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Judd to visit compus Many cultures respect age and believe that wisdom grows with age During the first week in March, the Hope community will have an opportunity to experience the wisdom of Walter H Judd, an 81 year old former member of Congress who helped to shape the times in which he lived Walter Judd is a medical doctor whose career included service as a missionary to China. During his 20 years in Congress, he had a major influence on American foreign policy; in addition, he keynoted the Republican National Convention in 1960 Judd has known many 20th-century leaders, particularly in the United States and China. In 1977 and 1979, Judd was interviewed at length as part of Hope's Washington Honors Semester Program. Each group of students rated him as one of the best interviews of the semester. He did no! dwell on the past, but looked to the future on the basis of his experiences. Not everyone agreed with the speaker, but most said they respected his broad knowledge and firm convictions.


ope college

olland, michigarv VOLUME NO. 92 -ISSUE 16

FEBRUAHY28, 1980

U.N. simulation by Doug Deuilch Next week on Thursday evening and all day Friday Hope will host the eighth annual Model United Nations. Twentythree Western Michigan high schools will be sending approximately 550 students to this event. They will act as delegates representing 108 different countries in a General Assembly, Political Committee, and two Security Councils. These students will discuss two resolutions concerning the worldwide energy and refuge problems in two General Assembly sessions on Friday. Similarly, the Political Committee will consider a number if varied but lesser resolutions. The Security Councils will consider fictional international crises concerning the Khuzistan region of Iran and a Sino-Soviet intervention in Indochina. The Model United Nations will begin Thursday evening with a banquet prior to the first Security Council. Delegates attending will hear a speech by Patricio Ruedas, assistant secretary-general for financial services at the United Nations. Ruedas is a national of Spain and has served in a number of positions within the United Nations. Prior to his appointment as assistant secretary-general, he was director of administrative and financial

hits campus

services of the United Nations office at Geneva. Previously, he had been chief of the Political, Legal, and Common Services section in the budget division of the U.N. Earlier in the day, Ruedas will speak during community hour in the DeWitt ballroom, room 203. His talk will consider peacekeeping and development in a world of scarce resources. All students and faculty are invited to hear Ruedas. Friday morning begins the actual sessions, with the majority of the high school students arriving with their advisors. They will participate in a number of activities during the morning prior to their General Assembly and Political Committee sessions that afternoon. Two panels, composed of faculty and students of Hope, will discuss the two General Assembly resolutions at 8;30 a.m. This gives the students a chance to observe an informative and opinionated debate on the very issues they will later discuss. The panel discussions will take place in the DeWitt Theatre and ballroom and are open to the public. Former U.S. Representative Walter Judd will deliver the keynote address before the General Assembly in DeWitt Theatre at 11 a.m. Judd served 20 years in the Congress as a Republican

Representative from Minnesota. During his years in Congress he served on the Foreign Affairs Committee. Hope students and faculty wishing to hear Judd will be limited to balcony seating. During their discussions on the resolutions in the General Assembly and Political Committee and the crises in the Security Council, the high school students will be judged by Hope students and faculty members. Criteria for the judging will be their knowledge of the issue being discussed and the quality of their arguments. First, second, and third place awards will be given at the close of the Model United Nations.

Judd was elected to Congress in 1942 and served for 20 years, 16 of them on the House Committee on Foreign Affairs. In a Congressional poll in 1962, he was voted by his colleagues in the House as one of the five most influential members. Judd was a contributing editor of the Reader's Digest from 1963 to 1976. He continues to be an active speaker, particularly in college and university communities. Twenty-eight universities and colleges have conferred honorary doctorate degrees to him. Judd will be on campus March 5 to 7; he will be giving many presentations during the three days. At present, there is only a tenative schedule for these talks. Persons interested in hearing him should contact visit c h a i r m a n J a m e s Zoetewey, associate professor of political science. Dr. Judd's visit is made possible by grants from the Charles Stewart Mott Foundation, the National Endowment for the Humanities, and Former Members of Congress.

Economics expert tospeak Paul W. McCracken, past chairman of the President's Council of Economic Advisors and currently a member of the business administration faculty at the, University of Michigan, will present a series of lectures this Tuesday. McCracken's visit is sponsored by Hope and supported by a grant from the People's Bank of Holland.He will interact with Hope faculty and students during the day and deliver an address to members of the business community at night. McCracken holds an A.B. degree from William Perm College and an M.A. and Ph.D. in economics from Harvard University. From 1948 through 1965 he served on the

faculties of the School of Business Administration and the Graduate School of Business Administration at the University of Michigan. In 1966 he assumed the title of Edmund Ezra Day University professor of business administration at the University of Michigan. He served as a member of the President's Council of Economic Advisors from 1956 through 1959 and as its chairman from 1969 through 1972. Winner of awards and author of many papers and monographs on economic and financial policy, McCracken is a member of several professional societies and a director on several boards.


Mary Kay Hoogerhyde and other dancers prepare for the Dance VI dance concert scheduled for next month, (photo by Lora Rector)


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New fund to aid Latinos


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A scholarship fund has been established at Hope to help students from a Latino background obtain a college education. The Hispanic Scholarship Fund was made possible with gifts from Ruth Bates Foy of Sarasota, FL, and the WarnerLambert Foundation. "We are committed to providing the financial resources necessary to help all qualified students obtain a Hope College education," said President Gordon J. Van Wylen. "Establishment of the Hispanic Scholarship Fund is very helpful as we work to fulfill these goals."

Foy has been a generous supporter of the programs of Hope College. In addition to funding the Amos and Ruth Foy Scholarship Fund for the past several years, she was a major contributor toward construction of the Dow Health and Physical Education Center. Parke Davis and Company of Holland is a subsidiary of the Warner-Lambert Company of Morris Plains, NJ. The gift was presented to Hope on behalf of the Foundation by John Amaya, general manager of Parke Davis and Company.

Dean gains extra duties since 1976. At present, he is vicechairman of the council, chairman of the finance committee, and a member of the executive committee of the Michigan council. Nyenhuis is past chairman of the deparment of Greek and Latin and director of the honors program at Wayne State University. He has served as a visiting professor of several universities, including the American School of Classical Studies in Athens. He has published books and articles in his field, including Latin via Ovid (with Norma Goldman) and editions of the works of Petronius and Plautus.

Jacob E. Nyenhuis, dean for the arts and humanities, was recently elected to the executive c o m m i t t e e of the Federation of Public Programs in the Humanities. The Federation, based in Minneaoolis. is a national organization of state humanities programs. Nyenhuis will join 17 representatives of other state humanities councils in formulating policies for the Federation's program of services. Nyenhuis is a member of the Michigan Council for the Humanities, a state humanities program, funded primarily by the National Endowment for the Humanities. Nyenhuis was nominated to the Federation post by fellow Council members. He has served on the Council

Holmes to

Vickers' works P r e s e n t P a P e r Jack E. Holmes, associate professor of political science, will present a paper at take to the road the International Studies Association Convention in Los Angeles on March 21. The paper, "A Liberal Moods Interpretation of American Diplomatic History," is one of a continuing series on his mood/interest theory of American foreign policy. Holmes' paper is part of a panel on American foreign policy. Other members of the panel will be from the University of South Carolina, Miami University, Free University of Berlin, the American University, and the U.S. Department of State.

Paintings by Robert Vickers, professor of art, are included in an exhibit at the Muskegon Museum of Art through March 5. Vickers' interest is in creating an illusion of volume and space. The abstract forms in his paintings are suggestive of landscapes. Also included in the exhibition are paintings of Ron Pederson and drawings by Timothy Van Laar, both members of the Calvin College faculty.




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William Mayer, assistant professor of art. watches Virginia Ferguson (front) and Alice Hertel work on one of their projects.

Art students critiqued A faculty-student critique of works by Hope students Alice Hertel and Virginia Ferguson, both of Holland, will be held in the DeWitt Center gallery on Tuesday, Feb. 26, at 11 a.m. The Hope art department recently instituted a series of public critiques of

student artwork so that students could gain experience in assembling portfolios and could receive constructive feedback on their works. Hertel will be showing paintings and drawings and Ferguson will exhibit threedimensional work.

Cohen gets NEH grant William Cohen, associate professor of history, has been granted a research fellowship from the National Endowment of the Humanities for the 1980-81 academic year. Cohen's grant is part of a new program just set up by N.E.H., so it was "quite a distinction" for his proposal to be accepted, explained Jacob Nyenhuis, dean for the arts and humanities. Peter Schakel, professor of English, received a general N.E.H. grant for this year and has been studying at the University of Virginia. Gisela Strand, assistant professor of German, was an N E H receipient two years ago. Cohen's research will be on the subject of black mobility. "I started writing a book on black migration, but the more I got into the subject, the more confusing

the issues became," he said. The title of the manuscript is Black Mobility and the Transformation of the Southern Labor System. Cohen found that "population movement is closely related to ecomomic forces. People move to get better jobs or to escape disastrous local economic forces." Hence, Cohen's book will focus on two basic questions taking off from these findings. The first is: "To what extent do other factors, for example racial oppression, play a direct role in black movement?" and second: "To what extent is racial oppression a variable all wrapped up in the conditions blacks meet?" Cohen will be r e s e a r c h i n g in Washington, D C. and writing at home.


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P/ans qel for Issues Day

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On Thursday, March 13, Hope will dismiss classes to present the first of what is planned to be an annual Critical Issues Symposium. This year's topic, The Middle E a s t : An I s r e a l i and Arab/Palestinian View, has proven to be a critical issue in many ways. As earlier announced, Zehdi Labib Terzi will not be attending, for a number of reasons. While trying to confirm plans for the speakers, the members of the adhoc committee in charge of the event were confronted with several instances of political conflict.


both sides presented equally and as completely as possible by the most competent persons available. In order to find a suitable Isreali spokesman the committee turned to AIPAC (American Israel Public Affairs Committee), the powerful Isreali lobby. Aron Rosenbaum, director of research at AIPAC, will be coming to present the Isreali view of the problems that confront the Middle East.

They were made aware, after much delay, that the Isreali Policy would not permit any of their officials to participate in any event at which a Palestinian Represenative was present, no matter how seperate they would remain from each other. Also, it was learned that, due to Terzi's position a s P.L.O. representative and to the present lack of official U.S. support, he would probably not be granted permission by the S t a t e Department to leave New York to travel to Hope.

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An equivilant speaker to replace Terzi was found in Cloirs Maksoud, the permanent observer to the United Nations from the Arab League. Ambassador Maksoud has an excellent reputation as a dynamic,speaker; he will represent the Palestinian/Arab point of view. However, the Israeli Embassy in Washington, D.C. informed the committee that Maksoud was not acceptable as a spokesman for the opposition. The committee unanimously decided to remain with their original goal of having



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Both Maksoud in the morning and Rosenbaum in the afternoon will give a 30- to 40-minute presentation followed by a 20- to 25-minute question and answer period. After each of these keynote addresses there will be five workshops where students and faculty will be able to discuss more specific aspects of each stance. All of the workshop leaders have been confirmed. Richard Butler, from the National Council of Churches, who had originally planned on attending, will not be able to attend due to his immediate responsibilities of helping to free the American hostages from Tehran. The evening session will c o n c l u d e t h e d a y s discussions by presenting the American view and official policies toward the Middle East as presented by Morris Draper, deputy assistant secretary of state for Near Eastern and Asian affairs. Dow Physical Education Center will be closed from 8:30 to 11:30 a.m. and from 2 to 4 p.m. along with the library, which will also be closed from 9 to 12 a.m., 2 to 4:30 p.m., and 7 to 8:30 p.m. Saga food service also plans to alter its hours slightly so as not to conflict with any of the main speeches or workshops.


Dance VI--Preperation begins for the annual student dance concert scheduled for next month, (photoby Lora Rector)

Week to centeron hunger The week of March 2-7 will be World Hunger Week at Hope. The main purpose of this special week is to help members of the college community to become more a w a r e of the problem of world hunger. According to J a n e Terpstra, a member

of the World Hunger Committee, this awareness week has been done on campus before, but mever this wholeheartedly. 44We all know it's not a problem to solve overnight," she stated, but by presenting an itinerary of daily events the committee hopes to stimulate interest and concern about the problem. During the first week in March the bookstore will have a display of books which deal with the issue of hunger. Mark Cook, bookstore manager and a student at Western Theological Seminary, has arranged the display. The week's events begin on Sunday when chaplain Gerard Van Heest will


preach on the subject of world hunger. Monday chapel, conducted by professor of philosophy Merold Westphal, will continue with the theme of world hunger. Tuesday's community hour will bring the problem of world hunger down to a more local level when a panel discussion, comprised of people who deal with this problem in the community, will discuss state and county hunger problems. The discussion will be in Wichers Auditorium and will be moderated by Pete Semeyn. Betty Voskuil will give a presentation at a hunger awareness dinner at Durfee dining hall Wednesday. Voskuil is coordinator of the local chapter of Bread for the World, a national group lobbying in Washington for measures to alleviate world hunger. On Thursday, during community hour, there will be a lecture by Arie Brower, vice president of Bread for the World and the 1979 president of the General Senate of the Reformed Church of America. The title of his speech will be 4 'Enough for Everybody." Later, at 7 p.m. in the Kletz, there will be a meeting for the purpose of writing l e t t e r s of c o n c e r n to congressmen. The week will end with a campus fast, and a film entitled "Hunger in America" at 4:45 p.m. in Winants Auditorium. The world Hunger Committee hopes that by making the college community more a w a r e of the problem they a r e taking at least a small step to help in solving it.

Hope musicians to join forces Hope's orchestra and symphonette will present a joint concert in Dimnent Chapel on Feb. 28 at 8 p.m. Featured soloist with the orchestra will be violinist Terry Moore, performing the Mendelssohn Violin Concerto in E minor. Moore is assistant professor of music and teaches violin, music history, and chamber music. He is heard frequently as a performer in the series of faculty chamber music concerts, as well as in solo recitals. He is a graduate of Indiana University and Catholic University, Washington D.C., and has studied with such prominent teachers as Daniel Guilet and Dorothy DeLay. While in the service he was a member of the "Strolloing Strings," performing often at the White House. For several years he was a member of the Toronto Symphony Orchestra, and he has played solo and chamber music concerts throughout the United States and Canada. In addition to the violin concerto the orchestra will perform the rhythmically intriguing Dance Rhythms by the 20thcentury composer Wallingford Riegger. The symphonette will be heard in the opening part of the program performing


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the overture to Cos/ fan Tutte by Mozart and the L'arlesienne Suite Number 2 by Bizet. The symphonette is a chamber orchestra chosen from the membership of the fall orchestra, and will be leaving on its twenty-fifth annual spring tour in March. The concert is free and open to the public.

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Student input ignored

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The concern Hope has for its students' opinions is truly heartwarming. An example of this is the recent decision concerning the class schedule. After a great deal of discussion, the Administrative Affairs Board


Ix voted to alter the class schedule once again for next semester; however, this time the student body cannot complain that they weren't consulted. A survey was taken in Phelps dining hall to gather student opinions concerning the schedule; further surveys were conducted in dormitories and cottages. Opinions ranged from a

three-to-one to a two-to-one ratio In favor of remaining on the current spring s e m e s t e r schedule-yet the Board voted to accept the proposed new schedule, with classes starting every day at 8 a.m. and the Tuesday-Thursday schedule revised to allow hour blocks as well as hour-and:a-half blocks. What was the purpose of consulting the students? If the surveys were an empty effort to pacify us they failed. Students have a right to a say in this matter; their feelings must not be ignored, particularly when their opinions have been requested. If the Board was going to make the decision regardless of student input, why did they bother asking? A threeto-one ratio is significant-too large to shrug off. We suggest the Board reconsider.



Draft opposition urged Our country is on the verge of another decade of overt nationalism and excessive militarism. We a r e on the verge of another war. It must be stopped. Our opposition to registration and the draft is a crucial step toward finding non-violent solutions to world tensions. We are Christians; therefore, our first allegiance is to God. God intends that we live in peace and non-violence. His selfrevelation in Jesus the Christ stands in total opposition to stockpiling a r m s for destruction or training human beings to kill. J e s u s ' decision to use non-violent means is visible at every crucial point in his career. He lived it and taught it (Matthew 5:38-48). His life and priorities are to become our intentions and actions. As alumni and parents, we ask the Hope College community to openly express its fundamental Christian witness and leadership. These are critical times. President Carter has called for a registration process which could make our young men and women available for war. We encourage all persons to express their opposition to this call. To register for the draft is to actively share in a system which intends to bring about lethal physical violence on another. With national mobilization, the President, without debate, can begin an undeclared war-another Vietnam in the Middle East or South Africa. The people of the Persian Gulf own their own resources. Their oil is not our oil. They may, if needed, ask for our assistance if threats are made on their sovereign rights. No such request has been made. To allow for a registration, to force a servitude of violence on young adults, and to escalate our nation's fear is serving the economic and political selfinterests. It is not peace-seeking but war-

creating. We will oppose it. As Christ s followers, we seek to break the links to oppression and violence in all forms. Since Constantine, the institutions of religion and the state have been tied together. Our civil religion of "God and country" is a perversion of Christ's intensions for human life. Consider these things and actively resist the registration and the draft. Our economic environment, the escalated militarism, and a heightened nationalism all create the tinder box of war. If we don't confront it now, it may be too late to do it later. Let's seek another way, the way God intends life to be. Donald Van Hoeven, '56 Shirley Bouwman Van Hoeven, '65

After reading the Feb. 14 edition of the anchor, I felt that I needed to share my response to the editorial "Signs of Hope or Signs of Propaganda ? " In stating that the purpose of the film was "to thank Hope donors, to share with interested people the goals and concerns of Hope, and convey Hope's distinct personality and tradition," Hope was not hiding that it hoped to gain some financial support from those who would watch the

film. By making the film, Hope wanted to show alumni in, say, California or Massachusetts, who have not been to the campus in a while, what has changed and what has remained the same since they last saw the campus. Hope also wanted to show people who donate money to the College, some possibly who have never seen the campus, what Hope is about and what goals Hope is striving for. By doing this, Hope is showing that their donations a r e being put to good use, thanking them for that support, and letting them know

Nothing but grey skies . . . I'm tired of negative editorials. Nearly every week your editorial page contains two discouraging commentaries on the state of the campus. A few weeks ago you did manage some complimentary w o r d s about the renovation of Winants. But then you

turned negative by asking "What went wrong?" Most recently you panned Signs of H o p e , calling it propaganda. You're right ; it did show only the good sides of Hope (maybe I'm a Pollyanna, but the seediness you suggest is so rampant has

Attrition cycle begins anew Deja vu. Hope College, concerned about enrollment, undertakes a study of student attrition. Upset to discover that some 40 percent of entering freshmen do not graduate, it studies the problem, hoping to find a remedy. Meanwhile, the anchor speculates why students would want to leave this place, and student gossip abounds with stories of people "who aren't coming back next year.*' 1980? No, 197L Every four or five years.

Signs of Hope defended

the institutional self-flagellation is repeated-without any noticeable change in the attrition rate. Of course we should be sensitive to student frustrations and "ever reforming" the College. But let's not indulge in too much wishful thinking: students mostly leave for personal and vocational reasons beyond the College's control. And lest we demoralize ourselves, let's (continued on p. 7)

slipped by me). But that's what a public relation film is meant to do. Documentaries have the responsibility of showing both sides of a situation. Signs of Hope was never intended to be a documentary. You said, "Many, if not most of the scenes were set up..." This is only partly true. The producer asked all the participants if what was being filmed was really the kind of thing that happened. Scenes which had been totally faked were left on a Kansas City cutting room floor and never included in the film; the producer wouldn't allow them to be used. Why must you be so critical that the film is now being used for fund-raising and recruitment, which you state "is also par for the course." Do you expect the College to survive without the donations and students? Those donations keep tuition rates as low as they are (I know they're high but they'd be much higher without donations). Back to my original point. There a r e many positive things at Hope. You tried to tell us that in reference to Winants--but you failed. You've never mentioned that Phelps is running well and looking goodyou only criticized its problems last semester. You've never mentioned the fact that Sunday morning choir sounds good, that students can and should sign up for CPR courses by calling the Red Cross, that the College is finding ways to reuse older buildings, or that students a r e becoming more a w a r e of world problems than they have been in many years. And (continued

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opc col lege

olland, michigAn.

Published during the college year except vacation, holiday, and exam periods by for the students of Hope College, Holland, Michigan, under the authority of the Student Communications Media Committee: Subscription price: $8 per year. Member, Associated College Press, Office located on ground floor of Graves Hall. Telephone 392-5111, extension 4600. The opinions on this page are not necessarily those of the student body, faculty, or administration of Hope College. ilcnber oj the cissociaieo coneciaTe pRessi


Editor Brion J. Brooks Associate Editor Betty Buikema News Editor Steve Muyskens Feature Editor Michael Norris Sports Editor, Tim Taylor Photo Editor Steve Goshorn Ad Manager Amy Baker Second class postage Holland, Michigan 49423.



Penrose gives outlook on foreign affairs by Marti Szilagyi As a result of the Soviet invasion of AfghahistaD, America suddenly wants to ( 'get tough" with the Kremlin. G. Larry Penrose, associate professor of history and a scholar of Russian civilization, said that the United States: should not have been surprised by the latest act of Soviet agression. In fact, the Soviet Union has been involved in Afghanistan for at least a decade. Penrose explained the Soviet motives this way. Apparently, the original^ Russian people or the carriers of RussiaiT culture are becoming a minority. The "minorities,H especially the Turks, are outbreeding these Russians at a rapid pace. The Turks live on the Southern border, which the U.S.S.R. shares with Iran, Afghanistan, and China. There has been passive resistance in that region ever since it was first incorporated into the Soviet Union. From 1917 to 1924, Soviet troops met some of their strongest resistance from Turkish tribesmen. Many Turks fled Russia, crossing the border into Afghanistan. An estimated one million Turks now reside in Afghanistan. With the passionate revival of Islam in both Iran and Afghanistan, the Soviet Union became concerned about the effect on its Turks. What would happen if Islam took hold in Afghanistan and Turkey? To prevent any possibility of Turkish insurrection, the Soviet Government decided that a police action was in order. Invading Afghanistan would $erve as a most "educational" model. Penrose described this move as "an excellent object lesson to the Soviet Union's Turks." Further, Penrose postulated that the Soviet leadership sat down with a sheet of paper and wrote out all the pros and cons of subduing Afghanistan. In the pro column they calculated that because the United States had withdrawn its forces from Iran, we were no longer a threat. We would be impotent as far as our ability to retaliate was concerned. In the con column, they came up with world opinion. Other countries would protest. The leaders simply said, "We don't care." Penrose emphasized that the Soviet leaders are pragmatic in their approach to international politics. Whatever figures in their national interest they will pursue. Another important factor one must not overlook is that the average Russian believes that one day he will have to fight China. Russia and China have been foes for centuries, partially due tb a rivalry concerning the ethnic minorities (Turks, Mongols, and Manchus). When the Chinese Communists took control of the Government, they brutally persecuted the Turks inhabiting that area closest to the Soviet border. A large percentage of

those Turks migrated to the Soviet Union. The Mongols fled to the People's Mongol Republic, a client state of .the Soviet Union that still maintains its autonomy. When asked whether he felt that a

Without question, this event has been tremendously costly for the Russians. Such countries as the United States could have helped the Government meet its expenses. They would have stood to

better arms. He also remarked that President Carter has shrewdly exploited the conflicts in Iran and Afghanistan to better his political chances of being reelected. What should the United States do about ^ the Soviet Union? First of all, Penrose *< states, we must not stop talking to them, ^ yet we must also prevent other "walkthroughs'* such as Afghanistan. Too many times the United States has been both diplomatically and militarily ineffective in gaining the initiative over the Soviets. We have not been in a position to present the Kremlin with difficult options. Opportunities must be taken as the Soviets give them to us. Penrose stresses that a . non-nuclear defense system that utilizes surrogates or our own forces should be a top priority. He favors reinstatement of registration and the draft. He would like to see college-aged, college-trained material involved. In addition, the United States should make full use of its ROTC graduates. He termed the all-volunteer army as "socially unacceptable." Penrose favors America's current overtures toward the Chinese, but he cautioned that these "must be handled with sophistication." America's allies have not been backing us with the enthusiasm and commitment we would like. Penrose understands this reluctant behavior: "One wants to choose one's friends carefully in a dangerous world" American foreign policy has simply not been dependable. Moreover, both the United States and the Soviet Union are in contention for influence in the world. Both tend to measure the gains in accordance with the number of governments and locations that have declared themselves one way or the other. He said that there is such a thing as neutrality and that those coultries who practice non-alignment should be respected. These nations are working in their national interest by sticking with those who hold the balance of power. . Lastly, Penrose believes that an un-

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Associate professor of history Larry Penrose, (photo by Steve Goshorn) boycott of the Summer Olympic Games in Moscow by the Western nations would have any impact, Penrose replied that he really was not sure haw much it would hurt the Soviets. He nevertheless speculated that there are factions within the Soviet Union who hope that the Western nations will not participate. Fervent Russian nationalists, the KGB, and conservative militarists have always opposed the idea of Westerners competing in Moscow. They mistrust the West because they fear that their young will become infected with democratic notions. How could they monitor contact to ensure that this would not occur? Penrose stated that six or seven years ago, the Soviets had already begun to prepare for the Olympics. The Soviet Government had reached its decision to host the games at the height of detente. The more moderate faction led by Brezhnev did not really care about accruing financial profit. Spreading propaganda determined that decision to hold the Olympics in Moscow more than any other consideration. The West would have brought in tremendous revenue.

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benefit from the tremendous technological and cultural exchange. The more paranoid reactionary faction, on the other hand, would be delighted with a cozy Olympics consisting of Eastern satellite countries and some third world nations. Penrose believes that these reactionaries are precisely the ones who got their way in Afghanistan. Penrose commented that the United States "has no foreign policy." He added that the crisis in Afghanistan would never have happened if America had had a modern military presence in Iran. Covert intelligence operations must be allowed to function more freely. Such agencies as the CIA should make sure that the Moslem rebels in Afghanistan "have maximum capabilities of efficiency." In other words, they must be provided with




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Hopeites hit Washington — a student reports Kirk Hooplngarner It pres^ntfy on fh# honors semester In Washington and sent us a brief update on his experiences their so far."

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by Kirk Hooplngarner On Jan. 9,1960, a small band of brighteyed "flying Dutchmen', invaded the city of Washington, D.C., to begin yet another Hope College Washington Honors Semester program. It must have been a unique sight, indeed, for the Washington residents to see a group of 19 well-dressed and suited students parading behind their leader, Jack Holmes. Enlightening and

vital discoveries were made by the group the first few days, including where the cheapest food could be bought and the locations of the subwav stations. .The first day's activities included.a visit to area attractions such as the zoo. We then became serious and interviewed a panel working for the League of Women Voters . on nuclear power and Dean Overman, a Hope graduate who served on the Ford, RockefeUer, and Carter staffs. Insights concerning the enormous tasks and responsibilities of the Presidency were shared with the group.

PR film serves purpose (confinued from p. 4) that continued support would be appreciated. As stated in the editorial, many of the scenes in the film were "set up," but that is only because of the requirements of shooting this type of film. There is a need for certain lighting conditions and a certain amount of rehearsal so that a lot of film, money, and time is not wasted. Although it was not spontaneous, no one in the film did anything that would not ordinarily be done on this campus. The College took pains to make sure that what students, faculty, and others did in the film is actually what students, faculty, and others do on this campus. As to the content of the film, it seems only natural that the College would want to put its best foot forward. Yes, there are problems on this campus (as with any campus), and no, Hope did not show this in the film. But the film is not a documentary; it was not designed to show both what is right and what is wrong with this college. It was designed to show what Hope is trying to achieve by being what it is. Hope is not being dishonest by doing this. If asked to describe yourself to a stranger would you begin with a list of faults? Most people would not. Though everyone has faults they are not usually the first things that come to mind because we like to think in terms of what we could be if we tried our best. Why expect the

College to do something that we would not? Perhaps another film is needed for those who are not satisfied with this one; that will show both the positive and negative or "seedy" sides of Hope, though that is what would be neededanbther film. One brief film can adequately fulfill two purposes no better than one brief paper can adequately cover two topics. Considering its intended purpose, I think the film is excellent. From observations I have made, I know I am not alone in this thought. Signs of Hope shows the aspects of this campus that the College does and should take pride in. Sincerely, Karen E. Gruber

Our next topic of inquiry was the role of The next day brought us to the office of the press in America today, and, for the Senator Carl Levin (D-MI), where we talked with his administrative assistant sake of variety, we had interviews with about the enormous job Congress is the editor and a panel of writers from the giving itself by attempting to further its National Journal, the director of the role as an overseer of the sprawling News Bureau for the American BroadFederal bureaucracy. Equal time was casting Company, and the director of allotted to the Republican side of Newhouse News Service, which owns the Congress when we had a session with Don Grand Rapids Press ^and other newspapers throughout the country. In Brotzman, a former Republican Congressman from Colorado. Brotzman the interviews a perplexing dichotomy spoke of the great change of leadership seemed to prevail-the need for making structure in Congress and the decreasing • the reporting of news more factual and less dramatic was admitted, but control autonomy of committee chairmen. of the press was refuted because it We shot ahead next for the topic of violated the First Amendment. Insights handgun control; in our attempt to hear shared at these meetings were helpful in both sides of the issue we interviewed realizing the difficulty of appeasing the representatives from Handgun Control public in news coverage. Inc. and the National Rifle Association. A The following day centered on big moment came later in the day when discussions concerning social security the group had the opportunity of meeting the director of the Secret Service, Stuart reform. The day's interviews included representatives from the U.S. Chamber Knight. •: ^ of Commerce, the director of the Social Security Office of Research and Statistics, a panel of lobbyists from the American Association of Retired Persons, and a staff director from the House Subcommittee on Human Services. The next day we learned about the security of America. We began with an interview with a research analyst from (continued from p. 5) the Central Intelligence Agency and derstanding with Iran will eventually be learned that the stories we had heard of reached as soon as the new government the dangerous, covert operations were firmly establishes itself. He mentioned only a small fraction of the agency's that we probably will not have to deal tasks. Analyzing existing information is with Ayatollah Khomeini much longer, also deemed very important and it was for the religious leader is not a well man. emphasized that predicting future events America will have to handle the ideals of is extremely difficult. the Iranian Islamic revolution. We will . We then went to hear how the vital have the power we once did to direct information is used at the Pentagon. Iran's foreign policy. Penrose mentioned Here, the group heard a panel of officers that when he was in Iran in 1957-1958, the from the Staff for Operations and Plans, United States Government had no Political-Military Division. The desired foresight concerning the oppressive defense strategy to meet Soviet regime of the Shah and the extent of the aggression was priirarily discussed and Iranian people's opposition to the one specific aspect, reinstitution of the autocrat. We were priding ourselves on draft, was not emphatically endorsed. our technical and military aid efforts in The members of the panel pointed to support of the Shah. Penrose sees that indecisiveness, low defense spending many of the troubles we now have with since the conclusion of the Vietnam War, Iran might have been avoided had the and our unrealistic introversion in the 70s United States been more perceptive. as being some major causes of Russia's unchecked aggression. The next day brought us to the Navy League, where a presentation was made concerning the Navy budget and the essential needs of increasing the number of ships built each year and bettering the financial benefits of being in the Navy. But the discussion of the Navy budget did not end at the Navy League. The group interviewed staff members of both the Office of Management and Budget and Senate Appropriations Subcommittee's staff. Both gave us their views on the problems of social security and its financial troubles. The day concluded with an interview with the Friend's Committee on National Legislation. Quite a different perspective was presented concerning the defense posture of the United States, which this organization felt was constantly endangering the lives of citizens throughout the world by building up arms and nuclear weaponry.

Professor gives views

anchorshould lighten up (continued

from p. 4)

there are many positive student organizations that many people don't even know exist. So how about occasionally changing the grey-tinted glasses for something a little more rosy? Jennifer Nielsen

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The fin^l day of interviews involved the problems which America must face concerning energy production. Those interviewed included a lobbyist for Consumers Power Company; a lobbyist for the Oil, Chemical, and Atomic Workers International Union; and the Chairman of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. Though tired and suffering from "Fried brain" at the end of the interviews, all of the members of the group could ob.jectively look back on . what they had heard in the preceding days and feel that many insights had been gained. Corresponding with the numerous • problems in America today are many people diligently attempting to solve them.

Passing Shots Attrition cycle 5 f a c e y Fletcher's"jtt$t (continued from p. 4) be clear about the magnitude of Hope's attrition. Fact is that compared to other four-year colleges, which historically have averaged 50 percent student attrition, Hope's approximately 40 percent attrition rate is relatively modest. Moreover, about 30 percent of those who leave are replaced by incoming transfers. Thus our graduating classes have been 70 percent as big as they were as incoming freshmen. , * • But if there is no cause for selfflagellation there is also little cause for complacency. Most colleges with betterthan-average students have less-thanaverage attrition rates. Since Hope is blessed with better-than-average students it should hav^ less-thanaverage attrition. Till 1985 David G. Myers

having fun"

who watched Stacey*s first encounter by Keven Malkewitz A couple weekends ago while I attended with racquetball said that he could tell by the Michigan Racquetball Association the way she watched the bail that she was Tournament in Brighton, I had the going to be a good player. Stacy pleasure of talking to Michigan's best proceeded to ruin this theory when she woman racquetball player-a person who confessed that the only reason she watalso has the potential to become one of the ched the ball so closely was because she best players in the nation. Potential is was afraid she was going to be hit by it! defined by Webster as "the inherent Still, she feels her "tomboy" childhood ability for growth or development." If (the kids at her grade school took up a this definition is applied to Stacey Flet- collection to give her if she wore a dresscher, she probable has more potential but she didn't!) helped prepare her for than anybody else. Stacey is 15 years old her future participation in athletics. Stacey is currently under contract with and . the defending Women's Open AMF Head, which means that Head pays champion of Michigan. Stacey first began playing racquetball her travel expenses (when you consider with her father about three years ago, in trips to California, Nevada, Florida, and an experience which was so frustrating Colorado, that's more than gas money) in she ended up crying (for what reason, I'm exchange for her using Head equipment not sure), but she asked her father to go while in public. The only reason Head again, and the stage was set. An old man supplies her with equipment is that it is a subtle form of advertising for Head. This agreement is mutually beneficial, because Stacey gets to play against topnotch competition which helps her game with some would-be criminals that immensely, while Head gets national by Clark Coding One advantage New York offers movie- culminates in a scene where the getaway exposure. As an indication of Stacey's lovers is a multitude of theatres to choose car escapes with part of a church in tow- potential, it's interesting to note that only from. Being a slight Steve Martin fan, I leaving a wedding party separated. I two other players (both men's pros) are decided to go to Times Square and catch myself do not see what is so humorous sponsored by Head in this manner. Even though quite young, Stacey has a the late showing of Martin's first movie. about a church being pulled by a car. Later on we find out that a maniac very impressive track record. She has The Jerk. I expected a good movie, but wants to kill Martin. The audience wishes been, at one point or another, third in that is not what I saw. It is a movie that tries to start out on a him success; the film might end. The junior nationals, second and fourth in the funny note, but if this first scene is assassin shoots at Martin, missing him nationals in women's doubles, and first in and hitting some oil cans nearby. Martin the Michigan 15 and under boys' juniors wonders why anyone would want to shoot (because there wasn't a division for girls) the cans. "Perhaps they didn't like along with her already mentioned women's open victory last year. Victories them," Martin muses. Realizing that someone is out to kill such as these serve to build a foundation him, he seeks refuge in a carnival. Here for Stacey's future, which she hopes will he gets a part-time job and finds com- include time on the pro tour. She speaks panionship in a lady motorcycle of the women's pros with awe, and speaks daredevil. Falling on hard luck, Martin is of events such as dinner with Rita Huff (a unable to send any money back home to top women's pro) as "dream-like." To his family, but in writing he says that "his help her prepare for better competition, girlfriend promises him a blow job next Gil Schmidt (a men's open player) week and he will then have more money." practices with her three times a week. Initially profiting from a minor in- Stacey credits Gil with helping her build vention that a traveling salesman, Bill the fundamentals of her game, and she Macy, markets for him, Martin becomes successful and rich with the complications of two girlfriends and happy feet. While dancing in a disco one evening. Martin catches a news flash on a giant television screen telling of the damage his invention has caused. A civil suit makes him poor again, and as a result his friends leave him. Martin is reduced to a skid-row bum. At what is seemingly the end, a station representative, I'm surprised nobody walked out on the film. It opens upon a wagon drives up. It turns out that Marblack sharecropper's home down south; tin's parents have come to bring him back everyone is dancing to soul music and home. It seems that his father has done Martin can't keep the rhythm. Aware of very well in futures of farm commodities his difference, Martin islold of his origins with the money that Martin has sent him. at his birthday party. Later that evening They drive up to a large new house. The he receives a vision whereupon he movie ends as it started and the audience retraces their footsteps in relief back out decides to enter show business. Hitchhiking to Las Angelos, Martin gets the theatre doors. All in all, one must be a dyed-in-thea job and a place to stay at the gas station he is left off at. He has his try at heroics wool Steve Martin fan to enjoy this film.

Jerk lives up to name

believes her strong points reflect the § men's open style of play. Stacey is very > aggressive when she plays, and her jJJ serves score many points for her each g game. Her constant hustle (she never gives up until the ball bounces twice) is g also a strong point. Aside from the rigorous schedule of a top racquetball player, life is pretty normal for Stacey. She was excited when I talked to her because she had just received her driver's permit, and like any other 15 year-old, she was looking forward to her impending freedom. She attends Bishop Foley High School in Warren, MI, where she excels in basketball (this is her second year on the varsity team as point guard) and fastpitch softball. Her instructors are more than happy to help her in her studies, because they realize her circumstances are "exceptional." She also manages to practice racquetball at the Warren tennis club. Stacey believes that the support her mother and father give her, along with her older brother Dan, helps her enormously. On out-of-state trips, her brother usually accompanies her, while her parents love to watch her play in state tournaments. In light of the "Little League Parent" syndrome, I asked Stacey if she ever felt pressured into racquetball by members of her family. She feels very happy because after she decided she wanted to play racquetball her family stood behind her one hundred percent. She did not feel pressure or anything else that would take the fun away from the sport. A fellow player once said that her family supports Stacey so much that "in order to beat you, I have to beat your family." Even though she realizes she has to sacrifice many things to be as active as she is in racquetball, Stacey is still positive she is making the right decision. "The second it gets boring, I'll quit," she says, then adds with a smile, "Right now, I'm just out there having fun!"

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Cagers finish second Two out of three ain't bad? That old adage proved to be fatal to the Flying Dutchmen basketball team as two wins in their last three games weren't good enough to send them to the Great Lakes Tournament for the NCAA Division III title. The cagers lost in a tough 93-89 overtime contest to the Alma Scots, who a r e always tough on their own floor. The Dutchmen then recovered to win their final two games against Adrian and Kalamazoo to give them a 10-2 league mark, opposite of last season's 2-10, and a 16-6 m a r k overall, compared to 5-17 last year.


this time on a pair of free throws, to send the g a m e into overtime. The g a m e was tied three times in the overtime but Alma took a four-point lead with a little under a minute left; that was

Hope led the Alma g a m e almost the entire first half, until there were just under three minutes left, when the Scots took a 36-34 lead. They increased that lead a little bit before the half, and the scoreboard read 45-40 when the buzzer rang. The Dutchmen trailed almost the entire second half and were in deep trouble with 2:30 left in the g a m e as they were down by seven, 77-70. Rick Reece scored the next seven points, four on a couple of beautiful steals, to tie the game with a little over a minute to play in regulation time. The Scots hit the next two to, again, give them the lead, but Reece again hit,

Matmen down Coach Patnott awards Ann Stone at last weekend's league meet.

Women take swim title by Jordon Loch distance. Palladino, a sophomore from Hope's women's swim team dethroned Kalamazoo, proved her ability by winKalamazoo and avenged their Albion ning the one-meter diving event, then losses to become the MIAA women's capturing the three-meter event with a swimming and diving champions. record-breaking score of 383.1 points. Going into Friday and Saturday's Lynn Bufe c a m e in second in the threeleague meet, held at the Dow Center's meter event, also eclipsing the 1979 Kresge Natatorium, Hope, Kalamazoo, tournament record with a 355.55 tally. and Albion were deadlocked with 4-1 dual Captain Nancy Vande Water showed meet league standings. her diversity by claiming a first-place The championship was decided as the finish in the 200-yard individual medley Dutch toppled Albion and Kalamazoo with freshman Ann Stone finishing close with a total of 136 points. Kalamazoo behind. followed with 119, then Albion, 106; Alma, Joan Wilterdink c a m e from behind to 56; Adrian, 23; and Calvin, 19. place second in the 100-yard breaststroke. Double winners for the powerhouse In the last event the 400-yard freestyle orange and blue were Leslie Bethards relay team of Stone, Vande Water, and Deanna Palladino. Bethards, a Scholten, and Bethards qualified for the sophomore from Okemos, captured the nationals, setting a pool record of 3:51.245 50- and 100-yard backstroke events, and qualifying themselves for yet another setting a pool record in the 100-yard relay event.

The Hope wrestling team ended up a tough season by taking last in the seventeam MIAA tournament. The team took sixth place in the league as Albion did not compete in the dual meets. Peter White took third place in the 158pound weight class and Garry Visscher captured fourth at heavyweight. Kalamazoo won the tournament, which enabled them to tie Olivet for the league title. This breaks Olivet's string of eight straight outright MIAA crowns. Steve Crooks of Kalamazoo was named the Most Valuable Wrestler for the second year in a row. The senior won the 134pound title for the third straight time and chalked up a 22-1 record this season.

Loren Schrotenboer goes for the ball as an Adrian player hits the boards in the recent Hope-Adrian g a m e , (photo by l ora Hector)

too much for Hope to handle and (hey had their second league setback. Scott Benson led Hope in scoring with 26, while Matt Neil contributed 14 points and Reece 13. The 68-65 victory over Adrian and the 96-62 massacre of K-zoo were not enough to send them to the tournament as Calvin s sole loss was to the Dutch, giving them an li-i MIAA record. Even though they did fall short of the tournament, this year s squad proved that there is a great deal of talent here at Hope and with 10 of 12 team members returning, the Orange and Blue should be in the thick of things next year. MIAA FINAL MEN'S BASKETBALL Calvin HOPE Olivet Albion Alma Adrian Kalamazoo

W u 10 6 5 5 3 2


Tankers finish season in third The Hope men's swimming team closed their season Feb. 22-23 with a third place finish in the MIAA League meet held at Albion, Hope was in second place, behind nationally ranked Kalamazoo, after the first day of the two day meet. Saturday, however, they were outscored by a strong Albion team. Though not quite as successful as they had planned on being, the Tankers still finished way ahead of last year's sixth place. The following is a list of players who scored points in the league meet; Mike Schmuker, league champ in the 200 yard breast stroke; Mark Trudell, third in the 500 yard freestyle; Dave Moored, third in both the 500 yard freestyle and the 1650 yard free style; Craig Anderson, fifth in both the 200 and 1650 yard free style; Tim Jasperse, fifth in the 50 yard free style; P a t Nells, second in the 200 yard free style and third in the 200 yard f r e e style. The Hope team's 400 yard medley relayers Beck Green. Mike Schmuker,

Craig Anderson, and P a t Nelis placed third, a s did Tim Jasperse, Tim Davis, Dave Moored, and P a t Nelis in the 400 yard free relay.

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