VALEUR MAGAZINE - STAR WARS Special Edition 2015

Page 74


there is a dark side too .

didn ’ t last long .

T he

A fter


B attle


E ndor

in episode


the believe in a final victory over the

immense scale and fragmentation of the galaxy was a huge problem .

E ven

D ark E mpire

long before the great

battle , imperial leaders became independent and started to establish own military and political structures . the planets in the

O uter R im T erritories

were in the focus of the new military elite .

F ar

E specially

away from the center and the -

refore far away from a regular communication and news , these local systems constituted a perfect platform to recruit new followers and soldiers as well . these systems in line .

D ue

to a lack of information combined with a smart propaganda , it was easy to keep

A ll of this sound familiar . I t seems that J.J. A brams and other official authors like C huck W endig A lways , the reality makes us clear , that unity , peace and freedom are very fragile values . T he reality showed us several times , that the dead of one emperor doesn ’ t leads to a permanent peace automatically , but that it could be the start of a bigger and longer terror at all . T he transfer of our reality to a galaxy far , far away is an important step back to the authentic roots of STAR WARS. were influenced by reality , deriving the story from the world affairs of our time .

FiRST oRDER Thus the dead of emperor Palpatine and Darth Vader didn’t lead the galaxy in peace. It wasn’t the end of the Empire. Instead, the destruction of the second Death Star laid the foundation stone for a new organization. The New Republic’s rise reduced the once-mighty Empire to a weak organization hemmed in by strict disarmament treaties and punishing reparations. But in the galaxy’s unknown regions, former Imperial officers, nobles and technologists plotted a return to power, building fleets and armies in secret. This movement became the First Order, ruled by Supreme Leader Snoke. There are many parallels to the old empire, but it seems that the leaders of the First Order are more individual and power-hungrily than their predecessors. The new elite has detected the causes for the failure of the old empire, and they have learned from the mistakes of the past. Some of them are looking also for revenge and in general the First Order is now ready to reclaim the Imperial legacy. However, supreme leader Snoke – who could be a creature, that was born in a darker far-off galaxy - controls the system from a secret base of operations. In form of a holographic projection he contacts his underlings from this mobile command post. Snoke is powerful with the dark side of the Force, and seduced Kylo Ren into abandoning the Jedi path to become his apprentice. But Snoke also commands General Hux and the technological war machine the First Order has engineered to destroy the New Republic and Leia Organa’s Resistance. All those bad guys we would like to present you now.

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