
Page 1

Prof. makamp, If! E, 18th

'-o r Vol_ XXXI




Jan. 29, 1919




"Pete" VOII at TIle ~. Ptna 0118 OVer OIl 'file Oonege x.n UId Wtn8 • Valuable Priu

.Perhaps it was only a co incidence but it wns never·tbe·less striking t<l note thU practically every fcllow wbo attendcd Y. M. Tuesday evenlOg'where tbe tapi was" Tbe Life That \"'n8, "-appeared a lew moments later at tbe gym'll asi um witb a fair Indy on hi . arm. AnY"''''y, the mann er in which tbe Y.IM. lender conducted bim. elf lat er in the "vening ~eenled to in· • d;cat e that he al lea.t bad Btlldied " The Life That Win s" from more than one viewpoint. 'However, the purp<> e of th is arti cle is t<l rep<>rt tbe ,,I . annual, joint reception at tbe .Y. W. and Y. M'. C. A. 's ot Hope COllege, so we must proceed. Upon arriving, each per!on was , furnisbed with a -blank~O'k and pen · • cil and ordered to i"t tbe slrnature. of as many persoll s as pem ble lu a speci· fied time. As ho gozed at tbe 8iglla· lures at .everal ot the gentler Hope . ite. oae meulber of -the taeurty ns bea rel to sigb and uk.--" Ab, can it of n f ew comspituoll s 9par'kl<!rs ill OUf BOARD OF OONTROL be tbnt 1 have taken all of tbese names midlll). Wh ile Ihe efli eieDt rh.t. wNe OALLS ATTENTION in It is IL sad refteelion up<>n bu'sy in 'ot-tuge K, III(' gr~8l majorit y TO PROVISIONS tbe vain'" I' men at the (·ollege tbat tbe ' hoo<>r whett e,1 ih ei r IIwetite •. already wcll· nigh sonk. d, \\" Ih the ~flp e t lzi ng game ANCHOJl, l'lUNTS . THE RULES of ob~iDiDg the ~o.l namel should 4>e READ AT THE ;M.A8It NEJl'J'INO won Ily a preparatory student, Peter .~"f fruil bu,k et at Cottnge H. Need· leBS 10 soy it upsH se"eral timeR witb TlIUB8DAY J~~~~paJ.~V~o,SS, wbose ey('s were wet witb teara " deep emotion AS he ae<!opted the d ire result .. Thi. pleasure was in ter· ~"no,:.. a beautiful, Lrass·plated.on .goold, Tupl ed It,v the welcome dinner beU aDd PlILJera AhOUld 8trIk• • ba by rat tie. th e Senior. _at down to a banyullt at Between Bultetba1l When the serious bulline88 of the se"cn to 1ell ceurses, of whi ch the fol· Academic bad been necomplisbed to the lowing arc a fe\\': 'j AIII:hO'r prin1ls bc'!ow the rain 18.1, i.lfI~ ctio n of evoryone except Pro· Elnm.Falo Polat oe. .dopted btl· lilo Board of Collftol of f_r Eyme, Harry Hnger, President E,a,,·II.la ·F'renchy G'uLI .. o,\,e Te'bea At.blet ic. tur Ibe regula tion of athletie ot the Y. M. C. A. called the com.i>a~y Sioir. und TUlerb ..livil ie. at Hop college. AU provi. to order. Alter a "'Ora or prayer by l ic ki"" Vlselo 1001 cf Ibese mil'S will be carried cot Hinkam", Harry welcomed Elpi·a·ln.J.!,leo to the leMe r und it hi o.l>9olu'l el l _II' .udience, wilh 3 tew well·chosen Foccfe rial I'hn t oil "Illdell t·s and cspee;.uy an d! stated Ihe purposo of tbe All good Ihilll!" mu.t come . to aD Ilbole plny illg on nlly of Iho IIl1U11e, &e. gatbering. He tben introduCnd Mr. cnding, an" well it \\'8 S Ihat Ih. lIOeial qusint them....~ I· •• with Ih ... e rules Dimnent u. Ibe firSI " attraction " at commillee at lasl decided to step tbe whieb 1I11)1OOr in lhe furlll ill ...... eh lbe evening. ""urcc of supply nnd IIl10w Ih e .patent th&y lI'&rc ad'opted 011 March 5, UI14: At our president .trpJ>lH! 10 tbe pial ' BuIes IIdopl ed 'by Board of Oolltrol I'or he was greeled by an ovation· whicb dL<I¥wa8hcrs 10 got bll. Y. Th eirs indeed 1\ dir'ty jQ1J, but agnin t-be eft!. (1Marth 5, 1915.) , sbowed how fully he has won Ih e eon. th Seniors J. AU · conlrol over utbletic. at fianco of all Iho .tndent•. With many meney t eertuin c 0 " ~vor Y , !lope 'ollege i8 I·e.tod ill u Board of eleared up nil ditllcult les. • OIotrol of AIh lelics. This Board i. a joke and clever willicism " OimOlY " Th e afternoon pll-"Ied all too loon, composed of five melJlbers,- two memo Ie'd up 10 It!S mOll!laJrC whl cb "'lUI tbe wbile vene",ble Seni or. enjoyed them'J' ben . of Ihe Pacuhy avp<>inted by lbe old visIon ' et "Ho.pe for .11 tbe moonl of Ihe College; the Pretri. World." se " 'es wilh Ihe game. of chil dhood . elt of Ihe Athlelie AS.!JOeiatioo· 000 '. I h Tb o f eat ure of Ihe afl ernoon was Ihe member chosen bo). tho Atbleti~ A.a. Apparent y I e recent prosperity of AJulnhu. <b"..oil "1 tile 8. A. T. 0.'. had elfecled eveo th. wondertul work of our ull·6t&le. i'QirJ arion; ?" at Ih. gomo of 'cbeeKe it.' When tbe the AlumnI Assoc lallon . The members piane as it s pedal, seemed to be J;--:--niiW(;mif-ili'iiiliiWimililiiOiiJ(IOoFi~~t'!.I~~~~Bon1'd~ of CUllt rul shall Il<Jld of. out of Itep-at lensl they retu.ed to W'Ork~bc .. MjI8N lin Meyer aHemp'ed impes iole, illdoor Ip<>rt s were prO8)&- .e duriDg Ihe scholastic year. 15' relfO rl ed too. For Ihe mutunl Amuse- : eo~~ct80 r.~::~ :::~~tbeu~~edt~:d a~ to relder Il plan 8010. ,However ahe menl ot all. Ihe awkward "'IU.d ••. prov. of lhe· Bourd or (]onlrol. gamely te 9cr p<>. 1 and did as hibiled some of the more commOn ail. ID .. Two day. -before aoy game or well .... w", .posslble under the cir· itary mOI'clllenl s in true militar, fMII. al~lebc oontest, I.h~ maD~ger or tap- cua"anees. ion. When liti s diversion b ecame .tale Wbe 001101 1 hanll to either } acuity m.a· Our supply of nJjeelives would not . ' r OD t 1Ie Board 1he nllmes of reJlllar _... t bere 11'''8 Ollly aile remaining divereioD pleyon logc,her with the nalD811 of __ee to give an .nd quftle dClI\\ripliou An ll Ih ot WU8 to si t do'""n to tupper. " ...." or alternates. ot 8 eh of the remain Ing num'bers on Th sUllper waM relished with l1V. Students m~ ma intain aa .v· th program. /fhe readings by Mar, degrees of pleasnre. dne to e"-le of 0% wbile playing on IL Hope <Jeep and Bill. nutk er, the 8010s by , performan ces ot Ine earli er att te~. No nudenl ha ving a "C" Ual1 Karle Danhot and ' Helene Van Raalte 'f No dny of Ihi. nature COuld pial o. nny Hope leam. aad ·the music by the Jilu orehestra without having a tmy give ve~ A student having au "I''' .U allowed 'genuine 'talellt at Its best their inmo~t feel ings 80 0IIa11 be barred for ono teno ~. 1m thorougb preparation ,Ind were . _ ..teItJ tolloMng tbat in whiel th . 'Continued Pan I) falltml wa. received. (In eff t April appNt,Iated b, everyone. 1 II, JtJ.5:) ' -Ultr Ihe oprogram Ihe seats were va. .Players on Any Hope t _ ,..... baek and the w1t~le company Tomorrow, JUI. 29, ilL the . . aalt at the boginning ot every...... Il grud march. Tt made one of Prayer t or Co1le&- 01,.. . . . . . . . - 10 the Board a Certificate of ,...,r 10 ·be a JTonoite to -e t'he f rn<lt be oheld on \bat dllO', ~ ... • . . . . Jnllpeclion. va. iNa student .. shnll (cia.... ......d coupl •• In the ,ladeet ot propriate exercbM 'W111 be .... t1me)play on any team Dot ...... r.ga" sa . they I tollowed tbe Wlnauta Chapel at 2 o'clock. ,.,. _ted Mth Ihe College or '''.baLlp at AI 10IIgma and :M!ru De Omoka ot Alma aD M!!inent .....1 under penalty of wllpOo..... 0IeII. N 11. All special eases or .,...,. .... 0 one leemed, to noliee tb.l lor UId well It:nowu re1Ic1oaa !III ..ter t./te aoo,'e rule. shill .. all 'Were out at atep but er wtll I1ve IA ~. ~ wilh boy Ihe Board ot Coti&nL ..., Lampeo and "Sa" Vyn. JIope{ta )I upected to be P!IIIM aame retruhment8. Of eourse UId II8Ip -a Wi .,.1111111 'IIu lib llldAa It to be ""etted tb'at In the CliO' able ODe. pI4e IIlto poet;Ic 1ntII.. ,..... Abie BII.Dbrallt aDd .. veral of (Oolltlatatd oa ftird Pq.)





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Number 21


8JlNl"OBB SIT DOWN TO ,A RAN· All Collegea Will Enter Both The La.- WlIOLB QUET OF TEN COtrB8ES dlel' UId The Xen's Contests • Examine The IBo8ter tIIId "Judge For All Ihe Michigan College8 are (lP' Yourselves, Gentlemen." proxinlluing tbeir pre "War schedul.. lind conditiolls. Altho tbe enrolimeDt ForlJ\\", rd:-'I'o all whom it mny can· is tar from par ,euough at tbe mell ern-JI'h i. i. to cerl lfy Ibat all that bave been discharge.1 from .. rvi ce to foll ow" i. Ihe go"",,1 trutb, as Dearly allow nil college nnd intcr-collegiatc possible II. aocumle !Ilali!llic.. will om torical uctivities 10 follow their Ulll~k e i't . normal . chilllnel.. '!1he illt er'collegiate From time imlll emornble it b0.8 been cont est tor Michigllll will be helel on Ih e happy rustulIl of mankind 10 a... t'riliay, "torch th e IItlvelltb at Ypsi. seulble logether ut Ih e cove red 'boa rel lanti. The Michigan Slate Normal I.den \\'it h fruits of Ihe lalld ami sea. 'ollege lI'i ll en terlain ·Ih e visiti ng col. We rend of th e .umpluous ban'luets al leges. Ypsilanl i iij lIin o or len miles the gorgcolls \'o urt of th e Egy'j1tinn from kil n Arbo r. All th e colleges coo;. queell; we ure nil aC(lua il>le<l wilh Ih e prising th e I,eagll e hal'e . ignWcd their llIasculalory fc.tidlie. of Ihe )l eli· ill iellt ien of entering 'both Ibe Indies' pholriall. ;the fonwls of Bet.hazznr of alHI mell '8 conl ests. 'More definite in . <lId arc all well kno"'II' e,·c nt . in our formalien will be giren at D later dale. lUIO\\'leilge of history j b ut, greal nnd The officer. of th e Jllicbigull Orator. wOlldcrful ns all1he ... may <lCelll, none ieul L('agu e are 118 tallows: Prelrielenl, 'nn ·ompare with the nll ·day Salurday J ame. J . Burggrunlf, Hope; secrelar.,)', feas t alld tn _ling of 1he Senior. of II. L. Carpenl cr. Kalamazoo; Glell A. Jlop. College, Ihe cla89 of 191!). HUIII, Mi 'biga n ta lc Normal College, Sallyillg forth at the cnrly hOllr of treasurer; firsc \d ec president, 'Vi lliu.m 9 A. M. , Rllel nnd! ESlher prepared tbe Older, Adrian ; secolld vice.president, W3Y tor 11l{' remni nlll"r who Wf re t o Howurd S. Burtch. Almaj Ih ird "ice. follow . AI prmnlrtly 1"1 o 'clock Ihe I'r.<Itlell t, Harold Bucb, Oli \'et; fourth first lo nd of gro(.'('ri e~ ar rived and im- \ojrlll'r rsi dent, f . 6bor~y Pf terson, AI. media lely the cook. lind eooke •••• , of bion; 1Jt'lh I'icc,presidcnl, Miss Olady. wh ich thore i. goodly lIumber in old )1". Bure h, Bill. dale. 111 I!), gol "";)' (n si mple explnllal io n



The Hope Bese'r.es just o.ol8d out tbe Weste r~ .~eminary in a. li!lllelll game by a 17 to 15 800re. The preach. erg led in Ihe flr~t. hait, 9 to 8. Thil LOCAL Ql1IN'1'E'l' WINS OVER SAW. i. tbe first gIIlno ot a 8Ori .. te be DtJ8'l' CITY TB.Ul BY SOOlLE played for tbe cbampionship. OF Z7 'TO !IJ6 LUbbers Bult Van de Linden llarred for Lbe Scm. wlth TcPawKo and Holt • 'Dickie" JapplDia, !Former IWgb for thc Rap<> Secondl. lB. Hallken of School BtI.r, Pla.7a 8ens&tional tbe aior Cl'ass refereed.

• • •


The w.riter Msbos to . say a word in criti cism . The individualistic teDdeney on tbe Pllrt of one player i. IIOre. Iy looked uPon by tbe student 'body. The student body. wboae r-epresen'ta. lives the pl",yers are docs not CAI'O tor "grand· tand ." When playerl refus& to !be ameniablo to IlUggestioDs, both betore and during the game's progress, they become a hinellanee te tbe team and n bypbenated Hop<>ite to the ad. versary. Secondly, when UIO gIIme waxed bot " tat b gang in tbe corner." beellme' bydro·rabit. When ': royal" Hopeite. flaunl Ihe rcd 8ag _and shout " Bol. sbeviki," Hopo spirit diC1!, and "yel. low ' ' tak es ill! ,place. Let'a remem'ber that we are gentielltel> in a gentle. men's sehool. Next week Saturday Dlght, Hope at Kalamazoo. Dig up a f ew beans, fellows, and! go. Yulder, '19.

Twenty sec<>nds 10 )lloy, wltll one point behind and lbp ball in Ihe en. emies' tcrrltory. The big crowd, wild witb hope aga in.t hope, waS' on itl t eet. The noise 1Y8& deafelli ng. Tbe time. keeper bad his pinol mised, rondy to Bre, the Il'op-wateb ticking off Ihe lec. ond!! tul er tban au express train. Big Tun le grabbed tbe spherOid, P ete pa81!ed it to little Jappinga, lormer Holland H igb lIObeol atnr nnd for tbe BI'I't time appearing in B Hope \I'IIrslty Buit, one dribble, and then the pililell Ibru Ihe m~ew. The pistol -!<lundcd bcf~re the ball could be brot in10 play ngalD. Rope vanity quintet had de. feated tbe last Muskegon "Y JI ago gregation in a gIIme that was thrilling tram Ib e slart, and la!l!ing five min. ules over the rei'lliar ailoled tiQle. The "Y" eame wilh ft ~Ig reputa. 150n aIId sev~f1\1 let aries l>o their credil, being ~aehed by "Mar'! Vcr. ~.~.------SO'HllJ)tJLE IS OOlQ>LETEI> buri', Hope 'lS, and tMce mem'ber of lI'ope Blate Championship quintst s. Tbe r:me' WB8 underway exactly t~D The game last Friday D.ight gave th.e and one halt minutes before tbe .first lo,*d b'aflke't'b'all fan s a sample of tha point was made, Heeres ca~Qr a tree k.ind at ball tbtltwiH be played on tbe Ihrow tor the visiton. For a lullllve Hope fioor tbia year. Not ooly that, minutes tbe IlC'IIft' .toad 3 ail, Hope but Iho Hope team will playa winniag men !lOnndlng tbe 'hall -aronnd tbe brand! at ball when Away from home. ba~et lime and agoin, bDt tailing to The manager has with one or two ex· regIster. The halt ended with Mus. ee~lions, completed Ibe sebedule for kegon leading 10 l'o 7. thIS s~ason. There aro a tew Opell In tbe second hat' Ih a.. d dnles In Mareli !but· tentative arrange. \. 0 ""W un men h guined still mare tb . meljts ave been made lor gamet 00 . ' e !!Core . oon stand· those dates Tb h d IlIg 16 to 8. Then a Hopeite went ant . e lie e ule i8 as t~l. lows: on four personai'9. sUb~titutioD.8 were rapidly made, and Japplnga broke the Feb." I-JralamBzoo Normals at KAla· spell by uea'l.ly oaglllg a tbrow fl'Om mu:oo. d~e~ lett oellter. P. Pri ns and Jap. Feb. 8-lM. A. C. at Hope. plnga Ibeo alternated on goals, with Feu. l~ortb,western. · Colloge at tbe lutn'bermen miXing in n tew and !Hope. Ihe pistol caught them at 23 all. ' FeQJ. 21--6TBnd 1IIlpids "Y" .t !Pete IICored ;n tbe 8rst miou·te of tHope. .l: overtl·me pray, .... '" k Mar. l-."M. A. u. at Hope. mUS egon lollowing im. mediately after. Tben the visilors Mar. 7--.Kalamazoo Normals at Hover rDnb a t tb .. roe row put'ting them in Mar. l4-1Open. th.e I~a; J1-l16, The el·en.jo ot the last Mar. 21-Muskegon "Y" at Muskegon twenty ~1Id8 bave. already been told Mar. 28-Opco eb",DUoK'eally. Tbe 'complMe schedule ea1Is tor The Mius'ldlYS played a fast peppy twelve games .thr'eo at whieh have al· game, cleanly Iho'll"ing tbe eoar hing ot ready 'been played. Following tile a lormer Rope Bt1nr. Dig Tone and hia game at ~.lIlllmazoo this week,' ~bere kid brother, Pete. were all over the ,:!,U1 00 a serie~ of three good home ~oor at onee, Mtb the "old days" look games wbicb every one should see. On lI. . thelr eye, aud lbe "old teel'" in Feb. S tbe .M:. A. C. of East Lansing their teet. Young Dicltie sb'Owed plays at Hope. Thie is one 01 the big wh ereof he was made, and will bear g~"J8'!I of tho seUOD. The Freebmeo watebing. WIll play tbe Sophomores ill Il prelim. The lioc.up:ioary. Thur8day, Feb. 13, Hope pla.ya Hope 21 tbp strongest team 00' ita sehemue tho iMuskegon' 26 Klomparens Northwestern Collega of NaHrrille Bellllbga IlIiooiB. On the followillg Friday tb~ ....... 11..... B --Grand Rapids "Y" which defeated 1'1''' ,,~ • iF. Heerel .... P. Prioa aOpe by 'IL ooc·llded. tlleore Nn Year'. ~OII <L. T. Bellnet nigbt will 'eome bere. The Betbu1 Heemstra team of 'Gralld Rapid. will play tbe ·C. Prina . C · R. Hope roseryea in • prelimin.rv. . Hocker 'J P. Prills ()n Hooker Now tbat we've WOo our 4m game ..,"",' let'8 " WlLlae .... ar carry" 011. Everlone tura oa\' Van PutteD L. G. j Kia. for tbe home ra- adr -.apport tile iField go.I&--I'. Prill!!, 5; J'ap'pinta., be.t team io- tbe hlrtory of the eoU.... 3; Heemnr., 2; Bein!.Dga, ' 1; ''VanPut. • .... ................,........................... • •• . teo, I; Reeree. 8; BenDet, 3; B. B'ook. ~ wUI 1111 • IfICIIl IdIMIa er, I. Goat. tram foul line-Heemstra, Of tile AIIclIDr __ ,... _ 3 out br 'j Heerew. 5 out olllj B. § __ = ' 1ft of till 111« . . Rooker, I' oul of II. Referee-Ver. tba . . . . . . . 'INIl 1 . ..


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PUIiIII. . . . ..., Wo4D ..401 4oul", III. 001· .... 7 - "1 .I"bull 01 Hop. OOU....

.o.u» or .011:0.8 . ._ .• •••.•••..• 000rl. A. D. ~GD", ~NIa" 14110r ••••• DUD' WOO"Ul,. Llloro.., .41lor ...... AD" X. m.I.... 00II..' "parlor •. lW40\ph D. H .. p.... AIIII"I. I4llor ..•• hoDCIt P. Ihrm ....

'20 '21 '20 '18


&ack..... Edl&or .•. •• .. Helen ll. B,l1. '20

£laaal Ztlu.or •..•..•. Evtl:rn Zwemer, Id'tor• .......••. Hanko Bo.. Bollie Vor X .... H. XllloD V.. D1ke. N.II, K. Xe1er.

0.-,.. Sa,,, "n ......


D.,_al KpOD Broe'kuoa, '20 A... ' 111"1.... Kff •. ' , X"1 E. OooP. '20 ,,_Ipll.. Xff..... Hear1 Holkeboer. '20

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'20 '20 '20 'iIl


~. . . . .. ....... '1.00 p.r



lor pot"" at Odobtr.

}(OIllD, .1 81> ..1.1 R_le of pro.ld04 lor lu _IOD 1103. Act 1811. lu\horiHd Oct.ober IV,


!The Btudent Oounll beliC'Ve. tbat tbil is tho age of tountai.. pena and tba't pencil sharpeners in Vau R'nalto hall would rem ind one of a grammar Icbool or kind~rgurten and tbat it i. boneatb tho dignity of tbat important body to provide for sueh tJifte., Tho intention wal kindly received however and: .w e . boll t ake a<ilion on the ot her imllOrtani .ugge!<lion. (Signed)

It 'II'OW4 take m_ eolllllie to teIIat tIw pat JDOI'Il U4e DOW l'UDIllng In the WGI'id tthU1 to )'1e1d to it, tbaa to obq it. ._ _Wpoctrow Wilson

lIPlBTOLA. EST NON GRATA Lafl't wee'< an article lrigned by two members of tbe l/tudent body 11'80 reo ceived for publication, Wh ile the cd· itor beanily welcome. any and all .. comments" and '" opinions" be bas .een it fit DO'\. to publish tbe afore· mentione d communieation because be deelll8 it unde4l'irable for publieation.


the J8'WI, for th'y are the fOllllder. of our religion. JIII't u PeriAla, etood \'By M'IBBING A!PP at the tomb of IAfa,.,tte and ald, "La~yette, we aro here," 1(\ mutt Dr. 80lca Ad.sr-. 'ft,e IhIdmta And WI! stand at tbe gravel of the JIJ'It'I J'w=UltT In :aellalt of Ob1cqo and any. " J 11W" .... e are bere." and J'..... t ben aMUlt and remember in every POl' oriblo way tbe Bebrow MiNioll to h· The Hope lItudllnta bad tbe .privilege rael. • at Obapel, Tue.day morning, ot listening to It Boul' mi rring appeal by Dr. 8'1'UDENT .VOL1JlIfT1IBB. iBAND Solbn in bebalf of the Obioago Mia· lion to r6'1'1lel. Dr. Solon i. touring tbil 80'etion ot tbe country in an atte'mpt to The lut meeting of ()IUr li,Ue baDd interem people In tho welfare ot Chi. showed tbat lhe interem in Ml8l!'ion eago JOWl. work is in'Clrenelng. It we.s one of the In tho beginning his addre,," be said: I mos t interelltinll' and most well·at· .......... . . . . ................................~..•......,;,···.•··.···.1·.··.··.· "In tho past ,the Gentiles have asked, I tended meelinga ot too s IIChool year. • • Wihy bother tho Jew. witb the story I MiM Gertrude Peter. apoke abou'\, tbe ot JesuB Obrist'I" Dr. Solon aJU<Wored \ Mi8<!iOnary and his need of II)'mpathy ALUMNI NEWS this question by aslc\ng wbnt would with Ibe people he hns to deal witb;- , . ..................................................."'........................" ~...•...•' life bo without any (Jhristl We Gell' l not <lilly love. bu~ Iym(iatby, wb l~b is • Rev. Andrew Stcgenga, '06 ot tbe tiles connot r~alize how void our li1e brouder than love. Tbe leade r tllul' Brighton Park cbur h, Roche8ler, New w~uld bo without Christ. No man is : Irllted bow nell' mi8l!ionari(ls, in 8pite York, has accO'pt~d a call to tbo Cal· rigb t wilbout Ohrifl't in his hCtlrt. He of Ibeir love, taile~ to do errective is tho center of Hope in our lite. work becnuoe of a lack ot sympatby VlBry 'Church ot Grand lUtpid~. Through skeJ1tieism and !'nlse h'ope!, ' with Ibe customs and rit~s ot tbe peo·


sa sa sa




A eonterellee of ""uisters and other the JIJWll of today nre ignoranl of tbe pIC. real 8ignifiennee ~t Jesus, wbo WIUI onc I Visitor. are increasing in num'OOr., fri cud& ot tbc &utbcrn Indus trial and ot the J ewish race. ! -slowly, but su rely. .Have you been Normal Tnfl'titute at Brew'ton , Alabnma, Dr. Solon's last llOint in hi. allileal to our Dleetings at any time! ]If not, \\,,-" held at tho Y. M. '. A. building W08 Ihn.t we owe thc JeM''' n grent debt. bo thero nert Friday allernoon at 5 in Grand Rapids. llist montb, The Just as we responded to the op]leal ot o'clock. -C. 8" '20. IHI'llo. e ot tbe conferc n'o WllS to elect




W hat? WHY, Spriug Suits of course; aud cap.: Neck-

wear aDd a'l other .priug good. in the fineat' quality, aud the price. are Dot out of reach either.

John J. Rutgers Co. Clothiar, Haberduhery ucI ;~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~§~~:~ G0 Idsm."th's . Athlett'c G d 00 S Shoel





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~~r.~" L·Y






206 River Ave.


!i it or at tbe IlOme of Mr •. for n fow doys , !i - o• • Arthur Rogge n, '20, ho. returned to A!N OPEN LIl'1"rEB TO THE BOYS rejoi n our ranks. pr !HOPE The Senior. had an all \loy class· For year., at all tbe coliege fu ne· lions Ihe girls ha ve had I~ run Ihe Ilorly at Ceo tral Pork Saturday. TheYI gauntlel. Any American who is a gen · occupied the Kloote And Heemlrtra eot ~ Ileman, and has an iota of respect I'<lr tages alld "made Ihings bum" in that DAY or PRAYER roB. COLLEGES the fa ire r se. ~bould never allow Ihis vieinity. to happen. Surely, We are n~t under Ou Tbu rsday e" eni ng MillS Va Ih e dominion of a Turkisb Sultan wbo In the calendar ot Oollege e,·enls. no"it e ~ tabl e had a bhthday party in has no regard whotever tor womall ' lhere are ,,"veral day. to which the kind,-al1 ho he ba.. usc for them a. hOllor of Fronk Huti' and on Friday Itudents look tOIWlltd' eage rly, Among p\ln)"lhings t.o hi' whims and hum or•. evelling, Ml'II, Durfee's loble g'nv; on~ thue tbe Annual Day of Praye r for 011 Ihe eontrnry, we are und er Ibe go\'· ill honor of Bernie Mulder. Oolleges is ot prime imporlance and Y. W. a. A. I ' • erMllent of 0 Chrifl'tian leader who en. iater..t, not only to tbe indiviuual stu · The Y. W, C. A. III_olini!' of Thurs courages at least us much ehh'alry as dent, Jlut also to Ibe student body as dny alternoou W88 11 very Jine meeting. did tbe knighl s ot the Middle a unit, to eduell!ion in general and when even A equire did nol perntit ~ Th e topic was •• Leaving Yonr Mark to the supporters of edu cational insti· lady 10 leave the jousts alone. There Upun the World," nnd W8S Anna Ruth tutlODJ. fore. you felloows ot Hope Oollege, as. Winter led th e meeting. Several oj '1'I!11 Day ot Proyer, by bringing to· plrants t.o lhe name ot gentlemen be tbe girl. took part, maklag tbe meet· gether tbe mudent body on an occa· ing a very illte resting one. Cyntbia vilipnt, considerate and chivnlrou~1 elon apart from aeademic duties incul· Pennings 8flng .. He Passeth By." -B.' P. E. ce.teo higber Itandards of tbot and ~.~.-------<>conduct. ealentially Christian; gives it Y. M. O. A. 8TILL LEAD ON a new appreciation of its privileges in The Y. M. C. A: ot Hope College i( contrast with \.he mass ot unlearned " The Spirit of Hope is somel hing booming ,it not, bow can you .e"Plair young men and wOlDen; crcates n morc Indf(Jnable," echoed from Ihe platform I he Jaot that over sixty fellows wer beal~btul Obrilltian atmo!lpbere, by lhru Otrnegio Gymnuium. " rt i. tbis out at tho meeting'l'ueiday evening it riving a deeper tone to religious lile. Spirit of Hope Which hila brought you spllo ot tbe fuet that tbe joint reeepFrom tbe poInt ot view of eduention here tonigbt, ,,-.! teel certtain," rover. tion 'Wall IECbeduled to follow at lrigb \ In general, as our pre4l'ident bas ex· berated again. Alb Y1'&1 It indeed o 'elock. Bernio Mulder led, taking a plained ,trua d1Iy is ob'served In uni· wu with a Spirit ot Hope that a loun. his topic " The Life tn\ WilljF." HI veniue. al well I I denominational dered I.le crt Butterflies .... ited ex. gave u. a very altong, helptuJ meaage JlChooll, 1I'ith tbe pur po"e ot produciJtg The topies for tbe remaiain&, meet! pettantly t~r a flock of stupid geellC to A new conception or eoocation,-tbe inga ot Ihe tenn have be"Ill' atelgu Bnatch them llIWayl They waited i . n eltnception of Ch~I8tianizing e'ducalion, vun. Geese do not take to butterlliel .. follOWll: involving Dot a cbange in lubject. but Ihe Spirit ot Hope should bave told J.an . 28-Pr.yer and' Prs1er·nfe .. ratlter a eltange in tbe attitude witb them. At Icngth the tounderedl But- lIob. 4-{)"r Oro.......... J'roll<01 n ..., which a 'IUbJect ia approacbed. lIeb, Il-lllb. Si. TIll ....... To.. I_ ~" It 10 true I1f IUny a .ebool, as it il lerdlel eeoaped trom theIr Ille, which 'eb, 18-.1'0110, tbe Prie•... Irwto t.nIJbof wu e,dsogered by tidal ,w aves ot the of Hope College, that H Ie founded up' 'ob. 25-P.II . .... ... .. W.. VIU.. W.~ Grand Yareh equlnarti'" lborm, and Hi OD the praye .. and IIIcriJl!ee. of Ita lOp' Mit. '-'Ale a.oUuao 01 1111 Pno· I porten. Tltele me. and women who npoD the lI'M!et Wallllower8 whicb It .'Dl 8I1oa1I00 , ....... 0. are 1\1'081 iD the Cltrlltiu faith, de· lealt oll'ered a little Deeded hODey. K.r. 1'I -ooct·. Pl>wor HoMo • •0. ~ TIle Spirit of the Y. 1(, C. A.' AlaI .ire tbt tlteir eltUdreD .aU have lite












sasa sa


t'rancc in Ihe World War, so mu!1t we l onirn'er the uppeal of tbe wnyworcl J ews ot today. Just ns we l>8id tbe ; Candles. IceCream. Soda •• Hot Drinks, ollo rou. debt we owed 10 France f or : Soaps and Toilet Articlta ossisting 11 3 In tbo Revol ution. so mnm I Anything Ihat can be bought at a we Keek to ptly Ih e great deobt we owe drug Itnre

The eeJi't.or is Ittengtbened in his opin· leilers we can see tbe leo"" of joy. • ion by an interview wbieh be beld roll treely down hi s Hushed· cbeeke and Gerrit Van Zyle is back at Hope to with the member ot tbe faculty wbo hear him breathe tbe prayer, .. Tbank God tor Hope College." Then, Eainllu tab up poat 'graduale WOH. MI$1· acta al adviaor to the Ancbor !!lair. ., gan be.s a oped al a\ltraet\oD tor Altho tbe content of tbe article is ans wering will come Ibe echo ot " Runt." of plIramoullJ\ im.portance to the 8\U' Hope '8 prayer... Tbank God tor sDch - 0... It t H "-II the ' boy.' 88 I Red' Van den BOlOC h."j ope vv ege, George De Ru).,er fro. Sioux OeD' d ents an d ...eu y 0 editor rabels it " undesirable" because ••• ter, Iown, who ha, eerYed in the U. 8. it deals with a mati.r tbut sbould be • • N'av'y Cor I< year and a half, W8. a vi... .etUed oulllide ot tbe eollege paper. fl'be editor ,tberefore, acting in tbe .-pacity 01 oae ot tbe conserve rs of the real Hope Bpirit hu made arrange' ment. with the prcsid en t of Ihe Student Oouneil tor a maIlS mceting to be beld ia Winants Chapel at 7:30 Wednesday mornang, wben tbe matter will be pre· aented 10 tbe s tudenl b·od)'.


KBll1lBW ~O


President of The Sludent Couneil. (Edilor'. Nole-<N~ thot tbe 8'tu. dent Oouneil has been aroused from ito state ot lethargy we wi It fu make nn. other I!Uggestion: On a nell t whit e.ennmeled, beil in onn a ne,W Provisional BO:trd, .nnCe Ihe of the words of the Waller Reed hOll' Illelll'l ... ot Ihe tornler board bod reo signed. Rev. J. Lux ~ n, '92, the retir· pilol iB WushiubO"\O U Hes 11 wounded ing president. who hl\8 left for Put · HOllette, Eruefl't ("Bed ") Vanden er!lOn, N. J " opened Ihe meeting with Boscb, wbose mil!lling leg and short· prayer. Tbe new board ",bidt was ened arm tell prelty plllinl)' Ihe .tor, el ooted is as tollO"tl" : of wbat be has dilne tor hi. eou n1ry, Uev. J . J . 1I0liebrands ot Kalamn · nn you nol, Mr. Presideut, set nside 1.00, President; Rev. J . G. Brower, '04, one day of this week lUI "Red's" n.~ of G} andv'ille, Vi ce·President; Rev, M. and ask e"ery .Iudent nnd tnculty ~'liplW'. '90, ot Hollond. Secrelary and member ot Hope Oollrge to .. nd' bim It Tr ~ nsu r ~ r . polll enrd or letter 011' Ihut day! Surely, \\' can tbus ma:ke that du.,' tbe most Rev. J olin A. Dy'kslra. '09, of Kats· Dlemor8ble in his life. ranking second kill . N. Y., led oor ebupel exefeises on only 10 that day when he was I~'iog Wednesday Illorning . . We nro 81ways 00 Ihe bnttll\field, hi. senses dazed and glad 10 w~leome back old, Hopeiles. Ibe blood flowing freely trom hi. lett arm and shattered leg. We COn cosily • • im'ugine Ib e neclor ot enjoymellfl Ihese 8i me8Sl1ges troUl If~pe will bring 10 him !i CAMPUS NEWS !i and DS be reaw. Ih ese pofl'teards and !i



Yell it brought u tbere t at night, It. ligbt however did nOl ahine along tho '"'y ""Jrich led us b·aa. It. Manly lUtdlan'ce burst in one celestial aplen· do....-Jbut me rely at ,tbe gate. of de· parture from tbe House of Captivity. Itl rays spreaci Dot along the darlken· od aide atreets. __ ............'l'he Spiritt ot Ho]lO 80till leads on-a Spirit indelln· able, IL 8plrlt UDeonqnernlble. Ye wbo read tbis allegory preeleve ita moral alld lltill be led on by tbo Spirit ot Hopc-Mope th'at tbe tulnre be full of Hope ,Iho rea l H ope. Ibe true, ,be only Hopo Ilirill ---I>. Bull)' Bee.

advantage of--a--Ohrlltlan ~cauon and IIvo In a religioul atmoOlphere. The !>'ay ot Ptayer is ono or tbe IIp8cial meana contrived to Inlure theae char· ae\erietlca for a college, and tberetore of great intereat to Ita Bllpporters. 'l'omorrow, January 30, I. olhe day appointed for prayer. A good program has been arranged for tbe afternoon; a promising speaker bas been aecured. It la up to cvcry Hopeltea bo be there and malke thia day a real auccelS. -W.








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, 18111

Soldiers' and Sailors' Department

••••••••••••••••••••••••• of ha.rdlhip. We lrave a young BUll' sian Illidier in the h08pitlLl nOiW' who spent IIWo years working II> a German Olino. He il>udled tho German Ian· guage In Bupia and even tho neither of U8 Irnow vory much GiJrman, we manage to ea rry 01> a fa irly interest· i ng eonvenratloll. J'lUl'Uary third, '10, our company wiU bave been over h rc lo ur months and we will eacb be entitleu to Bevon days' leu';o of ·absenee. I ex'pcct to squeeze a8 mucb of France no po.sible illto those seven dnys. After tbat I'll 'be ready to wtart for home. that is if Uncle Sammy lets mc, but I am afraid ho ueeus me over here a wbile iongcr. Card tIom ;Bert Van .Ark Sincerely, Joinvillc, France, No I'. 20, 1918 On e of tit " '00)'11" ovt'r there, Accept my befit wishes for n Merry '1'('n. l. iBn'll er. Chrllltmll.8. W e have litlle hope of bei ng in the Stntcs Iby the New Year, WlLLIAM KOPP!lNAAL. but I'm sure it won 't be far in t he B.ETtJB.NlID BOLDIER, y~nr when ngoin we haii the home IS CONV u .J!8OING folks. We ure nursing Yankee boys in Willia m K oppenanl, '10, one of a French hospital for the time, and !fope'. overSea' meu, is nt Fort On· thu l learn ing much t'r('n ch. and their tario, ....,. York, convalC9Cing from an h enling method. . To be out of the injury received whil. in netive servi ce sbelled country i a plt'lISurc, and sure· in th e front line treu.:hes. Iy IVhen the boys of the A. E. F. get B ill eollsted in th e medicai corps hom e they will oppreeia tc bome. O\'Cr n yea r ngo a nd has Ibee u ILt the Sincerely YOUTS, ( ront ror seve ral plonths . While cnr· Bert Vun Ark . rying wou nded men from tbe fieid of blLttle t.() th e hospitnl t.ents. hc reeei'ved T ennis Bnker, a n injury in hi. sidc, whi ch became 00 Evaeua tio", H<l"l>it nl 15 .erious thu t he wns fo reed to hnve an AllIer: Ex pediti4nnry P orces. ope rlLtion, a nd spenl four week. in a Dcar I.£rs. Durfee.'reneh bospitnl. Your very interesti ng ieller reacbed i1kfore B iU had campletely recol" me a fow days ago, 'but before coming eretl, h~ wenl back to the tront ILnd ns to any eonciusion regording the n result hu dl to hnve au'Otlwr operat ion. " men" or "boys" qpestion, I put it He relurn ed to A:nle rielL on the iii. up to some of th e "boys" in the eQOl ' fated t ..nsport, wh ich '\\,03 stranded on pan)'. It ,,' ns " nnan lmous vote: Cail Long Islaud Beacb. us "boys." We ma y be tuil gr!)lvn Whiie BiU was in Hoiland during and old enough to vo te, but lVe nrc the bolidnys, bi. oid trouble came back boys ju st the same. In, !lJleak ing to to him, oud he is lit presen'! recoverini each otlwr we don ' t BUy " men." II's fr om his th ird opemtion, and at tbe " .boys· '. " buddie," "hunk ie, " or j ust snnie t ime waiting lor his disc harge. plain " f ello"... " So wby bou ldn ' t Bill bas mnny tbrilling experiences tb\people back home cail us "boys"l to reiate. H e 98y' that very otten he Even old men cnli eneh otber " boys ". ca rried in h is arms. " 'ounded AOleri· And now tha t we know that our girls cans and Germnns who had had their are singing, •• Wh en the Boys COOle iegs shot off. Or.nl frOID QIadt,e De Vrtea Beaune, .France, ee. 1& 1918 Dear FriendlYour kind letter of NovenTher 15tb just received. Tb.an'k. you ~ry much for thl ~ tlpleodid grooting nod remem· brance. It found me eafe nnd well in France. I lIrrived here lLhout tbe 30th of 8eptem·ber. Wu ore r e;joicing With you in thellC da)'ll of peace. All are eager to return home now. Wben that ahall be ie as yet uneerlala. H eart y greeting, to all H opelte!. Grat efully yGUTl, Be rgo!. <:ha rl e" De Vries.





Home" why we like the name OIore than ever . •The editoriai in tbe New York Sua wns no doulbl merely II polit . ienl nltucJk On Secretary Bak er. At present I am ju!/!. outside the sbeil toru city of Verdun nnd bnve been here since th e /Iron liart of Oc· 'tober. We reached here just in time to help in th e last big offeusive nortb of the city. ,Before t hat time we bad been tra veiiug " 40 Homme. ou S Ohevnur" to • cn r ,over the eouatry. We started from Bre.t wh ieh bappened to be our port of debnrkation and aiso our first t'xperien ee with a rest enmp. For lour days and n ight s we traveled


One lime he found a Germsn soldier iying on tbe ground with bis leg sho ' orr. Bill could Il()t resi!/!. the look of ent rea ty on the mnn 's tnee, 80 he ear. ried him to an American Jield h09pitnl. A few dny" uft erwords Biil has a talk w ith this sn me German ond found ou t tbat the mUll was forty·five yenrs of age a nd hnd seven. children ill Ger. many. '1'he man was eo thankful that he govc Biil biB belt and a French ltnife, which the German had found on II dend Frenehmab. as souvellirs. Botb of the wnr tropb tcs are at Bill's home on 19th street. _._

toward the east, pallSing; thru Vit r., Le The An~ her prints below a bit of Maus, Tour., iBourges, Ne.·er, DijOll, "free I'erile" " .. ilt en in bonor of the Chaumont nu d! n few otber large Cities, In1e Theodore Roosevelt. finally stopping nt the littl e village of IN lItEKOlLLUt Bimaueourt. This was 11 collec ting They pall thee dea.d- halI'·muted place f<lr Base and Evncuation Hoopi. 1Iages, black bOrdered columDs, &114 tILl •. We 8tnyed there a week and thOll • alO1l"tollIDg bella proclA1m thy ~ went oorth to Revigny nnd for the Bral ' lied. time aay 80lDe of tho results of .. kul. ' Tho In tM 1II11111t tomb, thy "olee a tur." A'bout two·thir"" of the town bugle bJut <If freedom, t.hnndel'll toUDd WlU pr'actieally dt'8troyed. We toot I th8 woIld. over a French hotlpitai, but two weeks AlI4 In ,u untlmed ages (of ~mor· later IL Base Hospitnl came along and 1'011' whall na.t1ol18 toUo1l't.bee ,thy prerelieved U8 80 that we moved on up to· I cepta aDd tIlT rucied c:re'ed. ward the front, aod opeued up another '1'hy b&Ild Is st&;yecL tIlT · pen la French hospital. The drive wal in stilled; Jet printed tp&geI, 1I1Ie4 .1 rith full .wing so that we had to get right hlll'Oic ,that aDd JIIBt dec:fts, 1Ibaul4 on tbe job. There W&8 & Field HOBpllal abo1l' to men th8 p-.th or Du1ty, \BIOI')' hero "hen we arrived anll we worked &lid 'fn1th. ~o~ther. We were in a direc't line '1'h7 Ut_'t!s i~; Jet In a m11Uon irith Verdu'l and the Gel'Dlan long breutll *be III111e of Ute ~ up an range guile, but tbey lIever tried to hit hlP ,-1", like thee to 11ft, llke thee the hosplllll, or they could have' wiped to 411. UI out • The Ameneall Railway Bat. ~" In t.h7 Ute".. l11114e d£h ~ terie. that'did 10 mnch damage to the tII7 8"''''''17 cl8IIIil jIU4e pocII'. but In (krm&JI railroad. were ju~ 011 tbe 01" _ory of lUI, -.Ie , _ IJIOIId. poaite aide of the hlU from al ud thy ~I tIIGIl art ~ deed t.lie al/lo aUracled "a,eaueoup" attention. nalt ClIIIIJIO& cmteta ~ d.Mmtlta Alfter the armistice .. . s II1goed we .al ~ i&M d&dt tomb lIIbclae t/Q' W\! rc kept very bul, taklDr ear. of feart. IPUI*. the Eagllah, Bela'illll lltallan, ud ~l ' thoa 11"" IUIt In 1AGl'. Ru88ian .,Idle ... rtitul1Iiai from Ger. tal IIIlI, .bat ill oa:r IIIID4I, par u.ta, mn pr;.oll campa Ilott ot them have lAd In oar ~ n.lnL the - . Ito". at miAreateat I. Ger. 'fto ..... thoa IIiIIII& I~D"I....n•• U-




'!'be) eert&lal, wea' Ihm " lot

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the ·el ... presldellt, B . HolpOl'I, ~alled UPOIl "Iarioul membera to respolld to e:d emporaneo\1.l tOllta. Several memo bers reeponded Dobly alld, needle.. to say, the utteranelll made up the occa· sion will Jong remain In the Inmo.t recell1lC8 of our memory to Illur \1.1 on UkulelH, Gaitan an.d all lilian Inltrumemta to ndbler and greal er dl!ede. -.J The bell makes of PiuOI at reasonable prices'. At no other time hal the lliorl and stTikiDg slalement of ' Templl'll tugit' been more truo than Jt Willi on 8atur· day, Jenuary OOth, 1919, and ,II too eoon it .became train tlme. But it Wal with bouyant Bpirits that the Benio,. wonded their way to the slation and boarded the ear for H olland and home. , fl'he one unanimoul expre!llllon heaf"d on all Irides W1IS that It W88 the 'best ever' party ever held ill the hlitory of tho ulalS. The war I,nd «oparated many of 'tho hunch' for a time and many arc 8till scattered to the tour eornors 'of the en rth, but with the few who have returncd, plus anum· ber of old 18ers. the &nior8 have be· gun tho final year of their careor In an auspicious mann er, and all feel that ns n result of the get together a I r--A....JL-A...,J'--"L...JL...JL.Jl.-IL-J_A-JLJLJ.....JL..JL...l....l.--lL elOller bond of friendship !las Ibeen created t o spur us 011 during the final half year of collCie life. It would not be part of justice to omit in our ehort article, the honorllble mentio", of the men !lnd women who made the alral. aucb II. glorious eucoess. We will sim ply insert tbe dllty roster. Judge for yourselve., gentlemen, judge for youreelv8s. In i1fdiq'ts. -R'amp Kl ootc !Dut y Ros ter Th e Army of Oeeuptation Comd'g Oftieer--{}eneral Hospers. Oftieer of the Day-<Japt. B. Hilarlus Oom. of the Gunrd-«.ellie Tune. 1st Reliet Oorp. Doo it, 'Pvt. Henle. Pvt. Jub\!. . 2nd Relief Oor,p. Kort. Martial. Pvt. 0 'Dora. Pvt. Martie. Brd Baliet Corp. Bern. Weever. 'PVt. Tommle. Pvt. Sammie. Kay P eu Queen Esther. Prlnee Pet•. Harry Babr. And A. Winter. Our Motto-DolI't Miss ameal.


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(Contlnud t rom tixiiFirtt pthe ....)wrong Ii the other Freshmen Indies to supper bui perhaps variety added n bit of spice to their ice cream and wafe ... The joint reception was a S1Ieeess, a roaring, bounCing, whooping S1Ieeel_ as everyon e of the three hundred guests will tesbily. We all feei better nequai.ted' and mueb more closely united because of It. Our only regret I. that we cannot ha ve more than one sueb get ·together thruout the year. -Mott, '20 .


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Rev. Joh~ A. Dylratrn, '09, one of Hope'8 fo remost eastern ministers led chnP'OI lnat_ Monday. Rev. Dykstra I!Old that althourb the faces of the students were untamilla r, t he ehapel reminded him ot the days when he was Iri tting In the audience .. a rto. deat, alld that it 0111, aeemed as yeeterday tinee he was I.,t here. . After graduatiDg from the New BruDmtlt Tbeoloiiea1 Seminary, Bev. Dykstra'. ..cendency illl mll1lsterial ciule. h., beea ref)' rapid, and at ",elent he is putor in olle of the prom. inent ehurchee In New Yo~, the &m. ilton Grange Reformed ehllreh. .Bev. D,btra h., _;.yed a all from the CeatrlLl Reto ..." d1l1reh of Grud Baplda ud made the tnp wilt in order to look ap the aeld.

ALUMNI SUBSCRIPTION for the 1919 Milestone 1 herebY,subscribe to the 1919 MileStone for which I lliJ'ee to pay on delivery n.oo; Nante ________ __ . __ .__ •. _________________________ _

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Firsl Class ,

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, ~~ Flunu ill Bible. iDormltory Rallh. lElyme'. gi rl. lMidnigh,t serenado". IBan' y"a E-(rplullOll). Voeant .eats in chapel. __ WUddya.mIllJl' Poots Poppen-"My f&ther', & doc· to r, 110 1 caD bo sick {<lr nothing. to Ruc)-J'My fot her ', a mlniet r, 80 I ean be good f or nothing."





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tkillking we eondu ctcd & beauty col· HEADQUARTERS FORI! umn. W e are priniling hi. question with our roply ,thill1ting i't would ill· tere!!t Ihe s tude ll l1l: " 1 a m grC1ltty troubled by my hair fllllinog ou't. What should , l do about itf J hal' uo plco!!Ure in life 011 ae· Cbooolol., P .... ut Brilll., Car...I " cou ut ot It. PlcQIIC ad " ice me." iPlea;re be more explicit. With whom • is your hai r faU iog out.f We calJllol ougge.1 " remedy until we know who bogau t he quar rel. •

810m'S Home Made CANDIESt

Interest paid on Time Hot and cold drink' 'tlrv,d T\ l!IepOSI'tS Compo.aded Semi ·Anauoll) at Dar fountam



Did you ever . top to Lhlnk.' It · renlly funn y-I.... ry; Your leters go a Ihou8ll.nd miles .A lld . till IllJly're s tationery.

Four 'lWD ~hUD& (111ft 'tor 0JIIiIr ~r From now you will occasio nally hear the shriek of the rcforco whillle f rom aar Degle Gym. dumg tho otter· nOODII. All the mon in co11ego who wore 10D'gug tor baslteliball have been arroDged into tour t ams. ~oreover, the girl. are ltiguing up for b'ukobb'all ond will soon 1M!' playi ng game<!. For the present t he ibo),,,' teom l!' will Illoy on Tueednys ond Thur ll!lllY@. , This howe ver Is Il1l1>jeGt to chonge. No ooe will be allowed to loat around Ihe gym. whilo other tcurus· UrO ploying. Conl'lderablo intere1rt is shown. u the wi nni ng tc'nm is to be givcn an oys ter upper. Walch the bulletin board fOI the results of tho gomes. Arrnngemcnh ore oif(o being modo for prr p. nnd class tooms. The So»h. orcs hllVCII ' I fo rgo tt ~n the incide nt li t 2381t ... the J>4rk hult fall. Be" ro Frcslllnenl The league teams orc n. foll Qws.




tMarinea .






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~ors ~llIrohl LuUbe r. , ~IPt.,

• Anyone can easily arrange for their own pension by carrying one of the New 95's issued by the

Nortliwestern Mutual Life Insurance Co. During the years you are depositing to arrange for the pension you are drawing your full share of the profits. I will be glad to explain the conditions dnd advantages·of tbis profit sharing plan.

. C. A,. BIGGE, Diat. Agt. Peten BuUdia.

Hollond, Michi,o.

t"",-II_,,..II-"-""4I .

:~~~g ~h1ch

M. W. LongU'ell'olV.


If the French Bla ve Il'O "w" Postea/'ds ll'nrry GillOD,

::::~~a":~~: Jold~rlll1a-J' The

doetor said I should not have u bite b etween meols."



Den BaIml'

or IIlan


fee Cream to 'order for your

College and Eighth , The Shop N earest Thf Campus

We have moved to ollr Hew


shop at 50 East Eighth Street o-III . . . . . v.

& Hamm, 55

w. au.



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more t hnn ever be. (ore there is going to b~ a de mand for



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~o Ezc:US88

Put JDac:tlnll7, I I

.To lO«er (For Ita \BtI t Promtsea '1'0

8ett1e !""'v Inn_,


T he Student Ooupcil held a melYl. jng weu nesday atte rnon and in addi·



welcomed. The Student CouDcil bas no exeuse. to olre r for its pIUIt iaaetivity but promile1l t ha t iD the future it will reo sumc ill 'Prominent. posiUoD among the olganizat ions OD tbe campus. Tho Coulleil il e'ompoled of the tol· lo"iag member., Senlor_ Budolf HOI' pers. Aua Amee1e, MarPlet Tho_. ma ; JUDiorl, Harry Hager, Bertha 8toppleo ; &phomore., Martlll DeWolf, HeJeae Va. Bulte; Freobmen, WH· laelmiaa a_burpr, Ewrel1 Grke. ..ai Preparatory, Jab PrIIt..


1 '"

I Photograph "'1 :::


as a Chris tmas mfts



so don't fail t<l place

your orders early at


i ,\'

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Holland, Mich .

~~~~~~~=~~~~~ r----~------_ ..-


I have resumed my practice in diseases of the Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat at 22 west 81h St., IIbove Woolworth's 5 and 10 cent ...

FOOT . • -


Office Hours, 9 to 11 A. M. 2 to 5 p. M. Tues. and Sat. 7 to 9 P. M. CITIZEN PHONE 1208

Dr. A. Leenhouts



( Upstai r. ) · 19 l! 8th SI . • Hollaad, Micb . '"



We make

(lltI. ...... lffO

~'or Your {loll and


'rhe .coun cil diC!sl res t hat all the t rea u rers 0 ft he e1anes ta'ke notice lDftallll' A'JIPOiIIl.8Mnli Tuuday and of t he tact tha t the t reasurer ot t he With SaYIngs Department Saturday from 7 to 9 S tudent OounC'iI i ready at all t imes to O.pllal, 8urplu .... Ua41ol4od Pro ... receive t he counell fee!. JIoQn ,127.000.00 8:30 to 12 A. lL 1 :30 to 5 P . )l. Il'be S tudent 'ouneil wi ll do all iu ~1I11, ,1,"0.00.00 , 1 .. .. BolI,n', lIIlc\l. it . j1O'Wer to upbold the intereMS of 00,. 8tb 81 . • ad C..tral .I., •. HolI •• d. lI lch. th o s t.udent•. In order t.o act 09 a representative body ,it la n ecessary that the cntire sludent body cooperate. Any STUDBNTS .ugge~i o Di from the students "ill be

Vander Ploeg's


::'R!~ef ~.!f.!~OS ..llsHET LuAD CI 'CoY .I. S I I HOE S i


you r un away

t hat Ibig dogf"








Do .!!h0lY (IIOrry to t ro ublo yo u)

Wm. Welln el', An ' t Oaui.,


" I'





Molenaa r & De Goede

derllmo, Mik e ' huurm nll, Hell ry Dek. a Grin ker, Bert P enll inga. -.J. R. K . •

tinn to la:v!ng plans for the lIut ur. eleeted Rarry U'nge r of the Junior neo-eoerctu ' a.n'd-M.netin.ne.w-DILI_S _t_or....;e:... O. J . DI.ko .... Pr • • .• H. J . Luld . ... C.. bl.. ot the Sophomore chula lIS treasurer.

Dr. James O. Scott

WEENIES, PIOKLEB and Big Eats at

And oGr lIeo rt s though atout and b ra"e we consecrate IlS To endure-- '. lamb·lik.e blea ti ng Could of boredow ever rave. Educ~D has for ita object the • -<:On1 ributed with apologies to fOWldation of dIalacter.



Abo R)'lbrnndt, Bill Brin k, J ud HoO'moll. Harr~' Bo~rs Dla, . !Wllse J ol. -=~~=~ ,, ~~~~~=~

(Some peo plc gel alollg without it )- . WILSON ON-'::-~ ND - ~ To be a Orouch i. ll ot 0 8ill, ~~ ~ A. long 08 you ore IIi 0 abou t il. Frieadablp ts based DOt merely UPOD ~ a1I'ectiOD but upon common o1IOl'Vice. And uow that Iho war 's ol'cr, goo<l 1'he ma.n ts DOt your friend who ' ts triends. why 1I0t tlroll the exprenions: Dot w1lliDg to serve WDU, and , YOU " 11 '" n. greo t lire if yo u don't weak· are Dot b1s frlet1cl it you lPere Dot eu," and " Thnt 's we all over." w1lliDg to &erVe him. ADd out bf ~ that impalae of cOOUIIon Illterest and Oln.ss is long ,a nd tim e 's not lIeeti ng de~ /tJII COmmoD senice arises that





Bill Pyle, !fal1'y Hager, Rud Ho pe r. , tonley hil>[>er Iforvcy Klei nhe~ l, Mari n. us fLrun elillk, AI K ingma.



Dry Goods, Groceries

Millinery 31-33 E. 8th, Holland,Mich.

' ~ers

You're Not .O bllged To


DuMez Bros.

F rcd Duiker, Onr"" lfureu. Afuilen. .berg, J ohn n oger, R ichard BlOCKe r, Mr. Chen, John }f~e ll ll'8, Tony Meengll, M'n l\'i n Fok'kert. \AlVia.tors H ell ry Mol. On"t., .)'ohll K cmpe .., Tcd Yul e •• a, Prall ei~ Ihrmna, Chris WoJvoord, :MJa urlce Verdu iu t anl ~y Bolk.. J oh. Va nder Ploeg.


" You sce, this rope guys Ihe tell t." .. \Vh ut a'OOutl "

Ask for

S.Spriatsma ~ Son HOLLAND, MICHIGAN i

r-------:---------------__. . •

Eye Glasses Per'leetlJ .pitt Ied '

• . Properly fitted eye ilasses add much to tbe pleasure of ~IVlOi: Glasses fitted by us l[ive perfect eye comfort and sat. I8faclJon. .

A trial will convince you of the thorOuibness of our work and the reasonableness of our prices.

Geo. H. Huizenga & Co.,


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