Vanilla Magazine Issue 06

Page 8


Dearest friends welcome to the Autumn edition of Frappe with Lee. As I’m writing this article I’m still sweltering in Melbourne’s February heat wave, and it’s good to be back in action from the Christmas festivities. Many of us have finally switched back into work mode, commitments are re- activated and schedules are back in full swing. New Years resolutions are a distant memory for some, while others have maintained their passion in their new day to day routines. Parents have resumed their roles as taxi drivers, driving their kids to school, sports events, Greek school and music lessons... the list goes on and on. For those of us parenting toddlers and new preps, just developing the fine art of preparing the children for school is a new technique to be mastered; packing lunches, checking for hats and water bottles etc, but rest assured that by the time your kids are in secondary school, it truly is a mastered art and it does become second nature. However busy we are, let’s not forget the importance of maintaining balance in our daily lives. As much as we spread ourselves thin, we should always make sure there is some ‘me’ time thrown in for good measure! This is once again where the ‘frappe’ proves invaluable! So as we all ramp up for 2013 with an invigorated spirit, make sure you make time – to stop and smell the ‘frappe’!



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