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College Bnchor February 1 2 , 1 9 4 8

Official Publication of the Students of Hope College at Holland, Michigan

Shoes Purchased For Sarospatik 925 pairs of good, usable women's shoes were purchased not long ago f o r shipment to Sarospatak college in Hungary to assist t h a t institution in their fight against the elements this winter and to aid them in their a t t e m p t to survive^ This statement was released recently to an ANCHOR reporter i)y Rev. E. Oosterhaven, Hope college Chaplain, Rev. Oosterhaven said "We're still continuing our efforts to aid the college in Hungary, so we've been on the lookout for available 1G—Old News 37-3 clothing." He also said t h a t the shoes, which are mentioned above, were purchased from a shoe dealer who "took an interest in our college's project." The shoes, some of which are not exactly the most up-to-date style, but are still wearable, were purchased at the price of three pairs f o r a dollar. They have already been packed, according to Rev. Oosterhaven, and will soon be sent to Europe together with a few hundred other garments.


"The Troubadourn"

Celebrated Mixed Quartet

Dr.R. W . Lloyd Spearheads Religious Emphasis Week W.A.L. Schedules All-Girls' Party The a n n u a l

morrow night at 8:00 P.M. in Carnegie G y m n a s i u m . U p p e r c l a s s girls and faculty women wili come as the guests of the freshmen and sophomores. Each couple will be dressed in costume, and a prize will be given for the funniest and the most original pair. The freshmen, under the direction of Margaret Schoonveld and Jean Adams, are in charge of the program. A skit, monologue, and musical numbers have been planned as part of the program. Mr. Clyde Geerlings will be in charge of the grand march. Marian Schroeder and Bernice Nichols, as co-chairmen of the party, have arranged for refreshments. A booth has been setup in Van Raalte Hall where any freshman or sophomore may sign u p to take upperclassmen.

Will Present Concert

% t

Widely known because of his work in exploring American folk music and as a baritone in his own right, John De Merchant is inclined to retire behind the reputa-

Niwht-mare Sontc f r o m "Lolanthe" Gilbert & Sullivan John De Merchant Live for Today f r o m "Nauithty M a r i e t U " Herbert Morse, Sten, Simoneau, De Merchant

Church Board Studies Merging of Seminaries

Dr. Sizoo To Speak A t Chapel Service

Members of the board of education of the Reformed Church in America, of which J u d g e F. Walter Bliss, Albany, N. Y., is president and Dr. Bernard J . Mulder, New York City, general secretary, appointed a committee to study the merging of Western Theological Seminary with New Brunswick Seminary of New Jersey, at their meeting held February 3 and 4 in First Reformed Church. A committee also authorized study towards the establishment of a college in the West, possibly Los Angeles, in cooperation with the United Presbyterians. Investigation will also be made into extension, of Northwestern Junior College of Orange City, Iowa, into a four-year school. Another committee was appointed to study sectional differences which are becoming increasingly important in church life. There are now 210 students in denominational schools training f o r full time Christian service. There is a total of 1,900 enrolled in Hope and Central Colleges and 56 students in Western and New Brunswick Seminaries.

Noted Composer, Pianist Tenders Evening Concert

of New Brunswick Theological Seminary, New Brunswick, N. J., wil speak at Chapel services on Tuesday, Feb. 24th.

He will also be

available to students f o r interviews on the afternoon of t h a t day, from 2 p. m. to 4 p. m. Dr. Sizoo will be at Western Theological Semi-


has scheduled a

I.R.C. Discusses Military 1

After The Girls Are Gene

Which sex dominates numerically ? Female. There are 179389 more women than men in t h e U. S. today. Which sex is healthier? Female. Women resist disease better than men. Which sex is more studious? Female. A t all ages, the average m a r k s of women students are


Dr. Lubbers Better; Locomotes With Cane

It's A Man's World, Only

ning, February 16. The leaders and their topics are as follows: Alida K l o o s t e r m a n , Rural Sunday Schools; Julie Smith, Child Evangelism; Suzellen Brink, City Missions. All girls interested in some type of Christian service are invited to attend and share in the discussion. The group will meet in the chapel basement.

Kappa Delta Members Plan Panel Discussion

ri\e Of Hope r acuity To Attend Conference

Woman Doctor Lists Co-eds' Health Problems

panel discussion f o r Monday eve-

time, and will make several addresses to the seminary students.

Dr. A. Leenhouts Writes Book

Student Council Plans Koeman Named Officer of Nurses' Dutch Treat Week Association

Now that spring is approaching, young men's fancies are turning, and Dutch T r e a t Week is in the offing, it is felt more thought should be given the so-called weaker sex. Men who think t h a t they are Lord and Masters of all are in f o r a rude shock when they read some of the queries and replies in which they are compared with women.

nary for three days at this same

On Tuesday evening at 7:15 all students will be permitted to take Dr. Ralph Waldo Lloyd part in an open forum and on Thursday- evening a "Question Box Hour" will be held giving all students a chance to ask Dr. Lloyd questions. Prayer meetings will be held Dr. A. Leenhouts, Hope's campus each afternoon at 4:00. These meetdoctor, has just finished his new ings will be under the direction of book entitled. The Crest of the four of Hope's faculty: Miss Boyd, Hill. This book portrays the life of the German Department; Dr. of a country doctor and tells many Zsiros, guest professor from Hunof Dr. Leenhouts' own experiences g a r y ; Dr. Van Saun, of the Philosin medicine. The Crest of the Hill ophy D e p a r t m e n t ; Dr. Dykstra, is being published by- Lindemuth Professor of Greek. and Denny, Inc., of Holland, and All day Tuesday, the 17th, Hope is expected to be released to the win be host to four visiting stupublic in May. 1 dents from Kalamazoo College. These students will take part in t e var ous s\£ t t ix ^ ' meetings scheduled f o r that day- and later in the year f o u r | H o P e students win take part -v r-. i ,„ . ,4 c the program of Religious EmphaOn February 13 and 14, five . ^ f ~ „ «. , ,, „ sis week at Kalamazoo College, members of the Hope College fac„ , . A, , , Religious Emphasis Week at ulty will attend the annual confer- . . . j u u *u ^ . . Hope is sponsored each year by the i. r ence on Higher Education to be v . v ,,7 . mi. , ... .. Y.M.C.A. and \ .W.C.A. The mornheld at the University of Michigan, . . * u- u n n ^ „ . " ing sen-ices at which Dr. Lloyd 4 . Ann Arbor. Hope faculty members ... i -n l j ta t t will speak will be under the direcwho will attend are Dean John W. .. . „ „ . , ^ . ,r tion of the officers of these organm Hollenbach, Dr. Teums Vergeer, . Dr. Clarence De Graaf, Mr. Albert l z a l o n s .... . •u i u „ j w /-. L*. ir Music will be furnished by H. Timmer, and Mr. G a r r e t t Van» • i .• . t. u r Hope's Musical organizations, der Borgh. The theme of the con-1 ference this year will be "Educational Policies for Higher Education in These Times."

can Tarantella," a film produced in collaboration with Mary Ellen Bute, has been shown at the Museum of Modern Art in New York City. Widely Studied The artist's exceptional musical talent was recognized in his undergraduato d i y s at Yale University when he was awarded the Francis Osborne Kellogg prize in composition and became the first recipient of the Charles H. Ditson fellowship for study abroad. Gerschefsgi graduated from Yale in 1931, a Phi Beta Kappa with both Bachelor of Philosophy and Bachelor of Music degrees. He then went to England to study at the Tobias Matthay Pianoforte School where he distinguished himself by winning a scholarship, a silver medal, and by becoming the first American to receive the school diplomo f o r both piano playing and teaching. Later he continued his studies in piano with Artur Schnabel and in Composition with Joseph Schillinger, teacher of George Gershwin and At the time this article is being Hf'l'j. rp • • written Dr. Irwin J. Lubbers is on Oscar Levant. hi8 Mr. Gerschefski is sponsored by FBinini^ way to Springfield, Missouri to the Association of American Colrp, , i , # spend a few days at the home of his r The pro's and c o n s of compul^ , . .... . . b r o t h e r . He h a s b e e n a t Hot leges. sory universal m i l i t a r y training . w • ,. * . . i . 1 Springs, Arkansas. From Missouri Students will be admitted by0 were discussed at length at a re- r . ^ ^ . presenting their activity- tickets. e i,u i n r> t w Dr. Lubbers is e x p e c t e d to be cent meeting of the I. R. C. Don .4 n „ t n. 4. j lu moved to Pella, Iowa. His condition r, . Buteyn, who directed the discus- . ^ . . . . . u • „ is reported as improving; he is now r sion, presented a comprehensive ^ .° . c u • o able to get around a little with the outline of the problem. Such issues . . . , . . aid of a cane. as the value of mass armies in an 1 atomic age, the immediate militaryHope's Co-eds are starting to needs of the United States today, Miss Frances Koeman of Hope's save their p e n n i e s , nickels, and B i o l o g y Department h a s been and the influence of universal milidimes, for the traditional Dutch elected as second vice-president of tary- training on foreign countries were considered. Treat Week. The Student Council, the Michigan State Nurses' AsAt the next meeting the club which sponsors this activity, has sociation. At present she is a mem- sponsor. Miss Metta J. Ross, will not set a definite week as yet, but ber of the House of Delegates of make a report on the council of Lack of sleep, sloppy Joe shoes, it is expected to be early in March. the American Nurse's Association. loreign foreign unairs affairs which she recently | . , wmcn sue , . , • «. , , tj # iaa bed rposture and coke and coffee attended. Miss Ross was one of 1001 ^ , . ... diets were listed as common health who were invited to attend the con- j ,, , ,, , ^ ference problems of college women by Dr.

On February 16, Hope College will have as a guest on Campus, Edwin Gerschefski, noted composer and pianist. He will present a concert for the student body on Monday evening, Feb. 1G. Dean of College Edwin Gerschefski, dean of the Converse College School of Music, has appeared as pianist and composer in London and New York. He has also broadcast frequentlyover the major radio networks and has performed as soloist with a number of symphony orchestras. Gerschefski is a composer of w i d e l y recognized ability. His works have been played by the Columbia Symphony Orchestra under Howard Barlou, the Bridgeport Symphony, the New Haven Symphony, and the United States Navy Band. His "Streamline" was performed at the Music Camps in Interlocked The United States Marine Band featured his composition "Guadalcanal F a n t a s y " on the Marines birthday celebration at Washington, D.C. He was the winner of the Band Music Contest held by the New York World's Fair in 1939. Interested in all new developments, Gerschefski has composed music for television and f o r abtract motion pictures. His "Ameri-

Dr. Joseph R. Sizoo, President

Christian beliefs, character, service, courage and dedication. In addition to these services. Dr. Lloyd will hold private conferences each afternoon. This year's guest speaker is President of Maryville College, Maryville, Tennessee, and has held this position since 1930. He was born on October fi, 1892, at Friendsville, Tennessee. A f t e r graduating from Maryville College in 1915, he did post-graduate work at McCormick Theological Seminary in 1924 and obtained his LL.D. from Centre College in 1940. Dr. Lloyd was ordained in the Presbyterian Church in the United States in 1923 and he has served as an interchange minister in Great Britain, and on church deputations in China, the Philippine Islands, and India.

W.A.L. sponsored

All-Girls' party will be held to-

Some of the shoes have been placed on display in the Coffee Kletz and Blue Key book store to create student — faculty interest to procure funds f o r the payment of the footwear.

The Troubadours, a celebrated tions of the other members of his mixed quartet, wiH appear in con- ensemble. He is largely responsible cert on Tuesday, Feb. 24th, a t 8:15 for the versatility of the group. p. m. in the Hope Memorial Chapel. He has programmed material rangThe members of this quartet are ing from madrigals to contempo the young American soprano, Hilda rary musical comedy, with opera, Morse; John De Merchant, bari- both grand and light and folk tone, and founder-director of the songs in between. The program to be presented by q u a r t e t ; the new French-Canadian tenor, Leopold Simoneau, and fi- this group is as follows: I. nally Vienna-born opera star, SuLirbriilipder W a l t i e r (Opus 52» Brahms zanne Sten. Morse. Sten. Simoneau. De Merchant II. Wide Reputation II mio tesora f r o m ' Iton Giovanni" Miss Stcn's g r e a t reputation Moxart rests securely on her brilliant perLeopold Simoneau formances with the Chicago and La ci da rem la m a n o f r o m "Don Giovanni" Mozart San Francisco opera companies, Hilda Morse and John De Merchant over the air, and on the concert Adieux l-Wet f r o m " J e a n n e D ' A r c " Tochaikovsky stage. She is known as one of the Suzanne Sten greatest interpreters of "Carmen" now to be heard. With the Trou- Ai nostri monti f r o m "II T r o v a t o r e " Verdi badours quartet. Miss Sten appears Suzanne Sten and Leopold Simoneau in both solo and ensemble roles. 0 my. look the way they eye us from "Martha" Flotow Hilda Morse, soprano, had her Morse. Sten, Simoneau, De Merchant own program over the Columbia INTERMISSION Broadcasting System f o r more than III. three years. She also performed wtth the Philadelphia Symphony as American Saira (based on American Folk Themes( I>e Merchant sotoist under Eugene Ormandy. a. He's Kone away Like many another now celeb. Cow Boy Fantasy brated artist, Leopold Simoneau c. On the streets of Laredo Morse, Sten. Simoneau. De Merchant was first heard as a church soloIV. ist. At the age of 17 he made My Man's Gone Now from his professional debut and estab- "Poricy and Bess" Gershwin lished himself very quickly byHilda Morse singing over the air in concert, Bess. You Is My Woman Now from " P o r v y and Bess" Gershwin and in opera under the baton of Suzanne Sten and John De Merchant Sir Thomas Beecham. O Lovely N i n h t Ronald Folk Song Specialization Hilda Morse and Leopold Simoneau

Hope College will have as its Religious Emphasis Week speaker Dr. Ralph Waldo Lloyd. Dr. Lloyd will conduct services in the college chapel each morning the week of Feb. 16 through Feb. 20. His topics will include discussions on

higher than those of men. In college they withdraw about sixtythree per cent more books from libraries than men students. Which sex is the wealthier? Female. Fifty-six per cent of American Telephone and Teleg r a p h stock is held by women. Twothirds of all privately owned war bonds, sixty-five per cent of mutual bank accounts, and seventyfour per cent of suburban houses are held by women. Which sex dominates in mateselection ? Female. I t is through a long selection of females of the more attractive males t h a t the present structure of the human race has been acquired. I t ' s a man's world? Adapted from T h e Compatt, M.C.M.T.

Rude A motion was passed to obtain ' Student inftrmary h s,cla m a and show on the campus sometime P y , "' " c e n t 8I>eech a t a l l a 8 beforc the in March the film "Outposts of P American Stua Education." This is a 16 mm film, r f e n t Association of the lasting one hour, graphically dg- S o " t h w ® 8 t 8 , picting post-war scenes and condi• a d coeds hold too man tions in the Near East. Plans were y nocturnal " g a b " s e s s i o n s , also made to send delegates to an 8 t a y U P t 0 0 l a t e studying or put was I.R.C. conference of mid-western h i n g (clothes) off until states to be held a t the University wee hours of the morning. She recommended 11 p.m. a s the very of Michigan in March. latest f o r college girls to stay up. She assailed "sloppy J o e " shoes, also known a s loafers, as being without adequate support f o r the ankle or the foot, having to be lifted too short in order to keep The Adelphic Society of Western them on. Interior arches slowly Seminary will entertain the mem- drop with long use of this type of bers of Alpha Chi this evening in shoe, she said. Coke and coffee diets displace an the parlors of the First Reformed appetite f o r more nourshing foods. Church. Rev. Gary DeWitt, Pastor of the Immanuel Reformed Church She also pointed out t h a t cokes of Grand Rapids, will be the speak- have as much caffein a s coffee, too er. A social hour has also been many calories and too f e w vitamins. (Norman, Okla. AGP) planned.

Seminarians Entertain Alpha Chi Tonight

Pago Two

Hope College Anchor

Hope College flnchor Mrmnex

edge but contacting life and people about you is an equally stimulating and refreshing means available to you. So, newcomers, a big welcome and we hope t h a t in the days ahead we may count on your unreserved support in every phase of college life. Best wishes, good studying, and may a well rounded education be truly yours.

In 250 Words, What About Church

Chester M. Schemper A c u r r e n t issue within the Prot e s t a n t churches t o d a y is t h a t of t h e consolidation of all t h s s e p a r EDITORIAL S T A F F a t e denominations into a unified Renzc L. H o e k s e m a Editor-in-Chief force. We m u s t c o n f e s s t h a t if t h i s Carolyn Ingham i AMOciatc Kditors ideal could be s a t i s f a c t o r i l y reached Herman Ridder \ the P r o t e s t a n t church would gain Robert W i l d m a n Make-up Editor a position of g r e a t e r influence in Joseph P a l m e r , J r Business Managei the world. It is t r u e if all those who Richard Brown Asst. Business M a n a g e i call themselves P r o t e s t a n t ChrisHelen W a g n e r N e w s Editoi tiana were unified, we would h a v e Virginia H e m m e s F e a t u r e Editoi a church s t r o n g e r in n u m b e r s but Dorothy Davis Society Editoi Howie Koop, last year's editor of the not in c o n v i c t i o n s . Unification Matthew Otte S p o r t s Editoi MILESTONE — a job the "Scooper" may would tend t o break down t h e disR u t h Ruys E x c h a n g e Editor well be proud of and for which students ciplinarian function of the church Dale A k r i d g e A r t Editoi and lead to a loose social and pomight well thank him — has consented to Richard Hoebeke Circulation Managei litical organization. T h i s s t a tement Ted Flaherty P h o t o g r a p h e r write his Scoop with Koop again for the can be verified by observing the J a n e t PfeitTer Alice Moolenaar | T y p i s t i ANCHOR. But, Howie, even though using neglect of discipline f o u n d in the Alida Hibma, Betty De Ryke \ a cane at present, will cast his eye over all l a r g e r denominations today. P o w e r phases of campus activity and report them is not found in n u m b e r s but in the ""reporters Alida Kloosterman, Claire LefTin.jwell, Hazel Van- m his column, which will replace Up and convictions of the individual memder Woude, Ruth Q u a n t , W a l t e r S t u d d i f o r d , Ruth Atom. bers. De G r a a f , J a n i c e V a n d e r Borgh. Nancy V y v e r b e r g C h r i st i a n i t y is absolute in every Matt Otte, Editor of the ANCHOR'S Sport J o a n Ten Hoeve, Dolores T h o m a s , Max Frego, manner. An individual is a ChrisRichard Leonard, Hob Hill, Kicha.'d Johnson, Rod- .'age, known to one and all as MO or MOO, tian, or he is not. The principles las done a fine job on his page and as any and philosophy of the church a r e erick Kerr, Beverly Bame, Alicia Van Zoeren, M a n Van Loo, Toni Fredricks, Sally Schrier, Evie Vai. .vcll-informed sports fan will tell you, "He Christian or they a r e non-ChrisD a m , Dona Sluyter, Mary Lou He pp. Pierce Maas jarries the 'goods' in his column, Not Ncccs- tian. The Christian notions of God and his relations to man are of an sen, Charles Previte. '•(u ily So. I absolute c h a r a c t e r and t h e r e is no BUSINESS STAFF Art News has been added with this issue room f o r compromise. If an inW a l t e r Boerman, Marie B u t t l a r , Marian Hanna ind will alternate with the Music Box, or dividual says t h a t he denies the Rodger K e m p e r s , Don Vander Ber;;, Betty Boelkins. joth columns will be run if there is sufficient ! Divinity of C h r i s t and t h j SoverLois De Kleine, C h a r l e s Link, Bill Ceiger. naterial each issue, material that does not ;! eignty of God, it would be impossiE n t e r e d as second class m a t t e r at the post office ippear elsewhere in the paper, and because ble for me to compromise with him, if it would mean the sacrificing of of Holland, Michigan, at special r a t e of p.)Stagi )f its nature cannot appear elsewhere. these f u n d a m e n t a l notions. Comprovided for in section llo.'J of Act of Congress October »{, 1917, and authorized October Il>, 11)18 The ANCHOR still maintains its box in promise is the only m e a n s by which Subscription R a t e ; $2.00 per year. iloom 111, Van Raalte Hall, and contribu- I the P r o t e s t a n t churches could e v e r , be unified and any t r u e Christian Jons to the paper or suggestions for its im- knows it is impossible to com-; Published every two weeks d u r i n g the school y e a r provement are always appreciated. by the s t u d e n t s of Hope College. promise; in m a t t e r s r e g a r d i n g the o Word of God, which is the foundaP R I N T E D AT OLD N E W S P U l N T E R Y tion of the church. If all the churches were t o unite we would have to throw our per1 sonal convictions aside and accept I am a Hollander! And, if there is one those compromised by the church ;hing a "good Hollander" likes better than at large. If everyone did not do l)-iis food, or his sleep, it is a "GOOD BAR- t h i s we would have an institution GAIN." And, like a good Hollander, 1 be- weaker t h a n the smallest denomination today. If we a r e to be a powerThere is a group on the campus to which icve in letting you know where you can ob- ful g r o u p we must be one in conthe ANCHOR never assigns a reporter be- tain "Special Prices." victions, f o r a h o u s e d i v i d e d And. the beauty is that you don't have to a g a i n s t itself c a n n o t s t a n d . cause they don't do the type of tiling one P b s o c i a t e d GoOeGicde P r e s s

Your Paper


ia I s

A Bargain!

Fanatics and Fools

can f r a m e into a news story. Yet this is OIK of Hope's most influential groups. The group which we have in mind is the group that meets selected mornings of each week for prayer. In that group are some of Hope's linest and most sincere students who meet at this time of morning because they feel that getting a Christian education means more than attending classes; it means also a development of a well-rounded personality, the high point and most enduring aspccl of which is the spiritual. They believe irrevocably that "prayer is the sword of the saints" and with that sword set out to light evil and exalt good. Their radiating inlluence pervades the campus almsophere and somehow we feel the warm touch of (lod's answer to prayer in much of campus life because of this "leavening" influence.

)e an "Old Customer." I am going to tell you where you may -.ecure up to $10.00 for every IW I-;> cents you invest. It's a fact! Yes, Sir! Yes, Mom! \\ e married men keep up to date on prices uid such like. But. I haven't told you one-half of this bargain. By buying a pair of shoes for Hungarian relief — shoes valued at up to $10.00 for o.') cents a pair or three pairs for a dollar - you can gain a comfortable feeling around vour heart by insuring that someone over -here will be wearing the best bargain "Hopes Dutchmen" will ever see.

Harold Kammeraad Church u n i o n u n d e r e x i s t i n g conditions is h a r d l y possible. W i t h out going outside t h e s p h e r e of P r o t e s t a n t i s m , we can see in a f e w m o m e n t s of t h o u g h t t h e difficulties involved in such a n u n d e r t a k i n g . L e t us consider some of t h e commonly known difference w i t h o u t considering the theological d i f f e r ences not known to t h e a v e r a g e parishioner. The day and m a n n e r of worship v a r i e s c o n s i d e r a b l y a m o n g the v a r i o u s d e n o m i n a t i o n s . T h e r e is much c o n t r o v e r s y on t h e m a n n e r and t i m e of baptism. T h e r e a r e controversies on such m a t t e r s as t h e Lord's S u p p e r , the r e q u i r e m e n t s for m e m b e r s h i p , church government, training requirements for m i n i s t e r s , and t h e edifices of t h e church. Then t h e r e is the basic reason f o r the existence of the C h u r c h of Christ — the salvation of h u m a n souls. P e r h a p s t h e r e are very f e w who would differ on the method of salvation, a l t h o u g h t h i s does not exclude the existence of differences, but certainly all do not a g r e e on th2 security of the -believer. T h e r e a r e large g r o u p s t a k i n g both sides of this question, one believing in e t e r n a l security and a n o t h e r believing in practically total insecurity. The length of t h i s article does m t p e r m i t a complete exposition of all the a r g u m e n t s . These given a r e but a few of the problems which would arise in a t t e m p t i n g church union. O t h e r s which have tended to split churches and which seem to be increasing in t h e i r tendencies are Liberalism vs. C o n s e r v a t i s m ; the i n t e r p r e t a t i o n of p r o p h e c i e s concerning the J e w , the millenium, and the second coming of C h r i s t ; and such petty t h i n g s a s insignificant g r i e v a n c e s of individual p a r ishioners which cause them to leave an organized church and f o r m a cult of t h e i r own. ^

John DeVries Modem


is a t



roads. His choice lies between an era

of global




tinction. I t is a m a t t e r of deciding w h e t h e r we w a n t t o live t o g e t h e r in s p i t e of o u r differences or w h e t h e r we do not w a n t to live a t all. Unless C h r i s t i a n i t y is recognized as t h e deciding f a c t o r in t h i s choice, it wjll be c u r t a i n s f o r t h i s world of ours. However, C h r i s t i a n i t y can not a s s e r t itself as effectively as it m u s t until it can speak to t h e world with a unified voice. The Christian church can never be w h a t God intended it to be until t h e relations between all C h r i s t i a n g r o u p s a r e harmonious. U n i t y in the Christian church does not m e a n u n i f o r m i t y . It does mean t h a t C h r i s t i a n s the whole world o v e r should unite. It m e a n s diversities within one body, f t m e a n s a break-down in o u r t r a ditional and rigid denominational ties. Ecumenicity m e a n s g i v i n g C h r i s t i a n i t y a voice t h a t can be heard and t h a t really c a r r i e s some influence. It m e a n s t h a t the church would have p o w e r to correct some if t h e g r e a t social evils of o u r time. It m e a n s the fulfillment of the C h r i s t i a n church in its t o t a l t a s k , on a world f r o n t . To fulfill its purpose t h e church today must be the r a l l y i n g c e n t e r for a new kind of unity a m o n g m a n k i n d . It should ?peak f o r a new c o m m u n i t y t h a t s co-extensive with the inhabited earth.

Thus, as long as g r o u p s of Christ i a n s will disagree, eacli believing wholeheartedly t h a t it is r i g h t , *1 P"*: t h e r e is little chance of church But even though we realize m a t union without a new revelation P a i n t i n g s of such g r e a t a r t i s t s unification of the P r o t e s t a n t church f r o m God, indicating His Divine as R e m b r a n d t , Raphael, Botticelli, is impossible let us not conclude desires in all m a t t e r s . V e r m e e r and m a n y o t h e r s are now t h a t cooperation between the varion display in the a r t studio. They I ous denominations is impossible. are r e p r o d u c t i o n s of some of t h e A m o n g the P r o t e s t a n t denomina- to keep o u r denomination f r e e f r o m f a m o u s m a s t e r p i e c e s with which we tions today we find much conflic- m o d e r n i s m — o n e of S a t a n ' s are all f a m i l i a r . Some of the g r e a t tion. Instead of m a k i n g S a t a n our avenues. Madonna p a i n t i n g s , f o r instance, common foe, we spend unbounding Let us not sell o u r spiritual such a s The Small Cowper Mae f f o r t s b a t t l i n g a g a i n s t one an- b i r t h r i g h t f o r a mess of p o t t a g e . donna and The Alba Madonna by other. Instead of s t r e s s i n g the fun- Let us as C h r i s t i a n s recognize the Raphael, or the Madonna of Hud a m e n t a l principles in which we catholicity of t h e T r i u m p h a n t mility by F r a Angelico a r e a d o r n a g r e e , we s t r e s s minor differences. Church here on e a r t h and p r a y and n g the studio walls. O t h e r well Of course. S a t a n is a c r a f t y a g e n t strive for a p u r e r Miltant Church known n a t i v i t y scenes by Botticelli and also uses fifth column tactics made up of many denominations. and Giorgione may be seen. as a very effective m e a n s of des- May our aim be to acknowledge Of i n t e r e s t to s t u d e n t s of Dutch t r o y i n g the church f r o m within. We Christ t h e son of God as head of a n c e s t r y will be t h ? display of must realize t h a t the activity of an the church. May we at t h e same f a m o u s w o r k s • of Flemish and enemy within our own r a n k s is time, as m e m b e r s , esteem Christ as Dutch a r t i s t s , De Hooch, V e r m e e r , more d a n g e r o u s , t h a n when we the King of our life and the Crown R e m b r a n d t and Ruben. Van Dyck. meet him in the field. Let us strive of our Salvation. who is known for his p o r t r a i t p a i n t i n g s of F a m o u s women is also in t h i s g r o u p .

See .these shoes in the Blue Key Book Store and the Coffee Kletz today. A box for your contribution has been provided. See! Invest! Have you ever considered what it would be like to walk to school in this weather with Call them fools and fanatics il you like vour feet wrapped in rags? Consider! See! The S p a n i s h school is r e p r e s e n t but remember that fanaticism is the very Invest I ed by such men as Goya. Velazquez genus of Christianity. It was the fanaticism o and El Greco. Reproductions of The bow tie which a p p e a r e d on E a s t e r n c a m p u s e s several seasons their great portrait masterpieces of Jesus that caused the Jews to murder Him ago continues to maintain its popularity in t h a t section and is g a i n i n g a r e on d i s p l a y . and leave Him for dead (their greatest misincreasing f a v o r across the c o u n t r y , a V a r s i t y Magazine s u r v e y indiThe I t a l i a n school oi a r t is well cates. take I) : it was Stephen's fanaticism that reknown f o r its works on religious For s e m i - s p o r t s w e a r , general c a m p u s activities, and informal d a t i n g , sulted in his stoning. To take one's ChristiHow much do you read? No, 1 am not s u b j e c t s . The Madonna g r o u p is anity seriously rather than as an appendage referring to the comic section or the sports you'll be in the " f a s h i o n know" with striped or neat-figured p a t t e r n s . largely in t h i s school and replicas to life has always pulled down upon the head page. I am talking about newspapers as a Both e q u a r e a n d pointed ends have their s h a r e of devotees, and the of the w o r k s of Raphael, C a r p a c n a r r o w club s h a p e g e t s the l a r g e s t student vote. Of course f o r f o r m a l of that person the criticism of being fanati- whole, weekly and monthly magazines, and w e a r the bow tie f a m e needs no t r u m p e t i n g , a s " w h i t e or black t i e " cio, Bellini and o t h e r s a r e in this school. cal. Christianity has always been fanatical; other similar periodicals and, of course, s p e a k s for itself. T h e English, French, and E a r l y it must be so today or it will perish. They're books from the library. You don't need a B. S. or M a s t e r ' s to m a n a g e it. The sketches below A m e r i c a n periods are displayed in supply the knowledge . . . the finger d e p a r t m e n t is in your h a n d s also fools. But the significant thing is that It is a well-known fact that the person will the s t u d i o a l o n g with t w o original (ouch!). they're God's fools! That makes their fool- who has the most misconceptions, prejudices, silk-screen p r i n t s done by H a r r y ishness wisdom. Gottlieb, t h e f a m o u s silk screen and warped opinions is usually the least read, j a r t i s t who visited Hope College. Encouragement to you. Prayer Group. Too The person who knows the facts is cautious T h e s e r e p r o d u c t i o n s have been long the people of the world have placed in forming opinions. He is not narrow-1 o r d e r e d by Mr. Dirk G r i n g h u i s , a r t i . their affairs in the hands of tinkering politi- minded or dogmatic. He thinks clearly bei n s t r u c t o r , t h r o u g h t h e National cal fools and they look for the leadership of fore stating his views. Gallery of A r t in W a s h i n g t o n , D.C., truly "big people." Can any group be more and f r o m t h e Chicago Gallery of The ignorant person can tell you everyA r t . S t u d e n t s or f a c u l t y m e m b e r s qualified in "bigness" than a group which thing about everything. He does not have m a y o r d e r a n y of these reproducwhile on its knees can touch Heaven? H u r r y ! to refer to books for his knowledge, he gets tions t h r o u g h Mr. G r i n g h u i s f o r The world awaits your leadership! it by hearsay, by rumor, or by fabricating t w e n t y to t w e n t y - f i v e c e n t s apiece. H. J. R. it from his own mind. Lacking initiative in Mr. G r i n g h u i s is also p l a n n i n g o to order certain framed paintings reading about some matter, he eagerly T a p e t h i s page next to your mirrow, follow the directions, and in a f o r t h e studio which will be on loan pounces on some rumor and rides it for all f e w t w i s t s you 11 achieve t h a t " s h o w me how you t i e your bow t i e " f o r one t e r m to a n y o r g a n i z a t i o n it is worth. look. Which of course, is an i m p o r t a n t p a r t of t h a t " v a r s i t y " look! on c a m p u s . Tlyj a r t d e p a r t m e n t The well-read person, like the educated 1—Slip t h e tie t h r o u g h the collar leaving the r i g h t end one inch l o n g e r . hopes t h i s a c t will help t o p r o m o t e The Second semester is well underway and person, is humble. He knows that he cannot 2 — K n o t the tie once, so t h a t t h e long end is on top. a r t and a r t a p p r e c i a t i o n on Hope's we notice many new faces about the campus be an authority on everything. He consid- 3—Fold t h e s h o r t end into a bow, u n d e r the long end. c a m p u s and invites all s t u d e n t s 4 — P l a c e the long end over the bow, then . . . again. We want to seize this opportunity ers each problem squarely and honestly, and and t e a c h e r s to see this d i s p l a y , on 5—Fold the long end under and tuck it t h r o u g h t h e loop u n d e r the k n o t . the f o u r t h floor of t h e Science of welcoming them into our midst. makes no snap judgments. He reads both 6 — W i t h finger in each bow, pull f o r p r o p e r a d j u s t m e n t . Building. Joyce B a k e r . We are glad to see you entering into school aides of the question and forms his opinions functions. We hope to see you regularly at intelligently. varied opinions on all matters. When you all of the school's activities. You know, it surprise you, but some of those books are The next time you read a newspaper, look is the little things that brand one's college at the f r o n t page carefully. There might do reading for a class, don't breeze through actually very interesting. (McJUurray War education as a success or a failure. It is en- be something there that interests you, t h a t with the idea of "getting it off." Try to get Whoop, Abilene, Texas.—AGP.) tering into the spirit of your college to the clears up some misconstrued idea that you something out of what you read. It might fullest extent possible. It is gaining the abil- may have, and proper knowledge of the f a c t s ity to meet and get along with your fellow- might save you embarrassment and criti- V i s s c h e r - B r o o k s FOR RECREATION men. It is becoming accustomed to meet life cism. Make it a habit to read one of t h e I N S U R A N C E Meet Hope Students at as it presents itself in its ever changing com- weekly news magazines. They have the news plexities. Books are a source of such knowl- in condensed form, and they offer many and 6 East 8th St., Holland, Mich. LIEVENSE'S BOWLING ALLEYS

How To Tie A Bow Tie

Do You Read?

Welcome, Newcomer


Hope College Anchor


Page Three

To My Valentine February the fourteenth is St. Valentine's Day. As you are probably aware, it is founded on the old belief that on t h e fourteenth of February, half-way through the second month of the year, when in the old lands N a t u r e begins to stir from her wintry sleep, the birds began to pair! So it was lovers' day.

tist friend of his celebrated Vale n t i n e ' s day. T h i s man had watched, unseen, a young girl full of joyousness a n d c a n d o u r and kindly deeds, " j u s t of an age to enjoy receiving a valentine."

Swing Classics You'll Keep Playing Well Get It

T. Dorsey

"Jam Session"

T. Victor

Boogie Woogie

T. Dorsey

Sing, Sing, Sing"



"He wrought, u n s u s p e c t e d , on finest gilt paper, a wondrous work, not common h e a r t s and heartless allegory," but pictures of f a m o u s lovers, Pyramus and Thisbe, Hero and Leander, "with mottoes and fanciful devices, such as beseemed a work of magic."

But what had St. Valentine to do with it ? There are legends of three St. Valentines, all of whom met a m a r t y r ' s death on February the fourteenth. So Valentine's day is all mixed up with the blood of the He dropped his anonymous gift martyrs, and their love for their in the mail on St. Valentine's eve, Lord — and the m a t i n g of birds, saw the postman deliver it, "Saw, and the love of man and maid. unseen, the happy girl unfold the I remember reading in Chaucer's valentine, dance about, clap her "Parliament of Foules" that "This hands, as one a f t e r one the pretty was Seynt \ alentine's day, when emblems unfolded themselves. She every foul cometh to choose his danced about, not with light love mate." The lovers would call their or foolish expectations, for she had chosen ones their "Valentine" on no lover . . . It was rather like that auspicious day. some fairy present, a Godsend, as In an extract from the old "Pas- our f a m i l i a r l y pious ancestors ton Letters," there is an intriguing termed a benefit received when the reference to this established cus- benefactor was unknown." tom. What a perfect way to celebrate Mistress Elizabeth Brews is all St. Valentine's Day! Could we reout f o r a match between her daughstore the loving custom, improving ter and a certain eligible Paston. on it as this artist did? Could we to whom she writes: send anonymous tokens of love "And, cousin mine, upon Monday here and there? Godsends! Some is St. Valentine's day, and every flowers left at someone's door, a bird chooseth himself a mate, and pair of shoes for some Hungarian if it like you to come on Thursday student, a book in the letter box, night and make provision that you a note of love and appreciation abide till then, I trust to God that with no name attached, a comfortyou shall speak to my husband, ing poem for someone with a heartand 1 shall pray that we shall bring ache, yes, or an invitation to rethe m a t t e r to a conclusion." turn to the Father's house for Fvid?ntly it did "like him" to someone in the " f a r country." pay the visit, and Mistress ElizaIt would be heart-warming servbeth's p r a y e r s , b a c k e d by her ice, it would preserve some of the works, brought the desired con- mystery and romance of the day, clusion. it would preclude the trouble to our # c friends of even a note of thanks. Charles Lamb, always alert for And we should be, I think, God's a lovely ep.sode, tells how an ar- valentines.


Annual All-College Sing Scheduled For Late April

B. Goodman




Up to 1/2 Off


Holland, Mich.

My shovel has been moved to more fertile terra, and henceforth I shall dip deep into the depths and deliver dutifully dire ditties about anything I happen to think of. It's really quite sad, leaving the sports page, but Coach Hinga said he was getting disgusted with reading all those results before the games were played. So I said it was okayby me, I'd resign. . . . The New Look and all the arguments that go with it, and agin it, have begun to wear thin, so why not, for this month, have a Man1 of the Week to talk about. I'll pick the first one; his name is Algernon Appelate, and he s in his last year at Hope. There are many reasons why Algernon should have this obvious distinction, but one is outstanding. Algernon complained only about O N E of his final grades. I believe, and so will you when you hear the sad tale, that he is perfectly justified in his beef. It seems Algernon has been writing term papers on various subjects for various profs for four years; he very regularly received " B " on these papers, and decided'the time had arrived when he should receive " A . " So Algy borrowed a paper from a Fraternity brother, a beautiful 30-page job, with a beautiful " A " in a bold, red, barely legible scrawl. Algy carefully typed out this entire paper, taking more time on it than he would have by writing one himself. He turned it into the prof long before the date on which it was due. He got it back. On the beautiful cover, in a bold, red, barely legible scrawl, was a "B." Same red-pencil, same bold, barely legible scrawl, same prof, same paper. Hut a "B." Algernon should be the first Man of the Week . . . only one thing, Algy isn't with us any more. He's at Calvin! I've seen a lot of basketball, and so have you, but 1 doubt if either of us has seen a better ball game than the Albion contest. Especially noteworthy was the officiating. Synchronization of the whistles, it seemed. A clean game, well played by both squads, evenly matched all the way through. Those are the teams that will tie the championship, without a doubt, and also enter a play-off on a neutral floor. Your guess is as god as mine as to THAT outcome. NOTICE: If you arrive two hours early for a game, please crawl onto your neighbor's; lap to make room for him that arrives a half-hour late. And if he so steps as to rip your rear pants pocket, think nothing of it, chalk it up to experience.

On April 30, the annual AllCollege Sing will be held in the Chapel auditorium with all the fraternities and sororities participating. The following rules f o r this event have been announced: 1. The COMPLETE ACTIVE membership of each society is required to take part. The director shall be an active member of the society. All preparation and presentation must be entirely under student direction. . 2 . Each group will sing the society song and another selection of its own choice. 3. Judging will be entirely on the performance itself. Dress and other special f e a t u r e s will be given little consideration. 4. Musical selections with solo parts will not be accepted.

P & M Starts Work Maassen Heads On Religious Play Sociology Group P. & M. has begun work on a religious play "The Finger of God" which will be ready for studio performance about the first week of March and will be available to the general public a f t e r that date. The c h a r a c t e r s in the play are Douglas Cameron, Jack Boeskool, and Barbara Snell. Mrs. Avison is acting as director. Chekau's "Marriage Proposal", which was recently presented to P. & M. members, is being re-costumed and otherwise renovated and will be presented at the Zeeland City Hall on February 24 for members of the Zeeland Women's Literary Club and high school senior girls. The cast of this play is composed of Ray Martin, Dick Leonard, and Lucille Brunsting, and the director is Ray Martin.



ATTENTION, ALL DLTCH STUDENTS: I received a letter from a Paw I'aw, Michigan, High school teacher, telling of a senior student in her class who comes from Java. His name is Carl Van Stelle, and he would like very much to hear from some of the Dutchmen here. Carl was a prisoner for three years in various J a p camps in Java, and he thinks some of our students from there may have been in the same place. His address: Carl Van Stelle, GO.'i No. Kalamazoo Paw Paw, Mich. See you again. FROLICS!

In the meantime, remember the F R \ T F R


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Air Force Gloves


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Holland Surplus Stores HoUand, Mich.



Attention . . . Hope Students! Have You Ever Tried Our Economy Fluffed Dry Service at 12c per Pound 7 S A M P L E B U N D L E : - 3 shirts, 2 d r a w e r s ^ u n d e r " ^ , 1 paj a m a , i pairs sox, 6 h a n d k e r c h i e f s , 1 sheet, 3 towels, 3 wash cloths. A v e r a g e weight, 5 p o u n d s — 60c. N o t e 1: — Y o u m a y h a v e any or all of t h e shirts in this b u n d l e nnished at 15c each. N o t e 2. YES, W E D O D R Y C L E A N I N G , s a f e and absolutely odorless.



SQ 95

Officer's Pinks

80 East 8th St.

Mike and Kay Sermas, Props.

Tailor Made SUITS - TOPCOATS - ALTERATIONS - REPAIRS Next to Tower Clock Bldg.—Upstairs

The club had as their guests on February 5, Mrs. Haddon, who gave an introductory talk, and Mrs. William Hillegonds who spoke on public assistance. Mrs. Hillegonds is now working in this field of social work in connection with the Ottawa County Bureau of Social Aid of which Mrs. Haddon is supervisor.


Open Evenings


Pierce Maassen was elected

President of the group. Other officers are: Vice-president, Don Boss; Secretary, Ruth Ruys; and Treasurer, Bill White. Hazel Vander Woude, Lois Muyskens, and Robert Bhe were asked to work as a committee in drawing up a constitution.





12G E. 8th St.

Where the Name is a Reality in


At a recent Sociology Club meet-

At the next meeting on February 19, the group will discuss its conA contest will be held the week stitution. preceeding spring vacation to select -o CONDOLENCES: A broken nose can be a painful thing, especially representatives for the Michigan if said nose is usually put to extra-curricular activity . . . Hoppy is Intercollegiate Interpretative ReadThe tongue is small, spineless back again, her smile slightly the worse for wear "and tear, j e a n ing Contest which will be held on and vacillating, but it can crush Sibley picked up what she left when she left for a tonsilectomy, and it Hope's campus on May 7. and kill.—Exchange. has an eastern accent . . . Gerry Herschey broke a vertebra tobaggan88888fe8888 ing, but is up and around. Dean Hinga suffered from an attack of 8®88888888888js8888888888885888888888y8<i ulcers during the Albion game. .



5. Songs which college organizations have in th^ir repertoire will not be accepted. 6. N a m e s of the selections chosen by each society must be given to Alma Vander Hill or Tim Harrison by April 14. 7. A prize will be awarded to the best performing men's and women's group. Judging will be based on these six points: Tone — beauty, volume, control, intonation, blending (25 possible points); Interpretation — tempo, expression, phrasing, diction (30 possible points); Technique — attacks and releases, breathing, balance (30 possible points); Selection (5 possible points); Direction (5 possible points); General Effect — stage presence, appearance (5 possible points).

97 East Eighth St., Holland

Phone 3625



Don't be a Penny Wise and a Pound Foolish

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Phone 7634




Watch Your Anchor for Announcement

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Telephone 9608



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IDEAL Dry Cleaners Corner College Avenue and 6th Street

WARM FRIENDS of Hope College

Phone 2465

Page Four

College Anchor

Biology Club Visits Debaters Prepare Pine Rest Hospital For Tournament T h i r t y members of t h e Biology Club and their guests traveled to Pine Rest Sanitarium and Christian Psychopathic Hospital at (Jutlerville last Friday aiternoon. Dr. Vergeer, head of the Biology Dep a r t m e n t , accompanied t h e group. Dr. J . D. Mulder, head of the institution, welcomed the group and spoke briefly on mental illnesses, pointing out t h a t such diseases were not disgraceful but should be considered in the same light as any other o r g a n i c d i s e a s e . He also stated t n a t Pine Rest is supported by the Christian Reformed and Ref o r m e d C h u r c h e s a n d t h a t the c n n s t i a n environment is an imp o r t a n t lactor in the t r e a t m e n t oi patients. The g r o u p then visited the Occupac.onal Tnerapy rooms and inbpectea several objects of craftsi..aiismp wh.ch were typical of the wui'K d o n e m e r e . I n taking tne g r o u p through the wards, Dr. Muluer snowed patients who are suflenng irom dementia-praecox, dementia-senile, cretinism, and hallucinations while he explained theii condition and gave their case hist o n e s . The tour was concluded by the inspection of the laboratory, surgery and therapeutic equipment.

Hop3^ Debate Squad is preparing this weak for the Debate Tournament of the Michigan Intercollegiate Speech League to be held February 14 a t E a s t Lansing, Michigan. The question f o r debate is: Resolved, t h a t a federal world government should be established. Those composing the t h r e e combinations of affirmative teams are Lambert Ponstein and Don Buteyn, Bill Jellema and Harvey Moes and Al Pennings and Charles Previte. Negative t e a m s are a s follows: Arthur Ponstein and H e n r y Shaw, Dennis Shoemaker and Floyd Goulooze, and Ken Weller and Bud Newton. Robert Paul will be a jubstitute on tl.e negative side. Each combination will engage in .hree rounds of debate.

A week of intensive rehearsals began on Monday with a demonstration debate before a meeting of novices in debate. On Tuesday, two teams stage.l a debate at the Lyons Club meeting and in the a f t ernoon four t e a r s participated in two rounds of p;actice debate at Calvin College. 1 riday, two of the ceams will engage in two practice rounds at Kalamazoo College. The <ioup w.ll be act mipanied to East Lansing by Miss Irene Wade, Dr. Will.am Shrier end Prof. Edward Monday evening F e b r u a r y 2, at Brand of the Department of Enga regular meeting, the Club heard lish. Dr. Nathaniel Brower speak on his work in Bacteriology in the milk products i n d u s t r y . D r . Brower graduated from Hope with the class of 1932, and at present he is in charge of the laboratories at the Following is a list of "Best SellZeeland branch of Mead Johnson ers" to be found i.i Graves Library, and Company. Because many dis- ten of which w c r ; listed in the 20 eases can be spread by impure best books of 19'17: milk, to insure purity, the milk is Costain: Moneyman tested at every step in t h e manuC r u m : Behind the Silken Curtain f a c t u r e of m i l k p r o d u c t s , the Fox: Sermon o:i the Mount speaker e x p l a i n e d . H e demonGunther: Insid • I'.S.A. strated the tests used and displayed J a n n e y : M i r a c l j of the Bells several samples of milk products Lecomte du Nouy: Human Destelling the special use to which tiny each is put. Liebman: Piecc of Mind

Library Receives List Of Best Sellers Of '47


Music Class Sponsors Record-Playing Evening The Music history class is again sponsoring an evening each week at Walsh Music Hall for listening to recorded classical music. Miss Holleman has announced t h a t anyone w a n t i n g special records to be played should contact her. No definite meeting time has been set but meeting dates and time will be announced in the daily bulletin.

French Club Features "Carmen" Opera Study A study of George Bizet and his o p e r a " C a r m e n " constituted t h e theme of the last meeting of the French Club which was held on Monday, F e b r u a r y 9 at the home of Miss Meyers. Betty Boelkins opened the program by reading a sketch of the life of Bizet, followed by a story of the opera " C a r m e n " as told by Marcella Westerman. Gerry Hirschy, Jo Ann Moessner, and Margaret Wolflfensperger gave a short skit from " C a r m e n " a f t e r which records of different parts of the opera were played. J o a n De Block presented a short sketch of the story of "Carmen Jones", and several records were played from t h i s p r o d u c t i o n . T h e meeting, planned by Betty Boelkins and Marcella Westerman, e n d e d with t h e group joining in the singing of the French song, "Le Marseillaise."

Exigencies of Teaching Bother Student Teacher I patiently wait f o r the hour bell to ring before I e n t e r Room 27 of Holland J u n i o r High School. At exactly 1:47 p. m. hundreds of students pour into t h e halls f r o m all directions, all inte nt on being the first person to e n t e r his next period classroom. C a u g h t amidst t h e pressing of a r m s and legs and bobbing heads, I am pushed back to Room 25. P u t t i n g on my most severe and dignified " t e a c h e r " look, I cry, "Excuse me, please!" A miracle happens — I am heading back in the r i g h t direction, but am carried beyond to Room 28. 1 stand clinging to the wall until the avalanche has subsided and when th6 halls are finally cleared, sedately enter my classroom. Here, to my chagrin, resound the words, "Teacher's late!" Finally the class is und2r control. I consult my lesson plan; t h e questions are there, but W H A T will be the a n s w e r s ? " W h a t do we call a p a r t of n drama in which a single actor speaks alone? I ask. "A monologue," they cry. "Fine. What do we call a conversation between two p e r s o n s ? " This question s t u m p s t h e m ; that is, all but little Johnny. He pipes up, "Two monolagues!" The lesson continues. " L e t ' s review T H E RIME O F T H E ANCIENT M A R I N E R . Who saved the mariner"" Suzy raises her hand, and in a pious voice answers, "God saved the mariner because God saves all." What more can I s a y ? "Now take out your pencils and paper and copy down your assignment for tomorrow. Then begin to work on it." Johnny isn't writing. "Copy down

German Club Members View Text-Based Film

your assignment, J o h n n y ! " " I a i n ' t got no pencil." "You w h a t ? " 1 cry. "I a i n ' t got no pencil." The class titters. "Johnny, you what?" " O h ! The light dawns. " I haven't got NO pencil." Five minutes l a t e r everyone is studying except Ronnie. "Ronnie, why a r e n ' t you s t u d y i n g ? " " I ain't got a book." "Don't say ' a i n ' t ' and look on with someone else." Ronnie choses to sit with his bosom friend, George. This idea w a s just as good as mixing dynamite with fire. The class become restless and 1 become rigid. Finally I exclaim, "Because you are not willing to devote your study period to study, I am going to give you a spelling test." A f t e r the papers have been written, exchanged, and corrected. I discover the scores range thus: one person received 85%, one 90% and 27 received 100%. How odd! The class is usually so poor at spelling. I praise them on the fine effort they have put f o r t h on their spelling and how this just goes to prove t h a t all of them can become good spellers. I turn toward the blackboard. There on the board appear the twenty spelling words I had failed to erase before giving the test.

Hope-ives Hold Toboggan Party

Hopeites A r e A p p o i n t e d To Liorary Staff

The Hope-ives held t h e i r meet-

The Misses F l o r e n c e


Janet K i n k e m a , V e l m a K l i n g ,

ing Tuesday, F e b r u a r y 10, in the f o r m of a toboggan and sled p a r t y

a t t h e American Legion Club. A f t Sumiye Konoshima and Mr. Don erward they met a t the home of Fairchild have been appointed t o Mrs. Harold Groth on Beach Court positions on the s t u d e n t library f o r r e f r e s h m e n t ^ . The committee staff. Miss G a r r e t t , a new student in c h a r g e of thft evening's entertainment was headed by Mrs. Verthis s e m e s t e r will act as office asnon Meulenbelt, assisted by Mrs. sistant, Mr. Fairchild as assistant David Coleman and Mrs. George in stack service and t h e Misses Buursma. Kinkema, K l i n g , and Konoshima At every meeting each club memwill assist a t the circulation desk. ber is now contributing a package The library now has a s t u d e n t staff of food and, if possible, an article of twenty-two members. of clothing f o r foreign relief. Boxes The a v e r a g e library attendance during a light hour is about seventy-five but, the librarians report, the general a v e r a g e attendance per hour is more nearly one-hundred and fifty. It is not unusual t o have a g r o u p of 200 or more in the library at one time. The present physical plant will seat 175 comfortably but can accommodate 225 when necessary.

Philosophy Clubs Plans Discussion On Loyalties

a r e packed at t h e meetings. Mrs. Robert Thaden is c h a i r m a n of this project. The Hope-ives a r e playing basketball every T h u r s d a y n i g h t and all interested wives may contact Mrs. Charles Zoet, D-3, Beach Court, or watch the bulletin board f o r playing time and r e p o r t directly to the gym.


Billfolds - Compacts Bob Folkert will be the leader of the Philosophy Club meeting to Shoetrees be held in March. The title of his Expert Repairing topic will be "Conflicting Loyalties". The F e b r u a r y meeting inShoe Polish - Laces cluded a paper by Willard Curtis entitled "The Myths of P l a t o " followed by a discussion concerning 13 E. 8th Street F a t e intervenes. I am saved by the relation of Plato's m y t h s and their interpretations to present day the bell, and twenty-nine noisy chil2SS8S8S8SSS8SSSSS8SSSSS& dren rush through the door, into thinking. the hall, and on to their next "portal of higher learning." I g a t h e r Deacon Jones Says— my books, put on my coat, and This is no time f o r neutrality. . SHOES FOR MEN journey HOPEward. Am I discour- I'd either be all-out for God or a g e d ? Heavens no! I love every all-out f o r the devil.—Exchange. minute of it! As Advertised in 8@3S@SSSS88SSS8S@S8SSSS? Ginny





Ramus:When the Mountain Fell Roberts: Lydia Bailey Schellabarger: Prince of Foxes Shirer: End of a Berlin Diary The film, "Emile und die DetecTaylor: Richer by Asia Don't Miss This — tive," was shown at the regular meeting of the German Club on February 4. This movie was of the Best Year of special interest to the German students because it had been studied in the classes. At the close of the The main f e a t u r e of the last meeting an offering was received meeting of the Spanish Club was for European relief. the showing of movies by Miss Margaret Randeh, f o r m e r Spanish 8 8 8 8 8 S 8 8 S 8 8 8 8 8 « 8 8 8 8 8 3 8 8 8 8 8 S S 8 8 8 8 3 S 8 S 8 8 8 8 S 8 a 8 S 8 S S instructor. The movies were a depiction of Spanish-American life, and were taken by Miss Randels VISIT when she was living in and touring entral and South America.

Spanish Club Meeting Shows Movie Pictures

"Prater Frolics"





PARK V I E W L U N C H This is it Kids Delicious Quick Snacks at a price you can't afford to pass by (Next to Colonial Theatre) ^S^SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS8SSSSSSSSSSS8SSSSSS^

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The efficient, earnest man never thinks of putting things off. Hard tasks or easy ones are taken in their stride. T h a t m a r k s the DOER from the D O N T E R . —E. F. G. Gerard.


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Open Saturday Evenings

Hope College Anchor

iffraternitfefi ARCADIAN

Hope Students Enter HoIIeman's Students Local Ice Carnival Participate In Recital


Members of Chi Phi Sigma F r a ternity entertained their guests a t the annual formal winter banquet on J a n . 31, a t the Morton House, Grand Rapids. President V e r g i l Dykstra welcomed all the g u e s t s , extended thanks to p a r t y chairman Marv Kragt, and announced the newly elected officers who are Jack Stegeman, President; Ken Leestma, Secretary; Sam Posthuma, Treasurer; Alex Ebneth a n d G e o r g e Schneider, Sergeants-at-Arms; Marv K r a g t and Russ Kraay, Int e r - f r a t e r n i t y Council Representatives; and Gerald Van Hest, Student Council Representative. MC Dave Dykstra, acting as the mighty ruler "Zeus", opened the evening program with humorous comments. " P a r k Avenue F a n t a s y " and Chopin's "Prelude in A Minor" were the Apollo inspired piano selections rendered by William Geiger. Following Floyd Goulooze and John Smith's humorous contribution entitled " F u n On Olympus", the "Four Men from Arcadia", Bill Miedema, Ken Leestma, Warren Hietbrink, and Bob Schuller, sang Lindy Lou" and their own version of the "Whiffenpoof S o n g " . The feature attraction of the evening was a tarpaulin act presented by Vernon Leestma and Dale Moore. The Arcadian members led by Ken L e e s t m a serenaded their guests with "Stout Hearted Men", and "I Pass By Vour Window. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Brand, and Dr. and Mrs. C l a r e n c e De Graaf were faculty Guests of Honor. KNICKERBOCKER On Peb. 6, Van Raalte lounge was the scene of the formal initiation of the Knickerbocker Fraternity p l e d g e s . The Knickerboker oath was repeated by the pledges in the impressive atmosphere of candlelight. The entire f r a t e r n i t y then welcomed t h e n e w Knicks: Jake B u s m e n , Don F a i r c h i l d , Wayne Fieldhouse, George Gerritson, Jack Herman, John Hoekstra, D o n J o h n s o n , C h a r l e s Kelley, Charles L i n k , J e r r y M e l p o l d e r , Martin Mepyans, John Ryskamp, Roger Verhage, Bob WesterhofT, and Jim Wolterbeek. The officers for the coming semester were duly installed i n t o their respective offices. Retiring president Bud Van Eck then handed the gavel to our new president, Jim Cook. Jim gave an inspiring inaugural address a f t e r which the meeting was adjourned with the Knick song.

At the Ice-Carnival held on J a n t h e m e uary 24, two Hopeites, Willis B. around which the regular E m e r White and Walter Smith, were insonian Literary meeting was de- cluded in the program arranged veloped. A f t e r the opening p r a y e r by the City Park Department. The by Chaplain Norwood Reck, Canute two Hope students offered a comedy performance which was studVanderMeer read the serious p a p e r ded with clever antics. A half for the evening, giving an historic bicycle, brooms and mops were used account of our present calender, ex- as props for the two ice-capers. plaining the reasons f o r " L e a p Earlier in the program Smith Year" and the s h o r t n e s s of the copped the blue ribbon in the Men's month of February. Group singing Open Figure Skating contest. "Leap Y e a r " was t h e

was led by Bob Draper. Immediately following, Richard Hoebeke rendered the humor paper f o r the evening which gave all an insight into the thoughts of Hope Students during "Leap Year". Walter Boerman gave a very constructive critic's report to bring the program to a close. Immediately following the literary portion of the program, the regular business meeting was held during which Alumnus Alfy Vander Waa spoke a few words of greeting and Duane Booi passed cigars in honor of his recent engagement.

o COSMOPOLITAN Phi Kappa Alpha members met last week Friday night in Walsh Music Hall. The literary and business meeting was opened by a word of prayer from Harris Timmer. Special music was provided by "The Arcadian Four". Their selections included "Lindy Lou" and their own version of "The Whiffenpoof Song". Gene Marcus, providing the serious paper, gave a dissertation on the meaning of St. Valentine's Day. Howard Claus's humor paper gave us a quick, and to be sure, t r u t h f u l glance at a traveler's experience on a "pullman." Master Critic for the meet ing was Bob Schuiteman.


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A.M. to

Miss Meyers Illness Postpones Recital

Geerlings Addresses Photo Club Members







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Piano students of Miss J a n t i n a Holleman participated in an infor-


Clotcd WcdnexlaT » 1:30 P.M. and



In keeping with the Valentine With the New Look leaping a t us mal student recital on J a n . 23 at Theme, the Sibylline meeting of from all directions, what could be Walsh Music Hall. Those who took February 6th, took the members on more appropriate for the theme of part were Marguerite Aardema, on " A S e n t i m e n t a l J o u r n e y " the joint Sorosis-Frater meeting Jack Boeskool, Ann Van Eck, Ruth t h r o u g h t h e past y e a r s of t h e than "The New Look". Cramer, Grace Wagemaker, Lloyd Archives. A f t e r the exchange of roll-calls, Wolters, Eva Schuiling, Ruth MaThe first century was represented the program began with Devotions rie Johnson, Pat Letz, Don Hoek, by the reading of I Corinthians and Herb Ritsema. in charge of Jan Joldersma. Evie XIII by Marcia DeYoung. Next Van Dam sang the Ballerina song came 1928, and Joan DeYoung read and "In a Little Dutch Garden" o — a paper written by the President at followed by Droopy Hem (mes) t h a t time. Dorothy Bergers sang line, a humor paper portraying "Without A Song". Wilma Oster- the ridiculousness of the New Look. "The Campus m Color" was the haven read a humor paper entitled Priscilla Butterfield rendered a hutitle of the illustrated talk given The Sonata Recital which was to to the Photo Club by Mr. Geerlings "Net Ball" which was written in morous serious paper, followed by have b e e n p r e s e n t e d by Mrs. at a recent meeting. The color 1934. In 1938, A Serious Paper the Sad Sacks, Pat Letz and Dot Wanda Nigh Rider and Miss Nella slides were taken by Mr. Geerlings was written by one of the Seniors Contant, and their extremes. A f t e r Meyer on Sunday afternoon, Feb. on and about the campus and are which Ruth Taiman presented. The the critics report, r e f r e s h m e n t s 8th, was postponed because of the to be used to aid in introducing critic for the evening was Ruth were eagerly consumed by all. illness of Miss Meyer. She is now the people of interested areas to Rays. Lois Hospers and Clare Hopkins undergoing diathermy treatment our school, as well as for alumni 1947-48 was represented in the presided with Prof, and Mrs. Zwefor bursitis. form of refreshments by all those meetings. mer acting as chaperones. Sibs t h a t have been pinned or engaged in recent months. Those that served were Marcia DeYoung, Lois DELTA PHI Van Wyk, Helen Wagner, Ike DeMembers of Delta Phi took their mian, Tommy Van Leeuwen, Ann guests to the "Wonderful Land of Van Eck, Pat Kinney, and Mabel Oz," annual winter formal party Biel. Jan. 31, at 7 p.m. in the Woman's Literary Club. Dinner was served THESAIRIAN in the club tea room at attractively decorated tables. Centerpieces inOn Feb. fi, the Thesaurian meetcluded a tin man, scarecrow, a wizing was centered around the theme ard and a doll representing "Doro"cards." Pauline Stegenga led dethy" who went to Oz. Place cards votions, a f t e r which Betty DeRyke matched the centerpieces. White traced for us the origin and develtapers were placed in wreaths of opment of cards, both in their edyellow roses. Guest favors were ucative and amusement purposes. ^old key chains. All the Thetas joined in the "card Barb Van Dyke sang "Over the g a m e " by blending their voices in Rainbow" and was whisked away song. Bernie Nichols took the floor to the Land of Oz where she met as the joker of the evening. Chalthe Wizard, Marie Buttlar. Barb, lenging us to be real "cards" and who was portraying "Dorothy" met respond with a few laughs. Alida the familiar characters of Oz when Kloosterman arose to the occasion they emerged from the pages of a with an encore of laughs at the exhuge book constructed on the stage. pense of s e v e r a l of the players. Muncie Vande Wege as the tin The meeting was adjourned a f t e r man, did a whirl with "Dorothy" a search for the "dealer" (master and Delores Bennett as the Wizcritic) of the game. ard's jester told of her travels on I he Yellow Brick Road. The WonDORIAN derful Warblers of Oz, Barbara The Dorians held a novel meeting ICranendonk, Gloria Denton, and on February Gth, in the form of Marjorie Angus, sang "When You a toboggan party. Many of the Wish Upon a S t a r . " All the charmembers bundled up warmly and acters returned into the book as went out to the Legion Memorial "Dorothy" sang the finale. Hill, where they enjoyed tobogFaculty guests at the party were ganing. As a climax to the even- Dr. and Mrs. John Hollenbach and ing's fun, the members enjoyed re- Prof, and Mrs. Charles Steketee. 30 West 8th Street freshments of hot dogs and hot Lois De Kleine was general chairchocolate at the country club. man.


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Hope College Anchor

Page Six

CAGERS INVADE KAZOO FRIDAY Dutch Tied For 2nd With Albion After 85-71 Thriller

Yonker In Action

Ncccs ^

Playing before a jam-packed throng of 1,500 wildlycheering fans, a fighting Hope quintet roared to an 85-71 triumph over Albion last Thursday night in the finest exhibition of basketball ever witnessed at the local armory. Though the final score indicated a I wide margin of victory, the contest MIAA Standings was close throughout, and it was not until the late minutes of the W L Pet. P F PA game t h a t the Dutchmen were able Alma 5 1 .833 321 298 to stretch a slim lead into its final Hope 4 2 .667 406 322 convincing margin. Albion ... 4 2 .667 377 353 Kazoo ... 3 2 .600 217 231 The Dutch triumph moved Hope Hillsdale ..0 4 .000 181 216 into a tie for second place with Adrian ... 1 6 .143 299 381 Albion and also evened this year's series — the Britons having won the opsner at Albion, 74-(i.,{. Tomorrow night the Hinga-men travel tc. Kalamazoo where the Hornets w.I. seek revenge for Hope's early season victory at Holland. Don Mulder, All-MIAA guard Vande Wege Top.n Scorers md captain of Hopa's defending Freshman flash, Bud V a n d e t a m p i o n s , and teammate Bud Wege scorched the nets nine times Vande Wege, freshman sensation, from the field last Thursday night were tied for the lead in the conand added seven of ten free throw ference scoring race following attempts to annex scoring honors Hope's 85-71 triumph over Albion w.th 25 points. Kdwards, Albion's last week. Their efforts of 97 sharp-shooting one - handed - push- points each in six tilts thus f a r shot artist, dropped in eleven goals j a v e them a 16.2 average. Their for 22 points and runner-up hon- Average, however, was only good enough for second, as Gil Edson, ors. eighth in the race with 70 markers, However, the thrilling, well-ofwas clipping along at a 17.5 mean ficiated battle was f a r from a scorin four contests. ing duel between Vande Wege and Behind the two Hope stalwarts Kdwards as no less than four memtollowed Edwards, hot Albion forbers of each team tallied more than ward, whose 22 points in the Hope eleven markers each during the fracas netted him 87 tallies also strictly-offensive tilt. Don Mulder in six games. Lou Black, speedy came through with another of his Briton guard, was fourth with 79 consistently top performances and and Alma's Budge, who chalked up scored 18 points in the process. The 34 of his 77 points in the lengthy Buter brothers, Herk and Harve, Albion battle, was fifth. evenly divided 20 points between The ten leaders and their averthemselves. ages : For Albion, All-MIAA center, G FG FT T P Ave. Lou Moon, amazed the crowd with Mulder, Hope 6 41 15 97 16.2 6 37 23 97 16.2 his dazzling display of hook-shot Vande Wejte, Hope 6 37 13 87 14.5 artistry while racking up 15 Edwards, Albion Hlnck, Albion 6 28 23 79 13.2 points. Allen, another advocate of Hudtte, Alma 6 31 15 77 12.8 the one-handed shot, chalked up Bennett, Adrian 7 23 27 73 10.4 12 markers, and little Lou Black, Moon. Albion 6 30 12 72 12.0 4 26 18 70 17.5 fast-stepping guard and deadly Edson, Hillsdale Buter, Herk. Hoi>e 6 25 13 63 10.5 accurate set-shot marksman, came Yonker. Hope 6 25 9 59 9.8 through with a brilliant display of Hester. Alma 6 24 11 59 9.8 ball-handling w h i l e s c o r i n g 11 points. (Jame Close Throughoul

The Orange and Blue threatened to run away with the game once more at the beginning of the second half, but again the Britons calmly cut a 51-39 Hope lead to 51-49. Hope managed to hold to the lead throughout the second half, though the margin remained at two points until the Dutchmen, leading 67-65, pulled ahead, first, 71-65, then 75-66, and finally 84-70, before coming up with the ultimate 85-71 score. Bob Van Dyke, recently enrolled freshman from Holland, broke into the lineup for the first time before a Hope throng and displayed a sparkling aggressiveness during the time he was on the floor. TWO TERRIFIC TKAMSI Hope Yonker, f Vande Wege, f. Buter, Herk, c Holwerda, k Mulder, g Buter, Harve. f Van Dyke, c Brieve, r

FG 3 9 5 3 7 6 0 0

FT 3 7 3 1 4 1 0 0

TP 9 25 13 7 18 13 0 0

Schouten's Cagers Win 7th Tilt, 37-34

Hope's Jayvees chalked up their seventh straight win of the season in last week's Hope-Albion preliminary affair by coming from behind to take a 37-34 decision from Aliens' Crosleys of the cityamateur league. Starting slowly the Junior Dutchmen found themselves on the short end of a 17-13 halftime score. Forward Bill Hinga, dependable and consistent performer, tallied all but three of the JV's first half effort. In the second half Coach Schouten's crew showed more of their former sparkle as, paced by "Stretch" Wagner's 11 markers, they forged ahead of the Crosleys and gained their closest decision of the current campaign. Hinga and Wagner led the scoring with 12 and 11 points, respectively. Van Dyke had 10 to lead the strong Allen quintet.


MEASURE Alterations Repairing Dry Cleaning NICK DYKEMA The Tailor


Above Sears Order House Totals Albion Edwards, f Allen, f Moon, c Hombrook. g Black, b Berry, f Dies, c BauRhey. g Arid. R. , Totals




FG 11 1 0 5 8 1 0 0

rr 0 4 1 1 1 0 2 0 0

TP 22 12 15 1 11 6 4 0 0




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among these battles were Wiscon-

Dutch Duo, Edscn Fop Loop Scoring

Hope got off to a flying start at the outset of the battle as Mulder hit on his first two tries and Vande Wege on a long one to give the locals a (>-() advantage before a single minute had expired. But Albion calmly called time and, after pulling themselves together, knotted the count at 11-all. During the remainder of the first half the lead changed hands 11 times and the score was deadlocked on five other occasions. It was not until the closing minutes of the half that the Dutch forged ahead from a 37-33 deficit to a 42-37 intermission lead.

C a r i l y

Nick Yonker (12), utellnr Dutch forward, goes up for a left-handed push shot in recent Hillsdale contest at Holland Armory. Guarding Yonker closely is John Rummel (9J), Dale guard. Hope won the MIAA tilt, Gl-i5.

Frater B's Still Unbeaten; Van Dyke In Debut; Ploegsma Departs De Witt, Koop Top Scoring C A M P U S BASKETBALL STANDINGS " A " Divixion Pet. .833 .833 .667 .500 .500 .500 .167 .000

PF 199 175 144 194 171 169 132 SS

PA 141 129 119 144 160 165 1S3 231

" B " niviiion W L Pet. 5 0* 1.000 3 2 .600 2 3 .400 2 3 .400 2 3 .400 1 4 .200

PF 178 127 108 131 110 127

PA 101 140 106 141 124 169

Fraters Emmicn ArcadinnH IndfpvndcntH (!) Knicks CosmuR Seminary IndfiMTidcnls (III

F raters Knicks COMDM Arcadians Emmies Independents

W L 5 1 5 1 4 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 1 6 0 6

No radical changes were made in the campus intramural basketball league last week as the F r a t e r s and the Emmies continued their duo-possession of first place in the " A " Division and the Fraters, who are the only unbeaten team on the campus, held on to their two-game margin in the "B" League. The junior circuit has completed its first round of play, while one game remains on the " A " League schedule for the opening half. Fraters, Cosmos Win


Trailing 10-0 at the close of the opening quarter, a crew of fighting Emmies turned on the heat and by intermission time knotted the score, 13-all, before tripping up the Knicks, 23-17. Korver tallied 9 for the Emmies, who for the second straight week were pressed for victory, while Johnson registered 1 for the Knicks. The F r a t e r s had less trouble defending their part of the top rung as they slaughtered the Independents (II), 49-18. Hendrickson swished the nets twelve times from the field for 24 points, while Barnett had 8 for the hapless cellardwellers.

A permanent substitution was made in the Hope basketball lineup Waal was held to 4 points. with the change of semesters as Frater Bees Tip Cosmos Bob Van Dyke, recent graduate of In the " B " League's thriller, the Holland High, replaced the veteran, F r a t e r s staved off a persistent Cos- Charley Ploegsma, as center, Herk mo threat f o r three q u a r t e r s then Buter's leading undarstudy. walked away with a 24-15, hardPloegsma, who concluded his lofought triumph. Big Del Koop, the cal career in the Alma affair, acloop's leading scorer, was held to cepted a position as director of a single goal from the field, as physical training for boys at the Weller nabbed scoring honors with Settlement House in Chicago under 9 points for the winners. Dykstra's the sponsorship of the Presbyterian 5 led the Cosmos, who were guilty Board. Along with this work, of 21 of the 37 fouls called during Ploegsma, who thrilled Hope fans the fracas. all season with his fighting brand The Independents managed to of play, will continue study towards salvage a 13-13, half-time tie in an AB degree at DePaul Univertheir Knick battle, but were less sity. The rugged center proced a fortunate in the latter period as valuable reserve on last year's the Knicks romped to a surprising championship quintet and, as seen 32-22 victory. Huyser had 11 for in the recent Kazoo-Hope fracas, the winners; Waalkes, 9 for the was an important cog in Hope's losers. title defense this year. The Emmies jumpeo to a big A former All-State center and a 10-0, first q u a r t e r m a r g i n and coasted to a 23-15 verdict over the terrific scorer from the pivot posiArcadians in the other " B " Divi- tion, Bob Van Dyke gave evidence sion clash. For the second week in that he will fit quickly into Coach a row Boeve had 12 points for the "Bud" Hinga's machine. The 6 f t . Emmies; Miedema tallied 6 for 5 in. giant made his debut before local fans in the Albion tilt and the losers. while failing to dent the score-card, Hendrickson, Van Wieren Climb Hendrickson of the F r a t e r s with the freshman addition to the squad 24 tallies and Cosmo Van Wieren displayed the same alert and fightwith 19 points in their most recent ing type of play noteworthy of contests jumped into second and Hope's basketeers during the past third place, respectively, behind the seasons. Van Dyke brings to three faltering D e W i t t , I n d e p e n d e n t the number of freshmen on the pace-setter, in the Class " A " in- Dutch team! the other two being dividual scoring parade. DeWitt, Bud Vande Wege and Jack Boeswho has totaled 75 points, was held kool. to four markers last week, but still enjoyed a nine-point a d v a n t a g e over the F r a t e r star, runnerup with



All Forms of

In the junior circuit Boeve of the Emmies jumped from ninth place into the top five for the only significant change among the leaders. Runnerup Miedema cut a slice off Koop's lead, but the F r a t e r ' s ace continued to be the sole owner of a 10-point-or-better a v e r a g e despite his four point total of last week.

For the tmrd straight week, the Independents (I) were cut down: this time by a strong, revamped Arcadian five, 38-23. Mull and V. Dykstra shared scoring laurels with a dozen markers each for the ArThe five leading scorers in each cadians. Buchtrup proved the only division and their averages: consistent performer on the loser's crew, r e g i s t e r i n g a similar 12 ClaRR " A " points. The win gave the Arcadians G FG FT T P Are. undisputed p o s s e s s i o n of third DeWitt, Indepdts (I).. 6 33 9 75 12.5 Hendrickson. F r a t e r s .. 6 27 12 66 11.0 place behind the two leaders. "Mouse" Van Wieren registered 19 points and the Cosmos swamped the Seminarians, 45-19, in the final Class " A " encounter last week. The winners got off to a quick lead over a potentially s t r o n g S e m i n a r y quint, and were never in trouble. The usually high-scoring Vander


Van Wieren, Cosmos 6 Decker, Emmies .5 Vander Waal. Sem 6

27 26 24

5 5 6

FG 23 21 14 13 13

FT 6. 3 8 6 4

59 57 54

9.8 11.4 9.0

Class "B G Koop, F r a t e r s .5 Miedema, Arcadians ..5 Selover, Arcadians .... .5 Waalkes. IndepdU .5 Boeve. Emmies .5

T P Art. 52 10.4 45 9.0 36 7.2 32 6.4 30 7.5

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Dutchmen Defeat Percy Jones, 68-40 - Traveling down to Battle Creek during examination week, Hope resumed their winning ways with a 68-40 conquest of the soldiers from Percy Jones General Hospital. The boys from Holland were never behind as they coasted to an easy win following a 31-19 intermission lead. Substitute Harve Buter netted 18 points, all from the field, to easily pace the Dutch scoring. Herk Buter, regular center, and Bob Becksfort, reserve forward, followed with 9 apiece. Although the score was decidedly lop-sided the boys in Orange and Blue were definitely not up to par. Coach Hinga substituted freely in an effort to shake his squad out of their two-conference-gam'e losing streak. Indicative of the fact that the Dutchmen were off in their performance was the fact t h a t they converted only 6 of 21 attempts from the charity lane and no regulars were able to tally more than 9 points during the game. High point man for the Soldiers, who, though outclassed, played consistent ball throughout, was Andacatta, who found the hoop f o r 15 points. J U S T FOR PRACTICE Hope Yonker. f. — Vande Wefte. f Buter, H e r k , c Holwerda, k Mulder, r Buter, Harve, f Beckifordt, f. Van Dyke, e Slikkera, r Brieve, Total.

Button Front


sin's 52-47 conquest of Illinois at Madison and their subsequent 5736 setback a few weeks later at Champaign. Minnesota didn't have any trouble a t all with Iowa at Minneapolis, winn'ng, 76-58, over one of the conference's tougher teams; but when they traveled to Bloomington, Indiana, to meet a mediocre Hoosier squad, they were thumped, 58-54. However, we don't have to delve into the Big Nine to see the homefloor-advantage rule in action: right here in our own MIAA, it seems to bo working overtime with just as much consistency. In seven games played thus f a r between the four top schools only once has a traveling crew walked away triumphant — t h a t time was Albion's 47-39 decision over Kalamazoo at the Hornets' hive. Alma managed to squeeze out a 49-48 verdict at the expense of a road-bound Dutch team, but anyone who sides with Alma in their return engagement late next month here in Holland will be blushing a deep maroon for a good many days later. All we desire from this homefloor - advantage "regulation" is that it won't be in effect tomorrow night when the Hornets' attempt to get back the stingers they so decisively lost early in the season at the local armory. Chances are, the Dutch will win anyway—home floor advantage or not — just the same, we'll feel a lot better Saturday morning when that game is on the books. A Hope win would practically cinch a piece of the MIAA championship for 1948.

Percy Jones Malloy, f .

Le*'". f

Andecatta. f Hajtar. e. Campbell, k Plgliacamp, g. WhitehouBe. g Kulck. k ToUU

FG l 4 4 I 4 9 J 1 J f

FT TP i 3 0 8 l 9 0 6 0 8 0 18 j 9 0 2 1 5 0 0

ji FG j



FT TP 2 4

1 0 2

4 2 l 1 | 1

j 0 0 2 0 1

15 4 2 4 4 j




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