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CONVOYS ARE INEFFICIENT & VULNERABLE Footwear Design Studio / Spring 2011 CLASS:


VOICEBLOG / SPC Reval Johnson / 2030.11.28 /    I joined the Army in 2028……wasn’t sure what I wanted to do with my life……but it was a definite step.  ¶  The grassroots overthrow of the Sejakh regime looked like a step toward democracy……but power corrupted the new rulers too……at least that’s what it looked like……I arrived with the hastily assembled international mission to establish a just, stable government……but the situation proved a bit more complicated……our mission was quickly switched to counter-insurgency.

Military engaged in counter geurilla-insurgency conflicts... ...while attempting to establish stable, just governance While deployed to Iraq & Afghanistan, I took part in & observed operations



My third mission outside the wire was February 18, 2030, a Tuesday……woke up early, up late last night preparing……our trucks are big & complicated & vulnerable to attack because they can only use roads, & have to be armored, so they’re slow, & carry extra supplies in they case break down, which happens often.  ¶  Fuel point line is long……glad we fueled up the night before……Biolene doesn’t smell too bad……still has to be convoyed in…… people’d starve if we sourced feedstock locally……big engines are gas bingers.  ¶  Delays getting out of the gate……traffic trying to go both ways, but the entrance is small for security reasons.  ¶  Stuck in local traffic……people drive crazy……roads not made for large convoys……top-heavy trucks take corners slow.  ¶  Have to project an alert & intimidating presence to discourage attack……also makes us look like occupiers.  ¶  Never know if someone’s trying to blow us up……Rules for how to treat suspected threats are made by bureaucrats not soldiers……not sure whether to go by the book or do what works……but could launch you to Leavenworth. The previous convoy killed a local driver……he was just hurrying to work……but how do we know that?

= In exchange for protection, convoys exact a high price in casualties, maintenance, time, an intrusive logistical footprint, & new vulnerabilities. In 2030, a paradigm-changing solution will be possible.


Trucks had a hard time getting up hills……had to stop & cool off……but that’s where the road goes……people watching us & talking on phones. Found possible IED……waiting 2 hours for remote Explosive Ordinance Disposal drone (rEOD)……no room to go around……sick to my stomach……hate these choke points.  ¶  Don’t know who are allies, enemies, undecided, or people fighting for money……electronic surveillence says insurgents are talking about us……already know where we’re going……they’ll probably shake down the village elders before we arrive……tell them what to tell us. Sometimes have overwatch from attack helicopter drones……aren’t enough for full time cover……or enough to lift us to the village. On the other hand, some local contact is good……nation-building starts with relationship-building.  ¶  Just started 2nd tea when needed to leave……wanted to be back by dark……despite claiming we own the night……a few simple tricks can defeat our sensors.  ¶  We could almost see the base lights that night……daring to think we’ll get through unscathed……radar alarm screams……explosion behind lead vehicle……suddenly my truck was burning, feels like an oven……can’t see anything……door handle feels like a fire brand, doesn’t work……I was kicking at the door……just kicking the door……

Carbon nanotubes Ultralight & strong monocoque skin structures

Electromagnetic control Precisely powers & regulates movement of nonconnected parts between stable positions

Drives & directs complex telescoping & unfurling movements

Energy storage

Near 100% radiant heat mirroring materials Heat replaces combustion as a mobile energy source

Fly-By-Wire(less) Computers interpret & execute user intent Replaces years of pilot training

Lightspeed “plumbing” to precisely control & direct mirrored heat

Piezoelectric transmitting Energy generated by pushing a button sends a short-range wireless control signal

Eliminates need for complex wiring

Read this on a defense contractor website, interesting...


In 2027, several disaffected engineers employed in the military-industrial complex made a decision. They were fed up with their company culture. They were doing the same things they’d always done, just bigger, more features, more expensive, & fewer; because not even the government could afford to buy very many of the company’s complex & costly fabrications. They questioned whether the items being made were actually effective, or just technology applied to obsolete doctrines of warfare. They formed their own company. They partnered with forward thinking low-level officers & enlisted personnel to develop gear that could change the paradigm of military operations. Through rapid-deployment programs they were able to sidestep the bureacratic barriers of the procurement system. In 2030, the first FoTMAGE systems entered service with select Special Forces units...

60 mph Duration (max): 2 hours

Speed (cruising): AR integration with HMD

Spare heat cells Wrist control (firing hand)

Microstructure Coating

Permanent mounting magnet for walking configuration


Synth. rubber formulation Breathable elastic textile

Carbon nanotubes (intertwined) Void between skins

Altitude: avg. 3 in. (avoids pressure detonated IEDs) Ground effect high pressure bubble


Woke up in a hospital……guess the truck’s fire suppression system finally kicked in……robosurgeons fixed me up good……enough to go back……you’d never know what happened……except for scars.


Transition Time: 0.5 sec.


Engage wrist control to begin transition

Jump, parts electromagnetically telescope & unfurl into travel configuration


New unit means new gear……funny name, FoTMAGE……more of an FPS gamer myself……training for a week……intense but surreal……no idea how it works……not hard to learn……wind so strong you’ll loose your rank.  ¶  First mission with the new unit……good sleep night before……didn’t need to pack much  ¶  Flew right around trucks backed up at the gate.

Wrist control on firing arm Sliding sheath prevents     accidental activation Cruise control





Stop & reconfigure for walking (at safe speed) Physical feedback slider Decelerate

Villagers were surprised when we walked surveillence said the insurgents wonder.  ¶  Point person saw possible stopping  ¶  Started up the road through a couple hours of switchbacks……re-engaged

up……we didn’t have loud trucks scaring livestock & running over fields……electronic lost us after the IED detour……wouldn’t tell them how we did it……let them IED……tagged it for rEOD……took a 500m detour to the south without the low hills……disengaged & hiked a kilometer over the rocks to cut out ‘til just outside the village.

Adjustable boot closure

Positioning pin

Locking pin

Manual decouple port (with tool)

Had time to show a security presence at a market on way back……saw some known insurgent collaborators……but they didn’t dare do anything……people were able do get what they needed in peace……wish the whole country was like that……without us being there.

On-base recharging dock Pull cell out to swap

Backup decouple Slide to open

Heat Cell Backup start

Heat remaining

Maneuvering fin Thrust vectoring    nozzle

Ramjet engine

Radioed the base gate before we arrived……didn’t want them mistaking us for hostile hoverdrones……dropped off heat cells at the overnight charger & went to debriefing……higher ups decided this gave them license to talk longer……some things magic boots can’t change.

Been thinking about getting out……word is that FoTMAGE experience is a big in for Search & Rescue back home……guess they’re getting some too……the other agencies haven’t figured out how easy it is to learn.

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