VTT's Mishpacha Magazine 2022

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Mishpacha Magazine

Vancouver Talmud Torah's Alumni Updates | Summer 2022
Class of
Tamsin Morrell | Class of 2025
CONTENTS 02 Shalom from HOS, Emily Greenberg and VTT Board Member, Talia Bender 03 What Makes VTT Special? 05 Stable Harvest Farm 07 Jewish Learning Garden 11 Jewish Life at VTT 13 Coming Full Circle 15 Performing Arts 17 Alumni Simchas 19 A VTT Visionary 21 2021 + 2022 Grad Classes 23 The Power of Alumni Participation 25 Todah Rabah to our Donors


I am very excited to address our alumni in our first ever Mishpacha Maga name of this magazine is no accident once you are VTT alumni, you a part of our family and we want you to remain connected to one anoth your VTT family as it continues to grow Every year, we graduate anothe students who have been nurtured and challenged by our staff an foundation upon which to grow, explore and succeed This issue is celebrating the many directions our alumni are taking and it allows us to informed about how we are also growing as a school

Whether you made memories in our 1948 wing as a student, are sen children or grandchildren to VTT or are a recent graduate, we hope yo the value in remaining part of our VTT mishpacha as we hope to grow wit

Enjoy this inaugural issue,

It is an honour to contribute to the first edition of our alumni newsletter. As a graduate (class of 1991) and now proud parent of three VTT students, I also have the privilege of serving on the Board of Directors of our wonderful community day school Since returning to Vancouver a few years ago, I have been in awe of the many ways VTT educates and nurtures our community's young students and I am inspired by the leadership and faculty of the school who are our partners in raising kind, joyful and ethical learners I look forward to revisiting fond memories through this magazine and also celebrating the many remarkable achievements as VTT continues to grow and flourish

Talia Bender VTT Board Member, Current Parent and Alumna The Bender Family
Jacob (Class of 2031), Talia (Class of 1991), Adam (Class of 2028), Josh Bender, Aria (Class of 2023)



VTT is proud of its collaboration with the Center for Israel Education to develop its unique ISTEAM program (Israel Innovation, Science, Technology, Engineering, Art and Math), which exposes our students to the best of Israeli innovation to promote problem-solving and critical thinking skills. Our students are exposed to coding and robotics, hydroponic farming, website construction and design, financial management and more - all contributing to skills that will serve them long after they graduate!


VTT nurtures approximately 75-80 early childhood students per year. Most families whose children start in early childhood tend to remain at VTT for the full decade - the longest they will likely spend at any educational institution! Fun fact - did you know that 42 out of 49 Class of 2021 students either started in preschool or kindergarten?


VTT provides a host of extra curricular activities to our student body, before, during and after school. With numerous programs offered each year, our students develop their intellectual, artistic, academic and athletic skills in a fun, encouraging and nurturing environment.


The 42,000 square foot campus addition features flexible learning environments, two fully purposed gyms, sanctified spaces for spiritual gatherings, a rooftop field and state of the art security infrastructure for a safe and secure campus.


VTT was one of the first Jewish day schools in Canada to recognize the middle class income squeeze experienced by so many of our families. For those families who do not qualify for tuition assistance, VTT's innovative "Affordability Program" offers middle income families a tuition discount, which increases according to the number of students each family has enrolled at the school. Over fifty families benefitted from this program in 2021-22.



VTT is a proud member of both CAIS and ISABC. All independent schools who belong to these professional associations commit to a robust accreditation process in order to participate in ongoing professional development and strategic planning for continued growth. Earning accreditation from these oversight bodies is akin to receiving an A+ on a report card.


We immerse students in the warmth and beauty of Jewish tradition and practice while creating joyful Jewish experiences. Jewish life is celebrated and lived daily through our curriculum and the values of tikkun olam ןוקית םלוע (repair of the world), chesed דסח (kindness) and tzedakah הקדצ (righteousness or charity). Our welldeveloped Judaic studies program engages students in Hebrew language instruction and facilitates the study of Jewish rituals, holidays, the weekly Torah portion and, in upper grades, Jewish texts.


We promote the innate creativity of our students through daily art exploration and hands-on activities. We understand that engaging in the design thinking process strengthens neural pathways, promotes critical thinking, improves fine motor skills, and allows children to discover their individuality. Our art, music and drama faculty specialists contribute to the development of the whole child and our intermediate students love participating in our professional quality spring musical productions.


From as early as preschool, our students are involved in acts of chesed דסח (loving kindness). From weekly Shabbat tzedakah הקדצ donations to monthly drives for the Jewish food bank, every student embraces their commitment to help others. Since 2008, VTT's Grade 7 students have raised and allocated over $300K in support of local, national and global organizations through our signature Mitzvah of Valuing Philanthropy Program.


“It was one of the 10 happiest moments of my life when I sat there and watched the kids being on the ground, getting their hands dirty. What could be better than that? And the smiles on their faces ” Syd believed if he built it, they would come. The “it” being Stable Harvest Farm in Langley.

Food security has been Syd's passion since the 1980s when he heard about a breakfast program for school children in Vancouver Ever since, he has been looking for a way to make an impact, and after a visit to Coastal Roots Farm in California, a non profit Jewish community farm and education centre, he knew exactly what to do

Syd loves horse racing, and used to keep his horses on his farm in Langley, but about 18 years ago he moved the horses elsewhere and the farm sat unused, until now In 2020, he planted his first crop, and despite a number of early challenges, his Stable Harvest Farm was able to give away approximately 90 thousand pounds of organic vegetables to food banks and local community meal programs The following year he donated over 250 thousand pounds!

A big part of Syd’s vision is the education component of the farm and that’s where VTT comes in. Syd's children attended Talmud Torah and his great granddaughter is currently a student Over the past year and a half, classes have begun visiting the farm, giving the students the opportunity to get their hands dirty

Emily Greenberg observed, “For us, we want to prioritize learning through nature and exposure to nature, but also, of course, finding ways to make sure that Jewish values are part of that. This has been a tremendous opportunity for us It’s only the beginning we look forward to bringing many more of our grades out to Stable Harvest Farm next year. There’s obviously a science aspect but we also want our kids to be shomrei adamai המדא ירמוש, guardians of the earth, and understand the power of nature.”

Syd has big plans for the farm a large, fully functioning kitchen for cooking classes and other educational programs He says, “It’s a meaningful way to give back It fills a vast need and I can afford to do it. Hopefully it will continue forever.”


Through generosity, visions become reality. Thanks to the Diamond Foundation, Jewish Federation, the Ronald S Roadburg Foundation, and many generous community donors, we are embarking on a journey to build a garden that will teach Jewish values while serving those in need The initial idea to develop an outdoor space spawned from the pandemic and the need for the community to gather outdoors whenever possible.

This bold collaboration between VTT, BI and JFS marks a historic moment for all three organizations who are committed to creating unique programs that will benefit Vancouver's Jewish population. The community garden will nurture the overlapping missions of each of our organizations. It will offer meaningful ways to connect with nature through a Jewish lens, to understand food security, and to work collaboratively as a community on garden projects

The Vancouver Jewish Community Garden will be located above the shared BI and VTT parkade Years ago, the Diamond Foundation secured a long term lease of this land for future development. We would like to thank the Diamond Foundation for allowing us the opportunity to use this land for a Jewish community garden on a temporary basis We look forward to celebrating and honouring nature, its bounties and Jewish teachings and values.

Five important values that will guide the programs and activities in the Jewish Learning Garden:

one two three four five

Food Security: Mitzvot of the harvest says that among the many mitzvot described in Parashat Kedoshim םישודק תשרפ are a number of commandments designed to assure that the less fortunate are cared for at the time of harvest through Pe’ah and Leket טקלו האפ. The importance of cultivating and harvesting the land as it connects to bounty and also to ensuring sustainability for the needs of our neighbours is central to this value

The Jewish tradition calls on us to commit to shmirat haguf ףוגה תרימש literally, guarding the body. An understanding of healthy eating will be emphasized through the process used to grow the plants and the opportunities the plant provides to sustain life through its many properties From chemistry to biology, students at VTT and in BI’s Hebrew school, as well as, JFS clients will understand the connection of the human body to the earth and the symbiotic relationship that has been created allowing for mutual existence.

Ahavat Yisrael לארשי תבהא: The garden will provide the opportunity for our communities to explore the agrotechnological innovations coming from Israel and for our agencies to develop partnerships with Israeli organizations using planting as a vehicle.

Guardians of the Earth: Garden members will recognize their role as Shomrei Adama המדא ירמוש on this earth to protect and nurture it. This will be achieved through problem based learning, volunteering, and discussions Through a growth mindset, members will have the opportunity to rethink how they approach planting and what they can do to best protect their land, its harvest, and by proxy, the earth.

Education and Innovation: The garden will be a focal point of VTT’s new ISTEAM (Israel Innovation, Science, Technology, Engineering, Art and Math) initiative, focusing on the success of the Israeli agricultural technology that turned a desert into an oasis for the Jews Students will learn about how Israel has used technological innovation to lead the charge in agronomic solutions to long standing agricultural challenges. For JFS, the garden will serve as an incubator for teaching clients new skills and employment initiatives


VTT is dedicated to providing the highest quality Judaic studies curriculum to a diverse community of Jewish students. Our goal is to provide an enriching, relevant and meaningful Jewish education and joyful Jewish learning journey for our students. As a result, we have embarked on a three-year mission to enhance the Judaics curriculum from its core. The goal of this revitalization is to nurture a strong Jewish identity, foster a love of Israel, and inspire our students to be conscientious and contributing members of our Jewish community — and society at large. This transformation process began in the 202122 school year by introducing to our community, Rabbi Varnai, who serves as our Spiritual Life Coordinator and School Rabbi. Complementing him is Dar Goldenberg, a skilled educator who will be assuming the position of Director of Judaics beginning in September 2022. Together with the Educational Leadership team, Rabbi and Dar will support our Judaics’ teachers, enrich our curriculum and ensure that Jewish life and learning is deeply embedded in our programming, events and school environment.


Q: Where did you grow up?

A: I was born and raised in Vancouver, and moved with my parents and siblings to Israel in 2000.

Q: What did you do prior to VTT?

A: I attended yeshivot both in Israel and in New York, obtaining smicha (rabbinical ordination) in 2011. After serving as a chaplain in the IDF (Israel Defense Forces), I moved back to Vancouver in 2013 where I worked for the Community Kollel as Assistant Rabbi and Youth Director. Since 2016, I have been the congregational rabbi of The Bayit in Richmond.

Q: At what point did you know you wanted to become a Rabbi?

A: Since the age my friends have been dreaming of becoming cops and firefighters :)

Q: Vancouver is a small Jewish community with limited resources to support an Orthodox lifestyle. Why did you decide to move back to Vancouver?

A: Life in Israel would have been much simpler in certain ways; however that doesn’t necessarily mean more meaningful. My wife and I decided that we want to raise our family with the values of shlichut (outreach) and netina (giving of one's time and energy), and from our vantage point, there is no better place than Vancouver’s Jewish community.

Q: As an orthodox rabbi, what is the value of teaching in a pluralistic Jewish day school?

A: I believe that one of the beautiful things that emanate from a small Jewish community like Vancouver is that regardless of your ideology, our children are all under the same roof, helping to foster a strong sense of community. I think our diversity is the strength of VTT.

Q: What do you enjoy most about working at VTT?

A: The special family vibe that exists the moment you join the team. It truly is a big happy VTT family. I have also been given the automony to revive some key Jewish programming, like the Chidon HaTanach (Bible Contest), which attracted participants from Grades 5 through 7. Learning in a chevruta with these students has been a professional highlight and seeing them achieve success in the Regionals was professionally rewarding.

Elana Jacobson Class of 1994
Music Specialist
Levin Class of 2007 Intermediate Judaics Faculty
Elana Freedman Class of
2001 Intermediate Judaics Faculty
Adam Gelmon Class of 1990 Principal of
Grades Hofit
Sabi Class of 1999 Primary Judaics Faculty Full FROM STUDENTS TO STAFF: OF VTT'S
Pearl Class of 2001 Primary General Faculty HALL OF FAME Colette Leisen Faculty Member since 1989
Josh Leonard Class of 1984 Intermediate Humanities Faculty Naomi Shaw Class of 2010 Intermediate General Faculty Sara Karby Class of 1990 Program Manager & Communications Associate Shannon Leonard Class of 1981 Senior Kindergarten Faculty Shira Sachs Class of 1995
Judaics Faculty
Keri Smith Class of 1994 Drama Specialist HALL OF FAME Myra Michaelson Faculty Member since 1988


VTT's annual spring musical is one of the most anticipated events of the school year. It is a must see, and for good reason. The costumes, music, choreography, and most importantly, the hard work, passion, and dedication exhibited by our students are on full display. For more than a decade, under the leadership of alumnae Keri Smith and Elana Jacobson, the musical production has provided high-quality entertainment and has left a lasting impression on all who take part.

The spring musicals began when Keri and Elana were students at VTT (Class of 1994). Most VTT alumni remember their Grade 7 play with fond memories, but for them, it sparked their first love of musical theatre. For Elana, it was her first experience playing piano accompaniment and discovering her early love for musical directing. For Keri, who played Hodel in Fiddler on the Roof, the role ignited her passion for singing and performing on stage Fast forward to 2006, when Keri and Elana returned to VTT as staff: Elana as VTT's music specialist and Keri leading VTT's drama classes The set up was bashert טרעשאב, and a new era of musical theatre was born at VTT

Elana and Keri's priority was to expose more students to the magic of performing and therefor expanded the program to include students in Grades 5 through 7. Every student who auditions receives a role, and those who are uncomfortable performing on stage, assist behind the scenes. With support from choreographers, set and lighting designers and costumers, the professional level productions staged at the JCC's Rothstein Theatre consistently sell out for all four shows. Performers gain a tremendous sense of pride and confidence in their many accomplishments and most importantly, cherish the cross grade friendships that blossom throughout the many months of Sunday rehearsals.

Although no productions were staged in 202 COVID, VTT's musical theatre program recei gift: the entire costume inventory of Costum encompassing thousands of costumes and a almost every musical that has made it to the A classroom in the original wing has been re accommodate this bounty and hundreds of h volunteer time were invested to create order chaos Thanks to this treasure trove, we wer to fully meet the costume needs for our 2022 production of Cinderella. See the magic in full view at talmudtorah.com/cinderella.

220152014 013 2201220112010 009 2017 2016 2018 2019 2022
The Marriage of Rebecca Dales (Class of 2007) and Josh James (Class of 2000)


Jordan Grubner (Class of 2005) Married Gal Ziv Joshua Wenner (Class of 2005) and Camille welcome their 4th baby boy Ari Ezequiel Blumenkrans (Class of 2007) and Zev Dayan (Class of 2006) graduated from UBC Medical School Leatt Vinegar (Class of 2004) Married Anthony Savinkoff


One of the first people I had the good fortune of meeting after I began my tenure as VTT’s Head of School was David Bogoch. Light in his step, he bounced into my office in my first week and so began the legacy download of Talmud Torah a legacy David has worked hard to preserve and protect since his father, Al Bogoch, nurtured this commitment in him from infancy David has truly helped to shape the trajectory of VTT through his quiet influence and deep wells of passion for our mission and history.

David has quietly advocated for VTT from behind the scenes for decades From caring for the alumni garden to painstakingly organizing every item in our archives by year, to his work on the VTT Foundation, David is right up there with Toby Torah, our school mascot, in his commitment to the school.

He has long understood the importance of recognizing and memorializing the backs upon which Talmud Torah was built. The almanac that he carries around in his head rivals any Google search He can tell you every relation, donation and historical manifestation that exists within our community David’s work is never done Although he’ll tell you that he’s ready to find an archival successor, I will be sad to see the day he turns in his VTT keys as he is a true VTT pillar.

When David and I speak, he always says without fail, how can I make your life easier? He is a man of service, a true mensch שטנעמ and someone who believes intensely in our mission as a school to serve Vancouver’s Jewish community, to guarantee Vancouver’s Jewish future and to nurture those whose lives will be forever enriched by the warm embrace of the VTT experience.

Most recently, David has played a paramount role in emboldening and realizing the vision of Syd Belzberg’s Stable Harvest Farm to become a pillar of Jewish education, food security and legacy in our community David is a planter in every sense of the word As he has planted the seeds of legacy, volunteerism and continuity, we look forward to honouring his many gifts by continuing to plant the seeds of Judaism, menschlechkeit טייקכעלשטנעמ and a deep understanding of our roots and long term purpose.

Emily Greenberg


Danielle Agulyansky - לאינד

Yonatan Amit - ינוי

Eitan Arazi - ןתיא

Madison Bar Dayan - ןייעמ

Zachary Bichin - הירכז

Xander Boidman - ףסוי

Alexis Bordan - הנח

Joshua Bressler - עשוהי

Sierra Brosgall - הריש

Samuel Brown - לאומש

Hana Butterfield - הנח

Quinci Cooper - הוח

Nora Dudas - הרוא

Rachel Fisher - לחר

Adam Giligson - םדא

Owen Glasner - ןמחנ

Taya Groner - הבוט

Natan Grunau - ןתנ

Eva Guez - הוח

Allegra Hain - הילע

Aubrey Hayden - ליגיבא

Elliott Henry - והילא

Adie Huberman - ידע

Shayna Kallner - לחר

Tamar Kotik - רמת

Ethan Lando - ןתיא

Jadeyn Leung - הרש

Leon Levinson - לאירא

Aaron Liknaitzky - ןורהא

Mirabelle Mann - םירמ

Devon Miller - לאירא

Gabriel Moctezuma Peralta - לאירבג

Abraham Nahmad Hamui - םהרבא

Nicole Nemirow - היאמ

Hannah Norden - הנח

Keira Prisman - הריקי

Joshua Rootman - עושוהי

Sacha Rootman - ןימינב

Sophie Rossman - הרש

Nicolas Sandler - ןושחנ

Gabriel Segev - לאירבג

Noah Segev - חנ

Hannah Setton - הנח

Lev Shustik - םירפא

Raphael Stefanov - לאפר

Sharon Tanne - ןורש

Shane Vaida - ןתנוי

Mielle van den Berg - הבהז

Devon Wood - ןורוד

Devin Benson - בהז

Molly Berkson - עלייב

Naomi Bernal - ימענ

Noa Bunim - העונ

Maayan Daniel - ןייעמ

Maytal Daniel - לטימ

Sharon Dorfman - ןורש

Nora Forman - העונ

Arlo Foxman - הבידא

Yael Gardner - לעי

Ariella Gelfand - הלאירא

Henry Goldman - לשרה

Brianna Grad - הכרב

Miri Grad - ירימ

Cassidy Israels - הרש

Davey Kallner - הניבד

Audrey Karby-Halls - הרובד

Yoni Karsyente - ןתנוי

Oren Katz - ןרוא

Maya Koenigbaur - היאמ

Micah Kotlowitz - הכימ

Arabella Kushnir - הלבארא

Miranda Langer-Whatley - הנינפ

Myelle Leung - הרופיצ

Aliya Levitt - הילע

Sasha Malkin - הנשוש

Hannah Merkur - הנח

Miller Moar - המיס

Rachel Rothstein - לחר

Daniel Rubin - לאינד

Zac Rubin - הירכז

Ryder Sewell - רשא

Gili Shoval - יליג

Ash Silber - רשא

Jake Silver - אביקע

Daniela Stamer - הלאינד

Avigail Strauber - ליגיבא

Sigal Strauber - לגיס

Romi Talmaciu - ימור

Winter Wade - רטניו

Tessa Wasel - לחר

Selah Zicherman - הלס


Update your contact information with us Share your news with us Join VTT's alumni committee Host a class reunion For more information on how you can get involved, contact
OF ALUMNI Support VTT's Annual Campaign Become a mentor Join VTT's Alumni Facebook group Help us grow the Alumni Fund Noy Mika, Sr. Development Officer at nmika@talmudtorah.com





Ben & Esther

Mrs. Rose Marie

of Greater

& Julia

& Jacci

David Bogoch

& Jody Dales and

Diamond Foundation

Fund for Jewish


Robert & Marilyn Krell

& Trudy Pekarsky

Phyllis & Irving Snider







Cristall Group

Beth & Leon

Norman & Marlene

& Martin Gerber

& Wayne Balshin

(Shy) Keil Group

and Family



Manuel Rootman

• Anonymous (2) • Baron-Brown Family •
• Buchanan &
Hayden • Sewell-Crystal Family • Harvey
Family • The
Dayson Charitable Foundation •
Glassman and Family • Leon Glassman
Continuity through Education •Jewish Community Foundation •
Vancouver • Kahn Foundation •
• Dean
Lederman • Norman & Sandra Miller • Daniel
• Brett
Sandler • Joseph Segal Family Foundation •
Foundation • TD Canada Trust • Vancouver Talmud Torah Foundation •
Financial Ltd. • ZLC Foundation Altus
Limited • Richard & Darlene Ames • Gary Averbach and
Bogner • Congregation Beth Israel - Rabbi Discretionary Fund •
Investment Inc. • Devonshire Properties Inc. • Marie Doduck •
Franks • Ivan & Laurie Gasoi Family Endowment Fund • Michelle
• Morley Greene • Harry & Jeanette Greenhut Foundation and Lori
• Abe &
Jampolsky Family Endowment Fund •Lilly Kazaz • Shay
• Karly &
Leipsic and Family • Shawna & Andrew Merkur
Family • Porte Communities • RBC • Clair & Tristan Rockel •
• Lee & Bernie Simpson • VTT Alumni Fund •Westcoast Kids
םירירגש VTT wishes to thank the many donors whose generous support and leadership fulfills the mitzvah of "Talmud Torah," a commitment to academic excellence and Jewish values. Your donations fund important academic programs, crucial financial aid and innovative initiatives. This list recognizes donors who made a gift between July 1, 2020 to June 30, 2021. Every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy in the below donor list. If you see an error, please accept our sincere apologies and notify the Development Office at development@talmudtorah.com

Zafi Ali

Anonymous (5)

Ariel Family

Michael & Lisa Averbach

Congregation Beth Israel Rabbi Stein Fund

Crooks Family

Joe & Sophie Fayner

Yvonne & Bruce Gasarch

Keren & Phil Gertsman

Ken & Linda Glasner

David Goldman & Family

Emily & Daniel Greenberg and Family

Grouchko Fennemore Family

Howard & Rosalind Karby

Jonathan Infeld & Lissa Weinberger • Karen James

Tammi & Brian Kerzner

Kushnir Family

Langer Kapalka Family

Lewis Family

Harry & Elaine Lipetz

Carole Malkin

Mount Pleasant War Memorial Community Cooperative Association Branch 177 Royal Canadian Legion • Negrin Simpson Family

Lola & Norman Pawer

Harvey & Connie Permack

Leo & Matilda Porte Endowment Fund

Shaun & Renee Plotkin

Yvette Porte Family

Robibo Family

Rogachevsky Family

Yvonne & George Rosenberg

Sheryl & Brian Ross

Rothstein Family

Ferne Sherkin Langer & Jacob Langer

The Arnold & Anita Silber Family Foundation

Ania & Jacob Switzer

Silver Family

Annie Simpson, Lev and Tali Shustik

Allan & Joanna Wasel

Tim Whatley

Todd & Candice Thal and Family

Reta Wolochow Fund


Tirzah Abraham & Boris Baybik •Anonymous (9) •Aknin Family • Roy Amsili & Snait Ohayon •Jennifer & Jason Apple • Bar-Dayan Family • Josh & Talia Bender • David & Ruth Berger • Karen, Mark, Zach & Noah Bichin • Bick Family • Rona Black • Philip & Cathy Bregman • Bressler Family • Shira & Darren Bogner • Brown Family • Rabbi Carey Brown & Gregg Gardner • Bunim Family • Shoshi & Steven Burton • Esther Chetner • Adam Chodos & Sarah Goldberg • Ian Cohen • Sandy & Bernie Corenblum • Arieh Dales • David Family • Ken & Reva Davidson • Ryan & Haley Davis • Dolgin Family •Joel & Sharon Dudeck • Anat & Fabio Feldman •Justine Fisher & Robert Alloway • Adam & Justine Folk • In memory of Andrew Foxman z'l • Laura & Daniel Frankel • Fransblow-Nobell Family • Amy Gilbert • Sam & Melissa Glazer • Joe & Karyn Gold • Jeffrey Goldberg & Hilary Meredith • Nancy & Ben Goldberg • Rena & David Goldberg • Sam & Christine Goldman • Frieda & Daniel Granot • Grunau-Koenigbaur Family • Guez Family • Marla Guralnick & Josh Pekarsky • Gilat & Peter Grunau • Anna & Alex Gubanov • Hamovich-Greif Family • Rob & Sue Hector • Marlene & Mel Hershfield • Brian & Elana Jacobson • Simon & Raisie Jacobson • Selma & Basil Kallner • Kimel Family • Russ Klein & Deborah Youngson • Mary & Konstantin Kleiner • Jordan & Cydney Kohn • Gary Lyons • Levin Family • Marc Levy • Nita & Michael Levy • Rachel & David London • Robert Mann and Family • Marstaller Family • Massel Family • Heidi Massel • Danny & Jessica Mendelsohn

Oren, Noy & Aria Mika

Ken & Debra Miller

Fred & Rose Mikelberg and Family

Jackie Misshula & Lewis

Marilyn Moss

Anna Nep • Nemirow Family

Lyora & Joe Nifco

Ellie and Lilah Remick

David Rootman and Family

Irving & Barbara Rootman

Rosenzweig Family

Matthew & Dana Ross

Melissa Shafron

Cydney, Braxton & Chloe Shapiro

Jordan Shapiro

Shalom (Sam) Szajman

Brian Silver - Toronto Pairadocs

Slobinsky Family

Spevakow Family

Steve & Annie Sun

Diane & Phil Switzer

Adam & Tamar Stein

William & Frances Switzer

Swartz Family

Ania & Jacob Switzer

Teperson Family

Van Den Berg Family

Vasquez David Family

Earl & Anita

Camille & Josh Wenner


Ellen Wiesenthal

Harold Folk

Malcolm & Judy Weinstein


Gary Wolch

Zachs Verin Family

Greenspon •
West-Folk &
Winestock •
Daniel •
• Zigelman Family • Zlotnik Family Endowment Fund SUPPORTERS םיכמות

Founded in 1918


Largest Jewish day school west of Ontario

Average enrollment of 480 500 students

Certified meat and dairy kosher kitchens offering daily hot lunches

New campus built in 2016 adding 42,000 square feet of 21st century learning space

Two sanctified spaces on campus

State of the art security infrastructure

Robust 1 to 1 technology program

Several on site after school programs, including our Bayit after care program

Two gyms with climbing wall and largest rooftop sports field in Vancouver

Licensed early childhood program with dedicated playground Specialist faculty in Art, Music, Drama and Health & Physical Education

Vancouver Talmud Torah | 998 West 26th Avenue, Vancouver, BC V5Z 2G1 | talmudtorah.com THE VTT TEAM 2021 2022

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