Portfolio Valerie

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Valerie Thorn ton

Graphic Design I PORTFOLIO

My name is Valerie Thornton, I have a passion for designing, specially creating branding.

Follow along my journey through my first Graphic Design class. I learned about Adobe Express, Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Firefly, Adobe Photoshop, and Adobe InDesign.

Valerie Thornton’s Portfolio

Fruit Bowl

For this Photoshop project, we learned how to select different objects with the different selection tools. I used the hue and saturation tool too to change the colors.

Still life

I also implemented the layers panel to alter each one of the fruits separately.

I edited this little grape on the bottom. I turned almost to a 100% of saturation and turned the hue to a red coloration. And that is how it turned out.

On the second image, there was another change in the color of the lemon.

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Valerie Thornton’s

Hair color change

For this project I choose an image and added it to the Ps document. Later on, I used the quick selection tool to select the hair, and clicking on "option" help you reduce the selection and refines it. Then the key button in this topic is Select and Mask, you can use it whenever anything is selected to change the selected object. Since the selections aren´t always perfect, we can click at Refine edge brush tool, so we can allow the same color pixels to be added to our selection so the image its better looking. The we mask the body so we can insert a nice background and we are done!

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Valerie Thornton’s

Vector Masking - Mercedes

At first, we pick an image, which I personally started with the vespa and later I changed to something more challenging like the Mercedes. I really enjoyed doing this work I think I did it pretty fast. According to the tools, I first selected the pen and later on by dragging and creating new anchor points, your selection starts to get better.

Once you have everything selected click on layer mask, to isolate the background and so it just remain your selected object. Finally pick a nice background and move the background to the back to the object can be seen.

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Original Picture

Sculpture - Texture

I selected the image and drop it into a new page in Ps. Later on, to start filling up the figure, I selected an image from google and next, created a layer and pasted the image, turn off the layer and with the selection tool you like, I used the pen tool, I select the body part I wanted to cover up with the image.

Then, turn on the layer and click the layer mask. Repeat this process for the other body parts. Then, add a nice background

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Dancing lady

Brick Wall - Grafitti

For this project I edited before the brick wall, so I can get rid of the paint on it. I used the clone stamp tool, later I started doing the graffiti, using many effects. I used loots of blending option, and finally pasted the graffiti into my brick wall :)

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Valerie This was the brick wall I used for the project

Tracing-Flynn Rider

I picked an image and looked for a good one with high resolution. I used the pen tool to trace and form shapes along all the figure. Once I finished with the entire outline I started to fill in with the bucket and start coloring it all. This project was really fun to execute.

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“88” Assigment

It was a fun and precise process using the elipse tool, by dragging different circles so I can create that three dimensionality. Then I started adding color to the different zones of the "8" creating different gradients and giving it cool effects. Finally I created the shadows and added some patterns for decoration.

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Logo Design

For this Logo design project, first I started drawing free handed with the pencil tool, and then when I finished, I started adding colors. The ice cube was fun to do, and by coloring the different anchor points, it started to take shape. I finished with some details like shadows and light. It was a really really nice work to do because I love all the branding field.

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Valerie Thornton’s

Campaign with Mutations Raices Peruanas Restaurant

I really enjoyed to do this work because I love everything related to branding. Also. first I decided about what was going to be my restaurant. Later I started thinking of ideas for the logo, which I used the pen tool to create it. Later on, I created 5 artworks to do different designs for social media and printing. I started combining textures, pictures and fonts until I finished my designs.

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For this project I started by looking a background in Google, then I place it on Photoshop, also, I started cutting and cropping images and paste it on Ps. I edit them, the color, and everything. Later on, I started putting the images into the background and start building the poster. I place it into indesign and place the font I previously downloaded.

Movie Poster Journey 2

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Valerie Thornton’s

Trifold Clearwater Marine Aquarium

This was very fun to do, but I hoped I had more time to dig really into the details, also, I used Ps, Illustrator and of course InDesign. I made the trifold, later I started adding the text and the pictures and make it look nice and clean. I made up many elements in Illustrator and then I pasted them into InDesign. I Really enjoyed making this trifold.

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So, this was my favorite class project by far, I really enjoyed complementing all of our knowledge from all the Adobe programs into one project. So, starting off with the magazine, I started to add headings, footers, page numbers, among others, then, starting to plan where to put the text and the pictures, how did I want the layout to like like, etc. Going back and forth with Illustrator may mainly Ps, and finally looking up for the details which are the ones that helps your design look even better.

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Valerie Thornton’s
Valerie Thornton’s Portfolio

Thank You!

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