Valentina Materazzo Portfolio

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Valentina Materazzo

About me: I am a dynamic, curious and enterprising person with a passion for philosophy, cinema and architecture. Good ability to work in team and problem solving. Strong attitude to leadership.


2013- 2017 Liceo Classico F.A. Gualterio Orvieto (TR) Score: 98/100

2017-2022 Master Degree in Architecture University of FerraraDepartment of Architecture Score: 110/110 cum Laude


Jul. 2021- Stage at Eric Castagnotto Sept. 2021 Architecte Montagne, Nouvelle Aquitaine, France Mar. 2022- Tutor of design laboratory at Jun. 2022 first year Università degli studi di Ferrara


Contacts: +39 3381150727

2020-present Member of SUBEREBUS Architecture Student’s group 2021-present FAI Tour Guide Fondo Ambiente Italiano


Adobe suite (Photoshop, InDesign, Illustrator, Premiere)

Office (Word, Excel, Powerpoint)

AutoCAD 2D, Revit, Allplan, SketchUp

Rhinoceros, Lumion, Cinema 4D


Italian mother tongue English French


Horseriding, football, athletics

Autorizzo il trattamento dei miei dati personali presenti nel CV ai sensi dell’art. 13 d. lgs. 30 guigno 2003 n. 196 - “Codice in materia di protezione dei dati personali” e dell’art. 13 GDPR 679/16 - “Regolamento europeo sulla protezione dei dati personali”.



project as a triumph of matter

Design Laboratory I

Vote: 30/30 cum laude Private residence and B&B. The project starts from a simple element that divides and composes in the garden space. The garden, wich reflects on the teme of the line, is composed of different natural elements as in the Zen garden.

Design Laboratory II

Vote: 30/30 cum Laude Student’s resident in Ferrara. The project reflects on the theme of the repeated and compound form in space. Nature is the main element, wich follows its own rules.

Laboratory of technology I

Vote: 28/30 Spa Village. The project is based on the relationship with the lake. The residences extend towards the water. The theme of sustainability is reflected in technology, with the use of XLAM.

Vote: 30/30 cum laude Expansion of the municipality of Calderara di Reno, Bologna. The project is based on the concept of fluid space. The free plan and movable walls allow you to set up the space according to the needs of the moment.

of technology II

project as a temporal event


Design laboratory IV

Vote: 30/30 cum laude

Ex OGR, Bologna. The project reflcets on the theme of the stitching of a break, the one between the project area and the metropolitan city of Bologna. The stitiching takes place on the ‘edge’, as in the Japanese Kintsugi technique, wich repairs objects with gold increasing the value itself. The intervention are place on that fracture that once constitued a wound, but today, the strong point of area. Time, space and nature are the main themes of the project.

Restoration Laboratory Vote: 30/30

Restoration of the muse gallery, Palazzo Tassoni Estense, Ferrara. Over time the Muse Gallery occupies different functions within the palace, and with these it changes face several times. In bringing to light the stratifications of time, the project is based on the opportunity to be able to contemplate the various faces of the room over time. With a play of mirrors and the ‘silent’ reconstruction of the vault destroyed today, the observer is able to understand the temporal meaning of stratification.


competition: Reuse the Lake Chapel San Giovanni in Val di Lago is a former catholic church, built in the middle of 16 century, on the ruins of an ancient medie val church. Is it possibile to turn this ruin in a pilgrim center?

SPACE project as space

Design laboratory III

Vote: 30/30 cum laude Regeneration of the University Campus of Sarajevo, Bosnia Erzegovina. The project starts from the idea of a plan as vacant space. The building consists of suspended floors, ‘vacant space’, wich have no defined function, as it depends on the needs of the student and the function that the building can cover over time.

Urban planning I

Vote: 30/30 cum laude Rigeneration of the Parco Nord area, Bologna. The project consists of several interventions in the project area. The common thread of these is time, as a succession of events in space. Each design focus reflects on the ability to adapt and resilience to the urban scenario.


the possibility of vacuum

‘The river as regeneration vehicle for the suburbs’

On 12 November 2012 the river Paglia floods Orvieto. The flood arrives in Orvieto Scalo and Ciconia, the two suburbs in the river valley, around 6 am. No dead, but major damage.

After the river is “engineered”: for the mitigation of hydrogeological risk there is intervention on the hydraulic unofficiality, that is to ensure the rapid outflow through the “bottlenecks”, the “funnels” created in the urbanization of the two neighborhoods. In the acts produced by the institutional system of government of the territory, the will to return that space to the city never appears. The thesis work starts from the reconstruction just mentioned with the aim of returning a sense and a value to the river and its riverbed within the urban fabric, and make it perceptible by placing it as a regeneration engine for the periphery itself.

The testimonies and the visions of the fluvial space scattered in the various bands of the population have been collected through meetings with representatives of an associationist world that has been able to network and that has been exercising for years a continuous critical stimulation of the institutions. There were targeted inspections through informal heritage walks, workshops were conducted with the pupils of the ‘Sette Martiri’ elementary school in Ciconia. The possibility of stepping out of the risk mitigation paradigm has been realised.

A strategy has been developed that articulates in space and time the specific redevelopment interventions and the community processes that will accompany them.

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