The Echo Week 19

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ISSUE 1419 | MAR 29, 2019









COVER ART By Thomas and Margaux Interview: Page 10

PROUDLY PRESENTED BY THE FOLIE DOUCE ART PROJECT Each week, the front cover of The Echo is going to be a different artwork produced by mostly local artists, but also several from further afield. This project is being very generously supported by La Folie Douce, whose contribution is allowing the artists to be paid ahead of time for their work, as both Folie and The Echo firmly believe in paying people for their skills.

If you’re interested in drawing/painting/ collaging/ creating something in whatever medium takes your fancy, please get in touch by emailing and we can discuss. Equally, if you’re interested in writing for the magazine or have ideas for a feature, drop us a line. At the end of the season, the plan is to

We want to encourage a community of creators and give people a space to use their talents, even if whilst out here, many are taking a break from “regular life”. Prints of the artwork are available to purchase on The Echo website, www., with profits going to the artists.

hold an exhibition of all The Echo covers from the winter, and again Folie Douce is supporting this endeavour, as it fits with their creative vision. We can’t wait to see what the artists come up with each week and look forward to talking to them about their work and life in or out of the mountains.




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Echo Publications CCK Intergalactic Ltd Please recycle the magazine once you have read it. Or, better still, hand it on to someone else. Contributors: Sam Box, Ben Pryor, Caitlin Kennedy

06 RESORT GUIDE The down-low on everything from the best restaurants to the numbers to call in an emergency





This week, we feature an actual legend. Katie Hall has been swimming the length of the English channel in the Val pool to protest Brexit and raise funds for the cholera crisis in Haiti

35 SQUIRREL OF HELL Some seriously weird shit is going down. We bring you the scoop

42 EVENT GUIDE What’s on this week: - Town events - Bar nights - Sporting competitions

45 IVANA MILLICEVIC We sat down with the Bond villain and star of the show Banshee when she passed by Radio Val d’Isere

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We chat to Thomas and Margaux, the designers of this week’s cover art. The Echo’s cover is generously sponsored by La Folie Douce

17 STEP-UP FOR CHARITY Everything you need to know about the incredible Step-Up Day, coming up on Wednesday

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every time. 18 OUT OF THE BUBBLE A satirical spin on the week’s events from further afield than the Espace Killy

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SPOTLIGHT ON THE ARTIST Artist: Thomas & Margaux

Margaux, how long have you worked for Hugo Photo and was it photography or art that first interested you? M- It’s my third season working at Hugo Photo but I work there more for the interactions with many different people. I’m drawn towards anything artistic and I don’t really differentiate: I’ve experimented with different forms of art and photography. I’m quite an experimental person in life generally. Tell us about the cover? T- It represents the spirit of water. M- It was very much done in the moment. It was a feeling we had when we were drawing together with music on to put us in the right headspace. The patterns kind of drew themselves. This is the result of the feeling from that night. If we had drawn it another night, it would have looked completely different. As you mentioned, there are many

10 repetitive motifs in it. Is that a recurring theme in your work? M- Yes, I really like to take graphic elements from all that we can see around us and repeat them till they form patterns that fit together. It is very intuitive for me. T- We also took inspiration from the Isère river and from the way it sounds. M- Exactly, the thoughts it provokes when you listen to the movement of water. T- At first we drew circles for the soundwaves of droplets falling into the river and then we created the mask to be the spirit. And presumably the blue represents the water too? M- Blue represents calm, water represents calm, so naturally it was going to be blue. We could have chosen green as it represents peace, but it really was that blue represents to spirit and serenity of water. I wanted to accentuate the contrast too, because doing it all in black and white, it would have turned out very monochromatic and here the blue is gives some life to the image. Which style do you like most from previous Echos? M- I really like this week’s (Sam Kay’s skull drawing). Yeah that makes sense, there are some similarities in your style, like the dotwork. M- Yes, it’s very precise, fastidious work, similar to pointillism, which I use a lot in my work too. It takes a lot of patience with so many small details that you keep adding to until you arrive at a complete picture by intuition. I like that at first we didn’t really know where it was going but as we went on, a picture started to emerge. The pieces of the puzzle came together to create something which is complete. What’s with the Hieroglyphics on your hands Margaux? T- Oh they’re just drawings we did on each other. They’re the eyes of Osiris.

11 Do they hold any significance for you? The eyes? M- Well he’s the one who drew them so not so much for me. T- I really like them, Osiris has an interesting mythology. It is to do with cats. There’s a story that I find really fascinating about cats. In France and in Europe generally, there was a big epidemic of the plague, so people were very anti-cats. Likewise in Japan, humans hunted cats because at the time, they were considered Satan’s animal. However, in ancient Egypt of course, cats were revered; they made them gods and were not affected by illnesses from them. This animal has a particular kind of spirit and represents something special. M- We all know cats are a little... alien. T- They’re one of the reasons I’m interested in Ancient Egyptian symbols and history.

Do you like drawing mandalas? M- Yes, very much. But not just the regular kind, I like to make them very graphic, very abstract. When I was studying at The School of Fine Arts, I did huge canvases with very large mandala-like experiments with graphics all over them. Interestingly, a lot of our artists seem to love mandalas and enjoy the trance-like state it seems to put them in. M- Yeah, they become a sort of art therapy. In many art therapists’ books, they draw mandalas so that people can de-stress by colouring them in. T- That’s Margaux’s long term plan, she would like to be an art-therapist for children. It’s therapy but through art and creativity. M- I’d like to help children take a step back from whatever situation they are in and art is a very powerful means of doing that. They are only kids and they need to be able to think and reflect and be creative, because then they are able to express themselves. When kids draw, it is very special, because it’s subconscious and that’s beautiful. It’s all expression, emotion and intuition.




Each week the winner of the Planks Photo Competition wins themselves a Planks beanie from the flagship store in town. Prize must be collected within a week of winning. This week’s winner: Eireann Mitchell Enter at













For over 10 years now the seasonaires of Val d’Isere and Tignes have rallied around and put together an event that never fails to deliver a heady concoction of laughter, big air, big beats, awesome food, a few injuries, some prizes, and a healthy dose of sun burn! Marc Cossar’s now infamous Kicker Konstruction Krew work tirelessly for a few weeks to build a selection of jumps in and around a massive sink-hole on the right hand side of the Creux piste next to the Tommeuse lift. Any rider who fancies their chances can enter the hole... at their own risk! If they get past the legendary compression they can then attempt to use the Step Up kickers to jump up the 20 or so feet back out of the bowl. Some talented kids manage to Double Cork their Melons*, some Jerrys just smash their melons. As if watching people bin themselves was not enough to entertain you, Murray Slinn (the fantastic head chef from YSE ) miraculously moves his entire kitchen + a big BBQ up the hill to the side of the jumps for the day. Murray and his Kicker Kitchen Krew then smash

out 350 covers at 3500 meters above sea level! This year’s menu is chicken, beef, pork or falafel in a tasty wrap with a choice of salad and a soft drink (bring your own booze). All this for a tenner, it’s definitely the best value lunch on the mountain! But that’s not all you get for your hard earned cash. Nikki from Blue Note has been beavering away collecting over 2 grands worth of prizes for the raffle. Tickets to the raffle are given when you pay for your meal. A grand prize draw will be held at Le Petit Danois at 10pm on the night of the event. This is where you will find DJ Flaky** making his first appearance for the season after he has cooked himself to a crisp in the hot sun, whilst providing beats for the Step Up massive alongside local trouble maker DJ PSD. It all takes place from 11:00 till 15:30 on Wednesday the 3rd of April (weather permitting.) Last year we raised over 2800€ for the ASTERS charity protecting the Bearded Vulture in the Alps. This year’s proceeds will go to the Protect Our Winters charity - the leading climate advocacy group for the winter sports community. *writer has no idea if it is possible to cork a melon, but it sounds rad! **Jack Igglesden with a pro level sunburn


By Ben Pryor With the backdrop of Theresa gonebyMay offering to make my prefix for her official and step down if Parliament votes her deal through, Parliament finally took control of the Brexit process on Wednesday after more backchat than a remedial class off their ADHD meds. Eight alternatives to the Chequered Brexit, from no deal to Brexit in name only (BRINO), were suggested. Like two lepers arm wrestling, every time someone put something together it fell apart, leaving the Commons with nothing capable of carrying a majority. The farcical result had MPs resorting to claiming Pyrrhic victories on the basis of their idea having

18 been rejected by fewer votes than the Chequered Brexit, which is akin to comparing worst sexual conquests, a contest no-one should want to win. Since 650 of our finest village idiots can’t decide on anything, here’s what’s required: the autonomy to dictate who is allowed to live/ work/claim benefits/access free healthcare in the UK and the freedom to strike trade deals with other nations which don’t have to keep 27 other countries happy. Neither are currently possible under a customs union with the EU, who are as resistant to change as Republican voters so, for a public spectacularly bored of waiting and stunningly unconcerned about whatever trickle of illegal immigration across the Irish border results (without the need to ask them to pay to build a wall), either get on with it or ignore the referendum, stay in and pull out the rubber underpants come


the next election.

Talking of elections, the Mueller Report this week concluded the Donald did not collude with Russia in order to win the 2016 election, but that Russia did interfere in it. He refused to draw a conclusion over whether the President obstructed justice in firing James Comey, previously in charge of the investigation; so the President isn’t a crook but America isn’t really that stupid and only an idiot would vote for Christmas if they see a turkey in the mirror appears to be the summation. A grieving father in Indonesia has apologised after blaming his daughter’s death on his son-in-law’s huge penis, who was then forced to show it to his in-laws to confirm it was ‘normal size’; is it only me who’s wondering how small his father-

in-law’s is? A Mexican man was arrested on the US border after having sex with a cow, subsequently released on $1500 bail; presumably posted by one Tonald Drump with a payment reference ‘border wall’. Wardens at a Dorset prison found drugs inside the stomachs of dead rats being thrown over the fence; couldn’t find a mule? A devout Christian who signed up for a reality TV show called ‘Mums make porn’ pulled out during the second episode; would have expected her to wait till the last minute. And finally, research by Totaljobs suggests one in five office mugs contain faecal matter; is that ratio roughly equivalent to one cup for every two girls? Until next week, I’m off to watch some Shane McConkey highlights. How can it be ten years!





How did the long distance swim come about? It was a bit of a last minute decision, but I saw a fundraising challenge on twitter called “La Nuit de l’Eau”, which is a UNICEF organised swim to raise money for children without access to clean drinking water in Haiti. And I was itching to do something a bit different out here. So I thought why not?! I decided to really push myself and do something a bit crazy, and do the length of the English channel. It’s a bit of a random distance but I think it has more of an impact in people’s minds than just saying I’m swimming 100 lengths a day. And have you done a long distance swim before? Well I did one at uni, but it was a team challenge where we swam the length of the channel (which is actually where I got the idea). We were in a team of 5 and did it in one day, taking it in turns.


200 lengths, but it’s just too far with work as well. I did it in two sessions, so went to the swimming pool twice in a day and the next day I was knackered. I decided I needed to rethink and either take rest days or share the distance. Now, I’ve managed to recruit a few friends that are doing some of the lengths with me. My friend who is a seriously good swimmer had told me that it would be too far to do every day, but I went for it anyway. I do swim anyway, but I’ve never trained or anything. And it’s a lot better not that she and a couple of other’s have come to help me out. There’s more of a sense of camaraderie as well. So do you stop whilst they’re swimming? Yeah, for instance one day, I did a hundred and two friends did 50 each.

And you’re doing the endeavour in protest of Brexit as well, how has that gone down? Have people been supportive? Yes, everyone has been very supportive. Originally it was a bit of a joke to do it for Brexit, but then the more I thought about it, the more sense it made. Obviously Brexit was supposed to be on Friday, but it has been delayed now. So you did it! They heard you! Yeah I’ve been getting that a lot from my colleagues at the ESF!

Have you done any fundraising work before? Yeah I did some whilst at Uni again How far do you have to swim every day? for UNICEF and it’s something I’d be It’s 200 lengths a day, but it’s not just me interested in going into in the future. anymore. Initially, on the first day, I swam

23 What did the staff at the Aquasport

leisure centre think? I didn’t tell them I was doing it, but I did get a few glances, probably wondering what I was still doing there, because it takes about 2 hours to do 200 lengths. But when the Radio Val guys came and reported on it, they told the staff what I was doing and now they wish me luck at the beginning which is nice. Sam’s question is a little confused; he thought you were swimming the actual channel, but I’ll ask it anyway! Are you afraid of sharks? Haha, yes I definitely am. And would you ever swim the actual channel? Yes, if I had the opportunity to. But I think it requires quite a lot of planning. You need a support boat. And it would be a lot more swimming, because it’s so much rougher and you get pushed side to side. Have you got any other endurance endeavours in your sights? I’d love to do the Marathon des Sables across the Sahara desert. That would be a real challenge. And the Vanoise High Trail run here in Val d’Isère in the summer. Ah yeah, you should definitely do that. Do your family think you’re mad? Yeah, a bit. My dad is very sporty, but even he was a bit worried. They’re supporting me though. Sometimes I think you need a bit of shock factor to get people to take action. Well good luck with the last day and well done on such an amazing achievement! You can support Katie’s incredible work here : for-sustainable-access-to-safe-drinkingwater?




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OFF PISTE SNOW REPORT Brought to you by Henry’s Avalanche Talk

Spring skiing conditions, but could be more wintry next week! Lovely smooth spring snow conditions are now in place, so follow our tips below on where to find them. Many slopes away from the first warming effects of the sun are hardened first thing, softening up as the day goes on. With warmer temperatures to come, the snow will be becoming pretty heavy and slushy in the afternoon. There’s little cold powder snow (if any) to be found anymore, though we could possibly be getting some snowfall around Wednesday. The weather looks more unsettled from then on, with temperatures possibly dropping. It’s all very unclear at the moment, but we always enjoy a bit of fresh snow and the new options it brings! Off-Piste Snow & Weather 28 March Off-piste snow depths in the northern French Alps are right for the time of season, with higher altitude resorts faring better than lower ones. Most pistes are in great shape, thanks to the hard work of the piste services.


nights to get a good refreeze. Powder hounds may be disappointed, but the lovely sunshine and smooth spring snow is a good substitute!

The snowpack’s now become really solid following warm days with plenty of snowmelt and then good overnight refreezes. The avalanche risk is currently very low, around 1 below 2500m, 2 in some places. It’s likely to remain that way unless we get significant warming or fresh snow. It’s worth recapping on what we mean by ‘spring snow’. It’s the lovely smooth, soft snow that occurs in spring after a few meltfreeze cycles or snowfall, not the thick afternoon slush or rock hard morning snow that we also find in spring! Off-piste spring snow is one of the best things that the Northern French Alps has to offer. With lift access to all slope orientations: east, south, west and then north, you can find it and have fun with little effort. Following a few proper ‘melt-freeze’ cycles, like we’ve had, the top snow layer starts forming a crust that deepens and strengthens after each melt, allowing free water to drip down and re-freeze during the night. (One melt-freeze cycle is where the snow melts during the day and then freezes at night). If untouched, the top of the frozen layer is smooth and solid first thing in the morning. It softens as the day goes on, melting in the warm sun and increased temperatures. The softening process starts on east facing slopes which receive the sun first. It moves onto the south, then the west facing ones, following the sun’s movement. (North facing slopes at 2500+ metres don’t normally get a melt freeze layer until late April, due to lack of sun).

For the next few days, we’re looking at virtually identical snow and weather conditions to those we have now! It’s looking more unsettled from about Wednesday, with a possibility of fresh snow and temperatures dropping. However, for The trick for skiing spring snow is to ski the next few days at least the high-pressure weather system will continue, bringing more blue sky days and (hopefully) cold


the slope when the snow surface is smooth and solid with only 2 or 3 cm of soft melted snow on top. So follow the movement of the sun, starting on east facing slopes when the lifts open at 9 am. Then move to south facing slopes, then west. Do this right and get some of the best skiing of the season.

drop a little with 2/4 and then 15/16 degrees at 1000 m.

TUESDAY 2 and WEDNESDAY 3 Tuesday, the wind from South to Southwest with disturbance for the end of the day. Probable precipitation in the night with snow falling towards 1400 then 600/800 m. Temperatures lose another one or You need to get off those slopes when the two degrees. Wednesday, cold, unstable snow surface begins to get too soft and with reliefs often covered and frequent mushy or you’ll start breaking through. It’s showers, in the form of snow from 600 m. important not to ski these slopes when they Temperatures drop well below average. become soft and mushy because : THURSDAY 4 and FRIDAY 5 • It’s dangerous for your knees. • The slope may become unstable due Clearly more uncertain with either a Retour d’Est or an unstable weather with showers. to all the melting. Then avalanches can be The cold continues with low temperatures a problem on these sunny slopes. for the season, moving from 1/3 to only • You will leave nasty ruts in the snow 10/12 degrees in plain and -1 / -2 to 7/9 which will ruin its quality for everyone who degrees to 1000 m. wants to ski it the next day. If we do receive any fresh snow around Tip of the week Wednesday or so, it would be best to Continue to follow our tips above to find stick to the colder north-facing slopes and the best spring snow skiing. enjoy the fresh powder. Leave the sunnier slopes alone, so that they can go through the cycle of returning to spring snow conditions. Off-piste weather forecast for 28 March to 5 April SATURDAY 30 Grand Beau Temps with sunshine all day long (rare Cumulus clouds). The wind is weak from South to East (20 km / h). Temperatures change from 0/2 to 16/18 degrees to 1000 m and from -3 / -6 to 4/7 degrees to 2000 m (isothermal 0 degree between 2200 and 2400 m). SUNDAY 31 MARCH, MONDAY 1 APRIL Sunday, the sun is dominant some clouds. Weak wind and stationary temperatures, pleasant afternoon. Monday, weak disturbance of South to Southwest with still sun and cloudy passages. Temperatures

32 14

33 15

Elysées wearing ‘gilets jaunes’ in protest. Macron’s comment, ‘You cannot be pro-environment on Monday and when Tuesday comes be against rising fuel prices’ is the kind of irrefutable logic which goes down like a fish milkshake with opponents, but should be deployed against those decrying Amazon and Google for tax evasion who wouldn’t forego a free internet search for the cheapest online deal in a month of Sundays. Indonesia has launched a ‘heresy app’ to report anyone practicing ‘unorthodox interpretations’ of its recognised religions; well, pass my lover a bacon sandwich. A teenager matched with his sister on Tinder; yes, that does mean they both swiped right and yes they do live in the US. PETA has demanded the village of Wool, derived from the Anglo-Saxon ‘welle’ meaning a water spring, change its name to Vegan Wool be-

cause it ‘promotes cruelty’; same could be said of their abuse of the English language. US Coast Guard reported a giant turtle, enmeshed in a rope holding 800Kg of cocaine worth £41m; bet it was Donatello. A former Miss Moscow, 25, has married Malaysia’s King Muhammad V, 49, after converting to Islam and taking the name Rihana; better hope that heresy app doesn’t get rolled out across the region. And finally, Poundland’s Christmas advert has come under fire for mocking Elton John’s advert for John Lewis, depicting one elf orally relieving another sat on top of his piano; wonder if he was singing ‘Can you Feel the Love Tonight’. Until next week, I’m off to drink from a woolly spring.



THE SQUIRREL OF HELL Every week we attempt to publish a humorous article in the magazine. However, this week, we have a public service announcement regarding a word of caution when skiing/living in the area. As you probably know, four skiers unfortunately went missing on the mountain this week. In a genuinely tragic turn of events that has shocked the wider community; the remains of the four seasonaires were found covered in claw marks at the edge of what can only be described as a giant Marmot burrow. Although our furry neighbours are not known to be carnivorous, local zoologist Barnabas Ballslap told the Echo that “this was one big, hungry fucker”. While alpine marmots generally grow to around 50cm in length, Dr Ballslap estimated this one to be over two and a half metres - “If it is one marmot, we have a problem. If it is a family or, god forbid, a colony, we will need to routinely sacrifice the weak and the old in order to appease them while we plan an escape”. Although one burrow has been found at the top of Grande Motte, the monster is expected to move to a much larger base located closer to a reliable food source. Some experts predict that ‘Tyrone’, the XXL jump in the Val park is actually concealing an advanced, underground network of trenches where the beast is finalising plans to advance into La Daille. In addition to the four skiers, a Swedish speed rider was recently brought down by a suspected giant marmot attack. Thankfully, he landed in a tree sustaining

only five broken limbs. Lucky to be alive, Erik Reacharonderson said the following in his official statement to the gendarmes - “I was just flying around, thinking about Ikea when everything went dark. At first I thought a thick cloud had blocked the sun but then I looked up and that’s when I saw…..IT.” Erik’s Gopro caught the following blurry image before exploding:

As word about the coming of the beast spreads, locals have been telling tales passed down over centuries about the fabled ‘écureuil de l’enfer’ (squirrel of hell). Some say it returns every 50 years to wreak havoc upon the townspeople. Some say it is a hybrid between a brown bear and a marmot that made its way up from the Italian Alps after getting sick of antipasto. Others say people need to stop eating space cakes and staring at the elephant in Doudoune. One thing that is known for certain is that marmots really don’t enjoy munching on cig butts. That being said, they still think they are food so would people please stop throwing fag ends off chairlifts. If you have ever even once stopped and realised just how beautiful this area is, know that you are actively ruining it by littering like this. Additionally, some say that the giant marmot likes to come into the homes of said offenders and quietly break all of your dishware, right before gnawing off your kneecaps as you watch in terror.






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Victors - Seasonaire Saturdays. Tacos & Tequila.

Le Hibou - Pancakes: 1 for €4.50 or 3 for €12

Cocorico - Après Ski Live Music: The Blazin’ Strings

Bananas - Disco/Funk/House Night w B2B DJs Rob & Oscar

Le Lodge - DJ K2 11:30pm-1:30am

Cocorico - Après Ski Live Music: Hobo Chic

Saloon - Beer pong 15€ 22-24h

Blue Note - Cheap Cocktails. 22h-23.30h

Arctic - Seasonaire Wknd Breakfast: Superfood Quinoa & Oat Porridge Pot plus a Latté for 8€

Petit Danois - DJ PSD 10pm

Petit Danois - DJ Jack Igglesden 10pm Next Bar - Mr OURS (glitch hop, dubstep, bass music, drum&bass)

Saloon - Live music: Jaw Bones Duo 17h Moris - Toss the Boss

Doudoune- Vintage Fever by Kelian Marques

Doudoune- Groovy Disco Tech by Phil Garner & Max Cunningham

Dick’s Tea Bar- Industry Night Hosted by Megan

Dick’s Tea Bar - Dirty Sunday hosted by Megan

3RD Arctic - Midweek Refuel: Sandwich/Salad plus a latté for 10€, swap the coffee for juice for 2€ La Folie Douce - WTF Weekly costume party Cocorico- Après Ski Live Music: Les Lunettes Le Hibou - Wings Wednesday! Only 50c a wing Saloon - 3€ JOSS & DJ Kommissar STEP UP - Charity freestyle event and BBQ with DJ. Find it from the Tommeuses Lift. Petit Danois - DJ Jack Igglesden 10pm La Scara - Air Display over Bellevarde 1pm. Nations Parade-main road closed to traffic 6pm. Moris - Live Music: Apres- Mardy Johnny Depps 17.30. Evening- Wingmen 22.30

La Folie Douce - Seaso Cocorico - Après Live M Snow Stage Arctic - Midweek Refue latté for 10€, swap the c Blue Note - Monoski C Swap. Come in full 80s stuff for prizes. Monosk

Victors -Hip Hop Thur Saloon- Heads or tails Petit Danois - DJ Jack

Moris - Live Music: Frea

Doudoune - Hip Hop Urban by Kevin Delmix

Doudoune - Ladies Ni

Dick’s Tea Bar - After Dinner Club with Pocket Size Dave and Sophia Landgren on Violin

Dick’s Tea Bar - Luna T Spielmann

COCORICO - 2-4pm Happy Hour, Live Music every day from BLUE NOTE - Happy Hour with Hot Gin and Nibbles from 3 to 6pm FALL LINE - Happy Hour 3-5pm PETIT DANOIS - Happy Hour 2 for 1 on Beers and Drinks 4-5pm & 9-10pm. BANANAS - Seasonaire Menu: 3 Courses and a beer/wine/soft drink for €20 Happy Hours 18.30-19.30 and 22.30 SALOON - 3-6pm Happy Hour 2 for 1 on beer wine and more.



In Town - Free Avalanche Safety talk in French and English at 6pm. Hut in Children’s Garden. La Folie Douce - Discopolis Arctic - Juice Pump - Do 30 Push Ups and get 50% off Juice or Coffee Cocorico- Après Ski Live Music: Uptones Saloon - BINGO! Free to play, great prizes to win! Vie Val d’Is - Weekly Language Exchange. Free French lesson for VVD card holders at 8pm Petit Danois - DJ Jack Igglesden 10pm Moris - Live Music: Apres: Max Whitthal 17.30, Evening: The Dominos 22.30 Next Bar - OBF & CHARLIE P (digital dub) Dick’s Tea Bar - Residents Megan and Marshall Doudoune - Crazy Monday by Kevin Delmix

el: Sandwich/Salad plus a coffee for juice for 2€ Catwalk plus Buy, Sell and get up and strut your ki tickets will be on sale.

rsdays with DJ Wanne Igglesden 10pm

ak Boutique 22.30

ight by Kelian Marques

Cocorico - Après Ski Live Music: Wingmen

Bananas - House & Tech night DJ Max Leaver Arctic - Tag Us Tuesday: Share your Arctic experience in a post/story and get a free juice shot.

Petit Danois - Live Music 5.30pm with The

Revolverlites, DJ Jack Igglesden 10pm

Victors - Funky Tuesdays with DJ Joblime Saloon - 10 Shooters 15€ & That DJayG

Moris - Live Music: Apres- Daisy & Tom 17.30,

Evening: One Ground Reggae 22.30 Doudoune- The Last Shit Disco! By Phil Garner & Shit Disco Dick’s Tea Bar - Techno Tuesday w Residents Megan and Marshall



onaire BBQ Music: Queens of the


Cocorico - Après Ski Live Music: Freak Boutique Petit Danois - DJ Childish Jambino on Friday from 10pm Moris - Live Music: Apres- Mullit and Machine 17.30, Evening: De La Funk 22.30 Saloon - Open decks!

Dicks Tea Bar - After Dinner Club w Pocket Size Dave accompanied by Sophia Landgren on Violin. Doudoune- Clubbing Night by Kevin Delmix

Thursday w Nicolas

UNDERGROUND - Après Ski Tapas from 5pm LE PETIT CUISINE - Daily 12 - 3pm - Seasonaire Meal Deal VICTORS - Cocktail Hour 9-11pm LE LODGE - Happy Hour 4:30-7:30pm €4 large beer TDC Introduction to Ski Touring sessions running 22nd April, 29th April LA SCARA - U16 World Racing Championships all week.



IVANA MILLICEVIC The Bond villain and star of the show Banshee passed by Radio Val d’Isère.

Has having a baby changed your outlook on life at all? Well I was always a very positive person anyway, but it’s lovely now having another tiny, beautiful, perfect, pure human being to share that with.

You’ve played quite a lot of badass women in your career. Who do you look up to that embodies that fierceness in real life? Well Ruth Bader Ginsburg for one, (Supreme Court judge, who has been dubbed the Notorious RBG), but who doesn’t?! There are actresses I look up to like Meryl Streep, who is so wonderful and so talented. My mum is amazing; in fact Hi Ivana, how long have you been in Val? my parents in general. I’m from Bosnia Only since Saturday and we leave originally and I was raised in Detroit and tomorrow sadly. Los Angeles. My parents were so brave; they had two little kids and moved to the And you’re having lessons with Franck States without speaking the language. If it from the ESF? weren’t for their bravery, who knows what Yes, Franck and Marie Pierre. She usually would have happened to us if we had teaches the children and me. stayed in Sarajevo in the nineties, through all the trouble that the Balkans went So are you in with the kids as it were? through. Yeah, it’s the place to be. Plus Franck is very dangerous. He took everyone through You were just doing an audition tape this tiny little crevasse and they had to here in the Radio Val studio, what is it duck under. I’d have been terrified. I guess you look for in a script? because I’m a new mum, I’m still finding Something I can connect with. It’s pilot my legs again. season at the moment in LA, but I want to be a mother right now. Unless something Ah that’s probably the Hidden Valley. arises that really speaks to me. And the What’s the most dangerous thing you’ve character I just auditioned for is a mother ever done? going through a divorce and it was just Well, I skied in Australia and almost fell off such an adult part. I’m always playing the mountain, but that wasn’t on purpose. I badasses that are killing people and it jumped out of a plane for my 18th birthday would be nice to just be a regular human and it was during the Los Angeles riots being. That sounds so boring, but I mean so there was a lot going on then. But I’m with all the normal levels of depth that not that much of a dare devil anymore. I humans have. was when I was very young, but once you Yeah, I guess a lot of your work has been become a certain age, it all changes. I’m in the realms of Crime and Drama, was strong and I’m athletic but I don’t feel the need to prove myself in that way anymore. that an intentional move? Actually no, it’s not what I started out in at I’d rather have a bubble bath.

all. My career started out in comedy and began in the world of stand up. And what genre were you into watching when you were younger? When I was younger I was really into superhero movies, and the film that really made me want to be an actress was David Lynch’s Dune, which is a really weird movie, but there’s this scene in which the characters are riding sandworms and I just remember the wind in their hair and their eyes blue with spice and I thought, the only place I’m ever going to ride a sandworm would be Hollywood, in the movies. So I wanted to be an actress the moment I knew I could be one.

about penises, to be honest. And 46 then I went into talking like I was from Detroit. It was really stupid. The jokes that I got the most laughs for were when I was talking about the fashion industry. I was a model at the time and sometimes you’d think the stylists were going to put gel in your hair but then they’d keep going South. That story always went down well.

Do you think you’ll be back to Val d’Isere? I will for sure. It was really nice to have had someone actually teaching me how to ski because, although I’ve skied quite a few times, I’ve just muscled through it as opposed to learning how to make the equipment work for me or getting into the Back to the comedy, what would you say right position. If you see me on the slope, was the worst joke you used to do when my form is basically what not to do. But I’m you were doing stand up? getting better. Well it probably wouldn’t work today We’ll definitely look out for you on the because I started off my set speaking in hill. Croatian. No one could understand me Yes, do. Be careful! Go the other way! but I was essentially making penis jokes because I was 19 years old and I didn’t Thank you so much Ivana! know anything. I barely know anything





We hereby crown Penny, MISS MONOSKI. Rich and Sara might seem super chilled, but rumour has it, they’ve been gearing Penny up to win the Monoski World Champs since the day she was born. Night and Day she’s been out shredding her tiny mono in order to thrash you all come April 10th.

to come out, only for them to find out his birthday is in June. On a separate note, Jake’s birthday is next Tuesday if anyone is about for a drink.


With the Monoski World Championships rapidly approaching, some of the boys at Snowberry have started a collective. @Monosquad69 are putting out regular fire content on the gram and have big plans for the Championships. Check them out for inspiration on how to be the best monoskier on the mountain.

Summer plans

Olly: “Brick, what are you doing this summer?” Britt: “Dunno, probably riding Hollie around Europe.” Inside Olly’s brain:

100 Points to Radffyndor

The OOSC Gaper Day yeilded many golden moments. The highlight has to be old mate, who sent the raddest double backflip out of the quarter pipe in front of the crowd. Hats off to him! Murmurs of how gnarly it was were heard throughout Fall Line all evening.

Bull Birthday

What do you do when it is your night off on a Tuesday but everyone has plans to go out on Wednesday? Fake your birthday, obviously. Jake from Doudoune did just this and managed to convince a sizeable party

In A Pinch

On a more serious note, there have been some notable incidents on the hill over the last couple of weeks. If you are with someone that gets hurt away from the piste would you know what to do? The numbers for the Pisteurs are +33479060210 for Val and +33479063200 for Tignes. These are worth putting in your phone now. Right now. Do it. Be careful out there!


SPORT Shown at Le Petit Danois and Moris Pub:

FOOTBALL Saturday 30th March Fulham v Man City 1.30pm West Ham v Everton 6.30pm

Tuesday 2nd April Wolves v Man Utd 8.45pm Wednesday 3rd April Man City v Cardiff 8.45pm

Sunday 31st March Cardiff v Chelsea 3.05pm Liverpool v Spurs 5.30pm

Friday 5th April Southampton v Liverpool 9pm

Monday 1st April Arsenal v Newcastle 9pm

Sport also shown at The Fall Line, Blue Note and Le Hibou.


Freddy Krueger

Jack - Danois


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