Nature, all around us, in commission. birds and beast and even in human beings. The slowly icreasing warmth This might explain the unpreceof the March sun is instillirvg into dented sale of talcum powders this all living things, new life and vigor. last week. The spirit of restlessness preceding the season of growth is everywhere Foolosophy has not as yet solvod evident. The bonds of winter being the problem of the "onfe and the broken, spring with its feeling of re- many". An early case of spring laxation and freedom begins to make fever on the part of a Freshman, we its appearance. observe, has aggravated the quesAnd this spirit of spring is exert- tion for from the many he has taken ina: its influence upon the campus. out about twelve and still has not Already, a f t e r only a day or two of found the one. warm weather which slipped in between the cold spells, the old time It is only natural now t h a t t h t spring-fever dormant in the stu- Seniors are carrying canes that some dentry has received a strong stimul- of the Faculty are jealous. W? oua. The vegitative life on the would like to know if a commdttee cn campus is slowly but surely ap- canes has been appointed. proaching t h a t stage when it will be o ready to pop out, over night as it We commend the sweater girls seems. for their spirit of optomism. Sunday Last summer much time was spent as one of the girls was coming from trying to improve the natural beauty Jenison Park where she taught Sunof our campus, and unless we as day School, the street car was destudents help, especially at this time railed about a mile from Voorhees. of .the year, the work will h^ve been We heard her exclaim: "A mile from in vain. I t is a f t e r the first spring Voorhees. "Good! Now we can get in t h t w s , when the ground is s o f t that our five miles of hiking today."

The way our orator moves among must be cheerful; She must have i music? Certain*/ an authoratitive the ladies the past week, as we have saving sense of humor f o r how of- statement from the head of an inobserved, makes us confident that he ten difficulties and troubles of many stitution as famous as Oxford ought has the right title "The Challenge kinds are warded off by a sense of to convince us of the merits of of the Ideal" for his oration. humor! . < music. Let us have credit f o r music o Third, The ideal college girl must ^ Hope! ave Y. M. Y. W. C. A. ^ frith—faith in mankind and o^. faith in God. Many a man has atLast week's meeting was led by tained a higher and nobler life beour good friend the Hon. G. J. Die- <^use of the faith that a mother or kema on the subject "Christian a sweetheart has expressed in him. Citizenship". We knew we had a "We can attain these qualities," sa s man for the subject and the result y f "by living close to Jesus was a most inspiring meeting. The Christ, by living a life of comtheme was centered about Christ panionship with our Savior". A and the coin, and His famous answer lived close to the Master can no to the Pharisee's question "render t help but be beautiful, cheerful, unto Caesar the things that are ^ull of faith. Caesar's and unto God the things There comes a challenge to every S T U D E N T S - G U A R D YOUR that are God's." Christian citizen- Hope girl to live up t o the standards EYES CAREFULLY ship is doing both. The inscription these boys have set forth. Defective s i g h t will materion our coins "In God we t r u s t " is a Christ too, 'has an ideal for true ally lessen p r o g r e s s .in y o u r recognition of this fact. The answer no l>le womanhood which we can ats t u d i e s while clear vision will to the question, "shall politics be in tain though close companionship u n q u e s t i o n a b l y e n h a n c e it. the church" is most positively an- W 1 tn Him. 0 T a k e t i m e b y t h e forelock swered no, but the church should be and have u s e x a m i n e your in politics. Every great reform of MUSIC AS A MIND TRAINER eyes. D o t h i s n o w ! political importance has had its sup—o— port in the church. We have only Ex-President Eliot, of Harvard, If glasses a r e necessary, sa s to think of slavery to obtain proof y that "music rightly taught is w e a r them and e n j o y real sight of this. The evidence f r o m the other the best mind-trainer on the list. We happiness. side, the side of the Christian states- should have more of the practical We Will Tell You Facts as men, is more convincing that men subjects like music and drawing and We Find Them. : ess should render to Caesar t h a t which ^ fframm r and arithmetic." In is due to him and to God that which woof of this, T. P. Giddings, of is due to God. Our presidents were a l P ^ n n e a P o l i s , in an article on "InChristian men and the outstanding strumental Music in Schools," quotTHE O P r i C A - SPECIALIST ones amoung them are those whose c s a better received by a friend from 24 F a s t E i g h t h S t Christianity was most forceful in a m a n w ho is head of the music detheir statesmanship. The nation Partment at Magdalen College, Ox- H O L L A N D , MICH. loved Washington, and Garfield. Mc- ^ o r d, England. (You pronounce it _ Kinley. and Lincoln. They have left "Maudlin College", if anybody ieeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee« us noble heritages in written evi- should ask you, by the way.) J dences of their trust in Him who is "^11 the music of Oxford Unithe nation's trust. Ours is one great v e r s i t y is taught in this college, nation which every year places its which is very old and wealthy, and official seal to a proclamation call- m a n y prizes and scholarships are THE THEATRE ing the people to give thanks to offered to its students. Of these, a Him who provides, rendering unto ^ e w a r e music, but most in other ot Comfort and RefineGod the things that -are God's. We, branches." ment. Wh^re the highif we would be either Christians or This letter states that "ten per est Class Pictures are good citizens must observe this rule. o e n t o^ the students of Magdalen shown. Fine Music. It is our challenge. • College take music. Ninety per cent no Because the subject includes the t- The ten per cent, taking Continuous Circulation mus c a s girls they were invited to the meeti ^ o take 75 per cent of all of P u r e Air. ing. those prizes and scholarships; in all o departments, mind you. The 90 per cent who do not take music are conY. W. C. A. tented with, or at least have to put 0 up with,, the remaining 25 per cent The Hope Girls availed themselves of the prizes and scholarships. This of a rare treat on Thursday evening rather amazing record has been the for Society affairs when they came out to hear two of • average for the last thirty years." at our college boys, Jack Prins and —The Etude. Red Vandenbush, speak on the This article was taken from the top^c, "The Ideal College Girl from last number of the Etude. Such 14 East 8th St. the View point of a College man." findings certainly are appalling. Jchn K u i p e r ^ l a y e d a violin solo. Why doesn't Hope give credit in The sweet melodious strain seemed to w a f t us heavenward and a quiet worshipful atmosphere was created. The bovs quartette sang f o r us. This too added igreatly to the meetings and was enjoyed by all. Jack Prins, in a very pleasing (IN 1774) and forceful manner, told us that to be an ideal college girl we should HAVE ever considered it as the indispensable meet four requirements. duty of every member of society to promote, as 1. We must ^.develop our intelfar as in him lies, the prosperity of every indi' lectual life. The chief aim of Hope • vidua], but more especially of the community in is Academic and therefore no colwhich he belongs." lege girl can be ideal if this aim is not uppermost in her mind. Life insurance is inseparably bound up with the ' 2. We must develop our social prosperity ofevery individual, family and community. Life. The girl who d6es not mix It is a secure and prosperous business and satisfactory well and who lives a life secluded to the salesman in every way. from society is not using her The JOHN HANCOCK would like to interest a few powers t o the fullest extent. ambitious men who graduate this year to make JOHN We must develop our physical HANCOCK selling their life work. life. The girl who neglects this Statistics on college graduates who have entered phase of har life is indeed no ideal life insurance place it at the very top as a source of girl. The girl at Hope has ample income. Before making a decision as to your career opportunity to develop her physical it would be well to make inquiries of the "Agency life. Department." . r . 4. We must develope our spiritual life. This is by f a r the most important requisite of an ideal college girl. A girl may be a genius so f a r as intellect is concerned; a M l shining star socially, strong and LIFE INSURANCE COMPAI beautiful physically yet she will of Boston. Massachusktts>—^ lack power and poise if her spiritual life is not developed. Largest Fiduciary Institution in New England "Red" in his own amicable way told us his idea of an ideal college girl. "And we have them," he says, "right here on our campus." First, the ideal college girl must be beautiful. By "beautiful" he does j o t mean a >peach bloom complexion At the or superficial beauty but the beauty of a face shining with t h a t inner SERVICE SHOE SHOP light . created by a pure and noble Lncated in the P S. Boter & Co c h o e Storr, 14 West 8th St. character. ^ Instant Service-All wu* Ic guaranteed Second, The ideal. college girl

W. R. Stevenson

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