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HOPE COLLEGE ANCHOR Hope College — Holland, Michigan


Bachelors Beware


By Beverly Joeckel S t a r t saving your money, girls! Be on your best behavior, fellows! For the week of February 9 to 14 is Dutch Treat Week at Hope College. Dutch Treat Week was inaugurated in 1950 and is now an established tradition. This is one week when the feminine population does all the asking and paying f o r dates, while the masculine counterparts just sit back and relax. One of the specially planned activities for this unique week is the Bachelor Bank. The bank itself is a large box to be found in Van Raalte Hall into which hopeful girls can place their names. The bachelors are twenty of t h e most eligible men on campus, f o u r from every fraternity, who will each draw a name from the box at a ceremony at 12:35 A.M. on Monday, the first day of Dutch Treat Week. The bachelors and the twenty lucky girls whose names have been picked will make use of donations of entertainment by merchants of Holland. Other highlights of the week include the faculty recital and the home basketball game and p a r t y on Valentine's Day. Judy Eastman and Carol Joelson, assisted by Lynne Feltham, Mary Decker, Adina Yonan, Carolyn Kleiber, Arlene Cizak, and Gail Friesma are organizing the program for the week.

Holmquest and Johnston to Lecture at Piano Conference February 13th


A piano conference, lasting n e a r ly all day (9:30 A.M. to 5:30 P.M.) will be held a t Hope College on Friday, F e b r u a r y thirteenth. T a k ing place in the music building, the guest lecturers will be Miss Barb a r a Holmquest, and K a t h r y n J o h n ston. Miss Holmquest is a concert pianist now teaching a t the University of Michigan, and will lect u r e on the subject "The Concert A r tis t Looks a t Practicing." Mrs. Johnston, lecturing on "The Piano Teacher as an E d u c a t o r " is a class piano t e a c h e r in the Beechwood (Holland) Public Schools.

Pix Display At Library February 10-17




Discussions by members of the Hope faculty who teach piano will be given on materials and methods. Those t a k i n g p a r t in t h e discussion will be Mrs. Harold K a r s t e n , Miss J a n t i n a Holleman, and Mr. Anthony Kooiker. Exhibits f r o m music publishers will also be on display. At 4:30 P.M. a g u e s t piano recital will be presented by Mr. Ray Johnson, who teaches piano a t the University of Kansas. Mr. Johnson was a pupil of Sandor Vos, and h a s a p e r f o r m e r ' s and A r t i s t ' s diploma f r o m t h e E a s t m a n School of Music a t Rochester, New York where he is a candidate f o r the Doctor's d e g r e e in Musical Arts. Mr. Johnson h a s played with m a n y m a j o r symphonies in both the Southwest and Mid-west.

Eleven Receive Diplomas at End of First Semester Receiving diplomas f r o m Hope College were eleven s t u d e n t s who completed t h e i r college c a r e e r s a t the end of the first semester. F o r m a l recognition was given to the eleven m i d - t e r m g r a d s at a " F a r e w e l l D i n n e r " given them by the administration and faculty T h u r s d a y , J a n u a r y 22. Before leaving Hope f o r various p a r t s of the country, the eleven g a t h e r e d at the dinner as new alumni. Mrs. S t r y k e r spoke briefly to them about the alumni association and t h e i r p a r t in the association. Mid-term g r a d u a t e s were Charles Adan f r o m Springfield, Massachus- Music Association etts who is undecided in his f u t u r e Completes Billing plans, Robert Andree from Grand For 1959-60 Season Kapids, Michigan who is e n t e r i n g The Holland Civic Music Assothe service, and J a c k Bolhuis f r o m ciation has announced t h a t its Holland, Michigan who is employed m e m b e r s h i p c a m p a i g n has been in design work. completed with the selection of six Also g r a d u a t i n g were Charles Cook f r o m Cincinnati, Ohio who is continuing his study of psychology, Gus F e e n s t r a f r o m Prospect P a r k , New J e r s e y who is teaching, and Harold Gazan f r o m Grand Rapids, Michigan who is doing YMCA work before e n t e r i n g the University of Michigan to do g r a d u a t e work in sociology.

Other people awarded diplomas annual "News P i c t u r e s of t h e were H e n r i e t t a Ket f r o m L a f a y e t t e , Y e a r " photo competition, sponsored Indiana who is teaching at St. by Encyclopaedia Britannica, t h e Elizabeth's School of Nursing, National P r e s s P h o t o g r a p h e r s As- Rainey Shufelt f r o m W a t e r v l u t , New York who Ts w o r k i n g b e f o r e sociation and the School of J o u r n a l en t e r i n g Albany S t a t e Teacher's ism, University of Missouri, will be College next year and Marvin Vanon display at the library f r o m der Ploeg f r o m Holland, Michigan F e b r u a r y 10 to F e b r u a r y 17, 1959. who is teaching. The exhibit will f e a t u r e top prize Likewise g r a d u a t i n g were Steven

judges, will be included. In a prominent place in t h e exhibition will be the pictures of E a r l Seubert, Minneapolis S t a r - T r i b u n e , named Newspaper P h o t o g r a p h e r of t h e Year f o r the second time, and those of Lisa Larsen, L I F E Magazine, the first woman ever to be named Magazine P h o t o g r a p h e r of t h e Year.

Rev. Johnson

Thor Johnson to Discuss Music As "International Language"

The traveling exhibit of the 15th

winners in this year's contest — the l a r g e s t of its kind in the world today. In addition, other prints, rated tops by the competition

In recent y e a r s the t r a v e l i n g exhibit has become a r e g u l a r l y scheduled event at scores of institutions in the U.S. and Canada. This year's show will t o u r nearly 200 cities, being exhibited at leading colleges and universities, public libraries and m u s e u m s and thus, being viewed by more t h a n 2,000,000 persons.

February 6, 1959

Van Grouw f r o m Sheldon, Iowa who is going to E a s t e r n Michigan College to do g r a d u a t e work and George Zeng f r o m Shanghui, China who is undecided about his f u t u r e plans.

m a j o r a t t r a c t i o n s for t h e 1959-191)0 civic concert series. Members of the Association have expressed a definite desire f o r more soloists; t h e r e f o r e , t h e r e a r e to be more in next y e a r ' s series t h a n in p a s t seasons. Heading t h e series will be the world f a m o u s Minneapolis Symphony O r c h e s t r a under the direction of Antal Dorati. T h e y will app e a r here on March 3, 1960. Also a p p e a r i n g will be t h e Tyrollers, a g r o u p of sixteen singers, dancers, and i n s t r u m e n t a l i s t s f r o m t h e Aust r i a n T y r o ! p e r f t r r m m g -i-n^ttreir colorful costumes. Other a r t i s t s t h a t have been selected a r e : Henri Noel, a n outs t a n d i n g American baritone with a n impressive background in opera and oratorio and A a r o n Rosand, violinist who, with his w i f e as pianist, will present a joint prog r a m of violin and piano music. Mr. Rosand is widely r e g a r d e d as one of the m o s t promising of the young violinists.

Completing next season's concert series will be W a l t e r Hautzig, a Frosh From Holland, pianist who h a s been termed "an Zeeland To Meet absolute m a s t e r " by t h e New York A d m i n i s t r a t o r s and counselors T i m e s and h a s just r e t u r n e d f r o m f r o m Holland and Zeeland High a 70 concert tour of E u r o p e and Schools have set aside F e b r u a r y t h e F a r E a s t , and M a r t h a Tipton, 12 to attend Hope College in order Metropolitan Opera soprano who to hold consultations with all h a s done much television work and F r e s h m a n students who have come whose Columbia and W e s t m i n s t e r to Hope f r o m these two schools. recordings have resulted in an apThroughout the m o r n i n g of preciable a m o u n t of f a m e f o r her. T h u r s d a y the 12th ten people f r o m Members a r e reminded t h a t the two school s y s t e m s will be on t h e i r m e m b e r s h i p entitles t h e m to c a m p u s to talk with the f r e s h m e n . a t t e n d the bonus concert of this All f r e s h m e n who attended these y e a r ' s series, the National Symschools a r e requested to m e e t with phony O r c h e s t r a of W a s h i n g t o n them. • D.C., to be given on March 6, 1959.

Twelve Students Departing Tomorrow To Visit Annville Institute

D e p a r t i n g f o r Annville, Kentucky t o m o r r o w m o r n i n g a t 5 A.M. a r e twelve r e p r e s e n t a t i v e s of Hope College in order to a t t e n d Annville I n s t i t u t e f o r two days in connection with "Operation Annville", t h e school drive being held this y e a r F e b r u a r y 23-28. The goal f o r t h e drive is $2,000. Annville I n s t i t u t e , a f u l l y acPersons interested in a t t e n d i n g credited high school in Jackson the Conference should contact Miss County, Annville, Kentucky, will J a n t i n a Holleman, A s s i s t a n t Pro- receive the f u n d s f r o m the drive f e s s o r of Piano at Hope College, f o r new library equipment includand c h a i r m a n f o r t h e conference. ing fiction and non-fiction books as

Dr. Thor Johnson, noted symphony orchestra director, will be a guest on the Hope campus on February 9, 1959. In connection with the cultural benefit p r o g r a m Dr. Johnson will address an allcollege assembly a t 10:15 on the topic, "Is Music An International Language?" In the a f t e r n o o n , members of t h e Hope College o r c h e s t r a will be joined by s t r i n g i n s t r u m e n t players f r o m Holland Christian H i g h School and Holland High School and this combined g r o u p of musicians will be conducted in rehearsal by Dr. Johnson. Dr. Johnson is qualified to lecture on the p r o p e r t i e s of music as an international l a n g u a g e . He h a s traveled with the Symphony of the Air on its F a r E a s t e r n Tour, appearing f o r a season in Tiawan. In this country Dr. Johnson has performed as conductor in the Hollywood Bowl with the Los Angeles Philharmonic and in the Lewissohn Stadium with the New York Philharmonic and Van Cliburn as soloist. Presently Dr. Johnson is director of orchestral activities at N o r t h western University of Music in Evanston, Illinois. He had previouslyly s p e n t eleven y e a r s as Music Director of the Cincinnati Symphony O r c h e s t r a . In addition to his work at E v a n ston and Cincinnati, Dr. Johnson has held posts as orchestral director at the Julliard Conservatory of Music in New York and at t h e University of Michigan School of Music. A n u m b e r of local musicians have played professionally u n d e r the baton of Dr. Johnson b e f o r e coming to Holland, these include Kenneth V a n d e r Heuvel; A r t h u r Hills of the Holland Public Schools and M o r r e t t e Rider of Hope College.

Forensic Praises Hope Efforts In t h e latest issue of the Forensic, official o r g a n of Pi K a p p a Delta, national honorary forensic f r a t e r n i t y of which Hope is the Michigan G a m m a Chapter, Hope received much f a v o r a b l e publicity with both an article on speech news at Hope and a p r i n t i n g of "The Publican," George Worden's 1958 prize-winning oration. Along with pictures of prizewinning o r a t o r s and exteporaneous speakers of last y e a r , the Forensic s t a t e d : "Since 1950, Hope h a s won first in either t h e m e n ' s or women's State "Old Line" Oratorical Contest, except in 1952. In eighteen State Peace Oratorical Contests since 1950, Hope h a s won eight firsts, t h r e e seconds, and six t h i r d s

well as textbooks. "The purpose of the t r i p , " said The books to be bought with the Emily H r a d e c who is w o r k i n g on $2,000 will enforce t h e curriculum t h e drive, "is f o r t h e twelve stuat t h e school which provides college d e n t s going t o get in contact with p r e p a r a t o r y c o u r s e s ; vocational all s t u d e n t s a t Hope in o r d e r to t r a i n i n g in home economics, f a r m , e n t h u s e t h e m for t h e a p p r o a c h i n g . . . George Worden with his oraand shop; commercial studies; drive." tion "The Publican" w a s awarded music courses; and religious edu"To m a k e sure w e contact a s first place in the annual m e n ' s cation studies. m a n y s t u d e n t s as possible, those contest of the I n t e r s t a t e Oratorical In order to observe life a t Ann- a t t e n d i n g t h e I n s t i t u t e a r e repre- association ... . . a t ( S t a t e peace ville, the twelve s t u d e n t s f r o m s e n t a t i v e s of all classes, all sorori- Oratorical a n d extemporaneous Hope a r e going t h e r e tomorrow ties, all clubs and o t h e r o r g a n i z a - Contests) Marianne H a g e m a n took and plan t o spend S u n d a y a n d Mon- tions. We t r i e d to g e t a complete top honors. J a m e s Stevens w a s day a t t h e school before r e t u r n i n g cross-section of the s t u d e n t body," third. Carolyn Kleiber received to Hope Tuesday. she declared. second place.

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February 6, 1959



The Campus Intellectual

Member Associate Collegiate Press

Hurrah for Mr. Clark

By Richard J. Jaarsma


Published weekly by and for the students of Hope College except during holiday and examination periods, under the authority of the Student Council Publications Board. Entered as second class matter at the post office of Holland, Michigan, at a special rate of postage provided for in section 1103 of Act of Congress, October 3, 1917, and authorized October 19, 1918. Subscription Rate: $2.00 per school year to non-student subcribers. Editor-in-Chief John Fragale, Jr. Assistant Editor i Nancy Boyd Editorial Board Carol Rylance, Carl Poit, W. Gardner Kissack Nancy Raymer, Alberta Litts News Editor Norma De Boer Feature Editor Richard Jaarsma Proof Reader ^..Carol Vander Meer Copy Editor Lynne Feltham Photographers David Vande Vusse, Frederick Vande Vusse Typist Barbara Phiilippsen Business Manager Ronald Lokhorst Circulation Manager Dale Heeres Advertising Manager Duane Werkman, Richard Stadt Bookkeeper Fred Diekman

Open Your Eyes Why don't you stop today and take a good look at your calendar? This little mechanism t h a t puts delight in the eyes of advertising executives reads F e b r u a r y 6. Think over the importance of this date f o r a few minutes, especially if you couldn't remember what day It was f o r t h a t quiz this morning. Do you realize t h a t j u s t four months f r o m today is J u n e 6 and without doubt the day several of Hope's young ladies are looking f o r w a r d to with starry eyes? And t h e rest of us too, f o r behind us then will be finals, perhaps f o r t h e last time. Now look back f r o m today. Two weeks ago we were heaving sighs over our last exams and their poignant and perhaps painful memories f o r us. But besides the memories of hours spent on h a r d seats and the m a r k s they gave us, did our classes and e x a m s do a n y t h i n g else f o r us ? P e r h a p s if they didn't, we should wonder why — f o r certainly past experience should govern our f u t u r e actions. We are still barely two weeks into this semester. Why not let it be the one in which we strive f o r excellence? Surely there is no shame in doing one's best, either academically or in other fields. Can't we all admit t h a t resolutions are in order to get more variety into our lives, to develop an interest in things outside the world of Hope College? Last week there was a m a n on campus who once again emphasized f o r us the danger signals appearing in American life. Dr. Harold Ehrensperger, in speaking of the f a c t o r s which isolate us f r o m our fellow men, and make our lives empty, sounded reminiscent of Eric Fromm and Rolla May. Have we absorbed these men's ideas ? Are we doing anything to put life into our existance? We need to see t h a t it is important not only to live in the world of Hope College but in the larger one as well. We can say t h a t we are being educated, but merely going to classes, studying and living in and for this restricted campus is no guarantee of a complete education. The fully educated person is one who is conversant, familiar with, and has an understanding of the events, problems and personalities of the whole world. Restricting our education to "book larnin' " m a y g e t us a job on graduation but we'll find t h a t we are not really prepared to live. And it may by only because we did not even glance a t one or two good magazines or newspapers a week, attend our own college cultural prog r a m s nor simply t u r n the radio dial to some news or special events programs. We need intellectual stimulation or else we s t a g n a t e . Let's widen our horizons. As the advertisement f o r a f a m o u s newspaper says — "It's more interesting, and you will be too."

By Jim Michmerhuizen My first acquaintance with Wal- and about the paper prayer — the ter Van Tilburg Clark came through curiously antique, piquant flavor of a thick and poorly bound volume the table of contents (excerpts of paperback f a n t a s y . I w a s young above) makes it a tantalizing apand very naive, and had been led petizer to the casual browser. by the title (A typically pretentious In "The City of Trembling one: Timeless Stories f o r Today Leaves" Clark has reclaimed f o r and Tomorrow, edited by Ray Brad- American L i t e r a t u r e a personality bury) to believe t h a t it was a book t h a t had been f a s t disappearing in of Science-fiction. the face of persecution f r o m the The list of authors represented Freudian wing of writers — the in the anthology read like a Who's deeply romantic, idealist, creative Who of contemporary literature — personality. Nowhere are we taken Steinbeck, Shirley Jackson, E. B. inside the mind of a neurotic, a White, F r a n z K a f k a , and John prostitute, nowhere are we asked Cheever among others. Clark was to feel sorry f o r a maniac or a represented by his "The Portable mass murderer, nor is there the Phonograph", a brilliant piece of slightest breath of an Oedipus comf a n t a s y , evocative of Benet's "By plex — by all standards of today this is a novel t h a t wouldn't have the W a t e r s of Babylon". a chance a g a i n s t anything f r o m the Clark is not a prolific writer. pen of Steinbeck, Hemingway, or Since 1940 he has written three Faulkner. novels and perhaps a dozen short It is a story of adolescence, one stories, the most well known of of the best I know of. At the end which is probably "The Ox-Bow of the book Tim Hazard is married, Incident". But f a r and away his quite happily married ( 0 Blasmost fascinating novel is "The City phemy), and Clark h a s a r t f u l l y inof Trembling Leaves". troduced himself into the story as "The City of Trembling Leaves" a n a r r a t o r of sorts — you will reis a sprawling autobiographical member I told you it was autowork, with its setting in Reno, the graphical to some extent. The percity of Clark's youth. It tells, in a fection of the style, the descriptive wonderfully sympathetic and mov- passages reminiscent of Wolfe a t ing style, of Timothy Hazard, and his least flowery and most brilliant, the influence of the Divine Mary, are all immensely r e f r e s h i n g in a and Harold the P a n d e r e r : the fall time when any thinly disgused of the house of Hazard, and Lawr- case-history of a psychopath is ence swimming wearily in circles. bound to become a best-seller.

Student Council Jan. 13 Independents S.



EDITOR'S NOTE: Hope's I.R.C. has Student may apply. The applicant made $1,000 available for foreign study m u s t :

One thousand dollars in foreign study scholarships h a s been made available to Hope College students by the Hope College International Relations Club. There are t h r e e awards: one f o r five hundred, one f o r three hundred, and one f o r two hundred dollars. These scholarships are designed to stimulate interest in foreign study programs among Hope College students. No restriction as to subject m a t t e r studied, or countries in which students may study, w a s made. The scholarships m a y be used f o r summer study outside of the United States, as well as f o r a semester or a year abroad.

1. Be a creditable representative of Hope College. 2. Have maintained a scholastic average of 3.00 or better (in the preceding semester). 3. Have completed his language requirement.


4. Plan to return to Hope College the semester following his foreign study. 5. Enroll in an accredited academic program in a foreign country (a summer, one semester, or full year program). 6. Demonstrate a need for financial assistance as indicated within this application.

7. Submit with his application a statement (not more than five hunApplications f o r the IRC For- dred words) of: eign Study Scholarships m u s t be A. The nature of his proposed study submitted to the Hope College program, Committee on Scholarships before March 1, 1959. Announcement B. His reasons for carrying out the program, of the awards will be made on March 25th. Application blanks C. The preparations he will have completed for it, may be obtained f r o m Dr. Hollenbach's office. Subject to the follow- D. And the relation of this proing basic qualifications any Hope gram to his future plans.




Now t h a t most of u s have received our m a r k s of last semester and vowed with an almost religious fervor t h a t we are going to study harder and b e t t e r next semester, it is, I think, my task to help you along in keeping this resolution. How can I s t u d y people ask me. I don't know why they should come to me, but I will admit I feel flattered and will do all I can to help. One of the prerequisites to good study is a nice orderly desk, where each needed pencil or note card is within instant reach. Thus, to mitig a t e the boredom of actually sitt i n g down to study, you can spent a t least an hour g e t t i n g everything ready. This does much to bolster your ego, and incidentally, automatically cuts your study time in half by giving you such a warm feeling of purpose and success, t h a t you m a y quite easily f o r g e t to do two or three assignments. If a f t e r you have cleaned up your desk, and still do not experience the spark t h a t is so necess a r y if t h e r e is any work to be done, you m i g h t possibly work up a terrific t h i r s t and since the nearest place t h a t sells a n y t h i n g like tomato juice is three blocks away, it will give you a n o t h e r excuse f o r not rushing into the unpleasant t a s k too soon. And w h a t a time it t u r n s out to be in the r e s t a u r a n t ! There's Bob and George and even Lynn and Mary! But all good t h i n g s must come to an end, and you finally r e t u r n to the books with a heavy heart and three glasses of tomato juice in your stomach. It is not easy to break into a new book f o r the first time and it must be done only with the utmost care, otherwise you m a y t e a r the book and have to go to the Blue Key to buy a new one. In my own tortured life I have gone to the Blue Key t h r e e out of the f o u r times t h a t I have had to purchase my books there. So you see, only the most careful students can successfully open a new book without bringing ruin upon themselves. Once you have finally started, don't hesitate to call a friend and, estimating the time you need to finish all y o u r work (one half hour) invite him to go out f o r coffee with you. He will be only too glad to accompany you, and you can go out happy in the t h o u g h t t h a t you have spent a t least one evening in constructive, educative processes. So you see how easy studying really is. If there are any questions you may still have please don't come to me, as I will probably be too busy studying to help you. Oh, don't f o r g e t to watch f o r m y next article on T H E GOOD S T U D E N T , which will be concerned with what to do when you receive a failing m a r k f o r a course. It promises to be highly i n t e r e s t i n g and informative.

President Dick Brockmeier called is working on a fire prevention prothe meeting to order at 5:00 P.M. g r a m . They are especially conin the Kletz lounge. Dean Hinga cerned about buildings such as Van offered prayer. Roll call was taken. Raalte. The MACSG is meeting on J a n u a r y 17 at Adrian. Because of Officers' Reports: the on-coming exams, Hope will President: The Kletz project has not be represented. been a success thus f a r . The Calvin Vice Pres.: Bob Van E t t e n h a s Student Council is coming on Feb- been appointed as the student repr u a r y 10 a t 6:00. They will be resentative on the Community Congiven a t o u r of the campus. Dinner cert Association Committee. Vern will be served at 7:00, followed by Kortering is in charge of the stua discussion hour. A bulletin f r o m dent help f o r second semester H a r v a r d is in the SC office and registration. members a r e asked to read it. It Standing Committees: Registration Committee: Twelve pertains to their reasons f o r dropping out of the NSA. The school students volunteered to help with second semester registration. Honor Code Committee: This committee has expanded to also include the three deans and one representative f r o m each sorority The money for the Foreign Stuand f r a t e r n i t y . The committee has dy Scholarships was raised by Hope decided t h a t an honor code would College Students through various be worthwhile. A code is being all-campus projects sponsored by drawn up. the International Relations Club. Old Business: Similar scholarship projects were Suggested topics f o r discussion conducted by the Hope IRC in t h e at the joint meeting with Calvin past two years. The first such a r e : honor code, activity fee, studrive enabled five H u n g a r i a n student union, and the election system. dents to e n t e r Hope College in New Business: 1957. Three of them a r e now in The Independents would like to their second year a t Hope. The change their election procedure f o r IRC project for t h e current y e a r HEARTHSIDE — SC representatives. The new plan was to bring one A u s t r i a n Student — HANDCRAFTS would include the petitioning of to the campus. nominees, and balloting to be carHANDMADE GIFTS J u s t as in previous years, the ried on in Van Raalte. It was "Next to Warm Friend Tavern" purpose of the IRC project is to moved and seconded t h a t we adopt stimulate intercultural understand- and promote the new procedure. ing. While past projects had served An amendment to the motion w a s «a to bring foreign s t u d e n t s to Hope made and seconded to delete the College f o r study, the new Foreign proposal to promote and merely to endorse the Independent's plan. The H E R F S T Study Scholarships will make it amendment was carried and likepossible f o r several Hope students Studio and Photo Supply wise the amended motion. to enroll in various academic proMr. Rietberg and the chapel comOne Place to Go For g r a m s abroad. I t is hoped t h a t mittee would like to remind all PORTRAITS they will not only profit f r o m this chapel leaders to keep t h e service experience personally, but t h a t , within twenty minutes. CAMERAS, FILMS and when they r e t u r n to t h e campus, PHOTO SUPPLIES The meeting w a s adjourned a t they will also make a positive con- 5:50 P.M. 7 W. 8th St. Phone EX 2-2664 tribution toward g r e a t e r internaRespectfull submitted, WE GIVE S&H GREEN STAMPS tional understanding a m o n g t h e i r Edna Hollander fellow students. Student Council Secretary

Foreign Study Scholarships scholarships. Because of its importance, the ANCHOR is reprinting the requirements.

Spice and Crumbs

February 6, 1959


Social Sidelights By Scotty Wallace Sandy Dressel will be the SOROS I S chairman f o r the 'All College S i n g ' . . . P a s Kastein was appointed chairman of the Housemother's t e a to be held F e b r u a r y 10 . . . Sorosis will hold a joint meeting with A.S.A. on F e b r u a r y 20. Barb a r a Geitner is chairman of t h e event . . . Sandy Decker is chairm a n of the Alumnae meeting to be held F e b r u a r y 14. 'Venice a t Twilight' will be the theme of the E M E R S O N I A N formal to be held on F e b r u a r y 27 . . . Last F r i d a y night's joint meeting with Dorian was a g r e a t success . . . Both groups affirmed their determination to win this year's 'All College Sing.' Following a short business meeting in the sorority room DORIAN and the 'Emmies' held a pizza p a r t y in the Music Auditorium on J a n u a r y 30 . . . The theme of the p r o g r a m was 'Old Mother Hubbard.' J e r r y Wondra led devotions and Carl Poit was M.C. f o r the occasion. T h e serious paper on music w a s given by Steve Middernacht. T h e h u m o r paper, given by Doris Schmidt, w a s a satire on the nurser y rhyme 'Old Mother Hubbard.' A skit called 'Operation X' was presented by Alan Plassche, Gerry Miller and Wayne Joosse. ' Y s a t n a f w a s the unusual theme of the K N I C K E R B O C K E R f o r m a l held on J a n u a r y 9 a t the Morton House in Grand Rapids . . . The evening w a s highlighted by a pinning ceremony f o r Sally E v a n s and George Bitner, K a t h y Ashe and Holly Meyer, Dale B u m s and Ken Brown . . . Music f o r the f o r m a l w a s by the 'Modern Men' of Grand Rapids. . . The Knicks were honored to have Dr. Fried as their guest speaker on J a n u a r y 30. Dr. Fried showed his slides on Europe. . . . Knick men would also like to welcome Dr. Vander Lugt back to the campus. Dr. Vander LUgt te an honorary member of Kappa E t a Nu.

FLICKS HOLLAND THEATRE Feb. 5-7 and 9-11 " I N N O F T H E SIXTH HAPPINESS" with Ingrid Bergman Feb. 12-14 "THE BUCCANEER" with Yul Brynner


Page Three

A Typical College Day by Mildred Gloss I am NOT a grouch! But I'll tell you one thing, if I were a grouch, I'd have plenty of reason f o r it today. E v e r y t h i n g has gone wrong. I don't think I could have done a thing right today to save my soul. Honestly, some days it doesn't even pay to take the hardware out of your hair in the morning. I didn't even wake up right. My day started with a nightmare. A handsome prince was rescuing me from a fire-eating dragon, and just as he was about to whisk me away on his milk-white steed, t h a t boycrazy Sally f r o m down the hall slithered up behind me, clobbered me with t h a t oversize suitcase she calls a purse, and ran off with my prince. Talk about friendly people! Right about then the alarm went off. I jumped out of bed, down onto my desk, and then landed flat on my skull on the floor. Bea had moved the chair before she went to bed. While I w a s collecting my addled wits, she finally heard the alarm. She bounded blindly out of bed with her usual early-morning agility, landed with both feet in my stomach, made a wild grab for the desk to keep f r o m falling, and knocked a lamp and a chair over in the process. A f t e r b r e a k f a s t , we d r a g g e d our bruised and broken bodies to Chapel. We were late as usual. I managed to fall up the stairs somehow, and then I walked all over a little man I didn't see. N a t u r a l l y I had to climb over all the kids in my row. They would have to get there on time! F i r s t hour we were supposed to have a Big French Test, but the kids had talked the instructor out of giving it f o r t h e past two weeks and would probably talk her out of it again. I hadn't studied f o r it anywayvTso i couldn't see spending an hour in t h a t stuffy classroom on those hard chairs listening to a bunch of idiots ask stupid questions to kill time. I came back to the dorm and sacked out. Mmmmmm, did it feel good! By the time I woke up to see what time it was, second hour was half over with, and figuring t h a t Doc White would r a t h e r I didn't i n t e r r u p t his lecture, I rolled over and floated back to Dreamland. E v e r y t h i n g was fine f o r a while.

PARK T H E A T R E Feb. 5-7 and 9-11 " I W A N T TO L I V E " with Susan Hayward Feb. 12-14 "SILENT ENEMY" with Laurence Harvey, Dawn Addams " A P P O I N T M E N T WITH A SHADOW" with George N a d e r »»•v # •»•••# #,• • #•• ##.•• #».••#»,••##,•*>#.•«>#,•• #


Then t h a t "cotton-pickin' " roommate of mine came galloping in and screamed t h a t if I wanted to make my f o u r t h hour class I'd have to roll out in a hurry. I muttered that I didn't particularly want to make it, but she hauled me out anyhow, the meddler! I walked into English class three minutes a f t e r the bell had rung, and as soon as I got comfortably settled in my seat, this fellow that sits next to me who is also in my French class demanded to know where I had been first hour and why I had missed the Big Test. It seems that this time the kids weren't able to talk their way out of it. How's t h a t for luck? Lunch wasn't bad except t h a t we had liver, Brussels sprouts and r h u b a r b pie, all of which I hate with a purple passion. Work was horrible. I couldn't read my shorthand. The typewriter kept sticking. I took my r i n g off so it wouldn't be in my way and it fell on the floor and I banged my head on the desk when I leaned over to pick it up. A f t e r work I came back to the dorm and started m y homework. I got all my French translated a f t e r only two hours of h a r d labor, and I was filling my pen to copy it over, when the bottle tipped over. W h a t a mess! Ink on the desk, on the floor, on the chair, and all over my French, d a r n it! I t w a s so full of ink t h a t I couldn't read it any more, so I had to do the whole translation over again. T h a t night, I stumbled up the stairs and fell into bed. J u s t before I fell asleep, dear, sweet, kind Bea poked me and asked if I didn't think I'd b e t t e r set my hair so I wouldn't look quite so much like someone's left-over sheep dog in the morning. Being a well-bred, patient; happy, smiling, well-adjusted-type individual by nature, and a member of a Christian college by a quirk of Fate, I stifled a sudden mad impulse to throw books, bombs, rocks, and rusty razor blades at my beloved roommate, climbed foggily out of my nice warm bunk, stumbled over the waste basket and a f e w people t h a t were scattered all over the floor, and wound my wig. Then I tottered unsteadily back to bed, and to sleep.


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Checking his reports is Mr. Lighthart head custodian at Hope before he leaves his office to check the twenty-three buildings on Hope's campus.

Behind the Scenes By Richard J a a r s m a A few years ago, when an Aust r i a n professor w a s visiting Hope's campus, he saw two people Walking through the halls of one of our buildings. The one was dressed in a suit, the other wore a jacket and work pants. The A u s t r i a n professor commented on the appearance of the one by saying, "Do your professors sometimes wear clothes like t h a t ? " He was g r e a t l y surprised when he w a s told t h a t one w a s our head janitor, Mr. L i g h t h a r t , and the other was one of our professors. The easygoing camaraderie of the janitor-professor relationship to his mind was an overstepping of the bounds of social class. The attitude between Mr. Lighth a r t and many oi the faculty- i s t h a t of friendship and not of professor and janitor. Since he came to this campus twelve years ago, Mr. L i g h t h a r t h a s made friends with many of the faculty and even more of t h e students. W h e t h e r behind the wheel of his little jeep in the winter or walking the campus in the spring, Mr. L i g h t h a r t is always characterized by his school jackets which he wears more f a i t h f u l l y t h a n some of the students. In fact, he is o f t e n mistaken f o r one of the students.

campus and he covers a lot of ground (8 acres, at least once a day) as he must check up on each of them. About his job, Mr. Lighth a r t says, "You can call me anything, janitor, maintenance engineer, superintendent of buildings, anything. I go under many different 'nom de plumes'." Mr. L i g h t h a r t has lived in Holland practically all his life, except f o r a f e w years in Chicago. He is a member of Immanuel Church here in Holland and is a respected citizen of the community. We hope t h a t a f t e r reading this article, m a n y of you will hold our janitorial staff in a little higher esteem, since t h e i r work serves to j n a k e pur campus a place of beauty. Remember, it isn't the professors alone who make our college. Everyone, no m a t t e r how insignificant or large his job, is an integral part of Hope, and a slip in any spot m a y bring our college life to a standstill. So, hold your heads up Mr. L i g h t h a r t and staff, remember, "They also serve who only stand and wait." ,•

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De Fouw's Electric Shop

Mr. L i g h t h a r t ' s special province is to rule over the twenty-three buildings which comprise Hope's ,• »,• # • »,• »,• #,• #,•

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Page Four



F e b r u a r y 6, 1 9 5 9


H o p e S m o t h e r s L a w r e n c e Tech Dutch Score 108 Hope College's basketball team before returning to play at Alma toyed with Lawrence Tech Wed- in the resumption of MI A A action nesday night and ran up its high- and the regulars need the compeest score of the season in record- tition. ing a 108-82 decision before 1,800 De Vette compromised and playfans in the Civic Center. ed his regulars about half of the It marked Hope's 12th straight first half, with the exception of victory this season following its Benes who played a few minutes opening loss and it was the 22nd longer and then the first g r o u p played three q u a r t e r s of the secstraight home win. Lawrence Tech proved to be ond half with the exception of Ritmuch weaker than expected and sema who sat down with eight were quickly outclassed. The Blue minutes to play. As was feared a f t e r Hope's first Devils brought an 8-9 record into group came back to s t a r t the secthe game. Hope scored 10 points before ond half, they were not sharp and Tech tallied and moved out to a this appeared to make Tech look 34-1(5 lead at the ten-minute mark. better. The first unit was without A f t e r Tech made a basket, Hope Wayne Vriesman, who sprained an went on a scoring binge which re- ankle in the first half. Bradley sulted in 19 straight points before made six baskets for Tech in the Tech scored again. The Dutch second half. Because Hope was not s h a r p racked up 40 points in one 11-minthey had to work harder to return ute period. to form before retiring. When the Coach Russ De Vette inserted most of his bench in the first half last of the regulars had sat down and the intermission score was (Benes at 4:43), Hope led 94-61. The reserves again turned in a 59-28. Lawrence Tech picked up fine performance and played Tech slightly early in the second half and the bulge at the next ten-min- on a par throughout. Bob Reid looked good on his ball handling ute mark was 82-54. Paul Benes turned in his best and Bill Vander Bilt picked up two A l e f t - h a n d e d s h o t by R i t s e m a a c c o u n t s f o r 2 o f H o p e ' s 1 0 8 p o i n t s home scoring performance this sea- buckets, including the 100th point a g a i n s t Tech. son. He notched 10 baskets in 25 with four minutes remaining. Tech actually outshot the wintries and added 10 free shots for for 30 points. Most of his baskets ners, getting 35 of 93 tries f o r 38 came on tip-ins, including a dunk. per cent while Hope made 30 of 111 He now has 283 points f o r move for 35 per cent. Hope made 30 of 40 f r e e shots and Tech 12 of 20. than 21 per game. Ray Ritsema, who did another De Vette was faced with a probgood defensive job, whipped in 17 lem in the contest of w h a t to do The United Press International with his first string. Obviously points, including seven of 14 bassmall college basketball ratings outclassed, the Tech team was no ket tries. Whitey Beernink, who (first - place votes and won - lost match for the Dutch and t h a t was shinned in his floor game, made four of 10 from the floor and endrecords through J a n u a r y 24 in evident in the opening minutes. But Hope faces a 10-day layoff ed with 13 points while Warren Paul Benes has passed the 1,500 Team Points Vander Hill who plunked from the mark in his four-year assault on 1. Tennessee State (35) (20-0) 383 the Hope College record book and 2. Steubenville ( 0 ) . ( l ) ( 1 3 - 0 ) 340 has now pushed 1,529 points LUNCHES — D I N N E R S 3. Wheaton (111.) (13-2) 221 through the hoop. 4. Evansville Ind. (2) (9-4) 220 Despite his six points against Olivet, the 6'10" center made 32 5. Sou'west Mo. State (13-1) 197 Deliveries on $2.00 Orders against Hillsdale last week to move 6. Louisiana Tech. (1) (14-2) 185 him past the 1,500 mark. Benes 7. Akron (Ohio) (11-1) 122 has scored 145 points in MI A A play 8. Grambling (La.) (15-0) 110 and is leading the pack. 9. Chapman Calif. (15-1) 70 Benes broke the f o u r - y e a r scoring mark earlier this season when 10. Texas Southern (10-4) 48 A & W ROOT BEER he stashed away 18 points against 11, St. Michael's (Vt.), 43; 12, WitDRIVE IN Calvin and slipped by the record tenberg (Ohio), 26; 13, Kentucky of 1,351 points set by his brother- Wesleyan, 23; 14, Western Illinois, Open 7:00 A.M. in-law Bob Hendrickson. 21; 15, Fresno (Calif.) State, 17; Complete Breakfast So f a r this season, Benes has 1(5. ( t i e ) . South Dakota and Adelphi scored 234 points and his best (N.Y.) (1), 13 each; 18, Creighton CATER TO H O P E S T U D E N T S effort was 35 against Indiana (Neb..), 12; 19, San Diego State, Meal Tickets at Discount Central. 11; 20, Hope (Mich.), 10. Hope's Ray Ritsema has dump• M #,• •> #,• • % • • #.• •% , • # ,• #,• # • #• • • #.• # • # • # • ed through 205 points and Warren ».* *,* #,• • •.» »,• »• #„• • « # . • # • » . • » . « • • » • » # . • # .• #i* #,• # % # • # • Vander Hill has scored 194. These Store nearest y o u r C o l l e g e figures have helped Hope total 979 in 11 games for an average of 89 Smartest C l o t h e s on The Campus FOR YOUR per game. Tux for r e n t The Dutch have held the 11 foes TER HAAR CLOTHING NEW FOOTWEAR NEEDS to 753 points and an average of 50 East 8th St. (18.5 per contest. » , • #.« »• » . • # > •.« ».• * • • • » • » • # « * > • • • • .

Hope Ranked 20th in Nation

Benes Passes 1,500 Mark

corners, hit on five of 16 f o r 10 points. Vriesman, although only playing about five minutes, hit on three of five basket tries and scored eight points. First replacements .Tun Buursma and Daryl Siedentop had eight and seven respectively. Henry Pollard, f o r m e r River Rouge player, made nine of 24 tries and ended with 23 points. Clayton Pethers, who played football f o r Ron Schipper at Northville, had 17. He made seven of 18 and Bradley, who sank eight of 12, also picked up 17 points. Hope (108) FG FT P F T P Ritsema, f .... 7 3 2 17 Vriesman, f .. .. .... 3 2 1 8 Benes, c 10 10 4 30 Vander Hill, f ... .... 5 0 1 10 Beernink, g .... 4 5 1 13 Buursma, g 8 3 2 1 0 1 7 Boyink, f 1 0 2 2 Reid, g 0 2 0 2 Vander Bilt, c ... ?. 0 4 4 R. Schut, g 0 0 1 1 Kleinheksel, g . . 1 1 2 4 Bakker, c 0 0 0 0 N. Schut, f 0 2 1 2 Totals 39 30 18 108 Lawrence Tech (82) FG F T P F T P Sharp, f .... 4 1 3 9 Pethers, f .... 7 3 5 17 Pollard, c .... 9 5 3 23 Peterson, g .. 1 0 1 2 Marcangelo, g . .... 1 1 3 2 Bradley, g 8 1 5 17 Barger, f .... 1 0 2 2 Shephard, f . 0 0 0 0 o Carlson, g 1 0 1 Haase, f .... 1 1 I 3 Wasen, c 0 ?. 4 4

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