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Student Union Open Fri. and Sat. 8 : 3 0 - 1 2 p.m. Recorded Music



Hope College. Holland, Michigan

January 7, 1966

Viet Villnge Aid in Final Stages

Senate Seeks Viet Project Aid The Student Senate committee in charge of the drive for the support of a village in South Vietnam is finalizing its plans. The committee town of Holland funds in order to village, yet to be

is looking to the for support and do more for our selected.

A campus-wide canvas will be made on February 9, spearheaded by Senate members who will personally seek a contribution from every student. Provisions for fac-

ulty and commuting students will •be made in Van Raalte. On February 12, a canvas will cover the entire town of Holland. Going from door to door will be volunteers f r o m the student body. A list, still incomplete, shows 213 such student volunteers, but more are needed. A critical need is for cars for transportation for the canvas. Senate president Wes Michaelson requests that any student who has a car available volunteer to help in the campaign.

Teacher's Character Will Be Theme of Granberg Lecture Dr. Lars Grandberg. acting vice president for academic affairs, will speak in the Centennial Lecture Series to be held next Tuesday at 7:30 p.m. in Winants Auditorium. His talk, entitled. "The Teacher as a Person," will emphasize that "the scholar never enters the classroom without the-man-he-is attending him. For m a n y teachers their most important lesson is their presence." He will go on to illustrate that what most alumni remember most is not what a tcacher has taught in terms of academics, fout rather the impact of that teacher's character upon his students; this points to the fact that "A teacher affects eternity. He can never tell where his influence stops." In closing, Dr Granberg will challenge Hope students with the question, "What will your students learn from you as a person while they are learning spelling, history, and arithmetic?" A graduate of Wheaton College, Dr. Granberg served in the Armed Forces during World War II and later pursued graduate studies in psychology and psycho-therapy, receiving his m a s t e r s and doctorate degrees from the Univ. of Chicago. He joined the Hope fac-

ulty in 1947 and later became head of the dept. of psychology. From 1954 to 1960 he served as Dean of Students and Associate Professor of Pastoral Counseling and Psychology at Fuller Theological Seminary. returning to Hope in 1960 as professor of psychology and staff psycho-therapist.

Material for the canvas and posters to be placed around the city are being printed with the theme of three H's, standing for Hope, Holland and the hamlet. This is to emphasize the cooperation between the college and the community to help another community miles away which will greatly profit from such assistance. The support of such groups as the Kiwanis and the Elks a r e being sought, while efforts to solicit aid from the local businessmen and the larger manufacturing companies in Holland are being m a d e by the committee. Student senates in several of the high schools in the area have expressed interest in the fund raising effort. One school is planning a dinner with the proceeds to go to the village. Church youth fellowships a r e also being approached for help. In addition to the individual fund drive on campus, various student clubs and organizations are being asked for contributions. Several projects and activities on campus to raise additional money are being discussed but remain in the tentative stage. Publicity for the effort on local TV. radio and in the press is being coordinate by the Senate committee as well. All efforts are directed toward the final effort on the week of F e b u r a r y 7. The exact details concerning Hope's village in Vietnam had not yet arrived when this anchor went to press. Information from the c g a n i z a t i o n at Michigan State University through which Hope is working is expected momentarily.


As the plans for the project were advancing, Michaelson commented that he was pleased with the progress already made and called on the student body- to give its full support to this humanitarian project. He expressed his confidence that such support would be forthcoming and would m a k e the fund campaign a great success for Hope, Holland and the hamlet.

Dr. J. H. Kleinheksel Passes Away in Texas Dr. J. Harvey Kleinheksel, professor of chemistry and faculty m e m b e r since 1928, passed away while visiting relatives in Dallas, Texas, on Dec. 21, 1965. Born on September 1, 1900, Dr. Kleinheksel attended Hope Preparatory School and graduated from Hope College in 1922. He received a Master of Science degree f r o m the University of Illinois in 1925 and a Ph.D. from that institution in 1927. His dissertation topic, "Preparation and Properties of the Anhydrous Rare Earth Chlorides" was published by the Joairnal of the American Chemical Society in 1928. The 65-year-old chemistry professor belonged to the American Chemical Society and the

Mortar Sponsors

Board Film

This Weekend Marcello Mastroianni and Vittorio Gassman portray two bumbling masterminds of crime in the next Mortar Board film. "The Big Deal on Madonna Street" or "The Big Bungle of the Big Burgle." Claudia Cardinak also stars in the film. The film is a spoof on crime and on technical crime movies and will be shown in Snow Auditorium Friday and Saturday evenings at 7 and 9 p.m. "Big Deal" has won awards at the Locarno. San Sebastian and Bordighera Film Festivals and has received an Academy Award nomination from the Italian government. The New York Times describes it as "artfully and joyously played; one of the year's ten best" while Archer Winsten says in the New York Post. "The humor is unfailing, the reality pervasive, the characters truly drawn."

I>R. J. HARVEY KLEINHEKSEL American Assn. for the Advancement of Science. The deceased professor had served Hope College for 37 years. At the time of his death he was teaching freshman honors chemistry, quantitative analysis and history of chemistry. Dr. Kleinheksel is survived by his wife. Ethyl; two daughters, Mrs. R. (Sara Jo) Bolte of Seabrook, Texas, and Mrs. J. (Karel) Mari) Jordan of Fort Lauderdale, Fla.; three grandchildren, two brothers and one sister. He had served as both elder and deacon at Hope Reformed Church. To honor his many years of dedicated service to the college, a memorial service was held for him in Dimnent Chapel yesterday morning. Dr. Kleinheksel was buried in Pilgrim Home Cemetery following services at the Dykstra Funeral Home. A tribute to Dr. Kleinheksel writ en by President VanderWerf appears on page 6.

Soldiers Are Anti-Demonstrators

Vietnam Vets See Real Mission in Vietnam By Neal Sobania While arguments may rage about the existence of a war in Vietnam and whether or not the United States should be involved, the reality of the war exists in the Great Lakes Naval Hospital north of Chicago. In Ward Three South lies the soldier who has been hit by the shell, who has had a grenade explode in his face, or who has been felled iby shrapnel. Many a r e a s of the war and their consequences were discussed with U.S. Marines: Lance Corporal Tom O'Grady of Cleveland; Pfc. Bill Cowell; twelve year veterans Corporal Don "Stoney" Stone from Wisconsin and Staff Sergeant George H. Boruillette of Massachusetts; and U.S. Army Staff Sergeant Ted Bartin f r o m Indiana. anchor: Do you feel that the United States Armed Forces belong in Vietnam? O'Grady: Very much so. It is our job to supress communism, and Vietnam represents communism. Stone: If Communist China takes Vietnam, next is Cambodia, Loas, Thailand and all of Southeast Asia.

Today Vietnam, tomorrow Pakistan and next Georgia. In this area are the Malaca Straits through which all our shipping to Asia must pass. If we lose the straits our shipping in Southeast Asia is finished. anchor: What a r e your feelings concerning t h e demonstrations in tnis country? O'Grady: It's completely derogatory to what our forefathers fought f o r - t h e Bill of Rights, the Constitution, and the Declaration of Independence. Bartin: We fight—they enjoy the freedom. Boruillette: If they want to demonstrate, let them get in a mud hole and demonstrate for eighteen hours with a bullet in one a r m and another through your side—>and see if they're still willing to go back for more. They claim to demonstrate for f r e e d o m ; I'd like to h e a r their definition of freedom. anchor: What do you feel should be done with the d r a f t c a r d burning? O'Grady: Anyone not willing to support their country doesn't de-

serve to be a part of it; they should be deported. The penalties aren't severe enough. anchor: .What does demonstrating in this country have upon the morale of our soldiers fighting in Vietnam? Stone: Many have the attitude: "Wait till I get back home, I'm going to get me a couple." Bert in: When I first arrived I met about 14 US's (draftees) who only had about three months left and they intended to look for demonstrators when they returned. A few were from Chicago and had Michigan State in their sights. anchor: Concerning the professor from Yale who went to Hanoi recently, do you think this will be of any value or was he wrong in going? Boruillette, Stone, and O'Grady: Hang him! anchor: How long do you think the war will last? All: Oh boy. Stone: It's like Korea, these people have been digging in for years and it takes an awful lot (Continued on page 6)

A RESULT OF WAR—Corp. Don Stone (left to right), Sgt. Ted Bartin, and Lance Corp. Tom O'Grady, casualties of the Vietnam war, are recovering in the Great Lakes Naval Hospital outside Chicago.

The Lubbers' Era9

Hope Expands in Postwar Boom Editor's note: This article, another in the anchor's series on Hope College presidents^ was written by Dr. John W. Hollenbach for the Hope College Alumni Magazine at the termination of the Lubbers Era hi January 1963. It has been edited by Joyce Polliti Dr. Hollenbach is currently on leave at the American University hi Beirut, Lebanon. By Dr. John H. Hollenbach

SIIORTCUTTING—Professor David Clark strides across campus en route to his next class on the well-trodden path in front of Van Zoeren Library.


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Dr. Irwin J. Lubbers came to the presidency at the conclusion of a difficult period for Hope College— as for most other small colleges. The war years had reduced the size of the student body from its pre-war average. The fall of 1945, when Eh*. Lubbers took office, was the end of the war, and the postwar flood of students was such that there was little opportunity for orderly long range planning.

the Central Heating Plant—began a program of plant development that has transformed the campus. Dr. Lubbers brought to play his very considerable powers in his relations with the larger academic world, the church constituency, the alumni, the people of Holland and the immediate college comnnunity of faculty and students. He was in real demand to address educational gatherings, and his schedule of speaking dates frequently was exhausting. This was his personal way of bringing Hope to the attention of the academic world. There were many factors that brought Hope College the high national ratings it has reneiveJ, but one of the very foremost was the impression of the College left by the president as he reached the ear of the educated world.

The first four years were years of ingenious improvisation. These were exciting years 'because the president, with board concurrence, decided to accept the challenge of rapid growth, even though the financial resources of the college were extremely limited. This period called for leadership that was willing to take a chance, and that could move more decisively and rapidly. One of the facets of President Lubber's personality has been his relishing a challenging problem. A favorite adage of his is that times of crisis are also times of opportunity, and he has had the knack of converting the one into the other. The Korean War brought enrollments down significantly but provided an opportunity for the staff of the college to take stock account. In 1950 the erection of the first new permanent construction in the postwar period—Durfee Hall and

The reputations of all the great universities rest largely on the research, scholarly activities and services of the staff to the academic and political world. There was little tradition of this kind of activity at Hope College, and less opportunity due to budget stringencies and heavy teaching loads. Operating within these serious limitations. President Lubbers was ready to lend every encouragement to the staff to be creative and to become engaged in professional activities. The year 1956 signalled the beginning of a m a j o r program of physical expansion. In this year the Miusic Hall and Kollen Hall were completed. The next six years saw the acquisition and development of the Van Raalte campus, the erection of the new women's residence hall and commons, Phelps Hall.


Luncheons — Dinners 6 a.m. to 8 p.m. Daily

u s

Sundays 12 to 3 p.m. Visit Our Gourmet Table 8 3 3 Washington Ave.

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Mr. John Donnelly

MEENGS & DEBOER Standard Oil Products

"LEFS GO SKIING" On Jan. 7 7 , 1 9 6 6 the Shuss-ln Ski Shop is chart-


ering a Greyhound to take you to Caberfae skiingl

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that evening at 10:00 p.m. W e open the Ski furnish an



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ski rental and a delicious family-style dinner on the return trip in this complete trip for only Get your reservations In now!

Good Food at Prices you have

THE CATHOLIC LAYMEN N e x t w e e k , J a n . 16, F a t h e r M o l e s k i of H o l l a n d will discuss aspects of his r o l e in t h e C a t h o l i c Clergy. D o n ' t miss it.

Hope College grew in these 18 years. In the process she has had to meet many problems as her board and faculty and students have tried to discover new and ever more meaningful relationships between their growing knowledge and the Christian faith which is at the base of the college. In these years the relationship with the supporting church has been strengthened rather than weakened. What she has gained especially is a sense of confidence in her role of leadership for church and society and a momentum for dynamic change which are so essential if this kind of Christian liberal arts college is to serve effectively in the decades ahead. This is a goodly heritage for Hope College to receive f r o m the Lubbers' era.

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$ 1 6 . 0 0 per person. If you own your skis $ 1 3 . 0 0 . on

The inclusion of Hope College in a number of national studies of colleges with outstanding records in the preparation of scientists and other scholars has helped Hope to think big and to face challenges with confidence. If Dr. Lubbers was the leader in promoting this pride in achievement, he was also the first to point out the implications. It was he who, after the Chicago Tribune rating of Hope as one of the ten outstanding coeducational liberal arts colleges, coined the phrase "On the pedestal or on the spot," pointing out the new responsibilities this national prominence gave.

16th and River



Shop af 5:30 a.m. and serve coffee and rolls.

Don't f o r g e t —




T h i s week's m e e t i n g will i n i t i a t e a series of discussions c o n c e r n i n g t h e R o m a n C a t h o l i c C h u r c h a l t e r the V a t i c a n C o u n c i l . Mr. J o h n D o n n e l l y will be o u r first s p e a k e r . H e is p r e s i d e n t of D o n n e l l y M i r r o r s Inc., h e r e in H o l l a n d a n d is N a t i o n a l P r e s i d e n t of t h e C a t h olic L a y m e n ' s A s s o c i a t i o n . H i s i n t e n t i o n is t o f o c u s o n t h e r o l e of t h e C a t o l i c l a y m e n .


The SHUSS-IN Ski Shop

always paid.

"For The Particular Skier9


Everyone Welcome to Attend 5 8 - 6 0 East 8th St.

Holland, Mich.

January 7, INI

Hope College anchor

Pafe 3

Religion Series

From Baha'i to Christian: Student Explains Why By Paul Vcrduin The past five years have witnessed the efforts of Terence Stahelin, a Hope senior, to come to grips with the ultimate meaning of life and the purpose of human existence—to find a personally- meaningful religion. Stahelin, 21, initially became disillusioned with the Missouri Synod Lutheran interpretation and practice of Christianity while attending a pre-seminary high school of that denomination in 1961. The three following years saw him gradually commit himself to the ephemeral world - view of Ba-' ha'ism. He c a m e to reject this comparatively new religion, founded on humanitarian ethics and a rather implausable doctrine of the deity of a certain desceased Persian aristocrat n a m e d B a h a V U a h , and to re-embrace Christianity is an interesting and probably instructive story.

body and the apprehension of the administration when they were intrumental in bringing Baha'i speaker Winston Evans to campus last year on May 12. About 85 students and faculty heard the Baha'i defender expound the principles of the faith. Efforts on the part of the three "conspirators" to start a Hope Baha'i chapter were defeated by the administration. Gradually, however, Slahelin began to have doubts a»bout Baha' ism's idealistic view of man. "It isn't a realistic philosohpy," Stahelin said. "To a Baha'i, evil doesn't exist, although he will admit that there are certain situations where good isn't present. To me, the

greatest flaw in the teachings of Baha'u'llah is that people should have no trouble in obeying the laws of God. But yet, we don't do what God wants—a fact which Paul deals within his letter to the Romans. The Baha'i idea that man can and is progressing in goodness just isn't t r u e . " Discrepancies Caused Break Stahelin's final break with Baha'ism c a m e when he discovered certain broad discrepancies between Baha'ism as stated in the Middle East and as presented in Europe and America. "In the East it is an extremely legalistic religion which profoundly channels behavior. It is in effect Islam with some of the restrictions relaxed, with a veneer of humanitarianism. Furthermore, Baha'is in the West are taught that Bha'u'llah was a pro-

phet, while in the East he is supreme God. Baha'u'llah actually said, 'When Jesus prayed to the Father, he was praying to me.' " The Road Back Recalling some of the contributing factors to his reacceptance of Christianity, Stahelin listed two hooks: "A Time For Christian Candor" by Episcopal Bishop J a m e s Pike and "A Guide to the Christian F a i t h " by William Surnor. For Stahelin, these two books presented an intelligent understanding of Christian doctrine, and gave honest and intellectual answers to the questions concerning Christian beliefs. "I had never encountered this type of presentation before," he said. Chaplain Hillegonds' counseling was also presented by Stahelin as an important contributing factor.

"Hillegonds for me was very helpful. He was sympathetic and understanding and gave sensible suggestions. I don't think that Hope could have a better chaplain," he said. Now a Deeper Faith Assessing the rather dramatic history of his religious beliefs, Stahelin remarked, "I feel that I am a Christian in a deeper sense than before. Many people who have never questioned their beliefs don't fully appreciate their Christianity. For them, it's merely a social phenomenon." Stahelin and his wife are now members of an Episcopalian church in Grand Rapids, where they live. Stahelin favors Episcopalianism because it allows for some difference of opinion, in addition to having the liturgical format he prefers.

Desire for Social Aciioo In a recent interview Stahelin intimated the m a j o r reason for his initial attraction to the Baha'i faith: "At the pre-seminary high school I attended, there was little social consciousness.' The main focus was on Lutheranism. Baha' ism, on the other hand, is very social-conscious. This is needed in religion."

Hope Music Dept. Presents Student Recital Thursday The Hope College music department is presenting a student piano, vocal, bassoon and string recital Thursday, J a n . 13, at 7 p.m. in Dimnent Memorial Chapel.

Stahelin related that he became definitely committed to the teachings of Baha'u'llah after a series of meetings of Baha'i advocates held in Benton Harbor, Mich., in the Fall of 1963, which he attended while a sophomore at Lake Michigan College.

Pianist John Daane will open the program with a performance of Chopin's "Prelude in D^flat Major," Op. 28, No. 15. Then bassoonist Paul Lein and pianist Dianne Hagle will perform the "Sonata for Bassoon and Piano" by Alvin Etler.

'Warm, Sincere Peaple' "I found in Baha'i a group of very w a r m , sincere people," Stahelin said. At the Benton Harbor meetings the Baha'i novice also met his future wife, Linda Davis, who was attending Hope at the ensiuing transfer to this college, time, and was instrumental in his They were married last s u m m e r . At Hope, Stahelin pursued the practice of Baha'ism with a good deal of fervor, as many Hope students here last year m a y recall. He managed to instill a strong interest in Baha'ism in his roommate, Jon Wiegand, although Wiegand h a s also rejected the teachings of Baha'i since then. Stahelin, his fiancee and Wiegand gained notice of the student





Held Here Jan. 15 On J a n . 15, Hope College will be one of the testing centers for Graduate Record Examinations. Administered by the Educational Testing Service in the United States and 60 foreign countries, these tests serve as one of t h e criteria for entering graduate school and for receiving g r a d u a t e fellowships. Two types of tests are given. The first is a two and a half hour aptitude test which measures general scholastic ability in t e r m s of verbal and quantitative skill. The second, a three-hour advanced test, m e a s u r e s m a s t e r y of basic concepts and their applications in a specific field. The fee for the aptitude test is $7, while the advanced test costs $8. If both are taken on the s a m e day, $12 is charged.


Linda Tiezzi, mezzo-contralto, will sing " 0 Mio Fernando" from "La F a v o r i t a " by Donizetti. She will be accompanied by Cheryl

Richardson. Then violincellist Mary Pat Russell and pianist Gloria Langstraat will perform Vivaldi's "Sonata No. 1." Pianist Janice Weener will play Haydn's "Gyspy Rondo." Then bass Harvey Lucas, accompanied by Cheryl Defendorf, will sing "Arm, Arm Ye Brave" from Handel's Maccabeus." Caron Vanden Hock will then perform Beethoven's "Sonata in C Minor," Op. 13. Violinist David Tubergan and pianist Robert Formsma will conclude the program with a performance of Sibelius' "Concerto in D Minor," Op. 47 'the final movement).

AT HOPE CHURCH BAHA'I TEMPLE—Completed In 1942, the Baha'i House of Worship towers 191 feet above the Lake Michigan shoreline in Wilmettc, Illinois, a suburb north of Chicago.


THIS SUNDAY Morning Worship 9 : 3 0 A.M. —

1 1:00 A.M.

SERMON: "Listening as an act of



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Hope Collcfc

Page 4

anch|or editorial

In Defense of Dissent N R E C E N T WEEKS, an interesting but d i s t u r b i n g d e v e l o p m e n t has a r i s e n o u t ot t h e V i e t n a m conflict. S t u d e n t r e a c t i o n a n d d e m o n s t r a t i o n a g a i n s t t h e w a r in Vietn a m h a s b e e n a l a r m i n g a n d a n n o y i n g to s o m e in this c o u n t r y , a n d these p e o p l e h a v e g o n e so f a r as to e q u a t e t h e s t u d e n t disa g r e e m e n t w i t h t h e U.S. policy in V i e t n a m w i t h t r e a s o n or in t r u e M c C a r t h y - l i k e style, with communist subversion.




v .

L a t e l y these g u a r d i a n s of t h e A m e r i c a n way of life h a v e m o r e or less a b a n d o n e d t h e i r v e r b a l a t t a c k s f o r a n a c t i v e policy w h i c h will give these " c a m p u s c o m m u n i s t s , " or " V i e t n i k s " ( d e p e n d i n g o n w h i c h n e w s m a g a z i n e you h a p p e n to r e a d ) w h a t t h e y deserve. T h e policy n o w seems t o b e t h a t if you a r e u n f o r t u n a t e t o h a v e y o u r conscience or s o m e t h i n g else d i s t u r b e d e n o u g h t o d e m o n s t r a t e a g a i n s t t h e U.S. policy in V i e t n a m , a n d if you s h o u l d be so u n l u c k y as to h a v e y o u r n a m e p u b l i s h e d in t h e n e w s p a p e r s tor d e m o n s t r a t i n g , you h a v e a g o o d c h a n c e of r e c e i v i n g in t h e m a i l a l e t t e r f r o m t h a t f r i e n d l y college h a n g - o u t , y o u r Selective Service office.



H E R E M A Y B E A S P E C T S of this development which have not been made c l e a r t o t h e press; h o w e v e r , t h e r e seems t o be little d o u b t t h a t a p e r v e r t e d , P r u s s i a n m e n t a l i t y has a r g u e d t h a t t h e best way to s t o p this c r i t i c i s m is t o e l i m i n a t e those w h o a r e criticizing. " D r a f t ' e m . " " P u t a g u n in t h d r hands a n d have someone start shooting at t h e m , a n d t h e n see h o w l o n g they y e l l . " T h e d r a f t is b e i n g used by lovers of A m e r i c a a n d o p p o n e n t s of c o m m u n i s m , as a way of squelching dissent, a n d f r o m w h a t I k n o w of -.ome of t h e m e t h o d s of c o m m u n i s t i c r u l e , the situation becomes ironic indeed. "Free d o m is w o n d e r f u l " they cry, " b u t o n l y f o r those w h o a g r e e w i t h us."

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T h u s , in t h e d e b a t e o v e r t h e justificat i o n of o u r policy in V i e t n a m we h a v e c o m e t o t h e p o i n t w h e r e we h e a r t h a t it is t i m e t o lay d o w n o u r p r o t e s t i n g p o s t e r s a n d critical c h a n t s , a n d raise o u r voices in u n i s o n f o r o u r r i g h t e o u s c a u s e in V i e t n a m . I t is d e m o r a l i z i n g f o r o u r t r o o p s , as t h e V i e t n a m c a s u a l t y p o i n t s o u t in t h i s issue, t o h e a r t h a t t h e folks b a c k h o m e d o n ' t e x a c t l y t h i n k t h a t his k i l l i n g is r i g h t or t h a t h e o u g h t t o be back h o m e in t h e first p l a c e . D i s c u s s i o n is fine, b u t h a s n ' t t h e w h o l e t h i n g g o n e far

Coming Events FRIDAY. JANUARY 7 Mortar Board Film, 7 and 9 p.m. SATURDAY, JANUARY 8 Basketball — Alma, Away. Mortar Board Film, 7 and 9 p.m. SUNDAY, JANUARY 9 Faculty Ensemble Recital, Snow Auditorium, 4 p.m. TUESDAY, JANUARY 11


All-College Assembly, Chapel, 10:30 a.m. Centennial Lecture, Dr. Granberg, Graves, 7:30 p.m. IRC Meeting WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 12

T h i s e m o t i o n a l a r g u m e n t h a s a very a p p e a l i n g p a t r i o t i c r i n g t o it, f o r it seems t o be saying, " L o o k ; p e r h a p s t h e r e a r e t w o sides t o this t h i n g , a n d we'll even g o so far as ' o say h y p o t h e t i c a l l y t h a t w e ' r e o n the w r o n g side. B u t o u r P r e s i d e n t h a s d e c i d e d o n o u r policy; m o s t of t h e p e o p l e agree w i t h h i m . W h y d o n ' t you s t o p p r o t e s t i n g a n d m a k e t h i n g s easier f o r o u r boys over t h e r e by k i l l i n g t h e issue? L e t ' s w i n t h e w a r a n d t h e n get o u t of t h a t s w a m p y mess."

Basketball — Albion, Civic Center, 8 p.m. THURSDAY, JANUARY 13 Student Recital, Chapel, 7 p.m. SATURDAY, JANUARY 15 Basketball — Calvin, Civic Center; 8 p.m.




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Press, Michigan Hall.

Editor John M. Mulder Faculty Advisor ....Charles S. Rock Managing Editor ....Paul Verdmn News Editor Randy Miller Board of Editors Editorial Assistant Neal Sobania Features Joyce Pollitt Sports James Mace Business J&ck Koch Advertising Bob Schroeder Critiques Barbara Kouw Copy Ellen Borger Mary Hakken Proof Libby Conklin Harriet Heerschap Columnists Robert Donia Gordon Korstange Rob Werge Headlines







1105 of Acl

Congress, Oct. 5, 1917, and authorized Oct. 19, 1917. Subscription: $5 per year. Printed: Zeeland Record, Zeeland, Member:


of Hope College, Holland, Senate Publications Board. of





Critiques Social Exchange Secretary Copy readers

Barbara Kouw Nancy Aumann ; .r Dick Shiels .Lynn Archambenu Margo Hakken Dona Davidsmeyer Zelda Skagfnng Cartoonists Cary Carson Muck Menning Photographers Dirk Angstadt Wendell Hyink Bob Sammonds Reporters George Arwndy, Darlene Bentz, Paul Bleau, Pat Canfield, Kiity Davis. Linda Den Besten. Rich Koxter, Dnnna Leerh, Glen Looman, Mnrty Luther. John R'nwirk. Mike* O'Riordan. Marv Srhakel, Boh Sonneveldt. Florence Sox/a, Betie Verwey, Bill Wichert.


H I S L I N E O F R E A S O N I N G is very dist u r b i n g to me, f o r as H e n r y S t e e l e C o m m a g e r p o i n t s o u t in t h e Dec. 18, 1965, issue of t h e S a t u r d a y R e v i e w , it s e e m s t o be s a y i n g t h a t it is " r i g h t a n d p r o p e r to p r o t e s t a n e r r o r - or w h a t s e e m e d e v e n t o P r e s i d e n t J o h n s o n t o b e a n e r r o r , as l o n g as it was a m o d e s t o n e , b u t t h a t it is u n p a t r i o t i c to p r o t e s t a n e r r o r w h e n it is i m m e n s e . . . A l i t t l e e r r o r is f a i r g a m e f o r critics, b u t a gigantic error, an error that m i g h t plunge u s i n t o a w o r l d war, is e x e m p t f r o m crit-


icism." In a d d i t i o n , since we a r e fighting a w a r in V i e t n a m , n o t by C o n g r e s s i o n a l d e c l a r a t i o n b u t bv a P r e s i d e n t i a l d e c i s i o n , it b e c o m e s i r o n i c t h a t c r i t i c i s m of a P r e s i d e n t i a l policy should be squelched, called c o m m u n i s t i c , or e q u a t e d w i t h t r e a s o n . F o r A m e r i c a n history is r e p l e t e w i t h e x a m p l e s of u n p o p u l a r p o l i c i e s p u r s u e d by o u r P r e s i d e n t s , a n d t h e A m e r i c a n p e o p l e in t h e p a s t h a v e r e c o g n i z e d t h e i r m o r a l d u t y of v o i c i n g t h e i r d i s a g r e e ment. I S S E N T IS A B A S I C I N G R E D I E N T of d e m o c r a c y or of a n y g o v e r n m e n t w h i c h c l a i m s t o r e p r e s e n t t h e p e o p l e . It is d i s t u r b i n g to see a n y o r g a n i z e d , c o n c e r t e d e f f o r t by t h e g o v e r n m e n t to q u i e t a d v e r s a r i e s a n d a n n i h i l a t e c r i t i c i s m . H o w e v e r , even m o r e a l a r m i n g is t h e use of m i l i t a r y i n d u c t i o n f o r this p u r p o s e , a n d it r e c a l l s t h e a b u s e s of i n d i v i d u a l l i b e r t y by Nazi G e r m a n y .


It is really q u i t e i r r e l e v e n t to talk a t this p o i n t of w h e t h e r t h e U.S. policy in Vietn a m is r i g h t o r w r o n g . T h e a l a r m i n g t h i n g is t h a t d r a f t b o a r d s a r e s i l e n c i n g s t u d e n t c r i t i c i s m by s h o v i n g t h e m i n t o t h e a r m y , a n d d i s s e n t f r o m g o v e r n m e n t p o l i c i e s is bei n g s y m p a t h e t i c a l l y d i s c o u r a g e d . A n d all this in t h e n a m e of f r e e d o m . In conclusion I quote Mr. Commager: ". . . W e c a n say (this) w i t h c e r t a i n t y : a g o v e r n m e n t a n d a society t h a t silences t h o s e w h o d i s s e n t h a s lost its way . . . . W h a t is e s s e n t i a l in a f r e e society is t h a t t h e r e s h o u l d be a n a t m o s p h e r e w h e r e t h o s e w h o wish to d i s s e n t a n d e v e n to d e m o n s t r a t e c a n d o so w i t h o u t f e a r of r e c r i m i n a t i o n or v i l i f i c a t i o n . . . . W h e n a n a t i o n silences c r i t i c i s m a n d d i s s e n t , it d e p r i v e s itself of t h e p o w e r to c o r r e c t its e r r o r s . ^ N O T N E E D T O F E A R ideas, yw b u t t h e c e n s o r s h i p of ideas. W e d o not need fear criticism, b u t the s i l e n c i n g of c r i t i c i s m . W e d o n o t n e e d to f e a r e x c i t e m e n t or a g i t a t i o n in t h e a c a d e m i c community, but timidity and apathy. We do n o t n e e d to f e a r r e s i s t a n c e to p o l i t i c a l leaders, b u t u n q u e s t i o n i n g a c q u i e s c e n c e in w h a t e v e r p o l i c i e s those l e a d e r s a d o p t . W e d o n o t n e e d to f e a r those w h o t a k e t o o l i b e r a l l y t h e ang u i s h e d pleas of a P o p e P a u l VI or t h e m o r a l lessons of t h e S e r m o n o n t h e M o u n t but those w h o reject the n o t i o n that morality has a n y p l a c e in p o l i t i c s . F o r t h a t , i n d e e d , is t o s t u m b l e a n d sin in t h e d a r k . " —John M. Mulder


Dear Editor . . . We would like to thank Mr. Malcolm and his group for the superb chapel service in which "Circle Beyond F e a r " was presented. This service was a refrehhing change from the usual droning of professors who don't really want to get up that early and perform in front of a sleepy group of students. That Tuesday I did not see the usual bored or half-slumped student anxiously awaiting 4 he close of the chapel service. For us this chapel service was " m o r e like it." Some Anoreciative Chapel Goers

As all can see, there exists a straight brown trail which has been blazed on the front lawn of Van Zoeren Library, such that this path forms the hypotenuse of a right triangle whose legs are the sidewalks. Now one leg of this

triangle is 113 feet long and the other, with its acute angle at the library steps, is 62 feet long. In the application of the Pythagorean theorem (the square of the hypotenuse is equal to the sum of the squares of the legs), we find that our brown hypotenuse is equal to 129 feet. Therefore, the mathematical conclusion is that this saves one 46 feet by displacing himself along the shorter route instead of walking along the legs. This is a 26 percent reduction in total work expended (most significant). But you who displace yourselves along this brown trail and other like it should calculate the reduction in beauty and the dynamic gain in apathy (not to mention lawn expenses). A1 Brunsting

As a spectator of the recent Christmas basketball tournament at Union College in Schenectady, N.Y., I would like to m a k e a few comments about the event. The efforts of the Hope College " 5 " were outstanding, and their good sportsmanship was always in evidence. The fact that three players, Floyd Brady, Don Kronemeyer and. Clare Van Wieren, made the "AllTournament T e a m " f u r t h e r proves these points. Strong performances from Roy Anker and Carl Walters contributed greatly to Hope's attack. And even 700 miles from home, Hope had the majority of spectator support each night from alumni, students and flriends f r o m the nearby Reformed Churches. On the court and off Hope m a d e a very impressive showing. Schenectady, N.Y. Richard Fuller

Pago 5

Hope College anchor

Jajmary 7, 1H€

Intrinsic Values Bar Individnal Choice vincing it to repeal the act. Milton argues that only enemies of truth have ever tried to crush a free press, and that it is impossible to make men good by external restraints. Most of all he is concerned by the danger to tha pursuit of truth. He has complete faith in the ability of people who can read to find their own salvation. The question of censorship, not only in the arts, but also in such areas as politics, business, fashion, journalism, speech and numerous others, is still very much alive in the 20th century, and I often wonder if any progress h a s j ^ n

Editor's note: In recent tetnei of the anchor, two books, the objects of much attention by censors, were reviewed. "Candy/' by Terry Southern, waa reviewed by Rob Werge, and the writings of Marquis de Sade were reviewed by Bryce Butler. In the following article, anchor critiques editor Barb Kouw examines the question of censorship and offers her suggestion for its place in contemporary society. By B a i t Kouw The word "censor" is derived from Latin "censere," "to assess or estimate," which in turn derives from the Greek verb "to estimate." As used in ancient Rome from about 440 B.C., the term had to do primarily with t h e duties owed to the Roman co citizens. as no true Historically, the before the debate about cen the inventechnological fact inting and tlon and diffusion fthe intellectual turmo ormation. With John Milton's "Areopagitica," the issues of censorship exploded into the modern world. Censorship in Milton's Time In 1643 Parliament had passed a law requiring all books to be licensed by a censor, and the "Areopagitica" was addressed to Parliament in the hope of con-

^ 1

~ -- M||fher Judgment' a reclnt issue of , Saturday ^w.Ahere appealed a portion £»ho is a n l e m b e ^ ^ B a ao nuervjew with i a namll(jss cerpilship cfllnmittee.^fbe e s s e i t e of m i iofcff#iew Was this: The woman apparently was in possession of some sort of "higher judgment," for she was able immediately and without hesitation to determine whether or not a particular book was "obscene.' 1 When questioned as to what was meant by "obscene," she was quite unable to reply—«he "just k n e w , ' or something on that order. This woman's criterion of judg-

a m . . . m o r t i f i e d t o be t o l d t h a t , i n the U n i t e d

States of

America . . .

a question


t h e sale of


book, c a n b e c a r r i e d b e f o r e t h e civil m a g i s t r a t e . . . . A r e we

to have

a censor



s h a l l say w h a t

b o o k s m a y b e sold, a n d w h a t we m a y buy? . . - Shall a l a y m a n , s i m p l e as o u r s e l v e s , set u p his r e a s o n as t h e r u l e for what

we a r e

to r e a d ?

. . .


is a n


to our

citizens t o q u e s t i o n w h e t h e r t h e y a r e r a t i o n a l b e i n g s or not.^ —Thomas


ment was based on a theory that anything which mentions or even suggests sex is bad; a single "displeasing" word was all the woman needed to declare a work censored. Another argument often used in favor of censorship is that there is a direct connection between pornography and sex crime. However, John Ciardi points out that a recent research project of the Kinsey Institute finds no such connection. Indeed, many men in prison for sexual offenses were not interested and even scornful toward pornography. One orisoner remarked, "You c a n ^ d o ilftthin" witlKa">4cher." ti UnwaVanted censo fho sup oup on ^ m n p p ^ a l or are, it seems to m ^ aking . w o irst unwarranted assumptid is fcaa^lmiption that there are intrinsic values of good and bad or right and wrong which man is able to recognize and understand. The second is that anything is thus found to be "bad" must therefore be barred from public view. The basis of these assumptions is similar to the basis of the whole philosophical question of morality. Those who feel that they can reognize intrinsic value or intrinsic worthlessness in, let us say, a book, are committing what Bertrand .Russell calls a "category mistake"—Plato, for example, in observing beauty in the world, went on to see something which was "more beautiful" and concluded that therefore there must exist something which is "most beautiful," or ultimate beauty. But, with value as with beauty, there is simply no logical necessity connecting what is called "good" with something called "ultimate good" or "absolute good." A. J . Ayer is relevant on this point. To say, for example, that killing is wrong is simply to say "Killing - ugh!" Although the logical positivists have been very much discredited, there still remain valuable points in their work.

judgments? I say here that it is a part of parental responsibility to legislate in these matters — up to a certain point, that is. It is also a parent's duty, and perhaps a rather difficult one, to recognize when a child is ready to make his own decisions. Much of the question of censorship can be solved, or rather dissolved, if only we are willing to tmst in the integrity of individual to persons who iturity of this sort, urselves into beg "dirty books" will prevent their ersions by some curio

In order to make a moral judgment, one must first set up a criterion of meaning, i.e., one must decide how a particular word is to be used. From there he can proceed to measure specific examples of content against the form which has been prescribed. Personal Criteria of Judgment In this connection, let us retrun more directly to the question of censorship in literature. The woman mentioned earlier, as I observed, has a crit ment =las deci will


Half a Life A completely sheltered life is only half a life, a life of blindness. And I suspect that a completely sheltered life is impossible anyway. Look at Holland, Michigan— even (especially?) in this guarded and cautious atmosphere, some pretty "bad" things happen and become known, in spite of efforts to protect and silence. TTie only way to cope with "dirty books" is for each individual to meet them straight on.


r feel li extend the.r juagment to include all of the people of a nation or all of the people of a group. Just as there are as many scnemes oi moraiuy as tneie are peoples on the earth, so there are perhaps as many ways of judging he value of a book as there are ndividuals reading that book. But what, it may be asked, about children and adolescents who do not have the maturity to form solid


Students React to Editor's Stand on Vietnam Policy recent, historical precedents. Dear Editor: The above are strong, severe Having read your recent editorial statements but we shall illustrate on "Legality and Vietnam," we what we mean."The United States, were at a temporary loss as to by pursuing its present policy in what to say. This is not because Vietnam, is violating the tenants of wholehearted support for what of international law as established you said but because "very bluntin the UN Charter . . The UN ly" to use your expression, the Charter provides for and restricts great majority of that editorial relationships between member was trash. states and between non-member We find it difficult to conceive states. It also says, in article 2 that an intelligent, thinking editor section 7 that "Nothing contained should: 1) base his criticism and in the present Charter shall authconclusions on second-hand, biased orize the United Nations to interinterpretation rather than going to vene in matters which are essenthe basic sources themselves, i.e., tially within the domestic juristhe UN Charter, the Geneva Condiction of any State . . Herein ference, the Constitution of the lies the legality of the U.S. action United States etc.. 2) quote from in Vietnam. If you are among the a speech about a proposed unifew who insist that South Vietnam versal organization which did not is not a state, then you lose your result as its maker had anticipated whole argument because the UN (We assume that the date was deals only with matters between March 1945 and not 1965), 3) m a k e States. International law, as defalse statements on the provisions fined by the UN and its Internaof the UN Charter, 4) take one tional Court of Justice, is applicsmall phrase totally out of conable only to States, thus "only text. and apply it to his own disStates may be parties in cases betorted viewpoint, 5) make noicfore the Court." Statute of the ulous amalgamations of separate International Court of Justice, sections of U.S. law to prove a Chapter II Article 34. Therefore, point, and 6) suggest that certain to bring international law into actions are without precedent the situation you must concede when in reality they b«ve definite

that South Vietnam is a state. But, if you do this, then you have to concede that she has total control over her domestic situation. So if she faces a murderous attempt at the overthrow of her country, she can, on her own, take what measures she feels necessary. This she did. She requested military and financial aid from the United States. We accepted. Thus we are there at the request of the legally recognized South Vietnamese government to assist it in solving a domestic problem. International law does not apply. The UN Charter is not broken, yet the " w a r " goes on. F.D.R. wanted a UN with teeth, with the ability to enforce its principles. The veto power of both Russia and the U.S. renders the UN powerless unless both cooperate. The phrase "This is really w a r " means just that. When one man picks op a gun and fires at another and his victim retaliates, one has war. War, as Webster defines it, is "the state or fact of exerting violence or force against another." To declare war, one state m u s t tell another state that

she is going to m a k e war upon her. On these grounds, Mr. Johnson is waging war against no one. The United States is using war as a means of assisting South Vietnam in solving her "domestic" crisis. Support for South Vietnam was first authorized during President Eisenhower's initial term, then J.F.K. continued this support and now L.B.J, is doing the same. He certainly has not declared war. Neither has Congress. However. Congress did authorize Ike. J.F.K. and L.B.J, to support South Vietnam. This is totally constitutional. It is totally legal. Our Constitution is such that any treaty we sign, any doctrine we develop, any law passed by Congress, does become part "of the fundamental law," binding upon officials and all governmental institutions." It does not become part of our Constitution unless it is expressly added to the Constitution by the amendment process, which, needless to say, is not the same as the promulgating of a law. If there is a violation "of the fundamental law" it is not a violation of the Constitution; to a m a g a m a t e these two is out of the question . . . Hepnnled

Last of all. we would point out that a war being fought without being declared is not without precedent. Examples are China's attack on Korea, our retaliation and the UN intervention. The Korean " W a r " was never declared. Japan occupied Manchuria without declaring war. Need we mention Hitler? Aiso, the idea of our President establishing a dangerous new precedent, "i.e., the personal usurpation of power and the violation of the Constitution in the Declaration of W a r " is also not without precedent. The last part is ridiculous, as we pointed out earlier in this letter, and Lincoln, Wilson and F.D.R. all had far more power than L.B.J, has been given. We (undoubtedly could continue much longer on this subject, but we feel that by now our point has been made. We hope that in the future the anchor editorials will as responsible, educational, factual. and informative as "Legalism and Vietnam" obviously is not.

hy permission

Jack L. Schrier Bob Pangle Randy Miller Chuck Postma (Continued on page 6) of the Chicago

The Best of Peanuts PEANUTS




IN CHAR6E OF V £ A R $ ?



Page 6

January 7, 1966

Hope College anchor

Our Man in Europe

Review of the News Edited by Jack Schrier A New York transit strike involving more t h a n 3,000,000 people who normally use the facilities r e m a i n s unsolved. The transit strike chief, Michael J . Quill, reduced the union's d e m a n a s by 80 per cent but they still r e m a i n e d considerable. He was imprisoned Tuesday for failing to neeu a court order but b e c a m e sick and was hospitalized. R u m o r s h a v e it that he had a slight heart attack. Retailers estim a t e their losses a t 35-40 million dollars per day and industrial f i r m s report only about 50 per cent of t h e i r workers on the job. The United S t a t e s has launched a massive " p e a c e offensive." President Johnson has sent UN a m b a s s a d o r Goldberg to the Western E u r o p e a n capitals. Averill Harriman in E a s t e r n E u r o p e a n capitals, India and Iran, vice president Hubert Humphrey in four Asian capitals and assistant secretary of state G. Mennen Wili a m s in Africa a r e all vigorously a t t e m p ing to obtain some sort of negotiation with Hanoi. Johnson also continued the " n o bombing of North Vietn a m " policy, for the 13th day. The result? Hanoi attacked the peace moves as U.S. attempts "to conceal their acts of war e x p a n s i o n " and charged that they were deceitful and hypocri ical." The stopping of air raids brought Hanoi's rem a r k that the U.S. had no right to " i m p o s e " " a n y condition w h a t s o e v e r in exchange for stopping its air r a i d s . " Hanoi said t h a t the only true sign of a desire for peace would be the p e r m a n e n t cessation of bombing in the north. How m -- wmmmm m mm

In the Wake of the Quake

long this cessation had to be before it was " s i n c e r e " was not clarified by t h e North Vietnam government.

By Bob Donia

The w a r in Vietnam did not take any m a j o r turn. Allied forces were generally on the offensive and w e r e quite successful. They w e r e reported chasing fleeing Viet Cong in the Mekong Delta, between Saigon and the Cambodia, and even on V i e t n a m ' s east coast, 240 miles away. In Africa two governments were overthrown and the Rhodesian crisis continued. Upper Volta's president was deposed a f t e r he failed to con rol violent street demonstrations which lasted t h r e e days. The coup was accomplished by Lt. Col. Lamizana. In the Central African Republic, Col. J e a n Bedel Bokassa o v e r t h r e w his cousin, David Dacko, who the right wing colonel felt was under the " e v i l " influence of certain advisors. Bokassa h a s ordered the expulsion of all Red Chinese diplomats and technicians, and is studying plans for a new governm ent.

S K O P J E , M a c e d o n i a — On October 26, 1963, this city was rocked by an earthquake which killed an estimated 2,000 people. Much of the city was left in ruins. Today evidences of the disaster still r e m a i n . But far more impressive than the d a m a g e is the phenomenal re-building job which has taken place. Today, as residents of the a r e a will proudly tell you, there is a "New Skopje."


Rhodesian Prime Minister Ian Smith m a d e several moves to p l a c a . e Zambia by offering to r e m o v e the oil e m b a r g o and to allow coal and coke to pass over to Z a m b i a ' s copper mines. Zambia, buoyed up by the oil airlift of the U.S., Canada and G r e a t Britain, r e j e c t e d the offer, saying t h a t Smith h a d broken his promises before and would probably do so again. Meanwhile the economic boycott of Rhodesia seemed to be taking effect. Smith threatened to t u r n to t h e Communists for help but gained no response from Moscow or Peking. w r - ^

The re-building was accomplished with the help of aid from many countries, including the United Sta.es. Dozens of multi-story buildings have been erected including a series of large a p a r t m e n t buildings iboth within the heart of the city and on the outskirts. Some of the buildings a r e older, showing some repair from the time they \\ere j a r r e d and cracked. One of the most interesting results of the quake is the condition of m a n y mosques that dot the city, particularly in the older sections. Some were destroyed, and t h e r e is at least one which is now in the process of rebuilding. Most, however, w e r e only damaged, an amazing f a c t considering the relative height and small diam e t e r of the mosque towers. In some cases the tops of the towers were toppled, while others are ciacked and still rest precariously high in the air, seemingly ready to fall at any moment. Stories, r u m o r s and opinions about events on that day still aboaind among residents of Skopje and all of Macedonia, for the quake was felt m a n y miles away. Some see significance in the fact that m a n y mosques remained standing, but the low two-story

More Letters to the Editor ( C o n t i n u e d f r o m p a g e 5) Dear E d i t o r : Mao Tse-tung: " E v e r y Communist must grasp the truth that political power grows out of the barrel of a gun . . . in fact, w e can say that the whole world can be remolded only with a g u n . " Lenin: " P r o m i s e s are like pie crusts—made to be broiken." Your






polite, a t r a v e s t y to h u m a n t h o u g h t . You c a r r y i d e a l i s m beyond t h e

realm of reality, into s o m e m y t h ical, Utopian l a n d of N o d . . . .

No group of men could possibly author a UN Charter or a U.S. Constitution to meet e v e r y test and situation that may arise decades later. With this in mind, no organization could possibly exist, if, an an emergency, it was forced to follow a charter or constitution to the last letter, jot and title. Wc loosely interpret our constitution at times in order for it to 'be applicable to the situation at hand. If we did not, this nation would have floundered decades ago. We have been forced, likewise, to loosely interpret the c h a r t e r of the UN in order that that organization may continue to exist and be usefiul where it is useful. Espionage is constitutionally illegal. P r a y tell, Mr. Mulder, should we cease these activities or are they necessary evils as our war in Vietnam is? . . . To say that we have established a "dangerous new p r e c e d e n t " by allowing the President to fight a war such as this, s e e m s to be a contradiction in m a n y liberals' ideology. On the one hand they would have us give m o r e power to the president to deal with rapidly changing social and economic problems of the day but on the other hand they say granting this power to the president to fight communism is dangerous. Secondly, a s president, he can place troops so t h a t we cannot help but declare war, so the next step of granting him powers to c a r r y on a w a r without a declaration is of little h a r m a n d serves

the general w e l f a r e of the nation and its people. The important and significant controls on the president are still intact, that of: financial appropriation, re-election and impeachment. P r a y tell, where is the danger in this precedent? This precedent e n a b l e s the president to meet the challenge of a quick-moving and aggressive enemy that holds nothing sacred. Remove this ability and you do a great service for atheistic, international c o m m u n i s m . Another contradiction a p p e a r s when liberals say that the U.S. is breaking the law and "encourages a disdain for all law, and it simply begs the question of whether obeying the law is not a m a t t e r of sheer expediency." Liberals supported Martin Luther

King J r . and his f o r m of breaking the law in order to achieve justice and these liberals howled all sorts of bitter adjectives at conservatives who stated that King was "encouraging disdain for all l a w . " Yet when fighting communism the U.S. is not fighting for justice and freedom but is an "illegal" aggressor. P r a y tell, Mr. Mulder, where is the difference? I see, clearly, why you felt compelled to write these editorials and for this you are to be commended. It is a g r e a t pity that Hope College could not find an articulate and intelligent individual to express ideas in opposition to those offered at the nation's first proGovernment teach-in. Richard Kooi

Some Casualties Want To Return to War Effort (Continued f r o m page 1) to move them out. A lot of bombs. Sometimes it takes a week to cover a mile. Stone: The Viet Cong have killed over 30,000 tribal heads in an attempt to eliminate the leaders of the country. We're t h e r e to protect lives as well as take t h e m . In reality we're fighting f o r religion. Communism is a defiance of freedom and religion. Boruillette: The chaplains a r e doing an amazing job. They don't ask for body g u a r d s : they go right in the field and talk to the people. They're learning their customs, beliefs and it helps us to understand the people better. Religions a r e basically the s a m e and the chaplains just turn around and teach them their own religions and beliefs. anchor: Do you know that Michigan State University is not all demonstrators. T h e r e is a group of students concerned with the h u m a n

side of the w a r and have adopted a Vietnam village. Last year they raised to economic village level of the village three-fold. Hope College and the town of Holland, Mich., a r e about to adopt another village. Do you think something of this nature would be of value? Boruillette: Most definitly. It helps to show the people that we are not the savages he VC m a k e us out to be. Stone: I'd pitch in a buck myself. A w a r m enthusiasm was expressed that here wai, a real problem in the w a r . They felt the possibilities of something like this were overwhelming. By helping one village you help the country and good news like this s p r e a d s throughout the country very quickly. They also told of the m a n y opportunities available to adopt an orphange or an orphan. These children have nothing to look forward to but an expected life of 35 y e a r s in total poverty. Something like this can give them real hope in life.

h e a d q u a r t e r s of the security police was totally destroyed. One story concerns two foreign tourists staying in one of the local hotels, who emerged quite u n h a r m e d from the wreckage to ask who had won the atomic war, Russia or the United States. Unquestionably the most vivid impression one receives of t h e

New Skopje is the speed and determination with wh.ch rebuilding occurred. Only a little m o r e t h a n two y e a r s later, the actual destruction to be seen is minimal, although some work is not yet completed. The New Skopje is a tribute to the courage and hard work of its own inhabitants and its neighbors.

DISASTER STRIKES—After the quake ended, the city of Skopje, Macedonia, became ihe grave for over 2000 people, but today Ihe "New Skopje" is taking form. The picture was taken by a Yugoslav immediately following the tragedy.

In Memoriam: J. Harvey Kleinheksel By Dr. Calvin A. VanderWerf Through his words he taught c h e m i s t r y ; through his deeds he taught life. Hope t o n e g e , known for a century for its great teachers, has lost one of the very greatest. Dr. J . Harvey Kleinheksel, in his simple, quiet, unassuming way, had a r a r e gift of being able to bring out the best in each of his studen s. He discovered in all his students—the talented and t h e not so lalented —a hidden g r e a t n e s s . He gave his all for his students, and they responded with the best t h a t was within <hem. H is greatest satisfaction c a m e from the progress and achievements of thos Q whom he taught. Countless students who received their start in chemistry f r o m Dr. Kleinheksel have gone on to a c h i e v e honor and distinction, and whenever one of his f o r m e r students steps upon a p l a ' f o r m to accept a new honor or a high a w a r d . v ou can be s u r e that in spirit ^ r . J . H a r v e v K ^ i n h e k s e l is right t h e r e with him. We who h a v e sat at his feet, in f r e s h m a n chemistry or in ad-

vanced analytical c h e m i s t r y , will tell you t h a t we have never known a finer, more masterful t e a c h e r . Many of us, around the globe, will say t h a t we owe him a personal debt which we can never r e p a y . We know how strongly his influence for good will live on in our own lives. But above all — we will all speak of Dr. J . Harvey Kleinheksel. the man — a kind m a n , a gentle m a n , a loyal m a n . a man of integrity, a m a n of fai h — who blended dignity with w a r m t h and wisdom with u n d e r s t a n d i n g — a man whose p e r f o r m a n c e always surpassed his promises and whose practice outstripped his preaching. We students at Hope College — past, present, and f u ' u r e — h a v e lost more t h a n a friend; we have lost an inspiration. For the life of Dr. Kleinheksel was a living p r a v e r . He poured out his life for his students. What g r e a t e r love hath any t e a c h e r than this, that he lay H^wr. his lifp fnr his students? His life was love in ar*j^n. Dr. J . H a r v e v Kleinheksel was truly a good and faithful s e r v a n t of his L o r d .

Hope YD, YR Clubs Sponsor Debate on State Income Tax Dec. 13 m a r k e d a h e a t e d debate between Republican S ' a t e Rep. Melvin De Stigter of t h e 95th district and Democrat Rep. Lloyd Matthewssen f r o m the 44th district concerning Michigan dom e s t i c policies. The debate w a s sponsored by the College Young Republicans and the College Young Democrats.

but if there has to be one he would favor a flat rate, and said "A flat r a t e can be as fair as a graduated income t a x . " The fiscal p r o g r a m he would vote for would b e based on a total revaluation of the t a x s t r u c t u r e of Michigan, stipulating that it must provide for the needs of the people.

The debate was centered around the income tax issue in Michigan. E a c h debater was allowed five minutes for introductory r e m a r k s and another five minutes for a rebuttal. Then each m a n w a s confronted with questions f r o m the floor. Both legislators advocated a fiscal reform of some sort, but their m e hods v a r i e d , De Stigter does not favor a n income t a x ,

Mr. Matthewssen countered t h a t " M i d r g a n already has an income tax because of the 4 per cent t a x on goods we buy everyday. This is a regressive income tax. Michigan should reduce these intangible taxes and have one big one, a g r a d u a t e d income t a x . " Rep. Matthewssen also stated that he thought the people should decide finally what kind of t a x r e f o r m they wanted.

January 7, 1M6






The Dope on LSD By Dick Shiels

" 0 would you like to swing on a star? Carry moonbeams home in a jar? And be better off than you are . . . ? " You can you know. LSD. a new drug with the technical label "lysergic acid diethylamide," can do all of this for you. At any rate that's what Antioch students were told this fall at a Sunday assembly. LSD at Antiocfa Antioch is familar with the drug. Early in the fall Dr. iDixon, president of the college and past member of Kennedy's Advisory Commission on Narcotics and Drug Abuse, formed a faculty committee to study student drug use. The committee stated early that illegal drug use did occur on their campus "in significant proportions," and LSD was identified as a popular drug. The students formed a committee as well: the Ad Hoc Committee for Investigation in "Conciousness Expansion" (the term given to the state of mind brought on by LSD.) The student committee worked quickly to bring the two best intormed and most-controversial experts on LSD in the country to a Sunday assembly: Timothy Leary and Ralph Metzner. Both gentlemen a r e ex-Harvard professors, both were dismissed from Harvard for their association with the drug, both advocated as well as explained its usage. 'Conctousness Expansion' LSD, they explained, brings about three sensations which together comprise "consciousness expansion:" * acceleration of imagination and memory * multiplication of realities * intensification of a l l five senses. These effects, they further explained, are "not necessarily good . . . but fear of the experience is not good either . . ." An Antioch student who had experienced the effects of the drug


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Hope College anckor

asserted in a newspaper article which he did not sign that he had "gained from the LSD experience." He had known a sense of unity with everything under the influence of the drug and felt the entire time that he knew "the meaning of All." "When i closed my eyes (he purposely failed to capitalize " i , " he explained, because he felt no sense of individual being at this point) i immediately became the whole universe." And while it had been some time between his experience and the writing of his article, the article is ended with the phrase "The glow lingers on . . ." The Other Side The Record, Antioch's student newspaper, published a full-page dissertation on the "Deleterious Effect of LSD" three weeks later. This paper, complete with bibliography and footnotes, was sponsored tey the community manager and not the paper itself. All kinds of dangers infest usage of the drug and it was the purpose of this paper to point them out. While it is true that the body does not become physiologically dependant upon the drug, the author — who does sign her name—states that one'becomes "hooked" on LSD the same as one becomes hooked on tobacco. The most prominent dangers she points out result from misuse of the drug but there is also the possibility- of conciousness expansion taking the form of fantastic depression—and suicide is not uncommon under the influence of the drug. This paper, so very reminicent of trite dissertations on the evils of smoking, ends with the statement that every college student must consider the problem for himself — "because he will certainly have the chance" to avail himself of drugs. Apparently that's a fact of life at Antioch College. The Problem Goes On Obviously the problem goes on. Dr. Dixon, Antioch president, has

twice published a statement that he recommends abstinence from the drug — but he has published nothing stronger than a recommendation. The faculty committee to investigate the problem is "not expected to come up with any proposals for some time" and in the mean time Dean Dawson will continue to handle violators "firmly but not punitively." Furthermore, the committee affirms that LSD is only one drug popular on campus — other drugs named included m a r i j u a n a and opium. Freshmen continue to bring the habit with them from high school."

Editor's note: A 1956 Hope graduate, Dr. Arthur Jentz has attended New Brunswick and Union Theological seminaries. Last year he earned his Ph.D. from Columbia University with the thesis, "Ethics in the Making—The Genesis and Nature of Ethical Theory in the Philosophy of Alfred North Whitehead." By Dr. Arthur H. Jentz, Jr. The term "new morality" can at present be appropriately printed only with a question mark, for the nature of this social phenomenon is not yet clear. In this brie f article I shall attempt the following: 1) a clarification of the meaning of that expression, 2) a delineation of three crucial areas of life in which it has import, 3) a suggestion of two factors valuable for the practice of life in a world where "new morality" is operative. 1) The term "morality" has primarily social significance: If each individual had his own unique morality, the very meaning of the

Christmas Bagels By Rob Werge

m a s trees are unplugged and the clothes gotten as presents a r e exchanged for Rolling Stone albums icomplete with lyrics), life again becomes academic. Huddling around the college buildings (all architectural wonders), we await the Doomsday of exam week. • Note: Doomsday was originally a festival day of Daniel Doom, an early explorer who discovered the city of Poughkeepsie in 1934.) Ah, the semi-annual Day of Judgement approaches swiftly. It is so different from vacation where the biggest worry is to remember the names of your high school friends when you meet them. I couldn't for the life of m e rem e m b e r Gladys Finkstein's name; I kept on thinking it was Herbert Hoover. He had m a d e it big in vacuum cleaners. It was strange how Gladys and I ran into one another. I was driving the wrong way up a one-way street (as a joke, the township had changed the direction while I was at school, ha, ha) and Gladys came barreling down the other way in a GTO which she uses as a delivery truck for the local bagel factory. (Note: there is nothing more depressing than a bronze GTO with the words "BERTHA'S BAGELS: WITH OR WITHOUT SALT" written on the side.) At

precisely the moment she hit my somewhat timid Volvo, it began to snow and a delegation of children from the local Korean orphange passed by singing "Joy to the World." The whole scene was a bit much. The first thing Gladys said as she leaped out of her blazing bronze GTO (its fender had caught fire) was, "It's so good to see you, Harry." She too forgets high school names. This was followed by "Isn't it wonderfully beautiful out?" and then "I'll sue you for every rupee you have." (Gladys was always filling her speech with exotic allusions to the Orient. She would say things like "I'd rather be Chinese than dead" and "Chow mein is good for the teeth" just to be different and obscure.) I tried to soothe her, however, by telling her how much better she would look if she did something about the fact that her coat had caught fire from the burning fender. She quickly put it out by throwing snowballs at herself, thus dousing the blaze. As she was beginning to look like a striking subway worker, I told her we could meet later in the week at the bagel factory and talk things over, mainly car insurance-type things. But when I arrived that Thursday in the salting room of the factory, (Gladys worked there between deliveries), she only wanted

Clarence C. Boone, 71, owner operator of Boone's City Kitchen for the last 19 years, was killed during the college holiday recess. He was the victim of a hit-run accident Dec. 23, while crossing a street on a pedestrian crosswalk in Woodland Hills, Calif. Boone left Holland the previous Saturday by train for California to visit friends and relatives in the Los Angeles area. While on his way to a drugstore he was struck and killed instantly. Police are still seeking the auto and its driver. Most of Boone's life was spent in the restaurant business, first operating the Tulip Cafe in downtown Holland then opening Boone's Country Kitchen on M-21 between Holland and Zeeland. He closed the Kitchen during World War II but afterwards reopened it as the

City Kitchen on Eighth Street. Hope and Western Seminary students have made the City Kitchen a popular place for off-campus diners, composing 60 per cent of the patrons. When students needed money for college expenses Boone often gave them jobs working at the restaurant and many have felt a great loss in his death. As one student put it, "He was a joy to work with. He was always in a good-natured and humorous mood." Robert Prins, assistant to the President, noted that by keeping his prices at a minimum Boone enabled many students to meet college expenses and that both the students and the college are indebted to Clarence C. Boone for his willing helpfulness over the years.

expression would be vitiated. Individual "moralities," each operative according to personal ra lonales (or fancies) would result in social chaos — the very thing that morality seeks to avoid. Morality is social pattern; and while the world exemplifies a plurality of social patterns, the point is that to which social patterns of sanctioned ibehavior themse'ves enter upon transition. This being the case, two effects ensue: a) social and personal insecurity and unrest due to an awareness of the apparent disintegration of the old moral patterns, b) a sense of adventure in the reaUzation that wo are entering upon a new order. "New morality," however, can only have meaning when it is seen to imply "new order," rather than no order at all. Three Important Areas 2) Three areas of human practice. merit special attention as exemplars of moral transition: a ) racial relations, b) sexual relations, c) international relations. a) In ancient E^ypt, the word for "Egyptian" was synonymous with "human being." To be human was to be Egyptian. For the Greeks, to be a non-Greek was to be a " b a r b a r i a n ; " for the Jews, to be a non-Jew was to be a "gentile." By the sweeping terms " b a r b a r i a n " and "gentile," all peoples other than one's own were conveniently categorized. T h e double standard has a long and sorry history. No matter how cynical we may be concerning "progress" in human relations, it is a fact that civilization has come a long way toward realizing human brotherhood. We remain far short of that ideal. The ideal is being newly and relevantly entertained and even expedited, but the moral situtation is made complex by many additional factors. Feelings of personal and racial superiority are not obliterated by merely the passage of enlightened legislation. Further, egocentrism is not the exclusive characteristic of any one racial group of persons. Blackskinned persons as well as whites are capable of maintaining hatred, prejudice, and superiority-inferiority complexes. The problem is basically a human problem, superficially a racial problem. The novel factor here, that factor pertinent for new morality, is precisely the new awareness of this problem as a problem for mankind together. New morality. in this context, indicates not a solution to that human problem, but at least a willingness to deal with the problem creatively and, hopefully, constructively. Sexual Freedom or Chaos? b) "New morality" as applied to sexual practice does not mean "anything goes." Freedom and chaos are in their implications hardly distinguishable. M a n y

people would seem to favor "sexual f r e e d o m ; " they would be less likely to find "sexual chaos" attractive. Why? Because "chaos" suggests the unformed, the unintelligible, the meaningless. It is the void of human experience. TTius sexual freedom implies both promise and threat to one's own being: promise in that it can make for human fulfillment through mutuality of stable relatedness; threat in that it can lead to futility, insipidity, vacuousness. What then is "novel" in the new morality regarding this area of human life? There is a new awareness of the injividuality of human beings and their ways in the total social order. The question is, "What shall make for human fulfillment in this particular situation?" The novelty, then, exists in tlie willingness to seriously raise such a question. And if new morality is to be the outgrowth of such concern, then the question must be raised within a dialectical tension: On the one hand, the particular situation must be grasped in its unique individuality; on the other hand, communal responsibility, the implications of life together in society, must be apprehended with equal vivacity. International Relations c) Finally, the novel factor in morality can be clearly perceived in the area of international relations. The old myth of the "social contract" is seen now as true not oniy for the functioning of tribal and national groups, but for the community of nations. Egotistical individuals, so the old social contiact theory goes, eventually come to see that their prosperity and, indeed, their continued survival, depend upon a source of authority transcending their private interests. The present "smallness" of the world indicates the need to come to this awareness at the international level. 3) The two factors pertinent to life in this day of new morality have been implicitly suggested in the foregoing brief analysis. They are: (1) Respect for the individual in his uniqueness; (2) Respect for life together in social harmony. What matters is that these two factors be held together in what was earlier described as a "dialectical tension." Why is this so? Because exclusive emphasis upon the first factor is the destruction of morality and society, and at last the disintegration of one's own selfhood in a barren self-seeking. Exclusive emphasis upon the second factor obliterates the human self, and reduces persons to "functions" of their society or state. And this dialectical tension is of the sort that can and must operate on the small scale of interpersonal relations as well as on the broad plane of international relations if men are to enjoy achievement in peace.

Faculty F o c u s


Now that all the plug-in Christ-

Clarence Boone Is Killed In Hit-and-Run Accident

to tell me all the gossip from our class. Like how Ethel Schwartz married Walter Wall ("He works as a machine for IBM") and how they're both fat and watch color T.V. all day. I was going to say that maybe they find color T.V. very fulfilling spiritual-wise, but she had already moved onto a discussion of our old biology teacher, Mr. Boground. "Remember how we used to shoot rubber bands at him while he was lecturing on the social behavior of a a r d v a r k s ? " she laughed. "And how he would brush them out of his hair and say something dramatic like 'An aardvark would never shoot a rubber band.' " I was going to tell her that he is now head of aardvark research at Ohio U., but she had to go out on a rush delivery of unsalted bagels for a meeting of the local American Lesion. As she left, she mentioned that the factory gave her a Honda now and the GTO is recovering somewhere in Brooklyn. She said they wouldn't sue and I breathed a sigh of relief (not welfare-type relief, just regular relief), drove home and slept for 23 hours, then I started back to school early. Ah well, it's good to be back, I suppose . . . though I do wish there was someplace in this town to get a bagel.

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Jannary 7, 1966

Hope College anchor

Cagers Split

2 League Games

Hope Spurts Past Adrian; Then Sputters Against Olivet By James Mace Ho-hum. Mistakes are here to be m a d e and last Wednesday night Hope made enough of them to last out the new year as the Flying Dutch handed Olivet its third MIAA victory, a 91-87 decision. Besides forgetting to hold onto the ball more times than I care to remember, they made the biggest boo-boo of all in the waning seconds when, with all five timeouts used up, a sixth was called and the Comets got their hands on the ball which was all they needed to kill the clock. But the Flying Dutch had help in their misery. The Lone Ranger and his brother from Niles supposedly refereed the game, but I think Kemo Sabi forget to take his mask off. With all things considered, it burned out to be one of the worst nights of basketball that Hope has suffered through in a long ime. The first 15 minutes of play saw the Dutch lose the ball 11 times on stray passes and numerous other mental lapses. With 5:04 showing on the clock and the score reading Olivet 28, Hope 25, both squads went on a scoring rampage for some of the little excitment of the night. Led by Don Kronemeyer and Clare Van Wieren, the Dutch

tallied 20 times in the final five minutes and left the court trailing only by one, 46-45 due to a last second bucket by Buzz Luttrell of the Comets. Olivet got off on the right foot to start the second half and took a 58-50 edge but the Dutch, led by Bill Potter, cut the margin to 58-57. Luttrell kept his hot hand and added six straight points and the Dutch never caught the visiors. The closing minutes proved to be somewhat dramatic and when it seemed like the Dutch might move in for the tying basket they lost the ball in their sixth time-out call. J i m Everett added two free throws in the last ten seconds and the Comets went off a four-point winner. Van Wieren led all scorers with 23 markers while Floyd Brady added 16 more points for the loser. Kronemeyer was also in twin figures for the Dutch with 18 points. Bill Potter, coming off the bench to replace Roy Anker, scored 14 points, with 10 of the points coming from offensive rebound shots. Carl Walters had six points and Anker chipped in with four more markers. Jim Klein also got in the scoring column with two points. Luttrell led the winners with 20 points and he played an outstanding game both offensively and de-

fensively before fouling out late in the contest. Everett also was in double figures for the Comets with 18 points and Gordon Lofts had 17 markers for the Comets, who are now 3-1 in MIAA play. The loss, the first in the league for the Dutch, gives them a 1-1 ledger. In their first MIAA game of the season, the Dutch rallied to trip Adrian, 94-90, at Adrian before the Christmas break. Van Wieren again led the Hope scorers with 22 points while Brady ended up with 19 points. Kronemeyer had 15 markers at Adrian and Anker and Walters were also in twin figures with 13 and 10 points respectively. Newcomer Dave Utzinger chipped in with eight including the go-ahead basket when the score was knotted 90-90. Potter had seven points for Hope. Mark Garrett led all scorers with 28 points for the Bulldogs while Ron Stevens and Jim Ingham had 19 points apiece in a losing effort. Hope led at the half 48-43 and stretched the lead to 75-62 before the shooting of Garrett and Stevens closed the gap. Garrett's basket tied the game at 90-all before Utzinger drove in for the winning two-pointer.

Hope in Tourney

Dutch Third at Union College Held under 70 points in two of their games, Hope dropped contests to DePauw and Massachusetts Institute of Technology after an opening win over host Union to take third place in the Union College Holiday Basketball Festival at Schenectady, New York. Stymied by two control basketball teams, Hope lost to MIT, 7261, and then dropped a 77-67 verdict to the tournament winner, De Pauw. The Flying Dutch handily won their opener with a 87-75 win over Union College. Captain Clare Van Wieren led Hope to triumph in the game with Union with an outstanding 29-point effort. Van Wieren and Don Kronemeyer got the Dutch off to a flying start and gave Hope a 37-16 lead midway through the first half. Union cut into the margin but still trailed at the half 48-31. Hope continued to remain hot in the second half and the Dutch hit an overall 4fi percent of their shots. All the Hope players saw action and the second string kept the margin around 15 points for the greater part of the contest. Union cut the edge to 76-65 near

the end of the game but that was as close as they got. The Flying Dutch outrebounded their foes, 58-44, and every one that saw action for the Dutch scored. Following Van Wieren were Kronemeyer with 14 markers, Floyd Brady with 11 points and Dave Utzinger with seven tallies. Lloyd Schout added six more points and Jim Klein had five points. Cal Beltman, Bill Potter and Carl Walters had four points apiece and Roy Anker finished with three markers. The following night against MIT the Dutch took the lead at the outset and saw a belated Tech rally catch the Dutch just when the Hope five was unable to find the basket. The Dutch led throughout the first half and took a 37-33 edge into the locker room at intermission. Hope kept the lead until the 16minute mark of the second half when a basket by Alex Wilson gave MIT a 62-61 edge and the Dutch only scored one more point in those final four minutes. Once again the Flying Dutch outrebounded their opponents, 48-43, but the

Dutch were colder than usual from the floor. Don Kronemeyer led Hope marksmen with 20 points, while Dave Jannson took game honors for the winners with 24 points. Wilson chipped in with 20 more points and Tony F e r r a r a added 11 points for the Massachusetts five. Brady had 12 points for Hope and Van Wieren was held to only 11 markers. DePauw, the tourney champ with three straight wins, trounced the Dutch on the final night of play behind a highlight 37-point performance by Steve Bahler. The first half was tight and De Pauw left the court with a 32-3J lead. Brady and Anker tied the score at 36-36 but the winners scored six straight points and were never headed after that. Once again the Dutch led in rebounds 45-43 but their cold hands from the floor spelled the difference. Brady led the Hope scorers with 19 markers while Anker and Van Wieren were right behind with 18 and 17 points respectively. Kronemeyer had eight points while the other starter, Walters, was held to three points. In the balloting for the All Tourney team, Clare Van Wieren, Floyd Brady and Don Kronemeyer were all honored with berths on the eight man team. Morgan Everson, who tallied 17 markers against the Dutch for DePauw, also made the team along with MIT's Jannson and Wilson. Union's Greg Olson and DePauw's Jack Hogan.

TWO POINTS?—Floyd Brady demonstrates the technique that was necessary to score last Wednesday night. Even setting the ball in the basket wasn't always a guarantee as Brady discovered when this brilliant move was climaxed by failing to score

Hillegonds Is Holding Discussions on Marriage "So little intellectual, emotional and spiritual preparation is given to m a r r i a g e , " says Rev. William Hillegonds, Hope College Chaplain, regarding his Sunday night discussion group on marriage. Tne group, consisting of five couples began about a month ago and is led by Rev. and Mrs. Hillegonds: the goals of these meetings are cited to be freedom of expression, responsible participation, a feeling of warmth and acceptance, and a "sense of search." The discussions aren't intended to be a substitute for pre-marital

Basketball Standings W























Hope Grapplers Downed By Adrian for 2nd Loss Paul Gompers, a freshman wrestling in the 130-pound class, was the lone winner for the Flying Dutchmen in their second loss of the season, to the Adrian Bulldogs, 27-3.

A JUMP—Center Roy Anker claims the air for a tip in the DePauwHope game in Schenectady, New York, during the Christmas recess. PePauw won the game 77-67.



Gompers decisioned his opponent, 6-3, to gain the verdict but he was the only Hope winner in the nine matches. The loss, the second in the MIAA (the first being a defeat at the hands of Olivet) for the Dutch, leaves them with an overall 0-2 mark. Winton Johnson dropped a 6-0

decision for the Dutch in the 137pound grouping, while Steve Binder was pinned in the 145-pound bracket. Danny Howe, one of the veterans of the Hope squad, lost a 6-2 verdict in the 152-pound weight division and Chris Miller, another two year man, was nipped 6-5 in the 160-pound class. Rick Vandenburg was dealt a 4-2 loss in the 167-pound group and Hal Huggins dropped a 4-1 decision in a 177-pound test. Lloyd Compton was toppled in the heavyweight division by a 5-1 count.

counseling or a private counseling session with a minister, but an introduction to marriage and it§ goals as seen through the eyes of a group. Rev. Hillegonds believes that, "young people may have many questions about marriage; if we can establish a group where each person feels accepted, they can reveal themselves." "The Blue Light" by J a m e s M. Godard is being used for the discussions; the book derives its name f r o m the symbol "of the unique dimension of a marriage which is true to the divine intent." It views the family as part of a covenant community, and marriage as commitments and responsibilities. Godard sees the family as the Church's witness in the community and the source of Christian faith, but the family also needs the church for understanding and unity.

Hope Offers Faculty Recital This Sunday A recital featuring the first American performance ol tne work of the Czechoslovakian composer J a n Kychlik will be presented by the Hope College Woodwind Quintet Sunday, J a n . 9, at 4 p.m. in Snow Auditorium. The Rychlik piece was first published in 1964 shortly after Rychlik's death and the score was obtained in Czechoslovakia during the summer by quintet m e m b e r Robert Cecil. Dr. Anthony Kooiker, as guest ar.ist, will join m e m b e r s of the Quintet in a performance of Moza r t ' s "Quintet in E - F l a t " for piano and four winds, K.V. 452. The Quintet will also play a suite of three pieces by the contemporary Mexican composer, Jose Serebier. The members of the Quintet a r e : Dwain Mitchell, flute; Gail Warnaar, oboe; Arthur Hills, clarinet; LeRoy Martin, bassoon; and Roberf Cecil, horn. The Quintet invites the public to attend.

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