
Page 1

Smoking and Frosh Rules Modified by AWS Council The Assn. of Women Students Council has m a d e some changes which will t a k e effect second seme s t e r : F r e s h m e n women will no longer be governed by an 11 p.m. lights out rule, and all under-class 'women not on a c a d e m i c probation a r e eligible for four special late permissions a semester. The late permissions are over and above 'late pers' granted for sorority and f r a t e r n i t y formals, informals, special parties and extension of time for returning from vacations. They will apply only on F r i d a y and Saturday nights. Ruth S y t s m a . president of the AWS Council, said, "We on AWS feel that this new rule will give the Hope woman an opportunity to show her m a t u r i t y and discretion in this area. The rule also relieves the housemothers some of

Two Administrators

the burden of the decisions for each girl." Concerning change or the smoking regulations for women, the council has m a d e the following recommendations: Because there is no rule presently which states that women m a y not smoke on the c a m p u s , it should be left up to the individual woman student; in view of the inadequate smoker in G r a v e s , the council suggested that two additional s m o k e r s be established as study rooms, one in the library and the other, for women only, in Gilmore. To the Student Senate recommendation that smoking be permitted in the individual girls' rooms, the AWS Council has voiced a definite " n o . " since the majority of women students did not favor the proposal.



Rev. Dykstra, Rock Resign Posts

Rev. Dykstra is an alumnus of Northwestern and Hope Colleges. In 1959 he accepted the position of field r e p r e s e n t a t i v e for Northwestern, Central and Hope Colleges. He b e c a m e director of church relations at Hope in 1963.

Also resigning, a f t e r one ^ear as director of public information is Charles S. Rock. Mr. Rock received his B. A. Degree from the University of Colorado, While at Hope College, Mr. Rock's duties consisted primarily in developing good relations between the college and the press. Lasi spring he handled in conjunction with the Netherlands Information Service the arrangements for P r i n c e B e r n h a r d ' s visit to the c a m p u s , and was instrumental in i he extensive coverage given to the college and the Prince in the Sunday magazine of the St. Louis Post-Dispatch. In addition, he helped develop relations with the Chicago Tribune which resulted in the T r i b u n e ' s story with color pictures of the college which a p p e a r e d in t h a t p a p e r ' s Sunday magazine this summer.

19 V


^ G '


Du Pont Co. Grants Hope $29,000 for Science, Math Hope College has been the recipient of $29,000 in grants from the Du Pont Company this y e a r . The grants, to be used by the science and m a t h e m a t i c s d e p a r t m e n t s , a r e in the form of scholarships and laboratory grants. A scholarship grant for $4,000 was received in December to be used toward s u m m e r scholarships for students going into science and m a t h e m a t i c s teaching at the secondary level. The exact amount of each scholarship will be decided by the college, but $450 - $500 was the suggested amount. In addition, the Du Pont comp-

any gave Hope's Chemistry Department a $2,500 gr ant for advancing the teaching of chemistry and a supplementary grant of $2,500 for advancing the teaching of other subjects essential to the educaiton of scientists. The largest contribution, received on J a n . 6, is a contribution of $20,000 to be used toward the Physics-Mathematics Building. The Educational Aid D e p a r t m e n t of the Da Pont Company a w a r d s g r a n t s to colleges and universities each year for new academic laboratories Hope w a s among the ten schools that received Du Pont building grants this year.

January 21,

Hope Coed Biologist Is Nationally Recognized Biology has proven to be a fascinating hobby for f r e s h m a n Alice Reichardt of H a m m o n d , Ind., who h a s strong hopes of seeing her r e s e a r c h published.

Rev. A. A. ( " D e l " ) Dykstra, director of church relations, and Charles S. Rock, director of public information at Hope College, have submitted their resignations, it was learned this week.

Rev. Dykstra comes from a f a m ily. including five brothers, whose close relationship with Hope College has lasted over 50 years. He commented, "Since 1959 we have had at least two of our five sons in attendance at Hope each y e a r . We feel that this indicates our family's deep c o m m i t m e n t to Hope College. With this record it is not an easy thing to s e p a r a t e myself f r o m my c a m p u s office, as I a m now doing."

Hope Colltgf. HoUand, Michifan

Miss Reichardt's interest in science stems from her exhibition in a science fair when she was 10 y e a r s old. She studied fossils and then turned to the study of cells. Since that time biok gy has been th'i center of her interests. She set up her own laboratory in the basement of her home, experimenting in her s p a r e time. Five years ago, when she was 13, .Alice received an invitation f r o m Dr. Muggins, the world's foremost endrocrinologist, who heads the Ben May Laboratory, to assist him in his cancer research. She received a grant f r o m the University of Chicago and w a s given her own lab and animals, with Mr. Huggins' assistants available to her. The talented f r e s h m a n spent one s u m m e r at P u r d u e University und e r a government g r a n t , where she studied veterinary s u r g e r y and worked in chemistry labs, although she hadn't had a formal course in chemistry. During her senior year of high school. Miss Reichardt met res e a r c h e r John Ott, who asked her to study with him. The combina-. tion of Ott's "light t h e o r y " and Huggins' techniques proved the nexus for Alice's new r e s e a r c h project. Last s u m m e r she worked as a lab technician at St. Catherine's Hospital in Chicago, where she gained valuable medical experience. Dr. Pilot, a pathologist, gave her the opportunity to perf o r m autopsies during this time. The young biology expert has won n u m e r o u s contests, but of her m o r e outstanding achievments was ibeing given recognition in her field, medicine, by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration. She flew to Washington where she

s^ent 14 "unbelievable" days as a guest of the government. While there she had an opportunity to disclose her r e s e a r c h project to visiting M.D.'s. G e r m a n y has noted her scientific endeavor and has recently featured a story revolving around her life and her project, in one of their largest national publications. Miss Reichardt has submitted her paper, entitled " E l e c t r o m a g netic Radiation and the Influence of Estrogen and Other Hormones in Experimental M a m m a r y Cancer Produced by a Polynuclear Hydroc a r b o n , " for publication in America. Her creative talent flows in m a n y directions, for she also loves to paint and enjoys modern dance. This fall she appeared in the production of "Hypolytus at Hope College.

Steffens, Ponder Win Hope Oratory Gretchen Steffens and Glen Pontier emerged victorious in the Adelaide Women's and Raven Men's divisions of Hope oratory in Monday's contests. Sharon Wozniak and Michael Vogas took second place in the two divisions. Miss Steffen's speech, " T h e Law of the L a n d , " was a plea for racial tolerance on a personal level. " U n d e r s t a n d U s , " pleaded Pontier in his oration with that title. The contest is held annually at Hope to determine which orators will represent the school in the state Michigan Inter-Collegiate Speech League (MISL) contests in April. Pontier and Miss Steffens earned $30 and $25 respectively for their achievement while Vogas and Miss Wozniak received |20 and $10.

January 21, 1966

Hope College anchor

Page 2

Studies African


Welmers Cites Language Gains

SCHOLASTICS TROPHY AWARDED—IFC president Graham Lampert presented the trophy to Allen Miedema, president of the Arcadian Fraternity for its 2.763 cumulative grade-point. Mary Le-estma. Pan-Hellenic Board president, awarded the cup to Marlea Ton, president of the Alpha Phi sorority for a 3.022 cumulative grade-point.

A t t e n t i o n SENIOR & GRADUATE MEN Students-U.S. Citizens NEKOINO

















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• M ^ H H M U N D E R G R A D S , CLIP A N D



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"The African people are important, and therefore the African languages are important," stated Dr. William Welmers in his talk given in Tuesday's assembly—"African Languages—A New Academic Explosion." The field of linguistic studies in Africa lay dormant until 1960, when it acquired a new prominence for a combination of reasons. Dr. Welmers assessed the growth m a d e in languages in four fields: Christian missionary preparation, U.S. government agencies, American universities and the Peace Corps. "The Christian missionary in Africa usually is sent without formal training in the language or dialect of the area in which he is to work." Welmers said. "The churches share a myth with most people regarding language in general and African language in particular; they believe that it is simple to go to a nation and just 'pick up' the language of the area. The fallacy of this concept is demonstrated by the fact that only a very small percentage of the missionaries sent to Africa could learn to speak their area dialect." Except for a brief flurry of interest in African linguistics during World War II, there was little official government concern with the topic until the National Defense Education Act in 1959 provided for research into language. With the

•• ^

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m DR. WILLIAM E. WELMERS rapid growth in prominence of Africa in recent years, the Government has had to deal with a new block of nations speaking a variety of new languages. When the Congo crisis erupted. Dr. Welmers, as a recognized expert in linguistics at U.C.L.A., was consulted. Universities, with iN.D.E.A. grants, are now beginning to offer courses in the field of African languages. Dr. Welmers pointed out that there is an ever-increasing need

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for more facilities as the vast subject of African linguistics assumes more importance. The greatest contributing factor to the "academic explosion" in African languages is the Peace Corps, which is the first group to seek the training of its members in the languages of the places they are being sent. The Peace Corps demand for instruction has put a great load on the limited numbers of people experienced in this field. Dr. Welmers is deeply involved in the training of Peace Corps personnel and pointed out the difficulties involved in trying to teach a subject without any available texts and perhaps without the instructor even being competent in the language. Yesterday morning Dr. Welmers spoke on glossalia, or "speaking in tongues" before Western Theological Seminary students and faculty in Mulder Chapel. Basically, his position reflected scepticism on the modern version of the phenomenon, in view of the irrational vowel, consonant, g r a m m a r and intonation structure of typical modern renditions of "tongues." To support his views, Dr. Welmers reminded the seminary audience that (1) "tongues" are mentioned only four times in the Acts, and are always subject to translation; (2) they were used as a means of communicating the gospel meaningfully for witness; and (3) Paul reminded the Corinthian Church that "tongues" should not be used chaotically.

Mortar Board Film Tells Tale Of Prostitute "The Nights of Cabiria," the story of a Roman prostitute, will be presented by Mortar Board Feb. 10 and 11 in Snow Auaitorium. This 1957 film stars Giuletta Masina as a street-walker on the outskirts of Rome who comes into the city nightly to ply her trade. But Cabiria is more than a prostitute; she is shown as a real and touching human being and as a symbol of m a n ' s trust and hope. She has an indestructible spirit and a childlike faith in the world. Critics have said, "It is the spring source of the bravery that is found in people who are poor and weak but unconquerable; it is a very pure manifestation of life, the more impressive because found in an unpromising social level and no less beautiful for t h a t . "

SCOTCH TAPE Morning Worship 9:30 M a g i c M e n d i n g T a p e , Reg. 3 9 c

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. . . . N O W ONLY 2 9 c SERMON: "Savior of the Gentiles"

Scotch C e l l o . T a p e , R e g . 6 8 c

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January 21, 19M

Hope College ancber

Page I

Zambian Student Looks at Africa And Its Role in Todav's World (Editor's note: Kawala Stmwanza is one of six Africans who are currently studying at Hope College. A sociology major, Simwanza, 22, is a citizen ol the central African Republic of Zambia, a country of four million people which gained independence from Britain in 1964. Formerly known as Northern Rhodesia, Zambia borders strife-torn Rhodesia. In the following section Simwanza answers some of the questioni concerning Africa which he hai encountered at Hope.) By Kawaia Simwanza " A f r i c a is making more history than it can chew," a British historian has said. Indeed this is so, for recently African affairs have hit the world news headlines — as witnessed in the Kenyan MauMau uprising, the current Congo crisis and the coup d'etats and rebellions in Rhodesia and Nigeria. Since the fall of the native African kingdoms prior to the colonial e r a . Africa has begun to re juvenate itself. Today Africa is r e m a k i n g itself on the model of the other modern nations, making long, fast strides where it took other

Miss Holland Pageant Asks For Applicants The Holland C h a m b e r of Comm e r c e has announced that applicants a r e .being accepted for the annual Miss Holland pageant, according to Roger Vander Meulen, J a y c e e pageant representative for Hope College.


The pageant is a preliminary contest for the Miss America contest, and all applicants m u s t be single and between the ages of 18 and 21 by Sept. 1. Competition takes place in four categories: the evening gown and swim suit competition, the talent contest and personal interviews by the judges. Applicants f r o m Hope College a r e being selected by each of the sororities and f r e s h m a n representatives will be chosen by class election before J a n . 28. The final selection of those girls to compete in the pageant will be m a d e by a panel of Jaycees on the basis of interviews with the applicants.

nations a longer time, but when Africa stumbles, the fall looks very great in the eyes of the world press. Here are a f e w general facts about Africa.

versa) they are too busy with internal problems to engage themselves in ideological disputes. Africans will t r a d e in commodities with anyone, but avoid trading in ideologies.

Geography: Africa is the second largest continent, ranking a f t e r Asia. It stretches 5,200 miles f r o m Tangier to Capetown, and the distance from D a k a r on the Atlantic Ocean to Somalia on the Indian Ocean is the s a m e as the airline distance f r o m New York to Moscow. This helps one to appreciate Africa's great size.

Economics and Education: Although A f r i c a is one of the underdeveloped a r e a s of the world it has great potential in terms of natural r e s o u r c e s and manpower. Illiteracy is high, particularly among the older generations; among the young it is fast decreasing. E a c h one of the roughly 30 states in Africa has at least OD« university college and several technical colleges. Among the more advanced a r e South Africa with II colleges and Nigeria with five such schools. Since these are not sufficient, African sudents are found throughout the world.

Peoples of A f r i c a : There a r e roughly 300 million, 20 million of whom are white or Caucasians, t h - remaining belonging to the Negroid race. T h e latter range in color from black to brown. Many of the white settlers, Afrikaaners, of South Africa a r e of Dutch descent. Sociologists will agree that, in general. Africans are not colorconscious, due to the fact that they are such a multi-colored people. However, they a r e tribalistic. Political Alignment: Although some African nations may appear to the western observer to have communist leanings because of their trade and economic aid prog i a m s with Red China (and vice-

The " D a r k Continent:" If one looks at Africa through the eyes of ninteenth-century explorers he sees only dark jungles. But if one looks at the continent as does a modern businessman, an entirely different picture is seen. "The winds of change in Africa a r e blowing at gale f o r c e , " says British P r i m e Minister Harold Wilson. Rut, however high the dust m a y rise, it must one day settle down.

Dr. Malm Will Initiate Spring Lecture Series Dr. William P. Malm, one of the foremost national ethnomusicolo(gists on J a p a n e s e music, will be the first speaker of the assembly lecture series of the second semester, Feb. 8, at 10:30 am. in Dimnent Memorial Chapel.

Among his a w a r d s . Dr. M a l m has received the Monograph Prize in H u m a n i t i e s f r o m the American A c a d e m y of Arts and Sciences in 1960. He is a m e m b e r of Pi Kappa L a m b d a , Society for Ethnomusicclogy and Assn. for Asian Studies.

Dr. Malm received his bachelor's and m a s t e r ' s degrees in music f r o m Northwestern University and his Ph.D. f r o m the University of California at Los Angeles. He is presently associate professor of m u s i c literature at the University of Michigan.

Dr. M a l m is the author of two books in the field of J a p a n e s e music — " J a p a n e s e Music and Musical I n s t r u m e n t s " (1959) and " N a g a u t a : The H e a r t of Kabuki Music," (1963. He spent the academic y e a r 1963-64 in J a p a n on a gr ant f r o m the A m e r i c a n Council of Learned Societies and the University of Michigan. He is the director of the U. of M. J a p a n e s e Music Study Group and on the executive board of the Center for J a p a n e s e Studies.

F r o m 1955 to 1957, Malm was a Ford Foundation Fellow in Tokyo, J a p a n . On returning f r o m Japan, he was lecturer at the University of California.


MUNCH MONEY—AWS Penny Night will allow men students the opportunity for one extra hour with their dates.

AWS Penny Night Offers Men Chance for One More Kis! Hope men will have the opportunity to buy as much as a whole e x t r a hour wih their d a t e s on the evening of Feb. 2.

basketball contest with Wheatoi, College. Following the game, the Kletz will remain open until 10:45 p.m.

The unusual event is designated as Penny Night because in order for the college men to avail themselves of the opportunity they will be required to pay one cent for each minute they keep their d a t e s out a f t e r the regular closing hour. Penny Night also includes a home

The event is sponsored by tm Assn. of Women Students, who will use the proceeds for spring activities, which include a guest speaker, the Mother-Daughter banquet and the May Day activities. A will take place later in the semester.

TEACH IN NIGERIA OR GHANA It's possible: — If y o u 1.

Are a graduate with a strong major in one of the following: a. chemistry, b. physics, c. biology, d. engineering, e. mathematics, f. French, g. home economics, or have a Master's Degree in English


Are a U.S. citizen, in good health, less than 55 years of age, desire to teach at the secondary school or junior college level.


Are single; or married with no more than one under school age child.

If i n t e r e s t e d , please w r i t e t o : TEACHERS FOR WEST AFRICA PROGRAM Elizabethtown College Elizabethtown, Pennsylvania 1 7022

Ice Skating After completion of the flooding of the field by Carnegie G y m , Hope students will be able to ice skate on their own rink. Providing t h e w a t e r freezes, free skating will be allowed a n y t i m e except f r o m 3 to 6 p . m . , at which t i m e hockey may be played. There is a possibility, all things considered, t h a t we might have hockey competition as p a r t of t h e Winter Carnival.





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Page 4

anchor guest editorial


c o L t e e e

J K A T I N 6

K > M <


(Editor's note: The following is a guest editorial written by columnist Gordy Korstange. Guest editorials are not necessarily the views o] the editor or the editorial stajj, but are published in order to o^er contrasting points of view or to bring to light opinions of a thougtitful minority. All students are encouraged to submit guest editorials for pubh cation. Requirements are that they must be responsibly written and within the rather

t h e s t u d e n t s t h a t the art a n d t h e a t e r departm e n t s sutler u n d e r c r a m p e d a n d b a c k w a r d facilities. T h e s e t w o "fine arts" w i l l h a v e to w a i t p a t i e n t l y u n t i l they c a n r i d e to n e w cond i t i o n s c l i n g i n g to t h e back b u m p e r ot the

CSC, t h e S t u d e n t C u l t u r a l Social C e n t e r , is a u n i q u e p r o j e c t , u n i q u e i n t n e t a c t that H o p e students actually started a n d are c o n t i n u i n g to s u p p o r t a n idea in w h i c h t h e y g e n e r a l l y b e l i e v e . 1 his s o l i d i f i c a t i o n ol s t u d e n t s b e h i n d a p r o j e c t is i n i t s e l t a m a j o r e v e n t , b u t it is u n l o r t u n a t e t h a t t h e i d e a beh i n d S C ^ C doesn't m e a s u r e u p to the great

social Cadillac. T h e S C ^ C is n o t a b a d c o m p r o m i s e p r o j e c t . B u t it is s i g n i f i c a n t t h a t t h e s t u d e n t s a n d a d m i n i s t r a t i o n nave c h o s e n to e m p h a s i z e t h e s o c i a l s i d e of t h e i d e a . S t u d e n t s w i l l c o n t r i b u t e to a p r o j e c t t h a t satisfies t h e i r pleasures, b u t there never seems to be any great movem e n t a t t e m p t i n g to raise teacher salaries, to get m o r e a n d b e t t e r g u e s t s p e a k e r s , or to give scholarships to d e s e r v i n g persons. In fact, s t u d e n t s c a n g o to a n SCSC hoote n a n n y a n d c o n t r i b u t e s o m e $ 3 5 0 , b u t t h e y ref u s e to p a y s i x t y c e n t s a p e r s o n p e r w e e k t o see h i g h q u a l i t y f o r e i g n films a t t h e P a r k T h e a t e r , t h u s f o r c i n g t h e d i s c o n t i n u a t i o n of

e x p e c t a t i o n s tor it.

t h o s e films.



of good



T h e SCSC d r i v e b e g a n last s p r i n g w h e n the d a n c i n g craze s w e p t tne college. 1 n e origi n a l m o t i v e t o r t h e " c e n t e r " w a s a g e n e r a l desire tor m o r e d a n c i n g space a n d socializing area. Since t h a t t i m e the social n e e d has b e e n so r e d u c e d t h a t the J u l i a n n a R o o m , the temporary s t u d e n t u n i o n , has o t t e n been closed b e c a u s e of l a c t ot p a t r o n a g e . T h e K l e t z s e e m s t o f u l f i l l m o s t of t h e social d e s i r e s of s t u d e n t s a n d w o u l d p r o b a b l y h a n d l e t h e p r o b l e m il it w e r e o p e n e d m o r e o f t e n a t n i g h t .


U T e v e n w i t h t h e f a i l u r e of t h e J u l i a n n a R o o m the m a i n idea b e h i n d the S C S C is a s o c i a l o n e . T h e " c u l t u r a l " a s p e c t s of t h e p r o j e c t s e e m t o b e m e r e l y " t a c k e d o n " t o g i v e it a n a u r a of e d u c a t i o n . I t d o e s n ' t a p p e a r t o m a t t e r t o t h e m a j o r i t y of



incriminates the student body and shows a certain affluent self-satisfaction

with Hope's intellectual atmosphere. Students h a v e n ' t r e a l l y t h o u g h t a b o u t t h i s p r o j e c t bey o n d t h e m e n t a l c o n j e c t u r e of a g r e a t U t o p i a n edifice w h i c h will really c o m p l e t e t h e c a m p u s . T h e i d e a s e e m s t o b e t h a t if t h e s t u d e n t s a r e p r o v i d e d with better facilities they will be better educated. B e h i n d t h e i m p o s i n g f a c a d e of t h e S C S C there a p p e a r s this a t t i t u d e , a n d s t u d e n t s w h o p i c t u r e t h e m s e l v e s b a s k i n g in t h e f l u o r e s c e n t l i g h t i n g of a j u k e b o x h a d b e t t e r s t o p a n d reconsider their o w n a n d H o p e College's goals. —Gordy


Readers Speak Out

Dear Editor . . .

Coming Events SATURDAY, JANUARY 22 Basketball — Wooster, Civic Center, 8 p.m. MONDAY, JANUARY 24 Final Examinations Begin, 7:45 a . m . THURSDAY, JANUARY 27 Community Concert, Musical Arts Trio, Civic Center, 8:15 p.m. MONDAY, JANUARY 31 New Student Registration TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 1 Final Registration WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 2 Classes Begin, 8:30 a . m . Basketball — Wheaton, Civic Center, 8 p.m. AWS Penny Night THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 3 M o r t a r Board F i l m , 7 and 9 p.m. Music Department Recital, Chapel, 7 p.m. FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 4 Mortar Board Film, 7 and 9 p.m. SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 5 Basketball — Kalamazoo, Civic Center, 8 p . m .




Published ination under

weekly periods


the college year except

by and for the students

the authority

of the


of Hope


Oct. 3, 1917, and authorized


and exam-





Entered as second class matter at the post 4942), at the special rate of postage provided




office of Holland, Michigan. for in Section 1103 of Act of

Oct. 19, v977.

Subscription: S3 per year. Printed: /eeland Record, '/.eeland, Michigan. Member: Associated Collegiate Press, Michigan Collegiate Press Assn. Office: Ground Floor of Graves Hall. Phone: 369-2122.

Editor Managing Editor News Editor

John M. Mulder Paul Verduin Randy Miller

Social Exchange Secretary Copy readers

Board of Editors Editorial Assistant Features Sports Business Advertising Critiques Copy Proof Columnists

... .Neal Sobania Joyce Pollitt James Mace Jack Koch Bob Schroeder Barbara Kouw Ellen Borger Mary Hakken Lib by Conklin Harriet Heerschap Robert Donia Gordon Korstange Rob Werge

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Nancy Aumann Dick Shiels Lynn Archambe.au Margo Hakken Zelda Skagfang Murk Menning Dick Angstadt Bob


Reporters George Arwady, Darlene Bentz, Paul Bleau, Pat Canfield, Kiity Davis. Linda Den Best en. Rich Knster, Donna Leech, Glen Looman, Mnrtv Luther, John Renwirk. Mike O'Riordan, Mary Schakel, Bob Sonneveldt. H't*i' Verwey, Bill Withers, wey, BUI Wichtn.

On Saturday night, J a n . 15, Hope's basketball t e a m won a t r e m e n d o u s victory over Calvin College in a thrilling igame before a capacity crowd. But it was too bad that scores of loyal Hope students were turned away f r o m the Civic Center at 7:30 a f t e r waiting in line, m a n y for over an hour. We waited with our d a t e s for over half an hour in the breezeway e n t r a n c e before an usher firmly announced tnat only those with r e s e r v e seat tickets would be allowed admission. But who had reserved ticke t s ? Not those students waiting in the breezeway! It was at this point t h a t our blood p r e s s u r e zoomed, despite the constant d r a f t of cold air coming f r o m the doors opened by adults, who, with reserve tickets in their hands, walked through the crowd of waiting Hope students into the auditorium. We think that we are correct in stating that a portion of the Hope students' tuition is for the right to watch Hope's athletes compete. Why is it then, that for such an important contest as the Calvin game, loyal members of Hope's student body, who wanted to display their spirit and help back their team to victory, were barred admittance? Can it be that the price of reserve tickets bought far in advance by adults, many o! whom are from out of town, is far more important than fulfilling an important obligation to the Hope student? Has it not been a policy that the Hope student with an I.D. is assured a seat at any basketball game if he arrives before 7:30? Who is responsible for denying the privilege to many members of the student body? We are terribly disappointed as we know many others were. It is our belief that this gross injustice should be remedied immediately by those responsible. Tom Maratea John Michel

While plowing m y own path through 9 inches of snow on the way to the P.M. Building for a second hour class I decided to write this letter. I tried to get on the 36-inch wide trail blazed by first hour students but I have an aversion to becoming a sardine. My father has two Jeeps, a Scout, a Dodge P o w e r Wagon, a Ford truck with a 14 foot blade, and a Trojan (a l a r g e t r a c t o r type loader) with which he o p e r a t e s a snow plowing service for residential and c o m m e r c i a l hire in Grand Rapias. It is m a i n t a i n e d and operated largely by m y father, four b r o t h e r s and me. T h e r e f o r e I write with m a n y hours of snow plowing experience behind m e . I believe the r e m o v a l of snow on c a m p u s is slow, inefficient and therefore m u s t be expensive. Hope has two Jeeps, one Universal and one Overland. ^The green one and grey one.) Both a r e equipped with siow plows of the type I a m familiar with. The J e e p s alone a r e more than capable of doing the job, but now I see two new snow blowing outfits a r e also in use. I will not discuss their capabilities, just ask " F r o s t y " the snow covered operator how fast and efficient they are. How can this problem be solved? When it snows, have the Jeeps running at nS a.m. (that's in the morning) and out plowing sidewalks, driveways and parking lots on campus. By sidewalks, I mean the whole thing not stopping before they arrive at the road so the students have to walk over banks of snow. Place one man at the wheel of each Jeep who knows how to operate it, not any Tom, Dick or Maintainance Man who "thinks" he knows how. Hope doesn't need more students to shovel, w e need more effective use of the Jeeps w e have. Wayne Marscnan

Congratulations a r e deserved by all sue of Hope's sororities! The Alpha Phi sorority had a cumulative g r a d e point a v e r a g e of 3.022 for last y e a r , which m e r i t s praise and a c k n o w l e d g m e n t . But I feel that each sorority can be proud of its record, b e c a u s e the lowest average for a sorority was 2.75, this a v e r a g e nearly equal to the 2.763 a v e r a g e of the highest f r a t e r n i t y . Hats off to every sorority! Mary Leestma Pan-Hellenic president

I hardly know where to begin. I take it that I got m y patties slapped but it is nice to know that my arguments are "worthy of comment." Mr. Mulder states "loose interpretations of constitutions and laws are dangerous in themselves, for they leave open the possibility of perversion and distortion of that same law or constitution by another mind, differently oriented." (Mother!! I do hope it is not a military mentality.") If you live west of the Mississippi River you should be upset by that statement, for without a loose interpretation of our Constitution you're not an American. If it were not for a loose interpretation of the U.S. Constitution it would be impossible for the Congress to give to the President huge amounts of power to deal with rapidly changing economic and social problems. Had it not been for a liberal interpretation of the constitution, we would not have been able to spend 27 billion dollars on social welfare. Chances are, if we had not spent money on social welfare programs this government would have floundered years ago. To say that w e are establishing a "dangerous new precedent" ia ridiculous. At any time the President, as commander in chief of all (Continued on page 7)

! January 21, 1966

Page 5

Hope College anchor

'Death of God Movement' Secularizes God: Stob (Editor's note: Dr. Gerhard F. Megow, a native of Germany, received his Ph.D. from Indiana University in 1959 and is presently associate professor of German at Hope. This is his second installment on pacificism. The following article is from ,4 Noah, or the Temptation of Solidarity" by Leszek Kolakowski and was translated by Dr. Megow from the German paper Die Z e i U By Dr. Gearhart F. Megow When God finally regretted — too late!—that He had created the species " M a n , " and, terrified by the consequences of His own lightmindedness, decided to drown His misbegotten likenesses. He saw, as we well know, in Noah the only specimen that w a s worth saving. However, He committed a blunder and an injustice. A blunder in so far as He should have known m a n well enough to foresee that everything would begin all over again if even one single pair of h u m a n beings would be preserved on e a r t h , and that in a few y e a r s the s a m e trouble would return. An injustice b e c a u s e only the crimes of m a n had angered Him. How did He get the notion to destroy also all a n i m a l s on this occasion which a f t e r all had been innocent? But let us leave these ideas alone. We a r e concerned with something else—with Noah. Noah: A Brow-noser Noah was a tremendous brownnoser. When a teacher wnom everybody knows as irritable, unfriendly, violent and vengeful bawls out a class and at the s a m e time heaps a lot of p r a i s e on one student only, then w e can easily guess what extent the brownnosing of this student m u s t h a v e r e a c h e d . But even Noah carried a s p a r k of honor in his h e a r t . As long as the clashes with the Master w e r e limited to shouts and threats, he insinuated himself into His good graces, flattered Htm, and cringed before Him. This went on until he noticed that things were taking a more serious t u r n : the existence of mankind was at stake. Noah reflected about his situation for a long time. On the one hand, primeval h u m a n solidarity did not permit him to abandon his brethren and sisters who w e r e to be wiped out and to avail himself of the kindness of a tyrant who was planning to destroy all his next of kin and friends. But in spite of everything—so he thought—I a m after all m o r e m a n than God, and for m e h u m a n solidarity is binding. On the other hand, however, the only chance for a rebirth of m a n -

Viet Village Project Gains First Donations The Vietnam Village P r o j e c t is bringing in its first contributions and is ready for its big fund raising drive in early F e b r u a r y . The Student Senate, who is sponsoring the project, also announced t h a t the Hope YR club is the first c a m pus organization to m a k e a contribution of $10. $185 has also been received through the Hope Church RCYF and the Student Union preCalvin pep rally raised $35 f o r the Viet village, L e Loi.

kind hinges now on my p e r s o n Noah continued to reflect. God, namely, had m a d e it very clear to Him that He did not have any intention of exempting anybody f r o m the p r o g r a m but him and his next of kin (however, with the execption of his brothers and sisters). If, therefore, in the n a m e of brotherhood, I decide in favor of suicide—so Noah said to himself— then, I destroy with that the only chance for a rebirth of this world. Even if this is not the best of all possible worlds, it is still worthy of survival. Noah's Dilemma Noah was in a d i l e m m a deciding what would be better, to betray his own kind, or to be responisble for the total destruction of the world. Never before did anybody have to face such a cruel decision; never before had anybody been in a situation in which the f a t e of m a n k i n d was literally in the p a l m of his hand and in which the salvation of mankind could only be achieved at the expense of personal moral shame. To be sure, I'll h u r t nobody — thought Noah — if I finally decide to die in o r d e r to save my m o r a l face. Namely, it would be incorrect to say that I have inflicted suffering upon m y non-existent progeny, if I m a k e it impossible for them ever to exist. In the y e a r 1749 a f t e r creation (the exact y e a r of the deluge), i.e. in the y e a r 2011 B.C., it would be naive to a s s u m e that I had acted in bad faith because in the y e a r 1957 A.D., i.e. 3968 y e a r s f r o m now, there will be nobody around to tell about m y heroic action. Therefore, it probably will be best to put an end to this miserable experim e n t once and for all. World's Worth Saving But on the other hand, I cannot rid myself of the thought that t h e preservation of the world in itself is a worthy goal. To be sure, I cannot offer any proof for this, nor do any valid reasons for it occur to me, but this conviction is nevertheless so deeply implanted in m e that I know of no r e m e d y against it. After long hesitation, Noah decided to burden himself with t h e outrageous s h a m e of having betrayed his brother m a n , if this would be the only way to s a v e mankind. F r o m this m o m e n t on, he was like a different person. He was a s h a m e d of his f o r m e r brownnosing and acknowledged the baseness and foolishness of his f o r m e r conduct. He honestly believed t h a t ho much r a t h e r would have taken this s h a m e upon himself without having through it to save the world by m e a n s of his person and without having an a d v a n t a g e f r o m his deed. Would e v e r anybody believe him that his action had not been prompted by the desire to s a v e his own skin? Noah's attitude was truly heroic —now he was even willing consciously to a g g r a v a t e his own shame. He told his brethren and his acquaintances of his decision, and they all turned promptly away f r o m him in full contempt thinking that Noah simply had r e m a i n e d the person which he always had been, n a m e l y an incurable brownnoser. Nobody realized how m u c h tragedy was involved in his deci-

sion. Noah was suffering. He finally decided to take revenge upon the T y r a n t : he would raise his cnildren in such a way that within a few generations all mutiny and all law-breaking of past epochs would pale in the face of the new events. His progeny would be a band of die-hard rebels, notorious blasphemers whose existence would cause eternal torment to the Alimijghty. And so it happened — but Noah did not live to see it. He now boarded the ship, betrayed his friends, betrayed his fatherland, and his brethren. . . . Moral: Betray to Save The Moral: Let us r e m e m b e r that at times we m u s t submit cringingly to those in power and even betray our own friends to curry the favors of the powerful— but only if we know with absolute certainity that this is the sole chance to s a v e all of mankind. Up till now, Noah has been the only one who w a s confronted with such a dilemma. P.S.: Moral of the Moral: E v e r y citizen of every country is Noah facing the dilemma of a choice .between the solidarity with m a n kind in a Christian pacifist sense and the wishes of his own sovereign. As long as the power of the sovereign is not so large that he can wipe out absolutely all of mankind—and no sovereign today nor in the future will possess such power, the hydrogen bomb notwithstanding — the citizen's decision m u s t be the r e v e r s e of what Noah did, he must take his stand with mankind against his irate sovereign.


religion shouldn't be thrown out with t h e m . The second question which Dr. Stob answered was "What exactly is this death of God?" Quite frankly, he said, the new theologians are making a confession that they no longer believe in the Biblical God. It is an historical fact that m a n has closed himself to God because God does not fit in m a n ' s secular life and is therefore not needed. God, to these theologians, h a s withdrawn from m a n ' s life, but they hope that a new concept of God and a new faith will appear to fill the void, he observed. As a substitute for the old concept of God .hese theologians look to love, with J e s u s Christ a s their leader. God has identified himself with m a n , therefore man must look to his fellows for a new idea of God. But Dr. Stob criticized the way in which these theologians r a t e man and his secularism over God. They apparently feel that since man is a secular animal, God must be ibrought down to this secular level in order to fit m a n ' s convenience, he concluded.

Final Exam Schedule ,10:15 a . m . — 3 TT

Monday, Jan. 24 7:45 a . m . — 1 MWF 10:15 a . m . — 1 TT 2:00 p . m . — 6 MWF

2:00 p . m . — 7 TT Thursday, J a n . 27 7:45 a . m . - 3

Tuesday, Jan. 25 7:45 a . m . — 2 MWF 10:15 a . m . — 6 TT 2:00 p . m . — G e r m a n and Greek 7:00 p . m . — F r e n c h and Spanish

10:15 a.m. — 2 TT 2:00 p.m. — 5 MWF Friday, J a n . 28 7:45 a . m . - 7 MWF 10:15 a.m. — 4 TT 2:00 p . m . — 5 TT and 8 MWF

Wednesday, Jan. 26 7:45 a . m . — 4 MWF

A Fallen Angel By Rob Werge As I was ice skating to class Tuesday on my new go-go boots (only $.78 at the Salvation A r m y ) . I saw a figure hollowed out in the snow. It w a s the shape of an angel, the kind kids m a k e when they lie in the snow and sweep their a r m s through it. (It's the sort of thing that's fun when you'r e about 10 and don't know how to spell "delinquency" yet.) But w h a t troubled m e about this form was that there w e r e no foot-prints around it. Making a logical deductive guess, I realized that either a meteor, giant pigeon or (heaven forbid) B a t m a n had fallen f r o m the sky. I glided over to the form and found that I was wrong. F o r , quietly lying in the snow, was an angel. I didn't quite know what to say. I m e a n , one just c a n ' t say "Are you all right. J a c k ? " or " A r e you waiting for a St. B e r n a r d ? " to an angel. So I asked his n a m e , and he replied that it was " S e y m o u r . " Failing to get any other response, I offered to buy him s o m e fermented m a l t liquid. " S o r r y , " he replied, "I never touch anything stronger than g r a p e juice." But he did accept m y offer of a cup of Kletz coffee mixed with crushed tulip s t e m s (an old Dutch

stimulant). Surprisingly few people noticed his celestial costume as we walked across campus. Every*or.e thought he was some sort of public relations gimic . . . another w a y to get m o r e money f r o m the Church. The Kletz w a s j a m m e d with students pouring (usually coffee) over their text books. As I walked and Seymour fluttered (his wings were beginning to dry out) toward a slightly used ibooth, we could fee) the tension of finals all around. People were reading the State of the Union Undress aloud. A discussion section was babbling about F r e u d . ( " H e certainly would have been different if he'd been brought up in a good Christian h o m e . " The others nodded gravely.) One girl in a corner was sobbing that she couldn't possibly get " t h a t " p a p e r done before Mar. 23; another student just kept on hitting his left elbow against the wall; a third s t a r e d into space and mumbled over and over, "I shudda dropped da course in s e p t e m b a . " Seymour, however, understood. But he suggested (blithe spirit that, he was) that g r a d e s should be dec ded in a snow-ball fight. Tne faculty and students would line up Reprinted



on either side of the Pine Grove; at a given signal (like the smashing of a c h a m p a g n e glass) all would charge together. The winner would be decided upon the number of people who developed colds the next d a y ; the t e a m with the most colds lost. "It would be a question of either all A's or all F ' s . That way we could beat IBM at the s a m e time. As it is, everyone is trying to snow one another anyway. Ha, ha, h a . " But before I had time to complement him on his other-wordly sense of humor, he had to be flying off. His wings w e r e dry enough to fly up to G.R. and comfort some basketball t e a m up there. With that he hovered away to the front of Van Raalte and, laying a finger aside of his nose, he flew off. Students immediately gathered. "Look up in the sky. It's a bird. It's a p l a n e . " " I t ' s a mathematical p a r a d o x , " said an embittered physics student. Finally, however, everyone agreed that it m u s t have been B a t m a n . " M a y b e they asked him to be a new director of something or o t h e r ? " was the rumour. The administration, however, declined to m a k e any comment.

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The Best of Peanuts PEANUTS

Last Thursday, Dr. Henry Stob, professor of ethics and apologetics at Calvin College, lectured at Western Theological S e m i n a r y on t h e " d e a t h of God" theological movement. T h i s new theology is particularly A m e r i c a n in its arrogance and s e c u l a r i s m , although, as Dr. Stob said, it is a young movement and therefore difficult to assess. In spite of their faults, however, these men a r e trying earnestly for a better view of m a n ' s relationship in the universe, he said. There were t h r e e questions which •Dr. Stob posed as an outline for his talk: "Who or what is the God who has died? What is this death? and Who or w h a t takes God's p l a c e ? " The God who has died, according to these theologians, is the scientific God who is used as a "Deus ex M a c h i n a " to solve science's unanswerable questions, the bourgeois God who is met in the pew on Sunday morning and nowwhere else, and the historic God of the Bible and church tradition who is transcendent and beyond the world. These antiquated ideas of God should be discarded. Dr. Stob r e m a r k e d , but church and all of

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January 21, 196C

Hope College aBcJior

Page 6

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' *. . . And hast thou slain the Calvinknight? . .

Did swish and free-throw the net . .

Page 7

Hope College anchor

January 21, 1966

Dear Editor . . .

Readers Continue Viet Debate, Decry Inconsistency (Continued from page 4) U.S. forces, can place troops so that we could not help but declare w a r . To allow him to carry on an undeclared war is of little significance as a problem to the American people and can be beneficial in providing for the common defense. As I stated, and Mr. Mulder chose to ignore, the significant controls upon the President are left unscathed. The effective controls upon the President are financial appropriation, re-election and impeachment. (Ignorance is not bliss, even for the demilitarized mentality.) As for the giving of "great military power to the federal executive," I hate to destroy all his childhood illusions but the President has had this power for about a century. This "bogeyman" that m y friend claims is "in large measure a mythical motif of the cold war mentality" is largely- a self-description. I think we can trust a communist to be a communist. Communism is an enemy, for it has declared itself this. It says over and over again for anyone who cares to read that it is atheistic and that it is international. Thus you see it was not "bloated patriotism" but merely a statement of fact. To what degree it is a threat, you can debate, but not that it is what it says it is. When you say it is annoying that people still try to soWe problems by the outdated method of war you

had better have a viable option to war. As yet. mankind has none. Certainly not the UN or the North Atlantic Treaty Organization or the South East Asia Treaty Organization or the Hydrogen Bomb. Here lies the problem of concern and it is here that we could use your hot-line to heaven to find the answer. Diplomacy is the pursuit ot the possible and war is an ex tention of diplomocy. As of today, mankind has not found a means to keep diplomacy from extending to war.

need of a shave and a hair dresser and was in an all too obvious need of a good shower. He doned (sic) a blue shirt with a neatly tied tie, a sports coat, dirty white (?) levies (sic) and a horrible representation of tennis shoes. (Socks, lundeteci-ble). ( s k )




STRUGA. Macedonia, Yugoslavia — The city of Struga is a town of about 9.000 people located roughly 15 kilometers from the Albanian border on beautiful Ohid Lake. It is typical of a Western Macedonian village, and it illustrates both the miracles and the problems of modern Yugoslavia. First, the city has a mixed population composed of a few Turks, larger numbers of Albanians and Macedonians. Albanians are for the most part Moslems; several times each day the call to worship goes out from the local mosque. The Albanian national tradition is still very much part of everyday life, as there are Albanian schools and traditional ceremonies in the

De W i l d S t u d i e s H o u s i n g

During the past semester the 21year-old De Wild collaborated with Roger Rice, sociology researcher from Calvin College, and human relations director A1 Cowles in a survey of dominant patterns in Negro housing. The findings will be compared with past findings, De Wild said. His part in the project was to contact all Negroes who have changed residence in Grand .Rapids and to ask them whether they encountered any problem in finding a suitable residence or schools for their children, as well as other "status" questions. Cowles has recently resigned his position in Grand Rapids to take a job in Washington, D.C. De Wild has o r g a n i z e d a

experience he told of gaining a better understanding of the structural and political aspects of the work.

DALE DE WILDE human relations club at Ottawa Hills High School in Grand Rapids. The prospective seminary student said he enjoyed doing social research in Grand Rapids, a city where most of the Negro population lives in what he termed a "ghetto." Besides gaining valuable


By Bob Donia

Interned in GR

Dale De Wild, a senior sociology student, spent the first semester of this year working as intern for the Grand Rapids Human Relations Commission. The commission, as part of the Grand Rapids city government, is designed to promote better race relations and housing conditions in the city. "There is a crying need in the area of municipal race relations for people with some kind of training; just good will doesn't guarantee success," said Earl Hall, Hope sociology professor. De Wild attempted through his ten hours-perweek internship to put some of his classroom learning into practice.

rest of the people at the same table to loose (sic) any appetite they originally had. I suggest a uniform dress code. If it is to be enforced, don't send a little old lady to do a man's job. Disdressingly yours, Clifford MulvihiU

New Versus Old

Dick Kooi

Saturday ngiht for dinner it was my pleasure to be dining with a classmate, he was very good company. (sic) When, out of the blfle. a little old lady with to (sic) much m a k e up on came up to my friend and informed him that he shouldn't be wearing a sweatshirt to dinner. This obviously embarrassed my friend, and all of us at the table were ill at ease for him. I, personally, saw nothing wrong with his sweatshirt. To begin with, it was a Hope sweatshirt, it was clean, and had no holes in it. (sic) My friend was himself clean with neatly combed hair and a neat appearance altogether. Sunday, at the noon meal, some clod, probably a refugee from Lower SLOBovia. was admitted with no questions asked. This insult to the civilized world was in


There is an apparent (sic) inconsistency in the dining hall dress regulations. When a clean-cut student comes in to eat he is repremanded (sic) for ibeing clean, while on the very next day- a disgrace to our campus is allowed to enter a Sunday noon meal causing the

In addition to studying race relations. De Wild was conducting an advance investigation for the proposed Hope-Calvin summer InnerCity Seminar. Originally slated for last summer, the program was abandoned because of inadequate housing and task preparations. It is hoped that De Wild will be able to outline these and other specific points in the proposed program. The summer inner-city work in Grand Rapids represents "a participating observer approach to problems of racial discrimination." said Mr. Hall, who encourages students to confer with him about participation in the summer program.

town. On the other hand, the language used in the street is generally Macedonian, so that most of the Albanians are bilingual. For the Albanians in this town, life is much better here than across the border, where Albania is now virtually a satellite of Red China. They are certainly not free from complaints or problems, but in general they feel things have improved for them in this country. Still they are listed as a "national minority" and in general are one of the poorest groups in today's Yugoslavia. In Struga one can see the unbelievable contrast that results when a modern state attempts to industrialize a region still backward in social practices. On the one hand, one sees peasant life continuing right within the city, only slowly affected by the modernization. In a typical peasant country home there are only two liveable rooms; one is reserved solely for guests, the other is used for eating, living, and sleeping, and is almost bare of furniture— the family sleeps on mats on the floor. Perhaps owning a field of land a few kilometers out of town, these people live as their forefathers have for centuries, working only a few months out of the year. They spend the rest of their time sitting around the town cafe sipping coffee and talking, while the work at home is done all by the wife and daughters. Increasingly less true among these semi-urban people, but still often occurring in more rural areas, wife-selling constitutes a considerable social problem in this part of the country. But here one finds that the modern world contrasts, sometimes conflicts, with the traditional. Next to the peasant home stands the three-story modern building housing the local commune's social services office. A block away from the easy-going peasant f a r m e r

De Wild's internship was financed through Rev. Howard C. Shade, executive secretary for the commission on race of the Reformed Church. A $900 grant covered De Wild's salary and traveling expenses.



lives the director of the textile factory, frustrated by the problems of raw materials, technology and the international textile market. At this point even the most skeptical cannot but be impressed at the progress made here in the last twenty years. Under Turkish occupation, independence before the World War I and even during the inter-war period, this region remained economically almost at a stand-still. Now Struga is the site of three factories, and despite our former description most of the inhabitants have left peasant ways and live in small, simple town homes. The stream which flooded in the past is now dammed, creating a sort of canal running through the center of town. A number of buildings, including the social service agency, the post office and a day clinic, show the typical style of public edifices in socialist Yugoslavia. They contrast with the dark, dingy, low-roofed shops of private artisans which still line the main street of the town. There are two kinds of streets in Struga: one is the "modern" brick road, of which there are three or four. The rest are simply dirt: seas of mud in wet weather, dust in dry weather. But it doesn't matter much for there are almost no cares in Struga. and only through traffic or trucks and buses use the main streets. For the farmer's cart, the mud street is quite adequate. On a more personal note, one thing must be added. These people, all of them, are unlimited in their hospitality. The guest is treated as a king, and everything is done to please him. He is welcomed in literally dozens of homes, and to refuse coffee, cigarettes or a meal is an act of open hostility! Though perhaps not rich in material goods, the hearts of these people are fully open to the guest and their generosity is boundless.

LET'S H E A R IT List the big-name entertainers you would like on campus next year. Cultural A f f a i r s Comm. Questionaire

Gifts He'll Remember.

Dr. Marcus Bloch L-Hy P R E S I D E N T

List issues y o u w o u l d l i k e campus d e b a t e o n n e x t y e a r . Also, y o u r choice o f speakers, p r o a n d con on these Issues.

Eastern M a g i c a l Society P.O. Box 1 1 8 N e w Y o r k 9, N.Y.




Standard Oil Product! I * ^ 1






16th and

Suggest a theme for next year's Fine Arts Festival.

(14-16 West Eighth Street) Rivar

EX 2 - 3 3 5 3



Cut out and drop in box in Van Raaltes





January 21, 1966 pMe

Hape CoUefe a a d t f


Clutch Free Throws Decisive

Hope Ekes by Kazoo, 74 -69 Four clutch free throws in the final minutes of play by Floyd Brady gave the Hope Flying Dutchmen a comeback 74-69 win over Kalamazoo at the Tredway Gym in Kalamazoo Wednesday night. Leading by 15 points during

most of the first half Hope fell behind midway through the second half and only a late rally pulled out the verdict. Brady sank two 1-1 foul situation shots to put the Dutch up by 5. Carl Walters sank a 20-foot jumper to give the Dutch a 66-65 margin after they had been



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jr JUMP BALL—Kalamazoo's Hal Decker wins the tip from Roy Anker as Floyd Brady stands ready. Hope went on to WHI the game, 74-69.

trailing since the 4-minute mark of the second half. Hope dominated the first half with superior rebounding and a tight 1-2-2 zone defense. The shooting of captain Clare Van Wieren and Brady .gave the Dutch a 39-26 half time advantage. But behind the dead-eye shooting of Tom Crawford, Hal Decker and Jim Peters, the Hornets rallied to take a 57-66 edge early in the second half. The defending MIAA champs, however, w e r e not to be denied. A shot by Brady sent another 2 pointer through the hoop to give the Dutch a 68-65 lead. Fouls by Bob Pusel and Crawford gave Brady his chances at the free throw line and he made the most of them. Decker sank a 30-footer to move the Hornets within 3. but Roy Anker pulled down the second rebound on the play, in which Van Wieren was fouled. The captain sank both foul shots to give the Dutch a final 5 point edge. Van Wieren led all scorers with 22 points, while Brady and Walters were also in double figures, with lb and 12 m a r k e r s respectively. Anker and Bill Potter, the other 2 Hope starters, finished with 7 points apiece. Tom Pelon ended the game with 6 points and Jim Klein added 4 more for the winners. Crawford was high point man for Kalamazoo with 17 points and Decker was close behind with 14 m a r k e r s . Gene Nusbaum and Lorin Sanderson had 10 points apiece for the Hornets. Kalamazoo outdid the Dutchmen in free throw percentage, making 15 out of a possible 22 baskets, while the Dutch scored on 14 of 22 possibilities.

Holland-Zeeland YMCA Sponsors Five Student Ski Trips Next Semester urges you to make your reservaThe bus will return on Sunday, The Holland-Zeeland YMCA is tions as soon as possible, by callFebruary 27, at 9 p.m. offering trips to various ski reing EX 4-8597. Reservations are Because of the great interest sorts this January and February. on a first come first served basis. in these programs, the YMCA Five 'rips have been scheduled— four of them are for Saturdays only and one will be a weekend excursion. The transsportation for all trips will ibe the YMCA's bus. All trips (with the exception of the Au Sable weekend ^rip) will leave the YMCA parking lot at 7 a.m. on Saturday morning and return approximately at 9 p.m. that evening. For the weekend trip to Au Sable, the bus will leave Friday at 4:30 p.m. from the YMCA parking lot and return Sunday evening. For those persons who are not YMCA members, there is an additional $1.00 charge on each trip. The YMCA will collect a program fee per individual for each trip. All other costs mentioned will be paid by the individuals to the various establishments. The five trips are: Saturday, January 29: Caberfae (west of Cadillac) - p r o g r a m fee is HOPE STUDENTS EXHIBIT WORK—'Presently the mezzanine of the $2.25 per person. Tow fees are $5.00. Van Zoeren Library has an exhibit of sculpture, ofl paintings, Box lunches are available at $1.00. drawings and watercolors done by Hope art students. Margaret Kaper Reservations have been m a d e on the return trip for a family style views a three-dimensional wall relief done by Mel Andrtnga. dinner which costs $2.30 per person. Saturday, February 5: Manisteeprogram fee is $2.25. Tow fees are $4.00 per person. A cafeteria is available for lunch. Reservations have been made on the return trip for a family style dinner which of the art department at Cedar The current art show in the costs $2.30 per person. mezzanine gallery of Van Zoeren Crest College in Allentown, Pa. Saturday, February 12: CrystalLibrary consists entirely of works (north of Cadillac) program fee is The March exhibit will be a onedone by students currently enrolled $2.25 per person. Tow fees are man show, consisting of prints at Hope. These works, including $4.00. Family style dinner on redone by Gene Courtois of San oil paintings, watercolors, drawturn trio. Francisco. ings, three-dimensional wall reliefs Saturday, February 19: Caberfae and several pieces of sculpture, Later in the spring, the Fine (for fees, see January 29) were done by art students at all Friday, February 25: Au Sable Arts Festival featuring works of levels of study. contemporary Dutch artists will program fee is $4.25 per person. During the month of February, The to'al cost for the weekend at be followed by an exhibit of drawthe gallery will have an exhibit on the lodge for meals, room and tow ings from Olivet College. The year a group of drawings and paintings fees is $27.25 per individual. Four will end with an honors show, conby George Bogdanovitch and his persons to a room, and bath facilsisting of paintings and other works wife Jan. Mr. Bogdanovitch is bead ities are convenient to all rooms. done by senior art studentfi.

Hope Students Reveal Art Talent at Exhibit

MUSCLES TENSE—Spirits rise and elbows fly as Bill DeHorn (Calvin) and Roy Anker (Hope 50) grapple for rebound in the CalvinHope escapade of last Saturday evening. Clare Van Wieren (54), Kim Campbell (14) and Floyd Brady (32) look on.

Dutch Deal Calvin Knights Their First MIAA Defeat By James Mace The temperature sign on the First National Bank m a y have read 12 degrees above zero but down at the Civic Center the shooting was hot as Hope handed Calvin its first'MIAA defeat, 83-78. and moved to within a half-game of ihe league-leading Knights. Hope was just about as cold as the weather in the opening 10 minutes of play but the defending MIAA champs put on a spirited comeback which erased a 15 point Calvin lead and gave the Dutch a one point edge at intermission. The Knights, who entered the g a m e with a perfect 5-0 m a r k in the league, got off to a quick lead hitting on seven of their first eight field goal attempts and behind the shooting of Ed Douma and Bill DeHorn and the rebounding of De Horn and Kim Campbell they led 26-11 with nine minutes left to play in the first half. With Floyd Brady playing his finest game of the season the Dutch slowly whittled down the Calvin lead. Brady led the charge back with some aid from Carl Walters and the rest of the squad. The 6 , 3" Chicago sophomore pulled the Dutch to within one point of Calvin at 45-44 and with only seven seconds he stole the ball from Douma at midcourt and raced in for the lead basket at the buzzer. The second half proved to have some of the finest defensive play ever seen in the 23 y e a r s of the

Hope-Calvin rivalry as the Dutch worked a 1-2-2 zone to perfection and throttled the Knight attack which had been so potent in the first half. Carl Walters was the man who made the defense work with his all-around hustle, and by the time the game w a s over he was nearly out on his feet. Walters also proved to have the hot touch on the offensive side of the ledger in the second half as he hit on four shots from the floor and seven straight f r e e throws. Mope widened its lead early in the second twenty minutes due to the shooting of Walters, Brady and Clare Van Wieren and led by eight, 60-52, before the Knights again closed the gap. Douma and DeHorn put on a small shooting show of their own to pull the Knights within one, 6665, and when Campbell hit a pair of foul shots the Knights led for the only time in the second half. Brady's rebounding and some deadeye foul shooting in the final minutes gave the Dutch the triumph after Van Wieren sank Hope's final basket with four minutes to go. Douma cut the Dutch m a r g i n to a single bucket with a minute and a half to go but B r a d y sank two charity shots and Walters added one more in the last minute to secure the decision. Brady finished the g a m e tied for scoring honors with DeHorn as both men tallied 24 points. Walters took second honors with 23 m a r k e r s , while Douma had 18 for the Knights.

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