Games... all around europe

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Table Games ... ... all around Europe!

Kindergarten “Sinchec” TROYAN, BULGARIA

Mid Calder Primary School MID CALDER, SCOTLAND

IC “D.Matteucci” FAENZA, ITALY

Predskole Publiczne w Kraczowej KRACZKOVA, POLAND

1°C.D. “Leonardo da Vinci” TRAPANI, ITALY

VS 17 – Wichtelgasse VIENNA; AUSTRIA

48°C.D. “Madre C.Russo” NAPOLI, ITALY

Summary Mid Calder Primary School: Walk the Royal Mile Stairs and Traps Kindergarten “Sinchec”:

Dice game- Ladybug (Игра със зарче- Калинка) Funny buttons (Веселите копчета)

Przedskole Publiczne w Kraczkowej: Travel around Poland (Podróż po Polsce) Geogram (Geogram) VS 17 - Wichtelgasse: Hat dance (Huttanz) Ten wins! (10 gewinnt) IC “D.Matteucci”: Snakes and Ladders about the four saisons(Il Gioco dell’Oca delle quattro stagioni) Puzzle“Tuttomondo” (Puzzle“Tuttomondo”) 1° C.D. “Leonardo da Vinci”: The running donkey ( U sceccu chi curre – L’asino che corre) Bingo (La tombola) 48° C.D. “Madre C. Russo”: Mirror Game + Math Game (Giochi allo specchio + Giochi di matematica) Memory and Domino (Memory e Domino)

Walk the Royal Mile

Rules of the game You will need coloured counters and a dice. You must roll a 6 to start playing. If you land on a blue paving stone, you need to pick a card. Read the card and place on bottom of the pile. Whatever the card says, you do. At some point in the game, you may be asked to move forward or backward. The first person to reach Edinburgh Castle wins the game.

Made in Mid Calder –Scotland - P4/3 MCPS

Our work We based our game around the Royal Mile. The road begins at Edinburgh Castle and ends at Holyrood Palace.

What will you find as you walk

I wonder if we

down the Royal

can really make maths fun!!!!

Who will get

We made this

to Edinburgh

game based on

Castle first?

a famous street in Edinburgh.

The Royal Mile is one Scots mile long and runs down hill from Castle to Palace.

Rules of the game (1 -4 players) The winner is the first person to reach square 20. If you land on a square with a ‘stair’ you move up. If you land on a square with a ‘trap’ you go down. ***However ‘Stairs and Traps’ rules should only be followed when you make your second move with the two red dice. Throw the dice and move forward that number of spaces. The two red dice should now be thrown and either added together or subtracted – follow instructions on the square. At this point follow the rules on Stairs and Traps.

Made in Mid Calder & Breich – Scotland - P4-7 Woodmuir Primary School & P3 MCPS

Our work

This is a game we made for the

This game is called Double Trouble. *Roll the dice. *Addthe numbers. *Double the answers. *Cover that number on your wheel

younger members of our school to use.

How could we make

So we decided to

a really exciting game? What will be

make a castle themed

our theme?


We are studying

At first, it was too

castles and we

easy, so we had to

went to visit

work harder to make

Stirling Castle.

it more complicated.

We altered the game many times before it was ready. It is based on

addition and subtraction.

ЦДГ „Синчец“, България

Kindergarten “Sinchec”, BULGARIA

Игра със зарче- Калинка

Dice game- Ladybug

За 2,3 или повече деца на възраст 4-6 год. Цел на играта: Затвърдяване умението за броене до шест; да се мисли бързо и логично; да се ориентира в пространството; знанията за числата и техните белег. For 2, 3 or more players from 4-5 years of age. Educational value: The game unfolds the child's ability to count, think quickly and logically, orientation into space and the knowledge about numbers appearance by one entertaining and interesting way.

Правила: Всеки играч започва играта с шест цветни чипа, на които са изписани цифрите на числата от 1 до 6. На гърба на калинката има полета; във всяко едно са нарисувани различен брой точки. Хвърляйки зарчето, играчът трябва да преброи точките, да открие поле със същият брой точки и да постави там свой чип с цифрата, съответстваща на броя точки. Пропуска се ход когато втори път се падне едно число. Победител е този играч, който пръв „постави“ всички точки върху калинката.

Rules: Each player starts with a six colored chips. On the back of the ladybug there is fields with black sport from 1 to 6. On your turn, roll the die. If the spots on the die matches with the sports of one of the fields, you put your chips there. If you roll a number for which you’ve already put the chips, you skip your turn. The first player put all his chips on the back to the ladybug wins.

Създадено в група „Детелина“ , ЦДГ „Синчец“, гр. Троян, БЪЛГАРИЯ Made by group “Clover”, kindergarten “Sinchec”, Troyan, BULGARIA

Our work

Създадено в група „Детелина“ , ЦДГ „Синчец“, гр. Троян, БЪЛГАРИЯ Made by group “Clover”, kindergarten “Sinchec”, Troyan, BULGARIA

Веселите копчета

Funny buttons

За 2,3 или повече деца на възраст 4-6 год. Цел на играта: Да помогне на децата не само да се научат да закопчават копчета, но и да затвърдят своите знания за цветове, превозните средства, предметите от околната среда и природата. Играта ще помогне на децата да усвояват фини двигателни умения, без които децата няма да могат да станат независими и да се грижат за себе си. Тези умения са в основата на уменията за рисуване и писане, както и в дейности, които се нуждаят от правилното развитие на малките мускули на ръката за прецизно, точно и координирано движение или манипулиране на пръстите. For players from 3-6 years of age. Educational value: This game will help children learn not only to button. It will learn them know colors, vehicles, objects from the environment and the nature. The game will help children mastered fine motor skills. Without these dressing skills, children will not be able to meet appropriate developmental milestones and become independent in dressing themselves. These fine motor skills are also the foundation for later skills they will need for tool manipulation, handwriting, and activities which require the proper development of the intrinsic muscles of the hand (the small muscles that allow for fine, precise and coordinated hand and finger manipulation).

Правила: Всеки играч получава свое превозно средство или предмет от околната среда. Върху масата са поставени различни по форма и цвят геометрични фигури. Всеки играч трябва да открие къде са скрити, кои са и какъв цвят са неговите геометрични фигури. Да ги подреди и закопчее.

Rules: Each one player have ones one vehicles or objects from the environment and the nature. In the table there is placed different geometric figures in varied colors and sizes. Each one player have to find one’s own and put them in the vehicles or the objects. The players change their vehicles or the objects.

Създадено в група „Пчелица“ , ЦДГ „Синчец“, гр. Троян, БЪЛГАРИЯ Made by group “The Little Bees”, kindergarten “Sinchec”, Troyan, BULGARIA

Our work

Създадено в група „Пчелица“ , ЦДГ „Синчец“, гр. Троян, БЪЛГАРИЯ Made by group “The Little Bees”, kindergarten “Sinchec”, Troyan, BULGARIA

Podróż po Polsce

Travel around Poland Gra planszowa polegająca na podróży trasą po Polsce. W czasie gry gracze zwracają uwagę na mijane tereny poznając i utrwalając podstawową orientację po Polsce. Gra rozpoczyna się w okolicy Kraczkowej, a kończy się nad Morzem Bałtyckim. Table game based on travel around Poland.During game players observe surrounding areas discovering and strengthening basic orientation in Poland. Game starts in Kraczkowa and ends at the Baltic See.

Gra dla 2 do 4 osób

Game for from 2 to 4 persons

Każdy z graczy gra pionkiem w innym kolorze. Przed rozpoczęciem gry pionek należy umieścić na polu odpowiedniego koloru. Gracze kolejno rzucają kostką. Gracz, który wyrzuci 6 oczek zaczyna podróż po mapie stawiając pionek na polu start. Następnie po wyrzuceniu kostki gracz przesuwa pionek o tyle pól, ile rzucił kostką. Gdy gracz zatrzyma się na czerwonym polu oznaczonym numerem musi postąpić zgodnie z poleceniem zawartym w instrukcji.

Every player choses pawn of different colour.Before game pawns are located in special field of respective colour.Playersthrow a dice in theirturns. When a playerhas “6” he putshispawn on “Start”. Then after throwing dice player moves the pawn that many spaces as he threw the dice. When a player stops at a red circle with number he must proceed in accordance with instructions contained in the manual.

Wygrywa gracz, który pierwszy dotrze do mety.

Winner is the player who first reaches the finish line.

Przedszkole Publiczne w Kraczkowej, Polska Public Kindergarten in Kraczkowa, Poland

Our work

Najpierw patrzyliśmy na mapę Polski, szukając miejsc, które chcielibyśmy pokazać kolegom z innych krajów. Później, z pomocą nauczycieli, narysowana została mapa Polski, wyznaczona trasa gry i wskazane zostały czerwonymi punktami te miejsca, a my zajęliśmy się pokolorowaniem całej mapy. First, we looked at the map of Poland, looking for places that we would like to show to our colleagues from other countries. Later, with the help of teachers, map of Poland has been made, the route of the game has been indicated and interesting places have been marked with red dots. Then we have coloured the entire map.

W końcu, gdy mapa została już ukończona, nadeszła oczekiwana chwila na to, żeby ją wypróbować. Okazało się, że gra działa, reguły się sprawdzają, a przy okazji jest dużo zabawy i radości. Finally, when the maphas already beencompleted,awaited momenthas cometotry it out.We have found that the game works, rules are OK, and by the waythere isa lot of funand joy.

Przedszkole Publiczne w Kraczkowej, Polska Public Kindergarten in Kraczkowa, Poland


Geogram Gra układanka polegająca na dokładaniu kolejnych elementów. Gra uczy rozróżniania figur geometrycznych, rozwija spostrzegawczość, wyrabia zdolności manualne i rozwija wyobraźnię. Puzzle game consisting in adding more items. The game teaches distinguishing geometric figures, develops perceptiveness, develops manual skills and imagination.

Gra dla dzieci od 3 lat

Game for children from 3 years

W zestawie znajduje się 20 sześciokątów. Zadaniem gracza jest dokładanie kolejnych sześciokątów tak, by na każdym boku stykającym się z innym sześciokątem znajdowały się takie same figury geometryczne.

There are 20 hexagons in a set. Player task is to add new hexagons so that on each side that sticks with other hexagon there were the same geometric figures.

Na odwrotnej stronie sześciokątów znajdują się liczby. Ten wariant gry przeznaczony jest dla dzieci starszych, które znają już liczby. Gra odbywa się na takiej samej zasadzie – należy układać kolejne sześciokąty tak, aby na stykających się bokach były takie same liczby.

There are numbers on the reverse side of hexagons. This variant of the game is designed for older children who already know numbers. The game principle is the same –new hexagons should be placed close to existing ones so that the meeting sides were with the same number.

Przedszkole Publiczne w Kraczkowej, Polska Public Kindergarten in Kraczkowa, Poland

Our work

We often play in this way in our kindergarten.

Tak często bawimy się w naszym przedszkolu.

Przedszkole Publiczne w Kraczkowej, Polska Public Kindergarten in Kraczkowa, Poland


Hat dance Hat dance is a table game to practice calculating in the number range 20. It’s for a first grade, but if you change the calculations, you can use it for every class or for english lessons.


Hat dance

für 2-4 Spieler

for 2-4 players At first every player places his hat at the starting point. Now you start to roll the dice.

Zuerst stellt jeder Spieler seinen Hut auf das Startfeld. Dann wird gewürfelt. Kommst du auf das Feld “Rechne!”, musst du die Rechnung auf der Karte lösen. Ist das Ergebnis richtig, darfst du ein Feld vorrücken. Ist das Ergebnis falsch, musst du stehen bleiben.

In case you get to the field “Rechne!”, you take one calculation and try to solve it. If you get it right you may move one field forward. If you got it wrong you have to stay.

Kommst du auf das Feld “Alle tauschen!”, müssen alle Hüte tauschen.(Der 1.Hut mit dem 3. Hut und der 2. Hut mit dem 4. Hut)

If you stop at the field “Alle tauschen!”, every figure has to change its place.(First with third and second with fourth)

Kommst du auf ein Feld “Du musst tauschen!”, musst du mit einem anderen Hut tauschen.

If you get to the field “Du musst tauschen!”, only your figure has to change its place with someone else. The first who arrives at the finish is the winner.

Wer zuerst im Ziel ist, hat gewonnen.

VS 17 – Wichtelgasse - Vienna, Austria

Our work

For the game “Hat dance!” we created a playing schedule with funny hats. Then we discussed the rules. A third grade wrote the calculation cards and the first grade made the game schedule and the hats. We built them with “Fimo” which is a kind of modelling material. If you dry it in the oven it gets hard. We made cylinders and circels out of Fimo and put them together.

10 gewinnt

Ten wins!

Ten wins is a game where children can practice the number range 10. They learn how to compare two or three numbers to get ten, and splitting the number 10. It’s the basic knowledge in the first grade.

10 gewinnt

Ten wins!

Zuerst werden die großen Symbolkarten gemischt und mit dem Bild nach oben in die Mitte gelegt. Von den restlichen Karten bekommt jeder Spieler 5 Stück. Die übrigen Karten werden verdeckt neben die Symbole gelegt. Ist ein rotes Symbol zu sehen, müssen die Spieler versuchen mit 2 oder 3 roten Karten die Summe 10 zu erhalten. Gelingt das nicht, muss man eine Karte abheben und eine andere Karte weglegen. Man darf höchstens 5 Karten in der Hand haben. Hat man in der richtigen Farbe 10 gesammelt , legt man die Karten auf den Ablagestapel und bekommt das rote Symbol. Nun wird für das nächste Symbol gesammelt. Legt der Spieler vor dir eine Karte ab, die du brauchen kannst, darfst du sie nehmen und musst nicht abheben. Ist der Abhebestapel verbraucht wird er gemischt und wieder aufgelegt. Sieger ist, wer die meisten Symbolkarten gesammelt hat.

Separate the symbol cards from the deck. Shuffle them and put them in a pile face down in the middle of the table. Turn the top card of the pile face up. This card is either blue or red .Shuffle the rest of the deck and deal each player five cards. After the cards are dealt the rest of the deck is placed in a pile face down next to the stack of symbol card. The first player begins. In their hand, if they have two or three cards which are of the color of the symbol which add up to 10 points, then they may lay these cards down on the table and take the symbol card. Once a symbol card is taken it is placed on the table face up in front of the player. If the player does not have enough points of the correct color, then the player may pick up a card from the stake of playing cards. With then six cards in the player’s hand the player may have two or three cards which add up to 10 points in the correct color. When the stack of pick-up cards has run out, then the discard pile is shuffled and placed face down as a new pick-up stack.

VS 17 – Wichtelgasse - Vienna, Austria

Our work

For the game “10 wins!” we used empty play cards and decorated them with stencils of stars and circels in two different colours. We looked at a deck of cards we had, to arrange our stencils from one to nine. It wasn’t easy to find the correct place for the stencils but the kids tried very hard to do it well.

In a second version we used a four colour deck and painted the back side in rainbow colours. The symbol cards are black and red jokers.

Il Gioco dell’Oca delle quattro stagioni

Snakes and Ladders about the four seasons

Il gioco dell’oca è un gioco di percorso molto antico. Si svolge attraverso una spirale che spesso è formata da 63 caselle o da multipli di 9. Ha un significato simbolico e rappresenta il percorso della vita con le sue difficoltà e i suoi aiuti. Snakes and ladders (in Italy “goose game”) is a very old path game. It winds through a spiral which is often composed by 63 fields or multiple of 9. It has a symbolic meaning and represents the path of life with its benefits and its difficulties.

Regole del gioco

Rules of the game

Il percorso si snoda attraverso le quattro stagioni e, per ognuna di esse, prende in esame nove aspetti: il cielo l’albero il tempo meteorologico gli animali la frutta le feste difficoltà vantaggi un’attività caratteristica.

The path winds through the four seasons and for each of them examines nine topics: the sky trees the weather animals fruits festivals difficulties benefits a characteristic activity.

1. Il numero di giocatori è imprecisato. 2. Ogni giocatore ha una pedina (ochetta). 3. A turno viene lanciato il dado e la pedina avanza di quanti punti ha fatto il dado. 4. Scopo del gioco è dell’anno raggiungere la casella n. 36 che rappresenta la fine solare. 5. Le caselle contrassegnate con sono aiuti che facilitano l’avanzata nel percorso. 6. Le caselle contrassegnate con sono invece difficoltà che rallentano il percorso.

1. The number of players is undetermined. 2. Each player has a pawn (goose). 3. In turn the players throw the dice and the pawn moves forward how many points as the dice shows. 4.The aim of the game is to reach field 36 which represents the end of the calendar year. 5. Fields marked with are advantages that facilitate the advance in the path. are problems that slow down your 6. Fields marked with path.

Realizzato a Faenza – Italia - IC “D. Matteucci” - Classi 3 A – 3 B (Pirazzini) Made in Faenza – Italy - IC “D. Matteucci” - Classies 3 A – 3 B (Pirazzini)

Travel across seasons Uffa piove!? Ugh, it’s raining!

E se inventassimo un gioco? Why don’t we make up a game ourselves?

Allora mettiamoci al lavoro! All right, let’s start to work!

Conosciamo già il gioco dell’oca e questo potrebbe diventare un viaggio nell’anno attraverso le stagioni... We already know the game “snakes and ladders”. This could become a journey through the seasons...

Come facciamo a sistemare 9 argomenti per 4 stagioni? How do you fix 9 topics for 4 seasons?

Semplice moltiplicando! 9x4= 36! Ottima idea. “Usiamo” la matematica! Simple, multiplying! 9x4=36! That sounds good! “We use” Maths!

Come potremmo trasformare tutto questo in un gioco? How can we turn all this into a game?

Possiamo conoscere le quattro stagioni anche attraverso la musica e lavoriamo anche con la ceramica! We get to know the four seasons through music and we also make pottery!

Puzzle “Tuttomondo”

Puzzle “Tuttomondo”

“Tuttomondo” è l’ultima pittura murale di Keith Haring. Noi l’abbiamo trasformata in un puzzle. Il gioco è composto da una base divisa in quadrati e da 24 tessere. Su un lato di ogni tessera è disegnata una parte del disegno, sul retro è scritto un problema.

“Tuttomondo” is the last mural painted by Keith Haring. We turned it into a puzzle. The game is made of a plan divided into 24 squares numbered from 1 to 24 and 24 tiles. On one side of each tile is drawn a part of the picture, on the back is written a problem.

Regole del gioco 1. Il numero di giocatori è imprecisato. 2. A turno i giocatori scelgono una tessera, risolvono il problema che sta scritto dietro e la posizionano nella casella corrispondente al risultato ottenuto.

Rules of the game 1. The number of players is undeterminated.

3. Scopo del gioco è ricomporre l’immagine.

2. In turn, players choose a tile, solve the problem written on the back and place it in the square on the plan that corresponds to the solution.

4. Vince il giocatore che riesce a posizionare il maggior numero di tessere.

3. The aim of the game is to recompose the picture. 4. The winner is the player who places the greatest number of tiles.

Realizzato a Faenza – Italia - IC “D. Matteucci” Made in Faenza – Italy - IC “D. Matteucci” -

Let’s play! Durante le vacanze Luigi deve eseguire 30 divisioni ; la maestra gli ha suggerito di eseguirne 5 ogni giorno. Quanti giorni impiegherà Luigi per eseguire tutte le divisioni? During the holidays, Luigi has to calculate 30 divisions, the teacher suggested him to calculate 5 of them every day. How many days will Luigi use to calculate all the divisions?

Un allevatore deve mungere le sue 300 mucche, ne ha già munte 162.Quante mucche deve ancora mungere? A farmer has to milk his 300 cows, he has already milked 162. How many cows have to be milked yet?

Finita la scuola, Paola va in cartoleria a comprare un vocabolario e spende 20€; poi entra in un bazar e compera una cornice da 50€ ed una valigia da 30€. Quanto spende in tutto? After school Paola goes to a stationery to buy a dictionary and she spends € 20, then she goes to a bazaar and buys a frame for € 50 and a suitcase for € 30. How much will she spend altogether?

In un teatro ci sono 36 file con 28 poltroncine ognuna. Quante persone può ospitare il teatro? In a theater there are 36 lines with 28 seats each. How many people can sit in the theater?


THE RUNNING DONKEY It’s a mix of memory and pairing game, where players have to do pair and avoid to remain with the donkey in their hands. Generally it is played with common cards but for our objectives cards are made of numbers. È un misto di memory e accoppiamento, dove I giocatori devono accoppiare carte ed evitare di rimanere con l’asino tra le mani. Normalmente so gioca con carte normali ma per i nostri obbiettivi le carte sono fatte di numeri.

Le carte sono 37 (4 serie complete da 1 a 9 + 1 asino). Ci si può giocare fino a 9 giocatori. Si distribuiscono tutte le carte una alla volta. Ogni giocatore cerca di fare coppie di carte/numeri uguali (1 con 1, 7 con 7…). Quando non si possono fare più coppie i giocatori dispongono le carte rimanenti davanti a loro. Quindi ogni giocatore a turno prende una carta dal giocatore alla propria destra cercando di fare un’ulteriore coppia. Man mano le carte finiscono e rimane l’asino che non si può accoppiare con niente. Perde chi rimarrà con l’asino tra le mani.

1° C.D. “Leonardo da Vinci” - Trapani, Italy

The cards are 37 (4 complete series from 1 to 9 + 1 donkey). This game can be played up to 9 players. All the cards are distributed one at a time. Each player tries to make pairs of the same cards/numbers and they are put aside (1 with 1, 7 with 7…). When you cannot make any more pairs, players put the remaining cards in front of them. Then each player in turn takes a card from the player at his right trying to make a further pair. As the cards will end, the donkey that you cannot pair with anything, will remain. The loser will be who has with the donkey in his hands.

First we downloaded from internet a series of number to be colored like this‌

Then our little children colored these numbers

We plasticize the paper and cut the numbers

So we asked our little children to draw a donkey copied from the real Sicilian card – on the back


Bingo THE BINGO OF TRAPANI All’approssimarsi del Natale è abitudine nelle nostre case giocare a “tombola” (bingo), uno dei giochi più antichi della nostra tradizione. Ma quanti sanno ancora “smorfiare”, cioè estrarre i numeri associandoli al loro significato simbolico? L’Associazione per la Salvaguardia dei Giochi Popolari di Trapani, grazie al lavoro di ricerca di Francesca e Vincenzo Vitrano, ha creato una tabella di 90 numeri con “La Smorfia” di Onofria Damian. Le illustrazioni sono di Salvatore Valenti. When Christmas is coming, we use to play bingo, one of the oldest games of our tradition. But how many of you know “smorfiare” that is picking the numbers one after the other out of an old cloth bag. The Association for the Protection of Popular Traditions of Trapani, thanks to the research of Francesca and Vincenzo Vitrano, has created the folder with the 90 numbers with “La Smorfia” (association of numbers with symbols) of Onofria Damian. The illustrations are by Salvatore Valenti.

Regole del gioco

Rules of the game

In aggiunta al gioco tradizionale abbiamo introdotto una variante usando numeri secondo il metodo Montessori: in questo modo i bambini riconoscono i numeri sia visivamente che toccandoli, così da sviluppare la coordinazione oculo-manuale e interiorizzare i numeri, imparando inoltre a unire l’unità alla decina.

In addition to the traditional game, we made a variant of it using numbers according to the Montessori method, where children recognize the numbers both by their eyes and by their fingers. In this way children develop their hand-eye coordination and internalize all numbers under and over ten, lining units with tens .

1° C.D. “Leonardo da Vinci” - Trapani - Italy

Let’s play!

1° C.D. “Leonardo da Vinci” - Trapani – Italy

Mirror Game + Math Game Descrizione 1) Creare 2 o più gruppi, che giocheranno in momenti differenti. 2) Inizia il gruppo. 3) Posizionare le carte del domino sul tavolo. 4) L’insegnante consegnerà la carta di inizio al capo gruppo e darà il via e registrerà il tempo impiegato per comporre il domino “Mirror Game” oppure “Math Game”. 5) Il tempo verrà scritto alla lavagna…il gioco ricomincia dal punto 2. 6) Vince chi compone non solo il domino in meno tempo, ma anche con meno errori. All’inizio è consigliabile formare gruppi grandi per fare in modo di coinvolgere tutti i bambini, anche i “più pigri”, e dopo i gruppi possono gradualmente diventare più piccoli, dando così più responsabilità ad ogni bambino! Description 1) Create 2 or more groups, who will play at different times. 2) Start the team. 3) Place the playing cards on a table. 4) The teacher will give the first card to the group leader and will give the start and the teacher will record the time used to dial domino "Mirror Game" or "Math Game". 5) The time will be written on the blackboard ... the game will resume from the point nr 2. 6) The winner is who composed not only the domino in less time, but also with fewer errors. At the beginning it is advisable to make large groups in the game to be able to pull those children who are more "lazy", and then the groups can gradually become smaller, thus giving more responsibility to every child!


REGOLE Il bambino, da solo o in gruppo, deve completare la sequenza correttamente. Sarà considerato non solo il tempo impiegato, ma anche il numero delle carte messe nella giusta posizione: 30 punti (sequenza corretta), -1punto (ogni carta errata). RULES The child, alone or in group, has to end the sequence correctly. It will be evaluated not only the time spent, but also the number of cards put in the right place: cards placed in the right sequence gives 30 points, every card wrong -1.

• Incoraggiare un apprendimento collaborativo con attività svolte in piccolo gruppi. • Promuovere un approccio strategico nello studio, utilizzando dispositivi di apprendimento facilitante (disegni, giochi…) • Dare priorità all’esperienza di apprendimento laboratoriale “per favorire il dialogo, la riflessione su ciò che si fa”. • Sviluppare processi di strategie di autovalutazione. • Svolgere mentalmente semplici operazioni con i numeri naturali.. • Essere capace di riconoscere le figure simmetriche. EDUCATIONAL VALUE • Encourage collaborative learning supporting activities in small groups. • Promote a strategic approach in the study using teaching devices facilitating learning (pictures, games ...). • Give priority to and experiential learning laboratory "to facilitate dialogue, reflection on what you do." • Develop processes for self-evaluation and self-monitoring strategies for learning in the students. • Carry out mentally simple operations with natural numbers. • Be able to find a symmetrical shape.

Realizzato a Napoli – Italia - 48° CD “Madre Claudia Russo”- Scuola Primaria classi 2^ e 3^ Made in Napoli – Italia - 48° CD “Madre Claudia Russo” – Primary School 2nd and 3rd grade

Realizzato a Napoli – Italia - 48° CD “Madre Claudia Russo”- Scuola Primaria classi 2^ e 3^ rd Made in Napoli – Italia - 48° CD “Madre Claudia Russo” – Primary School2nd and 3 grade

Memory e Domino

Memory and Domino Descrizione+Regole DOMI NO Al gioco del Domino possono partecipare da 2 a 4 giocatori. Disporre tutte le tesserine su di un tavolo capovolte (in modo che le immagini non siano visibili). Ciascun giocatore pesca 6 tesserine, facendo attenzione a non mostrarle agli avversari .Le tesserine rimanenti vengono lasciate coperte sul tavolo. Inizia il gioco il giocatore che ha in mano la tesserina con due facce uguali del valore più alto. Nel Domino numerico inizia quindi il giocatore che possiede la tesserina con il doppio 6. In caso nessun giocatore abbia questa tessera in mano, inizierà chi possiede il doppio 5, o il doppio 4, ecc. Quindi il giocatore che ha in mano la tessera doppia di valore più alto, la pone in mezzo al tavolo. Seguendo il senso orario, a turno, gli altri giocatori disporranno le proprie tesserine vicino ad una delle due estremità della fila già presente sul tavolo, a patto di possedere una tessera con il numero o la figura uguale ad una delle due estremità della coda. Se un giocatore, al suo turno, non è in grado di attaccare nessuna tesserina alla "coda", perché non possiede nessuna tessera contenente una delle immagini o dei numeri che si trovano alle estremità, sarà costretto a pescare una delle tesserine ancora coperte sul tavolo. Se la tessera pescata potrà essere aggiunta alla "coda" la poserà sul tavolo, altrimenti sarà costretto a pescare di nuovo, fino a trovare una tessera da aggiungere alla fila. Si continua così il gioco finché non resteranno sul tavolo solo due tesserine coperte. I giocatori quindi si passeranno il turno finché non saranno postate sul tavolo tutte le tesserine possibili. Vincerà la partita il giocatore che resterà con il minor numero di carte in mano.

VALORE EDUCATIVO DOMINO • Approcciarsi al valore dei numeri tramite un gioco • Associazione di numeri alla stessa base • Lavorare in gruppo per il perseguimento di un attività comune EDUCATIONAL VALUE DOMINO • Approach to the value of numbers through play • Association of numbers to the same base • Working group for the pursuit of a common activity VALORE EDUCATIVO MEMORY • Approcciare lo stesso simbolo • Conoscenza delle forme in modo ludico • Lavorare in gruppo per il perseguimento di un attività comune. EDUCATIONAL VALUE MEMORY • Approach to the same symbol • Knowledge of the shapes in a fun way • Working group for the pursuit of a common

48° CD “Madre Claudia Russo”- Scuola Infanzia 48° CD “Madre Claudia Russo” – Kindergarten

Description+Rules DOMINO The game of dominoes is played by 2 to 4 players . Arrange all tiles on a table upside down (so that the images are not visible ) . Each player draws 6 tiles , being careful not to show their opponents .The remaining tiles are left face down on the table.Start the game by the player who holds the two sides of the same tile that with the highest value. In Domino numerical starts then the player with the swipe cards with double 6 . If no player has this card in hand, start who owns the double 5, double or 4 … the player who holds the highest value card twice , puts it in the middle of the table. Following the clockwise direction , in turn , the other players will have their tiles near one of the two ends of the row already present on the table , provided you have a card with the number or figure equal to one of the two ends of the tail.If a player , in his turn , is unable to attack any tile that the "tail" , because it has no card containing a picture or numbers that are found at the ends , will be forced to draw one of the tiles on the table still covered . If the card drawn will be added to the "tail" of the rest on the table, otherwise it will be forced to fish again until you find a card to add to the row.This continues the game until only two remain on the table covered with tiles .The players then you will pass the turn will not be posted until all the tiles on the table as possible.Win the game the player will remain with the least number of cards in your hand . Descrizione + regole MEMORY Disporre tutte le tesserine su un tavolo, con l’immagine in questo caso sono state usate le forme geometriche coperte (rivolta verso il basso).A turno i giocatori gireranno due tessere per volta, facendole vedere anche agli avversari e cercando di trovare due figura uguali tra loro .Chi trova la coppia di figure uguali, prende le carte e può giocare di nuovo. Chi sbaglia, ricopre le carte che ha girato e il turno passa al giocatore successivo.Quando tutte le coppie sono state ricostruite, si contano le carte in mano ad ogni giocatore e vince chi ne ha in numero maggiore. Description+RulesMEMORY Arrange all tiles on a table, with the image in this case were used geometric shapes covered (face down). Players in turn will turn two tiles at a time, making them also see their opponents and trying to find two figure equal to each other. Whoever finds the pair of identical figures, takes the cards and can play again. Who gets mistakes, he holds the cards that he shot and the turn passes to the next player. When all pairs have been rebuilt, you count cards in each player's hand and the player who has it in greater numbers.

48° CD “Madre Claudia Russo”- Scuola Infanzia 48° CD “Madre Claudia Russo” – Kindergarten

Comenius project 2012 – 2014 Mid Calder Primary School Mid Calder - Scotland Kindergarten “Sinchec” Troyan - Bulgaria Przedskole Publiczne w Kraczkowej Kraczkova - Poland VS 17 - Wichtelgasse Vienna - Austria IC “D.Matteucci” – Faenza Centro Faenza - Italy 1° C.D. “Leonardo da Vinci” Trapani - Italy 48° C.D. “Madre C. Russo” Napoli - Italy

Stampato a Faenza da I.C. “D.Matteucci” Printed in Faenza by I.C. “D.Matteucci” April 2014

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