4 minute read


Dear Editor,

As a Board Certified internal medicine physician practicing for 40 years in adult primary care I witnessed the adverse health consequences of tobacco smoking time and time again, heart and lung disease, stroke, cancer and peripheral vas-

Dear Editor,

Let’s see, if a highly respected UW research professor wanted more money and

Dear Editor,

Over the next two years, the Wisconsin Supreme Court will make decisions that deeply impact all of our lives. Abortion rights, voting rights and safe drinking water are on the table. No matter who we are or where we live, our lives will change and we can ensure a positive change by voting for Judge Everett Mitchell on February 21st and April 4th.

Our justices must be well-qualified to navigate judicial decisions but the path to the bench is brutal. The candidate with the best chance of winning must have the right personal experience to handle a firestorm of bigotry and fear-mongering. Judge Mitchell has known such adversity

Dear Editor,

Residents of Arena: our Fire and EMS is in critical danger!

First question is, do you know who runs the village? I have been told its not the village board. It is a hired person not from Arena.

Now that I have your attention, do any of you know what goes on at the village board meetings? Maybe you should start attending. Did you know the referendum to add a new EMT passed, then was in question due to the village board making a mistake, then

Dear Editor,

Do you care about voting rights, women's reproductive health rights, fair legislative maps, judicial recusal rules, environmental protection? Cases involving these issues and more will be coming before the Wisconsin Supreme Court in the near future. And the outcome of those cases will likely depend on the next Court.

Many of the Wisconsin Supreme Court cases in the past few years that impacted the lives of Wisconsin citizens were decided by a vote of 4 to 3, often with the same four conservative Justices in the majority. Such close votes suggest a big differences in how Justices interpret laws and statutes cular disease, to name a few. I am happy to learn that State Senator Howard Marklein is re-introducing Senate Bill 355, commonly referred to as “Tobacco 21”. This bill will match state law to federal law by changing the legal age for purchasing tobacco and nicotine products threatened to leave and take all his grant money with him, the System would find the money to retain him. Why is this any dif- all of his life. Confident, steady and unwavering, he has prevailed against every storm in his way.

In addition to his professional experience as a prosecutor and judge, Mitchell brings life experience that none on the Supreme Court have ever had - he is the missing member who has excelled professionally but also personally. As voters, we rarely consider the lived experiences of our judges. We expect them to believe in justice, to treat everyone who comes into their courtroom fairly, and apply the law without prejudice. Judge Mitchell is all of those things because he knows and has overcome real struggles.

As a young person, Judge Mitchell endured homelessness and poverty. He approved by the Dept or Revenue? However at one of their meetings, the board decided it wasn’t going to use the referendum and that they would not pay their share to have a 3rd full time EMT. All minutes from both the village board and Fire board are public info.

I understand there is a lot of people questioning why we need full time EMTS, and if you actually want to know just come on down to a fire board meeting and ask. The dates are always posted in a few locations in and evaluate the merits of arguments presented in court.

The upcoming Wisconsin Supreme Court election will determine if there will be a shift in the Court's ideological balance of power. Whether you believe the conservatives should retain their majority or believe the ideological balance should to shift in favor of the liberals, your vote is your voice to express your belief - but you need to vote in the both the February 21 primary as well as the April 4 general election.

On the ballot in the primary are two conservative candidates, Jennifer Dorow and Dan Kelly, and two liberal candidates, Janet Protasiewicz and Everett Mitchel. The from 18 to 21 years old in our state. This is nonpartisan legislation supporting good health maintenance in our communities.

The vast majority of smokers began the habit well before the age of 21. Senator Marklein understands that the state and federal governments age limits must both ferent from committing resources torebuild student enrollment at UW Platteville RC? worked his way through significant adversity to earn his masters, J.D. and eventually, a judgeship. Such experience should give a voter confidence that he is most likely to treat all who enter the courtroom fairly, no matter their credentials or background. Prior to becoming a Circuit Court Judge, Mitchell authored and implemented a program to ensure the formerly incarcerated had homes, healthcare and employment so they could become stable, productive members of society.

Come on UW System it’s time to pony up!

After his election to the bench in 2016, Mitchell led the initiative to take restraints off of children in our state’s court rooms. He is impartial and fair,interprets and applies the law accurately to the facts of the case. He also takes the

Arena: the fire dept door, Grandma Marys, and the Post Office.

My reason for all this is simple. I am a resident of Arena and know how close we are to not having a volunteer Fire and EMS. THEN WHAT? You folks need to start asking questions and showing up to meetings to hold elected officials accountable from both the village and town boards. Until that time just know there are major problems that need to be solved. I can tell you that several of the volunteers are tired of all the games and two highest vote getters in the primary will advance to the general election. Since it is possible that the two highest vote getters could be either the two conservatives or the two liberals, you need to vote in the primary to insure that the candidate who best aligns with your values appears on the April 4 ballot. Useful information on the candidates can be found very easily:

• VOTE411.org

• ballotpedia.org

• lwvwi.org (League of Women Voters of Wisconsin)

• candidates' websites

• Janet Protasiewicz - janetforjustice.