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FEBRUARY 27. 2008 • SINCE 1887

V O L . 121 N O . 16


Baha'i Faith heightens diversity on campus

Cinderella Project: Volunteer Services, Kappa Beta Phi, SAC donate prom dresses

Brittany Adams C A M P U S N E W S EDITOR

Alex Quick STAFF W R I T E R

Paige Calamari STAFF W R I T E R

Although they may not be waving magical wands or singing "bibbidi-bobbidi-boo," Volunteer Services, Kappa Beta Phi Sorority and the Student Activities Committee are working together to ensure a successful year for the 2008 Cinderella Project. On Feb. 28 and 29, Volunteer Services representatives and the Kappa Beta Phi Sorority will be collecting new and used formal dresses, gowns and accessories for young women within the community. The Cinderella Project will be held in the lobby of the DeWitt Center from noon to 5 p.m. on both Thursday and Friday. Dresses are donated for what many young women consider a significant event in their high school career: prom. According to the Cinderella Project website, ' T h e Prom is not just a dance, it is a milestone." The non-profit organization is dedicated to promoting the confidence and self esteem of financially challenged young women in the area by providing the means for them to attend formal social events within their schools. Caitlin Lamade ('09), Volunteer Services Student Coordinator, said that Hope College students donated approximately two dozen dresses ih 2007. Whether this year will be a success "depends on the students and how much they want to get involved. I think it would be a success even if we receive a dozen dresses. That means that a dozen people were willing to give," Lamade said. For those planning to donate a dress and who attended Winter Fantasia on Feb. 23, be sure to bring your Winter Fantasia ticket stub to receive a $5 reimbursement from SAC. Reimbursements are limited to one per student. "I think it shows Hope students that there is more than one way to help the community," Lamade said. "It is a good way for students to get involved." To learn more about the Cinderella Project check out www. cinderellaproject.net or visit the Volunteer Services Office on the first floor of the DeWitt Center..


G O I N G I N F O R A C A U S E — P a r t i c i p a n t s In t h e d a t e a u c t i o n t o benefit Dance M a r a t h o n rally t o g e t h e r t o show th e i r e n t h u s i a s m for t h e cause.

Date Auction raises $ 5 8 5 Christine Hostetler GUEST W R I T E R

"Going once, going twice — sold!" This proclamation signaled the end of the 2008 Dance Marathon Date Auction as the last group was auctioned off as part of a fundraising effort for Hope College's annual Dance Marathon. On Feb. 19,75 Hope students came to Phelps Dining Hall to bid and be auctioned off. The masters of cermonies were Tommy Gordon ( ' 0 8 ) and RJ Casey ( , 0 8 ) . Dressed in crazy outfits, the two auctioned 12 groups o f volunteers, raising a grand total of $585. Participants included the Delta Phi sorority and the Phi Sigma Kappa fraternity, who comprised the largest groups to be auctioned, followed by the freshmen girls' volleyball team.

in Grand Rapids. "I am just so appreciative of the people that came and participated. It takes a lot to stand up in front of everyone and be bid on!" co-executive director of Dance Marathon Courtney Vredevoogd ('08) said. Date Auction is one of several fundraisers held for Dance Marathon, which is a 24-hour fundraiser held at Hope College every spring. Dance Marathon raises money for the Children's Miracle Network at the DeVos Children's Hospital. According to the Children's Miracle Network the Network is a nonprofit organization dedicated to saving and improving the lives of children by raising funds for children's hospitals across North America, and it provides amenities such as the "Poke Box," a SEE AUCTION, PAGE 2

several groups of Gilmore girls, some Durfee boys and, for the grand finale, the masters of cermonies themselves. Everything from a night of "wining and dining" to "Cat's m o m ' s famous chocolate peanut butter cookies" to an autographed photo of Evan Dollard, the new reigning American Gladiator, were offered in exchange for donations to the Children's Miracle Network at the DeVos Children's Hospital

"It takes a lot to stand

up in front


everyone and be bid on!" — Courtney Vredevoogd, ('08)

" P e o p l e don't know what it is," said G r a c e D e n n y (MO), r e f e r r i n g to her B a h a ' i faith. " I f they d o n ' t know what it is, t h e y ' r e scared of it." Although Hope College is a predominantly Christian c a m p u s , 36 students profess either a non-Christian faith or no faith at all, in addition to the 561 students w h o s e faith is not declared, according to the fall 2007 r e g i s t r a r ' s enrollment report. One such faith is the B a h a ' i Faith. Like m a n y Hope students, Denny c a m e f r o m a Christian background. H o w e v e r , her individual convictions led her to believe that she did not quite fit in with her f a m i l y ' s faith. T h e B a h a ' i religion, w h i c h f o c u s es on h u m a n unity and world peace, was a match for Denny since it expresses what she already believed. A n o t h e r B a h a ' i at H o p e is K i m D o u g l a s , a d j u n c t assistant p r o f e s s o r in the English d e p a r t m e n t . D o u g l a s has been B a h a ' i since s h e w a s a student at the U n i v e r s i t y o f Arizona in T u c s o n . W h i l e in school, she f o u n d that she e n j o y e d m e e t ing p e o p l e of different faiths. D o u g l a s said that she was originally interested in B a h a ' i due to a c o u p l e s h e met w h o w e r e service oriented, g e n u i n e and d o w n to earth, but it was the diversity within the f o l l o w e r s that she really loved. S E E BAHA'I, P A G E 10

'Vagina Monologues' focuses on stories of New Orleans women Emily West GUEST W R I T E R

February 2008 marks the 10th anniversary of V-day, an international m o v e m e n t of a nonprofit organization that has generated over $50 million to create and maintain over 5,000 c o m m u n i ty-based programs that promote anti-violence and safe houses that protect women. According to Vday.org, the focus of the V-day movement was the w o m e n of Congo last year; this year, the spot-









light c o m e s to American soil to the women of New Orleans. This international effort to end violence against w o m e n has brought the production of " T h e Vagina M o n o l o g u e s " to 18 different colleges and universities in Michigan. A version of this play was directed, produced and performed by Hope College students and faculty last year and returns again this year. The play compiles a series of monologues that will be produced and performed by approximately

Kosovo- Western 1 9 3 r d nation.


55 Hope students. The true accounts of several w o m e n ' s experiences address relationship, vulnerability and sexual discovery. "These are the stories that need to be told," said Executive Producer Brittney Jatzo ('09) as she explained the importance of the event. Jatzo believes that Hope students should and do have an interest in addressing the oppression of women through violence. " T h e student body wants to talk about this," Jatzo said.

recognize Page 3

Got a story idea? Let us know at anchor@hope.edu. or call us at 395-7877.

Laura Van Tassell ('09), director of the 2008 production, and Jatzo both want to clear up the common misconceptions about the monologues, such as the Vday movement degrades men. . "It's not about man-bashing. I think that in our patriarchal society we are just shocked when something doesn't revolve around men," Van Tassell said. Jatzo explained that the issue of violence against women is an issue for both genders. S E E V-DAY, P A G E 2

Fair trade— For c o f f e e drinkers, it's a small world a f t e r all. Page 7




Thursday Feb. 2 8 P e w Faith a n d L e a r n i n g Lecturer Everett W o r t h l n g t o n of Virginia C o m m o n w e a l t h University. M a a s Conference R o o m . 1 1 a.m.

Economics Seminar Kurt Schaefer. Professor of Economics at Calvin College Science Center 1 1 1 6 . 4 p.m.

The Asian A m e r i c a n Vote in Election 2 0 0 8 Phelps M u l t i c u l t u r a l Lounge. 4 p.m.

Philosophy Lecture Xln Leng (Bersia). Chun M u (Ivy). Yarv liang Z h a n g (Leon). M a a s Auditorium. 4 : 3 0 p.m.

Meijer Run DeWitt Flagpole. 8 p . m . - 1 0 p.m.

Yoga Club Kollen Hall B a s e m e n t . 8 p.m. 9 : 3 0 p.m.

Friday Chapel

Feb. 2 9

Chris Klein, D i m n e n t Chapel 1 0 : 3 0 a.m.

D a n c i n g A r o u n d t h e World

FEBRUARY 27, 2 0 0 8

Date auction raises $585 to benefit Dance Marathon • AUCTION, f r o m page 1 treasure box w h o s e contents are offered as a reward when a child gels a shot. D a n c e Marathon is held in the D o w Center al - H o p e College. M e m b e r s of the Hope c o m m u n i ty, Holland and the greater Grand Rapids area show their support f o r the children by dancing or cheering for 24 hours. Dancers sign u p lo dance for all 24 hours of the Marathon and send out letters lo family and friends asking f o r sponsorship. Key lo the event are " m o r a l e r s , " w h o support the dancers in eight-hour shifts by giving ihem fool rubs, goodies and lots of encouragement. " T h e Marathon itself is the culmination of what w e ' v e been working towards since August. It's exciting that it will finally be here," co-execulive director Mallory Golas ( ' 0 8 ) said. Special " t h e m e h o u r s " occur throughout the night, with participants involving themselves in

activities such as competing in g a m e s , dressing up and learning dances. Inflatable m o o n j u m p s , foosball and card tables offer entertainment, as well as local and visiting musicians. Participants are served a donated Papa Johns dinner, fruit and bagel breakfast and chicken and lasagna lunch. An important aspect of Dance Marathon is the 25 Miracle Families, each of w h o f n is paired with a fundraising team. Each family has a child w h o is or has been a patient at the DeVos Children's Hosptial. The families' participation brings a very personal aspect lo the event. Jen Ruprich ( ' 0 8 ) is in charge of Miracle Family relations. This year, she said, she is most looking forward to dedicating the marathon lo Miracle Child Ali A a r d e m a , w h o passed a w a y in D e c e m b e r after a seven-year battle with leukemia. "Ali and her family h a v e been involved in Dance Marathon for five or six years, so 1 k n o w this

will be a difficult year for m a n y students and Miracle Families as well. Ali w a s an amazing young woman and w e could all learn from her strength and faith," Ruprich said. Gina VanderVeen (MO) is one of the leaders of a fundraising team this year f o r the Gilmore and Dykstra dorms. " W e are paired with the Hill family. We have been able lo meet them and gel to see w h o benefits from the m o n e y w e raise. When Mrs. Hill told us.how much it means to them that we are supporting' them, it really hit h o m e and m a d e us want lo raise double the money," VanderVeen said. Hope students are invited to participate- in this y e a r ' s Dance Marathon. T h e y can sign u p at the Dance Marathon office, located on the main floor of DeWitt, or online at hitp://www.hope.edu/ studenl/developmenl/marathon/. Dance Marathon takes place on March 7-8, from 7 p.m. Friday lo 7 p.m. Saturday.


CHECK M E O U T - E m c e e s RJ Casey ( ' 0 9 ) a n d Tommy Gordon ( ' 0 8 ) w o r k it for t h e c r o w d a t t h e d a t e a u c t i o n for Dance Marathon.

Snow A u d i t o r i u m . 7 p.m.


March 2


'Vagina Monologues' focuses on stories of New Orleans women

Trygve Johnson. "Cloud of W i t n e s s e s - S i m o n " 8 p.m.


March 3

Chapel Bryan Lowe. D i m n e n t Chapel. 1 0 : 3 0 a.m.

Tuesday H o p e for t h e N a t i o n s

March 4

M a n n a b u i l d i n g . 9 t h a n d Central 7 p . m . - 1 0 p.m.

Student Congress Meeting Herrlck R o o m , D e W i t t Center 9 p.m. A l l m e m b e r s of Hope community are welcome.


• V-DAY, f r o m page 1

monologues), you will not always be comfortable, but that's okay,"

" E v e n if you aren't that guy ( ' t h e w o m e n a b u s e r ' ) , you still have a responsibility to protect," Jatzo

Jatzo said. Jatzo tied the duty "of Christians to end violence and promote a saf-. er world lo awareness of the uncomfortable, inconvenient truths the monologues shed light on. " W e are not promoting promiscuity," Jatzo said to make clear the intentions of the produc-

said. She pointed lo the Greek Men Take a Stand campaign as a positive example of men confronting the issue. For those concerned with the Christian responsibility to access the production. Van Tassell said, " W e d o n ' t separate being a Christian and having a vagina. . . . Y o u ' r e not afraid o f y o u r nose. W h y be afraid of another G o d given part of yoiir b o d y ? " "In everything you see (in the

tion team. Controversy has surrounded this event from the start. T h e Hope College Administration disallowed the production to be held on c a m p u s last year and m a d e the s a m e decision again this year. Although controversy m a y sell more

tickets and draw attention lo the monologues, Jatzo said that the production team is working with the administration on the issue. T h e 2008 "Vagina M o n o logues" production team includes Jatzo, Van Tassell, Brittany Slock ('10), Candice Tindell ( ' 1 0 ) and A n n a Pizzimenti (MO). They met with Dean of Students Richard Frost lo keep the relationship mutually respectful and adhere lo the wishes of the college. " W e d o n ' t want lo create animosity with Hope College," said Van Tassell, w h o remains hopeful that someday the m o n o l o g u e s will be allowed on campus. "In time, Hope will c o m e a r o u n d . " .

For this year, the production will lake place at the Park Theatre on River Avenue, just off campus. Van Tassell spoke on behalf of the 2008 Vagina Monologues Production Team when she said, "We are all really excited about the 4 Vagina Monologues' this year." The show will be performed Feb. 2 9 and March 1 at 8 p.m. T h e Park Theatre d o o r s will open at 7:30 p.m. Tickets are available at 3 9 5 - 7 8 9 0 and are S8 for Hope students and S10 for the general public in advance. If available, tickets at the door will be S10 for students and $15 for the public. T h e s h o w will run approximately 9 0 minutes with no intermission.

HOPE COUNSELOR ASSISTS NIU Kristen Gray, director of the Counseling Center at Hope, arid assistant dean of health and counseling, went to Northern Illinois University f r o m Feb. 23 to 26 in response to the shootings that took place on February 14. She look with her a banner of signatures and m essages f r o m the H o p e student body to give support

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to those at NIU.

DANCE MARATHON SEEKS VOTES DanceMarathonisparticipaling in a contest run by Dodge called " G r a b Life Give Life." T h e first event to get 20,000 voles gels S20,000. Any undergraduate student (Hope or non-Hope) can vote for the event. G o to vvww.grablifegivelife.com to register your e-mail a d d r e s s (.edu only) and create a password. From there, either search for Hope College, or go lo "Top Events" in the " B r o w s e and Vote" section lo vole for Hope. Participants can vole once every day. At press lime, Hope w a s in third placc.wilh 3,908 vples,

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FEBRUARY 27, 2 0 0 8


Darfur refugees caught in conflict of Sudan, Chad Escalating violence prevents aid from reaching refugees; countries pledge to stop violence Okabe, "(He is) extremely concerned with the renewed violence in West Darfur." Despite humanitarian aid and In January, the UN and Afthe presence of United Nations rican Union joint peacekeeping peacekeepers, the violence in the effort dubbed " U N A M I D " began Darfur region of Sudan continues. its work in the More than 8,000 refugees are being = = = = = Sudan. However, most of the prevented from "The army (is) kill26,000 peacefleeing to neighkeeping force is boring country ing in broad daylight not yet in Darfur, Chad after esca- and the international preventing them lating violence community is doing from having last week. enough resources nothing" Eyewitnesses and rebel leaders - Abdulwahid Elnur, to enter the area of conflict. say that a SudaSudanese Liberation Because there nese government are so many aircraft launched Rebels _ _ _ _ _ _ _ people fleeing an attack on a ref- _ _ _ _ _ _ the Jebel Moun ugee camp in the region, aid workers are concerned Jebel Moun region of the counthat parents and children will be try on Feb. 19. Refugees fled to separated. U N I C E F spokesman that region after the government Edward Cawardinedue said they bombed three rebel-held towns already have several documented earlier this month. cases of missing children after the UN Secretary-General Ban KiFeb. 19 bombings. moon condemned the bombing of Also, aid workers cannot enter the refugee camp, and accordthe area because they were forced ing to his spokeswoman Marie Laura Strltzke STAFF W R I T E R

to evacuate when the conflict escalated. This is preventing a lack of progress in peacemaking and aid efforts. Many thought the situation in Darfur could not get any worse, but in light of the most recent bombings, the international community is demanding a response. Abdulwahid Elnur, main leader of the Sudanese Liberation Rebels, said, " T h e army (is) killing in broad daylight and the international community is doing nothing." The renewed violence coincided with President Bush's visit to several African countries including Rwanda, where he visited a memorial for the Rwandan genocide. He compared the Rwandan genocide to the current situation in Darfur and said that evil must be confronted. In addition, the president pledged an additional $100 million to the Darfur peacekeeping efforts. Also on Feb. 19, China's envoy for Darfur, Liu Guijin, started his five-day tour of the coun-


D A R F U R — The small region of Sudan has been a c o n t i n u e d source of c o n f l i c t and a p r o b l e m w i t h o u t an easily a t t a i n e d sol u t i o n . The c o m p l e x i t y of t h e s i t u a t i o n c o n t i n u e s t o paralyze the international community. try, trying to assure the Sudanese Foreign Minister of China's commitment to stopping the violence in Darfur. Activists call China's actions hypocritical because they are responsible for 8 percent of Sudan's weapons imports annually, possibly contributing to the ongoing violence.

The violence in Darfur began in 2003 when local rebels in Sudan took up arms against the Arabdominated central government. This led to what many know as the Darfur genocide. Since 2003 more than 200,000 people have died and 2.5 million people have fled to refugee camps.

Candidates near victory of nomination

Kosovo declares independence Chris Lewis SENIOR STAFF W R I T E R

On Feb. 17, Kosovo, a republic located in southeastern Europe, declared independence from Serbia. Kosovo's parliament unanimously endorsed the declaration, and the republic has officially termed itself the Republic of Kosovo, according to the BBC. Upon the announcement, Kosovo's Prime Minister Hashim Thaci promised to instill a democracy that would recognize the rights of all. Serbia, meanwhile, has disapproved Kosovo's independence, pointing to a 1999 resolution which handed Kosovo over to the United Nations. On the day of the announcement, tens of thousands of Kosovo citizens joined together in the capital city of Pristina and celebrated by lighting fireworks and firecrackers and by shooting guns. An independence monument was unveiled during the evening o f the announcement and was signed by Thaci, as well as Kosovo's President Fatmir Sejdiu. As celebrations occurred in the streets of Pristina, two hand grenades were thrown at international community buildings in the town of Mitrovica. According to the BBC, one of the grenades exploded at a United Nations court building while the other failed to S E E KOSOVO, P A G E 4


Michelle R e a d STAFF WRITER

Even for those who do not follow politics closely, the events of the 2008 presidential primaries are hard to miss. In what may be one of the most influential elections since that o f Franklin D. Roosevelt, the primaries are meeting the expectations of many. Super Tuesday has come and gone, and instead of resolving fears or elucidating the future election, it managed to create only more speculation and surprise. On the Republican side. Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) made steady gains on Super Tuesday, but former Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney seemed to maintain support. Romney and former Arkansas Governor Mike Huckabee split the right

conservative vote allowing McCain to come out on top. And now, after R o m n e y ' s withdrawal, Huckabee lingers as a small hope for the far right. Hope College political science professor Joel Toppen said that many considered McCain's campaign dead until Super Tuesday, and while some strong conservatives feel McCain is no better an option than Clinton or Obama, McCain's supporters hope that his bipartisan politics will bring success for the Republican Party. The Democratic battle for the presidential nomination has received much more media attention than the Republican Party, and following Super Tuesday, it has only surged. Unfortunately for 2004 vice-presidential candidate John Edwards, the unprecedented contest between Sen. Hillary Clinton (D-NY) and Sen. Barack Obama (D-Ill.) thwarted any chance of his success. According to TIME magazine, Clinton and Obama split Super Tuesday's delegates 50.2 percent to 49.8 percent respectively. Following Super Tuesday, Obama won eight consecutive primaries and caucuses and hopes to maintain this momentum through March. This took the confident Clinton campaign by surprise, which now clings to the Ohio and Texas primaries in March for hope to help secure

the nomination. If Ohio and Texas reflect previous primaries, the Democratic Party may look to Superdelegates to determine its candidate, a situation which has not occurred since 1952 for a party that has been oft-eluded (most infamously in 2000) by the representative voting system. Toppen suggests that superdelegates may in fact be Clinton's best hope. With all of the political speculation of who is ahead and who might be soon, one should keep delegate numbers in mind. McCain has 830 delegates and needs to secure 1,191 total delegates for the nomination. Romney has also pledged his 286 delegates to McCain. Obama currently has 1,262 delegates (pledged and unpledged) and Clinton has 1,213, but analysts agree she has the advantage in superdelegates. The Democratic candidate needs to secure -2,025 total delegates (not counting Superdelegates) for the nomination. According to BBC, Obama needs to win more than 55 percent of the remaining delegates to reach 2,025. This data backs the suspicions that the nomination will be determined by superdelegates. With McCain as the almost certain Republican nominee, much speculation has arisen over which Democratic candidate could defeat him. While politicians will continue to strategize over this debate, the choice ultimately lies in the hands of the remaining voters, or perhaps superdelegates.


NY PHILHARMONIC GIVES CONCERT IN NORTH KOREA PYONGYANG - The New York Philharmonic Orchestra visited Pyongyang, North Korea to give an landmark performance. The concert - a combination of pieces by US composers and Ko-

rean folk songs - constitutes the largest U.S. presence in the isolationist state since the end of the Korean War. After three encores, the orchestra left the stage, some moved to tears, while audience members waved fondly.

The visit coincides with the U.S. Secretary of State's visit to China to further discuss North Korea's nuclear disarmament. The concert has been called a remarkable display of cultural diplomacy for the two nations.

NADER ENTERS PRESIDENTIAL RACE Consumer advocate Ralph Nader announced Feb. 24 that he was entering the presidential race as an independent. This recent announcement marks his fourth presidential bid. Experts speculate about his potential impact on the presidential race.

but Nader denies being a political spoiler. Nader said Jefferson believed, "When you lose your government, you've got to go into the electoral arena." Nader added that it is time for a "Jeftersonian revolution."




FEBRUARY 27. 2 0 0 8

NATO disputes troop levels, strategy In Afghanistan A total of 4 3 , 0 0 0 foreign troops are stationed throughout Afghanistan as part of N A T O ' s International Security Assistance Force (ISAF), w h i c h is engaged in security, c o m b a t operations, and the training of A f g h a n forces. NATO is looking to increase that n u m b e r by at least 7,000. ISAF was established by the United Nations Security Council in D e c e m ber 2001 with the purpose of securing Kabul and surrounding areas after the United States invasion shattered the Taliban government. T h e mission's responsibilities expanded over the years, and since 2006 ISAF has taken on m o r e intensive combat operations in response to an upswing of Taliban resistance to the occupation. T h e Taliban ruled A f ghanistan f r o m 1996 to 2001, though their government only received recognition f r o m three other nations. After the withdrawal of Soviet troops in 1989, the country crumbled into bloody p o w e r struggles between local m u j a h a d e e n warlords. In response to w a r l o r d s ' corruption and incessant fighting, preexisting Islamic networks evolved

Karie Luldens GUEST WPRRER

Recent disputes over strategy in A f ghanistan h a v e led to questions about the future of N A T O ' s coalition efforts to secure and reconstruct the war-torn nation. Complaints h a v e been raised in various contexts, including the 44th annual M u nich C o n f e r e n c e on Security Policy, held the weekend of Feb. 9. C a n a d a specifically is d e m a n d i n g an additional 1,000 troops in Kandahar, the southern region w h e r e its o w n 2,500 troops are facing ever-increasing violence. If no ally responds to this call, the nation has threatened to withdraw entirely from the mission w h e n its mandate ends next year. M e a n w h i l e , Australian defense minister Joel Fitzgibbon says that the coalition's overall strategy lacks coherence, and refuses to increase Australian troop levels until greater c o m m i t m e n t is seen in "und c r p c r f o r m i n g " N A T O countries. Thus far such calls h a v e received little response from the majority of participating countries. T h e United States, however, has agreed in recent weeks to c o m m i t an additional 3,200 troops. French President Nicolas Sarkozy is also currently considering raising its troop levels, but no other substantial n e w contributions have been made.

into the Taliban, a militant Islamic political force. The Taliban initially received great support from the A f g h a n population as a stable alternative for the

country, but upon gradually seizing p o w e r over the 1990s the Taliban enforced an extremely conservative version of Sharia (Islamic law) that incorporated flagrant h u m a n rights abuses, including their infam o u s oppression of w o m e n . T h e Taliban w a s largely ignored by the United States until its post-September 11 War of Terror drew attention to the activities of al-Qaeda and other terrorist organizations in Afghanistan. W h e n the Taliban refused to cooperate with American d e m a n d s that they turn over O s a m a bin Laden and other terrorists, the U.S. launched Operation Enduring Freedom, a military invaAgs sion of Afghanistan that S B Jfe toppled the government and drove most of the Taliban to seek refuge in neighboring Pakistan. Since that time, however, much of the Taliban has regrouped and reorganized within Afghanistan. Guerilla tactics, rocket launches, roadside mines and suicide b o m b i n g s have been on the rise since 2003, and saw a particularly large spike in 2007. In general Taliban control has increased in recent months, undermining the current Islamic republic, w h o s e constitution w a s ratified in 2003, and President Hamid Karzai, elected in 2004.

Kosovo's parliament approves independence from Serbia • KOSOVO, f r o m page 3 go off. M e a n w h i l e , in the Serbian capital of Belgrade, around 1,000 rioters broke the w i n d o w s of the U.S. embassy. T h e rioters also focused their attacks on a M c D o n a l d ' s restaurant, the Serbian g o v e r n m e n t building and the e m b a s s y o f Slovenia. In the meantime, Serbia's leaders w e r e not at all pleased by the a n n o u n c e m e n t of K o s o v o ' s independence. According to the B B C , Serbia's Prime Minister Vojislav Kostunica b l a m e d the United Slates and its support of K o s o v o ' s independence. " ( T h e United States is) ready to violate the international order f o r its o w n military interests," Kostunica said. "Today, this policy of force thinks that it has triumphed by establishing a false state."

President B u s h has indeed s h o w n his ftill support of the independence of K o s o v o during the past week. " T h e independence of K o s o v o is an historic step for the Balkans region," Bush said Feb. 19, according to the Associated Press. "It presents an opportunity to m o v e beyond the conflicts o f the past and towards a future o f f r e e d o m and stability and peace." Just as the European Union and the United Nations are also supporting Kosov o ' s independence. Bush described the calculated plans involved in K o s o v o ' s independence. " T h i s strategy w a s well planned. We had worked out with our European allies the sequencing of it, to make sure that there was a concerted and constant voice sup-

porting this m o v e , " Bush said. Thaci is looking f o r w a r d to the republic's future, while also r e m e m b e r i n g a past that w a s filled with the deaths of m e n aiid w o m e n w h o fought f o r the republic's independence. " W e have waited f o r this day for a very long time," T h a c i said, according to the B B C . " ( K o s o v o ) is proud, independent, and free. T h e independence of K o s o v o m a r k s the end of the dissolution of the former Yugoslavia." K o s o v o will be built in accordance to the United Nations plan created by the former president of Finland Martti A h t i s a a n . According to the plan, K o s o v o cannot j o i n any other country and it will be supervised by a fellow international presence, while its armed forces will be limited.

dence. "Given the trends in the region, I think that independence for K o s o v o m a k e s good sense," H o l m e s said. "It is important for the peoples of the area to live in peace with one another." A s K o s o v o has the support of many countries around the world, only time will tell if it will be able to abide by the United Nations plan created by Martti Ahtisaari.



W + i a T 16

Locally, on H o p e ' s campus, political science professor Jack H o l m e s stands behind B u s h ' s support of K o s o v o ' s indepen-

Hang The Anchor up in your dorm room for decoration? Think squares beat circles h a n d s - d o w n ?


Gifts to the Hope Fund help the college pay for campus maintenance ...including snow removal.

iot t ^ t 7 Tuition and fees cover about 76% of what it costs to run Hope College. Gifts to the Hope Fund from over 9 . 0 0 0 alumni, parents, and friends help make up the difference.


There's a lot you might not know about the Hope Fund. But without it. a lot of things at Hope would be. welL.misslng. THE


...alumni, parents, and friends supporting every student, every day.

The Anchor is looking for students to assist with layout or serve as production manager for the Fall 2 0 0 8 semester. The production manager oversees layout for The Anchor, a 12-page . student newspaper that publishes 1 1 issuesra-semester. A stipend—ir will be provided per semester.





Students to perform bitesized opera

From l e f t , Erin Schumaker ('08), Z a c h a r y Porter ( ' 1 1 ) a n d Sarah Wander ( ' 1 0 ) p e r f o r m in "All Things

Katie Bennett A R T S EDITOR

On Feb. 28 in Wichers Auditorium, student vocalists will perf o r m scenes from several operas in this y e a r ' s Opera Workshop. The performance, which begins at 7:30 p.m., will feature the work of Gian Carlo Menotti, a 20th century American composer. Dr. K e n n e d y - D y g a s , vocal professor aod music department chair, is this director of this year's unusually American opera workshop. "It's cool that the arias are in English," said Caitlin Lautz ('09), "it's going to be easy to understand. It's been f u n and challenging pretending to be a little boy." Lautz plays t h e . y o u n g boy A h m a l in a scene f r o m the oper^, " A m a h l and the Night Visitors." In this opera, three kings stop by the house of Amahl the begger and his mother on their w a y to visit the Christ child. SEE OPERA, PAGE 8

THIS WEEK IN ART Wednesday Feb. 2 7 Kletz S t u d e n t Performers 9 p.m. Jonathon Ytterock 1 0 p.m. S t u a r t W e b e r t

Thursday Opera Workshop

Wichers Auditorium,7:30 p.m.

Dance 3 4 Knickerbocker Theatre. 8 p.m.

C o m e to the Frog" as p a r t of Dance 3 4 .

T i c k e t s : $ 7 adults. $ 5 senior c i t i z e n s / students

Friday Feb. 2 9 Combined Junior Voice Recital Caitlin Lautz a n d Paul Connelly Wichers Auditorium

Dancing Around the World Snow Auditorium, 7 p.m. PHOTO BY JAMES RALSTON

Symphonette D i m n e n t M e m o r i a l Chapel. 7 : 3 0 p.m.

Dance 3 4 concert 'takes flight' R a c h e l Syens STAFF W R I T E R

Dance 34 is an exciting mix of dances choreographed by faculty and guests. It is an annual concert, and according to Linda Graham, head of the dance department, it has been taking place for 34 years. T h i s y e a r ' s Dance 34 will feature guest choreographers

A n n e - R e n e Petrarca and Dorrell Martin, according to a Hope College press release. Petrarca lives in N e w York where she is an assistant faculty m e m b e r at T h e Julliard School and Martin is a faculty m e m b e r at The J o f f r e y Ballet School and has appeared in musicals such as "West Side Story." Graham says that each choreographer holds their o w n audi-

Dance 3 4 K n i c k e r b o c k e r Theatre. 8 p.m.

tions for Dance 34, and then they get together to " m e e t and select." Auditions are held in the fall and in the beginning of the spring term. More than 50 students are involved in Dance 34, and each choreographer has their students meet for rehearsals for about 6-10 hours per week. T h e show opens with a piece s e e DANCE, p a g e 8


lore on d r u m s and percussion; Andrew Huzjen on electric guitar; and Zach Hache on bass, all of w h o m recorded Viennas. Currently, C o m m o n Shiner has a different bass player, Jake Chandler, and has moved to

R a c h e l Syens STAFF WRITER


G r o u p : C o m m o n Shiner G e n r e : Acoustic Rock A l b u m : Viennas R e l e a s e d : August ' 0 7

Tickets a v a i l a b l e a t t h e door

Vagina Monologues Park Theatre. 8 p.m.

Comedian: Retta Kletz. 8 : 3 0 p.m.

National Treasure II V a n d e r w e r f 1 0 2 . 7 p.m.. 9 : 3 0 p.m., 1 2 a.m.

Saturday National Treasure II

March 1

VanderWerf, 7 p.m.. 9 : 3 0 p.m.. 1 2 a.m.

Common Shiner: the band that does it all

common shiner

Feb. 2 8

Rarely is a band able to seamlessly flow from social commentaries to love songs' throughout the course of their career, let alone on the same album. C o m m o n Shiner has achieved this on their newest album, " Vien n a s, " released in August 2007. T h e band began in Grand Rapids with Calvin College students Morgan Foster on lead vocals and acoustic guitar; Michael James Brooks on piano, keyboards, harmonica and backing vocals; Vijay Banga-

Chicago. In choosing the songs for "V i e n n a s, " Brooks said that they w a n t e d the songs to enc o m p a s s their worldview. "I w o u l d n ' t say necessarily that w e have just o n e worldview as a band, but certainly there's this idea of longing f o r a better world, kind of pining after heaven type (of) thing. You

Dance 3 4 Knickerbocker Theatre, 8 p.m.

Vagina Monologues

could say it's a bit C R C influenced," Brooks said. T h i s can certainly be seen throughout their music. In the song "The Naturals," Foster portrays the idea of looking for

Park Theatre. 8 p.m.

Sunday National Treasure II

March 2

VanderWerf. 3 p.m.

a better world. "I still hope and believe that things can and will be better at some point," Foster said. That sentiment is shared by other band m e m b e r s as well. ' " A Beautiful Disgrace' kind of sums up our lives as this constant yearning f o r something better; in fact, w e often close shows with it f o r that reason,"

Our Monologues seminar, Herrlck R o o m . D e w i t t . 1 2 : 3 0 p.m.

O u r M o n o l o g u e s , presentation Frled-Hemenway A u d i t o r i u m . MMC. 7 p.m.

Monday March 3 2 0 t h Annual Hope College DeVos Musical Showcase DeVos Hall (Grand Rapids). 8 p.m.

Brooks said.








T h e Hope College S y m p h o nette performs "Classical Masterworks," highlighting faculty member Sarah Hustad Southard in an oboe concerto by Mozart, Friday Feb. 29 at 7:30 p.m. in Dimnent Memorial Chapel. Admission free and program also includes the " S y m p h o n y No. 100" (Military), by Joseph Haydn and " S y m p h o ny No. 3" (Eroica), by Beethoven with direction by Hope music faculty member, Gabe Southard.



1 1 : 0 0 - 1 1 : 5 0 A.M.



Everett lAbHWi^+on


1Vof(Wor of ?t>\jCsho\og\j M

|How to pick graduate progronis


IHow to finance graduate school IThe application procf^®

M U S I C A L EXTRAVAGANZA GRACES GRAND RAPIDS A wide range of musical styles and instrumentsbrings DeVos Hall alive when Hope College presents its 20th annual Musical Showcase concert on Monday, March 3, at 8 p.m. in Grand Rapids. Hope College students take the stage for this fast-paced, musical spectacular. Audience m e m b e r s hear everything f r o m opera to jazz.

Thursday, February 28 11:00a.m. Maas Auditorium

Panelists: Virginia Beard (Political S 3IGS) Mark Jensen (PhilosophT)' Temika Michael (Psychology) Anne Heath (Art)




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variety of fair t r a d e c o f f e e beans lines the w a l l s at Lem-



After a long day of class, a Hope College student saddles up to a table at Cool Beans and begins her physics homework over a cup of coffee. Thousands of miles away, in Guatemala, a coffee farm worker collapses next to his dinner after a long day of sweating in the heat of the sun. These two people have never met, but initiatives like fair trade are making their connection even stronger. Coffee has a long history, dating back as far as 1000 A.D. Yet, in the last 200 years, the coffee industry has grown in ways that are not necessarily ethical or fair. ''Farmers w^re getting a very small percentage of what was actually being paid for coffee, and they had no recourse to try and get higher prices," David Lee ('08), manager of Cool Beans, said. In other cases, there was too much coffee being grown and produced. The price of coffee dropped dramatically — so much so that no one in the industry was making a profit. ' Fair trade started with alternative trade organizations that would buy crafts and products from indigenous people and sell directly to consumers. By taking out the middle man, the producers of these products were able to receive more of the profit. Fair trade coffee companies help people in the poorest countries provide for themselves. Farmers form co-ops with other small farmers. They negotiate the rate for which they want to sell their coffee and the amount of coffee they will grow. This ensures that they have a stable income and that they have money to


FEBRUARY 27. 2 0 0 8


put back into building a stronger community. "(Fair trade) allows us to build back into the community. There are other needs besides just money," Matt Scott, owner of Lemonjello's, said. "Equal Exchange has done everything from building a well, to creating local radio shows, to education for w o m e n . " Fair trade coffee growers tend to work harder toward growing organically and sustainably.

"Part of (sustainability) is making sure the soil is replenished. Sometimes in rainforest areas they are required to leave other trees (along with coffee plants) to provide habitats for birds," Scott said. How could fair trade companies improve? "1 think that providing education for coffee fair trade products along with coffee would be something 1 would like to see more of," Scott said.

It's early Friday morning and Cool Beans is bustling with students — droopy eyed and armed with travel mugs. The shrill sound of the steamer drowns out the murmur of coffee conversation. David Lee ('08), one of Cool Beans' managers, speaks up so 1 don't miss his insightful question. " H a v e you ever had a time when you were sitting at Phelps with a bunch of your friends, and you stay there for hours after you're done eating?" Lee asked. For some, Phelps is the social center on campus, a place where people gather to avoid homework and enjoy conversation. Students are known for straggling behind, even after the cleaning crew has begun to vacuum and wipe down tables, so as not to miss out on the laughter and juicy conversation. Lee believes the "Phelps phenomenon" reflects a lack of social outlet in our society and at Hope College. He described a book by Ray Oldenburg, " T h e Great Good Place," which delves further into the root of the problem. "America's society has turned into a place where all you have is home and work and nowhere in between. I think that's really the problem here at Hope," Lee said. "Everyone sleeps in their dorms, and they dress themselves there (and) store a lot of stuff there. Work for students is both having a j o b and going to class. I think within all of those everyone has a pre-determined role. There's very little time that you cannot be a title and just be yourself. (Eating) is the only time you have as students to not be doing

Equal Exchange

something." Lee has been working hard to make Cool Beans into a place where students can gather, socialize and just be themselves. They want Cool Beans to become that "great good place" that Phelps and the New Holland Brewing Company have been for so long. "The crowd of people who go to Stein night (at the Brewery) go there because everyone's going to be there. T h e y ' v e accomplished what I want to do with Cool Beans already. The problem is that three quarters of the campus can't go there on Wednesday nights to hang out. Here at Hope we should be able to create a sense of community," Lee said. Atmosphere was the first thing on their to-do list. "This summer we painted the entire area, we hung decorations on the walls, and this Monday, we got the two extensions to the bar that make it look like a real coffee shop now," Lee said. The new coffee bar was built by Henry Bosch, a physical plant staff member. Besides the fact that the new bar makes the opening and closing process much easier, it looks significantly more permanent. "The coffee bar has always been this thing on wheels that could easily go away at any minute. N o w it's a little harder to get rid of," Lee said. There are also other improvements in sight for Cool Beans. Lee has considered incentives to encourage more students to congregate at Cool Beans. " I ' v e toyed with the idea of having a mug night at Cool Beans where you come and fill up your mug for a dollar. I ' m still working on that," Lee said.

Cool Beans

Farmer Cooperatives t

. o u







Hope College Community

Small Farmer


c P


VOUR AAOV4^ Community Farmer Cooperatives

Cool Beans (15% goes toward buying coffee)

Equal Exchange Coffee Company





In pursuit of knowledge environmentalism has been taken over by capitalism. Going green is about buying things, whether the products are hybrid cars, organic foods or clothing. The front page of National G e o g r a p h i c ^ "Green Guide" encourages green-minded consumers to upgrade their home offices with new green computers and offers links to purchase earth-friendly jewelry, chocolate and wine. With prices as high as two or three times their anti-environment counterparts (or more), green products are luxury goods and status symbols. If concern for the environment is a* privilege restricted only to those who can afford it, however, the green movement is doomed to failure. To succeed, the green movement must be something in which all people want to participate, regardless of whether or not they can afford to purchase pricey earth-friendly products. If the greenest option is also the best deal for consumers, the movement stands a chance of actually improving the earth.

Evelyn Daniel

Green: m o r e than a label In recent weeks, Hope College has demonstrated its eagerness to j u m p on the "green" bandwagon. Our participation in events such as Focus the Nation shows a readiness to take responsibility for our actions and make the world a better place. As college students striving to become more earth-conscious, however, it is easy to become carried away by a whirlwind of politics, products and campaigns- all vying for our attention. In the midst of the rhetoric, the message can get lost. Like so many other good things.

individually wrapped snacks reduces both cost and waste. Although it may not be as glamorous, buying used instead of new can play a major role in reducing our individual environmental footprints. Even Student Congress's organic cotton T-shirts may be missing the point—a T-shirt decorating party or clothing swap for donations would have been a better use of resources. The key to green living should not be spending more or even consuming differently, but rather getting by on less. The rhetoric of eco-snobbery may serve to bring environmental issues to the public attention, but it will not ultimately be enough to preserve the world's resources for future generations. Evelyn was saddened this week to learn that according to Reuters, "a Buddhist monk from Japan was killed after slipping and falling under the blades of his runaway tractor lawnmower." The monk was mowing the grass around his peace pagoda.

Fortunately, this is often the case already, but it makes using the movement to sell products significantly more difficult. There isan inherentcontradictionbetween consumption and environmentalism. The best deal — and the greenest one — is to consume less stuff. Driving a Prius may be better than driving a Hummer, but the earth would be much better off if we carpooled, used mass transportation, biked or walked. Every new car we buy, no matter how green, pollutes and consumes natural resources. Although this argument will not sell as many Priuses, it will save both the earth and consumers' money. Similar logic applies to other ecofriendly products. Organic foods may be out of reach for most college students, but we can help the earth and save on groceries by purchasing less meat (especially beef), which requires huge amounts of resources to produce. Avoiding food products that use excess packaging such as single-serving microwave dinners or

From the inside out it. I don't understand why I can't do both. Just because J want a career in science shouldn't mean I have to give up my one true love—writing. I understand where the stereotype comes from; science and math people are analytical thinkers. Everything has one solution, and nothing is open-ended. Something is either right or wrong. Trust me, I understand that. I want life decisions to be like that—either black or white, right or wrong. Subjectivity scares me to the very core o f my being. I don't want to be judged. I just want problems in life to be like equations—once you find the right formula, it's smooth sailing from there. Yeah, right. When I arrived here in the fall, I thought I had it all figured out. I knew which classes I wanted to take in what semesters. I had already planned my study abroad trips. I even knew where I wanted to go to grad school. My fiiture-oriented mind only knows how to think like that. My life


Amanda Gernentz

The science of writing When people ask me what activities I ' m involved in at school, I always say with pride that I am on the staff of the Anchor. The same question almost indefinitely follows: " W h a t ' s your m a j o r ? " And I answer, with the same amount of pride, " C h e m i s try." I've become accustomed to the look I'm given when I respond. Without saying a word, people ask, "What is a science major doing writing for the newspaper?" At first, it hurt, but now I'm just used to

called "Nasheem," a word literally meaning " w o m a n " in Hebrew and choreographed by Rosanne Barton-DeVries. In a Hope College Press Release, she said that "the piece was inspired by the experience of women as they prepare for a wedding celebration". Petrarca's piece is called "Taking Flight" and is about "a journey and exploration of the ability to be invisibly nourished by hope", while Martin's piece, titled "Electric Counterpart" "uses contrast or interplay of elements that is vibrant and explosive in movement", according lo.a Hope College Press Release. When asked why students should attend. Graham answered that "[i]f y o u ' v e never seen what your fellow students can THE

do, you really need to. Each piece has been created by a different choreographer, and there is such great range to the style and nature of each dance. From narrative to abstract, intense to delightful, with styles varying from tap to contemporary to jazz and ballet. Do I need to add - the choreographers are internationally recognized and award" winning creators, and the supporting design elements (lights, sound, costumes) created by some of the best around." Dance 34 will run Thursday, February 28 to Saturday, March 1, at the Knickerbocker Theatre. Tickets are S7 for regular admission and $5 for senior citizens, students, and members of the Hope faculty and staff and can be purchased at the Ticket Office in the DeVos Fieldhouse.

ANCHOR James Ralston

Emily P a p p l e Bnnofi-i\-Om CM'IPUS

Amanda Gernentz


Meghan Fore



K a t i e B e n n e t t lars Nick H i n k l e


1 W - M \ / XATIOMI

A s h l e y D e V e c h t Ff-Mims








Ben G o r s k v


Ian C o b u r n Sun AHMSOR BiioivcMPm EDITOR M a t t O o s t e r h o u s e Javni J u e d e s D v l a n a P i n t e r GRiPiucs EDITOR G i n a H o l d e r Assisnsr GKiNiics EDIT'ft A n d r e a s Van D e n e n d Kathy Nathan

hiws Ennon

S a m u e l O g l e s Vtr/o.vu

and ex-thief finds himself taken in by town busybody Miss Todd and Laeititia, her enOpera Workshop will present mate- ' amored maid. The students involved are accomparial from two other operas, "The Medium." nists Robin Litscher ('10) and Sally Vanwhich follows the story of Madame Flora, a skeptical medium. Monica, her daughter, derPloeg (*10), and singers Isaac Droscha ('08), Kay Gillette ('08), Susie Jolink and Toby, Monica's object of affection, and ('09), Sarah Koon ('09), Caitlin Lautz "The Old Maid and the Thief." (09), Katie Ross ('09), and Briana Sosen"It's a funny little comedy." said Isaac heimer ('10). Droscha ('08). "I play a drifter who is inThe production promises lots of varivited by two desperate women to stay at ety and never a dull moment. Admission their house." Droscha's character. Bob, the drifter is free.

• OPERA, from page 5

2 0 0 8 SI'KING SEMnsrnR STAFI

Evelyn D a n i e l EDnop-is-Cintf Brittanv Adams

thinking about it all wrong. Life is not supposed to be at equilibrium, and it's full of variables. That fact is hard for me to wrap my mind around, but I'm working on it. W h y can't I be a chemist who is also a writer? Why do I have to choose? Maybe someday I'll write a novel about chemistry. W h o knows? And really, who wants to have everything all figured out? As futuristic as I like to be, I've c o m e to realize that life is one equation that is not for me to solve. And frankly, I'm ok with that, so why can't eveyone be? This is the time of your life that you should be pursuing all of your interests. Whether you are a math major who likes art or an English major who wants to join the biology club, do what you like. It will be worth it in the long run. Amanda plans to use her chemistry major to pursue a career in forensic science. She enjoys CSI, but no, she does not find pleasure in looking at dead bodies.

Students to perform bite-sized opera

Dance 34 'takes flight' • DANCE, from page 5

equation was at equilibrium. And at that point, I saw no variables. Writing is at the other end of the spectrum. It comes from both the mind and the heart. And I don't mean paper-writing, where you pound out an assignment in a matter of hours and then never want to look at it again. I mean writing that you can feel. Like when the pen touches the paper, the world around you disappears so all you are aware of is your imagination hitting the page. True writing is something you can be proud of. I stopped writing sometime in high school. The fire went out. However, when I got here, it was rekindled. I find myself writing in my spare time and in the margins of notebooks in class. It's just flowing—and who am I to stop it? It may seem like I ' m kidding myself. Why stick with chemistry when English might be my calling? Honestly, I don't have an answer. All I know is that I was

David M o o r e

N i c h o l a s Engel Maggie Almdale ErjkaTerLomv T r o y Page







Laura H a u c h Chris Lewis Kevin S o u b l y Julie Kocsis





Alex Q u i c k


Paige C a l a m a r i


Laura S t r i t z k e





Kac hel S y e n s



G o r d i e Fall







D e r e k S t r e e t STAFF PiioTocRiPiifR Kallie W a l k e r SriEF PlIOTOGRAtHER J u s t i n e Vlietstra



Kevin R a l c y



Alexander Quick



Kevin S o u b l y










Ann Green


Jeflery V r e d e n b u r g RAPHER

Sun PiioiiH.RiNiiR

D a v i d Lee Joshua Warner Andrew Gehl


FEBRUARY 27, 2 0 0 8

Yellow Wallpaper


Dy class." The beginning of the semester looked promising. I was excited to have a specific time set aside for being active and thought this could help me jumpstart m y lazy body in the dreary months of winter. In the first f e w weeks we were asked to look at our lifestyle and find something we could change in our quest for healthy living. As a part of that assignment we were given the opportunity to have a cholesterol screening. During the 12 hour fast, I quickly realized I was unable to function normally without my 3 daily doses of caffeine. My body had become so dependent 1 experienced extreme headaches and woke up about every two hours through the night.

Everything in moderation As 1 have written many times before, coming to a final year at Hope C o l l e g e is like suddenly becoming a different breed. My mind and body are at continual odds between realizing the power of tomorrow and enjoying the freedoms of today. While it is somewhat expected that upon entering college one would immediately sign up for Gen. Ed. required classes-my story began much differently. I was so eager to begin my major I loaded up on Literature, Writing, and French classes

Senior Slalnte Seymour

Lake-effect effects The onslaught of snow showers this winter has brought about some peculiar events around campus. M y dad told me that West Michigan used to regularly receive snowfall like this in years past. Drivers would cope by sticking tennis balls on the end of their car antennas to increase visibility around five foot high snow banks. Nowadays it's hard to find cars with actual protruding antennas, so I j u s t throw a ten-

nis ball into intersections and hope that other drivers get the message. Anyhow, I witnessed some noteworthy events that I ' d like to share. 1. There was an emergence of Viet Cong-style snow tunnels throughout campus as students were forced to Oregon-trail their way to class. Conversely, w h e n the Hope plows were operating, they insisted on playing chicken with pedestrians' rights. 2. A Wednesday home m e n ' s basketball game between Hope and Olivet was cancelled. Although it was only postponed 'till the next day, it was a total anomaly. It's especially odd considering that the DeVos field house is protected by a transparent dome consisting of Republican money and Coach Glenn Van Wieren's charm. 3. It's funny that I was only aware of


















2 3

Sudoku is a popular logicbased puzzle. The goal is to fill in all of the empty squares such that each column, row, and three-by-three grid includes the numerals one through nine. Each week, space permitting, a new puzzle will be printed along with the past sudoku's solution.





Our Mission: The Anchor



strives to c o m m u n i c a t e c a m p u s events t h r o u g h o u t

Hope College a n d t h e Holland c o m m u n i t y . W e hope to amplify awareness a n d p r o m o t e dialogue through fair, objective j o u r n a l i s m and a vibrant Voices sec-






school snow days from the joyous Facebook updates of student teachers. They have had so many days off that my sympathy for their lack of a college spring break has dried up faster than my tears after The Sopranos series finale. 4. Remember the "earth shattering" Shuttle Van shutdowns on Feb. 6 and 19? Enough said. I hate lazy people who refuse to walk three blocks, even in the winter. Consult m y past article in the Feb. 7, 2007 Anchor to see how 1 truly feel. 5. When did Sarlaac the sand pit monster of Tatooine take up residence at the end of my driveway? Somehow this deceptive beast of a snow bank managed to entirely swallow up my car, preventing me from getting to work. Special thanks to Rob-the-City-Plow-Guy for helping me break free ( m y Camry was blocking his


right other























































3 2 8





































OPEN MIC NIGHT! Wed. March 5

Is a p r o d u c t of s t u d e n t e f f o r t a n d is f u n d e d t h r o u g h

constraints, A will


representative be




t h e H o p e College S t u d e n t Activities Fund. T h e o p i n i o n s e x p r e s s e d o n t h e

c / o H o p e College, d r o p t h e m o f f a t t h e An-

chor" o f f i c e ( l o c a t e d In t h e M a r t h a

Miller Center

151) or e-mail us at


The Anchor.

Advertising Policies; All a d v e r t i s i n g is s u b j e c t to t h e rates, c o n d i t i o n s , stan-

One-year s u b s c r i p t i o n s t o The Anchor

a r e a v a i l a b l e for $ 4 0 . The

r e s e r v e s t h e right to a c c e p t or r e j e c t any a d v e r t i s i n g .








d a r d s . t e r m s a n d p o l i c i e s s t a t e d in The Anchor's The



The Anchor


a n d t y p o g r a p h i c a l e r r o r s . However, if s u c h m i s t a k e s occur, t h i s n e w s p a p e r may c a n c e l its c h a r g e s for t h e p o r t i o n of t h e a d if. i n t h e p u b l i s h e r ' s reasona b l e j u d g m e n t , t h e ad h a s b e e n r e n d e r e d valueless by t h e m i s t a k e . A d v e r t i s e m e n t Deadlines; All a d a n d classified r e q u e s t s m u s t b e s u b m i t t e d by 5 p . m . M o n d a y , prior t o W e d n e s d a y d i s t r i b u t i o n . C o n t a c t Information: To s u b m i t an a d o r a classified, or t o request a b r o c h u r e o r other i n f o r m a t i o n , c o n t a c t o u r Ads R e p r e s e n t a t i v e a t a n c h o r a d s @ h o p e .

Voices p a g e a r e solely t h o s e of t h e a u t h o r a n d d o n o t r e p r e s e n t t h e views of




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path, anyway). 6. Hope closed down and cancelled classes for half a day, which hasn't occurred since the RCA and C R C split in the 1850s. 7. After weeks of enduring the agonizing frozen groans from m y upstairs Califomian housemate Chatty Sugar, I, along with another housemate, decided to do an energy audit of his Ikea Castle. It turns out that Califomians are universally unaware of closing windows during the winter. After we shut five storm windows (plus a regular one). Chatty told us to never speak of the incident again. Sorry, Sugar. Joe is still collecting my coke rewards codes from Coke product caps and box flaps. If you'd like to help him out, please email the 12 or 15 digit codes to him c/o the joseph.seymour@hope.edu.







he asks. I scrunch my nose in frustration. While my classmates pledged to cut back I hadn't realized there would be accounton sweets, lose weight, and build up runability in this assignment. ning stamina, I vowed to conquer my cafWe are now reaching the end of the dreafeine addiction. ry month of February. Spring break is but a I was also eager to get back in the breath away and our bodies are longing to weight room. As I leaned back into the seat be reminded of the color green. As I sit here of the incline bench press the conversation in my comer of the coffee shop I am realinevitably shifted back to high school days, izing the full weight of my words from the and I was quietly-reminded of my former first few weeks of class. I really wouldn't life as an athlete. While resting between trade one day of my life here. Every bas'reps,' w e exchange stories of game winketball game with the Dew Crew, all-night ning free throws, spraining ankles in volstudy session before finals, senior recital, gileyball championships, and being forced to hold softball tryouts indoors. 1 even chime ant game of capture the flag, IM championship game, and coffee date with a friend. in with my unfortunate sports injuries and Anticipating the coming of spring I am m y embarrassing clumsy blunders during leaming to appreciate change. I am realizhigh school games. When I switch to the ing that it can be easier in small doses. As leg press, I hear a voice from the comer, I sip my perfectly blended fix I assure my"You're a senior right?" 1 nod. "Is it alself that not everything has to come at once ways this hard?" I smile in jealousy and because life is full of powerful tomorrows. attempt to calm his worries and assure him Rachel Lackey is an English major from that I wouldn't trade a day of my years at Davison, Michigan. She chooses to believe Hope and the difficulty becomes worth it. the world is good. "Oh, and h o w ' s that coffee thing going?"

for my entire first year. Bold right? I have come to realize in many aspects of my life, sometimes there are systems in place for a reason. Through a strange course of events and some poor last minute schedule choices each semester, I am now known to 55 o f Hope's finest as, "that senior in my Health


Rachel Lackey


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2 0 0 8

Baha'i Faith heightens diversity on campus t i o n 10 u n i t y , " D o u g l a s s a i d . " A l l o f

• BAHAl, from page 1

peaceful, universal civilization. "(Baha'u'llah was) continually

the B a h a ' i t e a c h i n g s r e v o l v e a r o u n d "(At a meeiing) were Mexican Americans,



exiled, i m p r i s o n e d and s u b j e c t to

the pivotal m e s s a g e o f unity." Denny






life o f g r e a t s u f f e r i n g s . N o n e -

Tohono O ' o d h a m Indians, Yaquis,

not only science and religion, but

theless, his teachings ... spread," D o u g l a s said.

M o r o c c a n s . P e r s i a n s , p e o p l e from

also other religions with each other.

e v e r y w h e r e ; a n d o v e r five l a n g u a g -

B a h a ' i s b e l i e v e t h a t all r e l i g i o n s find

es w e r e b e i n g s p o k e n . I had never

t h e i r r o o t s in t h e s a m e G o d . A c c o r d -

of morning

e x p e r i e n c e d that k i n d o f d i v e r s i t y

ing t o t h e o f f i c i a l w e b s i t e o f B a h a ' i .

study and discussion groups, wor-

a n y w h e r e , " Douglas said.

B a h a ' i s b e l i e v e in o n e g o d w h o h a s ,

ship services and fasting.

t h r o u g h o u t h i s t o r y , r e v e a l e d his will

B a h a ' i s will g o on an annual spiri-


tual p i l g r i m a g e to t h e h o l y lands

D o u g l a s c a m e to H o p e e n t h u s i a s t i c o f its C h r i s t i a n a f f i l i a t i o n .

the m a j o r world prophets

T h e B a h a ' i s p i r i t u a l life c o n s i s t s and

"I l o v e t h e L o r d , " D o u g l a s s a i d .

such as A b r a h a m , M o s e s , B u d d h a ,

to various Baha'i

D o u g l a s s a i d that it w a s i m p o r -







prayer, Many

shrines, to the



t a n t t o b e in a p l a c e t h a t w a s n o t j u s t

a n d that all c a r r y a c o m m o n m e s -

a n d to p a y h o m a g e a t t h e h o l y s i t e s

about the head, but was h o n o r i n g

sage of peace and mercy. B a h a ' i s see

of J u d a i s m . Islam and Christianity.

the soul.

t h e m all a s p a r t o f o n e r e l i g i o n r a t h e r

B a h a ' i has n o f o r m a l clergy, and

In h e r E n c o u n t e r s w i t h C u l t u r e s

than many. As D e n n y explained, the

c o m m u n i t i e s g u i d e e a c h o t h e r in

classes, which teach about diversity,

B a h a ' i tenant of progressive revela-

spiritual growth; individual c o n g r e -

she informs her students of her faith

t i o n a f f i r m s that e a c h o f t h e p r o p h e t s

gations elect administrative bodies


had s o m e t h i n g to say for their t i m e s


and to their cultures.

their c o m m u n i t i e s . D e n n y said that






o w n . O n e b o o k t h a t s h e u s e s in h e r

handle the practical affairs of


m a n y g r o u p s w i l l m e e t t o g e t h e r in

t o p to bot-

o f E n c o u n t e r s w i t h C u l t u r e s , is p u b -

c a m e f r o m G o d , but (Jesus) just had

h o m e s , o r . if t h e c o m m u n i t y t a k e s

tom, the three

lished by a B a h a ' i press. H o w e v e r ,

m o r e to say," D e n n y said.

p l a c e in a l a r g e r c i t y , t h e r e m a y b e a

most important

B a h a ' i center.

s y m b o l s In t h e

classes, along with other professors

"Marriage beyond Black and White"





to t h e



only mentions her husband's expe-

B a h a ' i Faith w a s founded by t w o

r i e n c e w i t h t h e f a i t h a n d is l a r g e l y


A m o n g the other tenants of the

Baha'i Faith: the


B a h a ' i Faith, D e n n y said, are equal-

nine-pointed star

about e m b r a c i n g diversity, specifi-



ity o f t h e s e x e s , e d u c a t i o n f o r e v e r y -

which symbolizes

c a l l y in the u n i t y o f t w o m e m b e r s o f

sage of a new spirituality through-

one, eradication of discrimination

completion; the

out Iran. H e w a s later e x e c u t e d by


" s y m b o l of t h e Greatest Name,"

separate races.


first who

being the spread





D o u g l a s explained that unity and

I s l a m i c o f f i c i a l s w h o felt that his

truth. This m e a n s , as D o u g l a s also

diversity are t w o m a j o r pieces of the

m e s s a g e s p o s e d a threat to the s o -

said, that B a h a ' i s are f o r b i d d e n to

which means

Baha'i Faith.

cial order. T h e s e c o n d p r o p h e t w a s


B a h a ' u ' l - A b h a " or




T h e B a h a ' i F a i t h is b a s e d o n t h e

"Glory of Glories";

t h r o u g h o u t the w o r l d strive to elimi-

Iranian w h o said that s i n c e h u m a n s

i d e a o f u n i t y a n d , in t h e w o r d s o f

and the ringstone

nate the prejudices they h a v e learned

a r e all c h i l d r e n o f t h e s a m e g o d ,

professor Douglas, the celebration

s y m b o l w h i c h is



they n e e d to b r e a k d o w n the barri-

of diversity.

w o r n on t h e rings

a n d s o c i a l o r d e r a n d t o e x e m p l i f y in

ers of racism, classicism, religious

e v e r y area of their lives their d e d i c a -

and political divides a n d strive for a









a n d j e w e l r y of

" E a c h person has something dif-

many believers.

ferent to c o n t r i b u t e , " D e n n y said.

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FEBRUARY 27. 2 0 0 8


Women's basketball 24-0, jumps into history

Wednesday Men's Basketball

Feb. 27

MIAA T o u r n a m e n t H o m e vs. A l m a a t

Nick Hinkle

7 : 3 0 p.m.


Slowly but surely, the Hope College w o m e n ' s basketball team continues to make its presence known in the record books. For the second lime in School history, the Dutch have completed a regular season undefeated. Hope defeated Alma College 6940 on Feb. 23 to complete its perfect regular season. The team's 24-0 season record does not put added pressure on the Dutch, but team members have not let it go unnoticed. "It is quite an accomplishment, and it's almost scary being 24 and zero," captain Jordyn Boles ('08) said. "But I think the biggest thing this season is that we have taken one game at a time " In competing in the M I A A tournament and preparing for the N C A A tournament. Boles said the team will be concentrating on defense, rebounding and free throws. During this season, each team member has pushed each other to get better as well. "We try to get better each and every day," Boles said. "People have improved immensely this season, including our freshmen right

Thursday W o m e n ' s Basketball M a r y ' s a t 7 : 3 0 p.m.

Friday Softball


Saturday Softball

Mar. 1

Finlandia T o u r n a m e n t . i n M a r q u e t t e






M I A A T I P O F F — Hope t i p s o f f a g a i n s t A l m a College earlier t h i s season. The D u t c h defeated Tri-State University 8 1 - 5 2 Tuesday t o advance i n t o t h e semi-finals t h i s Thursday. off the bat." With the continual hard work, individual players, such as Boles, have managed to make their way into the record books. Earlier this season. Boles broke the career three-point record and, in Saturday's game, captain Julie Henderson ( ' 0 8 ) had two steals


which tied her with the school record for career steals. However, Boles noted that these record-setting performances are the result of a team effort. "We are trusting each other," Boles said. "Our individual accomplishments are because of a team effort."

As the prospect of spring approaches, Hope College sports teams are suiting up in preparation for the upcoming seasons. This is no different for the men and w o m e n ' s lacrosse clubs. " W e ' v e been preparing for this spring season since the fall," m e n ' s captain Billy Woodard (M0) said. "We have all been working very hard with weekly strength and conditioning workouts and playing in weekly dropin lacrosse games." The women have also been putting in time for preparation and practice with high hopes for a successful season. "To prepare for the upcoming season, we are practicing twice a week," women's la-

crosse club president Tracy Benjamin ('09) said. "Each practice we have an hour of conditioning at the Dow followed by an hour at the Soccer Stop (a local indoor soccer facility) where we are able to get in some practice with our sticks doing drills and scrimmages." The men have also had the opportunity to scrimmage local " colleges. The team faced Adrian College in a scrimmage Feb. 16. "The scrimmage against Adrian was a good learning experience for our team," men's captain Keith Trojniak ('08) said. "The scrimmage allowed our coach to see what we needed to work on in the coming weeks of practice and gave some of the new guys on the team an idea on what our spring season would be like." Both programs have separate goals and aspirations. The men are banking on strong newcomers

As Hope continues the season into the M I A A and N C A A tournaments, the team will rely on its trust, which has given the Dutch a strong bench and depth. "Anytime we have people coming in or going out onto the floor, we are confident in each other," Boles said.

such as Eric Weber ( ' I I ) and Pieter Norden ( ' I I ) . "This year we a r e looking to make an impact in the Central Collegiate Lacrosse Association," Woodard said. "We face one of the toughest ranked schedules in the division, and that's part of our motivation this year to prove that this Hope Lacrosse team is a serious team and we mean business and are ready to bring this program to the varsity level." The w o m e n have also brought in some new players who will add depth' to the team. These new additions will also add some new insight into the game as well as the team searches for a coach. . "An ongoing goal for our team is to find a coach," Benjamin said. " A s we continue to do that, other goals that we are focusing on this season are taking our level of play up a notch or two."

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The Hope College cheer team won its first competition of the year. On Feb. 23, Hope won the Midwest Open National Championship in the coed college division hosted at Columbus, Ohio.

TRACK TEAMS COMPETE AT CHICAGO INVITATIONAL The Hope College m e n ' s and w o m e n ' s track teams competed in the Margaret Bradley Indoor Invitational on Feb. 23. In the 10team field, the men finished second, while the women were third. On the m e n ' s side, Hope won three- individual events. Erik George ('08) won the 55-meter dash (:06.63), Aaron Clark ( ' 0 8 ) in the 400-meter dash (:51.45) and Sean Bergsma ('09) in the high j u m p (1.97 meters). The women had two event winners. Kate Freshour ( ' 0 9 ) won the 800-meter run (2:23.45) and Christina Lis ( ' 0 9 ) in the high j u m p (1.7 meters).

HOPE S W I M M E R S RECEIVE ALL-MIAA HONORS Twelve Hope College swimmers received all-MIAA honors. For the men, Ryan Nelis ('10), Phil Heyboer (MO), Matt Rose (MO), Mitch Ruch (MO), junior Ryan Vogelzang and senior Chas VanderBroek were selected. On the w o m e n ' s side, Laura Ansilio ('09), Brittaney Reest ('09), Ashley Jasperse (Ml), Claire Piester (MO), Alicia Tuuk ( M l ) , Katie Williams (M0) were recognized. Nelis and Reest were also named the MIAA MVPs.


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Feb. 29

Finlandia T o u r n a m e n t in M a r q u e t t e

James Ralston


Feb. 2 8

MIAA T o u r n a m e n t H o m e vs. St.

Lacrosse opens spring season




Check us out!

The Dutchmen tennis team improved its season record to 1-1 by defeating Grand Rapids Community College 9-0 on Feb. 25. All of Hope's singles players won in straight sets.




FEBRUARY 27, 2 0 0 8

Athlete profile: senior captain Marcus Vanderheide Senior forward leads by example on offense and defense Gordie Fall STAFF W R I T E R


S O A R I N G A H E A D - Marcus Vanderheide (*08) makes an easy b u c k e t d u r i n g last w e e k ' s g a m e a g a i n s t Calvin College.

Once again, Hope College m e n ' s basketball team is on top of the M I A A conference. With a blowout home victory against Calvin, followed by a clinching win overTri-State, Hope won the outright M I A A title. These vie-" tories have been led by Hope's three captains, seniors Ryan Klein and Marcus Vanderheide and j u n i o r Jesse Reimink. Vanderheide has averaged 13.5 points a game and has averaged 6.7 rebounds a game, both of which lead the team. The 6 7 forward has c o m e full circle in his basketball career, after he left the West Michigan area to play for Canisius College in Buffalo, N.Y. C o m i n g from Calvin Christian in nearby Grandville, Vanderheide eventually came back to play for Hope, transferring after one year at Canisius. "I wanted to get a good education at a private Christian school and I didn't want to go to Calvin, so that limits it d o w n to H o p e , " Vanderheide explained. He added, "I liked it because it was fairly close to my h o m e t o w n where my family and friends could c o m e watch me play."

Vanderheide has played exceptionally well for Hope in his three seasons here, with the team winning conference titles in each of the last two seasons, having an 8 - 3 record over Calvin and having a 5-2 record in. N C A A tournament play. On an individual level, Vanderheide received M I A A Second Team honors and was named M I A A player of the week on three occasions this season including one last week. Along with five other seniors, Hope has produced an excellent season, with a 21-3 overall record. 13-1 in the M I A A and a number three national ranking by d3hoops.com that c a m e before last week's t w o wins. This marks Hope's second consecutive outright M I A A title and the third in five years. " T h e season we are having is going pretty much as I had imagined. 1 knew that we would have a good team and have a good record. but 1 didn't picture us losing to Aquinas or Albion," Vanderheide said. 4'I think our seniors are really enjoying the year that we are having. Our chemistry is great and we are having f u n ! " Recently, Hope has posted a six-game winning streak, with

each win a resounding one. Most notably. Hope defeated archrival Calvin by a score of 76-59 last Wednesday in front of more than 3,600 fans at DeVos Fieldhouse. After starting off the g a m e with four successful three-pointers and scoring on their first six possessions, Hope never trailed. Reimink. on his d a d ' s 50th birthday, led Hope with 25 points, as Vanderheide and Tyler Wolfe ( ' 0 8 ) each added 13 points. Hope h a s taken a two-game advantage in the all time series between the two rivals Three d a y s later, Hope rode a 7-0 opening lead to beat TriState 74-57. Once again, Hope never trailed, as Vanderheide led the team with 18 points and seven rebounds while Reimink and Wolfe each scored 11. This week, Hope will be playing in the M I A A conference tournament with the first g a m e on Wednesday against Alma. With a victory, Hope will play on Friday night against the winner of the Adrian vs. Tri-State game. An eventual final game is scheduled for Saturday. Thanks to H o p e ' s conference victory, all g a m e s will be at DeVos Fieldhouse.

Hockey wins MCHC conference; next goal is national tournament close game performances, center Anders S P O R T S EDITOR deJong ( ' 0 9 ) said, " O u r team never gave up. (The) past couple years, we failed in After making goals to win the conclose games, but we continued to fight hard ference title and eventually nationals, the Hope College m e n ' s hockey team and play well." Forward Gunnar Martin ('08) agrees accomplished one of those preseason Hope has improved its performance in objectives this weekend. close games from years past. On Feb. 23, Hope defeated Northwood "We have shown w e University in double overtime 4-3 to win the Michi= = = = = can play in close games and perform," Martin said. gan Collegiate Hockey "We have shown we " I ' v e been impressed with Conference. The win imcan ploy in close how consistently we have proved Hope's record to stepped up." 23-2-0 on the season as games and perform" Martin believes they head into the national - Gunnar Martin, H o p e ' s consistent detournament on March 12forward fense and goal-tending 15 in Minneapolis, Minn. = = have been huge factors The team enters as the first = = = = = for the Dutch. Goalies seed out of the Northern Mike Headley ( ' 0 9 ) and Steve Pels ( ' 0 8 ) region and will play fourth-seeded Fairfield had excellent performances this weekend University in the first round. Hope did not in the Northwood and Saginaw games. face Fairfield last season. Headley stopped 30 of 33 shots against Heading into the national tournaNorthwood and Pels stopped 14 of 15 ment, the team looks to repeal the recent against Saginaw. stellar play in close games against SagiDeJong was impressed with Headley naw Valley State (2-1) and Northwood and Pels' performances this weekend, in the conference tournament. along with the team's penalty kill. In commenting on this weekend's Nick Hinkle

"Our goaltending was very good this weekend." deJong said. "Both o f them were key factors in those games." Another notable performance included left wing Austin Sonneveldt ('10), w h o scored both game-winning goals against Saginaw and Northwood this weekend. Looking forward to nationals, both deJong and Martin believe the team's toughest competition will come from University of North Colorado, Albany and California University of Pennsylvania. Hope will try to continue its clutch play and fine tune certain aspects of their game in practice. "We will work on our power play in the next two weeks," deJong said. "And (we will be) staying in shape with a lot of skating (because) playing up to four games in a weekend is a lot." Along with the physical aspects of the game, the team enters this year's national tournament with a different mental approach. "I think last year we were almost the favorite," Martin said. "If we win this thing this year, we will have to fight for every inch. 1 think it's better mentally."

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Hope player named MVP

Gunnar Martin Senior forward Gunnar Martin was named M V P of the Michigan Collegiate Hockey Conference. Ultimately, he attributes the award to his teammates. "I was given the award for leading in assists," Martin said. "I have to give my linemates credit for that one."

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