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Hope College •

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Holland, Michigan

• A n independent nonprofit publication •

Febru Blame it

"y I 998 I Nino

S e r v i n g t h e H o p e College C o m m u n i t y f o r I I I years

Still burning • Hope student faces lawsuit after Crispell Cottage candle blaze in July of 1996. STACY B O G A R D campusbeat e d i t o r

Eating disorders and college students. Infocus,

page 3.

UCS sponsors abortion discussion.

Campusbeat, page 2.

Jazz pianist performs at Wichers.

Intermission, page 5.

Samanlha Arnold ('98) was surprised when reporters started calling recently about a July 1996 incident that has come back to haunt her. Arnold was a resident that summer of Crispell Cottage, which sat next to Gilmore Hall on 10th Street, but on July 12, 1996 was destroyed due to a candle-ignited blaze. The fire began in Arnold's first floor bedroom from a candle that ignited nearby bedding, and she is now being held accountable for the loss. "I didn't even know what was going on until I was contacted by newspaper reporters," Arnold said. "I've spent the last few frustrating days talking with everybody that I can and trying to find out what I can do." Anchor p\~\o\o by Johnathan Muenk Hope's insurance carrier, the Indiana Insurance E X P E R I E N C E S P E A K S : Adriana Catherine Grain ('99) was one offour Company, is suing Arnold and her insurance cartestimonials from women of color on Hope's campus that preceded the keynote by the Honorrier, seeking compensation for the $141,000 worth able Carolyn Williams. of damages Hope incurred as a result of the fire. The lawsuit was filed at the Ottawa County Circuit Court on Friday, Feb. 13, 1998, a year and a She described the challenges that she has faced half after the fire occurred. STACY B O G A R D t4 growing up in the segregated society of the 1950s I talked with our agent last Friday and normally c a m p u s b e a t e d i t o r and 1960s, and the experience and knowledge she they try to get settled in advance before they have Women's Week kicked off with a new event Mon- gained living in France during her early teen years. to file suit," said Kevin Kraay, Hope College Assoday night, Feb. 23, when the Hope community par"It felt like we were part of the larger America ciate Business Manager. while living in France," she said. "All of us were Kraay said possible reasons behind the filing can ticipated in the "Women of Color Celebration." The Honorable Carolyn H. Williams, chief judge together as Americans, and this helped me to underinclude the insurance company having to make a of probate and presiding judge of the Family Divi- stand that this is what it should be like in America." claim to preserve their rights, the statute of limitasion of the 9th Circuit Court in Kalamazoo, delivShe also described the boundaries she encountered tions may be coming up, or one insurance company ered the keynote address to approximately 200 at- while in college as a woman, her difficulty entering has reached an impass with the other on reaching a tendees. the work force, and how she got past all the obstacles. settlement. Williams began with a couple of disclaimers re- She concluded with lasting words of advice. Arnold is not completely aware of everything that "It doesn't help to hold grudges about the past," is happening and neither is her insurance company. garding the speech-like atmosphere that had been Williams said. "The only way to make any progress "My insurance company doesn't even know set up and the types of points she would cover. 'This is not a speech, we're going to chat a little is to get over it and look forward. Don't let other what's going on and I can't seem to find out exactly what's going on," she said. "It's the job of the bit," Williams said. "I only speak for myself, so any people set limitations on your goals no matter how well intentioned they are." insurance company not to talk. No one's being nasty, philosophical comments I make, I make for myself and not every other black woman." The evening began with a small, open dinner and but they aren't giving me straight answers." Williams was true to her word, and the dimly-lit was followed by testimonials from Loma Hernandez The suit claims that, "after lighting the candle and while the candle remained in the bedroom, Arnold atmosphere applied to the more intimate setting of Jarvis, assistant professor of psychology; Amy Otis, a conversation instead of a speech. m o r e L A W S U I T on 7 m o r e W O M E N on 7

Keynote speech reflects color

Sparkle and Hope students dance the night away at SAC sponsored Winter Fantasia NOELLE W O O D staff r e p o r t e r

Flying Dutchmen head into MIAA Tourney

Sports, page 8.

Campus prayer service prays for revival.

Religion, page 6.

The sparkle and shine of Winter Fantasia transformed and delighted Hope College students Saturday, Feb. 21. The students exchanged their regular college attire of jeans and flannel shirts for the more elegant and refined formal wear of evening dresses and tuxedos. Then they headed out to the Amway Grand Hotel in Grand Rapids for a night of dancing and desserts. The beautiful chandeliers and fountains of the Amway Grand provided the perfect atmosphere for the evening. Many slopped to take pictures of themselves and their dates with the finery for scenery. Others took advantage of the hired caricature artists to render their likenesses for the sake of remembrance and posterity. At seven dollars for black and white, and ten dollars for color, the artistry was a bit pricey for some, but worth it for others. "We went all out and got color," said Peter DeYoung ('97), while he and his fiance Megan Hicks ('99) had their

portraits drawn. "We don't have any pictures of us together where I have my eyes open." The artist quickly sketched the traditional caricature picture with oversized heads and exaggerated features, including a huge diamond on Hicks' engagement ring. "I'm glad he didn't put in my gray hair," said DeYoung after receiving the final product. Many retired to the dessert room to sample the punch and array of sweet treats while listening to some mellow tunes from a live jazz band. Fancy cakes, fresh fruit with chocolate fondue, chocolate-covered strawberries, and other desserts were enjoyed by all who tasted. "Mmm...this is really good!" exclaimed Jannah Thompson ('99) after biting into a strawberry covered with a coffee-flavored coating. The dance floor was full all night long. The DJs, SJA Associates, played a variety of dancin' tunes, from swing to rap to the traditional and necessary slow songs. There was music, what many felt was unnecessary DJ chat-

>4r7c/7or photo by Noelle Wood

D A N C I N ' F O O L S : Hope students break it down last Saturday, Feb. 21, in the ballroom of the Amway Grand in Grand Rapids. ter, and video screens to give the dancers a beat to jig with. "This is one of my favorite SAC events all year," said Dave Rohner ('99), SAC Films Chairman. "I like to get dressed up and dance a little, cut a rug."

In all. the 475 students at the longstanding annual event enjoyed their night. "It's my first time going to Fantasia and the hotel's very pretty," said Beth Hoffman ('00). "I like that there is both dancing and places for quiet time."

theA n c h o r

Qampus Beat

F e b r u a r y 25, 1998

Senior earns national honors into first, second and third teams consisting of 20 students each and 55 more students received honorNo accomplishment ever goes able mentions. Drake was honored not only for completely unrewarded. Katie Drake ('98) has received her a c a d e m i c s , which included national recognition for her success grades and academic awards, but and efforts during her four year ten- also work outside of class that involved leadership roles and public ure at Hope College. Drake was named to the second service. Drake was unable to decide beteam of the 1998 All-USA College tween physics Academic Team and chemistry as by USA TODAY a major, so she in the Feb. 13, chose both. She I ' m just d o i n g w h a t 1998 issue. also added mathShe was one of needs doing, b u t I ematics since it only 115 college enjoy w h a t I ' m doing. was incorporated students of 1,194 into many of her I n e v e r l e t classes o r nominees across classes anyway. the nation to rea n y t h i n g else g e t in "It just seemed ceive this honor, t h e w a y of having fun natural to follow and one of only and enjoying life. that too," Drake three in M i c h i — K a t i e D r a k e ( ' 9 8 ) said. gan. Along with her "1 didn't even know that I was included until I busy triple-major class load Drake bought a newspaper that day since .also takes time to participate in I didn't hear from (the newspaper), many extracurricular activities. She has been a teacher assistant at all," Drake said. "I knew when it in a variety of science labs. She also was coming out, but I'm definitely is active at the First United Methsurprised and it's an honor to be recodist Church, plays in the college ognized in a national publication." The academic team is divided orchestra, acts as president of MorS T A C Y BOGARD cam pus beat e d i t o r

tar Board and conducts research in nuclear science. Her current research with assistant professor of chemistry Dr. Graham Peaslee consists of analyzing data from an experiment in December. She also participated in building a set of detectors to use at the National Superconducting Cyclotron Lab at Michigan State University. Drake was stunned when asked how she handles it all. "I'm just doing what needs doing, but 1 enjoy what I'm doing," she said. "I never let classes or anything else get in the way of having fun and enjoying life." She plans to go on to graduate school in physical chemistry and is considering teaching,because of her teaching assistant experience. Drake commends Hope and its atmosphere for her success. "I can't think of a bad professor," she said. 'They've all been wonderful and encouraging me to go beyond what I thought I could do and so it just seemed natural to do it." She is the first Hope student to break into the teams making up the top 60. The past two honorees received honorable mentions.

W e e k highlights women's advances the details of what they choose to do." Events from the religion, chemistry, art, modem and classical languages, computer science, dance, theatre and music departments are included this year. "Many f a c u l t y n o w i n c l u d e women in their courses, and so it's not as focused with trying to find how womenfitinto their field since it's spread through the whole semester," she said. Today an opening reception will take place at 7 p.m. following the display, "Celebrating W o m e n ' s Creative Work" from 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. in Maas Auditorium. This display features artists that are members of the Hope community, including spouses of faculty or staff or adult children. The open classes might provide

STACY B O G A R D campusbeat e d i t o r The 14th annual celebration of Women's Week kicked off at the beginning of this week, Feb. 23 and will continue with events through Friday, March 6. Events include a keynote speech, open classes, musical and dance performances, an art and folk show, department discussions and visiting lecturers, the theatre production of Fen and the Meyer/ Visiting Writer Series event will be a "postlude" to Women's Week on Wednesday, March 11. "We always have a keynote, the Meyer lecture, and an art show," said Fonda Green, Director of Special Programs. "But we also encourage professors or departments to sponsor an event and to let us know

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a draw to many of the events, since students will receive more exposure to what is happening around campus. Professors open up their regularly scheduled classes to anyone who wishes to attend. "The advantage to open classes is that the students in those classes know more about what's going on during W o m e n ' s Week," Green said. Schedules can be found around campus and at the Student Union Desk in the DeWitt Center. Women's Week began in the mid1980s as a focus on what women were doing, since there wasn't much e m p h a s i s on w o m e n ' s achievements at that time. Things have changed as the years have passed, but Green still sees this as a time for reflection. "Even though 1 believe this recognition has increased for us at Hope College, we still need a time to celebrate what has been done and look at what still needs to be done," she said.

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Straight Talk UCS holds discussion on sex and abortion McClusky told of her own experience with pre-marital sex, an unplanned pregnancy, and an abortion. "I'd give anything to have only Hope College's Union of Catholic Students sponsored a presenta- been with my husband," she said. tion and open discussion on the top- "Everything you hear that endorses ics of abortion and developing posi- pre-marital sex are lies from the pit tive sexual relationships on Fri., of hell." Polly Schuler and Tricia Tyler Feb. 20 in Maas Auditorium. Chairs were pulled into a cozy from Right to Life of Holland and circle for the discussion on the Grand Rapids opened up the topic Christian view of pre-marital sex on abortion with a quiz on pre-natal development.. and abortion. They provided answers and also "When you're sexually active, d e s c r i b e d the you have the pomany methods of tential of creating abortion used for a l i f e , and it's the different tris o m e t i m e s unI'd give a n y t h i n g t o mesters in gruew a n t e d , " said have only b e e n w i t h some detail. Saye McClusky, m y husband. E v e n though a speaker from they are strictly Lakeshore PregE v e r y t h i n g you h e a r against abortion, nancy Center. t h a t endorses p r e both said it was The center at m a r i t a l sex a r e lies important to be 90 W. 8th St., ofcompassionate fers b i b l i c a l l y f r o m t h e pit of hell. toward those based counseling —Saye M c C l u s k y who have experito pregnant U C S Speaker enced one. women and those "Nobody is excited about having facing post-abortion stress. "We don't offer birth control or an abortion," Schuler said. "It's alreferrals for birth c o n t r o l to ways a tragedy and the only way to win this battle is through compassingles," McClusky said. Instead, the center stresses the sion." Many of the attendants had a importance of pre-marital abstipositive response to the discussion. nence and purity. "I just learned a lot and I'm re"We've taken sex, this wonderally excited to possibly set up a proful gift that God has given us, and life organization at Hope," said distorted it," McClusky said. "We are pawns in the hands of the mak- UCS member Ann-Marie Campion ers of condoms, sexy clothing, and ('00). "And even though the numany other industry that profits from bers were small today, I believe a spark was ignited." sex."

NOELLE W O O D staff r e p o r t e r


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F e b r u a r y 25. 1998

In Focus

Crossing the Line A Hope student

shares her struggle

D A N A LAMERS infocus e d i t o r

Stand in a line to check out at any supermarket and the nearest magazine will feature a headline: , l Lose

with the eating


day, but I wasn't obsessive, and I

rather than assume w e know what

started eating healthy. I've always been a perfectionist and dieting was

is true or best for the other person ('You' statements)."

no different. I was a really g o o d di-

For example, instead of confront-

eter; I took it too far." T h e e x c e s s i v e exercise and low

ing someone with "You're too thin"


that nearly


her life.

Warning S i g n s ^

Just b e c a u s e you w e i g h y o u r s e l f , s k i p a m e a l , c o u n t calories, a n d o b s e s s i v e l y e x e r c i s e d o e s n ' t a u t o m a t i -

diet can produce endorphins, which

or "You need h e l p , " try "I f e e l s o m e t h i n g is w r o n g ; I ' m afraid

are chemicals produced in the brain that make you feel good. The pro-

you're hurting yourself." "Approach a person with concern

m e a n that you n e e d to think a b o u t w h a t y o u a r e d o -

you're almost guaranteed to see a commercial where a thin, smiling

duction of these endorphins made

that you m a y b e t a k i n g it t o o far:

it e v e n more difficult for Cindy to

and be as c o n c r e t e as y o u can," Jeanne Lindell of the Counseling

w o m a n testifies, "Jenny Craig

turn back. While the American Heart Asso-

Center advises. "When confronted it can be frustrating, people will o f -

ciation bases its guidlines on an average 1000 calorie diet (more for

ten deny they have a problem." Even as Cindy started seeing a

athletes or very p h y s i c l l y active people), Cindy at her lowest point

counselor, she didn't b e l i e v e she

great on that mannequin, but awful on me." E v e r y day w e are b o m b a r d e d

survived on 3 0 0 calories a day. "People need to be educated on

ten pounds in t w o we e ks, the fastest and easiest diet ever." Watch d a y t i m e t e l e v i s i o n and

changed m y life." G o s h o p p i n g at the m a l l and y o u ' l l probably hear a c o m m e n t such as, •That size t w o outfit looks

truly had a problem. S h e hit her lowest point as she was first seeking help, before any recovery took

with mes-

what eating


s a g e s that w e will be

healthy is," Cindy said,

"A nutrionist put m e on a meal plan. I would starve, and then binge.


I f o l l o w e d the meal plan to the ex-



m u c h happier i f w e are


p o u n d s lighter. While society claims

People need t o be educated on what


e a t i n g

act tablespoon of jelly."


T u r n i n g Point


The meal plan was designed to

e a t i n g h e a l t h y is. I

only yogurt

called eating healthy

a n d a banana a

slowly increase her intake of food. "I slowly, s l o w l y gained. Each

consuming only a yogurt and a banana


pound I gained back hurt.1* For Cindy, the turning point w a s

cally m e a n y o u will get an e a t i n g disorder. It d o e s ing to y o u r b o d y and y o u r life. H e r e a r e s o m e idicators

You c a n ' t eat a n y t h i n g until y o u k n o w t h e e x a c t n u m b e r of calories and fat g r a m s in e a c h bite. •

You plan y o u r d a y a r o u n d several w o r k o u t t i m e s a n d / o r p a n i c w h e n y o u m i s s a trip to the g y m .

^ You w e i g h yourself e v e r y d a y o r get upset w h e n you gain a p o u n d or t w o . ^ Y o u s k i p at least o n e m e a l a day. -Courtesy of the E D A P (Ealing Disorder Awareness and Prevention)

"I neglected myself," she said, "1

"You can lose weight by eating

spent all my time with school and planning m y meals."

healthy," she said. ' T h e r e is such a taboo about fat today, but food does not equal fat."


a prescription for Prozac w h i c h

Constant Struggle

m a n y people may

helped to curb her obessive comp u l s i v e behavior, and w o r k e d in

Today Cindy has m a d e an imm e n s e recovery, but still d o e s n ' t

experiment with diet-

combination with nutritional and emotional counseling.

have a completely healthy attitude about food.

dren, the lingering m e s s a g e remains that the

ing and exercise, s o m e people are more prone

According to the American Col-

"I still struggle," she said, "I still exercise all the time. It's e a s y to

outside appearance really does matter. Thin people are portrayed to

to developing an actual disorder due

have more fun, be more successful, and just be generally happier.

Predisposing Factors




raise up self-confi-

a day. —Cindy

d e n t , healthy chil-

The thin line between taking care of your body and overdoing it can be easily crossed, and this is where people, generally y o u n g w o m e n , fall into the dangers of eating disorders: anorexia nervosa and bulimia.

to predisposing factors. " S o m a a y t h i n g s g o i n t o it," Cindy said, "Some of which are biological, o b s e s s i v e compulsive, and

cial to take care of our bodies, when exericise, diet, and weight b e c o m e

trol of the victim. "It's a disease, it had control of me; I couldn't eat if I wanted to." Cindy began to seek help as her suggested the possibility of an eating disorder to her m o m . "I w o u l d s u g g e s t to parents or my m o m did. She didn't mention a disorder, she just said she loved m e and was worried. I started seeing

"I weighed about 115." C i n d y b e g a n her diet in h i g h school as she went dress shopping

Experts Sheila M. Reind and M. Suzanne Repetto advise the same

and tried on a dress she liked, but didn't quite fit into.

technique: "When we express concern w e are w i s e to speak of our o w n e x p e r i e n c e ('I' statements)


Did you know ?

jjf M e d i c a l r e s e a r c h i n d i c a t e s that it is m o r e risky to b e 3 0 % u n d e r w e i g h t than 3 0 % o v e r w e i g h t . ^

9 5 % of all d i e t e r s r e g a i n lost w e i g h t in 1 to 5 y e a r s .


W h e n y o u r e g u l a r l y s k i p m e a l s you are j u s t s c a r i n g y o u r b o d y into t h i n k i n g it m i g h t not get any m o r e f u e l . W h e n y o u t e a s e y o u r b o d y like that, it tries to s t o r e u p 5 - 1 0 % of w o m e n a n d p o s t - p u b e s c e n t girls in o u r c o u n t r y s u f f e r f r o m eating d i s o r d e r s .


-Courtesty of E D A P ^

By calling the Health Clinic, and s c h e d u l i n g an appointment with Kennedy, any Hope student could receive advice about nutrition and diet. W h i l e Kennedy does deal with eating disorders, most of the people she sees are "not a straight definition of s o m e o n e suffering with a


disorder. Most p e o p l e are in between e x c e s s i v e exercise, restrictive dieting, and low body image,"


she said. "We work to balance that

W h a t is normal eating?


On-Campus Help The counseling center, Kennedy,

% B e i n g a b l e t o eat w h e n y o u are h u n g r y a n d c o n t i n u e e a t i n g until you a r e satisfied.

and the Health Clinic work together to provide services for students.

4^ B e i n g a b l e to c h o o s e f o o d you l i k e a n d eat it and truly get e n o u g h of i t - n o t j u s t s t o p eating b e c a u s e y o u t h i n k you s h o u l d .

assesment," said Lindell, "we can determine if there is problem or

' T h e counseling center can do an

% B e i n g a b l e to u s e s o m e m o d e r a t e c o n s t r a i n t in y o u r f o o d s e l e c t i o n to get the right f o o d , but not b e i n g s o restrictive that you m i s s o u t o n p l e a s u r a b l e f o o d s . % G i v i n g yourself p e r m i s s i o n to eat s o m e t i m e s b e c a u s e y o u a r e happy, sad, o r b o r e d , or j u s t b e c a u s e it f e e l s good.


A W e e k of Awareness In observation o f Eating Disorder A w a r e n e s s Week, an Eating Disorder Screening will take place t o m o r r o w , F e b . 2 6 in the Otte R o o m . A speaker will be featured at 11:00 a.m. with free written s c r e e n i n g taking place from 111:00.

% E a t i n g t h r e e m e a l s a day, m o s t of the time, a n d it c a n b e c h o o s i n g to m u n c h d u r i n g the day. % L e a v i n g s o m e c o o k i e s on t h e p l a t e f o r later, or is eati n g m o r e n o w b e c a u s e they taste better w h e n they're fresh. % O v e r e a t i n g at times, feeling stuffed and u n c o m f o r t a b l e ; a l s o u n d e r e a t i n g at t i m e s a n d w i s h i n g y o u h a d m o r e . ^ T r u s t i n g y o u r b o d y to m a k e u p for y o u r m i s t a k e s in eating. % N o r m a l eating t a k e s u p s o m e of y o u r t i m e a n d a t t e n tion, b u t k e e p s its p l a c e as o n l y o n e a s p e c t of y o u r life.

all t h e e n e r g y it c a n - a n d it s t o r e s it a s fat. ^

fat. T h e s e are t w o distinctly different things."

Cindy now realizes that dieting is actually stupid, as it s l o w s me-

friends to approach the situation as

s o m e o n e for her sake. At that point I w a s 9 0 pounds."

"I started exercising a lot, every-

During this time Cindy speaks of

nearly have an anxiety attack at the

But the attempt for control usu-

boyfriend realized her problem and

anorexia. "I always ate whatever 1 wanted and didn't really exercise," she said.

thought o f eating a M c D o n a l d ' s hamburger."


can b e c o m e an outlet for other forbidden emotions.

diet that e v o l v e d into f u l l - b l o w n

tion for v e r y s e v e r e c a s e s , and

ing o n e area of c o m p l e t e control over your life."

Getting Help

H o p e C o l l e g e student C i n d y * tells of her struggle with a simple

w h o l e thought process. I used to

perfectionist tendencies, and want-

the measure of self-esteem, often preoccupation with body apperance

Diet Gone Dangerous

fall back into the old way of thinking. I had to work to change my

as behavior modification, therapy (individual or group), hospitalizaProzac for underlying depression or anxiety.

ally reverses itself and takes con-

While it is important and benefi-

lege Health Association, "The most successful treatments usually combine several forms of therapy," such

Hope's registered dietician Shiela Kennedy agrees, "People believe if you eat fat, you gain body

% N o r m a l e a t i n g if f l e x i b l e . It varies in r e s p o n s e to y o u r e m o t i o n s , s c h e d u l e , h u n g e r , and p r o x i m i t y to f o o d . ^

-by Ellyn Satter. R.D., A.C.S.N.

T h e event is sponsored by Holland Community Hospital's Behavioral Health Department.

B o d y Image Cindy sees the way society views body image in a different way now, especially on a college campus where w o m e n tend to be hard on themselves for not eating and dieting perfectly. "There is something inside, a belief you grow up with, we think we have to be our perfect self," she said. "My little sisters s a w m e and I hope that they don't think I was normal. I look at them and pray that they won't have to g o through what I did."


our voice. Put O u t the Fire In July of 1996 a small flame ignited a fire larger than Samantha Arnold ( ' 9 8 ) ever thought possible. On a sunny afternoon Arnold lit a candle and went downstairs not thinking anything of it. Before she knew it her s u m m e r h o u s e and nearly everything she owned at the time was reduced to a big pile of ashes in front of her. T h e news of the blaze spread as quickly as the fire itself and the results of the incident are still smoldering. Along with an immediate ban of all candles f r o m campus housing, a lawsuit has n o w b e g u n involving H o p e ' s i n s u r a n c e c o m p a n y a n d t h e s t u d e n t b e l i e v e d to responsible. Talk about being kicked while y o u ' r e d o w n . After enduring the traumatic experience of the fire itself and the loss of most of her wordly posessions, Arnold is now being sued for $141,000. T h a t ' s a lot of m o n e y to have to pay for making a simple mistake. Arnold is a senior n o w and she is about to enter the real world. T h e last thing she needs is a big debt hanging over her head, other than one she is already going to have f r o m paying to go to the school that is not coming to her aide. H o p e has declared that they are not involved in the s i t u a t i o n , b u t c o n s i d e r i n g that it is t h e i r i n s u r a n c e company they c a n ' t possibly be too far removed. If they really wanted to b e involved, they can b e and this is a case w h e r e their involvement is absolutely necessary. T h e college needs to take a stand to protect one of its students f r o m unnecessary persecution. The school prides itself on caring f o r the students and guiding them in the learning process on all levels. T h e school provides a safety net during that process and s o m e h o w that net has disappeared. Arnold m a d e a mistake, learned f r o m that mistake and is approaching the next level of life. She should be able to m o v e on and H o p e should help her do just that.

m e e t the press editor-in-chief operations manager production editor campusbeat editor sports editor spotlight editor religion editor intermission editors infocus editor phot editor copy editors business mgr. ad rep. page designer ad designers distribution mgr. faculty advisor

Glyn Williams Amy-Lynn Halverson David Schrier Stacy Bogard Mike Zuidema Miriam Beyer Amy Hall Sally Smits Kate Folkert Dana Lamers Johnathan Muenk Matt Sterenberg Amy Strassburger Ashley Tanner Roxanne Pascente Sara Lamers Dan McCue Drew McCulley Mandy Creighton Tim Boudreau

staff p h o t o g r a p h e r s Josh Neucks • Amber Prass • Sufjan Stevens

staff r e p o r t e r s Lori Jean Irvine • Jodi Kurtze • Sara Lamers • Paul Loodeen Carrie Tennant • Noelle Wood The Anchor is a product of student effort and is funded through the Hope College Student Congress Appropriations Committee. Letters to the editor are encouraged, though due to space limitations the Anchor re serves the right to edit. Letters to the editor are not cur for content and are printed solely on a first-come-first-serve basis. The opinions addressed in the unsigned editorial represent those of the staff as a whole, and not just the Editor-inChief Stories from the Hope College News Service are a product of the Public Relations Office. One-year subscriptions to the Anchor are available for $13. We reserve the right to accept or reject any advertising.

Vol. I I I . Issue I8


//^Anchor your voice.

F e b r u a r y 25, I 998

Student Activities

and is very valuable

Fee uses vary greatly

dent Activity Fee, of $90. Dear Editor, The Student Activity Fee was creWe have grooved to sounds of the TO's while raking in blackjack win- ated for the purpose of maintaining nings. We have witnessed the 100th social, cultural, political, and reliannual Pull. We have met in the gious activities on campus. As outmiddle. We fought one more round lined in the Appropriations Comw i t h Joe Clark. We h a v e built mittee Charter, the intention of the houses for the less fortunate, prayed F e e is to i m p r o v e s t u d e n t l i f e and praised, played hockey, become through a variety of programs and disc jockeys, listened to fascinating organizations. Each Spring, student organizawriters and t h o u g h t - p r o v o k i n g tions prepare a written budget for speakers. We have read The Anchor, the following year and present it to The Milestone, and Opus. Every week this campus is ex- the Appropriations committee of six Student Congress members and the ploding with activities, social events and learning experiences Comptroller. The Appropriations brought to the student body, from Committee receives and reviews the student body. The efforts put budgets for more than 25 student orforth by student organizations defi- ganizations. After days of deliberanitely deserve a round of applause tion and debate, the committee allocates around $ 2 3 0 , 0 0 0 w h i c h for outstanding programming. c o m e s directly from the Student But who pays for these events? Recently, all students received Activity Fee. To avoid exclusion, the Approtheir annual tuition hike letter. It priations Charter dictates that all outlined the 1998-99 charges for activities supported through the tuition, room, board, and the Stu-

Activity Fee must be open to all students. All students benefit from the Student Activity Fee, and all students have the opportunity to join any organization funded through it. 1 encourage all students to embrace the benefits of the Student Activity Fee. The organizations provide excellent leadership experiences for the future. The activities which are sponsored are fun and educational. Your $90 is spread a l o n g w a y , and s e e m s a trivial amount for the effects it has on campus. If you have any questions about the procedures of the allocation of the Student Activity Fee, please feel free to call me in the Student Congress office, x7881, or get in touch with your Student Congress Representative.

Jessica Nelson ('99) Student Congress Comptroller

Chapel debate continues in the form of letters Dear Editor, In response to Kelly Martin's and Kevin Edlefson's letters and the numerous phone calls, e-mails and discussions I've been a part of in the last three weeks, I wish to say how overjoyed 1 am that we are intelligently discussing the issue of religious tolerance. It is about time that these issues were brought out in the open and freely discussed by both students and faculty. There is one main point that I've faced and debated numerous times in these various discussions, and that is the claim that Christianity e m b o d i e s the "Truth." By this "truth" I refer to the Christian belief that Christ is the only salvation of the human spirit, which Christians define as redemption from our sins and, ultimately. Hell. Well, it seems to me that no human being

can know what lies beyond death until they die. We can hypothesize but w e cannot know. So, I challenge every Christian on campus to show me proof that their religion is the 'Truth." Realize that from my perspective the Bible is not the 4 Truth," it is a book w e know was written by human hands, a second-hand account of what a small group of people claim to have witnessed. In the knowledge that it will take more than a Bible quote to prove to me that Christianity is the 'Truth," I reassert my challenge and ask any Christian who has the courage to confront me with the fact that they K N O W what lies beyond death to do so. In either case I'll be very impressed, either by your unfagging faith, arrogance or resurrection At the heart of this argument lies the fact that no human being is ca-

pable of proving 'Truth" and therefore n o religion or belief is any more "right" than another. Our concept of morality limits what w e perceive as "true" or "good," but beyond our social structure, in a universal sense, w e can prove neither. S o c o n s i d e r the implications of claiming that you "have the Truth." after careful deliberation and intellectual study of your religious beliefs you still believe in Christianity, then I admire your faith and ask you to realize that your own commitment to religion is reflected in the faith of Muslims, Hindus, Buddhists and people of other faiths around the world. D o not condemn these people for having the same commitment to their religion and faith as you d o to Christianity. A m a n d a S c h n e i d e r ('99)

'Ten Reasons Why You Should Be on the Anchor Staff

io. We have leadenhip mm\m. (). The (ouch. Have you m it? 8. A highly profeHional office atnwphere. I We're marter than your average bear. 6. Where'i the love? At the Ank it'i never enough. 5. The Anchor hai a strict Anti-Hazing policy 4. Our editon wear tight, tight clothing. ]. Wee knead ipelchekerz. 1. We know everything. Go ahead. Tetf ui, 1. We don't have New Member Education. ^


theA n c h o r

F e b r u a r y 25, 1998

I ntermission

W o m e n ' s w e e k e x h i b i t celebrates all a r t f o r m s N a n c y Nicodemus, an English professor SALLY SMIXS intermission co-editor

Finding art in the least likely places and finding a n e w voice and outlet for w o m e n is what "Celebrating W o m e n ' s Creative Work" is all about. The show, displaying art and folk art by w o m e n artists in Maas Auditorium this week, puts t o g e t h e r a rich and u n i q u e part o f Women's Week. "Basically, (the e x h i b i t ) c o n t i n u e s the

at H o p e and also o n e of the contributing artists, has shown several pieces in previous years that may have taken s o m e viewers by surprise. "One year 1 displayed m y wedding dress that Julie Fiedler and I had handpainted — as in flipped paint onto wet silk and let fan — and wrote an account of h o w it came to be," N i c o d e m u s said. "Another year I displayed a duck decoy that 1 had painstakingly

in Maas from 7:00 to 8:00 p.m., along with English Professor Kim D o u g l a s and a f e w of Hope's students. They will be opening up o n e more side of w o m e n ' s art by reading their poems and other writings. "I definitely see writing poetry as an art," N i c o d e m u s said. "It just happens to be o n e of a variety of forms 1 l o v e to work in." Selecting their poems for the evening, both N i c o d e m u s and B a r t l e y c o n s i d e r e d the themes of the creation of art and the different roles that w o m e n take in life. They will

to setting it up, it deserves a week. It would take at least a week to really g i v e it the exposure it deserves." Bartley, too, had hoped for a change in this year's format. "It s e e m s a little imbalanced to devote two w e e k s to w o m e n and, w i t h i n t h o s e t w o w eeks , g i v e t w o days to their art," she said. Still, the half-week length makes it all the more worth it to rearrange a packed schedule and take time to wander through the Maas

follow, in their own way, the same celebratory

Center. T h e Maas walls and displays will be full

theme of affirmation of the things w o m e n

painted feathers on." This year, N i c o d e m u s has entered a china

do," said Erin Chapla ( ' 9 8 ) , lone coordina-

platter with art d e c o painting, and several

attitude that is portrayed throughout the ex-

of n e w art, as well as a n e w eloquence in that

tor of this year's show. "It calls attention to

others have entered a variety of work. "I have about 30 pieces, and they're go-

hibit. Despite the expressions of beauty and cre-

art and a new v o i c e to speak for Women's

ing to be very diverse," Chapla said. Jackie Bartley, another of Hope's English

ativity, Bartley and N i c o d e m u s

ture would not be recognized as true art, or

professors, is also contributing her o w n art

both had just

they might not be considered for a typical art exhibit, placed alongside paintings and draw-

work. "It's a great opportunity for those of us

o n e criticism of the show. There

ings and photographs. But Chapla points out that this is not a stan-

w h o play with words, paints, photography,


sculpture, and all the other wonderful and varied materials I've seen over the years in

enough of it. "It's up for so

that s h o w to share our artfulness," Bartley



Frances Gillespie explains her

forts of these organizations, the

creative technique as an evolution-

don't make the distinction b e t w e e n 'art' and

said. N i c o d e m u s and Bartley will also be a part

Nicodemus said. "Given all

G i l l e s p i e exhibit kicked o f f the celebration of W o m e n ' s Week.


of the opening reception for the show tonight

the work there is

things often overlooked." Sometimes, pieces from genres like w e a v ing, painted china, needlepoint, and sculp-

dard, average show. t T h e point of the show is to feature art usually not seen as art," Chapla said. "We other stuff w o m e n do.'"


Music mixes w i t h the spiritual


A r t for Art's Sake N e w DePree



KATE FOLKERT Effortless Mastery filled Wichers Auditorium last Thursday, Feb. 19. K e n n y Werner, w h o w r o t e a b o o k by the s a m e n a m e , w a s at Hope to g i v e a jazz piano concert. He has several compact discs and h a s p e r f o r m e d w i t h artists l i k e Dizzy




McFerrin. "We jumped at the opportunity to have him here w h e n w e found o u t he w a s g o i n g t o b e i n t h e m i d w e s t , " sa id P r o f e s s o r Brian C o y l e of the music department Werner, w h o often l o o k e d mes-

Anchor photo by Jonathan Muenk

ALL T H A T JAZZ: Kenny Werner performs in front of a full house last Thursday night at Wichers Auditorium,


Fund, and the Hope C o l l e g e Cul-


tural Affairs Committee. Through the collaborative ef-

staff r e p o r t e r

ary process. "I start by trying to paint what I see, but the longer I look, the more there is to be aware o f , especially since nothing that l i v e s is ever exactly the same, e v e n from day to day," Gillespie said. "By the

intermission co-editor


T h e Frances Cohen Gillespie exhibit e x p l o r e s the r e a l m of art about w o m e n by a woman. 4 T h i s is a g o o d exhibition that fits with the celebration w o m e n , " Wilson said.


time I a m done, I have c o m e to

Gillespie's work utilizes female

l o v e that thing I have painted. I stop o n l y because I have g o n e as

s y m b o l s as the subjects for the pieces. The pieces in the exhibit

far as I am capable of going at that

are either portraits of w o m e n or

point." From Feb. 2 2 to March 28, at

floral still-life studies. "Gillespie's clearly, almost

the DePree Art Center and Gallery,

painfully, f o c u s e d portraits reveal

her art exhibit, "Frances Cohen Gillespie: paintings" will be on

a humanism," Wilson said. "But s o do her boldy related still-lives

display. It is the second exhibition of the 1998 season. T h e opening

of flowers. T h e s e are informed by an animalism and sense of change.

reception of the exhibit was held

They also c o n v e y a very human

on S u n d a y , F e b . 2 1 , at w h i c h

sense of transience, o w i n g to the artist's admiration for Netherland-

Gillespie also spoke. t T h e exhibit was well attended

ish baroque painting, where the

by H o p e students and faculty, as

f l o w e r is often a symbol for the

well as members of the art c o m -

fragility and brevity of life." Gillespie is continuing to focus

merized by his melodies, is in tune

while playing. His music was just

o f playing," C o y l e said. "It w a s

with his spiritual side as he plays.

as spontaneous. " T h e r e is a l w a y s a l o t o f improv," Werner said. "I don't like

great. Being at a liberal arts school and talking to a large group of people

ies. The DePree Art Center and Gal-

to g o into concerts with a set plan."

w a s a little different for Werner. "I'm used to talking to groups of

lery sponsored this exhibit in conju nct i on with the H o l l a n d Area

jazz musicians, s o it was different

Arts C o u n c i l , a l o n g w i t h the

is open M o n d a y thru Friday 10 a.m. to 5 p.m., and Saturday and

for m e to be talking to a group of p e o p l e with various m u s i c back-

Michigan Council for the Arts and

Sunday from 1 p.m. to 5 p.m. Ad-

Cultural A f f a i r s , H u g h D e P r e e

mission is free.

"I try to find m y inner self during concerts. I look inside for the spiritual and merge with that w h i l e playing," he said. "When I find that, it is an ecstatic experience." His music covered a wide variety o f styles, including traditional jazz pieces, ballads, and a ragtime

T h e opportunity to i m p r o v i s e was what drew Werner to jazz in the first place. He was originally interested in classical music. "I w a s very attracted to improv, w h i c h jazz a l l o w s a lot of," he said.

m y groove I think it went well."

"It is o n e o f the most colorful lan-

Werner for his father. "Rag w a s m y father's favorite

guages." In a d d i t i o n t o t h e c o n c e r t , Werner offered a clinic during the

Werner's last p i e c e , c a l l e d "Guru," e m b o d i e d his i d e a l s o f

him it had to be that," he said. Throughout the concert, Werner was very laid back, often making

afternoon, which approximately 8 0 people attended. "He talked about the conceptual,

gin working in Rome. T h e DePree Center Art Gallery

merging the spiritual with the musical, and was the perfect end to the evening. "I focus on the inside and hopefully something profound will hap-

AAodern Myths: How


Talk O u r s e l v e s

out of Becoming



work. C o m e March she will be-

Some p e o p l e w o u l d r a t h e r Pelleve a n y t h i n o o t h e r t h a n I h a t Christianity m i g h t toe true. Sometimes, e v e n y o u m i g h t wish t h a t t h e r e w a s s o m e o t h e r w a y . At V i c t o r / P o i n t . Pastor G r e g Smith will e x a m i n e t h e lies t h a t w e tell ourselves to a v o i d t h e Truth w e fear.

oen." Werner said.


on the s a m e subjects for her art-

grounds," he said. "Once I found

number called "My Dear Old Dad Rag." T h e s o n g w a s written b y

music, s o if I was going to write for

munity," said Professor John Wilson, w h o is the director of galler-



* S e n i o r Recital, Carrie Maines, D i m n e n l * S l u d c n l Recital, Wichcrs Audiiorium.

& 12:00

11:00 *Fen

Chapel. 6:00 p.m. * S A C movie " T h e Peacemaker" 7:00. 9:30,

M y t h # 1: "There is N o G o d " * S A C m o v i e " T h e P e a c e m a k e r " 7:00, 9:30, &

12:00 M y t h #2;

a l i h c O l d P h y s i c a l P l a n t t h r o u g h Fc b. 2 8 . e a c h n i g h l al 8 : 0 0 p . m .

" G o d Doesn't W a n t A n y t h i n g From Me"

* F r a n c c s G i l l e s p i e E x h i b i t i o n a l D e P r e e Vrt C e n t e r t h r o u g h M a r c h 2 8 ( s e e a b o v e a r t i c l e

.M<?rgh 1 5 M y t h #3:





"I D o n ' t N e e d G o d "

MCfgh 22 M y t h #4:

Myth #5;

" l C a n toe M y O w n G o d " M a r c h 29 " G o d Agrees With M e "

* "Trading Old A c h e s for N e w Pains: C h a n g i n g p a t t e r n s of H e a l t h a n d D i s e a s e * " M o n k s . M y s t i c s a n d M a g i c in t h e M i d d l e * S A C movie "The Peacemaker" 3:00

in E a s t e r n W o o d l a n d s N a t i v e A m e r i c a n

A g e s " d i s c u s s i o n . 1 1 : 0 0 & 1 2 : 0 0 , Van

Societies," Mary Lucas Powell, 4:00,

Zoeren 274

Peale B50


V i d o r y l^ol n I

lO a . m . Sundays West O t t a w a High School P e r f o r m i n g Arts C e n t e r



F e b r u a r y 25, I 9 9 8

C o n t r o v e r s y b r e w s o v e r s p i r i t e d A l a r y Ignatius SARA LAMERS staff r e p o r t e r



This article first ran in the

Feb. II issue of the A n c h o r , but due to a printing problem all of the article was not published. pears

For better service

the article

A variety of topical issues, such as birth

o w n experience growing up as a Catholic and

Jenkins ('98), cast member.

control, abortion, homosexuality, alcoholism,

going to Catholic schools. Sister Mary's prob-

and suicide are addressed. Mariy of the references to these subjects are very blatant and

lems with the way her students have turned out is a way of s h o w i n g h o w s o m e people

"Parts o f the p l a y w e r e s h o c k i n g and s e e m e d irreverant," said K e v i n D e Y o u n g

the audience may be shocked at the manner in which Sister Mary defends her v i e w s on

can take their religion to extremes." In other words, o n e should keep in mind that Durang seeks to represent a select, ex-

such subjects. F o r e x a m p l e , the p l a y s e e m s to m o c k


here in its entirity.

Catholic beliefs, because Sister Mary is very rigid in her opinions, which could make her

treme case, rather than generalize that all nuns take v i e w s similar to Sister Mary's.

('99). "I took s o m e o f f e n s e to scenes such as the o n e where they nailed the baby Jesus to the cross." Cast members, however, stress that this play can be an excellent opportunity to encourage the audience to consider its own religious views.

appear cold and uncaring. Consider when she

"I enjoyed the performance and none of it really bothered m e as a Catholic," Mike Clark

Catholic school taught by a nun with extreme

denounces the use of birth control as she de-

( ' 0 0 ) said. "I w o u l d hope that everyone go-

"This play has been a true journey for me," Hicks said. "In the rehearsal process, we dis-

religious views. B e c a u s e o f the satirical na-

ing into the performance w o u l d be open-

cussed h o w w e felt about certain disturbing

ture of this o n e - a c t p l a y by Christopher

clares that it is "wrong because God, whate v e r you may think about the w i s d o m involved, created sex for the purpose of pro-

minded because the play is designed to be satirical. I can see h o w pieces of it could be

things in this show. O n c e I got to know m y

Durang, s o m e audience members may question its appropriateness and accuracy. "The play can be considered controversial

creation, not recreation." One should keep in mind that the play rep-

because of Sister Mary's warped v i e w s on religion," said Jamie Raabe C01), assistant

resents the beliefs of only one nun in par-

Sister Mary Ignatius Explains it All lakes a comical look at the mishaps occuring in a

stage manager. "Deeply religious people, no matter what denomination, could take offense to this play if they don't take it the way it is intended." The play was performed at the Dewitt Theater on Feb. 5 , 6 , and 7 under the direction of Kristen T h o m s o n ('97). T h e plot centers on four p e o p l e w h o are reunited with Sister Mary Ignatius, their f o r m e r c h i l d h o o d teacher. During the course of the play. Sister Mary preaches to them in accordance with the way she interprets Catholicism.

ticular, rather than all Catholics in general. "People need to understand that Durang

misinterpreted, but I really enjoyed it." Princeton University also recently staged the s a m e production, and students' reactions v a r i e d . A c c o r d i n g to an a r t i c l e in The

character, I saw that she reflects the extreme of what I as a Christian struggle with daily. I struggle with, faith too, although I c o m e out on the opposite end of m y character. She decides that because of her experience, she will not believe in God. Through m y experiences, 1 have decided that I will believe."

writes disturbing stuff," said Megan Hicks ('98), cast member. "His characters are al-

Princeton Sentinel, several Catholic students left the theater during the performance because they were offended. Many felt it mini-

most always alarmingly normal on the out-

mized the importance of their religion and

side but on the inside reflect an extreme, either emotionally or in regards to their v i e w s

mocked their v i e w s on the issues it addressed. W h i l e Hope students have not responded

on society in general." "Many people may claim that this is not an

quite as angrily to the controversy surround-

tholicism teaches us, and that you should also be able to take a criticism or satire of your

ing the play, s o m e students are concerned.

faith and respect opposing viewpoints. I think

accurate depiction of Catholics," Raabe said. "For the most part, this is true. Unfortunately,

"I think too often w e are offended when s o m e o n e challenges us to think about what

that too often at H o p e w e are safe and that sometimes w e need to shake things up a little,

there are people w h o may agree with what

w e believe, and that this show touched that

and I ' m glad that I could be the o n e to do it."

Sister Mary does. Durang is writing from his

sore spot in many H o p e students," saic} Jenn

Jenkins said.

"I feel that you should be strong enough in your convictions that y o u can laugh at s o m e of the rigid rules that the old school of Ca-

H o p e students raise hands in c a m p u s w i d e prayer service LOR I JEAN IRVINE staff r e p o r t e r



This article first

ran in the Feb. II issue of t h e A n c h o r , but due to a printing prob-

leaders, and lay people from the re-

nary, and S y n o d of the Great Lakes

mind, like talking with you," said

From there, Weener spoke on the

gion, the event was called, "Prayer and Revival: A Gathering of G o d ' s

for the Reformed Church, the gathering w a s h e a d e d up by Robert

Kent. Brownson laid the foundation of

church's role in sending witnesses

B a k k e , director of the N a t i o n a l

scripture's role in Christian living. Patterson's talk c o n c e n t r a t e d o n

T h e speakers' m o v i n g words and the grip o f i n t e n s e p r a y e r w a s

People." "The fact that it w a s about prayer and revival, and that fact that Ben

Prayer Advance, and Ben Patterson. Their vision behind the prayer

being "broken by the Spirit of God."

strongly felt by all w h o attended. T h e r e h a s b e e n "a t r e m e n d o u s amount o f G o d ' s l o v e shown. It's

was not pub-

Patterson was speaking" attracted

gathering was embodied in the four

Being broken, Patterson explained,

lished. For better service the article appears here in its entirity.

o n e particular Hope student to at-

sessions held between the third and fourth of February. "The big picture," Patterson e x -

is "to repent of our sins, but also to care about the things G o d cares

Faces upturned and hands raised

tend s o m e of the sessions. Another c o u p l e from Victory

in song, H o p e students sang their

P o i n t C h u r c h s a w a f l y e r and

praises loudly last Tuesday night. "Holiness, holiness, is what I long

w a n t e d to c o m e . I have been

lem all of the article

for. Holiness is what I need. Holi-


for re-

ness, holiness is what y o u want .

from me," the large crowd sang.

plained, "is revival and spiritual

"God w a s just pulling m e and telling m e to c o m e . I got a lot out of

"Tom and

awakening." Under that main e m -

one another; creating unity and sup-

it," said M e g a n Radcliffe ( ' 9 9 ) with

praying vival for

phasis, the different s e s s i o n s fo-

port within the body of Christ.

a smile.

years," s a i d

represented from churches all o v e r the r e g i o n , nearly 3 0 0

B uursma. We're always

people c a m e for the t w o - d a y

looking for w a y s

organized by campus ministries. For


t o r s church


cused on being "Grounded in the Word," "Broken by the Spirit,"


"Bound to One Another," and "Em-


powered for Ministry." With a separate speaker per sess i o n , Patterson, Bill B r o w n s o n , Sherwin Weener, and Tim Brown


led the participants in prayer with

added her husband.


prayer gathering that was

been great," Patterson said.

about." Brown focused on being bound to

i V a n n a

With numerous denominations

out to impact the world.


T h e y felt o n e f o c u s

and for each other. A n o c c a s i o n a l meditative s o n g

w a s to pray for revival

from Dwight Beal and the worship

in Holland for personal revival for church leaders and

team enhanced the soul searching

for revival in their churches.

services. Don Kent ( ' 9 1 ) felt there was "a

It's "bringing pastors together and

great sense of G o d ' s presence" in

creating unity." Sponsored by the Hope Chaplain's o f f i c e . Western S e m i -

- Mirccllo C l e m e n t s P R E M l t R E




D E P A R D I E U ' &T

every meeting. Simply c o m m u n i cating with God, prayer is "letting

Is * -

&f |

Him k n o w what's on m y heart and

A I M • Pull • W T H S • Milestone • FCS • UCS • H S U • M o r t a r Board

L e g a c



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•Feb. 2 0 - 2 6 , 7 & 9 p m • I n French with English s u b t i d e s

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Go ahead, give something back— Seniors, in the next few weeks your peers will be encour agi ng you to give s o m e t h i n g back to H o p e t h r o u g h the A l u m n i F u n d . W e l l also be asking for your stories a b o u t H o p e and will be c o m p i l i n g these stories on a website for you. • More details coming in future issues of the Anchor, in you mailbox, and on KnowHope.

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MtlCNTB * TO»<* OATUT VIIM MOKOO - -tuwitwr - • .. .»»«• w c t w - ' - ' v - »


•Feb. 27 - M a r . 5, 7 & 9 p m (Wednesday, Mar. 4, 9 p m only) •In French with English subtitles


theA n c h o r

F e b r u a r y 2 5 , 1998


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left her bedroom. Upon returning, she found it had ignited nearby combustibles, resulting in a fire." Hope College is not involved in any legal way in this case. "Hope is not party to the suit," said Tom Renner, Director of Pub-

lie Relations. ' T h e insurance company is seeking a settlement, not the college." Even though construction of the Haworth Conference and Learning Center and Cook Residence Hall was underway and cottages in the

same block had been moved or demolished, the college had planned to keep Crispell. "It was one of the better quality constructed c o t t a g e s w e had," Kraay said. "We lamented when it was lost."

the spirit that lives within them," said Fonda Green, Director of Special Programs and organizer of Women's Week. This event was organized in collaboration with Multicultural Life director D. Wesley Poythress, who has h e l p e d coordinate similar events at the colleges he has worked with previously. He concluded the

evening with a challenge. "I really want to put a challenge out, particularly to the men in general... G r o w i n g up with strong women around me I found that it's okay to get in touch with your feminine side, you'll be better for it and it will help you grow," he said. "I can't recall a time when I grew and it hurt."

W O M E N from I International Education Special Programs Coordinator; N i c o l e Bennett, assistant professor of chemistry and Adriana Catherine Crain ('99). They each spoke of their experiences as women of color and events that have made an impact on their lives. "I am honored to have heard the passion of all of these women and

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F e b r u a r y 2 5 , 1998

MIAA MIKE Z U I D E M A sports editor

The outcome was expected, but the result took a little longer than licipated. ; ollowing a few twists and turns, Hope College men's basketball un captured its fourth consecue Michigan Intercollegiate Athlic championship Saturday, Feb. 18. i he Flying Dutchmen trampled drian 96-66 to clinch the regular son title and head into the MIAA urnament with a full head of team. I'm so stinking proud of our basketball team," said head c o a c h Glenn Van Wieren. "I thought that in a game that was a must, must, must game, our guys made an incredible statement." A sense of relief came with the win, as Hope has had to endure doubts that came with losses to Kalamazoo on Feb. 7 and Alma on Feb. 14. The losses dropped Hope to third in the Great Lakes Region and fourteenth in the National Division III poll. The team seemed to recover from the Kalamazoo loss with an impres-

sive 84-73 defeat of Calvin on Feb. II. However, against Alma three last second shots wouldn't fall for the Flying Dutchmen, leaving them with a 66-65 setback, and creating questions as to whether Hope could still win. Those fears were sent to rest as the team made its first eight shots of the Adrian game and staked themselves to a 20-7 lead five minutes into the final regular season home game. "Hope is a very good team. They played with a lot of enthusiasm and passion," said Adrian head coach Buck Riley. "It was one of those nights where you can't coach and you just try to stop the bleeding." "We were defending, scoring, rebounding-we were doing a little bit of it all and were able to build on that," Van Wieren said. "Our team needed that kind of game right now." T h e v i c t o r y a l s o s e a l e d Van Wieren's 12th M I A A championship. The team should also make its 14th trip to the N C A A Division III tournament under Van Wieren's coaching. "We are thrilled to win the championship by ourselves. Right now

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by J o h n a t h a n M u e n k

A N D O N E : Kris Merrit ('98) lines up a free throw in the basketball teams showdown with rival Calvin College on Wednesday, Feb. 11, The Flying Dutchmen beat the Knights 84-73. we're starting to evolve into what kind of team we think we are going to be," Van Wieren said. "We have a lot of people picking things up and taking a lot of responsibility." The win earned Hope a first round

bye in the tournament. The team will next take to the Civic Center on Friday at 8 p.m. versus the winner of the Kalamazoo-Adrian game. ."We have started to get some flow going and that is important for us,"

Van Wieren said. "It just takes time, but we don't have lime and that's frustrating. You learn through adversity. I'm so happy with all that's happened for these guys to finish how they finished."

Swimmers finish first, second at championship meet MIKE Z U I D E M A sports e d i t o r

The league championships for swimming went almost exactly the way John Patnott expected. For most of the season, Hope's coach had said that for Hope to be victorious the teams would have to give their normal effort and then a little more. At the Michigan Intercollegiate Athletic A s s o c i a t i o n s w i m m i n g championships held at the D o w C e n t e r o v e r Feb. 1 1 - 1 4 , the women's team was able to take first, while the men finished in second place behind Kalamazoo College.

"We're delighted," Patnott said. "The men knew they had to rise to the occasion and they did, and you couldn't ask for any more that. The women knew they had to rise to the occasion because we knew Kalamazoo and Alma were right behind us. We did that and had exceptional times." The first-place finish gave the women's team its seventh straight M I A A Championship, and 15th under Patnott. The Flying Dutch finished 9 4 points ahead of Kalamazoo and had several take first-place finishes. Triple winners included Laural Horton ('01) and Erinn Van Auken

COO). Betsy VandenBerg (*01) was a double winner, w h i l e M i c h e l l e Fangmeier ('00) and Llena Durante ('00) each captured a championship. "Every year is a different year and a different focus. You lake each team individually and focus on what that team can do," Patnott said. 'There's always new faces and you look for performance and maturity." The women's team has matured over the season. The team only had 13 total members, and one lone senior in Monica Stubbs ('98). Despite what would look like a hinderance, Hope turned in several

Division III national qualifying times. The men's team also had several qualify for nationals and take firsts in its competition. Conference champions included Dan Shelley ('98), Brandon Nyboer ('98), Chris Dattels ('01), and Jarod Lippert ('00). "Both teams swam very well and I'm pleased," Patnott said. "We had a chance with the men and it didn't work out, but it was a close meet." Both teams must now play the waiting game to find out who will make Nationals. Each team has a number of swimmers that made conditional qualifying limes for the

tournament. The women should find out at the end of the week, and the men should know in two weeks. "We have to wait and see what the rest of the country has done," Patnott said. "We have to focus on what we're doing and if we don't go, so be it." Honored as MIAA Most Valuable Swimmer was Horton. Joining her on the All MIAA team were Durante, Fangmeier, Stubbs, Van Auken, and VandenBerg. Making the All MIAA team for the men were Jeff Burgess (*99), Dattels, Lippert, Nyboer, Shelley, and Joe Zupancic ('98).

Flying Dutch defeat fiery Comets, face Scots next In semi-finals PAUL L.OODEEN staff r e p o r t e r

"March Madness" could already be s e n s e d in the H o p e - O l i v e t women's basketball game last night at the Dow Center. Olivet, a team that Hope defeated twice this year, attempted to upset the number two seed in the opening round of the Michigan Intercollegiate Athletic Association tournament. The Flying Dutch were able to hold off a tenacious Olivet team to advance to the semifinals with an 83-68 win. "They don't care how it gets done as long as the end result is a win," said head coach Brian Morehouse. The game opened with a f i v e point run by Olivet but Hope answered back with a 20-8 run of their own. Morehouse credited Olivet for coming out hard. 'They put us back on our heels. They competed, they hustled, and they worked," he said. Halfway through the first half Hope took a 22-15 lead. The Dutch finally took a sizeable lead at the end of the half when they went on

15-5 run. When the half ended Hope took a 4 1 - 2 9 lead to the locker room. "It is easy to cash it in this time of year and they didn't," Morehouse said. The, second half went back and forth as each team exchanged baskets. Olivet came out early in the

second half cutting the lead to eight at 47-39 and that was as close as they would get. Through the rest of the half Hope would build a lead as big as twenty on multiple free throws by Lindsay Rhew ('01) near the end of the game. "Once we got the ball moving our o f f e n s e l o o k e d a lot better,"

Morehouse said. Kristin Koenigsknecht ('01) led the way with 22 points, and Tara Hosford ('98) and Lisa Hoekstra ( ' 0 0 ) f o l l o w e d with 16 and 13 points respectively. After the game, coach M o r e h o u s e c o m m e n t e d on the tough play that came off the bench


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from Mandy Pryor ('99) and Rachel Postmus ('98). The second half was sealed by good free^lhrow shooting and hard physical play. The next team on the Flying Dutch hit list is the Alma Scots who beat Albion last night. Alma, a team that Hope split their season series with, will come to Hope for the semifinal round on Thursday night at 7:30 p.m. at the D o w Center.

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