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F e b r u a r y 9, 2 0 0 5

Diversity on campus achieves a "double victoiv Initiating equal opportunities for Greek diversity on campus


"Somehow we must be able to stand up before our most bitter opponents and say: "we shall match your capacity to inflict suffering by our capacity to endure suffering. We will meet your physical force with soul force. Do to us what you will and we will still love you. We cannot in all g o o d conscience obey your unjust laws and abide by the unjust system, because noncooperation with evil is as much a moral obligation as is cooperation with good...But be assured that we'll wear you d o w n by our capacity to suffer, and one day we will w i n our freedom. We will not only w i n freedom for ourselves; we will s o appeal to your heart and conscience that we will w i n you in the process, and our victory will be a double victory." -Martin Luther King jr.

strength to promote academic excellence; to No, not the Greek nationality. T h e historic p r o v i d e s c h o l a r s h i p s a n d s u p p o r t to the National African American sorority. Delta underserved; educate and stimulate particiSigma Theta may have a chapter on H o p e ' s pation in the establishment of positive pubc a m p u s in the near future. Several students lic policy; and to highlight issues and prohave voiced an interest in creating the orgavide solutions for problems in their c o m m u nization and have initialed the application nities. progress. Diana Breclaw of Student Development said. "The girls MUSxa** fhiu VJMm/T. in want to build c o m munity among (ynr Mmmf African American w o m e n on campus. A lot of their family m e m b e r s were a part of it and they want to have that collegiate Delta S i g m a Theta is an equal opportuexperience." nity organization and invites all women to Historically, the organization has been reapply who exhibit excellent personal and pronowned for the integrity of its members. In fessional character with high moral code, and order to be admitted, applicants must maina c o m m i t m e n t to giving back in service to tain a strict grade point average as well as the community. participate in c o m m u n i t y service projects. Delta S i g m a Theta Sorority. Inc. is a priAll w o m e n of every race are accepted in the vate, non-profit organization whose purpose sorority and are encouraged to apply. Interis to provide assistance and support through ested students can contact Jennifer established p r o g r a m s in local c o m m u n i t i e s Blackman and Sona Smith, as well as advithroughout the world. A sisterhood of more sor Vanessa Greene. than 200,000 predominately Black college T h e Sorority was founded in 1913 by 22 educated w o m e n , the Sorority currently has students at Howard University. These young o v e r 9 0 0 c h a p t e r s located in the United w o m e n w a n t e d to u s e t h e i r c o l l e c t i v e

Slates, England. Japan (Tokyo and Okinawa), Germany, the Virgin Islands, B e n n u d a , the B a h a m a s and the Republic of Korea. The organization emphasizes: E c o n o m i c Development, Educational Development, International Awareness and Involvement, Physical and Mental Health. Political Awareness and Involvement For a d d i t i o n a l i n f o r m a t i o n , visit www.dcllasigmatheta.org.

The first public act performed by the Delta Founders i n v o l v e d their participation in the W o m e n ' s Suffrage March in W a s h i n g t o n D.C., March 1913. Delta Sigma Theta w a s i n c o r p o r a t e d in 1930. The original artwork is a life sized painting on canvas created by artist Tarleton Blackwell. The original hangs in the National Headquarters Office in Washington, D.C.

In 1926, Dr. Carter G. Woodson established Negro History Week during the month of February to honor the contributions of African-Americans. The name was later changed to Black History Week, and eventually expanded to Black History Month in 1976.

Hope's diversity perspective challanged bv Race In Aiiierlca Charles Green GUEST WRITER

We lalk too m u c h about race at H o p e C o l l e g e . We d o n ' t t a l k enough about race. We talk a lot about race, but w e never do anything about it. You can find plenty of people on this c a m p u s to support any of these positions. T h i s semester, h o w e v e r , s t u d e n t s in a psychology class are reading, talking, a n d — i n a small w a y — e v e n d o i n g s o m e t h i n g with regard to understanding the role of race here at Hope. Every Tuesday and Thursday af-

t e r n o o n this s e m e s t e r , 34 H o p e C o l l e g e s t u d e n t s are m e e t i n g in Race in America, the Psychology D e p a r t m e n t ' s t w o - c r e d i t general education course. We h a v e an interesting mix of people, for s o m e , H o p e is the most h o m o g e n e o u s place t h e y ' v e ever been; f o r others, it's the most diverse. Most of the students are While, but there are several American students of color and a couple of international students, too. W h e n I asked the students at the end of previous semesters of the c o u r s e f o r their s u g g e s t i o n s f o r

improvement, o n e bit of feedback w a s strong and consistent: Provide students in this class with an opportunity to share what they learn with others on campus. Therefore, with the generous cooperation of Ihe staff of The Anchor, w e are going to make some of what w e learn this semester available to you. T h r e e limes throughout the term, w e will lake stock in class, summarizing what w e have learned to that point and analyzing the role of race at H o p e College in light of the things w e have studied. Each time, we will write a s u m m a r y of

our key points and publish them in The Anchor. In this way. w e can tell you something about whal w e h a v e learned and also encourage you to let u s k n o w a b o u t y o u r thoughts and your experiences. A couple of years ago, the satirical magazine The Onion published a M a r c h 1 h e a d l i n e that read, " W h i l e History Year Resumes." It w a s a way of poking fun at the tendency to limit our study of Black history to the month of February, and to go about business as usual as soon as the month has ended. I believe thai it's good lo set aside

up. In order to honor those twelve he named a year after

Gung heyfatchoyl Joseph Tolton GUEST WRITER

Orientals worldwideare greeting each other today with ' G u n g hey fat c h o y " which literally m e a n s I wish you prosperity and wealth or Happy N e w Year. Based on the lunar ;alendar. Chinese new year always falls on a different day. lowever, is close enough lo January 1 that the lunar New Year is always in January o r February. According to Scotland Online's New Year site, "the Chiicse Lunar N e w Year is the longest chronological record in listory." T h e calendar has been around since 2 6 0 0 BC and *' the longesl chronological record in history" (Scolland Dnline's N e w Year site). Emperor Huang Ti started the syse m when he first introduced the Zodiac. It has a sixty year :ycle made u p of five groups of twelve years, each repre>ented by a particular animal. Legend describes how Buddha asked all of the animals o see him b e f o r e he left the earth, but only twelve showed

each one of t h e m in the order lhal they arrived. 2005. as the Year of the Green Rooster, is designated by colors which correspond lo the traditional elements of metal, water, wood. fire, and soil. An element corresponds lo a color; metal is white or golden, water is black, wood is green, fire is red. and soil is brown. Each color will also occur twice within the 12 year rotation, lo signify yin and yang. In China, the celebration is associated with the legend of a village battling a monster. On o n e winter evening a monster c a m e and ravaged ihe village. T h e following year the s a m e thing happened. On the Uiird year, Ihe villagers decided lo take action to stop the monster f r o m coming. T h e y h u n g red banners to scare ihe monster away. Also, firecrackers, drums, and g o n g s were used lo make loud noises. All of the different elements helped keep the monster away. For several d a y s after w h e n the monster would have come, the villagers visiled each other, danced, and ale great food lo celebrate. T h e s e traditions are reenacted and vary throughout m a n y oriental cultures such as Japan, Korea, and Ihe Vietnam.

specific occasions to learn about the history of African-Americans and of others outside the mainstream of White American society. But I also think that it's important to be inf o r m e d by t h a t k n o w l e d g e a n d those perspectives all year long. I hope thai the occasional pieces published by the Race in America students will provide an on-going opportunity f o r those of us at Hope to learn how lo build a college lhal will be a genuine c o m m u n i t y f o r people of every color and culture. Look for the first article in just a couple of weeks.

l-fapyy Lunar i s / e w Year wishes of goocf fieaftf. and fortune from tfie 'Asian 'Perspective 'Association!

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