Product Portfolio

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HELLO My name is Johannes Van Leuven. I am a second year student in Industrial Product Design. Throughout the year I get lots of projects from Howest wich I can work on at the Industrial Design Center. Most of what I do happens at home, where I also live a creative lifestyle. Productivity, an open mind and art is what I always stand behind.

COMPAKT Composting & growing a waste using solution

CLOK Timer planning work & play



COMPAKT|COMPOSITE GROWING A COLLSTROP PRODUCT Choose a product of the Collstrop garden collection and redesign it. Focus on important and secondary functions, go completely abstract and land with both feed on the ground. Deliver a creative product that suits the Collstrop production, materials and catalogue.

veggie The Collstrop Veggie is a product that alows people to have an easy little vegetable garden. The veggie looks like a table but it’s actualy a vegetable garden. It encourages people to vegetate on a very small scale.

Collstrop | Industrial Design Center product & function p r ojec t dur ati on 5 weeks date december 2017 company cour se

how to combine a veggie garden with a compost bin



|PROBLEM spending money on potting ground, fertilizers & daily green waste Having a vegetable garden goes hand in hand with using soil, witch is a product now-a-days. People buy soil and fertilizers for their little garden to grow.

non- appealing idea of composting Why composting still isn’t appealing to most people? It recuires space, a station in the garden, it includes dirty handwork, ... Meanwhile, the production and use of biodegradable products as well as global ecologic conciousness are trending.

it seems so hard yet is so logic

buying potting ground and fertilizers & throwing away our green waste is not efficient



|SOLUTION making composting appealing Composting easier and faster aswell as doing it more compactly and mobile. Finding an excuse to make a composting cycle inside every garden or any household.

an easy solution for anyone anywhere


a system that is light and mobile + a system that changes between composting and planting



2 bins | in a lug system

composting bin & veggiebin tip over | high force mater i als wood + metal + turning mechanism conc ept nr. 6 fu nc ti on for c e

1 bin | a playful solution

composting bin & veggiebin rolling | low force + mobile mater i als wood + elastomer + coated wire conc ept nr. 9 fu nc ti on


for c e



mobile composting & veggiebin rolling around the garden, composting & growing mater i als wood + metal wire + elastomer + fabric dimensi ons 80 x 110 s o lution u se

15 compakt

CLOK|PLANNING A Designnest PRODUCT The main goal of this project was to find a certain product that could be sold on a crowdfunding platform. After scrolling around on some of these platforms I set up a list with common features of the best sold products. These products would be formaly very simple, no bigger than a plastic bag, existing in various colours and in many cases have an ecologic psychology behind it, others would be gadgets and small-problem solving products. My first research was about replacing high-tech devices, to be found in every household, with a no-tech or pure-mechanism product.

planning CLOK excels in its clarity. Outstanding time pressure and calming chaotic people. That’s the experience of planning.

DesignNest | Industrial Design Center Desing & Prototyping p r ojec t dur ati on 7 weeks date January 2018 company cour se

in dialogue with time

17 clok

|PROBLEM time pressure Time pressure has an effect on the behavior of people. Behavior is influinced while making choises, during stress-moments, when making decisions. While at these very moments one accualy needs to find rest and be able to make clear decisions. Without time pressure. Making better choises can also save time.

relax The user is in need of a device that tells the time, but that doesn’t stress it. So that they stay in a relaxed working environment. Where a minute doesn’t matter.

HI-TECH & accurate products causing time pressure

19 clok

|SOLUTION visual & personal A highly visual and obvious clock. But this clock does not turn itself. The user chooses how long an activity should take and can now work towards that goal, learn to estimate time and learn to plan efficiently.

chaos Some people need structure, some need chaos. When plaaning with CLOK you can disconnect from accurate time and live in just one moment, be it structured or chaotic. At the end of the activity a sound will make clear that time is up, bringing you back to accurate time.

dissolve from accurate time & plan within an hour

"take time to be sure, buttake betime sure too time!" to benot sure,to buttake be sure notmuch to take too much time ?





manufacturablility & design affordance & user experience s hape circular g oal modern interior & playful design p r ototyping u se

23 clok


1 hour planning timer turn the dial to set the time mater i als cork, polyethylene, insert & mechanism dimensi ons 30 x 30 s o lution u se

"take time to be sure, but be sure not to take too much time!" psychologie


environment & use



Johannes Van Leuven Industrial Product Design

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