VALEUR MAGAZINE - STAR WARS Special Edition 2015

Page 34

TREFFEN DER GENERATioNEN Sooner or later, everybody will get a bit long in the tooth. So, the fans from the very first time as well as our great screen heroes. At the age of 73 years, Harrison Ford makes countless fans happy, when he plays the role of his life Han Solo again. He was the real hero for many STAR WARS fans. His freshness and sense of humor, his refinement and charm changed a supporting act to a timeless hero. Han Solo plays a decisive role in the STAR WARS universe. He will remain in our hearts and minds as the pirate with the fastest hunk of junk in the galaxy. In April this year, the star met the new STAR WARS generation. We see on the pictures (from left to right): Lupita Nyong'o, Oscar Isaac, Chairman of the Walt Disney Studios Alan Horn, Harrison Ford, John Boyega and the enchanting Daisy Ridley. Further below we see director, producer and author J.J. Abrams (2nd from right).

Š Jesse Grant (pictures below) Getty Images for Disney

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