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God, I hate cooking!

Book for mastering cooking and life 2018

Contents Reality Imagining how things could be

Rolling with thoughts that cooking maybe is not such a bad guy

Chop. Flip. Shake. Cook

Yummy and relaxing Gme

The end But it’s not really much cooking promising end. Or maybe

I just hate cooking..

hLps://­‐lawrence-­‐fire-­‐american-­‐hustle-­‐ xLIwD85C0z9D

But hey, anyone can cook, so can you!

hLps:// v=zBgdCKHT1NE

hLps:// watch?v=UELqaVrcZNQ

Anyone saying anything good about the cooking?

Read more..

And here is more.. hLp://­‐style/ cooking-­‐therapy-­‐making-­‐meals-­‐helps-­‐reduce-­‐ stress-­‐heal-­‐broken-­‐heart-­‐benefits-­‐ arGcle-­‐1.206839

Why should I care about cooking?

Oh, c’mon! It is so beneficial!

If you think that cooking is only about preparing meal, you’ll be surprised.. hLps:// /will-­‐leviL/dont-­‐like-­‐to-­‐cook_b_1643997.html

Home made food is about eaGng beLer, feeling beLer and becoming happier! Sounds not so bad, isn’t it?;)­‐ways-­‐eaGng-­‐healthy-­‐makes-­‐you-­‐happy/


You REALLY are what you eat! Watch this Tedx Talks video. It will give you a kick.. hLps://

Eat raw food! Feel healthy and save much Gme on making your food! But I’m so fed up with cooking..

Vegan food benemits hLp://­‐health-­‐benefits-­‐of-­‐going-­‐vegan/

And it’s a magical way to loose weight naturally !

Go vegan! The best diet ever!

hLp://­‐cooking/ vegan/?page=2

Workout in the kitchen

hLps:// watch? v=j1CP05DrnpU&t=4s&p bjreload=10

Workout while making coffee

hLps:// watch?v=cZQjifPFwQo


hLp:// espnw/life-­‐style/ arGcle/15230670/ yoga-­‐poses-­‐ cooking

Sis, did you know that you can do a workout and yoga while cooking or making coffee?

Again geqng another pizza? You could save a fortune by cooking at home!..

hLp:// 2014/12/06/every-­‐man-­‐loves-­‐a-­‐ woman-­‐that-­‐can-­‐cook-­‐6-­‐reasons-­‐ why/

hLps:// reasons-­‐why-­‐women-­‐desire-­‐a-­‐ man-­‐who-­‐can-­‐cook/

Also, it cooking can save you hours of searching for gims! How? It’s simple. Create your own homemade food gims!­‐food-­‐gims

Wait, but you can manage your Gme by planning and prioriGsing!

How on earth do you expect me to do that?!

Look for quick recipes

hLp://­‐drinks/g648/quick-­‐ easy-­‐dinner-­‐recipes/?slide=1

also for recipes with just a few ingredients

hLps://­‐recipes/recipe-­‐collecGons-­‐favorites/quick-­‐ easy/three-­‐ingredient-­‐recipes#spicy-­‐beef-­‐kebabs

or.. make wraps! It’s so fast and easy -­‐ you can wrap in almost anything! hLp://­‐recipes

You know, all that actually could work..

Also, cook much so you won’t be bothered about cooking for another day or two..


But if you are planning to cook as much as this guy does then.. it’s brilliant! Divide the meals into smaller porGons and freeze them to use later. Do the same with lemovers. Also, you might be interested to know about freezer cooked meals. hLps://­‐Delicious-­‐Recipes-­‐FantasGc-­‐Freezer/dp/0297865161


By the way, the freezer can be so much more than just ice cubes, carrots and ice cream.. You can freeze almost any food! hLp://­‐3118935/Who-­‐knew-­‐freeze-­‐avocados-­‐wine-­‐cheese-­‐eggs-­‐revoluGonary-­‐ways-­‐use-­‐ freezer-­‐ll-­‐mean-­‐never-­‐waste-­‐food-­‐again.html

MulGtask while cooking!

Plan your next day or week

Right place and Gme for long phone chats!

Brainstorm your future and plan your life Listen to free audio books

Dream (and dream big!)

hLps:// free-­‐audio-­‐books-­‐the-­‐15-­‐ best-­‐sources-­‐ online-­‐1357952


I don’t think I will ever grasp the cosmos and cooking..

Watch this video.. That’s what you would could call a real food science or food alchemy, you name it.. h"ps:// homaro_cantu_ben_roche_cooking_as_alchemy? referrer=playlist-­‐talks_for_foodies&language=en#t-­‐410690

Simple truth-­‐ if you don’t know something, learn how! Knowing basics can do a real magic.. Let’s start with a kitchen glossary!



And here is some important reading about food flavouring hLp://­‐yourself-­‐to-­‐be-­‐a-­‐beLer-­‐cook

Quick and easy recipes hLps://­‐for-­‐supper/quick-­‐and-­‐easy-­‐dinner-­‐recipes

Cooking videos Cooking Apps



C o o k i n g f o r b e g i n n e r s

Now it’s Gme to pracGce! Yeah!


Oh, dear! But who hasn’t been there..

Help! Anyone?! Are there other ways of learning to cook?

let’s You know, call your m um, she knows this will stuff. I beLer

run to bring you a phone..

How about reading food blogs, joining facebook cooking pages and groups, have you ever tried?

Or just give it some Gme. Life is the best teacher

And how about turning your kitchen in to the best place at home?

Sounds like a good idea, let’s give it a try.. Where should we start?

First thing first.. You need to make your kitchen really cosy if planning to spend much Gme in it..

Get inspiraGonal kitchen design ideas


Also, let’s get some gadgets as these small guys could make your life so much easier!..

That’s what I needed!

Want less stress while cooking and more spare Gme to have fun? Get great kitchen appliances!

Holy guacamole, how could we forget about a dishwasher! Apparently it’s a Gme saver and.. stress reducer hLp://­‐ reasons-­‐you-­‐should-­‐own-­‐a-­‐dishwasher hLps://­‐to-­‐ use-­‐a-­‐dishwasher/

Oh, I’m so Gred of my cooking rouGne..

One of the reasons why we get caught in a cooking rouGne is of preparing the same 7-­‐10 meals all the Gme. Get some interesGng cookbooks and try something new, be creaGve!

Maybe start with making sandwiches differently.. hLp://­‐lunch-­‐sandwiches/

..or even changing your breakfast rouGne


Cook together and spice up your love life

Series of books: For women only For golf lovers Quickies For men only Playful gourmets Red hot lovers For barbecue buffs For sports lovers For wine lovers Just married

by Debbie Cornwell and Stephen Cornwell

Do things differently

Discover new cuisines such like French, Chinese, Indian, Italian, Thai, Mexican, American, Korean, Japanese Try such food trends as vegan, vegetarian and raw food

Watch video about dining in the dark hLps://­‐ztexzaoMw and try a blind dinner at home hLps://­‐industry/blinddinnerathome

Take a day off of cooking Get breakfast in bed Order take away or go out Or call for a real chef to cook for you

Give men a chance to cook! They are passionate and really good at making food

hLps:// insync/pulse/2014/six-­‐reasons-­‐ why-­‐men-­‐are-­‐beLer-­‐ cooks-­‐040574.html

Guys, it gets boring.. Let’s go to do some cooking!

Who else could help you in the kitchen? Cook with kids hLp://­‐healthy-­‐recipes Family cooking together lunch on weekend

If these guys are helping you around, be aware..

Oh, it’s Gme to get friends on board to cook and have fun!

Hanging out at home with your friends can be even more awesome.. Cooking together Having a bring a plate party Throwing a great BBQ hLps://­‐drinks/g31/best-­‐grilling-­‐recipes/ Doing theme parGes. Cookbooks have many brilliant ideas for you Having new experiences Wine and food tasGng hLps://­‐a-­‐Wine-­‐TasGng-­‐Party Chocolate or cheese fondont CreaGng new memories so take plenty of pictures!

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