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Š 2007 Accomplish Technology, LLC


phpMyDirectory Manual

Table of Contents Foreword


Part I Manual Contents


Part II Installation


1 Downloading ................................................................................................................................... the Software 3 2 Option 1: ................................................................................................................................... Auto Installer 4 3 Option 2: ................................................................................................................................... Zip File 7 4 Web Based ................................................................................................................................... Steps 7 5 Troubleshooting ................................................................................................................................... 8

Part III Templates


1 Introduction ................................................................................................................................... 9 2 Template ................................................................................................................................... Files 9 3 Editing Templates ................................................................................................................................... 11



Š 2007 Accomplish Technology, LLC

Manual Contents



Manual Contents This manual contains detailed information based on phpMyDirectory version 11.




Downloading the Software Before we begin you should visit the phpMyDirectory user area and download the most recent version of the software. You may login to your user area by clicking here. Once logged in click the "View Your Licenses" link.

On th next screen you must select which license to download the software for. Click the following button next to the license you prefer.

You will now be presented with your download options. Note the version numbers listed here may be different if a new version is available after the time when this document was written.

There are two ways to install phpMyDirectory. 1. Using the .zip file. (From above: PMDGL-10-4-6-ZIP_FORMAT) Summary: Using the .zip file requires manually uploading the software through a FTP program. It may also require you to upload ionCube Loader files which are necessary to run the software if your server does not already support them. 2. Using the .exe file. (From above: PMDGL-10-4-6-AUTO_Installer)

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phpMyDirectory Manual

Summary: Using the auto installer does not require you to have a FTP program. It will also attempt to automatically install the required ionCube Loader files. Depending on the option you pick from above, use the following links to continue: 1. Auto Installer 2. Zip file installation


Option 1: Auto Installer 1. Download the installer .exe file to your computer. 2. Double click the file to begin the installation process.

3. Click "Next" to continue. 4. Select the "I accept this agreement" option and click "Next". 5. If you are not already reading the installation instructions the software allows you to open them on this screen.

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6. Click "Next" to continue. 7. You may select to install the software to a remote machine which includes any web hosting servers/accounts that you currently own. You would only select "Install to this machine" if you have your local machine setup to run the software. If you are unsure which option to choose, leave "Install to a remote machine" selected.

8. Enter your FTP access information, and select the destination folder for phpMyDirectory to be installed into and then click "Next".

Š 2007 Accomplish Technology, LLC


phpMyDirectory Manual

9. Enter the URL path to where you are installing phpMyDirectory.

10. Begin the transfer process by clicking the "Install" Button. The installer will upload all of the files, set the appropriate permissions on folders and files, and attempt to upload the ionCube loaders if they are needed. Note: If you receive errors concerning ionCube Loaders go ahead and finish the installation. 11.Click the "Finish" Button. You will now be redirected to the web based install process.

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Continue >>


Option 2: Zip File 1. Download the .zip package to your computer 2. Unzip the file using an unzip program. You can find one here: Winzip 3. Upload the the files to your web server using a FTP program. An example of a FTP program is available here: CuteFTP 4. You should upload the files to the destination where you want phpMyDirectory to be accessed from. For example, if you want your directory to be available from your main domain (http://www. you should upload the files to your main HTML folder. If you want them to be available from a sub folder ( you need to upload the files to a /directory/ folder. 5. Change the permissions via your FTP program's CHMOD feature. The following permissions should be applied: File/Folder /user_media/banner/ /user_media/offer/ /user_media/documents/ /user_media/logo/images/ /user_media/logo/thumb/ /user_media/gallery/ /user_media/upload/ /install/

Permission 755 or 777 (writable) 755 or 777 (writable) 755 or 777 (writable) 755 or 777 (writable) 755 or 777 (writable) 755 or 777 (writable) 755 or 777 (writable) 755 or 777 (writable)

6. Point your browser to the /install/index.php file. For example, if you installed the files to the http:// folder, point your browser to the install/index.php file. Continue >>


Web Based Steps 1. Now that you have the files uploaded you will need to enter your server details to finish the installation. Below is a screenshot of the installation form. 2. If you receive any errors in red text these items must be fixed before continuing. 3. If you receive any warnings in yellow text these items may be ignored and are only for your reference. 4. Use the icon for more information on each step. Error message will also be displayed you guide you through this process. 5. After installation:  After installation be sure to remove the /install/ folder completely.  Change permission on the defaults.php file back to 644

© 2007 Accomplish Technology, LLC


phpMyDirectory Manual



Troubleshooting 1. Database connection problems If you receive connection errors please contact your web host and ask them for the details required for accessing the database. They will be able to provide you with this information 2. License code location You can find your license code in your user area. Simply login here and view your the license you wish to use for the installation you are performing. 3. Warning messages about GD2 Library and CURL If you receive errors regarding these two requirements and you know you need these features, please contact your web host to have them install these features to your server where your site is Š 2007 Accomplish Technology, LLC



hosted. 4. IonCube Loader Problems If you experience issues with ionCube loaders working correctly please visit our online helpdesk to view the comprehensive ionCube loader troubleshooter.




Introduction Template Location: You will find the template files within the /template/ folder. The template folder will contain one or more folders which represent each template you have installed. By default, phpMyDirectory comes with four templates. These include: /template/default/ /template/Yellow/ /template/Ice_Blue/ /template/SimpleBlue/

Template Files: Within these folders you will find template files with the .tpl extension. These files can be opened with a text editor or a WYSIWYG editor. You will also find a css.css file which is the CSS stylesheet for the template. Lastly, you will find an /images/ folder for template images, and a /blocks/ folder which holds more template files that will be discussed in the next sections.

Template Variables: Inside the template files you will find mostly HTML. However, you will also find PHP variables that are placeholders for information that the script will insert when your directory is viewed from a browser. Template variables begin with <?php echo and end with ; ?> You may edit the templates by changing the HTML and moving these variables to display information in different forms.


Template Files Here you will find a comprehensive list of all template files and a brief description of their purpose. This list does not contain files that are named the same as their corresponding PHP file. For instance, the user_register.tpl file corresponds to the /members/user_register.tpl file. In any case where the .tpl file has a corresponding .php file, the .tpl file is used to display the inner content of that page.

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phpMyDirectory Manual

css.css CSS stylesheet consisting of all styles used in the template. header.tpl Main outer wrapper file. Controls the top of the site and ends with a <td> table tag. footer.tpl Main outer wrapper file. Controls the bottom of the site and begins with a </td> complimenting the header.tpl file. listing.tpl Main template for listings. listing_1.tpl Templates labeled listing_results_X.tpl where X is a number corresponding to the listing membership ID. This enables you to have each membership look different. These templates differ from listing.tpl because listing.tpl acts as a wrapper template for these listing layouts templates. listing_default.tpl This template acts the same as a listing_X.tpl file except it is used if the script cannot find a listing_X. tpl file that matches the listing membership. payment_confirm.tpl Payment confirmation page that displays user information, and edit link, and the payment button or credit card entry fields. payment_return.tpl Used when a user returns from payment and is able to see the payments results and information. print.tpl Print listing layout. search.tpl Advanced search layout. search-all.tpl Layout when displaying search results when users use the search form included on most pages. search-alpha.tpl Layout used when users click one of the alpha links at the top to show all listings starting with a specific letter or character. search-component.tpl Layout used when users search using the products, documents, or images searches from the advanced search page. searchform.tpl Layout of the search box displayed inside many pages. This template is highly configurable allowing you to design a search box or set of inputs how you need. template_members.tpl Layout used when a user is logging in, registering, or already logged in. This template begins right after the <td> in header.tpl and ends right before </td> in footer.tpl. It forms a secondary wrapper around the content. template_public.tpl Š 2007 Accomplish Technology, LLC



This template serves the same purpose as template_members.tpl except it is used for the public side pages of the directory. /blocks/debug.tpl This is used for the display of debugging information usually located at the bottom of the page. /blocks/listing_quicklinks.tpl Layout for the listing title link displays on pages such as send message, add review, view products, view documents, and so on. /blocks/listing_results_1.tpl Templates labeled listing_results_X.tpl where X is a number corresponding to the listing membership ID. This enables you to have each membership look different. This template controls the layout of listing results used in searches or category views. /blocks/listing_results_default.tpl This template acts the same as a listing__results_X.tpl file except it is used if the script cannot find a listing_results_X.tpl file that matches the listing membership. /blocks/options.tpl Layout for the language and template drop down boxes allowing users to change the language or template being used. /blocks/response.tpl Layout for the green success or red error message boxes. /blocks/sidebox.tpl General wrapper for sideboxes. This includes the table that wraps around the sidebox content. /blocks/sidebox_listings.tpl Layout for the listing information that is repeated and displayed inside the boxes for each listing. /blocks/sidebox_menu.tpl Layout for the contents of the menu sidebox. Links can be added to the menu using this file. /blocks/user_listing_summary.tpl Layout of the listing summary seen inside the user area.


Editing Templates Inside the template files you will find mostly HTML. However, you will also find PHP variables that are placeholders for information that the script will insert when your directory is viewed from a browser. Template variables begin with <?php echo and end with ; ?> You may edit the templates by changing the HTML and moving these variables to display information in different forms.

Š 2007 Accomplish Technology, LLC


phpMyDirectory Manual

Variable Breakdown <?php

This tells the script that whatever comes next is going to be PHP.


This means that whatever comes next, we want to output it to the browser.


The semi-colon simply means this is the end of whatever we want to output.


This tells the script that we have ended our PHP code, and whatever is next is HTML.

Repeated Content "Repeated content" is referred to anything that is displayed in a list style. Examples of repeated content would be invoice lists, lists of users, and so on. The programming term used when items are repetitively displayed is a "loop". Within template files loops are handled similar to this example. <?php if(sizeof($users) > 0) { ?> <?php foreach($users as $value) { ?> <b><?php echo $user['login']; ?><b> (<?php echo $user['mail']; ?>) <?php } ?> <?php } ?> The line <?php if(sizeof($users) > 0) { ?> determines if there are any users to display, and if there are run the next lines of code. The <?php foreach($users as $value) { ?> line loops through anything between itself and the next occurrence of <?php } ?>. This means the line <b><?php echo $user['login']; ?><b> (<?php echo $user['mail']; ?>) is displayed for every user. This would end up looking something like this. Username1 ( Username2 ( Username3 (

Common Files The most common files that you will need to edit to achieve a customized style are: header.tpl footer.tpl template_public.tpl css.css For a description concerning these files please see our template file description page.

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