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Index Entry 1. ....................................................................... 1 Entry 2 ........................................................................ 2 Entry 3 ........................................................................ 3 S.M.A.R.T goal ........................................................... 4 My mascot ................................................................ 5 Entry 4 ....................................................................... 6 Self monitoring ....................................................... 7 Class Rubric .............................................................. 8 Elisa app ..................................................................... 9 Entry 5 ...................................................................... 10 Interplanetary spy ........................................... 11-12 Entry 7 ....................................................................... 13 Entry 8 ....................................................................... 14 Entry 9 ................................................................. 15-16 Entry 10 ............................................................ 17-18 Vocabulary ........................................................... 19 Class evaluation .................................. 20
August 3rd /2022 Entry1 Today in the English class we dealt with different topics such as vocabulary or questions that made us think a little, but for me the topic to highlight was "multiple intelligences". Teacher Antony explained the different types of these using an article and different activities to help us understand what ours might be, and after that, we did a test to see what smart we have. The class was very interesting, but I felt a bit bad because I was sick. These were my test results: 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 Naturalist VisualKIntrapersonal inesthetic MusicalLnguistic LogicalInterpersonal 90 73 73 67 63 57 57 53


In today's class we made different activities, first the teacher explained the important points for made this diary, after that, he started explained the class. First, we form groups and each had an image, in this image we have to found hidden words, then, one person of the group has to be the leader for saying to the other groups where were the words, after that, a song started and all the teams have to rotate and guess the words, and this process was repeated until all the groups had passed through all the stations. When we end up this, we made another dynamic, in this we have to create phrases talking about an imaginary party in a camp using "going to". The class was nice, because we practice many skills and we work in team.

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August 10th /2022


Today's class was really dynamic. The teacher did different activities on a piece of paper, alone and in groups. And again, the class was related to personal questions for you to think about. Also, in some activities, we used our creativity to make a random drawing, in others we learned the parts of a speech, and in others we expressed our personal opinions or our position on different social topics for debate.

This class was really cool, active and interesting. I like it because the teacher is always making you think and reflect while you learn new grammar and vocabulary and we are also working o all the time, in differe working our own skill And the final objectiv was to propose a goa term with specific characteristics.

August 17th /2022


This year I want to do many things in my life, but especially those related to learning other languages. I want to obtain the highest level in English, which is C1 in the Smart Academy. This goal could be achieved in four months, and when I finish it, I'd love to study French to C1. To improve, I've got to work on learning every day with different exercises. And if I could do this in the long future, I would really love to travel to other countries to learn about different cultures and improve more and more.


This is an activity to work on our creativity. And this is my drawing: TRINITY

This class was really interesting; the theme continues to be introspection with questions like, "Do we really own anything in this world or are we just renting everything from nature, the universe, the planet, etc?"; but in this case, we work especially on self-monitoring, not only in the field of learning but also in everyday life.

There are 3 important keys in this path of self-monitoring:

1.Connect with the past. knowledge with present experience. 2. Create an action plan.

To plan, organize, strategize, pay attention to detail, and manage time.

3. Developed time.

What I took away from class is the importance of constantly evaluating yourself in your life, learning how to make or complete your goals, and evaluating how well you are doing it.

August 24th /2022 Entry4 11 2
Iamawareofmypresent days. Ikeepmyjournalupdated. IkeepELSAdailyand updatedmyprogress. Idevelopedmygoal (SMART)goalalongthe course. Iupdatedmyweekly schedule. Iwenttothegym. SITUATION 0% 25% 50% 100% Iuseddentalflossatleast onceaday. Self-Monitoring Here we have a table with different activities that I have been doing this week:
Producedqualitywork? Bennfocused? Monitoredmynoiselevel? TODAY I... 1 2 3 4 Followeddirectionsduring class? ClassRubric Here we have a rubric to calificate my actions during the August 24th class. These are the results:


Here we have my progress in the app:


This day in the class, we work on socializing the progress and the advances of the journal. The idea for the class was to first show or journal to the partners, then practice talking in the language and meet new people. Of course, the teacher evaluates how you present your project to other people. He evaluates your speech.

In this class, I met three people. They were: Valentina Bernal, I remember that she told me that she is studying civil engineering, and the bad thing was that she wasn't having a good time because she lost her pet. It was very sad and hard for her and for me in the moment.

After that, I worked with Santiago Reyes and Jeferson Herrera. We talked about life, and I think that was a good conversation.

August 31th /2022
Interplanetaryspy Entry 6 September 7th /2022 Inthisclasswehadreadaninteractivebookaboutafantasticandactionpackedstoryinspace,andinthisonewearetheprotagonists. That'sthebook: WestartonPage5 Page12badchoice Idiein35pag Goodchoice page7 Page8 Page15 Page10 Page6 Page13 Page16 Page18 Page31
Page20 Page22 Goodway Page26 Page27 Page28 Page26 Page30 Idie:( Page21 Page33Page34 Page41 Page36 Page37 Page38 Page49 Page54 Anotherdead Page19 Badchoiceagain Page32 Page121 Theenddddd:)!


This day the main theme was note taking. The teacher explains what note taking is, how we can use it, and different tips for taking notes . And we make and introspection in it and we answer this question: ¿How do I take notes? And my answer is that I take notes with a lot of drawings, visual elements like arrows, points, strips, and this is because I'm a visual person.

Also, we learned a way to organice ideas or feelings with symbols, so we made this exercise:

Thoughts Desire Impulses

I'm thinking about the class and also about my lunch and my tasks.

I went to eat and lie in my bed with my cat.

I'm biting my fingers.

September 14th /2022
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September 21th /2022

This day, the theme of the class was how to create the database and the strategy of: define, search, and match.

The database is a way to organice information, in this case, this journal. It's basically organice the info in charts like categories, for example: reflection, new words, new pronunciation, games, activities, tips, etc. This is a useful way to organice information. Teacher also explains the Index, we have it for books or texts with a lot of pages to make the search for a specific theme easier.

On the other hand, the strategy of define, search and match, this was a really interesting activity. First, T. Anthony put into discussion 2 questions:

¿What's love?

Here we define for ourself the concept, then we search a partner with the same meaning and after that we socialize it. ¿What's attraction?

We made the same, define for ourself, then we search people for express Ideas and after that we see a video that give a concept.


In this class we learned a lot of things, first the teacher explained us the K W L dynamic with this we evaluate what we know about a n specific topic, example:

Topic: Art. K: Is an expression that you create. W: what is art?. L: I learned that art is all the artwork that represents a concept

In the other hand we work on the concept of ELABORATION, basically the teacher explained what is it, and he said that elaborate is giving details, the most amount of details that you can give for a word or a short phrase, for tell a history or write better.

For it we made different activities, first was make a random drawing on the basis of a circle, in my case I draw this:

September 28th /2022 Entry9 11 2

After it we elaborate de character give them a history, a name, feelings, situation, where is it, who is, what's he doing, when, what's he feeling. Before it we work with this image:

And in groups we elaborate this image and we make it a elaborate history.

Then we say our history to the classroom and we listen how the others interpretate the same image, some said that the woman dead, others that all was great, and it's pretty interesting the way that we can interpretate an image. Elaboration it's good for be more detail and for improve the creativity.

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October 5ft/2022

In this day we work on SUMMARRIZING this topic is the complete contrast of the last class theme, so this is basically the way of explain something in few words, it's just take the key elements about something, we worked on the activity "a mistery" and we read a problem and after this we summarize it in grupos. Also we learned two strategies for summarize, they were:


With this way:

Entry10 why What
Who Where When
S S BT WSomebody Wanted But So Then The

In the other part of the class we work in a new topic that was INFERRING, basically inferring or deduction is the superior process that your brain do for create possible answers about a situation for create an hypothesis and predict what are happening or what are going to happen.



In this topic we made two activities for practice and understand the complete theme, in the first we see an image about two kids and we have to create the history about the kids only seen the image.

In the other activity we listen a strange audio, after this we have to thing about an hypothesis about what is happening in the audio, we search the ideas in the group and it was a really interesting day of class.

Vocabulary Drool: Babear Greed: gula / codicia Eager: entusiasta Endeavor: esfuerzo Flaw: defecto / falla Willingness: voluntad Stem: tallo



For this final section I want to write a reflection about different aspects of the class. First, It's nice to say that this course is a really nice space for practice english, but more than that is a really good place for gain new knowledge that I never thought to learn, and I love that the class is also really philosophical and introspective, also it's a good space for meet others and in my case lose a little the shyness. I'm waiting for the new topics that we are going to practice on the last term and I feel very happy with the class.


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