Cloud Forest Cultural and Bird Watching

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$95 ITINERARY Route Cloud Forest Cultura and bird watching 6:30 Meet aT Meeting poing in Quito NonoParish-Historyandbeautifulview Tandayapa-viewpoint,timeforphotos Alambi-Birdwatching Pacto-TulipeArchaeologicalComplex SanTadeo-Birdwatching Mindo-MindoButterflyGarden INCLUDES Transportation Guide Lunch

Parroquia de Nono

Nono is so beautiful that its rurality impresses with landscapes of green mountains, ecological tourism, colorful heritage houses, horses for horseback riding, typical food and a very particular climate with sunny and cloudy days.



It houses animals such as the Tanga also the Spectacled Bear, the O Tapaculo and much more, in the T Valley, they are forests without infras for visitors, a beautiful land of b biodiversity in general, starting from (5511 feet) .


Alambi is located at the foot from the Tandayapa valley in a cloud ecosystem this area is the last standing forest that connects directly with the lower western subtropical forest of Ecuador


Pacto - Complejo Arqueològico Tulipe

Tulipe is a ceremonial center of the Yumbo culture where there is also evidence of the Inca culture. In this place you can find sunken structures with stone walls related to water, where purification rites were possibly performed.


San Tadeo

This is a good place to observe birds, it is located in Mindo and it is a viewpoint where you can find a variety of biodiversity.


In Mindo, a parish located northwest of Pichincha and considered worldwide as one of the best destinations for bird watching

(Ecuared, 2023)


Gallo de la Peña

They have a striking coloration: bright red throughout their bodies, except for part of their wings and tail, which are black. The coloration in females is somewhat paler than in males.

Tucán de Swainson

They have a very long bill of 16 to 18 cm; the upper part of the bill yellow, and the lower part dark brown. Mainly black body with white rump, red underside, yellow throat and breast bordered below by a red band.

Bill yellowish with dark subterminal band, red eyes. Head black, postocular streak white; cheeks, throat and breast grey, belly red with olive and yellow markings towards flanks; yellow rump.

Tucán Barbudo (Ecuared,2023)

Saltarín Alitorcido

The male's wine-red, black, and white combination is unlike any other species in the range. The female is greenish-yellow and is identified by the orange or yellowish spot under her eye.


They have a bright red bill and a striped back; the male has a white head lined with black while the female has a gray head and rust-colored underparts. Male body coloration varies regionally from black to streaked with whitish or rusty.

Long-tailed Sylph


Male is mostly emerald green with a bluegreen throat and long forked tail. The female is very different, with a shorter tail, a mottled throat, a buff belly, and a short white moustache.


Patos Torrenteros

Scaled above and below with broad green wing bars and black cap. The female has less black in the plumage than the male, but also has scaly plumage.

This unique hummingbird is best recognized by its long curved bill and mostly white tail (especially visible in flight). Males are mostly green with a black belly. Females are whitish or buff below with green scales.

Dark hummingbird with a fairly short, straight bill. The male has a bright purple throat and blue-green forehead. The female has a white throat.

Frutero Escamado Mountain Velvetbreast Tourmaline Sunangel (Ecuared,2023) (Ecuared,2023) (Ecuared,2023)

Orquídeas que podemos en Nature Route S

They are characterized by very thin elongated petals and sepals that are separated from each other. From there grow very colorful bouquets and with very delicious fragrances.


It is a genus of evergreen orchid that includes more than a hundred species that occur in places with humid and shady environments, some of which seem to have the face of monkeys or micos.

Orquidea Vainilla


The flowers are yellow in color and are large. The fertilization of the flowers occurs among themselves (self-fertilization) but may require the presence of pollinators.


Orquídea Epidendrum Orquídea Drácula

Pleurothallis Ruscifolia

Mini orchids are the distinctive result of crosses between small hybrids and naturally occurring species. This terrarium plant can also easily be tied up as an epiphyte without a pot with some sphagnum moss on the root ball.




It is characterized by having prominent ovoid pseudobulbs, two or three apical, thin and veined leaves. The inflorescences are in clusters developing from the base of the pseudobulbs. The stems first grow upwards, but soon bend and droop.

Contactos ig: secretgardenecuador +593991980027

BIBLIOGRAFÌA G%C3%B3ngora Dr%C3%A1cula

q=orquidea+Epidendrum&rlz=1C1ALOY esEC1023EC1023&o

q=orquidea+Epidendrum&aqs=chrome..69i57.1909j0j1&sourc eid=chrome&ie=UTF-8

q=tandayapa&sxsrf=AJOqlzXZtpfWqPTH0yM91HgDimJU9lx wpg:1678254435802&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=2a hUKEwjrjvT70Mv9AhX3QjABHSSICAYQ AUoAnoECAEQBA


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