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Leituras complementares

Leituras complementares

Capítulo 1 FORSYTH, P. First things. Londres, Pitman, 1994. SCOTT, M. Time management. Londres, Century Business, 1992. Capítulo2 CAMPBELL, A., DEVINE, M. & YOUNG, D. A sense of mission. Londres, Pitman, 1993. RABEY, G. P. In charge. Londres, Pitman, 1994. Capítulo 3 TREACY, D. Clear your desk. Londres, Century Business, 1991. LAMBERT, T. Key management tools. Londres, Pitman, 1993. Capítulo 4 OATES, D. Leadership: the art of delegation. Londres, Century Business, 1993. PAYNE, J. e S. Letting go without losing control. Londres, Pitman em associação com o Institute of Management, 1994. Capítulo 5 TREACY, D. Conquering the paper mountain. Londres, Century Business, 1994.


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