Valley Vision Magazine & Annual Giving Report | Fall 2023

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Discover our cutting-edge Research & Development program, a visionary initiative encompassing space experiments, deep-sea exploration, and customizable robotics offering students unparalleled opportunities to fuse their intellectual pursuits with their passions while solving global challenges.


Learn more about our thriving campus communities where positive transformations, collaborative spirit, and a comprehensive approach to Spiritual Formation await, all while providing unwavering support and care for our dedicated faculty and staff.


Our faithful donors continue to support our world-class college-prep initiatives, grow our tuition assistance program, and make impressive updates to our facilities.


Va lle y V i si o n 2023





















CONVOCATION & NEW JH PRINCIPAL vcs_warriors vchsalumni vcsamse vcsbei vcsconservatory vcs_faith

VALLEY VISION ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Editor-in-Chief Kimberly (Akavuti ’96) Ellefsen

Principal Photographers Dachan Min Melissa Chacon

Art Director Maegan Collett

Graphic Designers Maegan Collett Lena Choi

Contributing Writers Steve Dang (’02) Dr. Clifford E. Daugherty Mark DeLuca Dr. Ryan Eshoff (’08) Amy Hernandez Christi Stockhaus

Copy Editor Mike Annab Karen Beach Julia Bobe Jacqueline Dibble (’96) Laura Sizelove Jennifer Stewart








ANNUAL GIVING REPORT 28 Letter & Donation Achievements 30 Financial Overview: Fiscal Year 2022-2023 31 Planned Giving 32 Giving in Action 33 Embracing Wellness 34 Alumni Spotlight 35 Events Recap 2022-2023 36 Volunteer Thank You 38 Warrior Club Involvement 40 Extend the Gift - Warrior Club Donors

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On March 28, 2022, the Valley Christian Schools (VCS) Board of Directors established an emergency presidential succession plan for me to begin mentoring Mr. Brian Clemons, who was serving as junior high principal, as an interim VCS president should I become unable to serve. Earlier, our board and I set my retirement at my 40th anniversary of VCS leadership on July 20, 2026.


a letter from the

After working closely with Mr. Clemons last year, our board and I became convinced that he is God’s choice as my successor. I proposed, and our board approved, the following Four, Three, Two, One succession plan leading to Mr. Clemons’ appointment as president of VCS beginning on July 21, 2026. During my keynote address on Monday, August 7, 2023, I arranged for our VCS Board and Executive Team, led by Board Chaplain Dr. Ed Silvoso, to pray for Mr. Clemons as my successor to lead Valley Christian Schools.

Serving as president for nearly four decades has allowed me to witness God’s powerful and miraculous works firsthand. The faithful service of our VCS Board, administrators, faculty, staff, and friends helped build VCS into what it is today. Mr. Clemons’ appointment as my successor gives me great comfort and joy, knowing that God will use him mightily to faithfully continue the Quest for Excellence™ through our students, their communities, and the world for the next generation.

Clifford E. Daugherty, Ed.D. President





Mr. Clemons works with Dr. Daugherty as senior vice president full-time, and Mr. Maxwell serves full-time as junior high principal.



Mr. Clemons will serve as acting president with Dr. Daugherty’s support.






July 20, 2026

Mr. Brian Clemons partners with Dr. Clifford Daugherty half-time while serving half-time as junior high principal, and Mr. Eric Maxwell serves half-time as a junior high administrator.

Mr. Clemons and Dr. Daugherty will share presidential duties.

Dr. Daugherty’s retirement date. Mr. Clemons will be appointed president of VCS beginning on July 21, 2026.


KEYNOTE HIGHLIGHTS “My Peace I give to you” ~ John 14:27

Brian Clemons, Senior Vice President ___ God is so good! I thoroughly enjoyed gathering as a community for the keynote to worship and hear what God is stirring in our presence. We see a pattern repeated in scripture of looking back and looking forward that shines through in our lives: “Looking back” to the past at God’s faithfulness, direction, and resting in His assurance and promises, and “looking forward” with hope and trust. Are we seeking God to provide divine downloads, and do we desire what He desires? Psalm 37:3-5 says, “Trust in the Lord and do good; dwell in the land and enjoy safe pasture. Take delight in the Lord, and He will give you the desires of your heart. Commit your way to the Lord; trust in Him, and He will do this.” God will not only plant His desires in us but will also bring them to pass. If we abide in Christ as described in John 15, our desires (as a branch) will come through as the same desires from Christ (the vine). I challenged our faculty and staff to think about how we look at the potential of each of the students we have this year. Think about how many seeds will come from each student as they scatter worldwide and the harvest that will come because of how we cultivate these students today. We can easily focus on what we see without looking deeper into the potential. I think of an amethyst horn and how rough the edges are. From the outside, it does not appear to be worth anything. But when we reflect the light of Christ and the light of His Word on what exists on the inside, the heart, where the Lord looks (1 Samuel 16:7), the value and potential come alive. The beauty is uncovered, and we now have the opportunity to be used by God to nurture, guide, teach, and lead students to find the One who has crafted their inmost being from before they were born. May God bring us to His desires, and may the impact we have live on for decades to come. Thy Kingdom come, Thy will be done, on earth as it is in Heaven, right here in my heart.


corporate | KEYNOTE HIGHLIGHTS Steve Dang, Chief Ministry Officer (CMO) ___ VCS serves a demographic Barna research calls the most “unchurched/de-churched” area in the country. Certainly, we face challenges, but we choose to see amazing opportunities. While we are “Valley Christian Schools,” I like to think of us as “Valley Mission Schools” reaching our community with the good news of Jesus through education. Whether it’s St. Vladimir planting schools of faith in Sino-Russia in the 900s, Jesuits in Japan in the 15th century, William Carey in India in the 1800s, the Lazarists in Iran in the 1900s, or Dave and Edie Wallace opening Valley Christian Schools in San Jose, CA in 1960, we are part of a lineage of people who believe quality education can transform whole communities. As a missional expression of the church, we are part of a long history of faithful people who believe education is a tool to reach people with the gospel. In my keynote message this year, my encouragement was rooted in Genesis 26:1-25 where God tells Isaac to do something counter-intuitive to the norms of the day. Amid a famine, when everyone would migrate to more favorable environments, Isaac was told to stay (Genesis 26:2-3).

What struck me about this story: What if Isaac had quit one well short of seeing God’s provision? Have you ever been in a place where you were certain of God’s leading but kept hitting wall after wall? My encouragement from Isaac’s story is this: keep digging so you don’t miss out on what God is doing.

Isaac dug a well as a symbol of faith and trust in God’s call; however, rival adversity shut him down (v.14-15). Isaac moved and dug another well, but more adversity struck, and again, it forced him to leave (v.17-20). Isaac moved from there and dug a third well; again, adversity struck, forcing him to shut down operations and move (v.21). Isaac dug a fourth well (v.22) and finally found a place to settle and thrive. What struck me about this story: What if Isaac had quit one well short of seeing God’s provision? Have you ever been in a place where you were certain of God’s leading but kept hitting wall after wall? My encouragement from Isaac’s story is this: keep digging so you don’t miss out on what God is doing. Over the past few years, we have seen God working in our student body and greater community despite the challenges of a pandemic and a post-Christian context— students and parents coming to faith in Jesus. God is at work in the lives of our alumni around the world. So, when life gets complicated, keep digging because we know our God is working.




“Something feels different on campus.” ___

Over the past couple of years, I have considered these words the highest compliment someone can share with me. After COVID, we knew there was a need for rebuilding, and we went “all in,” focusing on culture and connection as we cultivated the Way of the Warrior (wisdom, honor, courage, and sacrifice). We took a risk to experiment with more community events and chapel experiences. We created opportunities to hear from our community of students, faculty/staff, and alumni. In our High School Spiritual Formation Survey, we saw the needle moving in a good direction and I see God moving in the lives of our community. Over the past year, we prayed for parents as they stepped into a relationship with Jesus for the first time. Our community came together at Convocation for a night of worship and prayer as we began our 2023 school year. Our elementary, junior high, and high school students passionately worship God in our chapels. Our faculty, staff, and administration are uniting under the vision of God’s missional work through Christian education in the Bay Area and beyond.


At this year’s Convocation service, a dad introduced himself to me and said, “I’m not a Christian, but my daughter is experiencing something here on this campus, and I came tonight to see what it is.”

God moves beyond our campus, as we now have over forty-eight Alumni Ambassadors nationwide and even in Paris, France. Our Alumni Ambassadors are creating networks to continue the ministry of VCS beyond the hill. This fall, Mark Lodewyk, Vice President of Ministry Relations, and I will set off across the country again to continue our school’s commitment to pray for and encourage our alums no matter where God leads. Bottom line: I believe it is more than a feeling. We are seeing more collaboration, more students buying in, more alums amplifying our mission, and a genuine desire to grow in their relationship with God throughout our community, from students to parents, alumni, faculty, staff, and our partnerships worldwide. New for this year is a comprehensive vision for Spiritual Formation with the addition of Biblical Unity and Wellness. We are cultivating an authentic community and crafting a

spiritual formation | MORE THAN A FEELING clear pathway to help our community grow in relationship with God. Our Spiritual Formation Team is focusing on three initiatives this year: •

Nurture the whole person and the entire community, looking at how our social, emotional, and spiritual well-being shapes relationships, thoughts, attitudes, and actions (Mark 12:29-31). For all of our campuses, we will continue to enculturate the Way of the Warrior (wisdom, honor, courage, and sacrifice), emphasizing becoming people who honor others above themselves (Romans 12:10).

Recognize and respond to the varied faith development needs of our community. Just as plants thrive or wither based on their exposure to sunlight, soil, and water, our community’s spiritual growth depends on a supportive environment. Our community’s spiritual formation plan needs diverse strategies to be effective. We will craft age-appropriate and distinct ministries for all three campuses with developmentally appropriate strategies to help them grow in their faith. To help us develop our plan, we are building a team of chaplains to give pastoral and spiritual support to all of our campuses and in each of our A3 programs.

• Care for our people who take care of our people. Our faculty and staff are not just educators. They are missionaries who see education as a missional tool for the kingdom of God. Our faculty and staff believe the power of education can impact individuals and transform whole communities because education is about far more than academic achievement. The care for students goes far beyond lesson plans but includes frontline ministry in individuals’ social, emotional, and spiritual needs. The role of educator-counselor-chaplain-mental health worker takes a toll, and our desire as the Spiritual Formation team is to provide pastoral care for all our faculty and staff, including access to the Christian Counseling Center and our on-campus therapists. It also includes opportunities for investment through professional development in September, our Spiritual Staff Retreat in October, and direct support through our Spiritual Formation team throughout the year.

I believe those “feelings” and that “something” is God’s Spirit moving in our community as we pray with expectant hearts to see God do more this year. You can join us on our spiritual journey on campus by following us on Instagram @vcs_faith and checking out our Spiritual Formation webpage at to learn more. Grace and Peace, Pastor Steve Dang (’02), MDiv Chief Ministry Officer and Campus Pastor Director of Alumni


EXTREME Research and Development Program Ignites Educational Innovation A few square meters of office space in Valley Christian’s Skyway gym building has become one of the most expansive high school programs in the country. ___ Here lives VCS’ Research & Development program, whose focus is on innovative educational opportunities that span, quite literally, from heaven to earth (and beyond). “I’m not sure there is any other job in the world where you’re working in both space and the ocean,” says Stephen Huber, VCS R&D Director. “We’re blessed to be able to offer students exposure to what we call ‘extreme STEM.’ When most people hear that phrase, they think of 3D printers. When we say that at Valley Christian, we’re talking about space experiments that are orbiting our planet as we speak, and about active ocean research, and about innovations in robotics.” Let’s start in space, no longer just a dreamy metaphor for starry-eyed youth. The VCS R&D program has developed both kit-based and web-based space education experiments for students in grades K-12; one of their two flight units currently in orbit has made its trip around Earth over 22,000 times in the four years it’s been circling our planet. “We’re able to give students access to environments that they wouldn’t have access to otherwise,” says Vanessa Martinez, R&D Director of Operations.

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The other environment Martinez refers to is the ocean, where R&D’s continued partnership with the Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute (MBARI) has yielded opportunities for Valley Christian students to deploy an educational marine activity platform 900 meters deep in Monterey Bay. The platform includes a camera, a hydrophone for detecting and recording sound, and a remotely-operated vehicle (ROV) that can be controlled in real-time from anywhere in the world. R&D continues to develop new technologies and new opportunities for students to quickly and inexpensively deploy custom experiments to the ocean floor. Program leaders realize that their offerings provide students with singular contexts to align their intellectual pursuits with their particular passions. “Today’s students are very environmentally conscious and focused on sustainability,” explains Danny Kim, VP/Director of Applied Math, Science, and Engineering (AMSE). “They are very interested in solving problems on a global scale, and they want to be a part of the solution for a healthier Earth.” Meanwhile, R&D’s work in the world of robotics has produced the RoboQuest program, which allows students to build custom robots capable of being tele-operated from anywhere in the world. RoboQuest provides a foundational kit that includes all the parts necessary to build a functional robot but allows students almost full customization thereafter. R&D expects to produce over 300 RoboQuest kits in 2023. Moreover, the program’s growth means an expanded population of students engaging in creative opportunities within the field.



“I am most excited about having so many more girls in our robotics program,” Martinez says. “I love that among all else that R&D is working on, we are structuring the program to appeal to a wider student audience.” Huber and Martinez – both of whom were recruited to VCS from other industries by Kim – are excited about the R&D opportunities that lie ahead: advancements in space technology, new models of oceanic experimentation, expanded avenues of robotic functionality, and certainly, the further incorporation of artificial intelligence and autonomous programming. Coupled with VCS overarching vision for service and stewardship, R&D programs offer neverbefore-seen chances for students to explore Christ-honoring solutions to global problems. “It’s amazing to be able to do this kind of innovative work alongside other Christians who share the same worldview,” says Huber, who, prior to coming to VCS, had worked on engineering clean water solutions for impoverished people around the globe. “We’re doing things that nobody has ever done before.”

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SECOND ACTS Valley Christian’s K-12 Director of Theatre Arts is struggling to come up with her favorite production out of all those she has been a part of as a Warrior. That’s probably a good thing. ___ “Gosh, there are so many amazing ones, amazing memories,” says Myra (Khawaja ’94) Kaelin. It’s like we’ve asked her to choose her favorite child. Ultimately Kaelin lands on The Play That Goes Wrong (featured in photo above), staged by the high school theatre department in the fall of 2022. “So much talent, so much trust in that group,” Kaelin says. “It was surreal how well stuff came together.” The play may have gone wrong, but the program that produced it is doing a lot of things right. So much so, in fact, that the department continues to attract alumni back into its fold. At the start of the 2023-24 school year, the program is led by Kaelin, VCHS class of 1994. The Valley Christian Junior High drama teacher is Sophia McCann (’15). Justin McPherson (’07) supervises and teaches in the scene shop, assisted by Keaton Miller (’17). Chloe (Ankin ’11) Diepenbrock teaches Theater I at the high school and will choreograph both high school and junior high musicals this coming year. “Initially I thought I wanted to be a Shakespearean stage actor,” admits McCann. “But while I do love ‘the Bard,’ it was in my senior year of high school that the Holy Spirit planted an idea in my heart that I would return and be a teacher at VCS.” As with many alumni of Valley Christian Theatre, McCann cited the singular opportunity for creating dramatic art in a Christian context as a primary aspect of what makes

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the program special. And what keeps pulling former students back for, well, their second acts. McPherson might have the most unique route to his current role: because of his high school sports schedule, he was never involved in a single theatre production, in any capacity. But the scene shop always interested him, and while he was working in other roles for the Conservatory following graduation, a spot in the shop opened up for him. He was named one of the VCHS Teachers of the Year in 2022-23. “We welcome anyone with loving arms into this theatre community,” McPherson says. “Myra has put in a lot of hard work towards reestablishing this place and this community where people want to be and feel comfortable. It’s so encouraging to see alumni that have been part of this program reaching out to see how they can stay involved.” 2018, when she was named to her current role, marked the third time that Kaelin had returned to work for the program since she’d graduated from it almost 25 years prior. “I never thought I would be here,” she admits with a laugh. “It’s literally God’s sense of humor.”

conservatory | SECOND ACTS

Kaelin echoes McPherson’s sentiments that one of the appeals of a theatre community like VCS’s is that it offers a place for everyone to find something for themselves. The more the leaders of the program can push back against a cutthroat culture, the more they can encourage healthy student emotions, and the more they reinforce the reality that there are “no small parts” in a production – the better they’ve been able to build a family. “It can really be like a giant lovefest,” Kaelin says. “These students are vulnerable; they’re baring their souls. You’re creating something that is so collaborative. Theatre cannot be siloed – there are lots of opportunities to excel and to lead. And few schools support the arts like Valley Christian does.”


The productions themselves are so fleeting – you have definitive ends, and you quite literally tear the sets down in the days after the final curtain falls. The community, then, exists beyond the scope of a given show. Still, there are memorable productions that serve as landmark theater moments for those involved. In addition to The Play That Goes Wrong, Kaelin has another that is near and dear to her heart. “My first show back in 2018 was You Can’t Take It with You,” she says. “It wasn’t perfect, by any means, but it remains special to me for all the sentimental reasons.” Sure, maybe you can’t take it with you. But, if “it” is strong and special enough, you could always come back.

Photo Left to Right: Myra (Khawaja ’94) Kaelin, Chloe (Ankin ’11) Diepenbrock, Justin McPherson (’07), Keaton Miller (’17), Sophia McCann (’15)

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From Startup Sparks to Global Impact: The Inspiring Journey of The Young Expressionists

One month into the initial COVID lockdown – “I remember the exact date: April 27, 2020,” says Emma Zhang (’23), whose brain works like that – a pair of Valley Christian High School freshmen launched a startup via text message. ___ Zhang, a published author and now a freshman at Minerva University, had used Zoom to teach creative writing seminars, and Jacqueline Lao (’23), her classmate, had spent the early stages of the pandemic telling stories to her kindergarten-aged brother as a way of using all of their down time for educational pursuits. “That’s really how it all began,” says Lao, who will be starting at Emory University during the 2024 spring semester. “It was cool that we were doing the same thing independently of each other. We realized we could work together on this, and that’s how ‘The Young Expressionists’ got started.” Initially, “The Young Expressionists” – TYE for short – was just Lao and Zhang, a couple of high schoolers with skills and passions who

realized that the pandemic had created voids of both content and community for students near and far. Soon, though, the two began recruiting other high schoolers to join in their work, offering educational sessions to younger students over Zoom on subjects in which the high school student instructors were both adept and passionate. According to Zhang, from the outset, TYE’s biggest problem was “marketing the classes and building legitimacy with audiences.” Fortunately, the girls found a place to gain some training and guidance: a year after they started TYE, they joined VCHS Business, Entrepreneurship & Innovation (BEI) Quest Incubator program, pairing them with mentors to help them with business development and strategy, and to figure out strategic partnerships for growth. “We’re so proud of Emma and Jacqueline’s journey with The Young Expressionists,” says Hannah Kim, VP of BEI. “It’s amazing the vision that they had for their organization and the way that their organization has grown and matured along with them. They’re such an amazing example of how we want our students to think: that entrepreneurship can have profound social impacts.” The girls have found that social impact can be both local and global. Jacqueline tells the story of a student who, after taking a class taught by her on Environmental Science, decided to run a lemonade stand and donate her proceeds to environmental causes (“Talk about paying it forward!” Jacqueline says). Meanwhile, TYE has continued to expand its reach worldwide through its The Young Expressionist Global Outreach offerings, which include partnerships with churches and nonprofits around the globe and learning opportunities for students in less-developed countries. “One of the most fulfilling aspects of this work has been realizing how many people can be impacted by it,” says Emma. “Not only do we feel like we’ve been able to reach young students with valuable, enriching opportunities, but to be able to donate to, and partner with, other nonprofits and churches doing social impact work around the world has been extra special.” For their part, neither student anticipated being a businesswoman, let alone an entrepreneur. Emma had designs on being an aerospace engineer upon

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THIS EXPERIENCE HAS TAUGHT ME SO MUCH ABOUT THE IMPORTANCE OF RELATIONSHIPS AS THE LEGACIES WE LEAVE BEHIND AND ABOUT IMPACT...WE CAN BE LEARNERS OUTSIDE OF THE CLASSROOM TOO, IN WAYS THAT INSPIRE AND AFFECT OTHERS. ~ Emma Zhang, Co-Founder of The Young Expressionists entering high school, and Jacqueline admits that she had a “weird view of business people that made [her] think they were all selfish people who only cared about money.” However, Kim’s vision for BEI is that entrepreneurship can serve as a direct pathway to social impact. Students like Emma and Jacqueline exemplify how creativity, persistence, and problem-solving can help aid a broken world. Beyond that, the girls have learned along the way that the complex continuum of corporations and nonprofits allows for all kinds of opportunities to give back. “Disclaimer: I’m in a philosophical phase,” says Zhang, reflecting on what TYE has meant to her. “This experience has taught me so much about the importance of relationships as the legacies we leave behind and about impact – any of us can be so much more than high school students. We can be learners outside of the classroom too, in ways that inspire and affect others.” This year, TYE’s vision and mission will carry on under a new set of student co-leads in the Quest Incubator who have worked closely with Emma and Jacqueline. Raising up the next set of student leaders and impacting the lives of younger students and the world through giving, Emma and Jacqueline are truly living examples of BEI’s key verse, “Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms” (1 Pet 4:10-11).

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FROM SETBACKS TO CHAMPIONSHIPS When the 2019 boys’ volleyball season ended, VCHS coach Moni Tautu started anticipating future championships. ___ It was one of the best seasons the Warriors had ever had in the sport – they had made it to the CCS championship game before losing and then advanced to the NorCal semifinals, where their season ended. But practically every key player was an underclassman. 2020 was going to be their year. You can include boys’ volleyball among the things stolen from high schoolers in the early months of the COVID-19 pandemic. Gone was what Tautu believed would be the best season in the history of the VCHS program.

And then, three years later, everything came together again. Senior Michael Shi had been a freshman on the 2020 team that never had a chance to play. He was joined in 2023 by his younger brother, Harry, who will be a senior on the 2024 team. They were surrounded on the court by talented athletes who were used to playing together. It felt like all the pieces were in place once more. “I have never had a team like I had last year,” says Tautu, reflecting on the 2023 season a few months after it ended. A significant reason for that sentiment is that the team accomplished what no other boys’ volleyball team ever had, not even the 2019 group. In May, the Warriors won the program’s first CCS championship, powering through the bracket as the third seed to defeat Archbishop Mitty in the semifinals and St. Francis in the championship, avenging regular-season losses to both schools. Then, just like four years ago, they made it to the NorCal semifinals before bowing out. So, it makes sense why Tautu is so excited about the 2024 season; as it was in 2020, nearly the entire group of key contributors returns. They are a year older, a year stronger, and a year hungrier for more history.

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With the way the boys’ volleyball schedule is set up, most of the college recruiting occurs during the club circuit that lasts through the winter, meaning that by the time the high school season rolls around in the spring, seniors have made their college commitments and can focus single-mindedly on playing with their high school teammates. That likely means more emotional moments like the end of last season when Michael Shi tearfully hugged his little brother Harry in the locker room after the Clovis loss. “I’m not crying because we lost,” Michael said to his teammates. “I’m crying because it’s over!” One of the returners is senior Tyler Alden, a star outside hitter who jumps out of the gym to set up his thunderous spikes. “’Do you know how good you are?’” Tautu remembers asking Alden during practices before the 2023 season. “’You are a good player, but do you know how much better you can be?’” Alden and his teammates realize that they are aiming for a CCS repeat and their first-ever NorCal championship. “I never would’ve thought, as a freshman, that we’d be this successful,” Alden says. “There have been teams that are technically better than us, but our attitudes fit so well, and we have special chemistry – it’s crazy how much of a difference that can make.”

It’s not quite over yet, for Harry and the rest of the returning players. Though the memory of the what-could-have-been 2020 season remains fresh in her mind, Tautu is optimistic that, outside of a global pandemic, few issues can derail her current squad. “We’ve had all kinds of weird spiritual warfare moments over the last year or so,” she says. “Guys’ cars breaking down on their way to games, things like that. But with all of these obstacles we keep overcoming, we can’t help but think that something special must be on the horizon.”

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OCEANS OF KNOWLEDGE K-12 Ocean Discovery Program Unleashes a Wave of Environmental Stewardship

The mission of Valley Christian’s Ocean Discovery program is clear: caring for the waters of the world is something that all students, kindergarteners and up, should be willing and able to do. ___ 2022-23 marked the first full school year that Valley Christian Schools will provide Ocean Discovery programs K-12. Fresh off the success of its Marine Life initiatives, focusing on coral and biological preservation, the high school program piloted an ocean mammals program this past January, led by VCHS biology teacher Dr. Shawn Noren. Students took field trips to Santa Cruz and Pescadero to observe professional research projects involving bottlenose dolphins, seals, and sea lions. Riding the wave of oceanic interest at VCHS, the Ocean Discovery programs at the junior high and elementary campuses continue to flourish. A trip down to Skyway classroom E100 brings you face-to-face with the Aquarium Wall, used by the VCJH programs for various experiments and observations. “We wanted to bring research directly into the classroom,” says David Gonzalez, a VCJH Life Science teacher and Ocean Discovery Program Manager. A key focus of the junior high program is the study of coral, specifically the challenge of keeping it alive and thriving without specialized tools. The quick verdict: it’s pretty tricky. “Coral is the iconic case of how humans can impact the environment,” Gonzalez says. “We will be testing light, nutrient levels, and temperature to really understand how much the ocean is impacted by different day-to-day activities that people typically don’t think twice about.”

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The next addition to Ocean Discovery laboratory will be a touch pool designed for elementary students’ use and interaction. As of January 2023, VCES offers Ocean Discovery programming to its youngest students; kindergartners and first graders learn what the living things in the ocean need to survive, and how different ocean creatures work together. Older elementary students learn about the nature of organisms and get to focus their research and activities on specific ocean creatures such as crabs, turtles, jellyfish, sea otters, and seahorses. The program culminates with a hands-on touch pool experience. “It’s exciting to observe and teach the younger students and see how eager and interested they are to learn about ocean life,” says Natalie Gonzalez, who manages the VCES program. “Their constant curiosity and need for knowledge about the ocean is amazing. I enjoy being around them and hearing how they want to care for the ocean and the life within it.” The instructors in the Ocean Discovery program believe wholeheartedly in the importance of young students being informed about the complexity of marine environments and cultivating a sense of stewardship for such critical aspects of our overall ecosystems. In particular, there’s a hope that the current generation of students can lead in developing meaningful solutions to essential climate problems. These students are thoughtful, and they are optimistic. “If you give an adult information about ocean acidification, eutrophication, rising temperatures, garbage, and so on, they’ll likely say something to the effect of, ‘oh, so we don’t have a chance,’” says David Gonzalez. “When you give junior highers that same information, they typically respond with, ‘So how do we fix it?’”

Ocean life footage at 900m deep in Monterey Bay by the VCS educational research platform.


































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“You are the light of the world. A town built on a hill cannot be hidden.” ~ Matthew 5:14

CONVOCATION We kicked off the 2023-2024 school year with a night of worship called “Convocation.” Dr. Daugherty and Pastor Steve Dang (’02) shared messages of encouragement, emphasizing that light is meant to pierce through the darkness. May our community persist in breaking through the shadows and be a radiant beacon, pointing toward Jesus where we live, work, and play. We were blessed to be led by our student and alumni worship team who serve in churches around the Bay Area. ___ Our student and alumni worship team: Ashley Mauro (’09) • Cassidy Thomas (’24) • Selma Jackson (’24) Nathan McCann (’22) • Jack Huang (’22) • Jeremy Darro (’24) Samantha Rubino (’13) • Haley (Green ’11) Eastman • Raychel Melville (’18)

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corporate | VCS NEWS

NEW JH PRINCIPAL Eric Maxwell, Junior High Principal ___ The Skyway quad is Eric Maxwell’s new classroom. That’s how the first-year Valley Christian Junior High (VCJH) principal describes the space when it’s bustling with students, having now fully transitioned from teaching Bible into administration. “[Being principal] wasn’t ever a consideration,” laughs Maxwell, who was a pastor for 18 years before joining the VCJH faculty in 2017. “But the leaders here who asked me to step into the role were able to communicate what they saw in me, and I felt compelled to answer the calling.” Maxwell succeeds Brian Clemons, now the Senior Vice President for Valley Christian Schools. As part of Clemons’ transition into that role, Maxwell took on some administrator duties during the 2022-23 school year before being named principal in the summer of 2023. The opportunity to lead at the junior high seemed just right for Maxwell, who believes that age group is such a formative season of life. “I would love to expand our offerings, enabling our students to have more choices and greater freedom to explore and experiment during these crucial formative years,” Maxwell says. It should come as no surprise that Maxwell is in the business of planting seeds; he grew up on a farm in Louisiana and spent countless adolescent hours plowing fields with his family. Across the country and in a much different field, Maxwell sees himself as an equipper: he aims to prioritize staff wellness, right relationships, and facilitate student learning.

Photo Left to Right: Steve Parmenter (Dean of Students) Lauren Chaplin (’06) (Vice Principal) Eric Maxwell (Principal)

“Every day is full of such different things,” Maxwell acknowledges. “I hope to do my best to care for the people here as best I can, in the manner they need.” He now has a bigger “classroom” in which to do it.

Eric Maxwell (VCJH Principal) with former principal Brian Clemons (Senior Vice President)

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B E YO N D G R A D U We love connecting with our alumni! Whether it’s engaging with them on the VCS campus or meeting them in their current college or city of residence, the Alumni Association team provides encouragement, prayer, support, and a listening ear for our alumni’s journeys. Collaborating with our alumni gives us invaluable insights into their lives, families, and pursuits both in and beyond college.

A recent encounter during a college visit left one alum remarking, “During my time at VCS, I believed you cared about us. Now I know you truly do!” This highlights the impact of our partnership with our Alumni Ambassadors as they forge connections with fellow alumni worldwide. Many have shared their gratitude for our Alumni Ambassadors, recognizing their vital role in smoothing the transition to the next phase of life.

We are committed to linking alumni with VCS networks for internships and job opportunities, aiding them in finding a church community, and offering guidance as they navigate similar paths in life.

From lively class reunions to heart-to-heart conversations over delightful meals, the Alumni Association is dedicated to staying in touch with our alumni, no matter where they are on their life’s journey.








If you want us to visit your college or home town, email us at See you soon! 22 |




Welcome Home


WAR R I O RS No matter where you are, we’re here to support all of our alums as you lead, serve, and impact communities around the globe.


Alumni Association


“Once a Warrior, always a Warrior.” Every year, we travel the country to visit and encourage our alumni. I love listening to the journey of where God took our graduates after high school. As we develop our Ambassador program around the globe, our dream is to grow chapters, establishing a robust network for community, connection, networking, and ministry. Sitting around a big table with alums in Manhattan, Boston, Chicago, West Lafayette, Nashville, Dallas, and Los Angeles, I believe it’s possible. Join our community, hear our stories, find our events, and follow our journey on Instagram @vchsalumni. Update your info, apply to become an Ambassador in your city, and re-connect with us online at


Alumni Re-Connect & Update






Help us keep in touch and up-to-date with your information! Please take a moment to fill out our Re-Connection Form:

Become an Alumni Ambassador

Whether you are in Dallas, Waco, Anchorage, Denver, Los Angeles, San Diego, Phoenix, Chicago, Nashville, New Haven, Boston, Manhattan, San Luis Obispo, or right here in the Bay Area, our ambassadors are here to build a community of support. Join our team and help us build our network right where you live! Apply to our Ambassador Program by visiting the following web address To connect with an ambassador in your area, visit our website: If there is anything we can do to pray, support, or encourage you on your journey, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us – Follow us on our social media channels for up-to-date information and fun content.


Grace and Peace, Pastor Steve Dang (’02) Chief Ministry Officer & Campus Pastor |

vchsalumni valleychristianalumni vchsalumni


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Class of 2023




UC Davis

Cornell University

Northern Kentucky University




Business Administration

Human Biology

Exercise Science




DECA conferences

Leading the badminton team and winning CCS championship with my sister

Winning CCS for Baseball







Westmont College






Elementary Education

Music Performance - Piano





Swim Senior Night with my friends and family

Performing at Christmas at the California

Witnessing VCHS’s drive to recognize diverse cultures on campus, beginning with the Lunar New Year celebration







Santa Clara University

Brown University

San Jose State University




Business Administration

PLME Program BA/MD (Public Health concentration)

Chemical Engineering





Going to Florida for DECA ICDC

Senior year Homecoming Spirit Week

Health & Wellness Homeless Outreach and the Lip Sync Competition





Minerva University

US Air Force Academy

Spelman College




Business and Arts & Literature

Cyber/Electronic Operations & Warfare

Political Science

FAVORITE VCHS MEMORY The senior Disneyland Trip

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FAVORITE VCHS MEMORY Beating the seniors in bubble soccer my Sophomore year during Warrior Warz

FAVORITE VCHS MEMORY Helping the BSU program grow and develop & stepping up as a leader on the track team

high school | CLASS OF 2023 ACHIEVEMENTS




Baylor University

Pepperdine University

California Institute of Technology

Santa Clara University Stanford University

Carnegie Mellon University

University of Southern California

Cornell University Duke University


Harvard University








Massachusetts Institute of Technology Scan to view the complete list of college acceptances.

University of Pennsylvania


The National Merit Scholarship Program aims to recognize and reward students for their exceptional academic achievements. Being named a finalist or winner serves as a testament to the academic rigor and excellence fostered by VCHS.


National Merit Finalists


National Merit



The Class of 2023 earned the platinum award for AP testing in all three categories.

College Culture


of VCHS seniors took an AP exam in high school

College Credit


of VCHS seniors scored a 3+ on at least 1 AP exam

College Optimization


of VCHS seniors who took five or more AP exams*

*with at least 1 taken in the 9th or 10th grade

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A sentimental farewell to our graduating class during Senior Sunset!

Congratulations to the Class of 2023! We’re so proud of their accomplishments as Warriors and wish them blessings as they step confidently into their futures.

High schoolers welcomed our littlest Warriors, for a day filled with interactive science experiments!

Our “Hollywood” themed Father-Daughter Dance was an absolute blast!

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At our Elementary Football Night, students got to meet the VCHS players, cheer them on from the field, and tour the facilities!

A “Community Piano” was introduced to the campus this year by our Conservatory of the Arts Program, where students can play a melody for all of their peers to enjoy!

We celebrated bright minds and big hearts as the Kindergarten Class of 2023 graduated! We are so proud of their growth and excited for what’s ahead!

Junior High BEI students had a blast creating their own DIY business! They were tasked with designing, prototyping, and ultimately building cardboard desktop arcade games.

VALLEY VALLE Y Round-Up Field Hockey geared up for their second season. Their program is already flourishing, as they went on to be League Champions!

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A N N U A L Giving D

ear VCS Friends and Supporters,

As we gather to reflect on another remarkable year of growth, learning, and service, we are reminded of the words from last year’s theme verse, Ephesians 6:10: “Finally, be strong in the Lord and his mighty power.”

These words resonate deeply with the heart of our school. They call upon us to fortify our spirits, to stand firm in our convictions, and to draw strength from our faith as we navigate the challenges of an ever-changing world. At VCS, we embrace this charge with unwavering resolve, guided by our mission to provide a nurturing environment and a quality education supported by a strong foundation of Christian values. In this Annual Giving Report, we celebrate what we have done together. It is a testament to our community’s resilience, dedication, and your steadfast support that we fulfill our mission and cultivate an environment where every student can thrive and pursue their Quest for Excellence. In the following pages, I hope you will witness the profound impact of community and generosity, which has not only strengthened our institution but fortified the dreams and aspirations of countless young minds. You will see how your support has translated into tangible outcomes, from tuition assistance opportunities that have changed lives to innovative wellness initiatives that strengthen students on our campuses.

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Each achievement is only possible because of the community that supports our students. We recognize the power of our collective strength, harnessed through faith and shared purpose. Just as a community stands strong when its members come together, so too does Valley Christian flourish when we unite in our commitment to shaping the future through education and faith. We invite you to celebrate our shared accomplishments and renew your commitment to our beloved school. Your ongoing support is the foundation of our success, and we are deeply grateful for your trust, dedication, and continued belief in the mission of Valley Christian Schools. In the spirit of Ephesians 6:10, let us stand firm together, knowing that with the Lord’s mighty power and the strength of our community, there is no challenge too great, no dream too lofty, and no future beyond our reach. With gratitude and anticipation, Christi Stockhaus Director of Advancement & VCS Parent



The Power of a Generous Community The vision of Valley Christian Schools is to provide a place where every student pursues their personal Quest for Excellence. While tuition dollars fund school operations, it is through the philanthropy and generosity of our community that we see the vision of VCS come to life. Together, our collective contributions brought in over $3 million to ensure our students have the resources and support needed to thrive. Through 4,927 gifts from 2,218 individuals and 122 organizations, each contribution has played a vital role in shaping the future of our students. The power of our community is truly remarkable. Every gift matters, and together, we are ensuring that every student can pursue their personal Quest for Excellence.

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FINANCIAL OVERVIEW Fiscal Year 2022-2023 Donations 3%

Student Activities

Other 3%


TUITION ASSISTANCE Number of students as a percentage of full tuition. 479 Total Students










Tuition & Fees, net General & Administrative



Instructional Support & Student Activities 9%

EXPENSES Facilities (maintenance, technology, depreciation) 19%

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Salaries & Benefits 64%


The Shechem Oak Society empowers our community to make an extraordinary impact on future generations. The society comprises all who generously bequeath legacy gifts to Valley Christian Schools. God assured Abraham of keeping His promise to grant the land to Abraham’s descendants. Shechem holds a significant place in this narrative—it’s where Jacob excavated a well and erected an altar, where Joseph’s family laid his remains to rest, where Joshua delivered his parting words in service to the Lord, and where Jesus revealed Himself as the Messiah to the Samaritan woman at the well (Genesis 12:6, 33:18, Joshua 24:26, John 4:12). Shechem stands as a powerful symbol of God’s faithfulness across generations. We fervently pray that VCS, like Shechem, will serve as a reminder of God’s unwavering faithfulness in Silicon Valley and worldwide. At a time when many American educational institutions are straying from biblical values, you can ensure that Valley Christian Schools continues its Quest for Excellence for future generations. Join us in providing high-quality Christ-centered education to our children and grandchildren by including VCS in your will. VCS partners with Thompson & Associates to offer confidential and complimentary estate planning consultations to our board members, administrators, faculty, staff, and community. Join my wife, Kris, myself, and others in discovering the most tax-efficient means of transferring your estate to benefit your family and your passions. As a trusted member of our VCS community, please accept our gift to you and arrange your estate planning consultation with Darren Penny of Thompson & Associates. You may email or call my office at 408-513-2503. If you have already included VCS in your planned giving, kindly inform us so we may include you in our Shechem Oak Society. Looking forward,

Clifford E. Daugherty, Ed.D.









Va l









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GIVING IN ACTION This past year, donations contributed to finishing our elementary school classroom upgrades, completing our Human Performance Center, improving the safety of our students with increased security fencing, and upgrading the Skyway classrooms and facilities. Donations enhance every program on our campus, allowing us to do more than would be possible with tuition alone. We continue to grow our tuition assistance program, ensuring that students of all economic backgrounds can become Warriors. Our faculty and staff were encouraged by Christmas bonuses, supported by all who contributed to the Love Gift, and our Teachers Assistance Fund which brought additional support and encouragement.




479 students supported with tuition assistance.

200 students sent on mission trips to eight countries.

360 bonuses given to faculty and staff through the Love Gift.

New Human Performance Center

New JumboTron Scoreboard

Upgraded Female Team Room

Upgraded Elementary Classrooms

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Upgraded Field for the VCS Baseball Team


A Journey for Our Entire Community

Junior High: A Community of Warriors United Transitioning well to junior high is pivotal to a student’s development. We’ve launched the Warriors United club to ensure every young mind feels welcome and supported. With seventeen dedicated student volunteers, this club goes above and beyond to make our community a place of belonging. They embody the spirit of Philippians 2:3-4 by welcoming their peers and nurturing meaningful connections. Additionally, our junior high students engage in Social Emotional Learning (SEL) lessons during Warrior Time, equipping them with essential skills to love themselves and others in a healthy way, as Mark 12:30-31 teaches us.

Our collective awareness of the profound challenges surrounding student mental health has grown significantly in recent years. ___ We recognize the pressing need to address this issue head-on. Last year, with the support of a generous donor offering a matching gift, our community gave specifically to support our students through the Warrior Wellness Initiative. We extend an open invitation to every community member to join us on a wellness journey as we confront the critical issue of student mental health. This year, we are proud to have wellness counselors at our junior high and high school campuses, along with a K-12 wellness director. With access to a licensed therapist, we now have dedicated professionals working to meet the needs of our students, faculty, staff, and parents. We are committed to staying current and informed by sending faculty and staff to the Education Wellness Conference. Because of these gifts, we are already starting to see the impact of the Wellness Initiative on every campus!

JH students participate in Warriors United peer bonding club.

High School: A Space of Rest and Connection High school students have expressed their desire for a place to connect, build community, and find moments of rest. Thanks to our committed team and your support, we’ve transformed the main floor of the Conservatory building into a haven of relaxation. Here, students can unwind, engage in healthy coping strategies, and connect with a therapy dog. In September, we introduced the Breaking Down the Walls program, bringing together nearly 1,000 students and 47 staff members to share stories, build empathy, and strengthen bonds, embodying Ecclesiastes 4:9-10.

Elementary: Fostering Emotional Resilience We’ve introduced Wellness Stations, tailored to meet the needs of our youngest learners. These spaces offer age-appropriate strategies to help students navigate their emotions, cope with challenges, and reinforce their mental health. From journaling and creative expression to prayers and cuddles with stuffed animals, these stations provide a nurturing environment where students learn the importance of self-care and empathy. HS students embrace one another during Breaking Down the Walls.

Elementary teachers unbox new wellness tools for their students.

This wellness journey is not just for a select few; it’s an invitation extended to our entire VCS community. Together, we are writing a story of resilience, love, and transformation that encompasses every member of our cherished community. We have already made great strides forward, and we anticipate even more that we can do together. We invite you to be a part of this journey as we embrace wellness, knowing that our unity and faith will guide us through any challenge and toward a brighter future.

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I can trace many of the foundational skills and confidence that have allowed me to perform at a high level in Silicon Valley directly to my time as a Warrior. ~ Jordan Smallwood (’09)

Smallwood graduated as a lifer in 2009. He then went on to earn a Bachelor’s degree in 2013 from Howard University in Marketing. Jordan then earned his MBA in 2020 from the University of Southern California. “I can trace many of the foundational skills and confidence that have allowed me to perform at a high level in Silicon Valley directly to my time as a Warrior. I believe community support continues to be critical to Valley Christian’s future. Donations to Youth With Promise tuition assistance fund allow for a more economically diverse student body. The amount of programming offered by Valley Christian, due in part because of community support, allows students to graduate with a well-rounded understanding of how they can positively affect the world around them.” Jordan Smallwood is married to Breane, and he’s currently thriving at Apple. Jordan still volunteers his time at Valley Christian School events so he can continue making an impact with future Warrior Alumni. Jordan Smallwood. Once a Warrior, always a Warrior.

As a child growing up in South San Jose, Jordan Smallwood was fascinated by music and sports. ___ “I started Kindergarten in 1996 at Valley Christian Elementary. Even back then, I dreamed of being a musician,” said Smallwood, a production manager at Apple. “I always loved performing. As time went on at Valley, I realized how much I loved the Conservatory. The discipline I learned in music has always stayed with me.” Smallwood arrived at VCS thinking he would focus on music, but he pivoted in the seventh grade and became an athlete at Valley Christian Junior High. “Looking back, it was fitting that I pursued both music and athletics,” he said. “These programs allowed me to understand people and personalities and how things interact...and that’s a very strong component, certainly, in making it in the business world.”

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Warrior Club

EVENTS RECAP 2022-2023

Joining Hands for Excellence: Celebrating the Spirit of Community and Giving ___ Events have always held a special place in our hearts at VCS, not just as fundraisers but as vibrant threads that weave our community together. Our mission with each event goes far beyond raising funds; it’s about coming together in fellowship, creating unforgettable memories, and building a community where faith, generosity, and love thrive. Last year, our events achieved a remarkable level of financial success, and it’s all thanks to the incredible dedication of our volunteers and the unwavering support of our extraordinary community.

Homecoming: Where Warriors Unite! Our journey into community-driven events began with the thunderous cheers and roaring excitement of the homecoming football game. Thousands of Valley Christian’s faithful fans gathered to celebrate this cherished tradition. The sight of food trucks, live entertainment, joyful children bouncing in bounce houses, and proud Warriors donning their iconic T-shirts painted smiles on every face. Over in the west end of the end zone, the Alumni Association homecoming gathering was a vibrant celebration of food, laughter, and heartwarming reunions. Alumni from different eras shared stories, rekindled old friendships, and introduced their families to the enduring spirit of the Warriors.

PTPF: Building Up Students and Supporting Our Teachers The Parent Teacher Prayer Fellowship (PTPF) is the hospitality heartbeat of our elementary, junior high, and high school campuses, hosting events like our Elementary Jog-A-Thon and Junior High Color Games. These events are not only about fundraising; they’re a whirlwind of excitement and adventure. Parents, students, staff, and teachers unite, securing sponsorship pledges as students take on the challenge to raise funds for our beloved school. In addition to these fundraisers for elementary and junior high, our PTPF volunteers serve at campus events throughout the year, from our pancake breakfasts to teacher appreciation celebrations, and so much more. A heartfelt thank you goes out to the 2022 PTPF leaders Keri and Chris Sponseller (elementary school), Jeremy and Christine Nauck (junior high), and Kathi Pershall (high school) for their tireless efforts.

Quest Ball: A Night of Elegance and Purpose Last year’s Quest Ball at Guglielmo Winery was a night to remember. Over 450 parents, board members, faculty, and staff gathered under the enchanting theme of “Tuscan Twilight.” The picturesque setting, breathtaking scenery, and exquisite decor provided the perfect backdrop for an evening filled with laughter and joy. Our auction, made possible with gifts from members of our community, was not only exciting but brought in essential funding for our students. The funds raised at the Quest Ball support the Warrior Fund and tuition assistance programs. Special thanks to our dedicated parent volunteers, led by Nicole Staubli, Nabila Haq, and Meredith Hasse, for making the Quest Ball a resounding success.

The 28th Annual Valley Christian Golf Classic: Swinging for Success Our golf classic has become a cherished tradition, and last year was no exception. Hosted at the prestigious Silver Creek Country Club and Golf Course, this event drew a recordbreaking number of participants, including 54 women who showed dedication to our community on the greens. The event featured exciting holes like the saloon, elementary, and the ever-popular golf cannon. Laughter echoed through the fairways as the golf classic sold out for the third consecutive year. Our heartfelt thanks go to parent volunteers Kathleen Kelley, Jeff Layne, Shikha Gupta, Geraldine Leggio, and Meredith Hasse for leading the way. We sincerely thank everyone who volunteered, attended, or supported our 2022-23 events. Your boundless generosity upholds our Quest for Excellence and ensures that the gift of Christian education continues to illuminate the paths of future generations of Warriors. Together, we stand as a beacon of hope, unity, and unwavering support, driven by the spirit of community and a shared commitment to a brighter future.

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Our volunteer community was in full force last year, serving on campus, encouraging our educators, and planning community events and fundraisers. Our campus would not be what it is without all who graciously invest in our students. A huge thank you to every single person who gave their time and talents last year!

UPCOMING VOLUNTEER OPPORTUNITIES To volunteer for K-12 Community Events with our Warrior Club, such as the Quest Ball or Golf Tournament, contact or Stephanie Rosas at To get connected to the advancement team and learn more about volunteering at Valley Christian Schools, complete our Volunteer form at

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Warrior Club Events (Quest Ball/Golf Classic) or Stephanie Rosas,

Elementary PTPF

Amanda Moshier,

Junior High PTPF

Heather Lee,

High School PTPF

Jean Mitchell,

Prayer Intercessors

Patty Favet,

BEI Program Mentors

AMSE Program Mentors

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WARRIOR CLUB Give and Get Involved! The Warrior Club honors our alumni, parents, and friends who demonstrate their commitment to Valley Christian Schools by contributing a gift of any amount annually. All gifts made to Valley Christian Schools during our fiscal year (July 1 through June 30) are eligible for membership recognition in the Warrior Club. In addition, our Leadership Circle level donors will receive invitations to special events throughout the year. For additional information, please contact Stephanie Rosas at

Warrior Club Member Levels Lifetime Giving

Lifetime Gift

David and Edie Wallace Founders’ Council*


Dr. Clifford E. Daugherty Quest For Excellence Society*

$50,000 - $199,999

Annual Giving

Annual Gift












Up to $999

Silver Associate for Young Alumni five to nine years out*


Silver Associate for Young Alumni four years out or less*


Senior Class Gift Associate


Warrior Club

All Gift Amounts

*Leadership Circle

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Visit for more details.

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Lifetime Giving

Annual Giving



Membership in the David and Edie Wallace Founders’ Council is awarded to those whose generous lifetime contributions to Valley Christian comprise $200,000 or more. Anonymous (3) Nils and Jean Akerman Sally Anderson Brian and Brandy Brager Michael and Elizabeth Byrd Kevin and Gayla Compton Clifford and Kris Daugherty Bruce Dunlevie Friends of Valley Christian Schools Joseph Gagliardi Rick and Trisha Gouveia Promod and Dorcas Haque Gary and Kathie Heidenreich

Henry and Kimberley Kaestner Michael and Jennifer LaBarbera William and Kay Long New Technology Specialists Brian Porter and Heather Hatlo Porter Reyes Family Foundation Edward and Beverly Stirm The Davidson Family Foundation The Heidenreich Fund Myron and Cathy Ullman Robert and Carol Wallace Rick and Pam Watson David and Kirsten Williams

DR. CLIFFORD E. DAUGHERTY, QUEST FOR EXCELLENCE SOCIETY Membership in the Dr. Clifford E. Daugherty, Quest for Excellence Society is awarded to those whose generous lifetime contributions are $50,000-$199,999. Anonymous (9) Agape Christian Schools Ahrendts-Couch Family Foundation Michael and Karen Ainslie John Albanese David Berman Wendy Berman Mark and Debbie Bieber Tim and Juliana Billups Chip and Kersti Bronk, Jr. Bruce Hellesoe William and Franell Burford John and Nia Castelly Randy and Jeanne Chamberlain Jack and Celia Chue Chad and Natalie Cochran Compton Family Trust Kris and Genevieve Coughran Charlie Davidson Brian and Lorilee Dexheimer John Diatte, Jr. Trent and Cassandra Dilfer John and Linda Dunning Gayn and Tricia Erickson Michael and Patty Favet Filice Insurance Agency Claude and Trish Fletcher Greg and Lise Fox Matthew and Lisa Garrett Richard and Daria Geraffo Philip and Cindy Gregory The Hage Foundation Winston and Teresa Hendrickson Horne Charitable Remainder Trust Ken and Julie Houp J & J Sports Productions Incorporated John and Shebbie Jacques Rodney and Sena Jones Thomas and Nanette Kinkade Dave and Julie Klenske John and Stephanie Knauss

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Douglas and Jeanne Korns MarFam Computer Solutions Robert and Debbie Marinconz Martha E. Sanfilippo Foundation Justin and Deanna McAnear Gary and Karina McCann Stephen and Michelle McMinn Jerry Merza Rita Minnis Bill Myers and Lisa Bodensteiner Brian and Sandy Nelson New Century Ranch, LLC The New Horizons Foundation Russell and Janette Nolan Mimi Patterson Steven and Cynthia Perry Pete Morgan Foundation Eric and Suzanne Phelps Gary and Janet Radonich Richard and Michelle Rock Nick and Nikki Roland Bruce and Michelle Roth Vera Shantz Kenneth and Maureen Shilling Christopher and Jennifer Smith South Bay Construction Sunil and Caroline Stephen Ronald and Bonnie Swenson Mike and Jeanne Tate TD4HIM Foundation, Inc. John and Kara Teresi Richard and Kimberly Trevino Mary Turner Robert and Susie Valiton Werner and Sheri Vavken Wells Fargo Foundation William G. Irwin Charity Foundation William and Mary Trust Curt and Gracie Willson Sam and Stacey Winter Zerella Family Foundation

This group is defined by cumulative annual gifts during the particular fiscal year of $2,500 or more. Each donor who gives at a leadership level is invited to our annual Extend the Gift Leadership Donor Appreciation Dinner in the fall of the following year.

LEGACY MEMBERS Legacy Membership is awarded to those whose gifts total $25,000 or more during the fiscal year. Chip and Kersti Bronk Rick and Trisha Gouveia The Hage Foundation Henry and Kimberley Kaestner Chao Chu Kuo Enke Chen and Pauline Luan Justin and Deanna McAnear Brian Porter and Heather Hatlo Porter Ronald and Joanne Radonich Richard and Michelle Rock Nick and Nikki Roland Sam and Stacey Winter

DIAMOND MEMBERS Diamond Membership is awarded to those whose gifts total $10,000-$24,999 during the fiscal year. Anonymous (3) Mark and Debbie Bieber Tim and Juliana Billups Chad and Natalie Cochran Clifford and Kris Daugherty Lance and Daphne Etcheverry Stephen and Claire Frieder Mike and Rikki Hanna Promod and Dorcas Haque Dave and Julie Klenske Rose Lei Xiaofeng Liang and Cindy Chen Eric and Suzanne Phelps Miles and Lauren Proctor Christopher and Jennifer Smith Sunil and Caroline Stephen Suman Tandon Robert and Susie Valiton Hy Vu and Annie Cheng

PLATINUM MEMBERS Platinum Membership is awarded to those whose gifts total $5,000-$9,999 during the fiscal year. Anonymous (2) Nils and Jean Akerman Robert and Kari Briski Lianchuan Chen and Liwei Hou Wenzhou Chen and Yu Liu GJ Chun and So Young Hong Steve and Kate Dang Daniel and Jennifer De Vos Jorge and Maureen Delgado Jianning Ding and Jie Hua Dan and Sarah Dryden Richard Gass and Konstantina Papagiannaki

Timothy and Kristin Gordon Rich Griffiths and Rachelle Daniel Yu Gu and Zhaohui Fan Yanchuan Guo and Hong Yu Minghui Han and Carol Fan Sherry He Xingping He and Weiqing Wei Adrienne Heath-Wheeler Yi Chang Hsieh and Shin Chen Jingming Huang and Mu Bai John Joseph and Hannah John John and Stephanie Knauss Richard Koch and Eva Tsai Nick and Melina Kucharewski Peter and Melia LeCompte Steve and Lena Lee Qun Ling and Hongyan Gu Ryan Liu and Lichun Dong Wenping Lou and Jing Xu Ben Luo and Lora Xiong Gary and Karina McCann Yong Ni and Bin Ju Eric and Angela O’Brien Jay and Amita Patel Joshua and Brandi Peters Harold Qi and Jennifer Wu Clint and Kim Ramsey Craig and Denise Roderick Albert and Michele Ross Manish and Sanjana Sampat Kenneth and Maureen Shilling Andrew and Trina Shinn John and Renee Smaha Daniel and Wilma Smith Tyrone and Candice Taylor Xuejun Teng and Xuefen Lin Frank Tran and Minh Dang Joseph and Tina Tseng Samuel and Sharon Tseng Sheri Vavken Qian Wang and Hui Zhong Rick and Pam Watson Curt Willson Minhao Wu and Lanlan Gu Hao Ye and Ling Wang Hongyu Zhang and Yuanshu Xie David Zheng and Stellar Yang

GOLD MEMBERS Gold Membership is awarded to those whose gifts total $2,500-$4,999 during the fiscal year. Anonymous (1) Victor and Laura Adint Timothy and Wannetta Anderson Rajiv and Meenal Bagora Won Bang and Helen Her Robert and Cheryl Brashears Dave and Becky Breiland Thomas and Sabrina Bruckner William and Franell Burford Ernst Calais and Cynthia Innecken Been-Der Chen and Ruey-Ven Wang Lu Chen and Chun Lu Paul and Wingsze Chow Yahui Chu and Siwei Wang Kyle and Michaela Collett Stephen and Sally Cumming Shunli Deng and Lina Qu Bruce and Rika Diephouse Xinmin Ding and Tongtong Wang Zhefeng Du and Yuanpeng Huang Hong Fan and Lixia Zhu Scott Fan and Liming Li Thomas Faucette and Mindi Kim-Faucette Michael and Patty Favet Justin and Annie Fletcher Gary Flynn Dusty and Lauren Furtado

Victor Gill and Jodi Geniesse Michael and Alicia Gonzales Richard and Petra Grabinger Adam and Nancy Hampson Thomas and Yu Mi Han Sunghyun Heo and Meesun Park Ken and Julie Houp Stephen and Leanne Hughes-Bland Richard Jiang and Tammy Sun Phillip and Sheila Kamp Tony and Natalina Kinnis Charles and Claire Kuo Tao Li and Na Xing Zhi Li and Liying Zhu Wenqing Liang and Yun Zheng Stan and Sayang Lim Bruce and Sophia Lin Glen and Annemarie Lynch Gordon and Lisa Mackintosh Ross and Lisa Malinowski Vincent Marino and Tiffani Hirahara-Marino Rayne and Caroline Mayo Richard McDonald Linfeng Mei and Pingyan Zhang Jerry Merza Randy and Aimee Miller Jason and Marjan Moyers Sayandev and Chandreyee Mukherjee Lindsey Newbern Young and Jin Park Tarun and Trushita Patel Alfredo Patron and Flavia Toledo Thuan and Nicole Pham Bryan and Jennifer Preeshl Cameron and Katie Radonich Christopher and Wanda Reichow Naomi Rock Bill and Karin Roeschlein Vance and Kim Roush Luis and Nicole Santizo Matthew and Amy Sapp Jianfei Shao and Jin Wang Ryan and Tiffany Silva Jolon and Nicole Staubli Christi Stockhaus Richard Su and Nicole Lim Wayne and Patricia Summers Yong Sun and Ziyan Tu Yunhai Sun and Zhao Hui Nie Reginald Thompson and Erica Cosgrove Andy Wang and Ellen Hong Tom Wang and Sharon Huang Yanfeng and Lei Wang Ryan Woodley Steve and Michele Wymer Chusong Xiao and Jinghua Shi Zhigang Xie and Jianyang Xu Puquan and Ming Xu Hao Tang and Li Yang Vincent Yang and Lu Wang Xu Yang and Kun Lu Hongbo Yu and Nancy Liu Xiao Yue and Lan Wang Alfred Yuen and Adele Wong Jianlin Zeng and Huiwen Li Jin Zhang and Zhaohua Qin Wei Zhang and Ning Zhuang Yun Zhang and Yi Li Chuangyu Zhou and Zhen Wu

Key: Deceased (italicized)

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Annual Giving SILVER MEMBERS Silver Membership is awarded to those whose gifts total $1,000-$2,499 during the fiscal year. Richard and Gail Abreau Markus Adhiwiyogo and Rosa Chow Julius and Amy Agbonbhase Charles and Elisa Andrews Amanuel Assefa and Nebiat Baarez Robert and Cindy Asuncion Yingjun Bai and Yingchao Liu Steve and Kristal Barnes Randy and Hea Jin Bartholomew John and Anna Basanese JoKay and Kirk Bednar Steven and Lisa Berry Michael and Jene Biester Anthony and Cara Borromei

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David and Molly Boudreault Jim and Danielle Brassfield Robert and Jennifer Burnett Dennis and Teresa Butchart Stephen and Niki Butler Ben and Wanda Carter Ed and Wendy Chen John and Grace Chen Todd and Stephanie Chipman Edward and Christina Cho Max Chou and Lucy Sun Brian and Diane Clemons Billy and Carin Conway Jordan and Beth Cookman John and Wendy Cooley Dustin and Diane Cu Brian and Julia Daily James and Melissa Denena Dunlin Deng and Wanping Zhang Jed Dershimer Sherri Dershimer Jing Qiang and Qiao Ding Mike and Liz Ditty Twum Djin and Denise Twum Herbert and Trudy Emmrich Dwain and Jean Fairweather Jerry Fan Kenneth and Alisa Foreman William Freeman and Tina Kim Yuanxun Fu and Bi Luo Donny and Jolene Fugate Dina Giannakopoulos Adam and Kristin Gill Jun Gu and Yan Yang Mitch Gu and Lifang Yang Qun Gu and Ting Tong Wu Guan and Xu Hua Li Ming Guo and Yue Huang Brad Gyger and Nabila Haq Lani Haddock Farshad and Mehri Haghighi Jim Hale Shunichi Hashimoto and Daxin Mao Bing He and Dongmei Sun Jian He Mark and Sharon Hill Chaohong Hu and Yi Lu Guangsong Huang and Xia Liu Hongbin Huang and Xiujuan Li Shenbo Huang and Li Guo Zhuochuan Huang and Lianfang Xiao Daryll and Debra Hughes Enzo and Tiffany Iacomini Bobby and Fadia Jaffari Jae Woong and Jae Young Yoon Guangyun Jiang and Chanjuan Li Jun Jiang and Haixing Zhang Mingwei Jiang and Xiaocen Zhu Yi Jin and Dan Wan Mark Jordan Woo Shik and Summer Jung Bruce and Rose Kakimoto Vishnu Kandadai and Vasudha Rangaprasad Gene and Diana Kang Danny and Hannah Kim Woochan Kim and Hyunsoo Koh Steven Kole Myron and Mimi Kwong David Kyser Eric Lau and Jing Gao Kola and Monilola Layokun Dongrim Lee and Youngsun Yun Yong-Won and Hwajin Lee Hengyi Li and Teresa Liu Xiaozhou Li and Qianmin Yi Zhenjiang and Min Li James and Stephanie Lin Raymond and Anita Lin Song Lin and Haijun Xia Tim and Elizabeth Lindemulder Haijun Liu and Li Lin Yan Liu and Yanfei Zheng

Mark and Ginny Lockhart Fred and Niki Love Jimmy Lu and Jennifer Lu-Wong Michael Lum and Yan Huang Eric Luo and Manman Gong Don and Grace Ma Michael and Elisa Marfise Chris and Allison McGugan Hardwin and Tamara Mead Ryan and Aicha Mehlmauer Zhaohua Meng and Lu Bai Robert and Jean Mitchell Jason and Barbara Neu Richard and Joy Nyberg Andrey and Elvira Okhlopkov Emmanuel and Lydia Paquiz Trent and Jenny Parker Xianzhao Peng and Lei Jiang Shankar and Vandhana Pennathur Quan Pham and Alice Vu Hong and Elaine Pun Cody and Lori Kate Pyle Feng Qiao and Ling He Honghua Qin and Yilin Wang Carrie Ramirez Jennifer Raney Mike and Pamela Root Jered and Kelly Rowe Jason and Nami Saito Allen Selvaraj and Suganya Jebasingh Koji Seto and Kathy Peng Vera Shantz Ning Shi and Dongmei Lan Marc and Lori Shiraki Sean and Judith Sink Todd Smith Federico Solorzano and Cindy Wong Ramesh Kumar Somasundaram and Deepashridevi Ravindran Christopher and Keri Sponseller David and Kim Staskus Jason and Raelene Stork Yan Sun and Yan Lu Nelson Tang and Ling Zheng Yin Fung Tang and Oi Har Lam Chris Tanner and Jess Wei Jacob and Kim Taylor Kuisong Tong and Yujing Ren Todd and Catherine Tosti Gao Tu and Lu Dai Gaoyuan Wang and Jian Zhang Jacques Wang and Michelle Zhuang Jiang Wang and Ying Tan Shangying Wang Tao Wang and Luohan Pu Xiaodong and Weijia Wang Andrew and Courtney Weis Justin and Kristin White Dan and Amanda Wilson Jeff and Julie Wilson Zuoguo Wu and Taoyu Zhang Yao Xu and Kewen Sun Zhuxin Yang and Xiaoqin Xu Choon-Hoe Yeoh and Leeann Lian Alex Yi and Wen He Wei Yuan and Liwei Liu Zhao Yuan and Jialu Li Zhen Zeng and Wen Yang Jingzhou Zhang and Fanxin Wu Li Zhang and Lin Chai Yan Zhang and Xiaolin Mou Qi Zhao Hailong Zhou and Nancy Jiang Kun Zhou and Fengqin Yang Jian Zhu and Yingjuan Zhang

Annual Giving BRONZE MEMBERS Bronze Membership is defined by cumulative annual gifts during the fiscal year, up to $999.

Anonymous (4) Carlos and Elizabeth Abaya Laurence Abcede Ethiopia Abera T. Abrahamsohn Andy Ackerson Barbara Ackerson Megan Ackerson Chuck Adams Sherry Adams Stephen and Holly Adams Karen Agacki Elizabeth Agbonbhase T. and Cole Aghassi Cyrus and Katherine Aghassi Elizabeth Aghassi Jay and Danielle Aghassi Joe Aghassi and Bella Betsayad Kaye Aghassi Nicole and Katherine Aghassi Roshel Aghassi Ytis Aghassi Zoey Aghassi Jose Aguilar and Brenda Ramirez Journee Ahmu Richard Ahn and Sharon Ahn Jo Ron and Kathy Akavuti Kristy Alaniz Tom Albrecht Christopher and Tatum Alcantara Arturo Alegria Guadalupe Alegria Juan Manuel AlegrÌa Bruce Alexander Kaylah Alexander Will Alexander William and Kimberly Alexander Heather Allan Eric and Chika Allen Etoi Allen Ken Allen Nick and Ashley Alongi Jacob and Ana Lilia Alvarez James Alvarez Suraphel Amdeberhan and Beza Showarga Yupeng An and Jihui Li Ana Andreoli Zephan Andrew Oleg and Alicia Andriyuk Siri and Sue Angevine Mike and Kristin Annab Rob Antle

Honesto Antonel John and Vanessa Antonel Kevin Antonel Tony and Hridya Antony Eladio Aoalin Lester and Kristina Aoalin Haley Apple Steven and Kristi Argo John and Dena Armeniakos Kevin Armstrong Sweety Arora Kimberly Artman Brandon Ashby Kristin Ashby Ali and Zara Ashtiani Jasmine Ashtiani Rozel Asia Grace Asuncion Lacy Atkinson Steffanie Atwood Dennis and Sonia Avilucea Swati Ayyar Castle Azad Raj Azad Seema Azad Sunny and Jammie Azad Tracy B Wendy Babb Craig and Susan Bagley Lisa Bagley Joan Bailey Aaron Baird and Sabrina Koshiyama Nandini Balakrishnan Dinesh Balasubramaniam and Gowri Muthur Prabukumar Balasubramanian and Jayanthi Prabukumar Bales Family Rea Banaga Erika Banuelos Jaleesa Marie Banwait Kiana Baradaran Yasi Baradaran John Baranowski Marco Bardelli Amanda Barraclough Mark and Sarah Barragan Jason and Joanna Barrett Agustin and Silvia Barrientos Kenneth Barstow Rick and Jill Bartels Christopher and Courtney Basanty Cindy Basioa Ngiyan Batala

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Andrew and Duhong Bateman Artist Battle Otis Battle Diana Battung Patti Beach Jared and Rachael Beaulieu Rick Beczynski Parvaneh Beheshti Steve and Kate Beier Kurt and Brenda Beiter Jason Belangoy Jesus Belangoy Sayli Benadikar Doris Benson Don Bergman Kimberly Bespaly Eduardo Betancourt Sarah Bettencourt David Bettencourt Amit Bhati and Sweety Sharma Jasmeet Bhatia and Amrita Rekhi Samip and Rupali Bhavsar Nonni Bianchi Mariah Bicomong Maria Biggs Lynch Cynthia Bilingslea Edgar and Jean Billups Alison Bissett Wendy Blackburn Raylene Blandino Mario and Kristina Blauman Pamela Blauman-Schmitz Jamec and Tamara Blue Carter Bonham Frank and Sandy Bonham Jeffrey and Erica Bonham Nancy Bonilla Tony and Annette Borba Christina Botkins Timothy and Roxanne Bowers Josephine Boylan Kathy Bradley Bradshaw Family Brandy Brager Paul and Renee Brannon Wendy Brennan

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Stephen Bretsen Colleen Brown Jenn Brown Jimmie and Tara Brown Scott Brunshwiler Garth and Alicia Brydon Ryan Buckley Larry and Suzanne Buckley Daniel Bullen Sarah Bulloch Lisa Burgett Dennis and Lisa Burton Carsten Buschmann Sofia Buschmann Marlene Busto Soemia Butchart William Butchart Saundra Butler Mark Byers Steven and Elizabeth Cacciaroni Marivic Cadiz Tania Cain Thomas and Emilia Caine Robert Call Steve Call Jillian Callag Callus Family Karen Camese Clay and Jodi Campbell Ife Campbell Douglas and Windy Campen Patricia Campen Manuel Canales Sophie Cannon RaeAnn Caparelli Dianne Cardiel Lolomi Cardoso Molly Carpenter Andres Carrasco and Yanli Qu Angy Carvalho Carlos and Vanessa Carvalho Carlos Carvalho Paige Casanova Riley Casey Noah Castellano Raymond and Lisa Castelli

Eugenio Castillo Richard and Mary Castillo Bradford and Kathleen Cathey Kevin and Leslie Cathey An Cayas Lincy Cecili Mattias Cedergren Victor Cedillo Ted Ceralde Nitza Cerda Crystal Chaboya Gitansh Chadha and Payal Singh Nishant Chadha and Amrita Puri Alex and Christine Chae Naveen Chahal Pravi and Becky Chahal Carl Chai and Carol Wei Clive Cham Rajeevan Chamackalil and Beaula Surendranath An Chan and Wing Yan Poon Anson Chan and Mimi Fung Eric Chan and Gloria Yu Gloria Chan Hin-Ching Chan and Yee Kwan Chan Prizcyla Chan Shawn Chan Tin Wai Chan and On On Sze Charles and Jessie Chang Johnny Chang and Christine Lin Jon Chang Michael Chao Sally Chao Lauren Chaplin Dan and Michele Chapman Donald and Thoa Charkowsky Mike Chavez Dong Chen and Bing Wang Feng Chen and Sarah Yuan Hao Chen and Joy Wang He Chen and Xiaoqian Li Jennifer Chen Jenny Chen Lawrence Chen and Emi Ichihara-Chen Lena Chen Aaron Chen and Qiu Zheng

Qi Chen and Jiayin Wang Science Chen and Susan Ou Shaohui Chen Steve Chen Xi Chen and Bing Liu Yuankai Chen and Cong Zhou Yun Chen Zhiyu Chen and Yulin Chien Zhong Chen and Zhiyan Ding Gyeong Woo Cheon and Sojin Keum Akihiro and Michelle Chiba Christopher Ching and Lynn Kunihisa Joe Chiodo and Marie Mata Steven and Nicole Chitty Myoung Cho Joel and Kim Choe Luke Choi and Mi Hye Roh Yoon Ho Choi and Hee Lee Young Moon Choi and Min-A Kim Andy and Diana Chong Hoonmin and Jenny Choo Kelvin Choo and Anna Ang Kenny Choo and Pingping Cheng Lynn Choo Ollie Chou Benjamin and Freda Chow Eric and Lori Christensen David and Sheri Christie Ingyu Chun and Wookyoung Jeon Angela Chung Jun Chung and Kyung Na Yen Chung and Wenhsuan Tseng Robin Chwatko Robert Cisneroz Catherine Clark Kenn Clark and Darlene Neumann Carrie Claypool Greg Claypool Felicia Clement Knayi Clement Lawrence and Emily Co Reggie and Sherri Coates Guillaume and Sandy Coffinier Emmy Coldren Kathy Coldren Shanae Coleman Frank and Beth Coletta Chris and Dana Concepcion Nigel Cook and Yvonne Truong-Cook Enrique and Elsa Cordova Enrique Cordova Margie Cordova Yvette Cordova Brett Cornell and Bambi Call Teresa Cornell Danny Corral Jennifer Correia Michael and Carla Cossy John Costa Nick Costa Ray and Angela Crabb Marsha Crall Ryan and Laura Crawford Lee Critten Nerly Cruz Ming Cui and Han Jiang Christopher Cullen Cunningham Family Jeremy and Kristen Cunningham Maggie Cunningham Wilidah Cunningham Heather Cushman Alex D Wayne and Beverly Daily Angie Dang Lynn Dang Tenbit Daniel and Abebaye Assefa Liz Danielski Stephen and Cristina Darrow Zane and Rebecca Daugherty Eric and Melynda Davenport Sylvia Davis

Paul Davoli Daniel Day and Savannah Shi Rosa Day Chris de Guzman Richard de Guzman Brenda DeAngelo Liz Dearinger E.D. and Beverly Deaton Scott and Ilynn DeFreitas Amberose Deguzman Andi Dehne Jamie Del Priore Nikhil dela Cruz Janice DeLancey Juli Delfino Luis and Elsa Delgado Luis and Jenny Delgado Bernard Delke John and Anne Delke Tina Dempsey Ronald Denevi Shelli Denevi Qingbiao Deng and Yangjin Baima Sally Deng Yikang Deng and Lin Wang Zhengyu Deng Courtney Depold Joanne Depold Aaron Derbacher Donna Dershimer Steve Dershimer Stephen and Rachel DeSantis Deborah Deverse Mike DeVita Myra Devore Rajesh and Gayathri Dhandapani Rohit and Manasi Dharne Aileen Diamanti Nancy Dickinson Remco and Nelli Dijkhuizen Larry Ding Karen Ditty Tom Ditty Jonita Dixon Dixon Family Khang Doan Melissa Donahoe Brandy Donaldson Larry Dong Xuezhang Dong and Shufang Cheng Joseph and Melanke Doreza Jason Dorsey Mheir Doursounian and Jennifer Robinson Dan and Sara Dries Armin and Carol Driesen Amy Drohan Gang Duan and Di Zhong Mark Duarte Margaret Dubes Karen Duchnowski Teresa Dunaway Monica Duncan Rich Dunne Trinh Duong Corina Durham Dean Echols John Eisz Christyne Ekizian Joe and Amy Elliott Ryan and Michelle Elliott Rob and Sheryl Ellis Lesa Embry Jed and Jumay Empaynado Mike and Julie Epling Elsa Erazo Dave and Kelli Erisman Mal Ner Azi Fabro Noreen Facione Brian and Renee Fahs Catherine Fang Ramona Farhad Diane Farrington

Maher and Dimah Fasheh Cecilia Feliciano Seth and Rachele Feller Kai Feng and Juan Dan John and Celia Feret Dennis Fernandes Robert Ferry John and Shannon Fiedler Veaceslav and Nadya Filimonov Allan and Barbara Fiore David and Ashley Fiore Kimberly Fishel Scott Fishman Lucy Fleischer Chris and Megan Fletcher Jon and Kirsten Florez Jonathan Folsom Leigh Folsom-Boyd Nana and Poppa Foster Beth Fraker Lydia Franklin Michael Freeman Barbara Freitas Rachel Freitas Carol Frieder Susan Frieder Shannon Frost Tod and Laurie Fryfogle So-Chung Fu and Alex Chang Donald and Diann Fugate Richard Furtado Richard and Debbie Furtado Tessa Furtado-Chung Andrew Gabudao Alissa Galaviz Tomas Gallardo Jenora Gallego Michael and Jesselyn Gameng Geovanni and Donna Garay Dominique Garcia Elienda Garcia Eri Garcia Jen Gardin Brian Gardner Stefan and Felicia Garlick

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Ron Garrity Robert Garton Joshua Gatus Reuel Gatus Gunnar Gaubatz and Nastaran Baradaran Tiffany Geisler Koshy and Sheeba George Jenny Gerlach Selene Germanelo Gulnara Ghorbanian Mike and Lauren Giammona Christina Giatzikis Amanda Gil Gish Family William and Carol Ann Gittens Todd and Mary Glennon Dennie Go John and Oyhane Go Ryan Godsey Will Godsey Vladimir Golter and Olga Ovchinnikova Jason Gomez Lisa Gomez Trey Gomez Jeline Gonzaga Darlene Gonzales Sarah Gordon Grace Grady Paul and Beth Graham Hilda Granado Rick and Heidi Granado Maydie Gravning Andy and Lynsie Gridley Arnetta Griffin Ivor and Krystal Griffiths Dick Gronholm Brian Grove and Shana Ryan Pengcairong Gu Carl and Leslee Guardino Stephen and Theresa Guarini Jaclyn Guasco Patti Guercio Ryan and Lacy Guerrero Kyle and Lindsay Guichard William Guiles Troy and Melissa Gunter Jiao Guo Zhendong Guo and Juan Qiao Brian and Kathleen Gustad Brian and Danielle Gustafson William and Diane Gustafson Balta Guzman and Holly Hatlo Candice H Christa Haase Misha Hacke Amela Hadzic Ryan and Anita Hagan Shida Haghighi-Jabbour Farzad Haghighi Negar Haghighi Edwin and Pauline Haghnazari Jeffrey and Katie Hahn Kathy Hahnel Genet Haile James and Marie Hale Steve Hall Jun Ham and Mia Song Shig and Christine Hamamatsu Kenji and Christine Hamilton Preston and Juliette Hamilton Roger and Lori Hamilton SungWook Han and HaeJu Chung Kathleen Hanes Richard and Jane Hankins John and Audrey Hannah Becky Harrell Karen Harrison Bruce and Deborah Haskins Guy Hatfield Jim and Terri Hatlo Nancy Hatlo-Donnelly Linda Hawthorne

Paul and Felissa Hay AJ Haynes Shari Hazlett Charlie He Chip and Susan Heath Tim and Annie Heath Gillian Henderson Mason Henry Michael and Andrea Hering Norma Hering Ingrid Herman Amy Hernandez Breanna Hernandez Frank and Caramia Hernandez Jeannine Hernandez Bryan and Dominique Herrin William and Kimberly Hetrick Allan Hipolito Jakob Hipolito Jessa Hipolito Mary Ann Hipolito Mikaela Hipolito Robert and Irene Hipolito Edie Hlavac Harry Ho and Quynh Mac Audrey Hogen-Esch Kristina Holgersen Terry Holgersen Artie Holmes Malcolm Holmes Ted Holmes Megan Holston-Alexander Jerry Hong and Tiffa Huang Kezhu Hong and Hui Wu Ron and Rosie Hopkins Edwin and Ramona Hormozian Sweetlana Hormozian Charlotte and Harrison Hoshii Henry and Heather Hoshii Thomas Hsiao and He Wang Stephen Hsieh and Tammy Chen Hengxiang Hu and Yan Zhu Andrew Huang and Ann Lien Dawei Huang and Yuhong Chen Jie and Wei Huang Mary Huang Ricky Huang and Sarah Luo Suching Huang Greg Hubbard Judy Huber Justin Huber Stephen Huber and Ester Nespoli Josephine Huesca Victor and Veronica Huesca Michelle Hung Chin Hur Tania Hyatt Kimberly Hyaty Jef Inman Khursheed Irani Sherilyn Isaguirre Asuncion Devid Ishaya Byravee Iyer Maya Jabbour Adrienn Jablonszki-Hahn David and Anelle Jackson Kristin Jacobsen Pravin Jadhav and Priya Vartak Jason and Taryn Jane Mark and Michele Janes Anthony Jenkins-Rose and Brittany PickettRose Sally Jenks Ninang Jenn Jinhua Jiang and Xia Li Sheng Jiang and Peng Yan Feng Jiao and Meilian Li Megan Johnson Carlin Jones Madison Jones Mistydawn Jones Billy and Veronica Jowers

Sungho Jung Lon Justice Ajit K Nicco K Masahito and Yuko Kagita Alice Kakizoe Todd Kalbfeld and Michelle Selber Shantanu and Kavitanjali Kalchuri Jenny Kan Pradeep Kandepaneni and Shameela Jalari Jinsook Kang Lynn Kao Paul Kao and Yuen Chou Lee Ruey Kao and Xiaoling Zheng Johan Kartiwa and Noviyanti Praseyto Taso Kasaris Scott and Kathy Katric Puneet Kaur Sukhpreet Kaur Paul Keas and Xiaodong Zhang Erin Kelley John and Kathleen Kelley Rachel Keung Chris Kim and Katie Jung Deok Kim and Mari Suzuki Shawn and Sojin Kim Ina Kim Jae Youn Kim and Eunjung Lee Jongheum Kim Kyung Soo Kim and Minyoung Kwon Monica Kim Nam Hoon and Narae Kim Paul Kim Peter and Esther Kim Pokey Kim Sean and Shohyun Kim Tae Hoon and Kayoung Kim Tony and Jamie Kim Woochan Kim and Sam Lee Young Seok Kim and Hae Kyung Ko Youngmin Kim and Youngsoo Bae Sally King Taisei and Akiyo Kinoshita Beth Kiser Karl and Wendy Kissa Betty Knutson Heidi Knutson William Knutson Ming Kai Ko and Hannah Lin Sangwon Ko and Sunmi Jung Mrinal Kochar and Shveta Miglani Grant and Ashley Koepplin

Boon Koh Youngjoo Koh Samuel Kommu and Mini Aradhyula Nitish and Nitika Korla David Koshiyama Erik Koshiyama Haig and Zepure Kouyoumdjian Jeff and Ly Kowalski Kevin and Amber Kraver Veeraraghavan Krishnan and Aparna Veeraraghavan Kristin Kulas Neelakshi Kumar Deepak Kundra and Pooja Arora Dan Kurtz Marion Kurtz Gizelea Kwan Bobbi Kyle Kool Kyle Alan and Jennifer Laabs Alan LaBranche Elizabeth Lacey Melody Lai Harpreet and Nirpinder Lamba Bonnie Lamberson Jason and Lisa Lammers Evan Lamont Landsteiner Family Josh Landsteiner Debbie Lantis Charlie and Claire Lao Rick and Cathy LaPore Carrie Larkin Mellina LaRocca Jason Lash Jaxson Lash Kai and Gotia Lau Anthony Le and Adelina Palaroan Dat Le Julian Le Quyen Le Randy and Mila Le Sandy Le Trang Le Will Le Susan Leach Donald and Claudia Lee Evan Lee and Stella Leung Jiwoong and Hyeyoon Lee Joo Lee and Eunbi Cho Kenn and Anne Lee Kwang Sook Lee

Sang Hyeb Lee and Yoonwon Jung Sangjin Lee and Ellie Choi Seok Lee and Juhee Do Seung Hoon Lee and Yeha Kim Viviana Lee William Leggett and Leann Cicco John and Geraldine Leggio Denise LeMelle Eva LeMelle Cristina Leon Sylvia Leon Jimmy Leonard Charlene Leong Dennis and Melody Leuthner Roxana Levin Anna Leyva Chris Li and Wendy Wang Dezhan Li and Tracy Jiang Jinhua Li and Hui Cheng Ke Li and Yi Zhang Lyon Li Peter Li and Xiaofeng Gao Shalang Li Shoulong Li and Lei Wang Tao Li and Joyce Fu Zhaoyu Li and Xian Kang George Li and Lucy Liu John Licalsi and Pooiyin Chang Konghoei Lim and Dewi Windoro Samuel Lim and In Ea Chang Sheila Lim Barbara Lin Belinda Lin Jer-Jen Lin Jim Lin and Annie Hsu James and Vanessa Lin Micole Lin Sen Lin and Yan Shu Tien-Chih Lin and Hsinfang Chang Rodney Little Fang Liu and Yukun Sun Huibo Liu and Lu Shi Jing Liu Lei Liu and Anita Li Ruisheng Liu and Xianbo Yuan Vincent and Carrine Liu Wing Liu and Xiaoyu Bi Yun Liu Zhongri Liu and Nan Zhang Efren Locquiao Fe Locquiao Yolanda Loera

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Zhenyang Long and Luying Peng Iris Loofbourrow John Loofbourrow Joshua Loofbourrow and Laurie Holmes Nathan Loofbourrow Wayne and Lisa Loofbourrow Ron and Dixie Lopes Corlas Lorino Paula Lorino Kimberly Lozada Jessica Lu Lucas Family Armida Luedemann Matthew and Roxanne Lundgaard Haiyan Luo and Rita Zhang Junwu Luo and Tek Nei Tong Vanvi Luong Roshni Luthra Danny and Lilian Luu Preston and Mia Luu Minh Ly Shichuan Ma Xiaonan Ma Hung Mac and Dai Tran MacDougall Family John and Anne Marie Mackay Makenzi Macri Tanuj Mahmood Gordon Mak Kelvin and Marian Mak Lucas Mak Tosanwunmi and Odiri Maku Makoa and Mary Ann Malaluan Larry and Irina Maloney Phil and Valerie Malvini Wayne and Diane Mancari Brenda Mannina Dustin and Sherell Mannina Lauren and Daniel Manning Cesar and Gabi Manuel Victor and Christine Manuel Marcel and Judith Marc Lyne Marcellus Mathew and Erika Marcuccillo Jeremy and Jessica Mariscal Tyler Mariucci Adrienne Marsh Jeanette Marsh Corrine Marshall Mary Beth Marshall Jaimee Martello Anselma Martinez Antonio and Marlene Martinez Daniel and Lora Martinez Jessica Martinez Martinez Family Dayna Martorell John and Sandi Matarangas Christos and Diana Matheou Ted and Eleni Matheou Maridehl Mather Geralyn Mathews Rahul Mathur Michael and Renae Matson Bev Mattos Brett and Tami Mattos Kim Mattos Stephanie Matyskiewicz Ellen Mauldin Mausali Family Cameron and Carolyn McAulay Steve and Anna McCann John McCarthy Patrick and Amy McDonald Kimberley McDonnell Matthew and MaryCarmel McEwen Steven and Gloria McGriff Juliana McLean Brian and Monteacia McMorrow

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John and Kristin McNulty Isaiah and Iris McPherson Rachel and Jeremy Medeiros Nancy Mehlmauer Mark Mendaros John Mendoza Lourdes Mendoza Mark and Mimi Mendoza Michelle Mendoza Rebecca Mengesha Michael Menne Phillip Merilos Alisa Meyer Bill and Molly Meyer Roy Michels Christina Miguel River Minor Iqbal Miranda Frank and Carolyn Mitchell Maggie Mitchem-Flanigan Sammer Mitri Carl and Kellie Moberg Amanda Mogin Joshua Mogin William Moher, Jr. Kimmie Molina Debbie Molyneaux Gina Molyneaux Trevor Molyneaux Lorena Montano Kimberly Montgomery Kesha Moody Hannah Moon Hui-Sok and Charlynne Moon Taeseung and Jeongmyeong Moon Wook and Yon Moon Melissa Moore Jesse Mora Rebecca Mora Marco and Caitlin Morais Michael and Kei Morales Michael Moran Shannon Morelli Farrah and Des Moreno Adam and Kelly Morrella Scott and Judy Morrella Alexander and Tracy Morrison Andrew Morse and Kate Nam Jeanine Mortensen Mike and Amanda Moshier Lee Mota Bo Mu and Jingjing Zhang Nick and Tara Muccilli Danielle Mueller Yong Mueller Man Mui and Yona Lu David Mullins Marie Mura Erik and Vanet Murawsky Venugopal Muriki and Sunitha Gunda Warren and Dom N. Janice Nacionales Myndie Nacionales Aurelian and Cristina Nae Dipanjan Nag and Smriti Jolly Sundeep Nagra and Devika Tandan Manas and Nitu Naik Savita Naik Suzy Najarian Phal Nanda Phalguni and Archana Nanda Gerald Nangoy and Grace Salim Vinod Narayanan and Pallavi Iyer Shadi Nasiri Shaida Nasiri-Blomgren Lorraine Nauck Jeremy and Christine Nauck Joseph Navarro Jiries Nazzal

Camilia Nelson Janice Nelson Su An Nelson Paul and Jeanette Nemoda Joli Ngo Landon and Kaylee Ngo Bao Nguyen and Jessica Leang Cali Nguyen Donovan Nguyen and Nikki Tom Hung Nguyen Iverson and Charlotte Nguyen Ken Nguyen and Catharine Vuong Lily Nguyen Long Nguyen and Chieu Le May Nguyen Michael Nguyen Mimi Nguyen Miranda Nguyen Tina Nguyen Tracy Nguyen Uyen Nguyen Vivian Nguyen Mimi Niemiller Mabel Ninan Pramod Ninan and Shwetha Maddela Chengzhi Ning and Yan Zhang Guoqing Ning and Ting Yu Liangyong Niu and Lin Ren Donnelle Nolan Patricia Nores Karla Nubling Eric and Andrea Nyberg James and Linda O’Connell Kelly O’Connor Katie O’Leary Eghosa Obasohan Ryan and Latrece Oden Irina Okhlopkova Joe and Amy Oleary Rio and Julie Oliveri Sergio Oliveri Greg Olson Jonathan and Sara Olson Nancy Olson Renato and Roscelia O’Neal Sally O’Neal Gisso Oreo Marleo and Sarah Orpia Val Ortega Angelica Ortiz Markus and Minna Osa Daniel and Krystal Osuna Andreas and Lucy Ott Sarangan and Padmaja Padalkar Shirin Pakravan Matt Palmer Ward Palmer Theo and Dina Panagopoulos Giovanni and Maria Paquiz Alan Paradiso Nicholas Paradiso Gil Pardo and Jade Koshiyama Manuel and Golshan Paredes David and Mina Park Ryan and Kimberly Park Lou Parmelee Robert and Barbara Parmenter Carrie Pasch Ciara Pasta Jeremy and Edugisle Pasternak Anshi Patel Manji Patel Raj and Shilta Patel Suhani Patel Chris and Denise Pattinson Ron Pearson Chris and Michelle Pederson Natalie Peera Jolanta Peisker Jennifer Peneyra Calvin Pennix McKenna Pereira

Francisco A. Perez Luis Perez Don and Kathi Pershall Lorri Peterson George and Mimi Petros James Petros Oksana Petrova Bob and Paula Pfaff Sameer and Rajkumari Phadke Duy Pham Jojo Pham Jon Pham Olivia Pham Randy Pham Andrew and Hailey Phan Barry Phan Todd Phillips Dena Phinney Vincent Phung Laurent Pierrugues and Kenia Martinez Mamie Babette & Tata Bea Pierrugues Christina Pike Bernadette Pina Cindi Pina Heliverto Pina Jesse Pina Melody Pina Hongsheng Ping and Qing Xia Victor Pioli Frank Pisciuneri and Allison Ly Tammy Plambeck Kedarnath Poduri and Padmini Murthy Samantha Polacek David and Krista Polanco Naresh Polavaram and Namratha Kuppuswamy Dawn Polich Linda Ponikvar Henry and Wendy Poon David and Nancy Porter Alyson Portera-Greene Rumi Portillo Dom and Derick Portillo Wittman Ivy Posada Steven and Patty Poulo Nishan Pouono Wendy Powers Ernest and Sandhya Prabhakar Vishnu Prasad and Rachna Reddy Tiki Primes Jodie Proctor Patrick Pullman Craig Purdy and Christine Marquez Dennis and Rosie Pyper Fernando and Carmen Quinones Fernando and Fermina Quinones, Jr. Kristin Quinones Jessi Quist Kayla Quist Micheal and Jennifer Rabe Steffanie Radia Brad and Lisa Raffanti Robert and Corinne Raffanti Raj Raman and Aarthi Sampath Estrella Ramirez Eunise Ramirez Nadia Ramirez Victoria Ramirez Carlos and Charlene Ramos Yogesh and Nimeesha Rane Chinna Rani Erik and Angelica Rasmussen William Rasmussen Heidi Ravizza Realini Family Ryan and Robin Realini Nick Guijarro and Jenny Redmond Taylor and Jennifer Redmond Tim and Cathy Redmond Nicole Reis Zhongwei Ren and Lili Xi Charmaine Reroma

Isabel Resende Dennis Reyes Eli and Jennifer Reynolds Marge Reynolds Diajai Rhines Emma Richards Trina Ricks Tanya Riesbeck Douglas and Deborah Rigg Michael and Tamie Riley Lorenzo Rios, Jr. Deron and Janette Robertson Kenneth and Alma Robertson Angelica Robles Eva Robles Magdalena Robles Olivia Robles Rudy Robles Cynthia Rodriguez Daniel Rodriguez Gerold and Danielle Rodriguez Jocelyn Rodriguez Manuel Rodriguez Jizean Rogers Thomas Rogers and Crystal Songcuan Velvet Rogers Gene Roland Jamal Rollerson Marisol Romo Chloe Rong Jenny Rong Adam Root John and Sharon Root Sanna Root Regina Rountree Bonifacio and Virna Roush Nicholas Rovito Jeremy and Kendyl Rowe Randy and Dana Rowe Anthony Ruano Letisia Ruano Sherry Rudolph Regina Ruiz Gordon and Lianne Rydquist Lori S. Ria S. Marvin Sagayaga Duane and Aysha Saipaia Nate Saipaia Nader and Summer Salameh Erlinda Salangsang Lennie Salman Janelle Salvatierra Jen Samoranos Rafael and Deborah San Luis Bernadette Sanchez Christian Sanchez Juan and Janina Sanchez Margaret Sanchez Moses Sanchez Jeanne Sandberg David and Chiyieko Sankus Vanessa Santibanez Antonio and Lizette Santos Phyllis Santucci Mike Sarnoski Antony Savarimuthu Andrea Savella Emma Savella Gregory Savella Mark Savella David and Sheila Sawkins Susan Sawkins William and Dawn Sawkins Segolene Scarborough Eric and Kelli Schmidt Teresa Schmidt Barbara Schneider Stephen and Alexis Schneider Megan Schoettmer Christopher Scholer Brynn Scott-Wagle

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Matthew Seavers and Stella He Chen Jonathan Sebastian Partha Seetala and Chandra Kodey Changwon Seo and Jinhwa Nam Dongjun Seo Jongbeom Seo and HyeJin Kim Eric Shaffer Gena Shaffer Myron and Diana Shak Kyle and Mandy Shanahan Hari Shankar and Sonal Singh Zhuyan Shao and Shuqing Dong Prakul Sharma and Diksha Mahajan Sawraj Sharma and Maegan Collett David and Paula Sharpe Mike and Lynn Shaw Ryan and Denise Shaw Paul She and Linda Kuo Jiandong Shen and Jingbo Dong Melvin Shepherd Sunil Sheshadri and Sanchitha Sunil Ami Sheth Angel Shi Elbridge Shi Lin Shi and Ke Huang Wei Shi and Chunxin Chu Wei Shi Xinjie Shi and Hong Ma Xun Shi and Lele Yu Yuan and Karen Shi Guang-Ting Shih and Wan-Wen Hung Jaemin Shim and Jina Lee Theodore Shim Youngmin Shin and Dayoung Kim Vaden and Cheri Shirley Jermy and Nikki Shoffner Dianna Short Xiaozhou Shu and Caiya Fan Sher Sicley Linda Siemer Melissa Siemer Michelle Siew Jennifer Silva Rick Silva Janan Simaan Dina Simcox Mike Simms Jacqueline Simon Amit Singh Shiny Singh Kathy Sithiphone Jon and Laura Sizelove Deana Skelton Mark and Linda Skovmand Robert and Kelsey Skovmand

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Alastair and Mira Slattery Gordon and Maureen Slattery Hattie Sleap Terrance and Marcella Slocum David and Rosana Smart Ava Smith Bryan and Jennifer Smith Cecellia Smith DP Smith Genetta Smith Jesse and Ruth Smith Jessica Smith Liz Smith Nicolette Smith Ryan and Thao Smith Roxanne Solis Dominique Sollars Mack Solomon Stefan and Diana Solyom Kerry Sorci George and Sharon Sousa Angela Sparks Denise Sparks Jamal Splane Anthony and Lorie Sproul Ravi and Pallavi Srivatsav Darius Stanford Tyrone and Jamila Stanford Matthew and Aimee Steckmest Jen Stegmann Linda Steinbruck Shane and Renee Stenesen Glenn and Elizabeth Stenstrom Royston Sterling Linda Sternot Dave Stevens Karl and Jennifer Stewart Lindsay Stieber Steven and Monica Stiles Anita Stine Peter and Chrystal Stone Robert Stone Ashley Stork Katrina Stork Axel Streichardt and Ping Li Jiaxiang Su Philip Su and Michelle Chen X. Su Fernando Suarez Ramesh Subbyian and Leepei Ho Sudheesh Subhash and Parvathy Sudheesh Tim Sudiacal Allen Sue Carlton Sue

David and Judy Sugishita Sara Sugishita Paul Suh Sophia Suh Dave Sullivan Hallie Sullivan Joshua and Heather Sullivan Larry Summers Irene Summy Ermin Sun and Rui Li Jian Sun Yancey Sun Yuxin Sun Gertrude Sundquist Eri Suzuki Katherine Swayzer Andrea Sweeney William Sylvester Chris and Deborah Szmauz Gary and Karissa Taan Adam and Jessica Tafralis Jenae Takikawa Edward and Ellen Talbot Jose Tallador Francis Tan and Yi Yan Edmund Tang and Jinjing Wang Haoyu Tang and Yu Ming Zhao YingFei Tang and Hui Yee Lim Laura Tanner Taren Tanner Jun Tao and Dorothy Wang Darryl and Tiffany Tapp Daesiry Tartal Leafa Tauanuu Barbara Taube Moni Tautu Brian Taylor Diane Taylor Ed Taylor Eric and Haylee Taylor Melissa Taylor Robin Taylor Denise Teague Beng-Ghee Teh and Nini Tsai Deborah Tellez Michael Tellez John and Kara Teresi Sonia Terra Rebecca Tessmer Jebaraj Thanaraj and Jothi Jebaraj Samer Theodossy and Luma Akkawi Manoj Thirutheri and Jisha Nambiar Benjamin and Binu Thomas Daniel and Jeni Thomas Gary Scott and Heather Thomas

Pradeesh and Susmitha Thomas April Thompson Kim Thompson Louis and Gabrielle Thompson Joshua and PauliAnn Thomson Steve Thomson David Threlfall Vishwajit Tigadi and Deepa Rampura Leslie Tillerson Pilar Tobias Carolyn Tom Chris Tom Jian Tong and Aidong Ning Jay Tongol Ryan Tongol Tongol Family Maria Torrens Ignacio Torres Aaron Torrez Kenneth and Kathleen Toussaint Danny Tow and Valerie Vaccaro Jim Tran Lana Tran Logan Tran Mia Tran Mike Tran and Linh Nguyen Van Tran and Jen Ly Katrina Trinh Khoa Trinh Steven Trinh and Tiffany Dinh Teresa Trinh Caitlin Truman Chad Truong and Aleli Grimares Duy Truong Tran Truong Jack Tsai and Min Hsin Chen Michael and Esther Tsang Darryl Tsao Weisung Tsao and Meichuan Su Naoya Tsuda Chanel Ullrich Sharon Ulstad Craig and Sue Umstead Sean Umstead Justin V. Andy Vacante Lori Valentino Christina Valenzuela Greg Valenzuela Jeremy and Michelle Van Der Veen Shaun Van Der Veen Cynthia Vandeneynde Gordon and Elaine Vander Veen Scott and Rachel Vander Veen Mike Vann Kamal Varadarajan and Rati Laxminarayan Joseph and Sheela Varghese Amanda Vartanian Perry and Linda Vartanian Steffan and Nina Vartanian Zana Vartanian Gerardo Vasquez Heather Velazquez Andrew Velberg Omar Ventura Marlene Vick Marlon Viduya Sulabh Vidyarthi and Arthi Rengasamy Alex and Regina Viering Granny Vincent John Vinton John Viray Anhvu Vu and Dam Huynh Deha Vu Vu Leigh Vuncannon Theresa Vuong Karl W. Christian and Catherine Waago Linda Waago Alexis Waddoups Lindsey Wagle Mary Wagle

Barry and Lisa Wagner Kari Wagner Scott and Michelle Wagner Jody Walker John Walker Sarah Walton Clifford Wang and Felicia Wong Daniel Wang and Sherry Hua Daniel and Yan Wang Ge Wang and Li Shao Gordon Wang Guangming and Ya Wang Jinggang Wang Lei Wang and Hongxia Jiang Liang Wang and Xiaodi Cui Limou Wang Ning Wang and Rui Jiang Peter Wang Rosalyn Wang Xinshuo and Meng Wang Yaoching and Jia Wang Yuankai Wang and Grace Zhao Zhenbo Wang and Yaling Rao Zheng Wang and Yan Liu Ricardo Wanka John and Emily Wardell Eric Wariner Andrew Warnock Bob and Holly Warnock Jenna Warnock Jilbert and Sharon Washten Dennis Watts Gangqiang and Huizhen Wei Lin Wei and Han Ling Aileen Weise Jim Wen Lisa Wendland Daniel and Karin Werder Nile West Donald and Kandace Weyhrauch James Wheeler Katie Whipple Zach and Cassie Whitley Ronald and Heidi Whitmill John and Pearl Wiedlin Stu Wiener Ed and Paula Willhite Bobby and Linda Williams Don and Josephine Williams Gareth and Mya Williams Michael Williams Kathleen Wilson John Winter Eric Wong and Bao Chau Nguyen Florence Wong Lela Wong Wai Ping Wong Steven Wood Keith and Shelly Woollvin Howard Wu and Rachel Wang Jane Wu Joyce Wu Maggie Wu Michael and Diana Wu Wenhao Wu and Vivian Tsai Yonggang Wu and Jessie Liu Zhizheng Wu and Rina Wang Wycoff Family Jessica Wylie Ralph and Tai-Yun Wyngarden John Xiao and Mandy Yan Kevin Xiao and Erin Zhu George Xie and Jenny Rong Hui Xie and Li Shi Krissy Xie Lauren Xie Randall Xie Cindy Xin Yonghao Xiu and Yan Lu Zhong Xu and Rong Huang Feng Xue and Xin Yao Tao Xue

Lyn Y. Anna Yang Crystal Yang Sean and Karen Yang Serene Yang Vincent Yang and Xi Zhang Andrew Yao Shuren Yao and Peilly Cheng Yong Yao and Lin Xia Bridget Siang Yau Raymond and Allison Yee Valis Yehshih Hwan Seung Yeo and Jee Eun Lee Diana Yi Dongliang Yin and Sophie Wang David Yin and Jessica Duan Dominic Yip and Annie Lam Leng Yiu and Yue Zhao Jixin Yu and Jennifer Liu Shuangming Yue and Hua Pan Teta Zaky Vi Zehr Mike and Adela Zepeda Can Zhan and Yan Li Alex Zhang and Bing Lu Allie Zhang Han Zhang Jian Zhang and Meixia Ruan Jidong Zhang and Ling Ye Kevin Zhang and Lan Ma Peter Zhang Quanmin Zhang and Lily Li W. Zhang Weiping Zhang and Juan Cai Xin Zhang and Xiaoyan Li Yiwen Zhang Yunchuan Zhang and Yan Wang Chen Zhao Christine Zhao Shengzhe Zhao and Lei Cheng Chao Zhou and Haiyan Wu Guimao Zhou and Ling Sun Jinhui Zhou and Shumin Liu Woody Zhou and Fang Gu Zhiqiang Zhou and Josephine Huang Yanli Zhu Yi Zou and Xiaoyan Liu

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Annual Giving MATCHING GIFT BUSINESSES As we celebrate the incredible support from our community, we’d like to recognize the companies that have gone above and beyond by offering matching gifts for their employees’ contributions. Their commitment to education and partnership with our supporters have amplified the impact of each donation. We are immensely thankful for their dedication to our students. AbbVie Adobe Matching Gifts Program Advanced Micro Devices Apple Matching Gifts Program Applied Materials Corporation Bank of America Charitable Foundation Becton, Dickinson and Company ByteDance Cadence Design Systems, Inc. Dell Corporate Office Dodge & Cox Gift Matching Program Driscoll’s eBay Electronic Arts Fidelity Foundation Matching Gifts Google Matching Gifts Program Hanover Insurance Group Hewlett Packard Enterprises IBM Matching Grants Program Intel Charitable Match Trust Intuit JK Group Johnson Controls Inc Juniper Networks Matching Gifts Program KLA Tencor Foundation Lenovo LinkedIn Corporation Micron Technology Netflix NVIDIA Corporation Palo Alto Networks, Inc. PayPal Roblox Salesforce Samsung Electronics North America Service Now Texas Instruments Foundation Thrivent Financial Visa, Inc. VMware Foundation Yahoo Zoom Video Communications Zuora *We encourage you to check with your employer to see if they participate in a matching gift program. It’s an easy way to amplify your impact and double the difference you make in our students’ lives.

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COMPANY/ORGANIZATIONS At Valley Christian Schools, we are deeply grateful for the generous support of companies and organizations that share our commitment to education. We extend our heartfelt thanks to every organization that has supported our students. 75 Foundation Abreau & Associates Inc Adaptive Investments American Solutions for Business Best Western Skyline Motor Lodge BestComm Networks Inc. Butchart Health Center Chillermen Concentrum Wealth Management Events Made Better Filice Insurance Agency Hage Foundation Happy Penny Fund Hoover Krepelka, LLP Kang Family Kairos Foundation Fund Kiwanis Club of San Jose Legends Pizza Master Precision Machining, Inc. Mia Management LLC Morgan Stanley Wealth Management National Christian Foundation Opswerks Inc. Polanco Enterprises, Inc. Saso High School Prep South Bay Construction Swenson & Associates The Law Office of Michael A. Hurwitz TOPA Architecture Inc. United Facilities Group Yvonne Truong DMD, Inc

GIFTS-IN-KIND We sincerely thank all who have contributed to VCS through in-kind donations. Whether through your generous contributions to our Quest Ball Auction or your support for the tangible needs of our school, your donations are greatly valued and appreciated. Anonymous (1) Adrienn Jablonszki-Hahn Antonio and Lizette Santos Audy and Jan Viernes Bella James Betsy’s Restaurant Bloomster’s Floral Design Brian Porter and Heather Hatlo Porter Byington Vineyard & Winery California Skin Institute Clint and Kim Ramsey Clos LaChance Winery David Berman Dennis and Teresa Butchart Deok Kim and Mari Suzuki Dezhan Li and Tracy Jiang Erik and Vanet Murawsky Gardino Fresco Gareth and Mya Williams Gary Scott and Heather Thomas Guillaume and Sandy Coffinier Holman Ranch Winery Icing on the Cake James and Melissa Denena Jason and Meredith Haase Joe Escobar Diamonds John Eisz

Josy Nataraj and Poornima Girija Gopi JV’s BBQ Kendra Scott Jewelry Kyle and Mandy Shanahan Markus Adhiwiyogo and Rosa Chow Mexico Lindo Mike and Liz Ditty Mike and Rikki Hanna Mike’s Bikes Mitchell Katz Winery Myron and Mimi Kwong Overflow App Inc Perry Manole and Gia Vitarelli Philip and Helena Sansone Pravi and Becky Chahal Qian Wang and Hui Zhong Raj and Shilta Patel Robert and Jean Mitchell Robert Patience and Jennifer Dominguez Ron and Dixie Lopes Russell and Christina White Sanjeev Katariya and Kevi Belho Sean and Janelle Haggett Sheryl M. Photography Silicon Valley Aesthetics Silver Creek Academy Silver Creek Valley Country Club Sweet Pea Doodles Teach Every Nation The Pastaria & Market Thu Ka Tim Werbach Trail Dust BBQ TravisMathew Tutor Doctor San Jose Valencia Howard Photography Valley Christian Schools We Olive & Wine Bar

Annual Giving MISSION TRIPS Each year numerous Warrior families and friends give generously to our VCHS students who want to serve people around the world. This last school year, 200 students served in eight countries. These funds support our student’s travel and stay costs so that they can be the hands and feet of Jesus. Sophia Abbey Brian Aburano Richard and Cathy Aburano Glenn Aby Danieli Marguerite Acuat Michael Adams Sherry Adams Gaurav and Shuchi Agrawal Nils and Jean Akerman Andrew and Julie Arroyo Rajiv and Meenal Bagora Aaron Baird and Sabrina Koshiyama Robert and Carol Balog Russell and Stacey Barck Rick and Jill Bartels Ngiyan Batala Sanjeev Katariya and Kevi Belho Sachin Gandhi and Roma Bhansali Robin Billings Peter and Susana Boch Paul and Renee Brannon Randy and Shari Britt Robert and Jennifer Burnett Clay and Jodi Campbell Ariel Carabantes and Maria Ramirez Hugo Carabantes Matthew Carbonara and Ann Blue CJ and Annie Chang Jenny Chang Flora Chen Guang Chen James Chen and Vicky Wu Qiushi Chen and Yaojun Song Yi Chen Myungje Cho and Su Jin Kim Yoon Claudia Chuang Nathan Cocozza Mariruth Coffin Kuntal and Priya Daftary Calvin and Joan Davis Tera DeLong James Dempsey Tina Dempsey James and Melissa Denena Quynh Dew Chris Dickie and Gina Vella Mike and Liz Ditty Danny Duong and Chuzhen Zhao Esam Elashmawi and Passent Hamdy Jared and Jenny Elson Ivonne Estrada Lance and Daphne Etcheverry Catherine Fang Patty and Michael Favet Melissa Findley Michael and Kyra Foley Matthew Fricke and Becky Elliott So-Chung Fu and Alex Chang Mayella Gardea Richard Gass and Konstantina Papagiannaki Koshy and Sheeba George Joel and Rosa Gerardo Brian and Carey Gil Joel Gonzalez and Carmen Castillo Richard and Petra Grabinger Andy and Lynsie Gridley

David and Katelyn Guarneros Luna Liang Guo and Xiaojing Zheng Anurag Gupta and Archana Agrawal Shishir and Shaifali Gupta Jambunathan Guruswami and Shalini Ayre Alejandra Gutierrez Sergio and Mirza Gutierrez Gabe and Jill Guven Edwin and Pauline Haghnazari Brian and Tammi Hall Trevor and Julie Hall Daniel and Jin Han Steve and Lisa Hanna Sebastien and Cristina Hareng Jian He Xingping He and Weiqing Wei Mary-Ann Henry Remy Hernandez Gary and Beverly Hiatt Doug and Kristin Higgins Richard and Patricia Hockett Daniel Homrich Jared and Lorraine Homrich Melinda Hoppe Haohui Hu Danny and Vanessa Huang Ricky Huang and Sarah Luo Michael Hwang and Tina Huang Eleanor Isaac Darren Itow Carl Jackson Jason and Taryn Jane Qiufeng Jin and Jing Qian Melissa Johnston Pringle Johnston John Joseph and Hannah John Daniel and Jessica Kang Audrey Kim Olga Kitsis Victor and Stacie Klee John and Stephanie Knauss Aaron and Renee Kuan Nick and Melina Kucharewski Swaroop Kulkarni and Sheetal Shah Dave Kuo and Janice Liu Andrea Lacy Anthony Lam and Ada Yue Chloe Lam Robert and Corey Laubach Troy Laubach Jeff and Stefanie Layne Benjamin Lee and Ke Cao Jong Ki and Jin Hee Lee Peggy Lee Sae Wook Lee and Ju Young Kim David Li Steve Liao and Cindy Hsueh Steven and Sang Lieu James and Vanessa Lin Jennifer Lin Jim Lin and Annie Hsu Jose Llamas Gary and Crystal Loo James and Phoenix Lu Steve Luo and Katelyn Zhang Ping Ma Hung Mac and Dai Tran Mo and Nikki Maghsoudnia Tina Marzano John and Sandi Matarangas Patti Matsuda Jon and Jana Maxell Justin and Deanna McAnear Matthew and MaryCarmel McEwen David McIntyre and Lily Ng William and Molly Meyer Jeff Miller and Danielle Jenkins Craig and Edilyn Mitchell Deepak and Prachi Mohapatra Charles and Michele Mosley David Munro and Kavitha Mariappan

Ramakrishnan and Shanthi Nagaraj Hemanga Nath and Moushumi Goswami Dania Nevarez Ginger Neven Jenny Nguyen Angelo Pantoja and Rosario Bautista Irene Park Steve and Suzy Parmenter Hitesh and Nila Patel Gregg and Josie Pawlowski Chris and Michelle Peacock Mayra Perez Thomas Pham and Thao Hua Carlos Pino and Angeles Campos Ronald and Valerie Plummer David and Krista Polanco Alyson Portera-Greene Vishnu Prasad and Rachna Reddy Scott and Andrea Price Vijay Ramachandran and Arthi Aiyappan Jose and Arlene Ramirez Michael and Joanna Ren Fred and Connie Rey Blanca Reyes Gutierrez Henry Rivera Richard and Michelle Rock Stephanie Rosas Bob and Wendy Rowatt Hannah Rowatt Go Woon Ryang Duane and Aysha Saipaia Rudy Salazar and Claudia Castro-Salazar Juan and Janina Sanchez Pablo and Ashley Serrano Jiacheng Shen Ines Shih Minjin Shin Aleh and Zhanna Shybaila Sean and Judith Sink JohnnyRay and Nora Stephens Peter and Chrystal Stone John and Tish Stratton Arun Subbarao and Rashmi Rao Joshua and Heather Sullivan Yuan Tan and Lynn Zeng Mark and Kim Tanaka Stephen and Joyce Tang Walter Tang and Ka Fong Siek Jacob and Kim Taylor Leonard and Leah Tedeschi Phillip and Ha Thai Thomas and Stephanie Theaker Omprakaash and Srileka Thoppai Chao Yun Ting Jinhong Tong Todd and Catherine Tosti Luu and Christine Trang Assimakis and Yen Tzamaloukas Sofia Tzamaloukas Audy and Jan Viernes Lizbeth Kathleen Vilchis-Hofstedt Andy Vo and Uyen Le Andy and Junhua Wang Bojian Wang and Fang Su Tami Washington Robert and Rosa White Don and Josephine Williams Eco and Traci Willson Julian Wong and Hazel Chionh Wai Man Wong and Lingfong Yeung Cindy Wu Xiangjin Xie and Li Zhang Qidong Xu and Qian Wang Suyu Yang Vincent Yang and Xi Zhang Yue Yong Jae Woong Yoon and Jae Young Jeong Jacy and Autumn York Rafael and Pallie Zambrano Jindong Zhang and Lijia Chen Long Zhang and Lu Yang

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UPCOMING EVENTS uest Ball presented by Extend the Gift

APRIL 20, 2024 Join us for our annual Quest Ball dinner and auction. Enjoy a night to honor and celebrate the Warrior legacy and Extend the Gift for current and future Warriors.

MAY 13, 2024 We look forward to welcoming the VCS community for a round of golf and a day of fellowship at the annual Golf Classic.

Thank you for partnering with us in creating Warriors: Tomorrow’s leaders properly equipped to serve God and family while positively impacting their community and the world. | 408-362-7649 54 |


Mission Advancing Valley Christian Schools’ financial partnership with our families, friends, faculty, and staff to procure the resources to fund the Quest for Excellence™. The strength of our community’s partnership is critical to the success of VCS’ extraordinary A3 curriculum, programs, and facilities, which work in concert to produce Warriors: Tomorrow’s leaders properly equipped to serve God and family while positively impacting their communities and the world. This document is intended to acknowledge all who gave in the 2022-23 school year. If your name has been omitted, misspelled, or improperly listed, please accept our sincere apologies and bring it to the attention of Christi Stockhaus, Director of Advancement,

Christi Stockhaus Director of Advancement 408.362.7649 Stephanie Rosas Assistant Director of Advancement Annual Giving & Constituent Relations 408.362.7629 Mark DeLuca Donor Engagement & Stewardship 408.362.7651 Chris Ivy Office and Special Projects Coordinator 408.362.7643 Kelly McPherson Advancement Events Manager 408.362.2481 Regina Viering Advancement Assistant Jaclyn Wong Database and Gifts Manager 408.362.7644

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100 Skyway Drive San Jose, CA 95111

MISSION STATEMENT Valley Christian Schools’ mission is to provide a nurturing environment offering quality education supported by a strong foundation of Christian values in partnership with parents, equipping students to become leaders to serve God, to serve their families, and to positively impact their communities and the world. VISION STATEMENT A world where every student pursues their personal Quest for Excellence™.

FOUNDING STATEMENT Valley Christian Schools supports the homes and churches of students in providing an education that is grounded in the Judeo-Christian values of the Bible, as reflected in the life and teaching of Jesus Christ. Valley Christian Schools is committed to a Quest for Excellence™ in all of its educational programs, and provides a comprehensive kindergarten through twelfth grade curriculum with a rigorous college preparatory program. Firmly founded on Christian values, Valley Christian Schools challenges youth to aspire toward lives of character, service and influence while pursuing their individual Quests for Excellence. valleychristian


To support VCS, please call the Extend the Gift Advancement Office at (408) 362-7644 or visit

Elementary (408) 559-4400 | 1450 Leigh Ave, San Jose, CA 95125 Junior High (408) 513-2460 | High School (408) 513-2400 | (408) 513-2500 | 100 Skyway Drive, San Jose, CA 95111

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