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The Anchor Volume XXXV


TOPPERS Long Shots Feature Close Contest


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Playing the game of their lives the Hope basket ball squad led the much toted Western State Normal until the last minute of play. When the gong was about to ring the Hill Toppers rang up two baskets in rapid succession, one of them tieing the score and the other spelling defeat for the Orange and Blue. It was a game full of thrills with Hope leading all the way; the sensational long basket shooting of the College team, their rapid passing, their hard and fast guarding were all that could be desired. Yonkman, who has been sick, was on the side lines but did not get into the game. The game started with a rush but in spite of this fact kept getting faster and faster as play continued. Miller for Kazoo opened the scoring with a lucky one from half way down the court. Irving not to be outdone repeated and tied the score. The game tended to become rough and Johnson the referee frequently stopped it in the first part of this half to penalize the offenders. Irving for Hope added 3' points to our score and Miller padded his average with five from the foul line. This part of the program over with Riemersma decided to put his squad again ahead and uncorked one of his long parabolic shots that never touched the rim. Joldersma repeated from approximately the same spot and, altho his trajectory was somewhat flatter, it added an equal 2 points to the Hope score. This gave Riemersma an inspiration and he added another from almost the same position and another from close in after a dribble. This gave Hope a decided lead but Van Wingen of the Normal cut it down two points before the half ended. Half score 13 to 9, Hope. . The second half was replete with thrills as the celery eating teachers attempted to narrow the margin between them and victory. Van Wingen scored first from under the basket after some pretty passing. Irving broke thru the Kazoo first line and evened things up, Riemersma again scored from a mid-court position. Van Wingen scored again on the same play that had netted him his earlier basket. The Kalamazoo quintet now began to cover three quarters of the floor in a successful effort to stop the long distant shooting of Hope. The Hope team was playing a great game, however, with the ball in their possession a greater percentage of the time. Johnson of Kazoo brought the score to an 18 to 18 tie with a half court placement. Irving soon fiut Hope again in the lead with a pretty shot after he had received a neat bounce pass. Time was almost up and the Orange and Blue attempted to retain victory by stalling tactics, they proved unsuccessful and Johnson of the teachers added two more baskets and the contest, one of the hairdest luck i* exhibitions staged here this year, was terminated. The long distance shooting of Capt. Riemersma, the clever floor work of Irving, the steady guarding of Joldersma and the passing of Ottipoby and Van Lente featured the Hope play. The deadly eyes of Van Wingen and 0.'Johnson gave Kazoo the victory. Miller also played a good

HOPE COLLEGE. Holliiid. Michigan, Feb. 7,1923 "HOPE HIGJBT DOPE Do you know that ours in not the only school bearing the name'Hope'? I think that most of our student body do know that there is another school bearing our name—Hope High School in India, so named because we as a school, faculty and students, support the Principal of that school. Many Hope Alumni and some resident students have "Endowment Pledges", which are payable in annual installments for a period of ten years. More students should take these pledges, so that the annual drives for "one year pledges" will no longer be necessary. Last May at our annual drive pledges amounting to $1,177.50 were made by 201 people. Of this amount $740.00 have been collected from 120 people and the association union committee wish to thank those who paid promptly. There are 81 pledges amounting to $437.50, still unpaid. We all take pride in the missionary record of our school but let us not "rest on the oars". We can make this a big "Hope High School year" by paying up those back pledges, and then when in May the annual drive again takes place we may launch out into a bigger year. N Anyone with a little spare time would do well to write a letter to help cheer up and encourage our own representative out there in the active work. Address: Chris. De Jong, Madanapella, India, c-o Hope High School. "Chick" has been in the hospital but is recovering and surely he would appreciate a letter from "Old Hope"; let's .show him both by word and deed in the form of pledges that we are back of hinj. o Secret Service—Feb. 21.


game. In the preliminary the Hope Reserves coming up from behind tied the score and forced the Muskegon Bethanys to accept the short end of a 13to 15 score in an over-time period. Poppen dropped in the basket that spelled victory for the scrubs. Duxon and Lubbers also did excellent work. The two Hoeker brothers, Bert and John, were easily the shining light for the visitors. Sumary;— Hope . Normals Ottipoby Steggerda Irving Van Wingen Van Lente Miller Riemersma Gill Joldersma W. Johnson Field Goals: Irving 3, Riemersma 4, Joldersma, 0. Johnson 3, Van JVingen 4, Miller. Foul Goals: Irving 4 of 5, Miller 6 of 8. Referee: Johnson, Purdue.

ORATORIO SOCIETY ORGANIZED Will Render Mendelssohn's * ^St Paul"

An oratorio society has been orNEXT NUMBER OP HOPE LECganized in Holland for the purpose TURE COURSE FEB. 14 of working up an oratorio which will be given some time this spring. At An Evening of Fun and Bloodthe first meeting, held January 24th. curdling Mystery Dr. Gilmore of Holland was elected president and William Rottschaeffer, The next number of the College Lecture course Will occur on Feb. Hope '23, secretary and treasurer. 14, at Carnegie Gymnasium. It will The society also decided to study Paul". Mr. be an evening of great fun and Mendelssohn's " S t blood-curdling mystery. A company Campbell, conductor of the Schubert of three, under the direction of the Club of Grand Rapids, is directing Redpath Bureau, will entertain an the worjc. audience that will crowd the capacity of Carnegie Gym. In order to handle the crowd better, no seats will be reserved in the gallery. First come, first served. There are over 400 good seats left. The great Laurant, magician and wonder worker, combines wizardry, music, and colorful splendor in his elaborate programs. He employs the arts and the ingenuity of both ancient and modern conjurers. Hindu magic, the craft of the Chinese, and American illusion and fun follow each other with startling rapidity. During a period of nearly twenty years in the profession, Eugene Laurant has always striven to make each year's program greater than that of the year before. That he has succeeded is universally admitted,his

HOPE vs M T PLEASANT FEB 9, 1923 Hopeites! Let's continue to support the basketball team by coming out again Friday night to watch our men play, the fast M't Pleasant quint to a standstill. M't Pleasant is playing for honor* in state basket ball. They have beaten Ypsi. Normal which is considered to be one of the best teams in the M.I.A.A. this year. Three of their regular line-up are playing their fourth season. We have played them four games in the last three years, winning three out of four, the greatest margin of victory being /mly four points. Last year we defeated this team by two points in an overtime game. Everybody be there. We will make the Pleasant Mountaineers feel unpleasant after the game is over. — o Hot fudge Sundaes at the Waffle Shop.

Number 15


performance this season will eclipse all anticipations. With Mr. Laurant in the company are Greta Banes Laurant, pianist, and Fred Larsen, stage manager. Mrs. Laurant assists in the magic work and, both from this standpoint and also in her piano selections, proves herself a thoroughly delightful entertainer. Upon Mr. Larsen devolves the duty of superintending the huge mass of equipment used in the lavish Laurant productions. Big things have always been predicted of Laurant and Company and bigger things have always been achieved. People who have seen Kellar and Hermann the Great at their best declare that Laurant is quite their equal, and not a few pronounce him their superior. As a tribute to Laurant's astonishing skill and to his consistent leadership in raising the art of magic to the highest plane, he was presented recently with a gold medal by the Society of American Magicians. Tickets for general admission at Huizenga's.

PI KAPPA DELTA Students of Hope, do you know that we have a national organization upon the campus? Well we have and it is known as the Gamm«i Chapter Pi Kappa Delta. I t is a national organization of orators and debaters and is recognized far and wide. At present the membership of our chapter is seven. Those who are active members are, Harvey De Weerd, Jack Prins, Jerry De Vries, Daniel De Graff, Irvin Borgman.Miss Jeanette Van Arendbnk and Dr. J.B. Nykerk. Beside these there are a large number of Hopeites, who are graduate members, Mr. Giles, at one time our representative in.the State Oratorical Contest, has recently written for membership in our Chapter. The purpose of this organization is to promote oratory and debate on the campus. The members of the Chapter have done as much as they were able along this line this year. It urges all, who petoltty can, to get into the oratorical contests this Spring. Now is the time to begin on that oration, that you have been planning to write. Get at it now. when the exams are over and your slate is clean. The emblem of this organization fa a golden key set with stones, depending upon the rank of the member. Mr. De Weerd and Mr. Prins have earned the degree of honor, both having taken part in three debates. Fellow-students, you too may wear one of these emblems if you get out and work. Let us see a very large number in the contests this Spring. Let us have a dozen eliminations, if need be. Let's go, Hopeites and show the world that we are still on the map when it comes to oratory and debating. ALUMNI NEWS Nellie Elizabeth Zwemer, 1921, is engaged to Claude Leon Picken, University of Michigan '23. Mr. Picken is from Washington, D. C. O — —


February 7—Wednesday. Ulfilas program. February 8—Thursday. 5:00—6:00 Y. W. meeting in charge of prep girls. February 9—Friday. 4:45-6:00 Orchestra practice. 5:00-6:00 Home Volunteer Meeting. 5:00-6:00 Student Volunteer Meeting. Hilda Wierenga, Prep. '22, visited Basketball Hope vs. Mt. Pleasant the dormitory last week. Normals at home. o February 12—Monday. "A PLAY IN TWO ACTS" 5:00-6:00 Y. M. & Y. M. Cabinet FIRST ACT—Student making a Meetings. pledge. February 13—Tuesday. INTERMISSION 7:00-8:00 Y. M. Meeting. Leader ACT TWO—"Paying. Simon Heemstra. Why such a long period between February 14—Wednesday. acts ? Lecture Course number—Laurant. PAY TO-DAY!

ZWEMER, HARRISON AT ANN ARROR MICHIGAN UNION BUSY PLANNING ANNUAL CONFERENCE STUDENT VOLUNTEER CONVENTION The time is fast drawing near when the students of Hope will be asked to consider the momentous question whether or not they will attend the Student Volunteer convention to be held this year at Ann Arbor on March 16, 17, 18. Aside from the fact that it will enable many to become acquainted with their own state university m a very intimate way we must consider that more important phase dealing with the spiritual welfare which such a convention will foster and its more f a r reaching results in the lives of those who may gain there the vision of a personal share in the work of evangelizing the worldl. Of those who attended the meetings last year few will deny the power which was evident thruout the conference. I marvel, as I look back to that time, for I was rather doubtful as to what such a conference would bring, but after all was over I felt that feeling of rejuvenation in spiritual matters that was indeed wonderful. We, of the student volunteer group, look forward with a great deal of anticipation to this coming event. But we feel that our joy and pleasure would be much more increased if we could take witii us the other members of the Hope family who are all, in essence, missionaries of the cross. Won^t you think about this and try to see what benefits would result to you from attending and consider the pleasure and advantage such a trip would bring? It is very interesting to note that among the leading speakers will be Dr. Samuel Zwemer. We all know him for his grip upon world problems, his deep convictions, his charm and personality. Dr. Zwemer has just completed an extensive tour thru the Mohammedan world. His previous experiences have been augmented and enlarged. He comes with a message from a land that is hungering and thirsting for the true gospel of Jesus Christ. We will also be privileged to hear a man who has proven to J>e a magnetic force wherever he has spoken. I speak of Dr. Harrison. A man who has been on the field many years, possessing rare talent in bringing home his message tilled with a deep sincertiy for his work and knowing that whereof he speaks. Recently Dr. Harrison broke all precedence in the chapel of the University of Chicago. The students were filled with such enthusiasm that they could not contain themselves and broke forth into hearty applause, an action which had not been observed for some time. Think about these things seriously, students, and try to see your way clear to joining us in group. Watch the Anchor for more information. "EXCHANGE COMMENT ON SUPPLEMENT" "Hope has added a Literary Supplement to its weekly paper and surely is to be congratulated on the first number. Its form is neat and the material is well-proportioned. The stories, "A Symphony in Red", and "The Virtuous Vamp"; "Reflections of a Senior"; "A Reverie on Studying"; "Looking Backward" by an alumna; and the Bbok Reviews are especially worth-while, and we hope that Calvin students will read some of the articles. It should meet with a hearty response by the students of Hope." —Calvin Chimes^



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BOABB OF BDIT0B8 DAB W. De Onff Joan Vander Bpek

H&roU Demetra Bulk PoQogrom Pearl Paatman..

Bdltor-in-Chltf .AMOCUU Editor AMOOUU Editor

Oampae Vows Oampni Kewi

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Swantlna De Young


Kenneth Van Lenio H a m j r De Weerd

Athletics .Jokes


Jerry Do Vrioo William Zoorner. Ttmi

Buetnoaa Manager Circulation (Manager

|1.60 per year in adranee

Single Ooplee

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Accepted for Mailing at Special Bate of poelag* proTided tor in Section 1108, Act hi October. 1017, eitborived October 10, 1010.

A LINE A DAY. No, this isn't an argument in favor of keeping a diary although we might suggest that it is a very excellent habit and worth-while following. "A line a day" holds good in more than one line. Every day in everything we do we are adding a line of history, of growth, and of character to our lives. Sometimes it isn't a very pleasant thought that all that we do is written down irrevocally on Life's page in black and white. For example, we're building the history of Hope. We're determining its future by our actions of to-day. What public opinion are we creating at Hope? Is each line forceful, energetic, powerful? A character isn't built in a day but, nevertheless, we add something to it daily. Are we going to have the words blotted and blurred, the line crooked, and the meaning dim and obscure? It's quite a responsibility, this invisible diary of ours. It merits careful thought and consideration. Study it carefully, and write your lines swiftly but surely in the best way you can. Then a line a day will add much to your life. o THE SPIRIT OF HOPE. With the passing of another semester we bring out the old weather-wom witticism 'Tempus Fugit.' The deeds we have done and the words we have spoken are floating lightly into the regions of criticism or commendation. For as Shakepeare says, "It is what men dare do, what men may dp, what men daily do, not knowing what they do that solves the individual 4ifs' in their individual lives!" It is the careful, observing, personal friend who, after an extended absence, can compare the present with the past and thus prophecy for the future in ones career. As a man on furlough returning to the home of his childhood, notes the irregularities, the differences and the changes that have taken place so Hope students and graduates note there, after a short intermission, the evolutionary changes involved in this so-called "Spirit of Hope". A ghostly semblance of some monstrous image, demanding fear, yet beautiful to look upon, A Spirit of Hope haunts us throughout our last hig<h school days. With eager expectancy we entered this institution-disappointed in so far that the spirit with which we have become acquainted seems not a beacon of light to the studentry, not a bright star to all upon our campus, but rather an organism, which, in its struggle for exsistance is meeting some superior foe, and is now on a slow but steady decline, to be revered only as a thing of the past. That Spirit, which in the days of yore, was held high in the hearts of men, inspiring our oraters, spurring our athletes on to victory, that spirit which knew no defeat, is now being selfishly snapped by a parasite, gnawing its way deep into the

moralo of our students, thus bleeding the very veins of our 'Spera in Deq.' The Society spirit which is prevalent on our campus to-day could be classified as a detrimental necessity or as a necessary determent, necessary in so far that in its proper sphere it helps, through competitive methods, to bring out the best material for our Alma Mater, but determental, when in an uncontrolable realm, it leads the very members of its organization into selfish, dishonest avenues for gaining their society ends. During the process of our course at Hope this spirit has swayed the hearts of many of us, in the early rush for men, and in the election of College association officers, to entertain means and methods which would not measure up to the honor system we have adopted. That spirit has encouraged men to put away all sense of self respect, honor, and religious justice, and has broken the bonds of closest friendship, merely, to determine some selfish society gain. That spirit is now spreading its influence into the social realm of our college, and we as Christian students seem satisfied to inhale the fumes of its furiousness, and to do nothing to hinder its coming. - Fellows . students these things ought not so to be. 'Dad' Elliot in his short visit with us, has pointed out this weakness on our campus. Are we, in the coming elections, set on our motives as to the path we shall follow? Are we at ease to think that if but our society wins we care not for the outcome of Hope? Do you not care, that, since the cultivation of • this spj^it * we have not had winners in Oratory, winnens in debates, winners in athletics, such as our Alumni boast? Shall we post on the portals of our beloved college these words as a motto: "For My Society I shall Sing?" Or shall we, in overcoming this Menace create a large atmosphere for those to come, giving assurance to our ALMA MATER, with voices raised in tuneful accord sing out: "OLD HOPE, thy sons ar3 round thee standing." We will ever hail our glorious ORANGE AND BLUE." H. L. "OUR FOOLOSOPHER."

a one-hour vacation from our "exams." But it certainly was true. We could just feel our minds travel in one direction at a great rate of speed and the blue books in the opposite direction at the same rate of speed, until there were miles and miles between them. Then we had reached our destination and Agnes, in her own sincere way told us, with new force, that God had a two-fold dwelling place. We had probably heard this several times before, but it did not strike us quite in the same way. We were told that God was omnipotent, eternal, and omnipresent. Whereever we go, there is God. Such a comforting fact! But He has two dwelling places, is what we learned in Y. W.; one in Heaven and one in the hearts of the humble people. It was stressed that the heart must be humble before God can possibly dwell in it. We should pi ay that God would first make out hearts humble, and then ask Him to come to dwell in them. Who can look out of doors, at a brillant red setting-sun and not have his heart moved or who can look at the flashing lightning or hear the rumbling thunder and not realize the power of God ? " 0 Lord, how manifold are thy works! in wisdom hast thou made all: the earth is full of thy riches." Every girl present felt the power and presence of God. Oh, how each one wished for a more humble heart and that God would come to dwell in it and make it His abode. Could we but stay here and think and listen but, what is this we hear, "Time to close!" and that means our vacation has ended! Sad news. Then we realized that our minds were again speeding along and that we would soon meet our blue books. And after the meeting there they were to meet us. But there had been a change, they seemed to have a ray of sunshine across their faces. Strange as it may seem to have sunshine in a blue book, that is just what happened, for each girl had sunshine in her eyes and everything she now looked at contained sunshine. There was only one thing to sadden our trip and that was that not all the girls on the campus were there and that some had to miss it. Here is some good news though: this is just one of our weekly excursions. Next week and every week we want you all to be there to take the vacation with us. The train leaves at 5 p. m. sharp.

There are some peculiar interpreRev. and Mrs. C. B. Muste and tations of joint chapel displayed by the students lately. Some think it is daughter are guests in Holland. Mr. a joint affair with their pillow. Others Muste is of the class of '16. seem to hold their chapel at night, carefully keeping the devotional part Remember the public Ulfilas in "joint" company with some other program tonight in the Chapel. This devotee. is an event you can't afford to miss. The freshman who said the following: "Evidently Dr. Dimnent does not approve of long exams, judging by the twentieth number of his Free Lecture Course the other morning", ought to be shown his proper place in society. o Compulsory chapel is to all appearances greatly enjoyed. It makes it twice as much fun to skip. Dr. Dimnent's big job, how to put the "chap" in chapel,—well yes, and the "com" in compulsory. When Hope lost to Normal the other night we felt like the freshman who crammed all night on a certain French poem and was given another in the exam the next day. There is one thing we don't like about "Frost Bites", that is that the fan next to you is always broke. Night by night by electric light, I am getting brighter and brighter. Chapel—A five hour smoke talks.



Y. W. C .A. Weren't we glad we had gone to Y. W. last week to take a vacation ? We were quite surprised when Agnes Beukema, who was to lead on the topic. "The Two-fold Dwelling Place of God," told us that we were to have

HOME VOUNTEERS. The Home Volunteers held their regular meeting last Friday, Jan. 26 at 5 o'clock. It is not to be disputed that the Home Volunteer organization has proved to be a great success not only, but a real inspiration to the men intending to go into the ministry. It is essentially an organization which stands for preparation and thoroughness on the part of its membership, as regards their future work. Would anyone claim to be a student he must first of all possess the quality of open-mindedness and approach every problem from an unprejudiced standpont. He must look at things with the critical eye. He must weigh every statement and assertion; consider the source and probability of its truth, and if he discovers certain facts he must ask himself whether the facts warrant the conclusions he draws from them.x Such was the attitude which Bert Brower took in approaching the subject of criticism . or review of the recent publicaition^ "Landmarks |of the Reformed Fathers", by Mr. Van Eyck, Postmaster of Holland. Mr. Van Eyck tries to show in his book that there was no justification whatever upon any grounds for the secession of 1857. That the seceders were not agreed amongst themselves, he also brings out. It is, however, not a wprk devoted to a harsh and

condemning criticism or judgment not the spirit of destruction. It is upon either side in the secession of- very easy to be continually pulling 1867, but breathes a spirit of con- down and demolishing; but it takes ciliation, a plea for fairness and a intellect, will, and character to banishing of unfair prejudices by build. Let's be builders. o both parties, so that if possible the OFFICERS FOR ENSUING TERM. alienated churches may be brought Pres.—Herbert Mentink into a union. It is the duty of everyone of us to Vice Pres.—John Elbenr catch the spirit of Christ, the spirit Sec. & Treas.—Richard Van Farowe of tolerance, and not of unfair crit- Janitor—Timothy A. Cramer Secretary. icism; the spirit of helpfulness and oaeooeoeeooeooeeeeeeeoeeeoetoeooeotoooeooooooooeooooooooooo ooooooeooeoeeeeeee

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T h r e e

The Students Barber

Altho indebted to the editor of the Anchor for his timely euggrestion, this subject has been on my mind Below Hotel Holland and heart for some time. I have shifted the responsibility somewhat to my heart, as my mind—being no longer fresh and verdant like the grass—cannot cover the ground. From the outset I must assure you that it is not for lack of 'dates'that I endite this soulstirring epistle. In HOLLAND, MICH. tact I am a most popular girl. This is the first time I have been able to express this in black and white, as Capital $100,000.00 up until now I have always used blue Surplus and Profits $86,000.00 or violet ink. My name brought tears—of joy no doubt—to the ex^O/Interest paid on Time pressive eyes of the inmates of Van t T / © Deposits Vleck. My name is at the head of their lists. But with the reconstruction program going, thanks to those dear men of the council, my fame has spread to the uttermost parts of Holland. Now I must say, "Wherefore and where do they Romeo". Gossip has it that they come no more. For which favor I am posolutly thankful and absotivly glad. The condition was fearful. The system had me in its grip. When I had been out with a man for three times or more, my name was linked uo with theirs. I felt like a string of HOLLAND, MICH. sausages. Not only was I one man's hat and chain. I was like unto a hall stand or a men's furnishing department. THE You ask me for a solution? I have none. You had better ask one of the laboratory assistants. BARBER SHOP "A Poor Snug Sole." is t h e place to go if you 0 Secret Service—Feb. 21. w a n t service. T h r e e experienced b a r b e r s . LOCAL FIVE HOLD THEIR OWN . AGAINST VISITORS



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condensed. A vacuum was formed and the weight of the outer air forced the unresisting piston in. Out of these researches eventually; came the steam engine. London talked of the scandalpus life that King Charles led, and paid scant attention to such physicists as Papin, whose work did so much to change the whole character of industry. \ .The study of air and air pumps has been continued in spite of Charles's laughter. In the General Electric Company's Research Laboratories, for instance, pumps have been developed which will ex. '

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From the opening whistle the re- ahnost^thrunnt ^Tll ^ i f ^ 8 S C ° r i n g e a wa8 11 t o suit of the play was seldom in any 9 : f h • - * . T, doubt, Hope leading all the way L m The play started slowly both teams ^ a i n e ( j a o n e T 1 "? 6 ^ .anj 1Tlam ned making attempts to score but seem- : t f 1 ' ^ H1 ing unable to locate the basket. Aft- L T L l * ^ ^ W0 I er Ottipoby, of Hope, scored the . I one g:ame An . first counter, the game began to ac- i a s t evpninp.fq u r i n ^ e season but e celerate until a speedy exhibition m e n t Both ^ *rgu' 8 br0Ught a Crowd was-staged. 1 ! oTf n •. ix. .. enthusiastic supporters with •Boniface evened the score with a ^jj em pretty mid-court shot. Yonkman Summary— with a neat basket, from about the Hope Anthonys foul line distance, again put Hope in Ottipomy F Boniface the lead. Ottipoby once more scored i r v i ^ F White this time from the side of the court, Yonkman C Daniels and Yonkman again from the center Riemersma C Keever before the visitors located the has- Joldersma € ket, Daniels registering what prov- ""pleldToals Ottraohv . d . . ^ ,h.it .... h.„. ^ Yonkman agam scored and Van Boniface 3, Daniels, kusk. Fou

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h V fi J goals—.Boniface 1 out of 3. Substiadded the final two points for Hope tutions-Van Lente for Irving. Irm that penod. The half score was v i n g f o r V a n L e n t e . V a n ^ ^ .

Diike9^ Cafe

to 4, Hope 'eadang. Yonkman; Yonkman for Irving; J Bomface opened the second half Vanden Brink for Joldersma; Miller scormg with a shot from close ,n. f o r D a n i e l 9 . s h a n k f ( ) r ' K e e v e r . : Irving retaliated with a clean side- R u s k f o r Keever for shank ' ! court shot, Boniface again tallied Referee-Johnson, Purdue two points from the floor and one o — from the foul line. Rusk, substitutMr. P. J, Weersing Prep '08, and

"HollMid'a Foramoit E . t i n t n . M "

T K A 1 n of K n 1^ 4-

for the Anthony Wayne's. Hope was now working smoothly and



0ttlpob y a d " (

, ;. ; ^"nersma each added a counter for Hope and the game ended. Yonkman was again high score man for Hope, the clever work of Ottipoby was a feature of the game, Irving and Riemersma played stollar floor games while Joldersma played his guarding position hard and con-


piston isS pulled o u t . P This achievement marks the Denis Papin had as much to do beginning of a new kind of chemisas anyone with these laughable try—a chemistry that concerns activities of the Royal Society. itself with the effect of forces on Papin turned up. in London one matter in the absence of air, a day with a cylinder in which a chemistry that has already enpiston could slide. He boiled water riched the world with invaluable in the cylinder. The steam generimprovements in illumination, raated pushed the piston out. When •' dio communication, and roentgenthe flame was removed, the steam ology. *

S Ub 3tltUted f 0 , t f

Vander Ploeg8 lHl da li lr fv nU tl ^o B a r b e r s h o p Cor. College Ave. and 8th St..


IAMUEL PEPYS says in his diary that CharlesII, for all his interest in the Royal Society, laughed uproariously at its members for spending their time only in .weighing of air and doing nothing else since they sat." /This helps to explain why Charles has come down to us as the "merry monarch." The Royal Society was engaged in important research. It was trying to substitute facts for the meaningless phrase "nature abhors a vacuum," which had long served ^ to explain why water


the Muskegon Y. M. C. A. Thursday night. f

Milestone Portraits

\ / ^ \1 i

Friday evening the much toted Anthony Wayne Institute basketball quintet of Ft. Wayne, Indiana, bowed before the Hope College squad on the Carnegie Gymnasium floor. The contest, which ended in a 20 to 11 victory for the local collegians, was fast and clean thruout. Both teams played a good defensive game, however, the offensive of the Hope squad proved more powerful than that of the Institute who were unable to penetrate the Hope five men defensive consistently. This de• feat registers but the 8th for the uF .t Wayne team during , . , four eea-

• • 1 Dr.FrancesN.Howell *



M r . W e e r s i n ? ia a t t e n d i

^ Teach

Phoaa 2371





vi8itor8 on the c a m p u s

PETER H. DE VRIES, '22 Prop.


College, Columbia University. J •. . H o t fudge Sundaes at the Waffle Shop. — o • Napoleonic. ' An army travels on its stomach, said Napoleon. Many a studenVgetaT there on hi« galL




Q g |


1 D T J









l i g h t Mere Detail. "A man's a fool to marry", he declared angrily. "Why add, to marry?" she asked sweetly.

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Holland, Mich

Powder Puff or Pocket Comb

Theorem. m Proposition: If I would marry the mother of a • girl and my father would marry the 4 girl, I would be my own grandfather. Given: I married the mother of the girl; my father married the girl. To prove that: I am my own grandfather. Proof: My father is husband of the girl (given). The girl is my mother (hyp). But the mother of my mother is my grandmother (axiom). Or the mother of the girl is my grandmother (substitution). (Because the girl is my mother). But I married the mother of the *; girl (given). I am the husband of the mother of the"girl (substitution). I am the husband of my grandmother. I am my own grandfather. Q. E. D.

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Y o u r P i c t u r e f o r t h e Milestone t a k e n NOW at t h e







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14 West 8th St.

Fact vs Fancy. A good story is being told of a reply a freshmen grave to a question in commercial arithmetic. "If twenty men reap a field in eight hours, how long will it take fifteen men to reap the same field?" The "Frosh" thot long and carefully and then put down this answer: "The field, having already been S reaped by the twenty men, could • not be reaped by the fifteen." • —Tit-Bits.

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Positive Proof. Paying. Teller; "But, madame, you will have to be identified before I can cash this check for you." College Co-ed: (Blushing furiously) "Oh, I just hate to do it, and George would be dreadfully angry,, but I have a love letter here which describes me fully, if you care to see it.".



_..at the--.

Lester Sniper: "Have you any for me?" ~ Postmaster: "What is your name?" L. K: "You will And it on the envelope."



The Best Shoe Repairing is Done

1 Prophylactic Tooth Brush. 50c. Lindeborg's Students Drug Store 54 East 8th Str.


Laughlin's Restaurant 72 East Eighth St.

A R e a l G o o d Place to Eat Citizens Phone 198+

Arctic Ice Cream ALL YEAR AROUND f


Barber: "Do you want a hair cut?" Frank Huff: "No, I want them all cut."

SOME DIFFERENCE; A one dollar bill and a t w e n t y dollar bill • seem t h e same to a blind man — yet t h e d i f f e r e n c e is m a r k e d to t h e man w h o can s e e — a n d its only a d i f f e r e n c e in pi ir.ting. It is t h e way p r i n t i n g is d o n e and t h e idea back of it t h a t m a k e s it w o r t h m o r e or less.

Patient: "I am so weak, I can hardly walk. What must I do?" 'Doc/ Godfrey: "You better hire a taxicab to carry you." Mrs. Durfee: "I heard a noise very late when you came in." Miss Westerhoff: "Was it night • falling?" "Durf": "No, it was day breaking Actions Speak. Martha—"So you told Paul of your love?" "Ang"—"Well—a—not just exactly that,—we just went thru the motions."

Steketee-Yan Huis Printing House 180 River Av..


Holland, Mich

Best Ice Cream Parlor in the City Also Confectionery and Fruits.


A. P A T S Y F A B I A N O 26 West Eighth Street »••••••••••••••!


-TRYK e e f e r ' s


Prof. Winter: "If you were angry with one of your pupils, what would you do?" 'Fat' Mentink: "Sit on him and count a hundred."

t9 W. Eighth Street



Chas. Samson, N.D. Get Your Eats for Society affairs at

Molenaar&DeGoede 14 Ernst 8th St. Secret Service—Feb. 21.

Dr. Nykerk in a country store.— "What have you in the shape of automobile tires?" Clerk—"Fresh doughtnuts."

Cltz. Phone 1795 EYE, EAR, NOSE. THROAT and HEADACHE GLA r SES FITTED Office Hours:—9,20 to 12 A. M,

l.8() to 6 P M. • Sat. Evenings 7.80 to 9. Office 11 E. 8th-St. Holland Mich

Mrs. Durfee: "I don't want to hear of your going automobiling with that young man anymore. Fair one of the S. G. A.: "No ma'am—next time you won't hear of it at all." A Hypnotist. Student entering psychology class: "Professor, I referred to you last evening as our hypnotic preacher.' "I guess that's all right," answered our ^psyc' prof., "The last time I preached I put half of my audience to sleep."


Yes, men, it is better to try to love now, than never to love at all.


: ;

"Say it with Shady Lawn Flowers"


SHADY LAWN FLORISTS, 275 281 E. 16th S t . Johi B. Van der Ploeg. Mgr. "OUR BUSINESS IS CROWING."

P h o n e 1345

Fine Pianos and Players Victrolas and Records — a t the—


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