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Deans Post

Vander Lugt Named New At-Large Lecturer Dr. William Vander Lugt will leave his current position as Dean of the College and has been appointed to the newly created post of Distinguished Professor-at-Large at Hope College, announced President Calvin A. VanderWerf yesterday. The establishment of the new chair, effective Sept. 1, is one of the decisions of the Board of Trustees in honoring Hope's Centennial year. Dean Vander Lugt has been trained in the fields of philosophy, education, psychology. Bible and religion and the philosophy of science. As Distinguished Professorat-Large. he will be f r e e to develop •broad, interdisciplinary, courses which cut across the usual departmental barriers, said President VanderWerf. Dr. Vander Lugt has been Dean

of the College since 1955. In his several years' tenure at Hope, he has seen the enrollment more than doubled, from 800 students to last fall's 1706 and he has played a leading role in increasing the membership of the faculty f r o m 63 to the present total of 106.

continued. "His active mind probes every area of learning. I know of no one who can more effectively relate the Christian faith to the life of learning or bridge the gulf between the two cultures — the culture of science and that of the arts and humanities.

Commenting on Dr. Vander Lugt's appointment to this post of distinction. President VanderWerf stated: "In creating the new chair of Distinguished Professor - at Large, the Hope College Board of Trustees is wisely and thoughfully bestowing a truly deserved honor upon a great teacher and scholar. Dr. Vander Lugt epitomizes the concept of liberal arts education.

"Dr. Vander Lugt is the type of teacher-scholar who can lead a liberal arts college in meeting one of the m a j o r challenges education faces today, that of instilling a conscience into a highly technological society." Dr. VanderWerf concluded.

"His deep love of knowledge and his lively zest for significant ideas are contagious," Dr. VanderWerf

Born in Rotterdam, the Netherlands. Dr. Vander Lugt received his early education in Iowa and South Dakota. Following his graduation in 1927 from Calvin College he r e c e i v e d his M.A. and

Ph.D. degrees f r o m the University of Michigan. In 1950 Central College conferred on him the honorary Litt.D. degree. Dr. Vander Lugt has taught mathematics and physics, from 1934-50 he taught philosophy and psychology at Central College and in 1945 he was visiting professor of philosophy at the University of Indiana. For three years he served Westminster College in New Wilmington. Pa., as Dean of the College and as professor of philosophy. Before joining the Hope College faculty, he was visiting professor of philosophy at Pennsylvania State University. He was professor of psychology for one y e a r before becoming Dean of the College in 1955.






Hope College, Holland, Michigan

February 11, 1966

Goal h $1,700

SPRING IN FEBRUARY—The Hope College ice skating rink, where the Winter Carnival hockey competition was to take place this weekend, was spoiled by 50 decree weather all week long creating the third succesive carnival 'called on account of no snow.'

Winter Carnival Festivities Commence This Evening Hope's annual Winter Carnival will be held this evening and tomorrow featuring this year, as in former years, no snow. The snow carnival is a Student Senate sponsored event, which has been a winter highlight for the past several years. The first event of the weekend will be the dinner on Friday evening to which students a r e requested to wear ski attire. At 8:30 p.m. a hootenanny will be held in the Student Union featuring many of Hope's own singers, after which refreshments will be served in the Union. The carnival activities will resume on Saturday when Carnegie Gym will be open to all for recreation. That evening the Hope

Flying Dutchmen will take to the basketball court against Adrian College at 8 p.m. in the Civic Center. The weekend highlight will come after the g a m e with "Snowflakes and Valentines" in Phelps Hall. The annual snow carnival dance will feature the Treblemakers. Admission will be $.50 and $.75 drag. The general chairmen for this year's Carnival are Ruth Ziemann and Dennis Oehm. The committee heads helping to make a successful weekend are: Publicity, Ann Sytsma and Nancy Franke; dance. Gretchen VanderWerf and F r a n k Lundell: dinner, Jane Wells and J i m Moored: game halftime, Les Cole: and the hootenanny, Ann Van Deusen and Gary Garwood.

Viet H a m l e t F u n d s Raised The Hope-HolJand-Hamlet drive had raised $540 on campus when the anchor went to print this week. Tnis represents 32 per cent of the es ablished goal of $1700 for Hope College's contribu ion to the campaign. This $1700 will provide for the seven-room schoolhouse for the village of Le Loi. Our share, only a dollar a student, will be supplemented by contributions received from the other facets of the drive, which will be used to provide other forms of relief for the village. On Sunday, Mr. Raymond of Slater Food Service will open the doors of Phelps Dining Hall for the noon meal to all townspeople and all s'udents who normally e a t offcampus. The meal, priced at only $1.50, will be a full steak dinner including a strawberrv sundae, with the full meal prices being given to Le Loi as Slater's contribution to the project. Tomorrow, the town-wide canvas wflJ be conducted by Hope student volunteers. All students connected with the campaign will meet at 1:30 p.m. Saturday in the

Chapel. At this meeting, all information will be given to the canvassers in regard to designated a r e a s of Holland, transportation and collection procedures. Information pamphle s regarding the project will be distributed as well as identification buttons to be worn during t h e soliciting, which is expected to last one and a half hours. Any students who have not already signed up are encouraged to attend the meeting. Holland businesses and industries have been contacted by mail during <he past week and asked to contribute. Student Senators, in conjunction with the local Jaycees, will follow up the mailings with visits to merchants on Saturday afternoon and with cont a c t by appointment with the local industrial leaders next week. Community support for the HHH drive has been encouraging. The City Council endorsed t h e project and pledged its support. Mayor Nelson Bosman added his personal wishes for the drive's success. The story of the project is being broadcast on area radio and TV

stations and has been carried in the Holland Evening Sentinel and several other Michigan dailys. The U.P.I, has sent the story out over their national wires. The spagetti dinner given by the RCYF of Hope Church ne.ted $185 for the drive. Dean Carey's Sunday School class at the Methodist Church has shoveled snow for the drive and contributed over $50. The pre-Calvin pep rally raised $35. Campus organiza ions, such as the YR's, have promised money to the drive. A $100 contribution has been received from an anonymous Hope administrator, and a $5 check was received from an interes ed party in Port Huron, Mich. The money collected iii the drive will be channeled directly through the field representative of the United States Overseas Missions in Long Khanh province to the hamlet of Le Loi. He will use the money to purchase building materials which the villagers will use themselves to build the various constructions.

Hope Enlarges European Education Programs Fried Announces Expansion Of GLC A-Yugoslav An expanded program of student exchange between Yugoslavia and the Great Lakes Colleges Association was announced iby Dr. Paul Fried, U.S. Co-ordinator for the Yugoslav seminar. The exchange, which is being financially assisted by the State Department, will involve 18 students f r o m the Great Lakes Colleges spending one week traveling in Yugoslavia followed by three weeks of intensive discussions with other students and faculty there. Also, eight Yugoslav students will spend f r o m three months to one year traveling and studying in this country. "The high quality of the p r o g r a m and the anticipated benefits to both Yugoslavia and the U.S. ar^

Exchange shown by the willingness of the State Department to help underwrite the p r o g r a m , " said Dr. Fried. He added that the GLOA students would be granted scholarships to cover the entire cost of the trip and the seminar in Yugoslavia. The seminar of American students to be held in Yugoslavia will be directed by Dr. Irwin Abrams, professor of history at Antioch College in Ohio. "This is the second year for such a s e m i n a r , " stated Dr. Abrams. "This time w e are exipanding by adding three more students and directing the discussions to a comparison of m o r e specific problems within our two societies. We will be concentrating on t h r e e areas: sociology, econWiics and political w i e n e r " j

Last year two Hope students attended the seminar, Ed Huntington and Robert Donia. This year, Hope is seeking three nominees, one in each of the three areas. The political science area m a y be taken to include history, and economics m a y include business administration. F r o m the three nominees, one or two will be selected by a committee of GLCA faculty. Dr. Fried urged interested persons to apply, pointing out the advantages of participation. "This is a tremendous opportunity for students. There will be an almost complete subsidy of expenses, and the experience of being in Yugoslavia itself is an opportunity." The newest part of the exchange calls for the eight Yugoslavs to spend the summer at Hope College attending the Hope p r o g r a m for international students. "Hope students will be able to meet the (Coqtmu?d on page 2)

Vienna Guides Are the Wilsons And Harringtons Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Harrington and Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Wilson will guide the Vienna Summer School study tours to Eastern and Western Europe next summer, announced Dr. Paul G. Fried, director of the VSS program. Conducting the group to Western Europe, following the seminar will be the Harringtons. Mr. Harrington, instructor in art at Hope, joined the faculty in 1964, after receiving the M.F.A. degree from the University of Iowa. He is currently on leave from Hope and is in Madrid, Spain, where he is studying at the Prado. The Harringtons traveled with the 'Vienna group s u m m e r lor a time and they

will meet the group this summer in Berlin. Visit of several days each will be m a d e to Rome, Florence and Verona while Venice, Pisa, Padua and Milan will also be reached. Mr. Wilson and his wife will conduct the Eastern tour, which will be an 18-day visit to countries within the Soviet sphere of influence. This tour will emphasize meetings with students, the political climate of Eastern Europe and the cultural heritage of this area. The group will visit Prague, Warsaw, Krakow, Budapest and other places in Czechoslovakia, Poland, Hungary and Yugoslavia. Mr. Wilson instructor in English at Hope, graduated from this college in 1960 and received the M.A. degree f r o m the University of Michigan. He pursued studies toward the Ph.D. degree and held appointments as Teaching-Fellow at the University before joining the Hope faculty in 1965.

Hope College anchor

Page %

February 11, 1966

Will Lead to Expansion

C u l t u r a l P r o g r a m s to Merge A proposal for altering and ultimately expanding the role of the Cultural Affairs Committee at Hope College has been submitted to the Board of Trustees for consideration next week, announced Dr. Morrette Rider, chairman of the committee, this week. The new program would include assemblies, special speakers, the Community Concert Series, the Student Entertainment Series, the Fine Arts Festival, and evening lectures, drama and concerts (soich as the New York Pro Musica concert and the Anton Heiller recital). Students would be admitted to these events free on presentation of their student identification cards.

BOLD COLORS—Arnle Fege and Dave Heuslnkveld contemplate one of Jan Bogdanovitch's paintings on exhibit in Van Zoeren Library during the month of February.

Bogdanovitch Art Works Displayed in Van Zoeren A reception held Sunday evening marked the opening of the February art exhibit in the mezzanine gallery of Van Zoeren library. The show consists of 22 drawings and paintings done by George Bogdanovitch and his wife J a n . Mr. Bogdanovitch's works are in mixed media, including charcoal, pastel, ink and gouache. His subject in most of the works on display is the human figure. Mrs. Bogdanovitch's large abstracts are done in oils. Phillip Holmes, head of Hope's art department, commented, "Mr. Bogdanovitch exploits his variety of media in order to produce a series of strong figurative works. Mrs. Bogdanovitch shows bold use

Features of the new proposal include a Cultural Activities fee of $10 which will be added to each student's enrollment fees in September 1966, to help finance the proposed program. The fee for new students at second semester enrollment would be $5, according to Dr. Rider.

of color to obtain strong formal relationships." Head of the art department at Cedar Crest College, Mr. Bogdanovitch holds a degree in art history from the University of Arkansas and has his Master of Fine Arts degree from the University of Iowa, in addition to a Bachelor's degree in philosophy from Rutgers. Mrs. Bogdanovitch holds a Master's degree in painting from the University of Iowa. At the end of this year the couple will move to Ohio, where Mr. Bogdanovitch will teach at Bowling Green University. During the month of March the library will have on exhibit a one man show of woodcuts and prints done by Eugene Courtois of Sffn Francisco.

In addition, instead of being presented during the present third hour assembly period, which will be restored to regular class schedules, the assembly p r o g r a m s of general interest will be held at various times of the day with the period freed from classes. No class would be suspended more than one period per semester, said Dr. Rider. terest would be scheduled at the convenience of those dirctly concerned with that interest. Arrangements wlil be made to admit all students to Community

Speakers of more specialized inConcerts in Holland on presentation of their student identification cards. For students interested in Community Concerts held in Grand Rapids or Muskegon, a total of 600 tickets would be made available by the Music Department Office. Students could obtain tickets by leaving a deposit against the return of the ticket following each concert. The Student Entertainment Series, the Fine Arts Festival, and the Evening Lecture - Concert Drama Series would be expanded in scope with ticket sales to townpeople, yielding additional re-

sources for the proposed new program, said Dr. Rider. The entire program would be administered by the Cultural Affairs Committee composed of three students appointed by the Student Senate, three faculty members, the Dean of the College (ex-officio) and a faculty chairman. Dr. Rider encouraged students with suggestions for improving the program or with recommendations of specific speakers or entertainment groups to speak with one of the student members of the committees: Mary Koop, Dick Shiels or Phil Rauwerdink.

Malm Traces History Of Japanese Music Tuesday at 10:30 a.m., Outlook '66 presented Dr. William Malm, professor of music at the University of Michigan lecturing on the music of Japan since 1868. This foremost authority on Japanese music explained that soon after Commodore Perry opened the Japanese islands to the West, the goverment of Japan embarked upon a vigorous program to search out the best in each of the Western nations in order to combine it with their own culture. Included were the a r e a s of military operations and school systems, both of which included some music. J a p a n already had a rich tradition in her own ancient forms of music, but the Western influences

Twelve Million People

of military music, Christian hymns and popular tunes such as the Stephen Foster favorites were imported and eventually assimulated with their own. These Dr. Malm illustrated by playing the various native Japanese instruments used throughout the century and byplaying recordings of numerous beautiful tunes, to show how that from a rather disorganized and fragmentary beginning Japanese music has come to represent a compromise between the ancient East and the modern West.

Yugoslav Seminar (Continued from page 1) Yugoslavs when they are on campus the weekend of May 22 for the second seminar orientation session," said Dr. Fried. He expressed pleasant surprise that so many Yugoslavs would be coming. Dr. Fried, in commenting on Yugoslavia's brand of communism, said, "It's easier for an American to get into Yugoslavia than it is for him to get back into the United States. For example, I easily received a visa at the Yugoslav border, compared to the thorough inspection at customs at Kennedy International Airport in N e w York." Applications for seminar participants can be obtained from Dr. Fried in his office.

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We Invite You to see our new Hallmark

F e w W e e k s ("Newsweek, Feb.7,1966) S.C.C.C. Calls Hope College to

Curricula Prints — humorous cards 8c prints selected by panels of college students for college students


U n i t e a n d Send Relief to t h e

The Best of Peanuts, in: Wall Posters, Booklets, Stationeiy,

City of M a d r a s . Further D e t a i l s to Come /(-


Greeting Card Center Cords all by Hallmark

FRIS' (downtown — next to Penney's)

February 11, 1966

Hope College anchor

Page 3

College Men Face the Draft

New Classification Dile By Paul VerduiB "The recent announcement of a change in the criterion for college student deferment from military service will soon be affecting Hope College m e n , " said Dean of Men Tom Carey in an interview last Tuesday. Lt. Gen. Lewis B. Hershey, director of the Selective Service, announced last week that the revised guidelines for 1-A (prime for d r a f t ) classification will be similar to those employed during the Korean War. College men will now obtain a temporary deferment

only if they score 70 per cent or higher on a deferment achievment test, or are in one of the following categories: (1) the top half of the class at the end of the freshman year, (2) the top twothirds of the class at the end of the sophomore year, (3) the top three-fourths of the class at the end of the junior year. Students exempt on this basis must carry a minimum load of 12 hours per semester. The draft change has been made to increase the base supply of manpower needed to fill the rising draft quotas set by the Defense

Dr. Wichers Will Discuss Science's Vital Approach Dr. Edward Wichers, well-known chemist and Hope College graduate, will speak at the Tuesday Assembly Feb. 15 at 10:30 a.m. His topic will be "The Search for T r u t h " in which he will "show that the self-critical approach characteristic of science can be applied usefully in other intellectual domains." Born in Zeeland, Mich, and graduated from Hope in 1909, Dr. Wichers holds M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in chemistry from the University of Illinois. He joined the staff of the National Bureau of Standards in 1917. During 1944-45 he was assigned to the Manhattan Project at Los Alamos which resulted in the atomic bomb. Retiring from the Bureau in 1962, he became Execu'ive Secretary of the Division of Chemistry of the National Academy of Sciences and is now a consultant to the Foreign Secretary of the Academy. As a chemist. Dr. Wichers has worked with the elements of the platinum group and with the preparation and evaluation of highly purified substances. He has au-


thored several publications on these subjects. In addition to Dr. Wichers, Outlook '66 will sponsor Chad Walsh on Feb. 22, the Fine Arts Festival March 11-12, and C. Douglas Cornell on March 15.

m i l

a Explained by Carey

Department. Last month, 32,280 men were conscripted, the largest number since the Korean War. 250 Hope Men Affected Dean Carey predicts that, if the present state of affairs continues and national draft quotas of more than 30,000 per month continue, a swift enforcement of the new system will take place, perhaps within a month. If this is the case, some 250 Hope men will be required to take the deferment tests. In view of this more-than-likely occurrence. Dean Carey feels it is of prime importance that s'udents know exactly what to do if they receive a let'er of reclassification. Moreover, he wants to make sure that the college fulfills its responsibility to, in the words of Lt. Gen. Hershey. "see that the national interest is served by keeping young men in college to complete their education." What to Do According to Dean Carey, a student reclassified to 1-A should: <1Âť Immediately write a letter to his local draft board to appeal his case. This must be done within 10 days of the date when the notice of reclassification was sent out or he forfeits his right to appeal. (2) See Dean Carey about having the college send a letter to his board vouching for his status as a student in good s anding. A letter from a professor may also be needed. "Some draft boards may automatically reclassify all male studen's 1-A, to see whether they a r e serious enough about staying in school to appeal their c a s e s , " warned Carey. "Thus immediate action by the students and the college is called for."

ably not enter into the reclassifications. "The important thing is whether or not his grades are good," he said. A 2-A critical occupation deferment is available only if one has a master's degree in engineering, science or mathema'ics or is in a "critical" occupation. The procedure of deferment for graduate students under the new system is up to the local board, but a 1-S classification for

graduate students is available for one year. 1-S classifica ions are not renewable. Male transfer students (and re turning draf dodgers) are reminded of the important necessity of obtaining a student deferment form from the college, filling it out and having the college send it to his board. This must be done for all male students at the beginning of each school year.

Mitchel, Holleman, Rider Present Chamber Music Miss Jantina Holleman, pianist, Mrs. Wanda Rider, violinist and Mrs. Deanna Mitchel, cellist, will present a recital of chamber music Sunday, Feb. 13, at 4 p.m. in Snow Auditorium. Miss Holleman and Mrs. Rider will perform Beethoven's Sonata in F Major, op. 24 in four movements. Then Miss Holleman will perform Mozart's Sonata in B flat Major, K. 570 in three movements. Miss Holleman will then perform Chopin's Nocturne, op. 72, No.

HOLLAND EX 4 - 8 5 9 7

1, Schumann's Romance, op. 28 No. 2 and Schumann — Liszt's Fruhlingsnacht (Spring Night). The final selection will be Mendelssohn's Trio in D minor, op. 49 performed by Mrs. Rider, Mrs. Mitchell and Miss Holleman. Mrs. Rider is a string teacher: Mrs. Mitchell is a Hope College cello teacher: and Miss Holleman is an associate professor in the music department. There will be no admission charge.




CORDIALLY INVITES HOPE STUDENTS TO JOIN IN HAVING FUN THE Y's WAY Life Saving Recreational Swimming Senior Leaders Club

Grades Are Criteria DR. EDWARD WICHERS

Carey also stated that a student's m a j o r field of study would prop-

Preient thii ad and receive a 50% discount on our regular $10.00 Adult fee.



Remember Her With A Heart-Shaped Box of Candy From the



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Are you a c h u r c h m a n w i t h a g e n u i n e C h r i s t i a n concern? Can you t h i n k on your feet . . . and m o r e i m p o r t a n t , do you really have s o m e t h i n g to say? Do you enjoy w o r k i n g long, hard hours . . . and g e t t i n g t h i n g s done? Are you a leader . . . a r e a d e r . . . a writer? Do you want m o r e f r o m life t h a n a Social Security n u m b e r a n d a nine-to-five niche in t h e b u s i n e s s world? Are


you i n t e r e s t e d in leading a t r u l y s i g n i f i c a n t life?


The C h r i s t i a n m i n i s t r y may have m u c h to offer you

B e h m u M o a e l Drug

. . . a n d you may have m u c h to offer t h e m i n i s t r y . T h i n k it over carefully . . .

Write or Visit the President

Western Theological Seminary / Holland, Michigan

February 11, 1966

Hope College anchor

Page 4

anchor editorials

The Winner

With Cautions Praise FimsH


H I L E I T H A S N O T B E E N a policy of this e d i t o r or ot some s t u d e n t s to be wildy ecstatic a b o u t the U.S. i n v o l v e m e n t in V i e t n a m a n d some ot t h e implications a n d consequences of this involvem e n t , the anchor salutes the V i e t n a m drive which was carried o u t W e d n e s d a y on the campus. W e see this s u p p o r t of the village of Le Loi as an effective way of s h o w i n g to o t h e r s t h a t H o p e College a n d its s t u d e n t s are c o n c e r n e d a b o u t the s u f f e r i n g a n d ravages of war. T h e h u m a n i t a r i a n i s m which is reflected in the p r o j e c t is a credit to a Christian college with a supposed c o n c e r n for all m e n in both their spiritual a n d physical states. W e c a n n o t e n d o r s e this p r o j e c t with c o m p l e t e e n t h u s i a s m , however, because it raises some e m b a r a s s i n g q u e s t i o n s a b o u t the motives of the p e o p l e s p o n s o r i n g a n d contrib u t i n g to the drive. W e d o not believe that since the project will p r o d u c e some obviously good results, it is totally irrelevant to q u e s t i o n why s t u d e n t s are interested in d e v o t i n g time a n d money to the s u p p o r t ot a village thousands of miles away f r o m H o l l a n d , Mich.


In spite of o u r reservations, we d o sec this e f f o r t on the p a r t of s t u d e n t s as particularly significant for a n u m b e r of reasons. H o p e has been t r a d i t i o n a l l y cast as a college w h e r e a s t u d e n t can escape the world a n d some of its c o m p l e x problems. W h i l e we agree t h a t this p i c t u r e may have some merit, this p r o j e c t serves as a b l a t a n t r e m i n d e r t h a t .Undent leaders here arc concerned t h a t stu d e n t s not be i n s u l a t e d a n d isolated, b u t involved, b o t h on t h e c a m p u s a n d , to the e x t e n t t h a t it is possible, in the larger world of n a t i o n a l a n d i n t e r n a t i o n a l affairs.

F 'And the winneh of t h e first annual Winter Carnival Dog J lad Slush Race is . . /




Alpha Phi and Kappa Chi Formals Winter Caniiva), Hootenanny. 8:30 p.iii. SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 12

TUESDAY, FEBRUARY IS Outlook '66, Dr. Wichers, 10:30 a.m.

Vietnam Community Drive Basketball - Adrian, Civic Center, 8 p.m. Winter Carnival, "Snowflakes and Valentines, 10 p . m . SUNDAY, FEBRUARY

Yo<ung Dcms, 7:30 p . m . Van R c a l t e 314

WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 16 Basketball - Olivet, a w a y F r a t e r n i t y Rush Begins Psychology Club, Winants, 8 p.m. THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 17


Faculty Recital, Snow Auditorium, 4 p.m.

Student ivecital. Snow Auditorium 8:15 p.m.



Published weekly during the college year except vacation, holiday and examination periods by and for the students of Hope College, Holland, Michigan, under the authority of the Student Senate Publications Board. Entered as second class matter at the post office of Holland, Michigan. 49423, at the special rate of postage provided for in Section 110) of Act of Congress, Oct. 5, 1917, and authorized Oct. 19, 79/7. Subscription: $3 per year. Printed: Zeeland Record, Iceland, Michigan. Member: Associated Collegiate Press. Michigan Collegiate Press Assn. Office: Ground Floor of Graves Hall. Phone: W9-2122. Editor Managing Editor News Editor

John M. Mulder ....Paul Verduin Neal Sobania

Exchange Secretary Copy readers

Board of Editors Editorial Assistants Features Sports Business Advertsiing Critiques Copy Proof Columnists Social

..Randy Miller, Robert Donia Joyce Pollitt Glen Gouwens Jack Koch Bob Schroeder Barbara Kouw Ellen Border Afarv Hakken Lihhy ConkUn Gordon Korsange Rob Werge Nancy Aumann

Cartoonist Photographers

Dick Shiels Lynn Archambeau Margn Hakken Harriet Heerschap Zelda Skagfang Murk Menning Dirk Angstadt Corliss Nelson

Reporters George Arwady, Darlene Bentz, Paul Bleau, Pat Canfield, Kitty Davis, Linda Den Besten. Marian Greiner, Linda Kloote, Rich Koster, Donna Leech, Glen Looman Marty Luther, John Renwick, Mike O'Riordan, Mary Schakel. Boh Sonncveldt, Bettic Verwey, Bill Wichers.

U R T H E R M O R E , WE SEE the Vietn a m drive as significant because H o p e College as a C h r i s t i a n college has an obligation to others besides the m e m b e r s of its own c o m m u n i t y . T h i s college exists to bear witness to a gospel which it claims is at the h e a r t of this i n s t r u c t i o n . Surely the concern for h u m a n welfare d e m o n s t r a t e d by the project is an i n d i c a t i o n t h a t students are taking seriously an ethic of love.

A n o t h e r aspect of this p r o j e c t in which we take p a r t i c u l a r p r i d e is t h a t it was a stu dent-initiated, student-developed and student c o m p l e t e d e n d e a v o r . T h i s drive, like the SCSC drive a n d civil rights m a r c h ot last year, is an effective c o u n t e r to those s t u d e n t s who feel t h a t it is b e t t e r to r e m a i n inactive a n d aloof a n d u n i n v o l v e d .


E ALSO A P P R E C I A T E T H E FACT t h a t the drive is b e i n g carried on with n o p r e t e n s i o n s a b o u t demoiT* s t r a t i n g o u r a p p r o v a l ot the U.S. policy in V i e t n a m t h r o u g h m o n e t a r y s u p p o r t of a village. W e a c k n o w l e d g e t h a t this was a wise decision because it e x p a n d e d the possible areas of s u p p o r t . H o w e v e r , it also gives the p r o j e c t a greater d e g r e e of a u t h e n t i c i t y , a closer c o r r e l a t i o n with some C h r i s t i a n values which this college holds dear. Before leaving t h e subject, we w o u l d like to ask w h e t h e r the s t u d e n t s w h o initiated a n d s u p p o r t e d the drive a n d the people ot H o l l a n d w h o are e x p e c t e d to s u p p o r t the drive t o m o r r o w w o u l d have a d o p t e d a Vietn a m h a m l e t c o n t r o l l e d by the Vietcong? Moreover, will we c o n t i n u e to s u p p o r t t h e h a m l e t if t o m o r r o w it is c a p t u r e d by e n e m y forces? It the reply is negative, we can only ask if o u r concern for the p e o p l e ot Le Loi is genu i n e a n d / o r C h r i s t i a n . W o u l d we not, in fact, be asserting once a g a i n t h a t we have noble ideals, n o b l e motives a n d b e n e v o l e n t actions, b u t only for those w h o h a p p e n to be on o u r side? T h e r e is t h e n n o universality in o u r interest, b u t only the n a r r o w , n a t i o n a l i s t i c t h i n k i n g which has h e l p e d to breed two world wars in this c e n t u r y a n d w h i c h t h r e a t e n s to destroy most ot civilization in a n u c l e a r holocaust.


E DO N O T WISH T O DISCREDIT the p r o j e c t completely by quesioning its motives; all we wish to d o is s t i m u l a t e the t h i n k i n g of those w h o rush into a p r o j e c t such as this waving the b a n n e r ot C h r i s t i a n love or h u m a n i t a r i a n concern. W e w a n t to ask t h e m w h e t h e r they w o u l d take seriously the i n j u n c t i o n to love enemies, yes, even c o m m u n i s t s , in the same way we love o u r friends a n d allies.

Finals: A Hard Look T

H I S W E E K M O S T O F US received the e v a l u a t i o n s of a semester's toi4 or lack of it. W h i l e we credit some of o u r professors with benevolence a n d same with malevolence, we think t h a t there has c o m e a time to consider a d i f f e r e n t way of d e t e r m i n i n g a s t u d e n t ' s accomplishments, p a r t i c u l a r l y in the area of the s c h e d u l i n g of final exams. U n d e r the p r e s e n t system, classes a n d assignments for these classes c o n t i n u e until final exams, with only a weekend s e p a r a t i n g the last day of classes a n d the o n s l a u g h t of the first day of exams. In a d d i t i o n , it is the exceptionally f o r t u n a t e s t u d e n t w h o does not have two final e x a m s on o n e day, a n d it is not u n c o m m o n for b o t h of these to come in succession with only a half-hour to five minutes s e p a r a t i n g the t w o exams. H a v i n g completed t h a t j o u r n e y into hell, t h e s t u d e n t o f t e n finds himself confronted with two more exams on the n e x t day, two exams which may be the only basis for determining his grade for an e n t i r e semester's work.


E W O U L D S U B M I T , almost at the point of sounding absurd, that this is unfair. Students, it seems to us, should never be required to endure two final examinations during one day, nor should they have to review the subiect matter for two different courses or disciplines within the short space of time now allotted to them. T h e r e is, for most anv student, e n o u e h mental energy expended durine the writing of one exam to seriously question his ability to write another exam clearly and accurately on the same day. W e d o not wish to cheapen the academic life of this college, b u t we d o f e d that a more

realistic a n d u l t i m a t e l y m o r e e d u c a t i o n a l schedule m i g h t be devised tor final examinations.


O R E X A M P L E , C O N S I D E R the possibility of s u s p e n d i n g all classes at the break for C h r i s t m a s , with the period f r o m the r e t u r n f r o m vacation to final exams b e i n g a r e a d i n g p e r i o d e i t h e r for a d d i t i o n a l r e a d i n g , the w r i t i n g of a p a p e r , the c o m p l e t i o n of a special project or the c h a n c e to c o m p l e t e assignments which could not be c o m p l e t e d d u r i n g the period b e f o r e C h r i s t m a s . S t u d e n t s w o u l d then have a p p r o x i m a t e l y a two-week p e r i o d to assimilate a semester's w o r t h of inf o r m a t i o n a n d to d o some creative t h i n k i n g on their o w n . T h e pace of e d u c a t i o n is simply too frenetic to expect realistically t h a t this k i n d of assimilation a n d creative t h o u g h t will occur d u r i n g the day-to-day s c h e d u l e of classes. T h e n , consider s c h e d u l i n g final exams over a two-week p e r i o d so t h a t s t u d e n t s are g u a r a n t e e d t h a t they will n o t be r e q u i r e d to t a k e two final e x a m s o n o n e day or o n e exam o n each of two successive days. T h e l e n g t h of t h e e x a m i n a t i o n s c o u l d t h e n be increased from a two-hour to a t h r e e - h o u r test, w h i c h w o u l d f u r t h e r e n a b l e t h e t e a c h e r to b e t t e r evalua t e a s t u d e n t ' s work.


E FEEL T H A T these prosposals are sound and that the protest behind them is just. W h e t h e r they are adopted or not is not of particular concern to us, b u t we feel strongly that the m e t h o d of schedu l i n g the final e x a m i n a t i o n of students at this college ought to be chaneed, for to end the semester with a week of flurry of mental exercise is certainly not the best way to educate students.

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Hope College anchor

February 11, U M

Series of Economie Essays Comprise Klaasen s Book Dr. Adrian Klaasen, associate professor of economics at Hope, h a s recently published a new book, " T h e Invisible Hand, Essays in Classical E c o n o m i c s . " This series of e s s a y s by American economists explains and defends free enterprize in t e r m s for the non-economist.



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STARVATION—An Indian pastor ministers to chli drea who are suffering due to the recent famine in India. This is one of the worst famines that India has experienced in more than 50 years.

The Worst Famine in 50 Years

India Engulfed by Famine By Dare Plet The Vietnam w a r looms large in the eyes of most Americans, and h a s been -given top priority &y the Government. Other issues dealing with world problems (in relation to nev/sworthy items in print and on the wires), have ibeen shoved inlo a corner w h e r e they a r e less likely to be seen — for seeing them hurts our conscience sometimes. Such an issue is the poverty and f a m i n e problem in India today. It :s true that India has alway:- been poor, but to modern A m e r i c a n s with an abundance of everything, the sight and problem of starving is inconceivable. The issue is no small one and does not occur once in a decade or century; f a m i n e is almost inevitable whenever the monsoon seasc-i (rainy season) fails. Such is the case now: India is experiencing its worst f a m i n e in 50 years. Along with the failure of rain go multiple problems w/iirh complicate m a t t e r s , such as the steadily rising birth rate, critical food shortages and low crop yields. P a r t of the cause of the famine \s the Indian topography, which leaves much to be desired. Arable land Ls scare, and what there is has been f a r m e d for over 3.000 y e a r s and has lost ail fertility. The actual f a r m e r in India does not own land but works a plot for a landowner. Eighty-five percent of India's people live in villages and do f a r m labor, so one need not go f u r t h e r in drawing the picture of this country with its almost totally agrarian-centered economy. Now let us e x a m i n e s o m e f a c t s : (1) The a v e r a g e village worker e a r n s 1 - 1 r u p e e s per day ($.25.35) (Women working in the rice fields f r o m sunrise to sunset e a r n about the same.) (2) The cost of rice (staple diet) per measure (eight cups) in 1965

as one rupee ($.15). Today, 1966, rice costs two rupees ($.50) per measure. (3) F a m i n e t i m e : no rain—no w o r k—no work—no money—no money—no food—no food—STARVATION! To complicate m a t t e r s , the Indian birth rate is constantly rising. According to recent statistics in the Chicago Daily News, the birth rate is moving ahead at 2.4 per cent annually, with the present population of 480,000.000. Every minute in India 40 more babies a r e born. The population may double in 35 y e a r s . What is being done about the problem'.' According to Food Min ister C h i d a m b a r a m S u b r a m a m a n . " I n d i a ' s only hope of preventing widespread starvation is continued huge imports of grain from the United States." Only American aid. currently amounting to SG'j.OOO tons of wheat a month, is permitting impoverished India to survive. President Johnson recently ordered a speedup in shipments of 1,150,000 tons of wheat to India "to help meet the i m m e d i a t e crisis." Even wiih this increase in food shipments, it is doubcfull that famine can be prevented. The food deficit in 1966 will be 10.000.000 tons. Dick Raymond of the ARA Slater Food Service quoted the following Hope College guest meal prices: Breakfast






Total: $2.35 >$1.00=5 rupees) An a v e r a g e Indian family of four must have at least $55 a year to live on during good t i m e s which m e a n s only two meals a day. What do you think things a r e like in a family such as this during f a m i n e times, and this f a m i n e is now!

The "invisible h a n d " of the title derives from the classical, or capitalistic theory that in a free enterprise s y s t e m , while each individual is concerned with his own economic self-interest, he is often simultaneously but unconsciously promoting the good of society, as though being led by an "invisible hand " Dr. Klaasen stressed that " a n understanding of our economic system is as necessary to the intelligent voter as a knowledge of our political s y s t e m . " To combat what Dr. Klaasen calls "economic illite r a c y " among f u t u r e teachers, and others for whom an understanding of economics is vital, the KazanJian Foundation opened a nationwide competition for the best college economics course for non m a j o r s . One of the five winning entries was Dr. Klaasen's course, consisting of the essays now collected in his book. President Calvin VanderWerf described the book as " a significant contribution to contemporary

Tm. U. S. (RUM ky

thought and l i t e r a t u r e . " Dr. Klaasen is also co-author of two books in the a r e a s of m a r k e t i n g and advertizing. Dr. Klaasen received a Ph.D. degree f r o m the School of Commerce and Administration at the University of Chicago in 1929. After 20 years in business. Dr. Klaasen resumed his education acquiring his Ph.D. in 1960 from Michigan State University.

Paul Goodman

Morality and the Viet War With r e g a r d to the present p r o p a g a n d a in the Vietnam war, the division of humanities in the universities is again demonstrating its worthlessness and unconcern for reality. I have not heard a single critique and protest f r o m any academic faculty, in literature, history or philosophy, of the style and morality of the Vietnam coverage in the TV and other media. But if these facilities are not society's watchdog in these m a t t e r s , to maintain the f u n d a m e n t a l s of civilization, who else? TK* jingo propaganda has rapidly descended into pornography, calling on ultimate passions and suffering, showing enduring, bleeding and crippled men, to win trivial political consent f r o m a comfortable audience. It does not help either, that the scenes of suffering a r e interrupted by c o m m e r c i a l s for sexy soap, filtered cigarettes, and sleek automobiles. In m y opinion, almost no human purposes are profound enough to justify showing the suffering, and sublimity, of w a r ; only the compassion of Homer or Tolstoy can c a r r y it. The appeal to patriotism is always suspect. But certainly the motives of the Vietnamese, whether right or wrong, for f r e e d o m , self-defense, or revenge, a r e more appropriate to such violent rhetoric than M c N a m a r a ' s calculated policy, whether correct or not. It is s h a m e f u l for ouc p r o p a g a n d a to use such scenes and glibly say, "150 V€ were e x t e r m i n a t e d . " as if they were not h u m a n beings too. We shall not be forgiven it. The w a r between the National Liberation Front and Saigon has been m a r k e d by horror, terror, and t o r t u r e on both sides. Twenty t e a r s of w a r h a v e brutalized the Vietnamese people. Nevertheless, f r o m a moral point of view, this brutalization of the Vietnamese is a far lower g r a d e of evil than t h e de-humanization of our high-flying airmen, detached, scheduled, raining down death and fire, and destroying the crops. These airmen a r e not much different f r o m public hanrgmen. In the TV their g a b is presented as cheerily technical, a beautiful American disposition but which, under

the circumstances, does little credit to them as grown-up men. There is no way of making your technological onslaught look good; our media should have the decency to r e f r a i n f r o m trying, and to restrict their coverage to stoical communiques and abstract statements of policy. Historians recount with ridicule and d:s a ust the similar propaganda of previous wars with other countries and of our own country. We ought to get wise to ourselves and say. This won't do. Think, after this is over — if it is e v e r over and if the nuclear war doesn't break out — how we will look at the pictures of our good-natured soldiers giving out candy to children. Meantime we burn the rice fields. And it has happened that the candy itself has been used as a bride to show the way to f a t h e r ' s hiding place. Because of its peculiar nature, the Vietnam w a r has cast a bright light on the m o r a l degradation of our country; our sentimentality and callousness; our self-righteous cant and irresponsibility to other people's needs and dignity; our abdication of democracy to authorities who are not even believed: our abdicition of morals and politics to technological m e a n s ; the complacency of our middle-class drafting the poor and sharing vicariously in their ordeal; the domineering wilfulness of great power that says " S u b m i t or else." Unlike Professor Genovese, I would not " w e l c o m e " the victory of the N L F and Hanoi; e v e r y "victory" at present is a further set-back for world peace. But if we won this war, it would be an unmitigated moral disaster for ourselves and mankind. Let m e tell a melancholy anecdote. I was recently at a conference at Cornell, attended by a galaxy of distinguished theologians from all over the world. During a s h a r p exchange, suddenly Visser t'Hooft, the executive s e c r e t a r y of the World Council of Churches, turned on me and said, "Don't talk morals to me, you're an America n . " There was nothing for m e to do but hang my head. That's nice, isn't it? Copyright by Paul Goodman, 1966 i-r.....


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Hope College anchor


February 11, 1966 •:/»

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Review of the News

The Semi-Finalists

An estimated 20,000 American and South Vietnamese troops failed to trap 1,500 Reds in their pincer movement. However they "liberated" a coastal valley 300 miles northeast of Saigon which had been in Communist hands for 11 years. American troops in V : etnam now number over 201,000, with 60.000 offshore with the Seventh Fleet.

By Rob Werge Being a psychologist by heart and an idiot by inclination, Cora Crush, freshman, made a study of students during finals week. Her findings at the Van Zoeren Library resulted in the (following classification of study-types. THE SPREADER. This person, usually double-chinned and chunky, engulfs an entire table which normally would seat four. Pads, books and gum-wrappers spill over onto the floor and the area he occupies soon resembles the book store. Shoes are generally disregarded. He scratches his feet with one hand while he shifts stacks of books, papers with endless scrawlings and empty cough-drop boxes with the other. One specimen was observed spending most of his time affixing rubber bands to his ears and shooting them at the cleaning ladies who dust adjacent tables. After making a "score," he quietly returned to his scrawlings and unshoed feet. THE ORGANIZER. With abnormal preoccupation, this student puts an entire semester's work on 2 by 4 notecards. A pile of cards represents each course. When

this type takes a break, he builds card-castles. Cora was quick to note, however, that this does not necessarily imply the subject is an architecture major. A record of the group is held by a student who is now pre-sem. While majoring in biology, he had put the whole Comparative Anatomy course on a low total of 247 Hash cards. Since he flashed them while he took the test, however, his accomplishment is disqualified by some. THE COMPARER. This type flits quickly from table to table. His quest is an attempt to make sure he has the right information for a final. Because he is frequently heard more than seen, he is known for his blurted statements. Two of the more typical are: "Say, canni see your notes for a second. I wanna see if the prof said Moses or God wrote the first five books of the Bible." and "But what do you really think he'll ask on the test? Huh? I mean really. Huh? Huh?" THE FATIGUED. This type traditionally does not study. The thought is that marks are not given

Music Deparment Will Present Workshop Recital Thursday The Hope College music department will present a workshop recital next Thursday at 8:15 p.m. in Snow Auditorium. The informal "workshop recital" type of concert has been developed at the college to enable the student body and the public to hear unusual and neglected compositions from all periods, frequently performed by unusual combinations of instruments. The program will open with a concerto for four equal violins by the German composer Telemann, a contemporary of Bach. Soloists will be Ellen Kulp, Mango Hakken, Glenys Davidson and Susan Bosman with Ling Ling Chung as accompanist. A trio of recorderists




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will play works by Corelli of the Italian baroque school. Performers will be Mary Richards, soprano recorder; Susan Bosman, alto; and Tamara Lockwood, tenor. Seventeenth century G e r m a n brass music will be played by a brass quartet composed of Bruce Formsma, trumpet: Gerald Waanders, horn; and Ronald Vander Beek and William Nicholson, trombones. The composition entitled "Tower Sonata" was composed by Reiche. 'A student string quartet including Leslie Clark and Corliss Nelson, violins; Lynda Brown, viola; and Mary Pat Russell, cello will play the "Quartet in A Minor. Op. 29" by Schubert. An unusual combination of instruments — David Tubergen. violin; Carol Gauntlett. flute; Paul Lein, bassoon, and Robert Formsma, harpsichord — will be presented in a quartet sonata by Carl Stamitz, a German composer generally credited with being the founder of the modern orchestra. The program will b e concluded with several selections played by by the stage band, an experimental concert jazz ensemble established at the college last year. There is no admission charge.


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on performance, but on how tired the student appears to be. The more tired the look, the more work obviously done and hence the higher the grade. In the library, stumbling techniques are practiced and the -beard is let to grow to offensive length. Other effects are achieved by wearing the same clothes with coffee stains daily ironed into them and, for the more daring, a cigarette burn going through the shirt front. It is also noted that such a person mumbles, just audibly enough, " I ' v e been gunnin' for 72 hours and I still don't feel too weak." This is followed by a spell of heavy breathing. THE LOVERS. This final group is usually found in the study rooms on the second floor of the library. Sitting next to each other, they pour over volumes of chemical equations (hers) and education texts (his). The following pattern is usually observed with this type. After the first half-hour, they stop holding hands because of sweaty palms. Without glancing up then, they shift into low gear with him putting an arm around her stooped shoulders. It is only when he begins to rub her shoulder bone that she finds it difficult to concentrate. She writes down her memory list faster and faster and recites equations aloud. But such sublimation is alas, in vain. Flinging down their books, they rush off to the privacy of the dimly-lit 800 stacks. Cora notes with disdain that such behavior is not only disgusting and unbecoming, it is irrational.

Meanwhile, President Johnson, Ambassador to Vietnam Henry Cabot Lodge, Commander of the U.S. Forces in Vietnam General William C. Westmoreland, Admiral U.S. Grant Sharp, commander of the Pacific theater of the U.S., Premier Nguyen Cao Ky and Chief of State Nguyen Van Thieu of South Vietnam conferred at Hawaii about military, economic and social matters concerning Vietnam. The Labor Party's popularity seems to be on the upward trend in England and it is speculated that Prime Minister Wilson will call elections shortly after his return from a Moscow trip Feb. 24 in an attempt to increase Labor's present four-vote margin in Parliament.


Italy's government plunged deeper into chaos as Premierdesignate Aldo Moro failed to form a new cabinet. President Sarogat ordered new consultations with parliamentary leaders in hopes of solving the crisis. A GI bill providing benefits to veterans discharged after J a n . 31, 1955, passed the House by a 381-0 margin. The bill has no cut-off date and will provide a minimum of $100 a month for

a maximum of 36 months on one month of schooling for each month of service basis. It also includes loan and medical care benefits. It is expected to pass the Senate with little difficulty since the Senate passed a more liberal GI bill several years ago. The Senate failed to end debate on the repeal of Section 14(b) of the Taft-Hartley Act which allows stat > to determine whether labor contracts can require union membership of workers. This was a blow to the AFL-CIO and a major Republican victory. The " m a r r i a g e " of Fidel Castro's Cuba and Mao Tse Tung's China is over. Castro called Mao a liar and accused Red China of extortion, blackmail, subversion, aggression, strangulation, hypocrisy, cynicism, deception, dishonesty, disrespect and treason. It is doubted that Red China will take these "compliments" too well and a break in diplomatic relations seems v.i : imminent. Together with Rus- !0 sia's latest memorandum by the Soviet Central Committee, which states that the securityof the Soviet state and the integrity of the nation have been attacked by Red China, Fidel's accusations are even more meaningful. Mao is losing friends. In college basketball, Ken tucky has taken over first place in the national polls with Duke falling to second and Loyola of Chicago moving up to third. MSU and Michigan and leading the Big Ten with identical 6-1 records.

Is There a Formal in Your Future? No Need to Plan, Just Panic! By Pat Canfield He finally asked you. After all those weeks of carefully planned rendezvous at the Slater salad bar. one day he stared at you over the bowl of blue cheese dressing and said, "Would you like to go to my fraternity formal with m e ? " "I—uh—yes, I'd love to" you said as you calmly pumped celery seed dressing all over your hand. After the initial shock and surprise wears off, the first great problem presents itself: You don't have anything to wear. So you write to your parents and tell them how wonderful they are in sacrificing so many things so that you could have a college education; then you hit them for money for a new formal. Of course, your father can't understand why you wouldn't be caught dead wearing one of the 10 formals you already own but he sends the money anyway. After making the rounds of every clothing shop within a 50-mile radius (you even tried the Salvation Army Store), you find THE DRESS. It is the same color as your eyes, has a very low neckline and is only $10 more than the amount of money your parents sent you. There is only one thing wrong with the dress—it is a size too small. Now starts phase two of operation formal: dieting. For one entire week you nibble on carrots and celery, drink your coffee black and assimilate huge bowls of cot»• •

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• « ** #.• #,•».»«.• ».• » , • » •


tage cheese. At the end of the week you decide to try your dreds on. With the help of some friends, who hold you up, you stagger weakly down the hall to the full length mirror. Wonder of wonders, it fits! Everything <well, almost everything) is smooth sailing from here on in. The day of the formal arrives. A four-page checklist is

taped to your mirror to remind you of the few last minute things you have to do today. • Pick up the shoes you had dyed to match one obscure flower in the pattern of your dress. • Don't forget his boutonnier which the sadistic florist suggested you have tinted black because that would go with any color tux. (You ».• »,• #,• ».• ».• • • #,•


»„• »,• ».• #,•


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Before you know it, it is only two hours before he is to pick you up. You have just enough time to redo your hair <they always use too much spray and glop at the beauty parlor), decide which earrings to wear (your decision is made easier by the fact that your roommate accidently drops one earring in her pet Venus Fly Trap) and to file down the heels on your shoes (because you figure that the height of your hair plus the height of your heels will make you at least two feet taller than he is). Your buzzer sounds; the girl at the desk whispers. "You have a caller." HE'S HERE. You m a k e a last minute appraisal of yourself in the presence of 37 friends who have piled into your room to tell you to have a nice time. Is my right eyelash on even? Do you think "Erotic Essence No. 9" will be too much for him? Where is my other glove? What if he brings me lavendar flowers? At last you descend the stairs, beaming and confident. He comes over to you, smiling and says, "You look great." (You just know that you'll have a wonderful time.)

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• And last but not least keep your appointment (which you made six months ago) at the hairdresser.


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• Buy another pair of false eyelashes. (Your roommate "killed" your other pair with a shoe because she thought they were skinny black caterpillars that had somehow climbed up on the bureau.)

«• • •



still don't know why they couldn't have tinted it madras.)

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16th and Rlvar IX


Hope College anchor

February 11. 1966

Page 7

SCA Disbanded

SCCC Outlines Program The Religious Life Committee last week approved the disbanding of the Student Christian Assn. and its subsequent replacement by the new Student Christian Coordinating Committee (SCCC).

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BIBLE GIVEN—A 17th Century Dutch Bible was given to Hope College last Saturday morning by two sisters, Miss Anna Bierema and Miss Kate Bierema. l^eft to right are Mrs. William McCann, Mr. William McCann (cousin's of the two Bierema sisters); their granddaughter Pat Hartsema (a freshman at Hope); Rev. Hillegonds; Miss Anna Bierema and Miss Kate Bierema.

Hope Receives Dutch Bible Dated From 17th Century A Dutch iBible of seventeenth century vintage was donated to Hope by Miss Kate Bierema and Miss Anna Bierema last Sunday. The presentation was m a d e last Saturday morning in the Van Zoeren Library and accepted by Rev. William Hillegonds, Hope College Chaplain. The 21-pound Bible was printed in 1686 in Dorthrecht, Holland, by Hendrick and Jacob Keur and in Amsterdam by Marcus Doornick and was brought to the United States in 1872 from Usquent, Netherlands. It is 12 inches wide, eigh-

Wes Michaelson Will Attend

teen and a half inches long and five and a half inches thick and consists of 1950 pages which contain the entire Old and New Testaments and the Books of the Maccabeans. The Bible was translated from the Greek into Dutch and has old German-type faces. It is composed of engravings and maps which show the travels of the patriarchs and St. PauJ, the land of Canaan, and the world; its world map displays the conception of the world in 1686. It portrays California as an island, Alaska is not on the m a p and Australia's boundaries indicate a country much smaller than its actual size. John May, Hope College Librarian, announced that the Bible would be on display next week on the Mezzanine floor of Van Zoeren Library.

The breakfast, to be held at Shoreham Hotel in Washington, is arranged by the International Christian Federation. This worldwide organization of Christian men meets regularly to discuss and pray for the needs of America and the world. Among the 500 leaders present are President Johnson, his Cabinet, the Judiciary and members of Congress and other governmental organizations. Fifty young men, selected because of their leadership qualities and their interests in these national matters, have received invitations to attend the breakfast. A young m e n ' s leadership Seminar will follow the breakfast to provide an opportunity for discussing ways to contribute to the spiritual awakening in America and the world. Seminar topics will include in general: The Mission, the Opportunities, the Men, the Precepts, and the M e a n s of Christian Leadership. Michaelson, a junior at Hope and a member of the Arcadian F r a t e r nity, is majoring in both philosophy and psychology and plans to go into the seminary or college teaching.

The first day of the program, last Monday, 450 people were served at both breakfasts, a substantial increase over the usual 300 served at the regular hour. The committee of six students and five faculty members under the chairmanship of sophomore

The Student Missions Committee, consisting of representatives of fraternities, sororities, the freshman c l a s s , Senate and fellowship groups will support missionary activity in Madras, India and send food and clothing there

Calling for student support of the new SCCC, Justesen said, "We extend the call to all Christians at Hope to unite and to give us your full support and involvement as we together strive to serve our Lord in all that we do."

Mrs. Bouman Appointed ToHeadPublic Relations

According to a circulated syllabus, the functions of the new committee are (1) to bear witness to Christ, <2) to strengthen Christian students in the faith, (3) to coordinate efforts to minister to the larger world, '4' to coordinate relations with the larger Church.

On Feb. 1, President Calvin VanderWerf announced that Wilma L. Bouman has assumed the position of temporary Director of Public Relations for Hope College. She succeeded Mr. Charles Rock, who resigned from the position in January.

The newly-approved SCCC program plans to attack a host of areas related to Christian commitment. Plans are being made to initiate Inter-Varsity Christian Fellowship, a nation . wide collegeoriented organization at Hope.

Mrs. Bouman, wife of Hope alumnus John L. Bouman and mother of five children, came to the Hope campus in November, 1964 where she served in the office of the President until this appointment.

The Campus Ministry Committee will bring evangelists and speakers. Last Wednesday evening, evangelist Jack Mayhale, Great Lakes director of the Navigators spoke on the need for young Christians to " m e a n business for Christ" before 90 students. The Worship Committee will maintain the Wednesday Evening Worship Services as well as conduct special services and plan the annual Geneva Retreats. The Weekly All-Campus Gathering (WAG) committee formed by

Food Committee Sets 'Continental Breakfasts' The new "continental b r e a k f a s t " served from 8:30 to 9:30 a.m. by Slater is the prime accomplishment of the Student Senate Food Committee. Served in Phelps dining room each morning of the school week, the breakfast consists of cold cereal, milk, coffee, toast and juice. It is geared to accomodate those students who have no first hour class.

in conjunction with the Reformed Church. Deputation Teams will perform services to various local institutions such as orphanages and churches.

Having little in common with the old SCA, the SCCC program was developed in an effort to coordinate the activities of the several Christian groups involving college students and to instigate the formation of new ones, rather than seeking a monopoly for one particular group. "A single fellowship group cannot handle all the diverse interests and make-ups among a large number of students such as we have at Hope," said Roy Justesen, chairman of the new committee.

LB J Breakfast Student Senate president Wes Michaelson has been invited to attend the Fourteenth Annual Presidential Prayer Breakfast in Washington, D.C. on Feb. 17.

members of the fellowship groups, the Senate and the F r e s h m a n class will present p r o g r a m s and speakers to raise and discuss issues pertinent to Christianity.

Jerry Poortinga was formed at the request of Mr. Dick Raymond, head of Slater Food Service. The committee has also studied the causes of extended delays in the line before meals, and has helped eliminate many. Another improvement to be seen in the dining room in the near future is the installment of rails for trays both at the silver racks and the milk machines.

Shakespeare''s 'Hamlet'' Will Be Presented

in GR

Shakespeare's " H a m l e t " will be staged in Grand Rapids by the Michigan State University Performing Arts Company on Feb. 1719 in the St. Cecelia Auditorium. The local performances a r e sponsored by the Grand Rapids Community Circle Theater. The role of Hamlet is played byRoger Long, the role of Ophelia is played by Ann Matesich and Laertes is portrayed by Dean Kyburz. Tickets for " H a m l e t " go on sale at the St. Cecelia box office on Monday, Feb. 14. Special group rates are available by calling 3632236 in Grand Rapids.

Dr. Marcus Bloch L-Hy P R E S I D E N T

Eastern Magical Society P.O. Box 118 New York 9, N.Y.

Mrs. Bouman is a graduate of Holland Christian High School and the Holland Secretarial School. Before coming to Hope she served as secretary of the Michigan Commission on Education, a voluntary association of educators who


MRS. WILMA BOUMAN seek to improve academic standards in Michigan on the primary and secondary levels. Previous to holding that position, she was a member of the Senate of the Council for Basic Education, an organization based in Washington, D.C. The position of public relations director involves writing and releasing all the news of Hope College to the press.






T h i s week's meeting will consist of a panel centering its discussion a r o u n d last week's presentation by Dr. Megow on "A Christian Perspective in V i e t n a m . " Wes Michaelson, S t u d e n t Senate president, will serve as the moderator with students J o h n M u l d e r and Bob Dahl p a r t i c i p a t i n g in the discussion of this imp o r t a n t topic.

JANTZEN * BOSTONIAN Don't Forget - -



Sunday, Feb. 13th —7:00 P.M. at Hope Church



HOLLAND Open Every Day 'Til 5:30 p.m. (Including Wed.) Man. and Fri. Till 9 p.m.

All Are Welcome To Attend (14-16 West Eighth Street)


Hope College anchor

February 11, 1966

Brady Stars in Victory

Dutchmen Squeak by Kazoo By Glen Goawens The keen eye of Floyd Brady was mainly responsible for Hope's win over Kalamazoo last Saturday night as Hope registered 85 points to Kalamazoo's 81. Brady started slow as his first four attempts went short of the hoop. It didn't take long, however, for Brady to find the range and before the night was over he collected 31 tallies in the score book. Clare VanWieren, still dazzling the fans and the opposing team with his unorthodox shot from practically anywhere, continued as one of the MIAA's biggest scoring threats as he pumped in 23 points. Bill Potter came through with several clutch baskets as he rang up eleven tallies for the effort accompanied with a fine defensive performance. Gary Rypma, coming in for Carl Walters who was out with a knee injury, seemed to add the spark to the defense which was necessary to combat the hot shooting of the Kazoo five. Rypma chalked up 11 points for his effort. Roy Anker had a good defensive performance along with collecting six points. Cal Beltman hit for six and did a commendable job in relief work in running Hope's offense. It was the consistent scoring and the all-out effort in defense that was responsible for the Hope victory. As Kalamazoo kept showing their skill at hitting from outside, Hope was able to hold them and match them point for point. Neither team had a sizable lead at any time during the contest. Kalamazoo's 5'10" guard, Tom Crawford, had a sizzling 17-point first half but was held to a mere four points in the second half to end the game with a 21-point total. Efforts of Brady, Rypma, and VanWieren along with Jim Klein who has consistently been outstanding in relief, played a tight 2-1-2 zone defense which was the main factor which held the Crawford and Kalamazoo scoring down in the second half. Foul trouble plagued both teams near the end of the game as Crawford, playmaker and high point man for Kalamazoo, fouled out. As Hope came into the final

WHAM—Floyd Brady went high into the air to block a Kalamazoo lay-up shot in last Saturday's victory over Kalamazoo at the Civic Center. stanza of play, good ball handling and control ball on the part of Rypma and Brady cancelled out any threat of Kalamazoo destroying the lead the Dutchmen held. Jim Peters, the MIAA leader in the free throw department, made 20 points for Kalamazoo 'but missed four straight free throws in the

Carl Walters, guard on the Hope College basketball team, suffered injury to his knee in the igame against Wheaton last week which will put him out of play for the rest of the season. He had injured the knee several times before: the first time was in a football game during his sophomore year in high school. Since then Walters has always had to take the utmost precautions in protecting his knees as is evident by the extensive taping of his legs for each basketball game. The injury suffered in the Wheaton game was at first thought to be minor and there were hopes that Walters would return shortly to his starting position on the team. But after undergoing an operation Wednesday, it was found to be more serious than anticipated. Trainer "Doc" Green said that "The injury was more complicated than expected and Carl will definitely be out for the rest of the season. The doctors haven't given us trie exact nature of the injury and until then we won't know what treatment will be best for Carl." Walters, an already valuable asset to the team, seemed to pick up momentum as the season progressed as he kept turning in better

and better performances with each game. Walters will be greatly missed by the team and his absence could prove to be a large factor in the overall performance of the team. Gary Rypma, who replaced Walters after the injury in the Wheaton contest, will likely take over his duties as playmaker.


Handicapped Dutch Downed By Aquinas in Close Game

Van Wieren Leads Dutch To Win Over Wheaton Captain Clare Van Wieren led Hope to an 83-75 win over Wheaton last week as he scored 35 points for his season's high. VanWieren hit 13 of his 22 attempts that brought Hope its ninth win in 15 contests. He has now scored 336 points for a 22.6 average. Hope kept a fairly large lead throughout the game and at two times had a 12-point spread, one

Fraternity Rush Schedule Arcadian 9 p.m. Feb. 16 Coffee Break Feb. 18 Lit. Meeting Presentation of "The Zoo Story" 6:30 p.m. Feb. 19 House party after Alma game 9 p.m. Feb. 22 Coffee Break Feb. 24 "Masterbuilder" discussion and refreshments Feb. 25 "Old Crow" party 8 p.m. 8 p.m. Feb. 26 Swim party 9 p.m. March 1 Coffee Break 9 p.m. March 3 Coffee Break March 4 Toboggan party 8 p.m. 8 p.m. March 5 House party Cosmopolitan 9 p.m. Feb. 16 Coffee Break Feb. 18 TGIF with Delphis 5 p.m. Feb. 19 House party After game 9 p.m. Coffee Break Feb. 23 Feb. 25 Literary Meeting 7 p.m. Feb. 26 Las Vegas party 8 p.m. 9 p.m. March 2 Coffee Break March 4 Literary Meeting 7 p.m. II Forno party 7 p.m. March 5 Fraternal 9 p.m. Felb. 16 Smoker Feb. 18 Literary Meeting Guest Speaker Dr. Jentz 7 p.m. Feb. 19 House party with Shades of Lynn After game 9 p.m. Feb. 23 Smoker Literary Meeting Feb. 25

closing minutes of the game. The Hornets had 18-32 and 16-34 halves, hitting for 52 per cent, while Hope hit 18-38 and 16-35 for 47 per cent. Hope made 17 of 28 free throws and Kalamazoo. 13 of 24. Hope won the rebounding, 54-41, and 2618 defensively.

Walters Out for Season Due to Bad Knee Injury

Guest Speaker - Rev. Hillegonds 7 p.m. Feb. 26 Rathskeller party with the Treblemakers 8 p.m. March 2 Smoker 9 p.m. March 4 Literary Meeting Guest Speaker - Pres. anderWerf 7 p.m. March 5 inal Discotheque House party 8:30 p.m. Emersonian Feb. 16 Ice Cream 8 p.m. Break 7 p.m. Feb. 18 Swim party After-the-game Feb. 19 House party 8 p.m. Feb. 21 Coffee break 8 p.m. Feib. 23 Smoker Feb. 25 Enterprise Lodge party with Shades of Lynn 7.30 p.m. Feb. 26 Golden "8-Ball" 8 p.m. 8 p.m. Feb. 28 Coffee Break 8 p.m. March 2 Smoker March 4 Literary Meeting Guest Speaker . Dr. Jentz 7:30 p.m. March 5 "Sandals and Shades" 8 p.m. Knickerbocker 8 p.m. Feb. 17 Coffee Break Stag Swim 8:30 p.m. Feb. 18 Feb. 19 Postngame party 8 p.m. Feb. 22 Coffee Break Feb. 24 Coffee Break 8 p.m. Feb. 26 Gold Rush party 8:30 p.m. 8 p.m. March 1 Coffee Break 8 p.m. March 3 Coffee Break 7 p.m. •March 4 Lit. Meeting March 5 Invitational Dinner at Van Raalte's


at 65-53 and the other after two VanWieren free throws made it 73-61. Wheaton came back in the closing minutes and cut the score to 79-74 with 35 seconds remaining on the clock. The threat ended when Bill Potter tipped in two points, followed by Jim Klein who put his first two points on the scoreboard to give Hope its final eight-point margin. Hope tallied 13 free throws at the charity stripe during the second half, six of which were registered by Brady. Hope hit 27 of 39 free throw attempts for the whole g a m e and Wheaton had 11 of 15.

Martha Pott Featured


In 'Seventeen' Martha Pott, an 18-year-old Hope College freshman from Ann Arbor was featured as a fashion model on the pages of the January issue of Seventeen Magazine. Miss Pott was one of 24 girls selected to 'Personify the nation's most accomplished teens. She considers herself "just plain lucky; I really couldn't believe it." Martha's tremendous service projects during her high school career were primary in her seletion. She spearheaded several national drives in her school and her efforts resulted in the collection of more than $2,700 for the Teenage March of Dimes, some 2,500 cans of food and 17 tons of clothing for the Salvation Army and over 100 pints of blood for the Blood Bank. "Modeling is exciting," she says, "but it's very hard work. It's difficult to realize this until you've experienced it." Martha modeled a print cotton blouse and canvas bell-bottoms in a matching print. Music, modern dance, sewing and ice skating are some of her major intrests. Martha's future plans include social work in the area of special education for retarded or disturbed children.

Handicapped by the loss of Carl Walters and a touch of the flu in Roy Anker, Hope lost a non-league game to Aquinas College. 94-91. After the game had been tied five times in the opening minutes. Clare Van Wieren sank two baskets to put Hope ahead by three. From that point on. Hope did not lose the lead during the first half and went off the floor leading by eight. 48-40. Bill Potter hit 12 points and Van Wieren hit 18 during the first half. The second half began with two consecutive baskets by Aquinas. At 13:54 Aquinas grabbed four offensive rebounds before Dennis Alexander sank a basket which tied the game at 60 all. After Van Wieren brought the lead back to Hop?. Jim Steiner sank one from the foul line to put Aquinas ahead. 67-66, After Aquinas enlarged their lead to five, a free throw and two consecutive baskets by Brady narrowed the lead to two. A tip-in by Sullivan made it 74-70. With three minutes remaining in the game. Alexander netted a jump shot which gave Aquinas its largest margin, nine points. After Brady sank one and Aquinas made

a free throw. Van Wieren made two baskets to cut the lead to four points. Aquinas immediately called a time-out. With only two minutes and 34 seconds remaining. Aquinas put on the freeze. Hope intentionally fouled in an effort to get the ball, but that tactic went to no avail as Aquinas made good on their foul shots. The final score was 94-91. Clare Van Wieren was high scorer in the game for both sides with 28 points. Following him in scoring was Dennis Alexander with 27. Floyd Brady was third with 23 points. Aquinas took 102 shots during the g a m e while Hope took only 86. However, Hope's field goal percentage was better as the Dutch made 50 per cent of their shots while Aquinas hit only 37 per cent. The difference in scoring was made up by Aquinas at the charity stripe where they hit on 10 of 11 in the second half as Hope could manage only 5 of 11. Hope's Junior Varsity team defeated Aquinas' J.V.'s by a score of 87-75. This loss gives Hope an overall 10 and 7 won-lost record.

AT HOPE CHURCH THIS SUNDAY Morning Worship 9:30 A.M. —

11:00 A.M.

SERMON: "The Church of t h e T o w e l "

Rev. Jack Walchenbach, preaching


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